science usesfor a changing world

Prepared in cooperation with the City of Rilrttsvjlle, \ £jyto»\fNi .» Synoptic Survey of Septic Indicators in Streams and Springs at Monte Sano Mountain, Madison County, Alabama, January 29-31,1998

U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4230


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U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey -*: *"\" '»«.- ,-K

Synoptic Survey of Septic Indicators in Streams and Springs at Monte Sano Mountain, Madison County, Alabama, January 29-31, 1998

By Ann K. McPherson and Will S. Mooty


Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4230

Prepared in cooperation with the City of Huntsville, Alabama

Montgomery, Alabama 1999 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BRUCE BABBITT, Secretary

U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Charles G. Groat, Director

The use of firm, trade, and brand names in this report is for identification purposes only and does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Government.

For additional information write to: Copies of this report can be purchased from:

District Chief U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Geological Survey Information Services 2350 Fairlane Drive, Suite 120 Federal Center, Box 25286 Montgomery, AL 36116 Denver, CO 80225-0286 CONTENTS

Abstract ...... :...... 1 Introduction...... ^ 1 Purpose and Scope...... 4 Background...... _^ 4 Previous Investigations...... ^ 4 Description of Study Area...... 5 Geology ...... 5 Hydrogeology...... 7 Approach and Methods of Study...... 7 Septic Indicators...... ^ 9 Bacterial Indicators ...... 12 Chemical Indicators...... 13 Nutrients...... ~^ 13 Chloride...... ^ 15 Caffeine ...... 15 MBAS, LAS, and EDTA...... 15 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Paracresol...... 15 Total Organic Carbon...... 15 Discussion...... ^ 16 Summary ...... 17 References...... 17

FIGURES 1. Map showing location of Monte Sano Mountain study area and physiographic provinces in Alabama...... 2 2. Map showing location of sampling sites at Monte Sano and Huntsville Mountains, Madison County, Alabama...... 3 3. Lithology of major geologic units on Monte Sano Mountain, Alabama...... 5 4. Generalized geologic cross section of Monte Sano and Huntsville Mountains, Madison County, Alabama...... 6 5. Graph showing E. coli and fecal-coliform concentrations at selected sites on and around Monte Sano Mountain, Alabama, January 29-31, 1998...... 12 6. Graphs showing (A) Dissolved nitrite plus nitrate and (B) dissolved chloride concentrations at selected sites on and around Monte Sano Mountain, Alabama, January 29-31, 1998...... 14

TABLES 1. Site description and classification based on land use and geologic units...... 8 2. State and Federal standards and criteria for bacterial concentrations and selected organic contaminants in surface water...... 10 3. Summary of selected field water-quality properties and bacterial and chemical constituents for streams and springs on and around Monte Sano Mountain, January 29-31, 1998...... 11 4. Specific and nonspecific chemical indicators of wastewater contamination...... 13 5. Summary of selected organic compounds detected in streams and springs on and around Monte Sano Mountain, January 29-31, 1998 ...... 16


Multiply By To obtain Length inch (in.) 25.4 millimeter foot (ft) 0.3048 meter mile (mi) 1.609 kilometer Area acre 4,047 square meter Volume per unit time (includes flow) cubic foot per second (ft3/s) 0.02832 cubic meter per second

Sea level: In this report "sea level" refers to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD of 1929) a geodetic datum derived from a general adjustmerit of the first-order level nets of both the United States and Canada, formerly called Sea Level Datum of 1929.

Temperature: Temperature values can be converted by using the following equations:

°F=1.8(°C + 32) °C = 5/9 (°F - 32)

Abbreviated water-quality units:

col/100 mL...... colony per 100 milliliters Hg/L...... microgram per liter mg/L...... milligram per liter \iSlcm ...... microsiemens per centimeter

IV Contents Synoptic Survey of Septic Indicators in Streams and Springs at Monte Sano Mountain, Madison County, Alabama, January 29-31, 1998

By Ann K. McPherson and Will S. Mooty

ABSTRACT in the Pottsville-Pennington unit at the top of the mountain. These elevated bacterial concentrations The U.S. Geological Survey conducted a occurred in conjunction with caffeine detection synoptic investigation of fecal bacterial pollution and elevated levels of nitrite plus nitrate and in headwater streams and springs on Monte Sano chloride. This indicates that there is a potential Mountain. A total of 18 sites were sampled over a water-quality problem related to discharge from 3-day period in late January 1998. Fifteen of the the shallow ground-water system. Because the sites were located hydrologically downgradient sampling sites are located in close proximity to from residential areas on top of Monte Sano residential development, the most probable source Mountain. Three additional sites were selected as of the elevated fecal bacterial concentrations was background sites in unpopulated areas on septic tank effluent. Huntsville Mountain, south of Monte Sano Mountain. Sampling was conducted during a period of high baseflow after a recent storm when INTRODUCTION no surface runoff was present. Any contaminants identified in the streams and springs were likely Monte Sano Mountain is located east of the city derived from ground-water discharge because of Huntsville in Madison County, Alabama (fig. 1). The overland flow was not evident. summit of the mountain is a narrow sandstone-capped Four of the five sites in the Pottsville- plateau that is 4 miles in length and shaped like a Pennington unit (uppermost) with the highest horseshoe (fig. 2). The valleys surrounding the concentration of residential land use had mountain are underlain by limestone and exhibit karst Escherichia coli (E. coli) concentrations that were features. A small residential community of more than 25 times the background level. In approximately 2,100 people is located on top of the contrast, with the exception of one site, E. coli mountain in an area of 460 acres. Fecal bacteria have concentrations in the Bangor-Monteagle unit been detected in wells and springs on Monte Sano Mountain during previous investigations (French and (middle) and Tuscumbia unit (lowermost) were at Strunk, 1990; Huntsville-Madison County Health or near background levels. Caffeine also was Department and City of Huntsville Department of detected in the Pottsville-Pennington unit at a site Natural Resources and Environmental Management, with one of the highest densities of E. coli. 1992). Elevated levels of nitrite plus nitrate and chloride Fecal bacterial contamination of ground water is also were identified at sites in the Pottsville- a common problem in many areas of the Pennington unit. country particularly in areas with fractured bedrock The results of this synoptic sampling event or solution cavities, where conduits can lead directly to identified elevated concentrations of fecal bacteria deeper aquifers, or in shallow unconfined aquifers,

Abstract 1 TENNESSEE




Figure 1. Location of Monte Sano Mountain study area and physiographic provinces in Alabama. where contamination can seep directly into the ground- feedlots are present on top of the mountain. However, water system. The most common sources of fecal fecal-coliform bacteria can have nonfecal and bacterial contamination include septic system failure, nonhuman sources. Additional information specifically feedlot or field runoff, manure application on fields, linking the bacterial contamination to septic tank and municipal sludge application. Septic system failure effluent was needed. was presumed to be the most likely cause at Monte This investigation was conducted by the U.S. Sano Mountain, because standard septic systems are Geological Survey (USGS) as part of a cooperative utilized by the current residents and no fields or program with the City of Huntsville, Alabama. The

2 Synoptic Survey of Septic Indicators in Streams and Springs at Monte Sano Mountain, Alabama, January 29-31,1998 86°32'30" 6°30' 35°45'


2M 7T ' 8T 3L« *- » « 4L 6T 5M 10M

11M \ 12L J3M Huntsville


Base from U.S. Geological Survey 1:24,000, Revised 1991 Q 1 KILOMETER

Figure 2. Location of sampling sites at Monte Sano and Huntsville Mountains, Madison County, Alabama.

