(00:00:04): Hello everybody, Hey guys - Thank you so much for taking the time out to join me today for our fireside chat. So first things first, just to make sure sure. We are all on the same page. And everyone can hear me. Can I get a quick hello in the chat. Can I get a quick hello in the chat everyone. Hello? Hello, hello, hello. Awesome. I see Latrina is here. She never misses anything, Caitlin's here. Caitlin always makes the time. Thank you so much Caitlin. I know you have a lot going on. Good. Kendrick's on here. Awesome. He's cycle 11. Awesome. Thank you guys so much for popping in. Thank you guys for waiting. I wanted to give everyone a minute to be able to see my post. We have a lot to chat about today. Well one topic, but we need to dive deep and get very serious about it. So I'm so glad you guys are all making it. Thank you everyone for popping on, for giving me this time.

(00:00:53): I know that Saturday is universal peak friend time. You know what I mean? Like, this is peak friend time. And not only is it a reserved on the calendar, but there's also so much going on in this world. So for me to come to you in the middle of your Saturday morning I, it's not lost on me and I appreciate you guys taking out the time. I promise you I will use this time well because it's necessary. So for those of you guys celebrating Passover, like ms Rosenfeld, our good friend here, I thank you so much. Illa for joining us in from Jerusalem next year. We'll all be in Jerusalem, right? I'm so happy Passover to all of you guys. And for those of you guys, we're getting ready for Easter morning. There's a reason why we're having this chat now because you know, for those of you guys who are of the, you know, Christian faith, you understand that tomorrow is a very big deal.

(00:01:48): And as we are going into this new, right and we are refreshing ourselves and resurrecting and starting new. Yeah. I, I wanted to, I've addressed the old and talk about change and talk about transition and just share some news and all that. Good. So I'm very excited. I love you guys. And, I want you to know that this is a uplifting discussion, meaning it's all positive as we always try to be, but I also want to let you know it is a serious conversation. So I say all this because you know, I just, I was on TV but real with you guys. So first things first, how are you on a scale of one to five, five being I'm having a whole nightmare and one being like, you know, everything is totally fine. On a scale of one to five, let me know how you guys are doing.

(00:02:43): Perfect. Good. Lots of threes in the middle, which is kind of in the middle fluctuating. Okay, good, good, good, good, good, good, good. I care about you guys. So, so that's really, really good to hear that everyone's at least running in the middle. I think that this is the type season right where right in the middle is a thing, you know thanks for asking. Michelle, how am I? I am a 3.5 maybe and I would honestly like to let you know that the 3.5 is because I needed to have this conversation. Have you guys ever felt like something is on your heart to say, but you're not sure how to say it but you know, it needs to be said. And that's where I've been for the past week. If you guys noticed for the past three days, I haven't really gone live. I haven't really posted much on social or anything like that and it's because I have been in a reflective place.

(00:03:39): I care about you guys so much and and I have been really reflecting on how to have this conversation with you and I have the team pull it together because we knew it needed to be said and and so that's what we're doing right now. If this is not a breakup and I, my health is fine. I know there are a lot of moms on here, so I'd, everybody's helps with finding the household. So I was like, let me just say this cause I was like, I know where this is sounding like it's going, let me just mom, all of you guys real quick. Everybody is fine health wise, everything is fine. Life-Wise all that stuff. But I did want to pull you guys together because I, I want to have a grownup conversation and there's things being said and I'm not ready to say them publicly yet until I, to the masses until I figure out how that conversation will go.

(00:04:29): But I have to say it to you guys first because that's part of, and this is important, I think this is a great time to just to explain kind of where we are. So I'm just going to jump right in. So and if any of you guys have any rich friends that are not here, text them, you know, and ask them to join in because we don't do these normally. So this is important. So I believe in covenants, and I know that word sounds really kind of scary and churchy and things like that. And it's not that covenant is a word that just basically means that you are in an agreement with someone that is more important to you than something that's even contractual. Does that make sense to you guys? Like it's more important than a something that's just on paper and it's not something you extend to everyone. It's not something that you take lightly and it is something that is more important than a M.

(00:05:26): It's more than just business. And whenever I think of 'em and it's just like, so understand that you don't have to be a Christian to have a covenant relationship with someone, it is. And that is, I want you guys to understand that that's how I've always looked at my relationship with my, my students. And the reason why is sure there's paperwork, there's money exchange, there's all of that. But all of those things are elements, commitment to the covenant, right? And and the same thing applies like with a, with a marriage, right? Like with a marriage. Sure. You have the wedding, you have all those things. Yeah. But let's just be honest, okay. Marriage is not just the agreement you to sort of cohabitate, right? For some people you can tell, when it's just a piece of paper, you know? I think that in our society, marriage has become very watered down and casual, you know, and if you have a covenant marriage, you recognize that there is something there.

(00:06:28): It's why when people are like, Oh yeah, we just got that. We've been together for 10 years, but we just got the paper and made it official. It means something when it is a covenant relationship, right? It's more, it's, it does change. It's not just like, Oh, we were already living together, but this just kind of made it official. No, no, no, no, no. When you have committed before your friends, your family and God, it should change. It should change and it should be different. It should not be the same. And and that means that the way you approach each other and the way that you guys approach problems together and the way that you guys approach the decision to become parents. And the, the way that you guys approached change in your life is all different. And so because of that, it also means that you just take it very seriously.

(00:07:20): And, and I say this to you guys because I want you to know and I just want everyone to calm down on nerves. Everything you guys know, I always have some positive, right? This is not a negative thing. I am not sick. I am not about to cut you loose. It's none of that stuff. So you have bring it down, bring it down. But it is a serious conversation, which is why you're feeling what you're feeling now because I am, I'm a Puffin, right? Allie, she talks about this all the time and the other day she came to me just to address the feeling in the room right now. She came to me and she said, mom, sometimes I feel like you guys don't like me when I do something wrong.

(00:07:59): And I said to her, well we do role playing a lot. And I said to her, I'll just to help her communicate cause she's little and she doesn't have all the words. So sometimes acting it out makes it a little easier for her to understand. So I said, well why don't you show me what it looks like to you when you, when you do something that you think isn't right to help me understand what it looks like, right? Yeah, exactly. I think it's that age eight nine thing, right? So she said, will you talk to me like this, Allie, I'm very disappointed in you.

(00:08:32): Right? And I said, Oh, you mean I use my from mommy voice? And she's like, yes. Like you know, like she like, cause she didn't know that was a thing. Right. And and so I explained to her that the from mommy voice is what I use when I need her to take me seriously. And she's not used to that voice because that voice most of the time is, most of the time I talked to her and it's upbeat and it sounds like this. And whenever I use that voice, it's because I want her to understand that the thing is very serious and where you were having a serious time and she's like serious, you know, like what's a serious time. So, you know, we went into that whole thing and once, and I let her know, of course, that the from mommy voice does not mean there's any love lost.

