
PERIODICALS PHYSICAL REVIEW D Postmaster send address changes to: For editorial and subscription correspondence, PHYSICAL REVIEW D please see inside front cover APS Subscription Services (ISSN: 1550-7998) Suite 1NO1 2 Huntington Quadrangle Melville, NY 11747-4502


RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Dynamical scalar degree of freedom in Horˇava-Lifshitz gravity (5 pages) ...... 041501(R) Rong-Gen Cai, Bin Hu, and Hong-Bo Zhang Integrability of the symmetry reduced bosonic dynamics and soliton generating transformations in the low energy heterotic effective theory (4 pages) ...... 041901(R) G. A. Alekseev

ARTICLES Stacking gravitational wave signals from soft gamma repeater bursts (17 pages) ...... 042001 P. Kalmus, K. C. Cannon, S. Ma´rka, and B. J. Owen Limits on high-frequency gravitational wave background from its interplay with large scale magnetic fields (6 pages) ...... 042002 M. S. Pshirkov and D. Baskaran Einstein@Home search for periodic gravitational waves in early S5 LIGO data (14 pages) ...... 042003 B. P. Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration) Double-binary-pulsar test of Chern-Simons modified gravity (9 pages) ...... 042004 Nicola´s Yunes and David N. Spergel Optimal calibration accuracy for gravitational-wave detectors (7 pages) ...... 042005 Lee Lindblom Increasing the sensitivity of future gravitational-wave detectors with double squeezed-input (7 pages) ...... 042006 Farid Ya. Khalili, Haixing Miao, and Yanbei Chen Self-consistent cosmological simulations of DGP braneworld gravity (19 pages) ...... 043001 Fabian Schmidt Identification of gravitational wave signals from chaotic astrophysical systems through phase space and attractor properties (9 pages) ...... 043002 M. Ciszak, F. Marino, A. Ortolan, and T. Dal Canton Non-Gaussianity analysis of a gravitational wave background made by short-duration burst signals (14 pages) 043003 Naoki Seto Contiguous redshift parameterizations of the growth index (6 pages) ...... 043004 Mustapha Ishak and Jason Dossett Is the misalignment of the Local Group velocity and the dipole generated by the 2MASS Redshift Survey typical in cold dark matter and the halo model of galaxies? (8 pages) ...... 043005 Pirin Erdog˘du and Ofer Lahav Phase space of generalized Gauss-Bonnet dark energy (11 pages) ...... 043006 M. Alimohammadi and A. Ghalee Likelihood for supernova neutrino analyses (7 pages) ...... 043007 A. Ianni, G. Pagliaroli, A. Strumia, F. R. Torres, F. L. Villante, and F. Vissani

