ON MONDAY 19 January 2015

AT 8.00 P.M.


The Chair welcomed the committee, the Councillors,Constable Andy Crawford, 3 Representatives from SGN (Gas Services). Scott Dougal (Senior Manager), Alan MacDonald (Operational Planner), Gerry Docherty (Site Manager) and 9 members of the public.He reminded all present that the meeting is recorded for the purpose of taking minutes.


Tony Davey (Convener),Patrick Trust (Vice Convener), Duncan Stirling (Secretary),Gail Steven (Treasurer), Bobbie Beggs, Jo Cameron,Mike Crowe, Eric Duncan, ,Lorna Lee, Barrie, Morton, Bob Murray, Councillor David Kinniburgh, Councillor Ellen Morton, Councillor Richard Trail, Constable Andy Crawford, Scott Dougal, Alan MacDonald , Gerry Docherty and 9members of the public.


Jim Hollywood, Andrea Steele McLean andMichael Wilson.




Constable Andy Crawford said thatRural Watch is now up and running. Andy handed out a leaflet that explained how to get involved. He encouraged all present to “sign up”. It is free to join. He thenpresented a report coveringthe time from 1 December until now.There were 56 incidents in the Cardrossarea. Many of these were of a minor nature. They consisted of abandoned vehicles, an ambulance requesting assistance, a road traffic collision, a member of the public dialled 999 in error, speed checks, missing persons etc. There were 7 crimes, notably, two thefts. Between 3 and 4 December, a battery was stolen from the temporary traffic lights on Main Road. A box of construction equipment was also stolen. A car was vandalised on Hillside Road, on Xmas Day. There were 2 breach of the peace cases in private dwelling houses and 2 wild life and countryside act crimes. Mike asked about car parking on the footway. Constable Crawford said that he has passed the matter on to the local “beat” officer, who will be pursuing the matter. There were no questions. Tony thanked Constable Crawford, who then left the meeting.


Scott Dougalfrom SGNopened with a brief verbal presentation. He hopes to give a “Powerpoint” presentation in the near future. Scottsaid that the works involved the refurbishment of approximately 1.3 km of pipework in the A814. Using a technique called “Live Mains Insertion” which is effectively”trenchless”, should minimalis e disruption. Scott said that he is aware of the high level of disruption suffered by residents, when the high pressure main was installed two years ago. SGN will provide “in house” traffic management in anattempt to reduce any 2 problems caused by temporary traffic lights. SGN are committed to a 24/7, 365 days a yearservice. There will be an office on site and Gerry Docherty (Site Manager) is on call. Details of the Works and updates on the progress will be provided using flyers, social media and Community Council Meetings. The Works should takebetween 24 and 28 weeks to complete. Gail asked why the proposed Works were not carried out the last time SGN were working in the A814 road. Scottsaid that the previous Works involved a high pressure pipeline. It is different and separate from the Works that will be carried out on the low pressure distribution pipeline. Patrickasked if there would be a conflict between the Works that are being carried out at the moment and the future Works. Scottsaid that there is a system in place that should prevent such a conflict. It is hoped that work will begin in April when the demand is lower than in the winter months. Bob asked if there would be signs at and warning of Works in Cardross. Scottsaid that SGN’straffic management system allowed for signs in these locations.Scott , Alan and Gerrythen left the meeting.


Acceptance was proposed by Mike Crowe and seconded by Bobby Beggs.


Bye-election: Tony welcomed the newly elected community council members. They are Robert Beggs, Lorna Lee and Barrie Morton.

Saw Mill: Councillor Kinniburgh said that the matter of the new surfaced area near the park, is still being investigated.

Christmas Tony said that the Xmas tree in the church hall had raised £1000.00 for Robin House and Tree: the East of Glasgow Mission.

Beach Clean: Tonysaid that the Beach Clean was very successful. The next beach clean will be in March.

Barrs Road / Tony said that the drainage in the area of the damaged kerbs will have to be attended to Barrs Terrace: before the kerbs are repaired. It is hoped repairs will be carried out soon.

Leaves on Tonysaid that the village warden is back on duty. He is on restricted duties and we will have Footways to wait and see if this affects the removal of leaves lying on roads and footways. And Roads:

Roads: Tony said thatremoval of timber by The Woodlands Trust, has started.

Footpath Tony said that quite a lot of repair work was carried out before Christmas. Repairs:

Planted Area Tonysaid that when planting starts in Spring, we will see if our concerns have been dealt at Newsagents: with.

Re-cycling Tony said that the Amenities Manager looked at the area on Tuesday. As yet, there has Bins Near not been any comment from him. Newsagents:

Culvert at Ericasked if there were any further details on the Planning Application.Councillor Kinniburgh Saw Mill: said that the Council is awaiting further information on the application.


Duncan said there was no correspondence.


PLANNING Eric said there were 2 applications. The Manse on Main Road – Internal alterations, installation of new windows, replacement roof covering, stone repairs and repairs to rendering. Ardmore Mid-Lodge – Discharge of planning obligation to allow dwelling house to be sold separately from granny flat.

HEALTH Patrick said that he has been asked to attend a meeting with the Lomond Patients Group to relate information from Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board on the work being done at theVale of Leven Hospital. It appears that what goes on at the Vale, has reduced the work at Paisley and reduced the number of patient crossings of the Erskine Bridge. Patrick said the community should decide on the need for a “Heart Start” machine in Cardross. There would be a need for training and for agreement on a suitable location for such a machine. Cardross has a good response time from the Ambulance Service. Tony said that we will come back with an answer at next month’s meeting.


Broadband: Tony said that the 80% of the village has access to faster broadband. BT will bring a road show to the village, sometime this month.

Local Plan: Tonysaid that the Local Authority has now received the Plan and comments from the Reporter. The Authority will meet on 22 January to consider these comments. Formal adoption of the Plan should be around April or May 2015.

Newsletter: It was agreed by members that a newsletter should be prepared and made available from the Library, the Post Office and the Pharmacy. Tony asked that any items for inclusion in the newsletter be made available to him by 24 February.

Cala Entrance: Mike said that there is a concrete pillar with electrical wires hanging out of it. Councillor Mortonsaid that she will get the street lighting squad to investigate.

Carman Road: Lorna asked if there was any way of preventing heavy lorries using the narrow road over Carman. Tony said that the matter is raised often. However, since the road is “adopted” and is a public road, it is not possible to limit vehicles using it. The road is used by heavy vehicles supplying adjacent habitations.

Waste Bin Bobbie asked if a “dog poo” bin could be sited at the top of Barrs Road. CouncillorTrailagreed atBarrs Road: to pursue the matter.

Lighting in Jo asked who was responsible for maintaining the street lighting in Peel Street.Councillor Peel Street: Mortonsaid that she will check, but as a “private” road, it is likely to be the responsibility of the house owners adjacent to the road.


Parking in A member of the public asked if anything can be done to limit parking on Bainfield Road. Bainfield Rd.: are not being parked on driveways provided. Tony said that cars can be parked on an adopted road, provided they do so legally.

Burns Patrick said that there is a Burns Supper in the Geilston Hall on 6 February. Tickets are Supper: available from himself and Barrie.


The next meeting will be held on Monday 16February 2015 at 8.00pm in the Geilston Hall. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chair. CARDROSS COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING


ON MONDAY 16 February 2015

AT 8.00 P.M.


The Chair welcomed the committee, the Councillors, Laura Merchant (Helensburgh Advertiser), one Representative from SGN (Gas Services) - Gerry Docherty (Site Manager) and 8 members of the public. He reminded all present that the meeting is recorded for the purpose of taking minutes.


Tony Davey (Convener), Patrick Trust (Vice Convener), Duncan Stirling (Secretary), Gail Steven (Treasurer), Bobbie Beggs, Jo Cameron, Eric Duncan, Jim Hollywood, Lorna Lee, Andrea Steele McLean, Bob Murray, Councillor David Kinniburgh, Councillor Richard Trail, Laura Merchant, Gerry Docherty, and 8 members of the public.


Mike Crowe, Barrie Morton, Councillor Ellen Morton and Michael Wilson.




Tony said that he had received a report from Inspector Miller. There is not a lot going on in the village. There have been two domestic disputes which have been reported to the Procurator Fiscal. A car was damaged when someone scratched the side of it with a key. One person has been reported for the misuse of drugs. There were two attempted breakins. There was one road traffic offence for speeding within the village boundaries.


Tony said that Gerry Docherty (Site Manager for SGN) had come along to answer any questions relating to the Works.


Acceptance was proposed by Bob Murray and seconded by Patrick Trust.


Saw Mill: Councillor Kinniburgh said that the matter of the new surfaced area near the park, is still being investigated.

Beach Clean: Tony said that the Beach Clean was very successful. Bob said that the next beach clean will be on 2

Saturday 25 April 2015.

Footpath Tony said that quite a lot of repair work was carried out before Christmas. Tenders have been Repairs: issued for more work to be done. Barriers are to be erected on the footway west of and on the same side of the pharmacy, probably next week.

Culvert at Councillor Kinniburgh said that the Council is still awaiting further information on the Saw Mill: application.

Broadband: Tony said flyers have been distributed around the village to advertise availability of “High Speed” Broadband.

