
Lecture, Universitas Malikussaleh, Correspondence

Email: [email protected]

Received: 14 April 2020 Revised and Accepted: 8 August 2020

ABSTRACT: This research aimed to investigate silent power shifts the political hegemony in Aceh, Indonesia. This study employs qualitative research with data collection techniques use observation, interview and document review. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Technical analysis of the data through interactive descriptive analysis. Silent Power has been able to shift the hegemony of the ruling party in Aceh in the regional election (Pilkada) in 2017, because of various factors including negative attitudes of the ruling party towards the people of Aceh that makes people lost their trust and sympathy. Silent Power arises because of the people power that occurs quietly throughout Aceh. Besides, the people of Aceh already have the fair knowledge and intelligence in appreciating their political rights. The presence of the state in the implementation of the concurrent regional election in 2017 in Aceh provide the people with comfort ability and safety for the people to vote. The originality for this paper shows the comprehensively silent power, hegemony political, and regional election, and research location which is conducted in Aceh that has different condition and potentials from other regions. In general, this research proves that silent power also occurs in the election of regent/deputy regent and mayor/deputy mayor throughout Aceh province. The authority of the district/city government is very low in providing public services to the public. This means that silent power in Aceh is not only in the election of governor/vice governor but also in almost all districts where the election is conducted. This study discussed about the new elected leader in Aceh and hegemonic party or even unpredictable phenomenon may occur beyond the expectation.

KEYWORDS: Silent power, Political hegemony, Qualitative research

I. INTRODUCTION Regional election (PILKADA) is a manifestation of political democracy in every country that applies democratic government system. The elections aim to elect leaders or heads of state, governors / deputy governors, regents / vice regents and mayors / deputy mayors for a particular period of time. In 2017, the Republic of Indonesia had conducted the election in all provinces all over Indonesia and had resulted in selected provincial leaders based on communities interest. The Pilkada conducted in the Republic of Indonesia also serves as a tool of democracy development at local and national level in selection process of leaders at regional and national level. In a healthy system a political party needs a representation of a constituent because as political party is needed if one wishes to become a president or head of a region. A political party becomes a judge in the candidature process of the leadership. Nevertheless, almost in every election conducted, there are many problems occurred. This situation, consequently, makes many people move from one political party to another; or known as a swing voter. In this case, the context of Aceh province shows significant differences from other provinces in Indonesia because Aceh receive asymmetric decentralization right from the central government in Jakarta such as law number 11 of 2006 on the government of Aceh or called UU PA which allows Aceh to have a local party, independent candidates from local leaders and some other excuses related to the election process. So that the hegemony of local parties against the national party was absolutely complete in the previous Pilkada. At the time, almost 85% of Aceh leaders included district leader (regent / vice regent), mayor / deputy mayor and governor / deputy governor of the local party (Partai Aceh) dominating and forming a very strong hegemony, whereas the national party could not dominate in the Pilkada in the past two periods. However, it is inversely proportional to the 2017 election, where a combination of national political parties and local political parties takes over the hegemony. The failure of thecurrent government under and to fulfill political promises during the previous election campaign and at the time of the occupation of the regional head was not able to change the situation of Aceh is also a strong reason for swing voters



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020 seeking a new leader profile who is expected to provide positive changes for the people of Aceh. The political phenomenon that occurred in Aceh during Pilkada 2017 was already predicted beforehand by political observers, ranging from recruitment patterns, political marketing, and even from the stage of socialization process by local parties were not optimally done. So that the hegemony of local political parties made a drastic changes and this opportunity was utilized by the national political party and the hidden group can replace the hegemony. The objectives of this research are to find out: 1) silent power, 2) hegemony political, and (4) general (regional) election. Several studies on development of silent power shifts the political hegemony in aceh have been conducted partially by Silent power by Marquis, G., (2009); Al- Bakri, A.A. and Katsioloudes, M.I., (2015); Hegemony politic by Wrede, S., (2008); Chapman, J., (2011); Al‐Qahtani, A.K., (2005); Mohammad, F. and Conway, P., (2005); Masys, A.J., (2008); Herbolzheimer, K., (2009); Tian, R.G. and Wu, Y., (2007); Kent, T.W. and Hasbrouck, R.B., (2003); Mohammad, F. and Conway, P., (2005); and General (Regional) Election or Pilkada by Torre, C., (2014); Durukan, M.B., (2002). The originality for this paper shows the comprehensively silent power, hegemony political, and regional election, and research location which is conducted in Aceh that has different condition and potentials from other regions.

