Bosnia and Herzegovina Vs Denmark Vs Italy
UEFA WOMEN’S EURO 2021 QUALIFIERS GROUP B Bosnia and Herzegovina vs Denmark ZENICA, BHFF TRAINING CENTER, 17 September 2020 - 16:00 H vs Italy ZENICA, BHFF TRAINING CENTER, 22 September 2020 - 16:00 H UEFA WOMEN’S EURO 2021 QUALIFIERS 2 UEFA WOMEN’S EURO 2021 QUALIFIERS Dragi sportski prijatelji, Dear sports friends, Prije svega želim dobro- First of all, I would like došlicu delegacijama ženskih to welcome the delegations „A“ reprezentacija Danske i of the women’s “A” national Italije i ugodan boravak u Bo- teams of Denmark and Italy sni i Hercegovini. and a pleasant stay in Bosnia Ženska seniorska re- and Herzegovina. prezentacija naše zemlje The women’s senior na- nakon sjajnih igara u ak- tional team of our country, tuelnim kvalifi kacijama za a er great games in the Evropsko prvenstvo 2022. current qualifi cations for the koje nisu prošle nezapa- 2022 European Champion- ženo od strane javnosti, ship, which did not go unno- ima ispred sebe dva velika ticed by the public, has two izazova, susrete sa visoko rangiranim big challenges ahead of it, meetings with evropskim selekcijama. highly ranked European teams. Izabranice Samire Hurem su u svojim Samira Hurem’s team has won the posljednjim igrama osvojile srca svih ljubi- hearts of all football fans in their last telja fudbala, te smo uvjereni da ćemo po- games, and we are convinced that we will novo gledati motivisane, borbene i srčane once again watch the motivated, fi ghting reprezentativke Bosne i Hercegovine, koje and hearty women’s national team players uvijek svojim zalaganjem daju primjer na of Bosnia and Herzegovina, who alway sets koji način se treba odnositi prema dresu sa an example of how to treat the jersey with državnim grbom.
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