Lighting on Tony said that Councillor Ellen Morton is dealing with the matter. Since she is not at Peel Street: the meeting, we will hope for an answer at the meeting in March.

Parking in Tony said that Inspector Miller told him that parking on this adopted road is legal. Bainfield Rd.: The police cannot prevent legal parking.

Waste Bin Councillor Trail said that a bin will be put in place after the new budget is announced at Barrs Road: in April.


Duncan said that NVA had sent a copy of their annual report and it is available to anyone who wishes to see it. Tony said that he had a letter from the Local Authority’s Contingencies Officer. It said that on 27 February at 1 o’clock, there is a Community Resilience meeting at the United Reform Church Hall in Helensburgh.

PLANNING Eric said there was 1 application . It is for the demolition of an existing single storie extension to the rear of a dwelling house and a detached double garage. Then, the erection of a single detached garage, entrance porch and single storie extension to the same dwelling house. It is at Springvale on Ferry Road.urbating

HEALTH Patrick said that the Lomond Patients Group have again written to the Chief Executive of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, asking for further meetings about the Hospital and how it could ease the pressure on the hospital at Paisley. They have copied in the Health Secretary for . Patrick said that he would be guided by the community on Heartstart should be rolled out In Cardross. The biggest issue is where a heartstart machine could be sited effectively. Cardross is in a very good response area for ambulance call out times. Tony asked members to canvass the community and come to the March meeting with an answer.


AGM: Tony said that Jackie Bailie MSP is keen to attend the AGM in April.

Rural Watch: Tony said that there are leaflets at the rear of the hall giving details.

Brownies: The group does not have a leader and are looking for a volunteer.

Dishevelled Tony said that Cardross is in a dishevelled state and asked that the councillors take Condition: his comment back to Council. He said that considering it is the “front door” to Argyll and Bute, it is a disgrace.

Forestry Works: Bob said that that due to works at the end of February and the beginning of March, there will be 3

access restrictions on the Stoneymollan Road to Balloch and on the John Muir Way.

Flooding at Andrea said that the problem has not yet been resolved. The rear car park is still being flooded. Cerarwood When the flood water disapates, the remaining material is a health hazard. Court: Patrick said that the main cause of flooding occurs after heavy rainfall. A torrent of water runs from the west side of the Cala houses, down the path, across the car park on the North side of the road, across the A814 and into Cedarwood Court car park. Councillor Kinniburgh said that he will look into the matter.

Telecare: Jo said that an old gentleman in the village who recently used this service, lay for one and a half hours, before there was a response. Tony said that the individual must take any complaints to the service provider of Telecare. He suggested that calling an ambulance on 999 would have gained a quicker response.


Forthcoming George Murphy asked if the additional Works at the East of the village are to be brought Roadworks: forward to tie in with the Works starting in April. Gerry Docherty said that this is the intention at present. Councillor Kinniburgh said that he wished to thank SGN for replacing road covers so quickly and so efficiently.


The next meeting will be held on Monday 16 March 2015 at 8.00pm in the Geilston Hall. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chair.




ON MONDAY 17February 2014

AT 9.00 P.M.


The Chair welcomed the committee. He reminded all present that the meeting is recorded for the purpose of taking minutes.


Tony Davey (Convener), Duncan Stirling (Secretary), Gail Steven (Treasurer), Jo Cameron, Eric Duncan, Jim Hollywood and Bob Murray


Tony called the meeting to discuss a letter that he had received, relating to the Local Plan. The letter was from Alexander Mitchell on behalf of G.A. BARR of Birmingham. The letter requested a meeting with members of the Community Council to discuss proposed development plans for housing to the West of Cardross. It was proposed by Mr. Mitchell that a meeting take place before the Reporter had made a decision on Argyll and Bute Council’s proposals for the area. Eric asked if Argyll and Bute had a policy regarding Developers and the supply of Social Housing. Tony suggested that at the Area Committee, we ask the Council to consider that any social housing within a new development, should be completed before any further development is allowed. Tony suggested that at the next Community Council meeting, we should ask our MSP and our local councillors to persuade Argyll and Bute Council to adopt this proposal. All present agreed with both suggestions.. It was agreed by all members present that no discussions should take place with any developer until the Reporter’s decision has been seen by members of the Community Council.


Tony thanked members for attending the meeting. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chair.




ON MONDAY 16 March 2015

AT 8.00 P.M.


The Chair welcomed the committee, the Councillors, 4 Representatives from SGN (Gas Services). Scott Dougal (Senior Manager), Alan MacDonald (Operational Planner), Douglas Miller (Traffic Management Planner), James Harkin (Site Manager) and 5 members of the public. He reminded all present that the meeting is recorded for the purpose of taking minutes. Although recordings are destroyed, the recording of the Minutes for for February 2015 will be retained until 16 August 2015.


Tony Davey (Convener), Patrick Trust (Vice Convener), Duncan Stirling (Secretary), Gail Steven (Treasurer), Bobbie Beggs, Jo Cameron, Eric Duncan, Jim Hollywood , Lorna Lee, Bob Murray, Councillor David Kinniburgh, Councillor Richard Trail, Scott Dougal, Alan MacDonald , Douglas Miller, James Harkin and 5 members of the public.


Mike Crowe, Andrea Steele McLean, Barrie Morton, Councillor Ellen Morton and Michael Wilson.




Tony said that a number of incidents had occurred in the village since 16 February. There was a theft of cabling and other equipment from the unoccupied Manse between 17 and 18 February. On 23 February , there was a suspicious vehicle seen in the vicinity of Ritchie Avenue. Between 28 February and 1 March, there was vandalism at Seabank Cottage.


Scott Dougal (Senior Manager for SGN) had come along to answer any questions relating to the Works. Scott said that the Works will commence on 20 April. James Harkin (Site Manager) will be on site every day. He will hold a “surgery” every Monday at the site office in the Car Park. James will try to answer any queries resulting from the Works and brought to him by members of the community. Using a plan showing the extent of the Works, James gave a short talk on how the Works will be carried out. Douglas Miller (Traffic Management Planner) said that BBC Scotland will be notified, to allow them to broadcast details of the Works. Tony thanked Scott, Alan, Douglas and James for their presentation and they left the meeting.


Acceptance was proposed by Bobbie Beggs and seconded by Jim Hollywood.



Saw Mill: Tony said that the matter has been referred to the Planning Department.

Culvert at Councillor Kinniburgh said that the Council is still awaiting further information on the Saw Mill: application. Jo said that she had talked to David Miller at Planning and he seemed “very upbeat” about the application. Councillor Kinniburgh said that he will find out what stage the application has reached as quickly as possible. Eric asked if the Community Council can write to Argyll and Bute, in an attempt to find out what is happening. Gail said that the Saw Mill seems to be a law unto itself. Tony agreed that we will write when we know what stage the application has reached.

Broadband: Tony said there was a road show in the library on 4 March. Patrick said that broadband is not evenly distributed around the village. He has been told that it is not available to him.

Lighting on Tony said that it is a private road and has not been adopted by the Council. The residents have Peel Street: been asked if they would be prepared to bring the road up to an adoptable standard. They have not yet replied.

Waste Bin Councillor Trail said that a bin will be put in place after the new budget is announced at Barrs Road: in April.

Dishevelled Tony said that following our recent complaint about the general untidiness of the village , the Condition: main road and pavements were cleared of debris. The previous village warden has been redeployed. It is hoped that a replacement will be found soon. Gail said that removing the leaves from the footways had exposed the poor state of the surfacing. The footways are badly pot-holed. Tony said that there is a programme to resurface these footways.

Flooding at Councillor Kinniburgh said that the flooding had been caused by an unusually heavy rainfall. Cerarwood Culverts are being cleaned on a regular basis. Court:

Telecare: Tony said that provision of Telecare is a private matter and can only be resolved by the parties involved.


Duncan said there was a letter from BT about an adopt a kiosk scheme. The BT phone kiosk near Scott Gardens is available for adoption by anyone who is interested. There was a letter from Argyll and Bute saying that some of the disabled parking bays in Cardross, on adopted roads, are to be subject to an Act prohibiting parking on them. Tony said that he had received a letter from an anonymous and unaddressed source. It was addressed “Strictly Private and Confidential”. The contents related to Cedarwood Court Residents. It concerned the Community Council and Minutes of the Community Council. As such, it becomes a public document. It carried the names and addresses of the residents of 1 to 18 Cedarwood Court. The letter was dated 9 February. The letter said that on 26 February, the Helensburgh Advertiser published an article concerning flooding at Cedarwood Court car park. The subject was discussed at the Community Council meeting on 16 February. The letter writer disagreed with the statement that there were “awful smells lingering sewage” from the former school toilets on the site. The writer said that none of the residents had experienced problems of smells or sewage in or around the flats. Tony said that any complaint to a Community Councillor is accepted and repeated at the Community Council meeting, in good faith. Tony said that comments made at the public meeting cannot be retracted, but the member of the Press present tonight, is free to report on comments made at tonight’s meeting. Tony said that while he is happy to respond to the letter, he cannot do so because it was written anonymously.


