An Analysis of Geography Educa.Tion in the · Protestant High Schooi.S of Montreal
. AN ANALYSIS OF GEOGRAPHY EDUCA.TION IN THE · PROTESTANT HIGH SCHOOI.S OF MONTREAL by Russell Andrew McNeilly1 :B.Sc., A.C.P. A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts. Department of Education, August 1963 McGill University, Montreal. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This study1 which was carried out in the Division of Graduate Studies in Education, examines the learning and teaching processes of geography in the high schools of the Montreal area, and more particularly the high schools controlled by the Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal. To gain information for the thesis, the writer needed the assistance of members of various school boards, the principals of the high schools, the geography teachers in the high schools, and the committee of the newly formed geography teacherst association. To all of these, the writer acknowledges his indebtedness. Appreciation is expressed also to Prof. Harry Clinch, head of the Department of Geography, Sir George Williams University, to Prof. Trevor Lloyd, Chairman of the Department of Geography, McGill University, and to Prof. Reginald Edwards, Chairman of the Division of Graduate Studies in Education, McGill University. The writer wishes to offer thanks for their kind assistance. Finally, the author owes a debt of gratitude to his director of studies, Prof. R.L.R. Overing1 of the Institute of Education, for his guidance, assistance and encouragement in the preparation of the thesis. TABLE OF CONTENTS :Page No. Acknowledgement List of Tables Introduction :PART 1 - :PRINCIPLES 1 Ch.l. A FRAMEVORK FOR GEOGRA:PHY EDUCATION 1 1 Introduction 1 11 The Nature and scope of geography 6 III The Existing dichotomy 9 IV The vital role of geograpby in present day society and in high school 12 v Two schools of thought in geography 18 VI The subdivision of geography 19 VII Electic view for high school geography in Montreal 24 Ch.2.
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