HOW LONG IS A LIFETIME “One Day More Is One Less”

By Bruce Edward Byers (Travis McGee)(John Galt) (Howard Roarke)

To my Anya and Oliver

I can only begin at what I have been told was my beginning. The date would be July 28, 1951. It seems so long ago but so many events seem like only yesterday. I was born in Evanston, Illinois and remember most all of it until this present day.

The first event I remember was trying to escape from my playpen and being trapped between the folding floors under the pad. My mother continues to remind me at her present age of 84 of that event and my many numerous attempts to scale the vertical side bars with my toes. Mom says I tried other means of escape which resulted in failure with exception of one single attempt.

On this occasion I was crawling down the main street in traffic going who knows where but with confidence. Apparently what I learned from this infancy was success came through repeated attempts and from success came confidence. I learned to never give up and this carried over in to my future life pursuits.

I am writing this book because I have tired of reading so many books and lack anything new and interesting. I am also compelled to write because maybe someday my children might read it and discover what sort of man I was and the life I lived. I can say that it has been a colorful and fantastic experience with plenty of risk taking, danger and turbulence yet there is little that I would have changed.

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In the 1950’s we had no computers and we were fortunate to have a black and white television. I remember having a fascination with bicycles and tricycles. My parents presented me with a photograph of me on what appears to be a modern day big wheel child’s tricycle.

The photograph was taken sometime in the year of 1956 and would be the first of my many inventions to follow. Proof of the date was my parents new 1956 Chevrolet parked at the curb behind me on my converted tricycle with the concept that would later lead to the successful Big Wheel tricycle. Unfortunately my parents never applied for the patent and someone years later did.

I simply converted my original old designed tricycle with peddles mounted on the front wheel with a frame that curved downward to the step mounted between two wheels on an axle. The seat was mounted on the top of the frame and the step on the back was perhaps intended for a passenger to stand on.

I removed the seat and disconnected and reversed or flipped the frame at the coupling of the front fork and handlebars. I then sat on the axle and bottom of the step plate and peddled from there. The seat was no longer necessary.

As a family of 6 including mother Margaret and Jack, we moved from Evanston Illinois to Glenview Illinois. I attended first grade at (OLPH) Our Lady of Perpetual Help and was raised in a Catholic tradition.

I was a curious child and fascinated with radios, bicycles, lawnmowers, trains, and would rummage through garbage and throwaway parts and pieces to repair or create something.

Everyone’s trash was my treasure!

I also was fascinated with gardening and created a garden of my own raising corn, beans, parsley, tomato’s and anything else that I could grow.

I began work in the first grade as a paperboy and delivered and collected monthly on a route that introduced me to operating a small business. The memories of this time were wonderful. We lived only blocks from the very first McDonalds and it

was a family treat, to go have a 15 cent burger and fries at a time where 2 McDonalds advertised, “Thousands Sold”. Page


My father was employed by the company Crouse Heins as an electrical engineer and inventor of new and better ways of relays and lighting. My mother was a stay at home mom and it was as it was the 1950’s.

Ozzie and Harriet, Bugs Bunny and Bishop Sheen were on the Black and White Television.

Our family had grown over the years to follow numbering 10 including mother and father. We were 4 boys and 4 girls and received milk daily delivery of gallons from trucks and cooled the milk by blocks of ice. We would run to these deliveries in the hot summer days for a chunk of ice to suck on when the Good Humor truck was not available.

Our next move as a family was major. We left Illinois and relocated to Fresno, and lived with our aunt Mary. I attended Jefferson School for the 2 nd grade and learned the life of a new kid in town. It was more like having to defend myself as the new kid in town.

We stayed only one year in Fresno and moved again to Millbrea California in the San Francisco Bay area. My father worked in the city of San Francisco and commuted daily by train into the city. Our house was on the street Corte Alegre and overlooked the (SFO) San Francisco International Airport. This was significant because it sparked my interest in aviation.

When I reflect back on the memory, I see the TWA maintenance hangar which no longer exists.

Little then did I know that I would later become a jumbo jet captain with the Airline. Life in California was not very interesting, we moved again to the neighboring community of Burlingame and the highlight was discovering a shark caught on the beach of the bay that sparked my fascination with sharks.

The Great White then became the focus of my attention!

I was both a Cub then Boy Scout and trained with the National Rifle Association earning a marksmanship award. As a Scout we even went camping inside of the

tall Sequoia trees at a park near Burlingame. 3 Page


I learned to play the trombone with the 3 rd grade band at Lincoln School and began running the school track because it was there and I wanted to learn to run fast.

We moved from 2205 Adaline Drive, Burlingame, California and drove cross country in a Ford wagon with pets to our new home in the city of Red Wing, Minnesota.

I believe we traveled Route 66 because the Interstate Highway System was yet to be developed. What was interesting or memorable about the trip was the necessity for Desert Water Bags in the event cars overheated and there were so many miles between service and fuel stops.

Berma Shave and Wall Drug signs were part of these memories and the Caverns of Missouri where Jesse James was touted to have stayed.

We arrived to Red Wing, Minnesota in the summer of 1963 where my father began work for Meyer Manufacturing and a new 4 bedroom home was being built on the golf course for $30,000. Little did my parents know that in 20 years, the same house would increase in value to half a million dollars. For that matter, who at the time could?

The house was not yet complete upon our arrival and we stayed at the Sterling Motel, neighboring the same reform school attended by Bob Dylan. My brother and I would sit on the hillside and see Barns Bluff and the Marina on the Mississippi River and marvel at our new town with a population of 10,000. This number did not include our family of 10.

I started the 7 th grade at St. Joseph’s School and this was the year that changed my life and the lives of everyone in the of America and direction and lives of all on earth.

I was seated in class and looked at the clock approaching 3:20 when it was announced the John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

This moment defied my years of starting class with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance to our flag. Since this day I have read volumes on the subject to attempt

to reconcile this with what I believed in. 4 Page


These years in Minnesota were years of cold and heavy snows. I literally walked miles back and forth to school with snow to my knees! Rarely did schools close for weather!

I also took on another paper route with the Minneapolis Star Tribune. As one of a family of 8 children, there were no extras for anyone. This prompted me to work and make money for the bicycles, skis and later motorcycles and cars. I held many jobs while growing up in Red Wing.

The newspaper was the first, then came lawn cutting, snow shoveling, grocer y clerk, movie theater projectionist, construction, lumber yard labor, and most important farming. It was the farm that gave me the understanding of hard work that would later lead to my success in every endeavor of my life thereafter.

I purchased my first pair of skis in the 7 th grade and practiced every day in night for many years to come that ultimately led to skiing professionally on the World Pro Tour. I skied and raced downhill with the best in the world, Jean Claude Killy to mention only one.

I also learned to water-ski on the Mississippi River and later competed in slalom with the best water skiers in the world. Ricky McCormick, Former World Champions, Ken White, Lucky Lowe and reigning world champion Chris Parish.

Red Wing was the perfect town to grow up in the sixties. A town famous for Red Wing Shoes, Pottery and conservative traditional family values that somewhat insulated us from the world of drugs. There were several individuals instrumental in my development in this town.


The first being my neighbor, Floyd Borchard, followed by Ben Meyer, the farmer who worked me nearly to death, and finally, Fran and Roy Smith who were the central headquarters for my young motorcycle group referred to as the Mofia

The farm job stemmed from my desire to buy a Honda 50 motorcycle which my

5 parents refused. Not to be discouraged, I was dedicated to work and buy it myself. Page


I found a job as a farm hand that paid $90 dollars per month and I had to live and work full time.

I woke at 5:00am and turned in at 9:00pm, bailed 30,000 bales of first crop hay with an old John Deere wire bailer and handled each bale of 100 lbs with a hay hook as it came 30 seconds apart from the bailer. I then stacked them on the trailer in tow.

Meanwhile my brothers, sisters and friends were swimming at the public pool at Coville Park. The end result was I did get the motorcycle and pushed it more than I rode it. I subsequently dismantled the motor piece by piece to see how it worked and fixed the damned thing.

My next motorcycle was a 100cc twin Yamaha. I thought I died and went to heaven after the Honda experience. Shortly thereafter, all my 13 and 14 year old friends were also receiving motorcycle as purchased by their more affluent parents. We rode these bikes without a driving license and were routinely pursued by local police. Fortunate form us, we knew every escape route off road and went without arrest.

I actually developed an escape maneuver that when not exit route was available. I sought an open garage and laid the bike down while sliding on the garage floor. I then pulled down the door as the police went charging by. Soon the entire group adopted this last ditch effort of escape. We were all a good group of boys outside the influence of drugs and had your basic

Our Den Mother for our group was a wonderful woman and full Cherokee Indian by the name of Fran Smith. The Smith home was headquarters for our group named by Fran as “THE MOFIA”. We were all classmates who rode similar small motorcycles and had nothing but good clean fun and rode the trails and streets of Red Wing. These classmates went on in life to become doctors, lawyers and state representatives for Minnesota and elsewhere.

I was probably the most serious rider in our group and eventually moved up to bigger 2 stroke motocross bikes and rode in everything from hill-climbs and

motocross. My parents again were overwhelmed with 8 children and my only 6 means of pursuing any of my interests was through work. Page


I took on every conceivable job to make enough to accomplish my pursuits!

I de-horned cattle and castrated stallions, sandbagged during floodwaters of the Mississippi and hauled stones bigger than me to get what I desired. As a result, I gained physical strength that kept the bully elements away and did very well in high school wrestling.

My parents never tried to (reign me in) and let me do pretty much whatever I wanted. I thank them to this day for the freedom of my youth for otherwise I would have probably run away from home.

The sport that I enjoyed was water and snow skiing. I discovered in these two sports that I continually improved every day I practiced. I believe this is the greatest single motivation in any activity is the conscience progress and improvement that cause us to wonder just how good we can we become at these activities.

I trained tirelessly for both sports to compete against fellow competitors. My family could not afford the coaching and organizations that accelerated their performance. I caught up by watching and studying the sports and eventually surpassed them for this and only this reason.

These were invaluable lessons to guide my future. I first learned discipline and the meaning of hard work. This allowed me to go further than my competition. The focus and development of memory was vital at the time and carried over into the future.

In the sport of ski racing, there are 3 disciplines, Slalom, Giant Slalom and Downhill. In all 3 of these disciplines the competitor is allowed only one run without practice.

The course had to be studied and memorized until it was permanently etched in the racers mind. Then, the challenge of running the course without any practice run and the proof was in the results.

This carried over through all my future life experience and ultimately in my chosen

profession as a commercial airline pilot. 7 Page


I have so many wonderful memories of my childhood that I could continue to write on for months. I attempted to replicate the same for my 2 children and believe I was successful.

I made a friend out of hard work to where it soon became a game. Not only did it make the work easier, but allowed me to get to know and understand how the businesses worked, the human relations between my fellow employees. The economic rewards allowed me to have a 1959 Corvette while still in High School.

I paid $1,000 to a Minneapolis man 1969 for this used Corvette. The car was in perfect condition, red with whit side inserts ant both hard and soft tops. How cool was that. I learned the art of making my dreams come true. I decided at this young age that there was nothing I could not do, and decided to do everything I could in life.

I remember fast forwarding in my mind to old age, creating a frame of reference on what percentage of 100 years of life I was at any given time. My memory became so well developed that I no longer needed to do home work because I listened in class. I looked at life as a whole and began to apply all my past experiences at the time to “how everything in the world works”.

The future then became my great adventure and the present was the time to play it out and create the memories to reflect back upon in old age. I didn’t want to miss anything and do everything.

I wanted to be good at everything and qualified to do whatever I wished.

I wanted to understand the physical world and how machines and electricity worked.

I wanted to reduce complexity to simplicity.

My favorite course in school was art and mechanical drafting with pencil and T Square. I learned if I could draw it, I could make it and translated my visions of anything on paper into something tangible.

I was seated next to Charles Stinson who was a talented artist and later went on to

8 become a world famous architect. This was also a potential interest of mine along Page


with dentistry and aviation, boats aircraft, cars, motorcycles and a collage of endless possibilities. I attacked life with insatiable fervor.

Following graduation from high school, I had ambitions of competing in the Winter Olympic Games flying Jets until my number came up for the Viet Nam draft. I attended a Minnesota State University in Winona, Minnesota where I would later graduate.

My university life was interrupted by the Viet=Nam war and with a draft number only 2 digits and a college deferment that was meaningless. It was clear I was going to Viet Nam with so many of my friends and classmates.


I enlisted in the Air Force to avoid the Army and ground fighting. I had no interest in killing anyone or thing and did not believe in the Viet Nam Conflict that was not even considered a war.

I also knew better than resist and consider it wiser to join a branch of military, whereby I could learn something and benefit from the GI Bill and get my college paid.

In the Air Force I was trained as an Aircraft Electrical Repairman. I attended boot camp at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas and was assigned to Chanute AFB, Rantoul, Illinois. It was here where I met who was to become my greatest friend in life, Jon Meyer, alias “Jason McCloud.


The year was 1970 and McCloud named me Travis McGee. I have carried this nickname ever for over 35 years until I lost my friend at Sea. From this point forward, I was known by many as McGee until the passing of McCloud. To this day I have yet to meet a more interesting character than McCloud

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When McCloud and I first met, we were seemingly the only two airmen to remain on the base. Everyone else went off base, taking advantage of weekend leave from training.

I was seated on the steps of our barrack’s observing McCloud launching stones in the street with a David vs. Goliath style sling shot. After observing for some time, I walked down and sat on the curb and asked if he could hit a dumpster nearly out of sight on the street.

Without say a word, he loaded another stone and slung it. I was about to laugh at his effort until it hit the thing. We then jumped in my 1965 Corvette Stingray and drove to Champaign Urbana to chase college girls.

This marked the beginning of a friendship so filled with adventures that it makes me smile!

The electronics course was a 28 week program that I completed in 14 weeks with a 98% grade point. This was the highest grade and shortest period of time on record for this course. I graduated as an Outstanding Honor Graduate. McCloud finished the program in 13 weeks 5 days with a 99% and surpassed my performance with a record he would never let me forget.

We were both then assigned to Luke AFB, Phoenix, Arizona and became roommates. The barracks were actually long dorms 300’ long and several stories high with a stairwell in the center. I recall this building very well because on one occasion, I was running up to our 2 nd or 3 rd floor room when just before leaving the stairwell and turning right down the hall leading to our room, and arrow flew by at the level of my heart. Had I arrived at this point 2 seconds earlier the arrow would have pierced my heart.

I stopped myself with the doorframe and looked to the left where McCloud was reloading his 80lb compound bow to take another shot. The target was my bed mattress with circles drawn on it at the far end of the hall. He was using my mattress for target practice and nearly killed me.

His words went something like this. “You have to be careful MY-BOY”. 10 Page


It was always this MYBOY or that MYBOY that every other word out of his mouth directed at me was followed by MYBOY.

McCloud bought Chevrolet Corvair with trunk in the front and engine in the rear. This would serve us to venture out into the desert and other less traveled places and I could leave my Corvette on base.

Oh yea, I paid $1500 for my 1965 stingray with 327-350hp.from who we called “Old Dad Tipsworth” when back at Chanute AFB. We went everywhere with the Corvair, from doing donuts in the desert to surfing trips to Imperial Beach, San Diego, California.


I wanted to try surfing and my San Diego was my closest possibility. It didn’t matter to me or McCloud that it fell way outside our weekend leave perimeter. It actually exceeded it by some 300 miles. Not to be denied, we departed Luke AFB on a Friday afternoon to drive nonstop to Imperial Beach. I was driving somewhere in the on a two-lane highway with the Sun in my eyes when the hood flew up and exposed all our clothes and sleeping bags in the forward trunk. The traffic was intense in both directions.

Friday evening traffic forced me to pier around the hood to keep the car on the road. There were cars behind and in front of us and all doing 60mph. I was going to pull off the road until the hood separated from the car and was over-run by the following traffic. So we drove on with great forward visibility and full view of all our remaining possessions that didn’t blow away with the hood.

We arrived at Imperial Beach in the dark of night and there were several campfires burning on the beach. This was at a time where you could actually drive on the beach and we did drive down on the beach and set up camp (two sleeping bags) up on the sand above the car.

Then we went down and partied with the neighbors with beer and campfire until

we finally turned for the evening. I woke the next morning with water soaked feet 11 as the tide came in. I sat up to see the waves breaking over our Corvair, which is Page


now permanent part of Imperial Beach. There we were some 400 plus miles from base without any way home.

We hitchhiked our way back and at one point, we were picked up by a man who lived and drove a panel truck who refused to stop for a toilet break. He handed me a Hills Brothers Coffee can and told me to piss in it and he dumped it out the window. I guess he did us a favor with driving attitude because we made it back to base on time.


While at Luke AFB, we took up skydiving and went to a jump school at Deer Valley. It was a small airport east of Scottsdale and the drop-zone was surrounded by High Tension power lines. We trained and jumped in C4 cargo parachutes that were round CANOPYS or MAIN parachute with modifications in the back panels that could be opened and closed by control lines on the RISERS. You don’t actually steer this parachute, but rather cause it to roll or rotate left or right offering some semblance of control.

The RISERS are the MAIN harness straps that connect the parachute to the many nylon lines that suspend the jumper or cargo. These lines come together at the top center of the parachute called the APEX.

It is this APEX where the STATIC LINE is attached to the aircraft for paratroopers, intended to automatically pull the parachute out of the containment or backpack harness. (We were sport-jumpers, not paratroopers) and thus, had not static-line or automatic opening device). It was necessary for us to pull our own RIP-CORD / D-RING through a CLEAR AND PULL training method. Tandem jumping had not yet existed.

In addition to and part of the risers are quick release devices called “Shot and a Half’s”. The name is derived by their design. To explain it simple, they were 2 ring size cables that would pop out once the protective clips were pulled open. (One

release per RISER, of which there are 2 RISERS). 12 Page


Their purpose is to, in the event of a variety of malfunctions, disconnect from the MAIN parachute to prevent the RESERVE parachute from becoming entangled with the MAIN. There were many possible malfunctions from a MAY WEST to a STREAMER requiring this disconnect procedure. Before describing some of these malfunctions, I should explain the RESERVE PARACHUTE, PACKING PROCEEDURES AND THE SLEEVE.

The MAIN PARACHUTE was nothing more than a backpack with a trap door like the Bombay of an airplane, This backpack was directly stitched to a seat style harness and had 4 pins connected by a single D-RING style ripcord. It was the responsibility of the jumper to pack his or her own parachute through a FLAKING method. Then pull the SLEEVE over the flaked parachute to prevent an instantaneous deployment that could break your back.

In short, the SLEEVE was a sock-like device that slowed the opening of the parachute.

In addition to the back-breaking threat was the heat generated by friction at opening that could melt the lines to the parachute.

In the packing process was also a PILOT CHUTE. The Pilot-chute was a small parachute that was spring loaded with a base plate and connected directly to the parachute APEX where all the lines come together at the top.

When the jumper pulls the Ripcord and simultaneously pulls the 4 pins on the backpack, the pack opens and the pilot-chute springs out of the bag and into the wind dragging out the MAIN by its APEX.

The reserve is a separate smaller parachute connected to the same harness and worn on the front chest of the jumper. The Reserve pack worn on the chest is the perfect location for the timer and altimeter providing vital information to the jumper.

The major difference between both parachutes is the reserve has no pilot-chute!

The jumper has to pull the reserve out by hand and feed it into the wind because

reserves have no spring and pilot chute. Time is not your friend in this 13 Page


circumstance and for this reason a malfunction must always be considered when determining opening altitude.

You were really all alone in the early days of parachute jumping and training was vital to survival!

Malfunctions such as a MAY WEST named after the famous actress, occurred if a single line crossed the top on the parachute on opening making the packing procedure so important. With the line over the top the one parachute appeared as two large female breasts. This condition would cause the jumper to gyrate in large circles while hanging under the parachute and the decent rate was much greater rate. This required the jumper to Cut Away from the Main with the SHOT and a HALF’s and be clear of the main parachute before feeding out the reserve and again getting tangled with the main.

To forget this procedure would mean certain death!

Another previously mentioned malfunction is the STREAMER. This is the result of the SLEEVE not allowing the parachute to open at all. Again the (CUT-AWAY) procedure was necessary unless you wanted to watch your reserve go up and wrap around the streamer, followed by your last look at the ground at 120 + miles per hour.

There were numerous possibilities like panels blowing out, incorrect packing procedure or lines melting together and on and on. Training is everything and remaining calm and opening at a safe altitude gives the jumper time to deal with malfunction s.

Even to this day, all jumpers guard and protect their Ripcords when boarding and on-board the airplane to prevent the inadvertent pulling of this cord that would immediately send the pilot-chute for the open door in flight thereby, ripping out the side of the aircraft and killing everybody including the pilot.

In the free fall (Arch position) a speed of approximately 120 mph was achieved. This is not TERMINAL VELOCITY. By drawing the arms to your side, the body

goes into the (Delta Dive position) ant speeds in excess of 200 mph can be

14 achieved. This is clear when doing Relative work. Page



Relative work is with other jumpers who join hands in freefall and create star formations etc. I believe the world record of jumps who joined hands in a single star formation is in excess of 50 and all these jumpers did not leave the same plane at the same time!

It becomes a game of catching up and synchronizing with the other jumpers meaning the last jumper out has to (Delta Dive) and go faster to catch up with the group. It requires timing and skill to know when and how to slow descent rate and connect with the other jumpers.

It is not uncommon to have one Relative jumper in arch position freefalling at 120 mph while the other collides at over 200 mph and both jumpers die!

One last detail worth mention is how to pull the ripcord. Number one is not in a Delta Dive in excess of 200 mph. Number two is to use two hands from the arched position. If this procedure is not followed and one arm is left extending into the slipstream in freefall, the jumper will begin to spin as an airplane that lost a wing.

Spinning and tumbling are sure ways of killing yourself in freefall or delayed opening because the jumper will black out and again, death is certain.

Once the parachute opens, the next objective is to land on the DROP-ZONE or reasonably close instead of the trees, high-tension electric lines, house or even an Interstate highway, all without breaking a ankle, leg or other part of the body.

In the absence of wind, it was necessary to perform a SLIP procedure causing the jumper to land and roll. This prevents in the extreme, a hard landing flat-footed followed by a fall to the knees and lastly compressing your entire spinal-column, head and upper-torso.

I jumped several times that first day and McCloud only once! He failed the final slip maneuver and compressed his back, leaving him and great pain and no further

interest in parachutes. Fortunately, McCloud was not seriously injured and I drove

15 him back to Base and he immediately went to bed. He complained of being in so much pain that I employed several methods to relieve the pain of his back. Page


The first method was to utilize rope with towels and secured them to his upper body and the rungs of the steal bunk. With a second rope and towel I wrapped his ankles to the rungs at the foot of the bunk creating a sort of stretch-rack.

I included in this method a toilet-plunger length stick to tighten pressure by twisting the rope tighter.

McCloud claimed that the pain of the stretch-rack was so excruciating that I released him and resorted to my next method of hanging him by his feet and ankles upside-down from the fire escape. I then hugged and swung hanging on to his upper body which he claimed was equally excruciating in pain.

The only thing we did accomplish was draw attention from the MP’s (AP’s) Air Police and not only did we have some explaining to do, The APES performed an open locker inspection of our room and found McCloud’s hamster bedding and thought it was POT. This was a long day and night and we developed a laundry list of infractions that would plague us for months to come.


I trained and became a certified Scuba Diver while at Luke and completed a very comprehensive program with the YMCA. This certification is respected worldwide as is PADI and NAUI. My instructor was a dive master by the name of Bob Attarian. Our open-water check dive following classroom and swimming pool training was in the Gulf of Baja at Puerto Penasco or Rocky Point Mexico.


I had purchased all the best US Divers equipment when at Hickam AFB and went diving at everywhere on the island Oahu from Makaha to the North Shore. I did numerous rather deep decompression dives while in Hawaii and many night dives that I enjoyed most.

While on the subject of diving, I will review some of the many reefs, worldwide 16 that I dove from The Great Barrier reef of Australia, Palancar reef Cosemel Page


Yucatan Mexico, Cay Calker Belize, Islamorada Florida, The Grand Caymans and numerous others.

I actually tired of diving because all the reefs began to look the same and when any diver goes below one atmosphere 33’, the colors begin to disappear and everything goes gray. In addition the diver’s bottom time begins to decrease and decompression tables must be observed. Wreck diving is interesting as is diving with the sea life from bottle-dolphins to sharks.

Scuba Diving as in Parachuting requires serious training and complete understanding of the physics involved to survive these activities. I will give you a bit of insight into this training to better understand how I nearly lost my life enjoying scuba diving.

At sea level as the point of origin in determining ambient pressure. There is a normal Lapse rate of temperature and pressure in gaining altitude as follows.

Every 1000’ of altitude on what is considered a standard day of 52 degrees Fahrenheit will decrease by 3 ½ degrees per thousand feet and 1 inch of Mercury or pressure beginning with 29.92 inches of Mercury. At 1000’ increase in altitude the pressure is 28.92. At 2000’altituede above sea level the pressure is 27.92 and so on and so forth.

This is why aircraft are pressurized to maintain the cabin pressure of the airplane at an altitude where humans can breathe. The composition of air and oxygen remain the same but there is not sufficient ambient pressure to force the air through the avioli (that absorb O2 into Red blood cells of the blood) of the lungs.

For this reason free climbing Mt. Everest without oxygen is difficult.

All high mountain climbers remain at several base camps to generate more red blood cells and increase the oxygen holding potential of the blood.

Similar physics apply in reverse when diving below sea level. Sea level remains the legend for all physics and pressure is a necessary imperative the understanding how everything in the world works!

17 In descending below Sea Level, the pressure increases proportionally per foot and the increases exponential y greater than above Sea Level. A perfect example Page


would be to take a basketball at the surface and (if able) descend to a depth where the ball would essentially implode to the size of a grapefruit. I wouldn’t take to many feet of decent to accomplish this.

With the SCUBA (Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus) invented by Jacques Cousteau, the diver takes compressed air below and continually supplies the lungs with air. The lungs then become air bags of a sort and if you fill them with a big breath and hold it and rising only 3 feet will cause the lungs to explode. This is why it is vital to continue to breath and understand the dangers associated with Scuba.

There is another condition called Nitrogen Narcosis “Rapture of the Deep”. Unlike climbing, diving affects the gases in the blood that cause Nitrogen to dominate and essentially make the diver drunk and disoriented. It also causes a condition called the BENDS. This condition directly affects the joints with nitrogen bubbles that collect at these joints and require decompression of these bubbles of Nitrogen in an ascent from greater depths. This led to the Decompression Dive tables developed by the Navy.

The process of development of everything from bends to mask squeeze was by trial and error and human Guinea Pigs. The Navy would take volunteer sailors and descend them to depths to see what happened to the test diver. Lungs were blown and bends were observed and countermeasures developed. In the case of mask squeeze, the diver would not clear the mask equalize the mask pressure and his eyeballs were sucked out of their sockets.

Equally disturbing was the failure to equalize the pressure on the eardrum that would cause rupture and potential drowning from water flowing directly through the ear and down the windpipe.

More about scuba later and the role it played in my enjoyment and almost death.


Back on the subject of downhill ski racing: 18 Page


The United States Air Force has a ski team. I should qualify that by saying that the United States Armed Forces has a World Wide downhill ski competition of which I represented the USAF at the race conducted in the year 1970 at Hill AFB, Ogden, Utah.

We raced the very same Downhill as the Olympic Games of Salt Lake City. The area was called Snow Basin in the Wasatch Mountains above Ogden Utah. I was sent TDY, (Temporary Duty Assignment) to Utah for this 7 day event. The Air Force gave me a one way ticket on Hughes Air West Airline from Phoenix to Las Vegas. There I was picked up by an Air Force van and transported to Nellis AFB.

My instructions were to return to Luke AFB, Phoenix via MAC (Military Airlift Command) after the 7 day race.

I befriended another Air Force Captain from Wiesbaden AFB, Germany and we skied together in preparation for the race. On one beautiful clear day I was riding one chairlift ahead of this Captain when below the lift I saw this beautiful girl and so did my Captain friend.

We both shared a common interest in this lady and I had to beat him to the girl and came up with an immediate solution. I deliberately triggered the safety shut-down of the lift when I reached the top and left my friend stranded on the lift as I casually skied down and met Kathy Stamos.

After meeting Kathy and getting back to the race, I had a tremendous fall in the nonstop Downhill practice runs that were allowed in this competition. Downhill I would argue is the most demanding of the 3 disciplines of ski racing mentioned earlier.

The speed is extreme and sometimes well into the 80 mph range and only the thought of turning the skis will turn the skis at these speeds. In the early years of Downhill, The length of ski for me was 225 cm with little or no side cut unlike today’s Shaped and Parabolic skis.

In addition: The release bindings connecting the skiers boot to the ski had not

advanced to the level of today’s technology. My skis had a Marker Rot-Mat

19 design binding with Long Thong leather strap to wrap around the boot. The Page


unimaginable is to walk out of a ski at 80 mph or worse a fall with the binding failure to release.

The solution is simple. Don’t fall.

To prevent walking out of the binding was simple also, crank the setting so tight that the ski will not release. Many consider this a dare-devil sport. In fact it is very controlled and requires great focus and strength to race down the mountain and various changes in terrain and snow conditions. (Usually Ice)

I would liken it to driving a car for the first time and how 60 mph seemed so fast until you drive 100 mph. Then slowing to 60 mph begins to feel slow.

What really drives the Downhiller is adrenaline. It is a natural drug created by the body and once controlled, addiction will surely follow!

In the case of my fall in the Ogden Downhill run I had these older designed Marker bindings and the Toe Piece was of triangular design with now elasticity. The key word is elasticity. This is a spring return design that should the toe piece rotate only slightly, the spring action would return it to center.

The starting gate of the Downhill was at the very top of the mountain and consists of a two foot wide gate established by 2 posts only 2 feet in height with a wand or stiff wire connected to a switch that starts the timer.

When standing in the Ogden starting gate, the tips of the racers skis hung out over what was virtually a wall that descended maybe 1000 yards and through a gradual depression rose up and over a big roller and down another steep descent into a second depression and onto a the flats.

The speed generated from the start and into the first depression must have been 80 mph and as I stood in the starting gate, the first question asked by the starting staff “Is the Racer Ready”? My reply was yes! Then the starter follows up with “The racer has 10 seconds then 5, 4, 3,2, 1.

The number is the last word heard as I was gone and rocketing down the descent in

the Tucked or egg position generating all kinds of speed! Being so low to the skis I

20 was distracted by the Marker triangular toe piece slightly rotated. This was not Page


what I needed to experience at that moment because the crash was inevitable. I even knew when and where!

It occurred after passing through the depression and I was launched airborne and over the roller and essentially freefalling down the second steep section of the course. I remember being upside down and rotating like a turtle on its back. I was completely out of control 10’ in the air at 80 mph and at the mercy of the mountain. I contacted the snow for the first time since launch and was launched a second time and remained rotating like and upside down turtle without skis.

I contacted the snow for the second and last time and reached the flats slowly rotating like a turtle on its back to a stop.

Miraculously I hit no trees, spectator’s fences and marveled at what an incredible fall it was without the slightest discomfort or injury I actually just stood up without any help or effort and noticed the Marker Rot-Mat bindings still strapped to the heels of my boots.

The initially fall was with so much force that the bindings were torn from the skis by their screws that were still connected to the bindings on my boots.

I finished well in the race and actually won a trophy.

My greatest win was Kathy Stamos. The daughter of Ted and Belva, with 2 sisters, Kathy was a beautiful woman in her twenties who worked for Sears in Ogden. She introduced me to her family and they took me in as family. I was invited to stay in the guest room and could hardly refuse.

I moved off my quarters at Hill AFB and in with the Stamos family where I was falling in love with Kathy and forgot completely about the USAF.

Hill AFB was an ATC, Training base and there was little or no chance of getting a MAC, Military Airlift Command flight out of this outback location and played this to my advantage.

One month had past and the Air Force was beginning to see through my excuses

and returned with threats of AWOL and Article 15’s (Just short of Court Martial). I

21 had reasonably good relations with my direct commanding officers at Luke and felt confident they would not bring on this ultimate sentence. Page


Several weeks past and these same commanders sent McCloud up to retrieve me with my Corvette to eliminating any excuse for my failure to return.

McCloud followed his orders to the letter and arrived in Ogden with my Corvette. McCloud was an instant hit with the family Stamos and was so well received they invited to stay and he did. Two more weeks had past and the Air Force had run out of patience and gave us both 24 hours to return to base or face Article 15’s.

I was so sure they were serious that McCloud and I immediately set off on our 20 hour drive to Phoenix, without enough fuel money to even get there.

We were somewhere between Kenab Utah and Page Arizona when it was clear that we were out of fuel, money and in the middle of a freezing desert. In the words of McCloud, “Then it appeared, like a shaft of light from God”, a Chevron gas station with all lights on out in the middle of nowhere.

Being a man of honor, I searched out the attendant to make some sort of deal for fuel while McCloud, of lesser honor, was already began pumping fuel into the Corvette. I failed to find any attendant when 2 Limo’s rolled in and I watched McCloud as he spoke to the drivers. Next, he was filling their Limo’s with fuel and collected money as if he owned the place. I left my name and contact at Luke AFB and we had sufficient money and fuel to make the 24 hour deadline to Phoenix.

It was only months after that when I received orders to Fan Rang, Viet Nam via Udipal Thailand.

I sold everything including my Corvette Stingray and said all my goodbyes to McCloud and friends then boarded a Commercial airline charter flight to Travis AFB, Fairfield, California expecting to continue on to Southeast Asia.


When everyone was seated and ready for departure, an officer boarded the plane

and called out only my name. I was ordered to bring my duffle bag thinking I was

22 in some kind of trouble but felt better in trouble than going to Nam. Page


I was taken off the flight and returned to the gate when the officer asked me for my stack of orders.

When the military assigns or reassigns any soldier, he or she is required a stack of orders and they are usually one page with maybe 50 to 100 copies of the same. The officer took my entire stack of orders and copies and handed me new orders reading Hickam Air Force Base Hawaii.

I stood in disbelief and was told that it pays to have good grades!

When I entered the Air Force, I was given what is commonly referred to as a dream sheet. On this form, I was to list my preferences of bases throughout the entire Air Force network. Luke AFB Phoenix Arizona was my first choice because it was close to my ski racing home of Sun Valley, Idaho.

The same was true for McCloud who wanted Luke AFB because it was closer to his home in Twin Falls Idaho and only 75 miles from Sun Valley. Never had either one of us suspected that our Outstanding Honor Graduate grades had landed us together at Luke. Within the next year I received surprise orders to Hawaii and McCloud received orders to Garmisch Germany to serve on the ski patrol.

I was completely unaware of McCloud’s reassignment as I was busy waterskiing every day with former world champion Ken White. When not skiing, I was scuba diving for lobsters on the North Shore.

On the subject of waterskiing, I was learning every known and unknown barefoot skiing trick from Ken White.


While in the Air Force and at Hickham AFB, I rarely worked spending most of my time waterskiing on Hickham Harbor with Former World Champion Ken White. I was part of his water ski show team and we traveled the Island of Oahu performing shows.

23 Page


I mentioned earlier that I skied growing up in Minnesota and did competitive skiing in the three events, (Jumping, Slalom and Tricks).These events have all but disappeared in the wake of the wakeboard craze.

The show team skiing was new to me and I had to learn to do the barefoot ski acts to be part of the team. I knew how to barefoot skiing having learned previously in Minnesota but nothing like they were doing.

I had to first learn the Deep Water Start.

This is a method of getting up on bare feet without the use of any ski. I had first learned to ski barefoot by stepping off a slalom ski at a high boat speed. Barefoot skiing is not so difficult as it is punishing to the body from falls on the water at high speeds.

At 36 mph and more the water feels hard as concrete in a fall. By simply not keeping your toes curled up may result in a face plant causing injury to neck and spine, or with head turned sideways could result a broken ear drums.

Most skiers that have learned this type of skiing know and are prepared to duck head and roll simultaneous with the fall. After so much practice, to fall is rare and the I can today do a Flying Dock Start and run the course at 34 mph with 15’ off the line.

The Deep Water start is possible by 2 different methods.

One of the two methods I learned required the skier lay back in the water with feet towards the boat and both feet crossed over the towrope. When the driver applies full power the skier drags with back arched and planes off on the body.

In the next approximately 10 seconds the skier assumes a sitting position before the Stern Rollers (wake from behind the boat). If the skier fails to be in the sitting position at this encounters the rollers and is launched in and could result in injury. Of this I am sure because a serious injury happened to me!

In my case of my injury, I went too deep on the second contact and could no longer

hang on to the handle. The forces on the rope and handle are tremendous in this

24 trick and the handle was ripped from my hand with such force, that it struck the top of my foot and shattered a bone. Page


This occurred after I had performed this trick for many years and countless times. What happened was the towboat momentarily stalled regaining power at the start and I foolishly hung on to the rope.

After the injury I feared the rope had wrapped around my ankle and tore my foot off because I could not feel it. I actually had to feel for my foot and confirm it was attached to my leg. I pulled myself out of the water at the dock and by this time, my foot was every ugly shade of black, blue, green and red.

We took ice cubes from the beer cooler and I could actually paint the color out of my injured foot like a paint brush but unfortunately the color immediately returned. Fortunately I was able to drive and stopped at a bar and bought a bag of ice to place on my foot rested on the passenger seat

I was driving and old Volvo with an automatic transmission and could rest my foot on the passenger seat under a bag of ice and drive myself to Barnes Jewish hospital in St. Louis, Missouri.

I was x-rayed and had a fracture similar to the cracks in a windshield from a rock strike and no cast was required. I did need crutches but had only winter ski poles to use until friends came to my rescue with the real thing.

I remember the only good experience to come from it was the attention I received from women and nurses at the street side restaurants and bars.

Learning this trick in Hickham requires a plastic bag or neoprene shorts to keep the water save the skier from a salt water enema. I remember many times sitting on the toilet discharging salt water for not wearing rubber shorts, The water came out under far less pressure than it entered.

I actually remember seeing a hammerhead shark in the water close to me on one occasion while learning the trick. I had been scuba- diving long enough to know that this shark was of no threat and thought nothing of it.

Once in the sitting position, the skier only waits for sufficient boat speed to take feet off the towrope and plant them in the water with toes turned up. So there you

have the deep water start. 25 Page


The next start and most entertaining is the Flying Dock Start. It is basically the deep Water Start without all the dragging and body planning. I required only one ring of slack in the rope and told the boat drive to “Hit It”.

Once the rope drew tight while running the dock in the direction of the accelerating boat, I would fly through the air in the sitting position with my feet over the rope and land standing up. It was fun to perform and a great show team trick.

Other tricks include, one foot, backward barefoot and some can even start backwards. Actually, the skiers of today, jump, turn around on feet and far exceed what we did in my day.

Most of the fellow members of our Hawaii show team went on to ski for Cypress Gardens, Marine Land and Sea World after leaving the Islands. I returned to the Mainland to complete my college education and pursue my ambition of becoming an Airline Pilot and Downhill Professional Ski Racing on WPS (World Pro Skiing) formerly ISRA (International Ski Racers Association).

Both organizations were organized by former US Ski Team coach Bob Beate. Our races were televised on the Wide World of Sports. Spyder Sabich, Hank Kashiwa and Jean-Claude Killy were only a few of the headliners of the Tour. I was not a who’s who but I was there!

My time in Hawaii at Hickham was a dream assignment. I helped coach the Hickham Hawks high school football team when Michael Jackson (then with the Jackson 5) visited our game.


The Viet Nam Conflict was winding down. I was curtailed as surplus personnel and was granted an early out with Honorable Discharge and full (GI- Bill) benefits. The Military paid for my entire university education and financed the house I lived in and rented out while attending School.

26 Page



My first job after returning stateside and my family home in Red Wing Minnesota was at the Prairie Island Nuclear Power Plant. This plant operated by NSP (Northern States Power) was under construction in the year of 1972.

My job description was non-destructive testing for X-Ray Engineering out of San Mateo California. I worked for the months of January, February and March where the daytime high temperatures were a minus 10 degrees and lows dipping often times to minus 40 degrees.

I was assigned the graveyard night shift at the plant and coached ski racing during the day. My shift was a long twelve hours beginning at 4:00pm in the late afternoon until 4:00am in the early morning.

I x-rayed welds in the massive stainless steel pipes in the reactor containment where the coldest temperatures were retained. I acclimated well enough and finally lack of sleep began to catch up where I began to not feel well.

I went to the Red Wing Clinic and the doctor performed a full physical with chest x-rays, and claimed I had the largest lungs he had ever seen and required 2 films to capture them completely. The problem was a spot plainly visible on the x-ray that he suspected to be lung cancer. He scheduled me for continued examinations over several week intervals.

I never saw that doctor or clinic again!


I reconnected with McCloud and told him to get ready and travel to Australia. I wanted to go down in a cage with the Great White Sharks off the south coast at Port Lincoln, Australia.

My quest was to swim with the Great White Shark. McCloud and I purchased

27 round trip airfare on Pan American Airlines from San Francisco, California via Hawaii, Nandi, American Samoa with destination Sydney, Page


I remember the Pan Am 747 Clipper (SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS) was our jumbo jet from Oahu to Nandi and on to Sydney. I was convinced then to become a captain of such a jumbo jet and would not rest until I was successful.

I retained all the dive gear from my tour in Hawaii and planned to carry it all to Australia. This gear included; US Divers, twin 52 air tanks and double hose regulator, backpack, BC or buoyancy compensator, Sea View Pressure gauged, depth gauges, mask, rocket fins, weight belt, and most impressive was the 5 foot- triple band spear-gun.

This is a lot of gear to be carrying around!

I was last seen wearing all this equipment while boarding the San Francisco Union street bus to the SFO airport to catch my flight to Hawaii. I say last seen because after several days diving off the island of Oahu, I sold all the equipment and decided to rent when arriving Australia and everywhere else in the world. I also developed this aversion to baggage and shopping.

Actually a former girlfriend killed me with the shopping side of these dislikes.

This was my first visit Australia for the Great White cage diving experience.

Footnote: See Red Wing Republican Eagle Newspaper 1972


When I was in Australia, McCloud and I hitchhiked the country beginning in Sydney NSW (New South Wales) and continued north to Tenterville and the Gold Coast of Brisbane. On the way to Brisbane, we stopped in New Castle and I dropped in on the home of Olivia Newton John and had a great visit with her father Professor Newton John.

After our return to Sydney from the Gold Coast, we stayed up at a youth hostel in Kings Cross. McCloud and I hung out on Bondi Beach before moving south along the coast Wollingong, Melbourne, Adelaide, and final destination of Port Lincoln

for the Great Whites. 28 Page


Australian is a wonderful country the size of the United States with only a population of 13 million at the time of my first visit. The majority of Australia’s population lives on the coast because the interior of the country is desert.

I set out to meet Rodney Fox who is one of the few survivors of a Great White attack and his photo and short story was a small part in the movie “JAWS”. The story is best told by Rodney himself where he describes his experience as a spear fisherman and (Skin Diving) with only mash fins and snorkel in a wet suit.

It was the wet suit that held his body together after the attack and probably the reason the shark spit him out. Rodney was part of a spear fishing contest and each contestant towed a float to hold their catch and whoever caught the most fish wins. In Rodney’s words, it was late in the afternoon and he went after one last fish with his spear.

He said all fish and sea life seemed to disappear and with a diving mask, the diver’s visibility is basically tunnel. You cannot see more than maybe 45 degrees out of the 360 degrees of water above, below and around you.

Moments after Rodney watched sea life disappear, he says it was like he had been struck by a locomotive and was being carried through the water so fast that it ripped the mask from his face. He then realized that his entire torso was in the jaws of a Great White.

He goes on to describe his memory of seeing the (caudal fin) tail of the shark so leisurely moving from side to side and the tremendous speed he was moving through the water.

He said he attempted to gouge at the eye of the shark but could not reach it so he drove his hand and arm into the mouth of the shark and gouge it from within. This proved to be a big mistake because of the hundreds of stitches required to repair his arm from the serrated razor sharp teeth.

The shark spit Rodney out and he surfaced to see his wife and children on the beach 100 yards away and lifeguards coming to his rescue. He was floating in his

own blood when he saw the huge conical head of the shark returning from below

29 him and felt certain death was upon him! Page


The shark took the float next to Rodney and tethered to his waist by a lanyard or rope. When the shark disappeared beneath the surface ingesting the entire float and fish, it dragged Rodney under water again because he was tied to the float and being dragged along by the shark.

The teeth of the shark severed the rope and Rodney returned to the surface and was rushed to the hospital.

After many hours on the operating table, and hundreds of stitches to close the massive wounds inflicted by the Great White, Rodney survived and lived to tell about this harrowing experience.


The Great White Shark is a miracle of evolution remaining unchanged for several hundred Million years. It is the perfect eating machine and predator and grows to lengths exceeding 20’. The prehistoric equivalent measured 50 or 60 feet in length and could swallow a small car whole.

The movie “Jaws” was actually based on factual events and linked together in a sensationalized way that truly scared most everyone from the water. What was worse was the pursuit of this fantastic creature to the point where the Great White Shark is on the endangered species list.

The movie misled the audience into believing man was on the menu of the Great White when nothing could be further from the truth! Great Whites feed on Sea Lions and seals for the most part and if an occasional attack on man occurs, it was by pure accident. A man on a surfboard or in a Kayak appears as a sea lion from below and the White Shark attacks from beneath and usually bites the man and board or boat in two.

There is a reason that all the pieces of the boat, board or victim are recovered. The answer is the shark realized its mistake and left the scene looking for some seal or sea lion. The Won Ton slaughter of these Great Whites and other sharks proves

man to be the most dangerous predator on earth and is disgraceful. 30




I am preparing for another expedition to South Africa this coming summer to research the breaching behavior of The Great White Shark of Seal Island. Here the Whites breach the water in pursuit of a fast moving seal and 2000 lbs of shark completely clears the water in air and eventually catches the seal.

It is an amazing feat by the Great White that demonstrates its remarkable speed and agility.


McCloud and I returned to Sydney via the Barossa vineyards, Canberra and on to Sydney and the USA.

I today wish I had recorded all this past with photographs and journal but I was never good at these things because I always expect to return. Further, the technology for picture taking was nowhere near what it is today. Color television had just arrived in Australia and it was more expensive that their Holden Automobile. The Holden was remarkably similar to a Chevrolet.


In the summer following my return from Australia and while living at my parents home in Red Wing Minnesota, I modified a cargo parachute that I retained from my service in the Air Force. My intention was to create a parasail to tow behind a ski boat.

This required several hundred of feet of heavy nylon rope and quick release lever should I need to disconnect. This was the single most intelligent part of parasail simply because there was not one event in flying the thing that I did not disconnect.

The first test flight took place at the Red Wing Airport. To this day I cannot

31 understand why my father, who was present to witness this lunacy, did not Page


intervene and stop me. I suppose he found the entire thing fascinating and wondered if it would work.

I required several assistant friends to help open the chute and another to drive the Plymouth tow vehicle down the runway. I strapped into the harness and ran along behind the car until enough air filled the chute and carried me airborne.

The problem on the day of this test flight there was absolutely no wind. The result was as speed of the car was increased my running steps of 3 feet extended to 10 then 20 and 30 and finally I was flying.

Once airborne, another problem reared its ugly head. The driver of the tow car could not hear me because I was too high and far behind the car, he could not hear my order to slow down.

I was unable to gain much altitude and the parachute began to roll to the right (in spite of my corrections) and plunge to earth like a kite without a tail.

I hit the ground hard which was the least of my concerns because the Tow car driver Bud Sutherland continued down the runway oblivious to my crash. The rope went slack and fell to the ground between the runway edge lights.

I was being dragged at the lights at over 40 miles per hour fighting for the quick release before being ripped to pieces by the light.

I disconnected not a moment too soon as my father and friends found the entire effort and flight most entertaining.

I was determined not to repeat this airport runway method and decided to go directly to the boat and wait for the right winds. The day arrived and I was ready.

Bud Sutherland remained as Tow Boat Driver and this time I launched from Coville Park on the main channel of the Mississippi river in Red Wing Minnesota. The wind was perfect and I had approximately 600 feet of rope. I gave Bud the Thumbs Up and he hit boats power.

I gave up on the audio signals and resorted entirely on hand signals.

32 This time I went up like a Polaris missile to maybe 500 feet. It was incredible and I enjoyed the flight for perhaps a mile upriver when I realized the high power Page


electric lines crossing the river some 250 feet below me and between me and the boat.

Bud was paying no attention and continued driving the boat up river and could not hear me or even see my signal to cut power. Again I was forced to cut away and try to fly this parachute to the nearest sandbar.

I came within 100 feet of a sandbar when splashing down in the current of the Mississippi. I might have cut away from the parachute to avoid getting tangled up in the thing. That was my last parasailing flight. I sold the line and gave my brother the parachute for a shade.


My girlfriend at the time (Debbie Bishman) was such a beautiful person, not only physically inside and out. I can never remember a single argument or disagreement. One spring break we took a trip to Disney World in Florida.

I bought an old Ford four door and paid something like five hundred dollars for the car. We took several other students who helped with the cost of fuel and drove to Daytona Beach. I remember the car had bench seats both front and rear. The front seat was supported by a 2x4 piece of wood to keep in from falling in the back. It had (3 on tree) column 3 speed manual shift with clutch.

We were somewhere in the southern states when at an intersection, I let out the clutch too quickly and we found ourselves in the back seat. I was laughing so hard, as the car went chugging to a stop in the intersection.

After the Spring Break, I sold the old Ford at a profit that paid for our entire trip.


I attended the spring, summer and fall Quarters and went Ski Racing in the Winter Quarter. At the same time I was physically training for the Pro Skiing Tour. 33 Page


In addition I became a College Agent for the NML Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company of Milwaukee Wisconsin.

My District Agent with NML was Leon Nesbitt from Winona, Minnesota. Northwestern Mutual would host their annual meeting at the Home Office in Milwaukee every July. I attended one of these meetings and stayed at the same hotel as my fellow district agents in the summer of 1973 when Leon Nesbitt rode a bicycle from Winona to Milwaukee,

I remember sitting by the pool and speaking to another agent Pete Koehler who thought of this as super human. I have a fiercely competitive nature and dismissed it as a pleasure ride.

I had been running and biking thousands of miles and wasn’t equally impressed. Koehler then challenged me to do better and I accepted the challenge by committing to run on foot to the Home Office meeting the following year. I ratcheted up the challenge stating I would be the next years College Agent of the Year nation-wide for NML.

Footnote: Milwaukee Tribune August 1974 article “Agent arrives on the run”


I fulfilled the run to Milwaukee the following year in 5 ½ days and was runner-up agent of the year. Too bad I didn’t do so well on the World Pro Tour. I was sponsored and received equipment from AMF Head Skis, Salomon Bindings and Hanson Boots.

My performance was dismal but the fun was fantastic. My fellow competitors were the best skiers in the world and I introduce Joseph Odermatt to the Tour, who his first year, went on to win the Tour.

My future was obviously not in ski racing and I continued my pursuit of the airline pilot career. This was an exercise of multitasking that would challenge anyone.

I worked every waking moment to accomplish my ambition! 34 Page


The hard work, study and physical pain was all part of fulfilling any and all my pursuits.


After all the deep dives I made in Hawaii and my return to the Mainland USA and the University of Minnesota, I went on a second Spring Break vacation again with my girlfriend Debbie Bishman to the Cayman Islands.

This was the most memorable Spring Break because I nearly lost my life on that trip and it happened like this.

We flew into Grand Cayman Airport that was no more than a runway and parking area for the Southern Airlines (no longer in existence) DC-9 to unload passengers and baggage. The only shade was a long grass covered baggage reclamation area and taxies were waiting to take us to our hotel. We stayed at the Holiday Inn and had a room facing the beach.

I remember our taxi ride through the town was a white building and store with a big 7-11 (not of the franchise) and found that most humorous. We checked into the hotel and I wanted to go Wreck Diving for which Grand Cayman is famous. The propaganda for diving was plentiful and the name Bob Soto seemed to appear everywhere. I determined this to be the way to go scuba-diving after a long absence since my dives in Hawaii and Australia.

The following morning, Debbie and I went for breakfast at a nearby diner and met up with 3 other male divers from Ft. Lauderdale Florida. We joined them for breakfast and they questioned me on my intentions and where I was going diving.

They discouraged me from spending the money on the dive boat with a large group of divers and invited me to join the three of them. I asked what was they’re plan. They intended to swim out by surface about ½ mile with BC (Buoyancy Compensator) and dive the Wall.

The wall is where the shelf of the ocean drops to over 6000’. To just see it is

35 incredible because from the surface looking down, the sand is white, sea life abundant and then this Ultra-Marine Blue line clearly defines the wall. Page


With only three of them, I would be the fourth and the Buddy System would team me up with the only diver that had an OCTOPUS regulator.

The OCTOPUS regulator had a second mouthpiece for buddy breathing should my J valve reserve not function. This same buddy diver I chose to dive with had a depth gage and pressure indicator. These were not available to me from the shop where I rented my equipment.

Debbie returned to the hotel and beach as I teamed up with these divers and I began our swim out to dive the Wall. The visibility was like that of open Ocean and unlimited. There water was crystal clear and over 80 degrees. I remember watching a school of Barracuda swimming below us and a bottom that gradually sloped deeper toward the Wall.

It came time to descend and release the air from our BCs’ directly connected by hose to the regulator for filling and controlling buoyancy. I and my buddy-dive began our descent like two skydivers in an arch and I had no idea depth of this shelf or bottom rim of the Wall. This is the problem when the visibility is so clear. It makes it difficult to determine depth.

My ears would clear without effort and equalize the pressure between the outer ear and inner ear or Eustachian tubes. Some have to swallow as in an airplane to equalize this differential but mine cleared without effort. Since it had been several years since my last dive, I required some time to adjust and return to this element.

I normally unconsciously knew my depth by the clearing of mask and ear pressure. I sensed in this dive that I had gone deeper than any previous dive yet could always see the bottom.

I accelerated my descent to catch up with my dive partner and grabbed his wrist to view his depth gage and we were approaching 200’. I remember looking up and my bubbles were disappearing into dark blue. Nitrogen Narcosis immediately kicked in and I was disoriented and yet felt the need to stop and save my partner from going deeper but disorientation and instincts were to ascend.

My entire life carousel before my eyes, Debbie on the beach and everything I had

36 ever seen or experienced reeled by in only seconds. I felt that I was not going to Page


survive. My only salvation was training and realizing my condition and situation while remaining calm and second, the bubbles from my regulator.

In the past and diving with my personal equipment, I had a double hose regulator like Mike Nelson (Lloyd Bridges) from the TV series “Sea Hunt”. The bubbles from the double hose regulator rise from the Yoke on the tank. On the single hose regulator that I was diving with at the time had the exhaust bubbles rising to the surface from the mouthpiece. This was my only indication on which way was up. I followed them being careful not to ascend faster.

It seemed an eternity had passed before being wakened from my Narcosis by the partner of the other diver at about 20 feet below the surface. He grabbed my arm in while fighting with his BC that he could not deflate and make a dive. His buddy descended without him which violates all of what safe scuba was about. We surfaced together and he went on about his problem as I told him I thought one or both of his friends are dead. I told him of our depth and they’re continued descent. He insisted they were used to deep dives and I told him that we were returning to shore.

I also informed him I exceeded bottom time and had to decompress utilizing my own devised table or method. I said I would descend to 70 feet and slowly ascend until we reached the beach and he would follow my progress while swimming at the surface.

This method was effective and I did not get the bends. When I reached the surface and shore together with my new partner, his friends were already on the beach. I felt a great sense of relief that they were alive until I was informed that they do deep dives to get HIGH. Then I wanted to kill them personally for imperiling my life without a hint of their drug of choice.

I was in such disbelief and disappointed in the experience that I no longer had an interest in diving for the remainder of the vacation. I spent the remainder of the time exploring the island with Debbie and looked at lots on the waterfront priced at $30,000. This was in 1074 and the lots today are priceless and probably towers a

condominium or bank building. This a true brush with death and I felt fortunate to be alive and from that point forward was careful to choose my company and 37 friends. Page



I received my (get out of jail card) Bachelors Degree one year early one year early by testing out through the CLEP College Level Examination Program. This saved me a year of additional time and tuition making it possible to get competitive with other pilots for the airline pilots job where the degree was required. In addition, I needed flight experience in a multi-engine complex aircraft and load up on all the ratings so I bought an airplane!