Copyright 2009 by The American Physical Society

(Continued) 1550-7998(20090815)80:4;1-F CONTENTS - Continued


Cosmological fluctuations from infrared cascading during inflation (13 pages) ...... 043501 Neil Barnaby, Zhiqi Huang, Lev Kofman, and Dmitry Pogosyan Dark matter with time-varying leptophilic couplings (5 pages) ...... 043502 Hooman Davoudiasl 1=R correction to gravity in the early universe (15 pages) ...... 043503 Shi Pi and Tower Wang Generation of vorticity and velocity dispersion by orbit crossing (21 pages) ...... 043504 Sebastia´n Pueblas and Roma´n Scoccimarro Thermal abundance of semirelativistic relics (10 pages) ...... 043505 Manuel Drees, Mitsuru Kakizaki, and Suchita Kulkarni Codimension-2 inflation (20 pages) ...... 043506 Hyun Min Lee and Antonios Papazoglou Big bang nucleosynthesis: The strong nuclear force meets the weak anthropic principle (8 pages) ...... 043507 J. MacDonald and D. J. Mullan Thawing f R† cosmology (7 pages) ...... 043508 Mahmood Roshan and Fatimah Shojai Deducing the nature of dark matter from direct and indirect detection experiments in the absence of collider signatures of new (17 pages) ...... 043509 Maria Beltran, Dan Hooper, Edward W. Kolb, and Zosia A. Krusberg Shape of primordial non-Gaussianity and the CMB bispectrum (26 pages) ...... 043510 J. R. Fergusson and E. P. Shellard Cyclic inflation (16 pages) ...... 043511 Tirthabir Biswas and Stephon Alexander Loop quantum cosmology with higher order holonomy corrections (19 pages) ...... 043512 Dah-Wei Chiou and Li-Fang Li Stellar black holes and the origin of cosmic acceleration (9 pages) ...... 043513 Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, Niayesh Afshordi, and Michael L. Balogh Muon fluxes from dark matter annihilation (11 pages) ...... 043514 Arif Emre Erkoca, Mary Hall Reno, and Ina Sarcevic Geometric-probabilistic method for counting low-lying states in the Bousso-Polchinski landscape (15 pages) 043515 Ce´sar Asensio and Antonio Seguı´ Matter bounce in Horˇava-Lifshitz cosmology (6 pages) ...... 043516 Robert Brandenberger Slow-roll k-essence (7 pages) ...... 043517 Takeshi Chiba, Sourish Dutta, and Robert J. Scherrer Classical stability of sudden and big rip singularities (8 pages) ...... 043518 John D. Barrow and Sean Z. Lip Slow-roll and rapid-roll conditions in the spacelike vector field scenario (7 pages) ...... 043519 Yi Zhang Primordial perturbations with a modified dispersion relation (6 pages) ...... 043520 Yi-Fu Cai and Xinmin Zhang Generalized equation of state for dark energy (6 pages) ...... 043521 E. M. Barboza, Jr., J. S. Alcaniz, Z.-H. Zhu, and R. Silva CMB polarization systematics, cosmological birefringence, and the gravitational waves background (9 pages) 043522 Luca Pagano, Paolo de Bernardis, Grazia De Troia, Giulia Gubitosi, Silvia Masi, Alessandro Melchiorri, Paolo Natoli, Francesco Piacentini, and Gianluca Polenta Constraining f R† gravity models with disappearing cosmological constant (7 pages) ...... 043523 I. Thongkool, M. Sami, R. Gannouji, and S. Jhingan Trans-Planckian enhancements of the primordial non-Gaussianities (12 pages) ...... 043524 Hael Collins and R. Holman Testing the dark matter interpretation of the PAMELA excess through measurements of the galactic diffuse emission (18 pages) ...... 043525 Marco Regis and Piero Ullio