PLANNING Eric said there were 4 applications . The first is for “the upgrading of an existing telecommunications site and associated works at Geilston Farm, Murrays Road. The second is for “ the demolition of an existing conservatory, outhouse and lean-to canopy and the erection of a replacement conservatory, porch, lean-to glass canopy and single storey side extension” at South Lade in Station Road. The third is for “alterations and extensions to dwelling house” at the Manse. The fourth is the same wording but comes under “listed buildings and conservation area consent”.

HEALTH Patrick said that the Lomond Patients Group have received a reply to their letter to the Chief Executive of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, asking for further meetings about the Vale of Leven Hospital and how it could ease the pressure on the hospital at Paisley. There were interesting facts and figures that will be discussed at a meeting on 31 March. Patrick said that it looks as though the Medical Assessment Unit does a very good job at the Vale of Leven. Patrick said that members of the community with whom he had discussed Heartstart, seemed content with existing ambulance response times. This matched the views solicited by other Community Councillors. It was the view of the meeting that Heartstart should not be promoted in the village at present. This view could change if ambulance response times get longer.


AGM: Tony said that the dates of the meeting for the next 12 months are:- 18 May, 15 June, 17 August, 21 September, 19 October, 16 November, 18 January 2016, 15 February 2016, 21 March 2016, AGM 18 April 2016.

Darleith Rd. Jim Hollywood said that some of the setts supporting the western flower bed, are lying A814 Junction: loose on the road surface. Councillor Kinniburgh said that he will pursue the matter.

Estate Agent Bob Murray said that the village is once again being blighted by estate agent signs. Signs: They have been put on street furniture. Bob said that it is a planning matter. Councillor Kinniburgh said that he will get an update on the matter and come back with the answer. Bob said that Clyde Estate Agents are the major offender.

Beach Clean: Gail said that the next beach clean will be taking place on Saturday 25 April 2015.

Bus Stop Gail said that there is graffiti on the bus shelter across the road from the rural seat. Shelters: Jim said that the bus companies use a contractor to clean the shelters. They are cleaned on a fairly regular basis.


Use of Horns Ian Fleming talked about the unreasonable level of noise pollution by Scotrail. Ian had attended On Railways: a meeting with Alan Reid of Scotrail. Ian has been told by HSE that safety matters on the railway are not their responsibility. Ian said that the railways regulate themselves. Tony said that after the fatality at the Bainfield Crossing, had been told that the driver must sound the horn if he perceives a danger. Ian said that the decibel level of the sounding horns is too high. They can be heard from a distance of 1 mile away. Ian said that either the crossings are unsafe, in which case Railtrack should make them safe OR Railtrack puts a speed limit on the section and cuts the noise down. Ian said Alan Reid was quite surprised that the Council is not doing anything about the problem. Ian asked that the Community Council and Argyll and Bute Council take the matter up. Ian said that the noise from the use of horns is unnecessary and unacceptable. Jo said that as a person with hearing difficulties who uses the crossings for recreational purpose, she relies on the horns sounding for her safety when using the crossings. Tony asked that Community Councillors canvas members of the community for their opinions on the matter. If at the next meeting there is evidence of general concern, Tony said that he will write to Jackie Bailie MSP and Alan Reid MP setting out the Community’s concerns. Bob said that the noise drives him to distraction. 4

Flooding on George Murphy said there has twice been bad flooding, 40 to 50 yards east of his house, on the A814: A814 road. The water was not getting into the road drainage system. He wondered if conditions near Cedarwood Court were similar.George said that he presumed there was a programme in place to clean the road drains. Councillor Kinniburgh confirmed that there is a gulley cleaning programme in place.


The next meeting will be the AGM and will be held on Monday 20 April 2015 at 7.30pm in the Geilston Hall. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chair.



ON MONDAY 19April 2015

AT 7.30 P.M.


The Chairwelcomed the committee, the Councillors, Jackie Baillie MSP and the 8 members of the public. A special welcome was extended to George Murphy who will chair the election of Convenor. This is the 41st AGM of the Cardross Community Council.


Tony Davey (Convener), Patrick Trust (Vice Convener), Duncan Stirling (Secretary), Gail Steven (Treasurer), BobbyBeggs, Jo Cameron, Eric Duncan, Jim Hollywood , Lorna Lee, Bob Murray, George Murphy, Michael Wilson, Jackie Baillie MSP, Councillor Richard Trail, and 8 members of the public.


Andrea Steele McLean, Councillor Ellen Morton, Councillor David Kinniburgh, William and CathyDerries.



MINUTES OF AGM HELD 14thApril 2014

Acceptance was proposedby Bob Murray. Seconded by Eric Duncan.


There were no matters arising.


Accounts: Tony said that the local media had reported on a financial irregularity relating to the Geilston Hall. The media referred to a member of the Community Council being involved in this irregularity. The person involved resigned from the Community Council when the irregularity was discovered in the Hall Trust accounts. These accounts are not connected to the Community Council in any way. The records of the Community Council were scrutinised by Argyll and Bute Council back to 1996, when the Community Councils were set up. No irregularities were found in the Community Council accounts.

Local Plan: The Local Plan has been adopted by Argyll and Bute Council, after being referred to the Reporter Two sites were allocated for housing. The large area at Kirkton Farm for 150 houses and small area atthe bottom of the Lea Brae for 5 houses.


Home For The application to build houses on the plot of land to the west of the old parish church, on Heroes: land owned by The Crystal Trust, was refused by the Council. The majority of the representations FOR the proposal, were from outwith the local community. 98% of the objectors were from within the local community.

Roads: Works began today, to upgrade existing gas supplies within the village.The works should take six monthsto complete. Traffic Management is thebiggest concern resulting from the Works. SGN have been forthcoming with information and will have a representative available on site to deal with residents problems.

Village Tony said that the village has been in an untidy state for months. A new village warden has been Tidiness: allocated to clean up the village.

First World The 100th anniversaryof the start of hostilities was commemorated in Cardross in 2014. On 3 August War: here was an ecumenical service in the church. On 4 August, there was a service at the cenotaph. Children in the village were encouraged to assist at these services.

Community The Community Council gained three membersin 2014. Barrie Morton returned. Bobby Beggs Council: and Lorna Leejoined as new members. The Community Council is three short of its total compliment. Tony thanked his fellow councillors for their support during the year and members of the public for their regular attendance at Community Council Meetings,

Out with the Tonyand other council members visit 16 different organisations that impact on Cardross. This Village: involves attending meetings and seminars. Cardross is well represented out with the village.

2015-2016: The community needs to be vigilant with regards to any future development proposals withinCardross.

Treasurer’s Gailgave a report on income and expenditureand said that the accounts maintain a healthy Report: surplus of £849.99. The accounts were examined by Margaret Calderand the bank balance was verified as stated. Tony explained that the accounts will be publishedin March , at the end of each financial year.

Election of Office Bearers stood down and George Murphy took the chair. George said that it was his privilege Convenor to chair this small part of the AGM in which a Convenor is elected for the year ahead. He was AndVice honoured to have been asked to take the chair. Georgecalled for nominations for the post of Convenor: Convenor. Patrick Trust nominated Tony Davey. Barrie Mortonseconded the nomination. There were no other nominations. Georgetook a vote and declared Tonyelected as Convener for the year 2015-16.George thanked the Committee Members on behalf of himself and the Community, for all of the work they do. Georgeasked that it be minuted that the Community Council were hard working and successful. He wished to recogniseTony’s efforts on behalf of the community, both in public and behind the scenes. Georgewanted Tony and the Committee to know that he and the community appreciated the efforts made on their behalf. Georgethen stepped down and handed the Chair over to Tony. Tony thanked George and continued with the election of Vice Convenor. Barrie Mortonnominated Patrick Trust for the post.Bob Murrayseconded the proposal. Patrickaccepted the post. Tonyasked all of the office bearers if they were prepared to remain in post. Eric resignedfrom his post in planning, All of the other office bearers accepted.Tony said that the Planning post would be discussed at the next Community Council Meeting.

Dates for The dates for the forthcoming Cardross Community Council Meetings are as follows:- Forthcoming 18 May 2015, 15 June 2015, 17 August 2015, 21 September 2015, 19 October 2015, Meetings: 16 November 2015, 18 January 2016, 15 February 2016, 21 March 2016, AGM 18 April 2016. All meetings will be held in the Geilston Hall at 8:00pm with the exception of the AGM which starts at 7:30pm..



Police Report: Tony said that a number of incidents had occurred in the village since 15 March. On 23 March a 21 year old female was arrested form resetting a motor vehicle. On 31 March there was a theft From a garage on Ferry Road. On 11 April there was a theft of a motor vehicle On 12 April there wasan assault in the vicinity of the pharmacy.On 14 April there was vandalism at a property on the mainroad. On 19 April there was wilful fireraising of a vehicle on the main road. All of the incidents are ongoing and some have been reported to the Procurator Fiscal.

Resilience Tony said that the plan prepared by the Community Council, was recently put to the test by Plan: the Local Authority. The plan passed this test successfully.

Estate Agent Bob said that he had mentioned the problem of the proliferation of these signs, at our last Signs: meeting.Councillor David Kinniburghhad said that he would investigate the matter. He Contacted Tony to say that he will bring a report to the next meeting.

Railway Horn Mike said that he had contacted Network Rail and been referred to Scotrail. Mike was told Warning: that the case would be investigated and they will come back to him in the next 2 weeks.

