UWM Opens Its Doors to Community at Open House Nathan Kostiuk UWM Chancellor Nancy Gave Visitors a Chance to Get Has to Offer

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UWM Opens Its Doors to Community at Open House Nathan Kostiuk UWM Chancellor Nancy Gave Visitors a Chance to Get Has to Offer i i.j i M u.mmmmmsmm. mr--mm^mt*" .J. IJ Mm m Ui • I The Panther Basketball UWMPos t page 16 Volume 45, Number # The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee November 1, 2000 UWM opens its doors to community at Open House Nathan Kostiuk UWM Chancellor Nancy gave visitors a chance to get has to offer. "I found the tables School of Architecture and Features Editor Zimpher. "We've had more stu­ outside and get a look at off informational," she said, but Urban Planning, but that his dents than we've had before campus student life. she'll come away remembering intentions were still prelimi­ For the sixth year in a row and we had students from a "I really liked the trolley a certain exhibit that made nary. He said he found that the the University of Wisconsin- broader geographic range." ride," said Ann Steinbach, who waves. tables were interactive and Milwaukee opened its doors to The Open House was held brought her niece and nephew, "I liked the pig lung," Ali engaging. the community Jim was at large for its not out of Open House (xxiY£itsrrir«fwi<tC0Ksui place at the Oct. 27-28. The Open House at campus Open such a young House gave age. Most of insiders and those doing outsiders alike the tabling a chance to were surprised check out over by the number 170 tables rep­ of middle and resenting cam­ elementary pus organiza­ school age tions ranging children in from the attendance. physics department to the cam­ in UWM's Student Union on Ali and Jim Gilbertson, from said, referring to an interactive Jan Ford, director of pus police. All tables provided the ground, first and second Slinger to see the extravaganza. piece at the Center for Science Recruitment and Outreach and extensive information about floors. Organization tables "It took us around parts of Education table that even coordinator of the event, said the organizations and getting sprawled from the Ballroom to campus and a lot into the Chancellor Zimpher singled they try to pitch the event to involved. the Wisconsin Room and neighborhood. It gave us a real­ out as one of her favorites. entire families, not just to In the past attendance has throughout the corridors in ly good idea of student life and Jim is a little younger, but prospective students. When ranged from 3,000 to 3,500 and between. what it is like to live down was excited to find out at the planning the event they don't planners believe this year's dis­ This year's event included here." registration table that he is solicit class field trips that play has upheld those numbers, some relatively new features. Ali is in high school and scheduled to graduate from if not surpassed them. Trolley tours of the campus and took this as an opportunity to high school in 2008. He said he See Open House "It's a big success," said its neighboring community shop the school and see what it would like to enroll in the page 2 Third party presidential forum offers more choices Nathan Kostiuk from LaRiva's visit than she needed to get a presidential Moorehead/LaRiva campaign demanding a new trial for a Features Editor did during her entire schooling. candidate on the ballot. because of the unprecedented man they call "a political pris­ Although other candidates Moorehead and LaRiva will be prison building spree that has oner." Workers World Party presi­ were unable to attend, literature the only women of color run­ been conducted in the last Moorehead referred in her dential candidate Monica about other third party candi­ ning on this state's ballot in decade. The candidates ardent- speech to the death penalty and Moorehead and her running dates was on hand at the UWM the growth of the mate Gloria LaRiva kicked off forum. Included was literature prison- industrial com­ a statewide campaign tour Oct. about the Socialist and plex as being the two 25 at the University of Libertarian Party candidates. most significant forms Wisconsin-Milwaukee when Students from the of racial profiling in the they addressed students and Wisconsin Public Interest U.S. She read off a community members here. Research Group (WISPIRG) wealth of statistical The event, held in Bolton also spoke at the forum, information on the sub­ Hall, was a forum for third announcing a scheduled Ralph ject to the audience party discussion sponsored by Nader appearance at the including political jabs the Progressive Student Milwaukee Auditorium Nov. 1 at her opponents in the Network at UWM. sponsored by the Milwaukee two major parties. Moorehead and LaRiva's Green Party. "In Texas alone, visit at UWM was the begin­ Iyad Afalqa, of the Muslim since (GOP nominee ning of a tour that took them to Student Association at UWM, George W. Bush) campuses "at UW— Stevens also spoke briefly, stating the became governor in Point, LaCrosse and Madison organization's solidarity with 1995 the prison popula­ where Moorehead spoke as an what it sees as the occupied ter­ tion has jumped from invited guest speaker at a ritory of Palestine. 