Telangana State Industrial Infrastructure Gorporation Ltd., (A Government of Telangana Undertaking)
Telangana State Industrial Infrastructure Gorporation Ltd., (A Government of Telangana Undertaking) tr. No: EMP/TSI|C/SS/EC-NIMZ/201 7-l 8 Dole: I 1.01.2018 To Member Secrelory (EAC), Ministry of Environment, Foresl ond Climofe Chonge, Indiro PoryovoronBhowon. Room No.503,5ihFloor, Voyu Wing, JorBogh Rood, Aligonj, NewDelhi-l I 0003 Kind Allention: Shri Roghu KumorKodoli Subject: Environmentol Cleoronce for development of ZoheerobqdNoiionol Investmeni ond Monufocturing Zone (NIMZ) in Songoreddy District of Telongono - Submission of Clorificotions on ToR - Request for Approvol- reg. Reference: Minutes of lS2noEAC (lnfro l) Meeting Projecis relqted to Infrqstructure Development, Industriql Estote/Porks/Complexes/Areos, Export Processing Zones /Speciol Economic Zones/Biotech porks, Leother Complexes held on 2lsiDecemb er, 2017 . Deor Sir, The EAC while considering ihe subject proposol in their l82nomeeting held on December 21,201Z hos sought certoin odditionol informotion vide qbove reference. The point wise clorificotions to the odditionol informotion sought were prepored for the considerotion of ihe committee. We ore herewith enclosing the clorificotions to EAC observotions for your considerotion. we requesi you to consider the subjeci project in the upcoming EAC meeting. Thonking you, Encl: As obove. Yours foilhfully, cHffiNGriillR\ Regd. Office : "Parisrama Bhavanam:, 6th Floor, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad-500 004. Telangana, India. Tel : 040-23237625,23237626, Fax: +9140-23240205, Web : Clarifications to the queries
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