Introduction 3 purpose of this investigation was to further, define the 1993). E. coli is a form of coliform bacteria that is extent of previously established fecal bacterial endemic to the gastrointestinal tract of warm-blooded contamination in ground water and surface water in the animals and is of definite fecal origin when found in Monte Sano Mountain area near Huntsville, Alabama, water. and to identify the degree to which faulty septic tanks Chemical indicators also may be used in may have served as the fecal bacterial source. The combination with bacterial indicators. The most results of this study provide valuable information about common indicators of ground-water quality techniques that are applicable to many other areas of degradation associated with human sources include the country. elevated levels of nitrate and the presence of bacteria. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), methylene blue active substances (MBAS), caffeine, chloride, and Purpose and Scope phosphorus are additional compounds frequently used as chemical indicators. This report presents the results of a synoptic survey of septic indicators in streams and springs on Monte Sano Mountain. Water samples were collected Previous Investigations at 18 locations during high baseflow conditions in a synoptic sampling event during January 29-31, 1998. Fecal-coliform contamination of ground water in The samples were analyzed for fecal bacteria, the Monte Sano area was reported in 1986 during an including fecal-coliform bacteria and the more human- investigation by Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and specific bacteria, E. coli, as well as for chemical the Huntsville-Madison County Health Department compounds that are indicative of septic effluent (HMCHD). One hundred wells were surveyed in including caffeine, detergents, and nutrients. Madison County, Alabama. Thirty percent of these wells tested positive for fecal-coliform bacteria with an average concentration of 5.4 colonies per 100 milliliter Background (col/100 mL) (French and Strunk, 1990). Fecal-coliform bacteria are considered indicator In 1987 and 1988, TVA conducted a survey of organisms. Although fecal-coliform bacteria generally springs and streams on Monte Sano Mountain to are not considered to be pathogenic, their presence may examine the effects of septic tank leachate on ground indicate that waterborne, disease-causing organisms water. Fecal-coliform concentrations in springs and exist in a water supply. The presence or absence of streams on the mountain averaged 160 col/100 mL and indicator organisms is used to evaluate the 234 col/100 mL, respectively. E. coli concentrations in microbiological quality of water because current springs and streams on the mountain averaged techniques to analyze for pathogens are either 196 col/100 mL and 252 col/100 mL, respectively quantitatively unreliable or difficult to perform (French and Strunk, 1990). (Viessman and Hammer, 1993). Additional studies were conducted by the Difficulty arises when attempting to determine HMCHD and the City of Huntsville Department of whether the source of the indicator organisms is human Natural Resources and Environmental Management or nonhuman. Some species of fecal-coliform bacteria (HDNREM) in 1990 and 1991. Water samples were occur naturally in soils and other types are derived from collected from seven wells and three springs on and the feces of humans and warm-blooded animals around Monte Sano Mountain over a period of (Bickford, Lindsey, and Beaver, 1996). In 1986, the 12 months. Fecal-coliform contamination was found in United States Environmental Protection Agency the wells 42 percent of the time and in the springs (USEPA) recommended that E. coli be used in place of 100 percent of the time. Fecal-coliform levels averaged fecal-coliform bacteria as an indicator of fecal 7.6 col/100 mL in the wells and 78 col/100 mL in the contamination in waters used for recreation. This springs, respectively. Malfunctioning septic tanks were recommendation was based on studies that showed a considered to be the most probable source of the strong correlation between the number of swimming- contamination because of the absence of additional associated, gastrointestinal illnesses and the fecal bacterial sources (Huntsville-Madison County concentration of E. coli (Francy, Myers, and Metzker, Health Department and City of Huntsville Department

Synoptic Survey of Septic Indicators in Streams and Springs at Monte Sano Mountain, Alabama, January 29-31,1998 of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, drier months of fall are appreciably less than for the 1992). relatively wet season in winter. Additional sampling also was conducted during A small residential population of approximately July and August 1997 by Southeastern Analytical 2,100 people is located on top of the mountain. The Services, Inc. Samples were collected from two springs community consists of approximately 840 homes and and three streams on the mountain. Fecal-coliform encompasses an area of about 460 acres on the western concentrations at Cold Springs and Pagan Springs half of the mountain. Six commercial facilities also are ranged from 8 col/100 mL to 25 col/100 mL. Fecal- located on top of the mountain and include a school, coliform concentrations in the streams ranged from television station, fire station, two churches, and a State 8 col/100 mL to 15 col/100 mL. Fecal-coliform park. Monte Sano State Park, established in 1938, concentration at the outfall near the fire station could occupies an area of 2,140 acres on the eastern side of not be determined because the colonies were too the mountain. numerous to count (Southeastern Analytical Services, The remaining land use in the study area is Inc., 1997). characterized by thickly forested areas on the steeply sloping sides of the mountain. Hiking trails are located all over the mountain. The valleys surrounding the Description of Study Area mountain contain both pasture and farmland as well as sections of residential development. Hay and cotton are Monte Sano Mountain (fig. 1) lies within the the predominant crops grown in the valleys. section of the Appalachian Soils on Monte Sano Mountain are classified as Plateau physiographic province (Sapp and residuum, alluvium, and colluvium. Soils on top of the Emplaincourt, 1975). The mountain is a narrow mountain are primarily thin, silty sands with the sandstone-capped plateau with a summit that has a majority of residuum being fine sand. Permeability of maximum altitude (feet above sea level) of these soils in some areas is described as moderate to approximately 1,600 feet (ft). The valleys surrounding rapid, which suggests a high infiltration capacity. the mountain are at an altitude of about 700 ft. Thickness varies, but averages 3.8 ft (OMI, Inc., 1997). Huntsville has a temperate climate. Summers are characterized by warm, humid weather with frequent Geology thunderstorms. Monthly mean temperatures range Monte Sano Mountain is underlain by bedrock of from 38.8 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) in January to 79 °F Mississippian to Pennsylvanian age. The rock in July (National Oceanic and Atmospheric formations exposed along Monte Sano Mountain Administration, 1997). The average date for the last include, in ascending order, the Tuscumbia Limestone, occurrence of freezing temperature is late March, and Monteagle Limestone, Hartselle Sandstone/Pride the average date of the first freeze is late October or Mountain Formation, Bangor Limestone, Pennington early November. Annual rainfall averages about Formation, and the Pottsville Formation (Thomas, 57 inches (in.) per year of which approximately 1972; OMI, Inc., 1997). The lithology and stratigraphic 43 percent occurs during the winter months between sequence of these geologic units are illustrated in December and March. Precipitation amounts for the figures 3 and 4.