The Geilston Patrick said that an incident had occurredin September 2010 when a considerable amount of Hall: money was found to be missing from the Hall’saccounts. The Treasurer at the time resigned. It has taken a very long time to investigate the matter. The matter has now come to a conclusion. The Hall is now in a steady and successful financial state.


Policestations Jackie said that she was quite stunned to hear the number of incidents in Tony’s police report. and mergers: Police Boards have now been merged into a single force known as . The view of the current Scottish Government was that a merger may be justified if it saved money. The feeling was that any merger should improve local policing. Jackie said that what we are facing now is quite arbitrary police mergers that Parliament discovered by accident. Police Scotlandwere NOT intent in public consultation. The significance in terms of our local area, is starting to unfold. They want to merge K Division with L Division. This would merge Paisley with Dumbarton, stretching from Clydebank to Oban. It would create a single policing unit of about 3000 square miles, with a population of about 450 thousand people. Jackie said that our history is littered with proposals that see North of the and South of the River Clyde merging and coming together. Such mergers have not worked for us in the past. Jackie sought guarantees about local policing. What they said was that they would merge, strip out a whole bunch of chief superintendents, chief Inspectors and senior managers, to be replaced with officers on the beat. They were silent about Dumbarton Headquarters but it was discovered that they want to move the headquarters to Paisley. However, the local plan for Dumbarton showed that the Dumbarton Police Headquarters was designated for housing. Police Scotland have not said where those policing Dumbarton will be marshalled from day to day. It appears that Police Scotland have not thought about the need for an office in Dumbarton. About one year ago, there was a public consultation on the opening hours for police offices. Helensburghhad opening hours reduced.Alexandria was to close and join with thw Council In a “one stop shop”, while reducing opening hours. Dumbarton’s opening hours were also reduced. HelensburghPolice Station does NOT keep to the shorter opening hours. From Friday 10 April, it was closed for the weekend. Crime in West Dumbartonshire is the fourth highest outside our cities. Therefore, we need local policing. A campaign has been started to retain local policing in Dumbarton. Transferring the headquarters to Paisley, simply does not work. We need local policing in our local communities that is visible. If ONE chief superintendent post is removed, this would release salaries for FOUR beat officers. It would appear to be an attempt at a cost saving exercise. These proposals have not yet been implemented. Jackie said that as well as being visited by retired police officers with concerns about these proposals, she is receiving visits from officers who are currently serving and are saying that these proposals are nonsense. Our history tells us that as you move particular services, you are promised a viable alternative, then these promises are broken. The alternative is not delivered. 4

Locally, we are losing civilian police staff and their work is being done by uniformed police. These officers are not therefore available for “beat duties”. The campaign for local policing Is continuing.

NHS and the Jackie said that we are going through yet another reorganisation of health services. Jackie said Vale Hospital: that she sees this as an opportunity for the community. We have Europe’s largest hospital in The Southern General, about to go live. As yet, the required staffing levels have not been met. It is being suggested that the new hospital is not big enough for its proposed catchment area. There is likely to be additional pressure from patients choosing to come from Paisley. The Royal Alexandria Hospital is 5 minutes away from the new hospital. It does not make sense to have A and E units in both hospitals when they are so close. Pressure on the RAH is immense. Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board have realised that the configuration of services south of the river, does not make sense. They are looking at the possibility of providing services north of the river. Jackie said that is about building on what we have at the Vale of Leven Hospital. The bulk of our community travel to the RAH for significant emergency and surgical services. These services should be brought back north of the river. The Golden Jubilee Hospital offers such an opportunity. The problem is that the GJH is under a different Health Board. Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Boardhas applied for funding from the Scottish Government to bring the hospital up to the required standard to provide full A and E services. They are awaiting a reply to their request.Jackie said that we are closer than we have ever been to providing a bettersolution.

Railway Noise: Jackie said that the matter had been raised with her in 2006. The problem at the time was, that because of the level crossing and because of health and safety issues, the trains whistles were changed to horns. The horns seemed to penetrate more than the whistles. A report has been published which recommends steps to reduce the impact of train horns. Jackie said that her office have written toAbellio,the new operators. She has asked what recommendations have been adopted from the report and would they meet with the community Jackie said that she hoped to provide their response in time for the CommunityCouncil meeting in May. Tony thanked Jackie for attending the meeting tonight.


The next meeting held on Monday 18 May 2015 at 8.00pm in the Geilston Hall. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to George Murphy and the Chair.



ON MONDAY 17 May 2015

AT 8.00 P.M.


The Chair welcomed the committee, the Councillors, 1 Representative from SGN (Gas Services) James Harkin (Site Manager),Norman Brunton ( Helensburgh Community Council) and 7 members of the public. He reminded all present that the meeting is recorded for the purpose of taking minutes. After approval of the minutes, the recording is destroyed.


Tony Davey (Convener), Patrick Trust (Vice Convener), Gail Steven (Treasurer), Bobbie Beggs, Jo Cameron, Mike Crowe, Eric Duncan, Jim Hollywood , Barrie Morton, Bob Murray, Councillor David Kinniburgh, Councillor Richard Trail, James Harkin, Norman Brunton and 7 members of the public.


Lorna Lee, Andrea Steele McLean, Duncan Stirling (Secretary), Councillor Ellen Morton and Michael Wilson.




Tony said that a number of incidents had occurred in the village since 16 March. On 21 April there was wilful fire raising at a derelict property on Carman Road. Two 14 year old males have been reported for the offence. On 23 April, a quad bike and trailer were stolen from Cairniedrouth Farm. On 3 May, a 46 year old male was reported for fishing sea trout and salmon on the foreshore, on a Sunday.


James Harkin said there are two sections to the work on the main street. The first section was started beyond Ferry Road to the “dead end “ section at Bainfield. That has now been completed. The second section goes over Moore’s Bridge to the Coach House Inn. SGN is working on that section now. Work has sarted in the Park Terrace area and will be ongoing while work proceeds on Main Road. Approximately 500m of new pipe has been laid and 400m has been abandoned. James asked for any problems. Bob Murray said that there was no indication of the roadworks on the Traffic Scotland website. James said that they had been informed but contractors have no control over what Traffic Scotland choose to publicise. Jo said that with the advent of the Bank Holiday, a sign at Milton could be useful, if it suggested an alternative to using Cardross. Ther were no further questions. Tony thanked James, who then left the meeting.


Acceptance was proposed by Patrick Trust and seconded by Bob Murray.



Roadworks: The matter was addressed by SGN tonight.

Saw Mill: Tony said that the matter is still with the Planning Department.

Culvert at Councillor Kinniburgh said that the Council has approved the application. Saw Mill: . Broadband: Patrick said that superfast broadband is not available to him because he is too far away from a “green box”.

Waste Bin Councillor Trail said that he will chase the matter up. at Barrs Road:

Flooding at Tony said that any problems of odours around the property, should be dealt with by Cerarwood the owners of the property. Court:

Darleith Rd. Councillor Kinniburgh said that the roads staff are looking at a permanent solution to the A814 Junction: problem.

Estate Agent Councillor Kinniburgh said that most of the signs have been removed. Signs:

Beach Clean: Tony thanked Gail and Bob for organising the recent beach clean.

Use of Horns Tony reminded the meeting that Mr. Fleming had raised the matter. Tony said that On Railways: Mike Crowe has pursued the matter on behalf of the Community Council. Tony said that we have made representation to the Local Authority, the Local MP and the local MSP. We have exhausted the powers of the Community Council regarding the matter. Rail agencies have said that the Horn Warnings are in accordance with statute. The Community Council has exhausted all avenues open to it, in following up Mr. Flemings complaint. Mike said that from the feed-back he had received, the majority of people did not feel that the noise is an issue for the majority of people. Jo said that after canvasing 30 people who stay in the same area as Mr. Fleming, one complained about the problem. The others were unconcerned. Councillor Kinniburgh said that if it is the wish of the Community, the Local Authority could carry out a “Noise Survey”. Tony asked members present if a survey should be carried out. 9 said no. 1 said yes. Based on these results and those canvased, it was agreed by members present, not to request the Local Aouthority to carry out a Noise Survey.


There was no correspondence form Tony or Duncan.

PLANNING Bobby said that there have been no applications this month. Tony said that a recent application for the erection of a flagpole at a property in Bainfield, is causing concern locally. It is not clear from the information available, if the pole is to be at the front or the rear of the property. Councillor Kinniburgh said that he will check with Planning.

HEALTH Patrick said there is nothing new to report apart from the up to date figures from the the Vale of Leven Hospital. The VOL Unscheduled Care saw 21,000 people with minor injuries, last year. Tere were 68,0000 attendances at Paisley in the same year. Patrick said that the figure of 21,000 at the Vale is very significant. We need to retain these services at the Vale.


AOCB Tony said there is concern at the state of the local station. It is the responsibility of Network Rail. Scotrail funded the re-barking of the area near the car park at a cost of £1000. Argyll and Bute have provided a cheque for £703, after receiving the minutes of our AGM. For the third year running this is an additional figure of £203 over the usual grant of £500. NVA are holding a an open night in the Geilston Hall tomorrow regarding the progress of St Peters College at Kilmahew.

