2019 Donor Bulletin 2 Caught in a Blessed Circle

Dear Friends,

I recently met with a long-time seminary supporter. As we visited together, enjoying steaming cups of coffee on a frigid January morning, I asked him this question: “What inspires you to be so very generous? Why are you so generous?”

“No one has ever asked me that before,” he responded.

He sat back, and remained quiet for a few moments - then, he leaned toward me, fixing his gaze intently on mine, his elbows on his knees. The words were slow and deliberate. “Because I’m thankful to God. I’m grateful.”

Gratitude inspires generosity, and generosity, in turn, inspires gratitude. It’s a blessed circle. We are grateful for your generosity, and inspired, too.

Thank you so much for your continued support, patience, and prayers: all of the ways that you increase hope in and throughout the United Lutheran Seminary community. Your partnership, faith, and love in the shared ministry of theological education provides for the future of the Church.

Over the past calendar year, we have had many blessings and opportunities arise for the seminary:

• Our student body has increased to over 300 students; • We have been able to bring on a new Biblical Studies professor, Dr. Crystal Hall; • Different learning formats allow our students to learn in a variety of ways through distributed learning, online classes, and hybrid classrooms; • We have expanded continuing education opportunities for our lay and rostered leaders; • We continue to provide a thorough and comprehensive education, giving graduates the tools necessary to lead in a variety of ways; • The Urban Theological Institute now has 27 degree students and 43 certificate students; • Student borrowing has decreased to 23%: less than a quarter of our students take out loans! • A bequest of $30 million given toward student scholarships and one faculty chair will ensure that our support of students can continue and grow.

Again, we thank you for your faithful support of United Lutheran Seminary.

We are truly blessed to have a grateful and generous community, dedicated to the future of the Church through the cultivation of the leaders of tomorrow. May you remain forever caught in a blessed circle.

In Gratitude, Rev. Angela Zimmann, Ph.D., CFRE Vice President of Institutional Advancement

3 Dear ULS donor community,

Wise pastors have a saying: “No money, no mission.” That’s a very blunt way of putting it, but it is true nevertheless. We are working hard on two campuses here at ULS to accomplish our mission of preparing our diverse student body to become the religious leaders of tomorrow. Our Lutheran roots have prepared us for the ecumenical mission of religious education today, taking the wisdom of theologians and saints and applying it to modern culture. In a trying time for churches of every denomination in the face of a modern, secular society turning away from God to seek the fleeting comforts of materialism, we are more committed than ever to Unifying, Learning and Serving.

We are moving ahead with that mission grateful for your help. We are always striving to be innovative in the context of our 346 years of combined tradition of our parent institutions in Philadelphia and Gettysburg. We are always mindful of the lessons of those three-plus centuries of history, and also cognizant that that history produced the first Lutheran priest of African descent, and the first woman to serve as a Lutheran priest. Thus our tradition is innovation.

We are confident that you - and your generosity - will continue with us on this journey as we strive to lead the way into a challenging new reality. We are molding the leaders who will face those challenges, challenges to political norms, to the faithful stewardship of Creation, to social justice for those who are marginalized in our society.

As I look at the faces, hear the voices, and have dialogue with our students, I am confident that, with your help, they can rise to the challenges ahead and bring the church into a new era, stronger than ever.

In Christ,

Dr. Richard Green Interim President

4 Table of Contents

06 United Lutheran Seminary Giving Circles 17 United Lutheran Seminary Community Support 18 Legacy Givers 21 A Woman of Faith, A Gift for the Future 22 Alumni Giving 26 Giving with a “Warm Hand”: A Story of Deep Roots and Deep Investments

28 Honoraria

30 Memoriam 34 Congregational Giving 37 Synodical Giving

Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg (LTSG) 38 Alumni Council

38 Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (LTSP) Alumni Council

39 United Lutheran Seminary Board of Directors 39 United Lutheran Seminary Endowment Foundation

5 United Lutheran Seminary GIVING CIRCLES

With our deepest The Rev. Joseph E. Skillman, THE EMERALD CIRCLE The Rev. Dr. Frederick G. † Jr. & Mrs. Barbara L. Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999 & Mrs. Kathleen A. gratitude toward Skillman Wedemeyer each of you Mr. John & Mrs. Susan L. Anonymous The Rev. Gustave H. Total amount of gifts in 2018 Wesley The Rev. Bruce H. Davidson & Wedemeyer Mr. Donald E. Barb Ms. Martha J. Zepp THE RUBY CIRCLE The Rev. Thomas C. Cooper THE DIAMOND CIRCLE Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999 Mr. William† & THE SAPPHIRE CIRCLE Gifts of $20,000 or more Mrs. Ethel Cooper Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499 Maj. Gen. Charles H. & The Rev. John J. Deisinger & Anonymous Mrs. Bernadine Armstrong Chaplain Dianne Kareha Anonymous Mr. P. Thomas Barry The Rev. Dr. William O. & The Rev. Winston L. & Mr. James G. & Mrs. Elizabeth R. Forell † Mrs. Kathleen D. Avery Mrs. Joan B. Dookram Mrs. Patricia Apple Ms. Blanche I. Grube † Mr. Robert H. Buescher Bishop James & The Rev. David K. & Dr. Ruth L. M. Kuschmierz Mrs. Katherine Dauber Mrs. Constance Dunlop Mrs. Nancy Asendorf The Rev. Richard A. & Mrs. Louise Endruschat † Mr. Bruce D. George Mrs. Lynn H. Askew Mrs. Carolyn M. Miller The Rev. Florence S. & The Rev. Roland C. & Ms. Anne E. Aurand Robert K. Mosser † Mr. Spencer Ervin Mrs. Leslie D. Hobbs The Rev. Brian & The Rev. Dr. Victor A. Myers Mr. Charles A. † & The Rev. Jack R. & Mrs. Mary Bankert Mr. Carl C. Rasmussen † Mrs. C. Louise Fair Mrs. Jean C. Hoffman Mr. Charles L. Barndt, Jr. Mrs. Miriam M. Rhody Dr. Gertrude Gobbel Ms. Wrayanne C. Hynes Bishop Tracie L. Mr. Donald F. & The Rev. Drs. John & The Rev. Paul J. & Bartholomew & The Rev. Mrs. JoAnn M. Smith Kristin J. Largen Mrs. Donna Jann Boyce D. Whitener The Rev. Dr. A. Donald & The Rev. Dr. Martha B. & Mr. William O. Bast THE PLATINUM CIRCLE Mrs. Carol G. Main The Rev. Howard L. Kriebel Mrs. Frieda K. Benninghove † Gifts of $10,000 - $19,999 The Rev. Dr. William The Rev. Dr. Margaret A. & The Rev. Dr. L. Alexander & Ambrose Markley The Rev. Arden L. Krych Mrs. Eleanor H. Black Ms. Karen A. Albrecht The Rev. Donald H. Moeser Mrs. Rufina B. Marquette The Rev. David M. & Mr. John & Mrs. Mary Bartko Mr. Frederick & Mr. James E. & Mrs. Jane Bohannon Mr. Wilbur J. & Mrs. Harriet Rabel † Mrs. Jennifer V. Meyer The Rev. Dr. H. Lee II & Mrs. Hannelore F. Blew Mr. Fred E. & Dr. Esther J. Miller Mrs. Ann K. Brumback Mr. Harold L. & Ms. Barbara Risser Mr. Fredrick Mohrfeld † Mr. James A. Calvert Mrs. Dolores Brake The Rev. Dr. Theodore F. & Dr. Kurt L. & Mrs. Tina E. Noll The Rev. William A. & Mr. Richard C. & Mrs. Doris L. Schneider The Rev. Dr. Mark Mrs. Sharon R. Clasen Mrs. Leila K. Judd Ms. Lois Z. Scott W. Oldenburg & Ms. Jill Ms. Terri Claybrook Mr. Philip Moeller Dr. Richard H. & Schumann The Rev. A. Bernard & Mrs. Evelyn L. O’Connell Mrs. Carolyn E. Sieling The Revs. Karen M. Sease & Mrs. Nancy R. Coates Dr. Reinhard & Mr. John S. & Axel T. Kaegler Mrs. Alberta E. Cole Dr. Helga Schwartz Mrs. Juliet Ward Mr. Richard L. & Bishop Barbara J. & Mrs. Nannette Scudiero The Rev. Drs. Martin Otto & Mrs. Ruth Jean Unger Mr. John J. Collins The Rev. Richard A. & Angela K. Zimmann, Ph.D. Mr. Paul W. & Ms. Ruth E Colson Mrs. Susan C. Seaks Mrs. Linda L. Wangerin


The Rev. Drs. Michael & The Rev. & Mrs. Nelson F. The Rev. Bruce V. Schrader Mr. Conor P. Brooks Pamela Cooper-White Ilgenfritz The Rev. David A. Searing The Rev. Marina C. Brust The Rev. Dr. Wayne Croft, Sr. The Rev. Dr. Lester J. Mr. Edward B. & Mrs. Karolyn H. Mr. Edward A. & Mr. Raymond E. Davenport Karschner † Shellehamer Mrs. Gail P. Bucher The Rev. Sigmund S. Decker † Dr. James E. & Mrs. Ethel Shintay † The Rev. Claire S. Burkat Mr. Robert L. Deitz Dr. Patience W. Keisler The Rev. Gordon E. Simmons, II Dr. Addie J. Butler The Rev. David A. & The Rev. Dr. Donald W. & & Mrs. Sandra Simmons Mr. Robert A. & Mrs. Carolyn Donges Mrs. Miriam S. Keyser Mr. Robert J. Smith Mrs. Carolyn A. Buzzard The Rev. Dr. Richard L. & Mrs. R. Lynne Kiick Mr. Arne M. & The Rev. Lynn & Dr. Kay S. Dowhower The Rev. G. Frederick & Mrs. Ruth Sorenson Mrs. Dorothy Cairns Ms. Lisa Dubay & Mrs. Kristine D. Klotz The Rev. Eileen E. & Mr. Peter D. & Ms. Jennifer Toburen Dr. James J. & Mr. Paul R. Spehr Mrs. Sharon Z. Calder The Rev. Dr. Jessicah L. & Mrs. Bonnie L. Lakso The Rev. Vernon F. & The Rev. Laurie J. Carson The Rev. Chris K. Duckworth Mr. Frank J. & Mrs. Linda Leber Mrs. Virginia Squire Mr. Craig D. & Bishop Guy S. Edmiston, Jr. & Mr. Knute H. & Mrs. Betty Leidal William H. Stackel Mrs. Carol Carlson Mrs. Karen Edmiston The Rev. Dr. Charles R. Leonard Ms. LuAnn Steinhauer Ms. Mary E. Carlson Mrs. Jane R. English The Rev. Dale R. & The Rev. Irvin E. Straw, Jr. & Mr. Harold A. Cramer Mrs. Mary Ann Ensminger Mrs. Marsha Clark-Lind Mrs. Loris J. Straw Ms. Dorothy V. Criscuolo The Rev. John W. Fehringer & The Rev. Philip & Mrs. Janet L. Strube Mr. Domenic DePaul Mrs. Susan A. Suran Mrs. Charlotte Lynch Mrs. Gretchen P. Stuempfle Mrs. Barbara A. Dietrich The Rev. Matthew M. & Atty. Blake C. & The Rev. James & Mr. Richard W. Duesing, Sr. Mrs. Denise Finney Mrs. Marilyn Marles Mrs. Eleanore Sudbrock Mr. Sidney & Mrs. Sally Ehrhart The Rev. George W. Fitch, Jr. & The Rev. Charles D. & Mrs. Betty Beall Szymanski † Mr. Robert J. & Mrs. Janet M. Fitch Mrs. Pamela J. May The Rev. Linda & Mr. Robert Mrs. Nancy K. Elfant The Rev. Julia L. & Bishop Donald J. & Thomas Ms. Elizabeth Fannin Mr. Gordon C. Fraser Saundra E. McCoid Mr. Donald E. & Mrs. Judith A. The Rev. Russell E. & Mrs. Betty E. Fredericks Mr. James & Trissler Mrs. Barbara O. Fink Mrs. Nancy C & Mrs. Miriam J. McMenamin Col. Guinn E. Unger The Rev. Cristopher D. & Mr. Ernest B. Fricke Mr. Thomas A. McVicker Mr. William J. A. VandenHeuvel, Mrs. Laurel Frigm Mrs. Geraldine Gamber The Rev. Ivan R. Mechtly, Jr. & III & Mrs. Lois L. Mr. Gordon & The Rev. Dr. David A. Genszler Mrs. Evelyn S. Mechtly VandenHeuvel Mrs. Louise Gaertner Mr. Virgil L. & Mr. Alfred & Mrs. Susan F. & Dr. James Wade Ms. Deborah L. Gamble Mrs. Peggy A. Gibson Mrs. Grace Melenbacker Mr. Frederick W. & Mr. Michael & Bishop William J. Gohl Jr. & The Rev. Michael G. Merkel Mrs. Linda Wayland Mrs. Kathryn L. Gelner The Rev. Arwyn A. P. Gohl Mr. Edward R. Moore Mr. George S. Weidley, Jr. & Mr. Frank H. & Bishop Richard H. & The Rev. Craig A. Miller & Mrs. Cheryl L. Parks-Weidley Mrs. Renate Genieser Mrs. Nancy A. Graham Ms. Nancy Morgan Dr. Gregory A. Yothers Mr. William H. Georg Interim President Dr. Richard & Mr. Donald S. & Bishop Guy Glimp Dr. Dorothy Green Mrs. Gail S. Myers THE GOLD CIRCLE The Rev. Dr. Donald C. & The Rev. Dr. Donald B. & Dr. Norman K. & Gifts of $500 - $999 Mrs. Mary Ann Hagey Mrs. Kathryn E. Green Carolyn R. Nunamaker Ms. Ida Marie Hakkarinen The Rev. Jonathan D. & Mr. James W. & Mr. Kevin D. & Mr. James C. & Dr. Chelsea C. Hamman Mrs. Susan Osborne Mary Jo Anderson Mrs. Sharon Hamilton The Rev. Theresa P. Hannon Mrs. Andrea Oslikova & The Rev. Marjo Anderson & Mr. Gary C. Harn The Rev. John P. & The Rev. Drahomir Oslik Mr. Mark Dollhopf The Rev. Anna Christine Haugen Mrs. Stephanie B. Harman The Rev. Michael J. & Mrs. Clare Fox Archer The Rev. Dr. Rolf & The Rev. Jeffrey A. Hedin & Mrs. Ellen R. Peters Dr. Ryan E. & Mrs. Lois Hedberg Mrs. Ruth A. Hedin The Rev. Gerald M. & Mrs. Kellie S. Argot The Rev. Kenneth C. The Rev. Frederick C. & Lois W. Peterson Mr. E. Briner Ashway Heuermann Dr. Wendy R. Heitzenroder The Rev. John D. & The Rev. John M. Aurand Dr. J. Frederick & Mrs. Donna L. Hocker Margo T. Ranney The Rev. David C. Baker Mrs. Dolores Hiehle Mr. William R. Hoffmann Ms. Cynthia E. Reese Mr. J. Andrew Heaton & Mr. Carl L. & The Rev. Dr. John F. Hoffmeyer Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Rock Mrs. Charity M. Barber- Mrs. Kathryn A. Hikes Mr. Stephen J. & Elizabeth A. Mr. Heinz D. & Heaton Mr. Wayne D. & Hogberg Mrs. Robin T. Roth Atty. R. Hart Beaver Mrs. Susan C. Hill Ms. Sandra Hogue Mr. David A. & Mr. Abram C. Becker † The Rev. Elwood B. Hipple, Jr. The Rev. Kay M. & Kathleen J. Russell Mr. Jeffrey V. & The Rev. Drs. Mark & Mr. James L. Hollinger Ms. Mary E. Sarnoski Mrs. Valerie Berdahl Kathryn Vitalis-Hoffman The Rev. Joseph W. Holt Dr. Beate A. Schiwek † The Rev. Virginia M. Biniek The Rev. Thomas W. & The Rev. Robert M. Holum The Rev. Dr. Theodore C. Mr. Edward F. Bommer Mrs. Constance R. Hurlocker Mrs. Julia A. Holzerman Schlack Dr. Walter & Mrs. Jane Brandt The Rev. John C. Linn & Mrs. Karen House The Rev. Dr. Theodore F. & The Rev. James C. Bresnahan Mrs. Paula Jewett Mrs. Doris L. Schneider Dr. Susan M. Brookhart Mrs. Shirley K. Johnson †

7 The Rev. Diane C. Johnson The Rev. Dr. J. Paul & Mrs. Mary P. Best The Rev. Paul E. Henry, Jr. & The Rev. Stephen A. Keiser & The Rev. Esther Rajashekar Mr. Eric B. & Mrs. Carolyn Henry Mr. Dennis Bower Ms. Veronica Reynolds Mrs. Denise M. Blew The Rev. Cheryl & Mr. Shem Krey & Ms. Alice Kern Mr. William H. Ritter The Rev. Paul F. Bosch Mr. Robert Hensil Mr. Glenn Kieffer Dr. Tommie L. Robinson, Jr. Drs. Teresa & Ralph Bowers The Rev. Sarah V. & The Rev. Laura Louise Klick Dr. Christine Schlichting The Rev. Donald M. & Chad W. Hershberger Drs. Michael & Linda Krentz The Rev. Ursula & Mrs. Irma Bravin Mr. David A. & The Rev. Dr. Philip D. Krey & Mr. Curtis Schreffler Mr. Daniel M. & Mrs. Barbara L. Heywood Mrs. Rene Diemer Krey Mr. Carl F. Seils Mrs. Lucinda L. Bringman The Rev. Raymond C. & The Rev. J. Kenneth & Mr. Richard W. & Mr. Joseph R. Carlson Mrs. Joyce Hittinger Mrs. Susan Laber Mrs. Marilyn L. Shupp The Rev. Karin Carter Carroll The Rev. Paul J. & Mr. Jon F. & The Rev. Donald C. & The Rev. Richard W. & Mrs. Mary C. Hoh Mrs. Janeen S. Lafaver Mrs. Marion Simmons Mrs. Debra L. Chaveas Mrs. Kayla & Mr. Miles Hopgood The Rev. Dr. Theresa Latini Mrs. Donna Ward Smith The Rev. Dr. C. Gerald & The Rev. John H. & Mr. Charles M. & The Rev. William C. Sowers Mrs. Carol A. Christianson Mrs. Joan Hunsicker Mrs. Helen C. Leach The Revs. Eric & Ms. Suzanne H. Christianson Mr. Darryl Jeffries D & Mr. Roy M. LeCates Joanne Stenman Father John R. Cochran r. Tom Shultz Mr. Paul F. Lilienthal The Rev. Dr. Marty E. Stevens Mr. Thomas & The Rev. Marie C. & Dr. Theodore & Mrs. Betty Long The Rev. Dr. Nelson T. Strobert Mrs. Ellen D. Conroy Mr. James N. Jerge Mrs. Priscilla Krey Loring The Rev. Nelson R. & The Rev. Charlene M.R. Cox The Rev. John R. Kehrli The Revs. Robert & Dr. Ailja C. Sulouff Mrs. Margaret Curtis Mr. Michael & Janice Lowden Mrs. Susan Y. Swavely Ms. Deborah Dandridge Mrs. Pamela Kamensky The Rev. Andrew C. & Mr. R. Michael & The Rev. Dr. Katie Day & Dr. Suzanne H. Kershaw Mrs. Nancy Lowe Mrs. Patricia A. Tabor Mr. James N. Sicks The Rev. Perry J. Kirschbaum The Rev. Glenn E. & Mrs. Selma J. Tepper Mr. Ralph E. & The Rev. David N. & Mrs. K. Estella Ludwig Mrs. Elizabeth A. Thulin Mrs. Judith G. Doner Mrs. Delores Kistler Mrs. Kay M. & The Rev. Carolyn V. & The Rev. Mary & Ms. Rhoda K. Kluge Mr. Joseph P. MacDowell Mr. Reidar Tryggestad Mr. Michael Duerksen The Rev. Carla H. Knobler The Rev. Karol L. Van Wulfen & Mr. Theodore A. & Mr. James M. & Mrs. Ruth Ladd Mr. Matthew Matejko Mrs. Bonnie B. Wachhaus Mrs. Joanne L. Dumler Mrs. Margaret G. Lady Mr. Michael E. & Ms. Kiyomi Kiozumi Watanabe The Rev. Ralph W. & Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Larson Mrs. Carol Matsinko Mr. Nathan L. Welshans Mrs. Teresa M. Dunkin Mr. Richard Lau Mr. Henry P. Meissner Mr. Larry F. & The Rev. Anne & Ms. Jean S. LeGros The Rev. Carl E. & Mrs. Faith J. Wesolik Mr. Paul Dwiggins Mrs. Jacqueline E. & Mrs. Nancy O. Miller The Rev. Lloyd T. Wilson Mr. Alan C. & Mr. David K. Lehman Dr. Kenneth W. & Mr. Douglas H. & Mrs. Linda Eickhoff Mr. Bill & Mrs. Judy Leslie Mrs. Barbara S. Miller Mrs. Donna Wilt Mrs. Gladys Kelly Ellis † Mr. Martin W. & Mrs. Mary LaVerne Miner Mr. Edward J. Zeigler The Rev. Mark T. English Mrs. Miloslava K. Leukhardt The Rev. Martha Sue D. Moll Mr. David V. & The Rev. Sara E. Lilja The Rev. Joseph Molnar, III & THE SILVER CIRCLE Mrs. Leann M. Erickson The Rev. Dr. David J. & Mrs. Elaine B. Molnar Gifts of $250 - $499 Mr. Carl R. & Mrs. Julie Falk Ms. Karin E. Lose Drs. Janet &. Ronald Montelaro Dr. J. L. & Mrs. Priscilla E. Felton The Rev. P. Steven & The Rev. Charles & The Rev. Roy G. & Dr. David E. Flesner Mrs. Lois Lynn Mrs. Debbie Moore Mrs. Shannon Almquist The Rev. Dr. Frederick A. & Mr. Richard A. & Bishop Ernest C. & The Rev. Dr. Gunnar L. Mrs. Faith S. Foltz Mrs. Diane M. Martz Mrs. Winifred W. Morris Anderson Mr. John & Mrs. Elfriede Franz Mrs. Mary B. May † The Rev. Larry F. & The Rev. Teal E. Anderson & Mr. Edward Gobrecht, III & Mrs. Anna Meck Mrs. Deborah K. Mort Mr. Matthew S. Treskon Mrs. Elizabeth & Mai Mr. Dean C. & Mr. Joseph W. & The Rev. Robert G. Argot, Jr. & Ms. Francis M. Golden Mrs. Stephanie J. Meister Mrs. Suzanne B. Moyer Mrs. Tina M. Argot Mrs. Frances R. Greiman Ms. Phyllis A. Mengel Mr. Earl M. & Mrs. Regina P. Arnold Mr. Garth H. & Ms. Cynthia J. Mills Mrs. Irene M. Myers The Revs. James V. Arter, III & Mrs. Lindsay Greimann The Rev. G. Raymond Mr. W. Michael Nailor Elizabeth A. Arter Mr. Jonathan S. & Mitchell, Jr. Mr. C. Michael Noble, II Mrs. Audrey C. Asbury Mrs. Elizabeth Griffiths The Rev. Audrey E. Moody The Rev. Dr. Annemarie R. Noto Ms. Laurajean M. Aupperle Mrs. Phyllis B. Hale The Rev. Robert L. & Mrs. Joan W. R. Orso Dr. Frank T. & Ms. Elizabeth M. Hannan Mrs. Paulette S. Musser The Rev. Raymond L. Peters Mrs. Mary D. Baker Ms. Kris Hansen-Kieffer The Rev. Susan E. & Bishop Gregory R. & Mr. Don C. & The Rev. Edward C. Mr. Andrew Nagle Mrs. Barbara G. Pile Mrs. Roberta Barnett Harshbarger Mrs. Carolyn G. Nicholson Mr. Michael A. Pounder Ms. Mindelle K. Bartholomew The Rev. Norman J. & Dr. Paul A. Nye Mr. John A. & Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. Baumbach Mrs. Susan Heid The Rev. Michael Quinn Mrs. Bonnie S. Priebe Mr. Robert M. Beale Mrs. Bernice Henderschedt O’Bannon Mr. Donald W. Prigge † The Rev. Judith T. Beck

