ARCHITECTURE 1 AS HUMAN INTERFACE 2012 The 4th Symposium of Architectural Research in Finland – The 4th International Conference on Architectural Competitions Mina Di Marino and Helena Teräväinen (eds.) ARCHITECTURE AS HUMAN INTERFACE 2012 The 4th Symposium of Architectural Research in Finland – The 4th International Conference on Architectural Competitions All published papers belonging to the tracks have been gone through a double blind peer review. Editors Mina Di Marino, Post-Doc Researcher, Department of Architecture, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture,
[email protected] Helena Teräväinen, Senior Researcher, Department of Architecture, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture,
[email protected] Department of Architecture Aalto University Publication series ART+DESIGN+ARCHITECTURE 7/2014 © Aalto University, Department of Architecture and authors ISBN 978-952-60-5833-7 ISSN-L 1799-4861 ISSN 1799-4861 ISSN 1799-4853 Photos: The photos on cover book and pages no.5-14-36-56-113-158-179 are kindly provided by Anne Kinnunen, Photographer, Department of Architecture, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. The pictures show the exteriors and interiors of the former Department of Architecture (until 2012) which is located in Otaniemi Main Building designed by Alvar Aalto in 1964. Graphic Design: Inka Kosonen ( Copyrighted Materials can be used only for educational and research purposes and not for commercial use. TaBLE OF CONTENTS 6 Introduction