Barrs Road Jim said that the footway at this junction has degraded completely. No repairs have been Kirkton Terr. carried out. Tony said he will bring the matter to the attention of Roads Maintenance. Junction:

Coachhouse Patrick said that a member of the community is concerned about the work going on. Inn: There is a new fence and decking. They did not know if planning permission is required. Councillor Kinniburgh said that he will find out if permission is required.

Taxis for the Patrick said that a second member of the community had asked about taxis for the disabled. Disabled: There are a large number of taxis for the disabled in Dumbarton but there seems to be only one In Helensburgh. This is quite a problem for this disabled villager. Councillor Kinniburgh said that the matter has been raised in Council and is on the Agenda.


Parking A member of the public asked why Lochgilphead is excluded from the need to pay parking Charges: charges. Councillor Kinniburgh said that parking charges throughout Argyll and Bute are being investigated by the Council.


Deirdre Henderson said that she works for Argyll and Bute Council Library Service. Deirdre said that a Macmillan Cancer In-Patient Service will open in Helensburgh Library in September. The service is managed by 4 different agencies. It is a non-clinical service. The service is recruiting for volunteers to run a once a week drop in. It will provide emotional support , good quality information and a sign post to special services not provided in the library. There will be a consultation day in Helensburgh Library, tomorrow between 11.00 and 18.30. There are leaflets on common cancers, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, cancer with heart problems, talking to children about cancer, removing the stigma of talking about cancer, coping with fatigue, people affected by cancer (other than the sufferer), carers for cancer patients and managing money. The service provides a free help line. There are leaflets on preparing for the end of life, power of attorney and wills, and surviving cancer. Deirdre said that Macmillan Cancer is about people being more active and there are leaflets available covering recommended activities. Deirdre said all of the leaflets are available on-line. Tony thanked Deirdre for her excellent presentation.


The next meeting will be held on Monday 15 June 2015 at 7.30pm in the Geilston Hall. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chair. CARDROSS COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING


ON MONDAY 15 June 2015

AT 8.00 P.M.


The Chair welcomed the committee, the Councillors, 1 Representative from SGN (Gas Services) James Harkin (Site Manager), and 10 members of the public. He reminded all present that the meeting is recorded for the purpose of taking minutes. After approval of the minutes, the recording is destroyed.


Tony Davey (Convener), Patrick Trust (Vice Convener), Duncan Stirling (Secretary), Jo Cameron, Mike Crowe, Jim Hollywood , Lorna Lee, Barrie Morton, Councillor David Kinniburgh, Councillor Richard Trail, James Harkin, Ruth McClean (Helensburgh Advertiser) and 10 members of the public.


Gail Steven (Treasurer), Bobbie Beggs, Eric Duncan, Bob Murray, Andrea Steele McLean, Councillor Ellen Morton George and Liz Murphy and Michael Wilson.




Tony said that Inspector Clare Miller (Helensburgh) has moved to Gartcosh. A replacement has yet to be appointed. Constable Andy Crawford is moving to another police force in July. A replacement has yet to be appointed. Tony said that a number of incidents had occurred in the village since 19 April. On 2 June a member of the community was charged under the Communications Act. The matter has been referred to the Procurator Fiscal. On 8 June, there was a theft from Asker farm. On 9 June there a domestic dispute on Park Road. On 14 June the Police were investigating the report of discharge from a fire arm around Cardross.


James Harkin said there are two sections to the work on the main street. Tommorow, the traffic lights will be moved to just beyond the Station Road junction. The lights at the Park Terrace pedestrian crossing will be turned off. To date, 900 metres of the work on Main Road, has been completed. There is approximately 400 metres of work remaining to be done. Work in Park Terrace should be finished in the next few weeks. The focus will then move to Kirkton Road. It is hoped that work on Main Road will be finished by the end of July and finished in the village completely by the end of August. Mike Crow asked if the gas would be cut off in Kirkton Road. James said that the supply will be off in the morning and reconnected in the afternoon. There were no further questions for James. Tony thanked James for his report and James left the meeting.



Amendments: Page 2, Section Use of Horns On Railways. “Jo said that after canvasing 30 people who stay in the same area as Mr. Fleming” should be amended to “Jo said that after canvasing 30 people, 2 of whom stay in the same area as Mr. Fleming”

Page 3, paragraph 2 title should be changed from Barrs Road/Kirkton Terrace to Barrs Road/Barrs Terrace.

Acceptance was proposed by Jim Hollywood and seconded by Barrie Morton.


Culvert at Councillor Kinniburgh said that the Council has approved the application. Saw Mill:

Waste Bin Councillor Trail said that the bin is in place for a trial period of 3 months. at Barrs Road: If the bin is not used, it will be taken away.

Estate Agent Tony said that most of the signs have been removed. Councillor Kinniburgh said Signs: that the Council will try to take action where required.

Use of Horns Tony said that the Community Council have exhausted their powers in the matter. On Railways: If Mr. Fleming is happy to do so, he must pursue the matter with other agencies.

Flag pole at Tony said that a new set of neighbourhood notifications have been issued. Bainfield:

Barrs Road/ Tony said that he has been unable to contact any of the staff involved in repairing the Barrs Terr. footway at this junction. He said he will pursue the matter during the summer. Junction:

Coachhouse Councillor Kinniburgh said that he has not yet had any response to his question as to Inn: the need for planning permission for the new parasols and fencing.

Taxis for the Councillor Kinniburgh said that the Council is preparing a report on the subject. Disabled:

Darleith Rd. Councillor Kinniburgh said that the roads staff are still looking at a permanent solution to the A814 Junction: problem.


There was no correspondence form Tony or Duncan.

PLANNING Tony said that there were no applications.

HEALTH Patrick said there is nothing new to report.



Grass Cutting: Mike asked if the Council is prepared to cut the “green patch” owned by ACCA in Kirkton Road. Tony suggested that ACCA should deal with the matter.

Dog Fouling: Jo said that some Councils are using “on the spot fines” for dog walkers who are not carrying “poo bags”. She asked if Argyll and Bute Council had considered such an option. Councillor Kinniburgh suggested that there may be legal and practical barriers to such a suggestion.

Pedestrian Duncan said that the crossing near the Muirholm appears to be more reactive than the one at Crossings: the post office. He asked if this crossing could be “updated”. Councillor Kinniburgh said that he will look into the matter.

Knotweed: Patrick said that he would like to congratulate Willie Laird on successfully dealing with local knotweed. The knotweed that was getting close to the village has been exterminated.


There were no questions.


The next meeting will be held on Monday 17 August 2015 at 7.30pm in the Geilston Hall. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chair. CARDROSS COMMUNITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING


ON MONDAY 13 July 2015

AT 8.00 P.M.


The Chair welcomed the committee, and 10 members of the public. He reminded all present that the meeting is recorded for the purpose of taking minutes. After approval of the minutes, the recording is destroyed.


Tony Davey (Convener), Patrick Trust (Vice Convener), Duncan Stirling (Secretary), Bobby Beggs, Jo Cameron, Mike Crowe, Jim Hollywood , Lorna Lee, Andrea Steele McLean, Barrie Morton, Bob Murray and 10 members of the public.


Gail Steven (Treasurer) and Eric Duncan.




Tony said that he had called the meeting to discuss the planning application made on behalf of AVANT HOMES. Tony said that the consultation documents relating to the application are available in the post office and on-line. Representations should be with the Local Authority by 21 July 2015. Tony said that he will request an extension until to 28 July. Copies of the application were made available for the meeting tonight. Tony said that one part of the documentation referred to 160 houses, another referred to 140 houses and yet another referred to 130. There are no details on housing types. While the developer has a right to submit a PROVISIONAL PLANNING PROPOSAL, such an application has very little detail. Tony said that he would like to set up a sub-group to formulate a submit ion to Argyll and Bute Council. The meeting was then adjourned for 30 minutes to allow those present to view the plans of the proposal.

The meeting re-convened. Tony asked the Council members for any comments. Bobby said that the water pressure to his house is poor. Additional housing will worsen this situation unless the water supply is improved. Andrea said that in her view, the school, Darlieth Road, sewerage and drainage and other services will not be able to cope with an additional 140 house. They need to be upgraded. Lorna said she had the same concerns as Bobby and Andrea. Barrie said that the area was earmarked for housing more than 35 years ago. The number of cars per household have increased. This could be a problem. An Argyll and Bute spokesperson said that any sewerage problems resulting from the construction of new housing, would be dealt with by the Developer. Mike suggested that because of the amount of pedestrian traffic on Darlieth Road, access to the new housing should be taken from Barrs Road. It appears that the Developer may be trying to reduce the amount of social housing available. Mike is concerned that the road design within the development will lead to conflict between pedestrians and vehicular traffic.


Jo said that she agreed with Andrea’s comments. Jo is also concerned about the trustworthiness of Developers. Bob said that the proposals seem to indicate a much greater housing density than is supposedly allowed by Argyll and Bute Council. Jim said that he agreed with previous comments. He is concerned that existing amenities will not cope. Patrick said that he is particularly concerned about possible flooding. Proposals appear to indicate that Darlieth Road, Barrs Road and the school playing field will be flooded. The existing sewerage infrastructure cannot cope with the existing demand. The infrastructure should be improved to accommodate the additional houses. Duncan said that he agreed with previous comments. He is concerned that Darleith Road is not being brought up to current standards. The part of Darlieth Road accessing the new housing should be (at least) the same standard as that section of Darlieth Road which accesses the houses between the A814 and Mill Road. Tony thanked the councillors and members of the public for attending.