8 The Revs. Geraldine & The Rev. Joseph A. & The Rev. Tobias V. Anderson The Rev. Kenneth O. & GIVING CIRCLES Paul Opsahl Mrs. Paula E. Veres The Rev. Johanna K. Andritz Mrs. Patricia E. Bean The Rev. Barbara Anne Oshlo Mrs. Luella F. Vogel † Mrs. Ruth Annunziato Ms. Gwendolyn Beard Mr. Kenneth E. & Ms. Maria VonMickwitz Anonymous Mr. David Bearr Mrs. Donna C. Patrick The Rev. Timothy F. Waltonen Mr. Ryan Ansel Ms. Tracey A. Beasley The Rev. John G. & Miss Judy Wanfried Mr. Bernard H. Anthony, Jr. & Ms. Annette M. Beaufort Mrs. Kathleen L. Pearson Ms. Megan L. Weikel & Mrs. N. W. Anthony Mr. David P. & The Rev. Thomas L. & Mr. Edward W. Rankin Mrs. Lori & Mrs. Linda A. Bechtel Mrs. Linda E. Perry Sarah T. Werntz Mr. Benjamin Ashton The Rev. Ruth B. & The Rev. Janet S. & Ms. Dorothy Wilson Mr. Wes & Mr. John Becker Mr. Kent Peterman Ms. Kristin Wine Mrs. Mary Ellen Astheimer Mr. Wayne W. Becker Dr. Janet M. Powers The Rev. Dr. Karyn L. Wiseman Mrs. Ethel R. Aumen Ms. Sandra Turner Becks Mr. Thomas J. & & Mrs. Cindy Clawson Dr. Kathleen V. Axen, Ph.D. Ms. Sharon L. Bell Mrs. Rebecca D. Price Drs. Robert K. & Ms. Veronica Aymer Ms. Alice Bell Mr. John A. Pringle Debbie E. Wismer Ms. Evelyn F. Babylon Miss Margaret E. Bellis Ms. Ruth E. Rayna Dr. Norma S. Wood & Mrs. Lynda & Mr. James Ms. Suemay Benjamin Mr. James G. & Mr. Philip A. Roth Badger, Jr. Mr. Thomas H. Bennett Mrs. Janet M. Reading Dr. Monica E. Yost Mrs. Alice G. Baer Ms. Joan W. Bennett The Rev. Dr. Richard D. & Mr. Frank S. & Mrs. Pam Baglieri The Rev. V. Theodore Benson Mrs. Melba N. Reichard THE BRONZE CIRCLE Mr. Gregory M. & Mrs. Donna & Mrs. Rene Berard Mr. James C. & Gifts of $1 - $249 Mrs. Susan J. Bailey Ms. Deborah Bernhisel Mrs. Susan R. Roach Ms. Marie Baker Mr. Darius L. Berry The Rev. Gregory & Ms. Jennifer-Kate M. Aaronson The Rev. Richard C. Baker & Mr. Jack Bertelsmeyer Mrs. Beatrice E. Ross Mrs. Joan Ackerman Mrs. Marjorie A. Wilke-Baker Mr. Frank B. & The Rev. Martin M. Roth Mr. Vernon Ackridge Mr. Michael A. & Mrs. Ruth M. Bertovich The Rev. Katherine Russell The Rev. Carl R. & Mrs. Doris E. Balas Mr. Julius Betrand Mr. John H. & Mrs. Johanna E. Adams Mr. Eric T. & Ms. Susan Bianchi Mrs. Joyce M. Saeger Ms. Christine Adams Mrs. Kathy F. Baldwin The Rev. Charles G. Biegner, Jr. The Rev. Dr. Joseph J. & Mrs. Christine M. Adams Ms. Alisa Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. George K. Mrs. Bonita B. Scholtes, Jr. Ms. Marnita Adams Ms. Juanita Ball Biemesderfer The Rev. Dr. Brooks Schramm Ms. Carol Adoum The Rev. Patrick R. Ballard The Rev. Gary T. & The Rev. Dr. Hugo W. Schroeder, Ameena Al-Amin Ms. Barb Ballenger Mrs. Julie Bilbie Jr. & Mrs. Evelyn S. Schroeder Mr. David S. & Mr. Dean W. & The Rev. Dr. Donald R. Billeck The Rev. Thomas J. & Mrs. Rebecca Albrecht Mrs. Mildred L. Bankert Mrs. Beatrice M. Billups Mrs. Tina Scornavacchi Mr. Bruce S. Albright Mr. Edward J. & Ms. Kim Y. Billups-Tolbert The Rev. Dr. J. Jayakiran & Mr. Brooke & Mrs. Carol Banks Mr. Odell Binkley Jr. Dr. Mrinalini Sebastian Mrs. Robin K. Alderfer Mrs. Dorothy S. & Mr. Gareth V. & The Rev. Deane S. & Ms. Brenda Aldridge Mr. Glenn S. Banner Mrs. Shirley A. Biser Mrs. Jeanne D. Shively Mrs. Zoe Z. Aler Ms. Pamela R. Barlow Ms. Virginia B. Bishop The Rev. Thomas F. M. Sinn A. Alexander Terri Barnes The Rev. Jon A. & Ms. Sallie L. O. Smith Ms. Renee Alexander The Rev. Wicky Barnes III & Mrs. Jane L. Black The Rev. Dr. Stanley C. Mr. Roger D. Alexis Ms. Kristen Wall Mr. Louis L. & Sneeringer The Rev. Sandra C. Alexis Mr. Kevin Bennett & Mrs. Nancy C. Blanchard Ms. Margaret Somerville Mr. Billy Allen Mrs. Kimberly Barnes- Mr. Ronald C. & Mrs. Lucinda A. Spang Mr. Gregory D. & Bennett Mrs. Frances A. Blatchley Mr. William L. & Mrs. Sarah M. Alles Mrs. Erma L. Barnhart Mr. Elmer O. & Mrs. Elizabeth D. Speer Ms. Arleasha Alston Mrs. Dorothy M. Barritt Mrs. Margery N. Bley The Rev. Dr. Paul H. & Ms. Brigette Alston Ms. Cynthia Barrows Mr. Walt Blocker Mrs. Jane Ann Spohn Ms. Ramona Alston Mr. Richard C. & Dr. Dalton G. & Mrs. Martha Stauffer The Rev. Anna Marie Anderson Mrs. Ardelle Barry Mrs. Marjorie P. Blough, The Rev. Dr. Richard N. & Ms. Annamary Anderson The Rev. Paul E. Bartlett D.D.S. Mrs. Dawn Stewart Mr. Ben Anderson Mr. James C. & Ms. Sarah B. Blume The Rev. David R. & The Rev. Dean W. & Mrs. Anne Y. Barton Ms. Altressa A. Boatwright Mrs. Doris Strobel Mrs. Donna Anderson Mr. Larry D. & The Rev. Dr. Peter D. Boehringer The Rev. Dr. C. Paul & The Rev. James G. Anderson Mrs. Priscilla C. Bashore Dr. A. Bruce Boenau Mrs. Dolores K. Strockbine The Rev. Dr. Mary & Mr. Mike & Mrs. Greta Bates Mrs. Alice J. Boeshore The Rev. Dr. & The Rev. Frank W. Anderson Ms. Luann C. Battersby Mr. Charles F. & Mrs. Paul F. Stuehrenberg Ms. Phyllis Anderson Ms. Lillie G. Battle Mrs. Barbara J. Bohmann Ms. Mary K. Thrasher Mr. Robert R. & Ms. Mary E. Battle Mr. William T. Bohne The Rev. John W. Tomlinson, Jr. Mrs. Beverly C. Anderson Ms. Brenda Battle Ms. Linda M. Bolin & Mrs. Dorothy M. Tomlinson Mr. Robert E. & Mrs. Eleanor Y. Baughan Ms. Joyce C. Bolle Ms. Maxine H. Tucker Mrs. Marcia Anderson Mr. David Bausch Ms. Marjorie Bolton Mrs. Darlyn Unger Ms. Rose E. S. Anderson Ms. Betty J. Bayne Mr. Kenneth L. Bolton, Sr.

9 The Rev. Herbert L. & Mr. Peter R. & Mr. Christopher Cassem Mr. John Crapper Mrs. Melba R. Bomberger Mrs. Judith E. Brown Mr. Floyd & Mrs. JoAnn Cassidy Mr. Richard G. Graven & The Rev. David E. Bomboy Ms. Rebecca Brown & Ms. Kathryn S. Catlin Ms. Peggy Craven The Rev. Edward W. Boone Mr. Richard Ezell Mrs. Ingrid J. Caverly The Rev. Ronald B. & Mr. Douglas A. & Ms. Rhona B. Brown Mr. Albert D. & Mrs. Nancy T. Crawford Mrs. Ann M. Botch Mr. Robert W. & Mrs. Mary A. Chamberlain Ms. Margaret D. Crawford Mrs. Beatrice Botterbusch Mrs. Grace R. Brown Mr. Jack & The Rev. Dr. Robert H. & Mr. Duane A. & Ms. Karen Bruce Mrs. Nancy Chambers Mrs. Lois P. Crewdson Mrs. Karen Botterbusch Mrs. Eleanor Brucker The Rev. Tiffany C. Chaney Mr. John G. & Mrs. Sally Crist Mr. Paul M. & The Rev. Cinda J. Brucker The Rev. Charles J. & Ms. Lenore Cronlund Mrs. Rosalie H. Bowers Ms. Brenda E. Bryant Mrs. Elizabeth E. Charles Mr. David H. & Ms. Marilyn E. Bowers Ms. Priscilla A. Bryant Ms. Jeanne Chavious Mrs. Lorraine W. Crosson Mrs. Barbara F. Bowker Ms. Susan Bryant Mr. Billy L. & Dr. David L. & Mrs. Pat Crowner Ms. Frances Bowser Dr. Rebekah Basinger Mrs. Joan F. Chirdon Ms. Vannie Culmer Mr. Evan E. Boyd The Rev. Mark J. & Mr. Nick Christian Ms. Frances Curnow Mr. Henry A. Boyd Mrs. Nancy Buchan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cipriano Ms. Susan U. Currens Ms. Veronica Boyd Mr. Joe Budd Ms. Ellen P. Citrone Mr. Ronald N. & Ms. Alicia Bradford Raushanah Bullard The Rev. David W. Clark Mrs. Ruth Cussins Dr. Robert L. Bradford, Jr. & Ms. Deridra Burden Ms. Gwyneth Clarke The Rev. Robert E. & Mrs. Carol M. Bradford The Rev. Raymond C. & Mr. Stephen A. Cleghorn Mrs. Judy A. Custer Mr. Ian Bradley Mrs. Susan E. Burdick The Revs. Kevin & Mr. Robert S. & Mr. Thomas W. & Mr. Dan M. & Martha Clementson Mrs. Sarah T. Cutler Mrs. Barbara J. Brado Mrs. Elaine Burgess Mrs. Barbara H. Coates Mrs. Dorothy H. Dabrowski Ms. Gloria A. Branch The Rev. Bradley R. & Ms. Tanya M. Coates Drs. Horst & Ingrid Daemmrich The Rev. James F. & Mrs. Kim Burke The Rev. Dr. James & The Rev. April & Mrs. Suzanne L. Brandis Mr. Robbie Burks The Rev. Judith Cobb Mr. Mark Dailey Mr. Alvin P. Brannick Ms. Tangela Burnett Ms. Iris L. Cobb Ms. Karen Daley The Rev. Elizabeth G. Brashear Mr. Edgar & Ms. Bertha M. Cobia Ms. Elizabeth Dane Mr. David H. & Mrs. Barbara B. Burton The Rev. Tedd Cogar Mr. William S. & Mrs. Maureen Brau Ms. Zetta Butler The Rev. Lisa R. Coleman Mrs. Virginia H. Daniels The Rev. Karen L. Brau Chaplain MaryLou Byerly Deacon James Coleman, Sr. Ms. Clara M. Daniels Mr. James & Ms. Karima S. Bynum Ms. Verna Coleman Ms. Kathaleen Danielson Mrs. Rose Mary Braxton Ms. Rose M. Bynum Ms. Kelly Coley Ms. Julia Danzy Ms. Linda Breckenridge Ms. Sandra Byrd Mrs. Dixie Lee & Mrs. Carole J. & Mrs. Jean Breitegam Mr. Michael P. & Mr. Hugh P. Colgan Mr. James D. Darr The Rev. Michael R. & Mrs. Patricia A. Cady Mr. Hodges Colson Evangelist Gwenda Darty Mrs. Martha I. Brendle Mr. Victoir & Mr. Richard Colyer Mr. Neal A. & Mr. James H. & Mrs. Robyn Cahoon The Rev. Dr. Joseph A. Mrs. Barbara Daub Mrs. Mary Jane Brenneman The Rev. Steven E. & Conner, Jr. Bishop Patricia A. Davenport Ms. Roslyn Brewer Mrs. Carol J. Caler Ms. Betty Conyers Mrs. Grainne Davies & Mr. Thomas T. Brillhart Mr. Albert Caliman The Rev. Annemarie H. Cook Mr. Dave Davies Ms. Portia K. Brister Mrs. Laura J. Caliman Ms. Barbara A. Cook Mr. Ferrara & Mrs. Davis Ms. Leah A. Brndjar The Rev. Lawrence R. & Mr. Edward C. & Ms. Gloria A. Davis Ms. Juanita Broaddus Mrs. Susan R. Camberg Mrs. Carol S. Cool Bishop Evelyene & The Rev. Jay B. & Ms. Cynthia Campbell Ms. Laurine L. Cooke Mr. Michael Davis Mrs. P. Ingrid Broadnax Ms. Dolores Campbell Col. Jeffrey W. & The Rev. Mary E. & Mr. Evan Brock Patricia Camps Mrs. Rayna G. Cooper Mr. Freddie Davis Sister Marianne Brock Ms. Joyce Cannie Mr. James E. & Elder Anthony R. Davis Mr. Barclay D. & The Rev. Jacqueline G. & Sister Elizabeth Corbett Sister Juanita Davis Mrs. Jacquelynn Brooks Mr. Terrance T. Capers Mrs. Susan Coslett Mr. Richard Deaner Ms. Beverly Brooks Mr. Harry & Mr. Frank & Mr. Ralston H. Deffenbaugh, Jr. The Rev. Charles A. Brophy Mrs. Lorraine Capobianco Mrs. Joan A. Costanza & Mrs. Miriam B. Deffenbaugh Mr. Robert C. & Mr. Paul R. & Mrs. Carlson The Revs. Donald & Ms. Catherine M. Dehart Mrs. Hilja K. Brower Mr. Joseph Carlucci Beth Costlow Mr. Clyde S. & Ms. Deborah Brown The Rev. Dr. Richard A. & Ms. Constance Cotton Mrs. Alicia E. DeHoff Ms. Joyce L. Brown Mrs. Mary Sue Carnes Mr. G. Ronald Couchman Mr. Burnell R. & Mr. Kevin Brown The Rev. Dr. Julius & P M. Courtney Mrs. Martha J. Dehoff Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Brown Mrs. Geneva Carroll Mr. Franklyn A. Cover, Sr. & Mr. Galen & Ms. Lisa R. Brown Mr. Dennis & Mrs. Brenda L. Cover Mrs. Deanna Deibler Ms. Michelle Brown Mrs. Rebecca J. Carter The Rev. Venord M. & Mr. Paul B. & The Rev. Marsha Dr. Jerry M. Carter, Jr. Mrs. Roslyn M. Cowan Mrs. Mary D. Deignan Brown-Woodard The Honorable John Cascio Ms. Alynthia Cowell Ms. Ellen Dell Ms. Paulette Brown Ms. Starr Cash Dr. Steven L. Crane Mr. Jacob Dennison