II. LITERATURE REVIEW Theoretical basis is a tool for researchers to be able to analyze and find out the research object. This theory, therefore, plays an important role in answering the problems being studied. Below are some theoretical statements of this research

A. Silent Power In general there are two concepts of power, namely "power to" and "power over". Both concepts are the elaboration of the meaning of power that is abstracted if only attributed to an actor only. So that "power to" is generally regarded as the most basic concept in accordance with the original meaning of power (power). In the political context of the power of an actor over other actors as important in the view of political power (political power). According to Keith Dowding, the concept of "power over" and "power to" can be described as "outcome power" and "social power" (power in social relations). Firstly, it is because the power brings certain results and secondly is because power requires the involvement of social relations between - at least - two actors or subjects. In this discussion we see the power from different points of view, when outcome power and social power are predictable powers, then it is called a Silent Power Silent Power is a term popularized by Stuart Wilde, an under estimated force but was able to change citizens' political awareness. Silent power is able to displace the hegemonic power of the ruling party. Many changes are created by a silent power, for instance it was able to make the community more knowledgeable in politics which then, in turn, decrease the dominance of hegemonic power within the political party. Outcome power is the ability of the actors or subjects to bring or produce something (outcomes) and social power is the ability of the actor or subject to deliberatively change the incentive structure of the actors or other actors to bring or produce something. So, silent power is the ability of the actors or subjects to silently change the paradigm and help generate renewal in the way of politics to shift a movement of hegemony that had been in power. Silent power will bring up things that were never expected before, silent power can fight various possibilities and run various activities of the country or region in a political perspective. The effectiveness and smashing power of the silent power can destroy hegemony despite its strong existence.

The ability of actors / subjects to bring or help produce something


Outcome power



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020 Social power The capabilities of the actor / subject deliberatively change the incentive structure of the actors or other actors to bring along or help produce something.

Silent power The abilities of the actors / subjects quietly (silently) change the paradigm and help generate renewal in the way of politics to shift a movement of hegemony that has been in power.

Hegemony Hegemony can be defined as domination by one group against another, with or without the threat of violence, so that the ideas applied by the dominant group to the dominated group are accepted as common sense. Hence, it can be mentioned that Hegemony is the dominance of one group over other groups, with or without the threat of force, to the extent that, for instance, the dominant party can dictate the terms of trade to its advantage; More broadly, cultural perspectives become skewed to favor the dominant group. According to Gramsci, hegemony is categorized in three basic terms by identifying different areas, in a social formation that forms the basis for the conceptualization of hegemony. These three terms are; Economy, state, and civil society. The economy is the term used to define the dominant form of production in an area at a time. The state consists of means of violence (police and military) and a particular territory, together with state- funded bureaucracies, while civil society implies other organizations in a social formation that is not part of the material production process in the economy and not is a state-funded organization, but is a relatively long- lived institution that is supported and run by people outside these two areas. Gramsci also distinguishes between nation and state. Nation and other ethnic identities, formed in civil society partly formed in the educational system, such as in the teaching of special languages, literature, and the geography and history of our country or our society. While the state is a coercive prerequisite, controlling the law and administration of justice within a certain territory, the legal institution helps shape a society that demands it. Hegemony is closely related to the concept of power and ideology, in which all three work simultaneously, although can also be seen in separated way. According to Gramsci, hegemony is related to power or dominance over the values of life, norms and culture of a society which eventually turns into a doctrine against another group, where the group is dominated by the ruling group and feels it is a natural thing. In the case of excessive dominance will lead to conflict, especially disfungsional conflict that led to distrust of the people to the leader. This is the beginning of the formation of silent power in an area even in a country. Perry Anderson in the prison notebooks written by Gramsci describes three models but none of which are truly satisfactorily from an analytical or political standpoint. According to the first model of Gramsci, in terms of normal cultural leadership, hegemony is seen as applied in civil society; The state is the location of coercive power in the form of police and military; And economics is the location of various work disciplines (cash disciplines) in relation to cash (cash nexus), and monetary controls. Anderson explains that the problem with this model is that hegemony actually operates within the countries of western bourgeois democracy in the form of parliamentary democracy. Most of the working class believe they are indeed that they indeed elect the rulers by voting in elections. Gramsci adds new dimensions to the concept of hegemony by extending the concept while also incorporating the practices of the capitalist class or representing it, to take power over the state, then maintain the power after it is obtained. One of Gramsci's thought centers is his conception of hegemony. Gramsci's hegemonic conception refers to the relationship between what he calls "civil society" and "State". In the second model, hegemony is seen as its run by the state as well as in civil society. Gramsci sees that educational and legal institutions are very important in carrying out this hegemony. Education and policy making are the most important activities in the formation of hegemony as happened in Western Europe during the early period of the twentieth century. In the third model, it does not have any difference between state and civil society, because Gramci sometimes defines the state as a political society that interacts with civil society so that the hegemony of the State against its society is indeed formed in the nature of monopoly states. The concept of hegemony offered by Gramsci is to see how hegemony is also the formation of civil society that seeks to build its political power in the face of oppressive and repressive regimes. In this context, Gramsci distinguishes two forms of hegemony namely: transformism and expansive hegemony. These forms involve a simultaneous process of revolution-restoration. Restoration tends to dominate the shape of transformism, while the revolution tends to dominate the form of expansive hegemony. Transformism can be seen as a defensive type of politics, followed by a hegemonic power in a situation of economic and political crisis, involving gradual but continuous uptake, achieved by constantly changing methods in accordance with the effectiveness of the active elements produced by the group - allied groups - and even from groups or individuals who are antagonistic groups and appear to be irreconcilable opponents.



