The Gazette November 1954
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Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1950-1959 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 11-1954 The aG zette November 1954 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: archives_gazette_newspaper_19501959 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The aG zette November 1954" (1954). LU Gazette, 1950-1959. Book 13. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1950-1959 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Langston University Gazette VOLUME FOUR LANGSTON UNIVERSITY, LANGSTON, OKLAHOMA NOVEMBER, 1954 NUMBER TV^O Danforth Foundation Doctor Butcher Selects Liaison Officer . I’resident Ci. L. Harrison has Speaks at L. U named Dr. L. R. Ldmonds as the Dr. Margaret L Hutcher of W ash Liaison Otiicer to nominate to the ington, I). C„ spoke on C.ivil Kigiits Danforth I'oundation two or not to at Langston University, Sunday, Oc exceed three candiilates for these fel tober 10. lowships. These appointments are Dr. Butcher believes segregation futidamentally "a relationship of en will have to Ix; broken down be couragement” throughout the years cause it is going to be impossible 01 graduate study, carrying a prom to maintam separate facilities; such ise of financial aid w ithin prescribed as drinking fountains, etc. conditions as there may be need. The maximum annual grant for She slated that there are more j single Fellows is Si,8(jo; for mar coloreil teachers than money and ried I'ellows, Si.400. Students with more money than white teachers. or without financial need are in- Negro classr(X)ms arc crowded, still ■ iited to apply. \ Danforth Fellow colored children pass by white i IS allowed to carry other scholar- schools to go s or 6 miles ic> Negro ! ship appointments, such as I'ul- schools where the seating capacity bright. \\'oodrow Wilson, (i. F^. B., is -5 or (i hundred anil there are ‘ etc., concurrently with his D.mforth Greetings From 10 or II huiulred students attend f-ellowship, and applicants for these ing. The President appointments are cordially invited To her, beuig a citizen means to apply at the same time for a \Vf are looking forward with having ecjual rights and happiness I )anforth F'ellowship. great enthusiasm to our HOMFv to the things ir. bfe other people COMINX'i activities. It is my hope possess. .\11 Danforth Fellows will partici- that we all will enjoy ourselves im Wc who are parents and who are [late in the annual Danforth I-'oun- mensely. I firmly believe that il going to be parents should do all ilation t'onference on Teaching, to we work, laugh, and play together we can to help our children have be held at ('am(i .Miniwanca in ue win promote that friendly spir;t a better life later. Michigan next September. which makes a family, or the spirit \\'e as Negroes have been through The ciualitications of the candi- which makes a great institution, so much; achieved so much but we ■ dates as listed in the announce move forward at an accelerated must remember we have a long way ment from the Foundation are: men speed. yet to go. of outstantling academic ability, per 1 would like to think of the fac-^ Dr. I^utcher attended High School sonality congenial to the classroom, ulty, students, and alumni as one in Washington, D. C., attended and integrity ami character, includ big family promoting the welfare Howard L'niversity and received ing faith and commitment within of Langston University. I have had her Doctorate from Boston U ni the ('hristian tradition. the pleasure of traveling in this! versity. She is a member of the All applications, including the country a great deal, and I am ^ local Board of F.ducation. recommendations, must be complet pleased to say that Langston U ni-! ed by February i^, 10^^. .^ny Stu versity compares most favorably ; President Tubman Visit Is Canceled Abraham Lincoln-. The man who dent wishing further information with the best institutions in the; does not do more work than he’s should get in touch with Dr. E. R. William \ ’acanarat S h r a dr a c h countrv. I 1 paid for isn’t worth what he gets. 1 Edmonds, our Liaison Of?icer. Tubman is the i8th President of Let us go forward to promote a 2 Added to Staff the Republic of Libyia. He was bigger and better Langston Uni elected in 1943 serve a term of versity. At L U. Library eight years and re-elected in 1951 Sincerely yours Two new f)ersons have joined for a second term of four years (',. L. H .