Issue 6, Spring 2020 et Spiritus MIT’s journal of Christian thought beauty. spring 2020 featuring: spinning creation. why there is no meaning. being good stewards. 1 editor’s note. Dear Reader, Spring 2020 | Issue 6 Thank you so much for reading this issue of et Spiritus. I’ll be honest, I struggled somewhat to figure out what to write for this Editor’s Note. This current issue of et Spiritus suffered from major production delays and when the time for publishing finally arrived, I was feeling somewhat disheartened. The theme of this journal is beauty, and the production delays and last-minute rush to publication seemed anything but beautiful. But then, as I searched for scriptural inspiration for this Editor’s Note, I ran across this verse: “He has made everything beautiful in its time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11). This piece of scripture truly struck a chord with me, for a variety of reasons. Contact The culture we live in is obsessed with beauty. Every day we are bombarded with
[email protected] advertisements, movies, music videos and podcasts all advising us on how to “glow up” and “get slayed”, how to optimize our physical beauty in a variety of ways— Website & Blog endless hours at the gym, cosmetics, surgical procedures, and more. We live in a society preoccupied with beauty. But then, stepping back from the Instagram fil- Discuss with us ters, we must ask ourselves: does this production we spend billions of dollars on We look forward to hearing from our each year really represent beauty? More importantly, does it represent beauty in readers! All of our writers would be more than happy to meet with their the terms and ways God intended? A cursory glance around us would quickly prove readers individually.