I purchased my own personal Riley Rocket 310 Twin engine aircraft registration number was N310N.This is an incredible number because it could be the first one ever built and was at one time owned by the famous Jack Riley. This was an extremely fast aircraft in its class. It also nearly killed me on several occasions. One s such occasion occurred on a flight from Flying Cloud airport, Minneapolis, Minnesota to Indian Head, Michigan for a day of skiing. On board was a friend Dave Roberts, my college girlfriend Debbie Bishman and sister Mary Byers.

Dave Roberts, Debbie Bishman and I took off from Flying Cloud for Winsted, Minnesota to land and pick up my sister Mary, then continue our flight to Indian Head to ski.

It was clear and very cold. Below zero cold! None the less, we were off to Winsted and landed where Mary boarded the plane and we were on our way with a safe and event free flight arriving on time to ski the entire day. It was even colder in Michigan and after skiing and returning to my aircraft after skiing, I had a flat tire on the plane.

This meant that I had to jack up the plane, remove the tire and take it into the local tire shop and patch the inner-tube. The danger with my airplane was its performance/speed. This speed translates into range and distance and the risk of

major changes in weather conditions. This was in our future and the tire issue 38 Page


delayed our departure long enough to give time for the weather to change back in Minneapolis.

After repairing and installing the wheel on the aircraft, we took off for Winsted to first drop off Mary and return to Flying Cloud. The weather had deteriorated considerably and I attempted 2 Non-precision NDB (Non Directional Beacon) or ADF (Automatic Directional Finding) approaches to Minimums. (MINIMUMS) is the published altitude or height above ground where the pilot must have the runway environment in sight. If the pilot cannot see the runway, it is mandatory to execute an immediate MISSED APPROACH.

A pilot can make as many Missed Approaches as fuel will allow. I was good for 2 and approaches to Minimums and in both approaches, was unable so to anything. I decided to return with Mary to Flying Cloud, Minneapolis and make a Precision Approach. Precisions Approaches have considerably lower Minimums than Non- Precision. The requirements necessary to fly any of these approaches is first an Instrument rating. Flying airplanes is unlike driving are car or any other vehicle for that matter. It generally takes a pilot several thousand hours depending on the type aircraft and approach speed, to feel comfortable with IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) verses VFR (Visual Flight Rules)

Even with an Instrument Rating does not necessarily mean the pilot is qualified to fly by instruments. This is where the issue of proficiency in required because it is not normal for the human body to operate in the added dimension of flight. For the reason, JFK Jr. lost his life and that of his wife.

A good analogy would be if a pilot where to rely on senses to fly, he or she may think they are being squeezed down in the seat as a positive G would be experienced on a roller-coaster.

I knew my airplane and its systems completely because I performed all maintenance and had it signed off by a certified mechanic. I had several problems with this airplane. The one that would menace me on this flight was instrument lighting. There was a Buss Bar at the lower backside of the pilot’s panel that

controlled all instrument lighting. 39 Page


The main wire that powered this Buss had come off at the worse time possible. This time was on the leg from Winsted to Minneapolis and in complete darkness and in dense cloud cover. I was flying completely by instruments and had a small flashlight in my mouth so I could see these instruments. With my free hands, I located the wire and reconnected it regaining instrument lighting. My sister Mary became visibly scared and I put on the headphones and eliminated the speaker and all the communication between myself and Minneapolis Center {ATC) Air Traffic Control. I continued to fly to Flying Cloud and several other problems began to arise.

I experienced problems with the intermittent operation of two instruments, the ILS (Instrument Landing System) and VOR (Vary high frequency Omni-directional Range). These are mandatory instruments necessary to make a precision approach. The one became only partially reliable, providing only LOCALIZER guidance and the other only GLIDESLOPE guidance.

I attempted 2 approaches onto 2 separate runways at Cloud to CATEGORY II Minimums. These Minimums were 200’ ceiling and ½ mile visibility. In both approaches, I saw nothing of the runway or even lights of any kind. Fuel became my next concern and I declared an Emergency with ATC.

Minneapolis International Airport had closed due to Ice Fog and Zero visibility. It was not a CATEGORY IIIB equipped at the time and may still not be.

This is a good time to explain CATEGORY I, CATEGORY III, CATEGORY IIIA AND CATEGORY IIIB. By the way, if ever you are driving anywhere in this or any other country in the world and see a little white cone shaped structures. These are VOR’s and emit RADIALS in 360 degrees. The pilots align the VOR needles with these Radials that are published AIRWAYS on Charts. This is why when you look to the sky and see CONTRAILS or vapor trails from jets that cross in the sky. At the point of intersect and directly below this point is a VOR. They are all flying the same highway or Airway in the sky.

This same needle is used in the ILS LOCALIZER on an instrument approach. The

Localizer provides guidance and alignment with the runway beginning at the IAF (initial Approach Fix) and not only runs the length of the runway, but extends 40 equally in the opposite direction providing a BACKCOURSE. In other words, you Page


can make an instrument landing in both directions and the pilot must recognize front and back courses because the needle with go in opposite directions.

There are also MARKER BEACONS, OUTER, MIDDLE and INNER that includes, altitude crossing restrictions and provide position on the Localizer. The GLIDESLOPE is a separate instrument that provides this guidance and insure altitude crossing restrictions are met and touchdown on the runway. All this information is published and subject to constant revision by a company by the name Jeppesson, commonly referred to as JEPS.

The Arrivals or STARS (Standard Arrival Routes, SIDS (Standard Instrument Departures) and Runway Approach Plates are carried by every instrument pilot. The revisions are always subject to inspection by the FAA and company check airman to insure the pilots has current changes to airport runways, field conditions, minimums etc.

The pilot carries these Approach and Runway Plates in 10 ring binders. Each with more pages than the Holy Bible and cover every airport and runway in the world. This is arguable one of the most dreaded responsibility of the pilot. A constant stream of revisions, necessitate opening the binder and removing the obsolete plate and replacing it with the new revised plate.

The Runway Plate provides Localizer headings and frequencies, Glide Slope intercept and all information necessary to fin the runway and land the plane exactly on it.

Returning to my near loss of life experience! I also would have taken the lives of my sister Mary, girlfriend Debbie and friend Dave Roberts. I believe I left off at declaring and emergency and a closed Minneapolis International Airport. The problem was Ice Fog that reduced visibility to virtually zero. I was low on fuel and many necessary instruments were not reliable.

When in such a situation, it is hard to imagine things could get worse. They did! I was going to execute a GCR Approach (Ground Controlled Radar) where the Air Traffic Controller could only tell me if I was on the localizer and the crossing

requirements at the Marker Beacons and when I was over the Threshold of the 41 Page


Runway. They could provide no altitude information and guidance was my responsibility.

Before attempting this approach I needed the specific Runway Approach Plate and asked Dave Roberts in the co-pilot seat, to page through the one of two JEPP’s and find the correct Plate. I noticed my sisters Mary’s leg pumping up and down uncontrollably with fear. Dave was also very scared as he fumbled through the JEPP and consequently spilled over 1000 pages of approach plates onto the cockpit floor. All I could think was “My God”. I explained our demise to the controller and he continued to ask “How was I Doing”. I told him I was fine and low fuel required no time to waste.

My one single localizer, airspeed indicator, altimeter and audio marker beacons were all I had. I adjusted the static altimeter for field barometric pressure to try and achieve the greatest accuracy from this rather simple instrument. I then instructed Dave to remain glued to the windshield and speak only when he sees the runway lights. All further communications were between me and the controller.

This is a good time to mention the Flare Procedure when landing most any airplane!

When the aircraft is about to touch down on the runway, a cushion of air develops just under the wings and between the ground. We call it GROUND EFFECT. It occurs at a time where the pilot just eases back on the control column or wheel and settles the main gears of the aircraft on the runway. If the pilot Flares too high, the airplane will stall or loose lift resulting on a hard landing or worse.

Intercepted the Localizer to Runway 30L Minneapolis and initiated the approach. The controller could see where I was on the Localizer and said I could then descent to the next step down altitude. I did so immediately and leveled off awaiting the next step descent.

It is important to bear in mind that the Localizer becomes increasingly sensitive the closer to the runway by the approaching aircraft. Absolute focus is required due to this sensitivity to both Localizer and altitude. Only a momentary second of looking

away will blow the entire approach. 42 Page


The step down’s continued and I absolutely nailed the airplane to the localizer when the controller said I am over the threshold of the runway, I asked Dave if he could see the lights and he was bent forward with his face to the glass and said “NO”. I chopped the power and began to flare but was unable. I notice Dave was bent so far forward that I believed he was preventing me from pulling back on the column and backhanded him to flare.

We touched down exactly on the centerline of the runway and could see only one or two centerline lights for guidance. The controller was amazed and so was i. It was so foggy that ground control could not see me and had to direct me by ground radar and call my turns to the business aviation terminal Page Aviation.

I located a parking spot and shut down the airplane. We all sat in silence for about 20 minutes and I reached into my wallet and removed my Pilots license and tore it in two. I then instructed Dave to open the door. The door on all this type of airplane is on the co-pilots side. Dave attempted to open the door and was unable. I leaned over pushed it open.

Dave was first out and went sliding down the wing to the ground. The airplane was carrying 1” of ice. The door was actually frozen closed as was the ELEVATOR or part of the HORIZONTAL STABILIZER of the tail section. My inability to flare was not the fault of Dave leaning forward. I had to break the ice free to move the control surface.

Icing on aircraft builds up on the leading edge of the wing, propellers and control surfaces and begins to mushroom and change the shape of the wing to something closer to a piece of timber. In short, the wing no longer produces lift and the airplane is no longer an airplane.

Even if I had enough fuel to make a second attempt to land if I had missed the approach, the airplane would not have been capable of flying.

To this day, over 30 years later, my sister Mary is terrified to fly. I on the other hand, taped my license together the next day, moved my airplane to Flying Cloud Airport and went on to become a Commercial Airline Pilot.

43 Page


To this day, I do not believe that I could fly that approach again and remain in disbelief that I was able to do so that memorable night. I guess some things are just not to be understood!


Returning to Sun Valley and the wonderful adventures that followed, I credit in part to my airplane N310N. McCloud was the lift electrician on the ski mountain at Sun Valley and we rented a house in an area called Hulen Meadows. Whenever I returned to Idaho after running around the country in my airplane, I would circle the mountain and he would drive down and pick me up, Again, I must remind you that I had no car.

I maintained the aircraft and performed major overhauls at an aircraft service hangar in Twin Falls, Idaho by the name AVI (Aviation In Particular). This company was operated by an old A & P (Airframe and Power-plant) mechanic who inspected my work and was certified to sign it off.

On one occasion I was overhauling the top cylinders and valves, when a man approached me while I was busy under the wing. He asked me if it was my airplane and if I was a pilot. I answered yes to both questions. He then asked me if I would fly his airplane. I then asked him why he didn’t want to fly his own airplane. His answer was that he was not a pilot. My question was obviously, why do you have an airplane and you are not a pilot. His reply was he always wanted and airplane. Wow, this was amazing you bought an airplane because you always wanted one. Ok. What kind of airplane did you buy? He said a Stinson Voyager. I said the Voyager is a tail dragger isn’t it? He said yes and asked if I could fly a tail dragger and I told him I flew only one in the past and it was a Cessna 180. .

A TAIL DRAGGER airplane is one that has a little wheel in the back under the tail and unlike the tricycle style airplanes of modern times. These airplanes were modeled after some of the first aircraft and remain today in stunt category and bush pilot aircraft. Having the little wheel in the back allowed installation of larger main

gear tires. This allows flying in and out of grass strips and with big balloon tires, 44 landing in the desert or almost anywhere the surface is flat. The old war planes like Page


the P-51 Mustang had such massive propellers that it was necessary to design them with tail drag to avoid striking the propeller.

Pilots steer airplanes with the rudder peddle. These peddles are directly linked to the tail wheel on the tail dragger and nose wheel on the tricycle design. These two entirely different designs require entirely different techniques to take off and land. To taxi with a tail dragger, the pilot cannot see anything out the windshield but the sky and spinning propeller.

This is due to the angle of the plane with its tail low and nose and propeller so high. In the old DC-3 that is still in service today, was once a military transport and jump plane during WWII. After the war, the DC-3 went into civil service to haul mail and on to passengers. Anyone who enjoyed a flight aboard a DC-3 can remember the uphill walk from the entry door in the rear, to their seats in the airplane.

These tail dragging airplanes have an inherent potential to GROUND LOOP. This occurs when the tail wheel is touched down at a speed too high on the take of roll or landing. If the pilot attempts to steer this fast moving airplane by the wheel the size of that on a shopping cart, the airplane can loop around and even flip upside down.

Returning to the man who requested I fly his plane, I asked him why he had this airplane as mentioned before and he said he always wanted one and was the Singer Sewing Machine dealer in Twin Falls.

I said that I would first like to see the plane that was tied down outside the hangar, and review its log books and service records. It had not been flown in two years and had primitive instruments. If I recall, the airspeed indicator had the image of a hand pointing to the speed. The radios where of the coffee grinder style of frequency selection and many of the other instruments might just a well have been decals.

I told him I would start up and taxi the airplane and go from there. I started the planed up and all went well thus far. Contacted ground control and stated my

intention was to taxi on the parallel taxiway and return my taxi on the active 45 runway. There was no traffic in the area and permission was granted. Page


To taxi the airplane, unable to see directly forward, I used the edge of the taxiway with an occasional left and right quick turn to see where the end of taxiway turned 90 degrees to the active runway. When this point was reached, I parked the brake and did my run up of engine and preflight check of Mixture, Magnetos and a flight controls. After a satisfactory run-up, I contacted the Control Tower to taxi on the active runway and was cleared to continue. Once on the active runway, I decided to add more power and no sooner did I add the power and the airplane was flying.

I contacted the Tower and requested to fly south of the airport to a practice area to get a feel for this airplane. I was cleared as requested and gained altitude. I stalled the airplane and put it through several maneuvers to determine how it behaved and how slow I could fly it.

Once confident with the aircraft, I requested to return and land. My first approach was way too hot or fast. I was so familiar with the approach speed of my 310 that was the fastest approach aircraft in its category, slow airspeeds made me nervous and I flew past the touchdown so fast that I had to try again. The only way I could have landed on this pass was to get out of the airplane.

Second attempt, I fought off this slow approach speed concern and landed as soft as silk. I was pleased with my performance and so was the airplanes owner. He was so pleased that he gave me the keys to the airplane and said a I could fly it any time I want. Just add fuel!

Being that my airplane was down for overhaul, I took him up on the offer and the next day, a Sunday, McCloud and I loaded up the Stinson and flew to Hailey/Sun Valley. This airport was due north of Twin Falls and all the navigation necessary was to follow Highway 75. While doing so, we could see the shadow of our Stinson on the highway as the cars drove through it. The cars were moving faster than the airplane because we had great headwinds. It was a long ride up to Hailey and our descent crossed Timmerman Hill and we were no visible from the Hailey airport through the radio operator’s picture size window.

The radio operator was Marcus Beresford. He was a good friend and familiar with

me and my 310. When he recognized my voice, he asked what I was flying and I told him what it was and he relayed the field conditions and awaited my arrival. 46 Page


Upon touchdown at Hailey, I made the cardinal error of allowing the tail wheel to also touch-down. Next was to follow these gyrations, or sine wave attempt to keep the airplane on the runway while Marcus laughed on the radio. I avoided every runway light without leaving the concrete and finally got the machine under control. I parked the airplane in front of the office and Marcus was commenting on what a fine landing that was and I was asking him, who could teach me how to fly this thing.

He got me on the phone with a bush pilot who filled me in on my mistakes and McCloud was nervous to get back in this airplane with me. It was a harrowing experience for him and I could understand his concern. Our next stop was Burley, Idaho and a visit to his father who was the Principal at the Burley High School.

Burley was not quite directly south of Hailey but it was south. Now what was a headwind flying north became a tailwind flying south. We made record time to Burley Airport and had to fly the pattern past the airport to land into the wind.

We could see his father parked by the runway and leaning up against his car waving as we flew downwind. On the final approach, I did everything perfect until touchdown on the runway. It was not a hard landing but hard enough where my seat broke off the mounts and I tumbled into the back. McCloud was not a pilot and grabbed the wheel that controls the Ailerons. In other words useless in controlling the direction of the aircraft on the ground. His father was running for his life as this airplane was apparently pursuing him off the runway. I was laughing so hard I was crying as I am now, reflecting back on this moment.

The airplane finally came to rest and I told McCloud how to turn it off. I was taken out the baggage door in the back once I released myself from the seatbelt. We took the seat to the welding shop of the High School and I welded the break and reinstalled the seat in the airplane. We returned the airplane to Twin Falls and that was the last time I ever flew the Stinson Voyager or any other tail dragger.

The fun had just begun with my Riley Rocket 310. I had a friend in Chuck Ferris, founder and owner of PRE –Skis and later CEO of Schwinn Bicycles. Chuck had a

beautiful Cessna 340 with seating for 6 or 8 passengers. He would let me use this airplane which I was an honor. I flew this airplane with the staff of the Mt. States 47 restaurants and CEO and good friend John Beaupre’. Page


John was a honor graduate from Stanford University and YPO award winner. He operated a successful chain of 19 restaurants at all the hot spots and major ski areas in the western United States. I met John Beaupre after retiring from the Pro-Tour through his wife Sharon. To this day, they are great friends and nearly family to me.

I could devote a chapter to John and later in the writing, probably will. Now I will stay on point with my Riley Rocket experiences.


One day after skiing, I stopped at one of my favorite after ski bars, OJ’s. OJ was Australian and operated a hamburger grill and bar at the base of Warm Springs lift and it was very popular. On this one Occasion, I met this beautiful woman from Australia named Liz Warnock. This led to my meeting Al Multon, Mike Buckingham, Patti, fiancé to Al Multon and also from Australia.

These new acquaintances were visiting from Stockton, California and were discussing a Glider ride around the mountain top.

I came up with a better suggestion of flying they’re entire group around the Saw Tooth Mountain Valley and make a day of it. This was the beginning of a long lasting friendship that continues until this day.


I was invited as a guest in the house of Al Multon while I attend Sierra Academy of Aeronautics, Oakland International Airport, California. As the 310 flies, this was a 20 minute ride and guaranteed instrument approach into the foggy Bay Area. This means of transportation I did daily. At the end of class on upon my return to Stockton, I would buzz the house of Al at low level and 300 mph. then perform a wing over and land at Kingdon Airport only 3 miles away. I remember these low

passes seeing everyone out around the pool enjoying drinks and cheering the

48 deafening noise of the low pass. The house actually shook yet no complaint from neighbors who probably enjoyed the show. Page


Sierra Academy was fun but require much study and memory work. I met another beautiful woman and student named Laurie Adams. I would say she was one of the most gifted pilots I had ever met and trained her to fly Multi-Engine aircraft and she went on to fly DC-3’s in Alaska and finally became a Captain for Alaska Airlines.

Another flight worthy of record was when I flew Al, Patti, Mike and his wife to Calaveras County Airport, sometimes referred to as Angel’s Camp. This high desert airport east of Stockton is touted as the Frog Jump Capital of the World.

They even have a university there to teach these frogs to jump by the name Crocker U!

It was a hot summer day and this airport had a rather short runway and my concern was DENSITY ALTITUDER. This affects the takeoff, landing and climb performance of any aircraft. The higher altitude also aggravates this condition. The purpose of the flight was to attend an Open-Air rock concert with Ted Nuggent, Cheap Trick and other bands that elude me for the moment.

The Concert was there at the airport where the spectators had unobstructed view of the private aircraft that landed for the show. I initially flew over the airport to see the wind sock and which direction on this single runway, the wind favored.

You remember I mentioned previously that pilots take off and land into the wind. I was disappointed to see the wind favored the direction of this runway that sloped downhill and of course, a line of trees cross no too far off the end of the runway. I was further disappointed to notice my aircraft was the only twin engine and biggest airplane on the ground.

The parking area of these smaller airplanes was in a dirt lot off the downhill end of this runway holds the brake with full power at the very edge of the take off end of the ambient temperatures would cool and takeoff then.

I began final approach to land convinced to touch wheels down exactly where the concrete began and use every available foot of the runway to get the airplane

stopped. I did just that, but only the first part. It became clear to me that I wasn’t

49 going to be able to stop on the concrete and a aborted takeoff and Go Around was not an option because of the trees and amount of runway used. Page


My only option was to leave the pavement and go for the parking area that offered more resistance and I could side-slide the airplane, and worse case turn it 180 degrees an apply full power. You might call it a poor man’s thrust reverser. When leaving and heading into the parking and I began my side-slide maneuver, the parking attendant fled for his life and I slid into the parking place like Kurt Russell as Captain Ron.

For the concert spectators, it was possibly better than the musician’s performance. We unloaded the aircraft I I acted like it was just another landing. Notice the word Acted!

When the concert was over and most everyone had left, it had cooled down to where I felt comfortable to perform a short field takeoff maneuver.

This is where the pilot extends landing or maximum flaps and holds the brakes while applying full power. By releasing the brakes, is almost like a slingshot affect and we were off on a fast roll. The airplane begins to fly a shorter distance down the runway.

At the time of flight, the Landing Gear is retracted to eliminating drag as the aircraft accelerates to a sufficient speed to climb. The line of trees at the runway end was closing quickly and I waited until the very last moment to pull back and clear them. It was a perfectly executed Short Field Takeoff. I always knew someday I would need that procedure and training from the previous years.

That was a lot of fun but it only gets better! On one occasion, the parent of Patti, Al’s future wife travelled to the United States for the first time. Al asked me if we could use the airplane to show them around. Of course my answer was yes and allowed his future In-laws several days of rest from their long travel from Australia.

We departed Stockton on a perfectly clear morning for Lake Tahoe for breakfast at the airport restaurant. Next we departed for the Grand Canyon with a circle around the Emerald Bay of Lake Tahoe.

We arrived at the Grand Canyon and I descended down below the rim (illegal) and

50 wormed our way through the beautiful rock formations before climbing above the rim and landing at the local Airport. I took on fuel while Al’s future inlaws took a Page


bus tour of the Canyon. It was a hot day but there were several miles of runway unlike Angel’s Camp. When they returned, the airplane was ready to go and we departed for Las Vegas. This was all in the same day!

While en-route Las Vegas, one of my engines was over- temperature and I climbed to a higher and cooler altitude. To no avail, the temperature condition did not improve, I put the fuel mixture in hopes this would cool it down. (Again, no improvement)!

By this time I could see Lake Mead and Las Vegas, put the aircraft in a steep descent and chopped the power allowing the airflow to cool the engine We flew over the water of Lake Mead at less that 100; and 300 miles per hour. The boaters loved it and so did we. We climbed up and down over several peninsulas and finally I pulled it up to pattern altitude and landed at Las Vegas McCurran Airport. Now that was a complete by anyone’s measure.

We stayed at a local Hotel/Casino and it was the time I was anywhere where the Hotel refrigerated the water in the swimming pool,


We returned directly to Stockton after this memorable experience. It could not possibly be outdone until it came time for me to sell the airplane. The buyer was from Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. I agreed to deliver the aircraft and took my girlfriend along for the ride.

Again we departed Stockton and flew over Lake Tahoe. We have all heard of the “MILE HIGH CLUB”. I am a member of the “TWO MILE HIGH CLUB”. In addition to that, I was flying the airplane without the use of autopilot. I did have an encoding altimeter that alerts ATC of any changes in altitude. I turned off the Mode C feature and we made it from Lake Tahoe to Grand Junction Colorado. Cathy and I delivered the airplane to its new owner and flew back to Sacramento,

California. I guess one might call that my last great Hurrah with N310N. How can 51 life be more fun with experience’s as rich as this? Page


I sold the Aircraft N310N and delivered it to Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. I had logged several thousand hours in the airplane and accomplished securing all the ratings and certifications including an ATR (Airline Transport Rating). I then returned to Sun Valley and shared in the flying of a business aircraft for Scott USA. This company was famous for the manufacture of ski poles and goggles and was headquartered there. I enjoyed living in Sun Valley for several years to follow until being hired by Ozark Air Lines.


I created a company called INTERNATIONAL FINERS, “Anything Anywhere”, was my slogan and I chased after P-51 Mustang warplanes in Central America during the Sandinista/Contra conflict to Timber from Siberia. I was actually in the Kremlin and negotiation a deal to ship timber from the Kara Sea or Vladivostok to the Pacific Rim.

Pursuit of the North American P-51 Mustang was one of my most ambitious efforts. This pursuit was sparked by a Junket pilot who had returned from South America who I met in Hailey Idaho claiming to have stopped for fuel in San Jose Costa Rica and discovered 5 P-51’s in crates new from North American Aircraft manufacturing and 7 pickled Merlin Rolls Royce engines. The pilot told me the aircraft were donated by the United States to Costa Rica to patrol their boarders for drug trafficking from Columbia and were not yet assembled. This same pilot claimed to have taken one canopy for a friend of his who raced this model aircraft at the Reno Air Races.

Just the idea of these airplanes was incentive enough for me to head for Costa Rica and that is exactly what I did! Before departing, I had located customers for the airplanes in Houston Texas and placed a high price tag on the machines and decided my profit would be to keep one of the five for myself. My girlfriend at the time was an Air Canada flight attendant by the name of Elizabeth Asensio from Toronto Canada. She spoke Spanish and we boarded a Tan Sasa Airlines flight for

San Jose. I remember this flight so well because the plastic drinking cups and ever the straws were reused. I could see teeth marks on the straws and the cups were 52 obvious. Page


We arrived at San Jose and I wasted no time getting to the hangars where I suspected the aircraft were. The hangar belonged to a FBO (Fix Base Operation) by the name of Copesa.

Costa Rica does not have a military per se but you would never know it because the general and soldiers in fatigue green uniforms denied me access to the hangar or any facilities. I left the soldiers and walked into the airport fire dept. co-located with the control tower. I met one of the chief fire fighters and developed a good impression. He made it possible for me to sneak into the hangar at night with flashlight and seek the aircraft in crates.

I found nothing and together with the tower personnel discovered the Sandinistas had taken the aircraft to Managua Nicaragua to assemble and use in their war with the Contras. I returned to the FBO Copesa to discover that the Sandinistas owed Copesa a large sum of money for the overhaul of machinery, generators and automotive equipment to the tune of about $500,000 US dollars.

My plan was simply pay this bill in exchange for the aircraft and the Sandinistas refused this offer. I then flew to Managua and landed in the middle of a war zone with foxhole gun emplacements and guns and soldiers everywhere at the Airport. I was run out of town by gunpoint at the airport and was on the same departing airplane I flew in on.

I was already devising a plan to steal the airplanes!

Everyone south of the US border is for sale in the same applies in Nicaragua. It was my plan to pay the Sandinistas to steal the aircraft and return them to Costa Rica where I would assemble them and form a squadron of fellow pilots to fly them to Houston Texas.

These airplanes where armed with full ordinance and flew at 500 mph. The Sandinistas had nothing fast enough to catch us or even shoot us down. Even if they did we could just turn the airplane around and the fight would be over.

I had pretty much everything in place when I was notified by the Costa Rica San

Jose control tower that further research revealed that the Sandinistas had

53 assembled the aircraft and tried to fly them killing the pilots and destroying the airplanes. Page


I was not ready to give up on Central America and Airplanes. I discovered numerous F-4U Corsairs in Honduras and just missed them by weeks. They were supposedly purchased by Universal Studios for the “Ba Ba Blacksheep” TV series.

So close yet my quest continued to the Dominican Republic where a flight line of P-51’s existed with ground start units and polished good as new. I was run off the base and discovered the aircraft were traded by the US Government in exchange for T-29 (Tweetie Bird) Training aircraft.

I began to canvas the world for WWII warplanes and settled on Russia where, when allied with the United States were given 5500 P-41 Bell King Cobra’s.

It was impossible for me to get into Russia during the Cold War and the closest I could get was Hungary.

This was a fascinating trip and my first to an (East Block) country of the Soviet Union. I recall the difficulty at the airport on gaining entry into the most westernized country of the USSR. I was allowed entry because my Canadian girlfriend was actually Hungarian and had family there.

The coins were all aluminum and worth nothing. I could ride the train for 3 cents and buy beautiful cotton long underwear for 25 cents. I had to check in with the police department and if any Hungarian had conversation with me, that person had to go report to the police all that was said.

It was truly and amazing visit and the train cars were mostly made of wood. I crossed the Danube River to view the huge government building with a big lighted red star. The food was wonderful but the people were as cold as the weather because of government suppression.

I could get nowhere close to discovering where these aircraft might be and left with only the memories I have shared with you. Only later on a visit to Moscow after the cold war was I even able to get close.



I was originally hired by Ozark Airlines while living in Sun Valley. In my opinion, this is the most perfect ski mountain in the world and had many friends there. I survived building house with a fellow professional ski racer, Ken Corrock. I pounded nails in the summer and coached skiing in the winter. It was wonderful and totally stress free. I became friends to Clint Eastwood and enemy to Marjo Gortner. I don’t know how to spell his name. As a matter of fact, I didn’t even know who he was until our encounter and his jealousy over his girlfriend, Laura Golder. Apparently Marjoe was in the movie “EARTHQUAKE” and Laura was some actress, Playboy Bunny or Goupie. I don’t know but here’s what happened.

Many mornings I would be first on the lift and ride up with the Ski Patrol so I could run Downhill down Warm Springs Run from top to bottom. This was about a 2 mile run with a virtual free fall in the middle third of the run. Speeds of 80 miles per hour were not uncommon and I rode a pair of Atomic Arc 225 cm. Downhill skis that was similar to AMTRACK.

Before the freefall section was a CAT-TRACK where the grooming equipment and easy way down cut across. This served as a launch pad for about 100 yards of air before contacting the snow again. Careful not to get literally launched, the downhiller must pre-jump or absorb the ridge and limit air. For a ski racer, it is faster to keep the skis on the snow than to fly through the air. Even with a pre- jump, I would remain airborne for some 100 yards before touching down.

I conducted these runs before any skiers appeared for the obvious. To my surprise on one sunny morning, I dove into this fall and while airborne, noticed 2 skiers in my periphery. They were well below me and off to my right and in no way would I have collided with them. I continued with several more runs and beat the chairlift in all cases.

I backed off and behaved normally when, while waiting with a friend to catch the next chair, up skis Marjoe and his girlfriend. Marjoe was visibly upset and carrying on about the event but I heard nothing of what he said. I could not take my eyes off his beautiful girlfriend and it was mutual.

Whatever was said by Marjo, I don’t know exactly. I just caught the next chair and that was that. At the end of the same ski day, I went directly to the Elevation 6000, 55 Bar and Restaurant where live performances by the likes of Steve Miller Band was Page


performing to a small audience. Steve Miller, Clint Eastwood, Lucille Ball and a laundry list of other celebrities had homes. It was not uncommon to encounter them everywhere and these people could maintain private lives in Sun Valley without all the attention.

So here I enter the Elevation 6000 and someone was on-stage performing and all the lights were down. I was having trouble adjusting to the dark when I was grabbed by my arm and seated at a table in the front row. The lady who grabbed my arm was named Louis. I never knew her last name but she hosted many party’s. On one such party, I first met her guest Clint Eastwood and we discussed his latest film at the time “FIREFOX”.

Now I am here to say that Clint Eastwood is a humble and complete gentleman and also a good skier. He was seeing Sandra Locke at the time and Clint and I got along great and I was even honored to be a guest at his home for a Christmas dinner. I gave ski lessons to Sandra who is also I fine person and have nothing but fond memories and great things to say about these people.

Marjoe and I on the other hand, did not hit it off very well and who would be seated with Louis at the same table but Marjoe and Laura. Louis made the introduction and I replied that we had already met. Marjoe was very cordial and went on about his next project or something while I was again interested in Laura. I was wearing a Air Force flight suit with all the zippers and pockets. Laura reached under the table and found her way into one of the zippers and I enjoyed her interest and excused myself for the men’s room. I fled the table in the dark of the room because my erection would be obvious if and when the lights came on.

While standing at th4e urinal waiting for the thing to go down, the men waiting behind me happened to be seated at the table directly behind me and witnessed the entire event. We exchanged words on the matter and laughed until I relaxed.

I then left the men’s room and while passing the ladies room, the ladies room door open and a woman, Laura grabbed my arm and rushed me into a stall and closed its door. She began with an explanation how Marjoe had her watched by some guy

named George and then handed me a paper with her telephone number. I told her she has lived in Hollywood too long and made it clear that we were to leave the 56 ladies room separately and not be seen together. I then walked out first and entered Page


the restaurant/theater with all lights on. That show was over as another was about to begin.

Marjoe was facing and looking directly at me holding open a fur jacket, I looked to my side and there was Laura walking with me. Marjoe was not happy and I felt his anger with us both. It was St. Patrick’s Day, March 17 th of 1989. I remember the date because I was a guest at the house of Clint Eastwood and had a discussion with Clint, expressing an interest in the film industry. Clint gave me wise advice, He said “Remain an Airline Pilot”. Thank you Clint Eastwood!

I have nothing but wonderful memories of Sun Valley and consider it home in so many ways. McCloud and I were re-united in Idaho and had family in Twin Falls, Idaho, a mere 75 miles south of Sun Valley. While reminiscing about these years, I will share some of these with you now and not necessarily in any order.


McCloud had left his position as Lift Electrician at Sun Valley for the same line of work at Grand Targhee Ski area at Driggs, Wyoming. I remained in Sun Valley and would commute to Targhee for the great powder skiing.

The winters became very long at both Sun Valley and even longer at Targhee. When the skiing tourist left Ketchum/Sun Valley, we as locals would travel to Lake Powel for a two week houseboat cruise that included ski-boats, Para Sails and Accu-Float slalom courses

The date of the cruise was May 11 th on this particular year and the group numbered 24 or more. It was a co-ed group and the admiral was a guy everyone called GONZO. We had at least 3 60’ houseboats loaded to the gunnels with booze and provisions and Gonzo had a freestanding mountaineering tent on the top deck of the point houseboat. We were reserved to depart Bull-Frog at the head of Lake Powell and on May 11 th and McCloud and I departed Targhee only one day before. It was snowing and we were taking McCloud’s Honda V65Magna motorcycle.

Riding motorcycles in snow can be somewhat challenging but we were not to be

57 denied this cruise. Page


It was cold an d the snowing soon gave way to clear skies and even colder desert nights. The further south we progressed it became quite comfortable in temperature but not riding the motorcycle.

My back was killing me and I came up with the idea that we should sit back to back. This was a brilliant idea as we relied on each other as backrests and I remember a facing backwards with my feet on the signal lights and speeding down the moonlit desert highway at 80mph.

Eventually I could no longer keep awake during my shift and we parked the bike and slept in the desert dirt. After the rest we continued to Bull Frog and arrive only hours before heading down river.

Our boats were flying the Jolly Roger and decorated with palm leaves. We were all less than half dressed and began launching water balloons by human slingshot. A human slingshot is a one gallon bucket connected by four long heavy surgical bands.

It requires 3 persons to operate. Two to man the surgical bands and serve and anchors between the third who draws back the bucket loaded with the water balloon or whatever one chooses to launch.

With a little practice both range and accuracy improves to where we were able to deliver the balloon the aft door or hatch of an unsuspecting boat.

I remember specifically a tour boat with the upper-deck benches filled with tourist in floral shirts and cameras. At first our flotilla must have been fun for them to photograph. They probably even witnessed our random firing on other boats. I am guessing this boat was 200 yard off our side and we turned fire on this boat.

The first shot went over their boat and amazed at our range, they all scattered below as we pummeled the boat with water balloons.

It was hilarious to watch them scramble below and great fun to test our marksmanship. We were so proud and developed a reputation on the Lake that would soon come to haunt us.

58 One day while refueling at Dangling Rope Marina a smaller Tug style Fire boat with Water Cannon steamed into the harbor and opened fire on us. I was the law Page


and we were outlaws. They made it very clear that we were cease these acts of terror or the consequences will be more that a water cannon. That was the end of that!

Shortly after we arrived at our campsite I heard gunshots and climbed the rocks to see their source. Lying in the prone position on was Gonzo in with field glasses or binoculars and several high powered rifles with scopes. He was firing into the distance rocks at what appeared to be nothing. I called out what was he shooting at and he indicated I should hush and approach low and slow. I crawled up to his side from also the prone position as a soldier would from manhole to manhole. When I reached his side, he handed me the binoculars and I peered into the distance. And there it was!

Gonzo had set up a battlefield with little plastic army green military men like GI Joe’s and was apparently a one man army at war with these little plastic men.

The remainder of the Lake Powel cruise was one crazy such experience after another and I must say it deserves more than mention. It could probable be several chapters if I felt like continuing in this direction. I don’t but so many of my friends from Sun Valley could probably remember enough fill a library with memories of that single trip.


This was unquestionably one of the greatest moments of my life. My dream had become reality after a rigorous 4 interview process and surviving against candidates or applicants with more qualifications than even myself.

I remember driving nonstop to St. Louis in my van and screaming at the top of my lungs with joy and sense of accomplishment. All of the years of work and training

and fortune spent made my dream come true. 59 Page


It was truly like nothing else I had ever experienced and I feel it today nearly 34 years later. Little was I aware how tremendously my life would change and prove to be some of the most wonderful and turbulent experiences beyond any I had ever imagined.

It begins with a Class Date (which in the airline industry becomes your Date of Hire or Seniority Number). Everything as a pilot or crewmember is based on this seniority number. Everything from what flight schedule you choose, what aircraft your seniority can hold, when you board while flying Non Revenue or on a pass, vacation terms and dates desired and most important, Pay.

This number is carried throughout your entire career and can make the difference between working or furloughs (layoff during difficult financial periods), common in the airline world. A difference of one person can be where the line is drawn and cut is made. Mergers are commonplace in the Airlines and how the Seniority Lists are merged together again make this number pivotal.

In my case, when hired by Ozark Airlines, I was given a choice of class dates and I was aware of the importance of this number and seized the first available class. This date would be January 23, 1979.

Ozark Airlines has the sound of some Hillbilly airline when in-fact ultimately became the largest DC-9 fleet airline in the world. Although only a Regional Airline in the beginning, Ozark grew into a Trunk Carrier (meaning coast to coast) with one of the best safety records with a training syllabus that was adopted by the FAA later with a merger between Ozark and TWA.

The training was most rigorous and the failure rate was probably higher than most of the other major airlines.

I remember having to sign a Letter of Resignation at hire stating if my grade point average at any time fell below 75 %, I resigned. This letter was not to be taken lightly because I witnessed a classmate disappear and never be seen again after a 74 % grade on a single written exam.

After all the years of struggle to get a seniority number with any airline, I was not

60 about to blow it all by busting out of training. I attended class 8 hours daily for seemingly countless months and after class, returned to my apartment and prepared Page


macaroni and cheese with corn and tuna and watch Hogans Hero’s on TV. This was my only free hour. Next stop was a library where I went to study the material without distraction.

Training has changed drastically today from my introduction to the airline training. At the time I started, as pilots, they trained as mechanics. There were actually mechanic instructors teaching the class. They would teach us wiring diagrams of the airplane and all the systems of mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and pneudraulic, airframe, power plant, air conditioning, basically everything from the Radar Nose Cone (RADOME) to the toilet operation in the tail.

This did not begin to touch on the Airline Operation Manual, FOP (Flight Handbook) and FAR’s (Federal Aviation Regulation) to be followed by the SIM (Simulator training).

If this all sounds exhausting, it is because it was and was intended to be. The airline began with the intention of hiring Captains, not FO’s (First Officers) or FE’s (Flight Engineers). Ozark would not hesitate to fire a trainee regardless of how much money and effort was invested because there was no shortage of potential replacements

Ozark Airlines had its own simulator. The simulators or all airlines then and now are full motion and visuals that are computer generated and combined with the motion and even generated weather conditions, simulate the aircraft and conditions with such reality, the pilot can leave the simulator and board the real airplane and fly it away full of passengers. This is how real the simulators compare to the real airplane. We always used to say if the airline could carry passengers with the simulators, they would!

The only problem Ozark had in pilot training was only one simulator. This meant that the real aircraft was used for training when not in passenger service during daytime and regularly scheduled hours.

As trainees, we would train in the actual aircraft at midnight through four or five in the morning and perform all the stalls and maneuvers, simulated engine failures on

takeoff and a myriad of flight maneuvers necessary to pass proficiency and what 61 we would experience on the line. Page


Once all this training is complete and satisfactory, the pilot is released to the line and begins his probationary period of one year. In other words “Once you think you’re finally safe from being fired, you’re not”. This probationary year entails flying with captains that complete Probationary Reports on the pilot and any poor performance could get you fired. This could include taking interest in the captain’s girlfriend flight attendant.

I was the most junior in Seniority in my class as determined by date of birth. As a consequence, I was sent to the Chicago O’Hare Airport base that was not a consequence but a gift. The consequence was that I always received my last choice of flight schedules and had to fly with the least desired captain. A monster of a character that was also a control freak and line check pilot that let it go to his head. He knew the book and believed that no-one could possibly fly the airplane better than he. He was also the Stalin of Captains and put an end to the airline career s of numerous Probationary First Officers before and after me.

I was not adverse flying with this Captain because, I knew that if I could survive him, I could survive anything. I also learned the type of Captain that I (DID NOT) want to be.

This guy was terrible. A pilot could not sit correctly in the airplane and received constant drilling and testing of engine and aircraft parameters and performance. It was aerial boot camp with a drill sergeant that I often times wanted to kill. I was the pity of my peers and (My Day) finally came when I was flying the planed and on approach and landing at Peoria, Illinois Airport.

The Operations Manual with regard to flying the airplane refers to the pilot flying (PF) and the Pilot Not Flying (PNF). The duties of the pilot flying are obvious, Fly the plane. The PNF follows the commands of the PF such as GEAR UP and other various functions that would distract from flying the airplane. Talking on the radio and all communications with ATC is the responsibility of the PNF. All communications without exception

On this severe clear day on approach to Peoria airport, I was the PF and the

Captain the PNF. This monster Captain quizzed me on the downwind to runway 30 of I could land on runway 4. I immediately thought there was a hook in this 62 Page


question and began to review my runway landing Plate for weight limitations and length.

He stopped me as asked the same question wondering if I had the skill to land on a runway that I had to make an immediate 80 degree turn and fast descent to accomplish. I was certain I could perform this and answered yes! He informed the Control Tower our change of runway and I turned and banked the airplane called for the landing “Gear Down” and proceeded to land the airplane on RWY 4. This Captain was so busy trying to coach my approach that he failed in his responsibility to communicate with the Tower.

I was aware of an aircraft holding short of the on the runway we were originally intending to land. Unlike the Captain, I was completely aware of and listened to all clearances given to this aircraft that could have cause a disaster if it was cleared to take off while we were landing on an intersecting runway. I would have never allowed this to imperil the flight but I allowed this Captain to neglect his responsibility. The problem would soon prove to be his!

I landed the airplane is if it were painted on the runway and in the landing roll, the Tower advised the Captain that he Landed Without Clearance. To land without clearance is about as bad a violation any pilot can perpetrate. I could immediately see sweat leak down the side of his face as he asked me, “Were we Cleared to Land”? I replied that I was flying the airplane.

The captain was instructed to immediately to telephone the tower from the terminal after parking the airplane. What a joyous moment this was for me. I closed my fist and bent my arm and said yea as this Captain went into the terminal with tail between legs. It was great but was to follow was not.

I was flying a Fokker Fairchild 227 Aircraft. This was my first airline transport category and entry level aircraft at Ozark. I later went on in my career to fly jumbo jets but I would never have traded these humble beginnings.

The Fairchild was a 50 passenger Turbo prop aircraft with Rolls Royce Dart engines. It was a nice and fast aircraft for its class and the avionics where

excellent. Jet engines and turbine engines like the Rolls Royce Darts require air 63 carts to start. The air gets the engine compressor spools turning and when Page


sufficient compression is achieved, fuel and ignition is added and the engine is running. When the ground start cart is unavailable, the APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) is most commonly used.

The APU is essentially a small jet engine with gearbox attached that provides everything the main engines do but at a do not produce significant thrust. Their purpose is like that of a generator on a boat or motor-home. Electric and air- conditioning when not connected to shore or ground power,

The APU has the pneumatic air feature to start the engine without the need of a start cart on the ground. When boarding a commercial airliner, as a passenger, you can hear the APU jet engine located in the tail section of the aircraft that is providing all the electrical and air-conditioning demands of the airplane without plugged into the ground at the gate.

This is why on push back from the gate at departure, everything goes dark and air flow stops as the APU is being redirected to start one of how many engines are on the airplane. Once the engines are started, the APU is no longer necessary and is shut down.

On this day parked at the Peoria airport with the Captain Bluebeard was in on the phone to the tower, I took the opportunity to use the toilet in the back of the airplane. We had an APU on the Fairchild and I was virtually seated on the toilet directly in front of it when it failed.

This was a problem Peoria had no ground start cart and it was essential that the Battery Switches (normally left on) are immediately turned off in the event of APU failure. This action is to insure the possibility of engine start by battery through the gearbox of the turbine engine. Every second counts following this failure because the drain of the batteries is so great that the action must be just short of immediate.

The timing could not have been worse! There I was with my pants around my ankles at the very back of the plane, swing the door open while pulling up my pants, pushing flight attendants out of my way and running forward to the cockpit to turn off the two overhead Battery Switches. I did it in Olympic record time.

Unbeknown to me and simultaneous with my run forward, Captain Bluebeard was 64 leaving the terminal building and returning to the airplane only to notice two Page


things. First the sound of no APU and second, the Navigation or wingtip lights on. His first thought was that I had neglected to kill the battery switches and we would be unable to start the airplane.

Bluebeard was furious and began screaming at me like a 12 year old stepchild. The then noticed that the battery switches were turned off and we were able to get the engines started. I then had to listen to how it was my fault that we failed to receive clearance to land. His premise was that it was my responsibility to insure he not miss such an important clearance. He refused to let me fly any of the remaining legs of the flight and I can’t remember when I ever flew with Captain Bluebeard again. I do believe he was violated and not only spent some time on the beach as we say, without pay, but also lost his status as Line Check Airman. How rich was that experience I cannot begin to share.


As a probationary First Officer as based by Ozark Airlines at Chicago O’Hare international Airport! I somehow survived this place without being fired thanks to another Chief Pilot of my liking Captain Charles Kessler. As a pilot, the airline could never fire me for performance, on time and flight proficiency.

Outside of the airline they could have got me because of one stupid act that I was fortunately able to avoid arrest. I was renting a room from a high school friend and neighborhood friend we called Paco. He and his wife were living in the suburb of Chicago by the name of Hanover Park. He actually lived on Lake St. or Hwy 20 in a farm house on several acres.

I owned a Yamaha YZ400cc two stroke motorcycle that was wicked fast and fun to ride. It was a full on motor-cross bike but too big for even Yamaha Team Rider and World Champion Bob Hurricane Hannah. I know this for sure because I knew him from Sun Valley and he told me the perfect size motorcycle for any man in a two stroke is 250cc.

Too bad because it was too late and I already had this monster motorcycle in

65 Chicago at the house of Paco. Next to the farm house was a field and Moto-cross Page


track that I practiced routinely. With respect this motorcycle could be tamed but unbridled was like nothing I ever rode before.

On a certain day while enjoying the bike and track, I noticed I was late for an appointment with a fellow pilot who lived about a mile away in the neighboring neighborhood. The smart move would have been to return to the house, changed clothes and arrive late for this appointment. I failed to do the smart thing and left the field on this full-on motocross bike with the idea of riding over to his house to apologize for being late and I then would return to change and head out.

When I say full-on motocross bike, I am not just referring to performance. I am referring to equipment. This bike was not in the least bit road equipped or legal. The only plate on the bike was intended for a race number and not registration or a license plate.

No sooner had I jumped the curb onto the street when a police car was in pursuit with lights flashing and siren screaming. The smart thing to do would (considering I was a probationary First Officer) have been to pull over and take a citation from the Hanover Park Police and return to the dirt. Again, I did not do the smart thing and acted on my instincts from fleeing the Red Wing Police when back in high school.

I fled at light speed and went through numerous gears before the front wheel even touched the road. The police were in hot pursuit and (I’m sure) loved that sort of thing and so did I!

Then my Adrenalin kicked in and I rode that bike like Hurricane Bob Hannah and I was absolutely certain the police could never catch me. I continued east for 6 or 8 blocks and took a quick look behind at the police in serious pursuit. I then took a right south (on my friend’s street) for two blocks and (Rob Bedows) was seated on the front step awaiting my appointed arrival. With the police rounding the turn only two blocks behind, I told Rob I was a little busy at the moment and would return. I then took the next immediate left and cut through the large lawn of the corner house and was now again headed east.

I looked back and to my surprise, the police also cut the corner through the lawn. I 66 continued another block and cut the corner of the next lawn and was headed north. Page


Looking back the police did the same. I was then only two blocks away from my return route to the field or a left turn and ride west. I made the left while looking in both directions for traffic when I noticed a second police car in pursuit from my right or to the east and still several blocks away.

I turned west and was on the same road I initially travelled and was being pursued by 2 Hanover Park police. This was the summer of 1979 and perhaps a record exists of this encounter. I had the feeling of home free as soon as I jumped the curb and went into the field of dirt and bumps.

I flew through that field and climbed to its highest point and stopped to see what direction the police would take to make my next escape move. Both police cars entered the field and were bouncing up and down in relentless pursuit. Clearly they were very serious and to be caught at that time was unthinkable.

Unfortunately I was only several hundred yards from the farmhouse of Paco. It was obvious I could not lead them there so I took off across Lake ST Hwy 20 and went tearing through a corn field. It must have been later in the summer because this corn was taller than me as I blazed a trail through the full length of the field and into the town of Streamwood. I then made a big sweeping arc to the right and crossed Hwy 20 for a second and came in the farmhouse from the opposite direction and immediately hid my bike in the garage and myself in the house.

I told Paco if the police come looking for someone on a motorcycle, tell them you never saw a thing. I waited in the house when a police car came up our driveway and Paco went out to speak to the officer and the squad car left.

Such relief you cannot believe. I then changed cloths at returned to my appointment with rob by automobile. He said it was quite the chase scene and we discussed how stupid I was to have fled and risking my job as an airline pilot. I many years later told my (Retired) Chief Pilot Chuck Kessler) about the incident and he said even he could not have saved me from being fired for that act. He also informed me that he lived in Streamwood and his son would routinely ride motocross in the same field and the police would lie in waiting for anyone leaving

the dirt.

67 Page



The summer of 1979 turned to fall when along came the dreaded Furlough (Layoff). This is where Seniority numbers and Class dates become important. The cutoff was the class above me. In other words my entire class and any junior were furloughed in what was to be several years. My class had not even completed probation. This would continue if and when we returned to work.

I retained Pass Privileges on the Airline and Hung onto my ID and decided to take one last vacation and fly to Xtapa Zejuantenajo , Mexico. Ozark did not fly there, so I decided to go on a Non-Rev Pass I purchased on Frontier Airlines. This again was a space available ticket and through our interline agreements.

I chose a flight that departed St. Louis with the first stop in Denver. The next stop was Albuquerque, New Mexico and on to Xtapa Zajauntinajo .

I was aware that it was a full flight on Frontier to Denver but decided to wait to the last minute for any open seat.

The Agent approached me after the plane was board and said the only empty seat was in First Class and was purchased by Mrs. Ethyl Kennedy (wife of Robert F. Kennedy) Mrs. Kennedy was campaigning for Teddy Kennedy in the election of 1980 and she and her entourage bought up the entire First Class section of the airplane.

I asked the agent to tell her my name and I was the ski racer from Sun Valley where the Kennedy family for decades had visited and skied.

The agent returned and said Mrs. Kennedy welcomed me to join them in First Class.

Footnote: I failed to mention that another wonderful and famous person I met while seated in the first class section of Ozark was a young Dalai Lama. We spoke

for several hours of the flight and it was for sure enlightening. 68




On the Frontier Flight I sat next to Mrs. Kennedy and another wonderful Woman named Mrs. Dorthy Tuberty from New Zealand. Mrs. Kennedy after some conversation invited me to her home in Mc Clean, Virginia at the Chain Bridge Road address. She asked me to serve as a sort of Governor of the house and teach the boys water skiing, tennis and go sailing with the Senator at the Cape. I explained that I had a toy company that I was starting and working on the proto- type and knew nothing about being a house Governor.

She said I could help prepare for her daughter Courtney’s wedding and help look after Douglas, Rory, Max and Christopher. These were her children at home at the time she was on the campaign trail. I hesitated to say yes and she wrote the address of the house on her letterhead notepad and told me it was the only house on the street with a red door!

We continued on to Albuquerque where she and her group deplaned and so did I. This time the flight was completely booked to Mexico and I caught the next flight to Minneapolis and the Home of Cliff and Daisy Whitehill.

Clifford Whitehill and his family lived in Chanhassen, Minnesota and served as Senior Vice President of the Legal Counsel for General Mills,. I met Cliff many years earlier and taught his son Scott and daughter Alicia how to ski on both water and snow.

Cliff took an interest in my Professional Ski Racing Career and co-signed a loan to get me started. I was also invited to stay with them at their home on Lotus Lake while on furlough and work on the toy company ambition.

After getting bumped off the Mexico flight at Albuquerque, I returned to Minneapolis and the Whitehill home in Chanhassen. Daisy Whitehill was frantic and excited with news that she had received a call and I was to guess, (From Who)? My guess was Mrs. Robert F. Kennedy and I was correct. Daisy was

already making arrangements for my departure assuming I already accepted the

69 invitation to go. When I said I wasn’t sure I wanted to accept the invitation, she looked at me like and alien and ask, was I crazy. Page


You must understand that Daisy Whitehill and I have as much in common as I and Betty Crocker. Daisy saw this as an incredible opportunity for me and I say it as a distraction from my juvenile toy furniture objective project “CHAIRPLANE”.

I put CHAIRPLANE on hold and went that summer to the Kennedy home to give it a try. I was a hot and humid summer and the house was great and I was given a guest room in the highest point in the house.

Ethyl was correct in her description as the only big white house on Chain Bridge Road with a red door that was impossible to miss. The back yard was really a masterpiece with tennis court, swimming pool and a Cabana bigger than most homes. Most interesting to me was a beautiful mature Oak Tree with a tree house fashioned after the Red Baron Bi-plane and a long cable that stretched a hundred feet over the yard towards the Cabana and pool.

The purpose of the cable was to bail out like Snoopy from the tree-house and ride the cable with a wheel and two handles attached. Although in need of serious repair, it was still pretty cool. Dinner was always in the dining room or out on the back patio below these magnificent trees. The staff of cooks and waiters prepared everything and Mrs. Kennedy always played mind games with the children at dinner to encourage thought and study. She was really an amazing woman and has my greatest respect. I will be best remembered for rebuilding the Red Baron Tree House to where you thought a real airplane crashed in the tree.

I told Ethyl while helping her unpack after picking her up from Washing National Airport that I wanted to return to Minnesota and get on with the my project. She understood and wished me well and I returned to the Whitehill residence.


Never had I met a lady more beautiful than Deb McCary. She was Grace Kelley gorgeous and a neighbor when I lived the Whitehill family in Chanhassen Minnesota. I had a crush on this girl and we played tennis and hung out when I

wasn’t busy with my CHAIRPLANE invention. 70 Page


My nature is to focus completely on a pursuit of anything and was totally immerse in the CHAIRPLANE and not in pursuit of Debbie McCary.


United States had just beaten the Soviet Union Hockey Team at the Lake Placid Olympic games of 1980 and a movie ‘MIRACLE” followed with Kurt Russell Acting as coach. The movie is worth seeing and actors were cast to play the parts of the 20 man team representing the USA. One of those 20 and star performer and skater was Rob McClannahan. He and Deb had met and wed and Rob had just been signed by the NHL Buffalo Sabers professional team.

That was the last I ever saw of Debbie McCary and when I returned after a number of years, I stopped in to visit her parents only to discover Debbie died of brain cancer. That was devastating and heartbreaking.

While on the subject of heartbreaks, I would mention Laurie Hanson who was my for real girlfriend in the year that years that followed and I was sharing the rent of a house in Hopkins Minnesota. I was just short of engaged to Laurie and loved her enough to marry her. My roommate in the Hopkins house was Mike Trow and we met while skiing on Lotus Lake in Chanhassen Minnesota only 20 minutes from Hopkins.

When I wasn’t waterskiing in Minnesota in the summers, I was snow skiing at Sun Valley Idaho in the winters. On one winter when dating Laurie, I was doing my daily run in 20 below temperature in the mountains when I called home to Laurie who lived in Edina Minnesota.

