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Also in This Issue Happy Holidays From The Reporter Kunuku Shimaruku, P.O. Box 407, Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles, P Printed every fortnight, On-line every day, 24/7 hone 790-6518, 786-6125, email: Since 1994 Also in this issue: Light Parade pg. 2 Sea Grass Nets pg. 3 Consumer Prices pg. 6 Glen I Su Geng New CD pg.10 Boat Fire pg. 14 … and much more he first Kingdom Day Commitment to Development Table of Contents T holiday was celebrated Index (CDI), produced annually last Monday, December 15. The by the Centre for Global Devel- new holiday results from changes opment, an independent think- This Week’s Stories in the political structure of the tank that works to reduce global Netherlands Antilles since the poverty. New Citizens on Kingdom Day 2 concept of the Dutch Antilles as Sea Grass Protection at Lac 3 an integrated country is disap- X Next year, the Dutch econ- Chicken’s Drop-Church Rises 9 pearing. In referenda held during omy is set to shrink for the first Music School Concert and Awards 1 0 New MCB Head Office 10 2000-2005, the island populations time since the early 1980s, ac- Glenn i Su Geng’s expressed the wish to secede from cording to the latest prediction New CD, “Palu Grandi" 11 the Netherlands Antilles, but to from the government’s economic Young Chefs To Italy 11 remain, each in their own way, a forecasting organization, the Beanie Babies for Bonaire 12 part of the Kingdom of the Neth- CPB, published on Monday. Eco Swim Resutts 13 erlands. The CPB puts the decline at X One exciting event of the first Kingdom Day was the Natu- Letters to the Editor: Boat Fire, Two Consequently it was decided to 0.75% in 2009 and says compa- ralization of 41 Bonairean residents as Dutch citizens. The morn- Cruise Ship Views, What a Shame , introduce a new public holiday, nies which depend on exports will ing ceremony was guided by the chief of Bonaire’s Civil Registry, To Be Restored 14 Koninkrijksdag, Dia di Reino or bear the brunt of the downturn. In RE/MAX 5 Years 18 Kingdom Day instead of Antil- 2010 the economy will pick up George Mensché. Giving presentations to the new citizens were Dictionary Donations Meet Goal 18 lean Day. again, with growth reaching 1%, Governor Glenn Thodé, former Governor Herbert Domacassé and For the BES Islands it marked a the organization historian Boi Antoin. Governor Thodé explained the rights and Weekly Features “soft opening” to their new status said responsibilities of the new citizens, among other things, and wel- as Dutch municipalities. The comed them to the New Bonaire. Boi Antoin gave an overview of Flotsam & Jetsam 2 Bonaire Island Council voted 5 to X The Dutch the population and described the histories of Bonairean families. On the Island Since: 2 in favor of adopting the laws government has Former Governor Domacassé expressed his pleasure at being part of Mirnalyn ‘Machi’ Soliana 4 that would lead to integration no intention of the nationalization ceremony and also congratulated the new Bonairean Voices (Religion in Schools- Part II ) 7 with Holland. altering its 2009 “Dutchmen and Women.” Sudoku Puzzle 7 The “Regional BES Island Ser- spending plans Island View (Turning Point) 8 vice Center,” to implement the in light of the ence (RTC) in a deliberation with of Bonaire. Jalan Investments, Pet of the Week (“Yannis”) 8 transition, ceremonially opened impending re- the Second Chamber, Dutch Prime belonging to Dutch entrepreneur Pet Project 8 Tuesday, December 16, in the cession, Finance Minister Jan Peter Balkenende Niek Sandmann, is claiming dam- Sudoku Solution 9 APNA building on Bonaire. Minister advised that The Netherlands will ages of more than $5.5 million Classifieds 12 Wouter Bos take over €1.5 billion of the debt because of the revocation of its Reporter Masthead 13 Tide Table 13 X Planned “elective opera- (photo) said. of the Netherlands Antilles, but long lease. The property was ac- tions” (surgical intervention “We must not Picture Yourself (Ireland ) 15 only if the islands comply with all quired at a public sale from the Bubbles-Did You Know (Flamingoes) 15 recommended but it’s not ur- panic. The budget is the right the requirements such as corruption original developers who began, but What’s Happening 16 gent) were postponed at St. answer to this situation,” Bos was control, a sound financial manage- never completed, construction in Dining, Shopping Guides 17 Elizabeth Hospital (Sehos) in reported as saying in the Finan- ment and better maintenance of law 1988. The bailiff levied an attach- Sky Park (Christmas Star) 19 Curaçao, Bonaire’s regional cen- cieele Dagblad. “Lesson number and order. ment on the