\R RISO N which expires in January, 1956. He President the full-time stafi of the Ci. Lamar Harrison Library. .Mrs. .Minifred E. has acceded to popular demand and Burrow has assumed the duties of declared his candidacy for a third catalog librarian. term. Langston U. ROTC ■Mrs. Burrow, a graduate of Phil Upon graduation in 1913 from ander Smith College and North the Cape Palmas Seminary, a Meth western University, is a native of odist missionary institution, he pur Unit Has New Look Arkansas. She has hail wide expieri- sued higher studies under private ence as a secondary school librarian tutelage. He later taught in the The RO TC at Langston Uni and as a teacher of public school local elementary schools. Being inter versity is no longer Infantry. The music. Mrs. Iordan is a graduat'* of ested m the legal profession he read change to a General Military Sci South Carolina State College and law. passed examinations and was ence unit is in keeping with the has done advanced work at the ailmitted to the Bar in 1917. New Look in ROTC and the Army. State L’niversity of Iowa. She has Of the 241 American, Puerto Rican served as secretary and stenographer D u r ! n g the ailministration of and Hawaiian institutions currently at the \ ’eterans Administration, Presitlent Daniel Edward Howard, oflering the Senior ROTC program, Washington, D. C., and as secre Nfr. Tubman was appointed record 162 now o0 er the General .Military tary to the Business Manager, Claf- er in the .Monthlv and Probate Science course, first introduced in lin Universitv. ( ourt, then Collector of Internal 1952. Revenue lor .Maryland C'ounty and ('ouniy Attormy in 19 10. ,\s a sol Students receive a broad military Langsfon University Student Council dier in ihf Liberian .\rmy, he rose science education and then are com Left to Right; Dr. Daniel W . Wynn, Dean of Students, Sponsor; Guyscemo through the ranks trom Private to missioned in that arm of service Statum, President; Kanawha Chavis, Vice-President; Claressa Coffee, Secre Colonel. where they can best be utilized. Of tary; Charles Barnes, Treasurer; Homer Lewis, Councilnnan-at-large. course, the student’s academic back In 192^, at the .ige of 2S, he was ground is given strong considera eh\ted Sen.itc)r irorn .Maryland tion, as that .-\rmy specialists in cer Letter From the Student Council ('ounty to the National Legislature, tain tields are still in short supply. The olTicers of the Student C'oun- will enrich the life of Langston the you",g'’st legislator in the na This method prevents one branch cil interpret your voting us into of University to the point that we tion s history. He served in this ca- from having a surplus of new ofli- fice as an expression of ronhdence shall leave it a iKtter institution p.icitv lor nearU is years until cers while others are in short sup in our ability to do the j(. before than we found it. \\’ithin a very 19^7. when Presiilent Fdwin |. ply. The cadet's choice of arm or us. Therefore; we wish to take this short time that program will be P)arcl:iy appomteil him .Associate service is ^iven heavy weight, but occasion to thank you publicly for presented for your examination and fustiee ol the Supreme C'ourt. the service need is still the great bal your vote of confidence. In view of judgment. Mr. Tubman is of m e d ii. m ancing factor. this gesture of trust, wc want to This is the Homecoming week, a height, dignihed in and A General Military Science course make you a solemn promise to serve time for every son an 1 daughter of bearing, an elTective public speaker further eliminates the assignment of the best interest in every student of Langston L'niversity to be reminded and a ureal storv teller. He is known military personnel to civilian institu our Alma Mater within the frame of the tie that binds each to all. for his patience, .uleptness at con tions by arm or service. Military work of its administration and the Let this homecoming be a happy ciliating even some of his bitterest personnel from any arm, and most constitution of the council. The one in an atmosphere of good will, political enemies, his intimate un- services can now’ look forward to campaign is ended, and individual friendliness and unity. Let us all lerstaiiding of the psychology of assignment in colleges and uni\ersi- diflerences must be set aside so pledge oursehes to a renewal of ttu' people of Liberia, including ties. This gives more military men that we can all pull together for a the Langston Spirit— with reverence those in tribal communities, anc* a chance to mere roundly shape greater Langston.