Kennedy Dies of Assassin's Bullet; Johnson Declares National Mourning LOS ANGELES (AP) - Sen
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Sunny, Warm THEDMLY and warm today. Fair HOME tonight. Sunny and still wann- Red Bank, Freehold er tomorrow. I Long Branch 7 FINAL (See Dctilli Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 89 Years VOL. 90, NO. 239 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1968 TEN CENTS Kennedy Dies of Assassin's Bullet; Johnson Declares National Mourning LOS ANGELES (AP) - Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, felled tional Cemetery, probably near the grave of his brother, Mrs. John F. Kennedy, widow of the assassinated' Pres- . all but a' fragment in a vain attempt to save the senator's like his President brother by an assassin's bullet, died early the late President John F. Kennedy.. ident, was in her brother-in-law's room when he died. life. , today. "I think Mrs. Kennedy is bearing up very well," Sal- SISTERS THERE But Kennedy never rallied. He never regained consciousness, never showed signs inger said. Two of Kennedy's sisters, Mrs. Stephen Srnith and Mrs. DIDN'T RALLY of recovery after a savage burst of revolver fire sent a Patricia Lawford, were there, too. bullet plunging into his brain — at the pinnacle of his own President Johnson, the man who succeeded the assassi- Salinger said three of Kennedy's 10 children were in an "It was not a question of his sinking," Mankiewicz said, campaign for the White House. nated President Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963, issued a procla- adjacent room and saw their father bef6re he died. "but of not rising. He needed a rally and steady improve- The New York senator, 42, his pregnant wife, Ethel, mation calling for a day of mourning for the senator^next Pale and haggard, Frank Mankiewicz, Kennedy's press ment in his condition, and that did not develop." at his bedside, died at 1:44 a.m., PDT, little more than 24 ./Sunday. secretary, announced rthe death to newsmen. Salinger announced the body was to be taken from Los hours after the assault at the Ambassador Hotel. As Kennedy died, the man accused of shooting him was "Sen. Robert Francis Kennedy died at 1:44 a.m. today," Angeles between 10 and 11 a.m. PDT. He said the family, Kennedy's body was to be flown from Los Angeles to under heavy guard at a downtown prison hospital on $250,- he began. friends and some staff, members ware to be aboard. New York later today on a jet airplane provided by the 000 bail for a court appearance which had been scheduled Then he answered questions. What was the specific Among them, he said, would be Mrs. Martin Luther White House. Monday. cause of death? King Jr., whose husband fell prey to an assassin April 4. Pierre Salinger, former presidential press secretary, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan was accused of wielding the Mankiewicz looked up numbly. He said the body will lie in state at St. Patrick's Ca- said the body will lie in state at St. Patrick's Cathedral .22-caliber revolver which cut down Kennedy and wounded "The gunfire attack," he said. thedral in New York Friday from 8 a.m. EDT until 10 p.m. between 8 a.m., EDT, and 10 p.m. five other people early Wednesday as the senator and his He said "the bullet that went into the head near the EDT. A Requiem Mass will be held there Saturday morning. supporters celebrated victory in the California presiden- right ear" was the fatal shot. It entered Kennedy's brain. The Requiem Mass will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday. Salinger said Kennedy will be buried in Arlington Na- tial primary. ' Surgeons operated for 3 hours and 40 minutes to remove (See KENNEDY, Pg. 3, COl. 1) He Knew Somber LBJ Seeks It Could Causes of Violence WASHINGTON (AP) - A creation of a 10-member com- siderable force and intensity. tremism, of disrespect for law, tOS ANGELES (AP) - Rob- somber President Johnson has mission to immediately exam- He deplored the Kennedy shoot- of contempt for the rights of ert F. Kennedy always sensed named a blue-ribbon commis- ine what he termed "this tragic ing and praised the senator's others, violence may bring it would come some day. sion to seek the causes of vio- phenomenom" of violence and "brilliant career of public ser- down the very best among us." lence in the land — violence "I play Russian roulette assassination. vice," his, "uncommon energy And he argued that a coun- that has now stricken Sen. Rob- and dedication." ty that tolerates any form of every time I get up in the He enjoined the commission ert F. Kennedy. to seek the help of medical Johnson said there was a violence "cannot expect to be morning," he