Using Windows Task Scheduler to run Acronis True Image Backup Tasks

Illustrations by GroverH

Using the Windows Task Scheduler to run the TI backup task offers several options not possible by using the TrueImage scheduler.

We begin by opening the TrueImage Backup task to be executed by the Windows Task Scheduler. Create the True Image backup task with all the proper you need to produce the backup without the need for any additional edits of the TI backup task.

The TI task schedule is set to “Do not run” as the scheduling performed by the Windows Task Scheduler.

Figure 1

Figure 1: 1. Click “Edit Backup Settings: option 2. Click the “” option 3. Click the “Create shortcut” option which will cause the requested shortcut to appear on desktop with same TI backup task name. 4. Close the TrueImage program and goto your Desktop.

Page 1 of 17 Figure 2

Figure 2: After desktop shortcut created, then Right Click on shortcut and select Properties.

Page 2 of 17 Figure 3

Figure 3: Right click on the highlighted and choose so the command will be placed in for later posting.

One of the key parts in being able to paste the script ID from memory as illustrated in figure 3. Once you have the and script ID in memory, there are several methods possible to utilize the Paste method. One such method would be to paste the copy from figure 3 into Notepad and then access Notepad as needed to obtain a refresh of the data.

Close the shortcut and continue to figure 4.

Page 3 of 17 Figure 4

Figure 4: 1. From the desktop, click on the Button. 2. Type “task” into the search window. 3. Click on the Task Scheduler option listed top of window.

Figure 5

Figure 5: Begin in upper left corner 1. Click on Task Scheduler (Local) 2. Click indicator to expand listings and review names. 3. Click the “New Folder” button.

Page 4 of 17 Figure 6

Figure 6: 1. Assign name to new folder to hold scheduled tasks. 2. Click OK to create folder.

Figure 7

Figure 7: 1. Inside library, dbl click on new folder name so folder name appears under the Actions column. 2. Click create basic task.

Page 5 of 17 Figure 8

Figure 8: 1. Assign a short name to task. 2. Assign a description to task.

Figure 9

Figure 9: 1. Select task frequency.

Page 6 of 17 Figure 10

Figure 10: 1. Select more details of task schedule. Note: Examples of other task frequency options illustrated in figures 21-25 at end.

Figure 11

Figure 11: 1. Select “Start a program” 2. Click Next.

Page 7 of 17 Figure 13

Figure 12: Before starting, know the path to the “TrueImageLauncher.exe” program. Path can be found by inside the shortcut properties. 1. Browse to and select the TrueImageLauncher.exe file. File name & path will appear in window including the required quotes. 2. Click Next.

Figure 12

Figure 13: 1. Checkmark the indicated option. 2. Click Finish to continue.

Page 8 of 17 Figure 14

Figure 14: Note column headers. This begins a series of edits of each column to complete all needed settings. 1. Note there a 3 adjustments needed on this page as illustrated. 2. Click the Triggers header to to the Triggers settings.

Page 9 of 17 Figure 15

Figure 15: 1. If edits or confirmation needed, click edit to determine if any adjustments needed. 2. Click “Actions” header to move to “Actions” settings.

Figure 16

Figure 16: 1. Click Edit to open settings adjustments.

Page 10 of 17 Figure 17

Figure 17: The path to the command file will already be displayed. Paste only the arguments part which is the scrip id as noted above. If necessary, return to the desktop shortcut (or Notepad) and obtain a new copy of the script.

1. Paste just the script part from the shortcut as you see above. 2. When correct, press the OK button.

Page 11 of 17 Figure 18

Figure 18: 1. Adjust the settings as needed. 2. Be sure item 2 is checked. 3. Click “Settings” tab at the top to continue.

Page 12 of 17 Figure 19

Figure 19: 1. Checkmark #1 if not checked. 2. If checked and the backup missed due to computer not being on, the backup will start the following startup. You decide correct setting. 3. Click the General tap at top to continue.

Page 13 of 17 Figure 20

Figure 20: Confirm the settings correct especially the os selection in item #3. Click OK button to finalize the task creation.

Page 14 of 17 Figure 21

Figure 21: Examine the high-lighted contents showing the status and next run , etc. Task should be ready for use. If adjustments needed, repeat some of the same editing steps as prior examples. If status is ready, task will run at scheduled time. Reminder: be sure task schedule is set to “do not run” within the TrueImage backup task.

Page 15 of 17 Additional examples of scheduling options using the Windows Scheduler.

Figure 22

Figure 23

Page 16 of 17 Figure 24

Figure 25

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