(00:09:18): It just means that I want her to understand how important the thing is that I'm talking about, which is why we use our different voices. And and the context I used was inside voice and outside voice or the voice that you use when you're playing around versus the voice that you use when you are just hanging out with people. Right. So I say this just to let you guys, what you're hearing is my firm mommy voice, right? I'm still high energy. I'm still excited. This is just my or mommy voice. Right? And and so that's why this is important, right? That's why we're having this time. So the first thing I want to address right now is who is in the room right now? The people that are in the room right now are a combination of both yacht club and cycle 11 of one K one day now for by yacht clubbers...

(00:10:09): Let me start with this for my cycle 11 people yacht club is a member community, but the reason why I use the word covenant is it's more than that and it's made up of one K one day graduates. It is an invite only experience. The thing that you have not learned about it, it is not ever open to the public. It is not something that we typically discuss cycle 11 until the end of cycle 11. And it is not something we ever really, cause you guys need to focus on doing the work where you are. You guys don't meet them, you don't know them, they don't meet you. We have never, I think every single person who is an alum here in yacht club, you all know that the two never meet until you're invited. Right. That's just how that is. You guys don't ever meet them because they are head down.

(00:10:58): It is a thing. Right. And yacht club community. Yeah, exactly. Elizabeth is like, they're being told about it already. Right. We don't, we don't ever talk about it. Right. And and it's a serious thing and right. Alex has been here since day one. It's essential. It's strategic. It's a thing. I usually don't bring the two of you together, but I'm bringing you guys together because we need to talk, right? And. Yeah. Club is invite only and we do have a capacity and because of what has happened in the world, I'm not shifting that capacity number. I just want to be very clear. I'm not shifting that capacity number. We can only serve so many people so well and I cannot. And so it won't be a situation where yacht club is going to suddenly double because all of cycle 11 once in all the cycle 11 feels like it's the right time.

(00:11:48): That is not the case. It will remain invite only. And and for that reason, some of you guys will not be in yacht club. Now cycle 11, I do not want to make you worry about that. It is not something to worry about, as you guys know. I will not leave you hanging. We will have that conversation when the time comes, if indeed that makes any sense. For you right now, your most important job in cycle 11 is to focus on one K one day. Yacht Clubbers am I correct about this? When you look back on your, your one K one day time, how valuable and important was it and how much do you wish you had looked at it with the eyes that you have now? Just focus on one K one day. So this is super important, but understand that yacht club knows about you, that we are thinking of you, we are praying for you and we already consider you part of us, which is why, which is why I'm bringing you all here together.

(00:12:51): Because I want you to know, and this is the thing that we talk about when we say that rich friends are real friends and that you're part of a wider community. We take this really seriously. We take it really seriously and and it's important for us to distinguish ourselves in this space over everyone else. And when I say everyone else I mean people who are casually and with a cavalier attitude towards other people, building businesses that are all about money and not about legacy that are all about money without integrity. That is not who we are. And we are setting ourselves apart from those masses. And so that is why we sound and talk like this because people who take themselves seriously understand Olympic athletes are different from your local kickball group. And that is the distinction between us and everyone else. It's not that we think that we're better, it's that we take this seriously.

(00:13:47): And so and we want to lead if by, if, even if we aren't someone who typically sees ourselves as the leader on stage, we want to lead by example. We want people who look at what we do to say this is how they do it. When I hire a rich friend, I know I'm getting someone with this level of integrity, with this level of experience, with this community behind them. And that's just something that I have. It's why you don't see me with 500 billion students because I don't, we don't want everybody, I don't want everybody. I don't want, I want the people who are going to take this seriously. I don't want someone who just wants to be able to take a picture in front of a Lamborghini on Instagram or take a picture in their closet with all their bags showing. I'm not interested in that.

(00:14:31): It's an integrity thing. Now, does it have to do with being wealthy or poor or whatever else? No, it's not. It's not at all. It's, it literally is about how your heart is set up and how your mind is set up around service. That's all. So that said, who is in the room? All of us, not all of us, we don't do this, but I do want to, I did want cycle 11 to know you are part of something bigger and we do consider to be part of that bigger. Once you're in, you're never really out. Right. It's just the thing you've kind of come through are, are you've come through this experience, which means that when you leave this experience, I hope you carry with you. You know how when people talk about going to certain colleges that you kind of have an air of that have with you wherever you go.

(00:15:12): I want you to know, no matter where you go from here, I hope that this impacts you and, and affects the way that you reflect on your experiences and how you it affects the way that you, what you're willing to accept from others. I want you to know that the way we treated you here and the way that you are seeing here is how you deserve to be seen in every aspect of your life. And if you have never been treated like this before, I hope you carry this with you everywhere you go. So that, that way, that is what you expect from everyone else. And and that is what I mean by you're part of something bigger.

(00:15:46): So right now I want you to know that we're in, all of this together. And we are united by our desire to leave things better for our family and for our community and for our world. And we are legacy builders. And the word legacy gets thrown around a lot because it sounds good as a marketing term, but it's not a game for me. I didn't plan to be a mom and God determined I would be. And when I realize there's something that happens to you when you become a mom, when you start realizing that it isn't just about you and you can't be so cavalier because I have an eight year old, God willing, she's got many, many, many, many, many more decades on this planet. And I will not be here to see all of them. And it's important to me that as I reflect and watch her from heaven, that she is living the best life possible. And knowing this, that's what legacy is about.

(00:16:52): Knowing your kids and knowing that, you know, I've got internet, nephews and nieces out there, some that have yet to be born, some that are being cooked right now. You know, I, it's important to me to know that when I look back that I can say I left it all here and I, and it is, I have in my small part, I have left it better than when I left it. The event, when I showed up in my small part, I couldn't do everything, but I just want to make sure that I did my part, that it isn't enough to just be neutral. It isn't enough to just sit on one side and say, well, as long as I'm not causing a problem and I'm not taking a lot, it's okay for me to just stand as much as you may feel quiet and introverted or like a wallflower or like you may not have much to offer.

(00:17:39): Each of us has the power to propel the world forward for good. And I think we're learning all of that now. And I want you to understand that when I use the word legacy, what that is, that as much as you have the power to create harm, you have the power to create good. And by staying still, you are also, you're, you're choosing to not do anything when you have the opportunity to create change. And it's so, so important as rich friends, we do hard things well. And one K one day is an example of that. It's a course, right? It is sold as such. It is something that you elect to, but it's so much more than that. It really is a test. It's a test of how you're willing to show up when someone's really watching. It's a test of how you're willing to show up around people. It stretches you to be something that you may not have thought you would be. It is a it is an experience.

(00:18:41): I don't know how else to explain it and I hope that's how you guys feel about it. I hope it feels I'm not going to lie to you just cause you know, I'm a real person. It feels a little silly to say all that cause you're like, Oh, it's just a module you log in. But I hope you understand how my heart is in it and that when we see we see you and we care about you and so this is why it is so important for us to to build carefully, build entirely and for us to have safe spaces. Because I growing up I realized what it's like to not have a safe space. I've never had anyone tell me I could be an entrepreneur. I never had anyone tell me that I had options. I never had anyone telling me that my life is only limited based on what it is that I desire.

