The KeyFall 2002 • Vol. 7, No. 2 “Knowledge is the key to open new doors” N ATIONAL M ENTAL H EALTH C ONSUMERS’ SELF-HELP C LEARINGHOUSE N EWSLETTER 1211 Chestnut Street, Suite 1207, Philadelphia, PA 19107 (800) 553-4KEY
[email protected] NEW FREEDOM COMMISSION SOLICITS INPUT FROM CONSUMERS/SURVIVORS new advisory group created by three consumer-run national technical health system to recovery-based services President George W. Bush to assistance centers that support the con- guided by hope, empowerment, and maxi- ensure “that the cracks are sumer/survivor self-help movement. mal involvement of consumers/survivors closed” in the mental health At the New Freedom Commission’s first at the federal, state, and local levels in Asystem and other systems serving people meeting, on June 18-19 at the Ritz Carlton areas of policy, services, training, and who have mental illnesses gives con- Hotel in Pentagon City, Va., several people research.” sumers/survivors and other mental health spoke about the importance of incorporat- Among the other movement activists stakeholders a chance to provide informa- ing the points of view of those who have who spoke was Lawrence Plumlee, M.D., tion and advice to those who potentially “been there.” representing Support Coalition have the President’s ear. “IAPSRS deeply regrets that the International. Plumlee, formerly on the On April 29, 2002, Bush talked about Commission membership is not more rep- faculty of Johns Hopkins Medical School, closing the cracks in the system as he resentative of people who have noted the importance of informed consent.