Doctoral student Yedgina G.T., candidate of historical science Uskembayev K.S.,master of history Abdukarim Zh.K. Karaganda State University of the name of E.A.Buketov Childhood and adolescence of the President of the Republic of N.А.Nazarbayev

In July 6, 1940 a long-awaited boy was born in the family of Abish and Alzhan Nazarbayev who lived at Ushkonyr zhailau of Zailiysky Alatau. The parents named him Nursultan. The father of -Abish - was born in 1903 at the foot of the Alatau mountains in the family of Nazarbay. Abish Nazarbayev was cheerful and respectable man. He was fluent not only in Kazakh, but Russian and Balkar languages. Abish mentally sang the Kazakh and Russian songs, was able to listen to the interlocutor, to give good advice. Abish Nazarbayev died in 1971. The mother of Nursultan, Alzhan was born in 1910 in the family of mullah of Kasyk village in Kurday district of Zhambyl region. Alzhan came to Ushkonyr with her exiled father, here she met Abish. No one in the village could sing and improvise better than Alzhan. Cheerful Alzhan cultivated in the son respect to adults, nurtured love to national traditions, songs and customs. Alzhan Nazarbayevа died in 1977. The childhood Sultan, as he was called in the family fell on hard and difficult war and postwar years. Victory in the war was achieved at the cost of enormous effort of a vast state, the cost of millions of lives. Half-crippled country rose from the ruins and rebuilt. Several years after the victory, the Soviet Union was embroiled in a new grueling race, now cold war, the hardships of which lay heavy burden on the shoulders of ordinary people. The times were hard, half-starved. But in the memory of a young Nursultan not only the hardships and trials of that time preserved, but warm and loving arms of the mother and father's caring attention. Close-knit family, brothers and sisters, heartfelt lyrics of his parents. The beauty of the brilliant peaks of the Alatau and exciting boys ' games. Such was the childhood of all of his peers. Nursultan saw that his father never was idle, and therefore tried to help him in everything: at home, in the garden and apple orchard, he helped his father to grow potatoes and apples. Nursultan took care of the cattle, together with his father mowed the hay in the mountains. One day his father Abish brought home Balkar family of special deported immigrants. Nazarbayev's family sheltered them, helped to find a job. And Abish Nazarbayev during that time made friends with the Balkars and quickly learned their language. In a multinational Chemolgan all did so. No one was divided by nationality. Nursultan Nazarbayev later wrote in one of his books, at that times no one among the boys thought about the nationality of each other - Kazakh, Ukrainian, Chechen or German: "Yes, and how to divide, if houses of the Kazakh family and Meskhetian Turks was clung together, and in the next one Bohdan, Richard, Oleg etc. lived." Boyish gangs were divided along streets on which they lived. Sometimes they fought street to street. But friendship and mutual assistance was a way of life. Despite all the difficulties, the boys and girls were pulled into a magical world of knowledge, joyful and bright future, filled with meaning and reason. Nursultan studied diligently and with great interest, being one of the first students not only in class but also at school. He had his head in reading all the books that have just managed to get, books which relatives brought him, they knew about the insatiable curiosity of a young Nursultan. Romantic nights around the campfire under the starry fathomless sky was also present in his youth, when he helped his father during the summer holidays in the foothills of Zailiysky Alatau. The hidden stories of parents and their sincere songs that drew strong roots of the memory of the ancestors of old lived on this earth took place. Ignorance about the seven previous generations was a shame for any Kazakh. There was a feeling of deep meaningfulness of heavy but harmonious national life, transmitted from generation to generation, linking the to their past and future. He especially loved to listen to the stories of elders about the ancient legends and ancestral beliefs. Later in one of his books, Nursultan Nazarbayev writes: "In recent years the fashion to boast of "proletarian" origin suddenly was replaced by another craze: to seek and in whatever was to find "blue blood" ancestors. There was no one in our family ever. I am the son, grandson and great-grandson of shepherds, that is, not from the nobility. All my ancestors lived here in the foothills of Alatau". And although later it turned out that in his family there were great people, Nursultan Nazarbayev always considered and still considers himself a man of the people, the flesh of the people. This feeling of being like half of the people never left him and only grew stronger. He felt simultaneously Kazakh hereditary, the heir to the culture and customs of their ancestors, and a man of the new formation, a new and dynamic era of scientific and technological progress, opening unprecedented opportunities before each person. Traditional folk and new industrial outlook organically coexisted in his soul. school head teacher Seithan Issayev, where Nursultan finished high school, noted at once curiosity and analytical mind of the young man: "He was very grateful among the students. Listened attentively, asked questions not only on the program, catching every word of the teacher. Never parted with a book, all the time was reading something." The childhood and adolescence of a young Nursultan was short. Already by the age of 18 years, to the end of secondary school, he stood out among his peers by good knowledge and a broad outlook. Constant work and regular exercise had made him physically strong young man, he looked much older than his peers. But the thing that distinguished him was the degree of independence in judgment and actions and commitment to leadership. He knew how to build relationships with peers from the first minutes of meeting, he was a "ringleader" and community organizer. He liked to joke, was good in singing, liked by people and quickly became the soul of the company. At the same time one of his inherent traits revealed - pragmatism. Having heard about Komsomol set for big construction site of steel plant in Temirtau, Nursultan decided to become a metallurgist. Nursultan wanted as quickly as possible to be firmly steady on his feet, and to help financially to his parents and family. He was the eldest son in the family. Young Nazarbayev intuitively felt that there was a large construction site, starting a new great life, opening up broad personal perspective. He was determined to build his life, his future destiny. Upon arrival in Temirtau as a future Metallurgist he was sent even further, to study in Ukraine, at a vocational school at the Dnieper metallurgical plant in Dneprodzerzhinsk. Nursultan was in a group of blast furnace, where the most physically developed boys were selected. However, the strength of his muscles and the character, the young Nazarbayev showed also in sports on the wrestling sites. In one of his fights he defeated his classmate, a stocky Ukrainian guy Nikolai Litoshko. Surprise of "Mikola" quickly grew into a respect and further into a strong friendship between the Kazakh Nazarbayev and Ukrainian Litoshko. Nursultan became a frequent and welcome guest in the family of Litoshko. A year and a half of study in Dneprodzerzhinsk passed quickly. In 1959, Nursultan Nazarbayev won in trade unions competition of all- Union Central Council. Thus, by the end of the school, he learned not only the hard science of Metallurgist, but also became a master of sports of Ukraine on wrestling. Persistence and perseverance enabled him to master "excellent" in all academic subjects in the chosen specialty. Also with the "excellent" mark young Nazarbayev passed final qualifying exams and received a certificate with honors "second hearth worker of eighth level of the blast furnace". References: 1.Kazahstanskaya Pravda (1997). December 11 2. Nazarbayev, N.A. (1997). Message to the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan-2030.Prosperity, security and improvement of welfare of all Kazakhs".Astana. 3.Nazarbayev, N.A. (1999). In the stream of history. : Atamura 4.Nazarbayev, N.A.(2003). Speech at scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 200-th anniversary of Mahambet Utemisov. Astana. 5.Nazarbayev, N.A. (1993). Speech at the solemn meeting dedicated to the 175-th anniversaryof Kurmangazy Sagyrbayev. Astana. 6.Nazarbayev, N.A. (2013). 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