(00:19:30): I decide that I want to show up for. I never had anyone telling me that I had parents that were focused on survival based on their background and I didn't have a mentor or a leader. I didn't even know what that was. And I know for a lot of you guys, you signed up for one K one day as a tool and you didn't realize that, you know, you were coming with, you were getting with that people who truly want to lift you, which is what our spaces were truly. I mean it's, you get to the point in life sometimes when you're beat down so often that you stopped believing that people care, you stopped believing that people want to see win. And you start wondering if you really are in it by yourself, that cycle of thoughts in your head about whether or not you can do it.

(00:20:17): That keeps you from wanting to launch, that keeps you from wanting to do that, keeps you from wanting to grow it. It's hard to break out of it. And one of the values of this space, aside from just the tools is that we have each other and you know that every single day I am literally looking at our community to figure out how to tweak and grow and be bigger and bring resources in and all of that. And we're doing it for each other. And I want to let you know that that's what I'm excited about being able to have here, have here. So for those of you guys, but actually for all of you, I just want to be candid about it. For all of you for the present time, for the time that we're in right now. I'm your mentor. I'm not just your friend.

(00:21:00): We joke, we joke about that all the time. Like I'm friends, psycho love. And some of this is new to you. One of the jokes we had here in Yaakov was they said, Nicole, are you going to wear a wig to this? Cause we want to know how serious this is. Because when we get into yacht club, I may show up in my term and I may show open up on it. Like, listen, we friends. So and I was like, Oh, I'm wearing a wig. And they were like, Oh, this is serious. And I was like, no, I'm in front of cycle 11. I gotta act right. I gotta act right. They still think I have my life together. I got to act right in front of them. We have to act right in front of the kids, you know, but the reality is that's the, it's the truth, you know you know, we're friends, you know, like it's a thing that we have here.

(00:21:39): And but you know, I am also your mentor and it means that it's important for me to guide you in the process. And it's important for me to be honest with you about where things are and transparent. Those of you guys who've been here from the very beginning, you guys know one thing that I am and we always joke about it in our household, my husband and Eddie and the kids and stuff like that is I'm consistent. You know what I mean? I'm consistent. You know what I mean? Like you, what you see is what you get. Like this is truly who I like. I'm very much the same, you know, money did not change me. Press did not change me. None of that. And it's important for me. This is a gift for me too, is like this space right here is something that is important to me. (00:22:19): And Alex remembers this. Alex has been here since the beginning, beginning since the foundation of yacht club. And and in the very beginning I had a call, much like this one that was very transparent where I said, Hey guys, we need to change things and this is what it looks like, and here is the reason why. And and to honor those of you guys who've been here from that beginning, I'm grateful to say that I think that I've honored a lot of what I said on that first call where I said, it's shifting and here's the reason why, and this is what it looks like. And and I'm excited because, yeah, Jackie remembers too. I'm excited because you know, this is another one of those shift moments and I think it's important to be honest in that. So let's get into the tough stuff.

(00:23:02): So I want to be the first to tell you guys that things are going to change, things are going to change. And and I don't mean that in relation to yacht club or to our community or to the structure of $1K1Day. My job right now, I was to do the most that I can with what I have here and, amen. Richard. Amen Richard. Like I pray that that is a truth guy. I pray that that is that God was speaking to you directly and that comes to pass it men, I say all of to let you guys know that things are going to change. And I want to be the first to tell you I have been watching the current state of the world right now and and I've been waiting, this isn't a political statement at all, right? I believe that our, we all have our different people are politicizing something that doesn't really need to be politicized.

(00:24:03): You know what I mean? Like it's just we are here with what we are dealing with. We are all in it together and this is not, politics is not, this is not blue. This is not red. This is not purple. This is not liberal. This is a challenge that unites all of us. And as a Christian, I believe God has the final say. So you know what I mean? But all of those things said, I want to let you know that there are some things that need to be discussed that I do believe our politicians, both local, federal, state, whatever, their hands are full with the immediate challenge. And I want to have some conversations. I don't feel like they're being had and just fact base things that I want to let you go. I want you to hear it from me first. You know how and I always like to use this example of, you know, how when you have kids and you know, bad news is coming.

(00:24:55): Like for instance, the way that we handled a school being closed for the year, I've got two seniors in my house, Eddie and Chrissy, my mid tiny and with my two seniors, I had to explain to them back in February that graduation may not happen and that school was likely going to be closed. And they received it well when the word finally came down because they heard it from mom first. And it's you know, one of the things that we often will do as a mom is we'll want to protect our children from the truth and we will want to minimize their hurts and we will hold off for as long as possible be cause we don't want to worry them and we don't want to bring fear to them. But I, I've learned, at least in my experience with my children that, and I don't think there's a right or wrong, it's that weird balance that's the hardest part as a parent is that weird balance, right?

(00:25:54): Like how long is too long and how soon is too soon and how much, you know, it's the weirdest thing. For my for my kids, I prefer to always let them know what's going on as soon as I have actual answers or I'm pretty certain of what's going on because then it's less of a shock because the shock is coming no matter what. But let me at least cushion that blow from you hearing it from someone that you trust. Because if you hear it from someone, you trust first, then when the blow comes, we still have to get through it, right? But at least you know the person who told you in the beginning if someone you can still trust, because when the blow comes, you're going to feel like nothing is stable. You're going to feel like you can't trust anything. You're going to want to look everywhere for a solution. And sorry, and something that is clear to me is that, and these are things that I feel, I feel crazy saying out loud, but I'm certain of it. A lot of people are going to come out of the woodwork claiming they have a solution and it's going to sound good, but it's not going to be the truth.

(00:27:03): As a Christian, we're, we're prepared for that. We're prepared for the fact that a lot of people are going to raise their hands saying that, Oh, we can lead you, we can direct you, we can show you the right way. But you're wondering what is it really about? What is it really about? So what I want to do is in this time I want to tell you what I know for a fact how I think we should approach things. And then I want to give you a choice where you're able to take this. You guys know take this things into your own discernment. This is something that I always tell you guys, take things into your own discernment. You had discernment means to take things, hold it and decide for yourself. So I just want to put it in front of you so that if this isn't stuff you're thinking about, you start thinking about it and you start preparing and you start knowing that like you don't have to do anything right now, but I want you to be aware because it's so important.

(00:27:53): And that's the same thing I did for my, for my kids. I said, Hey, I just want to put this in front of you that this is where what we might be looking at. So that that way when the time comes, if it doesn't come right, if graduation does happen, all that fantastic. But if it does, if it does look like those things aren't happening, no graduation, no prom, that you're not hearing that from a stranger and you're not f eeling shell shocked because then you're easy, you're able to run, you're able to do the things you need to do. So are we all on the same page that there's no drastic change happening right now that there's nothing crazy that I'm asking you guys to do, but that I do want to put things in front of you so that that way you are prepared as a community.

