Old London Road, Hastings A Former Car Dealership Premises To Let Rent £18,000pax Old London Road, Hastings TN35 5BD Rent £18,000pax Description: EPC Asset Rating: The subject premises comprises a car TBC dealership forecourt and offices. The forecourt has space for _____________________________________ approximately 25 cars and the sales office comprises two separate offices Rateable Value: and a kitchen. The rateable value is £22,000. _____________________________________ Location: _____________________________________ The property is located in the Ore Village area of Hastings with a Legal Costs: prominent frontage onto Old London Both parties legal costs to be borne Road with high levels of passing by the ingoing tenants. traffic. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Possession: Immediate upon completion of legal Accommodation: formalities. Car Sales Area approx. 4000sqft Sales Office approx. 379sq ft. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ VAT: All prices and rents are quoted Amenities: exclusive of VAT. Any intending Car Sale Site purchaser or lessee must satisfy WC Facility themselves of VAT in respect of any Kitchen transaction. Busy Location _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Viewing: Term: Strictly by appointment through the Sq ft Sq m A new lease for a term to be agreed. agents, Meridian Property. _____________________________________ TOTAL 4379 406 APPROX: Contact Contact Tel: 01424 863306 16 Havelock Road, Hastings, www.meridiansurveyorso.uk 16 Havelock Road, Hastings www.meridianproperty.co.uk East Sussex, TN34 1BP
[email protected] East Sussex, TN34 1BP
[email protected] Agents Note: W hilst every care has been taken to prepare these sales particulars, they are forAgents gui dance Note: pur W poses hilst every only .care All me hasasurements been taken are to approx prepare imate these are sales for particulars,general they are for gui dance pur poses only .