Altitude Series Age Geologic unit (feet) Lithology

Pennsylvanian Pottsville Formation > 1,500 Sandstone, shale, and coal

o c Pennington Formation 1,420-1,500 Shale and limestone CO N 'a, Bangor Limestone 1,100-1,420 Limestone, dolomite, and shale

Figure 3. Lithology of major geologic units on Monte Sano Mountain, Alabama (modified from Doyle and others, 1975). Description of Study Area v Pottsville Formation 1,500 EXPLANATION FRACTURED SANDSTONE A Pennmgton Formation 1,400 - LIMESTONE

SHALE Bangor Limestone 1,300 - LIMESTONE CAVITIES


1,100 Hartselle Sandstone/ Pride Mountain Formation


900 T\

i i i i i i

800- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Tuscumbia Limestone I I I I \l I I I 700- i i i i\ i i i

i i i i i i i i

Figure 4. Generalized geologic cross section of Monte Sano and Huntsville Mountains, Madison County, Alabama (modified from Doyle and others, 1975).

The Tuscumbia Limestone is composed of gradually thin and pinch out between the Monteagle highly fossiliferous limestone that is cherty in nature Limestone and the Bangor Limestone. These and is generally found below an altitude of 800 ft. The formations are overlain by the Bangor Limestone. Tuscumbia Limestone is overlain by the Monteagle The Bangor Limestone generally is present Limestone. between an altitude of 1,100 to 1,420 ft. The lower part The Monteagle Limestone generally is present of the Bangor Limestone consists of interbedded between an altitude of 800 and 1,060 ft. Near the top of shales, shaley limestone, and argillaceous limestone, the formation, the limestone is thinly bedded and and the middle part consists of massively bedded separated by beds of shale ranging in thickness from limestones and dolomite. The Bangor Limestone is 2 in. to 5 ft. The Monteagle Limestone is overlain by overlain by the Pennington Formation. the Pride Mountain Formation. The Pennington Formation is composed of shale The Pride Mountain Formation consists of one to and limestone and generally is present between an three sandstone units separated by gray, clay shale. The altitude of 1,420 to 1,500 ft. The Pennington Formation Pride Mountain Formation is overlain by the Hartselle is the uppermost formation of Mississippian age and is Sandstone (Thomas, 1972). The Hartselle Sandstone overlain by the Pottsville Formation. generally is composed of light colored, fine-grained The Pottsville Formation is located at the top of quartoze sandstone. The Pride Mountain Formation Monte Sano Mountain and consists of fractured and the Hartselle Sandstone generally are present at sandstone, shale, and coal. The coal seams that overlie altitudes between 1,060 to 1,100 ft. Both formations the shale are about 1.5 ft thick, and the sandstone above

Synoptic Survey of Septic Indicators in Streams and Springs at Monte Sano Mountain, Alabama, January 29-31,1998 the coal seam generally is thinly to massively APPROACH AND METHODS OF STUDY crossbedded. The Pottsville Formation generally is This synoptic investigation included three present between altitudes of 1,500 to 1,600 ft; it is the specific elements that were of critical importance in youngest formation on the mountain and the lowermost determining the source of bacterial and chemical formation of Pennsylvanian age. indicators at Monte Sano Mountain: (1) the condition of the hydrologic system during the time of sampling; Hydrogeology (2) the bacterial and chemical constituents that serve as Monte Sano Mountain is underlain by three indicators for septic tank effluent; and (3) the aquifers: the Pottsville Formation, the Bangor aquifer, comparison of data within similar units based on land use, geology, and hydrogeology. and the Tuscumbia aquifer. The Pottsville Formation is The hydrologic condition at the time of sampling not considered a major aquifer because it yields only was an important element in this investigation. small amounts of water to wells (Bossong and Harris, Samples were collected under high baseflow 1987). The Bangor aquifer includes the Bangor conditions, following a period of increased Limestone and the underlying Pride Mountain precipitation, but when no overland flow was present. Formation/Hartselle Sandstone. The Tuscumbia Based on the hydrologic system at Monte Sano aquifer includes the Monteagle Limestone and the Mountain, the recent precipitation would provide a Tuscumbia Limestone. The Bangor and Tuscumbia flushing effect in the shallower soil zone where septic aquifers are important sources of public and domestic tanks are located. Indicators that were identified in the water supplies. streams were likely derived from ground-water Soil cover on the Pottsville Formation is discharge rather than surface runoff because no relatively thin, and the rocks are well indurated and overland runoff was present at the time of sampling. To cemented. The rocks typically have low porosity and reduce the effects of evapotranspiration on streamflow to a minimum, samples were collected after the first permeability (Bossong and Harris, 1987). Ground- killing frost. water flow within the Pottsville Formation is Innovative methods were used in this predominantly through fractures and bedding planes. investigation to identify the origin of fecal bacterial Most of the sandstone springs are of the seepage type, contamination. The most common indicators of fed by water stored in the subsoil. Most of the ground-water quality degradation associated with precipitation that falls on the outcrop area of the human sources include elevated concentrations of Pottsville Formation runs off directly due to the thin nitrate and the presence of fecal bacteria (Carmichael soil cover and low storage capacity of the rock. and Bennett, 1993). Surface-water samples were Ground-water recharge to the Bangor aquifer is collected and analyzed for E. coli and fecal coliform. limited, because shale units within the Pottsville and E. coli is considered to be the best indicator of fecal Pennington Formations that overlie the Bangor aquifer contamination in freshwater (Francy, Myers, and retard recharge to the aquifer. Metzker, 1993). Fecal coliform was included to The Bangor and Tuscumbia aquifers are partially provide a link between prior studies and because confined by the overlying Pennington Formation. The Federal criteria exist for this indicator. The samples principle constituent of the limestone in these aquifers also were analyzed for specific and nonspecific indicators of wastewater effluent. Specific indicators is calcium carbonate, a compound that is readily include compounds in detergents and cleansers, such as soluble by dilute acids present in ground water. Within EDTA, or compounds in food and medicine, such as limestone aquifers, relatively small, insignificant caffeine or 17B estradiol. Nonspecific indicators fractures can be enlarged by solutional processes into include compounds such as nitrate and chloride. significant cavernous features. Ground-water Also critical to this investigation was movement within the carbonate aquifers is understanding the factors that affect water quality in predominantly through these solution features. At the the study area. Monte Sano Mountain is composed of base of Monte Sano Mountain, where the Tuscumbia layers of sandstone, shale, and carbonate rock. aquifer is exposed, the aquifer is partially confined by Different chemical and hydrologic processes occur in the overlying residuum. each of these rock types, causing differences in water

Approach and Methods of Study chemistry. Chemical and bacterial data obtained from designated with an M (for mid mountain), and sites in sites in a particular formation compare best to data the Tuscumbia unit are designated with an L (for lower obtained from background sites within the same mountain). formation. Methods of study for this project were divided To accurately classify the data, three major units into the following phases: (1) field reconnaissance, were defined based on land use, geology, and (2) data collection and laboratory analysis, (3) data hydrogeology. The Pottsville Formation and interpretation, and (4) quality assurance/quality Pennington Formation, composed primarily of control. Field reconnaissance was performed during sandstone and shale, were combined to form the October 20-21, 1997, to select representative sites for Pottsville-Pennington unit, which drains the flat top of sampling. Eighteen sampling sites at springs and the mountain and is dominated by residential land use. streams on and around Monte Sano Mountain were The Bangor Limestone and the Monteagle Limestone, identified (fig. 2; table 1). Fifteen of the sites were both carbonate formations, were combined to form the located hydrologically downgradient from residential Bangor-Monteagle unit, which drains the steeply areas on top of Monte Sano Mountain. Five sites were sloping, forested sides of the mountain. The Tuscumbia located in each of the three major units that were Limestone, also carbonate, forms the Tuscumbia unit, defined on the basis of land use, geology, and which drains the base of the mountain and the valley hydrogeology. Two springs and a seep, located in floor with mixed forest and residential land use. The 18 unpopulated areas on Huntsville Mountain, south of sites have been grouped into these three units (table 1). Monte Sano Mountain, were selected as background Sites located in the Pottsville-Pennington unit are sites, and each was located within one of the three designated with a T (for top of the mountain) after the units: Pottsville-Pennington unit, Bangor-Monteagle site number. Sites in the Bangor-Monteagle unit are unit, or the Tuscumbia unit.