(00:28:33): Awesome. Good, good, good, good, good. Right. Jamie is like, like when you told us the recession was coming last year. Exactly. Just like that. I watch, I read financial markets like crazy. I look at data and analytics. I was talking about this recession almost to a almost a year to the date I was onstage talking about this at one K one day live saying we are six months to one year away from a recession and this is what I need you to do because with this is how far away we are. And 50% of the people in the room that were there were like, I think I'll just tough it out a little longer. You know what I mean? And 50% of the people in the room were like, okay, you know? Okay. You know, so I'm letting you know right now that that's this is another one of those calls. Like, Hey, it has arrived, you know, and and, and I want to talk about it. Okay. Right? Paul, it's like I ran home and started planning and thinking, cause you had facts, right? So I want to let you know that things are going to change. I know some of you guys right now are like, Oh changes are

(00:29:42): Happening already, right. I want to let you know that what we're experiencing now is, is not the worst of it. Things have just escalated quickly and there's a lot of social media out there saying like relax and you know, just hanging out and all of that is true and important. I don't need you guys to panic. This is, it's not a panic level thing. And the reason why I say it's not a panic level thing is none of the things that are happening now have never happened before. The only thing that is different is how quickly it wasn't onset, but if you understand that I was talking about this financial economic world global time a year ago, you will understand that again, this is not a drastic unexpected thing and when things aren't drastic and unexpected, it means that there are solutions to move out of it.

(00:30:36): The same way that just four months ago, three months ago, we felt like we were in our best economic. We were, you know, statistically in numbers, I have best economic situation ever. That time will come again. It will come again. I can guarantee it. I am willing to bet my favorite shoes on it. That it will come again. And what this conversation is about is it making sure I want you to write this down, that you are positioned for prosperity. I cannot say this more seriously and it's why I'm using my serious mom voice and it is why I am asking all of you to to lean in and understand that this is a situation where you will, if you've ever heard someone saying, I wish I'd come up with that great idea. I wish I'd launched that business. The last time this season happened, Uber was invented, Airbnb was invented.

(00:31:44): People became millionaires based on this season. The problem is that people look at the season and they get so caught up in what is happening and this is hard and we'll get into the hard stuff. They get so caught up in what is happening that they don't even see through it. To recognize that you will, every single one of you without a doubt, I guarantee it will have moments of opportunity that if you see them and you grab them and you capitalize on them, you will come out prosperous better than you were before this season happened like without a doubt. Statistically it is. It is and this isn't me just throwing something over that you need to claim. This isn't throwing some, this isn't just a random stuff like without a doubt, it is just the math on this sort of thing. But it will not work if you do not position yourself for prosperity.

(00:32:45): And even with a baby cooking, even it with new children coming in. I imagined that when having children it feels like, Oh my word. Like how do I like make this work? How do I, what happens? You know, like just really, really worried about that. And I want to let you know that yes. The same way that when you had your first kid or your second kid and you were like, how will we take this on? Where's the money gonna come from? The kids is still fed. I assure you it will work out. The important part is to not get clouded in your vision with all the things in front of you. So let's talk about the escalation of things happening quickly. Right? So the first thing is how many of you know someone or you are someone who's either been furloughed or or laid off type in a one.

(00:33:33): How many of you are just aware that that is a thing? No, someone or everybody knows someone or, I mean we're at the point now where 16 million people are filing for unemployment. A lot of people don't want to talk about this. A lot of leaders and mentors and community people don't want to do it because they're so afraid to say this out loud to you because they're worried that you guys will run for the Hills. I'm telling you right now, I cannot, I can't double negative on purpose, but I can't not address this with you because it's not right or fair or appropriate. I have to say it out loud because if we have entered this covenant where I will tell you the truth and support you, I have to do that. I have to talk about it and I can't be excessively cheery and positive and optimistic.

(00:34:17): Now after this serious chat, we will get back to doing the work in a positive way, but I have to seriously talk about the serious things suck. It's just part of it, you know? Because if we talk about the serious things that we can get strategic in the way we do our work, a different us can show up to the opportunity and I can't have the person who's showing up taking it as casually as as the person who's like, why just going to be curious and motivated. Everything would be fine. I'm just going to, you know, at first it was, you know, let's just stay focused and hammer down. Let's not, I didn't want you guys making any big shifts because big shifts will, will overturn the whole Apple cart. But once I realized, okay, we're not making big shifts, but this is what we need to do, then I wanted to talk about that.

(00:34:58): So this is not an easy time. Things are changing, but I do want you to hear, for me it's the same way that I said position for prosperity. You will make it, you will make it. I would not say that you, I, that's literally what I've been sitting on for the past three, four days. Are people going to make it? Like, are people going to make it? Would it be? I don't want to say something to you that's not true. Kind of like you don't want to say to your kids Oh yeah, no, it will rain on your birthday. You know what I mean? Like you don't want to say things like that because you don't want to set them up in a way that's going to create disappointment. I don't want to create disappointment that I don't believe is true. You will make it. Lots of of businesses won't survive this, but I am confident that you will make it is you have the tools and resources that they do not. You have the perspective and the guidance that they do not right now. The conversations were here having are board room conversations, not break room conversations. Right now. People in the break room are mumbling about if they're going to get laid off and people in the boardroom are making the decisions. You are in the boardroom, not the break room, and that is the difference.

(00:36:15): Covid 19 is scary. It's close and it's overwhelming. It is very real. I know that some of you may be feeling a little bit of guilt because right now you're looking at everything that's happening and you're saying to yourself, I'm, I have a lot to be grateful for. I'm mostly okay and I'm so sorry. It's impacting all of us and so many of us are losing family members. We're losing friends, we're seeing people impacted one way or another. Some of us are in the medical and healthcare industry and we're struggling there. And and I want to let you know that one of the things that we're feeling now that no one is talking about because we're not quite there yet, is a survivor's guilt, survivor's guilt. It's similar to imposter syndrome in the context where you don't feel like you deserve the benefits that you've had.

(00:37:16): That coupled was feeling overwhelmed and having to cope with everything. It's this feeling that we're watching the world spin out of control and yet we're somehow covered. And and that is a challenging feeling. You know, when we're looking at it and I want to give it a name so that you guys can understand that it's challenging to feel like you aren't deserving of, it's the same feeling that makes you not want to sell, right? It makes you not want to create. (00:37:47): It makes you not want to do anything that you feel is taking more than you deserve because you already feel like you, you are so blessed to even stand in the room, right? To even be able to, every time I take a breath, knowing it's not, it's not lost on me that COVID is a respiratory meaning a breathing disease. Because I don't take any breath for granted every time we are taking a breath right now. Other people, there are people who are not, there are people that are struggling. Have you ever heard that you should be grateful for each breath? Boy, does that take on a whole new meaning right now and that survivor's guilt that goes along with that is something that can be challenging, overcome. And I want to say to all of you to lean in and understand that you have earned your survival.

(00:38:43): If you are a Christian or if you're someone who has that belief system, we've learned, especially in this time that the price was already paid for us to have this breath. And so you don't have to feel guilty about having it because you deserve it. It's already been paid. If you are someone who isn't a person of faith, I want you to understand that you've structured your life and you've made choices, whether it was to stay home early, whether it was to focus on your family, whether it was to save a little bit, whether it was to start building, you've earned your survival that prices been paid, the things you did before, thank yourself past you made decisions for future you. And you don't have to feel guilty about that when you plan to survive. You can't feel guilty or like you were accidentally chosen because you've earned it. And it's important not to get caught up in that emotion because that emotion is distracting and that emotion keeps us from being able to continue to survive because eventually eats you alive and I want to let you know much like imposter syndrome, survivor's guilt can cause us to freeze and it can cause us to get into a mental and emotional place where we become.