The Rev. Elaine M. Dent Ms. Virginia Hine Ely The Rev. Fred S. & Mr. Jimmie C. & Mr. David & Mrs. Beth Derr Mr. Thomas D. & Mrs. Mimi Foerster Mrs. Rosalie George Mrs. Roberta C. Detmers Mrs. Michelle R. Endy The Rev. Dr. W. Phillip & Ms. Hadassa J. George Mr. Timothy Dewalt The Rev. Richard H. & Mrs. Donna A. Fogarty Mrs. Barbara F. Gerhard Mrs. Janet C. Dewar Mrs. Greta M. Englund The Rev. Dr. Helena Fontes The Rev. Carol R. Gesalman & The Rev. Julie K. DeWerth Ms. Martha C. Engstler & Mrs. Jennifer & Mr. Ian N. Polster Mrs. Josephine S. Dick Mr. David Zappardino Mr. Brett R. Forehand Mrs. Joan A. Gibney Mr. Gregory Dickensheets Mr. George E. & Mr. Leroy & Ms. Bonita Gibson The Rev. Linda C. Dickerson Mrs. Rebecca C. Enney Mrs. Darlene Foreman Ms. Judith J. Gifford Mrs. Debbie Diddlemeyer Mr. Vaughn A. & The Rev. Allen L. Forsman The Rev. Arthur A. & Mr. Robert B. & Mrs. Joyce Erickson Mr. Alex Forstrom Evangelist R. Diane Gilbert Mrs. Janet M. Dietrich The Rev. Dr. Maria E. Erling & The Rev. Gene M. Fortune Mr. Thomas W. & Mr. Galen D. & The Rev. John R. Spangler Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Liz Foster Mrs. Donna L. Gilbert Mrs. Wanda M. Dietz Mrs. Dorothy S. Ervin The Rev. Harold S. Fox, Jr. & Ms. Selena F. Gillespie Ms. Brooke Diggs Bishop R. Guy Erwin Mrs. Felicity R. Ms. Dolores Glenn The Rev. Dr. Nancy B. & The Rev. Dr. Warren M. & Mr. Robert R. Frantz Ms. Hope Glover Mr. Steven C. Dilliplane Mrs. Theresa C. Eshbach Mrs. Janet & Mr. Edward S. Gobrecht Elder M. Dinkins The Rev. Michael W. & Mr. Wayne Franzen Ms. Sandra Gobrecht Ms. Bonita C. Distad Mrs. Annemarie Evans Mr. Ned W. & Mr. Wilbur J. & The Rev. & Mrs. Robert P. Doll The Rev. Sean M. Ewbank Mrs. Norma Fredrickson Mrs. Marcia B. Gobrecht The Rev. James W. & Rabbi Sheldon Ezring Mr. Everett E. Frey Ms. Catherine I. Godboldte Mrs. Jane L. Dollhopf Mr. Paul D. & Mrs. Elizabeth A. Mr. Lowell & Ms. Carol E. Goddard Ms. Deborrah Dorsey Fackler Mrs. Carna Friedline The Rev. Stephen E. & Mr. Gene F. & The Rev. Leland K. Fackler † The Rev. John P. & Dr. Jean E. Godsall-Myers Mrs. Patricia L. Dose Mr. Max A. & Mrs. Doris E. Mrs. Kathleen M. Fritch The Rev. & The Rev. Ruth & Fahnestock Ms. Holly R. Fry Mrs. C. David Godshall Mr. Richard Doty Ms. Yvonne F. Fair Mrs. Lynn S. & Mr. John Fry, Jr. Mrs. Judith M. Goehring Ms. Debra Doubraven The Rev. Gilberto Falcon Mr. Donald A. & Ms. Jean C. Goldthorpe Ms. Cynthia M. Douse Ms. Valarie Fareira Mrs. Sandra J. Fuhrman Mr. Rodger N. & Mrs. Mary Drehs Mr. Eric B. Faret The Rev. Matthew C. & Mrs. Christine A. Goodacre The Rev. Herbert D.† & Ms. Ruth Ann Farley Mrs. Andrea K. Fuhrman Ms. Veronica S. Goode Mrs. Andrea L. Dubler Ms. Deborah Farrar Mr. Robert J. Fulmer The Rev. Regina D. Goodrich The Revs. Dr. Michael A. & Mr. Louis Farrar Mr. John M. Fuss Ms. Dorothy M. Goodwin Kristin Dubsky Mrs. Patty Fattah Deacon Nancy E. Gable Ms. Judith Gosnell-Lamb Mr. Curt R. & Mrs. Inge E. Dudda Mr. Kraig L. & Mrs. Susan P. Ms. Janet L. Gable Mr. Robert L. Gough Ms. Diane D. Duncan Faust Ms. Betty Gabriel The Rev. Kenneth A. Gould Ms. Helen V. Dungan Mr. Damon V. Felder The Rev. Nelson W. & Mr. Donald F. Goulden, Jr. & Mr. & Mrs. Jerome DuPont Ms. Lillly M. Felder Mrs. Margaret O. Gaetz Mrs. Joyce Goulden Mr. Kenneth C. Dupree Ms. Tracey Felder The Rev. Martin J. Galbraith Mr. Edward J. & Ms. Desiree L. Durham Mr. John L. Feldman & The Rev. Margarethe D. Mrs. Joan E. Goyke Mr. Peter F. Durocher The Revs. Jason & Jessica Felici Galbraith-Cordes The Rev. Dr. David D. & The Rev. Dale W. Dusman Mrs. Dorothy Fenimore Mrs. Ingrid E. Gales Mrs. Karla Grafton Mr. Stephen Dzembo Mr. William Ferebee Mrs. Ellen M. Gallagher Ms. Vera Graham Ms. Cristal Eady Mr. Timothy & Mrs. Shirley M. Mr. Lawrence L. Gamber, Jr. & Ms. Brenda Grant Ms. Janelle L. Ebaugh Ferguson Mrs. Nancy F. Gambler The Rev. Joseph H. Mrs. Barbara B. Eberly The Rev. Robin Fero Ms. d’Andrea Gamble Graumann, Jr. Mr. Carl Ebert Mr. Leonard J. & The Rev. Richard G. & Ms. Barbara Gray Ms. Tonya Ebron Mrs. Elaine Ferrara Mrs. Patricia A. Gardner Mr. Ernest J. Gray Ms. Iris L. Ebron Ms. Maria R. Fersner Ms. Mildred C. Garland Mr. Mark A. & Mr. Edward J. & Mrs. Frances Fields Ms. Beverly Gast Mrs. Beverly A. Grazulewicz Mrs. Roberta S. Ede Ms. Sandra A. Fields Mr. Richard W. & Mr. Richard Green Ms. Ashley Edwards The Rev. Carl W. & Mrs. Dawn B. Gates Ms. Renee Green Ms. Clarita Edwards Mrs. Barbara Filer The Rev. Ivy & The Rev. Carl H. & Ms. Ruth A. Edwards Mr. David & Mr. Raymond Gauvin Mrs. Margaret G. Greenawald The Rev. Dr. Nancy J. Eggert Mrs. Michelle Finney Mr. Thomas M. & Mr. Charles Greene Mrs. Gloria M. Eichner Mr. Lee E. & Mrs. Beth C. Fischer Mrs. Susan Geary Ms. Elizabeth Greene Ms. Joanne Elliott The Rev. Michael K. & Ms. Sandra L. Geathers Mr. Herb Greene The Rev. Lynda L. & Mrs. Rosemaria Fischer Mr. Ethan Geehr Sholonda Gregory Mr. Cedric Elmer Ms. Dina M. Flamen Mr. Robert E. Gehman Mr. William K. & Mr. Bertram F. & Mrs. Jennie H. Flay The Rev. Catharine Senft Geib Mrs. Susan K. Greis Mrs. Joyce Elsner The Rev. Richard H. & Mr. Wayne & The Rev. Peter P. Grimes Deacon Elizabeth M. & Mrs. Barbara B. Flock Mrs. Lynn M. Geisser Ms. Deborah Groom Mr. Richard C. Elterich Ms. Jorgina Floyd The Rev. Guy R. & The Rev. Mary J. Hastings Mr. Frank D. Hills Mr. John S. & Mrs. Jean J. Irvine Mrs. Norma Grube The Rev. William L. & The Rev. James K. & Mr. Gregory J. & The Rev. Charles H. & Mrs. Patricia A. Hauser Mrs. Marjorie O. Hilton Mrs. Anne E. Isaackson Mrs. Jean E. Grube The Rev. Dr. Albert L. & Ms. Linda M. Himes The Rev. Robert L. & Mr. Herbert R. & Mrs. Christiana S. Haversat The Rev. Richard L. & Mrs. Beverly Isaksen Mrs. Barbara J.Guenther The Rev. John W. Havrilla Mrs. Gladys I. Hinkle Mrs. Bonita L. Isenberger Mr. Bernhard† & Ms. Brenda Hawkins Mr. Daniel & Ms. Earlene Jackson Mrs. Renate Gundermann Mr. Edward J. & Mrs. Judy A. Hinson Ms. Janice Jackson Mr. Dennis S. & Mrs. Deborah S. Hayes The Rev. Paul A. & Mr. Harry L. Jackson Mrs. Beverly E. Guyer Ms. Bernadine S. Hayes Mrs. Margaret S. Hirth Ms. Tamara Jackson The Rev. Russell F. & Ms. Deborah K Haynes Mr. Robert F. & Mrs. Gail I. Hoch The Rev. William C. Jacobs Mrs. Lynn Haab Ms. Kathleen Heafey Ms. Diane Hockman Mr. Robert W. & The Rev. Paul A. & Mrs. Shirley A. Heasley The Rev. David C. Hoecker Mrs. Sandra L. Jacobs Mrs. Janet M. Haack Mrs. Edna G. Hecht The Rev. Robert F. & The Rev. Otto W. Jacobson, Jr. The Rev. Donald A. † & The Rev. David A. Heckler Mrs. Nan Hoenich Mrs. Carolyn L. Jenkins Mrs. Mary S. Haas Mrs. Virginia L. Hege Mr. Larry Hoffman Ms. Sarah Jenkins Mrs. June Habeck-Holler The Rev. Muriel N. Heichler The Rev. Dr. John F. Hoffmeyer Ms. Bernadette Jenkins-Jones The Rev. Joseph W. & Mr. A. David & Mrs. Adelle A. Hoh Mr. Paul Jensen Mrs. Judith A. Hager Mrs. Jo-Ann Heilemann Ms. Kay Hoke Mr. John E. & The Rev. Arthur L. Hahn, Jr. Ms. Carol A. Heintzelman Ms. Mardi A. Holliday Mrs. Jeanne A. Jochem The Rev. Elizabeth Haines The Rev. Dr. Wayne A. The Rev. Lauren J. Holm & The Rev. Gretchen M. Johanson Dr. Crystal Hall Heintzelman & Mrs. Elsa B. Mr. Joseph A. Cleaveland Mr. Roy R. & Ms. Angela Hall Heintzelman Mrs. Mary F. Holmes Mrs. Donna Johnson Mr. Michael Hall Ms. June M. Heller Mr. John W. Holmes Mrs. Cheryl A Johnson Dr. Coleman R. Hamel, Ph.D. Ms. Jane E. Heller Ms. Christine Holmes Mrs. Cynthia & Ms. Nancy Hamilton Ms. Martha Hempfing Ms. Dorothee A. Holmstrup Mr. Lynford Johnson Mr. Ken & The Rev. James L. & The Rev. E. Frederick & The Rev. Albert & Mrs. Joan Hamilton-Ginn Mrs. Elizabeth I. Mrs. Barbara A. Holst Mrs. Vivian Johnson Ms. Fern Hamilton-Strother Henderschedt Dr. Robert & The Rev. Robert J. Johnson The Rev. Melvin J. & Mr. Darwin P. & Mrs. Rebecca Holst Mr. Jerry D. Johnson & Mrs. Hattie M. Hammer Mrs. Patricia A. Hendricks Robin Holts Mrs. Sandy Moyer The Revs. Danny R. & Mr. Arthur W. & Mr. Irvin & Mr. James Johnson Maria J. Hammons Mrs. Diana R. Henne Ms. Cheryl H. Hopewell Mr. Anthony Johnson The Rev. Lesley J. Hand Mr. Lynn M. & Rev. Walter D. Horton Ms. Linda D. Johnson The Rev. George E. Handley Mrs. Helen B. Henninger Ms. Sarah Horton Mr. John H. Johnson, Jr. The Rev. Dr. J. Lawton Haney The Rev. Eric T. Henry & Mr. Thomas & Ms. Kimberley R. Johnson The Rev. David G. Hanford Ms. Nadine Shingler-Henry Mrs. Christine Houck Mrs. Tammie Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Hannah Mrs. Kathryn & Mrs. Marilyn S. Houck Ms. Phyllis Johnson Mr. Todd Hannah Mr. Donald Henry Mrs. Lindsay & Mr. Adam Hough Ms. Dianne C. Johnson Mr. Roland E. & The Rev. Robin L. Henry Ms. Melissa Hough Ms. Tanya Johnson Mrs. Martha J. Hansen Ms. Inez D. Henry Mr. Craig Howard Ms. Yashika N. Johnson Mr. John & Mrs. Kate Harenza Ms. Janet Henry Mr. David L. Hoxter Ms. Gloria Johnson The Rev. Dr. Henry V. Harman Mr. John E. Henschen Mrs. Judith D. Hoy Ms. Ann Johnson Ms. Janice Harmon-Alston Mr. James L. & Ms. Michelle Hrett Mr. Randall Johnson Mr. Frederick J. & Mrs. Rachel Hepler Ms. Cheryl Huber The Rev. Trina M. Johnsten & Mrs. Maragert O. Harms Ms. Barbara A. Herb Mrs. Virginia A. Huenniger Mr. Dennis Trotter Mr. Scott Harper Mr. Dale E. & The Rev. James A. & Ms. Betty L. Johnston Ms. Michele Harper Mrs. Jean A. Herbranson Mrs. Linda Hulihan Ms. Jane Johnston Ms. Claudia J. Harrington Mr. David I. & Mr. Peter R. & Mrs. Gail J. Hull The Honorable John E. Jones The Rev. Stephen & Mrs. Brenda L. Herbert Mr. John M. Hull, III & Mr. & Mrs. William H. Jones Mrs. Rebecca Harris The Rev. Teri L. Hermsmeyer Mrs. Nancy K. Hull Mr. John W. & Ms. Gail P. Jones The Rev. Phyllis A. Harris Mr. Creston C. Herold, Jr. & Mr. Marvin J. & Mr. Benjamin L. Jones Mr. Charles S. & Mrs. Martha L. Herold Mrs. Shirley B. Huls Mr. William J. & Mrs. Retha P. Harris Mrs. Thelma J. Hershey Mr. Alfred Humphries Mrs. Berry R. Jones Mr. George W. & Mr. Walter J. & Mrs. Carolyn Humphries Ms. Monica Jones Mrs. Shirley A. Harris Mrs. Linda R. Hess Mrs. Doris M. Hunsberger Ms. Velva K. Jones Mr. Donald Herbert Harris, Jr. The Rev. Richard E. & Ms. Barbara A. Hunt Ms. Glenda Jones Mr. David I. Harrower Mrs. M. Barbara Hess Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Hunt, Jr. Ms. Mandisa D. Jones The Rev. Ronald G. & Ms. Jeanette M. Hettinger Mr. Joseph & Ms. Kim Jordan Mrs. Patricia A. Hartman Mr. Heywood Mrs. Judith Hunter Ms. Danette Joseph Ms. Amy Hartman Mr. Terry & Mrs. Gail Hicks Mrs. Glorianne Hutchison Mr. Andrew J. Jurcak, Jr. & Ms. Sheila Hart-Refile The Rev. James A. Higgins & Mrs. Michelle J. Huth Mrs. Lucy N. Jurrak The Rev. Dr. James A. & Mrs. Carolyn L. Walborn Mr. Weston & Mr. Allyn & Mrs. Martha B. Kall Mrs. Ingrid H. Harrison The Rev. David F. & Mrs. MaryLee Hyde Mr. Karl A. Kamp Mr. Robert L. & Mrs. Susan E. Hill Mrs. Martha M. Hyson Mr. Hans Kanengieser Mrs. Marsha G. Hasseler Ms. Linda Hill The Rev. John A. Ile, Jr. The Rev. David B. Kaplan The Rev. Robert J. & Mrs. C. Marie Konschak Mrs. Joy K. Lederman The Rev. Sandra R. Mackie GIVING CIRCLES Mrs. Patricia A. Karli Mr. James D. Koones Ms. Gabrielle Lee Mr. Reggie & Ms. Dena Kauffman Ms. Christine D. Kosky Mr. Jack Lefevre Mrs. Terry M. Macon Mr. Tom & The Rev. David J. & Dr. Lois I. Leffler Dr. Charles H. Mahler Mrs. Nancy Kauffman Mrs. Anita Kovach Ms. Maggie W. Legare Ms. Linda E. Maiden Mr. Lewis D. & Dr. Raymond A. & Mr. Lamar C. Lehman Mrs. Sandra L. Manos Mrs. Mary K. Kauffman Mrs. Shirley A. Kramer Mrs. Gloria J. Lehmann Ms. Sidney Mapp The Rev. George E. Keck Mr. Robert W. & The Rev. Dr. J. Frederick & Ms. Mary Ellen Markovcy The Rev. Thomas J. & Mrs. Mary I. Kreisher Mrs. Janet S. Lehr Ms. Kathleen Marshall Mrs. Barbara Keener The Rev. William F. Krenz Mr. S. Regnal Leibensperger Ms. Dorothy Martin Mrs. Catharine Keim Ms. Traci Krick Mr. Donzell & Ms. Ann Lemar Mr. Robert G. & The Rev. Dr. Arnold F. Keller, Jr. Mr. James M. Kriebel, Jr & Ms. Yvonne J. Lembo Mrs. Sharon J. Martin & Mrs. Margaret S. Keller Mrs. Barbara M. Kriebel The Rev. Charles H. & The Rev. LeRoy O. Martinson Ms. Ruth C. Keller The Rev. Victor A. Kroninger Mrs. Sylvia Lett Ms. Kim Marucci Ms. Carol R. Keller Mr. Walter & Mrs. Janice Krug Mr. Samuel L. & Ms. Lauren Marziale Mr. John M. & The Rev. Richard W. Krug Mrs. Ruth B. Levy Ms. Phyllis Masenheimer Mrs. Christine H. Kellett The Rev. Barbara & The Rev. Rochelle Lewis Mr. Alfred M. & Mr. Tim & Mrs. Christine Kelly Mr. Dale Krumm Ms. Rebecca A. Lewis Mrs. Elizabeth S. Maser The Rev. Robert S. Kelly Mr. Joseph & Ms. Clarenese D. Lewis Mr. Glen D. Mason Mrs. Charline & Mrs. Carolyn B. Kulcyk Mr. David E. & The Revs. George & Mr. Willie D. Kent Mr. F. Thomas Kull, Jr. & Mrs. Maureen Liddle Ardelle Mason Mr. Lawrence R. Kepple Mrs. Margaret F. Kull Ms. Eleanore C. Light Mr. Clarence & The Rev. Kirk C. & Mr. Ronald K. & Mrs. Barbara G. B. Lillich Mrs. Juanita Mason Mrs. Cheryl V. Kerns Mrs. Ardis A. Kunde Ms. Denise A. Lindemann Ms. Joyce Mason Mr. Ronald H. & The Rev. Clark W. Kuntz, II Mrs. Dorothy L. Linderman The Rev. Jeanette E. & Mrs. Kathleen F. Kerr Mr. John C. & The Rev. Jonathan W. Linman Mr. Kevin Mater The Rev. John S. & Mrs. Constance M. Kuntz Mr. Walter E. & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mathas Mrs. Joanne Kerr The Revs. Peter Kuritz & Mrs. Carol A. Little Dr. Norbert P. & Mr. Ronald A. & Janell Wigen The Rev. Richard C. & Mrs. Eileen K. Mathias Mrs. Mary S. Kessler Mr. Terry L. & Mrs. Cheryl R. Little Ms. Hilda Mathis The Revs. Kelley M. & Mrs. Deanna A. Kurzweg Mr. Joseph & The Rev. & Randolph R. Ketcham Mr. Gary Kyp Mrs. Barbara Loftis Mrs. David Matthews, Jr. The Rev. Mary K. & Mr. Gary L. & Ms. Adrienne M. Logan The Rev. Robert F. & Mr. John Kieser Mrs. Eileen D. Laabs Mr. Larry K. & Mrs. Dorothy S. Matthias Mr. Walter Kimble Mrs. Antigoni L. & Mrs. Ann M. Logue Mr. David N. & The Rev. Pastor James L. Mr. Everett W. Ladd The Rev. Herbert A. Lohr Mrs. Doreen C. Maurer Kimmell Ms. Geraldine P. Lamar The Rev. Kenneth W. & Mr. Thomas & Mr. Laurence H. & Mrs. Marion Lampkin Mrs. Betty F. Longfield Mrs. Patricia L. Maxwell Mrs. Barbara S. King The Rev. D. Craig & The Rev. John M. & Ms. Regina Maxwell The Rev. Gwendolyn S. King Mrs. Anne G. Landis Mrs. Sara J. Longworth Mrs. Marilyn H. Mayer, Jr. Ms. Olinda King-Maxwell Mr. Ray A. & The Rev. Dr. Charles J. Lopez, Jr. Mr. Thomas K. & The Rev. Robert C. & Mrs. Priscilla L. Landis Mr. C. Edward & Mrs. Elizabeth A. Mayer Mrs. Rebecca L. Kinnear Shawn Landis Mrs. Doris C. Lotz Ms. Ruby Mayes The Rev. George G. Kinney Mr. Mark S. & Ms. Roselore Louis Ms. Donna McAllister Mrs. Lyla E. Klee Mrs. Janette A. Landstrom The Rev. Jeanne C. Lowe Ms. Renee McCain Mrs. Sarah Kleeh Mr. Ronald K. & Ms. Gail M. Lozenski The Revs. Seth A. Novak & The Rev. David E. Klepper, Jr. & Mrs. Sarah E. Lang Ms. Gretchen M. Luebbe Stephanie J. McCarthy Mrs. Barbara M. Klepper The Rev. Bette Jeanne & Mrs. Lorraine A. Lukens The Rev. Brian A. & Mr. Randy & Mrs. Debra L. Kline Mr. Lynn Larsen Mrs. Mary Carlton Lull Mrs. Megan McClinton Mr. Edmund & The Rev. Karen & Ms. Carol A. Lundquist The Rev. Dr. Ben A. McCracken Mrs. Margaret Kloske Dr. James Larson Mrs. Judith R. & Mr. Mark McCreary Mr. Larry H. Klotz Mrs. Lee Ann Larson Mr. Albert L. Lundquist Mrs. G. Phyllis McCullough Mr. Lee E. Knepp Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Larson Mr. Roger & Ms. Ellen McDaniel-Weissler Ms. Gloria Knezovich Ms. Rhasheeda Larue Mrs. Martha D. Luppold Mr. Joseph F. & Mr. William & Mr. John W. & Mr. Richard & Mrs. Josephine H. McElveen Mrs. Emily Knowles-Kellett Mrs. Bonnie L. Lauer Mrs. Debby Luquette Mr. Richard A. & Mr. Steven R. & The Rev. Jeffrey P. & Mr. Craig Lyles Mrs. Julia D. McGeary Mrs. Michele A. Koch Mrs. Susan A. Laustsen Ms. Joanne E. Lyon Mr. David M. & The Rev. Thomas T. Ms. Margaret Lawson Mr. Gordon E. & Mrs. Lois McGinnis Kochenderfer, Jr. Mrs. Barbara K. Lawver Mrs. Carla S. Lyon Mrs. Juene McGlaughlin The Rev. William A. & The Rev. Darrell L. & The Rev. Dr. Barron B. & Ms. Margaret McGraw Mrs. Valerie Koeber Mrs. Mary H. Layman Mrs. Audrey N. Maberry Mrs. Ann E. & The Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. The Rev. Robert & Mrs. Linda S. MacAskill Mr. John P. McHale Krommes & Dr. John D. Stong Mrs. Susan Leaverton Ms. Eleanor Mack