Table 1. Site description and classification based on land use and geologic units [ft, foot]

Site Altitude number Site description Land use Geologic unit (fig- 2) (ft) Pottsville-Pennington unit 17T Background Forest 1,500 Pottsville Formation 8T Subdivision/Monte Sano Residential 1,570 Pottsville Formation 7T Subdivision/Monte Sano Residential 1,570 Pottsville Formation 6T Television station Residential/commercial 1,580 Pottsville Formation 9T Coal mine Residential/commercial 1,580 Pottsville Formation IT Cold Springs Forest 1,480 Pennington Formation Bangor-Monteagle unit

18M Background Forest 1,250 Bangor Limestone 11M Subdivision/landslide Forest/residential 1,410 Bangor Limestone 13M CCC cistern Forest 1,200 Bangor Limestone 5M Bluff Line Trail Forest 1,060 Monteagle Limestone 2M Bluff Line Trail Forest 1,050 Monteagle Limestone 10M Blue Springs/ravine Forest 900 Monteagle Limestone Tuscumbia unit 16L Background Forest 740 Tuscumbia Limestone 12L Subdivision/Huntsville Forest/residential 800 Tuscumbia Limestone 3L Pagan Springs Forest 790 Tuscumbia Limestone 4L Owens Drive Forest/residential 720 Tuscumbia Limestone 15L Big Cove Creek Residential 660 Tuscumbia Limestone 14L Blue Springs/Dug Hill Road Forest/residential 660 Tuscumbia Limestone

8 Synoptic Survey of Septic Indicators in Streams and Springs at Monte Sano Mountain, Alabama, January 29-31,1998 Surface-water samples were collected for sampling event. Therefore, it is not possible to bacteriological and chemical analysis during ascertain that a definite water-quality problem exists January 29-31,1998. Data-collection procedures at the based on the synoptic data. 18 sites conformed to standard USGS protocol and The fecal bacterial levels and chemical included equal-width-increment (EWI) sampling. EWI concentrations at sites that represented residential land sampling produces a composite sample that is use also were compared to background sites to representative of flow in a cross section. Sample determine if residential land use could be associated collection and processing techniques that minimize with significantly elevated levels of the selected contamination of water samples (Shelton, 1994) were indicators. Sites were grouped together according to used. Field measurements of stream discharge, air the major unit they drained and compared graphically. temperature, water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and specific conductance were made at the time of Quality assurance and quality control measures sampling. Alkalinity and 5-day biochemical oxygen were practiced throughout the study according to demand (BOD5) were measured in the field by USGS established USGS guidelines. The effectiveness of personnel. Bacterial samples were processed within sterilization procedures for bacterial analyses was 6 hours of collection by membrane filtration techniques checked by processing a sterile water blank at each and were analyzed for fecal coliform and E. coli sampling site. A trip blank for chemical analyses also (Britton and Greeson, 1987; Myers and Wilde, 1997). was submitted to the National Water Quality Samples were analyzed for MBAS, EDTA, nitrite, Laboratory in Denver to verify that no contamination nitrate, ammonia, phosphorus, chloride, total organic occurred during sampling. carbon, and 64 additional compounds that are wastewater indicators. EDTA samples were analyzed by Quanterra Environmental Services in Arvada, SEPTIC INDICATORS Colorado. All other chemical analyses were performed by the USGS National Water Quality Laboratory in Results of the investigation have been classified Denver, Colorado. All samples were chilled to and into separate sections: (1) bacterial indicators, maintained at 4 degrees Celsius (°C) until analyzed. (2) chemical indicators, and (3) discussion. Data are Fecal bacterial data obtained during the data- presented in graphical and tabular form and are collection phase of the investigation were compared to grouped according to the appropriate unit based on established State and Federal standards and criteria for land use, geology, and hydrogeology (table 1). Data fecal bacterial levels to determine if a potential from sites within a specific unit were compared to data problem exists. Standards and criteria have been obtained from background sites in the corresponding defined by the Federal government and the State of unit. Alabama which set guidelines for bacterial concen­ General water chemistry varied between units as trations according to water use (table 2). The USEPA has set a drinking-water standard of 0 col/100 mL for seen by differences in alkalinity, pH, and specific fecal coliform and E. coli. The USEPA and the conductivity (table 3). Specific conductivity ranged Alabama Department of Environmental Management from 30 microsiemens per centimeter (|iS/cm) at the (ADEM) have established criteria for recreational top of the mountain (17T) to 501 |iS/cm at the base of water use that includes both primary body contact and the mountain (16L). Alkalinity ranged from secondary body contact. Primary body contact involves 8 milligrams per liter (mg/L) CaCO3 (9T) to 226 mg/L full-body contact such as swimming, canoeing, and CaCO3 (12L), and pH ranged from 6.4 (9T) to 8.5 (4L). scuba diving. Secondary body contact involves such In general, specific conductivity and alkalinity were activities as wading. lowest at sites in the Pottsville-Pennington unit and Criteria are based on the geometric mean of five increased at sites in the Bangor-Monteagle and samples taken within a 30-day timeframe. Only one Tuscumbia units due to the carbonate structure of the sample was collected at each site during the synoptic limestone.

Septic Indicators Table 2. State and Federal standards and criteria for bacterial concentrations and selected organic contaminants in surface water [col/100 mL, colony per 100 milliliters; |J.g/L, microgram per liter; >, greater than; mg/L, milligram per liter; PAH, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon] w o' Drinking-water Primary Secondary Aquatic W Bacteria Description and source standard body contact body contact toxicity c (col/1 00 mL) (col/1 00 mL) (col/1 00 mL) (col/100 mL) a Fecal coliform Bacteria derived from human and warm-blooded animal ao b200 b 1,000 C2,000 feces, but can occur in soils. d400 d2,000 0) E. coli Bacteria derived predominantly from human and warm­ ao b !26 none none o' d235 d576 5" (Escherichia coli) blooded animal feces. Q. o' Drinking-water 0) Aquatic standard Primary Secondary g Organic constituent Description and source toxicity 5" body contact body contact unless noted) (ug/L) 5 e' f500 f250 0) MBAS Synthetic and natural anionic surfactants. Source is none none CO (Methylene blue active substances) predominantly from domestic sewage effluent. 0) f25 3 LAS Specific synthetic anionic surfactants. Source is domestic none none none Q. (Linear alkylbenzenesulfonate) sewage effluent. o EDTA Synthetic chemical derived predominantly from none none none > 1,000 5' (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) domestic sewage and industrial effluents. (Q (0 Nitrate Elevated levels of this nutrient commonly indicate 10 mg/L none none none Q) (N03) sewage effluent or agricultural effects.