property on November Star Power (Astrology) 19 ter hospital, because the steam one is that you don’t adapt your The RTC will focus on establish- 20 after the seizure judge granted sterilizers were defective. The spending plans on a daily basis.” ing the “countries” of Curaçao and approval November 18. Sandmann How to contact us hospital was assisted by a nearby Letters to the Editor: St. Maarten and the dissolution of is known for his aviation invest- hospital until the sterilizers were X The tax office in the Neth- the Antilles Central Government. ments- BonairExel, DAE and Wi- Story tip or idea: repaired. Both units were tested erlands is to begin experiments The BES Islands situation is pe- nair- as well as other Bonaire prop- and certified as optimum on No- with taking unpaid taxes di- Print and Online ripheral to this session of the RTC. erty developments. Advertising: vember 28 but nevertheless rectly from people’s bank ac- failed. New units have been or- counts next year, Thursday’s AD X Justice Minister David Dick X A prominent team of US Archives: dered. newspaper reported. Non-payers signed a contract with Dutch fund- based researchers predicted 14, then click on “Go to Archives” Surgical procedures are now will receive a final demand and ing agency USONA yesterday in tropical storms in the 2009 Atlan- The Publisher: back to normal in Curaçao. an enforcement order. If they still which NAƒ 25.7 million has been tic hurricane season on Wednesday don’t pay up, the tax office will allocated for the upgrading of the and said seven would develop into X The Netherlands is at the be able to take 1,000 euros a The Bonaire Reporter, police forces in Curaçao, St. hurricanes. The Colorado State P. O. Box 407, Bonaire, top of a list released Thursday month directly from their bank Maarten and Bonaire. University team formed by fore- Neth. Antilles. that measures rich governments’ account for a period of three Some NAƒ 3.1 million was allo- casting pioneer William Gray said Phone 790-8988 efforts to help build prosperity in months. Phone 790-6518 cated to Bonaire for the upgrading 2009 would be another “above- Available on-line at: poor countries around the world. At the moment, unpaid taxes of its police services. average” hurricane season after an The Netherlands is followed by are collected by seizure of prop- active 2008. While Bonaire does Sweden, Norway and Denmark. erty, which is a lengthy and ex- X Legal controversy is swirl- not usually experience the full Printed Every Fortnight, Japan and South Korea are at the pensive process. ing around the attempt of the force of the storms, it is affected by On-line Every day, 24/7 bottom of the list. The US also Bonaire government to seize the wind reversals and ground swells. Next edition printing on scored low; it ranks 17th out of X During the preparations for December 30, 2008. incomplete (since 2002) Esmer- The hurricane research team said Ad deadline Dec.27 the 22 countries on the 2008 this week’s Round Table Confer- alda Beach property in the south (Continued on page 6) Mega Garden Center Open • • Garden Design every Weekday Construction Also Open Saturdays 9 to 1 Maintenance • • Garden Shop Irrigation needs Fertilizers Mulch Insecticides Ant killer Herbs Holiday gifts Choose from 460 different types of plants Kaya Industria, Behind TIS E-mail: 717-8310, 566-6033, Fax 717-3720 Page 2 Bonaire Reporter December 19-January 2, 2009 t 7am on November 5th A members from Pro- gressive Environmental Solu- ne of the grandest tions, Sea Turtle Conservation O parties of the year Bonaire and STINAPA Bon- was celebrated on the aire began the placement of street – on Kaya Grandi – swim lines which outline the sea grass beds along the last Friday night hosted shoreline of Sorobon from by RE/Max Paradise Jibe City to the windsurfing Homes. The celebration competition area at the penin- was to say happy birthday sula. The swim lines are in- for five years of business tended to serve as a visual on the island and to pre- reminder of the protected sent the new RE/MAX status of all sea grasses on verely impact the number and impact these activities have on Paradise Homes building. Bonaire and as a physical size of the fish going later to some of the most fragile sys- Kaya Grandi was closed barrier to prevent people from the reef. This would not only tems in the bay, steps must be entering into the sea grass negatively impact the dive taken now to prevent further to all vehicle traffic so beds. industry but will threaten the deterioration of some of the the throngs of well wish- The sea grass beds in Lac resilience and biodiversity of most fragile areas of Lac.
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