(00:39:56): It becomes very difficult to do the things that we need to do every single day. You are still here and it's because you have a job to do and the best way for us to honor the people around us who don't get to be grateful for every breath they take. It's to show up and showing up as challenging in this time because we are in a cycle where we are either at home or we are consuming the things that are happening around us and we don't have distractions anymore and the distractions were going to the movies, going out to eat, hang out with friends. For some people the distractions were in the bottom of a bottle or in a, in a pack of pills. We don't have those distractions. We don't even have bad relationships or terrible dating. We just have ourselves and whatever we're consuming.

(00:41:04): Tara made a great point on nine to five. For some people that was our distraction. I'm not talking about distractions like things that were fun hot. I'm talking about using things to keep us from paying attention. And I want to let you know that when it comes to the media, I want you to be careful about your consumption. Now does this mean not being involved? Is this like an attack on the media? None of that. I, like I said, I don't get into politics because politics can be a distraction from what is really happening because life is neutral. It's neither bad nor it's good. It just is. And how you choose to show up is what throws you into which category. So the spin on the spin doesn't change the fact of the matter. It is what it is. So I say all of this to let you know that there is a term out there that I learned in my world, geopolitics class in like eighth grade and it's called compassion fatigue.

(00:41:54): You can look it up. Compassion fatigue. The way that compassion fatigue works is you are bombed with so many things in the media. So much information, so many details things that trigger emotions like survivor's guilt. And what happens is you stop feeling outrage. You stop caring. You get desensitized, you become neutral that you get so tired of feeling compassion all the time that you, that you just stop. You don't feel anything. You become zombie. Like, do you guys remember, and I, I think I'm going to show my age or a little bit, but some of you guys remember the very first school shooting. You remember Columbine and it ate up the media cycle for so long and we were outraged. We were shellshocked. We were baffled. We didn't understand we were, we were not willing to take it anymore. Now school shootings happen and some of us hear about it and some of us don't.

(00:43:00): Oh, there was a school shooting when that happened. Oh wow. That's terrible. How many Oh wow. Kids. That's how we respond. I knew that the media had done its job in, in causing us to be fully fatigued of everything when a school of kindergarteners passed and we didn't do anything. And nothing scares me more than not having us in outrage and not having us in feeling in a state of action. But having us neutral, neutral is scary.

(00:43:43): Neutral is a scary, scary place. And it's why I'm having this conversation with all of you is I don't want us to be neutral in what we're doing here right now. Media, including social media, including internet marketing, including business owners. I look just like me, are not invested in balance of information because compassion fatigue and you being in a state of exhaustion is profitable. They're afraid to have these conversations with you because they're worried that if you go to one side or the other rather than remaining neutral, they're not in a position to push you where they want you to go, to open up your wallet. And

(00:44:33): It's why it took me three, four, or five days to say to myself, I recognize that this may cause change, you know, and I hope that this causes you to lean in, but I also know that whatever it is that you come out of this conversation with is a good thing because it means that you are making decisions and creating action for yourself. And it means that you are not neutral. And if all we ever have in our time togethe r is you deciding that you want to make a choice over your life and the life of others around you. I did my job, I honored my covenant with him and I honored my covenant with you. So I want you to know that now is not the time to stop being a feeler.

(00:45:26): It's not the time to escape to a safe bubble and pretend this isn't happening. That's not what this is. When I say dive deep, focus on what you're doing. Don't do anything new. It's just the time to become clear on who we are as a community and how we will show up in this world. Let's get clear why we're in our feelings and how we can shift from fear and overwhelm to faith and glory. How can we say to ourselves that we are prepared for prosperity, that we are positioned for greatness and that's what we need to do. And that's going to start with accepting the truth and then with that truth, putting it in perspective and then moving forward.

(00:46:17): So that's what we're going to do. We're going to start with the truth. And this truth is not what's being said in the media and we are not hearing it from our politicians and we are not hearing it anywhere else. But I'm going to give you the truth, fact-based. I'm not going to go into weird wonky details. It doesn't matter one way or another. It just is what it is, right? And then we're going to move out of neutrality of that truth because that truth is going to be neutral. We're not going to feel emotional about it because it is what it is. That emotion is not going to help us, right? But the middle part, that perspective around the truth is what's going to move us into positive action for the world around us. So the truth is we're not going to see assemblance of true normality until a vaccine is found.

(00:47:08): It's not getting better. No time soon, period. You're hearing it from me. It is the truth. This whole, Oh, we're going to emerge from our homes on May 1st and dance around and hug people and high five is not a thing. It's the, and that is the truth. Does it mean that we won't be able to start getting into the world? Doesn't mean that we're not going to be able to start interacting and to some level, we don't even know what that looks like. But I do want to let you know, no one is saying this, and you may have been thinking this at someplace because we're similar. You may have been thinking it is someplace in your squirly brain, right? But looking for confirmation. No one's confirming it on the media. No one's confirming it anywhere because that's not profitable. If you knew that truth and you sat in that truth, you would stop consuming the news to look for some sort of sign of hope, every little place, you know, reading some little article of the highs and the lows because you would be busy on figuring out what, what you're going to do in this season.

(00:48:17): And I want to tell you right now that I want to be the person who provides confirmation that you're not crazy. You're not crazy. That part of you that knows this, that feels this and says this is not getting better anytime soon. I want to tell you that you're right. You're right. And I also want you to know that I'm the part of you that said to yourself and that had that little flicker of hope that maybe May 1st it will be different. I still have that too. And I want to let you know I want to be wrong, but I'm not going to act like I am because, and this is the shift that

(00:49:01): I want you guys to really, really hold on to. I want you to recognize that even if we have that part of us that has a little bit of hope, that part of us that has a little bit of hope, right? That part of us that has that little bit of of a thing that says, I really hope it'll get better for me. That's God. That's faith. That's hope. That's positivity. You don't want to lose that, but you don't want to let that little bit of hope dictate how you plan and prepare a fool plans and prepares to that tiny flicker of hope. The wise man plans and prepares based on the facts, the data, the reality, and then what happens is, are you ready for this? What happens is if things are indeed better sooner, you're positioned for prosperity. Do you understand how that works?

(00:49:54): So many of us, so many of us will sit here and say, well, maybe it will get better so I don't really need to do anything. Maybe it'll get better so I don't need to do anything and you and your baby your whole life off of this small percentage chance that it'll work out this small percentage chance. Instead of saying to yourself, let me go all in on what may be the terrible and difficult and challenging reality and prepare for that terrible difficult, challenging thing. Knowing that I serve a God where when he is ready to come and blow this thing out, that I will only be better off than what I had planned for because that's what he does with our children. How often do we tell them save your like you guys, this is a great example that I think a lot of you will relate to. How many of you guys have told your kids saved your money for that donut or that toy you really want save your money and we'll go get an ice cream cone or a cake. Save your money and that kid works and those chores and saves and saves and saves and then as a mother or a parent or an auntie, when it comes time to purchase that thing, you pay for it.