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CMB constraints on WIMP annihilation: Energy absorption during the recombination epoch (16 pages) ...... 043526 Tracy R. Slatyer, Nikhil Padmanabhan, and Douglas P. Finkbeiner Full trispectrum in single field DBI inflation (14 pages) ...... 043527 Frederico Arroja, Shuntaro Mizuno, Kazuya Koyama, and Takahiro Tanaka Stability of the Einstein static universe in the presence of vacuum energy (5 pages) ...... 043528 Saulo Carneiro and Reza Tavakol Dark matter annihilation and its effect on CMB and hydrogen 21 cm observations (15 pages) ...... 043529 Aravind Natarajan and Dominik J. Schwarz Spherical collapse model and cluster formation beyond the cosmology: Indications for a clustered dark energy? (12 pages) ...... 043530 Spyros Basilakos, Juan Carlos Sanchez, and Leandros Perivolaropoulos Critical look at cosmological perturbation theory techniques (17 pages) ...... 043531 Jordan Carlson, Martin White, and Nikhil Padmanabhan Killing vectors and anisotropy (6 pages) ...... 044001 J. P. Krisch and E. N. Glass Bounding the mass of the with gravitational waves: Effect of spin precessions in massive binaries (10 pages) ...... 044002 Adamantios Stavridis and Clifford M. Will Couplings between Chern-Simons gravities and 2p- (13 pages) ...... 044003 Olivera Misˇkovic´ and Jorge Zanelli Time delay and Doppler tests of the Lorentz symmetry of gravity (13 pages) ...... 044004 Quentin G. Bailey Path integral duality modified propagators in spacetimes with constant curvature (7 pages) ...... 044005 Dawood Kothawala, L. Sriramkumar, S. Shankaranarayanan, and T. Padmanabhan Internal spin angular momentum of an asymptotically flat spacetime (16 pages) ...... 044006 Andrew Randono and David Sloan Group field theory renormalization in the 3D case: Power counting of divergences (20 pages) ...... 044007 Laurent Freidel, Razvan Gurau, and Daniele Oriti Closed timelike curves in asymmetrically warped brane universes (11 pages) ...... 044008 Heinrich Pa¨s, Sandip Pakvasa, James Dent, and Thomas J. Weiler Method to measure a relative transverse velocity of a source-lens-observer system using gravitational lensing of gravitational waves (10 pages) ...... 044009 Yousuke Itoh, Toshifumi Futamase, and Makoto Hattori Recoil velocity at second post-Newtonian order for spinning black hole binaries (26 pages) ...... 044010 E´ tienne Racine, Alessandra Buonanno, and Larry Kidder Radiation from collapsing shells, semiclassical backreaction, and black hole formation (22 pages) ...... 044011 Aseem Paranjape and T. Padmanabhan Dynamical black rings with a positive cosmological constant (6 pages) ...... 044012 Masashi Kimura Analysis of the Sultana-Dyer cosmological black hole solution of the Einstein equations (7 pages) ...... 044013 Valerio Faraoni Global embedding of the Kerr black hole event horizon into hyperbolic 3-space (10 pages) ...... 044014 G. W. Gibbons, C. A. Herdeiro, and C. Rebelo Magnetic and electric black holes in arbitrary dimensions (9 pages) ...... 044015 Adil Belhaj, Pablo Dı´az, and Antonio Seguı´ Flux-area operator and black hole entropy (15 pages) ...... 044016 J. Fernando Barbero G., Jerzy Lewandowski, and Eduardo J. Villasen˜or Gravitational polarizability of black holes (13 pages) ...... 044017 Thibault Damour and Orchidea Maria Lecian Background independent quantization and wave propagation (12 pages) ...... 044018 Golam Mortuza Hossain, Viqar Husain, and Sanjeev S. Seahra

