“Not The Only Ones” by Carolina M.

Mirin looked back to the crowd from the stage searching for one last goodbye.

Finally she found her mother's dark blue eyes and tear streaked face. Her father stood beside her clutching her shoulders in comfort. The girl waved a goodbye which only made her mother break into more sobs. She gave a playful salute to her father and turned back around to face the large man. He pushed her forward to the small tub filled with yellow water. The man handed her a bag filled with food which would last 2 years and water too. She took it with a curt thank you. Mirin swung the bag over her shoulder with difficulty for it weighed more than she had thought. She took a step forward and then jumped into the pool of yellow holding her breath. Mirin kept her eyes closed afraid to see what was around her.

Going through a portal isn't what it may seem like. It isn't a quick, boom you're there. It takes longer, perhaps a year. One man who had gone through had went through a portal for 2 years. He came back alive but had lost 50 pounds. He also said that he couldn’t remember where he went or what he had learned from that place. The mayor out of deep hatred and rage killed the man by leaving him in prison to starve. That was partially the reason her mother didn't want her to go. Mirin had no choice though. Just because of her eyes.

Just because of her eyes she was treated unfairly in the world. Everyone with a normal eye color was filled to the brink with hate for those dark blue eyes. Living in small apartments with old wooden furniture and scraps of twisted grass as plates. Not being able to go out to any public place like

1 school or stores. Her kind had to live off of what the government provided them. Daily rations of meat and bread. They would wear the same navy blue robes while the other people who were so called normal wore robes according to their eye color. The mayor thinking they were aliens or strange creatures believed it would be fine to send them out. Dark blue eyed people were weak and sensitive. Mirin was the second one chosen to travel out into space to discover more and bring back riches for the normals and especially the greedy mayor.


Her eyes were closed the whole time. Once she had felt ground form below her she opened her eyes. She looked around and there was nothing but snow.

Although it wasn’t cold and she could feel the sun's warmth and a soft breeze. She placed her bag on the ground and knelt, brushing her hand over the white fluff and confirmed that it didn’t have the earth's snow icy touch. Mirin was so mesmerized by the snow that she didn't realize the figure walking towards her who held the same eyes.


Back on earth once Mirin left, the wall that held the portal’s liquid in had cracked and broke. The portal liquid spilled out and caused a chemical reaction which started a large fire which couldn’t be put out with anything. The mayor yelled to the crowd,

“This is their fault! They have brought this upon us with their devilish ways!” The dark blue eyed knew that it was time. They all quickly left while the normals searched for buckets of water but failed. Mirin’s mother

2 and father, Allana and Kendro clutched a bag filled with robes. All the dark blue eyed headed for the hills because they had planned what to do if an event like this had ever occurred. They had come together to dig a tunnel underground. It was their only escape. Allana glanced back and saw the gray sky looming overhead. Finally they found the small trap door labeled by a dark x and one by one filed in. Time was running out and when 7 remained the crowd had reached them. Allana threw the bag into a young boys hands and when they met eyes she noticed that the boy looked much like her daughter, Mirin.

The same soft, light brown hair and darker eyes than usual. She pushed him down the trapdoor and closed it shut. She then turned around to face the oncoming crowd and stood proud. Her stomach ached longing to see Mirin.

Kendro took her hand. The crowd came with torches and knives striking their enemy with hate and scorn. Not even a scream of a cry of pain escaped Allana or Kendro.


The young boy, Zume clutched the robes and ran. Now knowing he had no one since his parents had just died. He wiped the tears from his face and kept on running. He didn’t dare look back. All seemed to happen so fast.


Mirin was too buried in happiness to notice the figure staring at her. She finally noticed the pair of bare feet in front of her. Her eyes widened in fear and she slowly looked up. It was a girl with blond hair and dark blue eyes. Mirin was about to run when the girl yelled out,

“Wait! Don’t go. Please, follow.” Mirin just stared clutching the bag.


Silence. A solid moment went by Mirin stood thinking about all that could happen if she ran or if she followed. Mirin took a step forward to the girl and nodded. The girl smiled and ushered her toward a building Mirin had not noticed before.


Zume began to run out of breath and his legs couldn't go on. He fell to the ground and broke into sobs knowing death would come upon him. Zume, for a boy was very over dramatic. Soon the crowds noises dimmed away and there was nothing but darkness and Zume with his robes. Zume no longer cared about the robes for they just weighed him down. He pulled out a light blue one which was about his size. He tore the dark blue one off and pulled the other on which felt amazing. The fabric was like silk and had a wonderful comfort to it. His old dark blue robe always itched. He pushed his soft hair back and felt refreshed. He began to walk through the dark tunnels searching for an exit. Much later he saw a wooden ladder perched against the dirt wall. Zume walked to the bottom of the ladder which led up to a small wooden trap door.