13 The Revs. Thomas & Mr. Bernard W. Moffett The Rev. William B. Nienstedt Mr. Thomas W. & Judith McKee The Rev. Reginald & Mr. John A. & Mrs. Sally C. Pettit Ms. Patricia L. McKenty Mrs. Lisa Monte Mrs. Lucille D. Nischwitz Ms. Joy R. Petzinger Mr. John & Mr. Ronald G. Montgomery Mrs. Janet R. Nordberg Ms. Stephanie A. Pezzato Mrs. Noreen McKiniry The Rev. Dwaine H. & The Rev. Paul E. & The Rev. Paul J. Pfadenhauer Mr. Richard McKnight Mrs. Beverlee J. Moon Mrs. Mary A. Nordeen The Rev. Romaine L. Ms. Stephanie McLaughlin The Rev. Lewis A. Moore, III Mrs. Margaret & Gardner, Ph.D. Mrs. Patricia A. McMahon Mr. Denis & Mr. Wayne Norman Dr. Allison R. deForest, Ph.D. Mrs. Mary M. McManus Mrs. Roxanne Moore Mr. Ezra L. Norwood The Rev. Emmanuel Philor Mr. Lex O. McMillan, III & The Rev. Dennis W. & Mr. C. Edward Null, Jr.& Ms. Ann S. Pickens Mrs. Dorothy McMillan Mrs. Patricia L. Moore Mrs. Lola D. Null Ms. Norma Pierce Ms. Deborah J. McMillan Mr. Fred & The Rev. Dr. Orville W. & Ms. Ann M. Pierotti Mr. Hugh M. & Mrs. Cheryl A. Moore Mrs. June S. Nyblade Ms. Alice Pinkett Mrs. Ruth J. McNeill Ms. Barbara Moreland Mr. Gerry L. & Mr. Thomas E. Piper Mr. Robert R. & Ms. Charlotte E. Morris Mrs. Arlene O’Brien Mr. Melvin L. Pittinger Mrs. Janet W. McQuaid The Rev. Jane & Ms. Lydia Obrist Ms. Patricia Barksdale Pitts Mr. Stan R. McQuaide Mr. Charles Mountain The Rev. Carl J. & Mr. Jeffrey A. & Mr. James M. & Ms. Barbara Mouzon Mrs. Barbara H. Olson Mrs. Sharri P. Plattenburg Mrs. Janet M. McRoberts The Rev. Richard A. Mowery The Rev. Thomas G. & Mr. Joel A. & Mr. Eric J. & Mr. Steven K. & Mrs. Patricia A. Olson Mrs. Gretchen J. Plotkin Mrs. Nobeila A. Meisgeier Mrs. Carolyn H. Moyer Dr. Donald P. & Ms. J. Marie Pogue Ms. Jackie Menagh Mrs. Anne Doberstein Moyle Mrs. Kathleen Orso The Rev. Elizabeth C. Polanzke The Rev. Anna H. & Mr. Craig A. & Mrs. Eleanor B Ott Mrs. Joan E. & Mr. Douglas E. Merritt Mrs. Mary E. Mucher Evangelist Jackie Owens Mr. Robert E. Pope Mrs. June E. Mertz Mr. Karl & The Rev. Anthony P. Pagotto Mr. Norman A. & The Rev. Paul R. & Mrs. Caitlin Muhlbach Dr. Jon & Mrs. Lisa Pahl Mrs. Joan L. Pore Mrs. Winifred G. Mertzlufft Mr. James A. & Susie M. Paige Mr. James O. Porter, Jr. & The Rev. Dr. John Meulendyk Mrs. Elaine A. Mummert Mr. & Mrs. Andre L. Panneton Mrs. Helen V. Porter Mr. Ralph E. & The Rev. Dr. Paul Mundey Ms. Julia R. Parker The Rev. Timothy L. Poston Mrs. Melanie Meyer The Rev. William C. Munz Ms. Stacia D. Parker The Rev. Earl W. Potter Mr. Glenn M. & Mrs. Meyers Mr. Willie & Mrs. Juliet Murphy Mr. Virgie Parker Jennie Potts Ms. Alberta V. Meyers Mr. Henry J. & Ms. Grace P. Parker Mr. Charles L. & Ms. Elaine Michael Mrs. Juretha P. Murray Ms. Gladys S. Parks Mrs. Joan B. Powell The Rev. Herbert H. Michel Mr. Peyton Murray Mr. Peter C. & The Rev. David W. & The Rev. Kenneth T. Michnay Mr. Paul & Mrs. Betty Musko Mrs. Lynn Parliman Mrs. Christine Preisinger Mr. William Wood & Ms. Ruth A Musser Capt. Randall & Mr. Andre & Mrs. Patricia C. Millar Ms. Sharon Myatt Mrs. Rachel Parmentier Mrs. Lisa D. Pressley The Rev. David H. & Mr. Charles T. & Mr. David A. & Ms. Paula Pressley Mrs. Ann P. Miller Mrs. Jeanne C. Myers Mrs. Ruth Parmerlee The Rev. Jack T. Printzenhoff The Rev. Richard G. Miller, Jr. Mr. Whitney V. & Mr. Joseph Passalacqua Mr. Ron & Mrs. Marie Pristas Mr. Robert J. & Mrs. Sally A. Myers Ms. Yvette P. Pate Mr. Thomas E. & Mrs. Margaret B. Miller Dr. Ann H. Myers Mr. Scott Patron Mrs. Doris J. Prosser The Rev. Paul N. & Mr. Richard J. & Ms. Susan M. Patsko Mr. Rocco M. Pugliese Mrs. Marie Miller Mrs. Lois T. Myers The Rev. Gail A. Patton Mr. Edward G. & Mr. Paul & Mrs. Valerie Miller Ms. Jacqueline Myers Ms. Ronnie J. Patton Mrs. Dorothy K. Puhl Deacon Ruth N. T. & Mrs. Anna Mary E. Nace Ms. Karen Paulus Ms. Joan Pyle Mr. Kenneth Miller Mrs. Sue E. Nace Ms. Carla Pavlick Ms. Audrey M. Pyle Ms. Katherine E. Miller The Rev. Martin R. Nale The Rev. Dr. John L. & Ms. Rebecca Quesada Mr. Warren Miller Mrs. Sharon A. Nale Mrs. Patricia A. Payne Mrs. Jennifer Quillen-Strauss Mr. & Mrs. John R. J. Miller Mrs. Marianne Napravnik Ms. Donna Payne Dr. Ted & Mrs. Bonnie L. Rabold The Rev. Glenn D. & Mrs. Katherine Narveson Dr. George Pazin The Rev. Dr. Mark W. & Mrs. Carol Miller Dr. Larry & Mrs. Sally A. & Mr. Charles Pearl Mrs. Tami G. Radecke Ms. Mattie Miller Mrs. Sharon Nazarian Mr. John K. & Mrs. Jennifer M. Railing Ms. Eunice Miller Ms. Barbara A. Neeb Mrs. Kristine Pearson Mr. Donald V. & Mrs. Ann Raley Ms. Patricia L. Miller The Rev. Dr. Edward A. & The Rev. Phyllis A. Pelletier Ms. Ruth E. Ranalli Ms. Nannette L. Miller-Pieper Mrs. Sally K. Neiderhiser Ms. Charlotte O. Pelton Mr. Jeffrey & Ms. Dionne Mines Mrs. Mary Beth K. & Dr. George C. & Mrs. Karen Rasmussen Mrs. Eunice S. Minick Mr. Peter G. Nelson Mrs. Doris A. Pence Mr. Neil & Mr. Aahmid & Mrs. Khalif Mink Ms. Rozelia C. Nelson Ms. Cornelia F. Penn Mrs. Diana P. Rasmussen Ms. Susanne E. Mirota Mr. David G. & Ms. C. Yvonne Peregoy Mr. Richard G. Raspen The Rev. Jay C. Mitchell Mrs. Deborah Nelson Mr. Todd L. & Mrs. Mia L. Perry Mr. Clair H. & Mrs. Joan E. Rau Ms. Signe O. Mitchell Mr. Leroy P. Nesbit Mr. Carl F. & Mr. Harold W. & The Revs. Barry L. & Mr. James Quarles & Mrs. Linda K. Peterson Mrs. Joyce A. Raubenstine Elizabeth M. Mitchell Mrs. Gwen Newson-Quarles Ms. Karin Peterson Mrs. Karen Rayapati Ms. Claudia Mitchell Mrs. Donna J. & The Rev. David & Dr. Karen Petr The Rev. Ronald E. & Mrs. Wendy M. Mizenko Mr. James M. Nicholson Ms. Sara M. Pettiford Mrs. Lucretta D. Reaves Ms. Leslie A. Rebmann Mrs. Eleanor L. Roder The Rev. & Mr. Robert R. & GIVING CIRCLES Ms. Hazel Rectanus Mr. Alan M. & Mrs. Rodney H. Saylor Mrs. Janice N. Sharetts Christine Redd Mrs. Sharon J. Rodgers The Rev. Anjel & Mr. James E. & Mr. Daniel J. Redding Ms. Dianna L. Rogers Mr. Stuart Scarborough Mrs. Mary L. Shatley Mr. Donald Redman Mr. Bruce C. & Mr. David N. Schaeffer Mrs. Eileen E. Shea Ms. Linda Redmon Mrs. Anne L. Rohrbach Mr. Lloyd N. & Mrs. Nancy Finke Sheehan The Rev. Majorie D. Reed Mr. David E. Rohrbach, Jr.& Mrs. Cynthia C. Schaeffer Mrs. Elizabeth Sheets Mr. James R. & Mrs. Linda R. Rohrbach Ms. Marie E. Schall The Rev. James A. Shelly Mrs. Kathryn K. Reehl Mrs. Carola Rohrbaugh The Rev. Dr. Dennis E. & Ms. Margaret E. Shepard The Rev. Glenn C. & Mr. Dieter Rollfinke Mrs. Leslie H. Schell The Rev. Glenn Shepherd Mrs. Evelyn M. Reichley Mr. Joseph C. & The Rev. Dr. Arthur W. & Ms. Pauline Sherry Ms. Jane L. Reinhard Ms. Linda Romanak Mrs. Linda D. Scherer The Rev. Eugene L. & Mr. Alexander R. & Ms. Carolyn Root Dr. Edgar B. & Mrs. Peggy Schick Mrs. Elisabeth L. Shiffer Mrs. Wilma Rekow Ms. G. Patricia Ropp Ms. Patricia A. Schillings Mr. James L. Shilling, Jr.& Mr. Frederick H. & The Rev. Dr. David J. & Mr. Duane A. & Mrs. Patti J. Schilling Mrs. Guyanne F. Renigar Mrs. Becky Roppel Mrs. Lavona A. Schleicher Mrs. Marlene M. Shilling Ms. Nellie Rentnow Ms. Gail R. Rose Mrs. Shirley Schleicher Mr. Roger H. Shipman Mr. Larry E. & Ms. Sharon L. Rose Mr. James W. & Mr. Douglas W.& Mrs. Linda Rentschler Mrs. Patricia B. Rosenquist Mrs. Linda Schlenker Mrs. Linda B. Shrader Mr. Scott J. & Mr. Frank A. & Ms. Kristie Schlewitt Ms. Victoria Sicks Mrs. Barbara E. Repa Mrs. Helene A. Roth The Rev. Dr. Byron L. Schmid The Rev. Ben W. Siebert Mrs. Martha Reumann Mr. Jon H. & Mrs. Barbara K. Schmitthenner Ms. Cheryl Siebke Mr. Andrew O. Moore & Mrs. Margaret Roth Mr. William F. Schneider, Jr. Ms. Mary C. Simmons Ms. Rebecca J. Ms. Shirley L. Rotz Mr. Howard D. & Mrs. Catherine M Simone Reumann-Moore Mr. C. K. Roulette Mrs. Shirley C. Schneider Mr. Robert L. & Mr. Arthur E. Rice, III & Ms. Sherry Rouscher Ms. Mary Jane Schofer Mrs. Margaret D. Simons Mrs. Hannah Rice Mr. George M. Rouse Ms. Dorothy M. Scholz-Beyer The Rev. Judith E. Simonson Mr. John L. & Mr. Lamont Rouse Mrs. Roberta Schott The Rev. Janet L. Simpkins Mrs. Vanessa M. Rice The Rev. David R. & Mr. Charles R. & The Rev. Beatrice E. Sims Ms. Kristin L. Rice & Mrs. Mary Rowe Mrs. Paula T. Schroeder The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Mr. John Wolfe Mrs. Carol A. Rowehl & Ms. Kathleen J. Schubert Sinnott, IV The Rev. Dr. Thomas E. Mr. John Kahler The Rev. Walter H. Schuman Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Skopic Richards, Jr. The Rev. S. Alan & The Rev. Jimmie L. & Ms. Diane Smart Ms. Faye Richardson Mrs. Ruth W. Ruby Mrs. Meredith Schwartz Mr. Larry W. & Mr. Douglas Richardson Brother Penny Ruffin Mrs. Marie Schwartz Mrs. Carol B. Smeltzer Mr. Irwin & Mrs. Susan Richman Mr. Robert Ruffin Ms. Helen L. Schwickrath The Rev. Dr. Aaron & Ms. Lorraine M. Ricks The Rev. Daniel S. & Mr. & Mrs. Gary Scott Mrs. Dawn A. Smith The Rev. Barry M. & Mrs. Lois A. Rumfelt Mr. Carl M. Scott Mr. Alan C. & Mrs. Hope Ridge Mrs. Mary C. Ruos Mr. Stewart Scott Mrs. Judith M. Smith Mr. Theodore E. & Mr. Charles R. & Mr. Anthony Scott Mrs. Beverly Smith Mrs. Theresa A. Riesz Mrs. Joanne D. Rush Ms. Nadine Scott Ms. Candace A. Smith The Rev. Allen R. & Ms. Cheryl Russ Ms. Chandra J. Scott Mrs. Clair P. & Mrs. Karen V. Riethmiller Mr. & Mrs. John A. Russell Ms. Elizabeth Scott Mrs. Dorothy C. Smith Dr. Janet M. & The Rev. Lillian C. Mr. Oden & Mr. Edward W. Smith Mr. J. Edward Riggs Russell-Nicolai Mrs. Linda S. Seaholm Ms. Joyce E. Smith Mr. John M. & Mr. Randy S. & The Rev. Dr. Esther Seales Mr. Michael G. & Mrs. Rebecca W. Rinehart Mrs. Melissa A. Ruth Mr. Henry Seamon Mrs. Denise K. Smith Mr. Jeffrey & Mrs. Marta Riotto Mr. Walter E. & Mr. Paul B. & Ms. Patrice J. Smith Mr. Robert S. & Mrs. Tawana F. Sabbath Mrs. Kathleen L. Seaton The Rev. Dr. Philip K. & Mrs. Carol J. Ritter Mrs. Susan T. Sadowski Mr. John & Ms. Shirley A. Smith Mrs. Dee-Dee Ritter The Rev. Edward B. & Mrs. Mary Lou Sebastian Mr. R. Bruce & Ms. Julie Ritter Mrs. Christy Saling The Rev. William F. Seibert Mrs. Catherine R. Smith Mr. Robert B. & Mr. Clarence M. Samuels Dr. Dana Seidl Mr. Raymond A. Smith, III & Mr. Michal K. Rittler Ms. Roslind Sanders Ms. Lynette A. Semper Mrs. Linda N. Smith Mr. Stanley & Mr. Henry H. & Mr. Richard & Ms. Shelvie J. Smith Mrs. Janelle Rivers Mrs. Martha A. Sandifer Ms. Nephetina L. Serrano Minister Vernell Smith, Sr. Mrs. Barbara Roberson-Baggett Mr. Bryan & Mrs. Antoiette Sfyer Ms. Kathleen A. Smithgall The Rev. Edith B. Roberts Mrs. Jennifer Sandmann Mr. Bernard & The Rev. John & Ms. Dorothy Roberts Mr. Harold A. & Mrs. Barbara Shafarzek Mrs. Joanne Smolik The Rev. Dr. Quintin L. Mrs. Donita M. Sargeant The Rev. William A. & The Rev. Dr. Larry & Robertson Mr. Joe Sargent Mrs. Marie F. L. Shafer Mrs. Linda Lee Smoose Mrs. Sandra E. Robinson The Rev. Donald F. & The Rev. Carl D. & Mr. Kevin W. & Ms. Esther D. Robinson Mrs. Ellen L. Sause Mrs. Cynthia Shankweiler Mrs. Barbara A. Snyder Ms. Patricia Robles Ms. Sandra Savage Mrs. Cherie & Mr. Donald L. & Mr. Joseph E. & Mr. Eddie Sawyer Mr. Lawrence Shannon Mrs. Shirley L. Snyder Mrs. Joanne Rockwell Mr. Gerald Shannon Mr. & Mrs. Robert Snyder Mr. Raymond & Ms. Susan L. Swope Mr. Luke & Mr. Dale J. & Mrs. Edna Sorber Mr. Alex & Mrs. Frances Szaller Mrs. Diane Underwood Mrs. Joyce E. Werner Ms. Elfriede I. Spangenberg Mr. Lilton R. & Mr. Michael Upshaw The Rev. Dr. Lee H. Wesley Mrs. Josephine F. Spears Mrs. Elonda S. Taliaferro Mr. Patrick M. & The Rev. James West Mr. Gary L. Specht Mr. Dee M. Taylor Mrs. Marsha A. Urban Ms. Peggy M. Westerhold Mr. DeHaven V. & The Rev. Dr. Walter F. Taylor, Jr. Ms. Tuanna Vann Ms. Charlotte A. Weston Mrs. Betty J. Speicher & Mrs. Dyann A. Taylor Joy Vann Ms. Susan L. Whaley Drs. David N. Speranza & Mr. Wayne & Mrs. Adele Veihl The Rev. Dr. Arthur White Kerri A. Bloom Mrs. Anneliese Taylor Chaplain Michael G. Viise Ms. Patricia White Judge Oscar F. & Atty. Robert G. & The Rev. Burton H. Vincent Mr. T. Stephen & Mrs. Barbara Y. Spicer Mrs. Marilyn M. Teeter Mr. Vincent Visco & Mrs. Nancy R. Whitman Mr. Steve Spoerle Mr. Sam & Mrs. Linda J. Teeter Ms. Susan LaPenta Mrs. Katharine H. Whitner The Rev. Julia H. Sprenkle Ms. Nancy Terry Mrs. Dorothea C. Vogel Mr. Stanley M. Wicks Mr. Spurgeon & Mr. Ernest H. & Mrs. Carolyn B. Volk Ms. Arthean Wicks Mrs. Carolyn Stambaugh Mrs. Judith A. Telgheider Col. Ret. William T. & Ms. Wilhemenia T. Wiggins Mr. Thomas A. & Mrs. Doris Texter Mrs. Barbara S. Vossler Ms. Iris J. Wiggins Mrs. Debra H. Stavarski Ms. Shirley Texter Mr. John & Mrs. Dorothy Voyta Ms. Virginia A. Wilbur Ms. Violet M. Stebner Ms. Aliston E. Thomas Mr. Robert J. Wagner Ms. Elaine E. Wilcox The Rev. Eva & Ms. Claire Thomas Mr. Raymond & Mr. Clayton R. & Mr. Martin Steege The Rev. Donald R. & Mrs. Ann B. Wagner Mrs. Mary L. Wilcox Mr. Galen K. Stees Dr. Judith C. Thomas Mr. Kenneth W. & Ms. Courtney Wilcox Mrs. Olivia Steffens Mrs. Joyce H Thomas Mrs. Karen L. Wagner Ms. B. Rashion Wilkerson Ms. La Tanya M. Stevenson Mr. Kevin B. Thomas Mr. Richard G. Walck Ms. Bernadine Gavazzi Willard Ms. Marie H. Steward Mr. Keith & Ms. Sandra Thomas The Rev. Dr. Gilson A. C. & The Rev. Robert A. & Mr. Robert J. Stewart, Jr. & Kyle Thomas Mrs. Amy F. Waldkoenig Mrs. Gloria Willauer Mrs. Rita G. Stewart Ms. Wilamena Thompson Ms. Lisa Walker Ms. Helene Williams Ms. Sara Jane Stewart Mr. William Thompson Sister Roma L. Walker Mr. Ralph Williams LeeAnn Stewart Hollis & Jacqueline Thoms Ms. Nefesa Walker Ms. Kathleen Williams-Greene Ms. Sharon Stocker Ms. Helen Thorpe Mrs. O. Loretta Walker Ms. Benika Williamson Elder Stanley Stocker Mr. George F. & The Rev. Robert W. Wallace, Ms. Pamela Williams-Smith Mr. Harry Stokes & Mrs. Patricia W. Thorsen Jr. & Mrs. Cheryl Wallace Mr. Daniel P. & Ms. Lisa R. Portmess Mr. Robert J. & Mr. Ron & Mrs. Donna Wallace Mrs. Sharon M. Wilson Mr. Richard G. & Mrs. Veronica Tice Ms. Cherice A. Wallace Sister Cecilia R. Wilson Mrs. Nancy L. Stoner The Rev. John K. Timm Ms. Sharon Waller Ms. Denise Wilson The Rev. Ralph W. Storm Dr. L. Baird Tipson, Jr. & Chaplain Terrence M. & Ms. Ernestine Wilson The Rev. James E. Stough Mrs. Sarah O. Tipson Mrs. Katherine E. Walsh Ms. Robin Wilson Mr. Don J. & Mrs. Joan L. Titland Mr. Ray H. & Ms. Michelle R. Wilson Mrs. Dolores Stovall Mr. John T. & Mrs. Helen Titzel Mrs. Faye M. Warmkessel Ms. Carolyn P. Wimbush Mr. Marlin E. Strand Mr. William S. & Ms. Aisha Washington Ms. Gwendolyn Winckler Dr. Harold L. Strause, Jr. Mrs. Youxu C. Tjader The Rev. Lanxtom L. Mr. Carl A. & Ms. Elissa M. Streaker Mr. Warren W. & Washington Mrs. Barbara L. Winfield Mrs. Carlotta C. Strevig Mrs. Martha J. Tobias Ms. Karon Waters Mr. Curt Wingert The Rev. Melvina V. Stricklin Mr. Ronald Tomko Ms. Patricia C. Waters Mrs. Dawn Winstead Ms. Rebecca Strickling Mr. & Mrs. John Tomlinson Robin Watkins Mrs. Mary L. Wirtz The Rev. Daniel M. & Mr. Richard M. & Ms. Virginia Watson Mrs. Dana H. & Mr. Paul S. Witt Mrs. Nancy E. Strobel Mrs. Marcella E. Trauger Mr. Joel Watson Mr. Fred A. & Mr. Raymond E. Stroh Ms. Mae K. Trebing Minister Carmen Watson Mrs. Jane C. Wittlinger Ms. Carlotta Strohl Mr. Walter J. & Mr. Bert J. & Mr. Howard Wlson Mrs. Kathryn L. Strohm Mrs. Janet M. Treser Mrs. Cheryl J. Waybright The Rev. Eric P. & The Rev. Gregory L. Stroman Mrs. Laree M. Trollinger Mrs. Pamela E. & Mrs. Sandra L. Wogen The Rev. Nancy W. & The Rev. Linda S. Trout Mr. Dale Weammert Minister Joyce Womble Mr. William D. Stroud The Rev. Stanley R. & Mr. Craig S. & Mrs. Lynn Weaver Dr. John T. † & Mrs. Jaon Wood The Rev. Robert & Mrs. Carole Ann Trout Ms. Lorna Weber Dr. Dean A. & Mrs. Beth Wood Mrs. Julie H. Stuenkel The Rev. Harold E. & Mr. Oscar W. Weber Ms. Cynthia Wood Mrs. Kathleen & Mrs. Donna Lee Truax Ms. Gwen Webster Mr. Michael E. Wood Mr. Allen Stump Mrs. Constance & Mr. Albert Weidlich Ms. Barbara J. Woodard The Rev. Dr. Donald G. Sukosky Mr. Earl E. Trump, Jr. Mrs. Margaret L. Weikel Ms. Gretta Woodbury The Rev. Tiffany A. Sundeen Mr. William F. & Mrs. Kathryn E. Weikert Ms. Barbara E. Woods The Rev. Tormod & Mrs. Barb S. Tuceling Mr. Richard L. Weis Mrs. Naomi H. Wrede Mrs. Vicki Svensson Ms. Bridget Turner Mrs. Norma J. Weis Mr. James F. Wright, III The Rev. Emmy & Mr. Robert G. & The Rev. Nancy L. Weiss The Revs. R. Don & Mr. Searle Swedlund Mrs. Lenore R. Tweel Ms. Elaine Weldon Donna Wright Mr. William R. & Mrs. Carol Tyler-McMillian Mr. Ralph R. Welsh Ms. Christina Wright Mrs. Jeanne H. Swisher