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020 Political Politics is a strategy to achieve or to obtain something desired, therefore politics is widely interpreted to relate to the state or region and see how the relationships between these regional institutions interrelated. According to Meriam Budiardjo (2008: 15) politics is an attempt to determine the rules of regulations that can be accepted by most citizens, to bring the community into a harmonious life together. Politics also directs how to formulate public policy to achieve the good life that is related to the needs and desires of citizens or people. According to Harold Lasswell in Meriam Budiardjo (2008: 18), politics is the study of the division and formation of power. This definition describes the hegemony of the State or region to build and organize the region as a form of domination or control over the area he/she leads. The appointment of people in certain positions is tailored to the wishes of the rulers as hegemon actors. Harold Lasswell also mentions that political discussion is a community activity that revolves around the issues of "who gets what, when and how". Sri Sumantri in Rasyidin and Fidhia Aruni (2016: 36) states that politics is the institutionalization of interpersonal relations instituted in various political bodies both political superstructure and political infrastructure. Politik is a strategy and technique in managing the State, the people or citizens. if politics is stable, all state management and affairs will run maximally, the state also plays a role in distributing resources, values and norms to the community. Thus, politics is very decisive and has important role in running and managing the state justly and wisely, whether in the political, economic, legal, customary, cultural and other fields as it relates to the administration of the state. If the state's existence is able to provide the basic needs of the people then everything will go well and harmoniously. Political concept consists of state (power), public policy, decision making, and distribution. All of these concepts integrate strongly so that create an area that has the authority and make the country or region strong either political, economic, cultural, social or legal aspects. Political parties are organized organizations formed by a group of people voluntarily and have the same ideals, expectation and ideologies to seek and maintain power through elections to promote alternative policies or programs they have set . Each political party has a function as a means of political communication, a means of political socialization, a means of political recruitment and a means of regulating conflict. Local political parties (including the newest parties) have the same function but the scope is local only.

Historical Perspective History is a record of whoie human experience as the main record of all the experiences, whether relating to the individual and collectively a nation where the past about the life of mankind. Today's history reflects political activities of the past in every country in the world. In Aceh Province, the conflict between the (GAM) and the Republic of Indonesia became a historical moment. The conflict was resolved through Helsinki Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) taking place in Finland on 15 August 2005, the MoU, known as the Helsinki MoU, the MoU is a new blueprint for Aceh Province development in all fields of economic, social, cultural and law. Through the Hensinki MoU, Law No. 11 of 2006 on the Government of Aceh (UU-PA / PA-Law) was enacted in the PA-Law in article 75 allowing the Acehnese to form Local Political Parties. Therefore, the MoU is also considered as a means of political transformation in Aceh which transforms the armed movement into a new Aceh-based local political party. Through the PA-Law, Aceh was given the authority to establish local political parties, as one of the forms of asymmetric decentralization provided by the central government to Aceh to respond the willingness of the people of Aceh in expressing their political aspirations as most of Acehnese people consider that national political parties are not able to accommodate the wills of the people of Aceh and even they have lost their sense of trust. The presence of Aceh Party (PA) as a local party that is expected to be able to answer various problems faced by Acehnese people. Therefore, almost all of regional leaders from 23 districts / cities in the province of Aceh (80%) were from the Aceh Party from 2012 until 2016. However, their leadership has not been able to provide good public services to the people of Aceh, Aceh Party with dominant hegemony dominating the leadership throughout the province of Aceh. Based on the performance of the hegemonic party that has not been able to provide services to the people of Aceh both in the field of politics, economics and others, the silent power powered by people power in the elections of regional leaders in 2017 there was a decline in trust to the party hegemony drastically. Conflict at the end of the term of office between the Governor and the Vice Governor of the hegemonic party was caused by various things such as independent nomination by dr Zaini Abdullah who was then governor and came from Partai Aceh also and rift relations between senior party hegemony when It is exploited by the opponent quietly so that in Pilkada simultaneously failure hegemonic party to reign again can be defeated.

