Manuel Schneider Myths in Agriculture Arguments for Organic Agriculture Facts to counter prejudice, misconception and ignorance 2nd, extended edition with an additional section on “BSE and Organic Agriculture” Translated by Helen Stork (IFOAM) About the author: Dr. Manuel Schneider, born in 1959, was Scientific Director of the Schweisfurth Foundation, Munich, until the end of 2001. He now works as a freelance project consultant for foundations and NGOs. He has published numerous books and articles on environmental and animal ethics, sustainable agriculture and time ecology. Amongst others, he is author and co-publisher of the following books: “Die Natur ins Recht setzen” (Karlsruhe 1992), “Kommunen entdecken die Landwirtschaft” (Heidelberg 1995), “Zeit-Fraß. Zur Ökologie der Zeit in Landwirtschaft und Ernährung“ (München 1995/ 2000), „Bodenlos – Zum nachhaltigen Umgang mit Böden“ (München 1997), „Nachhaltiger Umgang mit Böden – Initiative für eine internationale Bodenkonvention“ (München 1999), „Den Tieren gerecht werden – Zur Ethik und Kultur der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung“ (Kassel 2001), „Genopoly – Das Wagnis Grüne Gentechnik (München 2003) Address: Dr. Manuel Schneider, Projektbuero ! make sense !, Valleystr. 36 Rgb., D-81371 München, Germany, E-mail:
[email protected] All the information, findings etc contained in this publication were compiled to the best of the author’s knowledge. They were verified as accurately as possible by the author himself as well as by the Foundation for Ecology and Farming (Stiftung für Ökologie und Landbau). The possibility of errors in the text cannot, however, be discounted . The publishers and the author assume no responsibility or liability for textual errors that may have occurred. 2 Table of Contents Preface to the second edition Foreword 1.