A meeting of the Sub-Committee will be held on Monday 20 July 2015 at 8.00pm in the Geilston Hall. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chair. CARDROSS COMMUNITY COUNCIL SUB_GROUPMEETING


ON MONDAY 20July 2015

AT 8.00 P.M.


The Chair welcomed the members of the sub-committee


Tony Davey (Convener), Duncan Stirling (Secretary), Bobby Beggs, Mike Crowe, Barrie Morton, Bob Murray and Eric Duncan.




Tony said thathe had called the meeting in order to formulate a response from Cardross Community Council to the Provisional Planning Application for the erection of houses at Kirkton Farm. Tony said that he proposed arranging the response under 6 sub headings and asking members present to comment on each. The sub headings are listed below with comments.


Bob said that he had a submission from Gordon Henry (a Roads Engineer), saying thatDarleith Roadwill not cope adequately with the proposed development. The alterations proposed in the application, do not improve the road. The alignment of the road has not changed since 1865. The geometry of the road does not comply with current design standards. The National Road Development Guide states that the existing road network must be capable of coping with existing and increased traffic due to any development. Darleith Road does not satisfy this requirement. In the lower section of the road , it is 5.5 metres wide with a 1.5 metre footway. Between Mill Road and the access to the new development, the width varies between 5.2 metres and 4.5 metres with no pedestrian provision throughout this length. There is NO pedestrian provision throughout this length. There is no verge on the East side. The verge on the West side varies between 1.5 metres and 0.6 metres and is currently unsuitable for use by pedestrians. The road is shared by pedestrians and vehicular traffic. The proposals are likely to increase conflict betweenthe two.The proposed visibility requirements at the Mill Road junction do not meet current standards. On the Local Development Plan, the proposed housing area was accessed from Darleith Road only. These proposals show an additional access from Barrs Road.

Barriesaid that he had brought up the matterof the lack of footpath beyond Mill Road on previous occasions.

Mike said that Darleith Road should not be the main access route.Barrs Road is a better option. He said that he preferred a kerbed road within the development instead of the proposed shared space.

Eric said he disagreed with that proposal. In his view, traffic should not be directed through a housing estate. It should be routed from the new houses, directly onto the main road. He said that the proposed shared space between pedestrians and vehicles, within the development allows pedestrians to “reclaim” the road space. In his experience, it works well.


Duncan said that Darleith Road is the better option and should be brought up to current standards between Mill Road and the new development.

Bobby said that he was concerned that children from the new houses would be mixing with the traffic on Darleith Road. This is dangerous.


Mike said that he is concerned that the existing school capacity will not cope with the numbers generated by 136new houses. The site of the proposed housing prevents expansion of the school.

Tony said that at the preparation of the local plan, Argyll and Bute said that if additional housing resulted in the capacity of the school being exceeded, it would be a matter for the Developer and the Council to resolve. When Tony talked to the Developer promoting these proposals, the Developer said “we build houses, not schools”.

Private Housing

Tony said that if the Local Authority had considered the objections they would receive to specific areas of search, theycould have chosen more wisely. He said that the lack of detail in the proposal makes it difficult to comment on the housing proposals.

Bob said that it is wrong that each Local Authority has to submit housing needs, instead of considering the needs of the Country as a whole. He said that while there is a lack of detail in the proposal, it is possible to comment on the proposed density of the housing. The proposed density is nearly twice that of adjacent housing.

Ericsaid that he would like to see more one and two bedroom house within the development.

Mike said that he is happy with the higher density of housing. He agreed there should be more oneand two bedroom houses.

Social Housing

Eric said that if the Developer was going to phase house building over a period of five years, the required percentage of SocialHousing should be applied to each “group” of houses sold by the Developer.


Tony said that considering there are already flooding problems around the village, he is concerned that the housing proposals will add to these problems.

Eric said thathard surfaces within the proposed development will add to the problems of “run off” experienced by the existing drainage system.

Mike said that SEPA had identified a medium risk of surface water flooding from the proposal. It is for Argyll and Bute Council to confirm that the proposed drainage is correctly sized. This should be done by consulting the relevant Authority.


Barrie said that the sewer stops at Greyfriars on Darleith Road.


Submission to Argyll and Bute on behalf of the Community Council

Bobsaid that he would include comments made above, in the submission to the Council. He said he would acknowledge that this is a Provisional Planning Application and we retain the right to comment on the Final Planning Application. Bob said that he would compile the submission and circulate a draft to those present. Any amendments will be included before the submission is sent to Argyll and Bute Council.


Ameeting of the Community Councilwill be held on Monday 16 August 2015 at 8.00pm in the Geilston Hall. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chair. CARDROSS COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING


ON MONDAY 21 September 2015

AT 8.00 P.M.


The Chair welcomed the committee, the Councillor and 9 members of the public. He reminded all present that the meeting is recorded for the purpose of taking minutes. After approval of the minutes, the recording is destroyed. Tony apologised to anyone who turned up for the August meeting. The meeting was cancelled it had not been possible to get a quorum of council members.


Tony Davey (Convener), Patrick Trust (Vice Convener), Duncan Stirling (Secretary), Gail Steven (Treasurer), Bobby Beggs, Jo Cameron, Mike Crowe, Eric Duncan, Jim Hollywood , Lorna Lee, Barrie Morton, Bob Murray, Councillor David Kinniburgh, and 9 members of the public.


Andrea Steele McLean, Councillor Ellen Morton, Councillor Richard Trail, Colin and Jill Campbell and Michael Wilson. Tony said that Andrea had submitted her resignation from the Community Council and her resignation has been accepted.




Tony said that he had a meeting with the new Inspector for the Area, Inspector Coleen Wylie. PC Allison Kane has taken over from Andy Crawford. Tony said that a number of incidents had occurred in the village since July. A male person was arrested in Park Terrace for threatening behaviour and being in possession of a weapon. On 12 July there was vandalism at the golf club. There was a disturbance on Main Road and a male person has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal. On the 15 July there were a number of cases of vandalism on Main Road. A property for sale sign was stolen. On 3 August there a wheelie bin was set on fire. Between 13 and 15 August there was house breaking on Reay Avenue. On September, an engine was stolen from an insecure garage on Hillside Avenue. Enquiries continue. On 11 September, there was a disturbance on Barrs Crescent. A male person has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal. On 13 September, A male person was behaving in a threatening manner and has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal. On 19 September, there was theft of silverware from the Cala Estate.


Tony said that a representative from SGN would attend the October meeting, when it is hoped that their work will be complete.



Acceptance was proposed by Mike Crow and seconded by Patrick Trust.


Acceptance was proposed by Bobby Beggs and seconded by Mike Crow.


Acceptance was proposed by Barrie Morton and seconded by Mike Crow.


Meetings of These meetings were held to discuss the planning application submitted for 13 and 20 July: for housing at Kirkton Farm.

Timber at Councillor Kinniburgh said that the Council has issued an enforcement notice in Park access relation to the pallets that have been put in the public area by Cardross Sawmill near Station: Gail said that a number of residents have raised concerns with her. They are worried that the Saw Mill is attempting to “take over” the area adjacent to the park and prevent public access. Mike suggested that we find out who the landowners are in the area affected.

Estate Agent Tony said that the signs had started to “creep” back again. Gail said that a sign has been Signs: lying in Peel Street for weeks. Bob said that there is a sign tied onto a lamp post in Muirend Road. Bob said that these signs are in fact, litter. Councillor Kinniburgh said that the Council will try to take action where required.

Use of Horns Tony said that the Community Council have exhausted their powers in the matter. On Railways: If Mr. Fleming is happy to do so, he must pursue the matter with other agencies.

Coachhouse Councillor Kinniburgh said that he has not yet had any response to his question as to Inn: the need for planning permission for the new parasols and fencing.

Taxis for the Councillor Kinniburgh said that the Council is preparing a report on the subject. Disabled: A paper should be presented to the Planning Committee by November 2015.

Grass Cutting: Mike asked if the Council is prepared to cut the “green patch” owned by ACHA in Kirkton Rd: Kirkton Road. Tony suggested that ACHA should deal with the matter

Pedestrian Councillor Kinniburgh said that he is still awaiting a reply to his query regarding Crossings: the crossings at the Muirholm and near the post office.

Overflow Jim said that the newly constructed parking area at the school has no drainage. Parking at Rainwater from the area runs onto the footway and floods the roads in the immediate vicinity. School: Councillor Kinniburgh said that he will look into the matter.

Gritting on Lorna said that very little gritting was carried out last winter. She asked if it could be given Kirkton Road: priority, since it is a route to the school.

Lamps in Jo asked if it would be possible for the bulbs in the two lamps near Main Road to be Peel Street: replaced with brighter units. Tony said that the lamps are the responsibility of the adjacent owners. Councillor Kinniburgh said that he will try to find out who is responsible for the lighting.