(Continued) CONTENTS - Continued


Distance redshift from an optical metric that includes absorption (11 pages) ...... 044019 B. Chen and R. Kantowski Spontaneous Lorentz violation, negative energy, and the second law of thermodynamics (8 pages) ...... 044020 Brian Feldstein Testing Horˇava-Lifshitz gravity using thin accretion disk properties (7 pages) ...... 044021 Tiberiu Harko, Zolta´nKova´cs, and Francisco S. Lobo Quantization of the black hole area as quantization of the angular momentum component (4 pages) ...... 044022 Kostyantyn Ropotenko Gravitational effects of rotating braneworld black holes (10 pages) ...... 044023 Alikram N. Aliev and Pamir Talazan Geometric perspective on singularity resolution and uniqueness in loop quantum cosmology (10 pages) ...... 044024 Alejandro Corichi and Parampreet Singh Lorentz-breaking massive gravity in curved space (15 pages) ...... 044025 D. Blas, D. Comelli, F. Nesti, and L. Pilo Dynamics of a self-interacting scalar field trapped in the braneworld for a wide variety of self-interaction potentials (11 pages) ...... 044026 Yoelsy Leyva, Dania Gonza´lez, Tame´ Gonza´lez, Tonatiuh Matos, and Israel Quiros Structure formation by a fifth force: N-body versus linear simulations (22 pages) ...... 044027 Baojiu Li and Hongsheng Zhao -Rindler space (4 pages) ...... 044028 J. Kowalski-Glikman with small cosmological constant from spontaneous compactification of Lovelock theory in vacuum (5 pages) ...... 044029 Fabrizio Canfora, Alex Giacomini, Ricardo Troncoso, and Steven Willison F R† cosmology in the presence of a phantom fluid and its scalar-tensor counterpart: Towards a unified precision model of the evolution of the Universe (12 pages) ...... 044030 Emilio Elizalde and Diego Sa´ez-Go´mez Effective polymer dynamics of D-dimensional black hole interiors (13 pages) ...... 044031 Ari Peltola and Gabor Kunstatter Preferred frame parameters in the tensor-vector-scalar theory of gravity and its generalization (15 pages) ...... 044032 Eva Sagi Thin-shell wormholes with a generalized Chaplygin gas (10 pages) ...... 044033 Ernesto F. Eiroa Black holes in higher dimensional gravity theory with corrections quadratic in curvature (11 pages) ...... 044034 Valeri P. Frolov and Ilya L. Shapiro First law of p-brane thermodynamics (8 pages) ...... 044035 Marek Rogatko Pound-Rebka experiment and torsion in the Schwarzschild spacetime (6 pages) ...... 044036 J. W. Maluf, S. C. Ulhoa, and F. F. Faria Separability of a modified Dirac equation in a five-dimensional rotating, charged black hole in (18 pages) ...... 044037 Shuang-Qing Wu Natural semidirect gauge mediation and D-branes at singularities (10 pages) ...... 045001 Riccardo Argurio, Matteo Bertolini, Gabriele Ferretti, and Alberto Mariotti BFKL Pomeron, Reggeized gluons, and Bern-Dixon-Smirnov amplitudes (28 pages) ...... 045002 J. Bartels, L. N. Lipatov, and A. Sabio Vera Gauge orbits and the Coulomb potential (9 pages) ...... 045003 J. Greensite Supersymmetric Yang-Mills and amplitudes at one loop (21 pages) ...... 045004 Anthony Hall Vortices and superfields on a graph (12 pages) ...... 045005 Nahomi Kan, Koichiro Kobayashi, and Kiyoshi Shiraishi

(Continued) CONTENTS - Continued


Universal constraints on conformal operator dimensions (12 pages) ...... 045006 Vyacheslav S. Rychkov and Alessandro Vichi Compton scattering vertex for massive scalar QED (15 pages) ...... 045007 A. Bashir, Y. Concha-Sa´nchez, R. Delbourgo, and M. E. Tejeda-Yeomans Theory of a quantum noncanonical field in curved spacetimes (9 pages) ...... 045008 Javier Indura´in and Stefano Liberati Scattering theory using smeared non-Hermitian potentials (12 pages) ...... 045009 Miloslav Znojil Quantum fusion of strings (flux tubes) and domain walls (10 pages) ...... 045010 S. Bolognesi, M. Shifman, and M. B. Voloshin Memory effects in radiative jet energy loss (12 pages) ...... 045011 Frank Michler, Bjo¨rn Schenke, and Carsten Greiner One-loop results for kink and domain wall profiles at zero and finite temperature (14 pages) ...... 045012 Anton Rebhan, Andreas Schmitt, and Vortex-type half-BPS solitons in Aharony-Bergman-Jafferis-Maldacena theory (11 pages) ...... 045013 Chanju Kim, Yoonbai Kim, O-Kab Kwon, and Hiroaki Nakajima Radion clouds around evaporating black holes (8 pages) ...... 045014 J. R. Morris Beta function in the non-Abelian Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model in four dimensions (9 pages) ...... 045015 Van Se´rgio Alves, S. V. Pinheiro, Leonardo Nascimento, and Francisco Pen˜a Majorana neutrino superfluidity and stability of neutrino dark energy (6 pages) ...... 045016 Jitesh R. Bhatt and Utpal Sarkar Deconfinement of neutron star matter within the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model (9 pages) ...... 045017 G. Lugones, A. G. Grunfeld, N. N. Scoccola, and C. Villavicencio Fractional vortices and lumps (25 pages) ...... 045018 Minoru Eto, Toshiaki Fujimori, Sven Bjarke Gudnason, Kenichi Konishi, Takayuki Nagashima, Muneto Nitta, Keisuke Ohashi, and Walter Vinci SU(2) reduction in N ˆ 4 supersymmetric mechanics (3 pages) ...... 045019 Sergey Krivonos and Olaf Lechtenfeld More on N ˆ 8 attractors (14 pages) ...... 045020 Anna Ceresole, , Alessandra Gnecchi, and Alessio Marrani Graviton emission from simply rotating Kerr–de Sitter black holes: Transverse traceless tensor graviton modes (11 pages) ...... 045021 Jason Doukas, H. T. Cho, A. S. Cornell, and Wade Naylor Fundamental length in quantum theories with PT-symmetric Hamiltonians (13 pages) ...... 045022 Miloslav Znojil Properties of the and mesons from unitary chiral dynamics (9 pages) ...... 045023 J. Nieves and E. Ruiz Arriola Deriving projective hyperspace from harmonic (9 pages) ...... 045024 Dharmesh Jain and Warren Siegel String entanglement and D-branes as pure states (8 pages) ...... 046001 Marcelo Botta Cantcheff Strings on AdS wormholes (13 pages) ...... 046002 Mir Ali, Frenny Ruiz, Carlos Saint-Victor, and Justin F. Va´zquez-Poritz Notes on the two-brane model with variable tension (7 pages) ...... 046003 M. C. Abdalla, J. M. da Silva, and R. da Rocha New p ‡ 1 dimensional nonrelativistic theories from Euclidean stable and unstable Dp-branes (11 pages) ...... 046004 J. Klusonˇ 3 Fermionic reductions of the AdS4  CP superstring (12 pages) ...... 046005 Marcin Dukalski and Stijn J. van Tongeren Gauge mediation in F-theory GUT models (18 pages) ...... 046006 Joseph Marsano, Natalia Saulina, and Sakura Scha¨fer-Nameki