I always looked forward to our calls and this particular call was not one of them! Laurie informed me she was with Mike. I said not Mike Trow! She said yes and I couldn’t come up with anything to say other than I will call you back!

After taking the time to analyze what had just happened, I called her back told her if she was happier with Mike, then she should be with Mike and I wished them

both the best. I was pretty devastated yet it was the only mature way to deal with it. 71 They both later married and remained my friends for many years to follow. After Page


20 years and two children, they divorced and I had little or no contact with either one of them since.

I was definitely learning lessons in the pain of heartbreak! Unfortunately I wasn’t paying attention to these lessons and they were continued time after time and I am not sure to this day I learned anything.


I went to work immediately on the CHAIRPLANE and built proto-types out of wood at woodworking shop I found locally. I finished the wood model that was so well crafted and authentic, I decided to use it as a production PLUG or the Positive in creating the Negative Castings or Molds to ROTO-CAST the product out of HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) plastic. (There were five pieces to the finished product)

I next located a small one man foundry west of Minneapolis and worked together with its owner to make aluminum castings and frames to rotationally mold this wood product into plastic. I was working in below zero temperatures for several months to create these molds.

Next was to find a rotational molder to create and actual plastic Proto-Type and the finished product was exactly as I had engineered and expected.

I made all the decals by hand with pressure sensitive contact materials with EXACTO knives and developed artwork and logos. With the help of the Legal Department of General Mills I secured patents in 28 countries and their satellites.


The New York Toy Building was located at 200 5 th Avenue in Manhattan. This is the MECCA of Toy merchandisers from around the world. These merchants travel

72 to this event in late January or early February to buy products for the next Christmas Season. Page


Everything in the toy industry and many others is truly all about Christmas! Every company from Mattel to Little Tikes had Showrooms and Offices at 200 5 th Avenue.

Clifford Whitehill graduated top of his class from Harvard Law School and I was his guest at the Harvard Club on 44 th Avenue only several blocks from Times Square!

I n New York you taxi everywhere. Few people have a car in this city of subways and taxis and parking places are at a premium. I took a taxi to the 200 5 th St. Toy Building daily with my CHAIRPLANE in a box and checked it in before browsing around this incredible marketplace.

The Toy Building consumes an entire New York City Block is many stories many stories high consisting of several buildings. I was focused only on companies that manufactured products similar to mine and might be interested in a licensing agreement.

This company was to be Little Tikes with headquarters in Cleveland Ohio. The CEO and founder of the company was a gentleman by the name of Tom Murdough. I first met Mr. Murdough in his New York Toy Building Showroom where he immediately took interest my product and asked if I had shown it to anyone else. I told him I had not and he took possession of the proto-type as we agreed.

Several weeks later Mr. Murdough flew me from my home then in Sun Valley Idaho to the Little Tikes Manufacturing facility located in Cleveland Ohio to discuss options. This all took place while on furlough from Ozark Airlines and I had moved back to Sun Valley.

In the meantime back in Sun Valley I was approached by Mr. Neal Brusche and whatever agreement was discussed between I and Little Tikes was trumped by Brutsche.

Mr. Brutsche was a land developer and businessman who liked the product and

wanted to get into manufacturing. 73 Page


If I lived life over again I would have rejected the offer of $50,000 from Mr. Brutsche and accepted the offer of Little Tikes. (Little Tikes was later bought out by Rubbermaid)

The problem with the Brutsche offer was not entering the industry of manufacturing but rather Product Distribution. It was difficult then and maybe impossible now for a small company like CHAIRPLANE USA to compete. (The buck stops at the Distribution)

With the best product in the world with patents and all that goes with it is worth nothing without a distribution network. When I accepted the offer by Neal Brutsche, I immediately went to work on product improvement and developed the line which included both Jumbo and Junior jet models.

The JUNIOR JET model I made in a Sun Valley garage woodshop (without the luxury of heat) again sub zero temperatures. Mr. Brutsche was busy raising money for advertising, promotion, tooling and the initial production run of the first one thousand units.

We dispensed with rotational molding in favor of Blow Molding. This process is entirely different and the tools (molds) were infinitely more expensive. The reason was about cycle time and mass producing the product in large numbers.

I surprised Neal Brutsche and even myself on how incredible my finished Junior Jet model in wood. The improvements were introduced into a 30 % smaller model with a tray and desk top accessory. My prototype was so authentic that It actually looked like a production model made in plastic.

Unfortunately it was made of wood and not plastic and we were still $250,000 away in tooling costs to even go to market with this version.

We were booked into the New York Toy Fair the same year and near the time I finished the new improved wooden prototype model. The Toy Fair had grown in the 2 years since my first visit and we had a booth at the Sheraton Center up on 50 th Avenue. This location did not discourage the world’s merchants from scouting

around for new products. 74 Page


We had a single page advertisement in the Toy Fair magazine and Mr. Brutsche spent a fortune on a fiber-optic sign and put my wood proto-type on display with the larger production models. Wouldn’t you know it! My product was the hit of the show and I was treated like the next child pariah in the toy industry.

The problem was the demand for the proto-type! Orders licensing agreement requests and inquiries began to stream in from around the world. I got into a conflict with Mr. Brutsche and refused to allow him to take orders for a product that we had not even tooled up for.

In addition were questions some molders and tool makers expressed in the ability to manufacture the new improved model. I dispelled these concerns as we moved forward and successfully tooled up and produced the product. I was a tremendous improvement over the original but came too late.

I was recalled from furlough by Ozark Airlines and Neal Brutsche later died of cancer. I put the brakes on the CHAIRPLANE Company and returned to flying airplanes.


Sometime before my return to Ozark was living on Spring Park Bay on Lake Minnetonka Minnesota and had gone out on several dates with the Channel 5 News Anchor Woman Pat Miles. Pat was a beautiful pixy blonde haired, blue eyed lady that any man would fall for. (I was one of them)

It was a cold night with snow and ice and I was not mature enough to understand Pat Miles as much as she understood me. Her understanding led to the break-up of a relationship that never had a chance to begin. I took it harder as I sat alone at the bar of Chi- Chi’s Mexican restaurant and closed the place down on the cold heartbreaking night.

While drinking a good amount of Dos XX beer the idea occurred to me to take the 7:00 am flight on Texas International Airlines to Cozumel Mexico for a scuba diving get away.

I returned to my Lake Minnetonka house and packed lightly for the early departure 75 and drove to Minneapolis Airport without sleep. I boarded the flight and landed in Page


Cozumel at about 1:00 with an intermediate stop at Houston Intercontinental Airport.

My first stop after arriving Cozumel was to check-in at the Hotel Sol Carribbe followed by crossing the road to a nearby dive shop to sign up for a night dive. I was scheduled on a dive with a group of 5 other divers and depart by pram boat to a dive site about one mile off shore. I then returned to the hotel to sleep and be rested for the night dive.

We were all equipped with underwater lights and glow sticks but it that proved unnecessary because of underwater visibility in excess of 300’ with a full moon. Our dive site was in 80’ of water and the boat-ride was if on a plate of glass. The Ocean was completely placid and calm and the water temperature was 83 degrees and same as the outside air.

We teamed up with partners and began our descent. It was an incredible view the 5 other divers in descent arched positions with moonlight flooding not only the divers but the ocean bottom. Our diving lights were all turned off when I finally touched down on the ocean floor I looked to the surface and saw a perfectly clear moon with craters.

It was one of the most spectacular things I had ever seen! I remembered how less than 24 hours earlier, brokenhearted over a beer in freezing Minneapolis, and there I was standing on the bottom of the ocean with this remarkable experience. I thank Pat Miles to this day for that experience.


I had my greatest success exporting cars from Germany to the USA during my time away from the Ozark Airlines. I shared an apartment with several German friends in Munich. Their names were Thomas Gierling, Eddie and Reiner. Reiner had a beautiful girlfriend Petra, who would later become my wife Petra. Later being 1992.

Petra was a graduate of the University of Munich and was employed by the City of 76 Munich. In addition to working for the city of Munich, she also traveled with Team Page


Toyota Rally Race team and cooked in a motor-home for racers, mechanics, staff and executives of Toyota. They loved her and so did Carlos Seinz. Carlos was to Rally as Schumacher is to Formula 1. Arman Schwartz was the number 2 man on the team and he also loved Petra. Everyone loved Petra and so did I!

The mainstay of my business were cars predating 1069 that did not require DOT Department of Transportation or EPA Environment Protection Agency Conversions. Cars that were necessary to convert and comply with these agencies requirements were referred to as Grey Market Cars and few BMW, Mercedes or Porsche dealerships would service these imports.

The cars I imported were the popular Mercedes 280SL with other older models of all varieties. I actually bought myself a Ferrari 308GT4 and exercised my one time waiver of EPA but had to convert to DOT specifications. I truly only had 2 good days with the car, the day I bought it and the day I sold it!

The exchange rate of US Dollars to Deutsch Marks drove this business and when the exchange rate approached parity, the entire business dried up and I had to explore new frontiers of trade. The time I spent in Munich was fantastic drinking plenty of beer went skiing In the mountains of Germany, Austria, France, Italy and Switzerland. Most memorable was a New Year (Sylvester) celebration in Zillertal Austria in a hut with 20 or 30 other Germans,


The hut was without heat or electricity and was one of several structures on a Pig Farm. To get to the Hut, we had to cross a 2 x 10 twisted plank that bridged a creek of pig shit that ran down from the sty. The Stench was indescribable and the single board bridge plank would tip to one side when crossing because of a twist in the lumber. Once aware of this peril, we could carry (cage) case after case of bier to the hut in preparation for ringing the New Year. Champaign, sleeping bags, lanterns and candles were also part of our provisions.

A ski lift passed directly over the hut and we were far enough away from the pig

77 stink but in full view of the plank/bridge. The nigh was one to remember for lifetime. So much fun and laughter until lights out and shutters closed. We slept in Page


the upstairs level of this hut and when morning came, we opened all the shutters and the sun filled the room waking all survivors of the night before.

It was great to lay in a warm sleeping bag and look and the beautiful countryside that was surprisingly, without snow. It was a dry winter that year but many hikers would ride the chairlift to the top of the mountain and hike down. Such was the case for a family of four. Mother and Father followed by daughter and son, in full Bavarian dress with the exception of the Mother with her snow white Parka.

Our entire group watched these hikers come down and stop when they encountered the plank/bridge over the river of pig shit. First the Father began to cross and was caught surprised by the tilting plank and nearly fell in. We were all speechless and in anticipation of what would follow. Next the boy proved to be athletic and anticipated the surprise tilt as did the daughter.

The mother wasn’t so fortunate. She made it 50% across when the planked twisted and spilled her face first in white jacket into the shit. The hut roared with laughter and she stunk so bad we nearly had to close the shutters.

How cruel could we be to allow this?

Perhaps this is why the Germans have such a proclivity for war. I have to admit that I am 50% German and the other 50% Irish. This must explain why I laughed with them all and found it hilarious.


I met NFL Minnesota Vikings Linebacker Number 55 Jeff Siemon after performing barefoot ski acts at a fund raiser and we struck up a friendship that led to my living in his home with wife Dawn and the children.

Jeff Siemon was the longest standing professional football player on the Minnesota Vikings with eleven years. This is quite remarkable considering all the trading and

injuries of players in the game of football. 78 Page


Jeff Siemon was one of the “Purple People Eaters” along with Alan Page, Carl Eller, Matt Blair and Fran Tarkenton to name only a few.

The Siemon family was truly a model family and they treated me as part of it. I continued physically training as I did while on the World Professional Skiing Circuit, My name came up before the Cystic Fibrosis Fund raising committee following my several hundred mile Muscular Dystrophy run to Milwaukee Wisconsin the previous year.

The IDS Tower was the tallest building in Minneapolis with 52 floors. I was routinely ran repetitions of stairs at a 12 story building near General Mills in Golden Valley Minneapolis. I became very strong and fast vaulting 2 and 3 steps at a time and literally ran up and down the 12 story building with twelve consecutive repetitions from top to bottom.

The IDS DASH was a fund raiser that finished at top floor and greeted these great and famous Minnesota Vikings.

Jeff and his fellow players entered the elevator about the same time I began to lead the other stair climbers. I arrived at the top floor well ahead of the second place runner and just after the team left the elevator. Jeff was amazed on how quickly I climbed the 52 story building and I am sure the memory sticks even today.


After my recall from the Ozark Airlines furlough and completing my probationary one year term, I then became a Union member of the Air Line Pilots Association. (ALPA)

I was based in St. Louis and was trained flying the DC-9 and bid reserve as much as possible.

The word BID is the term used by crewmembers in a monthly effort of proffering our personal choices for the hundreds of different Lines of Time. There were out

and back one day flights, Two, three four five six and even seven day flights.. 79 Page


Destinations, departure times, weekends off, personal business, holidays as the list goes on and on regarding personal individual preferences. The Seniority number would determine the crewmembers chances of getting their choices in the order of choices proffered.

We flew an average of 75 hours per month. This number is deceptive because to fly 75 hours meant sometimes being away home and family for hundreds of hours. I mentioned earlier that so many pilots commuted to Florida, California and other places they preferred to live rather than St. Louis.

Being a junior pilot, I often ended up on reserve due to my lack of seniority and needed a crash pad apartment or what we called a crew zoo. In the early years while sitting on-call Reserve, we were not even allowed beepers and had to remain within 2 hours of the airport. Later beepers and finally cell phones changed the reserve policy.

Reserves are called when another pilot would call in unavailable for whatever reason or the airline was short a pilot. The reserve system did not go without its advantages. If the pilot lived in St. Louis and no reserves were required, pilots would remain at home and may not have to work a single day yet get paid for 72 hours in a 75 hour month.

I seized this opportunity and made the best of living in St. Louis by taking on a boat building project. I always seem to need a project and after the 7 years invested in the CHAIRPLANE, I felt ready for a new project or challenge.


Another 7 year project building a 65’ steel motor-yacht I named Great White not to be confused by my present day boat Great White!

Construction of this boat was a monumental task to be taken on by only myself. I designed and built every detail of this boat from the in deck Jacuzzi hot tub in the bow, to the Correct Craft Inboard Ski Boat on davits at the stern.

80 I was a mini cruise ship weighing nearly 100,000 lbs and was powered by a single Mitsubishi 6 cylinder diesel motor and Onan Generator I purchased in Tampa and Page


Tarpon Springs Florida. I built the boat at the marina located at West Alton Missouri on the main channel of Mississippi River. I transported the diesel engine and generator by a old Dodge Pickup truck I purchased for reason of this transport alone.

I first picked up the generator from Marine Electric in Tampa and continued on to Tarpon Springs to include the engine in this effort. I could barely fit both motors in the bed of the pickup and keep in mind that diesel engines weigh several times more than gasoline engines.

I first loaded the big generator in Tampa Florida and hurried on to Tarpon Springs on the same day.

They loaded the big Mitsubishi at the close of the business day at Tarpon Springs and I began the drive home in the dark of night. I came to the first big arcing turn in the highway when I turned the wheel and nothing happened. Next I noticed my headlights leave the road ahead and begin to light the night sky.

The Tarpon Springs crew had loaded this big diesel just behind the rear axle and the front wheels came off the ground. If I jumped on the brakes the front wheels would have come down and I would be wearing 3000lbs of diesel engines.

I slowed the pickup and eased the front wheels back on the pavement and regained steering. I then slowly proceeded in search of a lift that could move the engines forward and keep all the truck wheels on the ground.

I got very lucky that night and even luckier completing the trip to West Alton without blowing the tires. The truck was beyond its loading limits and I gave the vehicle to a friend after unloading the engines at the boat in West Alton.


I must mention a marine welder who I owe so much beyond the money I paid for his services. His name is Mike Harmon and not only is he a gifted welder but also musician and performer. He played with Allison Krauss and Union Station Band from St. Louis and we had so many hours working together and engineering the

hot tub installation and welding together this boat. 81 Page


I became to be known as the Ark Builder at Ozark and lost many potential girlfriends to the construction of this boat. I simply had no time for anything else and would sometime work days without food or sleep being so focused in completion.

I measured my progress by my materials remaining. To look at the work that was ahead would cause anyone to not even start such a project. Progress was everything and the determination necessary to complete her.

That day of completion did come and it was the coldest November on record sometime in 1984 I think. the Mississippi was 30’ above flood stage and the channel was partially closed with ice. I remained on reserve and the airline seldom called. I sometimes forgot I even was an airline pilot and felt more a boat builder. Actually I was more a boat builder!

My destination with this original and completed Great White 1 was Ft. Myers Florida. To get to Florida meant navigating the complete Mississippi and Gulf of Mexico. My time was running out and to delay departure much longer would have frozen me in West Alton.

I needed crew for this big boat because I had only one single screw or propeller and engine which made her a handful for any boat captain. My youngest brother Dan who is no longer alive and a young Mike Brass (PUG) from West Alton were to be my crew.

I had given the boat one or two sea trials and really not sufficient enough to determine her worthiness for such a long and perilous voyage.

This would come to light later on down river.

Almost immediately after leaving West Alton Marina and entering the Lock and Dam the engine stopped. I was busy in the engine room and was successful in restarting the boat but cannot remember what remedy or what exactly what the problem was.

I can only say we were under way and after leaving Chair of Rocks Lock and Dam

#27, no more it was all freezing cold Mississippi river water between us and the 82 Gulf of Mexico. Page


We first stopped in Kimswick Missouri at a fuel stop called Hoppe’s. To this day it remains the only fuel available for hundreds of miles to follow. It is essentially the last of anything for several hundred miles.

All went well for the most part until we reached Memphis Tennessee and Mud Island Marina.

I was having serious vibrations and suspected having tangled with something submerged and maybe a bent propeller or shaft. I carried a spare stub shaft or part of the two part shaft and a propeller in case of such event.

I called a diver in Memphis to dive down on the boat and remove and replace these parts and there were not many to choose from. I finally reached a man who assured me he had experience with cold water diving and I assured him he had better!

This first diver showed up with a 3/16 th wet suit and I said he was crazy to think he could do this work with such a light weight suit. He was confident and into the water he went. My brother, I and Pug watched as the diver immediately appeared as paralyzed. It was instantaneous and I asked the diver how he was doing. He asked we give him a minute to adjust. 3 or 4 minutes passed and he came out of the water and said it was too cold.

I asked him if he knew of another diver with a Dry Suit ideal for this job. He gave me a name and I called the diver who appeared with a ¼” suit. Again I said it was too cold! He said he could do it and put on his gloves, cap and booties. He then taped a large flashlight to his forearm because the visibility was maybe one foot.

I had the replacement shaft section, propeller and keyway key with instructions to the diver on his mission. I also had tools connected to ropes in the event he dropped anything and sent him down. He slowly worked his way into the water and went under the boat to work. Some time had passed and I could hear all this clanking around and waited for him to surface any minute with the damaged parts.

Finally, I had to pull the diver from the water and ask him the problem.

I then discovered that he had zero mechanical ability and could not accomplish this

5 minute job. I told him to get out of the water and suit and I was going down! 83 Page


My brother and Pug stood in disbelief as I filled the wet suit with hot water, taped the light to my forearm and entered the water. I swear it was as if I were on the Titanic. I had never experienced such cold in my life and was determined to keep this as short a miserable experience as possible. I had the propeller and shaft off in minutes and replaced with the renewed parts in nearly equal time.

I even paid the diver even though he did nothing but endure the torturous cold.

We set out the next day at first light to a point south of Memphis and Mud Island several miles when the engine flex coupling sheared and the boat was rendered powerless in 8 mph current.

We were along the west channel markers or cans of the Mississippi and I had my brother and Pug drop the anchor in a place outside the Barge Tow Boat lane. I had to stop the boat before being swept onto a wing dam of rocks.

The boys drop the anchor but failed to pay attention to the heavy line on the deck behind them. This line would in moments snap tight as 100.000 lbs of boat came down on the set anchor. Fortunately the pilot house of the boat had doors on both sides of the boat with ladders down to the forward deck.

I anticipated the rope tightening across the backs of my brother and Pug and left the pilot house and vaulted down on the deck grabbing both boys by the collar and pulling them backward off they’re feet. A split second later the rope went tight that would have broken them both in two.

I made a living out of identifying potentially dangerous and sometimes life threatening situations and avoiding them. For this reason I am alive today!


We were dead in the water and the night was upon us. I called a friend by the name Eddie Waxler who I had met through Mr. Tom Keys of the Ozark Credit Union. Eddie Waxler owned and operated Mississippi River Tow Boats out of his

shipyard in Memphis. 84 Page


Eddie came to the rescue sending the LUCY WEBFER Towboat we rafted up the Great White to his the side of this big Tow boat and moved my boat to Eddie’s shipyard where I could make repairs.

It was Thanksgiving and I ordered Turkey Diner for me and my crew and in the following days. I then completed repairs to the Great White and continued downriver towards New Orleans.

I fought with the boat and river all the way to New Orleans. I locked up to Lake Pontchartrain and remained several days at the marina on the South Shore. I and my crew went to the French Quarter of New Orleans and celebrated our voyage drinking Hurricanes on Bourbon Street.

It was clear that I had to make modifications to the keel, rudder, drive system and finally saltwater bottom paint before proceeding to Ft. Meyers Florida. This was anticipated to take some time and I relocate the boat to the North Shore of Lake Pontchartrain and Harbor Marina Del Rey, Madisonville, Louisiana.

I then received the call from Ozark Airlines and had to return to St. Louis and answer up to my Chief Pilot regarding my (NO-SHOW) failure to be available when called out on reserve.

It was the first and last No-Show during my entire employment as an airline pilot. I was completely unaware that I was called out on a flight while on reserve and halfway down the Mississippi.

I had grown so accustomed to building boats and seldom hearing from the airline winning me the distinction for the only Ozark to navigate the entire Mississippi while on reserve. Captain Rich Roberts for some reason took pity on my miserable soul and I got away with this major offence. I am sure if I was still on probation I would not have been so lucky.

The merger between Ozark and TWA followed shortly after this infraction and all was forgotten. I continued to live on my boat Great White in Louisiana and commute to St. Louis. I had no idea what trouble awaited me in this merger.



When Ozark merged with TWA Trans World Airlines in the year of 1986, I met a flight attendant by the name of Janette Hostmark. She was a beautiful Norwegian blonde and renting a room in the house of Bob and Katie Spinks. I went on a date with Janette and met both Bob and Katie who were well into their seventies or early eighties. I got along better with old Katie than young Janette and was invited by Katie to move in because Janette was preparing to move out. I needed a commuter apartment in St. Louis since I was then living on a boat in New Orleans and based in St. Louis. She became known as Grandma Katie as I stayed many years and was treated like a grandson. Bob would pick me up at the airport and drive only 2 miles to the house. He would pick me up if only for lunch on my way through STL. Katie did all laundry and prepared all meals. It was wonderful and they were truly beautiful people. They have both since died yet they live in my heart and memory. Katie came from Troy Missouri only 40 miles away and had never been outside of a 50 mile circle from their house. With maybe only a high school education, she was wise, very smart and a hard worker. She did not have complete command of the English language and would confuse words and their meanings. I would never correct her because it was so humorous that I and a friend began to conjure up words that sounded like something that meant something else. Katie would call a chimney a CHIMLEY, an incinerator a INSINUATOR. The Soffit of the house she called the ESOPHIGUS. It was so innocent and fun to hear here interpretations. I had a friend I named Angel who one day was sanding his hardwood floors with a large standup orbital sanding machine. I walked in on him hard at work sanding the floors while Roy Orbison was on the TV. I asked Angel if the machine was a Roy Orbison and from that day forward, we had a new name for the orbiter sander! I dearly loved Grandma Katie and encourage her and Bob to get Passports and did the same for my parents. My parents had never been out of the country and Bob and Katie had never been out of town! I decided to take them on a tour of Europe and this was the longest two week trip I had ever endured. To stay ahead of these seniors and make sure everything was at the right place and time was arduous to say the very least. My mother packed a steamer trunk that had to be reduced by at least 75 %. Same was true for Katie. My mother had a coffee can with a roll of toilet paper in it. She did not realize that they

have toilet paper in Europe. 86 Page


It was the greatest vacation of their lives and I would do it all again for the joy it brought to them!


OZARK and TWA pilots were represented by the same union ALPA (Airline Pilots Association) Merger policy dictated how seniority list were to merged and I learned quickly Union was a self serving organization that weighed the 500 dews paying Ozark membership against the 4000 dew’s paying TWA pilots and Merger Policy went out the window.

It was a shotgun wedding and that left 75% of Ozark pilots at the bottom of the TWA pilot seniority list.

This single act created irreversible dissention between the two pilot groups. TWA owner Carl Iccan not only demanded Ozark pilots accept the terms or be fired! At the same Iccan fired all flight attendants and replaced them with new-hires off the street. St. Louis STL base was a tinderbox so negatively charged that I no longer enjoyed the job. I requested a Leave of Absence without pay or even benefits.

The airline denied my request and I approached the Union. I learned there was no language in the airline manual or the union’s agreement that would allow me a Leave of absence. (So I created one)


I ran for public office and appointed a volunteer campaign manager by the name of Captain Lee Lane. Lee was a fellow pilot at Ozark and enjoyed my idea or concept and asked me what public office did I seek? I said “President of the United States”!

Lee loved it and I acquired a number from the Federal Election Commission.

The central idea was that TWA would have to give me time off to campaign and I wanted to be in position to execute this plan when I could no longer tolerate the 87 working conditions and pull the trigger. I never had the chance because Lee Lane Page


and his wife Lois printed posters “BYERS FOR PRESIDENT” and wallpapered St. Louis airport crew lounges and lavatories.

I then began to receive letters from Chief Pilot Buck Pratt demanding a visit to his office.

I was a commuter at the time and was living aboard a Great White in New Orleans. After completing my flights, I had sometime only minutes to make my commuter flight to New Orleans. The last thing I wanted to do was visit the Chief Pilot and called his office that I was not responsible for the postings and suggested he dismiss the matter.


The Presidential matter was back to haunt me as the front office continued to send me letters. I then continued to respond stating my job performance was not the issue and what I did with my personal life was none of the airlines business. Chief Pilot Buck Pratt retired and things went quiet for a while until his replacement STL Chief Pilot Sal Falucco. Again came a flurry of letters from Falucco and I continued to dismiss them and maintain it was not an airline matter and it in no way affected my performance.


It became so bothersome that I decided to become the first Ozark pilot to leave the STL Domicile and transfer to JFK Domicile. I now had a new Chief Pilot by the name of Wally Moran. I learned from this experience that the position of Chief Pilot was a Fraternal Order and there was no escape.

When I left the St. Louis base after the merger, I did so somewhat under duress because I was assigned to the position of Flight Engineer.

In a commercial airliner the only seats that face sideways are the toilets and that of

the Flight Engineer. This was a rating that I never required because I was a pilot 88 with no interest in this position. Page


In the older commercial jets, there were 3 pilots or crewmembers in the cockpit. Captain,(left seat) First Officer,(right seat) and Flight engineer (side seat) with a panel that controlled, pressurization, hydraulics, electrics, fuel balance, cabin temperature and a long list of other systems. The newer jets wired around this flight engineer to save on payroll and moved the majority of the FE’s instruments to the Captain and FO’s panels.

TWA wrongfully displaced me and many of my fellow pilots to flight engineers. I t was useless to fight TWA on this matter, so I made the best of it and left the DC- 9’s and transferred to JFK to fly Lockheed L-1011. I decided if I’m going to be a flight engineer I was going to WIDE BODY AIRCRAFT and enjoy the best of TWA by going international.

With the exception of retiring Captain Joe Woods, I would be second Ozark pilot to go through the TWA Training Facility in Kansas City, Missouri. TWA busted (fired) Joe Woods and I was cautioned by the Head of the Training department in Kansas City.

To elaborate on this subject, I arrived at the Kansas City hotel and received a surprise call from the Head of their training department. I cannot remember the Captains name, but he had a genuine interest in following my training.

He invited me to dinner and informed me of the casualty Captain Joe Woods. Perhaps he had suspicions that it was another United/Frontier Witch-hunt and wanted me to inform his office of any irregularities.

I then studied and passed all the FAA written examinations necessary before classroom training on the equipment (L1011) and SIM and Check-ride. The written exams were passed with almost perfect scores and classroom results were the same. Then came SIM and Check-ride and again, results were same. I was released to the JFK base to resume duties as an international flight engineer on the L1011.

I was pleasantly surprised to hear that most these TWA International pilots and crews knew little or nothing about Ozark Airlines. They were very curious about what had transpired and surprised that I was flying as a flight engineer after only 2

weeks of ground school. 89 Page


Apparently, never having been a flight engineer before, the airline TWA was required to give me the full training syllabus and not the transitional program of 2 weeks. It was then clear that they had hopes of busting me out with the short- course but my grades and performance made it impossible. I never trusted the company TWA but enjoyed the best of the airline and destinations worldwide. It was great until I began receiving letters in my mailbox from JFK Chief Pilot Wally Moran.


The year was 1987 and I was commuting to JFK and flying the L-1011 while still living on the boat in New Orleans. Sometime in the course of my stay at Madisonville Louisiana McCloud and I were re-united and I cannot remember exactly when or why. McCloud found work at the marina and I water skied morning and night when I was not flying.

McCloud was a rather devout Christian yet never went to church or did Bible study. He just told me that if I continued to behave as I did the devil would have my soul. He was referring to all the different girlfriends I had in the past and induced me to read some book about Armageddon. It is easy to draw so many parallels between the Book of Revelations and an end of the world scenario.

I must say that the book passed on from McCloud to me provoked thought and sparked my research into all religions and dogmas. I read several different bibles cover to cover and even went through a born again phase thanks to one Ms. Gail Atalla.

This research led to my reading of the Apocropha,, Dead Sea Scrolls, Book of the Dead, Uphanshans, Sutras and The Gods of Eden by William Bramley. There were volumes of other related textbooks on the subject while developing my own personal library and reading myself into spiritual fulfillment.

I maintain “The Sum Total of all that Man knows minus Ego is slightly greater

than Zero”. In short, mankind knows nothing and therefore is not qualified to talk

90 about such matters. I believe some things are just not to be known and by so many are to be taken by faith and faith alone! Page


I will always be thankful for McCloud and Gail Atalla for pointing me in this direction and also the Catholic Church and education experience for providing me a foundation from which to begin. I will close by insisting that religion is an esoteric matter between each person and their God.


After completing work on the Great White I was fully intent on continuing to her final destination of Ft. Myers Florida. The boat was being returned to the water with a large crawler crane and spreader bar sling assembly when the shipyard dropped the boat 6’ onto land. I was standing 50 feet directly off her bow when the boat was dropped and I felt the earth tremor.

I witnessed so many years of work come crashing down in what would be determined as a total loss by the underwriters of my insurance Company. An 18 month battle ensued between I and the shipyard and I was forced to retain Mr. John Coletti, chairman of the Marine Surveyors Society, Cincinnati Ohio who conducted a complete survey of damages. I then took this survey and the plans to my underwriters in the World Trade Center, New York and made my case.

The Sun Insurance Company sent a team of lawyers and experts to New Orleans and in minutes determine the boat a total loss. The insurance paid the claim in full and now probably owns the shipyard that dropped it.

My skills at war were being honed perhaps in preparation of what was to come from TWA and other conflicts on the horizon.

I returned to Munich and was there during the Unification of East and West Germany. It was during this visit and I met my future wife Petra for a second time. The first meeting took place some 4 years earlier when she had recently graduated

from the University of Munich and dating my Munich roommate Reiner as

91 mentioned earlier. Page



I was enjoying the best of TWA International and i flew everywhere on the system. The Chief Pilot would continue to dredge up the past Ozark meaningless issue and I refused to acknowledge the matter and his letters.

I never paid much attention to these ridiculous assaults or I should say insults and continued to perform my job until one flight originating at JFK with Paris, Geneva Switzerland, Stockholm Sweden and return to JFK.

The Captain was by the name of Bill Whiteside and he was 6 months from retirement. He had the haircut of Marine drill sergeant and with an expected attitude. It was a night departure as most international flights were at the time and as Flight Engineer, I was responsible for radio communications with Clearance Delivery and Ground Control.

The FO co-pilot on a 3 man airplane with a flight engineer does nothing but fly every other leg and eat. We had so many FO’s at TWA that commuted from southern California that enjoyed seniority and international flying that they never took a chance or risk of Captain Upgrade. As Flight engineer of this Jumbo jet, I had many responsibilities and on this flight, I was made aware of one not in the book. (Trash Bags in the Cockpit)

Captain Whiteside was so busy yelling on the radio to the ground crew and push tug operator that he ordered the aircraft pushed back without Push Back Clearance from Ground Control. I informed Whiteside we are not cleared to push and he commanded the ground tug to stop the aircraft. Fortunately for him another 747 was passing behind us and Whiteside would have probably pushed directly into this moving aircraft. He continued his screaming to the ground crew and commanded I call for push clearance. I had just saved his sorry ass and he was oblivious to the infraction and danger of his act!

This set the stage for the next week I had to tolerate this egomaniac and I later

learned why he didn’t like me from the start. 92 Page


After receiving Push Back Clearance from Ground Control we continued to takeoff and the flight to Paris with a layover. The next day we took off for Geneva then on to Stockholm. This is where trouble began when Captain Whiteside who was cleared for the approach to the north / south runway at Stockholm. We were approaching the airport from the west and perfectly aligned with the east /west runway but our altitude was too high to land on this runway.

Not to Captain Whiteside!

With total disregard to the passenger discomfort of such a steep descent and my almost impossible to bring the cabin pressure down to field elevation, Whiteside began his descent and approach to the east runway.

The airplane came down like a safe and I raced to keep up with this ridiculous rate of descent by controlling the cabin pressure that nearly blew the passengers eardrums! I had to get the airplane to field elevation because we cannot pressurize the airplane on the ground.

It was actually impossible because the Outflow Valves that control Cabin Pressure open automatically. To avoid and explosive decompression, I had to subject the passengers to this discomfort of rate as opposed to what would happen to their ears if we landed pressurized.

I felt this disregard for passenger comfort was outrageous as my blood began to boil with Captain Whiteside.

The layover in Stockholm went without a word between the two of us but the air of dislike was evident.

The following morning of departure for a direct flight to JFK New York, Captain Whiteside was informed by dispatch that we were to make and intermediate stop in Amsterdam to bring on additional passengers because their inbound flight and aircraft from New York had a mechanical and did not arrive in Amsterdam.

Whiteside was visibly furious and was screaming at everyone on the ground including me. I should say especially me!

93 Page


Whiteside was dissatisfied with the diversion in his plan to return direct to Kennedy and his home wherever it was with complete disregarded for and inconvenience of the stranded passengers in Amsterdam.

It was my responsibility to radio when In Range or 20 minutes out from landing. This call was made TWA Operations at the Amsterdam Schipol Airport. Whiteside commanded that operations get the aircraft refueled and turned around in a ridiculous short time.

After landing and arriving at the gate, Whiteside was demanding double time on the refueling crew on the ground via ground to cockpit radio communication and meanwhile I called Clearance Delivery to discover we had a Gate Hold and Wheels up Time one hour later.

When I relayed the delay to Whiteside, He went ballistic and prepared to go down to operations and tear into the station manager for not filing for and earlier departure.

We had a cockpit full of crew and 2 or 3 jump seat riders who were friends of Whiteside and company men. This was where Whiteside had a dislike for me because his TWA company pilots didn’t like me as TWA management didn’t like me. Nobody liked anybody!

Captain Whiteside turned in his seat and glared directly at me saying “I’ve been trying to like you but you’re not doing your job, now get a garbage for the cockpit”!

I quietly went back to the flight attendant in First Class and asked for a garbage bag and was informed there were none because the deviation to Amsterdam was not anticipated.

I asked her if she had anything close to a bag and she pointed out these huge bags the size if a hot tub with handles on the side to carry large numbers of pillows and or blankets.

I returned to the cockpit and placed it on the floor in the center of all of us and said

“There’s your garbage bag”. God was he pissed! He stepped into the bag and said 94 some remark I fail to remember as he stormed down to operations. Page


In the meantime, I packed my bags and prepared to go to the Amsterdam hotel. I had enough of this Son of a Bitch and I refused to remain on the same airplane with him.

The First Officer pleaded with me to stay because the airline had no replacement. The flight was full but I was furious and had enough. I sincerely didn’t care if the airline fired me.

I walked out the airplane and up the Jet-way with all bags in hand when I encountered a Raging Bull Captain Whiteside. He began screaming at me and I retaliated with how he was crazy and unfit to captain a rowboat. I told him I saved his sorry ass from the beginning push-back at Kennedy and witnessed his total disregard for passenger comfort as well as disrespect for me. I basically told him to go fuck himself!

I was mad as a rattlesnake and he changed instantly after the tongue lashing he received from me and appealed that I remain. I don’t remember any apology. The SOB knew the flight would cancel and was considering how he would explain to the company why I left the flight.

I listened to his appeal and looked at the airplane full of passengers and unlike Captain Whiteside, I cared for these passengers and for only that reason returned to my duties as Flight Engineer.

Captain Whiteside bent over backwards for me and asked what time my commuter flight was and how he would do his best to get me there on time. He was really concerned that I would take this experience to the front office!

I did go to the front office to request transfer to Los Angeles and shortly after this request, the transfer came through and I left the New York Base thinking I could find peace in LA.


In addition to flying, I was busy with a number of projects in St. Louis where I spent more time after the loss of my boat in the shipyard accident in New Orleans. 95 Page


I was living with Grandma Katie and commuting to New York and later Los Angeles. St. Louis also served as my base and studios of music composition of my own original work and at the same time auditioning for the part of Jim Morrison in the and Imagine entertainment movie “The Doors”. The part was played by Val Kilmer and even though I was not an actor, I was confident that I could have not only played and looked the part but could sing all the material. These efforts were not entirely in vain because I learned my way around in the music and film business and decided I wanted nothing to do with either one and went on to compose original material, This led to the music demo that I had an idea to hopefully get published and established as a song writer and not performer. I could easily have performed and did do all arrangement and vocals in my original composition but felt it unlikely.


My problems with TWA management and followed me with my transfer to LAX Los Angeles and my new Chief Pilot was by the name Captain Vanhoosen.

Again and as before, things went quiet for awhile until I developed an upper- respiratory infection and called in sick. I was seeing a doctor in Marina Del Rey where I purchased a fabulous condominium at the Marina City Club on Admiralty Way. I was in the center tower overlooking the marina with a 10 minute drive to the LAX employee parking lot.

I was on antibiotics when I received a call from Captain Van Hoosen demanding I submit to a company physical examination. My appeal that I had a medical physician and proof of condition was of no concern to Van Hossen and he demanded a TWA company physical examination. I was told by the ALPA Union that TWA can require a physical exam once a year and I had no choice but comply with this demand.

It would be LAX where all my past was beginning with St. Louis, New York and

96 then Los Angeles was about to catch-up with me. I entered the office of the Page


Captain Van Hoosen, who sent me to Dr. Marinelli M.D. and contracted Medical Examiner for TWA. Dr. Marinelli operated out of the Airport Clinic at LAX and I then met Dr. Marinelli for the first time expecting a physical examination.

To my surprise, Dr. Marinelli sent me to a Dr. Garrett O’Connor no more than a mile away. I followed these instructions and was questioned by O’Connor who required a urine sample only. No examination, just a strange line of questioning and urine sample.

It deserves mention at this time to explain that ALPA MEC Union at TWA was in bed with the company. I say this because the former chairman of the union went on to become the CEO of American and the second of command at TWA moved on to become chairman of the union. This led to nothing but distrust and apathy on the part of the senior pilot membership. The Union and Company were truly one in the same.

A remarkably dysfunctional operation in violation of all fundamental tenant’s of the industry. This is only the tip of the TWA iceberg. I was told that Harvard Business School used TWA as a model for how “Not” to operate a business!


The year was 1988 and at this point in time I had just about enough with TWA and took a vacation to New Zealand then on to Australia.

Again I called in McCloud because I could depend on him to leave at a moment’s notice and that is exactly what we did. We purchased round trip tickets from LAX to Auckland and Sydney renting campers in both countries before departing Cairns Australia on our return flight to Los Angeles and thus completing the circle.

We landed in Auckland and I will never forget the first breath of fresh New Zealand air when stepping out the door if the airplane. It was the cleanest and most refreshing breath of clean pure air I had ever inhaled. From that moment I fell in love with the country and had immediate ideas of relocating.

97 Page


The country of New Zealand had no nuclear reactors or fission experiments of any kind. They refused the United States or any country with nuclear powered boats to enter their territorial waters. What a perfect place I thought!

While in Auckland we saw and advertisement for Bungie Diving at Auckland Harbor. This activity was not legal in the United States at the time and held my fascination. McCloud was reluctant yet agreed to give it a go.

We went to the site of the jump and paid our fees. We were allowed two jumps from this incredibly high platform with the bungie cord attached by a wrapped strap around the jumper’s ankles.

The Bungie itself was a harness that resembled long strings of small rubber bands all bundled together like a long wiring harness with tie offs every two feet or so. I remember being strapped in and asked how many STONES I weighed. I told him I had no idea what a stone was! He and I were about the same size and so he set the Bungie for what he guessed was my weight in stones.

I remember now free it felt to prepare for the jump from such a height without a parachute harness and reserve.

My first jump was a full laid out back dive and was absolutely wonderful. I realized the fast approaching water and end of the Bungie when my descent slowed and I just touched the water with my hands. Then I reached up and grabbed my ankles in a pike position for the slingshot ride back up to the platform. It actually felt like I was in a slingshot and I might impact the platform that was impossible.

I reached the top of the Bungie’s reflex and began the second freefall out of control. I seemed to tumble back to the end of the stretch without getting entangled in the cord and had one last rise and descent when the Bungie lost energy and went limp. I was reeled in as a fish and McCloud was on deck for the next Jump.

McCloud was in his own words a little more portly than I when asked how many stones and all they could do was guess. Their guess was close but not quite close enough. Maybe one stone too many and McCloud impacted the water and nearly

caused him black eyes. It was both fun and funny as we moved on after the Bungie

98 and onto the next great experience called CHUBES. Page


Again the Kiwi’s originate fantastic devices for fun!

CHUBES were (large diameter) stainless steel tubes and dark as a boot inside. They resembled a huge corkscrew interrupted by other parabola gyrations that had a top several hundred feet in the air and extended to a large swimming pool at the bottom.

It was the very first water-park probably in the world. Water poured into the top of this pipe and the rider could jump in the ride any way desired. I jumped in this thing and the ride was like nothing else I had ever experienced. The spins and combined with acceleration in total darkness was fantastic!

I came out of the tube like a cannon shell rocketing several feet above the water. Wow! It was not only incredible but addictive. I couldn’t wait and ran up for many rides after.

We toured the entire north island and drove as fast as the car could go on the famous 99 mile beach. The south island is infinitely more beautiful and site of many movies like Lord of the Rings. We flew on to Australia and this time went north without to the Great Barrier Reef.

We stopped in the town of Tenterville and met a man and wife by the names John and Marjorie Smith. Americans were always popular in Australia and referred to as Yanks. This popularity stemmed from the war in the Pacific against the Japanese who were not so popular. The Aussies were arguably some of the fiercest soldiers and allies with the US in WWII on the Pacific.

John and Marjorie took McCloud and I into the Outback with their Toyota Land Cruiser and we had a fishing boat and camping equipment. It was the first time I had seen Emu’s, wild cockatoos and fish and game of all varieties.

When fishing, we required no bait, only the hook was sufficient because the fish had never encountered man or hook and curiously took the hook. The fish were referred to as Chubbies and were actually a Yellow Perch of some indigenous variety.

While fishing, we came upon a large tree on the shore with what appeared to be 99 hundreds of dead parrots littering the ground beneath and on their backs. At the Page


same time many parrots continued to flock to the tree and it was clear that whatever berry grew on this tree made the birds drunk or drugged until they passed out and appeared dead.

Soon they would revive and fly clumsily away. I will not incriminate myself and say that we tried these berries but I will say we caught a lot of fish!

The same night we cleaned and ate the fish and sat by the campfire when a spider appeared between my feet and John cautioned me to leave that one alone because it was extremely poisonous.

The rain began to fall and John and Marjorie camped inside the Land Cruiser as McCloud and I slept on the ground underneath the vehicle. McCloud entered feet first from the front and under the car and I entered feet first from the rear.

We slept on opposite ends under the Land Cruiser and my feet were at his waist level and his at mine. I was wakened in the night by what felt like McCloud pulling at the hair of my legs. I told him to quit it and the play ceased momentarily started again. I repeated quit it and raised my head hitting the gas tank while looking directly into the eyes of some creature with its arm up my pant-leg.

We stared at each other and I lowered my head motionless until the animal disappeared. To this day I have no idea what it was but suspect something similar to a raccoon.

Our time with the John and Marjorie Smith was unforgettable as I write about the wonderful experience we had with them. On the journey northward to Cairns I remember thinking about the problems I had with TWA. I had developed a real “I don’t care” attitude and refused to let the impending battle spoil such a fantastic vacation.

Cairns Australia is a beautiful city on the beach and the weather perfect for diving on the Great Barrier Reef. I took a 3 day trip on a dive boat with numerous other divers. The boat was equipped with onboard air compressor for the many dives and

refills necessary to remain offshore for the 3 days. I had a sleeping bunk on the boat and the diving was beautiful. 100 Page


Our only concern was to remain vigilant of the possibility of encountering a Salt Water Crocodile. This is one nasty character as described in the famous movie “Crocodile Dundee”.

I would rather deal with the Great White than this crocodile because in the case of the Great White, man is not on the menu. In the case with the crocodile, man is! These reptiles grow to tremendous size and are notorious for swimming the Great Barrier Reef that converges to land around the area of Townsville to the north. Fortunately I had no such encounter for if I had, I would not be writing to tell about it!


We took a raft trip on level 4 or 5 white water rafting trip on the rapids of the river called Raging Thunder. This was tremendous fun and required some training before entering the raft. The most important consideration was if thrown overboard, maintaining a seating position with feet forward and downstream and ride it out to survive. Helmets and floatation are worn for obvious reasons.

We went over waterfalls in a raft with as many as 6 adventurous paddlers and guide at the rear. We steered our way around huge rocks on over these falls and spillways. I actually have a video of it somewhere but the memory remains clear.

The time to return and do battle with TWA had finally arrived and we departed Cairns for Los Angeles.

Needless to say I was not very welcomed by TWA. They were actually furious that I had left the country on vacation and were determined to rid the airline of me. Captain Van Hoosen pulled me from the line and the track for my impending railroading. This day was not come as matters began to get absolutely crazy. Dr. Garrett O’Connor I discovered later was a doctor of addictive medicine.

TWA was attempting to run me out on a substance or drug use charge that was

101 overturned by the UCLA Medical Department. Dr. O’Connor claimed that I was more cleaver than UCLA Medical doctors and Dr. O’Conner wrote a 20 page letter Page


to the FAA in rebuttal to the UCLA report. The FAA consequently pulled my Medical Certificate meaning I could fly nothing.

Captain Van Hoosen called me into his office and advised me to get a good lawyer. I informed Van Hoosen “that would not be necessary”. I removed my ID and threw it on his desk and telling him “he would never see me again”!

I returned to my home in Sun Valley Idaho to spend the next several years skiing meanwhile TWA had no clue as to my whereabouts. I remained invisible and also have the TWA Record distinction for being on the status of AWP (absent without pay).

Note: I never did see Captain Van Hoosen again!


I had no intention of returning to TWA or any other airline and decided on other pursuits. Although my fascination with sea life has always been the Great White Shark, I also have secondary interests in the Orca and Bottle Nose dolphin.

The Orca (Killer Whale) is the largest of the bottle nose dolphin family and of equal if not greater intelligence. I spent two weeks with 19 Bottle Nose Dolphins at Grassy Key Florida and shared in the research of these fascinating mammals.

They each had personalities and later we recognized one another. The time in and out of the water was wonderful with these wonderful mammals and the research center also rescued beached whales and other sea life in distress.

I was still engaged in battle with TWA and the airline had no idea where I was. Someone told me they were looking for me to fire me and I was content to let them continue their search. I was entitled to monetary benefits and the airline was not yet ready to negotiate. I continued to remain out of sight, pay and benefits.



In this same period of time while I was living in Sun Valley and had disappeared from TWA, I travelled to Munich and met Petra Mueller for the second time. On our second meeting in 1989 we travelled to Italy and it was on this journey where I proposed marriage to her.

My instincts insisted on Petra confident I would marry the best woman Europe had to offer. This was true and although we were not completely compatible she delivered us two beautiful children. Petra never smoked, drank or used any drugs and was the perfect mother for the healthy children we have today (Anya and Oliver).

Petra was at the time of our second meeting then working for the City of Munich and Team Toyota. She took some time off to visit me in the USA at my home in Sun Valley Idaho.


I remember it was another disappointing dry winter without sufficient snow to ski. I had decided tour the western United States with Petra in my GMC Quadra-Van and headed due west. I wanted to show her this country as best I could and the Quadra-Van was not only four wheel drive but also a camper. We could go anywhere on or off road with this vehicle and did both.

As we drove through Bend Oregon I was so impressed with the State of Oregon and had enough of the long cold and snowless winters of Sun Valley. I decided to relocate to the Bend area. Petra and I went house hunting I found and purchased a beautiful home near Prineville Oregon. It was a Log home on a large ranch of many acres of common property for the residents of the community called Ochoco West. I purchased the home before we married some 2 years later.

The house was close to the Ochoco Forest and Prineville was best known as the home of Les Schwab and his tire manufacturing company headquarters. There was another company called Ochoco Lumber and I had met with the founder and owner 103 to discuss timber from Siberia. I wanted to open the way to move trees/timber from Page


Siberia to the Pacific Rim. Specifically Japan that cherished these blonde woods such as pine or Pino as referred to in Russia.

It was this Ochoco Lumber that would spark my future travel to Moscow and pursuit of Siberian timber and the Bell King Cobra aircraft. International Finders was back in business!


After two years away from TWA, I decided it was time to demand a grievance hearing and both clear my name and attack them for their behavior and failure to pay me benefits. I had the airline in checkmate!

They had been stonewalling benefit checks with Cigna that I was entitled in the amount of $25,000. I documented every move TWA management made and it all exists in three 3 ring binders 6” inches thick. Hundreds and hundreds of communications I gained access to and basically knew what the airline was going to do before they did! I was much smarter and way ahead of TWA and had a fist for a fight.

I communicated directly with Cigna management and they paid me by check directly. I called for the Grievance Hearing and was assigned a Representative from the union as my counsel. This ALPA representative took sides with the company TWA at the hearing. I instantly fired him and went on to represent myself Pro Se.

TWA proceeded with the position that Cigna was not cooperative and I accused the airline of stonewalling benefits to which they took offence. It was a cat and mouse game and I was the Bengal Tiger.

When the game was no longer fun I revealed the check a received and cashed the previous month and the grievance was over. (They stormed out of the room sore losers) I then had to jump through so many hoops and fought off every barrier they erected to regain my job as a JFK based pilot.

104 I returned to the Boeing 767 as and FO based again out of JFK New York Kennedy with the GMC motor-home I had restored. This in no way meant that the war was Page


over between me and TWA but only as cease fire as they continued to await another opportunity.

I recognized the company as my enemy and was sure TWA would make another attempt to get me fired. That day would and did come years later. As this story unfolds another enemy will surface who I was sleeping with!

Returning to work as Major Airline Captain as TWA is not as simple as dispelling the findings of one doctor or hired gun and contracted medical servant. The FAA Medical Certificate Department in Oklahoma City has the responsibility to insure that pilots are in good health and effectively do so. The system works well when it works.

I have no intention of bashing anyone who doesn’t deserve it and the FAA does not! I really believe they do their job well to insure safe air travel and aviation safety. I willfully attack the now dead TWA because they deserve to be dead. I can honestly say in the latter years of TWA that they had no right of existence.

After the tremendous loss of income and hardship imposed by this corrupted organization, it is no wonder that the airline was bankrupt 3 times and a monkey management that ran the company into planet earth.

After my reinstatement, I had to attend inpatient evaluations and undergo further testing to the satisfaction of the FAA that I was of sound mind and body to fly a commercial passenger airliner. TWA was infinitely more careful of their behavior towards me as the message should have been clear I was not to be tested.

I understood my responsibility and took my work very serious and operated by the book. I must give credit where credit is due and Petra deserves to be recognized as instrumental in my decision to return to the airline. She encouraged me to return and right the wrongful acts by TWA and restore my integrity.

Petra Astrid Mueller is the finest woman to hail from Germany. When we met she was 27 years old and as beautiful as a woman could be. She was not only

physically beautiful but of brilliant mind and education. If I were to live over again even after an ugly divorce with this woman, I would have married her again! 105 Page


She later proved to be a great mother of our two beautiful and perfect children and continues to care for them as I write. I send the necessary financial support and have funded the children’s education as the reader will later learn in this literary effort.


Petra’s chief or supervisor while working for the city of Munich was a Mr. Hanke. His love for Petra was for her business skills and efficiency. Mr. Hanke was Petra’s direct supervisor for the City of Munich with purview over the construction and operations of hospitals in Munich.

Petra was the pillar and control center of this department and developed programs that required 3 persons to replace when she left and later followed Mr. Hanke to Berlin. Mr. Hanke also left the City of Munich and entered into private enterprise.

Petra is a business woman of no nonsense and had broad responsibilities with the City of Munich for good reason, she deserved such responsibilities. After a rocky start in her relationship with me, she chose to hang in there with me and was a good influence. We continued to make our relationship work. In her heart I could see that she was a business executive that thrived on responsibility as I did flying Jumbo Jets!


Petra was offered a position with her former supervisor Mr. Hanke who left the City of Munich and formed a company in East Berlin. The city where Mr. Hanke operated his private enterprise was in the former East Berlin in the direction of Potsdam and a short distance from downtown West Berlin.

Before the Wall went down, Berlin was essentially an island and everything was only a short distance away. Berlin is also one of my favorite cities in the world and 106 Page


very livable. A car is not necessary although Petra needed one for the job she was offered as assistant to Mr. Hanke.

While I was still living in Prineville Oregon and prior to our move to Berlin, Petra had decided to leave the City of Munich and live with me in the Prineville home. After a short time in Prineville, Mr. Hanke encouraged Petra to take an executive job position and she wanted my opinion.


I supported Petra’s ambition to return to Berlin and work for Mr. Hanke . I had gained sufficient seniority to fly as a New York JFK pilot to begin flights that originated in Paris France. I commuted to Paris from Berlin and we made the move to Berlin even took our Labrador dog Cruiser.

While living in Berlin my command over speaking the German language had greatly improved. Berlin is such a cosmopolitan city with so many diversified people from Iran to the Sudan speaking German. They were easy to understand without the dialects that change quickly from north to south Germany. When I was not flying, I explored the former East Berlin with great fascination and began singing with a rock band in an area of Berlin called Kreutzburg .

Petra and I developed a number of friends from the former East Germany who lived in. East Berlin before the Wall went down. Alexander Platz was exactly as it was when occupied by the USSR. The houses in the east were all drab in color or without any color and the people were equally different because they were unable to do much of anything without someone telling them what to do.

I have a very Indiana Jones type character and still do! This wanderlust and taste for adventure was alive while living in Berlin and exists even today as I write. Maybe Indiana Jones is not a good analogy since I was more of an opportunist in identifying and seizing opportunities.

The collapse of the Soviet Union and fall of the Berlin Wall was irresistible and I resurrected my company “INTERNATIONAL FINDERS” since the window to 107 Page


Russia had finally opened. I wanted P-41 King Cobra’s and timber from Siberia to the Pacific Rim. These ambitions remained unchanged.

I was in immediate contact with the people of East Berlin before they even understood or had any exposure to the outside western world. It was called the Iron Curtain for a reason and nothing passed this Berlin Wall. It was a marvel to meet and visit with these people of the East Germany and in one such acquaintance was the former secretary to Erich Honecker.

Erich Honecker was Chancellor of East Germany and similar to what Adolf Hitler was to the Nazi Germany. Honecker developed the Stasi and controlled all of East Germany with his method of policing by having everyone spy on each other. Honecker ’s personal secretary’s named was Violetta. She became instrumental in my getting a visa to Moscow at a time when Russia was not offering visa’s to Americans. It was amazing what a bottle of Jack Daniels will do if offered to the consulate general at the Russian Embassy in Berlin.

When I followed Violetta into the embassy, a sea of waiting people parted knowing who she was and we walked directly into the general’s office where I set the bottle on his desk and he put a visa in my hand.