16 Mr. Paul K. & Mr. Charles F. & Mr. J. Scott & Ms. Barbara L. & GIVING CIRCLES Mrs. Alanna S. Wustrack Mrs. Mona L. Yingling Mrs. Marilyn S. Zanger Ms. Diane L. Ziegler Ms. Darlene Wynder Mr. Robert B. & Bishop Samuel R. & The Rev. Catherine A. Ziel Mr. Clarence E. & Mrs. Constance Yood Mrs. Linda Zeiser Ms. Kathy L. Zimmerman Mrs. Mildred L. Yade The Rev. Richard & Mrs. Arlene R Zellers The Rev. William E. & Ms. Jean Yeakel Mrs. Mary Dee Yost Dr. Lisa M. & Dr. David S. Zerull Mrs. Cindy Zimmermann The Rev. John F. Yedlicka Mr. David B. & Mr. Paul C. & Mrs. Nancy B. Zweig The Rev. John D. & Mrs. Judy S. Young Mrs. Bonnie Zieger Mrs. Janet G. Yeich Mrs. Laura Young Mr. David H. & Ms. Joyce D. Yelder Mr. Thomas A. Young Mrs. Georgia R. Zieger

Names of the Giving Circles are subject to change as we discern the best way to honor legacies of our predecessor institutions.

† denotes deceased

United Lutheran Seminary Corporate, Foundation, and Organizational partners We appreciate your partnership

FOUNDATIONS CORPORATIONS ORGANIZATIONS AmazonSmile Foundation Adams Electric Cooperative, Inc. Anne Arundel Cluster of WELCA Seattle, WA Gettysburg, PA Millersville, MD Berks County Community Bank of America C.E. Cole Sunshine Fund Foundation Citibank N.A. Laureldale, PA Reading, PA Long Island City, NY Carl Anderson Agency Dominion Foundation Gettysburg Animal Hospital, Inc. New Oxford, PA Andover, MA Gettysburg, PA Fletcher Funeral & Cremation ELCA Foundation The Hershey Company Services, P.A. Chicago, IL Hershey, PA Westminster, MD InFaith Community Foundation Imperial Carpet Cleaning Homewood at Plum Creek Minneapolis, MN Philadelphia, PA Hanover, PA Lilly Endowment, Inc. PNC Financial Services Group Phoebe Ministries Indianapolis, IN , PA Allentown, PA State Farm Companies Robert J. Monahan Funeral SpiriTrust Lutheran Foundation Home, Inc. York, PA Princeton, NJ Gettysburg, PA St Mark’s Lutheran Church The Philadelphia Foundation Standard Chair of Gardner Inc. Women Philadelphia, PA Gardner, MA Pennsburg, PA Rochester Area Community Thrivent Financial for Lutherans The Delaware- Synodical Foundation Appleton, WI Women’s Organization Rochester, NY Wells Fargo Frederick, MD Yocum Family Trust Winston-Salem, NC The Peanut Bar Bethlehem, PA Wilmington Trust Reading, PA Bethlehem, PA WELCA St Paul Lutheran Church YourCause LLC Lititz, PA Plano, TX Women of Cape May Lutheran Church Cape May, NJ York Retired Clergy & Spouses Hanover, PA LEGACY GIVERS

United Lutheran Seminary thanks you for remembering us in your estate planning

Our Legacy Givers are devoted partners that reflect who we are as United Lutheran Seminary. These individuals have committed to including United Lutheran Seminary (or our predecessor institutions) in their estate plans, helping to further the mission of the Seminary, grow leaders for the Church, and give us hope for the future! If you have included United Lutheran Seminary (or one of our predecessor institutions) in your estate plans but do not see your name listed here, please contact our Advancement office at [email protected].

The Rev. Dr. G. Frederick The Rev. Ruth B. & Ms. Barbara J. Brunner The Rev. Dr. William A. & Mrs. Sally Aigner Mr. John Becker Mr. Robert H. Buescher & Mrs. Irene D. Davis Mr. Benny M. The Rev. Dr. D. Michael Mrs. Agnes H. Buhl The Rev. John J. Deisinger & Mrs. Betty Akers & Mrs. Diane L. Bennethum Mr. Robert W. Buhner & Chaplain Dianne Kareha Ms. Karen A. Albrecht The Rev. Julie B. Bergdahl The Rev. Dr. John K. The Rev. Marvin E. & The Revs. Lans & Sandra Alexis The Rev. Matthew B. Best & Mrs. Deborah Burk Mrs. Gloria L. Dewalt The Rev. David B. Allen The Rev. Virginia M. Biniek Mr. Vyrjil & Mrs. Karin Buus Mrs. Edna E. Dierk Ms. Stephanie V. Ammons Mrs. Miriam Bischoff Mr. Robert A. & Mr. Robert C. Dieter The Rev. Dr. Mary W. & The Rev. Kirk W. Bish Mrs. Carolyn A. Buzzard The Rev. Katherine E. Douglass The Rev. Frank W. Anderson The Rev. Sharron R. Blezard The Rev. Jacqueline Lee Dr. Barbara Drescher The Rev. Leonard F. & Ms. Pearl L. Bloom Campbell & Mr. Hans Walther Mrs. Sandra Ashford The Rev. Judith H. Boal Mrs. Barbara Balling Carl The Rev. Robert L. Driesen Mr. E. Briner Ashway Mrs. Barbara C. Bock The Rev. Laurie J. Carson The Rev. Nancy R. The Rev. Dr. Frederick P. Auman, Mrs. Alice J. Boeshore Mr. George F. & Mr. Randolph Easton Jr. & Mrs. Patricia K. Auman The Rev. Herbert L. & Mrs. Dorothea S. Chidester Mrs. Gladys M. Ebert The Rev. John M. Aurand & Mrs. Melba R. Bomberger Ms. Lillian M. Clapper Ms. Jessie M. Ebischbach The Rev. Dr. William O. & The Rev. David E. Bomboy The Rev. David W. Clark The Rev. Sharon R. Eckhardt Mrs. Kathleen D. Avery The Rev. Lisa K. Borrell The Rev. Charles W. Claus Ms. Lois E. Eisenhard Ms. Eleanor B. Back Mrs. Beatrice Botterbusch The Rev. Edwin T. The Rev. Dr. David W. Eisenhuth The Rev. Dr. Kathryn & Mr. Wilbur L. Boyer & Mrs. Harriette A. Cochran Mr. Duane & Mr. Barry A. Baines Dr. Patricia Bradt Father John R. Cochran Mrs. Norma Engelhardt The Rev. Dr. J. Paul Balas & Ms. Sandra Gipe Brandt The Rev. Kenneth Dr. Mia I. Enquist, Ph.D. The Rev. Shelby J. DePriest The Rev. Lance K. & & Mrs. Judy Collins The Rev. Dr. Warren M. The Rev. Paul & Mrs. Norma I. Braun The Rev. Thomas C. Cooper & Mrs. Theresa C. Eshbach Mrs. Martha Baranek The Rev. Donald M. & The Rev. Drs. Michael Dr. Park W. Espenschade Jr. & Mrs. Erma L. Barnhart Mrs. Irma Bravin & Pamela Cooper-White Mrs. Marjorie A. Epenschade Mr. P. Thomas Barry Mr. William F. & The Rev. Dr. Marcia Cox Mrs. C. Louise Fair The Rev. John R. Barton Mrs. Jean M. Brenner Ms. Amanda Craven The Rev. John W. Fehringer The Rev. Robert M. Bauers Mrs. Elizabeth S. Brndjar The Rev. April & & Mrs. Susan A. Suran Atty. R. Hart Beaver The Rev. Dr. Paul L. Mr. Mark Dailey Mr. James M. & & Mrs. Pamela Brndjar Mrs. Patricia Fels

18 Mrs. Lois Ferguson The Rev. Dr. Albert L. & Mr. Charles T. & Mr. Joseph E. McMahon, Esq. LEGACY GIVERS Ms. Lois M. Fink Mrs. Christiana S. Haversat Mrs. Janet S. Kattwasser Mrs. Mildred C. McVicker Ms. Catherine C. Fix Mr. John O. & The Rev. George E. Keck The Rev. Ivan R. Mechtly, Jr. & The Rev. Glenn P. & Mrs. Elizabeth D. Heck The Rev. Dr. Donald W. & Mrs. Mrs. Evelyn S. Mechtly Mrs. Terri Foster The Rev. Dr. Harry L. Miriam S. Keyser Mr. Alfred & Mrs. Grace The Rev. Susan F. & Heffelfinger, Jr. Mrs. Sari Kilheffer Melenbacker Mr. David E. Fox Mr. Kenneth & Ms. Lorraine Kinzey The Rev. Barbara S. Melosh & Mr. James J. Frankenfield Mrs. Christine M. Heiser The Rev. David N. & Mr. Gary Kulik Mrs. Betty E. Fredericks Mrs. Mary B. Heller Mrs. Delores Kistler The Rev. Michael G. Merkel The Rev. Bruce J. & Mr. Earl Henry The Rev. Dr. Robert D. & Mr. John W. & Mrs. Barbara M. Freeman The Rev. Paul E. Henry, Jr. & Mrs. Nancy L. Kitchen Mrs. Eppa M. Michels Ms. Susan K. Frey Mrs. Carolyn Henry The Rev. Carla H. Knobler The Rev. Carl E. & Mr. Harlan L. & The Rev. Sarah V. & Mrs. Patricia Knodel Mrs. Nancy O. Miller Mrs. Cheryl A. Fricke Chad W. Hershberger Ms. Nancy Kocian The Rev. Charles S. Miller & Ms. Nancy & Mr. Ernest Fricke Mrs. Helen S. Hessler Ms. Kathryn L. Koob Ms. Gail Wagner Ms. Marie M. Friedsam The Rev. Kenneth C. The Rev. Gregory A. & The Rev. David H. & Mr. James J. Fritz Heuermann Mrs. Lauralee S. Kramer Mrs. Ann P. Miller The Rev. Thomas K. Frizzell, Jr. Dr. J. Frederick & The Rev. William F. Krenz The Rev. Lawrence A. Miller, Jr. & Capt. Connie L. Frizzell Mrs. Dolores Hiehle The Rev. Dr. Philip D. Krey Mrs. Joan Miller The Rev. Dr. John H. Frykman Mrs. Leona R. Hilbert & Mrs. Rene Diemer Krey The Rev. Richard A. & The Revs. Margarethe D. The Rev. David F. & The Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Mrs. Carolyn M. Miller Galbraith-Cordes & Mrs. Susan E. Hill Krommes & Dr. John D. Stong The Revs. Nancy A. & Martin J. Galbraith Mr. Wayne D. & Dr. Ruth L. M. Kuschmierz Randy P. Milleville Mr. Bradley W. & Mrs. Susan C. Hill The Rev. Betty E. Landis Ms. Janice R. Mills Mrs. Melinda A. Gates Mr. John R. & The Rev. D. Craig & Mrs. Mary LaVerne Miner Mr. Dennis & Mrs. Julie Geib Mrs. Jean Hillegass Mrs. Anne G. Landis The Rev. George P. Mocko The Rev. Dr. Richard E. Geib The Rev. Kenneth W. Hilston, Jr. Mrs. Gene D. Lane The Rev. Donald H. Moeser Mr. William H. Georg & Mrs. Paula Hilston The Revs. Thomas & Susan Lang The Rev. Joseph Molnar, III & Mrs. Joan A. Gibney The Rev. Howard W. Hinkeldey, The Rev. & Mrs. Elaine B. Molnar Mr. Virgil L. & Sr. & Mrs. Mary P. Hinkeldey Mrs. Darrell L. Layman The Rev. Dennis W. & Mrs. Peggy A. Gibson The Rev. Dr. Neal O. & The Rev. Lisa M. Leber Mrs. Patricia L. Moore Ms. Francis M. Golden Mrs. Lee C. Hively Mrs. Katharine E. Lee Mr. Ronald D. & Dr. Kent Gramm & The Rev. Roland C. & Ms. Jean S. LeGros Mrs. Catherine R. Mordosky Ms. Cami Maianu Mrs. Leslie Hobbs The Rev. Joseph P. & The Rev. Dr. Mary Anne Mr. Harry Frederick Grant, Jr. Dr. Bradley R. & Mrs. Amy Hoch Mrs. Carol K. Lettrich Morefield The Rev. Dr. Donald B. & The Rev. Paul E. & Mr. Walter G. & Mrs. Barbara The Rev. Larry F. & Mrs. Kathryn E. Green Mrs. Donna S. Hoffman Lieberman Mrs. Deborah K. Mort The Rev. Carl H. & The Rev. Dr. Robert A. & The Rev. Dale R. & Mr. John W. & Mrs. Margaret G. Greenawald Mrs. Karen Hoffman Mrs. Marsha Clark-Lind Mrs. Shirley R. Moser The Rev. Charles H. Greene & Mr. Stephen J. & The Rev. Kenneth W. & The Rev. Dr. Donald Ms. Patricia A. Pancoe Elizabeth A. Hogberg Mrs. Betty F. Longfield Dean Moyer Mrs. Isabelle M. Grenoble The Rev. Paul J. & Mrs. Ruth Loucks Mrs. Suzanne B. Moyer Mr. Ray L. & Mrs. Mary C. Hoh The Rev. Jeanne C. Lowe Mrs. Christine Mummert Mrs. Mary Lou Gross Mrs. Julia A. Holzerman The Rev. Michael L. & Mr. James A. & The Rev. P. Richard & Mr. Roy E. Homann Mrs. Pattianne M. Lozano Mrs. Elaine A. Mummert Mrs. Nancy Grove The Rev. William M. & The Rev. Glenn E. & Dr. Ann H. Myers The Rev. Richard J. & Mrs. Lorraine S. Horn Mrs. K. Estella Ludwig The Rev. Dr. Victor A. Myers Mrs. Marianne Hafer Mrs. Karen House Bishop Brian D. & The Rev. Dr. Donald B. Myrom Mrs. Angeline F. Haines Mrs. Carol Howells Mrs. Deborah F. Maas The Revs. G. Randall & The Revs. Danny R. & Mrs. Clare Feger-Huneke Mrs. Kay M. & Beth Neubauer Maria J. Hammons The Rev. Thomas W. & Mr. Joseph P. MacDowell Mrs. Carolyn G. Nicholson The Rev. George E. Handley Mrs. Constance R. Hurlocker Dr. Edward M. Manifold Mrs. Donna J. & The Rev. David G. Hanford Mr. & Mrs. R. Brandon James The Rev. Robert J. & Mr. James M. Nicholson Dr. Doris E. Hanson Cdr. Steven L. Jensen Mrs. Sharon L. Marks Ms. Nancy Nolde Mrs. Dorace E. Harding The Rev. Marie C. & The Rev. Lois D. & The Rev. Dr. Annemarie R. Noto The Rev. Dr. Autumn & Mr. James Jerge Dr. Thomas J. Martin Mr. Stephen G. Nye Mr. James Hardenstine The Rev. David W. & The Rev. W. Gregory & Mrs. Lois A. & The Rev. Ronald R. Hari Mrs. Joan Jernigan Mrs. Vanita Martin Mr. M. Patrick O’Rourke The Rev. John P. & The Rev. Diane C. Johnson The Revs. George & Chaplain Glenn A. & Mrs. Stephanie B. Harman The Rev. Patricia H. Johnson Ardelle Mason Mrs. Pamela Palmer The Rev. Julia A. Hart The Rev. Robert J. Johnson The Rev. Dr. Daun E. & The Rev. Paul S. & The Rev. Robert M. Harvey & Mr. Kenneth L. & Mrs. Mary Jo McKee Mrs. Rosalie A. Park Ms. Roxanne Maffitt Mrs. Margaret J. Kahler The Revs. Thomas & Col. Robert E. & Mrs. Shirley S. Kappeler Judith McKee Mrs. Iva M. Parrott

