The World Bank Report No: ISR7974

Implementation Status & Results Marine and Coastal Environment Management (P082492)

Operation Name: Marine and Coastal Environment Management (P082492) Project Stage: Implementation Seq.No: 14 Status: ARCHIVED Archive Date: 20-Feb-2013 Country: Tanzania Approval FY: 2006

Public Disclosure Authorized Product Line:IBRD/IDA Region: AFRICA Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Implementing Agency(ies): Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development, Key Dates Board Approval Date 21-Jul-2005 Original Closing Date 31-Aug-2011 Planned Mid Term Review Date 17-Nov-2008 Last Archived ISR Date 07-Jul-2012 Public Disclosure Copy Effectiveness Date 12-Dec-2005 Revised Closing Date 15-Feb-2013 Actual Mid Term Review Date 01-Dec-2008

Project Development Objectives Marine and Coastal Environment Management (P082492) Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The project development objective is to improve sustainable management and use of the URT?s Exclusive Economic Zone, territorial seas, and coastal resources. Sustainable management and use will be reflected in enhanced revenue collection, reduced threats to the environment, improved livelihoods of participating coastal communities and improved institutional arrangements. Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Program? Public Disclosure Authorized Yes No

Marine and Coastal Environmental Management Project (P084213) Global Environmental Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The global objective is to develop an ecologically representative and institutionally and financially sustainable network of marine protected areas; and to build capacity in the United Republic of Tanzania to measure and manage transboundary fish stocks. Has the Global Environmental Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Program?

Yes No


Component Name Component Cost Public Disclosure Authorized Sound management of EEZ 16.15 Coastal and Marine Environment Management 26.25 Coastal Community Action Fund 11.97 Project Implementation Support 7.38 Public Disclosure Copy

Overall Ratings

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Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Progress towards achievement of GEO Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Risk Rating

Implementation Status Overview The ISR has been updated to reflect the approval of a Second Order Restructuring. The restructuring has introduced two changes: i) extension of the project closure date by five and one-half months to February 15, 2013; and ii) reallocation of proceeds to optimizeproject operations for the remaining project implementation period. The extension will allow the Government of Tanzania to complete ongoing activities such as: (i) the establishment of the Marine Legacy Fund (MLF), (ii) project evaluation studies that are critical to achieving

Public Disclosure Copy project objectives, and (iii) final construction elements for three fisheries landing sites.

Locations Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Tanzania Zanzibar Urban/West Region Zanzibar

Tanzania Region Temeke District

Tanzania Tanga Region

Tanzania Zanzibar Urban/West Region Stone Town

Tanzania Pwani Rufiji District


Tanzania Not Entered Pemba Channel

Tanzania Tanga Region District

Tanzania Tanga Region District

Tanzania Dar es Salaam Region Mtoni

Tanzania Zanzibar Central/South Region Mtende

Tanzania Zanzibar North Region Mnemba Island

Tanzania Pwani Mkuranga

Tanzania Mesali Island

Tanzania Zanzibar Central/South Region Menai Bay Public Disclosure Copy

Tanzania Zanzibar North Region Mangapwani

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Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Tanzania Pwani Mafia Island

Tanzania Not Entered Mafia District

Tanzania Not Entered Latham Island

Tanzania Not Entered Kiwengwa

Tanzania Dar es Salaam Region Kinondoni District

Tanzania Kilwa District

Public Disclosure Copy Tanzania Pwani Ilala District

Tanzania Zanzibar Central/South Region Chwaka Bay

Tanzania Zanzibar Central/South Region Chwaka

Tanzania Pwani Bagamoyo District

Tanzania Mtwara District

Tanzania Mtwara Region Mtwara

Tanzania Not Entered Lindi Urban

Tanzania Lindi Region Lindi Rural


Project Development Objective Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Proportion of households perceiving an Percentage Value 0.00 0.00 80.00 improvement in their welfare and econimic Date 12-Nov-2007 15-Sep-2012 15-Feb-2013 status Comments First draft of the Socio- Economic Impact Assessment Report has been received on August 17, 2012. URT Revenue generation to EEZ Authority Amount(USD) Value 1.90 3.17 10.00 from offshore fisheries (US$M/yr) Date 12-Nov-2007 15-Sep-2012 15-Feb-2013 Comments The Authority began issuing Public Disclosure Copy fishing licenses for the first time in February 2010. By the

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end of May 2012 a total of 105 licenses had been issues to Tanzania and distant water and fishing Nations such as Seychelles, Spain, France, Taiwan Proportion of annual operational costs of MMA Percentage Value 40.00 60.00 80.00 system covered by own resources Date 12-Nov-2007 15-Sep-2012 15-Feb-2013 Comments MPRU: 28%; MCU: 92.5% Direct project beneficiaries Number Value 0.00 25203.00 Date 15-Sep-2012 15-Feb-2013 Public Disclosure Copy Comments Mainland: 8,078; Zanzibar: 17,125 Female beneficiaries Percentage Value 0.00 11172.00 Sub Type Supplemental