This was a dangerous for travel Russia! Perestroika was the beginning of the economic failure of the former Soviet Union and opened the door to Eastern Europe. The Russia Mafia basically took over the country and made the Sicilian Coosa Nostra look like choir boys. This organization was a ruthless and merciless and many Russians became and without food. It was possible to buy Reebok shoes but impossible to find meat, fruits or vegetables in the market.

Before departing to Moscow, Violetta gave me the name of her brother Edgar lived in Moscow and was Mofia and agreed to pick me up upon arrival at Moscow

airport. I was instructed to not open my mouth or speak to anyone. I was to leave the baggage collection area and look for my name on a printed card and go with

108 whoever it was. Page


It was suicide to hail a taxi because they were al Mafia controlled and many a visitor were never seen again because their taxi y would take them remote site, kill them, and take everything from wrist watches to gold tooth fillings. My fillings and crowns are gold!

Before leaving Berlin on Lufthansa for Moscow, Petra and I had met with newlywed couple and the husband was a former MIG Fighter Pilot for the Soviet Union. His father was Isaac Alexander and was the Minister of Science in the Kremlin in Moscow. This was how I planned to clear the path for timber from Siberia via the Kara and North Sea and to its ultimate destination.

I should mention that I had a window of only several months to move timber from this port because the sea would freeze over and no passage was possible. The Mofia controlled the ports of the former Soviet Union as the organization labor unions control ports in the United States.

In other words, I needed the Mofia to ship out the trees and the Minister of Science or Forests cut them down.

My meeting with the former Russian MIG fighter pilot and his wife was filled with the same description of the dangers that existed in Moscow and I was to avoid any contact with the Mafia. The former fighter pilot and wife did not understand my need to communicate and cooperate with both sides. I was most interested in access to Isaac Alexander as we met over dinner and discussed my travel plans and I was off in the next day or two for Moscow.

I wore a Peltzmut or Russian style hat to blend in with other Russians and I was believable with my blue eyes and blond hair. It was January and bitter cold and well below zero when I landed in Moscow. I had only carryon bags and went directly to the arrival area and spotted my name as expected.

I was escorted by Edgar and two others men to a car the size of an old Simca from the 1960’s. It was difficult to seat two less the four of us in this tiny car. I sat in the back seat next to a Goliath of a man as Edgar sat in the front seat with Goliath’s

twin brother. Edgar welcomed me and invited me to be their guest at the Mochba Hotel located directly across from Lenin Station and Red Square. 109 Page


When we arrived at the Mochba Hotel, I was escorted up to my room at the top level of a hotel that was of a hub and spoke construction. It made it impossible to enter or leave my room without being spotted by the guard posted at a desk in the hub’s center. All corners and hallways were visible to the guard.

The guard on my floor was a woman although difficult to determine because of her masculine features and stature. I believe she may have even had testicles!

I put my bags in the room assigned and went to the restaurant in the lower street level of the hotel and was served a bowl of broth called soup. I believe it was the only item on the menu.

After a short visit with Edgar and my bowl of broth, I returned to my room and then made my private tour of the Red Square and Moscow underground rail system. This is unquestionably the best of Moscow. The escalators were made of wood and each station on the route had walls adorned with incredible bronze sculptures depicting the Russian history and principals. They were truly magnificent.

The most pitiful site was a woman on the street in her 80’s dragging the only the sole of a shoe under her bare foot. She was homeless and living in the subway and the picture of this impoverished will forever be etched in my mind.

The following day at the Mochba hotel I was to meet Anatoly. He was obviously the Boss man and we discussed banking in Cyprus and his interest in selling me helicopter parts in exchange for Marlboro cigarettes. We never really got into the conversation of the timber, King Cobra aircraft and my purpose of travel to Moscow. I received a telephone call in my hotel room almost immediately after Anatoly left for another meeting.

The caller on the phone was Isaac Alexander from his office in the Kremlin. He was puzzled and troubled by the telephone number I had left in a previous call I had placed to him. He asked me of my whereabouts as I told him I was across the Red Square at the Mochba Hotel. Isaac was frantic and claimed I was not allowed

to stay at the Mochba unless Ukraine or Russian. He also was then aware that I was consorting with the Mafia. 110 Page


Isaac instructed me to leave the hotel immediately and come meet him at the Kremlin. I followed his instructions and left only one bag in the closet and walked across the Square to the Kremlin. Isaac welcomed me and gave me the full tour of this magnificent Kremlin. He said I was not to return to the Mochba and would be his guest at his apartment in the city.

Arrival at his apartment the door reminded me of upholstery work done in Tijuana Mexico. The outer door was padded in a black vinyl material with diamond patterns and buttons. This was only one of two doors. The second was also sound proofed and when we entered the apartment, there were a long vertical line of red lights as part of some elaborate security system. Isaac was frantically attempting to disarm this system.

Isaac’s neighbor was the former director of the KGB and this was obviously housing for these officials of government. It was very Cloak and Dagger and I had to remind Isaac that the Cold War was over.

We drank Vodka and became better acquainted as I shared my ambition of which he was made aware by his son prior to my arrival. He said he was waiting for a second son to arrive from Siberia by plane but weather was preventing a timely return. I remained in the apartment of Isaac for about a week and the weather never did let up in Siberia or Moscow.

In touring Moscow I can remember most the Bolshoi Theatre where I attended an Opera and the snow removal machines that resembled plows with crablike arms in front that would pull the snow into the mouth of the machine.

I also attended a open market and purchased jerseys of the Russian Hockey team and beautiful chess sets all hand made with inlaid woods of many colors and variety’s.

When it became clear that the son of Isaac would not be returning in time to talk business, I had decided it was time to leave Moscow. Against strict instructions by Isaac I returned to the Mocba to retrieve my second bag. I then went to meet the

daughter in law of Isaac who would feed me and send me by Taxi to the airport.

111 I was to meet her in the underground below Lenin Station. Before descending down into the underground, I crossed the street and went directly to the Mochba Page


hotel and selected the top floor of the elevator to the level of my room. I left a bag in the door of the elevator to prevent it from closing and made way for my room and bag. The instant I was seen by the floor guard, the woman picked up the phone and was making a call as I passed and unlocked my room, grabbed the bag and returned toward the elevator.

She was screaming something in Russian while in pursuit when I jumped into the elevator and selected ground floor while pulling my bag from holding the elevator door. She was the last face I saw as the doors closed and I casually walked out the hotel and crossed the street to Lenin Station. At the same time I reached the station across the street, two black limousines pulled up to the hotel and several men ran inside.

I was thinking they must be after me and wasted no time descending into the underground where I met the daughter in law of Isaac. She led me to her apartment where I enjoyed another bowl of broth after which she waved down a taxi insisting I speak not a word. She instructed the cab to take me directly to the airport. When I left the cab and could not resist leaving the driver a one US Dollar tip. Probably stupid yet irresistible!

I proceeded directly to check-in and departure gate reviewing in my mind how stupid the dollar act was and waited impatiently to get out of Moscow. To this day I believe those goons in the limo’s were after me and I will never know for sure but I boarded the Munich flight and Moscow airport disappeared in the clouds as the aircraft departed.

After reviewing the entire effort and all parties concerned to Ochoco Lumber in Prineville Oregon, I determined the risk too great to return at a later time and wrote the venture off.

Less than 2 years later Ochoco lumber was getting timber from Siberia and Petra was convinced they used my contacts and went around me. I’m not so sure and really don’t care. In fact; I am relieved to not have had anything further to do with the Russian Mafia or any other organized crime group.

112 Page


Following my return from Moscow and my life in Berlin with Petra working was taking its toll on our relationship. I called it off and returned to Oregon USA wishing her the best to in her professional career.

The Siberian Timber and King Cobra pursuit went up in smoke as I almost had. I had resigned to simply be a dedicated airline pilot for TWA enjoying music, motorcycles and Oregon.


After flying as a Captain on any aircraft it is difficult to return to co-pilot or FO. Especially after flying with so many captains with ego’s were bigger than the airplanes they flew!

Now is the perfect timer to define the position of Chief Pilot. As major commercial airline pilots are concerned, many chief pilots are arguably the weakest of airman. This is for the large part due to the lack of experience. Chief pilots are company pilots and not represented by the unions. The requirement for being a chief pilot is to be (TYPED RATED) checked out in one of the fleet aircraft, and must make 3 take-offs and landings in the course of every 3 calendar months. These 3 take-offs and landings will be on a day or days of the CP’s choice and is generally when the weather conditions are perfect with clear skies and ideal conditions.

As an experienced airline pilot with well over 20,000 hours, I can assure that 80% of this experience was all instruments in less than ideal conditions. Blizzards, thunderstorms, Heavy Rains, Fog, Tornado’s, Hurricanes and every imaginable meteorological condition is in the real world of every (LINE) pilot.

Both Chief and Line pilots must get 6 month proficiency and line checks.

Second in line of weak skilled pilots are CHECK-AIRMAN only to be followed by the (SIM) Simulator instructors. These are the company police pilots and required by the FAA to insure that procedures, checklists and company procedures are followed. 113 Page


The lack of skill with these pilots is the nature of this industry. They simply don’t physically fly the real airplane and make the command decisions necessary. This weakness can be witnessed when they must pass they’re proficiency check rides.

Unfortunately LINE pilots are many times not allowed in the simulator when these company pilots are being checked-out. I can tell you from experience watching from outside, the hydraulic simulator on legs and actuators was rocking, rolling and did everything short of break free of its foundation and leave the building.

I had one harrowing experience flying co-pilot for a Check pilot Captain named Milo. It was a clear and very windy day in New York as a (Nor-Easter) wind led way for a Hurricane barreling down on New York.

The position of the storm at the time of our departure was still well south of New York and off-shore the eastern seaboard of the United States. Our destination was Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic and route of flight was directly southeast, down and past the eastern side of this storm.

The return flight was up the east coast and inland the United States passing west of the storm. It is customary for the Captain to fly the first leg and co-pilot fly the second.

I realized what I might be in for since I had to fly the return!

Immediately after liftoff from JFK the winds were so intense that the aircraft immediately weathervane in the direction of the relative wind.

This is normal for all aircraft to weathervane or point to the wind once airborne. The Boeing 767-300 weighing in at 407,000 lbs has a crosswind component of something like 30 mph. The wind on this morning was every bit of 30 mph but not blowing at 90 degrees of our departure Runway 4 JFK. The effective wind was decreased slightly less than 30 mph thereby permitting the takeoff without exceeding this limitation.

The resulting weathervane was so instantaneous that when the main gear left the runway, the airplane immediately swung nearly 90 degrees from a runway 040 degrees the relative wind heading pointing 120 degrees. 114 Page


It was as if the Boeing was on a swivel and we continued our climb virtually sideways with more continuous turbulence than I could remember. The turbulence was relentless from the surface or sea level through 10,000 feet then became smooth. My immediate thoughts where how interesting will the ride and wind be on the return flight where I would be flying. It seemed reasonably clear I would have a major rough descent, crosswind landing combined with who knew what weather conditions.

I was living at the time on Long Island, New York in the township of Lindenhurst. This was a waterside community on the south shore of the Long Island and resembled Venice Italy with canals boats in slips.

I lived there with my wife Petra before our children were born and moved to Long Island where I could fly International Captain on the Wide-Body jets due to a Union imposed fence following the merger between Ozark and TWA. This FENCE allowed only a small percentage of Ozark pilots to fly TWA wide-body aircraft out of St. Louis domicile. I moved to New York to jump the fence and was one of the youngest international wide-body Captains on the Airline.

Our flight to Santo Domingo went without event and the Captain Milo loaded up on fuel before our return flight to New York. I had no problem and encouraged this idea because of the approaching storm and uncertain conditions at arrival JFK. I was at the controls and takeoff and climb were in ideal conditions. Such was not to be the case upon my arrival, approach and landing at Kennedy.

On the subject of the design of these new and large jumbo and twin engine jets begins with the size of the VERTICAL STABILIZER or tail. This large tail allows the pilot greater directional one of the massive engines fail. One engine on the Boeing 767-300 produces more thrust than all four on the older Boeing 707.

The resulting ADVERSE YAW should an engine fail on the take off roll before EFFECTIVE RUDDER could cause the aircraft to turn immediately 90 degrees on the runway and plow into the terminal building unless the pilot follows procedure and chops the power of the operative engine. This is a dangerous situation that

requires much practice in the simulator and a large part of the Proficiency Check Ride and Training. 115 Page


It was also necessary in the climb because of the tremendous force causing the climbing jet to do yaw towards the inoperative engine and possibly even DUTCH ROLL, a condition inherent in swept wing airplanes.

While on the subject, many passengers wonder why the wing tips are bent upwards. These modifications and now factory built wingtips are called WINGLETS. The Winglet actually saves fuel burn by reducing the wingtip VORTICIES that are essentially tornados and wake like a boat that naturally occur in flight.

They do not eliminate the WAKE TURBULANCE produced by any aircraft. This is also a serious condition that is present when any aircraft takes flight and is directly relative to the weight of the aircraft.(The heavier the plane the greater the wake).

This wake has been responsible for many airplane crashes as the wakes from boats have also resulted in boating casualties. A word on turbine engine is in order, to help the reader better understand my personal hurricane experience in New York.

The Jet or Turbine engine of an airplane consists of rotors and stators that develop as many as 13 stages of compression through what are referred to as compressor N1 and compressor N2.


As the air entering the Nacelle or intake of the engine passes through these 13 stages of compression, it begins to heat up to hundreds of degrees temperature and this compression becomes so great, any rain or water is vaporized by the time it reaches the BURNER CANS. The burner can’s is where the fuel is introduced and

combustion occurs.

The fuel is initially ignited by IGNITERS that develop the flame. Once the flame is 116 lit, the Igniters are turned off and are only necessary to be used again in the event Page


of a FLAMEOUT, (engine shutdown) Heavy rain, Turbulence or Hale. Igniters insure the flame is maintained in these weather conditions.


Back to the hurricane and my approach and landing at New York’s JFK airport. After several hours of flying back from Santo Domingo we past to the east of the fast approaching storm that was bearing down on JFK. The airport was closed down and all traffic was diverted to alternate airports. These diversions are at the discretion of the Captain.

It is always possible to HOLD in a HOLDING PATTERN and wait for the airport to reopen. With a storm of this magnitude, a reopen was unlikely and I was suggesting to the captain we fly direct to the alternate airport. This was good judgment and a basic common sense decision. Holding burns a lot of fuel. We could carry as much as 160,000 lbs. of fuel that is burned at the rate or several hundred pounds per minute, depending on the power requirements and how many engines are on the plane.

“The Captain is Not Always Right, But He is Always Captain”. My decision fell on deaf ears and we entered a Hold at the Atlantic City fix. We flew typical racetrack after racetrack type Holding Patterns and consumed thousands of pounds of fuel because the Captain was determined to get home that eventful night. The decision was not mine to make. My responsibility was to fly the airplane and insure passenger safety and comfort.

I never expected the airport to reopen and though all this foolishness would only be a waste of fuel and result in diversion to an alternate. Miraculously momentary field conditions at the airport allowing it to reopen.

If anyone waits long enough, there will probably be momentary weather conditions to reopen the airport. A seasoned pilot and experienced Captain would expect (in

our case) severe conditions to follow. 117 Page


This Captain was short on common sense experience because he never flew in such conditions and lacked the good judgment to divert. I was told to continue the approach and land the plane at Kennedy and I did what I was told.

This would be the day that I earned every red cent of income paid to me by TWA. I have never in my past or future experienced the flight conditions of that fateful night. Lightning with heavy rains, incredible winds and wind-shears, (only to be only eclipsed by turbulence). I am talking about turbulence than would make your eyeballs bounce around in your head.

The question that constantly begged to be answered in my head was, (What are we doing hear)?

In preparation for the approach, I extended the SLATS. These Slats are the leading edge devices on the wing that increase lift and are later enhance with extension of the FLAPS. The flaps are control surfaces or devices on the trailing edge of the wing that can extend as much as 40 degrees. This extension increases the size of the wing creating even more lift at slower airspeeds.

In all my years of flying passenger transport category aircraft with the airlines, I always flew the airplane “By the Book”. This insured not only flight safety but also makes surprise LINE CHECKS by the FAA or Company go virtually unnoticed. I actually almost had one removed from my airplane because of the check airman’s behavior of trying to intimidate one of my crewmembers. I trained my copilot to do the same. Most pilots are nervous by these Line checks because they deviate from these “by the book” published procedures and develop bad habits.

In my early years with Ozark, I learned to fly with analog instruments, without the aid of computers and present day GLASS COCKPITS and EFIS (Electronic Flight Information Systems).


I continued my decent into this dangerous weather associated with the hurricane and the rain and turbulence was so heavy, I reached up and selected 118 CONTINIOUS IGNITION on the igniters. Captain Idiot (to my surprise) turned Page


them off. I asked him why he turned them off and he replied, “When Slats are selected the igniters are automatically turned on”.

I again manually selected CONTINIOUS IGNITION and replied, “Now know they are on”. Captain Milo was visibly very nervous and in doubt of his judgment once we were committed to this approach and landing. He was virtually useless to me from that point forward and I felt completely alone.

I experienced winds in excess of 100 miles per hour at an altitude of 6,000 feet that quartered the aircraft from the 4 o’clock position relative to my direction of flight. I marveled at my first experience with a reverse crab and crossing of controls to correct this condition. I was flying the airplane by hand and without the use of autopilot or auto-throttles.

The conditions were so extremely turbulent that any automatic flight was impossible. The auto-throttles (for example) were sawing back and forth attempting to hold airspeed in conditions of wind shears. I had to turn them off and operate them by hand. It was critical that I remained focused on the instruments and fly this approach with the greatest of precision.

Once intercepting the LOCALIZER and Cleared for Approach, I recognized the winds were 90 degrees different than Localizer heading. In simple terms, the airplane was pointed 90 degrees to the East while the airplane continued decent to the North as I remained on Glide Slope and Localizer. It was storming everywhere with lightning, deafening rain on the windshield and wind-shears making a MISSED APPROACH or GO AROUND of greater danger than continuing with the approach.

I told Captain Milo to inform me immediately when he could see the runway and lighting. This Captain was looking out the forward windshield when I had to tell him to look out his left side window. Because the aircraft was weathervane pointed into the wind, he would have to be looking over his left shoulder to see the runway.

Even then he was useless because I broke out with low ceilings, maybe 100 feet

overcast and was looking at the terminal building of the airport. I then knew exactly where I was and began the crosswind landing procedure. 119 Page


Any pilot of a wide body jet with such a large vertical stabilizer will tell you this is a major challenge with crosswinds in excess of 50 mph exceeding the crosswind component of the aircraft. The beauty of aviation is the pilot can break every law and parameter in the book to meet an emergency. I broke all rules and regulations to get the airplane safely on the ground and literally saved the lives of hundreds of people including my own.


A 90 degree crosswind would influence the aircraft directly from its side if aligned with the runway. (Pointed in the direction of takeoff or landing)

This alignment occurs only when the aircrafts wheels are on the ground or (when airborne) with a direct head or tail wind. Alignment is determined by the aircrafts LONGITUDINAL AXIS. The longitudinal axis is an imaginary line extends from the nose of the airplane to the tip of its tail. In other words it represents the full length of the FUSELAGE or body of the airplane, ship or whatever vessel of this nature.

The pilot sitting in the cockpit of a Boeing 747 is 3 stories high while parked at the gate. The airplane is nearly as long as a football field and has a tremendous amount of SAIL SURFACE if the relative wind is at its side. Add the monster Vertical Stabilizer or RUDDER and its like adding more sail to a sailboat.

The aircraft Rudder causes the aircraft to weathervane or align itself with the wind and not point in the direction of travel. It’s the same with boats. If you study boats at anchor you will see all the boats align with the wind without current. With the current additive, the keel will align with the current and the superstructure or everything above the waterline will be influenced by the wind. The rudder is how the boater corrects for these elements and directs or pilots the boat in the intended direction.

The aircraft on approach to land and in weathervane to a relative wind of 90 degrees is descending sideways down the Glide Slope and Localizer (CRAB) and

cannot possibly land with this relationship with the runway. Thus the crosswind landing procedure is to align (or remove Crab) with the runway at the point of 120 Page


touchdown. Often times this is a last moment procedure dependent upon the velocity of the crosswind.

This procedure is accomplished by stepping on the rudder to align and then lowering the wingtip with AILERONS to windward side of the aircraft to avoid being blown off to the side runway of intended landing. It’s complicated enough to explain, less perform.

In my experience on this horrific night, the winds were so far in excess of the Cross Wind Component, I had to put in Rudder, lower upwind wing and touch down on only one main landing gear to keep the JUMBO on the runway and slowly take more CRAB out until the other main gear can touchdown and insure runway alignment. Lastly I lowered the Nose Gear on the runway exactly on the centerline.

It was the most precision was the second most precision approach and soft landing I had ever flown. I failed to mention that the ceiling or cloud cover was less than 200’ above the surface and I touched down and landed only seconds before seeing the runway 13 left at JFK airport.

The winds were so violent that the big jet shuddered while on the ground and 90 degrees to the wind that we had to make another 90 degree turn into the wind on the taxi way off the runway. The airplane was literally shuddering until we got it pointed again into the wind.

It was a moment of complete silence for everyone. Not a sound from passengers, Captain, or even myself. I reflected at the moment on how amazing and fascinating this airplane was to endure this punishment and what a rush it was for me to fly it. It was like an artist marveling at his best work. Never in the entire event did I have any doubt of its outcome. The passengers on the other hand were terrified and in disbelief that they were alive. I believe it was this disbelief that explained the silence.

After this period of silence, we taxied to the gate and both Control Tower and

Ground Control were curious if all was well. We were the only aircraft to land that night and for several hours prior to our arrival. I can’t exactly remember hearing a 121 Page


word from the deplaning passengers as I completed my checklist items and packed up to go home.

When I located my 1984 Jeep CJ8 Scrambler in the parking lot in pouring rain, even the Jeep was rocking and rolling from the hurricane winds. I began my drive back to Lindenhurst Long Island by way of the Southern State Parkway. The Long Island Expressway paralleled the Southern State to allow for truck and commercial traffic of larger vehicles unable to clear the Parkway overpasses.

This Southern State Parkway was normally a beautiful drive with stone arched overpasses and the roadway descended down and under these overpasses to allow for normal vehicle clearance. When I reached the first of these overpasses, I discovered the road below the overpass was flooded with water and cars were evacuated submerged in water up to their tops.

My 4 wheel drive Jeep allowed me to bypass these flooded areas and arc around by way of the grass at the exit ramps and I continue homeward. I arrived home to a mortified wife who was in disbelief that I actually landed in a hurricane where we were being evacuated from Long Island.

I learned so much from this experience and can’t really explain how I was able to fly that airplane under those conditions and translates beyond just flying airplanes!

Whatever it is, I consider it responsible for everything that has come from what are considered my accomplishments. Almost to the point of where it makes it difficult to accept credit for these accomplishments and works of art, music, inventions, houses and boats built and just simple survival.

I was a Line Pilot with all the experience that went with this description. When I parked the airplane, I was no different than my neighbor the school teacher. I never had ego problems and learned from all my mistakes and those of others to avoid making the same mistakes of behavior and poor judgment.

Flying was only a part of my life and after parking the airplane brake, I returned to

my private life and pursuits outside the airline.



I was a complete patriot and wanted what I believed was best for the United States of America, her people and my own family. I became active politically and sought change in politicians who never held a job in their lives yet ran for office of the USA which is the largest business enterprise on planet earth. I felt the country should be run by a businessman.

Ross Perot caught my attention as the right man for this job as President of the United States. I was a well versed student of the Constitution of the United States and Bill of Rights. I became a champion for Ross Perot and was compelled to get involved and make a difference.

I was definitely involved and definitely made a difference!


After only I returned to Oregon from Berlin. After a short period of time Petra decided she wanted to give our engagement a try and surprised me with a return to the United States. She entered on a Visitor’s Visa and we married and several years of living together.

The process of getting her a Green Card was difficult and time consuming because Immigration is not happy about visitors entering on the Visitor’s Visa and not leaving the country according to the terms of such Visa. Normally if a person enters the USA with intention of marriage, it is necessary to enter with a Finance Visa. Once married as a visitor, the married applicant on a visitor visa cannot leave and re-enter until the Green Card is issued. It gets complicated and requires more time and effort to obtain.

I focused on my job as airline pilot and left all these other outside ventures aside for a short time until the presidential election. It was the year Ross Perot ran against Clinton for the Presidency.

I consider myself a complete patriot and believed then as I believe now that the

123 United States must be run as a business! I felt Perot was best suited for the office of President and became a staunch supporter. I went so far as to compose a musical Page


arrangement entitled “Believe” that was being considered as a campaign song by the Ross Perot Petition Committee. I also organized a Town Hall Meeting in Prineville, Oregon and received great visibility because Prineville in Crook County was the last Bellwether County in the United States.

Bellwether Counties were those county’s that never failed to choose the next President and my Town Hall meeting drew the attention of CNN because of this status not, to mention the possibility that Clinton would attend (per my invitation).

I also performed with a rock band at the Crook County Fair and recited various elements of the Constitution, Bill of Rights and general political historical facts. I performed many Doors songs and carried on much like Jim Morrison.

The Town Hall meeting was a reality but Clinton failed to show and sent Senator Joe Biden in his place. I was introduced to Senator Biden as the organizer of the Town Hall Meeting and the Senator introduced me to his son who accompanied him to this meeting.

I cautioned Senator Biden to tread carefully on the Gun Issue policy since so many of the people of the county were hunters and armed. I later wondered why I did this since I was an advocate of Perot and not Clinton.

The Meeting was in the School Auditorium and there was standing room only. Two podiums were positioned as if a debate was to follow and one did. I first introduced Senator Biden to the voters of Crook County and questioned the Senator on how he and his son arrived. He replied by airplane and I asked if that big jet at our local airport was his and he said yes!

I immediately told him the aircraft belonged to all these people in this room and we citizens paid for him to be there. I then turned the microphone over to the voters and let them tear into him. It went well as the Senator was a very talented politician and able to field whatever questions however pointed.

I failed to mention that was the election year Crook County lost its Bellwether

status and that was the end of any Bellwether County’s in the United States of America. 124 Page


Footnote: CNN report on Bruce Byers and Prineville Town Hall Meeting or ask Vice President Biden!


I was flying as a international jumbo captain based at JFK and chose to fly mostly the Cairo Egypt flights because of my fascination with ancient Egypt and specifically the Pyramids and Sphinx. I met and conversed about this subject with John Anthony West who has written many books on the subject and is widely considered a true expert by some communities of these antiquities.

I met Mr. West following my efforts to overhaul the Sound and Light Show at the Giza Plateau. This is a theater located only several hundred yards from the Sphinx and Pyramids intended to entertain the hundreds of thousands of visitors who view this audio visual demonstration nightly.

Originally a voice similar to Boris Karloff would narrate a historical rendition of how and when and why these Pyramids and Sphinx were constructed. Truth is nobody really knows the true purpose or methods of construction of the last remaining “Wonders of the World”.

The show included music and antiquated lighting techniques and dialog in numerous languages depending on the night of the week.


I formed a company by the name NEPHILIM with interested in completely updating this Sound and Light Show with the use of Lasers, State of the Art sound and lighting and a dialog that would be acceptable to the many schools of thought regarding Pyramid history.

John Anthony West held ideas that he himself claimed to me would not be approved by the Minister of Antiquities of Egypt. I had a friend Christopher Franke who is best known for his band Tangerine Dream. 125 Page


Christopher Franke is a brilliant man and gifted musician and comes to the USA from Berlin Germany. His company Sonic Images is in the business of film musical scores and Christopher’s music can be heard on hundreds of feature films and promotional music. Later in our friendship, together we purchased and office building in Studio City that then and now serves as his headquarters.

I met Christopher through a dear friend Mickey Hargitay and wife Ellen. Ellen Hargitay was a flight attendant for TWA and Mickey was Hercules and Mr. Universe in the older black and white films. Mickey was originally from Hungry in the East Block of Europe and Hollywood found his Hungarian accent not acceptable voice over dubbing was employed.


Mickey Hargitay’s first marriage was to Jane Mansfield and their daughter Marishka currently stars in the Law and Order television series. Mickey was a wise and hard working success story and responsible for the start of Arnold Schwarzenegger in movies. Both Mickey and Arnold together with Joe Gold (Founder of Gold’s Gym) were body builders.

A movie was made about Jane Mansfield and Mickey was necessary in the casting of the film. The question was who play the part of Mickey and Mickey insisted on Arnold. The accent was perfect as Arnold was Austrian and neighbor to Hungry.

Mickey met resistance from the film maker and insisted on casting Arnold or refused the rights to the filmmaker. Arnold had the same hard working effort and difficult past that not only led to his success in film but finally Governor of the State of California.

Christopher was blessed with the same hard working ethic combined with incredible talent and was renting his first office and home from Mickey atop Sunset Plaza. The house of Mickey and family was constructed by Mickey and the

views were panoramic and spectacular. I often stayed at the home when in Los Angeles and Mickey or Ellen would even pick me up at the LAX airport. 126 Page


Mickey sadly died several years ago and I miss this marvelous man and friend. McCloud also died several years ago and I lose two dear friends. This hurts!


I intended Christopher to produce the music for the Sound and Light Show Bid and also employed a St. Louis lighting company that was responsible for all the lighting at Busch Gardens and the Convention Center of St. Louis. I was relying on John Anthony West to come up with a universally acceptable dialog and formulated a bid that was well under one million dollars.

I lost the job to an Italian company who better pandered the political elements in the bidding process. The Italians came in with a bid well over one million dollars and maybe two! The finished product I could have produced for one hundred thousand. I wonder where the money went!

This was pre- Y2K and I turned my attention to a group by the name Blue Nile and met a man named Gene Seidman and Mohammed El Bana.

Blue Nile was attempting to attract Pink Floyd but was unable to get Gilmore and Waters to perform at the Pyramids for a Y2K event. Pink Floyd’s Gilmore and Waters failed to agree. They had already secured Sting and other big headliners. It was to be a cooperative effort between my company NEPHILIM and BLUE NILE with Gene Siedman was my central contact. Gene’s office was Manhattan New York and we together travelled to Cairo to firm things up when a busload of German tourists were shot –up and killed by a Fundamentalist group outside my hotel (Nile Hilton) directly in front of the Cairo Museum at Tahir Square.

The music venue came apart as Sting and others dropped out and I approached Jack Utsic who was a promoter and fellow pilot for TWA. Jack was in part if not completely responsible for the River Dance performance here in the USA. He was also personal friends with the Moody Blues Band and I arranged to have them

perform for this Y2K at the Pyramids at a bargain price.

Mohammed El Bana didn’t want the band and his wife did, Mohammed 127 disregarded his wife and no Moody Blues. Instead, Blue Nile hosted the opera Page


Aida and it didn’t do well. Now Mr. El Bana is probably parking camels in the desert!

I had one last idea that did work and that was to contact the Paris/Dakar race committee in France and suggest running the race to the Pyramids. This actually happened although I did not benefit in the least beyond planting the idea.

I arguably tried everything turning over every stone of opportunity from music, film, sound and light productions and even CD importation to Egypt. I took note of the tires on the millions of taxi’s and cars in Cairo driving tires with no treat and cord showing.

I then explored the idea of recapping these tires because the cost of new tires was beyond the means of the poor Egyptian Population. I researched US Aid. What a corrupt operation and misnomer was this organization. I could write a book dedicated to this subject alone that would truly open the eyes of the reader.


Y2K came and went without all the catastrophes that were predicted.

I pursued tire recapping came to mind and first visited Community Tire in St. Louis to learn the recapping business and what US Aid really was. The only tire recapping in the entire Middle-east was a company in Tel Aviv. I had telephone conversation with this firm and It became clear I would never be able to break into this business. I walked away only with the knowledge of how to recap tires. This would later prove useful in my invention called HOCKEYSTIQ.


I met a man who named himself after Mt. Everest and had an Ego bigger than the mountain itself. I invited him on a TWA EEE Guest Pass to Cairo on a flight where I was Captain. Mr. Everest was a very fit young lawyer from Chicago and obviously was training in the gym. He was eager to show is physical superiority 128 and actually engaged in an aggressive manner towards the son of my Egyptian Page


friend Said El Shaarar. This took place prior to our small group I organized to climb of the Great Pyramid Cheops.

I intervened when Everest engaged in combat with the son of Said and applied Kota Gashi as I learned practicing the Marshal Art of Aikido when based with the Air Force in Hawaii. This is a maneuver when properly applied, will completely disable one’s opponent with the simple grasp of the hand and twist of the wrist. The following pain can last for some time afterwards.

I disabled Mr. Everest and held him on the floor by only his wrist and cautioned him that that was enough! He became humble and docile after this demonstration and embarrassment.

We set off to illegally climb the Pyramid and the moon was full. I had paid off the police (Baksheesh) to look the other way as we passed and began the climb. I was wearing the traditional Galabeya that was white as snow. I always dressed as an Egyptian when in Egypt and my Blue Eyes were only one of my inabilities to blend.

There are two million four hundred thousand stones in the Great Pyramid Cheops and each weigh an average of 20 tons cut with optic precision. The mantle stones that once covered these Great Pyramids were stripped by Arab Caliphs and local Egyptians to build the Citadel in Cairo.

The mantle stones were of polished limestone and the Pyramids once would glow gold in the morning sunrise. These Wonders of the World are perfectly oriented to True North and boggle the greatest engineering minds to this day. To construction of a pyramid with 52 degree sloped sides add to the bewilderment of scientists and make it very difficult to climb.

It would be impossible to scale without the mantle stones removed. Their removal exposes the blocks that must be climbed one at a time and each block had a 4’ or 5’. I remember having to place both hands on the top of each block while facing it and boosting myself up and twisting in the opposite direction landing in the seated position.

This made for slow progress and to fall could mean no stopping and tumbling

129 down to your death. I had never climbed the pyramid before and did not consider this possibility until well into the climb when it became more and more evident. Page


Once we reached the top, the view of the other pyramids and desert was incredible! Looking at the city of Cairo was so smoggy that visibility was maybe one mile. At the top of Cheops is a wooden framework that indicated where the true top of the Great Pyramid would be if the mantle stones had not been removed. We all sat and marveled at the sight and the accomplishment called for the smoking of Cohiba Cuban Cigars we carried for just that purpose. When it came to climb down I learned the great Mr. Everest had Acrophobia and I had to literally help him stone for stone in the descent. No one was hurt and even after my climb of these many stones my Galabeya dress was still snow white! I took Mr. Everest to the step pyramid of Sakarra and the Serropium in addition to other sites. I also took him to the oasis Farroum just north of Giza and we dined at the Mina House. This house was once the palace of King Farouk and now serves as a hotel and restaurants.

SAID EL SHAARAR GIZA Whenever I flew TWA Flight 888 to Cairo, I would stay as a guest at the house of Said and sleep on the rooftop that was a veranda overlooking the Great Pyramids and Sphinx. The house of Said was only 300 yards from the audience of the Sound and Light Show at the base of the Sphinx. I could see and hear the show from my bed in the open air and look directly at the Sphinx and Great Pyramids that face east. The most fantastic experience was to wake up to the sounds of chickens and the prayers from the Minarets. This was my wake- up call to witness the sunrise and magnificent lighting of the Sphinx and Pyramids. I cannot compare the experience to anything I had seen in my life. It was so fantastic that I rarely stayed at the Nile Hilton paid for by TWA. The nights I did remain at the Nile Hilton I would tour Cairo and grew to know the city better than my own home town of Red Wing Minnesota. The Museum and restaurants were fantastic and smoking Shisha by Hookah pipe that is no more than an apple tobacco that instills a most relaxing affect

0 I shared the experience with a fellow TWA Captain and photographer who visited, spent the night and photographed this magnificent sunrise and spectacle. 13



MILMORE One a future flight, I invited a 85 year old man by the last name of Milmore. I had met Milmore while building the 65’ Steel boat Great White 1 at West Alton, St. Louis Missouri. Millmore lived across the Mississippi near Granite City Illinois and had a steel fabrication business. Inside one of his large buildings was a boat of his design that was the purpose of our first meeting. I heard about this boat and builder from another friend John Lupton who was also a fellow boat builder of wooden boats. John Lupton could take one single frame of and antique Chris Craft and with picture of the boat, restore it to original new condition in beautiful mahogany. I visited Milmore for the first time to view his boat and the hull of catamaran design with futuristic bulbous hulls and hydraulic drives that could revolutionize boat building. I wanted this boat but insisted on redesigning the superstructure. I drafted a working drawing of what I called a Quad Pod design that Milmore rejected in favor his outdated box house he built resembling a house boat. My design was more of a futuristic stealth look. Today I still want this boat to complete and it may be available because it is doubtful Milmore is still alive. One thing Milmore wanted before his death was to see the Great Pyramids of Giza and I made his dream come true. It is no small task to take and elderly man on such an adventure but I managed to get him through it and died with his Bucket List satisfied!

GLASSMAN /ZERO TOLERANCE In addition to being and International pilot for TWA, I was also writing, composing and performing rock music and original arrangements and lyrics under the name of John Galt. This was the character developed by Ayn Rand in her classic book “ATLAS SHRUGGED”. I felt a common bond with this fictitious character and adopted his name as a stage name. In this same time frame I developed a telephone friendship with a Michael Olson who lived in Loveland Colorado. I don’ exactly recall how we first connected but

we remain in contact to this day. I referred Michael Olson as GLASSMAN and he knew me only as JOHN GALT.

131 Michael Olson is a laboratory scientist at a private facility in Colorado and one of

Page the most fascinating people I was to meet on earth. His grasp of physical science


and political philosophies were exactly parallel with mine. Our philosophies mirrored that of Ayn Rand and we had much to talk about and share. I learned of an alternative to hydro-carbon combustion called (LTPC) “Low Temperature Phase Change technology that was developed in the Seattle Washington area. The developers were former engineers with Boeing Aircraft and design of the B- 747. The LTPC technology was basically a Super Heat Pump with a (COP) Co- efficacy of Performance of 14 to 1. This is incredible considering it burned no fuel and expelled no exhaust or emissions of any kind. It would become the inspiration of my first attempt to write a book entitled “ZERO TOLERANCE”. I my book I referred to these LTPC Super Heat Pumps as (TEG) Thermal Electric Generators). A narrative of this book will follow later in this literary work you now read.

GLASSMAN Michael Olson is today employed with the same laboratory in Colorado and lives in the same house in Loveland Colorado. We did finally meet when I stopped in while en-route travelling to my home in Bend, Oregon.

LOW TEMPURATURE PHASE CHANGE TECHNOLOGY I was in contact with the promoter of this science by the name of Dennis Lee. Mr. Lee lived in seclusion somewhere in the State of New Jersey and claimed that due the efficiency of these generators, the central utility was intolerant and seized all operating units in the Washington State area. According to Mr. Lee, many of the units in household use and these users failed to disconnect from the Central Utility. Because of their failure to disconnect, they were powering the GRID and producing electricity for the central utility. If such is the case the central utility must pay the producer for the electricity. At the time PG&E Pacific Gas and Electric or whatever the central utility went by, was completing a nuclear reactor facility in Washington State and met public opposition. This was during the time of the Spotted Owl issue!

The central utility was not about to allow this alternative to eliminate the need for a

132 central utility especially after the millions if not billions spent on the nuclear Page


facility. The LTPC heat pumps were on site generators that could provide all the thermal or electro-dynamic needs of both private and business sectors. This technology was fostered by the fuel lines in 1978 and the term of President Jimmy Carter in an effort to seek alternative energy sources. Hydro-carbon Man proved stronger and Mr. Lee was living in fear! I wanted to move forward with this science and was going to fly it to Cairo from JFK. Dennis Lee was prepared to drive and deliver the technology to me from his neighboring New Jersey home before my departure to Cairo. I felt uncomfortable with the prospect of endangering the passengers, crew and aircraft should Mr. Lee be correct in his fears. Lee claimed all his telephone conversations with me were taped or listened to. In the last days approaching my departure I rejected the delivery and never meet Mr. Lee nor did I carry any technology to Cairo. In my book, I did!

ZERO TOLERANCE Zero Tolerance is a conspiracy novel where I as pilot of a commercial airliner carryout the mission. The aircraft takes off for Cairo with a TEG on board and the conspirator’s explosive device triggered by GPS in the forward cargo compartment. Reading of the narrative provides understanding of the title “ZERO TOLERANCE”. It is on file with the screen writers guild or society in Hollywood California in narrative form. The book was actually based on fact with the Tom Clancy style of writing. In addition, the central character in the book was me by a different name. I wrote the book based on personal experience and knowledge and understanding of an alternative to hydro-combustion. At the time I was flying international captain of jumbo jets from JFK to my favorite destination Cairo Egypt. I loved the Egyptian people and had a fascination whit the Pyramids of Giza. (The Great Pyramids of CHEOPS, CHEPHRIN and MENKARA) CHEOPS or KUFU or simply THE GREAT PYRAMID, held my greatest fascination and the many times I flew to Cairo and friendships developed there, will lead to many rich experiences and ambitions.

133 Page


MRS. JEHAN SADAT FIRST LADY OF EGYPT I met Mrs. Jehan Sadat who was the First Lady of Egypt married to the late Anwar Sadat. Mrs. Sadat flew frequently between her home in Virginia USA and Alexandria. I flew Cairo routinely and often time was her captain. We became well acquainted and she was so kind as to invite me and my family to her home in Alexandria. There was never the time to take her up on this offer. I understood she was very busy with Former President Jimmy Carter in some humanitarian cause. I have nothing but the greatest respect for them both! These are just some of the few people that we all have heard of that I met while flying for TWA It had the reputation as the “Airline of the Stars” and the service in first class was stellar.

TWA FLIGHT 800 I must say that the most memorable flight of my life was TWA “Flight 800” on July 17, 1996.

The memory for me begins in St. Louis where I had established a commuter apartment of Bob and Katie Spinks who made it possible for me to live in Prineville Oregon and fly to and from New York Kennedy. This may sound odd but I could fly from St. Louis to New York in 2 hours or less time than to stay than the taxi time and pay for a hotel in New York.

ANTOINE DE SAINT EXUPERY Before getting to Flight 800, I must reflect and give credit to a hero of the past Antoine de St. Exupery who was a famous pilot, author and inspiration for the music I composed. St. Exupery is famous for his classic book “The Little Prince”. He also wrote numerous other books about his adventures in aviation by opening mail routes between Senegal Africa and Buenos Aires South America. He continued further on into Patagonia and crossed the Andes to Chile. Charles

Lindberg was a student pilot in comparison to St. Exupery. My admiration of St. Exupery goes beyond aviation which is our common thread. I 134 admire his ability to tell his stories in short form. “The Little Prince” is maybe one Page


hundred pages and yet a classic. It was so well recognized and famous that the French printed the image and some text of “The Little Prince” on their 50 Franc note. I reduced the “Little Prince” into four words! “See With Your Heart” and composed a musical arrangement by the same title. It comes from the central Idea of the book that reads “With only the heart can one see rightly for what is essential is invisible to the eye”. The following are my lyrics inspired by this book! Tom Kender: Please insert lyrics “SEE WITH YOUR HEART”

My next St. Exuprey inspired original I entitled “Friends” and was derived from his book “Wind, Sand and Stars”. I reduced this book into one line from the book “Our only hope of Love and Joy is in Human Relations”. These were all so meaningful to me that I was compelled to compose these musical renditions and tell Exupery’s stories in musical form. I also began to write about what I believe in the most powerful force in the universe. (Love) The following lyrics were my inspiration for the song “Friends”. Tom Kender: Please insert lyrics “Friends” “FRIENDS”

I later composed a song entitled “Love is Everything”. The entire arrangement and lyrics woke me up at 3 am and I composed it in 30 minutes. The n day I went into the studio and sang it with only two takes or attempts, mixed it down to send off to my partner Christopher Franke in California.

I must give Christopher credit an arrangement to me entitled “The Celestine Prophecy”.

135 Tom Kender: Please insert lyrics for “Love is Everything” Page



FLIGHT 800 I completed the demo on July 16, 1996 and sent it off to Christopher on July 17, 1996 from the St. Louis airport on my commute to New York to fly TWA Flight 888 to Cairo. I dined in our Hangar 12 with fellow pilots and flight attendants of flights 800, 888 and 848. The destination’s of Flight 800 was Paris, Flight 888 (my flight) was Cairo and Flight 848 was Tel Aviv. We pushed away from the gates in this order with 800 first, 888 second and 848 last. We were the last flights of the day and on this fateful night, my Flight 888 would be the last to push back and fly on July 17, 1996. This was on the very same day I sent the music off to Christopher from STL. I remember the pushback of 800 as we continued to board my flight to Cairo. The aircraft was full and I had the Cairo TWA Station Manager on the flight. Once my flight was completely boarded I called Clearance Delivery to receive our clearance for Cairo. There was no answer and after several attempts I called the company (TWA Operations) by radio to do determine why no release. I then received a call from the push tug operator on the ground below the nose of the aircraft plugged in with his headset. He informed me that Flight 800 blew up in a fireball. I found this disturbing and not funny. He assured me that it had in-fact blown up and I was then instructed to contact TWA Operations on a secure land line. I learned the information from the ground crew was true and Boston Center had shut down all departures in their sector. This was the same departure route of most all the international airlines that directed them to their respective Atlantic Tracks. I requested to be re-routed directly out over the Atlantic by New York Center and avoid Boston center and the scene. The request was filed and I returned to the airplane and had a brief conversation with our IRO (International Relief Officer) Warren White. Warren was feeling uncomfortable about flying after the 800

incident and I assured him that our aircraft was secure and we may never know what happened to 800. Warren stayed on and shortly thereafter we received clearance from Delivery and it was the exact same departure as 800 through 136 Boston Center. Page


The passengers were completely unaware of the incident and I intended to keep it that way by explaining our delayed departure was due to an aircraft that went down of Long Island. I did not say anything else. The Press was on the Jet-way as we pushed back and a riot broke out on my Flight 848 to Tel Aviv and they never did depart. We were the last and only flight to depart that night and flew directly over the crash site. I will never forget the sight of an immense ring of fire and glowing embers of what was once a Boeing 747 with 273 passenger and crewmembers. The flight attendants were gathered in the cockpit and we all listened to the cockpit ADF radio and local broadcasting frequency suggesting the possibility of survivors. The survivor report was based on rafts sighted at the crash site. I with sadness explained the rafts were in fact probably the escape slides that automatically inflate when the doors open. It was clear to me that nobody could survive the scene I witnessed and I reflected upon the crewmembers I knew and so recently dined with on this doomed flight. The sorrow was great and the event was unimaginable. I flew past the city of Boston and called the Boston TWA Station Manager (Paul) and requested he call my wife and family and tell them I was safe and not on Flight 800. It was possible that I could have been on this flight for several reasons. I flew 800 with my family wife and daughter on board one month before the ill- fated 800. My mother and family were devastated at the idea that I was on 800 and the call from Boston put their minds to rest. The problem with the Cairo flight was our lack of communication with the USA for the seven days we were in Cairo and Saudi Arabia. It’s not like you can just pick up the phone in Cairo and call home so easily as most countries of the world. The flight attendants of all the flights 800, 888 and 848 were the most senior on the airline and we all become family in this industry and these flight attendants had more than 40 years with TWA. When we arrived in Cairo and rested, we took a Falucca boat ride on the Nile to morn and deal with the loss. As a crew we hung together and awaited the day we

could return to our families after the seven day stay in Cairo. I listened to my “Love is Everything” composition and the Christopher Franke 137 arrangement. I felt the arrangement and composition told the story of Flight 800 Page


from takeoff to explosion and breakup with a enlightening ending. I then composed a Music Memorial for the survivors and friends of those lost on TWA Flight 800. I did two renditions of the Music Memorial that included the names of all 273 passengers and crew in a seven minute music arrangement. To speak this many names consumes the entire composition. I decided to record the names on three tracks and read them with three separate voices a backup woman vocalist and her daughter. These three tracks were mixed into the music and to hear them all, the listener must focus on one voice and play it back three times to hear all names clearly. It also created a very interesting effect hearing all three voices at the same time that was consistent with the tragedy.

FLIGHT 800 MUSIC MEMMORIAL The Music Memorial was played at memorial servicers all over the world and especially in Paris and the United States. One service in particular was in a city in Pennsylvania where an entire class of French students perished on a Field Trip to Paris. I received a letter from President Clinton who attended the service at the school of these students in recognition appreciation from him and all concerned. For me it was my way of dealing with the loss and tragedy and produced several thousand CD’s at my own expense as a fund-raiser. (Family and Friends of Flight 800) This program was spearheaded my Margret Krick who lost her son Oliver Krick serving as the Flight Engineer on 800. The following year July 14, 1997 we named our son after Oliver Krick in honor and recognition of the July crash of 800 and similar birthdates. The proceeds of all monies raised went to the building of a permanent memorial at the site on-shore of the crash. It is remarkable that I was to be the last to fly over this Flight 800 disaster. At the beginning of my airline career I was one of the next airplanes to land at O’Hare International airport on the day the American Airlines DC-10 engine separated

from the aircraft on takeoff and the airplane crashed behind the American hangar killing all on board.

138 I guess it just wasn’t my time! Page


PERSONAL EXPERIENCE FLIGHT 800 INVESTIGATION The entire Flight 800 thing is so reminiscent Kennedy Assassination! I remember following my return from Cairo how my wife Petra claimed the news of that night interviewed countless witnesses who say a missile fired from the ground or water up at the ill-fated flight! She said the following day there were no more interviews of anyone who may have seen anything. I found this very inconsistent with any past news reporting and a long list of inconsistencies followed. This generated the many conspiracy theories understandably. I will share my direct knowledge of the event and let you the reader draw your own conclusions! Less than 24 hours following the incident, the TWA CEO Greg Erickson was in Washington DC and meeting with the United States government over the matter. It was last we saw of Greg Erickson and he was replaced with another CEO. I was told Mr. Erickson accepted some appointed position with the Department of Transportation. Flight 800 and my Flight 888 flew over an MOA (Military Operations Area). The ceiling of this MOA is published and well outlined on all our charts. The profile of the Departure SID insured any commercial aircraft would remain well clear of this area on their climb to the east and parallel to the Long Island coastline. The Navy was conducting operations at the time and this area (MOA) was HOT (as we refer to in aviation vernacular). A C130 Pilot with trained eyes from past service in Viet Nam claimed to have seen a SAM (Surface to Air Missile) fired on 800. I know this was noted in the many theories of cover-up suspects. I can only tell you I had a co-pilot who had returned from a Military Green Flag exercise who met with one of these crewmembers who made the same claim. A Green Flag Exercise is conducted annually at Nellis AFB Nevada or somewhere in California where all the armed forces who fly aircraft attend and cooperate in the exercise. The idea of an accidental friendly fire did occur to me because why would JFK Clearance Delivery Issue me the exact same route or departure SID Boston Center 139 re-open and I fly directly over the crash site if it were anything but an accident. Page


On several occasions would have other TWA pilots on my jump-seat who were directly involved in reconstruction of the Boeing 747 Flight 800 aircraft recovered from the ocean floor. The debris field of the fallen jet occurred in shallow water making it easy to recover possibly ascertain what happened. The senior training instructor of TWA flight attendants who best knew the floor plan and seat positions of the B-747 was called in to review how and where the seats were found on the ocean floor relative to their proper position in the airplane. I cannot remember her name at the moment but she later wrote a book on the subject worth reading. She reveals how the Navy divers attached colored tags to the seats to carefully insure the seat locations were indexed on the debris field. Later these tagged seat locations were recreated on the Hangar floor on Long Island where the aircraft was reconstructed. This flight attendant claimed she found investigators moving and relocating seats from the positions identified by the divers. When this TWA 747 director flight attendant intervened she was told the seats were did not belong in their tagged positions. On a different occasion I had a jump-seat rider who claimed to have found a part very twisted and suspicious in color and brought it to the attention of the investigators. He claimed the part was never seen again! In the end of the investigation, the aircraft was completely melted down into perhaps beer cans and whatever else is made of aluminum. The final report claims the center fuel tank of the B-747 exploded from jet fuel fumes. Any pilot or person familiar with the (flash point) of Jet fuel would dismiss this report as highly unlikely. You could throw a burning match in Jet Fuel and it will be extinguished. The fuel does not atomize or vaporize with a spark and detonate the fuel cell. The raw fuel on any jet aircraft enters the engine under extreme pressure to atomize and ignite. I was flying many Sky Marshall Trainees from the FAA Headquarters in Virginia to Roswell New Mexico. While standing atop the roll-up stairway to my aircraft on the ramp of the FAA HQ in Virginia awaiting the trainee’s for transport, I noticed a Boeing 747SP in a long line of other B-747’s and questioned the FAA personnel standing next to me.

I asked him the meaning of all these 747’s parked in a long line on their ramp. He simply replied that they were still trying to blow up the center fuel tanks of these 140 airplanes. Page


Many similar reports of others directly involved in my opinion did not fit the final report by the media and investigators. TWA was awarded coveted US Mail contracts, given the latest model McDonnell Douglas aircraft and Boeing was allowed to merge with McDonnell Douglas in a highly disputed merger in violation of Anti-Trust regulations of monopolizing commercial aircraft production. The last inconsistency worthy of mention is if the FAA and investigators conclusion was that the center fuel tank exploded for some unknown reason, why didn’t they ground the entire fleet of that model Boeing 747 as they did with the DC-10 crash less than 20 years earlier. This has been in general practice until the cause of crash can be conclusively determined.

INTERNATIONAL AND RETURN TO DOMESTIC Our son Oliver was born on July 14, 1997 in the city of Bend Oregon and within weeks I moved my entire family to St. Louis where I bought a house and first, returned to Domestic flying from International and a second, changed of aircraft and returned to the Boeing 727 which was the airplane I first checked out as captain. The commute from Oregon to Kennedy became too much and I refused to continue with the birth of Oliver. I returned to the 727 because I had the seniority to fly as little as possible and spend time with my family. This was a difficult move for Petra after having delivered Oliver only 14 days earlier, moving out of one house and into another in Wildwood Missouri and my requalification on the 727. These are all major events in the life of anyone. We survived this it but it would indirectly lead to the end of our marriage. RETURN TO DOMESTIC ST. LOUIS BASE The year was 1998 and my life in St. Louis was in perfect balance. I was a senior Captain on the 727 and bid Reserve because it was a time where the airline was retiring the Boeing 727 fleet. There were several reasons for the B-727 retirement, the extra expense of the FE Flight Engineer, fuel efficiency noise considerations. . The Noise Abatement requirements established by the FAA and EPA made it impossible to fly the noisy jet with 3 engines unless an expensive Hush Kit was installed.