O Nitrite Elevated levels of this nutrient commonly indicate 1 mg/L none none none (N02) sewage effluent or agricultural effects. (D5? (0 TOC All natural and synthetic organic compounds. none none none none 0) (Total organic carbon) o Caffeine Component of beverages, food products, and none none none none o medications. Source is domestic sewage effluent. c 3 Benzo[a]pyrene Sources of this PAH include sewage effluent, fires, and g>h.2 none none none 5f asphalt.

57 aActual standard of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1994) is that no more than one sample per month (sampled daily) may be positive for total coliforms, of which fecal coliform and cr Q) E. coli are a subgroup. 3 bBacterial concentration is the geometric mean of not less than five samples taken over a 30-day period. Q) cFish and Wildlife criteria established by Alabama Department of Environmental Management (1994). dBacterial density that cannot be exceeded in 10 percent of the samples collected over a 30-day period. eU.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1994. fBarber and others, 1995. gU.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1996. hWorld Health Organization proposed a guideline limit of 0.01 (ig/L for drinking water in 1984 (Dojlido and Best, 1993).

(D H- oo Site number ft Q "-K D g- so ON -J oo -~J 0 O CT* P r r r r r r 2 2 2> 2 2 2 H H H H H H (fig. 2) cro o Tl ttj 3'§ 3 - Q) n rt rt 3 -n ^ CO CL 3 -k ro ' DO DO O ^ ^ CO O O H oo oo DO SL 8 "- ^ CO c C£ c'H'c'Ga-gDO DO DO n 03 CO c CTQ 5 OQ a" o 2-g g-§-&8 88 rt 35 «> O a. ?r a H- « CL a cr ^3 K' <' <'^ "1 # r r 2. <:^ 0<5 rt E! || 1i 5' 5' S « 2 "^ 3 5' Si SI g C/3 5- -' £, lilt 11 3' rt rt ft o' 3 5' rt 3 o 0 3 _, 3 00 f J < 3 3 CL e: s: 3 5"a -a M 2 > T3 00 < CL O <. oo ft c * 1 3 O O o l§ 5' E. - > "-h 5' rt 5; en o K S. 3 3 o' CD rt O 0 fi 8 rt~ c c EL 3- § CD rt 8- 3 £3 rt ft 0 : 3^0. o CO S.5' H.5' a g - CD s3 g.S CL : a. CL -' E 2 I? =* rt $ & * ~3 CD rt 3- Q. O ft S Altitude rt ci 3 ^ ft 3 Os Os ^1 ~J 00 ^J so b b "to V "ro "4^ "LA L/i L/i Ln Ln O S4. 3. < CL 0 ON ON ro so o 4^. L/l ON O " Wl OO OO OO ~J ~O O (ft) " ' £L O O O O O O S o o o o o o o o o o o 5' n o CD" "^ W ^ rt | =-. C rt' ^ u> o Discharge 3 Z 3 o 4^. O ~J ~J O O to o o o o i ro o o o o o £- r-* rt c « S. OO tO OJ OJ H- L/l OJ L/l OJ rO ON w to ^- oo so ro " CO 3 CO " (ft3/s) 03_ ~ % 01 3 tn ^.' C g T) ^ x CL CA rt *"^ ST O Specific conductivity "D L*J tO L*J OJ 4^ t^l tO OJ OJ H- i ro H- ft CL ro w so oo H- o OO SO NO 4^. O UJ ^ H ft Q. 3- o o ro ^j 4^- (uS/cm) m G 3 o ~J -~1 NO <-/1 LO ro vo o so so o T3 8 « a. > g" o sr CD 0 ° 3, " rt 3- ^1 ^1 OO ^J OO OO OO OO ~J ~J -J OO ^ ON *-J ^-J ON ON CD' a. c PH S-' Er -T! bs bs In bo 4^- u> OJ O NO ON NO O bs 4^. ro ON bo water-qualitypropertiesField rt ^< C/3 cro O s 3 t 03 0 -o Alkalinity a. C 3 _ to - ^- __ R s.r t-rt < so oo ro w OJ W 4^ O ^J t^i L/l ' L/l rO £? 5' 3 CT O oo -~J ON so (mg/L CaC03) O O ^) OJ ON NO ON so ro oo -j oo so oo o. § 1. 1 a """ rt ft3 cro CDS Air temperature C. ft CO o3 c"g 4^. ON 4^. ro o tO 4^. OO Lfl 4^ ON so [0 4i. 4^ so 3*3 o[ oo o -~l ro -~J tyi o rt ^j to ro ^j ^j ON ro b ro b u> w CO TD 03 O t/5 S " * .. N>3 °B p^ o Pottsville-Penningtonunit a S 1 Q. g « VI 1 Water temperature w yi po -> ON i>j rt to so i so U) ro !- i ro so O c" 3 O rt fj b so O ON 4^ i-- so b w bs ro ro 2 ro NO b bo Lo ^ 1 i.s w O a* n CL -£ s S. 5' | hemicalc rt rt f?to Dissolved oxygen * g* -I CL oo o p vo ro so e so NO O oo -J O era O -J ~J oo so Os rt co (mg/L) 2. n$ O en to 4^ ON OO O ON 5. u> Ln ro so ~j u) L/i L/i ON 00 L/> ON i I ^ 9 A B 1, o S o D. ro S-'3 s. Dissolved oxygen, i B- n CO- H- !__ , t_ , 2 o 2. OO OO NO so O so OO SO SO OO -J O O -~J ^1 OO SO ON c" CO O ON L/i tyi U) 4^ L/i OJ ON 4^- i i percent saturation - o3 2- P C A 3. ^ CD ro I E. coli w "o (-/)(_/< ON -J A, (col/100 mL) constituents !^ o' O -^J ^>- GN O OJ ON oo oo t_n ai w o oo o o ^ CL 3 Bacterial S -a ° w -^ ^ § 3 u) ro A0" Fecal coliform M H- . O ro Ji. ^- OO LA A. 5J- - ON O O ON O 4^. oo o o oo o so oo ro o o ^ (col/100 mL) 03 -A 2. 3 CO 5" C/3 _- N_ H- to P H- o 3 3 .... A Nitrogen, nitrite plus nitrate dissolved 03 b ^ ^ ON g g b ON 4^ so ' ' ' CO < (= S is S ^ (mg/L as N) MRL=0.05 .& ^J O U) ~J 0 5 ON 0 0 so ooo o f S Q. C/3 ? O T3 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0 Nitrogen, ammonia dissolved . b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b o 3- O to ro ro ro to to ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ^ ro to ^3 (mg/ L as N) MRL = 0.02 S-'s. CO 3" 5 CO CO £. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0 o Phosphorus total rt ft H3 b b b b b b b b b b b b O O O O O O (mg/L as P) MRL =0.010 3 crt 03 o o o o o o o o o o o o O O O O O NO Q -' D CT1 2 Q. 03 ro ro u> w - - ro ui ro t_n ON u, - u, o. o Chloride dissolved Chemicalconstituents IF O * ' ON OJ so ON 4^ b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b o oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo OO OO OO OO [^ QO (ug/L) MRL=0.08 £ 1 O == -5 CD MBAS 5? 2 CO A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0 ft Cr. b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b 03 ro ro 10 ro ro ro ro ro to to ro ro to to to to ro to (mg/L) MRL=0.02 CL 3 tT ^1 o . 3-1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A o EDTA o b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b (mg/L) MRL=0.05 c 01 ty> ui a. a. L» l_n L/l L/l L/l <_/! L/l L/l L/l L/l C/l L/i L/l 13