(00:51:07): How many of you guys have done that and you cover it in full or they go to go pay for it and they don't have enough and you match it or you get them something bigger or better than they've ever planned for? I want to let you know that this is how I want you to look at your business, your life and your impact. You've got to stop thinking and working like you know someone else going to pay for it for you. You've got to stop thinking and hoping and planning that someone is like, someone is going to come and save you. No one's coming to save you, not me, not the government. No one, no one's coming to save you, but you can save yourself and if you're a Christian, the price has already been paid in full. You're already saved.

(00:52:20): I want to let you know that it's going to get worse before it gets better, but it will get better. And if you come into it with a real perspective, if you start planning for us to be able to get back out there January, February, March of 2021 then you're going to be ready or than ever before. There are going to be people come March of 2021 that are going to come out there and say I had no idea would be this long and I so wasn't ready. I did nothing. I built nothing, I learned nothing and now I'm out here and lost and then there's going to be people like you who are going to get out there and are going to say I'm so excited to reemerge the world and here's how I'm going to help. You said your last, well while you were lost, while you were waiting last I drew a map while you were lost. I figured out the path. It's okay. Let me show you.

(00:53:30): So let me go ahead and give you some perspective. Let me give you some perspective. The first thing is countries are reopening right now. Now, today as we speak right now, countries are reopening countries that approached this whole situation a little bit differently, or smaller countries that didn't have as high of a rate of infection. They are reopening right now. Gradually they're testing things out to kind of see how it works and all of that. Now the media is picking up on this and sharing it as a light, bright of hope, but we have no idea how it's going to play out. But let's watch. Let's see what happens. Optimism, right?

(00:54:18): Everything's gradual, but you're ready. I want you to recognize that when this whole thing blows over and it will, things that you worried about before are no longer going to be issues. They're going to be things that are at the forefront of conversation. Healthcare being tied to our employment is going to be a conversation. Where do you stand with that politically? Doesn't matter. It's gonna be a conversation and so be prepared for that wages and how much we pay the lowest in our society, no matter where you're tied to, that politically will be a conversation. Pensions and what people, because everyone, lots and lots of people are depleting their 401k or will deplete their phone. Kay will be a conversation,

(00:55:13): Stability and what that looks like. Even people who've been experts in this space who have said have three months of expenses saved and they built their business on that. People who've said, have six to eight months of your, of your life savings ready to go and and pay this off and be debt free. Understand that even people who've followed every single rule and did all of that and ate rice and beans and had three months of savings and all those things will still be in a tough spot. It, it's just what it is. This is just like Alex said, a great equalizer. I want to let you guys know right now that for all of the people who are sweating and worried and nervous about what has happened here today hasn't even occurred to you that this may not have even been the big one, that God may be preparing us for the big one.

(00:56:07): For every moment that you have said to yourself, I can't believe this is happening in the world is falling apart. I've been saying to myself, I'm thankful that the death rate of this is lower. I'm thankful. God, you are so good for testing us with a tiny virus instead of a big one. I appreciate you God. Thank you. This could have been Ebola. Thank you. I appreciate that. Thank you. Thank you for testing all of our systems where the doctors can still show up and save some lives. Thank you. I want you guys all to recognize that it is tough in a lot of the fact that New York city is being tested the way it is. If New York city can figure this out, if New York city can get out of this, we don't need to worry. The rest of us can make it. What do they say? If you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere. We're learning.

(00:57:12): We're learning. It's the test. See this for what it is. See this for what it is. So the truth, things aren't going to get normal. Not until the top of next year. They're not even going to look like it and we don't even know what normal looks like and we're not going to. So let's stop holding on to me first. Let's stop pretending like we don't need to do anything because we're just going to go right back. It's not going to be that. In some countries they are starting off by only allowing I think it's germ Germany or Norway. They're starting off with only allowing ages 20 to 30 to go back to work. They're doing an age range. You cannot live with your parents. They're doing it. And gradually it's a whole thing. So understand that. I want you to know that whatever it's going to look like is not going to be normal.

(00:58:08): You may have to scan your phone every time you get onto a bus or a train or a subway so that if someone who is around you is infected, you get a text message and then you immediately go into a 14 day quarantine. Understand that it will not look the same ever again and understand that that's okay. Right? It's that is a neutral, right? That's okay as a neutral because we can't do anything about it. We are here. All we have to, all we can decide is how we're going to show up in this new world. How are we going to show up in this new world, this window right now of time where the change has not come upon us and we're allowed to be in our homes is a gift. Like it's a gift. Every single month is a gift. I am sitting here saying to myself, the minute this thing breaks, I need to be ready and I need to end.

(00:58:57): Being ready right now means making sure I have a coalition of people behind me that are, are, I want to know that I'm not in. I'm able to enter a room that isn't a room of chaos and that is you guys. So here's what we can look forward to for sure. This is what I know for a fact. There is going to be a whole new respect and a shift to the industry of online everything because we are the, that are holding everything up. We are the people that are keeping this going. We are going to be the people that will, will dictate how employment works, that will help companies and industries transform. Every single one of you has said to me, well, how do I do the thing I do online? Well, I run a brick and mortar. I have a profit, a project and said, Oh well I used to work at home but I kind of shifted to digital and I don't know if that'll work. Every single one of you. When I suggested consulting as the first income stream looked at me like I was crazy. Like, I don't know. I want to let you know. Part of why this room of people are consultants is because we all may be called to the front lines to consult every other industry out there. That is just learning what zoom is.

(01:00:09): I have a minimum, we may be the few people out there, the percentage of people who know how to do anything online. It's small. All of you may need to get trained, and I've been talking about this internally within our community as formal consultants so that you can enter this world and that will be your profession to consult people on how to navigate the digital world because they're not going to know what to do and bringing all of your experience and your knowledge and your specific field to show people how to do it because they're not going to know what to do. They're not going to know what to do. These people will be literally lost, literally lost. They don't know how to log into a webinar and that is where the money exchange is going to happen. You want to talk about position for prosperity.

(01:01:04): The world is going to be screaming for consultants because they're going to need someone who can go with them side by side virtually in order to even log on to connect to make people happen. It is a big deal. It is a big deal and it won't be a question of is this legit or not? People are going to say, I used to make quilts. I don't even know how, how I'm going to run my quilting business online. Well, guess what? I will show you how to do it on zoom. I will show you how to keep tabs on your employees and your staff. I will show you how to do shipping and packaging and boxing. Those of you who had businesses where you had some element of of mail order or e-commerce will now show people how to set that up. I mean, you do understand that all of this is right on time. I'm not talking about things that aren't happening now. I'm talking right now. People are scrambling to figure it out. They're scrambling to figure it out. You guys are walking through the entire process. You guys have already done it. We're at the front. We are not behind. We might be at the bottom of the peak before leading. We're not at the end. Know who you are and know where you stand and do that. Get shoved neutrality because action will be required.

(01:02:25): So here's what I need from you. Each of you, I'm going to talk, these are the steps of the doing. This is how we move forward. The first thing I need is I need each of you to send me an email. I need to update your files. I need to know where you are and I need to know what you're doing. I need to know one of these things. The first thing is I need to know where you stand. Are you in crisis, survival mode, maintaining, transitioning, looming or thriving? I'll repeat that. Crisis, survival, maintaining, transitioning, looming or thriving. I'll say it again. Are you in crisis, survival, maintaining, transitioning, looming or thriving? One more time. Are you in crisis, survival, maintaining, transitioning, blooming or thriving? Email me at [email protected].