Retirement was in its future and less flying time and more pay was in mine. It was

141 the perfect situation for any pilot who lived in St. Louis. I spent so much time with my family and accumulated unused vacation time that I intended to use during the Page


Christmas Holiday year of 1997-98. This was the first time in my long career I could get a Christmas vacation because it was the first time I had enough seniority to hold it. TWA FLIGHT ATTENDANT STRIKE 1997 The Christmas Holiday began and so did my vacation. It was wonderful until the flight attendants went on strike and left TWA passengers stranded and sleeping on the floors of St. Louis Lambert International Airport. I n spite of all the troubles I had in the past with TWA, the passengers safety, comfort and patronage always came first. It was unthinkable and cruel hearted of these flight attendants to launch strike action during the holiday. Fellow pilot Bill Compton became COO at the time and was probably enjoying the Company Christmas Party while the TWA Airline was melting down. It’s no small wonder why I had a lack of respect for management or people in positions of authority! I could no longer tolerate watching the flight attendants kill my airline and I dressed in uniform and went to work while on vacation. I appeared at a scrambling Crew Desk in need of all personnel of flight deck and cabin crewmembers. I was immediately put to work flying the 727 as captain system-wide. TWA operated as most large airlines relying on a Hub and Spoke method with St. Louis being my Hub at the time. In other words everything was out and back to St. Louis. Every flight I returned to St. Louis and (due to the strike) had to fight for flight attendants. Only the new hires were not union protected crossed the picket lines and not honor the strike and the others working were TWA company flight attendants. The striking flight attendants were not even parading with signs on the cold Christmas Eve. They were at home enjoying Christmas with their families while our customers slept on the floor. I was furious with this group and the management of TWA for their lack of action to avert or resolve this situation. I remember a flight on Christmas Eve on my

return flight through St. Louis and planned to continue on to Philadelphia. I was about to lose one flight attendant who was getting off in St. Louis leaving me one flight attendant short. This would mean cancellation of my flight in St. Louis 142 unless I found a replacement. Page


I arrived at the gate with no gate agent in attendance. I went to the podium and greeted the awaiting Philadelphia passengers and explained the situation. A senior woman approached me who told me her son was dying of cancer and she had to see him and must make this flight. I assured her I would find a replacement flight attendant. I then immediately called TWA COO Bill Compton at his home with the suggestion of calling in all the reserve Flight Engineers on reserve. These FE’s, were more qualified to operate the doors of our fleet and could substitute for the striking FA’s. I left this suggestion on Compton’s answering machine and deduced he was at the Company party. I then called the Crew Desk and demanded a replacement and was told there are none. I said I was on my way downstairs from the Gate and they better have me one when I arrive at the Crew Desk. I wasn’t 10 steps from the Crew Desk when I noticed a young flight attendant seated and reading a book. I asked him if he were on reserve and assigned a flight. He said yes to the reserve question and added that they would not assign him a flight. I then abducted him and returned directly to the gate and put him to work to replace the lost crewmember. The passengers were all cheers and the old woman was in tears of joy! My act of abduction was adopted by other captains that night and soon the airline was partially operational by these abductions that eliminated need of the Crew Desk. After my return to St. Louis after the Philadelphia flight, I returned home to family and continued to monitor the news and get to COO Compton. I again was unable to contact any management with my suggested solution and decided to dress in my Captain’s uniform and go to the airport and volunteer to serve as a flight attendant. The Crew Desk denied my request but a fellow Captain Erhard agreed to let me serve as a Flight Service Manager on his Cancun flight since he was one FA short and unable to find a replacement. I was on the airplane ready to depart to Cancun when the company came down the Jet-way and replaced me with a real FA and I was assigned to fly Captain on another aircraft to a different destination. My file of commendations was overflowing at TWA because I always put the passenger first and never wavered from this policy of personal operation. 143 Page


I again did not make any friends with TWA management and all this would add up to my eventual termination from TWA for Insubordination and later overturned by American Airlines after merger. (Viva American Airlines}

PAKISTAN MOTORCYCLE EXPEDITION 1998 In summer of 1997 I received a call from Helmut Behrens. Helmut was living in Munich Germany and in the years past I was buying cars from him to resell in the United States. This buy and sell relationship went on for as long as the Deutsch Mark was devalued, this business dried up yet we continued as friends. Helmut was engaged in other businesses, mostly associated with buying properties and the opening of trade between East and West Germany. He purchased numerous motorcycles manufactured in the East from a company called MZ. The ideas fostered years before was to ride through the Karakoram in the Himalayas and on to the China Boarder. The summit of the expedition was at 18,000’ and Helmut claimed these MZ’s were the perfect weight and displacement to operate at this high altitude. We had planned this expedition sometime in the year of 1984 or 1985 before I was even dating Petra who later became my wife and we had two children. 1998 was to be our “Year of the Karakoram” and I was an entirely different and mature man from the Indiana Jones of my past. I appealed to Helmut that I could not make the expedition because of family and responsibilities. He countered with how we had planned this many years before and the motorcycles were completely rebuilt and refitted by the Austrian named Fritz. Fritz would be our third rider on this expedition and would serve as the mechanic. Helmut went on to address the issue of safety in numbers and last attacked my honor and word. Petra left the decision to me because I had agreed on the expedition (into one of the most dangerous regions of the world) years before she and I met. We were told in Munich at Sport Check that many who enter this part of the world

do not come out. This was not what Petra wanted to hear and I tried to downplay the words of the salesperson selling me equipment and clothing for this ambition.

144 I had accumulated more than a month of vacation days and this expedition would

Page consume all of it. Petra, Anya and Oliver were to remain in Munich with family


and friends and Helmut, Fritz and I flew on Turkish Airlines to Istanbul and PIA Pakistan International Airlines to Karachi Pakistan to receive the motorcycles Helmut sent by ship to Karachi. We arrived in Karachi and checked into the Intercontinental Hotel to await Custom Clearance of the motorcycles. On the very day of our arrival, 3 Americans were gunned down in front of our hotel and I could see plainly a security issue. Helmut dismissed it as nothing and I called the US Embassy in Karachi who said that my US Passport was valued at $30,000 US Dollars in a country where the average income is $300 per year. The Ambassador further informed me that even their people do not enter the Sind Desert without armed escort and armored troop carriers. He advised me against the travel and I sent him a copy of my US Passport and intended route. I then called by telephone to my good friend Rick Wackenhut who was from the founding family of Wackenhut Security with worldwide operations and over 50,000 employees. Wackenhut had an office in Karachi and Rick and I were in Boot Camp together in the Air force and continued as friends long after our service in the military. I called Rick at his Coral Gables home in Miami at 3 am his time and told him what was happening. He was in total disbelief that I was in Pakistan on this expedition and had his office contact me at the hotel and set up escort through this dangerous territory. Helmut was adamantly adverse to the Wackenhut escort and refused to include this in our plans. I have always said and learned “You Can Always Tell a German but you can’t tell them much”. I continued the expedition as a German and spoke only German. Getting the motorcycles through Customs was a one week effort at setback. I became ill from eating in Karachi which can be expected whenever I enter a foreign third world country. It was true about Cairo and other parts of the world where bacteria exist unknown to my body. It lends credence to the statement “If it doesn’t kill you, it only makes you stronger”. After becoming sick, I began to fast for what would be several weeks and drank only bottled water. I had nothing in my aluminum saddle boxes but water. 145 Page


The daytime temperatures in the Sind desert climb to 53 Celsius or approx. 140F degrees. We had air cooled motorcycles that could not dissipate the heat and would seize up every 50 kilometers or less in the heat of day. This required night operation which broke our cardinal rule against night riding due to the truck traffic on roads unmarked, no road lights and worse, the Daaku or Bandits. Well into the Sind desert were the ruins of Ronnicott. It was a famous old Indus civilization ruin circa 4000 years old and well off the main roadway. There is no shade or trees in this desert and the sun was intense. I felt this off road diversion was extremely foolish on street bikes, high temperature affects to these bikes and of course the Daaku. Fortunate for me, we came upon a police road block that prevented us from continuing on the road at night. I was still sick and the police chief gave up his own room to me in an incredible act of kindness and provided police escort the following day to Ronnicot. I tolerated Helmut and began to seriously question his self appointment as expedition leader. We departed at first light for Ronnicott escorted by an old 4 wheel drive pickup with several armed policeman and water to drink. There is no road to these ruins and we were riding on sharp rocks and stones the entire time we headed for these ruins. We came upon a climb that even the 4 wheel drive could not navigate but we could see the ruins from this point and Helmut continued the climb without consulting with me or Fritz. I knew I could make the climb but doubted Fritz was up to it. I had then decided we should not continue on to the ruins and discouraged Fritz to not attempt the climb. Germans and Austrians are very different. The German is more controlling in nature where Austrians are more submissive. These behavioral differences were not only evident in the relationship between Helmut and his wife but also in the relationship between him and Fritz. After Helmut scaled the steep climb, Fritz cast caution to the wind and was compelled to follow. Against my discouragement, Fritz attempted to make the climb and crashed partway up the cliff. I ran up by foot to get he and his bike upright and prevent the crankcase oil from leaking completely out. Fritz was fortunately only slightly injured and I took off after Helmut to discontinue the ruins pursuit.

I finally caught up with him and we returned to a waiting Fritz who could not start his motorcycle. The temperatures began to rise and Helmut’s bike was the next to

146 seize. I had the only operational motorcycle and we loaded the two failed bikes in Page


the police escort truck. The police escorts took Helmut, Fritz with motorcycles and headed back to the main road some 20 miles back. I was left alone with my bike and one of the police officers who spoke only Urdu. This is the language of the Pakistan and he and I began to sing songs while awaiting the return of the truck and our salvation. Sometime after the escort departed, in the distance we could see a man with a gun approaching from a distance who was no Bandit but one of the police from the returning escort vehicle. The escort truck had blown a tire on the sharp rocks while attempting to return to the main highway and the spare tire was flat. I then started my motorcycle and found the broken down truck less than halfway to the highway. I loaded the flat spare on my motorcycle and took it the 20 miles and had it repaired and returned to the escort truck where we mounted it and made it to the main highway. I am certain had we continued to the ruins that we all would have perished due to the heat of day and lack of water. I noticed the poor condition of the truck tires at the onset and could see cord on 2 of the 4 tires. This was in a large part why I insisted we return against Helmut’s plan and today he owes me his life! It was clear that Helmut lacked good judgment and leadership skills and I was not going to let him kill us all. We continued northbound en-route to Hyderabad and continued with the seizing up problems that Fritz and Helmut blamed on poor fuel. Somewhere short of Hyderabad, Helmut took a direct route on a terrible road through a little town rather that stay with the mainline around this town. I followed because I was not going to let Helmut lead Fritz to his end and had to take over leadership. Helmut was not about to relent and I simply stopped my motorcycle in the middle of nowhere and put down the kickstand while waiting for the two of them to turn around and return. After they did just that, I went over and sat on the dirt staring in the opposite direction in obvious discontent. They joined me and we sat in a circle as I found a rock and placed it in the center of the circle and began to tell these two men the story of an Indian Talking Stick. I explained that only the person holding the stick was allowed to talk and said that the rock I placed in the circle center was a Talking Rock. I explained that the problem was that we had one ship, one wheel and two captains. 147 Page


I continued to review the simple fact that injury or disability of any one of our group meant at best, the end of the expedition and at worse, loss of life. It was time to resolve this matter once and for all and the Talking Rock was my last effort to achieve this objective. We began this powwow with Helmut snatching up the rock and verbally tearing into me without interruption. When seemingly finished, Fritz picked up the rock and added his comments and returned the rock again in the circle. I then picked up the stone and maybe spoke several words when I was immediately cut off by Helmut. I handed the rock back to Helmut, since his mouth was running and I fell silent. He returned the rock to the center after which I picked it up to continue. Again Helmut cut off in mid-sentence. I asked him if he failed to grasp the concept of this exercise and why he continually interrupted me where finally he shut up and let me continue. I review the event where I almost got us all killed and the stupidity of his second diversion that could have ended the entire expedition. One thing I will say about the Germans is their logic. It was impossible for Helmut to argue with mine and the powwow wow was a success. I carried the rock on my handlebars in the event it was necessary to return to service. The night closed in and again the motorcycles of Helmut and Fritz seized due to heat and I rode my bike in the dark of night to the next nearest town to find a truck and driver to pick up the bikes and riders. I was almost run over by a big truck while avoiding a mule drawn cart on this dark highway and arrived in some little town late that night. I failed to mention that prior to this breakdown all of our motorcycles failed and hitched a ride with some men in a car with a plan to find a truck in the next town and return. I have never experienced heat like the Sind Desert and we came to where a river ran and cattle were up to their heads in the water. The water looked like hot chocolate and I insisted to the driver we stop so I could swim. Reluctantly the driver stopped and they let me swim with the cattle in what felt like hot chocolate. It was so hot that it was not in the least bit refreshing and cooler getting out than remaining in the water.

These men then took me to a place marked by a small roadside shrine-like structure with a path that led up into the rocks. I followed them into a cave where

148 hundreds of people collected to escape the heat of day. The temperature in the cave was in the 70’s and felt marvelous. If I had only known what these shrines meant Page


after passing so many on the hundreds of miles travelled, it would have made a significant difference in this miserable expedition. Back to the following breakdown and near death experience short of Hyderabad, I arrived in this small town alone where the temperatures were still in the hundreds and I was looking someone with a truck to go back in pick up Helmut, Fritz and motorcycles. I began to hallucinate and had to stop my motorcycle and park. I can only thank Boot Camp where we were required to take salt tablets after training in the extreme August summer heat of San Antonio Texas. I tasted the sweat running down my face and it tasted exactly like the water I was drinking! Immediately I realized I had no electrolytes or salt and began eating anything and everything. My recovery was came quickly and I continued my pursuit of a truck. For however few Rupees (Pakistan currency) I found a truck and driver and we recovered my partners and their machines. Rather than return to this little town, I made the command decision to continue to the Hyderabad and load the bikes on a train to Lahore several hundred miles to the north. I rode on the top of the truck’s cab in a rack for cargo and Helmut and Fritz rode in the back. The truck was much bigger than a pickup and the bed of the vehicle was five or six feet off the road with wood gated sides. Our motorcycles were former military bikes and olive drab green in color. I instructed to driver to stop for no one on the road to Hyderabad because it was very popular for the Daaku Bandits. The driver seemed to understand and we set off in the early late that night when no sooner had we left the town when and we encountered a Daaku roadblock. I was pounding on the top of the cab yelling not to stop. The driver stopped and the Bandits began scrutinizing Helmut, Fritz and I. I remembered the name of one of the most feared police/military Generals in Pakistan at the time named Amzel Zjanjua. I spoke only the name and they immediately split like Moses parting the Red Sea! We continued until shortly thereafter were intercepted by real Pakistani police and escorted through the remaining Bandit territory.




We were driven directly the train station and arrived before sun up. Even at 4 am in the morning the streets were busy and teaming with people. All the big cities were overpopulated and filthy, Hyderabad was no exception. I went directly to the station and purchased tickets while Helmut and Fritz unloaded the bikes. Our train to Lahore Pakistan was not scheduled to leave for several hours. As luck would have it the platform and rail for Lahore was furthers away from the station. Each platform was connected by bridged stairways that meant climbing a dozens of steps and crossing the walkway bridge then down the same number of stairs to the next platform. I am guessing there were 4 to 6 parallel rails and platforms. No sooner did Helmut have his ticket when he hired a dozen Pakistani’s and paid them next to nothing to carry his 400 lb motorcycle up and over each rail. I remember seeing the German barking instructions as he himself joined in the effort and was covered with dirt, grease and sweat pushing from the rear tire. I took a walk of maybe one hundred steps to the opposite side of the railway station and noticed a roadway to simply roll our motorcycles out to each including the last platform. I held Fritz back from doing the same effort as Helmut until the German and his slaves had finally scaled the last bridge and arrived at our platform to the Lahore train. Then in full view of Helmut, Fritz and I rolled our motorcycles effortlessly across all tracks and up the platform loading ramp. Helmut was both livid and obviously angry at himself and this anger carried over onto the train ride to Lahore. The motorcycles were loaded into a separate cargo rail car and we rode in a passenger car that was full of people and stunk of urine. The travel time was many hours and stops and the ride felt like several days rather than many hours.

LAHORE PAKISTAN When we arrived at the Lahore main station we moved directly to the cargo car and

found the Pakistani’s unloading our motorcycles. Helmut muscled in on their efforts and demanded they don’t touch his machine. He was both so rude and abrasive that I was determined to no longer continue the expedition with him. 150 Page


I was content to leave Helmut and Fritz because I felt the greatest perils of the trip were behind us in the desert and perhaps maybe they would survive without me. I was wrong about the extent of perils. I did not see Helmut for years to follow but they did survive and return to Germany with some kind of blood fluke and were hospitalized for three or four weeks. The only thing I could guess was they insisted on using water purification tablets and not drink bottled water as I did. I continued alone and met up with met several Pakistani’s who were of no threat. The first thing I did was rid myself of all western clothes and wore a Galabeya or gown type robe similar to the natives. My beard had grown and I was dark from the sun and lost so much weight from not eating and resembled Osama bin Laden more than an American.

NARRAN PAKISTAN I made it up through Kashmir and the disputed territory of India and Pakistan and remember the town of Narran where I played in the snowfields with some Pakistani friends. The Sind Desert was hell compared to Narran and offered no l rooms or even beds as I of knew them. When we began the expedition leaving Karachi and entered the desert only roadside beds were available and no structure was necessary because it was a desert and seldom rained. The bed was more like a rack or frame with rope netting tied together to serve as a mattress and resembled a stretch rack from the middle-ages. I slept in numerous racks on the journey and one in particular sticks in my mind and was one of many in a row that by Pakistan standards was a hotel. They just simply line these rack style beds up in long rows between the roadside parking and line of long benches and tables that is their restaurant. Both were not covered and in the open desert. I remember my bed/ rack so well because in the early hours of the morning, I was awaken by a blast of black exhaust smoke in my face while lying on my side and looking directly into an exhaust pipe of a big truck parked next to my bed. Back to Narran

I walked through all of Narran which could be done in 20 minutes. It was a single path through the town with fires burning nestled in the mountains region of 151 Karakoram and near the mountain of Nanga Parbat. Page


Not far away is the town of Gilgit in the Karakoram where an American man and wife were shot and left for dead in their tent by bandits. His name was Ned Gillette and he married the Suzie Patterson who together with her brother, Pete Patterson won Olympic Medals in downhill skiing in past Olympic Games. I know the Patterson’s not only from skiing but personally from our common home town of Ketchum/Sun Valley Idaho. Ned Gillette was a tremendous athlete as was his wife Suzie besides me, were probably the only other Americans in the region at the time. To establish what a Super Athlete Ned Gillette, Ned paddled solo a kayak from San Diego to Hawaii which I find quite incredible. They were only miles from my location near Narran when Bandit shot them as they slept back to back in their tent. A shotgun was used and Ned received the blast directly in the stomach and the shot penetrated him and lodged into the body of Suzie. She survived the ordeal and crawled to safety where Ned probably died a slow and painful death. The Bandits made off with nothing and Suzie carries the horrible memory of losing her loving husband and carries shrapnel still lodged in her body. The news made CNN and when I returned to the United States, anyone who knew I was in this same region of the world thought it was me shot and killed. People looked at me as if I were reincarnated. Fortunately I returned alive with only a hand-stitched tapestry rug over my shoulder and nothing of the many things I wore and carried for the expedition. It was extremely difficult to plan for over one month with a climate change from sea level and the heat of desert to 18,000’ and cold of the Himalayas. One morning in the town of Narran I noted a flurry of activity as everyone was scrambling to leave town. I asked my local acquaintances what was all the hurry about and the said simply Monsoon. They even told me the time and day of the event which was 15:00 hours or 3 pm the following day. These acquaintances suggested that I leave as well. I never understood what a Monsoon was until after this experience! It began to rain at exactly the predicted time and I was already underway down the many miles of mountain to the city of Islamabad Pakistan. I had many miles to cover and little

time to do it in. 152 Page


The roads leading down the mountain were dangerous and of temporary construction with many switchbacks because of the many thousands of feet descent to the valley floor. The roads were buttressed up by rocks rather than cut into the mountainside because these annual Monsoon’s would wash them out anyway. I remember seeing busloads of people that had left the road and fell the thousands of feet to their deaths and the bodies could not be recovered. This was truly a hard and dangerous part of the world to live and travel. The condition of these busses had zero maintenance with shock absorbers or springs completely broken causing the bus to list one way or the other. I have never experienced so much heavy rain in my life while racing down the mountain while the mountain was falling down on me. Huge rock as big as houses come falling down the mountain and close the road behind me and the torrent of water in the river valley below was boiling blood red. It was truly a race for my life to get down that mountain and I made it to the base town. No innkeeper would give me a room as I was covered with mud with only a credit card that was useless and not recognized. I slept on the roadside and continued to Islamabad where I found a bank that would accept my card for some cash.

ISLAMABAD PAKISTAN Islamabad is Pakistan’s effort to appear to be westernized. It is the Washington DC of Pakistan and they even have a garden of trees (one for each President of the United States) or did at the time. I would guess today after all the unrest and anti- American sentiment in the region that these trees were stripped from their roots. Islamabad felt like and artificial place and it was all government without any human element.

My objective was to go directly to the airport and fly out of Islamabad to Karachi. I shipped the motorcycle back to Karachi because of what is called a Carnet. This is

153 a guarantee by monetary bond posted at Customs that the motorcycle would leave Page


the country and not remain and be sold. The bond was many times the value of the motorcycle and this had to happen before I left Pakistan. Thanks to my Airline ID and pilot’s license I was invited by the Captain of PIA to ride in the cockpit jump- seat to Karachi with an intermediate stop in an area of Pakistan known for its nuclear testing. This was a sore subject between India and Pakistan on the year I was there. Our ground time was brief and I was back in Karachi awaiting my flight on PIA to Istanbul and Turkish Airlines flight back to Munich. It was impossible to clean up my white Galybea and relied on rain to get clean after the mud of the mountain. I bathed in the airport sinks and had only sandals on my feet, a crate of Tablas or bongo type drums and the tapestry acquired in Narran. When I arrived at Munich Joseph Straus Airport, Customs and Immigration detained me for hours and questioned my documents and cut open the soles of my sandals looking for hashish or something. Finally I was allowed to enter Germany and waited while seated on my crate for Petra to arrive and return me to my family and children. I can remember Petra entering the arrival doors and walking closely past without even recognizing me. I called her by name and she turned and looked at me in disbelief. My appearance had completely changed and I was unrecognizable. Even my children had a problem with my appearance and all I needed was a good cleaning up, shave and change of clothes. The weight came back after the great food and beer in Munich. I really had enough of such adventures after the Pakistan ordeal and felt fortunate to have survived Pakistan and remained content to be and airline pilot and raise a family. RETURN FROM PAKISTAN TO USA As previously mentioned, when I returned to work at TWA, my fellow crewmembers thought I was killed in Pakistan and were happy to see me back. The airline management was probably of a different mind! I had so many wonderful experiences flying with Ozark and TWA and I will share some more of them with you now. One that first comes to mind was while I was an OzarK Airlines First Officer flying the DC-9 with Captain Ed Leek. 154 Page


Keep in mind that these were the early years of the late seventies and early eighties when there was little or no airport security and metal detectors. The passengers and family would go directly to the gate and see their loved ones and travelers depart.

WONDERFUL PAST AIRLINE EXPERIENCES It was a wonderful time to fly for both passengers and crewmembers. As pilots we were free to carry whatever we wanted in out flight kits and baggage. Ed Leek carried a 45 caliber revolver in his flight bag and would taxi out to the end of the runway and open the cockpit window to shoot rabbits. The passengers would mention to the flight attendant that they heard popping noises and the FA would call Captain Leek with these reports. Captain Leek would then speak to the passengers on the PA and dismiss the noises as compressor stalls and they are routine in the pre-flight before takeoff. Captain Leek was also best known for failure to maintain his uniform and paid little attention to the cleaned and pressed look. He was a chain smoker and invented what was called the Ed Leek ashtray. This ingenious ashtray was not an ashtray at all. He used his necktie and took the pointed end and flipped it up to deposit his ashes. I flew a roundtrip Miami turn with Captain Leek from STL St. Louis to MIA Miami back to STL. There was no layover hotel no need for an overnight suitcase. On this particular flight and following our arrival at the gate, Ed had his overnight suitcase on his home made wheelie cart which was a golf bag cart with ball on the end of the handle and his suitcase on the golf bag base at the wheels. When we went into the operations office to get our return release and look at the weather, I asked Ed why he had his overnight suitcase for a return flight to STL St. Louis. He explained he had a house in Costa Rica and that he was going to leave the bag in MIA and catch a commuter flight from STL back to MIA and on to Costa Rica. His suitcase had a large bulge in the top and a zipper opening design. I asked him what is that large bulge in your bag and he volunteered to show me.

He unzipped the bag and exposed the transmission for a Volkswagen Micro Bus laid directly on his uniform shirts. This was incredible and I still can’t stop laughing as I recollect this sight. 155 Page


Captain Leek was only one of the many diverse characters I met in the industry. Another colorful character was Captain Bill Stout. Captain Stout was a pleasure to fly with and a excellent airman and also seaman. He lived on a sailboat on the Chesapeake and wore a sailor’s hat instead of a pilot’s hat. He also had a novel method of rolling his flight bag different from the golf bag cart of Captain Leek. Captain Stout had his bag on a trolley board that he pulled with a lanyard or length of rope from his boat. What a sight this captain was and he lives today (in his nineties) rides a motorcycle back and forth across the Florida Peninsula to see his girlfriend. Then of course there was our most senior captain at the time O.D. Bales. We had just acquired the first generation of MD-80 aircraft at Ozark which was no more than a stretched out and glorified DC-9 with a partially Glass Cockpit panel. It had a FMC (Flight Management Computer) and O.D. had no idea how it worked. It was necessary to fly the airplane as it was designed and O.D. relied on the co- pilot to push the right button at the right time. Programming the device was also left to the co-pilot and there was a button to descend that was pushed at the captain’s discretion. Usually this descend button was pushed in preparation for approach and landing. Captain O.D. Bales was a chain smoker too but unfortunately for the co-pilot, O.D. smoked cigars. My uniform would stink so bad after flying with O.D. that I asked him if he could maybe smoke a little less on the month I flew with him. He was senior and so was I and we were flying the best schedule on the airline. Captain Bales replied to me peacefully, Bruce, all I can tell you is that I will be flying these flights all month! I flew the entire month with O.D. and discovered a way to use the Gasper air vents in such a way and direction where there was a little area that I could breathe in the same cockpit with this man. When it was time to descend into Las Vegas one late night, I looked over at O.D. to get the nod of approval to push the descend button and I could not see him. He was in a cloud of smoke so I just pushed it anyway and nothing was said. O.D. was short on words and life. He died shortly after retirement. I had many wonderful and hilarious memories with TWA as well!


156 On one occasion while I was in Cairo, I went to the Khan Kalili Bazaar and witnessed one on of the most spectacular performances by the Whirling Dervish. Page


There was no admission charge for the performance but in order to get a seat on the benches, the spectators need to arrive early. It was standing room only and the show was sponsored by the Ministry of Performing Arts. The star of the show was a Sufi man by the name Bundak. His performance was so mesmerizing and remarkable that he performed for some of the best known dignitaries in the world. I never knew what a Whirling Dervish was nor did I understand Sufi’s. This all later became a practice and fascination that carried over even into my world of sports. The Whirling Dervish dates back to the beginning of time and is actually based on the physics that everything is spinning. For example; in the sub atomic or micro cosmic universe, electrons are spinning around the nucleus of the atom as in the macro-comic universe, the moons and planets are circling the Sun and spinning at the same time. It is the same very thing that is evident in children spinning in place while getting dizzy and sometimes falling. The Whirling Dervish performers spin or rotate in place in what is called Sema Dancing. It is a stepping sequence that requires the performer to remain perfectly centered on the vertical axis. At the same time in the Whirling Dervish wear a Tonura or round dress that is worn at the waist and weighted by rope at the outer ring of the dress. This weighted ring allows the dress to fly almost as a platter around the dancer as he spins. Further the dancer can un-tie the ring at the waist or center of the dress and while rotating moving the spinning Tunora above their body and over their heads like a cowboy would swing a lasso rope. The Tonura worn in the Cairo performance is multi-colored but is traditionally white and part of the robe or gown itself. The dancers spin continuously for an hour without stopping and visually appear to lapse into a state of Trans. Both arms are extended with the right hand open upward facing the heavens while the left hand is opened downward facing earth. In the Cairo show there are several dancers who surround Bundak and all the dancers are spinning in place to the beat of Tablas and Raababas. (a primitive string instrument) I found this performance so inspiring and seldom failed to attend this performance while in Cairo. I also met Bundak and without speaking Arabic, I could understand this man. He instilled a sense of peace and content that led me to explore Sufism. 157 Page


Sufism is not a religion but a way of life with the fundamental tenant of Tolerance. The Sufi tolerates everything from individual beliefs and religion. It finds its roots in Turkey with a prophet of the Mevlivi Order by the name of Jalalladin Rumi. Rumi has written so many remarkable books and writes eloquently. An example of this is his view of religion and he writes “There are as many paths to God as there are people and breaths of the children not yet born”! I found this very profound and deep and began to dig deeper reading Rumi and began to practice the Sema Dance or spinning in place as performed by these Dervish dancers. Initially I became dizzy and nauseated until with some practice and could go for only a short time. I was still based in New York at the time flying routinely from JFK to Cairo, I decided to visit a Sufi Shaak in the State of Vermont by the name Kabir Helminski. Not a name I expected of a Sufi Shaak! Kabir was also a publisher and founder of his company Threshold Books. Kabir Helminski invited me to stay at his home with family and worked with me on my whirling practice and told me my problem was my direction of rotation. I was attempting to rotate in a clockwise direction when I should have rotated counterclockwise. He claimed the reason was the heart was located more to the left in the human body and I should rotate in the direction of the heart. Oddly enough this worked and I returned to New York and put together a music demo in three ring notebook binder with Whirling Dervish artwork I drew with colored pencils. My artwork was inspired by Bundak and I created his image in pencil and began sketching illustrations of the entire Whirling Dervish concept in a way Antoine de Saint Exupery sketched his character the “Little Prince”. Tom Kender: Please include this demo at the end of this manuscript. ADDEMDUM: MUSIC DEMOONSTRATION ‘LOVE IS EVERYTHING DEMO WITH ILLUSTRATIONS

LOVE IS EVERYTHING MUSIC VIDEO I generated dozens of these Music Demo’s in 3 ring binders with illustrations, lyrics to my original music. The object of this effort was to distribute the demos to known successful performers like Neil Diamond and others who might appreciate 158 my music and work. Page


After writing my original song “Love is Everything” I had the idea of making a music video at a time when MTV was happening! I wanted to film Bundak in Cairo for this 7 minute piece of music but it was necessary that I rehearse it first. This meant that I had to spin in place for seven minutes. I set a timer and eventually was able to accomplish not only 7 minutes but well beyond. I practiced this whirling for years to follow and discovered after about 30 minutes I would lapse into a different state and needed the timer to wake me from it. I remember going for as much as one hour. I then was able to move around the house while spinning and never touch or disturb anything like furniture or small items on shelves and counters. It was a remarkable discovery that led to an effective defense against jet lag and improvement in my skiing and playing ice hockey. Back to the music video; I imagined a video that would capture the entire concept in my own rendition of a film entitled “The Powers of Ten”. I remembered this black and white 20 minute production from a college physics class that I found to be incredibly thought provoking. It was a short film produced in the fifties or early sixties using the film footage of rockets with rearview cameras that were launched from Cape Canaveral. The film started with a sunbather on the beach with a camera located 10’ above the sunbather and moved away exponentially at ten to the first, ten to the second and continued in this manner with a time clock or chronometer creating the time frame. Rearview film from a rocket launch was used because there was no Pixar or digital animation at could capture the concept of the camera moving away at such a remarkable speed. The accelerating passage of the moon and planets was very realistic and carried the audience into another universe in only two or three minutes and light years from earth. For the next minute the camera was fast reversed back to the position 10’ above the sunbather and entered the sunbather’s body into the micro-cosmic for another two or three minutes demonstrating that the Macro and Micro Cosmic universe was equally as vast.

This was truly and incredible film and I wanted to employ the concept into my music video production of “Love is everything”. It also was consistent with the 159 Whirling Dervish concept that everything was spinning. The simple fact that planet Page


earth is rotating at 24,000 mph on its orbit around and at the same time orbiting our Sun at 66,000 mph lends credence to this theory.

SPHEREOPTICS I lacked the computer knowledge, software or experience and developed my own method or creating the visual effects through a process I developed called Sphere- Optics. I established the Domain SPHEROPTICS.COM and later sold this computer domain to a German company. My purpose was to create the visual equivalent of the moon and planets in our solar system without the computer and began by getting a astronomical books with high resolution images of these planets from the Hubble Telescope. I then went to Kinko’s and made color transparencies of the moon and planets and placed them on a translucent plastic glass like used in viewing x-rays. I found a Christmas decoration of ice skaters with magnets on their bases that moved around on a translucent plastic surface simulating ice and under the translucent was a rotating steel ring that would move the magnetic based skaters. I cannibalized this decoration and used its moving parts to rotate the images of the planets. I went further to utilize a friend’s film production studio with Beta-Cam and rotating platform with my rotating planets and the effect was fantastic. I actually created a lifelike Hurricane from the Space Shuttle image of Hurricane Andrew using this method. My problem was to take these flat images and create spheres from them. I then created a lens by simply taking a piece of PVC pipe and some fittings glued to its ends and placed an acrylic sphere within the pipe and view the images through the lens. The experiment was a complete success and remarkably believable when rotated. I then began to add additional spheres and explored the optical results. I then turned my attention to the transparencies and took a simple Rand McNally road map and copied the image of the Lake Tahoe area with the lake at its center and all the blues, greens, and colors of the topography and roads.

I made multiple copies of the same image sometimes as many as 8 or 10 with the original on white paper as the backdrop for the transparencies. I placed a thumbtack in the center or Lake Tahoe and began rotating the images by fractions 160 Page


of 360 degrees until they were all equally spaced. The effect was incredible. It created a vortex and illusion of rotation that was a complete surprise. My passion is creation!

WHIRLING DERVISH SEMA DANCE/SPORTS APPLICTIONS As the music video ambition led to these discoveries, so did the Whirling Dervish experience. In the sports of downhill skiing, waterskiing and hockey, whoever has experience in these activities realize that it is easier to turn one direction than the other. For example with most right footed skiers and skaters find it easier to turn to the left than the right. This is not so much because of a downhill ski that bears the majority of weight and is used to carve the turns or the right skate that is in a similar way carving a turn. The true reason is the skier or skater is not centered properly on the vertical axis. In all the sports there is no leaning as it might appear to the spectator. The transfer of weight from one ski or skate to the other combined with body position and strength determine a good skier or skater from a poor one. I can speak from experience because for years I also had a weak and strong direction. For me it was easier to turn to the left than the right in all these sports. This explained why when I experimented and practiced whirling or spinning I was able to rotate to the left or counterclockwise as opposed to the right. I met a Cherokee Shaman who without ever had met me before asked me if I was a Whirling Dervish. This came as a complete shock to me how this stranger could possibly know this and I paid close attention to what the Shaman said. I was simply told that I was rotating in the wrong direction! Armed with this revelation I returned home and began to struggle and practice rotating in the clockwise direction to my right. After several months of practice I was able to whirl in both directions without nausea or dizziness. The results were remarkable on the ice and playing in Men’s League Hockey. I became strong in both directions and eliminated the weak side gaining great advantage against my teammates and opponents. I was able to change direction that would cause some of the best defenseman to fall to they’re knees. 161



NHL ST. LOUIS BLUES I shared this with the NHL St. Louis Blues and was discussing a training exercise that I would lead and teach these players the practice of whirling in both directions. The result would make them much better skaters.

PROBLEMS WITH TWA MANAGEMENT departure time Something distracted this ambition that probably was related with my problems with TWA management and I had to defend myself against another assault by my employer. There was always something in my discourse with TWA management. My performance and record was exemplary and my dedication was indicative by my file filled with letters of commendation any beyond rebuke. There was one incident where the airlines policy was to close the aircraft door at departure time and not a moment later. The boarding agent was responsible to insure this policy was followed and would not hold the flight for passengers running to catch the flight from another inbound flight that arrived late. My policy differed from TWA in this regard and I would hold the flight for “Runners” as they are referred. One such case involved Runners from a late arrival from Boston at a gate on the C concourse at St. Louis. My aircraft or flight was destined to San Francisco and was on the D Concourse. This was a good long distance and moving walkways were installed in the airport to reduced gate to gate connection times. The Agent was about to close the door and I had these runners from Boston. I as captain refused to allow the agent to close the aircraft door until these connecting passengers arrived. The agent went on to dictate company policy. I ended his speech accepting full responsibility for the delayed departure. This delay was only 15 minutes and the half dozen passengers or more were so appreciative holding the flight. I could only imagine how I would have appreciated it were I in their shoes. We pushed back and were off and I drove the airplane like it was rented to get to San Francisco. This doesn’t mean that I exceeded any operational parameters of the aircraft or engines. It means that despite all the economy cruise speeds published in the manual, I could prove that (depending on aircraft model) less time 162 airborne meant less fuel burn! Page


Such was the case when on our delayed departure to SFO. I arrived at the gate in San Francisco 15 or 20 +

I was called into the front office and faced off with the Chief Pilot on the matter who dictated company policy as did the agent. I ended the conversation with this Chief Pilot by stating that (Number one), the time the aircraft door is closed was not as important to the passengers as the time the door is opened at their destination. (Number 2), I arrived at the destination gate almost 20 minutes early. (Number 3), I saved the company 10-20,000lbs of fuel and (Number 4), Passengers pay my salary and not Chief Pilots! The meeting was over as there was nothing more to say. I created another wedge in relations with the TWA Fraternal Order of Chief Pilots.

TWA POSITIVE EXPERIENCES/ CAIRO STATUE On the positive side and keeping with sharing of fun experiences with TWA. I was flying to Cairo for years and knew the city better than St. Louis. At the same Khan Kahalili Bazaar where the Whirling Dervish performed, I purchased a Pharaoh statue that looked so authentic and appeared to be made of Obsidian or some heavy black stone. Not only did it look heavy but it was! Standing only 4’ tall without arms and lower legs it weighed somewhere in the neighborhood of 200+lbs. I intended to return it to the United States and put it in my house with the many other artifacts I had collected from all over the world. The question was how to get this heavy thing back on the airplane. I created a two wheeled cart and strapped this statue to it. I rolled it back to the Nile Hilton to prepare it for further transport to the United States. I had it loaded onto the crew bus to the Cairo Airport When I and my crew arrived at the airport and approached the ticket counter, I was stopped by the police who thought I was leaving the country with and antiquity. This was how authentic this bust or statue was! The police contacted an expert from the Cairo Museum to determine if it was real or a reproduction.

After realizing it was a reproduction and releasing me and the statue, I took it to

163 the ticket counter and operations office to have three or four men carry it out to the Page


aircraft, up the stairs of the Jet-way and strap the statue in the jump-seat behind by captain’s chair. All flight deck seats have 5 point harnesses for seatbelts and all five were used to strap this heavy replica in place. A cockpit interior light shown directly over the statue and from the ground while standing in front of this big jet in the dark of night, it was quite an impressive sight to see this statue three stories up in the cockpit with the light shinning upon it. I could never have done this in today’s regulated world of aviation. I flew the Pharaoh back to Kennedy and completed my mission as Captain. The flight and same aircraft was scheduled to continue on to St. Louis with a domestic Captain. I received approval from this domestic Captain to transport the Pharaoh on the same jump seat to STL. In a perfect world I would have not have to move this heavy statue and could just leave it in the seat to continue on to St. Louis. Not being a perfect world, I had to clear Customs and Immigration with all baggage including this heavy statue. This meant getting this thing off the airplane, back on wheels, through Customs and back on the same airplane again. It was too heavy for me to manage alone and I called for several wheelchairs for our handicapped passengers and an extra for the statue. When wheelchair assistance arrived at the flight and rolled away with the passengers requiring the chairs, there was one remaining and the assistant asked me who this chair was for? I told him we had a passenger with no arms or legs and he was visibly disturbed. I relieved him by taking him to the cockpit and surprised him with the statue. We both laughed and he helped me get the thing into the wheel chair and finally onto the two wheel cart I carried. I cleared Customs with the statue and with the Captain permission returned the statue to its jump-seat. I rode in the second jump-seat and unloaded the statue in STL where it stood in my living room for years to come. I still have the statue today or I should say Petra has it!



I flew Christmas holiday to Rome, Italy and our hotel was a short distance from the Basilica and Midnight Mass. My flight attendants asked me if I had a ticket to attend Midnight Mass and I was unaware that it ticket was required. They explained how unfortunate it was as they all had tickets and sadly no extras. They hurried off for Vatican City and I casually changed clothes and walked out the hotel where I met several Nuns or Catholic Sisters who asked me if I was going to attend Midnight Mass? I said I had no ticket and they gave me one! Whoa, this was incredible I thought and returned to my hotel room to change into more appropriate clothes. I went to the Basilica and the long line of people leading up to the doors of this magnificent cathedral. I passed through security and the relieved me of my Swiss Army knife. After all they were the Swiss Guard! I followed the hundreds of pass-holders and entered the Basilica and (unchecked by the ushers) walked directly up to where clergy gathered. I could almost walk up and touch Pope John Paul XXIII from whom I received communion on that memorable Christmas Eve and Day. How does such timing occur I have no clue and why me? It still boggles my mind how somehow I am at the right place at the right time and experience these remarkable memories!

RETURN TO THE B-727 DOMESTIC My return to domestic after so many years of international flying was not without remarkable moments of perfect timing. I was based in St. Louis where I lived and flew Captain again on the B-727. I could fly and land the Boeing 727-225 better than most any pilot who has ever flown this model airplane. This is because other pilots who had trouble with landing did not understand the geometry of its design and more specifically the position of the main landing gear relative to the Mean Aerodynamic Cord and Center of gravity. There exists imaginary lines or axis’s both longitudinal and lateral, that establish the center of balance of the any airplane. The location of all equipment and

passengers relative to this point of equilibrium is measured in Arms and Moments. Most aircraft main landing gears are located on or slightly forward of the point and 165 when the pilot gets in Ground Effect and begins to Flare or slightly pull back on Page


the wheel and column, the aircraft softly settles down on the main gears making for a soft landing. The position of the landing gear on the B-727 is aft or behind this balance point and when the pilot flares to land essentially drives the main gear on the runway making for a hard landing. Having determined this for myself, I would get into ground effect and actually slightly push forward on the column and the result was the mains would rise up and the airplane would softly settle on the runway. Sometimes so soft that I as the pilot was not sure the airplane was on the ground.

CHUCK BERRY ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME Such was the case on my landing in Cleveland Ohio with Music Legend Chuck Berry on board. I knew of his presence only because my flight engineer was a young and huge fan of Chuck Berry and our First Class flight attendant informed the cockpit crew of his presence. Mr. Berry was the Headliner at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame event on the same day and evening of our flight. I later came to learn that he was staying at the same Westin Hotel as did my crew. This hotel was only blocks away from the conventions center where Chuck Berry was to appear. I had already begun the descent into Cleveland Airspace when the engineer asked if he could go back and confirm it was Chuck Berry. I consented but insisted he return quickly to bring the cabin pressurization down for our landing. He was away for only a minute and returned claiming it was really Chuck Berry. I asked him how he was so sure and he said because he had the biggest hands he had ever seen on a human. Ok I said and we continued the approach down through the weather and landed on the Runway at the Cleveland Airport. This was probably the softest landing I had ever pulled off! Even I did not know if the airplane was on the ground until I watched the airspeed bleed off. With two miles of runway I was not about to spoil this perfect landing with brakes or thrust reversers.

I slowly let the aircraft slow to taxi speed and ever so slow made 2 right angle turns, first off the runway and second onto the runway parallel taxiway to the gate. It was dark enough that the passengers were unaware that we were already on the 166 ground until the gate agent opened the door and they shocked in disbelief. Page


Chuck Berry came to the cockpit to tell me directly that it was the most amazing experience he could ever remember in all his years of flying. I thanked Chuck and told him I fly this airplane like he plays his guitar! He invited me and my flight deck crew to his performance and instructed us to pick up our tickets at the Will Call Window of the Convention Center. The flight engineer was blown away and eager to get to the hotel and on to the show. There was a long list of famous acts to perform that night and from the 50’s, 60’s. Our tickets were in the nose bleed section that didn’t matter because we felt so fortunate to be there and enjoyed the popcorn and beer. When It was my turn to make the beer and popcorn run I changed course and went to the backstage guard and asked to see Chuck Berry. The security guard asked me who I was and I told him that I was Chuck Berry’s Captain! He had me wait and after a brief time returned to escort me backstage to the dressing room of Chuck Berry and when I entered the room, Chuck embraced me like a brother or son and for years to follow would always call me his Captain. (Fortune favors the Bold) Chuck insisted I remain backstage with him and for his performance and I mentioned the crewmembers in our assigned seats. He sent for them to join me backstage and the flight engineer was truly in heaven. We were backstage with the legends of rock and roll and for the entire performance. Chuck was the last to take the stage and I moved down to floor level and next to the stage to hear and see his performance. He opened with a musical introduction and description of his arrival and about me as his Captain. The spotlight was searching the audience for me but I could not be found from where I stood. The show went on and afterward we all dined together back at the hotel we shared. It was fantastic and Chuck and I became well acquainted for years to follow because he lived close to my home in the St. Louis area. He met my family and on one occasion after TWA had been completely integrated into American Airlines, I encountered Chuck at the ticket counter checking in for his flight and performance in Munich Germany.

I helped him get checked in and gave him my Captain’s hat to replace his white sailor’s hat and suggested he wear it at the Munich show He asked if it was 167 possible or legal and I assured him it was because overnight there was not any Page


evidence that TWA even existed. Once these airline mergers are complete the surviving airline eliminates any evidence of the acquired airline.

SEPTEMBER 10/ 911 ST.LOUIS BLUES I flew the St. Louis Blues Hockey team to Anchorage Alaska for an exhibition game against the San Jose Sharks. I flew the team with a Boeing 757 on September 10 th or 9/10 and returned early morning on the infamous 9/11. I remember driving the morning of 9/11 in disbelief and was fortunately already on the ground and not caught up in the nationwide diversions and grounding of the airlines. Several days later I was back and flying again without the slightest fear of any terrorist acts by aircraft.

ST. LOUIS RAMS FOOTBAL TEAM MARSHALL FAULK/KURT WARNER Another wonderful memory was flying the St. Louis Rams football team to New Orleans to play the final playoff game that would guarantee them the Super Bowl in the same New Orleans stadium or dome that year. I inserted the 9/11 experience because it impacted the story I am about to tell. This decisive game for the Rams in New Orleans was only several months after 9/11 and airport security was at an all time high. Normally we as a crew would stay at the same layover hotel with the team and also received tickets to the games. My flight attendants attended the game and I instructed them to return to the hotel at Half Time. This gave us sufficient time to return to the airport to ready the aircraft for departure on the same night after the game. It was blistering cold and windy when I and my crew were stopped by security at the airport gated entry behind the main terminal. We were commanded off the bus and all of our baggage and crew kits were unloaded and inspected in the cold wind. I asked the inspector’s if they intended to do the same with the entire Rams football teams and their many busses and equipment? They’re answer was a resounding yes as I was looking directly at the Business Aviation Terminal at the same time. I called the TWA Flight Operations New Orleans and requested they call the Control Tower and ask if the ramp of the business aviation terminal could support 168 the weight of a 500,000 pound aircraft. The answer was yes and I asked Operations

Page to tow the airplane over to the terminal.


TWA Operations New Orleans claimed it was not authorized I replied then I would taxi the aircraft to the other terminal. This is exactly what I did and notified the team of the change while they were returning to the airport. We no sooner parked and shut down the big jet when the entire line of team busses pulled onto the ramp and delivered the players, press, families and equipment to the airplane without any interference with security. If I had not made that decision, we may still be there trying to get through New Orleans Airport Security. The Rams won and were on their way to the Super Bowl! The celebration on the airplane was joyous and the time was after midnight and I wanted to takeoff and head home to St. Louis. The only obstacle preventing our departure was an ANNUNCIATOR light on my panel that indicating the Aft Galley Door Open. This sometimes occurs when the door switch doesn’t make complete contact. I called back to the aft galley flight attendant and requested she cycle the handle on the door that often corrects this indication. She advised me that the door was still open and I asked why? She said I must ask Marshall Faulk (Rams Star Running Back).I asked where was Marshall? She said he was in the forward galley! The forward galley was in earshot of the cockpit and I called out Marshall’s name and I told him to come forward. He was very cordial and said yes captain and I asked him “why are we still here”? He said he ordered some Po-Boy sandwiches! I I told Marshall I tired and ready to go home and was happy for their victory and said, “You mean to tell me we are still here because you ordered a Po-Boy sandwich”? He said no Captain, I ordered 300 Po-Boy’s. Marshall Faulk lived on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain in the Mandeville area and had family there. I told him he had no idea how much trouble he was in but there was a solution! He was very humble and said “yes sir, what can I do”?

I told him he must first personalize my uniform shirt by signing his name down the right forward breast side with a permanent ink pen, then, go to the back and get

169 Kurt Warner (Rams Star Quarterback) to sign the other side! Page


He agreed to the terms and they both signed the shirt and Marshall nicely asked me “Captain, would you like a Po-Boy”? I said yes Marshall I would”? It was so much fun that night in New Orleans and the entire Rams football team, staff coach and owners were wonderful.

ST.LOUIS RAMS SUPERBOWL I was also the Captain who flew the Rams to the Super Bowl in New Orleans but we did not stay with the team. I returned the aircraft empty to St. Louis until the next day after the game when I was to return again to New Orleans to pick them all up. Following the game where the Rams lost the Super Bowl I was to pick them up at the same business aviation ramp as it proved to the airline to be the best place to operate these charters without dealing with Airport Security. Necessity is the mother of invention and that one night and my selecting this location proved to be a better way of doing business in this regard. We were to pick them up early the morning after the game and the flight from St. Louis to New Orleans was an hour or less as I flew the airplane as fast as it could fly. I always told my passengers who were concerned about being late or missing connections that “I would drive the plane like it was rented”! With only my entire crew of first officer and flight attendants, we departed St. Louis at about 4:00am in the morning with a B767-300 that was an airplane that TWA acquired after being operated by the Russian Airline Aeroflot. This particular airplane was the problem child of the fleet and I dreaded it on my release. I knew it would be trouble from the start and trouble it was! I let the FO fly and we climbed to 41,000’ when the overhead digital fuel indicator’s failed. These indicators informed the flight crew on the location of the fuel in the 3 fuel cells, Left Wing, Right Wing and Center Fuel Cells. We are allowed only 1500lbs. asymmetry between the wing tanks and these indicators insured a balance in fuel. The aircraft is also equipped with a Fuel Totalizer instrument that did only that, give the total fuel on board with no distribution information.

This is a No-Go item and I was not about to return to St. Louis so I called maintenance on the radio to see if I could fix it in flight. While the aircraft was in 170 flight I had the FO don his Oxygen Mask per the manual and I was up pulling Page


circuit breakers on the large panels above our heads. There were hundreds of them all lit and sometimes difficult to read and identify. It was accomplished by the alphabetic legend over the top and numeric legend down the side. TWA Maintenance was instructing me as to which circuit breakers to pull in combinations and order and I was able to regain the instruments. Great and we continued until the problem re-occurred and I repeated all steps as previously described as proved successful before. This time while I was standing behind my seat and doing the circuit breaker the FO put the airplane into a dive as outlined by the book because we were losing Pressurization. I told him to level off and manually close the Outflow Valves, before I went flying forward over the top of my seat. I strapped in and donned my oxygen mask and tried to figure what was wrong with the pressurization. Again I was on the radio to Maintenance one hundred miles south of St. Louis after recovering the pressurization system yet could not resolve the fuel distribution panel. I told the airline I was coming back and demanded a different airplane. I made it clear I did not want them to try and fix this Russian trash can and wanted and entirely different tail number. We returned to STL sometime around the time we were supposed to be picking up an angry Rams team who just lost the Super Bowl. I wanted to mitigate the team delay by switching aircraft and getting down ASAP. My intentions went up in smoke as maintenance insisted on fixing it. This gobbled up several hours more of delay when we again took off for New. Orleans. I could then only imagine how mad the team would be after their loss and my 7 hour delay. There were several B-767s like mine at the ramp on arrival and they were all parked at the business and general aviation terminal picking up all the teams and their families and Press. No-one was smiling and I did the best I could to smooth it over. I returned and immediately after becoming airborne the overhead fuel distribution panel failed. I continued to St. Louis as there was no way I would return to New Orleans after all that had happened on that day.



Another experience as a TWA pilot was when I was called by the airline to ferry and empty B-757 from St. Louis to Atlanta Hartsfield Airport where some modification or special maintenance was to be performed on the engines. I and my co-pilot John Hohensee we to receive the aircraft from service on its return flight from San Francisco and ferry the airplane without any passengers or flight attendants. When The FO and I met the aircraft after arriving from SFO and all the passengers and flight attendants deplaned, the interior cabin was a mess of newspapers, pillows, blankets and trash on the floor. It was not necessary to have the airplane cleaned because it was being taken out of passenger service and on to the maintenance in ATL Atlanta. It was in the afternoon around 2:00 or 3:00 pm as I and the First Officer began to program and preflight the aircraft. John the FO requested to fly the airplane and I agreed. I remember at the time a very high level thunderstorm was over Kansas City nearly 250 miles to the west and approaching St. Louis. I wanted to get the aircraft airborne and on our way to ATL before the arrival of this storm. I believe it could have been level 4 or worse level 5. These are tremendously dangerous storms sometimes towering 60,000’ with tornados, hail and high winds with heavy rain. They are avoided at all costs in the air, land or on water. The weather in STL and on our entire flight route was clear and cloudless. We readied the aircraft, pushed back and began our taxi for RWY 12 STL. It was necessary to taxi on the taxiway parallel to the runway and in the opposite direction of 300 degrees west. I could see the approaching weather as the sky in the direction of Kansas City was virtually black. The storm was so tall that it was beginning to block out the sun as it continued to approach St. Louis. We reached the end and were cleared into position on runway 12R now pointed120 degrees east and no longer able to see the approaching weather. We were cleared for takeoff we climbed like a rocket ship with a light fuel load and without passengers and baggage. The standard takeoff and departure procedures are a 250 knot climb to 10,000’and fast as you can to get out of the area. The First Officer lowered the nose and began accelerating well over 300 knots as we continued to accelerate when climbing through 14,000’ my instincts told me to slow the aircraft down. 172 Page


I remember reaching my head forward above the panel visor and looking up through the top edge of the windshield at what was the ragged point of the thunderstorms anvil overhanging maybe 40,000’ above. This storm was still well over one hundred miles behind us and we were moving away at 400 mph. The anvil or overhang of this storm looked suspicious and I had the told the FO to slow the aircraft. He asked to what speed and I said 280 knots. We were already rocketing through 15,000’ on our way up to a cruising altitude somewhere around 41,000 when the aircraft had no sooner slowed to 280 knots when we experienced the most violent Clear Air Turbulence in my entire career in aviation. I told the FO to pull back on the power and keep the aircraft straight and level! The turbulence was so violent and I could see John was tense and told him to relax and “Ride um Cowboy”. I tried to make light of a situation and keep him cool even thought we might lose the airplane and of course, our lives. As John did as instructed keeping the aircraft straight and level without any power, the airplane continued to accelerate and climb even in a straight and level attitude which was remarkable. Then the reverse happened and we began to descend straight and level and accelerate even faster. These unusual situations are so fascinating that it eclipses fear. This is difficult to describe to anyone who has not shared such a remarkably unexplainable experience. I would draw a parallel analogy to shock and lack of pain after some major physical trauma. John Hohensee was an excellent pilot and flew the aircraft perfectly as we recovered from the phenomenon. I radioed the event to STL Air Traffic Control of the Severe Turbulence and they shut off departures. I made the necessary entry in the aircraft maintenance logbook when arriving to Atlanta. This entry requires maintenance to perform a complete inspection with particular attention to structural damage. Sometime in the past ten years, I remember and incident that occurred over the North Pacific Ocean on what I believe was a United Airlines Boeing 747-400.

It was a severe clear air turbulence event where the many passenger injuries were sustained and the aircraft was initially bound for Japan had diverted to Anchorage Alaska. I remember the news coverage of the event and the interviews of the 173 deplaning passengers who claimed the airplane fell 10,000’ or more in altitude. As Page


a pilot we study all these events and incidents that include crashes to garner any knowledge useful in the prevention of these occurrences. In the case of the United B747-400 that weighs a hefty 750,000 lbs, the airplane fell maybe only ten feet. This fall and resulting stress on the aircraft was enough to establish the aircraft as a total loss. These big Jumbo jets are not designed to take the stress of much smaller and aerobatic aircraft. A hard landing on these big jets will occur if the pilot allows the airplane so heavy to drop as little as one foot on the wheels and landing gear. The same is true with the unloading and loading of the wing with the loss and regaining of lift.

INHERENT DANGER OF 31L JFK In the case of JFK RWY 31L we as pilots are forced to violate operating procedures to avoid this noise sensitive area and comply with the published SID and takeoff procedure. The operating policy of TWA dictates that the aircraft must be at least 400’ in the air before initiating any turn. When taking off from 31L, the bay or Atlantic Ocean is immediately to the left of the runway and a turn is often initiated immediately after takeoff to avoid crossing a certain defined radial off the Kenarsie VOR. This immediate turn to the left or south will give the passenger the feeling that the wingtip is just short of dragging through the water! It’s fun to fly as a pilot under certain circumstances. The Bridge Climb southbound is published and followed by most of the departing aircraft bound for the Atlantic Track System.