^'w_ TOC II ( _t l _. ) _t f_ , ^_ l _ L . >- O ^j ^o 4^ O, u. oj bo to so ^ u) so b bs LO 4^ io LO (mg/L) MRL=0.1 Bacterial Indicators concentrations that were more than 25 times the background level (site 17T); three of these sites (8T, Surface-water samples were collected and 7T, 9T) also had fecal-coliform concentrations that analyzed for E. coli and fecal-coliform concentrations were 25 times the background level. These sites were at each of the 18 sites. Bacterial data for the sites are located in areas with the highest concentration of presented in table 3 and figure 5. At background sites residential land use. In contrast, with the exception of 17T and 18M, E. coli concentrations ranged from one site (12L), E. coli and fecal-coliform < 2 col/100 mL to 5 col/100 mL, and fecal-coliform concentrations in the Bangor-Monteagle unit and the concentrations ranged from < 2 col/100 mL to Tuscumbia unit were at or near background levels. 20 col/100 mL. At the other sites, E. coli E. coli and fecal-coliform concentrations at the top of concentrations ranged from 4 col/100 mL (4L) to the mountain were one to two orders of magnitude 1,100 col/100 mL (12L), and fecal-coliform greater than those at the lower elevations, with the concentrations ranged from 8 col/100 mL (10M and exception of site 12L. 11M) to 3,100 col/100 mL (12L). The highest concentrations of E. coli (1,100 Concentrations of E. coli and fecal coliform col/100 mL) and fecal coliform (3,100 col/100 mL) exceeded the drinking-water standard of 0 col/100 mL were noted at site 12L. This site was located in the at all sites except background site 17T. Criteria for valley below Monte Sano Mountain in the Tuscumbia primary body contact were exceeded at sites 8T and 7T unit near a subdivision within the city of Huntsville. in the subdivision on top of Monte Sano Mountain in The criteria for recreational use at this site were the Pottsville-Pennington unit. At sites 8T and 7T, exceeded for both primary and secondary body contact. E. coli concentrations were 170 col/100 mL and It is not known why the concentrations were so high at 160 col/100 mL, and fecal-coliform concentrations this particular site, nor is it possible to elaborate about were 250 col/100 mL and 380 col/100 mL, the origin of the bacteria without additional sampling. respectively. Four of the five sites (8T, 7T, 9T, IT) in However, these values may be outliers that were the Pottsville-Pennington unit had E. coli affected by a localized source.

10,000 F



17T 8T 7T 6T 9T 1T 18M 11M 13M 5M 2M 10M 16L 12L 3L 4L 15L 14L Pottsville-Pennington Unit Bangor-Monteagle Unit Tuscumbia Unit

Figure 5. E. coli and fecal-coliform concentrations at selected sites on and around Monte Sano Mountain, Alabama, January 29-31, 1998.

12 Synoptic Survey of Septic Indicators in Streams and Springs at Monte Sano Mountain, Alabama, January 29-31,1998 Chemical Indicators levels of nitrate and nitrite in drinking water can cause serious health problems, especially if the water is Samples were analyzed for inorganic ingested by infants. Therefore, maximum contaminant compounds which might be present from septic tank levels (MCL's) of 1 milligram per liter (mg/L) and systems, including nitrogen, chloride, and phosphorus 10 mg/L have been established for nitrite and nitrate, (table 3). Samples also were analyzed for specific and respectively, by the USEPA (table 2). nonspecific chemical indicators of wastewater effluent Concentrations of nitrite plus nitrate at the including MBAS, EDTA, and 64 organic compounds background sites were significantly lower than (table 4). Compounds listed in table 4 are highlighted if concentrations at other sites (fig. 6A; table 3). The they were detected at any site. greatest variation was seen at sites located in the Pottsville-Pennington unit on top of Monte Sano Nutrients Mountain where concentrations ranged from 0.171 Elevated levels of nitrogen can be associated mg/L at the background site (17T) to 2.05 mg/L at Cold with domestic sewage effluent. The two major forms of Springs (IT). A similar pattern was noted in the nitrogen which are usually of concern include Bangor-Monteagle unit. Concentrations ranged from ammonium ions and nitrate (Cantor, 1985). Nitrate and 0.059 mg/L at the background site (18M) to 1.66 mg/L nitrite are formed from the nitrification of ammonium at site 11M. In the Tuscumbia unit, two sites (12L and ions. Common sources of nitrate in ground water 15L) had concentrations of nitrite plus nitrate that were include nitrate and ammonia fertilizer, sewage waste lower than the background site. Concentrations ranged from septic tanks, animal waste, and decaying from <0.05 mg/L at site 12L to 0.923 mg/L at Pagan vegetation (Carmichael and Bennett, 1993). High Springs (3L), as compared to 0.217 mg/L at the

Table 4. Specific and nonspecific chemical indicators of wastewater contamination [Highlighted compounds were detected] Specific indicators of Nonspecific indicators of wastewater contamination wastewater contamination Methylene blue active substances/ Acenaphthene 2,6-Di ten butylphenol linear alkylbenzenesulfonate Acenaphthylene 2,6-Di ten para benzoquinone Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid Acetophenone Dieldrin Nonylphenol ethoxylate 1-total Anthracene D-limonene Nonylphenol ethoxylate 2-total Atrazine Fluoranthene Nonylphenol-total Benzaldehyde Fluorene Caffeine Benzo[a]anthracene Indeno[l,2,3-c,rf]pyrene 17B-estradiol Benzo[a]pyrene Lindane 3B-coprostanol Benzo[£]fluoranthene 1 -Methylnaphthalene Cholesterol Benzo[g,/i,i']perylene 2-Methylnaphthalene Benzo[A;]fluoranthene Methyl parathion Bis (2-ethylhexyl) adipate Metochlor Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate Naphthalene Bisphenol A dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene 2-Butoxy-phosphate ethanol Paracresol 2-(2-Butoxyethoxy) ethanol Phenanthrene 2-(2-Butoxyethoxy) ethyl acetate Phenol Butylated hydroxytoluene Phthalic anhydride Butylated hydroxyanisole Pyrene Carbaryl Simazine Chlorpyrifos Tetrachloroethylene Chrysene frans-Chlordane cw-Chlordane Tri (2-chloroethyl) phosphate Dimethyl-2,3,5,6-tetrachloroterephthalate Tri (dichlorisopropyl) phosphate Diazinon Tribromomethane Dibenzo[a,/j]anthracene Tributyl phosphate 1.2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.3-Dichlorobenzene Triphenyl phosphate 1.4-Dichlorobenzene