41,000 to 150,000 for Green Party rally Oct. 26 The Workers World Party drug possession (con­ protesting an appearance by describes itself as an anti-racist victions) alone," said Monica Moorhead, the 2000 presidential candidate for Democratic candidate Al Gore multinational organization try­ Moorehead. Worker's World party, speaks in Bolton Hall Oct. 25. at the state capitol (see stories ing to further the movement to "Of course, we all pages 5-6). end capitalism, believing that a Post photo Vernessa Richardson know that Bush used LaRiva also visited the profit orientated system is the drugs himself. So, why College of Menominee Nation root cause of racism, sexism, November. Moorehead is the ly oppose the prison-industrial isn't he in prison?" on the Menominee Nation homophobia and poverty, only African American woman complex. They also speak out Moorehead continued with Reservation Oct. 27. At these among other social ills. running for president. against the death penalty, her observations on drug abuse stops the candidates were In the state of Wisconsin, "Wisconsin is an important which Wisconsin does not and illiteracy. received warmly. One student the Wisconsin Committee for political center in this country," have. Both Moorehead and "It seems that if you have a at Menominee Nation College Moorehead/LaRiva acquired said Moorehead. LaRiva also expressed support said although she has a mas­ over 3,400 signatures, much Wisconsin is also an impor­ for Pennsylvania death row See Third Party ter's degree, she learned more more than the 2,000 signatures tant state in the prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, page 2 November 1, 2000 NEWS The UWM Post Open House from ing it almost the first booth have a football team, no big could choose to attend. There chemistry really is. It's not just page 1 attendees see, had a dorm room deal, we'll make our own then was a lunch, more courses the lab experiments they did in theme. Clothes on the floor, homecoming in the fall." and a graduation party, com­ high school," said Scaffidi. would bring high school jun­ mismatched furniture and scat­ What the Alumni plete with a live band. As for persuasion, what for iors and seniors from the area tered books set the tone. Association has decided to do Jon and Lisa Ninmer joined those who have no interest or to the university in large num­ "We wanted to have a little is hold an event called Alumni Alumni College for the day and are apathetic to the subject? bers. said they enjoyed the experi­ "That's the hard part," said "We're seeing a lot more ence. Lisa is a 1994 graduate Scaffidi. families coming by, and and took some ebusiness cours­ The chemistry table, like they're doing some serious es with her husband Jon to most others, had fun-little toys shopping." said Ford. learn more about a field both to play with. Plastic bags were "It feels like it was a strong work with in their professions, even given put at the front of event again," said Ford. In gen­ but have no collegiate training the hall, because there were so eral, she said the Open House in. many toys and other freebies gets stronger by the year as "It was helpful, because being given out. The items go they continue to work out the right now, (ebusiness) is some­ over well with the crowd and growing pains. But one area of thing that's very hot for both us are seen as a necessary invest­ improvement she found was in terms of how we work with ment bought to create interest the display and interaction at our clients," Lisa said. where there once might not the tables themselves. "Besides," she continued, "it have been. "Every year we get a little was neat coming back here and "It shows we're interested better at what we do. There seeing what has changed." too," said Donald Green, pro­ clearly was a higher level of Getting the prospective stu­ fessor in the department of class to it (this year)," she said. dents and their families in the sociology who helped staff his "ioto courtesy UWM Photo Services "I think every year the door was the job of Ford and department's table. Green said booths get better," agreed the many staff members that that some could see the event Chancellor Zimpher. fun, and we wanted the young College annually with the worked with her to coordinate as too commercial, like an ad Zimpher said she made a people that come to have a Open House.
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