Student Buying Card Under Investigation Bev Pfeifer Harms " the Company Is a Division ' of L&B Marketing, Inc., Year
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University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (1970s) Student Newspapers 11-10-1977 Current, November 10, 1977 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, November 10, 1977" (1977). Current (1970s). 225. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (1970s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Nov.10,1977 Issue ·No. 297 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI - ST. LOUIS Student buying card under investigation Bev Pfeifer Harms " The company is a division ' of L&B Marketing, Inc., year. based in New York," said Porter. "We now need to Porter said the same company contacted UMSL last Plans by Central Council to distribute a stUdent determine if the entire corporation i~ legitimate, or if the year and similar arrangements were worked out. He said buying power card this year appear to have been held fraud is with the Student Buying Power Card company, the representative never contacted UMSL again. up pending investigation of fraud against the company or the representative." This year, the company called again. When asked supplying the card. According to Potter, there are reports of different about the first representative, Central Council was According to Jeanne Grossman, studen body vice named corporations doing basically the same thing. informed that the first person had never been with the president, the UMSL student government was ap •• A popular technique with out-of-state companies company. proached by a representative of the Student Buying which aren't legitimate is to sell magazine subscriptions On that premise. Grossman agreed to make arraange Power Card Company to join with Washington Univer to..apartment tenants," he said. ments with the corppany again. sity and St. Louis University in furnishing a tliscount Top Shop reportedly agreed to become involved in the Personal contact was never made, said Porter, the card to students for various stores in the three-campus card when the representative said all three schools and representative went to the store to solicit and said the area. other merchants were also committed. Appar:cntly no cards would be distributed in mid-October. They never The only committment by the university was to other merchants were contacted, checking of ,the above were. provide a market for ~istribution . places revealed that no contact was made with other "Another problem we've encountered is that appar An investigation by the Northwoods Police Depart businesses. ently a piece of blank letterhead stationery was taken ment came about from a complaint made by Top Shop, a According t6 ' Grossman, the company orepresentative from L&B and copied," Porter said. "This allowed them clothing store in Normandy Shopping Center. also toldUMSL' '1bat 'Washinst0n University and St. to appear as legitimate representatives of the company." Top Shop agreed to be a patron on the card. Louis University were ahea<Iy signed and the cards Grossman says she has no intention of withdrawing Grossman said the fee was $300 to be a participating would be available as soo!!i~ UMSL agreed to part ofit. UMSL' s intent for the cards. merchant. Payments were to be made in three $100 The Central Council Executive Committee tlien "I am a little leery of the company now, of course," installments. ~PJn'oved the proposal and sent a letter 1>f committment she said, "but I intend to hold with the comrnittment A company representative asked that one of the to the representative. until we see how the investigation turns out." checks be made payabl~ to him personally. The man "I checked with · e Washington University president According to Joel Ginsparg, treasurer of the Wash then disappeared. after I round out about the fraud and he said they were ington University student government, two different men Northwoods detective, Arnie Porter, is currently not contacted until later," said Grossman. had been in contact with him last summer regarding the handling the investigation. Probiems with · the company is not isolated to this [See "Buying cud," page 5J J. C. Penney Audito,ium. vandalized twice in one week custodian entered the auditori cantly increase the total damage um, she heard a loud thump figure. A second break-in occurred which she believes was the Part of the reason for the within a week at the J.C. extinguisher being dropped on reoccurrance could be the ac Penney Auditorium. The last the floor. cessibility of the auditorium to incident occurred on November Edwards said rocks were many groups. Edwards said 2, at about 3:30 p.m . found next to the back door on there may be an exact list drawn As in the first incident, a the south-west side of the audi up of who has keys to the custodian coming in to clean the torium. Apparently the rocks auditorium. The room should auditorium found that one fire were used to prop open the then be locked at all times when extinguisher, containing water, door. not in use. had been emptied on the stage Damage to the room was not There was no scheduled activ floor area directly in front of the as extensive as following the ity in the auditorium prior to the stage. first break-in. break-in. According to James C. Nel "In this case, there was no "I presume it was young kids, son, chief of UMSL police, the water on the drapes or movie but it could be students ' or door to the auditorium had again screen," said Edwards. An estimate of the cost of outsiders," said Nelson. "We've been apparently left unlocked. had trouble in the past with This is how police believe the damage following the first break-in has not been made, but youngsters coming over from the vandals gained entrance. neighborhood schools." Ron Edwards, a University Edwards said he does not e;tpect Center staff member, said as the the last occurrance to signifi- While the damage is being repaired, the weekday movies will continue to be shown in room 101 Stadler Hall, for at least another week, stated Ed wards. Nelson said the police depart ment was conducting a' full DIGGING IN: Two physical pIant workers are shown cIlgglng outside invesngation to assure that no more break-ins would occur. of Lucas Hall [photo by Debra Knox DelermannJ. , . Newman House gives focus Barb Piccione on campus most of the day then fmd a way to fulfill those meeting people and talking to needs.· ' If you feel a need for some them about Newman House. She has been a part of thing more than UMSL provides, "Most people have found out Newman House for about four in daily campus life, you may be about it by word of mouth, and year, according to Fr. Lyons, interested in Newman House. we've had a good response," head of Newman House. Those Newman House, located on Fleming said. "But I am years furnished her with the Natural Bridge directly across planning to put out a small experience and knowledge she from UMSL, has long been paper to explain what Newman needed before deciding to be connected with the UMSL ,cam House is, and also let people come a lay campus minister. pus, but has received little know about events that we're Lyons see the role of the lay publicity. In fact, many people planning. " campus minister as comparable don't even know it exists, Bar For those who unfamiliar with to that of a peer counselor. bara Fleming, lay campus mini it, Newman House is a Catholic There are things that students ster, said. youth center, a place for people might feel more comfortable Fleming is trying to change all to make friends, study, and just talking with "one of their own," that. She has become a lay get in touch with other people, Lyons said. campus minister this semester, according to Fleming. "It is "Fleming is a communication the f~st UMSL has ever had. also open to everyone; you don't builder," Lyons commented. She is" seeking to promote have to be Catholic to come in," "She is friendly, communicates Newman House by "reaching she said._ "Everyone is wel warmth, and is good at organ out to people on campus and come." izing things." NEW MINISTER: Barb Fleming, an UMSL 'student, Is the first letting them know that people do Fleming sees her role as being She has helpe.d org~nizc:...J?~y care," according to Fleming. similar to that of 1\ Peace Corp woman lay mInIster at Newman House across from the UMSL Fleming, who is also a student worker. _ She is trying to see [See "Newman," page 2J campus [photo courtesy of Newman HouseJ. majoring in special education, is what people's needs are, and Page 2 November 10, 1977 UMSL cmqmNT Biology holds honor night The UMSL biology department Students· will participate in lecture and slide show on "An will hold a Biology Honor--Stu workshops on such topics as Age Old Question - Must We dent Night for local high school electron microscopy, genetic en Grow Old?" students and their teachers on gineering, animal behavior, in The deadline for registration Novem\>er 17 from 6 to 10 p.m. sect collection and preservation, is November 11. For more in Stadler Hall. ' and computer analysis of nerve information contact Charles R. The program will feature 13 cell activity. Granger, associate professor of "hands-on" science workshops Rober Bolla, UMSL professor biology, at 5811.