Chemical Indicators 13 CL oo'c/) CT on cr 3. re fa fa fa 5' o o ro 00 3 O g' tcommoi ,^v -h ro CONCENTRATIONS, IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER 5' fa ro CL CD IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER 5' fa 1 ro o CL p p p p -« -* -" 3 §-' o' re fa CL > ' o ho '*> en bo o Ko '^ 1 00 3"] ro 5' ^ 3 Ft S- oo' CL a ~T^ o CL 0 3" S- S 3^ 3 3' C F? ro 3. CO 55' re fa O in r ? ff 0 Q) s. re < 3_ 3 i a o ro 3 3 Ft Ft

(Qu> c 3- 0 LO ^ 3^*> 3. £. 2 ta S- 3" b F? o Ft fa ro 3 CO O ro I C n nitrate X OQ fa 3 (A 3 CO 3 o B) o "Sre p 0 o "H. O 3" j* r O d ^-f- sr 3- ,_- . O 3 o r-t- s CO o fa o o ransported a 3 CT; 1 c c CX) ON 3 c fa 5' CO o FT S 55' LtJ c CL cr CO fa ^ ro o ET fa !' 3" o' 0) CL 3" CT fa *<' 3 0) ^< o 3 3^ 1 C c O O- o S 003" x S' pi c_ *O fa a) £25' ^^ f^ Ft 3 0 CL 3 O C ro ro CO o' O 0) CD­ ro c 3 CL O. S' 0 re 3 O 2. CO ro N> O fa CL fa 3 r 3 3' u re o CL CL 1 3 o'« h C oo W rT fa re unsatur; GO

Chemical Indicators 15 Table 5. Summary of selected organic compounds detected in streams and springs on and around Monte Sano Mountain, January 29-31, 1998 [MRL, minimum reporting limit; all measurements are |ig/L, micrograms per liter; <, analytes that have not been detected (followed by the MRL determined during the provisional method detection limit study); E, definite detection, estimated quantity below MRL]


§ J> 0) o co 2 to E- co co ^ c m Sitenumber « 0 £0 c o ? ° ° -Q a> p (fig-2) o So Co *n* £ O Site description o J . , w J jg. -iII C£-1 || Q)t _i|| cra-JN C II <= DC To" DC £ cc o CL a cc « o oc S 35 5 m § 5 £S | S U. 3= 0) ffi

Pottsville-Pennington unit 17T Background...... <0.03 <0.06 <0 06 <0.03 <0.03 <0.05 8T 06 <.03 <.03 <.05 7T Subdivision/top of mountain...... E.011 <.06 < 06 <.03 <.03 <.05 6T Television station...... E.020 <.06 < 06 <.03 <.03 <.05 9T Coalmine...... 034 <.06 < 06 <.03 <.03 <.05 IT Cold Springs...... <.03 .061 E.055 E.020 E.020 .082 Bangor-Monteagle unit 18M Background ...... <.03 <.06 < 06 <.03 <.03 <.05 11M Subdivision/landslide...... <.03 <.06 < 06 <.03 <.03 <.05 13M CCC cistern ...... <.03 <.06 < 06 <.03 <.03 <.05 5M BluffLine Trail...... <.03 <.06 < 06 <.03 <.03 <.05 2M Bluff Line Trail...... <.03 <.06 < 06 <.03 <.03 <.05 10M Blue Springs/ravine...... <.03 <.06 < 06 <.03 <.03 <.05 Tuscumbia unit 16L 06 <.03 <.03 <.05 12L 06 .033 .031 <.05 3L Pagan Springs...... <.03 E.054 E 045 .039 .049 .060 4L Owens Drive...... <.03 <.06 < 06 <.03 <.03 <.05 15L Big Cove Creek...... <.03 .081 12 <.03 <.03 .22 14L Blue Springs/Dug Hill Road ...... <.03 <.06 < 06 <.03 <.03 <.05 of TOC ranged from 0.3 mg/L (17T) to 1.5 mg/L (3L) included E. coli, fecal coliform, nitrite plus nitrate, and (table 3). There were no significant differences noted chloride. between concentrations at background sites or human- E. coli concentrations were more than 25 times influenced sites. No pattern was evident upon the background level at four of the five sites located in examination of these data. All of the sites were located the Pottsville-Pennington unit; fecal-coliform within forested areas.Therefore, natural sources may concentrations were more than 25 times the background level at three of the five sites in this unit. In account for the TOC concentrations identified in the contrast, with the exception of one site, E. coli and surface water. fecal-coliform concentrations in the Bangor- Monteagle unit and the Tuscumbia unit were at or near background levels. Caffeine was detected at one site in Discussion the Pottsville-Pennington unit that had the second highest E. coli concentration measured in this study. Several patterns have been identified from the Concentrations of nitrite plus nitrate and chloride at data collected during this synoptic sampling event at human-influenced sites were significantly higher than Monte Sano Mountain. To interpret these data at background sites. This pattern was most pronounced effectively, it is necessary to examine these patterns in the Pottsville-Pennington unit on top of Monte Sano collectively. Some of the constituents that showed Mountain near residential areas. definite variations between the background sites and Caffeine was the only compound detected that is human-influenced sites at Monte Sano Mountain a specific indicator of septic tank effluent. The