Quickly he began to climb and pushed open the wooden door. He found himself in a field of tall grass. He climbed out onto the soft earth and breathed in the fresh crisp air. He layed down on his back and gazed up at the sky which was a strange white blue. He must have walked for a while, for there was no more gray smoke. He closed his eyes and groaned. Once opened his eyes slowly he saw a glint of a thick hairy harm and a normal women before abag went over his head. Zume began to scream until a hand clamped over his mouth. He tried

4 to bite the fingers but the hand was to strong. Ropes began to close around his ankles and his arms too. Zume struggled and squirmed until a sharp object had hit his head and all began to fade.


Mirin had walked for a while soon they had reached the large building. The girl opened the doors and gestured her to go in. Mirin did and once she went in the building she was greeted by an older boy with dark shiny black hair and the same dark blue eyes. He had a warm welcoming smile which made Mirin forget about the dangers just thinking that there were more of her kind.

Mirin gave a shy smile back and then the boy said,

¨Hi Mirin. Welcome to Iapra. All people like you live here. Back on earth trouble has stirred and the normals are trying to kill off all the dark blue eyed. There is only one survivor on earth and that is a young boy named Zume.

We are sorry to inform you about the death of your parents.¨ Mirin, not wanting ruin her first encounter with these new people by crying, held the tears back. The boy kept on talking,

¨We have partners on earth that are normals but they are our allies. They have taken Zume and are planning to bring him to Iapra safely through another portal. He will come but we will not bring the group of normals with us. We have secret cameras set up all over earth and we keep track of all. Come and see.¨ Mirin had passed a large window which looked over a beautiful village which you would only find in old fantasy books. The houses were built like cottages and a wonderful waterfall flowed near. Wonderful flowers were blooming and there was a deep green grass surrounding the cobble roads. There

5 wasn't any snow in this area. The older boy went into a room which had a dim blue light and sat down in front of a large system of screens and buttons.

Mirin stood beside him and looked at the screens come alive showing her leftover rubble and fire from the destruction on earth. The boy pressed a small blue button and on a main screen a video of a boy appeared. He was being carried by a bulky man with thin wisps of blond hair and a woman with curly black hair and a black silky dress which blew in the wind. The boy cleared his throat and said,

¨That is Zume in the light blue robe. I believe they went a bit too far with capturing him though. No worries; the townspeople will never find them.

Well Phie, I would like you to take Mirin to our guest room in quadrant 3.”

The girl, Phie nodded and led Mirin out of the room.

¨I'm so glad you finally came. We´ve been waiting for a while and finally they chose you!¨ Phie exclaimed. Mirin just nodded. There was an everlasting silence while they walked. Until Phie broke in and beamed,

¨We also have a grand surprise for you later when that boy, Zume comes. I think you will like it.¨ Mirin just gave a weak smile and continued in the silence. They finally reached the bunk and Phie opened the white wooden door and let Mirin in. It was a cozy place with a small bunk bed and a night stand holding an emerald green lamp. There was also a door which led to a bathroom.

The floor was lined with a dark blue carpet and the blanket on the bed was white and neatly folded on top of the covers. The pillow looked fresh and

6 clean. Mirin walked in and took in the feeling of safety in. She looked back at Phie and said in a small voice,

¨Thanks.¨ Phie smiled and gave a polite nod. She then pointed to the night stand which also held another blue robe. Mirin turned and walked over to the stand and brushed her hand over the supple fabric. Phie then pulled the door shut and Mirin being the lady like girl she is dropped the bag and collapsed on the bed in and lay in a fetal position groaning. Mirin knocked some sense into herself and began to pull on the robe and she saw some little slippers which were meant for her feet, Mirin was never given shoes on earth but she disapproved of them anyway. Later Mirin heard a knock on the door and in ninja mode she rolled over to the door and swung it open. Phie stood with a large smile plastered on her face exclaimed,

¨He’s here! Your brother! He came!¨ Phie then did a little dance. Mirin stood confused and sputtered,

¨Brother? What-what do you mean?¨ Phie just grabbed Mirin’s arm and rushed her to out the building and back to the portal where Mirin had come from.


Zume woke up but didn’t open his eyes. He felt a sharp pain in the his forehead. Slowly he lifted his hand to feel a large gash. He winced in pain.