Tony said that he had received a letter from Colin and Jill Campbell. It expressed their concern that Riding Saw Mills have taken over the area in the foreshore adjacent to the park Tony said that he will respond to the letter. Tony said that the Parish Church had asked if we would supply a tree for the Christmas Tree Festival. It was agreed by those present that the Community Council would supply a tree. Tony said that approaching Remembrance Sunday, Cardross has three previous residents who were awarded the VC after the First World War. There will be three plaques placed at the war memorial to commemorate this fact. Gail Steven (Treasurer) said that on 25 August, the balance in the community council’s bank account was £1057.84.

PLANNING Bobbyy said that there were no applications.

HEALTH Patrick said the Lomond Patients Group has been very active. The Group seems to have avoided a crisis in the Vale of Leven Hospital. Jackie Bailie invited Shona Robison MSP (Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Sport) to visit the Vale. Shona is strongly supporting the Vale. Dr. Nick Dunn has made a submission to the Scottish Government relating to out of hours medical care in Scotland. The Health Board has become much more supportive of the activities at the Vale. It seems likely that the Vale and its’ 24 hour services, will continue. Patrick said that, in his view, the Lomond Patients Group has done a great favour to the population in this area.


Financial Tony said that he had a letter from Stella Kinloch, the local Guide Leader, requesting some Assistance financial assistance to pay part of their hall rent. To Guides: It was decided by the majority of Community Council members present, that a donation of £100.00 should be given to the Guides. It was also agreed that £100.00 should be given to the Scout Group.

Church Bench: The Muir family of the village made an application to the Church, to place a bench in the grounds, in memory of Mrs. Muir. The Church declined the offer. It was suggested that the Community Council could accept the bench and put it at the war memorial. Tony said that he is awaiting a letter regarding the bench.

Salt Bins: Tony said where necessary, the Council will replace damaged salt bins.

Weeds: Tony said that the Council has agreed to carry out more weed killing on roads and footways.

Village The young lad who was tidying around the village, has returned to the village. It is hoped his Warden: efforts will result in a tidier village.

Remembrance Tony asked those present if he should submit an application to hold the parade. It was agreed Day Parade: by the majority of Community Council Members present, that he should.

Power Line Bob said that the tracks which have been constructed to give access to the pylons being Tracks: erected, have not been removed. The assumption was that these temporary tracks would be removed on completion of the Works. Bob said that tracks required planning consent if land owners wanted them to remain. He asked Councillor Kinniburgh if any applications had been submitted. Councillor Kinniburgh said that he will pursue the matter.

Stairs from Eric said that these stairs are in a poor condition. He would like to see them made good and Muirend Road not closed down. Tony said that he would ask Tom Murphy to have a look at them. to Napier Ave.:


Beach Clean: Gail said that the Beach Clean will take place on Saturday 24 October at 10.00. Meet at the shore car park and equipment will be provided.

Bollard at Gail said that a traffic bollard outside the library had been damaged by a car and is still awaitng Library: repair. The attempted repair is shoddy. Tony said that the Council is pursuing the driver of a timber lorry to pay for the repair.

Dog Waste Bin Bobby asked if the bin will remain in place. In June, Councillor Trail said that the bin is in place for at Barrs Road: a trial period of 3 months. If the bin is not used, it will be taken away.

Barrs Road/ Mike said that the footway is in a very poor state. Jim said that the road surface at the junction, Barrs Terr. is also breaking up.. Tony said that there is a dispute between the Water Department and the Junction: Electricity Company about the services in the area. The Council will continue to pursue the matter.

Cycle Path: Mike asked what is happening with the cycle path. Tony said that CPOs are awaiting processing by the Councils Legal Department.

Dog Warden: Jo said that there is a new dog warden in the village. Patrick said that the grass area outside Geilston Hall is covered in dog dirt. It is hoped the warden can help.

Geilston Hall: Patrick said that OSCAR, the charity regulator, has asked that more trustees are appointed. Anyone in the community would be welcomed.


20 MPH limit George Murphy said that he was pleased to see two police officers at Carman Road Junction, through this afternoon, monitoring speeding. On the A77 through the village of Maybole, a 20 mph speed Cardross: limit is being trialled. George suggested that a 20 mph limit would benefit Cardross. It was generally agreed by the meeting, that this possibility should be investigated.

Pavement Bob said the Scottish Government are currently, carrying out a consultation on the subject. Parking: A web site is available to allow you to register your view. Bob said that the situation in Cardross is shocking.


The next meeting will be held on Monday 19 October 2015 at 7.30pm in the Geilston Hall. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chair.



ON MONDAY 21 October 2015

AT 8.00 P.M.


The Chair welcomed the committee, the Councillors and 18 members of the public. He reminded all present that the meeting is recorded for the purpose of taking minutes. After approval of the minutes, the recording is destroyed.


Tony Davey (Convener), Patrick Trust (Vice Convener), Duncan Stirling (Secretary), Bobby Beggs, Jo Cameron, Mike Crowe, Eric Duncan, Jim Hollywood , Barrie Morton, Bob Murray, Councillor David Kinniburgh, Councillor Richard Trail, and 18 members of the public.


Gail Steven (Treasurer), Lorna Lee, Councillor Ellen Morton, Michael Wilson and the Rev Maggie MacAurthur.




Acceptance was proposed by Mike Crowe and seconded by Bobby Beggs.


Tony said that a number of incidents had occurred in the village since August. On 20 September there was theft of An £800 road bicycle from a house in Braid Avenue. On 28 September there was a housebreaking on Hillside Road. A quantity of jewellery and cash was stolen. On 14 October a purse was stolen from a house in Dick Quadrant.


Estate Agent Councillor Kinniburgh said that there are still signs out there but the necessary officer Signs: has been notified and the issue is being dealt with.

Pedestrian Councillor Kinniburgh said that the crossing at the Muirholm is a more up to date crossing Crossings: than the one near the post office. The timings for this crossing are now being adjusted.


Gritting on Tony said that the matter has been referred to Calum Robertson. The gritting schedule will Kirkton Road: be available this month, online.

Lamps in Councillor Kinniburgh said that the Council is responsible for three of the lamps in Peel Street Peel Street: nearest the A814. These lamps have been checked and found to be working. The light from them Is bright enough. Adjacent trees growing around these lamps are reducing their effectiveness. Councillor Kinniburgh has asked officers if the landowners responsible for the trees can be made to trim them.

Power Line Councillor Kinniburgh said that he is awaiting a response from Planning. Tracks:

Stairs from Tony said that Tom Murphy had said that the steps will be “cleared out”. Eric suggested Muirend Road that they may need to be reconstructed. It was agreed to await comments from Tom Murphy. to Napier Ave.:

Coachhouse Councillor Kinniburgh said that council officers have inspected the premises. They think that a Inn: further application for planning may be required. Officers are pursuing the matter and will take the necessary action.

Timber at Councillor Kinniburgh said that a planning application was submitted on 14 October to allow Park access wood to be stored in the this area, remote from the Saw Mill. It has still to be validated. near Station: The application is not yet in the public domain Duncan suggested that we find out who the landowners are in the area affected.

20 MPH limit Councillor Kinniburgh said that the limit is being trialed by the Scottish Government, on Trunk through Roads at present. The trial will run for 3 years. Councils around Scotland will be watching the Cardross: outcome with interest.

Speeding Tony said that Mr. Mitchell had sent an email saying that he has great concern about through the speed of the traffic going through the village. Tony said that the police are monitoring Cardross: this.


Tony said that he had received a letter of resignation from Andrea Steele McLean. Andrea’s resignation was accepted. Tony said that he had received a letter from NVA, asking for a letter of comfort from the Community Council regarding phase 4 finance funding for their project. As yet, there are no transport management arrangements in place. The Community Council cannot agree to non- existent proposals and cannot supply a letter of support until proposals have been approved. Tony said that he had received letters of thanks from both the Guide and Scout groups for the £100.00 donation from the Community Council.

PLANNING Bobby said that there were no applications.

HEALTH Patrick said there have not been any new developments since last month



Council Eric said that he had noticed reports in the local press announcing Council Cuts. These Cuts and will result in the closure of public toilets and a reduction in gardening operations. the Cycle Eric asked if, in this time of cuts, will there still be money available for the CYCLE TRACK. Track: Councillor Kinniburgh said that when related issues are resolved, money will be found for the Cycle Track.

Christmas Patrick reminded the meeting that Christmas is coming! Andrew MacDonald and his Band Ceilidh: from Fort William, will be playing on 12 December at the Geilston Hall. Tickets are now available.


Timber at Richard McGhee said that while the resurfacing work has tidied the area, it has also cut of Park access the pedestrian access to the park on the South side of the pump house. Tony said that since the near Station: matter is subject to an enforcement order by Argyll and Bute Council, no further discussion can take place.

New Exam Sheena Wain said that her 14 year old daughter Grace, wanted to bring the Community Council’s System at attention to a problem she is having in school. Grace’s statement appears as Annex 1 included Hermitage with these minutes. When Sheena had read out Grace’s statement, Tony suggested that she Academy: discuss the matter further with the two local councillors at this meeting. The Councillors agreed to take Grace’s concerns, to Argyll and Bute Council. Sheena suggested that in view of 16 year olds being able to vote, the Local Authority Constitution should be changed. Tony said that while this may happen in the future, we must be guided by the existing constitution. Eric suggested that we support Grace’s concerns. There were no objections to his proposal.