WAKE TURBULENCE RWY 31L JFK I brings to mind another incident that I experienced following on takeoff from New York’s JFK airport on RWY 31L (Runway 31 Left). I was flying a B-767-300 nonstop to Cairo Egypt and weight 407,000 lbs with 160, 000 lbs of fuel. I was next for takeoff and following a B-747-400 freighter that was on its takeoff

roll. It was a clear summer night and still light at our 9:00 pm takeoff time. This story is not one of clear air turbulence but rather Wake Turbulence which is similar

174 because it cannot be seen, is real and invisible. Page


Any aircraft that produces lift is producing wake turbulence due to its displacement in weight and disruption of airflow. The wingtips create what are called Wingtip VORTICIES or mini tornados. These invisible tornados grow in size and descend downward spreading outward and must be avoided but any aircraft of lesser size and weight. The same is true for a boater of a smaller vessel avoiding the wake of a bigger vessel. The pilot must consider wind and direction when following or taking off after the larger aircraft because the descending and expanding wake is being influenced or blown by the wind. On takeoff it ideally is influenced by a direct crosswind that will blow it to away from the runway and path of the next aircraft to take off. In the case of no wind as in my incident, I had to identify the liftoff point on the runway of the heavier jet and takeoff with my aircraft at a point on the runway before the Heavy. This is to avoid the direct descent of the Heavy’s wake and after takeoff climb at a greater rate to avoid this airspace behind and below the climbing heavy jet. The Controller in the Tower must advise the pilot to beware of wake turbulence when cleared into position and take off. The pilot is then responsible to ascertain where this imaginary yet real wake hazard exists and avoid the area. Runway 31 Left at New York Kennedy airport has a takeoff procedure that was and probably still is a blueprint for disaster. This is because of noise abatement takeoff procedure that avoids a climb over the residential area off the take off end of this runway. (We wouldn’t want to disturb anyone who might have built a house right next to the airport with the noise of a departing jet)! So these noise sensitive communities have noise alarms and airlines are fined if an aircraft triggers these alarms. Safety is clearly compromised at certain airports with procedures to prevent setting off these alarms. On the evening of my departure with the absence of wind and following this heavy jet, as I cleared into position and advised of the wake. The controller will generally hold the aircraft for a minute to allow for this wake to clear. I was then cleared for takeoff but advised the controller I wanted to wait another minute because of the no wind condition and observe the climb of the departed heavy jet.

I tracked its climb and began my takeoff roll and rotation prior to the lift off point

175 of the preceding jet and initiated an immediate turn and climb when I encountered the wake of the heavy. It was instantaneous and caused my aircraft to roll to nearly Page


90 degrees. I fought to recover and level the aircraft when I encountered a secondary roll. I continued my efforts to roll the wings level using only the ailerons and without touching the rudder peddle. This was clearly a potentially deadly situation and I made a full NASA and FAA reporting of my incident and suggested a change in procedure.

AMERICAN AIRLINES AIRBUS 300 CRASH 31L JFK Nothing was done and years later and after 911, American Airlines lost an Airbus 300 immediately after takeoff and crashed killing all onboard and also people in a neighborhood where the aircraft came down. The claim was the pilot flying the departure walked the rudder and caused it to break off. This was probably true and without the rudder the engines separated from the wings and flew in their own direction leaving the aircrafts plummet to earth killing all onboard and others on the ground. The blame fell wrongfully on American Airlines when I believe in fact that the American Airbus encountered the wake of a heavier jet and the pilot was attempting to recover from the induced roll by the wake of the preceding aircraft.

BOEING B767 A/C BUSS TIE LOCKOUT I have another experience to share. This came on a flight from STL to Boston and I was Captain of a Boeing 767-300. The flight originated in St. Louis with an intermediate stop in Boston scheduled onward to Paris France. I was Captain of the St. Louis to Boston segment Captain Phil Black was seated in First Class and would Captain the plane on to Paris. It was a cold and clear night leaving STL with blizzard conditions awaiting me in Boston. This would require a Category II instrument approach into Boston and all instrument equipment would be necessary. Cloud cover and snow was encountered shortly after takeoff from STL and continued to increase as we proceeded to Boston. Sometime well into the flight I had what is called a Right A/C Bus Tie Lockout.

This is a serious condition on an electrical buss that carries essentially half of the

176 AC electrical load on the aircraft. I had never experienced such a serious electrical problem but was trained since my early years at Ozark of the potential dangers of Page


resetting. We were not allowed to reset an AC Buss Tie Lockout at Ozark Airlines for fear of creating a fire on the affected electrical buss. Fire is by far the worst thing that can happen aboard and aircraft and I had no intention of resetting the condition on my flight to Boston. A direct result of this fault was a complete EFIS failure and blackout of the co-pilots instruments. In addition all lights with exception of the lavatories went out in the passenger cabin. I sent the FO back to bring up Captain Black to review the FIRM manual and determine what equipment after loss of the AC Buss. Captain Phil Black was one of the finest and proficient pilots I had ever met and a true gentleman and friend. He came forward and asked what was happening. I told him of the condition and requested he read and review the FIRM manual and inform me of what was lost. He began to read the manual and first came upon TWA procedure that (would allow only one reset attempt of the condition). He asked me what I thought of that. I didn’t have to remind Captain Black of the very same training he and I received in the years past with Ozark. It was my decision not to attempt a reset and I absolutely refused to do so regardless of the manual. Captain Black said that would also have been his decision. I don’t believe either one of us had actually experienced this fault on this B-767 or any other aircraft in our pasts. He began to read a long list of equipment and systems lost and I had to consider how to fly the impending Category II approach in a Boston Blizzard. The manual claimed that I had the Flight Director Command Bars what we call the yellow birds that provide instrument guidance onto the localizer and glide-slope necessary for a Cat II approach. When I descended and followed the STAR arrival procedure and was cleared for the approach I was following the command bars or yellow birds. The Flight Director failed to intercept the localizer and proved unreliable so I turned them off to eliminate the erroneous distraction. I was forced to fly the CAT II approach with only Raw Data. This was aviation of the olden days at Ozark where I grew up flying under these conditions. I landed the aircraft safely and thanked Captain Black for his help and wished him the best on his flight to Paris.

The First Officer and I went to the Layover hotel relieved the night was over and to

177 be rid of this aircraft. The following day we returned to the airport fly another B- 767-300 aircraft back to St. Louis. Page


I spoke with a mechanic who worked on our troubled inbound aircraft of the night before. I was curious if it had been corrected and what was the cause of the A/C Bus Tie Lockout. He said it took them several hours to fix the airplane and Captain Black flew it on to Paris. The mechanic said that they found the circuit breakers for the fire extinguisher bottle in the forward cargo bay had popped or tripped. They reset the breakers and when Captain Black and his FO were performing preflight of the aircraft and turned on the forward cargo heaters, a fire broke out in the fire extinguishing arming and firing switches located on the pedestal or rectangular panel of seat height between the two pilots. This is the same panel with radio equipment and the power or throttle levers. One would think that these electrically sensitive switches would be hermetically sealed in the event any water is spilled on this panel. Flight attendants routinely served our meals and drinks directly over this same panel. The cause of my serious electrical problem of the night before was because the FO accidently spilled perhaps a teaspoon of tea on these switches causing the simultaneous trip of the forward cargo bay breakers and the cockpit overhead A/C Bus Tie breaker. After the mechanics thought they fixed the problem with the cargo bay and Buss Tie breakers reset, Captain Black turned on the cargo heaters and the Fire Arming and Discharge switches began to melt down. The resulting black smoke forced Captain Black and his First Officer to flee the flight deck. (Much easier to do on the ground and not in flight)! So much for resetting A/C Bus Tie! I thank God today for my training from Ozark Airlines. On my return flight to St. Louis, I had a World Airlines pilot riding on my jump- seat as a professional courtesy we share with pilots of other airlines. This particular pilot was commuting to STL to begin his flight of the MD-11. This airplane was nothing more than a glorified DC-10 that has a Glass Cockpit or digital and not analog instruments on a glass computer generated display. I asked him if the MD -11 had these electrical sensitive switches located in the same place on the pedestal. His answer was yes and I related to him my concerns about our flight attendants serving meals and drinks over this panel. 178 Page


He stated that World Airlines was aware of this potential hazard and required the flight attendants to serve meals and drinks from the opposite side of the pilot’s seats and avoid this hazard. I made the recommendation to TWA in writing suggesting the airline change their policy in this regard but nothing was done. I took my own action and used Tupperware lids or coffee-can plastic lids to cover these electrical components and equipment and prevent any spills from entry.

MENTAL REVIEWS For me to say that a pilot does not take work home after setting the aircraft parking brake is not exactly true. I can only speak for myself on this matter and I have found that whenever I have had emergencies or flown under extreme weather conditions, my mental review sometimes last for weeks after the event. It usually occurs at night when trying to sleep while the mind is processing whatever I had done to meet the emergency or approach and whatever action I had taken. My mind then evaluates my action and presents any and all other possible permutations to meet the same events. The mind goes on to other related system failures and creates its own database of the possible emergencies to later draw upon should they occur. Perhaps this is the only way my mind works and has served me well in the past.

PROFICEIENCY CHECK WITH FAA EXAMINER Shortly after the incident I went in for my annual proficiency check. This check is where your job as a pilot is on the line. It was a 3 day ordeal that entails a day of ground school (mostly computer based testing) followed by classroom of training on the many systems at random. The first day of training is followed by two days of simulator periods lasting several hours. Emergencies procedures for engine failures, explosive decompression, wind shear, unusual attitudes as the list goes on and on with any imaginable situation the pilot might encounter. These emergency procedures must be performed with proficiency or the pilot is out of a job. The proficiency check is not only restricted to the first simulator session but carries on into the next day 179 session called the LOFT. Page


The LOFT is the simulation of a flight in real time and not only requires proficiency but includes Crew Coordination. As the international Captain my LOFT would be an Atlantic crossing with some form of emergency requiring diversion to an alternate airport with bad weather conditions. The emergency condition was always a surprise but after so many previous proficiency checks, the pilot learns the emergency is usually related to the system covered in the classroom training of day one. On my PC (Proficiency Check) shortly after the Boston incident, my first day of classroom training was Electrical and Avionics. My following two days of simulator checks were going to be observed by the FAA. The FAA was onboard to not only check our performance as pilots but also the TWA Simulator Operator and Check Airman. This was the first and only time in my career that the FAA was attending a PC Check. This placed the Check Pilot and Simulator Operator in uncomfortable situations because they were not accustomed to review by the FAA. Their discomfort was clear in our pre-check briefing and it was made clear that all of our performances better be good! Normally these simulator sessions and Checks are accomplished with a line captain and a line co-pilot. On this single occasion, my co-pilot was also a Captain so they were checking out two Captains. In other words, we both as Captains would have to serve as one another’s co-pilot in the opposite right seat. This comes strange after flying as Captain in the left seat for so many years. Everything with regards to the use of hands and scan is somewhat in reverse. With the FAA onboard we began day one with the expected engine failures and we two Captains must perform the proficiency check PC in the Left seat. After demonstrating proficiency in all these failures and emergencies, a surprise emergency was introduced while I was flying in the co-pilots seat. The emergency was the failure of the Captains (left seat) instrument EFIS display and only my display was operational. This meant that I had to fly the airplane in a very low precision approach in poor weather conditions while the Captain made only radio communications and altitude callouts.

Just my luck! 180 Page


The following day was the LOFT period where I was flying left seat real time and 40 degrees longitude west over the Atlantic Ocean with a Right A/C Bus Tie Lockout. Just what are the chances of that? All the co-pilots instruments went black. I had to follow ICAO (International Civil Aeronautic Organization) procedures to divert across the Atlantic Tracks and proceed to my alternate of Keflavic Iceland where the weather was CATIIIA/B. (In other words Zero visibility) If the FAA wanted a show, they were about to get one! I followed all procedures to the letter and began my approach to land at Kevlavic . I reached up and turned off the FD Flight Director Command Bars knowing from experience they would be a distraction. The simulator operator check airman is seated in the dark behind my seat and he later told me that act of turning off the FD nearly caused him a heart attack. I flew a raw data Category III approach and made only one slight mistake of momentarily looking up at 50’ above the ground. For that brief moment I could see the runway centerline lights and they in an instant disappeared as the airplane ballooned up into the cloud cover. My eyes immediately returned to the glide-slope and I put the airplane on the ground directly on the centerline and rolled to a stop setting the break. It was completely quite in the simulator after what I felt was a brilliant display of airmanship. I turned and my seat to look back at the Fed and Check Airman when asked by this Check Airman why I turned off the FD. The FED repeated the same question adding that he could not argue with my success and said I flew a brilliant approach. The FAA Fed’s only criticism was the ballooning prior to landing and the profile of the approach was on the computer screen of the simulator control panel.

EYE, HAND AND BODY COORDINATION This was a lesson learned by me that applies in not only instrument flying but also in shooting a hockey puck, throwing a baseball, water skiing and many diverse

activities. The body or object operated or projected will follow the eyes. As applies to the approach into Kevlavic, I momentarily looked up for the runway, 181 the airplane ballooned up. It is completely unconscious! Page


When Wayne Gretsky (The Great One) hockey star was asked what color jersey did the goalie wear, he replied that he didn’t know! He and all hockey players never look at the goalie or the puck will hit the goalie. They look for the holes and the puck will follow. I remember when I first went off a water ski jump ramp and was told never look down with the eyes or the body will follow. It is hard to resist not looking down and the moment only my eyes fell to the water below when airborne, I rolled forward in a somersault and crashed to the water.

KEVLAVIC ICLAND APPROACH AND LANDING I explained to the Fed and Check Airman the reasons why I turned off the FD after the incident in Boston with the identical real situation and suggested a review the simulator programming. We all shook hands and received high marks as the session ended. The business of flying airplanes is a very serious profession and as passengers, everyone should know how rigorous pilots are trained and this understanding will instill great confidence in the flight crews and aircraft safety.

TWA TERMINATION FOR INSUBORDINATION 2000 My last Chief Pilot with TWA was JFK Captain Walt Bono, also a part of the fraternal order of Chief Pilots that took offence to any pilot who didn’t fear or recognize their authority. On first meeting with Bono I didn’t like him and he didn’t like me. I had no respect for any of these Chief Pilots because they didn’t deserve it and especially Captain Bono. Now the time has arrived on what was coming my way from TWA management that would ultimately get me fired for insubordination. I will try to make this as brief as possible and outline the circumstance why I was fired in the year 2000 by TWA for insubordination.

I was an International Boeing 767 Captain flying out of New York JFK with a new Chief Pilot Walt Bono. I was flying Paris and Cairo flights routinely and fell 8 hours short of a full month and had to pick up a domestic flight to complete my 75 182 hours. Page


The Type Rating on the B-757 and Boeing 767 are one in the same. The manufacturer Boeing designed both aircraft as a single rating to save the cost of separate ratings that save the airlines as much as $50,000 or more in pilot qualification costs. In short, I could leave the cockpit of a B-767 and change over to a B-757 with only a step up or down into the cockpit. The B-757 was referred to as a Narrow Wide Body and used primarily for domestic operation because it was not as comfortable as the Wide Body B-767. I picked up a domestic flight in open time that was a JFK to Las Vegas turn. It was the perfect 8 hour round trip block time I needed to fill my international schedule. The flight was to depart New York at night and arriving Las Vegas at night. My crew and I were to layover at the hotel and return to New York the following night with a red eye departure time from Vegas at midnight. Only the First Officer and I were to return on this night flight as our flight attendants remained at the hotel and we flight deck crew were to relieve the inbound pilots only and continue to New York. We inherited the inbound airplane, passengers and flight attendants. I let the First Officer fly the Airplane and begin preflight while I did the walk around inspection of the aircraft. Then with bags in hand climbed the stairs to the Jet-Way and entered the aircraft and cockpit. I began my preflight and checklist beginning with the first item, brief the FSM Flight Service Manager. I asked the flight attendant in the forward galley to please invite the FSM to the flight deck for the briefing. It was night and dark in the cockpit with thousands of small instrument and circuit breaker lights and being a step down into the Cockpit of the B-767, I was essentially seated well below the cockpit entry level. The FSM was a big man of maybe 250 lbs. and over 6’ in height. His name was Phillip Kearney and he was carrying a serious chip on his shoulder apparent by his attitude and looming mannerism. I turned to brief FSM Kearney when he interrupted and said “The front of this airplane is yours and the back is mine and if I get any shit from you, I’m off the flight” and went storming out the door. The First Officer was a Navy Carrier Pilot and froze in disbelief of the words of the FSM and I sat motionless gazing out the cockpit window at the 200 plus passengers waiting to board the plane. I knew if I lost a flight attendant, the flight

183 could cancel and I believe Mr. Kearney new the same and was testing my resolve. Page


After several minutes of consideration, it was clear to me that I had to remove this man from my airplane and I left my seat and descended the Jet-Way stairs to TWA Operations Las Vegas. I was immediately on the phone to dispatch to have Kearney removed when I met another flight attendant commuting to JFK for and international flight and unable to get on because of the full flight. I asked her for her employee number and told TWA Dispatch I had a replacement and provided her number to be sure she was paid. Dispatch asked me if I had a problem with deadheading FSM Kearney back to New York on my flight and I told them I didn’t want him on my airplane! The said he would be returned to the hotel and the replacement was already on the crew list. I then returned to the airplane and preflight duties when came a knock on the cockpit door by the boarding agent. He said “Captain we have a problem that he could not board the airplane until I talked to the company on the land line”. I asked the agent if he had a land line on the Jet-Way and he said yes! I then told him I would follow him out to the Jet-way and he could dial the number and I would speak with the company. The agent raised JFK Chief Walt Bono and I was informed of a serious allegation. I asked Bono what it was and he said I was allegedly under the influence of alcohol. I said to Bono “Would it be the flight attendant Kearney I just removed who made such allegation”? Captain Bono said yes and I asked him what he intended to do about it? Bono replied that an alcohol test has been ordered and they were on their way to the airport. I then told Bono I wanted a drug test in addition to the alcohol. Captain Bono said he was not authorized to meet my request. I then told Bono it was not a Request. He continued he was not authorized and I told him I was the Captain of the airplane and it would go nowhere until I received both drug and alcohol testing and would call the FAA, Highway Patrol or anyone with the equipment and that is all! DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING I received both drug and alcohol testing shortly after my demand and blew all Zero’s. I was told the drug results would require 8 days until conclusive.

I next received a call from Bono informing me he had the news that I was cleared of the alcohol allegation and was to resume duties as Captain of the return flight to

184 Kennedy. I then informed Captain Bono about the 8 day delay in the results of the Page


drug test and what would happen if he put me back to fly and the results came back positive? Now I had to do his job! It was obvious to me he hadn’t thought that far ahead and he asked me for suggestions. I told him of a flight from Las Vegas departing for St. Louis within an hour of our conversation and I would go to STL and wait the 8 days before my scheduled Cairo flight 10 days away. Bono agreed to the idea and I was replaced and flew as passenger to St. Louis and waited out the 8 days and the results were negative. I failed to mention TWA Captain Tom Wilburn. In the course of my conversation with Captain Bono on the Las Vegas Jet-way there stood another man in plain clothes in eavesdropping in on my conversation with Bono. I stopped and asked this man who he was and what he was doing. He simply said “that’s a good flight attendant you’re messing with and I better know what I was doing”! I discovered shortly after this man was a TWA MD-80 Captain out of St. Louis while living and commuting from his home in Las Vegas. Wilburn began stalking me almost immediately after this incident and whatever relationship he had with the flight attendant Kearney was anyone’s guess. After negative results of the drug test, I was returned to the line and commuting as passing from St. Louis to my flight as Captain to Cairo Egypt. I stopped to share the experience with the STL Chief Pilot Captain Lee Magnuson who was a decent man and appalled at the behavior of the flight attendant. I asked Captain Magnuson if he could review the history of that night in Vegas and reveal what the company did with FSM Kearney. My First Officer on the Las Vegas flight was a former Navy pilot as previously mentioned. He told me if such a false allegation was made to a wing commander in the Navy, the perpetrator would get an automatic 5 years in the Brigg. (Jail) TWA was not the Navy and flight attendant Kearney was immediately put back on the line and worked a flight out of Las Vegas the same night. (I was in complete disbelief) I said to Captain Magnuson I had no interest in disrupting the operation of the airline and make sure this flight attendant is never on any flight where I was Pilot. Captain Magnuson assured me TWA would keep him off my airplane.

I then went down to get the jump seat to New York to catch my Cairo flight when I encounter Captain Wilburn who faced off with me saying “Fate is the Hunter”. I 185 could only remember thinking (how weird was that)! Page


I flew international Captain and mostly Cairo for the entire summer because I could not hold it during the fall, winter and spring. I also remember encountering Wilburn in New York Kennedy airport stalking me in plain clothes and again facing off with the “Fate is the Hunter” thing. I dismissed him as a wacko. I received a call from the ALPA STL Union representative David Ratcliff who was a former F-4 Phantom fighter pilot and fellow Captain and friend. David told me Captain Wilburn was wallpapering the Airport crew lounges, operations offices and doors with slanderous page after page attacks on my character, and behavior as Captain of a major airline. This was absolutely crazy stuff Wilburn was posting and the airline allowed and did nothing for weeks to remove this slander. After the summer of international flying, I returned to domestic and on one of my very first return flights, my flight attendants appeared including one Phillip Kearney. I after sighting Kearney immediately called Captain Bono and told him to get this man off my airplane! Captain Bono challenged me and told me to get over it and get on the airplane and fly it. I told Bono again with all respect, I was the Captain of the aircraft and not him and get him off! Bono told me in no uncertain terms I was to get on the flight or never fly another TWA aircraft! I told Bono my position remained unchanged! I was consequently fired for insubordination. It deserves mention that Captain Tom Wilburn with only 3 months from retirement got into some altercation with an Orlando hotel desk clerk where Wilburn went over the desk and got physical with the staff member. The airline TWA sent Wilburn for anger management treatment and reinstated him for his last flight before retirement. This is not the last I would encounter Wilburn.

COMMAND AUTHORITY I was so committed to a fight with TWA and refused their efforts forcing my agreement to terms that were in direct disregard to a Captains Command Authority. The management’s behavior was beyond deplorable in principal. I put my house on the market for sale after termination and discovered it difficult to sell a 3 bedroom, 186 one bath house. Page


BROKEN ANKLE PLAYING HOCKEY 2000 On one morning while skating at Kirkwood Missouri ice arena with my regular men’s group, I was on a break- away and the only thing between me and the goal was the goalie. I enjoyed playing center the most because I had more freedom to cover more ice and was able to skate backwards as fast and effectively as forward. I also relied on my slap shot that I was told by goalies that it was the hardest they had experienced. I broke sticks and the hands of goalies if I fired on them from the top of the circle I was seriously hurt on this particular morning when I broke my left ankle in three places and it turned 180 degrees backwards. It was my own fault because I failed to lace the top three eyes of the skates so I could get more knees into my strides and skate faster. I also had the false idea that I could develop strong ankles which is impossible because there is little or no musculature in the ankle and thus it must rely on the muscle groups for strength. On this break-away with the goalie came out of the net to challenge me and limit my angles to shoot. I was bearing down on this goalie determined to put goalie and puck into the net. I loaded up to shoot and my left skate began to waiver and caught an edge and broke it around backwards. I dropped to my side and slammed into the boards with my back to save my foot. As I lay on the ice and with my foot turned around backwards, it was clear to me that someone was going to have to turn it around and that someone was me. I reached down and with a downward motion, returned my foot to its proper position on my leg. The pain was maybe excruciating but I was still in shock. I knew if I had waited I might have passed out. Once I put my foot on straight, I instructed one of the other players to go get some wood hockey sticks and break them off so I could fashion a splint and get a ride to the hospital. The EMT or Paramedics were there within minutes and I had no need to make this

splint. They asked me if I need Morphine and I said no! The pain was tolerable now that my foot was facing forward and they had to cut the waxed laces of my skate to remove it for immobilization. They then asked me what hospital I wanted 187 Page


to go to and I had no idea. I told them where I lived and they took me by ambulance to St. Johns in Chesterfield Missouri. While completing insurance information and admittance to the Hospital, I called the NHL St. Louis Blues hockey team in Phoenix where they were to play the Coyotes. I talked to the team Physician to ask who they use in St. Louis to fix broken ankles because I wanted it done right and skate again. Dr. Schlafly was the surgeon who reconstructed my ankle using a metal plate. The ankle was so badly damaged that I required a wheelchair and denied a walking cast. It took me a year to rehabilitate the ankle and skate again. I did skate again for years to follow.

AMERICAN AND TWA MERGER I had already been fired by TWA and on the street when I learned of the merger between American and TWA. This was truly a heartbreaking moment because American Airlines would never had made these egregious offenses I had endured. My ankle was sufficiently healed to where I could walk on it after 6 months and I was on the road job hunting with foreign airlines where my experience and jet Type ratings were in demand. I also had several opportunities to fly in the United States. Ones such opportunity came from Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks Basketball team. Mr. Cuban purchased a Boeing 757 aircraft for his team and was prepared to hire me to fly the team. I am thankful for his consideration to this day and did not take the position because I later settled with TWA and returned to American. (Anyway; my thanks to Mr. Cuban) A far more remarkable job offer came from upstate New York and a company flying Gulfstream Jets out of Saratoga Springs north of Albany. All potential employers had complete knowledge of my termination from TWA and I do believe it actually worked in my favor. This Saratoga Gulfstream Captain position is truly incredible! I virtually had the job and the question arose if I had any problem relocating to Las Vegas where they

had flight another flight operation. I said no until they told me they had just hired another former TWA pilot who would serve as my Co-Pilot. I asked his name and it was none other than Tom Wilburn. Wow! 188 Page


I did not go into any history but simply had to reject the offer! What are the chances of this?

ALPA TWA ARBITRATION EFFORTS ALPA Union insisted I attend a 5 man board arbitration to determine if I would be reinstated as a pilot and go on with the pilot seniority list to American Airlines. I had no trust in TWA or ALPA and they continued to schedule my arbitration. I continued asking the Union how they could have arbitration after my refusal to appear and suggested they enjoy the coffee!

SETTLEMENT WITH TWA Finally TWA Management in downtown St. Louis contacted me in the interest of settlement. TWA faxed me a multiple page document whereby I was to agree to anger management problems and a dozen other contingencies before being included on the pilot list to American Airlines. I took a bold permanent ink marker pencil and blacked out the entire list of terms and returned it with the suggestion they try again. This went on back and forth for the entire day and what they claimed was their last and final offer, I told them the last offer is the one I agree to and I refuse to agree to any of their terms and told them what I would agree to. At the “Thirteenth Hour” and on the evening before the seniority list of pilots went from TWA to American, TWA agreed to my terms and settled and I went on to American Airlines as a pilot but not so fast! PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION AMERICAN AIRLINES Simply because I was on the TWA Pilot Seniority List did not necessarily mean I was to be reinstated as an American Airlines pilot. American required I undergo a complete psychological evaluation by a Dr. Altman in Chicago. It is easy to understand why the evaluation was necessary in light of the questions raised by TWA management and all the history with Kearney, Wilburn and a file at TWA

that was a library by itself. American realized that they could not reinstate me with the chance of a single 189 element of truth in all the history. I underwent this intensive several week Page


evaluation that resulted in a nearly 400 page report stating that I was exactly what airlines look for in selecting pilots and captains.

AMERICAN AIRLINES CAPTAIN BRUCE E. BYERS I was not only well received by American Airlines but the head of the training department came up to me and said “Captain Byers, I would be honored to re- qualify you”. That moment mad the financial loss and personal anguish worth it. It was extremely difficult on my family and didn’t do my marriage any good either but things were about to improve. OZARK CAPTAIN CHUCK KESSLER / CAPTAIN JOHN HALE AMERICAN I met two Chief pilots in my nearly 30 years of flying, that I can honestly say I liked, Captain John Hale, American Airlines was a pilot’s pilot, complete gentleman and skilled airman and my first Chief pilot for Ozark Airlines Chuck Kessler. The Chief Pilot I liked least was TWA Walt Bono and sincerely hope he reads this because I have nothing but distain for this man. JFK Chief Pilot Walt Bono was responsible for getting me fired from TWA.

POST MERGER OF TWA/AMERICAN AIRLINES The American Airlines years in St. Louis were perhaps the best in my life! All was in balance. I played ice hockey every morning and enjoyed time and travel by cruise ships all over the world.

HOCKEY INJURY CRUISE SHIP Another Injury probably most remembered by my son Oliver took place on the same Kirkwood Ice where my own defenseman batted and airborne puck into my face. The Hockey puck becomes as cold as the ice and made of hard rubber that can kill or seriously injure and cut flesh.

My injury was to the face and mouth where the puck opened my upper lip to the

190 teeth. It occurred halfway through play so I had a butterfly bandage applied to Page


close the wound and continued to skate. I never skated better in my life and perhaps this injury was the reason. After the game I was told by a doctor on the team I had to go get it stitched up and Oliver and I drove to one Urgent Care facility to another only to face long lines of patients. I then called Dr. Terry Gardner who was also a pilot and at the time gave me my FAA Flight Physicals. I explained my injuries to Dr. Gardner and asked if he did stitches. He told me yes and he just received back his sterilized equipment. I asked him if he could meet me at my house and stitch me up on the dining room table and he was on his way to my home. When Dr. Gardner arrived, we cleared the table while Oliver sat on the chair facing me to watch Gardner do the stitching. First the doctor placed several green towels around the affected areas of my upper and lower lips and I had a small window and could see Oliver staring in awe. Dr. Gardner went to work sewing me up and I asked Oliver if he was sure he wanted to play this game and if so, be prepared to end up on some operating table. After complete I informed Dr. Gardner I and my family were leaving the next day on a two week sea cruise across the Atlantic to Rome. He told me to leave the stitches in for no longer than 10 days and I could remove them myself. I agreed and he was off and I prepared for the cruise. I cannot count the number of cruises I took my family on because I wanted them to see the world. Ten days into the cruise it was time for me to remove the stitches and I pulled out the scissors and tweezers and looked at myself in the mirror and was stopped by what I saw. I had failed to consider my beard growing and I could not tell beard from stitches! I went to the ships hospital and encountered a giant of a male nurse who was a former Canadian professional goalie. How perfect it was to have this nurse with magnifying glass remove all the stitches of Gardner. He complimented the stitch work of Dr. Gardner claiming the way the knots were tied suggested the doctor did cosmetic surgery.


191 Oliver played on a junior league hockey team along with the sons of two NHL St.

Page Louis Blues players. I became friends with Jeff Brown and Al McGinnis. Both


men were two of the best defenseman in hockey and Al McGinnis had the hardest slap shot in the NHL, Al not only frequently broke the rink protective glass with his shot but also the boards. McGinnis sustained and eye injury from a high stick that knocked him out of the playoffs as he and I sat and watched our boys skate. Oliver was in the net and I wanted to encourage Oliver to skate any position but not goalie. I asked Al if his son every wanted to play goalie and Al replied that all little boys want to me goalies. It must be the Transformer look or something that gives these kids the goalie dream and I asked Al how he discouraged his son from playing in the net. McGinnis simply said “I took him down in the basement and shot on him”. It gave me the idea of taking Oliver to Play it Again Sports and get him completely outfitted in Goalie Equipment. It was a hot summer day as Oliver came marching out of the house and onto the front yard in full gear ready to get in our home made net. I had a box of tennis balls and I pummeled the boy with had shots that lasted only minutes. Oliver and I returned to the house and he removed all the equipment and said maybe he would wait until he was older to play goalie. The same day I returned all the equipment to Play it Again Sports and Oliver was no longer interested in being a goalie. Thank you Al McGinnis! I cannot begin to express the joy I had raising Anya and Oliver and the so many beautiful memories we all shared as I family. No one could love their children more than my love for mine! The divorce that would come later would crush the experience but not the wonderful memories. I was hoping to sidestep the subject of my divorce because to recall it is to relive it. I also do not want to create any dissention between mother and child at this difficult time in the lives of our children. I appreciate their mother for being a good mother but at the same time have a deep sense of anger in her obstructing my access to the children through the court system. This manuscript or book is a letter to my children that demands they understand why I have not seen them for several years. They must wonder what kind of man and father must I be? Absent from their life at such a critical time in their

development. It is this question that demands I explain in every detail the reasons for my absence and how angry x-wives use children as weapons against the father. 192 Page


I will continue with a review of my history and relationship with Petra in the course of these events without any sugarcoating. I should also add if I had not already that I recognize there are always two sides to every story and how I would so much like to read hers.

WILDWOOD MISSOURI HOUSE CONSTRUCTION 2001 After being reinstated as an American Captain following the merger with TWA, I received a pay increase and (fortunately) failed to sell the house. Petra wanted a mud room addition and I wanted another bedroom and bath. I began to draft up plans that became the blueprints for a massive addition and conversion of the existing house. When I say massive, I reconstructed and 1800 sq’ house into a 4800 sq’ house with 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. I engineered, and drafted plans, pulled all the permits and purchased a model 773 Bobcat with all accessories to do build the house singlehanded. The project took me nearly 7 years to complete and was to be featured in an architectural digest magazine. I taught my son Oliver how to operate the Bobcat and Backhoe along with many other tools and we had a wonderful father and son relationship. The house truly turned out magnificent and I built it entirely by hand in with European quality of construction and materials. The gutters and down-leaders (down-spouts) where solid copper from Germany and all the water that fell on the tile style roof was collected by the gutters, directed underground and discharged 80’ behind the house. I created all systems of electrical and all copper plumbing in organized pathways. The floors of travertine tile were heated with state of the art Hydronic technology. To lay the Travertine tiles took me over one year to complete. The house plans I completed and presented to the Building Department of St. Louis County were in compliance with all the codes and consistent with conventional building techniques. After numerous visits and corrections to my

drafting of these plans, the permit was issued. When I poured the first foundation and began erecting the structure, it took on a life of its own and began to tell me how to build it. 193 Page


This is a difficult thing to explain and for many to understand how such a lifelike nature occurs. I never claimed to be an architect but rather consider myself an artist. I also never considered myself an excavator of land but rather a sculpture of land. To build this house was similar to any other medium of art that I had created in the past and having dealt with most all mediums and materials, the house building project became one of the most fascinating art projects I had endeavored. I never reviewed the plans after the permit was issued and went directly to work with my Bobcat and a John Deere 310G Back-Hoe. I also purchased every conceivable tool necessary to complete the project. This included saws, grinders, tile and stone working equipment etc. The only remaining requirements were materials and labor. I used only the best of materials because I was building a house for my children and maybe even their children. I set out to build a house that would stand for hundreds of years and exceed every building requirement many fold. When I proceeded with the building, every day some new idea or technique would come to mind and I would apply it in the projects development. I also wanted to use only natural materials that included limestone rocks and cedar trees that existed in or on the property where the house was built. An example would be the columns that served as bases for the grand stairway that descended to a secondary landing or level where I positioned a $10,000 stainless Swedish built fireplace. The stair treads were 6 x14 (western cedar wood) that progressed from six feet in length at the top and 12 feet in length at the base step then the landing. The foundation and corner posts of these stairs were the actual local old growth cedar trees that were cut off at the ground swell (base) and stood I cut these stumps to 5’ lengths, power washed off the bark and stained them in their natural cedar color. I constructed these stairs with little or no hardware and utilized a design technique of notching and fitting these stairs in such a way the design held the stairs in place. After cleaning the stumps that were 3’ in diameter, the cut off line 5 feet above the floor revealed the many life rings of the tree that I suspended tiffany dragonfly

lamps and shades above to adorn their beauty. I marveled at how beautiful this house developed and I found myself and hands as only a tool in its construction. 194 Page


This was quite a revelation to realize that this was not only an art project but was being directed by something much greater than me and defies even my understanding. The finished work was truly impressive and a true work of art taking seven years to complete. At the same time I was building the house, I played ice hockey every morning and was seldom disturbed by the airline calling me as a Reserve Captain to fly. Problems with my marriage to Petra continued because she had I difficult time (in her own words) living in a construction zone! The reality was the original living space of the house I left undisturbed and essentially built entirely around and over the original structure.

VOLVO V70 CROSS COUNTRY WAGON I purchased Petra a Volvo V70 Cross Country 4 wheel drive wagon new in 2001. I surprised her with the car parked in the garage with a red ribbon bow on the grill as she and the children returned from a visit to Germany. The look on her face after picking them up at the St. Louis airport and returning home to the opening automatic garage door was worth the $40,000 paid.

H-1 HUMMER A short time later Petra insisted I buy a sports car since I was driving an old Jeep CJ 8 Scrambler. I was actually quite content with the Jeep and not very interested in cars, yet we looked together at most every dealership in the area. The search became exhausting for both of us and I essentially gave up on the idea until one day while driving to Kirkwood Ice arena at 6:00 am, I saw an H-1 Hummer in the lot of other exotic cars. I was determined after playing hockey to return and check the Hummer out. This was a beautiful model hardtop with small pickup box in the back and was the real deal. Not an H2 or H3 but the converted military model in dark metal flake green with tan leather interior and major sound system. Most important was the diesel and receiver hitch where I could pull my Bobcat 773 and building materials not to mention the safety of the children in the back seat. I negotiated with the salesman and had him where I wanted him at a price I could 195 never loose. Page


I called Petra to share the great news of my discovery and she began screaming at me into the phone to where even the salesman could hear the conversation. I actually had to hold the phone away from my ear as she ranted on about how she was tired of hearing about cars and I was supposed to be shopping for groceries. In the middle of this telephone tongue lashing I was receiving, I hung up the receiver and told the salesman (“I’ll take it”). I rolled into the driveway of our house and when Petra saw me with the car, she slammed the door so hard the wall shook and locked me out of the house. I thought it was a bad time to attempt to discuss the matter with her and left for several hours. Upon my return, I let myself in by key only to find she had moved out and later took the children and I had no idea where they had gone. The children and Petra had German Passports and as far as I knew, she may have been on her way with the children to Germany. I frantically called everyone I knew and found her and the children at her friend Maria’s. She remained there for several days until finally returning home and our relationship had taken a very serious turn. RHODES Rhodes is an island in the Med. Sea and Petra and I went on a vacation to this beautiful place when we were still only dating and she was living in Munich. She then was working with the City of Munich and drove an old rusted out VW Golf. It was the only car she had ever had until I bought her the Volvo many years into our future. On the visit to Rhodes which was made famous by claims that it was the site of one of the no longer existing Wonders of the World, The Collassis. The highest peak on the island was named Sampica and was the site of a tiny monastery. I was a studying theology and in the early Christianity period of my readings and found this monastery of great interest. I wanted to take Petra on the rented motorcycle we were riding one night and she was in and angry way refused. I found is surprising how she found my request so offensive and I left her at the hotel and climbed the mountain alone.

We flew out in the next days on Condor Airlines back to Munich and the first night in her apartment was most interesting. I was troubled by the Rhodes experience 196 Page


and suggested Petra and I take separate notebooks and write down exactly what we remembered about the Sampica night. I was sure it was only a matter of miscommunication and thought the solution would be to write our individual understanding of the events of that night and exchange notes to better understand what happened. We both worked about an hour writing our recollections as detailed as possible and when I had finished, Petra had also finished at exactly the same time. I found this remarkable as I painstakingly wrote a detailed chapter on the night. We exchanged notebooks and to my surprise, Petra had written the single word arrogant thousands of times. That was how our relationship began. There were very few days after the first 2 years of our marriage that we did not have a conflict or argument. Twelve years of conflict. One night after building the Wildwood house my son Oliver and I were seated at the bottom step enjoying the fire burning in the Swedish fireplace at the foot of the stairs when Petra was screaming at Oliver it was time for bed! Oliver did not respond immediately and Petra descended the stair and picked the boy up by the ear and led him up the stairs for his room. I followed and grabbed Petra by the arm grasping my son’s ear and she released Oliver and immediately went to the phone and dialed 911. I had warned Petra not never pick our children up by the years because of a story told to me by a medical doctor about a train conductor who picked up Thomas Edison by the ears and caused him deafness. Petra’s screaming voice and methods of discipline were completely adverse to mine. I had a father who would whip me with a belt in anger and I refused to ever lay a hand on my children when angry. I refused to ever lay a hand on them and chose what I thought as a much better method. While on the Rhodes trip from the early years of my relationship with Petra, we had purchased a beach paddle ball set with large paddles similar to a big Ping Pong paddle. On one occasion as a child Anya had stolen a candy bar at the grocery market and I called the manager to put a scare into our daughter. On the same day we returned home and I located the large paddle and with a permanent marker pencil wrote a contract on the face of the paddle stated “I will

not (Lie, Cheat or Steal) and it was signed into agreement by both Anya and Oliver. 197 Page


I had to use the paddle only once on Anya but Oliver required several more applications. On one event where he had misbehaved rather seriously, I told Oliver reminded him on his way to school that he would have to take his punishment after her returned home from school. He acknowledged the spanking he would receive and was off to school with a day to think about it. To spank our children hurt me so much more and I was virtually crying while administering the punishment. Oliver would take it like a man and gentleman and when he returned home that particular day, I asked him if he was ready and he said “Yes Dad”. God what a beautiful boy! We went into the spare room and he bent over to take his spanking and I came to realize that the punishment did not fit the crime and Oliver secretly knew this. I for the first time told Oliver to drop the pants and now it would be paddle to ski and 3 swats! This was the last time the Paddle would ever be required and I retired it above the refrigerator.

CONTINIOUS CONFLICT WITH PETRA The arguments with Petra were never ending. I would be flying two weeks of every month, only to return to her assaults of how every time I came home she would have no control over the children. The only response I could offer is “Should I not come home”? Our daughter Anya was born in Redmond Oregon midway between our home in Prineville and Bend Oregon and a mere 30 miles from the house. We still that the 76 GMC motor-home I had restored that was the same vehicle as the Urban Assault Vehicle in the movie “Stripes” starring Bill Murray. I attended the Le Mas’ birthing classes with Petra during her pregnancy and she insisted on the German Doctor Bracher woman as her delivering physician. When Petra went into labor, we took the motor-home to the hospital where she had a private room with a home like environment and I planned to live in the GMC. Petra endured 27 hours of labor and I was up and with her for the entire term to insure the hospital staff was doing their jobs. I was not in the least impressed with this facility as I monitored mother and child data on the medical equipment.

Petra and I were committed to a natural childbirth and without Epidural until it after so many hours of the pain of labor, Petra consented to the epidural. It was It 198 Page


was in the early hours of morning when after well over 20 hours of labor, I had growing concerns for health of mother and child and called in the head nurse. This nurse was a life saver and identified the problem immediately that the baby was Posterior or rolled over in the womb and could not pass through birth canal normally. The doctor was called in and the Anya was turned correctly and I was Petra’s only hope of avoiding C Section. I told her to push and push when she could not feel her lower body. I watched Anya’s head emerge and if she could at the time see, I would have been the first thing she had ever seen in the world outside the womb. She required only oxygen being slightly blue in color but all vital signs were strong as both mother and child were strong. I was never so relieved in life and never slept better as I did in the motor-home for the entire day. Life was wonderful with our beautiful little girl and a more proud father never existed than was I. I changed more diapers than maybe even Petra and she was dealing with the pain of breast feeding. I took any skiing as an infant and carried her on my chest like a papoose inside my jacket as I skied downhill. Anya was probably the youngest child to ever go skiing and perhaps I was a crazy father for taking her but skiing to me was then and today no different than walking down the street. After Anya grew I would carry her in a backpack that allowed her forward vision of our skiing and always carried her on my shoulders wherever we went. I even took her on picnics with Petra on the back and Anya seated on the gas tank of my Kawasaki 650 Tengai motorcycle. By today’s standards this would all sound reckless and absurd yet when I was a child of 8, we never had seatbelts in our Ford Galaxy station wagon. No harm would ever come to our child! I was flying international out of New York and commuting from Portland to St. Louis and the following day to Kennedy to begin my international flights. Commuting is physically trying on our biological clocks and the time away from home and family is ridiculous. When I did return home I would ski the mountain or water skiing Lake Billy Chaook reservoir. I would take carry my water ski on the motorcycle to the lake and cross the high desert. It was truly wonderful to be home and away from flying

199 and Petra was understanding at the time and seldom interfered. Page


This behavior was soon to change as most marriages do. When two people marry as a couple, they are a couple as in two. When the first child comes along, the dynamics of the relationship change entirely because now there are three. It becomes more interesting when the next child arrives making the number 4 and another numeric dynamic change occurs. It seems to me as a father that my wife and mother then begins to treat me like one of her children and began to mother me. We are not pioneers in this regard and oftentimes may lead to a breakdown in the marriage or relationship. Prior to Petra’s second pregnancy with our son Oliver she had a tooth removed that was causing her problems and this had future implications. The tooth removed was perhaps a Wisdom tooth and a tooth from the opposite side was not also removed to balance her bite. Few people understand that when our teeth come together when chewing, all teeth must contact both upper and lower simultaneously. Failure to do so will allow unsupported teeth from contacting another to rise up or move causing further problems. After the tooth removal Petra became pregnant with Oliver. As mentioned earlier, I decided to return to domestic flying and change aircraft and base to St. Louis. This of course meant moving and I was prepared to hire a moving company to deal with furniture and personal effects. Petra was of a different mind and decided to do the work while pregnant and I was still flying to Cairo Egypt every 2 weeks and couldn’t wait to get home and water ski on the lake. I took so much heat from Petra for not packing in preparation for the move after the birth of our son Oliver. I continued to maintain that I would rather pay to have this moving done than listen to her complaints and in addition be moving furniture prior to delivering Oliver. This was futile on my behalf and our son was born in Bend Oregon and we went to the hospital with the motor-home and this time only 6 hours of labor and our beautiful son joined our lives. Fourteen days after the delivery of Oliver, we had a U-Haul loaded and departed for St. Louis and our new home. Three of the most difficult events in most people’s lives occurred simultaneously in ours!




MOVE TO WILDWOOD AND DENTAL ISSUES Petra began complaining about her Maxilla (Upper teeth) were sloping downward one side blamed me for the condition because of the stress I caused her during the birth of Oliver and her packing efforts back in Oregon. I not only failed to see connection, I failed to see the Maxilla condition she complained of. She located a dentist in St. Louis that head her convinced that her suspicions were correct and introduced Cranial Adjustment and wanted to correct this Maxilla movement with a procedure of his own brainchild or development. The airline insurance company did not recognize his procedures nor did the American Dental Association and consequently refused to pay for the procedure. The Dentist required Petra to sign a waiver and release of liability and further required me to pay $10,000+ for the procedure. I discouraged Petra and told her to go to an Orthodontist and she refused to listen and signed the waiver and committed the money outside insurance. This dentist had through the use of wires and apparatus of his own designed left Petra in braces for 8 years until finally she decided she wanted to visit a world famous Maxilla Facial Surgeon in Vienna Austria. I complied with her request and took the entire family to Vienna and clinic of the Surgeon. I was suffering at the time from an injury that I had received at the Los Angeles International Airport LAX and the travel to me was painful. The Vienna Surgeon referred Petra to two other doctors, one in Japan and the other at Harvard Medical School. My patience had been tried to the maximum and I made it clear to Petra that St. Louis is a city of hospitals and some of the best in the field of Maxilla Facial Surgery. Again my appeal fell on deaf ears as Petra flew to Harvard Medical and was not happy with their assessment and finally settled on an old senior DR. Bell. Apparently Dr. Bell wrote the book on one of several methods studied in dental schools and he had his office in Dallas Texas. Again I discouraged Petra and insisted she remain in St. Louis and seek local surgery. We were off to Dallas and Petra was determined to have Dr. Bell perform the surgery. Unfortunately Dr. Bell felt too old to actually do the work and agreed to oversee his son perform the surgery in Portland Oregon. Just how much more complicated can anyone make this medical nightmare? 201



PORTLAND OREGON SURGERY After many roundtrips from St. Louis to Dallas and visits with Dr. Bell, Petra had several appointments in Portland Oregon that I also attended. This meant travelling round trip by airline to undergo evaluation and preparation for the impending surgery. I continued to suffer from the LAX injury that will addressed later in this manuscript and on serious symptom from my injury was a sleep disorder. It was imperative that I received a decent night’s sleep and required medication. Petra insisted that I purchase the most expensive fruit and vegetable blender money could buy and after her surgery, I was to buy only organic from Whole Foods Portland. I paid for an expensive hotel close to the hospital and Petra underwent surgery with mouth wired shut. This wiring did not stop the stop the complaining when I failed to care for her in the manner she expected and I also was deprived of badly needed sleep. My condition also would disturb her and in retrospect, I was the last person that should have attended her to Portland. In the day following her surgery, she had complaints regarding her own health and I was compelled to return her to the hospital for observation. Petra accused me of being responsible for her return to the hospital and I was in no condition to argue. I actually had prepared to buy her a sleeper car on Amtrac for her return from Portland to St. Louis. I felt the pressurization of flying could cause her discomfort and she took offense to my effort and maintained I was responsible for her suffering in Portland. I am exhausted even reviewing this history and there are no two sides to this story. I had had enough of this woman and grew to actually dislike her following this turbulent history. I am sorry to say this with full knowledge that our children will be reading this but I deserve to be heard! The final bill paid by the insurance company Cigna exceeded $70,000 and only covered the hospital and surgical care. All other expenses in Portland and the eight years leading up to the surgery came out of my pocket.



i was hooked on playing the game of ice hockey and played every day possible. I was trained by Dianna Shaffering who is the power-skating Guru who works with many of the NHL St, Louis Blues Hockey team. Hockey and downhill skiing are very similar and I found hockey far more challenging and fun than downhill. I soon became quite good at the game and in the later years, skated with Brett Hall, Shanahan, Al McGinnis, Chris Pronger and many other famous NHL Hockey players. Just to play on the same ice with these legendary players was an honor. I became friends with the coaching staff and especially Jimmy Roberts who coached with Joel Quinnville. Jimmy would routinely visit me at my house building project that I will get to in a moment. Before going there I want to talk about my invention HOCKEYSTIQ. The Q has a French K pronunciation and describes the product. I bought an H-1 Hummer that I used to pull my 773 Bobcat that I purchased to build the St. Louis, wildwood house.

HOCKEYSTIQ 2003 I coated the inner bed of the short pickup box behind the cab of this H-1 hardtop with a product called Ameriguard. It was along the same lines as another product on the market called Rhino-Liner but not so thick, soft and heavy. It also came in colors and would set up in 30 seconds of catalyzing and was impervious to about anything. It occurred to me to coat a wood hockey stick and prevent the de-lamination and eliminate taping the stick blade. The prototype performed perfectly and Dianna Shaffering is using the same stick after years of training hockey skaters. It wasn’t enough to just coat the stick to get to the true innovation. I learned in the tire recapping business that the release agent used was actually rubber tires ground up and refined into granular form and was necessary for the recapped tire to release itself from the mold. This granulated rubber was in several grain or screen sizes and I chose the largest grain similar to Sea Salt or large unrefined sugar crystals. I returned to Community Tire and they gave me a gallon size bag of the material and I took it and a hockey stick to the shop of the Ameriguard representative. He was shooting a pickup bed in black and I showed up with the stick and rubber

203 grains piled in an open short cardboard box for soup cans. The Ameriguard shot the stick blade and I immediately dipped it in the granulated rubber like a caramel Page


apple and the bonding was remarkable. Successful beyond my wildest dreams and the stick control was enhanced because it was rubber on rubber contact with the puck. I then created a logo with the letter Q where the small leg was a hockey stick. I stenciled it in white on the face blade of the stick. Next stop was the NHL ice and St. Louis Blues where several players began to use the stick and were scoring goals. I was told that the goalies were being distracted by the stencil and perhaps that helped in the scoring effort. There is no rule that says the player cannot have a Nike symbol or anything printed on the surface of the stick. I had the endorsement of Kieth Cachuck and Tyson Nash of the Blues to name a few and felt this was good enough to pursue patent and licensing or HOCKEYSTIQ. I created the Domain.com and spent $10,000 on legal fees to patent when all came to a halt because of the Trademark Police. I learned about this organization from Blues Equipment Manager Burt Godin. He told me this organization required I pay $50,000 to have this brand or Trademark on the NHL ice. I did not have $50,000 and was already taking serious heat from my wife Petra for the time and money spent on the venture. She continually reminded me of the failures in my past inventions and I defended them by saying they were all a complete success. Just not financially! I guess we just measured success differently. I have learned to stay in my element where I perform best. When a college agent for NML, I realized that I was most effective in the field and was wasting too much time filling out applications and paramedical reviews. I left all this to the secretaries and I became what they referred to as a Dragon Slayer and they would clean up the mess. As this applies to my former wife’s perception of all my previous failures, she failed to realize that I only invent and create all these things and never venture out into the world of promotion, sales and distribution.

MAY 23, 2003 LAX INJURY AND END OF CAREER This injury occurred on May 23, 2003 and marks the last day of my career and to ever fly any airplane again. I was a happy American Airlines Captain flying a Boeing 757 from St. Louis to Los Angeles LAX airport. 204 Page


I parked the airport at the gate in the late afternoon or evening and was following the flight attendants to the crew van to the layover hotel. I was wearing my hat and in full uniform making double time to catch the bus. I followed my crewmembers around a column and that is all I remember until hearing the voice of a flight attendant who was following me as I awoke from an impact with a sign. The sign was placed directly in the pedestrian walkway and made of steel supported by heavy timbers spaced wide apart. The lower edge of this steel sign was just short of 6’ above the pavement and the visor of my hat prevented me from seeing this lower edge. The dark also played a part in the collision between the top of my head and the lower edge of this sign. I suffered what was called a backlash and nerve damage with sleep disorder and other symptoms to follow. The City of Los Angeles has purview over LAX International Airport and the sign was erected without any permit and located in a pedestrian area. Both clear violations of any and all safety codes. In addition, it was to have been temporary until the large overhead signage was complete. Temporary meant 3 months and not the 3 years that the sign remained in its same anchored position. The city did add a piece of pipe insulation on the lower edge in the event someone might accidently hit it. This was a litigators dream and my only mistake was to sue the King in the King’s Court. This should have been a federal matter and heard in the Federal Court of St. Louis where I resided and was based with the airline. I have never witnessed such a miscarriage of justice and there are hundreds of pages on the internet of this case. The City of Los Angeles destroyed the evidence (Signs) immediately and later created a model of the sign that in no way demonstrated the dimensions of the actual model. Even I had trouble passing through the upright support and under the sign. I was awarded a Summary Judgment by the first judge on the matter which held the City of Los Angeles Responsible. Then the judge re-cussed herself and was replaced by another judge who overturned the ruling and the case went to trial. I then not surprisingly lost the case and my lawyer was so outgunned and ill- prepared if not in collaboration with the City. My Los Angeles lawyer became greedy and wanted to drag all the subcontractors

of the City of Los Angeles under the bus and up the booty. This act may have triggered the recusal of the original judge and now the matter nearly ran out of any

205 possibility of settlement. Page


One of the Defendants settled with a payment of $70,000 most of which went to the lawyer, the remaining two defendants made an offer of $160,000 than my lawyer discouraged and was confident we would win in court. I was foolish enough to believe him! If I could relive the experience, I would not have sued anyone because it would be a never ending story and not to win. The City of Los Angeles would appeal and the legal fees would go through the roof. What my Los Angeles lawyer failed to tell me at any time was that if I lose the case, I would be responsible for all the legal costs of the defendants. This number exceeded $250,000 that was awarded at my loosing the case. I was left totally disabled as a pilot and it would be years to partially physically recover.

PURCHASE OF ARGENTINA HOUSE I purchased a house in Argentina after selling my interest in a house that I purchased with Christopher Franke . Christopher and I were equal partners in the building and Petra had signed a Quit Claim as required by Christopher to insure that Petra had no interest in the partnership. I considered a house in Argentina as a better investment sold out of the partnership. The deed to the property is in my name and the children and Petra were beneficiaries.

SALE OF WILDWOOD HOUSE The Wildwood house was a beautiful success and should have sold for well over one million dollars. The market began to slow and I after the losing the Los Angeles case and disability it was time to let the house go. I was forced to sell the Wildwood house and with the help of Howard Witner ESQ, the house was sold to an LLC and I was only required to finish with the construction. I completed the house in Wildwood/St. Louis and moved to the country of

Argentina. My wife and children had already relocated to the Argentina as the LLC defaulted on the sale and I was stuck with a fabulous house that cost me nearly

206 $700,000 in materials alone. All my labor didn’t count and was lost in the final disposition of the house. Page


The house went into foreclosure and my credit was destroyed between the Los Angeles Judgment and the house foreclosure.