There was no more rope on him. Zume felt strange he had this weird sense in his legs. He couldn’t open his eyes. Something held them shut. Suddenly heard a loud zap and found himself in front of two pairs of feet. Both bare.


He looked up, now being able to open his eyes, and saw two faces. One familiar and one strange. Thinking he was in heaven he gave a dizzy smile and started to feel light headed and woozy. Slowly all went black.


Mirin stood in front of Zume's body confused. Phie just started squealing like a little girl. She then blurted,

¨Hurry! Let's take him to Menkai!¨ Mirin didn't understand, but tagged along and helped Phie carry Zume to whoever.


Zume laid on the ground of the dimly blue lit room. They all sat their waiting. Zume gave out a moan and everyone's head jerked up. Slowly Zume opened his eyes and pushed himself up into a sitting position. He looked around at the people and questioned,

¨Hrrrmmm, uh who are you guys?¨ Menkai chimed in and explained,

¨You two are the only ones who were left on earth and we were able to bring you back here. Iapra is basically a planet only for us dark blue eyed. We do not allow any normals afraid they may wipe all of us out. Now we have something important to tell you. Zume, Mirin, you two are brothers and sisters. Twins actually.¨ Mirin stared in shock. Zume just gave himself a small smile. He hummed,

¨I knew it. It was quite obvious really we look so much alike!¨ Mirin just shook her head in doubt. All her life she didn´t know.

¨You guys didn't know because you were seperated at birth. Zume was given into some strange blond haired family. A big mix up on their hand.¨ Mirin

8 looked at Zume and began to notice the similar features. Zume stuck out his hand and Mirin hesitantly took it. They shook and Zume teased,

¨Pleased to meet your acquaintance.¨ He gave a small bow. Mirin tagged along and curtsied. They both laughed.

There was a little light blinking which signaled the portal to Iapra was in use. Menkai startled, quickly turned on the camera on the mainscreen and found one of their normal “friends” riding through space holding a bow and arrow. Menkai quickly set of the alarm in the building to signal his recruits for help. This would be hard especially with Emanya (a.k.a the witch) as the invader and traitor.

“She betrayed us. I forgot to disable the portal access, but I got all caught up in the excitement of Zume's arrival.” He groaned, “I should have saw it coming especially with the way she captured Zume and all. I will hold off the portal and delay her time. Emanya is very skilled in battle and has a great chance of succeeding. With her powers though she has opened up several gigantic pits filled with burning fire.” Menkai commanded,

“We must go now. To fight, but I am only bringing ten recruits and you two. Phie will watch over the villages. Let’s go.”


Emanya was standing there bow at the ready and in one second shot out five flaming arrow finding their targets. Zume and Mirin stayed close to the back and snuck around behind Emanya while the rest fought in front. They neared towards the fiery pits. Emanya had sharp hearing though and as quick as lightning turned around a tossed a steel ball the size of a grape fruit right

9 in front of Zume and Mirin. The ball shattered into thick pieces and let out a green haze which caused Mirin’s eyes to water. Zume started stepping back trying, to escape the stench and tripped. He fell back towards the fiery pit.

Mirin, thinking fast, quickly grabbed his arm. Mirin was now laying on her stomach clinging to the arm of her brother as he hung over the blazing fire.

Mirin yelled out to Zume,

“Hold on!” Zume nodded and tried swinging his other arm toward her but failed. She thought to herself. I can’t lose him! Tears began sliding down her cheeks.

The wind howled and the snow blew everywhere melting when reaching any sort of heat. Mirin wasn’t getting anywhere. Mirin heard recruits yelling in the distance searching for Emanya; she had disappeared. A sharp piercing scream blew through the air. Mirin looked up and saw Emanya standing on the other side of the pit. Emanya stood there like a crow with her black dress rustling in the harsh wind. Emanya brought up her bow and aimed directly at Mirin and

Zume. The arrow released and it was too late. The arrow flew straight into

Zume’s wrist. He let out a sharp cry of pain. Blood began to trickle down his arm. The flesh around Zume’s thin wrist began to tear and couldn’t stay attached any longer. Soon the arm ripped off; Zume screamed plunging to his death. Mirin looked over the edge in horror staring into the depths she screamed,

“NO! NO!” She lifted her head to the sky, her mind clouded with thought and all the glimpses and moments she had with Zume. She looked across the abyss and saw Emanya standing with a look of pride. Mirin brought her head

10 back down and gazed at her hand which her brother’s still clung to. The flesh carelessly dangled in small strips while blood began to stain her robe.

Mirin shook her head in disbelief and gave out a small whimper and cried,