General (Regional) Election or Pilkada General Election or Election of Regional Head (PILKADA) known as political market where political players offer and sell their programs to the community by doing interaction in social contract or social agreement with the people. As it is a Political Markets, then, there are various political activities during the



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020 election including lobbying, campaigning, making posters and banners and so forth. Such activities are to convey political information and political program of candidates to their citizens or constituents. Therefore, this general election is an instrument or tool to actualize the sovereignty of the people who form a legitimate government and a way to carry out the interests of the people. According to Zubakhrum (2016: 36) concurrent election can simply be interpreted as an electoral system that holds several elections at one time simultaneously. These types of elections include executive, legislative election at various levels ranging from national, regional to local or regional level. In European countries, the election is conducted simultaneously even for the supra- national level elections where people vote for European Parliamentary boards members while, in the same time, they conduct national, regional or local elections. According to the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) in Zulbakhrum (2016: 38-39), concurrent elections or PILKADA in the context of Indonesia, theoretically and empirically, can be divided into five models: First, concurrent election in five years for all public positions At the national level up to the district / municipal elections include the election of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), Regional Representative Council (DPD RI), Provincial DPR and Regency / City DPRD, Presidential Election and Pilkada. Second, the General Election is only for electing central and regional executive posts. Third, the concurrent election is simultaneously conducted with the election based on the level of government that are distinguished from national or local election, or known as concurrent election with mid-term election. Fourth, concurrent national election that is followed by simultaneous elections in each province based on decided timeline or cycle agreed in each provincial level. Fifth, concurrent election to elect members of DPR RI, DPD, DPRD and president and vice president and then followed by provincial / regency / mayor to elect governor / deputy governor, regent / vice regent and mayor / deputy mayor. Based on these five concurrent electoral models, the fifth model is the reference of the implementation of PILKADA Aceh year 2017.

III. METHODOLOGY This study employs qualitative research with data collection techniques use observation, interview and document review. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Technical analysis of the data through interactive descriptive analysis. Validity and reliability of the data in this study is tested through an instrument question test to some informants in order that researcher can obtained desired and completely valid data.

1. Research Findings Based on the data obtained, it is mentioned that the regional election in Aceh in 2017 has changed the mindset of the people of Aceh in selecting or electing regional leaders especially governor / vice governor. The lost of trust from the people towards the hegemonic political party is shocking to many parties, because the current ruling party, Aceh Party, is dominance. However today, this hegemonic party began to decrease their electability due to the emergence of political awareness of the community reflected by the present of silent power that became the main cause of the rampant of political hegemony of the ruling party in 2017 election in Aceh. The knowledge and political awareness of the people at determining their best option during the election is a contributing factor. The voters are not able to be influenced by unprofessional and classical issues including financial (money politics). The community is able to see the track record and performance of the candidate leader, especially from the incumbent group, this is a form of critics from the people of Aceh to the performance of current leader management. Silent power with the main driving actors are the people or society is a form of people power. This happens because the people are smarter and more developed in appreciating democracy and political attitudes. The presence of the state in the whole process of the election makes people more comfortable and feel secured to vote. Silent power had shifted the dominance of Aceh party, the hegemony of the party had become a barrier to development and even become parasite in every activity in Aceh almost in all areas of development: law, economic, social and politics. Silent power is also the cause of swing voters in Pilkada 2017 in Aceh. This is because of losing trust of the people towards the hegemonic party in carrying out Aceh government over 8 years after the MoU in Helsinki. The victory of Irwandi Yusuf and Nova Iriansyah who were promoted by the National Party of Aceh (PNA) and supported by national parties such as the Indonesian Democratic Party and the Democrat Party was predicted from the beginning by political observers and community leaders. In addition, as a former governor in the previous period, Irwandi Yusuf had been able to show his best performance and services that impressed the people such as through the Public Health Insurance of Aceh program (JKA), even this model was imitated by central government, for example the National Health Insurance Program (BPJS). To this extent, thus, Aceh becomes the capital and model area for the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, the people of Aceh can clearly compare between the reign of Irwandi and Muhammad Nazar to the government of Zaini Abdullah and



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020 Muzakkir Manaf through tangible evidence or empirical data in the form of track record during Irwandi’s time serving as governor for all the people of Aceh. The concept of Health Insurance of Aceh (JKA) was considered a monumental in Aceh initiated by Irwandi Yusuf which then became a political instrument for himself and became a model for the central government in Jakarta. In general, this research proves that silent power also occurs in the election of regent / deputy regent and mayor / deputy mayor throughout Aceh province. The elected regent / deputy regent were also not representing the hegemonic party. In this case, people found poor performance from hegemonic party and far from people’s expectations compared to the performance of previous governance before the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) of Helsinki as a new blueprint for Aceh development in all areas. The authority of the district / city government is very low in providing public services to the public. This means that silent power in Aceh is not only in the election of governor / vice governor but also in almost all districts / cities where the election is conducted.