would tell The chief executive expressed and social scientists in search- connection between hatred and able to confine it to just minor friends. his shock and dismay over the ing for root causes of vio- lawlessness and the individual outbursts." Johnson called on "But I just don't care," he shooting of Kennedy in Los lence. The panel also will study act of violence against Ken- Congress to "pass laws to bring said. "There's nothing I Angeles and told a national further steps to prevent as- nedy. But he said it would be the insane traffic in guns to a could do about it anyway." television-radio audience last sassination and how better to wrong to conclude "that our halt." Kennedy has been described night that violence, murder and protect public figures. country is sick, that it has He voiced this personal ap- as a fatalist, one who never assassination must stop. Commission members include lost its sense of balance, its peal to individual citizens: looked beyond the next moment "My fellow citizens, we can- Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower, sense of direction and com- •'Let us put an end to vio- and who was prepared for not, we just must not, toler- former president of Johns Hop- mon decency." lence and the preaching of vio- tragedy any day. ate the sway of violent men kins University and brother of He said "200 million Amer- lence. Today, after he had died of among us," he said. former President Dwight D icans did not strike Robert "Let us purge the hostility wounds inflicted by an assas- "We must not permit men Eisenhower; Roman Catholic Kennedy last night any more from our hearts and let us sin, the memory of a long, who are filled with hatred, and Archbishop Terence J. Cook of than they struck John F. Ken- practice moderation with our Introspective, and rare con- careless of innocent lives, to New York, and veteran Con- nedy in 1963 or Martin Luther tongues. versation surfaced in the minds dominate our streets and fill gress members. King in April of this year." "Let Us i begin in the after- Of the few who had heard it. MARTYRED BROTHERS — .The Kennedy Brothers, John F. and Robert F., both vic- our homes with fear." No chairman was named im- Warning Events math^of this great tragedy to tims of assassin's bullets, art shown at their summer home at Hyannis Port, Mass., Declaring that "I hope and mediately.' But Johnson said, "Those aw- find, a way to reverence for Kennedy was relaxing in the pray that we can learn how | during his 11-minute address, ful events give us ample warn- life, to protect it, to extend its rear of the four-engine Lock- in I960 when Robert was managing John's presidential campaign. (AP Wirephoto) to stop it," Johnson announced the President spoke with con- ing that in a climate of ex- need Electra winging through promise to all of our people." the night sky, taking him home to Hickory Hill after a rigorous week of midwestern campaign- Ing. ..._ Expressions of Grief Pour Forth He had a dark, brown drink, and fie idly swirled the ice LONDON (AP) - More ex- the archbishop, Dr. Michael slain senator came from prom- all points of view. I am deep- friends are aghast, at the way cubes with an index finger as pressions of shock, grief and Ramsey. inent Britons. ly sympathetic with his wife violence is becoming an insep- bt spoke, broodingly gazing out horror poured forth today at "In our horror at this event, "I appreciated his work and and family." arable part of politics in the st the stars and the lights of news of the death of Sen. Rob- we shall renew our efforts in his progressive views,'1 said Jeremy Thorpe, leader of the United States and hope that towns below. ert F. Kennedy. the. cause of just and nonvio- Lord Butler, former- Conserva- Liberal party, said: "The bru-the threat to democracy im- Wasn't he concerned, he was The Arab world deplored the lent solutions of our human tive foreign secretary.. "He tal and senseless murder of plicit in the use of the gun in asked, about the perils of such assassination, but the opinion problems." was easy to deal with as he Sen. Kennedy has shocked the preference to the ballot will be wild crowds as he had at- was widely expressed that he Immediate tributes to the was so quick and receptive to whole of Britan. America's recognized and averted in tracted that day and nearly died because of American poli- time." every day of his presidential cy in the Middle East, which World Bank President Rob- campaign? ' the Arabs consider pro-Israeli. ert S.' McNamara, a close "No," the candidate said, "I At last the "murder of the friend of the Kennedys and a Palestinian homeland" has Negroes Relive Despair fellow Cabinet member in Just don't worry about that.