Global Environmental Objective Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Management effectiveness of territorial seas Percentage Value 4.00 13.00 10.00 increased (KPI) Date 12-Nov-2007 15-Sep-2012 15-Feb-2013 Comments To enable accurate assessment of progress made toward achieving the indicator, GoT will provide information on: a) specific measures being implemented for effective management; b) number and type of reported infringements; and c) specific responses to address identified infringements and their outcome. Fisheries Information Management System Number Value 1000.00 12500.00 7500.00 supplied with increased observation data Date 12-Nov-2007 15-Sep-2012 15-Feb-2013 (vessel catches) (KPI) Comments The recorded cumulative observation is the collection through DSFA up to April Public Disclosure Copy 2012. In the short term period four units (DSFA, DFDZ,

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DFsD M, DMRZ) will come together January and June of every year to consolidate the data until the formation of the integrated URTinformation management system (IFIMS). Once the automated/ integrated system is in effect, the number of records will increase fast.

Intermediate Results Indicators

Public Disclosure Copy Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Governance instruments (policies & Text Value 61 regulations) for EEZ established Date 01-Dec-2005 15-Sep-2012 15-Feb-2013 Comments These include: the DSFA Act and regulations; the Fisheries Act for mainland and Zanzibar; the MCU regulations; and the amendment ofthe MPRU Act. Community managed area established in each Number Value 0.00 219.00 5.00 area of project focus Date 01-Dec-2005 15-Sep-2012 15-Feb-2013 Comments Mainland: 172 and Zanzibar: 40 Destructive practices (at all project sites) Percentage Value 0.00 325.00 reduced Date 01-Dec-2005 15-Sep-2012 15-Feb-2013 Comments 306 illegal incidents reported during 2621 patrols conducted in MPRU. A total of Tsh 14,800,000 was collected in fines. In Zanzibar, a total of 175 patrols were done in all protected areas and 16 illegal fishers were captured, sent to courts and fined. Subprojects through CVF completed Number Value 0.00 792.00 400.00 Date 12-Nov-2005 15-Sep-2012 15-Feb-2013 Public Disclosure Copy Comments First draft of the Socio- Economic Impact Assessment

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Report, evaluating the socio- economic impact of the sub- projects financed underthe CVF, has been received on August 17, 2012. Households participating in community saving Number Value 0.00 832.00 300.00 schemes Date 12-Nov-2005 15-Sep-2012 15-Feb-2013 Comments (Number of people). Three community banks have been established in Mafia, Kilwa and Rufiji. In Zanzibar, a large number of VICOBAs (Village Public Disclosure Copy community Banks) have been set up but further training and awareness raising is required for strengthening/scaling up. Marine Legacy Fund (MLF) established Yes/No Value No No Yes Date 12-Nov-2007 15-Sep-2012 15-Feb-2013 Comments GOT has preliminarily allocated US$420,000 to the Fund (US$200,000 by Zanzibar and US$220,000 by Mainland. A total of USD 750,000 needs to be available as seed capital for the establishment of the Fund. Several other actions are still pending for the MLF to be established. EEZ Authority in place Yes/No Value No Yes Yes Date 12-Nov-2007 15-Sep-2012 15-Feb-2013 Comments The DSFA Act remains to be ratified by the House of Representative in Zanzibar.

Data on Financial Performance (as of 18-Jan-2013)

Financial Agreement(s) Key Dates Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date

Public Disclosure Copy P082492 IDA-41060 Effective 21-Jul-2005 25-Aug-2005 12-Dec-2005 31-Aug-2011 15-Feb-2013 P082492 TF-53440 Closed 06-Jul-2004 06-Jul-2004 06-Jul-2004 06-Mar-2008 31-Dec-2008

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Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date P084213 TF-55580 Effective 25-Aug-2005 25-Aug-2005 25-Aug-2005 31-Aug-2011 15-Feb-2013

Disbursements (in Millions) Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed P082492 IDA-41060 Effective USD 51.00 51.00 0.00 51.57 0.34 101.00 P082492 TF-53440 Closed USD 1.82 1.72 0.09 1.72 0.00 100.00 P084213 TF-55580 Effective USD 10.00 10.00 0.00 9.28 0.72 93.00

Disbursement Graph Public Disclosure Copy

Key Decisions Regarding Implementation Based on a request from the Government of Tanzania the project closure date has been extended by five and one-half months to February 15, 2013 and a reallocation of proceeds has been finalized. These two changes have been introduced through a Second Order Restructuring, which was approved by the CD on August 22, 2012.

Restructuring History CD Approved on 22-May-2009, Level two Approved on 22-Aug-2012

Related Projects

Public Disclosure Copy P084213-Marine and Coastal Environmental Management Project

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