(01:04:15): The reason why I need to know where you are and you have to decide one of those where you are right now. This is no in between. You are one of those and if you find that, if you're like, well, I'm kind of transitioning, then you're maintaining, I'm kind of blooming. Then you're transitioning like in that order. Email it to [email protected] if you need to explain a little, throw that in the paragraph. The reason why is I want to update each of your files because this will allow me to be able to sort you based on what I need to check in on. If something comes up, I can, I can say, okay, look who are my people who are in this state, who are my people in this state? It allows me to just make sure, have you ever, this is going to sound a little strange, I'm sure, but if you are a parent, you'll understand this or an auntie or even if you have parents that you take care of or that you love. Have you ever felt like you just need to put your hands on your kids?

(01:05:09): Does that make sense? Like it's not that I don't think everything's okay. I just need to touch you. I hear on the phone that you're saying you're fine and I hear that you're alive. I just need to touch you. I just need to, that's really cute. I believe you. Whatever. I just need to touch you. I need to physically touch you to know you're okay. It's kind of like that and I say all of this to let you know also that none of these things are good or bad because you're here, right? I already know you are fine and you will make it. That part does not worry me. I just need to know where you are so I can lay eyes touch. I just need to know. Does that make sense? So that as things shift, instead of me sitting in my space for three years or three years, three days, and getting on here and saying, Hey, let's have this talk.

(01:05:55): I'm able to say, Hey, there was a shift and we had some of these people who were in thriving status. Let me talk to them and see where they are. Because my people who are in thriving status, if they are still in thriving or doing even better than I'm able to grab them and say I need your help. We need to go and get our people who are in crisis come help me for my people who are in a survival status and something happens. I can say, Hey Thrivers I need you to come grab, I need your help. Here's what we are going to do. Let's go check on our survival people to make sure that they are not in crisis. Like it just allows us to be able to it allows me to be more responsive and it doesn't mean that. So for those of you guys who are like, well, I'm blooming, I'm thriving and all that, listen, we may need, you know what I mean?

(01:06:42): That's why I might say, Hey, I need you, if you're thriving right now, I need to partner you up with someone who's in survival. Because that person needs just a person to just send a text to every day to make sure that they don't drown. Like I mean real talk, you know what I mean? Real talk or that person needs you to check in on them once every three months. We don't know what that looks like. We don't know. And I, and I don't know what this relationship will look like. I just need to know where you are. It puts me in a whole different space to know where you are battle. And I also want you to know that you're in a position where you can email us back. You can email us, you can literally like, I mean, some of you guys were great about it.

(01:07:24): You would drop me emails and I'd read them. I'd be like, great, they're good. You know, that sort of thing. Just send us messages so that we know it's important. It's important and understand that with the levels it's, I don't want to give too much explanation around it because it's not just about your business. It's not just about your family life. It's important that you dictate how you feel inside. It's really important because if you say that you're in crisis and then we connect with you or you're in crisis and something shifts, you'll know, you know and we'll be able to say, you know it's, you see how you were feeling versus what the reality is. I think this conversation alone has led. A lot of you guys know that you're, most of you guys are not in crisis, not if you're able to log into wifi, not if you're able to show up this call. Not if you are able to do that, you are likely not in crisis.

(01:08:27): Big deal, big shift. If you guys want to know perspective, if you ate today, they're likely not in crisis because I assure you there are lots of people out there who are in that spot very much so. Let's talk about what we're going to do today to go forward. Okay. This is very specific. I'm going to run through those things. The first thing is I need that email from you and then we're going to wrap this up in the next nine minutes. So you guys can get back to your, to your Saturdays. Okay. We're going to stick together. So I know that we started off this call with you guys worried about whether or not we're going to stick together. We're sticking together. Okay. We can't do this thing alone. I can't do this thing alone. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have a place to serve.

(01:09:13): You guys. Keep me grounded. You guys keep me grounded. When I tell you that people like me with my particular set of gifts, I sound very like Liam Neeson and taken, but people like with my particular set of gifts in, I could, they can be used for good or they can be used for bad. You know what I mean? Like we see it all the time on the internet. People have the ability to speak well, you know, and inspire trust, you know, that can go in the craziest way. And you guys keep me grounded because you always remind me that it's a gift from God and, and I will continue to be blessed if I use that well with him at the forefront. And and I'm just so grateful. I'm so grateful. I'm so grateful. And my prayer literally every is thank you.

(01:09:59): Use me. It's the shortest prayer that I ever have. But before I get on stage, before I talked to you guys, before I hit live, it's thank you. Use me. Thank you. Use me. Thank you. Use me. And it's all like I ever can say that I offer. And I'm coming to you with this seriousness because this is serious and I don't do this often, but the one thing I need from you more than anything else is for you guys to double down. I need you to show up to this when I tell you that what we're doing right now is a lifeline. This call, this conversation is a real, I'm calling all of my friends to the table. We have never done this before. And I want you to, to lean in and recognize that there is chaos happening around you. When you are fine, you are fine cause we're not by yourself. Lean in. I'm calling you to the table. I want to let you know that you've been casual about the planting season. All of you, including myself, we've been casual about the planting season. On some days when it's rainy we're like, Hmm, I'll wait for the rain to stop. I could go out. But we've been casual about it.

(01:11:23): When people ask me, do we have lifetime access to the course? I'm just like, sure you do. Life happens. All that stuff you've been casual harvest is coming for a lot of you. The seeds have sprouted. And I want to let you know that the field will still bear fruit and the soil is not spoiled and this is normal and I want you to be able to harvest. Also,

(01:12:14): I've had these calls with you probably once every five years for by yacht clubbers once every five years. And for my cycle Eleven's starting off at the top right and starting off at the top I want you to know that I am all in. You heard me say this before that I'm all in and I say that and I've said it, you know, kind of in words or in emails or in moments of like sort of being chipper and things like that. And I want to tell you what all in means to me. I'm letting, I'm going to take a risk being this transparent with you. And it's a huge risk because I'm this transparent with my yap harbors. They know me, they know things that you guys don't know and cycle of it and all that. But my like even cycle, my yacht clubbers new, you know, about Christy, my mid tiny being sick before the rest of the world, you know what I mean? It's just, you know, but I'm leaning in and I'm saying it to all of you knowing very well that some of you in cycle 11, you know, may not be around the whole time, you know, things like that. But I'm also saying this because it's the truth and I think it's important and I care about you because in this season we're together I'm letting you know that I'm not building anything new. I'm not taking on anything new. And that is a, for this season, for the foreseeable future

(01:13:40): I'm going to provide services based on what is here that is a it's a risk. It's a challenge. I get opportunities all the time. There are other things I could go do. And it's a big deal for the foreseeable future. I'm doubling down on you. I'm leaning all the way in and

(01:14:12): If you think that I don't get the feeling that, so I've helped build entire divisions incorporations during times like this. And if you think that I can't go and take on a couple corporate contracts too, just to weather the storm or whatever or what have you and, and help companies handle some crisis communications, handle business development and restructuring. That is literally what I do. But that's not the right thing to do during this time. So I'm leaning in and I have built divisions during this time when I used to work for United healthcare in the early two thousands, I'm not going to show my age.