16 Synoptic Survey of Septic Indicators in Streams and Springs at Monte Sano Mountain, Alabama, January 29-31,1998 detection of caffeine in combination with the combined to form the Pottsville-Pennington unit that occurrence of nonspecific indicators, such as chloride, drains the flat top of the mountain and has the highest nitrite plus nitrate, PAH's, and paracresol, and the concentration of residential land use. The Bangor corresponding association with elevated bacteria Limestone and the Monteagle Limestone, both levels, strengthens the assumption that the source of carbonate formations, were combined to form the ground-water contamination is most likely septic tank Bangor-Monteagle unit, which drains the steeply effluent. sloping, forested sides of the mountain. The Tuscumbia This synoptic investigation provided a one-time Limestone, also carbonate, forms the Tuscumbia unit, look at bacterial and chemical indicators in the shallow which drains the base of the mountain and the valley ground water on Monte Sano Mountain during a period floor. of high baseflow with no surface runoff. Four of the five sites located in the Pottsville- Concentrations of these indicators may vary with Pennington unit had E. coli concentrations that were different hydrologic conditions or seasons. As more than 25 times the background level. Two of those researchers become more familiar with new four sites had concentrations that exceeded the primary methodologies and analytical detection levels improve, body contact level recommended in the recreational use more definite conclusions can be drawn as to the source criteria established by ADEM. In contrast, with the of fecal bacterial contamination in ground water. exception of one site, E. coli concentrations in the Bangor-Monteagle unit and the Tuscumbia unit were at or near background levels and well below recreational SUMMARY use criteria. Caffeine also was detected at one site in the Pottsville-Pennington unit that had E. coli The U.S. Geological Survey conducted a concentrations near the primary body contact criteria synoptic investigation of fecal bacterial pollution in levels. Elevated nitrite plus nitrate and chloride headwater streams and springs on Monte Sano concentrations also were identified at sites in the Mountain, a sandstone-capped plateau near Huntsville, Pottsville-Pennington unit. Alabama. The investigation was designed to evaluate The results of this synoptic sampling event new methods for tracing sewage effluent and to identified elevated fecal bacterial concentrations in the enhance previous studies conducted by local agencies Pottsville-Pennington unit that indicated a potential that detected fecal-coliform bacteria in ground water, water-quality problem related to discharge from the streams, and springs. Surface-water samples were shallow ground-water system. These elevated fecal analyzed for fecal-coliform levels in combination with bacterial concentrations occurred in conjunction with more human-specific bacterial (E. coli) and chemical caffeine detection at one site and with elevated chloride (caffeine and detergents) indicators to better define the and nitrite plus nitrate concentrations at all sites within degree to which faulty septic tanks may have served as the Pottsville-Pennington unit. These sites are located the fecal bacterial source. in close proximity to residential development, A total of 18 sites were sampled over a 3-day indicating that the most probable source of the elevated period in late January 1998. Fifteen of the sites were fecal bacterial concentrations was septic tank effluent. located hydrologically downgradient from residential areas on top of Monte Sano Mountain. Three additional sites were selected as background sites in unpopulated areas on Huntsville Mountain, south of Monte Sano REFERENCES Mountain. Sampling was conducted during a period of high baseflow after a recent storm when no surface Alabama Department of Environmental Management, 1994, Water quality criteria: Alabama Department of runoff was present. Any contaminants identified in the Environmental Management Administrative Code, streams and springs were likely derived from ground- chap. 335-6-10. water discharge because overland flow was not evident. Barber, L.B., II, Leenheer, W.E., Pereira, T.L., Noyes, T.L., To accurately analyze the data, the sites which Brown, G.A., Tabor, C.F., and Writer, J.H., 1995, drain Monte Sano Mountain were separated into three Organic contamination of the Mississippi River from groups based on land use, geology, and hydrogeology. municipal and industrial wastewater, in Meade, R.H., The Pottsville Formation and Pennington Formation, ed., Contaminants in the Mississippi River, 1987-1992: composed primarily of sandstone and shale, were U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1133, p. 114-135.

Summary 17 Bickford, T.M., Lindsey, B.D., and Beaver, M.R., 1996, Meybeck, Michel, Chapman, D.V., and Helmer, Richard, Bacteriological quality of groundwater used for eds., 1990, Global freshwater quality: Cambridge, household supply, Lower Susquehanna River Basin, Massachusetts, Basil Blackwell, Inc., p. 119-135. Pennsylvania and Maryland: U.S. Geological Survey Myers, D.N., and Wilde, F.D., eds., 1997, National field Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4212, manual for the collection of water-quality data: U.S. 31 p. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Bossong, C.R., and Harris, W.H., 1987, Geohydrology Investigations, book 9, chap. A7, 37 p. and susceptibility of major aquifers to surface National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1997, contamination in Alabama; Area 1: U.S. Geological Climatological data, Alabama, v. 103, no. 1 and 7. Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report OMI, Inc., 1997, Geotechnical engineering study of Monte 87^068, 34 p. Sano Mountain, Huntsville, Alabama: Huntsville, Britton, L.J., and Greeson, RE., eds., 1987, Methods for Alabama, OMI, Inc., 19 p. collection and analysis of aquatic biological and microbiological samples: U.S. Geological Survey Sapp, C.D., and Emplaincourt, J., 1975, Physiographic Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, book 5, regions of Alabama: Geological Survey of Alabama chap. A4, 363 p. Special Map 168. Cantor, L.W., 1985, Septic tank system effects on Shelton, L.R., 1994, Field guide for collecting and groundwater quality: Chelsea, Michigan, Lewis processing stream-water samples for the National Publishers, Inc., p. 72-79. Water-Quality Assessment Program: U.S. Geological Carmichael, J.K., and Bennett, M.W., 1993, Reconnaissance Survey Open-File Report 94-455, 42 p. of quality of water from farmstead wells in Tennessee, Smith, J.A., Witkowski, P.J., and Fusillo, T.V., 1988, 1989-1990: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Manmade organic compounds in the surface waters Investigations Report 92-4186, 43 p. of the United States A review of current Davis, E.M., Casserly, D.M., and Moore, J.D., October understanding: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1007 1977, Bacterial relationships in stormwaters: p. 64-74. Water Resources Bulletin, v. 13, no. 5, Southeastern Analytical Services, Inc., August 8, 1997, p. 895-905. Laboratory report of water quality data for OMI, Inc., Dojlido, Jan, and Best, G.A., 1993, Chemistry of water Lab No.: 1515-2177-01, 1515-2177-02, and water pollution: Chichester, England, Ellis 1515-2177-04, 1515-2247-01, 1515-2247-02. Horwood Limited, p. 185-187; 288-296. Thomas, W.A., 1972, Mississippian stratigraphy of Doyle, F.L., Copeland, C.W., Bolin, D.E., Holler, D.P., Alabama: University, Alabama, Geological Survey of Kidd, J.T., and Moser, PH., 1975, Environmental Alabama, 121 p. + 13 pis. geology and hydrology, Huntsville and Madison U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1985, Test method County, Alabama: Geological Survey of Alabama, for Escherichia coli and Enterococci in water by Atlas Series 8, 118 p. membrane-filtration procedure: Cincinnati, Ohio, Francy, D.S., Myers, D.N., and Metzker, K.D., 1993, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Escherichia coli and fecal coliform bacteria as EPA-600-4-85-076, 24 p. indicators of recreational water quality: U.S. 1986, Ambient water quality criteria for Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations bacteria 1986: Washington D.C., U.S. Environmental Report 93^083, 34 p. Protection Agency EPA-A440/5-94-002, 18 p. French, J.H., and Strunk, J.W., July 1990, Groundwater management and protection, Madison County, 1994, National primary drinking water standards: Alabama: Tennessee Valley Authority, 74 p. Washington D.C., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, EPA-810-F-94-001A, 4 p. Hem, J.D., 1985, Study and interpretation of the chemical characteristics of natural water: U.S. Geological Survey 1996, Drinking water regulations and health Water-Supply Paper 2254, p. 117-120. advisories: Washington D.C., U.S. Environmental Howard, PH., 1991, Handbook of environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, EPA-822-B-002, degradation rates: Chelsea, Michigan, Lewis October 1996. Publishers, Inc., 725 p. Verschueren, Karel, 1983, Handbook of environmental data Huntsville-Madison County Health Department and City of on organic chemicals (2d ed.): New York, Van Nostrand Huntsville Department of Natural Resources and Reinhold Company, 1,310 p. Environmental Management, 1992, The effects of Viessman, Warren, and Hammer, M.J., 1993, Water supply septic tank leachate on groundwater quality on Monte and pollution control (5th ed.): New York, Harper Sano Mountain, Huntsville, Alabama. Collins College Publishers, p. 255-291.

18 Synoptic Survey of Septic Indicators in Streams and Springs at Monte Sano Mountain, Alabama, January 29-31,1998 oo rnI 3J

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