19 The Rev. John G. & Mrs. Dr. Dennis G. & Ms. Sallie L. O. Smith Ms. Dorothy Ward Kathleen L. Pearson Mrs. Linda Ridenour The Rev. Dr. Larry & Dr. Louise F. Waynant & Mr. David Peery The Rev. Alan J. & Mrs. Linda Lee Smoose Mr. Richard K. Bates The Rev. Dr. Belen & Mrs. Karen L. Rider Mrs. Amanda & Mrs. Lynn & Mr. Kerry Webb Dr. Maria E. Perez y Gonzalez Ms. Mary E. Rifenberg Mr. Richard L. Smoot Mr. Larry & Mrs. Teresa Webber The Rev. Michael J. & Mrs. Dee-Dee Ritter The Rev. Dr. Lee E. & The Rev. Gustave H. Mrs. Ellen R. Peters Mr. Roger P. Roach Mrs. Lois M. Snook Wedemeyer The Rev. Gerald M. & The Rev. Vivian S. & Mrs. Leona M. Souser Mrs. Kathleen A. Wedemeyer Lois W. Peterson Mr. Eric A. Roberts Mrs. Margaret O. Spangler The Rev. Christopher L. Mr. Alfred W. Pettit The Rev. Dr. C. Scott & The Rev. Dr. Paul H. & Weidner The Rev. Paul J. Pfadenhauer Mrs. Laura B. Robinson Mrs. Jane Ann Spohn Dr. Elizabeth K. Weisburger Bishop Gregory R. & The Rev. David L. Roper Mrs. Bernice L. Stahle The Rev. Dr. Harvey M. & Mrs. Barbara G. Pile Mrs. Patricia B. Rosenquist Mr. Mark & Mrs. Lynn R. Staples Mrs. Janice Weitzel Mrs. Jean M. Pletcher The Rev. S. Alan & The Rev. Walter L. Startzel, Jr. The Rev. Dr. Timothy J. & The Rev. Paul D. Poerschke & Mrs. Ruth W. Ruby The Rev. Dr. Marty E. Stevens The Rev. Ingrid A. Wengert Mrs. Kristin E. The Rev. & The Rev. Richard H. & Mr. Milton O. Werner Dordal-Poerschke Mrs. Daniel S. Rumfelt Mrs. Marcia Stough The Rev. Thomas M. White The Rev. Dr. James A. & Mrs. Grace A. Russell The Rev. Melvina V. Stricklin Mrs. Martha Wiencke Mrs. Virginia Pollard The Rev. Lois A. Ryan Dr. Kristin J. Stuempfle The Rev. Donald M. Wilcox Mrs. Joan E. & The Rev. John R. & The Rev. James & The Rev. Robert J. Willse & Mr. Robert E. Pope Mrs. Jane L. Sabatelli Mrs. Eleanore Sudbrock Mrs. Joan Marquand-Willse Mr. Ralph U. Price Mr. John H. & The Rev. Dr. Clifton J. & Mr. David L. Wilson & Mrs. Susan Prowell Mrs. Joyce M. Saeger Mrs. Jeanne C. Suehr Ms. Elizabeth Lexa The Rev. Dr. Mark W. & Mr. Frank Sanson The Rev. Raymond J. Thiel The Rev. Thomas C. Wilson Mrs. Tami G. Radecke Ms. Mary E. Sarnoski The Rev. Donald R. & Mrs. Elizabeth W. Winters The Rev. Kimberly A. Rapczak The Rev. Jeremiah A. & Dr. Judith C. Thomas Ms. Betty L. Wright The Rev. Kathleen Mrs. Beth A. Sassaman The Rev. Linda & The Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. O’Keefe Reed Mrs. Shirley Schleicher Mr. Robert Thomas Wright, Jr. The Rev. Dr. Richard D. & Mrs. Helen E. Schultz The Rev. Dr. George Thompson Mr. Charles F. & Mrs. Melba N. Reichard Ms. Jill Schumann The Rev. Lowell S. Thompson Mrs. Mona L. Yingling Dr. William & Mrs. Mary Ann Schwabe Mrs. Evelyn Touhsaent The Rev. Christine R. Zander Mrs. Peggy Reifsnyder Drs. Reinhard & Helga Schwartz Mr. Donald E. & Mrs. Arlene R Zellers The Rev. Dr. Christine E. The Rev. Dr. Kenneth C. Senft Mrs. Judith A. Trissler Ms. Martha J. Zepp Reimers The Rev. Carl D. & The Rev. Stanley R. & Mr. Paul C. & Ms. Jane L. Reinhard Mrs. Cynthia Shankweiler Mrs. Carole Ann Trout Mrs. Bonnie Zieger Mrs. Martha Reumann Mr. Patrick & Mrs. Katy Sickles Mrs. Sayre Turney The Rev. Frederick B. & The Rev. Dr. Lindsay A. & Mrs. Marianne Siedem The Rev. Dr. Joseph J. Tursi Mrs. Beverly J. Zikeli Mrs. Tami L. Rhodenbaugh Dr. Richard H. & Mrs. Adele Veihl Mrs. Shirley M. Zimmerman The Rev. Jody & Mr. Jeffrey Rice Mrs. Carolyn E. Sieling Mr. Fred K. Vogt The Revs. Karl M. & The Rev. Ralph D. Sigler, Jr. & Dr. Nelvin & Mrs. Beverly Vos Leslie M. Richard Mrs. Karen A. Sigler The Rev. Dr. Walter H. & The The Rev. Dr. Elton P. & Dr. Edward W. & Rev. Deborah M. Wagner Mrs. Anne S. Richards Mrs. Dorothy L. Sites Mr. Paul W. & Mrs. Linda L. Wangerin

20 A Woman of Faith, A Gift for the Future

nited Lutheran Seminary is honored and grateful to to the Brookville area where they ran a successful John Uacknowledge the faith and dedication of Joan Miller. Deere Distribution Company for decades in partnership With the help of ELCA Foundation Gift Planner Ryan with Ken’s brother George. Ebner, Joan has established a legacy gift for the Seminary in the amount of one million dollars. The gift is to be used As their business flourished, Ken and Joan felt a strong at the Seminary’s discretion. We celebrate the faithful calling to support those in need. They focused their giving generosity of this remarkable woman of faith! around two crucial causes: the Church and education. They began awarding scholarships to college students Joan is a lifelong Lutheran, baptized at Zion Lutheran from their church, funded a chair lift for the aging Church in Brookville, PA, where, at almost 90 years young, population of their congregation, and remembered Zion she still serves as an active member and volunteer. Fellow Lutheran in their will. church member and long-time friend Ray Cupples shares, “You can’t find a person who’s more generous than Joan.” It is Joan’s hope that her million-dollar gift to ULS will assist in providing opportunities to students that would Joan’s dedication to her church and community has otherwise not have the means to attend seminary. endured throughout her lifetime. She attributes her “Foremost, I wish that my gift would be used to educate happiness and fulfillment in life to the opportunities those who are struggling. It is so important to me because and encouragement showered on her by her church I came from that. I witnessed that.” community, as well as her dedication to education and her relationship with God. Our Seminary community is humbled by the faithful witness embodied in Joan’s life and service to the She married Ken Miller, who attended college/university church. We are encouraged by her hopeful spirit. We are on the GI Bill. After receiving his degree, the pair returned sustained by her astonishing generosity. Thank you, Joan!


The seminary is proud of the faithful ministry provided by each of our graduates. We are grateful for the partnership and support all of you provide and invite other graduates to help continue the ministry which has prepared them to serve.

CLASS OF 1946 CLASS OF 1955 CLASS OF 1958 The Rev. Dr. William Ambrose Mr. Donald W. Prigge † G The Rev. Dr. L. Alexander Atty. R. Hart Beaver G Markley G Black P The Rev. Romaine L. The Rev. Dr. Ben A. CLASS OF 1949 The Rev. V. Theodore Benson G Gardner, Ph.D. P McCracken G The Rev. John M. Aurand G Chaplain Michael G. Viise P The Rev. Dr. J. Lawton Haney P The Rev. Richard G. Miller, Jr. P Mrs. Arlene R. Zellers G The Rev. E. Frederick Holst P The Rev. S. Alan Ruby G CLASS OF 1950 The Rev. Dr. Barron B. The Rev. John K. Timm P The Rev. Charles Fair † P CLASS OF 1956 Maberry G The Rev. Dr. Frederick G. The Rev. Glenn C. Reichley P The Rev. Paul F. Bosch P The Rev. Jack T. Printzenhoff P Wedemeyer † P The Rev. Donald M. Bravin P The Rev. Eugene L. Shiffer P CLASS OF 1951 The Rev. George E. Handley P The Rev. Dr. Paul H. Spohn P CLASS OF 1961 The Rev. David E. Bomboy G The Rev. Edward C. The Rev. Carl R. Adams P The Rev. Vernon F. Squire P Harshbarger G CLASS OF 1959 The Rev. Gilberto Falcon P The Rev. Dr. Albert L. Haversat P The Rev. Dean W. Anderson G The Rev. Fred S. Foerster P CLASS OF 1952 The Rev. James K. Hilton G The Rev. Richard C. Baker G The Rev. Gene M. Fortune P The Rev. Russell E. Fink G The Rev. Victor A. Kroninger P The Rev. C. David Godshall P The Rev. Donald A. Haas † G The Rev. Donald F. Sause G The Rev. Paul R. Mertzlufft P The Rev. Norman J. Heid P CLASS OF 1953 The Rev. Joseph Molnar, III G The Rev. Richard L. Hinkle P The Rev. John W. Fehringer G CLASS OF 1957 The Rev. Paul J. Pfadenhauer P The Rev. Jack R. Hoffman G The Rev. Carl H. Greenawald G The Rev. A. Bernard Coates G The Rev. Dr. Theodore F. The Rev. William C. Jacobs G The Rev. Raymond L. Peters G The Rev. Thomas C. Cooper G Schneider G The Rev. William F. Krenz P The Rev. Deane S. Shively G The Rev. Peter P. Grimes P The Rev. Nelson R. Sulouff G The Rev. David J. Kovach G The Rev. Dr. Theodore C. The Rev. Joseph W. Holt P The Rev. Gustave H. The Rev. Robert F. Matthias G Schlack G The Rev. Robert S. Kelly P Wedemeyer P The Rev. Carl E. Miller G The Rev. Lloyd T. Wilson G The Rev. David N. Kistler P The Rev. John D. Yeich G The Rev. Gerald M. Peterson G The Rev. Philip Lynch P The Rev. Robert A. Willauer G CLASS OF 1954 The Rev. Thomas F. M. Sinn G CLASS OF 1960 The Rev. Kenneth C. The Rev. Dr. Donald G. The Rev. William A. Clasen P CLASS OF 1962 Heuermann P Sukosky P The Rev. James L. The Rev. Herbert L. The Rev. Ralph W. Storm P Henderschedt P Bomberger G The Rev. Dr. C. Paul Strockbine P The Rev. David C. Hoecker G The Rev. Charles J. Charles G The Rev. John P. Harman G

22 ALUMNI GIVING The Rev. Dr. Donald W. Keyser G The Rev. Bruce V. Schrader P The Rev. William C. Munz P Bishop Ralph W. Dunkin G Mr. James D. Koones P The Rev. Irvin E. Straw, Jr. G The Rev. Ronald E. Reaves G The Rev. John A. Ile, Jr. G The Rev. Richard A. Miller P Mr. Theodore A. Wachhaus G The Rev. Barry M. Ridge P Mr. James N. Jerge P The Rev. Donald H. Moeser G Mr. William H. Ritter G The Rev. Dr. Charles R. The Rev. Thomas L. Perry G CLASS OF 1967 The Rev. Edward B. Saling P Leonard P The Rev. Dr. Hugo W. The Rev. Dr. William O. Avery G The Rev. Carl D. Shankweiler P The Rev. Thomas G. Olson G Schroeder, Jr. G The Rev. Michael R. Brendle G The Rev. Dr. Larry Smoose P The Rev. William C. Sowers G The Rev. Dr. Warren M. The Rev. Joanne P. Stenman G CLASS OF 1977 Eshbach G Dr. Norma S. Wood G The Rev. Charles A. Brophy G CLASS OF 1963 The Rev. William A. Koeber P The Rev. Carl W. Filer P The Rev. Edward W. Boone P Mrs. Sandra E. Robinson G CLASS OF 1973 The Rev. Jeffrey A. Hedin P The Rev. Lawrence R. The Rev. Richard A. Seaks G The Rev. Dr. Gunnar L. The Rev. James A. Higgins G Camberg G Anderson P The Rev. George Mason G Father John R. Cochran G CLASS OF 1968 The Rev. David W. Clark G The Rev. Dennis W. Moore G The Rev. Robert E. Custer G The Rev. David M. Bohannon P The Rev. Dr. James Cobb G The Rev. Allen R. Riethmiller G The Rev. Herbert D. Dubler † G Mr. Edward F. Bommer P The Rev. John W. Havrilla P The Rev. Joseph E. Skillman, Jr. G The Rev. Joseph W. Hager P The Rev. David F. Hill P The Rev. Dr. Rolf Hedberg P Bishop Samuel R. Zeiser P The Rev. Dr. Donald C. Hagey P The Rev. Elwood B. Hipple, Jr. G The Rev. Robert F. Hoenich P The Rev. Richard E. Hess G The Rev. Raymond C. Hittinger P Mr. Stephen J. Hogberg G The Rev. John R. Kehrli P The Rev. John H. Hunsicker P The Rev. Robert M. Holum P CLASS OF 1978 The Rev. David E. Klepper, Jr. G The Rev. Pastor James L. The Rev. James A. Hulihan P The Rev. Virginia M. Biniek P Mrs. Mary Beth K. Nelson G Kimmell G The Rev. Herbert A. Lohr P The Rev. Claire S. Burkat P The Rev. Dr. Richard D. The Rev. Thomas T. The Rev. Kenneth W. LongfieldG The Rev. Mark T. English P Reichard G Kochenderfer, Jr. P The Rev. Robert L. Musser G The Rev. Marie C. Jerge P The Rev. Dr. Byron L. Schmid P The Rev. Michael G. Merkel P The Rev. Dr. Edward A. The Rev. Darrell L. Layman G The Rev. Donald C. Simmons P The Rev. Richard A. Mowery P Neiderhiser G The Rev. Ardelle Mason G The Rev. John Smolik P The Rev. Dr. David J. Roppel P The Rev. Charles D. May P CLASS OF 1964 The Rev. Dr. Dennis E. Schell G The Rev. Ivan R. Mechtly, Jr. G The Rev. Charles G. Biegner, Jr. P CLASS OF 1969 The Rev. Dr. Stanley C. Dr. Paul A. Nye P The Rev. James C. Bresnahan P Mr. Vaughn A. Erickson G Sneeringer P Mrs. Joan E. Pope P The Rev. John J. Deisinger P The Rev. George W. Fitch, Jr. G The Rev. Dr. Nelson T. Strobert G The Rev. Dr. Mark W. Radecke G The Rev. Dr. W. Phillip Fogarty G The Rev. Dr. A. Donald Main G The Rev. Dr. Walter F. The Rev. John D. Ranney G The Rev. Arthur L. Hahn, Jr. P The Rev. Dr. Victor A. Myers G Taylor, Jr. P The Rev. David A. Searing P The Rev. Melvin J. Hammer P The Rev. Harold E. Truax G The Rev. James A. Shelly P The Rev. Robert J. Hartman † G The Rev. Timothy F. Waltonen P CLASS OF 1974 The Rev. Daniel M. Strobel G The Rev. Thomas W. Hurlocker G Dr. Susan M. Brookhart P The Rev. Robert W. Wallace, Jr. P The Rev. George E. Keck P CLASS OF 1970 The Rev. Bruce H. Davidson P The Rev. Thomas J. Keener P The Rev. Dr. Donald R. Billeck P The Rev. James W. Dollhopf G CLASS OF 1979 The Rev. D. Craig Landis P The Rev. Dr. Richard A. Carnes G The Rev. Dr. Donald B. Green G The Rev. Michael W. Evans G The Rev. Dale R. Lind G The Rev. Harold S. Fox, Jr. G The Rev. Judith Cobb G Deacon Nancy E. Gable G Dr. Richard H. Sieling P The Rev. Paul A. Haack G The Rev. Frederick C. The Rev. Diane C. Johnson G Mr. Ralph R. Welsh P The Rev. Robert C. Kinnear G Heitzenroder P The Rev. Peter Kuritz G The Rev. Richard C. Little G The Rev. Judith McKee G The Rev. Edith B. Roberts P CLASS OF 1965 The Rev. Andrew C. Lowe P The Rev. Thomas McKee G The Rev. Gary T. Bilbie G The Rev. Martin M. Roth P The Rev. Dr. Joseph J. Class of 1980 The Rev. Paul A. Hirth P The Rev. Eric P. Wogen G Scholtes, Jr. G The Rev. Ruth B. Becker P The Rev. Roland C. Hobbs G The Rev. Eric Stenman G The Rev. Nelson F. Ilgenfritz G The Rev. Dr. Martha B. Kriebel P CLASS OF 1971 The Rev. Jeanette E. Mater P The Rev. G. Raymond The Rev. Nelson W. Gaetz P CLASS OF 1975 The Rev. Barry L. Mitchell P Mitchell, Jr. G The Rev. Dr. David A. Genszler P The Rev. Paul E. Bartlett P The Rev. Elizabeth M. Mitchell P Mr. James A. Mummert G The Rev. Robert J. Karli P The Rev. James F. Brandis G Mr. Steven K. Moyer P The Rev. James E. Stough G The Rev. Clark W. Kuntz, II P Bishop Guy S. Edmiston, Jr. G The Rev. Jimmie L. Schwartz G The Rev. Stanley R. Trout G The Rev. Gordon E. Simmons, II P The Rev. Kenneth A. Gould P The Rev. William A. Shafer P The Rev. John F. Yedlicka P The Rev. Dr. Thomas G. The Rev. John G. Pearson G The Rev. Judith E. Simonson G Sinnott, IV P Bishop Gregory R. Pile G CLASS OF 1966 The Rev. David R. Strobel P The Rev. Dr. Thomas E. CLASS OF 1981 The Rev. Roy G. Almquist P The Rev. John W. Tomlinson, Jr. P Richards, Jr. P The Rev. Dr. Julius Carroll P Mr. Robert C. Brower P The Rev. Rodney H. Saylor P The Rev. Martha Clementson P The Rev. David A. Donges G CLASS OF 1972 The Rev. Martin R. Nale G The Rev. Dr. Henry V. Harman G Ms. Laurine L. Cooke G CLASS OF 1976 The Rev. David R. Rowe P The Rev. William L. Hauser G The Rev. Richard G. Gardner P The Rev. James G. Anderson P Mrs. Nancy Finke Sheehan G The Rev. Paul E. Henry, Jr. G The Rev. David G. Hanford G The Rev. Steven E. Caler G The Rev. Catherine A. Ziel P The Rev. Robert J. Johnson G The Rev. Paul J. Jann P The Rev. Dr. Michael The Rev. Carl J. Olson G The Rev. Dr. J. Frederick Lehr G Cooper-White G