(01:15:10): I came in, I was previously working for Cigna and they were the leading international healthcare provider and United healthcare was looking to build out their international division. They did not have one. Now, if you guys can imagine how profitable insurances which you guys know lots of feelings about that. But insurance, building out an entirely new division is a big deal. That is not a tiny thing. And I went in and I was one of the first six people in this division. I was too removed from the CEO and and I came in to help build out this division. I think we had like a couple, I mean I can't go and do it. I won't go into details about profitability, but I came in there and and I left and when I left they were doing very well.

(01:16:04): They're just shy. They do billions sound in that division. And what I can tell you about building an entire division from zero is that it's a very serious and and I can also tell you that it requires intense focus, intense focus. And the, the hardest thing, and I think a lot of you guys relate to this just in your lives and in your business, it is really, really, really, really, really challenging to choose your space to focus because it's scary. It's scary cause you don't know if it's the right place. And in seasons like this, you get scared that if it's a wrong place, you'll lose everything. And for me to choose to and focus here rather than splitting my focus and doing things that might make sure I'm okay, I'm trusting that I've already made the right decision. So in terms of the health of my company, company's doing really well.

(01:17:10): We are not reliant on any government bailouts or checks or bonuses or loans not required. I made decisions, you know, in terms of being debt free and, and paying things off strategically and all that. That's not a concern. We also are not some of my peers in this space right now. Some of the people that you see running ads right this instant are planning to file bankruptcy. And I can say that with complete and total confidence. And that's not the case here whatsoever, but I can tell you that it can get scary because you, yeah, there's a lot of big ads bend happening right now and we don't run ads. We haven't run ads. And I say all of this to let you know that

(01:18:04): I'm choosing Molina.

(01:18:06): My inner person feels like, Oh my gosh, Nicole, like go, you guys know we all have things that we freak out. Like if you're freaking out, including everything or if you're freaking out, you want to go out and get like 10 different jobs or you know, like the inner me, the poor girl, right? The inner poor girl is like, yes, you're financially fine, but you should, you know, get like, I'm, I'm not going to lie to you. You should get rid of this group. You should let these people just go off and figure it out. You should double down and worry about your family. You should go back to corporate because corporate is storable like in your brain. You think all these things that don't make sense, you know, and I gotta tell you, that is the enemy. Whenever the enemy's like, leave your community, leave your people. I want you to myself to get rid of everything that you've been called to do. And like when I tell you that is, it is not even sane. It is not even saying isolation makes it easier for you to believe the lies. Pay attention to what is happening. People do not isolate yourself.

(01:19:08): Airbnb, Uber were created during this time. Other companies grow in launch. I'm telling you right now that this is your season and I am sorry that your season doesn't look the way that you thought it would, but this is your season and the way that you show up for your nine to five job. I need you showing up like that for this. Usually I give a lot of space. I say we're busy, we're overwhelmed, life is happening and all that stuff was true. It really, really is. But I need you here. I need you here. I need you in your business. I need you launching. I need you testing. I need you fixing. I need you getting better about your craft. I need you saying to yourself, look, I didn't take you seriously Nicole, about one K one day I quit because my website was Nicole.

(01:20:08): I didn't think that consulting was for me cause I didn't want to talk to people. Well people need you. People need you, you are qualified and we don't have time to sit here and talk about whether or not you are. You are qualified because you are in this room and I need you doing the work. I want you to understand that what is happening here that is rare is that space is being created for you and I am here to help you own that space, but only you can solidify that legacy. You can step into what's always been yours. Nothing is different between now and before except for the fact that the space is here and I'm not talking about time-space, I'm not talking about what to do during quarantine. I'm talking about the fact that we have a collective vision as a community to create a legacy.

(01:21:11): While people right now aren't even thinking about that, that we have breath in our lungs and fight in our heart to build something that matters and will propel us forward. That we are all good soldiers fighting for the good of the world, for those of us of faith, fighting for God's word and that when all of this stuff passes, we are needed to show up to lead the way and the only way to do that, the only way to be prepared to lead is to not hide our heads in the sand. To not pretend like this isn't happening, to not act in fear and remain neutral. Don't let the world convince you that neutrality is okay. It is not. You have to decide today in this moment to decide to act for good. You have to move forward and not all of us have the gift of ministry.

(01:22:02): Not all of us have the gift of standing in a pulpit or at a podium, but what we all have our God given unique gifts that we can use to empower and serve others and you are called to do that during this time. You are made for this, and I say this too, to let you know, no matter what people speak over you, no matter what comes to distract you in this time. I pray to God it isn't sickness but you will survive this. You will make it and you will lead us in this next chapter. I know this because I see people falling. I see people stumbling. I see people right now who think that they are prepared and I know that they are not. This is not, you don't believe the lies that gets spoken over you. When the fear comes in, you push it right out.

(01:23:04): If are having trouble pushing because it is too big, you come to us and let us help you because the reality is you have the tools, you know how to use them and we are here to help support you because we have to do it. We have to. There is a second frontline coming and we are at the front of it. There are going to need to be leaders in every industry, in every space. When people told me, Nicole, niche down, who do you help? Do you help women who want to start businesses specifically to help their children and they're from, no, no, no. I help people in every business, in every industry have the foundations to bring their gifts to the world. It felt crazy at the time, and I understand it now because you guys will be marching out in front of every industry to lead and transition them so that they can survive, thrive, succeed, and help others build a legacy.

(01:23:57): You're going to do it from a moral place that's about more than the dang dollar. How much does the dollar help? Any of us now, which are poor, we are inside and so I say this to let you know this isn't the time to back away that daily 30 I need it. Find the time when the kids go to bed, grab a cup of coffee, stay up. I said to you before, but Nicole, what's the balance? I don't want to get burnt out. This is the time I said to you, there are seasons where you stay up and do the work. You can ask my husband, you could ask my kids. I am up every single night until 3:00 AM working, planning, launching. I am thinking ahead and I am saying to myself, what tools are these people going to need as they are prepared to be leaders who emerge in the world?

(01:24:45): You've heard me say time and time again that I know we will not be here together forever and I've always wondered what will that time look like because if I do my job well you will be my peer. You will not be my student and this is what it is. This is what it looks like. That time is coming. The time is coming where I will cut you loose to go out there to lead the masses and I cannot do it. If you do not show up, there's no excuse. You have the tools. I'm closing the doors. I'm not. This is not about growing bigger. This is about diving deep. This is about doubling down on the people that are here to make sure they are guided, supported, that they lean in, that they use the tools that they commit to their craft and build their legacy. And so I say all of this to you to say that if you are scared, if you have moments of overwhelm, that's why we're here because you already have the tools. Please do the work. We don't know if we have tomorrow, but what we do know we have is this,

(01:25:55): We're here, we're here today and you are made for this. Go do the work. I'm here for you. I love you deeply, and I'm going to honor our commitment. I'm not going anywhere.

(01:26:21): Lean in. Love you guys. Have a good weekend.