ARGENTINA The move to Argentina was initially to pursue other expert opinions and possible correction of my disabling injuries suffered in Los Angeles. I was not satisfied with the findings in from Barnes Jewish Hospital or Washington University Hospital in St. Louis. Because I was in the Airline Industry, I could go to anywhere in the world and seek medical attention for other opinions. My introduction to Argentina came from a St. Louis doctor MD who had been practicing medicine in the United States for 30 years and was from the country of Argentina. I knew nothing of the country until I visited Buenos Aires and underwent a comprehensive physical evaluation by Dr. Armando Basso and his staff. It was insightful as to my condition and felt everything about their treatment and bedside manner superior to what I experienced in the United States. Apart from the medical evaluation and following a tour of Argentina, I discovered the city of Bariloche located in Patagonia. It was so much like Bavaria and the quality of construction was all of European quality and tradition and I wanted to relocate and live there. My sleep disorder as a result of my injury at the LAX airport left me with bouts with the inability to sleep for periods of 3 days. This condition has driven sufferers to suicide. I learned the value of sleep and most appreciate it to this day! I travelled back and forth routinely from Argentina to the United States for medical evaluation and pursuit of finding a fix to my condition. I began to tour the country beyond Patagonia and actually visited Mendoza Argentina with my wife Petra and bought a house there. Mendoza is printed on the bottle of virtually every bottle of wine from Argentina. It is the Napa Valley of Argentina only many times bigger with a very similar climate.


207 It became apparent that I would not be returning to work soon, I relocated my entire family to Mendoza and the children attended school and learned a third Page


language of Spanish. I fell back into the creative mode of renovating the house from electrical and plumbing, irrigation and structural alterations. This was difficult for Petra leaving one construction zone to another as she often put it and we all were learning a new language, culture and way of life. I became friends with many of the premier wine makers of Argentina through a motorcycle group that numbered over 25 members. These riders were both on and off road and I rode entirely motocross. Half of the group did the same and this same half would sometimes take their dual-sport motorcycles like the BMW 1200 GS or Honda Africa Twin on rides from Argentina to Peru and Machu Pichu and circle around through Bolivia, Paraguay and return to Argentina.

MOTOCROSS ARGENTINA I had several motocross bikes and my favorite was the KTM 450EXC. I carried 24 liters of fuel in a special long range tank while my fellow riders would carry extra fuel in their backpacks in plastic 1 liter coke bottles. I preferred to carry the wine bottles in my backpack and keep the fuel in the bike. This proved wise considering my wild and seemingly reckless way of coming down the mountain. I used motocross motorcycles to train for downhill ski racing as they are remarkably similar. There are few times when the rider actually sits on the seat of these bikes. We normally stand on the foot-pegs as I would on skis and remain one yet independent of the motorcycle. I felt always in control of the bike although my fellow bikers thought I treated it as a race because I would be waiting at the bottom of the mountain for some time until they caught up. This usually meant that when coming down I would overtake the entire group oblivious to their dislike of this behavior. Finally at the dinner following one such ride they rebuked me for this and said it was no race between any of the members of the group.

I apologized and explained that I was not competing with the group but rather

208 myself and the clock in my head. Downhill Ski Racing is an individual sport with time as the enemy. Page


It was a very difficult habit to beat and when I lapsed back into the downhill mode, Raul, a fellow rider would catch up with me when it was obvious that I was preparing to run away and extend his arm in front of me and I would return to reality. I took a position behind Flacco as instructed and this was a mistake because Flaco was crazier than me and I rode virtually with my front tire to his rear down the mountain of racks and riverbeds without any defined trail until we were so far ahead of the rest of the group and he came to a stop. He was in disbelief that I was immediately behind him and it was clear his ego took over the lead and I was merely following. After this experience I insisted on remaining at the rear of the entire group and dismiss their belief I was in competition with them. I actually found it better to follow-up in the event someone went down or was mechanically disabled. This is the very reason why we had to remain together as a group and not go racing off alone. There is another factor that I will address and that is the danger of where we were riding. With our motorcycles, we could cover great distances of rugged terrain and rocks and at high altitudes where there was no water. It was entirely possible to get stranded out in these mountains and not come out alive without sufficient water. I cannot count the number of animal carcasses I drove over that had fallen dead on the trail from the lack of water. One such occasion threatened my dear friend and world famous wine maker Carlos Pulenta. We were the only two riders on cross bikes that planned to rendezvous with the rest of our group travelling on horseback. We intended to meet at a place for and (As ado) barbecue in a remote place in the mountains and instead of horses, Carlos and I decided to come in from the opposite direction on the motorcycles. I was always accustomed to following the other riders up into this frontier and could always find my way back. I should mention that it is easy to get lost in these highlands and that could mean certain death without the water. I followed Carlos with full confidence that he knew exactly where we were going until we crossed a ridge before beginning our descent into a valley below. The valleys were numerous and we passed one after another until Carlos came to a stop

209 and said he wasn’t sure which valley to choose! He said he was used to following others who knew the descent and this was his first time to lead the way. Page


This is not the time to make a mistake and we knew if we made the incorrect choice, we did not have enough fuel or water to return. I could only request that he choose wisely! We backtracked to a valley we passed and he felt confident that it was correct and down we went. Soon the trail disappeared and we were dragging our motorcycles over rocks and mangrove type sage bushes. Deep into the valley and while taking a break from wrestling these machines over the scrub, I looked up and saw a Condor circling. I pointed it out to Carlos and said perhaps it waits for us with a laugh. I added that I at least had two bottles of wine and we may pass peacefully. Then on a more serious note, we had to decide again at a fork in direction. He asked me what I thought and it was opposite to the direction he thought. I decided to go with his instinct and in less than a hour later we arrived at the Puesto or ranch house where the group had departed by horseback. We survived and only had to wait for the group to return from the Asado. Carlos and I popped the wine and drank it all before the group returned and were surprised to see us not at the Asado and at the Puesto. When always wore all the motocross protective equipment when we went off road. The rocks were so sharp and cactus spines actually would penetrate and puncture tires. I put Muse or a neoprene rubber ring in my tires to prevent them from running flat after the many times before in the days where I flew down the mountain, I had broken the front wheel with spokes flying and tire flattened and had to continue with my weight only the back wheel. There was one occasion where we were all on a very steep hillside waiting turns to individually pass through a very tight rock formation. The hillside was so steep that I almost had to drop to a knee on the uphill side to keep the bike upright. Somehow I got over center while waiting my turn when the bike began to tip over in the downhill direction. There was no human way of stopping it unless my left downhill leg was 100’ long and over I went tumbling backwards down the mountain with the motorcycle tumbling close behind. Fortunately I had wine and not fuel in my backpack and I not surprisingly beat everyone to the bottom. My motorcycle was upside down and when I started this 4 stroke bike it smoked

like a 2 stroke because crankcase oil had leaked into the cylinder head. It cleared it-self out and we pressed on. 210 Page


Another motorcycle experience was on the property of a friend Diego. I must say this is the most beautiful estancia I had ever seen in the Uco Valley near Mendoza and was nearly one million acres that bordered the country of Chile. Diego’s property was closer to a country than estate and we often rode our motocross bikes on the miles and miles of trails and roads of his property. Everything grew there from walnuts every variety of fruit and vegetable to grapes and even honeybees collected honey we carried in 5 gallon pails. It was and remains magnificent. I remember the great rolling road that was a driveway to the main house and with speed on the motorcycle I could fly great distances and land as soft as silk on the road in anticipation of the next flight. One day Diego had a grand Asado with many guest and we enjoyed great food and company and then 4 of us mounted our bikes to head up the mountain on Diego’s property. Before mounting my bike, I wanted to ride the Honda 500 2 stroke of our oldest rider Xenon. This was the most wicked and fast motorcycle I had ever ridden in my life. It was so furiously fast that the slightest twist of the throttle grip and the bike would scream to life. It was like a giant chainsaw with a wheel and Xenon had somehow tamed this bike after it broke his pelvis and back in years past. I returned the bike to Xenon and mounted my KTM 450EXC while Xenonzito, the 35 year old son of Xenon and Diego also readied for departure. We went flying up the mountain trail jumping the bumps and the trails were actually served in some cases of roads for tractors. I kept my distance behind Diego who insisted on leading. I had no problem with his lead because it was his property and he knew where we were going. The only problem I did have was when I closed his lead and caught up with him as the parallel track opened, Diego would cross tracks in front of me and throw rocks up from his back wheel. I would cross over to the other track and unintentionally, Diego would eventually do the same. He seemed to be completely unaware of my presence. I came up next to him and stopped him and told him if he did it again I was going to kill him! Xenon and his son followed a safe distance behind. Diego and I led and I would ride on the rocky track only a bike length behind Diego. My reasoning was to avoid a collision should he cross onto my path unaware and into me.

My reasoning proved itself as sure enough he did and rather than kill him, I continued to expect it. 211 Page


We rode some 20 miles up into the mountains and determined we had gone far enough with the existing sunlight and headed down the mountain in a different direction when we encountered a barbed wire gate that I dismounted my bike to open and allow all riders to pass. Diego had a cattle ranch on the property and we were about to enter this area of the ranch. Once all riders had passed the gate and I moved my bike to the other side and closed the gate, only Xenonzito remained as Xenon Sr. and Diego sped off to lead the way. I mounted my bike and the two of us followed. Xenonzito shouted we should catch up with the other two and I replied to give them more distance and in other words maintain our present separation from the leaders. No sooner had I said this and an explosion of dirt, motorcycles and the bodies of Xenon and Diego were all one big mushroom cloud. I was sure someone was killed in this crash and when we came on scene, Xenon’s motorcycle, the big 500 Honda had returned to earth with its handlebar and throttle twist grip stuck in the dirt wide open. The wheel in the air was spinning at full speed. I went directly to the body of Xenon and noticed his body was wrapped in wire and I touched his shoulder to see if he was alive as I received an electrical shock. The wire was an electric fence and was energized. Xenon is one tough old boy and came to life, stood up, un-wrapped the wire oblivious to the electricity and went over to turn off his chainsaw motorcycle. I ran over to Diego as he lay in the dirt face down with arms underneath his body. I spoke to Diego. “Hello Diego, are you alive Diego”? I asked it several times until he groaned and I was relieved he was not dead. Slowly he regained consciousness and slowly returned to his feet nursing his right arm. Later we discovered he broke it in two places but at the time I created a sling and strapped it to his body to immobilize it. Xenon’ s motorcycle was disabled and he and his son rode back some ten miles down the mountain to the estancia house to get a truck to recover the injured Diego and the disabled motorcycle. I remained with Diego and he was in great pain so I reached into my backpack and retrieved a prescription bottle containing 400mg Ibuprofine capsules and some Hydra-Codine pain pills I never used after my ice hockey broken ankle event. I carried these when riding just in case such an incident occurred.

This medication immediately went to work and Diego felt little pain. It was growing dark and no sign of the pickup. It was growing so dark they truck would 212 Page


have trouble finding us so I climbed on Diego’s motorcycle that was still operational and went down to lead the truck back to our position. After recovering broken bike and rider, Diego was off to the hospital in underwent surgery and was in a cast in only a matter of hours. I found this remarkable since I had spent an entire 12 hours in sweaty hockey gear filling out insurance paperwork and waiting for my ankle to be reconstructed with my past hockey injury. Diego didn’t ride much after that incident and this was probably a good idea. The accident occurred because while Xenon was riding abreast Diego, they encountered the electric wire at 50mph and it was too late! Diego panicked and grabbed his front brake and locked up the wheel taking out Xenon at his side and they all went up in a spectacular crash. Argentina is a wonderful country and the best of the country were my friends. It was about a year before the last black ball was removed from the hopper of my acceptance into this group and that last ball was Flacco. I thank him for letting me be part of such a fine group of gentleman and we had adventures that I could not describe in less than 100 pages.

FAMILY PALMA AND RANCHO QUERO My wonderful friendships extended beyond this motorcycle group to include the family Palma. This was the family I purchased my house from and they had a ranch of maybe 50,000 acres and fenced it in to raise Red Deer from the Black Forest of Germany. They also built a small quaint inn up the mountain and maintained 100 horses that were used to entertain guests from all over the world. I would serve as a guide and assistant on these rides with trail horses and riders with no previous experience. The water we drank was directly from streams and the diversity of guests was wonderful. I miss this experience and struggle to undergo the transition from the life I knew to where I am today. I lived so long on adrenaline that I no longer enjoy these past activities without it. It is an extremely difficult transition to any other sport like golf or whatever similar sport that moves so slow but nonetheless I need to learn how to (GO SLOW-ER).

I became a member of a large health club in Mendoza that included a long-boat rowing lake. It was actually a lake that was identical to a water ski competition 213 Page


lake for slalom, tricks and jumping. I guess now it must also include wakeboarding. These competition lakes have sloped sides that dissipate the wake and insure smooth water for the skier. In addition is an island for the boat to turn around.

ESPN WORLD WATERSKIING PROSPECT I immediately saw an opportunity to host an ESPN World Class water ski competition event. I returned to the United States and contacted former World water ski champion Lucky Lowe on Lake Alfred Florida. I visited and skied with Lucky and was introduced to the reigning slalom World Champion Chris Parish. We all became good friends and we all agreed it was a great idea and worth pursuing. I returned to Mendoza and found no resistance from the Club having purview over the lake. The resistance came from the Municipality and Government regarding powerboats on this lake. It was impossible to break through this resistance and the entire prospect was not to be! My primary focus shifted to the renovation of our house and property and I hired Chileans to do the labor and I served as general contractor of the project. I enjoyed the work but my wife again grew tired of seeing everything torn up in the excavation for electric and plumbing. Trouble broke out in our relationship and it was the straw that broke the back of our marriage.

DIVORCE FROM PETRA When we lived in Argentina as a family, Petra was (in my opinion) pushing the children too hard in school. Schools in Argentina are not as easy as the USA. You are not automatically advanced to the next grade until you pass all courses satisfactorily. Half the school day was in Spanish and the second half day in English. Eight hours of school and Petra had several hours of tutoring scheduled after the children returned for an already long hard day.

I was exhausted for the children and insisted Petra back off and let them be

214 children first and students second. Again I might as well have talked to myself as she continued her drive and even added Saturday tutoring to the rigor. Page


It was clear to me the children were becoming exhausted and I bumped heads with Petra over this matter and said they should be children first and students second. This fell on deaf ears and the rigor continued. Petra attended a class reunion in Munich, Germany for 2 weeks and after seeing her flight off, returned immediately to the school and pulled Anya and Oliver out of class and took them on a 2 week ski vacation to Las Lanas, Argentina. This was the most wonderful time I had with both daughter and son and I would do it again, despite the tongue lashing I received on Petra’s return. I’m pretty sure this was ramping up to the consequences that would follow. The main event fell on a Saturday as Anya and I were preparing to depart for the Argentina Puma Rugby team game against Italy. This Saturday’s game was planned weeks in advance. Anya had met a boy in school she liked who played rugby and she wanted to learn about the game. One hour before game time, Petra said Anya cannot go to the game because she has a tutor coming. I told Petra she knew we had been planning this game for weeks and I was going to take her to the game. Petra then lashed out and said to me with Anya at my side “I hate you and want a divorce”. I was in complete disbelief and departed with Anya for the game and afterward took my daughter for hot chocolate. I told Anya her mother didn’t really mean what she said and we both returned home. I found Petra in the house library on the computer and made it clear whatever she was going to do to think it through! She said “give me one good reason why I shouldn’t divorce you” and I said “. I can’t give you one good reason why you should”!

CALM BEFORE THE STORM Everything seemed fine for a short time after that dreadful day and I dismissed Petra’s words as spoken in anger and believed it had passed. The children approached me with a request to return to school in the United States and I asked them if it was what they truly wanted and if so, yes! And so it was that they would return to the USA and live with my sister Mary in

North Liberty Iowa where they were enrolled in school and all seemed to be going well until I learned otherwise.

215 My sister Mary is the Mother Theresa of women and if the world was made up of

Page Aunt Mary’s, there would be no problems. Mary had a serious confrontation with


Petra after only 3 months of living in Iowa and whatever was said, Mary informed Petra she was a guest in the house and Petra was speaking terribly about me, her brother. In less than a week, Petra had removed the children from the Iowa school and relocated to St. Louis Missouri. I learned later the State of Iowa requires one year of residence before filing for divorce where Missouri requires only 90 days. I was completely oblivious as to what was going on in the United States because I was caught up in the middle of the Argentina house restoration.

D DAY I was at first surprised that she actually followed through with her threat since I had no plan to divorce her. The method of service by her and her legal counsel was both heartless and deplorable. I was separated from Petra by her choice to return to the United States. The children were so tired of the school regiment of Argentina, they were happy to return to the USA. They rented a house in the same area where we lived prior to the move to Argentina. I should mention that I bought a home in Argentina several years before and as a family, we lived in Argentina for one year. The children learned Spanish and thus had 3 languages, English, German and Spanish. I was commuting from Argentina to the Unites States monthly and tried to sustain this balance between construction work on the Argentina house and time with the children. The construction work on the Argentina house was comprehensive. I had to rework all electric, pluming, and heating along with total renovation of house, patio and landscaping and rebuild the 13’ wall around the entire property. My workers were from Chile and I paid them weekly with cash. On one of my return to the States, I borrowed $5,000 from a life insurance policy and carried it in my suitcase. I checked into the hotel and was invited the same night by Petra, to come visit the children and she would prepare my favorite meal, Salmon and Pasta. I secretly harbored hopes that maybe we could work things out and accepted her offer. Once at the house, she further suggested I cancel my hotel reservation and stay with Oliver in his room, thereby saving the hotel money. Again, I accepted 216 this offer and the night went well. Page


At about 6:00am the following morning, I was awaken by Petra secretly sneaking into Oliver’s upstairs bedroom closet and watched her plunder my suitcase for any and all papers and documents and the $5,000 cash. My son Oliver saw it too and I followed Petra downstairs and requested she return the documents and money. She refused as the children were then awake and curious of what was happening. Petra went storming out the door and down the street while talking on her cell phone. The children were in panic and my son Oliver ran into Petra’s bedroom and recovered the documents in hopes it will all go away. It did not go away but actually worsened. A team of her friends from basketball coach and others converged on the house like a swat team and drove the children to school leaving me for the sheriff to serve me my divorce summons. DEFECTIVE SERVICE After having received my summons and served Notice of Divorce, I returned to Argentina to continue with the house restoration with the idea of returning monthly to see the children. Child Custody had not yet been determined. I had planned routine visits to the USA from Argentina and my next return was within 30 days of my last visit and Court Notice. I flew from Santiago Chile through Dallas then on to St. Louis. When changing planes in Dallas, I called Petra to let her know I wanted to see the children and she consented. After landing in St. Louis, I received a telephone call from Anya inviting me to lunch at The St. Louis Cheesecake factory in the St. Louis suburb of Chesterfield. I welcomed the invitation and was met at he restaurant by Petra, Anya and Oliver. We were seated for lunch and I asked the children when they last talked to grandma and if they called Aunt Mary on her recent birthday. Our first call was to their aunt Mary and we all (including Petra) sang happy birthday. Next we called Grandma Margret (my mother) and the children first conversed with her and then I had a brief conversation with my mother. She was so happy that her prayers were answered and mother and I were both confident that we would be a family again. The restaurant was part of a big shopping mall and before I could finish my meal, Petra left the restaurant with both children and the Sheriff appeared and served me a second Summons to Court. At this point I broke down in tears at how the entire luncheon was a set-up to serve me again because the first summons was defective

217 since Petra filed before the state required 90 days. Page


Petra’s cruelty was beyond my comprehension. My mother was equally heartbroken and in her conversations with Petra following the event, Petra told my mother that she intended to destroy me! My mother was in disbelief and they never spoke again. I hired a barracuda of a lawyer where Petra had a seemingly mild mannered legal counsel. I was told that a personal relationship developed with Petra and the lawyer through the grapevine and only she can confirm this information.

CHILD CUSTODY I received notice by e-mail of the Child Custody Hearing which must also be by official service and not e-mail. This became aware of the hearing on a Thursday that was scheduled Monday morning while I was in Argentina. I boarded the first flight out and arrived in the USA on Saturday and called my Barracuda lawyer and we prepared on Sunday at the cost of $20,000. I arrived to court on the morning of the hearing and was seated by my lawyer outside the courtroom as she and the lawyer of Petra worked out the terms of the Custody matter. I never did see the judge or inside of the Courtroom but I did catch Petra as she came out of court and insisted we meet in a private room only steps away. She followed me in and I closed the door and sat with her face to face at the table and asked her what she was doing? I made it clear that she was not only destroying our family but we were both paying for the support and education of our lawyers children at the cost of Anya and Oliver. We were both in tears and I appealed that we end this insanity and she said it was impossible with the witch lawyer of mine. I promised her I would fire my lawyer and find a completely peaceful one who could help us reconcile our differences. We parted and I fired my lawyer immediately and hire a wonderful man named Ira Berkowitz. Children called him The IRA because he was everything from coach to scoutmaster. Petra unbeknown to me had changed lawyers and hired a Pit Bull. I was left in disbelief as to how she could do such a thing.



Petra was given full custody of the children and I was granted visitation rights of 2 weekends every month and I was not going to miss a one!

VISIT NUMBER ONE My first of visits was at a nice hotel and I flew in and rented a car and also an adjacent room for the Petra, all with the idea of trying to diffuse this divorce and maintain some semblance of a family for the children. The rooms were joined by an open door so the children could move between both parents without disturbing the continuity of the 15 years we were one family. Petra was unaware of the Bus and Lotus. This first visit was guarded between Petra and I and she would bird dog me and Oliver when we went for breakfast buffet. I wondered why she would behave like this. Petra had both their USA and German Passports on both children and I could go nowhere with this children beyond to local county.

I purchased a Monaco Signature Crown Royal Motor Coach and Lotus Elise as a tow car. The Lotus weighed a mere 1700 lbs and was mid-engine with a Toyota/Yamaha motor that developed over 200 hp and 10,000 rpm’s. It was the only street legal race car in the US but I didn’t buy the car for any of these reasons. I bought it because it was lightweight and fit in an aluminum enclosed trailer with entry ramp that served as a garage. It was a perfect combination with this economical and fun car to drive behind a motor coach with diesel pusher motor that pulled the toy without notice. I wintered in Florida and drove to Minnesota in the summer to visit family and friends. I had already established a residence in Argentina and was considered an Ex-pat. In fact I find this contrary and offensive because I consider myself a Complete Patriot of the United States! It was always my intention to remain in Argentina and commute routinely to the USA to visit the children and have them visit Argentina on holidays. This was my plan but Petra had another plan that was divorce and full custody of the children.

This is where the motor-home came into the picture and I exercised my visitation

219 rights until the children were being used as weapons against me by preying on my Page


compassion and desire to see them. M visitations were used as espionage and entrapment opportunities by Petra and her lawyers. I never did attend the divorce hearing and had retained lawyers that had cost me $60,000 dollars of my children’s money to finance the education and feed the children of the lawyers. I could clearly see what it was all about and knew the court would do to me there or not! I chose not! The court had their way with me and I was ordered to pay child support and did so religiously and further, provide the family car and pay for all medical and dental braces for the children. I paid all of this without hesitation or complaint.

VISIT NUMBER TWO Visit number two would be with the bus at the local State Park. I was to pick up the children at school on Friday after class and return them to school on Monday morning. I picked up Anya first in the Lotus and unbeknown to me, Petra parked waiting to witness this pick-up. Anya was overjoyed and felt like a princess, Petra was probably livid and what happened in the weeks and months that followed goes beyond my imagination. The time with my children on the bus in the park was fantastic. I purchased fishing gear for my son Oliver, and Anya grilled Salmon and prepared salads. It was truly wonderful and something I could have easily continued with.

VISIT NUMBER THREE Winter cold was arriving and I had 2 weeks between visits to move the Motor- Coach to Florida and fly back for my next visitation. I was successful and flew back and rented a car and room in the same hotel, this time without and adjacent room. I picked up Anya and Oliver and returned to the hotel for swimming, dinner and movies. I received a call from Petra requesting she pick up Oliver only on the Sunday night before returning only Anya to school on Monday morning. I agreed, and while waiting for his mother. Oliver was showing me pictures on his telephone and I caught glimpse of several photo’s that were of all my nerve damage medication that I receive by mail, sufficient for six months. The medication comes in bottles of 720 capsules and is 220 something just short of vitamins. Page


None the less, this photograph on Oliver’s camera was definitely intended for use as evidence for her divorce action against me. My daughters hand appeared in the picture and it was clear Petra was using the children to conduct espionage operations utilizing my visitation periods. Now it became difficult to trust my own children who were instruments in the hands of Petra and her lawyer.

VISIT NUMBER FOUR I always stayed at the Drury Plaza in Chesterfield and became a frequent guest as I arrived for my weekend with the children. Our son Oliver was on a swim team and training in a pool in the community development where Petra and the children resided. I knew he had a swim meet on the Friday morning before my scheduled after school pickup time per the custody agreement. None the less, I wanted to see Oliver swim and drove to the pool to observe. Petra accosted me and told me I cannot stay and should return to the house at 2:00 or 3:00 pm per the agreement. I told Oliver I would return and pick him in the afternoon and returned to the hotel. I had lost all trust in Petra and knew what she was capable of and decided on arriving 15 minutes early and see what might await my timely arrival. I was driving a rental car and drove down the street of their house when I noticed a silver van with blacked out windows waiting at an intersection almost directly in front of the house. It appeared suspicious because it was partially into the crosswalk and away from the curb. The intersection was a T type that allowed the driver to observe the house and the vans windows were so dark making it impossible to see the driver. I made a right turn onto the same street at this T intersection and passé only several feet from the van while driving in the opposite direction. I continued one block and change course coming up behind the waiting van. It was clear to me since the van had not moved that the house was under surveillance and I moved to pass the van and turn back the way I arrived when the door of the van swung open and a man ran out with some kind of badge and slammed his hand on my windshield knowing that he had been identified.

I drove hard and fast to get away from the area and directly back to the hotel. I sat in disbelief that Petra would again use my visitation to entrap me in another service 221 of unknown nature. I called my attorney Ira Berkowitz who was on the phone to Page


Petra’s lawyer informing this Pit Bull in no uncertain terms what a deplorable act it was to attempt the service. I then received a call from Ira who encouraged me to return to the house and get Oliver and Anya because the service attempt was totally unnecessary over documents that should have been by Subpoena from the court. I returned to the house as instructed by my lawyer and found the house empty and made several calls to and answering machine. I checked out of the hotel and flew out of town on the next flight. Little did I know this would be the last time I was to see the children for years until present day. I decided when reconciliation was impossible after employing two separate lawyers to attempt this hope. I had no dog in the fight and I refuse to fight with women.

FAMILY COURT OF MENDOZA ARGENTINA International law clearly defines the jurisdiction as the country where the family last resided as a family. This would have been the country of Argentina in my Case. Unfortunately for me, the United States does not recognize International Law. They would not recognize the Family Court of Argentina and established the Superior Court of the County Petra returned with the children. In other words, my countermeasure to her divorce here in the USA was to file in Argentina. This action was not recognized and the court pretty much, gave her whatever she wanted. Argentina is a very simple 50%-50% split and no argument over division of property and custodial matters. In addition, Argentina requires a one year cooling down period with the hopes that the two partners can rectify their differences and settle out of court or remain a family. In the United States on the other hand, requires as little as 90 days and encourage engagement of action while both parties are hot. This consequently results in long, drag out discourse and the courts and lawyers

feed on this division and contest. The reasons are obvious and the business of being a divorce lawyer is lucrative. I do have visitation rights of the children which I initially never missed a one of the first 3. I had 40’ tour bus and pulled a Lotus 222 Page


Elise sport car in enclosed aluminum trailer. My daughter Anya loved the car, as it was in the world of exotic automobiles such as Ferrari’s and the like. I continue to pay double the child support and buy the children cars and braces for their teeth. Petra and her lawyer continue to go after more money and attempt to locate and serve me. If successful and should I fail to appear as I have in the past, I will be locked up in jail before ever seeing my children. It’s clear to me that the court system could care less about the fact that I have not seen my children for the past three years and more interested in serving their own self interests.

PEACEMAKING EFFORTS I have had only two brief telephone conversations whereby I had hoped we could reconcile our differences and I could see my children again. The first such conversation followed the finalization of the divorce and her reply was short and brief. (“I AM GOING TO HUNT YOU DOWN”) My second and last conversation was in the form of a question to her. I asked Petra if there is any reason why I cannot see our children. Her reply was (YOU’RE IN CONTEMPT). DIVORCE PROCEEDINGS It’s difficult for me to reflect on anything of negative nature because I am a man who lives in the moment. I enjoy creating positive memories and reflecting back on these moments and memories and avoid dredging up the past bad experiences unless, I can somehow recognize the perceived negative event into one positive. In the case of my divorce experience, this option does not exist and as a result, by revisiting this past is equal to reliving it and destroying the moment. I have no fear of anything now or in the future and approach it with a sense of adventure as perhaps I mentioned before. Living in fear of the future will also destroy this

perfect moment. I raise all these philosophies because it is extremely difficult for me to cover this past divorce but yet, I feel is necessary to better understand our pasts and present. 223 Page


I had the idea of writing book about my past in a letter form to my children so they can someday understand why they are without a visiting father for the past three years, and perhaps the next two. I have done my level best to never bad mouth the mother and have no interest in creating any dissention between the children and their mother. For this reason, I continually sidestep the children’s questions of, “why am I not there?”

CLOSURE Let me stop here and make it clear that if I had to live my life over again, I would have still married Petra because I am so fortunate to have such a fine woman and mother of our children and no dead-beat. Petra never smoked, drank alcohol or used any substance or drug. She nursed the children and was and placed education as number one. I harbor no anger or angst for her beyond her heartless methods of denying me access to the children. Most recently was a civil charge of contempt of court in the circuit court of her county. I have nothing but contempt for this court and her legal counsel for creating this legal roadblock that would drag me into the legal fray again and cost more of my children’s money in legal defense. I continue to pay this demand wait for the time when the children are of age and come to visit me in Argentina. My children have unlimited Airline pass privileges and can travel at will.

LIFE IN THE USA AFTER DIVORCE I have been financing our children’s college education since the day of their birth and the Northwestern Mutual will insure that the children are educated. I continue to praise NML Northwestern Mutual Life because it is (in my opinion) the finest insurance company in this world and I will die eternally grateful for their service to me and family. My desire to return to Argentina continued although you would never know it. After my visit to Minnesota and noticing a 40’ motor-yacht for sale that I always wanted but never had the money. This boat was in Red Wing Minnesota at the

Colvill Park Marina. I and my mother and several siblings were picnicking with the coach when I first took notice of the yacht and saw it was offered for sale. 224 Page


I went down to view the boat and called the broker. I made an offer that I never thought would be accepted and it was. Now I had a motor-coach, Lotus and trailer and a motor-yacht. This was all highly inconsistent with my objective of returning to Argentina and at the same time loading up with equipment. It never ceases to amaze me how we all find ways to justify these purchases. Mine was to be closer to my mother and brother who lived in Red Wing. Another was the purchase price was so right that after I was done with the boat, it would sell for more than I paid. The improvements and renovation of the boat included installing bamboo hardwood floors and subfloors. This is a challenging job because nothing is square in the laying of the floor and it had to be engineered to prevent the 5/8 “ tongue and grooved flooring from separating and buckling. It could not be nailed down in the conventional way because of the flexion of the cabin sole or floor relative to the hull of the boat. Other considerations are temperature variations and humidity. I had entirely renovated my motor-coach and installed white-washed bamboo floors in this applying the same considerations. I put a floating floor in the coach that was on a membrane of a thin Styrofoam roll- stock material and glued at all joints. This was not going to work on the boat because I had to design and build hatch covers. These hatches were the greatest challenge and I ultimately laid another subfloor of plywood and glued the floor down with a polyurethane adhesive that remained elastic. The floors and 90 degree sweeping stairway turned out beautiful and the additional improvements as well. I had no sooner finished the project that required all 3 months of summer and the boating season in Minnesota when the other boaters began pulling their boats from the water and winterizing. I wasn’t interested in winterizing the boat in Minnesota and decided to go down the Mississippi, up the Ohio and Cumberland rivers and via Kentucky Lakes to the Tennessee River. I planned to attend the Roger Waters Concert in Minneapolis until a heavy rain of 10” fell in northern Minnesota. I knew all the water was coming down the Mississippi River that was already swelling and on the rise to flood stage.

I blew off the Roger Waters concert and left everything on the dock in Red Wing

225 and made a run for it down river in hopes of staying ahead of the big flood. I did stop at the October Fest in La Crosse Wisconsin and had a wonderful time. Page


Meanwhile the river was rising 2 feet per day and would finally crest at 30 feet above flood stage. All the locks and dam flood gates were open and there was more timber in the lock chamber than in the forests of Oregon. In addition were parts of buildings and a grass and moss that could almost be walked on. Wind, rain and current were frequent and the marinas and fuel docks all went underwater to making it necessary for me to tanker in fuel from oil companies with trucks in the farm fields during the harvest season. The water had actually rise to a level where the channel marker buoys or cans disappeared underwater and made it difficult to identify the main channel. Occasionally the steel buoy the size of an automobile would surface and heaven help you if it comes up under the boat. It would sink a boat in so short a time it might be difficult to get off the vessel. I had Army Corps of Engineer charts and followed them closely because I did not have the navigation equipment as I have today on the Great White. My only means of determining the location of the buoys was the charts and whirlpools created by the submerged marker. It required constant vigilance and left no margin for error. The Upper Mississippi has 27 lock and dams between Minneapolis Minnesota and St. Louis Missouri and every one of them seemed to offer some new challenge. I had travelled hundreds of miles down the Mississippi before finally encountering my first pleasure craft not of Winfield Lock and Dam located at St. Charles Missouri. The boat’s name was “30 Below” and her crew was a man and wife by the names Jeff and Doreen Devine. Jeff had recently been diagnosed and treated for cancer. The couple decided to sell their chiropractic practice and home and buy the boat to live aboard and do the Great Loop. Our friendship developed quickly and the decision to navigate south together was made. While loitering around waiting for a large commercial Tow Boat pushing maybe 21 barges was locking up river in the opposite direction and we had to wait

for the barge to exit the chamber before we could enter and lock down. It was a windy day and when we received the green light to proceed toward the 226 chamber, I put both my engines in gear and only one (starboard) engine responded. Page


I ran below to the engine hatch and opened it to discover that the engine accelerated and shifted fine but had sheared the coupler to the shaft. I was disabled with a single engine and fast drifting for the spillway. To add insult to injury, I was in the direct path of the departing barge and began to aim or pilot the boat for the small area between the lock diversion wall and the rear of the Tow Boat. If I missed the wall, I would possibly go over the spillway and loose the boat and my life. It was vital to get the boat in the chamber but another factor came into play and that was the wake and prop-wash from a Tow Boat developing 5 to 10,000 hp and full power against the downstream current. I passed maybe 50’ behind the Tow and the stern roller was so big that everything that was not tied down went flying as I plowed through the wake. Then the wind and prop-wash propelled my boat into the lock chamber. The Lockmaster asked if I needed someone to throw me one of the many ropes that draped down the chamber walls for boaters to hold onto as their boats would rise and fall with the water in the chamber. I requested loitering in the lock because I was alone and was unable to man the line and pilot the disabled boat at the same time. My decision almost immediately changed when I realized I could not hold the boat with the upstream chamber doors or gates open and the prop-wash from the departing Tow and requested assistance with the lines. At the moment of this request, the square stern of my boat was pointed toward the surge from the Tow and wind and I had to get the point or bow of the boat around 180 degrees to control the boat. The chamber wall would then be on my port side and my pilot house door to the deck was on the opposite starboard or right side. This meant that I had to leave the pilothouse on the right and run across the forward deck to catch the line. Fortunately, my right starboard engine was operational and I was able to get my boat to the lock wall but to keep it there and run out to catch the line required I leave the boat in gear and power on to hold the position only momentarily as the boat was being swept into the boat of Jeff and Doreen at the lower downstream chamber gates. I had only one shot at it and had to catch that line. Three men manned the line and

when I positioned the boat I ran across the deck and just barely caught the line and tied it off. The boat immediately swung around and secure against the chamber

227 wall stopping the boat instantly. Page


Wow was that exciting and not to be repeated! After lockdown, It was clear my plan to cruise downriver with Jeff and Doreen was not going to happen and I followed them into Port Charles Marina for repairs. I was about to experience another boaters nightmare and that was to bring this disabled boat to port at a harbor who’s inlet was created by rocks piled 10 feet high and an entry about 50’ wide or slightly longer than my boat. It gets worse. The current was so great after being diverted around a long island separating the marina entrance from the main channel and this caused a venture effect that accelerated the current in the narrow channel. It gets even worse! I could produce only 50 % of my boats power with a greater loss of controllability due to the inoperative engine and the lack of differential power. Lastly, I noticed a sailboat heeled over from the high winds. The approach to this harbor was blinded by the island separating it from the main channel and a small passage only 30’ wide was the only way to cut across between the main and narrow channels. Initially I overshot the cut while going downstream on the main channel and had to come about and return upstream against this current. I would be surprised if I was making even two miles per hour against this current. I found the cut after watching another smaller boat cut across and determined that it must be it. The water in this cut was quiet only momentarily until I notice a giant whirlpool directly in front of my boat. Without slowing down I entered the whirlpool that began to not only spin my boat in this narrow cut but also detected a drop in water level between the two channels. The boat seemed to drop about one foot and I shot out the other side into a torrent of a current and saw the inlet to the harbor identified by the rocks on either side of the entry. I spoke directly to the harbor by radio and asked the depth of the channel and they said about 4 feet and only in the middle. They cautioned me to stay away from the sides and stay centered the channel into the harbor. My first challenge was to get the boat into this narrow channel without the wind and current destroying the boat on the rocks. I passed slightly downstream of the inlet and turned the boat 180 degrees and nose or bow into the wind and had nearly full power to the operative right engine. I slowly crabbed my way toward the inlet

at when my stern or back of the boat was just past the upstream rocks of the inlet, I turned full rudder to port or left and let the current and wind bring the bow around

228 and pointed directly down the centerline of the harbor entry channel and applied full power. Page


I nailed the centerline and entered the channel and it went all went totally calm. The wind and current disappeared because of high rock walls that blocked the wind and once out of the main channel, the current no longer affected the boat. I tied up to the fuel dock across from Jeff and Doreen and immediately dove down under the boat to see if maybe I only lost a propeller and not actually sheared the coupler. The propeller connected to the shaft was resting against the rudder. It was then clear that the coupler had sheared. I was done and the boat had to be hauled out for repair. I was also concerned with bent propellers, shafts and struts after all the collision with logs and other flood related seen and unseen debris in the water of the Mighty Mississippi. Mighty is definitely a good description for this bitch of a river! The following day the boat was hauled out by travel-lift revealing a great deal more damage than expected. About $20,000 dollars in bent propellers, shafts, and struts not to mention both rudders. Most interesting was the cutlass-bearing on the operating engine had wormed its way ¾ of its length out of the strut that would have caused significantly more damage. The towing of the boat after passing the last lock would have been at great expense. South of Chain of Rocks Lock 27 in St. Louis, I would have been exposed to hundreds of miles of Mississippi river with only one fuel stop between St. Louis and Memphis Tennessee. It was amazingly fortunate that the coupler failed when it did! The boat was disabled until spring and I returned to Minnesota and get my motor- coach and car to continue south to Florida for the winter. I drove directly south down the river to Kentucky Lakes to catch up with Jeff and Doreen at Green Turtle Bay, then on to Clifton and finally to Lake Pickwick and head of the TENN-TOM waterway. Our next rendezvous would be at Carrabelle Florida before their crossing of the Gulf of Mexico for Clearwater Florida. FLORIDA WINTER SEASON II PLANNING MOTORCYCLE EXPEDITON; USA TO ARGENTINA; YEAR 2010 I purchased a Kawasaki TENGAI motorcycle to ride from the United States to Argentina. I chose this motorcycle because it remains unchanged for 40 years or 229 more and parts can be found all over the world for this bike. In addition was the

Page Japanese reliability consideration.


The fuel tank is immense and intended for the Paris-Dakar endurance. I decorated the tank, side-panels and fenders with flags of all the country’s I would pass through on this adventure. At each border, I would have the officers sign the flag and create a truly international piece of art. I have received much resistance from family, friends and love-ones who fear for my safety in the Central American Countries. I have no fear of this travel and perhaps, because I was part of an expedition by motorcycle from Karachi Pakistan and on into the Karakorum and Himalayan’s.

KITEBOARDING I was looking for a new sport and had a great fascination with kite-boarding. The sport of kite boarding grew from snow and wake boarding and windsurfing. It relies on only wind and there is really no other sport to compare with it. To begin; do not go out and buy a kite and plan to teach yourself unless you decide to commit suicide or inflict grievous self inflicted bodily damage. This sport requires training and not only a few hours but often times weeks to get proficient and comfortable enough to enjoy. There are several different types of kites to choose from. The most common are Bow Kites, C Kites and Rocket Kites. The Bow Kite is what I trained with and is probably the most common, stable and easy to fly. The sizes of these kites equally varies dependent upon wind conditions and experience. I high winds, small kites are used somewhere in the 9 meter range where in lesser winds, larger 14 meter + kites are more desirable. The equipment necessary begins with a kite and pump, control lines, control handle, harness, helmet (optional) and board. The boards come in many different lengths and designs. The board is very similar to a wake board in water skiing and the stance on the board is much the same as both wake and snowboarding. The greatest difference is the (SKEGS) or fins as on a surf board to provide additional directional control. The fins on the wake board usually number two on opposite ends of the board because the board is designed to

move through the water in both directions. To steer and resist the forces of the kite, the (SHREDDER) Kite boarder must toe 230 in or toe out the board to use both edges of the board depending on direction . In

Page this way the sport is similar to sailing a boat or windsurfing. The wind direction


and velocity is very important in determining when it is safe and preferable to even perform the sport. When the wind is right the kite boarder will need to go upwind in order to return to the beach where he or she launched the kite. This may require toeing in or out using the edge of the board to go upwind. The toe in and out is merely a rocker motion of the feet from toe to heel. For this reason the bindings are mounted with toe and heal in the direction of the board’s edge and not forward as in water or snow skiing. As a former downhill ski racer and watching the birth of snowboarding, we called them Gays on Trays because not only did the dress like rappers, they rarely looked up hill and cut the mountain up into square and weird moguls. In addition they became human roadblocks because of their slow and unpredictable movement. The sport has become infinitely more advanced since birth and now after taking on kite boarding, my thinking had changed and I wished I had learned to snowboard. The principals are essentially the same but by adding the kite, the dynamics and perils are greatly increased. The Kite is controlled by 6 control lines on a Bow Kite and 4 of the lines or used to steer the kite and connected to the ends of the handle where the remaining 2 lines are to change the angle of attack and slide through center of the control handle and are connected to the harness through what is called a Chicken Loop. The Chicken loop is simply a hook in the harness strapped to the kite boarder where you become one with the kite! To the casual observer, it appears that anyone performing this sport must have the tremendous arm strength when in fact grandma can do it if she knows what she’s doing. The entire body is one with the kite and the harness and body are carried by the wind with one handed or fingertip steering. Many have seen the U-Tube video of the guy who few his kite in hurricane force winds in Florida flew across the highway and into a building. There are many similar video’s that do not reflect accurately on how safe this sport can be and these sensational acts of stupidity by the stars of these videos give the sport a undeserved bad name.

If practiced safely, it can easily be a family sport but again the training is vital and common sense essential. 231 Page


The kite boarder uses a quarter-sphere as determined by wind direction and the wind is always at the boarders back when launching the kite. It you extend your arms straight out from your body with the wind at your back, this is your baseline in establishing the power zone of the kite. The wind speed does not necessarily determine the speed of the boarder but rather the kite speed. The kite is flown in a sine wave between the 30 and 45 degree azimuth and the speed of the kite is many times faster than the wind. When launching the kite, the commonsense boarder will insure nothing is even close because the lines or 100’ long and when the kite takes to flight, it must be very controlled and slowly raised to its Zenith or 12 o’clock position. At the Zenith the kite is de-powered and will weather vane in the direction of the wind just like the airplane stories I told before. The kite is parked in this position and must be maintained directly overhead the kite boarder otherwise it will naturally want to dive into the power zone. The kite itself could kill some innocent shell seeker walking the beach unaware of the kite overhead and the kite dives down on them at over 60 mph. The kite itself has a leading edge and struts like the wing of an airplane and are pumped up before flight to not only give it shape but keep it floating in the event of a water crash. If you encounter someone on the beach practicing this sport, be sure to keep your distance! There is a quick disconnect from the kite should it the boarder exceed limitations and want to de-power the kite. Unfortunately if it becomes necessary to pull this disconnect, the boarder has already gone too far and is unlikely fast enough to disconnect. The most important fundamental consideration in this sport is to apply commonsense and know all limitations including you own! Most of the training is performed on the beach and learning to fly and control the kite. Flying the kite is probably 75% of enjoying the sport and kite=boarding is not only restricted to a board on water. It is actually used on snow with downhill skis and snowboards, skateboards on the beach and the kite generates enough power to pull an automobile.

Because of this potential energy, it is absolutely imperative to harness and control it or it can and will kill! 232 Page


When I learned the sport, I was trained by arguably one of the best in the world trainers through Extreme Kites of St. Augustine Florida. His name was Paul B. who I call KITEMAN and he lives in Jacksonville Florida. We trained at Huganaught State Park at the perfect site to learn the sport. Kiteman had devised a method using a long tether attached to the leading edge of the kite to kill the lift and instantly de-power it in the event I lost control of the kite. I believe his method should be required in training to prevent injury to the trainee. Once I learned to control the kite and while still confined to the beach, it became necessary to introduce the technique for simulating getting up on the board while in the water. The teaching method is to first, park the kite at zenith and lay on my back in a circle Kiteman drew in the sand. I had to imagine the board on my feet and fly my kite directly overhead. Next I was instructed to steer the kite in either direction and pull in on the handle changing the angle of attack. The kite dive immediately into the power zone and it is vital to release the angle of attack by letting out on the handle. (It’s a simple Turn, Pull In and Release) I performed the turn and pull perfectly but failed to release in a timely manner and instantly went airborne. I left the circle in the sand like a slingshot and when I returned to earth and the beach, I landed like I had learned from Flying Dock Barefoot skiing and was skiing down the beach on my feet. It was fantastic and I parked the kite at Zenith and looked back with pride of my ride. Kiteman and another student from San Diego were laughing at the maneuver and I marveled at the takeoff point and where my feet tracks began some 100 plus feet later. It could have been a disaster and resulted in serious injury had I not learned the barefoot trick. I was not to repeat this mistake and learned to release the angle of attack almost immediately and improved quickly and felt comfortable enough to ask Kiteman to remove the tether. Little did I realize that I had been flying with the tether for some time as Paul recognized when I was ready. It was so much fun I wondered why I wasted so much of my life on skis and was convinced that the sport of kites was not only the present but the future. I

purchased both the 9 meter and 14 meter kites from Paul and intended to use the kite on downhill skis. 233



GURU DEV DESAI 2011 This would mark my second winter in Florida and another record cold winter for the state. I met the Guru Dev Desai at the Amrit Yoga institute located in Salt Springs Florida. This meeting was not at all expected and I remained in Florida doing volunteer work for this institute. My contribution was the construction of 8 tables from the floor of a Brunswick Bowling lane and each table was not only unique and beautiful in design, but heavy weighing 750lbs each. After completion of this project, I returned to St. Louis and continue to move the boat on to Lake Pickwick Tennessee.

RETURN TO ST. LOUIS BOAT AND PICKWICK TENNESSEE Lake Pickwick located where the 3 States of Tennessee, Mississippi and Alabama come meet. It also is at the headwaters of the Tom Bigbee TENN-TOM water ay to Mobile Bay on the Gulf of Mexico. Few people realize that this TENN-TOM is the largest land excavation ever undertaken by the Army Corps of Engineers beginning in 1972 and completed in 1985 at the cost of 2 billion dollars. The TENN-TOM is a stretches 470 miles and the 253 miles cut by the Corps of Engineers reducing the distances of travel of US eastern boaters by as much as 800 miles . It consists of 13 lock and dams that step commercial and pleasure watercraft down from 600’ above sea level to sea level.

EDDIE WAXLER The waterway was opened by my friend Eddie Waxler (and the boat after his name) of the Waxler Towing Company. The Tow Boat EDDIE WAXLER pushed a string of barges over the new route on January 14, 1985. It was this friend Eddie Waxler who came to my rescue of the original yacht Great White (of my own design and construction) with the Tow Boat LUCY WEBFER when I was disabled on the Mississippi as mentioned earlier. Now thinking back,

my journey down Mississippi and mechanical problems in Memphis took place the same year. 234 Page


The Tennessee Rivers headwaters are up in the Smokey Mountains at Knoxville and flows 650 miles to Paducah Kentucky. From Paducah at the mouth of the Ohio intersects and this waterway extends 381 miles up the Cumberland River flowing through Louisville from its source at Celina Tennessee. The Ohio, Mississippi and Illinois rivers including the Great Lakes are all accessible from Lake Pickwick. Another note worth mention is that all the water that falls on the United States east of the Continental Devi de flows down the Mississippi. For this reason, the lack of snowfall in the Rocky Mountains had left the waters of the Mississippi so low that the Barges could not even navigate. This was great fuel for the Doomsday groups that were sure the world would end according to the Mayan Calendar. The only world that ended was the Mayan’s! The system of navigation of all boats on all inland and coastal waterways is based on a colored marker system of buoys and signs. The rules necessary are simple to remember with the 3 words Red Right Return. The following is how this applies. The buoy markers are Red in color with a triangular top and sometime referred to as Nuns. The sign style Red channel markers are also Triangular and the shape. The Green buoys are squared off on their tops and the signs are Green and Square. These shapes allow the marker to be identified in the dark, poor light or absence or obstruction of color. When navigating a boat and to insure remaining in the channel, the boater must keep the Red markers on the Rignt when Returning to port or the headwater or source of flow. (Thus Red Right Return) It is vital on the Mississippi river because of Wing Dams that are essentially rocks piled out to the buoy or marker from land intended to control flow and by collecting mud and sand than is swept down river. To stray outside the marker and cut the corner so to speak, could mean having the bottom torn from the boat and sinking or being grounded. Navigation can become tricky when it comes to Lake Pickwick where the TENN- TOM connects with the Tennessee River with a short segment called Yellow Creek. The marker is coincidently located at 3 corners where the 3 states come together and is painted both Red and Green. Before the existence of the TENN-

TOM, the Tennessee connected with the Gulf of Mexico from its source at Knoxville and via Ohio and Mississippi rivers. 235 Page


When boating down the Tennessee River and before approaching Clifton Tennessee down river from the Pickwick Lock and Dam, the river actually flows due north (like the Nile in Egypt). As an aviator, I rely on true and magnetic compass headings and most all the waterways in the northern hemisphere flow south. Because of this difference the colored and shaped channel system was designed and navigation by inland and Intracoastal waterways, utilize this system as opposed to the compass. +At Yellow Creek and where the TENN-TOM connects to the Tennessee establishes the source or headwater of the TENN-TOM and alternate to the Ohio and Mississippi direction to the Gulf of Mexico. If this isn’t confusing enough, the mile markers can also challenge the boater because the Mississippi river mile marker begins count at Cairo, Illinois and counts its way 853.7 miles up to Minneapolis Minnesota. It is remarkable the number of boaters who know little or nothing about this entire system not to mention the systems of their boats. For this reason and fortunately they seldom leave the familiar waters of their ports and with fuel prices as they are today, they seldom leave the dock. I use my boats and the Great White I live aboard today is powered by a single 135hp Perkins Diesel motor and carries 440 gallons of diesel fuel burning 1.5 gallons per hour. I can easily go 10 to 12 mph and get better fuel economy than a motor-home or RV. For this reason I use my boat almost daily and leave my port and hang on the hook (anchor) anywhere I choose and write in seclusion. If it were not for this boat, I would never make time to write this book! The quality of life living aboard is also wonderful but not for everyone. I have no basement or garage to collect useless items and equipment but I do have ample closet and storage for necessities. I also do not pay taxes to municipalities and could honestly generate enough energy to live at anchor for less than the cost of the slip at my marina.


My boat of last year was named Wave Walker and I never did get around to changing the boat’s name and finally sold the vessel in December of 2011. The

236 buyer was a young man who was a Navy Sea-Bee based in Gulfport Mississippi. He bought the boat to live aboard close to his base. Page


I sold the boat because it was difficult to justify a live aboard boat and a live aboard motor-home. I felt more freedom with the motor-coach than a landlocked boat and returned to a life on wheels. Before my departure for the mountains and skiing the winter, I closed the sale of the boat and checked out its new owner in the operation of a twin screw inboard boat. After he passed my instructional check-ride, I felt confident he could pilot the boat and he had arrived on December 12 th of that year with his father and another man who would serve as mechanic for their trip down the TENN-TOM. In celebration on the night before their departure, the young man opened a Kerr Jar of what looked like ice tea with cherries at the bottom. I asked what it was and he said 180 proof Moonshine! This was my first and last experience drinking Moonshine. I remember how smooth and easy it went down and was unaware how far a little goes a long way. I remember perhaps the first 30 minutes of drinking the shine and it was reported to me the following day what had happened. Apparently, I had fallen down the 90 degree beautiful sweeping stairway backwards in my chair. This I do not remember! Next I was carried to a golf cart and transported to the passenger seat of my Mitsubishi Montero. This I cannot remember! Next I was driven to my 40’ motor coach which I also don’t remember! According to Sam who drove be to the coach, I stepped out of the car and walked completely past the coach and stared straight. How could I not find a 40’ bus? After discovering its position, I felt my way along the side moving forward to the entry door and climbed in. Again, I remember nothing! The following morning I do remember although I was still drunk! I remember the trail of my clothes that led to my bed in the rear of the coach and a pain in my small broken toe. I have no idea when and how this toe was broken but it was clearly broken and hurt. After a day of recovery, I departed Pickwick on December 15, 2011 for Santa Fe New Mexico with Lotus in trailer and the Kawasaki Tengai I built for the future ride to Argentina. I had designed an extended drawbar and rail to mount the motorcycle between the coach and trailer containing the Lotus. This coach, motorcycle and trailer were all of 60’ long and I had prepared

everything by changing oil, filters, and greased all fittings including wheel bearings on the trailer for this journey. 237 Page


I chose to drive the Natchez Trace Parkway considered one of the most beautiful drives in America.

MOTOR COACH LOSS When passing Tupelo Mississippi, I was cruising along when suddenly the entire rear air suspension failed and the rear of the coach dropped one foot. Next I noticed in the rear view mirror, so much smoke coming out the huge hydraulic fans that cooled the radiators for engine and transmission. At the same instant the engine failed and transmission mode indicator lights flickered and went dark. The coach had lost all power including hydraulic steering and I had to horse all this machinery and equipment off a roadway that had no shoulders. I was fortunate to be at the only possible way of getting out of traffic at a small construction area with a orange cone designating it. I was able to clear the main road of the Parkway and barely fit into this small area. The rain was pouring down and the emergency road crew was immediately at the entry door outside the coach armed with a fire bottle. Apparently I had passed the Park Ranger station several miles back trailing flames from behind the coach. To open the engine compartment behind the coach required a special key that I had to return to the interior to locate and in the meantime, the crew was ready to open the aft hatch to the engine and I told them to fight the fire first from outside and underneath before opening the door and letting the flames come after the oxygen and burn us all up. I noticed a trail of engine crankcase oil leading up to the position of the coach and what appeared to be molten metal dripping from beneath the engine. When we could finally open the door and fight the fire, the engine compartment had already been reduced to a cinder box. It was clear to me at this point that the coach was a total loss and fortunately for me I had Geico Insurance with full coverage and towing protection. Geico was an amazing company in dealing with my loss and claim from the road service through to settlement. It would be hours before we could clear all the equipment from the scene and I unloaded the Lotus and replaced it with the Tengai Kawasaki motorcycle in the trailer.

Sam Evans who was a friend and yacht broker from Pickwick with drove with his

238 wife Cheryl and recovered the trailer and motorcycle while a huge wreaker arrived from Calhoon City Mississippi to tow the coach. I followed with the Lotus and Page


stayed the night on the burned out coach. The following day I loaded the Lotus and continued on to New Mexico intent on not letting this loss stand in the way of my holiday plans. I was the last time I would ever see the Monaco Signature Crown Royal motor coach as the insurance company settled in a most fair way and I purchased a season pass to ski the mountains of Santa Fe New Mexico. I purchased a Toyota FJ-40 Land Cruiser in new condition at it would serve as my transportation up the ski mountain. This jeep style vehicle was far better suited for my lifestyle than the Lotus and after the loss of the coach, I decided the Lotus must go!