23 CLASS OF 1982 Rabbi Sheldon Ezring P CLASS OF 1992 Deacon Ruth N. T. Miller P The Rev. Kevin Clementson G The Rev. David A. Heckler P The Rev. Robert P. Doll P The Rev. Lillian C. The Rev. Robert Lowden G The Rev. Laura Louise Klick G The Rev. Geraldine Opsahl G Russell-Nicolai G The Rev. P. Steven Lynn G The Rev. Sara E. Lilja G Ms. Sallie L. O. Smith P The Rev. Tiffany A. Sundeen G Chaplain Terrence M. Walsh P The Rev. Dr. Martin Otto CLASS OF 1983 CLASS OF 1993 Zimmann G The Rev. Frank W. Anderson P CLASS OF 1988 The Rev. Martin J. Galbraith P The Rev. Dr. Angela K. The Rev. Dr. Mary Anderson P The Rev. Dr. Joseph A. The Rev. Perry J. Kirschbaum P Zimmann G The Rev. John P. Fritch P Conner, Jr. P The Rev. Dr. David J. Lose P The Rev. Stephen E. The Rev. Carol R. Gesalman G The Rev. Brian A. McClinton G CLASS OF 1999 Godsall-Myers P The Rev. Charles H. Grube G The Rev. Martha Sue D. Moll G The Rev. Stephen A. Keiser P The Rev. Jeffrey P. Laustsen P The Rev. Audrey E. Moody P The Rev. Phyllis A. Pelletier G The Rev. Dr. John Meulendyk P The Rev. Lewis A. Moore, III P The Rev. Janet L. Simpkins P CLASS OF 1984 CLASS OF 1994 CLASS OF 2000 The Rev. Mary Duerksen G CLASS OF 1989 The Rev. Mark J. Buchan P The Rev. Donald Costlow G Mrs. R. Lynne Kiick G The Rev. Judith T. Beck P The Rev. Dr. Nancy J. Eggert G The Rev. Dr. Michael A. Dubsky P The Rev. Karen L. Brau G The Rev. Mary K. Kieser G The Rev. Kristin Hoyer-Dubsky P CLASS OF 1985 The Rev. Richard W. Chaveas G The Rev. Matthew C. Fuhrman G The Rev. Raymond C. Burdick P Mr. Robert J. Smith P CLASS OF 1995 Bishop William J. Gohl Jr. G The Rev. Dale W. Dusman G The Rev. Dr. Gilson A. C. The Rev. Melvina V. Stricklin G The Rev. Eric T. Henry P The Rev. Robin L. Henry P Waldkoenig G The Rev. John C. Linn P Mrs. June Habeck-Holler G CLASS OF 1996 The Rev. Karol L. Van Wulfen P The Rev. Larry F. Mort G CLASS OF 1990 Mrs. G. Phyllis McCullough G Sister Cecilia R. Wilson P The Rev. Catharine Senft Geib G The Rev. Craig A. Miller P CLASS OF 2001 The Rev. William E. The Rev. Gail A. Patton G The Rev. Dr. Esther Seales P Bishop Barbara J. Collins G Zimmermann G The Rev. Nancy L. Weiss G The Rev. Jonathan D. Hamman G CLASS OF 1997 The Rev. Theresa P. Hannon G CLASS OF 1986 CLASS OF 1991 The Rev. Elaine M. Dent G The Rev. Albert Johnson P The Rev. Russell F. Haab P The Rev. Sandra C. Alexis G The Rev. Anne Dwiggins G The Rev. Sandra R. Mackie G The Rev. Muriel N. Heichler G The Rev. Dr. H. Lee The Rev. Lynda L. Elmer P The Rev. Linda A. Thomas G The Rev. Janice Lowden G Brumback, II G The Rev. Timothy L. Poston P The Rev. Michael J. Peters G The Rev. Julie K. DeWerth P CLASS OF 2002 The Rev. Dr. Arthur W. Scherer G The Rev. Arthur A. Gilbert P CLASS OF 1998 The Rev. Dr. Peter D. The Rev. Carla H. Knobler G The Rev. Robert G. Argot, Jr. G Boehringer P CLASS OF 1987 Dr. Kurt L. Noll G Mr. Wayne W. Becker P The Rev. Chris K. Duckworth P The Rev. Marina C. Brust G Ms. Denise A. Lindemann G The Rev. Mary J. Hastings P 24 The Rev. Rochelle Lewis P CLASS OF 2006 CLASS OF 2010 CLASS OF 2014 ALUMNI GIVING The Rev. Dr. Annemarie R. The Rev. Tobias V. Anderson G The Rev. Teal E. Anderson P Chaplain MaryLou Byerly G Noto P The Rev. Arwyn A. P. Gohl G Mr. Henry A. Boyd P The Rev. Winston L. Dookram P The Rev. Glenn Shepherd P The Rev. Maria J. Hammons G The Rev. Bradley R. Burke P The Rev. Barbara Krumm G The Rev. Julia H. Sprenkle G Dr. Suzanne H. Kershaw P The Rev. Cristopher D. Frigm G The Rev. Jay C. Mitchell P The Rev. Robert Leaverton G The Rev. Matthew M. Finney G The Rev. Ursula SchrefflerG The Rev. John M. Longworth P Mr. Chad W. Hershberger G The Rev. Karen M. Sease P CLASS OF 2003 The Rev. Paul N. Miller P Ms. Jean S. LeGros G The Rev. Ben W. Siebert P The Rev. Anna Marie The Rev. Joseph A. Veres G The Rev. Seth A. Novak G Anderson G The Rev. Katherine Russell G CLASS OF 2015 The Rev. Beth Costlow G CLASS OF 2007 The Rev. Linda S. Trout G Ms. Altressa A. Boatwright P The Rev. Dr. Jessicah L. The Rev. David K. Asendorf G Ms. Rebecca Quesada G Ms. Deborah K Haynes G Duckworth P Mr. Evan E. Boyd P The Rev. Jane Mountain G The Rev. Kirk C. Kerns G The Rev. Annemarie H. Cook P CLASS OF 2011 The Rev. David Petr G The Rev. G. Frederick Klotz P Bishop Patricia A. Davenport P The Rev. Johanna K. Andritz P Deacon Barbara K. The Rev. Mary E. Davis P The Rev. James V. Arter, III G CLASS OF 2016 Schmitthenner G Mr. John Fry, Jr. G The Rev. Elizabeth A. Arter G The Rev. Patrick R. Ballard G The Rev. Gretchen M. The Rev. Anna Christine Ms. Constance Cotton P CLASS OF 2004 Johanson G Haugen G The Rev. Robin Fero G The Rev. Cinda J. Brucker G The Rev. William B. Nienstedt P The Rev. Bette Jeanne Larsen G The Rev. Joseph H. The Rev. Laurie J. Carson G The Rev. Anjel Scarborough G Graumann Jr. G The Rev. Ruth Doty P The Rev. Dr. Richard N. CLASS OF 2012 Ms. Barbara Gray P Evangelist R. Diane Gilbert P Stewart P The Rev. Tiffany C. Chaney P Mr. Donald S. Myers G The Rev. Anthony P. Pagotto P The Rev. Jason Felici G The Rev. Emmanuel Philor P The Rev. Eileen E. Spehr P CLASS OF 2008 The Rev. Jessica Felici G The Rev. Lisa R. Coleman P The Rev. Ivy Gauvin G CLASS OF 2017 CLASS OF 2005 The Rev. Charlene M.R. Cox G Mr. David L. Hoxter P Ms. Pamela R. Barlow P The Rev. Elizabeth G. Brashear G The Rev. Michael K. Fischer G The Rev. Thomas J. The Rev. Dr. Allison R. deForest, The Rev. Jacqueline G. Capers P The Rev. Ronald G. Hartman G Scornavacchi P Ph.D. P The Rev. Dr. Nancy B. The Rev. Anna H. Merritt G The Rev. Tormod Svensson G The Rev. Linda C. Dickerson P Dilliplane P Mrs. Carol A. Rowehl P The Rev. Axel T. Kaegler P Bishop James Dunlop G Dr. Beate A. Schiwek † G CLASS OF 2013 Mr. W. Michael Nailor P The Revs. Danny R. Hammons G The Rev. Emmy Swedlund G The Rev. Brian Bankert G The Rev. Dr. Aaron Smith G The Rev. Teri L. Hermsmeyer G Sister Marianne Brock G Ms. Betty Long G CLASS OF 2009 Ms. Cynthia M. Douse P CLASS OF 2018, ULS The Rev. Reginald Monte P Mrs. Michelle J. Huth G Ms. Veronica S. Goode P The Rev. Wicky Barnes III The Rev. Richard Yost P The Rev. Kelley M. Ketcham G Ms. Gail B. Hicks P Ms. Yvonne J. Lembo P The Rev. Gregory Ross P

† denotes deceased P denotes Philadelphia G denotes Gettysburg

Alumni are listed with the first degree they received from ULS or either predecessor seminary.


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If you are interested in making a gift through a qualified charitable distribution, please contact us at [email protected] or contact your regional ELCA planned giving officer. Giving with a “Warm Hand”: A Story of Deep Roots and Deep Investments

nited Lutheran Seminary (ULS) is grateful to Gettysburg Seminary, where he graduated in 1919. He was Uacknowledge the faith and dedication of The Rev. Joseph the only grandparent Barbara ever knew; her connection (‘77 LTSG) and Mrs. Barbara Skillman. With the help of to him was close and his influence was great. One of Rev. many faithful ULS partners, Joseph and Barbara established Weidley’s relatives, Rev. John Weidley, also attended two endowment funds in 2007 and 2017: The Rev. Paul A. the Seminary, graduating in 1891. He went on to be the Weidley Endowment Fund and The Rev. Dr. Lester E. Fetter Chairman of the Board of Directors at the Seminary in the Endowment Fund respectively. Both funds were established 1920’s. Along with these direct family connections, there using stock gifts with the purpose of supporting students and are Gettysburg Seminary ties on both sides of her family faculty at ULS. Our Seminary community praises the faithful dating from 1891 to almost 1940. generosity of Barb and Joe! Joseph was born and raised in Philadelphia. Throughout his Barbara and Joseph each have their own unique connection youth, Joseph travelled down Germantown Avenue to see to Philadelphia and Gettysburg. Barbara’s grandfather, the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, where the Rev. Paul A. Weidley, in whose memory the 2007 fund many of his pastors attended. One particular pastor, The Rev. was established, attended both Gettysburg College and Dr. Lester Fetter, had a profound impact in his life. The Rev.

26 Fetter, in whose memory the 2017 Lester Fetter Endowment Philadelphia and Gettysburg fuel their ongoing support for Fund was established, would be a guiding presence ULS. Their endowment funds with ULS assist in supporting through Joseph’s life. Rev. Fetter shepherded him through students and faculty at the seminary, ensuring that there is confirmation and would eventually be “one of the men that a robust infrastructure, with the knowledge that this puts laid his hands on my head to ordain me.” In 1969, Joseph the seminary on a path toward sustainability. Although traveled west of Valley Forge for the first time in his life to their endowments are focused on the student and faculty attend Gettysburg College, where he met Barbara, who experience, Joseph reinforced with us the fact that was a year behind him. After graduating in 1973, Joseph “undesignated giving is the best kind of giving [nonprofits attended the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, can receive].” graduating in 1977. Our community celebrates their commitment to ULS Joseph and Barbara began donating to the Seminary the and their dedication to both campuses, honoring our year after Joseph graduated. It was important to them predecessors’ legacies. We are blessed by their gifts and that they “give with a warm hand, not a cold hand,” doing support, and we are sustained by their remarkable spirit of something significant in their lifetimes. Their connections to generosity. Thank you, Joe and Barb!

27 United Lutheran Seminary TRIBUTE GIFTS

HONORARIA George A. Bohmann Mr. Richard & Mrs. Melissa Fannin Mr. Charles F. & Ms. Elizabeth Fannin The Rev. Charles W. Aurand Mrs. Barbara J. Bohmann Ms. Anne E. Aurand The Rev. Margareta Breden Mr. Ryan Fitch Mr. Randy S. & The Rev. Drs. Martin Otto & The Rev. Dr. William O. Avery Mrs. Melissa A. Ruth Angela K. Zimmann Drs. Robert & Debbie Wismer The Rev. Hubert Lee Brumback, II The Rev. Frederic Geehr Dr. Frank & Marjorie Baker St. Mary’s Lutheran Church Mr. Ethan Geehr The Rev. Richard C. Baker & (Silver Run) Mrs. Marjorie A. Wilke-Baker Dr. Richard E. Geib Dr. Richard & Mrs. Susan L. Burns The Rev. Catharine Senft Geib The Rev. Kathleen Baker Mr. Tom & Mrs. Nancy Kauffman Dr. Frank T. & Mrs. Mary D. Baker Ms. Fran M. Golden Mr. Joseph Carlucci Ms. Mindelle K. Bartholomew The Rev. J. Paul Balas Dr. Rebekah Besinger Mrs. Janet & Mr. Wayne Franzen Dr. Richard Green Mr. Rich & Mrs. Molly Cassem Dr. Edgar B. & Mrs. Peggy Schick Mr. Kyle Barger Mr. Christopher Cassem Mr. Ryan Ansel The Rev. Robert C. Hawk The Rev. Erik C. Christensen First Evangelical Lutheran Ms. Mindy Bartholomew Ms. Blanche I. Grube † Church, Leechburg, PA Ms. Francis M. Golden Bishop Barbara J. Collins Dr. Erik Heen The Rev. Frederick E. Becker Ms. Mindelle K. Bartholomew Ms. Margaret Somerville The Rev. Ruth B. & Mr. John Becker Bishop Patricia Davenport The Rev. Kenneth C. Heuermann Christ Evangelical Lutheran The Rev. Richard & The Rev. Cheryl L. Berner Church, Harleysville, PA Mrs. Mary Dee Yost Ms. Mindelle K. Bartholomew Philomena Marie Dominic Mr. Christian Hicks Mr. Wilbur J. & Ms. Carla Pavlick Mr. Terry & Mrs. Gail Hicks Mrs. Hannelore F. Blew Mr. Eric B. & Mrs. Denise M. Blew Bishop James Dunlop The Rev. Elwood Hipple Ms. Karen A. Albrecht Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Hastings, NE

28 TRIBUTE GIFTS Ms. AJ Houseman The Rev. Janice Marie E. Lowden St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran The Rev. Dr. Kristin J. Largen Zion Lutheran Church, Church, Lancaster, PA Landisville, PA Ms. Kristin L. Rice & Mr. John Wolfe The Rev. Dr. John Huenke The Rev. Stuart Luce Mrs. Joan Orso Mr. Charles F. & Mr. Edward J. & Mr. Jack Bertelsmeyer Mrs. Barbara J. Bohmann Mrs. Deborah Hayes Dr. Donald P. Orso Ms. Hilda Mathis The Rev. Dr. Scott Ickert Mr. Eric J. & Mrs. Carla E. Pavlick Ms. Kristin Wine Mrs. Nobeila Meisgeier The Rev. Dr. John Largen Ms. Nannette L. Miller-Pieper Mr. Carlton Jacobson St. Paul Lutheran Church, Ms. Elizabeth Peter The Honorable John Cascio Aberdeen, MD The Rev. Dr. Kristin J. Largen Ms. Joan Pyle Ms. Ida Marie Hakkarinen The Rev. Justin Johnson Mr. Wayne & Our Savior Lutheran Church, Mrs. Anneliese Taylor The Rev. Joel Petruscke Croton On Hudson, NY Dr. Frank T. & Mrs. Mary D. Baker The Rev. Glenn Ludwig Ms. Sheila Joy The Rev. Mary & The Rev. Tom Pierotti The Rev. John W. Fehringer & Mr. Michael Duerksen Ms. Ann M. Pierotti Mrs. Susan A. Suran St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Dillsburg, PA The Rev. Elizabeth Platz The Rev. Edward C. Keefer Jr. Ms. Ida Marie Hakkarinen First Evangelical Lutheran Mr. David Lynch Church, Leechburg, PA The Rev. Philip & The Rev. Tom Quickel Mrs. Charlotte Lynch St. Paul Lutheran Church, The Rev. Robert Kidd Huntington, WV Messiah Evangelical Lutheran The Rev. P. Stevens Lynn Church Mr. Bruce C. & The Rev. Christine Regan Mrs. Anne Rohrbach Ms. Lenore Cronlund The Rev. William Krenz Mr. Glenn Kieffer The Rev. Dr. A. Donald & Carol Main The Rev. & Mrs. Allen Reithmiller Mr. A. Donald Main, II Ms. Maria VonMickwitz The Rev. Dr. Kristin Largen Dr. Norma S. Wood & The Rev. Brian McClinton Dr. David Ritter Mr. Philip A. Roth Mt. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Ms. Ruth C. Keller Church, York, PA The Rev. Drs. Kristin & John Largen Mrs. Kathy & Mr. Nelson Schaeffer The Rev. Drs. Michael & Bishop Donald J. McCoid Mr. David N. Schaeffer Pamela Cooper-White Mr. Walter J. & Mrs. Janet Treser The Rev. & Mrs. Jeffery Schock The Rev. Dr. Theresa Latini Sarah Ehrman Merrikan Ms. Maria VonMickwitz The Rev. Dr. Jessicah L. & St. Luke Lutheran Church The Rev. Chris K. Duckworth (Hamilton), Baltimore, MD Mrs. Beth Schlegel Mr. W. Brad Schlegel The Rev. Darrell Layman The Rev. Robert L. Musser Mt. Zion Lutheran Church Ms. Jane E. Bittcher The Rev. Dr. Brooks Schramm (Locust Grove-Rohrersville) The Rev. Dr. Nelson T. Strobert The Rev. Dr. Mark Oldenburg The Rev. Dr. John Largen The Rev. Jenette Leisk Mr. Larry Hoffman Ms. Francis M. Golden Ms. Kay Hoke Dr. Kenneth C. Senft Ms. Janet L. Gable The Rev. Catharine Senft Geib The Rev. Dr. Charles R. Leonard The Rev. Glenn D. & The Rev. Dr. John Largen Mrs. Carol Miller Mrs. Katherine Narveson 29 The Rev. Joseph Skillman, Jr. & Mrs. Elinor Aurand Mr. Waldemar Dabrowski Mrs. Barbara Skillman Ms. Carol Adoum Mrs. Dorothy H. Dabrowski Mr. George S. Weidley, Jr. & Ms. Anne E. Aurand Mrs. Cheryl Parks-Weidley Ms. Ellen McDaniel-Weissler Mr. J. Walter Dauber Mrs. Eleanor B Ott Mr. Richard & Mrs. Marilyn Shupp The Rev. John Spangler Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Sally Pettit Mrs. Clair & Mrs. Dorothy Smith Ms. Ida Marie Hakkarinen Mr. James & Mrs. Kathryn Reehl Mr. Robert & Mrs. Lenore Tweel Mrs. Pauline M. Davenport The Rev. Dr. Herman Stempfle St. Luke Lutheran Church, Mr. Raymond E. Davenport The Rev. Dr. James & Williamsport, PA The Rev. Judith Cobb St. Paul Lutheran Church, Mr. Freddie Davis, Jr. Huntington, WV The Rev. Mary E. & The Rev. Dr. Nelson Strobert Mr. Freddie Davis The Rev. Robert & Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Barndt Mrs. Paulette Musser Mr. Charles L. Barndt, Jr. The Rev. Dr. James Echols The Rev. Frank W. Anderson The Rev. John Strube The Rev. Robert Louis Baughan Ms. Jane Johnston Drs. Robert & Debbie Wismer Mrs. Eleanor Y. Baughan The Rev. Dr. Larry & Mrs. Linda Lee Smoose The Rev. Dr. Storm Swain The Rev. George Washington The Rev. Dr. Nelson T. Strobert The Rev. Michael Quinn O’Bannon Baughman The Rev. R. Don & Mr. Theodore & The Rev. Donna Wright The Rev. Laura Tancredi Mrs. Bonnie Wachhaus Mr. Frank A. & The Rev. Charles Fair Mrs. Helene A. Roth Mr. Raymond C. Best Mr. Michael A. & Mrs. Mary P. Best Mrs. Doris E. Balas The Rev. Dennis Trout The Peanut Bar Mr. Earl & Mrs. Irene Myers Mr. Aaron Bishop Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. Baumbach Dr. Richard Green Mr. Douglas A. & The Rev. Dr. Angela Zimmann, Ph. D. Mrs. Ann M. Botch Mr. Daniel J. Redding Mrs. Helen M. Bohne The Rev. Scott K. & Mr. William T. Bohne Mrs. Barbara A. Davis The Rev. Dr. Martin Otto Zimmann C.E. Cole Sunshine Fund The Rev. Drs. Michael & The Rev. Winston Bone Ms. Jean C. Goldthorpe Pamela Cooper-White Ms. Kathleen Heafey The Rev. Dr. Wayne A. & The Rev. Dr. Mark W. Oldenburg Ms. Diane Hockman Mrs. Elsa B. Heintzelman & Ms. Jill Schumann The Rev. Robin L. Henry The Rev. Tormod & Mrs. Arlene Z. Bush Ms. Dena Kauffman Mrs. Vicki Svensson Ms. Lauren Marziale The Rev. John R. & Mrs. Janet Kehrli The Rev. Drs. Martin Otto & Mr. John Campbell Mr. Robert W. & Angela Zimmann Dr. Donald & Mrs. Kathleen Orso Mrs. Mary I. Kreisher Mr. Karl & Mrs. Caitlin Muhlbach Mr. Joseph & Ms. Marie Cipriano Mrs. Carolyn B. Kulcyk MEMORIAM Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cipriano Mr. Samuel L. & Mrs. Ruth B. Levy Mr. Thomas E. & The Rev. Charles Aurand The Rev. Charles Clapie Mrs. Doris J. Prosser Mrs. Kathryn K. Reehl Ms. Wrayanne C. Hynes Mr. Robert B. & Mr. Michal K. Rittler St. Luke Lutheran Church, Mr. Thomas A. & Williamsport, PA Mr. Robert Clippinger Mrs. Debra H. Stavarski Mr. Theodore & Mr. Oscar W. Weber Mrs. Bonnie Wachhaus Mr. Stanley M. Wicks Mrs. Nancy B. Zweig