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Partition function of a Wilson loop in a strongly coupled N ˆ 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma with fluctuations (15 pages) ...... 046007 De-fu Hou, James T. Liu, and Hai-cang Ren Flat space S matrix from the AdS/CFT correspondence? (13 pages) ...... 046008 Michael Gary and Steven B. Giddings

BRIEF REPORTS Search for gravitational waves from low mass compact binary coalescence in 186 days of LIGO’s fifth science run (8 pages) ...... 047101 B. P. Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration) Remarks on the spherical scalar field halo in galaxies (4 pages) ...... 047301 Kamal K. Nandi, Ildar Valitov, and Nail G. Migranov Symplectic method in quantum cosmology (3 pages) ...... 047302 E. V. Silva, G. A. Monerat, G. Oliveira-Neto, C. Neves, and L. G. Filho Riemannian Penrose inequality and a virtual gravitational collapse (4 pages) ...... 047501 Seiju Ohashi, Tetsuya Shiromizu, and Sumio Yamada Globally regular deformation of De Sitter space (2 pages) ...... 047502 Patrick Meessen Insensitivity of Hawking radiation to an invariant Planck-scale cutoff (4 pages) ...... 047503 Iva´n Agullo´, Jose´ Navarro-Salas, Gonzalo J. Olmo, and Leonard Parker Limitations on the topological BF scheme in Riemann-Cartan spacetime with torsion (4 pages) ...... 047504 Eckehard W. Mielke

ERRATA Erratum: Universe out of a breathing bubble [Phys. Rev. D 77, 125002 (2008)] (1 page) ...... 049901(E) Eduardo I. Guendelman and Nobuyuki Sakai Erratum: Description of the heterotic string solutions in U N† supersymmetric QCD [Phys. Rev. D 79, 085015 (2009)] (1 page) ...... 049902(E) P.A. Bolokhov, M. Shifman, and A. Yung Erratum: Description of the heterotic string solutions in the M model [Phys. Rev. D 79, 106001 (2009)] (1 page) 049903(E) P.A. Bolokhov, M. Shifman, and A. Yung