SALE OF LOTUS I drove the car basically nonstop through Flagstaff Arizona to Barstow California and up to Sacramento for sale by a friend in the exotic automobile business. I found it virtually impossible to drive this car less than 100 mph and often times took it up to 150 mph. The car was so light and fast with mid-engine design and full ground effects that it was a true race track car. It was Saffron Yellow and easily seen by everyone including law enforcement. The body of the car was composite and only 44 inches high it was hard to see on their radar. I never had a radar detector and relied on a system of adopting what I called Rabbits. I would find a faster moving car and let it overtake me and watch and wait until my rabbit was miles ahead without any sign of the law and then move into the high speed lane and step on it.

The car could turn 10,000 rpm’s and didn’t even wake up until 6,000 rpm. Then it was like being rear ended as the car came to life and would easily exceed 150 mph. I could catch up with anything and the law only caught up with my Rabbits. The car received so much attention and the risk of arrest was so great that I sold the car. My daughter is still mad at me because she wanted it and if I gave it to anyone, it would be Anya because she has the skills and commonsense to drive it. The problem is the majority of others who lack both qualities and would run over the small car and kill my Anya. 239 Page


The first nonstop drive was from Santa Fe to Barstow California and the next 400 miles to Sacramento I made in 4 hours. I even went flying past a Sheriff car an never looked back. I was told that the budget cuts in California State caused a reduction in Highway Patrol. Luck for me, unfortunate for them! CALIFORNIA TO SANTA FE I flew back to Santa Fe and had one of the best ski seasons of my life. I skied virtually every day with my friend Eddie Brash and rode his Tennessee walker horses when not skiing. Eddie and his wife Jill were absolute the most quality couple and next to John Beaupre of Mountain States Restaurants and Lynn Otero. . SKIING SANTA FE The skiing at Santa Fe Ski Basin was convenient and offered everything from tree skiing to bumps, powder and hard-pack and we skied it all. We would have mid- day picnics at a natural rock formation we named Igloo and I would pack wine on my back and others would bring cheese and sandwiches. It was absolutely fabulous and impossible to improve upon. I had memories of both Anya and Oliver from many years in the past when I took them skiing to this same resort. If I could have shared it with them it would have been a season beyond compare. I was testing skis with Mountain Sports of Santa Fe and shopping for the right ski for me. The technology had advanced light years from when I last skied decades earlier in favor of hockey. I purchased a pair of Lange Race boots and removed the custom orthotic insoles from my hockey skates and they fit perfectly into the new boots. The boots were almost exactly the same as the Lange boot I raced on so many years earlier called the Banshee. Finding the right ski was much more difficult because of the new designed shaped or parabolic skis that were not only wider but shorter. In past years I raced downhill on skis 225 cm in length and GS on skis 215 cm in length. The ski I finally settled on were Atomic Race GS skis 189 cm. These were the most fantastic

ski I had ever experienced. I felt like I never missed a day in 20 years and could run the ski at over 50 mph and 240 felt as stable as the long 225 cm downhill ski. They were even good in the bumps,

Page deep powder and ice. The perfect ski that unfortunately were only good for the 55


to 60 days I skied. The core breaks down especially because of all the bump skiing I did and it was clear that another year of skiing meant another $1000 for new skis. I was colder the previous 2 winters in Florida with the motor-coach than last winter skiing at 12,000 feet and so much beautiful snow. When the snow left the mountain, so did I and consider the winter of 2011-2012 one of my best ever.

RETURN TENNESSEE BOAT DELIEVERY I returned to Tennessee to help my friend Sam Evans to deliver several boats. The first was from Slidell Louisiana across the West Intracoastal of the Gulf of Mexico through Mobile bay and up the TENN-TOM to Pickwick. This boat we delivered was a 50’ Gibson house boat and had no more business on the waters of the gulf than a canoe. We were plagued with problems that required re-engineering the fuel systems and starter solenoids that would fail and require a nail to start. As crew, we included Eugene who was a great cook and welcomed the experience since he purchased 70 Monticello house boat from Sam Evans and lacked experience. I had no soon arrived following this epic ski season in Santa Fe when I was back on the road again to Slidell to return this Gibson House boat to Pickwick. We arrived in Slidell about 5:00 pm and the very first thing Sam did was go to work preparing the boat. This is Sam.

SAM EVANS AND CHERYL Sam Evans is a yacht broker who operates a very successful brokerage firm CAPTAINS CHOICE and is a man of honor and has remarkable skills in anything mechanical or the piloting of boats and planes. Sam has been a resourceful man since childhood and our lives have many parallels. Sam was a crop duster pilot and operated a fleet of airplanes he purchased and built into a very successful concern

when crop dust by aircraft was popular and at its height. I am sure volumes could be written about this man and I feel fortunate that both he 241 and Fiancé’ and partner Cheryl have touched my life. Page


Cheryl is the business side of their company Captains Choice and I would argue has an equally trying job if not more. All the paperwork, applications for registration and documentation of boats combined with advertising and promotion rivals Sam’s responsibilities of showing, demonstrating, preparing and repairing and locating boats to list. Together they make not only a good team but wonderful friends who have my complete confidence and trust.

BA CK TO SLIDELL Sam was so busy preparing the boat that we three would have ventured out into the Gulf and up the waterway on a one week trip without food or water. Sam doesn’t think about these vital things but Eugene does. Thank God for the presence of Eugene! Together I and Eugene went to the grocery market to get provisions for this pending boat delivery but had to make an intermediate stop for a cold beer at the bar closest to the harbor of the house boat. I questioned the sailors in the bar who were familiar with the canals and where the shallow waters to avoid. We then went on to the market and loaded up for the journey. After returning to the boat with and intermediate stop at the same bar, we continued back to the boat Sam was still at it. Thank God for Sam! The mosquito’s were horrible as so was the marina. Sam had sold this boat that originated in Pickwick and the new buyer moved it to this God forsaken harbor. Sam had then resold the boat to its new owner back in Pickwick that should explain everything. I must back up to owner and seller number 1 who I failed to mention. Sam showed me photographs of the boat we were going to pick up in Slidell when owner and sell number 1 had too much to drink one night and fired up the two 454 cubic inch V-8 motors and full power, ran the boat across a small lake and up the bank on the opposite side. I was surprised that this 50’ boat was fast enough to run it up the opposite shore where the entire boat was out of the water.

When we picked up the boat in Slidell it looked exactly the same as the pictures Sam presented. I kept this in mind as Eugene was on a schedule to make it back to St. Louis Missouri for the one year anniversary on June 11, 2012. The date of our 242 Page


departure from Slidell was somewhere around the 2 nd of June leaving ample time to deliver the boat and get Eugene home to St. Louis. Same was so ready to go that we never filled the 100 gallon auxiliary gas tank we added for just this purpose. It would be some 20 hours crossing the Gulf Intracoastal in a boat that gobbled up massive quantities of fuel.


Getting to this present position was an adventure by itself. I purchased this 38’ Monk Trawler in June of 2012 after having moved help Sam Evans deliver the 50’ boat across the Gulf of Mexico thru Mobile Bay and up thru the Tom Bigbee (TENNTOM) water way to Pickwick, Tennessee.

Sam Evans wife informed us that she found a (“BRUCE BOAT”) Monk 40’ Trawler with a single 135 hp Perkins 135hp motor, 5kw Northern Lights generator and 2kw inverter. In addition, the navigation, radar, AIS and autopilot systems are state of the art technology.

The Trawler carries 440 gallons of diesel fuel with a range of 2000 miles, 250 gallons of potable water, and more teak than Thailand. This boat and the many like her is probably why there is no more teak in Thailand. Anyway, the boat was previously named “Acadian Gypsy”.

On my birthday July 28, the boat was de-named Acadian Gypsy and re-named “GREAT WHITE”. There is a traditional ceremony to accomplish this similar to breaking a bottle over her bow when launched. Difference being we don’t break the bottle, we drink it, one bottle for the de-name ceremony and a second for the re-name.

She was re-named “GREAT WHITE” after the loss of the original 65’steel motor- yacht by the same named that was lost in a shipyard accident in New Orleans back in 1988. More about that subject later

I personalized the boat and averaged 120 or more hours per month of use. I cruised up the Tennessee river passing through five Lock and Dams to Chattanooga

243 Tennessee. Page


One of the five Locks was Wilson Lock and Dam Savannah, Tennessee and until recently was the highest in the world, lifting the boat over 100’. I made this cruise single-handed because the design of the boat allows me to operate from a lower helm station and tie off at the floating Bollards, or commonly referred to as Pins. I chose the most turbulent Pin by accident, located in the middle of the Chamber of the Lock. This turbulence is due to the location of the valve flood gates located directly below the boat and occurs on the lift of flooding of the chamber.

It is like riding on mound of water, visibly higher than the other millions of gallons of water in this magnificent work of engineering. One thing I failed to mention related to the TENNTOM waterway is that it is claimed to be the greatest single land excavation by mankind. The Panama Canal doe not even come close to this accomplishment.

The “GREAT WHITE “had proven herself in this sea trial and I was confident that it could navigate most any water I ventured to go. I was living on the boat at Grand Harbor Marina, Tennessee and had the original idea of wintering the boat at this harbor and returning to Santa Fe, New Mexico to repeat my last years experience of skiing virtually every day on a season pass at the local ski mountain.


The “SKI BASIN” was 12,200’ at the peak and some 9000’ at the base. A fun and mountain to ski with groomed runs, bumps, outback and tree skiing from green to double black diamonds. I also had developed friendships with so many quality people making the winter of 2011-12, one of the most wonderful winters of my lifetime. As a former professional downhill ski racer, the entire mountain was available I skied the entire area.

Remaining on point, I struggled with the idea of re-enacting this experience with the boat in Tennessee and my return to Santa Fe. Then the weather got cold and dropped into the 20’s and my decision was made. Go south to warmer latitudes and

enjoy this boat. More factors parlayed into this decision. I concluded that it was not possible to improve on the past winter and after 50years of skiing and great hips 244 Page


and knees, why press my luck! When the decision was made to go south, the only remaining question was where?

Previous to this decision, I helped Sam Evans deliver a 65’Marquis motor-yacht to Destin, Florida via the TENN-TOM and Intracoastal of the Gulf of Mexico. Our first stop once established on the Intracoastal was Harbor Home Marina, collocated with the restaurant LuLu’s. This restaurant is famous because its owner is sister or some relation to Jimmy Buffet.

We made quite an impression at LuLu’s with our 2 million dollar James Bond style boat. When we ventured offshore into the salt water of the Gulf, I intentionally went to the bow of the boat to get doused with salt water. I proceeded to the after deck and stood in a fresh rain showers that washed me clean of salt. Lastly, I washed all my laundry and created a clothes line with rope across the stern of the boat to let them dry in the breeze.

When we arrived at LuLu’s fuel dock, located directly in front of the restaurant, everybody marveled at this magnificent boat. Once refueled, Sam demonstrated his piloting skills by swinging the boat around exposing, unbeknown to Sam, my clothesline to the hundreds of spectators. It looked like a Gypsy camp on the back of this multi-million dollar yacht.

It occurred to me that his should be my destination until I discovered the Wharf Marina located at Orange Beach, Alabama. After delivering the Marquis to Destin, we returned to Tennessee and I to the “Great White”. At Grand Harbor I became spoiled by covered slips and 5 star facilities.

The idea if moving the boat to the Wharf Marina, uncovered slips and corrosive salt water was not inviting. I then discovered covered slips at the Gasparilla Marina, Placida, Florida. I seized the opportunity of securing one of the last remaining covered slips, at a location that was predictably warm in the winter and comfortable in the summer due to the shade provided by the cover. I paid 3 months in advance beginning December 1 st .



In the month October when the leaves are changing I had decided to take a long cruise up the Tennessee River on the recommendations of the many boaters in my marina that had made the cruise. The Tennessee River is 650 miles with headwaters as mentioned before in Knoxville and flows to Paducah Kentucky.

My marina was at the Lock and Dam Pickwick Landing on beautiful Lake Pickwick and my cruise was the segment from Pickwick to Chattanooga. It was necessary to pass through 5 lock and dams beginning with Wilson Lock located at Florence Alabama that lifts the boat nearly 100’.

Wilson Lock and Dam was until recently, one of the highest in the world and when approaching the chamber doors from downstream, It reminded me of the native door in the movie “King Kong” intended to keep the giant ape out of the camp.

When I first approached the Lock Chamber intending to lock up, I could see a Tow Boat and barge 100’ up in the chamber and that is something you don’t see every day. I had wait my turn until the Lockmaster could get the chamber turned around and emptied to the level or pool I floated in.

This turnaround time is less than you might think because of the big valves that both flood and empty the chamber. When the chamber doors opened and I received the green light to enter, I was cautioned to avoid the center Bollard or Pin and misunderstood the lockmaster and chose the center pin to lock up.

My advice to anyone who enters with the intention of locking up to the next level or pool is to avoid this center pin unless you have crew to man the ships side. I was Captain and Crew and had no one and had developed a method of manning my 40’ Great White by entering the chamber from the lower Helm as opposed to the fly bridge upper helm.

The design of the boat had the wheel and control levers adjacent to a sliding door and a second radio where I could hold the Bollard with a rope, control the bow and stern of the boat with power and rudder and speak to the lockmaster at the same time. What a perfect design the Monk Trawler is.



I now understand why the lockmaster cautioned me to avoid this pin because apparently the valve gates are directly below this Bollard and when the chamber is flooded it feels like the boat is being lifted by Old Faithful Geyser as the boat rises on a mound of water and is a handful. I probably looked like the Wizard of Oz moment when the true Wizard was revealed and said “pay no attention to that man behind the curtain”.

I was drawing up and releasing line, changing gears from forward to reverse and adding power here and there as the boat lifted like an elevator. The volume of water entering the lock chamber is truly tremendous and the travel time up and down is remarkably fast. My skills had been tried that morning and were about to be tried again 15 miles upstream at ne next lock and dam.


It is amazing how close together some of these lock and dams are on both the Tennessee and TENN-TOM waterways. Wilson lock and dam was at mile 259.4 where Joe Wheeler Lock was mile 274.9 as the mile markers increase going upstream. Joe Wheeler lock was only a 50’ lift and I was in the future always avoiding the center pin and moved forward to the upstream gates or lock doors.

I stayed the night at Joe Wheeler State park that was one of the nicest and most reasonably priced Marina on any waterway in the USA.


Mile 349.0 was a long say of sailing well into the night and when I departed the lock it was already dark and I locked up and was headed for Guntersville Alabama. My GPS navigation equipment indicated only 3 and red buoys when in fact there were 4. I just narrowly missed number 4 because I turned on the spotlight and saw it only moments before collision. I was cutting the corner because there was plenty of water depth and I was trying to make time to Guntersville.

247 I approached the Marina late at night and the name of the marina had changed for Lighthouse Point on my GPS to Guntersville Municipal harbor and so I entered the Page


harbor with extreme caution. I was extremely tired and needed to eat and drink some good red wine before ending the long day.


Mile 424.7 was my next lock with a lift of another 50’ before continuing on to Chattanooga and after leaving this lock I first saw Interstate Highway 24 and remembered the many times I travelled the same highway by motor-coach. I felt better to be cruising by boat because my days with motor-homes had drawn to a close.


Mile 431.1 Hales Bar Marina is located at was once the first lock and dam on the Tennessee River if not the first lock and dam built on any river in the United states. It was built the early 1900’s and took many years to complete. I believe it was hydroelectric and was problematic from its beginning. The problem was it leaked and was impossible to repair and later destroyed around 1935 leaving only the big multiple story concrete building that is very spooky.

It is said to be haunted and they give night tours of the structure and have all kinds of noises and lighting effects to scare tourists. It resembles the prison of Alcatraz and on the opposite side of the river is the lock wall as all the spillways and dam itself crossing the river had been removed.

The weather was grey and raining the entire day from my anchorage downriver from Nickajack where I spent the previous night on the hook. I was awaken by high winds, lightning and thunderstorm weather at 5:00 am and decided to get underway early. The waves were remarkably high on the narrow channel if river for the entire day and continued through the locking up at Nickajack and finally to Hales bar.

Entry to some of these marinas can be tricky with shallows in places never suspected. In the case of Hales Bar there were roads under the surface from when

the dam was operational and to strike any of these underwater hazards could be expensive. 248 Page


I remained at Hales Bar several days until moving on to Chattanooga and left early in the morning before sunrise. After cruising upriver from Hales Bar there is no question of entering the Smokey Mountains. The mountain gorges, leaves changing color with cloud layers at different levels on the mountains lit by the morning sun was truly beautiful.

I don’t remember dates and times anymore because I have retired from the airlines I choose to even recognize the time. Last winter I remember March 13 because I went to an ATM machine to withdraw some cash and the card was denied. I called the bank and was informed my chard had expired on the previous day. That day was 3/12 and I thought the year was 2011. Not only did I not know the time, I lost track of the day, date, month and finally the year. This sounds like some psychosis but in fact I looked forward to the moment because my entire life was regulated by time, dates and schedules and I wanted to be free of all these demands.


Mile 463.5 I arrived whatever day it was in Chattanooga and stayed at the downtown Marine Max of the Tennessee River Sea wall. This Marina is directly below the Chattanooga Aquarium and rivals any I had ever seen from Florida in the east to California in the west.

This new and magnificent aquarium is on the waterfront with beautiful tiered waterfalls and Indian art work adorning all walls and surrounding structures. It is dedicated to the Trail of Tears at the terrible treatment of the Native Americans who suffered at the hands of their captors. That would be the white man.

My week visit to Chattanooga was wonderful and I my boat the GREAT WHITE was directly across from the Mississippi Delta Queen Stern Wheeler that once served as a hotel cruise ship up and down the Mississippi. I remember it as a child growing up in Red Wing on the Mississippi as all the towns people would crowd the waterfront to watch the great old boat pass on her way up or down river.


When I departed the Chattanooga river to head downstream and back to Pickwick

249 the current was my friend and swept my boat from the seawall and downstream at several knots faster than going up river. Page


I was making good time and wanted to make Goose Pond Marina, Scottsboro Alabama Mile 378.2 by nightfall meaning I had almost an 80 mile day and Nickajack Lock and Dam to deal with. Another unexpected potential delay came into view at Hales Bar. I was slowly overtaking the Two Boat Francis Kennha operated by Ingram Barge Company that was pushing 4 or 5 barges and was several hundred feet in length.

These Tow boats are 6000 or more horsepower and move along pretty fast especially downstream. The GREAT WHITE is no speedboat and it was a race for Nickajack and I would have arrived first at Nickajack but the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) gives priority to these commercial boats.

It was time to make a deal and I called the Lockmaster at Nickajack and asked him if I could lock through in the same chamber with the big boat. He told me it was good with him if I could work it out with the Tow boat Captain. There is nothing like diplomacy and two boat captains who can come to an understanding.

The Captain of the Francis Kennha was a fine gentleman and agreed to allow me in the same chamber and told me to wait until he had secured his boat before I enter. The wind was blowing some 20-30 mph and quartering our boats as we approached and entered the Lock.

It is easier for the Tow boat to maneuver than it is for me and my single screw trawler. These Big Tow boats also have twin big propellers and can control the stern of the boat in spite of the wind. My boat in the other had is at the mercy of the wind especially under the circumstances of this lock down.

The Francis Kennha was secure and I entered on the opposite chamber wall to the Tow and the wind all but blew me into the lock. My challenge was to catch the bollard pin with my rope while piloting the boat from the lower helm. It is rare for me to miss the pin and on this occasion I did!

I actually had the rope around the pin but a wind gust came up and I lost it and was being blown into the other boat. I regained control over my boat and had to spin it

360 degrees around for another attempt. My bow past only feet from the big tow as all the sailors watched me bring it about and make a second approach. 250 Page


This effort was a complete success with the exception of another gust that slammed the rear corner of my boat against the lock wall and crushed the stainless steel rub rail and wood between the steel and fiberglass. The damage was minor and I was happy to see the lock gates close and cut off the wind.


Once the lock down was complete, it was agreed that I would depart the lock first and had only a narrow passage not much wider than my boat and several hundred feet of barges and lock wall to exit the chamber. Steady as she goes, I steered out of the chamber and thanked all for the cooperation and said I hoped they enjoyed the show. They were really wonderful people and that is what makes this world go around!


Mile 378.2 I arrived at Goose Pond in the dark of night and found my way in with searchlight and an open slip with electric power. The arrival or entry into this marina was very serpentine and with small markers. There is so much vegetation in the water that it is hard in daylight to find your way in less in the dark of night. It is very easy to run aground and this is every sailors concern. This harbor also had shallow water due to the annual water levels maintained by the lock and dam system.

I departed early the next morning to take advantage of the current and make as many miles as possible. I passed up Guntersville where I had stayed on the upstream and after locking down at Guntersville Lock and dam, continued on to Ditto Landing Marina.


Mile 334.0 Ditto Landing is a beautiful Park and marina across the river from Huntsville Alabama and I the facilities were new and well maintained. The marina

251 was also well sheltered from the main channel current that becomes less at the river widens. There are some stretches of the river that would be impossible for Page


two Tow boats to pass and not only is the current greater and increases even more when the chamber water is opened and adding to the flow.

This is all so much fun that simply reflecting back on the wonderful places these boats has have taken me that I encourage anyone to venture out like Huck Finn and just do it!

I can honestly say I have grown to almost love this boat as a woman who has taken such fine care of me that I have never experienced with any other material thing. The time is coming where I will say goodbye to this boat and let the GREAT WHITE swim on with another owner. I guess it’s somewhat like letting our children go and travel their own paths leaving parents with wonderful memories.

I know this date as I write this manuscript and it is only days away for me less than an hour away from the reader of this book.


Mile 277.0 Joe Wheeler Park as I may have mentioned earlier as one of the most reasonably priced and complete marina with beautiful park, hotel and restaurant. It is also the meeting place for the Great Loop boaters to attend seminars and share experiences in sailing the Great Loop. I timed my arrival to witness the many boats and meet many boaters I knew from past years on the waters of this world. I spent only the night before continuing on to Florence Harbor Marina, Florence Alabama.

Joe Wheeler and Wilson lock and dam were the last two locks I would deal with before arriving at Florence. The day went without event in beautiful weather and the same afternoon, I arrived at the Florence Harbor.

Eva Scull operates this marina and we have become friends over the past years and always a pleasure to be a guest at this marina. I said goodbye to Florence and

continued downriver to Lake Pickwick and returned to my port Grand Harbor Marina Mile 215.0

252 Page


PREPARATION GASPARILLA Preparation for this passage required almost a month of modifications and repairs. Changing of all oil and filters, both oil and fuel, water separators, coolant flush. I had never even seen the marina at Gasparilla and relied on the opinion of Steve Novakovich. I paid 3 months advance for a covered slip immediately off the Intracoastal on the west of the Florida peninsula and there is a lot of water and miles between Pickwick Tennessee and Gasparilla Florida.


The month was November and I now had a destination yet hundreds of miles of river and ocean to arrive sometime near December 1, 2012. I took a girlfriend down the TENN-TOM water departing Pickwick Tennessee and Aqua Yacht Harbor and the adventure begins.

The TENN-TOM is a narrow waterway and limits the width of barges to three wide. In addition, there exist many switchbacks that limit the number of barges the Tow Boat can push because these turns are tight and sometime mean a complete change of direction. A good pleasure craft captain will be aware and consider the challenge that the commercial Tow Boat Captain must meet to navigate the barges and choose the best side to overtake or pass the Tow from the opposite direction.

Communication between the commercial and pleasure captain is very important and conducted by channel 16 on their marine radios. The system involves the understanding of the numbers 1 and 2. The one means a Right Turn and the Two a Left turn by both boats when approaching from opposite directions.

When overtaking another vessel, the same number system applies but the boat being overtaken whereby the lead boat will determine which side to be overtaken. (On the 1 or the 2)

Seasoned boat captains will refer to these as the one or two whistle! This method

of passage was developed before radios and steam whistles would signal the approaching or following boat their intentions. 253 Footnote: Consult Chapman’s Manual Page


To pilot any boat, the pilot must understand that with outboard and inboard- outboard boats, the pilot controls the stern or back of the boat and steers or maintains directional control with the steering wheel.

Inboard-outboard boats are also called stern drives and differ from outboards insofar as the motor is in the boat and the lower unit extends out the transom and articulates or is steered by the steering wheel.

With outboards, the motor is on top and one with the lower unit but they both behave the same because the pilot controls the propeller direction of the boat and stern with the steering wheel. An example would be in forward gear the propeller is pushing the boat through the water and the pilot steers direction of this propulsion by steering wheel. When in reverse, the propeller is pulling the boat backward and side to side by directing this propulsion or pull again with the steering wheel.

In simple terms these type boats control the stern of the boat whereas the inboard is a requires completely different skills in piloting.

The inboard where the motor is always somewhere in the hull of the boat and is also propelled by a propeller and steered by a wheel. The major difference is the steering wheel is connected to a rudder or rudders in the case of a twin engine boat and the propeller is connected by shaft directly to the motor by the transmission or drive.

The location of the motor in the boat will determine if it’s a Straight Drive in the case of mid ship motors or V-Drive in boat with motors closer to the stern or transom. In both designs the principals of propulsion rely upon thrust from the propeller and forward motion of the boat to create water flow for the rudders to steer the boat. Without this flow the rudders and steering wheel are ineffective. For this reason most any boat with a rudder cannot be steered in reverse due to the ineffective rudder!

This ineffective rudder led to the twin engine inboard that controls the Bow of the

Boat as opposed to the stern in the Stern Drive example. A twin engine boat can literally spin around a point by placing one engine and propeller in forward and the 254 other in reverse. This pulls the bow around in one direction of the other. To make it Page


even more effective, the twin engines are geared for the propellers to counter-rotate opposite each other to eliminate what is called P-factor that is the result of thrust, engine torque and direction of rotation.

These factors are obvious in a single engine inboard or outboards tendency to pull one way or the other as the propeller rotation digs in one direction or the other. In the case of my Great White single engine and inboard trawler, I can detect this pull or P-factor only in reverse due to an ineffective rudder. My boat will pull to starboard in reverse and must be factored when docking or maneuvering, especially with wind or current.

Before returning to the TENN-TOM and Two Boats, I will close this tutorial by saying that the objective in all these designs is controllability and it is vital for the pilot of any boat to know the limitations of the boat and considering size and weight of the vessel, failure to do so will result in major damage and even loss of life! The bow thruster was a newcomer to boat design some years ago to control the larger inboard powerboats and even cruise ships as noted by the propeller symbol painted on the hull of these large ships indicating their presence and danger.

The large barges are connected to the Tow Boat or better Push Boat by cables or heavy rope. The barges are also tied or rafted together with cables and ropes and the Tow boat Captain is controlling the direction and bow of the long string of barges with his Tow/Push Boat by directional control through differential power of the twin engine inboards and rudders. The Captain is often times with one engine in reverse where the opposite engine is in full power in order to swing the bow of this long string of barges in the desired direction.

The word swing is the key here because the boat or boats in proximity to this big boat must understand what is going on and not get on the wrong side of this big Tow. Often times it requires the entire channel to get the big Tow and Barges to swing around and in such a case it is best to take the boat in the inside and let the Tow Swing away to the opposite shore. These big boats cannot easily be stopped

or have the maneuverability of smaller boats and for this reason, the big boats have priority and smaller boats must simply get out of the way! 255 Page


It is truly wonderful to be part of the cooperation between commercial and pleasure craft on these waterways and the respect between pilots and captains of boats large and small is appreciated. Should any disrespect or disregard to the rules of the water occur the radio transmission to the offender will not be very friendly.

I had great respect and cooperation with these big Tow Boat Captains because I understand what it takes to pilot these big boats and often times I have even Locked through in the same chamber with these big boats.

Because the Mississippi river was so low on water this last fall, many of the Tow boats chose to take the TENN-TOM and I experienced a large number of these Tows on my cruise down river.


The Gulf of Mexico, as oceans go, is not to be taken lightly. This is a shallow sea that produces waves of unusual amplitude and frequency. Weather is the mariner’s greatest enemy in this sea. It come by surprise and seemly out of nowhere and with a single screw (propeller) and engine with a forward speed of ten miles per hour, it is vital that weather dictates when to make this crossing.

The crossing I refer to is when the Intra Costal terminates and the boater is exposed to open water. The exists an Association of Great Loop that begin travel by boats of many variety’s and depart cities such as Minneapolis and navigate the Mississippi, Ohio, Cumberland, Tennessee, TENNTOM, Mobile Bay, eastern (ICW ) Intra Costal to its end of the eastern ICW at Carrabelle. Florida.

Here the boater must cross open water to Clearwater Florida. Clearwater, Fl. Is not the final destination for AGLCA association boaters as they continue their loop by intercepting the ICW Intra Costal Waterway from Tampa on down to Ft. Meyer’s, Florida and cross the peninsula via Lake OKEECHOBEE the Atlantic coast of Florida, then up the Intra Costal to CHESAPEAK BAY, continuing on up into

Canada via the Great Lakes, then closing the loop by returning to their point of origin. 256 Page


They assemble at Joe Wheeler State Park and Marina for an annual convention every November to train for a week in the preparation for this adventure. The come from the world over to attend this convention and the greatest fear most of these boater’s is the open waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

By crossing at Carrabelle, they limit their exposure because the distance is 184 miles. In addition, they provide weather service from every available source to find a window of opportunity to make this crossing. When I began my passage from Aqua Yacht Harbor located at the head of the TENNTOM, I was already over one week behind the main body of boater’s and had hopes of getting in the flotilla of boats in the event of mechanical problems during the cross.

I arrived at Mobile bay on Friday, November 23 rd after encountering navigating in dense fog and Locking thru alone under these conditions not to mention the extreme number of ship and towboat traffic. On Saturday November 24 th , I arrived at the Wharf Marina and the temperature fell to below 30 degrees. I called ahead to Carrabelle to discover that the AGLCA group was held up over a week due to weather and winds. I was also informed they were leaving in the next morning. The window to cross was 2 ½ days beginning Sunday and Monday with arrival Clearwater Florida on Tuesday.

I was still 200 miles away from Carrabelle making it impossible to make this window. I took on a relief crewmember and former fellow captain from TWA named Steve Novakovich. I explained to Steve the situation and we left the Wharf Marina at 4:00 am and watched the Sun rise while sailing in the direction of Carrabelle.

When we approached Destin Florida Bay, I made the decision to cut across the middle of the Gulf and go direct to Gasparilla some 400 miles away. Unbeknown to me, Steve had contacted his wife and told her that if we had not arrived Clearwater, Florida, she (Linda Novakovich) was to call the United States Coast Guard and proceed to Clearwater from their home in Cape Coral, Florida.

I accept part of the blame for this because our original course was for Clearwater

and while Steve was asleep below, I had changed destinations to direct Gasparilla considering I had sufficient fuel, good weather and sea’s and no business in 257 Clearwater. Page


Steve understood the logic of my decision then revealed to me his alert to his wife Linda. I then contacted a Ham Radio operator to convey by land line telephone to Steve’s wife and call off the dog’s. I went below with the radio operator standing by to give Steve the good news and asked his wife’s telephone number.

After doing so, we continued on direct until sometime thereafter, The Coast Guard is on the radio, calling Steve by name, and he consequently had to explain the change of destination. Linda Novakovich called the Coast Guard because Steve had given the radio operator his own personal cell number in error. Clearwater Marina also had an APB for us and Steve discovered the message he intended for Linda on his own phone when in range of land. I was only relieved that I might have to deal with the Coast Guard and not the angry wife of Steve Novakovich.

The weather at crossing was perfect. Sometimes four foot seas and winds of twenty mile per hour. The moon was full with wind and waves at the head made for a perfect crossing. I witnessed 2 complete rises and settings of both the sun and the moon and arrived in the light of morning at my marina at Gasparilla. The most important of the crossing was utilizing the radar overlay.

Radar is our only equipment that can see the weather steel buoys capable of sinking this boat. In the six months of operation, I logged some 700 hours and the equipment performed perfectly without a single malfunction. Not one drop of oil leaked or was consumed by either main ships motor or generator. Perhaps there is something to this naming and de-naming tradition. Not being of any organized religion, I feel there is a far greater presence than my own.


I must recognize a man and fellow pilot Steve Novakovich. I have known Steve since my years as a pilot with Ozark Airlines and we met sometime in the late seventies or eighties. Our friendship has spanned many years and he has always been a friend Indeed. All of the sparring that went on between I and TWA, Steve

was always there to support me for doing the “Right thing at the Right time”! The 8 most memorable was the day TWA was handing the Keys to the Airline and Pilot 25 Seniority List over to American and my name was not on it. Page


This was because I had been wrongfully fired for insubordination and out on the street!

I had learned after the fact that the matter had gone up the flagpole at American and TWA was ordered to fix this wrongdoing. I had not wavered in my position that I was right and the acts of TWA undermined the very fundamental purpose of Command Authority of the Captain.

TWA approached me to settle on the day before the seniority list went over to American and presented the settlement idea to me as if they were doing me a favor and giving me a last chance to be an American Airlines Pilot.

This settlement came over my fax machine in numerous pages with all kinds of conditions for my return. These conditions were obviously fashioned to cover up their tracks and lay the blame on me,

I took a large black flow tip pen and blacked out all the conditions and faxed them back and told them to try again!

“When I’m Right, I love to Fight” and I was not about to submit to their terms and we went back and forth all day until on one occasion, the airline said “this is our last offer”.

I responded with “the last offer is the one I agree to” and the offer tendered was not it so I told them to try again.

Finally this multi page conditional settlement was reduced to one single page and I essentially wrote it telling them I would agree in part to some innocuous term and added the entire matter be ex-sponged from my file.

This was not the eleventh hour but the thirteenth!

They gave me less than an hour to get in an sign the agreement and I would be included on the seniority list of pilots.

Steve Novakovich was with me that day and when I needed a friend in this hornet’s nest. 259 Page


Steve was there when I needed a ride from Ft. Myers Florida to Tampa and he left his home and retrieved me at the Ft. Myers airport and drove me to Tampa to pick up my car.

Never a complaint!

Steve is also an accomplished musician and at a young age was in a rock music band that could have maybe really gone somewhere back in the early sixties and seventies era. He was also a pilot at the time and was offered a contract with a record company to consider.

Steves wife at the time asked Steve if he ever calculated his hourly pay return for the many hours of rehearsal and performances with the band and it came out to pennies. Then she asked him how much he made as an airline pilot that was probably at the time over $100 per hour.

Steve was an airline pilot and Captain for 30 years with both Ozark and TWA and heads up is Chief of Flight operations for a private individual with two jets in the hangar and a staff of pilots. Steve still flies the jets to this day and has logged over 35,000 hours of flight time.

He called me restless and wanted something to do. The day he called me I was in need of help to get my boat Great White across the Gulf of Mexico.

On the same day, Steve loaded his car in Missouri and drove to Orange Beach Florida and crewed the boat with me across the Gulf of Mexico.

Again, never a complaint and always there!

Friends like this are hard to find and a person sometimes is only allowed one in a lifetime. Steve is that one in lifetime friend!


I have known JB for over thirty years and we met while living in Ketchum / Sun Valley Idaho where JB operated the company he founded Mountain States Restaurants.

260 John Beaupre’ was a Stanford Graduate and probably graduated Suma. He went on to become member of YPO business operator and his restaurant number grew to Page


about twenty stores. He also helped me out as I would reciprocate. Our friendship has also endured over 30 years time.


The former Mrs. Byers was also a good friend and tolerated me through 15 years of marriage as I tolerated her. I mentioned we have two beautiful children that if they were in need, I would donate my eyes or heart.

The divorce that ensued was probably inevitable and was not the result of she or me being a bad person. The problem was most probably me and I would acknowledge this. What woman would put up with all the changes, relocations and constant change that I subjected this very stable woman.

I harbor no angst or anger with Petra but only fail to understand why she uses the children against me and continues to carry her anger with me. This is not only a heavy load to bear but can only hurt the future relations between parents and child.

I believe that that is the only and entire reason that she and I had children and lends real purpose to our marriage. I am of the mind to consider the children and only the children regardless of any differences she and I may have. These differences remain the same and whatever triggered the divorce has passed many years ago and cannot be reversed.

Someday this may all have a happy ending as I continue to hope. I miss the children and these very important years when I should be with them but the continued assaults and her pursuits only drive me further away.

The only solace that gets me through this trying period is my memory of growing up and leaving home at the age of 16 to work on farms and spend most of my days on motorcycles with friends or skiing.

I remember little about a relationship with my father who was always working to pay for raising eight children and a mother and homemaker. I was too young to appreciate the sacrifice they both made in raising so many children but at the same time it was their choice! 261 Page


I am content in my heart that I raised and provided for my family better than most any parent and continue to insure that they get completely educated with the formation of trust funds.

I could not live the life I have now without Petra caring and directing the children at this difficult time and appreciate her for this. I live a dream for most men but It is an empty existence after having a family with the children to come home to.

I’m not feeling sorry for myself, I’m just feeling sorry and disappointed!

For these reasons, I will probably move on to South America and hope the children will take a break and see their father without me having to look over my shoulder for the next court appointed server or Sheriff. If Petra could find me, she would have me served to appear in the Circuit Court which means I would again be required to retain an attorney at my children’s expense and re-enter this expensive legal system squirrel cage.

I am better serving the children by staying away and conserving their futures in education and housing needs.

When I die, I will leave nearly 2 million dollars in life insurance benefits and even left a sizeable chunk of change for their mother. This way I can even die in peace!


It takes years to develop friendships and fall in love. I cannot think of being anywhere long enough to build such a relationship and is the downside of someone like me who remains in a state of perpetual motion and a spirit to free to cage.

My high school class reunions continue to come to mind where I would return to Red Wing Minnesota and meet classmates who had been married to the same woman for 30 years or more and the group of friends in their community were the same as our high school years.

Many of them were envious of my life as a world traveler where on female classmate said she thought I was full of shit! 262 Page


The point is that it is impossible to live both lifestyles and for me impossible to relate to theirs as it must be equally impossible for them to relate to mine.

At the moment I can’t think of anybody else to add to the list and this is truly unfortunate for me!

CAPTAINS LOG UPDATE: 12/09/2012, 08:06 am.

I am enjoying a bowl of granola in orange juice, as opposed to the traditional milk additive, a cup of coffee and after a good night’s sleep. My mother was correct in stating that a good day is one without pain and a good night’s sleep. I believe it to be a good day!

The past 3 days were also good days. I sailed the ‘GREAT WHITE” via the ICW to Englewood, Florida and home port of my friend’s Jeff and Doreen. As I continue to write, the reader will better understand when this couple entered my life over 3 years ago. Keep these names in mind. J

eff and Doreen have a 38’boat and are part of the Great Loop Association. Jeff developed some form of cancer and, at the time, he and Doreen had a very successful medical practice in Rochester, Minnesota. Following this cancer discovery, they sold their house and practice and purchased to pursue the boaters dream of the Great Loop.

They accomplished the Carrabelle to Clearwater crossing and continued down the Florida ICW to Englewood. I am only one hour away by water and 15 minutes away by car. Last week I visited them by car and we drank beer and wine and dined until the ugly question of fitness to drive became the only concern of the evening. Actually, my fitness to drive was not the concern, by the risk of encountering any law enforcement was the concern. I reserve my position on that subject until later in this composition.

Remaining on point, I decided to travel by water and anchor in the harbor of the marina at the Englewood port of my friends. The Great White carries a dingy on davits. This inflatable solid keel dingy is capable of carrying 5 persons or 650lbs. 263 Powered by a Tohatsu 9.5hp motor This dingy makes for the perfect tender or Page


landing craft or exploration vessel. I commuted to port and the “30 BELOW”, boat of Jeff and Doreen. We enjoyed wine and cheese on the beach with beautiful sunsets and their community of friends. We also dined at one of the many restaurants with live music and fine sea food.

Yesterday we went off-shore several miles and grilled steaks and my favorite salmon. I donned my mask and fins and dove down to inspect the bottom of the Great White to discover that her bottom is as perfect at her top.

The Great White is a deep weighted keel boat and clean as the day she was built. The sacrificial Zink anodes indicated little to no electrolysis and nothing was growing on the boat. I operate the Great White almost daily, preventing anything from having time to attach itself. Our guests were a husband and wife couple and in the harbor community of Jeff and Doreen. Their names were Rod and Christine from Boulder, Colorado and lived half the year (winter) on their 33’ Hunter sailboat.

Rod has and advanced case of Muscular Dystrophy and is a mere 63 years of age. His wife Christine is in her 40’s and cares for this many in a heart-warming way.

Show me a man with no shoes, and I’ll show you a man with no feet”, immediately comes to mind and I feel so fortunate to have my health and a day without pain.

We fulfilled our desire to grill off-shore and watch a beautiful Sunset when came time to disconnect the boats (rafted together) and make way for our respective ports.

I chose to remain off-shore and return in deep water to my harbor and they returned to the ICW and Englewood. My marina is closer to Port Charlotte and required about 1 ½ hours of sailing in the dark of night. I have a Garmin 4212 GPS with AIS and Autopilot that helpful to navigate these waters. In addition, constant vigilance for crab-pots is necessary to prevent their anchor-lines from getting entangled in the propeller and shaft.

To add insult to injury, Channel Markers are on fixed pylons and are spaced not only close together, but sometimes appear directly in the waterway and path of the

264 boat. Only with a spotlight can they be identified. Probably also with radar, but I did not use it last night. Next time! Page


The seas were fine and light but navigating in the dark is trying. It is so peaceful to return the boat to her slip and enjoy a glass of wine. The experience is reminiscent of my many years of aviation and instrument flight. I have lived by instruments with disregard to whatever my body was sensing.

The difference is these GPS systems of navigation require a complete understanding to operate at the precision of the aircraft. Unfortunately for me, I have yet to read the manual and am able to get out of this equipment what I need and no more. If I had used my radar and seen these hidden markers, less stress would follow.

To cut to the quick, I’m tired of boating and believe it is time to sell the GREAT WHITE to Jeff and Doreen. This wonderful couple, have been living on the 30 Below for over 3 years, with the prospect of taking a trip to the Islands, going considerably off-shore. After my inspection dive on both boats, there is no way that I would consider taking on any serious seas with their boat.

As compared to the Great White with full weighted keel, their bottom looked like a canoe in comparison. Nothing against their boat, it just is not designed to go where they would desire and the Great White is perfect for their needs of cruising and living aboard.

Doreen loves the boat and only moments ago, I made a call offering the boat for sale. I am tired! I have been boating for 50 years in every kind of boat imaginable in salt and inland water. I have simply lost interest and would like to have absolutely nothing. (“No Possessions”, John Lennon).

I don’t develop any attachment to material things or works of art. I live in the moment and am a man of instincts. I act on instinct and always have and will because they are always correct and I trust in them entirely. I operated Jumbo Jets with the same approach combined with simple Common Sense.

CAPTAINS LOG: 12/10/2012 07:34 265 Page


I wake every morning with the same thoughts of selling everything and returning to Argentina. I am confident that I must follow this drive. I would like to make the adventure interesting and again, the motorcycle comes to mind.

I am beginning to view this boat as a distraction and literally an anchor. An anchor at a beautiful marina in a beautiful climate and located in the best of Florida. In light of all of this, it remains a distraction that requires maintenance and continuous operation. Use it or lose it. After 800 hours of operating this boat and the thousands of hours in others, I clearly understand why I can say goodbye to the trawler GREAT WHITE.

It is my humble opinion that as of this date, the people of the United States have not seen the bottom of this ailing economy and the myriad of laws, rules and regulations that will create a police state. For a reason blind to the many, there is a remarkably small handful of men that have more money than the collective whole of all the working people in this country. It is these few men, who are above and out of sight, never held a job and want to rule the world. Not only do they want to create a police state, here in the United States, but their ambition is to police the entire world.

This group dictates policy and sends it down the pipe to Washington and their instrument in carrying out policy falls on the CIA and IRS through the banking system. There are several great books on the subject. The first that comes to mind is the, “Miracle in Philadelphia “. This publication is literally the notes of the 1787 Constitutional Convention of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin and all those great men who framed the Constitution of the United States of America and Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights, by the way, was drafted to protect “We the People”, from this government.

The central theme was to fine tune this document and concur on what behavioral patterns this country might follow that would lead to her failure. The Convention was brilliant but was in fraught because the country followed the pattern this Convention feared. We have a private Central Bank, The Federal Reserve.

This bank has no right of existence. Former President Woodrow Wilson went to his grave regretting allowing the creation of the Federal Reserve Board of J.P. 266 Morgan, David Rockefeller and Paul Warburg. Their ambition was to take over Page


control of the U.S. money supply from the United States Treasury department and operate through their own private bank. Their wish came true and thus was created the Federal Reserve Bank, printing Federal Reserve Notes under the guise of the Dollar. Look at any of the many Dollars and read the large print across the top.

Contrary to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, these bankers employed usury (USURY).

This was and is the beginning and the end of the United States of America as created by the great men of our past. Usury is simply money making money through lending practices and the charging of interest.

When money makes money, it dishonors labor. Labor is and was the basis on which money was created and to represent. When a single individual can make $50,000 at the stroke of a key on the computer connected to the Casino Wall Street, what does this say about the individual that slave’s away for $50,000 per year?

So there you have it! Usury was forbidden even in the Christian Bible and most any and all religions. Usury and gambling was the very reason Jesus was turning tables in the temples and why gambling was outlawed in the past in the USA.

I refuse to go political and enough is said regarding this subject beyond this last note, I am leaving this United States as a Complete Patriot and refuse to attend her funeral.

CAPTAINS LOG: 12/14/07:00

Recollection of this memory insists that I move further back in time to my acquaintance and living at the home of Ethel Kennedy, wife of the late Robert F. Kennedy. Also McCloud is back in the picture at a time when I had only an airplane for transportation.

I wake this morning with a flood of memories and hear a continuous frequency. I don’t think it’s a ringing sound. I think it’s a frequency. Maybe caused by a serious rd

267 concussion that received May 23 , 2003. This is a volume of a book by itself Page


because it ended my career as a pilot. I believe my date hire and Seniority date is January 23 rd , 1979.

CAPTAINS LOG: The date, I remain entirely unsure, but time is somewhere in the neighborhood of 23:00 hours EDT.

I just drove into Ft. Myers, Florida on the invitation of my friend Steve Novakovich. Steve is the fellow TWA Airline Captain that is 10 years my senior, and is also an excellent musician and base player. I was invited by Steve to a jam session at Darla’s, and I loaded my Taylor 12 string guitar and set out for Darla’s at 16:30 hours. I arrived, jammed, sang and drank nothing of alcohol content and returned to the Great White. Now I am enjoying smoked salmon on bagels and red wine, Argentina Malbec, and probably too drunk to continue typing on this computer.

I do believe at this moment that I am not entirely part of the Human Race. Further, why do Humans refer to this as a race? I am confused. The behavior of this human race would surly make anyone of intellect, not want to be part of. I believe that single cell organisms appear higher on the scale with right of existence than do humans. Then again, I drank just short of a bottle of wine. Consider that.

I have discovered that there is little vocal range that I cannot replicate in music. (with exception of Freddy M. of the band Queen). It’s always fun to sit in with rock bands or sing Karaoke. There are so many great vocalist that I am not pretending to be one. I enjoy singing, since I was a child, I can always remember singing to the radio.

CAPTAINS LOG: 12/23/2012. 07:52

I let yesterday pass without any inspiration to write. Domestic details, mechanical repairs and a visit from guests interfered with my progress on this game of catch- up.

CAPTAINS LOG: 12/22/2012.

268 Remarkable as it seems, we are all alive and the world continues to turn contrary to the doomsday community that were convinced the Mayan Calendar (one of Page


3)unbeknown to most, did not end the world on the winter Solstice of December 21 st as professized by so many of the world spiritual zealots.

None the less it is a remarkable day and good opportunity for me to take a break from my history and share today’s development. Perhaps the Motor-yacht Great White is sold. My broker who originally sold me the boat called me several hours ago and informed me that the boat may be sold and the new buyer is prepared to deposit 10 % of the cost and pay the balance upon delivery.

There is a wrinkle!

The buyer wants the boat delivered to Mobile Bay and has fear of crossing the Gulf of Mexico. The very same sea I crossed less than one month ago. Apparently my sailing days are not over and the Gulf of Mexico and Mother Nature and AI have another +appointment. Why can it not be so easy? I must Go with the Flow and return the boat to her new destination and owner.

Perhaps this is the New Age of Man or the End of this One. Actually, I have no reservations of returning the boat to Mobile, Alabama and crossing the Gulf again. I feel this Sea and I have developed a kinship or something. Now all I need to do is find a relief crewman to make the 2 day plus crossing. My messages are on the telephone of Captain Steve Novakovich and I think he would have no fear of this crossing.

CAPTAINS LOG 12/25/2012

This was my first Christmas Eve and Day absolutely alone. I left port the Afternoon of Christmas Eve and sailed out of the harbor with the Great White at about 3 pm to an random place to anchor off the ICW several miles in the middle of the Gasparilla Sound. I was the only boat for miles and took a swim and dove down below the boat for a routine inspection. I then took a freshwater shower on the aft deck and went topside to the Fly Bridge to enjoy the peace and a cold beer.

Numerous telephone calls were made to family and friends all wishing me a Merry Christmas and I did the same. I attempted to sound content when I am actually so 269 lonely for my Anya and Oliver words cannot begin to express. The gravity of my Page


situation is not perceived but real. I have a system of justice in this country that is preventing me from seeing my children on one hand and the other granting me visitation rights. Unfortunately the contempt of court action would trump the visitation and I would have to retain a lawyer and start paying for the educations of lawyers children at the expense of mine.


The gap in time between the day after Christmas and today has been dedicated to organizing this effort of mine to write this book or letter to my children. It is a major undertaking to reconstruct this past from only memory and I am certain the majority has not been compressed into this book. Usually someone will share their experience that triggers me to share mine.

Storytelling is what it is about and everybody has one. Taking the time to record our lives I have found to be very rewarding in better learning who I am from a third party perspective. This past month and a half I have been establishing a legend or timeframe whereby I could insert personal historical events in their proper sequence to make some sense to the reader and most importantly my children. I have recently returned from Cabbage Key and Pelican Bay where I spent the night at anchor until a thunderstorm and high winds prompter me to return to port.

Recently was February 8 th when I received a contract for my signature to sell the GREAT WHITE.

The same prospective buyer from up north who had levied so many delays and demands had returned with the necessary corrections and all conditions were met. The boat was essentially all but sold subject to Marine Survey scheduled for February 14, 2013 Valentine’s Day. This date would also serve as the closing date and transfer of ownership.

The contract came as a complete surprise and my feet were to the fire to make the decision to sell. I reflected back on the countless times I wanted to continue on

270 new and different adventures and found that the boat had served her purpose and it was time to let her go. Page



The boat has served me on much of the adventures I have shared in this book but most importantly, the GREAT WHITE has given me the time to write it. I also must give credit to author Thomas Kender and his encouragement at guidance in this endeavor.

In addition to writing the book I have connected with MOTE Marine Laboratory and now will travel to Cape Town South Africa and False Bay to perform research of the real Great White Shark from cage diving to tagging and other research activities.

I accepted the terms of the boat sale to deliver the boat to Mobile Bay Alabama and again cross the Gulf of Mexico in the next week. On this crossing I will no longer be the owner but only the Captain. The new owner will be on board and I will train and check him out on this vessel before permanently leaving the boat at Mobile Bay.

This is a perfect time to bring this book to a end and begin the next book with new adventures that I cannot wait to pursue.

My writing days will end when I do!

I hope it’s a great surprise!




Where to begin this history and storytelling was as undefined as my crossing the Gulf. I started to write this captains log from the beginning and then, reversed course and returned to present day. It was easy enough to scroll up and insert what you have read thus far, with the idea of returning to the beginning. I did this to lend you an understanding of the “”GREAT WHITE” as a boat, and also the fascination I have harbored since child for this magnificent fish. Something’s are perhaps, just not to be understood and this fascination with a fish could very well be one of those things.

My hero’s in prose and literature are both musicians and authors that compose real and meaningful work. Antoine de St. Exupery is just one if not my greatest hero at this art form of reducing complexity to simplicity. Antoine de St. Exupery has served as an inspiration for a great deal of my personal music composition and I humbly believe he made Charles Lindberg appear to be no more than a student pilot. Exupery was a world famous pilot prior to and during WWII.

Famous for his classic book “The Little Prince”, I contend we share the same perspective and many common experiences. I have composed a library of poetry, music, anecdotes, concepts, inventions, etc. that seemingly flow through me and are not from me but through me. It makes all these works difficult to accept credit for. What was it that woke me at 3:00am and compelled me to write in 30 minutes, (in my humble opinion) the best piece of music I have ever written, “LOVE IS EVERYTHING”.

My adventures will not end with me, I have a beautiful daughter Anya, and a son Oliver Bruce Byers and they are why I exist. It has come time to return to the beginning.

I appreciate the comforts of the Gasparilla Marina and its staff. I would rather support them than live at anchor. I am fortunate to be able to afford this luxury and comfort and at the same time, get away and enjoy this solitude.

I struggle with the constant desire to return and remain in Argentina. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t feel this gravity. The factors that create this force

come from disappointment with the United States and the direction it is taking and being governed. The second factor is the court system that is the best money can 272 BUY! Page


My ambition to make Wine into Water is another major motivator in returning to one of the largest fresh water reserves in the world and bottle this water in glass wine bottles, cork it and sell it in the United States. Create a non-profit organization and take the proceeds of the bottled water sales and direct it to water purification world-wide.

People are remembered in life, not for what they had or wealth accumulated but rather for what they did! I have always admired Paul Newman and would like to be remembered by family and all as I remember Paul Newman.

What to do next comes to mind. I am also of the mind that my future will reveal itself to me and I really need no plan, only an outline or rough draft. In reality and reflecting back on my nearly 30 years of Airline piloting, the destination is really only the constant.

Every flight plan never went exactly as planned. There was always some surprise, event or diversion but I always arrived at my destination. London, Lisbon, Cairo or wherever and never hurt anyone, damaged any equipment (airplanes) or was violated in nearly 30 years.

I should clarify that my career was ended and not by choice. I will reserve this clarification until later as well and remain on point with the, what’s next?

There are no strangers in the life of humans. We are all connected and a part of the whole of humanity.

Thus, everyone we meet is related, regardless of race, country or culture. You might simply refer to them as distant relatives. If this were understood, perhaps humanity would fight any and all common enemies. Examples would be disease, environmental pollution and depletion of resources.

For whatever reason, humans continue the process of division between one another creating a condition of have and have not’s. You have money or do not have money, a home or are homeless, spiritual salvation or no spiritual salvation. The

list continues to divide man like Plenaria.

Usury is the economic cancer that has destroyed so many civilizations and 273 dishonors the labor of man. Page


I cannot understand why these basic elements are not recognized and corrected. I have fought these scourges throughout my lifetime without the slightest hint of success. The next generation has been infected with extraordinary devices to continue to exacerbate the human condition.

I remain hopeful that a process of naturally occurring balance will break down this

This book is also a letter and testimony of my love for my daughter Anya and son Oliver. At the present time I have a beautiful home in the country of Argentina in the wine vineyards of Chacras de Coria, Mendoza, a Trawler motor yacht, Jeep wrangler and comfortable disability income.

Even with all of this, I cannot find happiness. I have not seen my children in many months and it remains likely that it will be years before a reunion is possible. It is for this reason that my life feels empty and without happiness.


So much was happening at this time in my life. I was loaded with inspiration, ideas, inventions and ambitions that it was sometimes difficult or impossible to harness. I therefore followed all of them and sometimes simultaneous. I would fly across the Atlantic with a piano keyboard on my lap with headphones, composing arrangements and write lyrics while in the parks of London or Paris.

I Performed with a rock-band in Kreutzburg, Berlin, Germany and sang all the Doors, Jim Morrison songs. While in Paris, I visited the grave of Jim Morrison at

Pierre Le Chez cemetery and Division six where his grave was located. The head a gravestone disappeared that day and I promise it was not me that took it. I did write

274 a piece of music arrangement and lyrics after this experience entitled “DIVISION 6” in the same style as “THE END” by the doors. Page


I am and romantic and believe that love is the most powerful force in the universe. I live on a boat, some might call a motor-yacht in Florida and it is offered for sale because my roots are in the mountains as a former professional downhill ski racer. I was the worst of Pro on the tour but honored to say that I raced against the best downhill racers in the world. My Olympic dream became somewhat of a reality. Virtually all the Pro’s on the tour were former Olympians.









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