30 TRIBUTE GIFTS Mr. Mike Ford The Rev. Norman Krapf Mr. Andre & Mrs. Nancy Panneton Mr. Lewis & Mrs. Mary Kauffman The Rev. Carl R. & Mr. George Pazin Mrs. Johanna E. Adams Mr. Ron & Mrs. Marie Pristas Mr. Frank Gamber Ms. Catherine M. Dehart Ms. Linda Redmon Mrs. Geraldine Gamber The Rev. Dr. Theodore C. Schlack The Rev. Dr. Elwood Leister Mr. Charles & The Rev. George Garver Mr. David S. & Mrs. Paula Schroeder Mrs. Sue E. Nace Mrs. Rebecca Albrecht Mrs. Marlene M. Shilling Mrs. Betty Beall Szymanski Mrs. Donna & Mrs. Rene Berard Mr. Alex & Mrs. Frances Szaller Ms. Sarah B. Blume Ms. Claire Thomas The Rev. Stephen Gerhard The Rev. Michael & Mr. Raymond & Mrs. Ann Wagner Mrs. Barbara F. Gerhard Mrs. Martha Brendle Ms. Lisa Walker Mr. Gene & Mrs. Patricia Dose The Rev. Dr. Herbert N. Gibney Mr. Paul & Mrs. Elizabeth Fackler Mr. Paul & Mrs. Barbara Luebbe Mrs. Joan A. Gibney Mr. Lee & Mrs. Beth Fischer Ms. Gretchen M. Luebbe Mr. Richard & Mrs. Dawn Gates The Rev. Donald Haas Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Donna Gilbert The Rev. Dr. Timothy Lull Bethany Lutheran Church, Mr. Wilbur & Mrs. Mary Carlton Lull Brunswick, MD Mrs. Marcia Gobrecht Mr. Paul B. & Ms. Amy Hartman Ms. Sandra Gobrecht Mrs. Kathleen L. Seaton Mr. Robert W. & Mr. Edward & Mrs. Joan Goyke Mrs. Sandra Jacobs The Rev. Carl & The Rev. Dr. Murdoch Macpherson Mrs. Cheryl A Johnson Mrs. Margaret Greenawald Mrs. Joyce H Thomas Mr. Charles & Mrs. Joan Powell Mrs. Phyllis B. Hale Mr. Kevin B. Thomas Ms. Nancy Hamilton The Rev. Richard Manning The Rev. Drs. Martin Otto & Mrs. Thelma J. Hershey Mrs. Clare Fox Archer Angela K. Zimmann Mrs. Donna L. Hocker Mrs. Marilyn S. Houck Mr. Dan Manrique Mrs. Eleanor & Mr. James Heckman Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Sharon J. Rodgers Mr. James T. Heckman Mrs. Christine Houck Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Marcia Hunt, Jr. Mrs. Helen & Mr. Robert Mason The Rev. Donald Henderschedt Mr. Weston & Mrs. Marylee Hyde Mr. Glen D. Mason Mrs. Bernice Henderschedt Ms. Velva K. Jones Mr. William & Mrs. Betty Jones Mrs. Vicki Ann Moeser & The Rev. Dr. Henry E. Horn Mr. Tim & Mrs. Christine Kelly Mrs. Susan Moeser Mr. William M. Horn, II Mr. Ronald & Mrs. Kathleen Kerr The Rev. Donald H. Moeser Mr. Laurence & Mrs. Barbara King Mr. J. Lawrence House Mr. Vincent Visco & Mr. Dick Motter The Rev. Charles D. & Ms. Susan LaPenta Mr. Glenn Kieffer Mrs. Pamela J. May Mrs. Barbara K. Lawver Ms. Eleanore C. Light Mr. Christopher P. Nelson The Rev. Daniel Osman Hoy Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Barbara Loftis The Rev. Catherine A. Ziel Mrs. Judith D. Hoy Mr. Edward Gobrecht & Mrs. Elizabeth Mai The Rev. Arnold Nicholson, Jr. Mr. Paul D. Hrdlicka Ms. Dorothy Martin Mrs. Carolyn G. Nicholson Mrs. Betty Hrdlicka Ms. Kim Marucci Ms. Phyllis Masenheimer Mr. William H. O’Connor The Rev. Stanley Knull Mr. Alfred & Mrs. Elizabeth Maser Mrs. Susan F. O’Connor Chaplain Terrence & Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mathas Mrs. Katherine Walsh Mr. Robert & Mrs. Robert Miller Ms. Betty Jane Reaves Mr. Paul & Mrs. Betty Musko The Rev. Ronald & Ms. Ruth A. Musser Mrs. Lucretta Reaves

31 The Rev. Dr. Thomas J. & The Rev. Dr. Scott L. Strohm Mrs. Caroline Richter Mrs. Kathryn L. Strohm Ms. Mary K. Thrasher The Rev. Dr. Richard Thulin The Rev. William Ritterberger The Rev. Dr. Frederick & Mr. Bernard Shafarzek & Mrs. Faith Foltz Mrs. Barbara Shafarzek Mr. Lewis & Mrs. Mary Kauffman Mrs. Elizabeth A. Thulin The Rev. Louis S. Roder Mrs. Eleanor L. Roder Mr. John H. Wagner, Jr. Mr. Robert J. Wagner The Rev. Robert Lee Rohrbaugh Mrs. Carola Rohrbaugh The Rev. Dr. Paul A. Weidley Mr. George S. Weidley, Jr. & Mr. William & Mrs. Erna Saskosky Mrs. Cheryl Parks-Weidley Mr. Cody Schaar Mr. Dexter Weikel Mrs. Priscilla Schlenker The Rev. Dr. Maria E. Erling & Mr. James W. & The Rev. John R. Spangler Mrs. Linda Schlenker Dr. & Mrs. Abdel Wentz Mr. Samuel Schmitthenner Mr. John Sieverts Mrs. Barbara K. Schmitthenner Mrs. Fred Wentz Mrs. Edith Mary Scornavacchi Mr. John Sieverts The Rev. Thomas J. & Mrs. Tina Scornavacchi Mr. Robert Z. Wuchter Mrs. Shirley D. Wuchter Mrs. Carolyn & Mr. Wallace Scott Mrs. Kathleen A. Wedemeyer Mr. Earl Zellers Mrs. Arlene R. Zellers The Rev. Fred Shilling Mrs. Marlene M. Shilling

The Rev. John Shintay Mrs. Ethel Shintay †

Mrs. Bonnie Sowers The Rev. William C. Sowers

The Rev. Dr. Herman G. Steumpfle, Jr. The Rev. Dr. Brenda Kiser

Ms. Lisa Strawn Ms. Jackie Menagh

Mr. Eugene & Mrs. Earnestine Strobert The Rev. Dr. Nelson T. Strobert

32 33 Total Congregational GIVING

United Lutheran Seminary is grateful for the partnership of congregations. Your gifts raise up the next generation of congregational leaders.

DELAWARE St. Mark & All Saints Episcopal Church Christ Episcopal Church First Lutheran Church Galloway, NJ Delaware City, DE Ellicott City, MD St. Mary’s Lutheran Church (Silver Run) Hope Lutheran Church Grace English Lutheran Church Westminster, MD New Castle, DE Lutherville, MD St. Michael Lutheran Church (Perry Hall) Harmony Community Lutheran Church Baltimore, MD FLORIDA Myersville, MD St. Paul Lutheran Church Christus Victor Lutheran Church Holy Communion Lutheran Church Funkstown, MD Naples, FL Fallston, MD St. Paul Lutheran Church Hope Lutheran Church Hope Lutheran Church Aberdeen, MD The Villages, FL Baltimore, MD St. Paul Lutheran Church Peace Lutheran Church Living Faith Lutheran Church Upperco, MD Fort Myers, FL Rockville, MD St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Armands Key Lutheran Church Lord of Life Lutheran Church Lutherville, MD Sarasota, FL Edgewood, MD St. Paul’s Lutheran Church St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church Cumberland, MD Key West, FL Sykesville, MD St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church (Fairview) Baltimore, MD Clear Spring, MD St. Peter Lutheran Church IOWA Mt. Zion Lutheran Church (Locust Grove- Baltimore, MD Immanuel Lutheran Church of Cresco Rohrersville) Trinity Lutheran Church Cresco, IA Rohrersville, MD Taneytown, MD Prince of Peace Lutheran Church MASSACHUSETTS Gaithersburg, MD NEBRASKA St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church Lutheran Church of the Good East Longmeadow, MA Catonsville, MD Shepherd St. John Lutheran Church Hastings, NE MARYLAND Linthicum, MD Ascension Lutheran Church (Towson) St. John Lutheran Church NEW JERSEY Hagerstown, MD Towson, MD Epiphany Lutheran Church St. John Lutheran Church Bethany Lutheran Church Pleasantville, NJ Westminster, MD Brunswick, MD Gethsemane Lutheran Church St. John’s Lutheran Church Breath of God Lutheran Church Keyport, NJ Rockville, MD Baltimore, MD Grace Lutheran Church St. Luke Lutheran Church (Hamilton) Christ Lutheran Church Somers Point, NJ Baltimore, MD Millersville, MD Living Waters Lutheran Church St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Christus Victor Lutheran Church Ringoes, NJ Baltimore, MD Baltimore, MD

34 Grace Lutheran Church TOTAL GIVING Nativity Lutheran Church Christ’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Monongahela, PA East Brunswick, NJ Lewisburg, PA Himmel’s Lutheran Church St. John’s Lutheran Church Christ’s United Lutheran Church Dornsife, PA Summit, NJ Millmont, PA Holy Spirit Lutheran Church St. Stephen Lutheran Church Emmanuel Lutheran Church Turbotville, PA South Plainfield, NJ Prospect, PA Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Emmanuel Lutheran Church (Eastmont) York Springs, PA NEW YORK Pittsburgh, PA Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Abiding Savior Lutheran Church English Lutheran Church Hershey, PA North Tonawanda, NY Zelienople, PA Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Crossroads Lutheran Church Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church Ephrata, PA Amherst, NY Philadelphia, PA Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Lutheran Church of Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church Narberth, PA Patchogue, NY Waynesboro, PA Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Messiah Lutheran Church Faith Lutheran Church Chicora, PA Staten Island, NY Somerset, PA Hungarian Evangelical and Reformed North Park Lutheran Church Faith Lutheran Church Church of Bethlehem Buffalo, NY New Florence, PA Bethlehem, PA Our Savior Lutheran Church Faith United Church Jerusalem Lutheran Church Croton On Hudson, NY Ickesburg, PA Schuylkill Haven, PA Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Faith United Evangelical Lutheran Church Jerusalem Lutheran Congregation of Clifton Park, NY Denver, PA Western Salisbury St. David Lutheran Church Faith United Lutheran Church Allentown, PA Massapequa Park, NY Houtzdale, PA Jordan Lutheran Church St. Luke Lutheran Church First Evangelical Lutheran Church Orefield, PA Sidney, NY Leechburg, PA Laurel Trinity Lutheran Church St. Paul Lutheran Church First Lutheran Church Jennerstown, PA Eggertsville, NY Johnstown, PA Lower Bermudian Lutheran Church St. Peter Lutheran Church First Lutheran Church East Berlin, PA Greenport, NY New Oxford, PA Luther Memorial Church Zion Lutheran Church First Lutheran Church Erie, PA Staten Island, NY Carlisle, PA Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd First Lutheran Church Lancaster, PA Warren, PA Mellingers Lutheran Church (Schoeneck) First Lutheran Church Stevens, PA Advent Lutheran Church Watsontown, PA Memorial Lutheran Church York, PA Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church Shippensburg, PA Advent Lutheran Church Oley, PA Messiah Lutheran Church West Lawn, PA Garman Lutheran Church Elliottsburg, PA Baptist Pastors & Ministers Conference Jersey Shore, PA Messiah Lutheran Church Ardmore, PA Good Shepherd Lutheran Church South Williamsport, PA Beaver Lutheran Church Windber, PA Messiah Lutheran Church (Fisherville) Beaver Springs, PA Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Halifax, PA Benscreek Lutheran Church (Thomas Mills) Coatesville, PA Millcreek Lutheran Church Hollsopple, PA Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Newmanstown, PA Bethesda Lutheran Church Monroeville, PA Monumental Baptist Church Lower Burrell, PA Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Philadelphia, PA Calvary Lutheran Church Mount Pleasant, PA Mother Bethel A.M.E. Church West Chester, PA Grace Baptist Church of Germantown Philadelphia, PA Canaan Baptist Church of NW Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA Moxham Lutheran Church Philadelphia, PA Grace Lutheran Church Johnstown, PA Chestnut Grove Lutheran Church Johnstown, PA Mt. Airy Church of God in Christ (Latimore) Grace Lutheran Church Philadelphia, PA York Springs, PA State College, PA Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church (Lavansville) Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Grace Lutheran Church Somerset, PA Harleysville, PA State College, PA Mt. Joy Lutheran Church Christ Lutheran Church Grace Lutheran Church Gettysburg, PA Harrisburg, PA Red Lion, PA Mt. Joy Lutheran Church Christ Lutheran Church Grace Lutheran Church Gettysburg, PA York, PA Camp Hill, PA Mt. Pisgah AME Church Christ Lutheran Church Grace Lutheran Church Philadelphia, PA Montgomery, PA Macungie, PA Mt. Zion AME Christ United Lutheran Church Grace Lutheran Church Norristown, PA Catawissa, PA Wyndmoor, PA

35 Mt. Zion Baptist Church St. John Lutheran Church St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Philadelphia, PA Boyertown, PA Dillsburg, PA Mt. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church St. John Lutheran Church St. Paul’s Highfield Lutheran Church York, PA Effort, PA Vandergrift, PA Mt. Zion Lutheran Church St. John Lutheran Church St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Glasgow, PA Pen Argyl, PA Warren, PA Mt. Zion Lutheran Church (Bakersville) St. John Lutheran Church St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Somerset, PA Easton, PA Scottdale, PA Mt. Zion Lutheran Church (Breezewood) St. John Lutheran Church St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Breezewood, PA Honesdale, PA Canonsburg, PA Nativity Lutheran Church St. John’s Lutheran Church St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Allison Park, PA Sinking Spring, PA Lancaster, PA New Beginnings Sanctuary of Praise Church St. Joseph’s (Hill) Lutheran Church St. Peter’s Lutheran Church of God in Christ Boyertown, PA Evans City, PA Philadelphia, PA St. Luke Lutheran Church St. Stephen Lutheran Church New Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church Devon, PA Mifflintown, PA Freedom, PA St. Mark’s Lutheran Church St. Stephen Lutheran Church (Upton) Palm Lutheran Church Mechanicsburg, PA Greencastle, PA Palmyra, PA St. Mark’s Lutheran Church St. Thomas Lutheran Church Paradise Lutheran Church Williamsport, PA Saint Thomas, PA Thomasville, PA St. Martin in the Fields Church Swamp Lutheran Church Philadelphia Association United Church of Philadelphia, PA Reinholds, PA Christ St. Matthew Lutheran Church Tenth Memorial Baptist Church Springfield, PA Bethlehem, PA Philadelphia, PA Redeemer Lutheran Church St. Matthew Lutheran Church Tree of Life Lutheran Church Allentown, PA Springfield, PA Harrisburg, PA Reformation Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Matthew Lutheran Church Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (Reiffton) Martinsburg, PA Steelton, PA Reading, PA St. Matthew Lutheran Church Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Reformation Lutheran Church Hanover, PA Lehighton, PA Philadelphia, PA St. Matthew Lutheran Church Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Sharon Lutheran Church Plainfield, PA Perkasie, PA Selinsgrove, PA St. Matthew Lutheran Church (Hunker) Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Hunker, PA McAlisterville, PA Dushore, PA St. Michael’s Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church St. Andrew’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Rossville, PA Bedford, PA Easton, PA St. Paul Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church St. Bartholomew United Church (ELCA) Hanover, PA Somerset, PA Hanover, PA St. Paul Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church St. James Lutheran Church Auburn, PA Arendtsville, PA Huntingdon, PA St. Paul Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church St. James Lutheran Church Dallas, PA Camp Hill, PA Gettysburg, PA St. Paul Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church St. James Lutheran Church (Rauchtown) Dallas, PA Reading, PA Jersey Shore, PA St. Paul Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church St. James Lutheran Church (Wenksville) Doylestown, PA Wernersville, PA Bendersville, PA St. Paul’s Baptist Church Trinity Lutheran Church St. John Lutheran Church West Chester, PA Valley View, PA Fairfield, PA St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church St. John Lutheran Church Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA Maytown, PA St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church St. John Lutheran Church Glenside, PA Wexford, PA Berrysburg, PA St. Peter Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church St. John Lutheran Church (Hampton) Pen Argyl, PA Gibsonia, PA New Oxford, PA St. Peter Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Riegelsville, PA Milton, PA North Versailles, PA St. Peter Lutheran Church-Beckers Trinity Lutheran Church St. John’s Lutheran Church Fleetwood, PA McClure, PA Connoquenessing, PA St. Luke Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church St. John’s Lutheran Church (Perrysville) Williamsport, PA Danville, PA Pittsburgh, PA St. Luke Lutheran Church (Scotland) United Lutheran Church St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church Chambersburg, PA Sunbury, PA Jersey Shore, PA St. Paul Lutheran Church (Erdley’s) Woodcrest United Church Middleburg, PA Philadelphia, PA

36 Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church VIRGINIA WEST VIRGINIA TOTAL GIVING Turbotville, PA Advent Evangelical Lutheran Church Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church Zion Lutheran Church (Penn Hills) Arlington, VA Petersburg, WV Pittsburgh, PA Community Lutheran Church St. John’s Lutheran Church Zion Lutheran Church Sterling, VA Martinsburg, WV Johnstown, PA Faith Lutheran Church St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church Zion Lutheran Church Arlington, VA Wheeling, WV Landisville, PA Holy Trinity Lutheran Church St. Paul Lutheran Church Zion Lutheran Church Falls Church, VA Huntington, WV Leola, PA Resurrection Lutheran Church Zion Lutheran Church Arlington, VA WASHINGTON D.C. Newville, PA St. Matthew Lutheran Church (Woodbridge) Augustana Lutheran Church Zion Lutheran Church (Shannondale) Lake Ridge, VA Washington, DC Mayport, PA


We are grateful for the support from our synods

REGION 7 REGION 8 Metro New York Synod Allegheny Synod New England Synod Lower Susquehanna Synod New Jersey Synod Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod Northwestern Pennsylvania Synod Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod Metropolitan Washington, DC Synod Upstate New York Synod Delaware-Maryland Synod Upper Susquehanna Synod West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod


President – The Rev. Kelley (Baxter) Ketcham, MDiv 2009 President – The Rev. Jay Mitchell, MDiv 2014 Secretary – The Rev. Dr. Warren Eshbach, MDiv 1967 Vice-President – The Rev. Joey Klinger, MDiv 2016 The Rev. Anna Anderson, MDiv 2003 Secretary – Ms. Kristen Kelly, MAPL 2016 The Rev. Richard Adams, MDiv 2010 The Rev. Dr. Joseph “Rabbi” Conner, MDiv 1988, DMin 2013 The Rev. Cinda Brucker, MDiv 2004 The Rev. Ghislaine Cotnoir, MDiv 1987 The Rev. Brian Evans, MDiv 2007 The Rev. Bruce Davidson, MDiv 1974 The Rev. Carolyn Hetrick, MDiv 2011 The Rev. Lauren Heywood, MDiv 2018 The Rev. Roland Hobbs, MDiv 1965 The Rev. Tom Irwin, MDiv 1979 The Rev. Robert (Bob) Musser, MDiv 1973 The Rev. Carmine Pernini, MDiv 2012 Mrs. Barbara K. Schmitthenner, MAR 2003 The Rev. Danny Phelps, MDiv 2018 The Rev. Jimmie Schwartz, MDiv 1980 The Rev. Emmanuel Philor, MAR 2016, MDiv 2018 Evangelist Theresa Reese, MDiv 2014 The Rev. Mark Rigg, STM 2008 Ms. Charryse Wright, MDiv 2018


President – The Rev. Dr. Peter Boehringer Chair – Mr. Frank J. Leber Vice-Chair – Ms. Cheryl Williams President – The Rev. Angela K. Zimmann, Ph.D. Treasurer – Mr. Paul Wangerin Vice President – Mr. Emried D. Cole, Jr. Secretary – Ms. Karen Arnold Ms. Karen A. Albrecht Bishop Tracie Bartholomew Mr. Harold L. Brake The Rev. Tedd Cogar Mr. Kenneth S. Danker Rev. Canon Nancy Deming Mr. Bruce D. George Bishop Guy Erwin Interim President Dr. Richard Green Dr. Kris Hansen-Kieffer The Rev. Roland C. Hobbs Dr. Jim Lakso Mrs. Leslie D. Hobbs The Rev. Sara Lilja Mr. R. Brandon James The Rev. Constance Mentzer Mr. Peter A. Knudsen The Rev. Craig Miller The Rev. Dr. Victor A. Myers Mr. Chris Mondics Mr. Fred E. Risser Mr. Fred Risser Mr. David A. Russell Bishop Michael Rhyne Mr. John S. Ward Dr. Tommie Robinson, Jr. Mr. David Russell Officers: The Rev. Dr. Mark Kelly Tyler Treasurer – Mr. Scott Ganley Secretary – Mr. Conor Brooks

39 United Lutheran Seminary 61 Seminary Ridge Gettysburg, PA 17325