Votes Recapitulation of Regional Election (

No Candidates Representative Number of Percentage

Votes 1. Tamizi A.,Karim/T. Machsalmina National Parties 406.865 16.7 Ali 2. Zakaria Saman/Alaidinsyah Independent 132.981 5.5 3. Abdullah Puteh/Sayed Mustafa U A Independent 41.908 1.7 4. Zaini Abdullah/Nasaruddin Independent 167.910 6.9 5. Muzakkir Manaf/T. A. Khalid Aceh Party 766.427 31.7 6. Irwandi Yusuf/Nova Iriansyah Mixed Parties 898.710 37.2 Total 2.414.801 100 Based on the data above, it is clear that the voting for governor /vice governor elections are surpassed by Irwandi Yusuf / Nova Iriansyah or silent power. The vote is so significant that the domination of the hegemonic party has ended in Aceh. Silent power managed to change the paradigm and leadership phenomenon in Aceh within the next five years: 2017-2022. The Aceh Party with its hegemony can not keep the people of Aceh in harmony and consistent, its political marketing is full of threats and excessive intimidation was conveyed to the people of Aceh which then created anxiety for the community and consequently, many people swing their votes. The existence of a silent power has been proven in elections 2017. Silent power is a result of the power of hegemony showed by members of the Aceh Party in providing services to the people of Aceh. Many representatives from Aceh party and its followers did not use appropriate approach to the community when they interact with people, which in turn, decrease the sympathy of the people to the ruling party. Some causes of silent power in Aceh in concurrent election in Aceh are: a) The political promises made during Political marketing by the political elites of the hegemonic party are not able to significantly accomplish. b) The political concept of Barbarians is still done by the hegemonic party to influence and change the political mindset of society. c) The process of political recruitment conducted by the hegemonic party is not based on the capacity or a good political education and selective but based on koncoisme and based on the relationship amongst. Hence, it is very influential in carrying out political activities. Eventually, the silent power displaces the political hegemony of the ruling party in Aceh. The shortage of the Aceh government after the Helsinki Memorandum of Understanding lies on building togetherness for all the people of Aceh. Due to political differences and ideologies among the community, the people cannot live harmonily in Aceh. In fact, strengthening the role of Aceh as a political power at the national level actually occurs when Aceh has togetherness and unity, especially from the level of its political elites. The failure of the Aceh Party to lead the running of the governance of Aceh is also determined by the low quality of human resources as a whole. The hegemonic party is very reluctant to approach the people of Aceh as a whole, but they only approach those who have the same ideology.

IV. CONCLUSION AND RECCOMENDATION Based on the description and analysis of the results of research on the results of the election of regional heads (PILKADA) simultaneously in 2017 in Aceh can be concluded that Silent Power has been able to shift the hegemony of the ruling party in Aceh in the election of Regional Head (PILKADA) in 2017. Silent power was born due to various causes conducted by the ruling party to the people of Aceh which lead to people’s distrust. This Silent Power arises



ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020 because of the people power that occurs quietly throughout Aceh, and besides that the people of Aceh have better understanding on realizing their political rights. The presence of the State in implementing PILKADA simultaneously in Aceh in 2017 so as to make the people safe and orderly in expressing their voice (voting).

After shifting the political hegemony by silent power the next step is people power can do and realize a form of reconciliation in Aceh, and the new leader of Aceh should have political talent as problem solver, even Aceh also needs the talents of solidarity makers. Poblem solver is a pragmatic, moderate and democratic political leader who tends to be democratic and technocratic in solving the various problems faced by Aceh post PILKADA 2017. While solidarity makers are political leaders relying solely on community support with their wide solidarity ability in certain communities. All stakeholders, NGOs, intellectuals, and all elements of society including the ruling hegemonic political parties must maintain a new atmosphere and support new leadership in Aceh. Thus the Aceh governance atmosphere will be in accordance with the contents of the MoU of Helsinki and Aceh remain within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia with the features of the asymmetric decentralization that has been given to be developed and maintained.


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