Speeding Allan Mitchell expressed his concern about the number of road accidents occurring beside on A814 his house, near the Carman Road junction. Tony said that the problem is brought up with the through Police and Argyll and Bute’s road engineers on a regular basis. A roads officer is investigating Cardross: the problem. Allan asked what is the time scale for these agencies to deal with the problem. Tony said that the Community Council will continue to lobby these two agencies on the problem of speeding through Cardross. Tony suggested that Allan also continued to pursue the problem with these agencies and with the councillors present tonight. Richard McGhee asked if there were physical measures available to slow traffic going through Cardross. Duncan said that there are a number of physical options available to Argyll and Bute Council, if they so choose. A simple example would be the use of road kerbs to create narrow lanes through the village.


The next meeting will be held on Monday 16 November 2015 at 8.00 in the Geilston Hall. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


Annex 1

Grace Wain – Statement of Concern

My name is Grace Wain and I am a 3rd year pupil at Hermitage Academy in Helensburgh.

I would like to bring to your attention my thoughts and concerns about the exam system at my school.

Hermitage Academy has decided to implement the new Curriculum for Excellence very differently from 99% of all of the other schools in Scotland.

Hermitage Academy does not allow us to sit National 5’s, the replacement for Standard Grades, in fourth year. Instead I go straight to higher which I sit in fifth year sitting no exams whatsoever in fourth year.

I want to sit Nat 5 exams in fourth year like the rest of the kids in Scotland because:

• I am frightened that the first exams that I will ever sit are my Highers, from what I have heard sitting exams is seriously stressful and the more practice you get the easier it becomes

• I am worried that if I fail my Highers I don’t have the backup qualifications of Nat 5’s to help me get a job or a place at college.

• A lot of my teachers are telling the class that the new system isn’t working as by going straight to higher you are missing out important National 5 work. This means that some of the Higher work is a lot harder to understand as we haven’t learnt the foundations which is covered in National 5.

• I am not sure what I want to be yet along with most of my class mates. If I could sit Nat 5’s I could take eight subjects and not choose what Highers I need for what I want to be until the end of fourth year. What the school are making me do is choose which Highers to take right now which seems unfair as I haven’t had any work experience yet and I don’t know what subjects I am good at as I haven’t sat any exams.

• M. Urie, our head teacher, told us that the exam results would improve with the new system, the exam results that came out this year showed that the schools pass rates had fallen below the local authority and national averages since the introduction of this new system. They've flopped! There were kids who left School this year with no qualifications. Almost half the kids that sat certain exams this year failed completely.

• I know I am not the only kid in the school with these worries, there are 155 people in a dedicated Facebook group all sharing the same thoughts and we want something done about it. There is a petition on that over six hundred people have signed in the last week.

The kids on the Facebook page have a slogan “Our Exams, Our Choice, Our Future”.

Could the community council please add their support to this issue, one of the main reasons we moved to Cardross was because of the good schools, a lot of my friends are considering moving school because Hermitage Academy are stopping us sitting exams.



ON MONDAY 16 November 2015

AT 8.00 P.M.


The Chair welcomed the committee, the Councillors, Rev Maggie MacArthur and 14 members of the public. He reminded all present that the meeting is recorded for the purpose of taking minutes. After approval of the minutes, the recording is destroyed.


Tony Davey (Convener), Duncan Stirling (Secretary), Gail Steven (Treasurer), Bobby Beggs, Jo Cameron, Mike Crowe, Eric Duncan, Barrie Morton, Councillor David Kinniburgh, Councillor Richard Trail, and 14 members of the public.


Patrick Trust (Vice Convener), Jim Hollywood , Bob Murray, Councillor Ellen Morton and Michael Wilson.




Acceptance was proposed by Mike Crowe and seconded by Barrie Morton.


Inspector Wylie said that a number of incidents had occurred in the village since October. On 29 October, a man was charged with drink driving on Darlieth Road. On 3 November, a significant amount of cannabis was recovered. Enquiries are ongoing to find the owner. On 10 November, a man was charged with serious assault. On 14 November, a male was charged with vandalism. A report has been sent to the Procurator Fiscal. Inspector Wylie said that she is aware that road safety is an issue, and officers will continue to carry out speed checks in the village. There have been a number of cases of “bogus callers” in Helensburgh, trying to find an excuse to gain access to houses. While the Inspector did not want to cause unnecessary alarm, she said that everyone should be mindful of the problem. The mobile office is continuing to visit the village, under the control of PC Alison Keynes . Inspector Wylie said that anyone with any questions, should discuss the matter with Alison. Inspector Wylie said that festive policing will begin at the start of December in the run up to Xmas. The Inspector said that after a Police Scotland consultation on the merger of K and L divisions, it has been decided to put off the merger at present. The matter will be reviewed again, probably in the latter quarter of next year.


Barrie asked if Peter Sinclair is now the wild life officer. The Inspector confirmed that is the case. George Murphy asked the basis of the proposed amalgamation of the two Divisions. Is it manpower resources or other resources. Inspector Wylie said that the aim is to “strengthen local policing”. Since there were no further questions, Tony thanked Inspector Wylie and she left the meeting.


Estate Agent Councillor Kinniburgh said that he had been advised that the signs are tp be removed. Signs:

Pedestrian Councillor Kinniburgh said that the crossing at the Muirholm is a more up to date crossing Crossings: than the one near the post office. The timings for this crossing are to be adjusted if necessary.

Gritting on Tony said that gritting programme is available online. Lorna asked if Kirkton Road could be Kirkton Road: included. Councillor Kinniburgh said that he would ask the Roads Department about this possibility.

Power Line Councillor Kinniburgh said that he is still awaiting a response from Planning. Tracks:

Stairs from Tony said that Tom Murphy had said that the officer responsible has resigned. Tony Muirend Road hopes to meet his replacement in the village, in about two weeks. The problem will to Napier Ave.: be relayed to her then.

Speeding Tony said that he had a lengthy meeting with the officer responsible. He had also recieved through an email from a gentleman who stays at the bottom of Lea Brae. He would like the speed Cardross: limit reduced from 40mph to 20mph. Traffic speed is now being monitored at the bottom of Lea Brae. The Council are procuring monitoring equipment It will be used to monitor the speed of traffic through Cardross. The Community Council will then be informed of the outcome of this process. Mr. Mitchell asked if there is a time limit on the process. Tony said that the equipment is on order and there is no time scale as yet.

Carman Road: Advisory signs are to be erected saying that the road is unsuitable for heavy goods vehicles.

Timber at Councillor Kinniburgh said that a planning application was submitted on 14 October to allow Park access wood to be stored in the this area, remote from the Saw Mill. It has still to be validated. near Station: Gail said that the area is now being used as a car park and it appears that the area is being “taken over” by the sawmill. Councillor Kinniburgh said that the Council is trying to find out who the landowners are in this area.

New Exam Tony said the Community Council had received a letter from the Commissioner for Children and System at Young people stating that the Community Council had been in breach of UNCRC Article 12. Hermitage Tony said that he will reply to the letter. Academy:


Duncan said that he had received a letter from Police Scotland saying that they are retaining K and L Divisions at present. There was also a letter from our local MSPs relating to Council Cuts.


PLANNING Bobby said that there were two applications. One for the erection of two dwelling houses and the formation of a vehicular access on land East of Shira Lodge. The applicants are “House for Heroes Scotland” and “The Crystal Trust”. The second application is for partial demolition of a wall East of Shira Lodge, to facilitate the construction of a vehicular access . The applicants are “House for Heroes Scotland” and “The Crystal Trust”. Tony said that a previous application for the erection of three houses on the same site, by the same applicants, had generated 143 representations AGAINST the proposal and 28 representations FOR the proposal. Of that 28, 8 were from Cardross and 20 were not. Tony said that the Plans are yet to be published.

HEALTH Patrick said there no new items to report, other than to let people know that David Bruce Has retired as chair of the Lomond Patients Group. He has contributed a great deal to keeping the Vale of Leven Hospital and in letting the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Sport, know of the strong local interest. The public still do not realise that the Minor Injuries and Medical Assessment Units are open 24 hours and it is appropriate to go to the Vale Hospital as a 'walking wounded' patient for an opinion. The Triage system at the hospital will soon identify a more serious problem and arrange for you to be taken to a more appropriate hospital for definitive treatment.


NVA : Tony said that NVA are holding a meeting in the golf club on 23 November. It is hoped to discuss what progress is being made regarding St. Peters College.

Remembrance Due to the inclement weather, the service was held in the church. Nancy Gray and Margaret Service: Cordner collected £5,700.oo was raised from poppy distribution.

Summer It was decided that there would be no meeting on July. Break:

Lighting Mike said that there are no numbers on the lighting standards in Kirkton Road. Standards: Councillor Trail said that he would pursue the matter. Gail said that there is a dark lamp on the main road at the golf course exit.


Muirholm Pam Goldie asked if there had been any information on what is happening to the Muirholm Hotel: Hotel. Unfortunately, no-one had any information on the matter.


The next meeting will be held on Monday 18 January 2016 at 8.00 in the Geilston Hall. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chair.