TO THE PUBLIC SLOAN'S COLUMN. T5) GASH_STORE! LAND WARRANTS! #G^M'ini0UL@o 2 The People's Auction Store. D*A11 Medicines advertised by W. B. Sloan HE undersigned, direct from New Orleans, HE subscribers have been appointed A*r ' IPo IF&OTg)' HE undorsigncd have formed a partnership, arosold on agency by E. F. GILLESPIE. T (the lowest market in the U. States for T gents for YOUNG'S PATENT SMUT espectfully announces, that he commencing on the 1st day of August, A. Land Warrants ) offers for sale in this place, a ann have just received, direct from the T lot of Land Warrants, guarantied to be genu­ vim R has just arrived from New York, with D. 1849, for the transaction of a general FAMILY OINTMENT. nufactory ofWm. P. Henry & Co., St.Lo^ KL CM©* AUCTION, FORWARDING AND COM­ ine. Satisfactory reference will be given to is, two Mills, of the largest size; whicfi a very choice stock of LOAN'S OINTMENT is now universally any person wishing to purchase. Those desir­ (AT THE OLD STAND OF HAMMONDS AND MARKLE;) MISSION BUSINESS. they offer for sale. Those in need of tho. fttaple Dn> (iRootts: S acknowledged to be an infallible remedy, ing to purchase, will do well to call. I have They will give particular attention to the pur­ in every case where it has been faithfully ap­ both Forty and One Hundred and Sixty Acres. article, will do well to call soon. Groceries, Hard-Ware, Queensware,Boots, 1 Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, chase and sale of Real Estato, and the pay­ plied on tho human system, for promoting In­ JOS. M. LOVVENSTIEN, NIGHTINGALE & MORRISONS Shoes, and Ready-made Clothing. A great ment of Taxes for non-residents. Having been sensible Perspiration, drawing out the inflam­ Of New Orleans. Ducuque. Nov. HI, 1849. 12 4t - Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Queensware, &c. &c. identified with Dubuque for the last 15 years, variety of Ladies' Dress Goods, and Shawls mation from a wound, relieving pain of every City Hotel, Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 31, 1849-9-tf and acquaintod with the wants of the people of kind, and in its healing qualities the world 12,000 of the newest designs. Also, every article Northern Iowa, it is believed they will be able docs not produce its equal, and the public pro­ to give satisfaction in their lino of business. FARM FOR SALE. AM just receiving, at the old stand of Hammonds and Marklc, No. 75, Main Street, in the Dry Goods Line. nounce it the cheapest and best Family Oint­ They will be in the constant receipt of fresh ment that has ever boen used. All diseases NE Hundred and Sixty Acres of Land, 3 doors above the Bank, the BEST ASSORTMENT of GOODS, ever opened in this Mar­ In the Grocery Department will be found a 1 Family Groceries, Clothing, and Dry Goods, of the Flesh, Obstinate Ulcers,Old Sores, Chil­ O of which one hundred acres are under iFMTfSta ket. They have been selected with GREAT CAHE, and purchased so as to be afforded at superior orticle of Sugar, Tea, Coffee, &c. on consignment from below, which they will blains, Sore Throat, Burns, Cuts, Cutaneous fence, on the bank of the Mississippi, about prices which cannot fail to please the public. Every article usually called for in my Also, 30 bbls. prime old Whiskey, by the offer at such prices, for cash, as must give sa­ eruption, sore nipples, sore breasts, disoascs three miles bouth of Dubuque. The Farm IIE undersigned has for sale, at liis Nui"^! line of business, can be found at No. 75. gallon or barrel; 5 pipes prime Brandy, by tisfaction. of the eye, ague in the face, side, back, and Regular Auction Sales of Dry Goods, Gro­ is well timbered, and is bounded on the eery, known as the Dubuque Nursery; 1 have long been acquainted with the Taste and Wants of the Citizens of Dubuque the gallon or barrel; the other parts of the system, boils, ulcers, north by the Cat fish Creek. There are a- T and vicinity, ond have made my purchases accordingly. ceries, Furniture, ^rc., every Saturday after­ scald head, bruises, fresh wounds, and every half a mile north-east of Pubuque, on the road 2 do Medeira Wino do do bout forty acres of natural Meadow, afford­ to Eagle Point, the above number of Fruit My Stock of DRY GOODS is equal, if not superior, to any offered in the city, consist­ noon, at 2, P. M., at their stand, opposite the kind of sore containing the least particle of in­ 2 do Gin, do do Bank, formerly occupied bv E. M. Bissellasa ing a sufficient supply of hay. The range Trees for sale, which can be transplanted tlib- ing in part of Broad Cloths, Black. Plain, and Fancy Cassimeres, Satins, Tweeds. <$-c. And other articles too numerous to mention. flammation, are permanently cured by this Drugstore. GEG. L. NIGHTINGALE. grand remedy. IV. B. SLOAN, for cattle is unsurpassed, and the land is in fall or in the spring. The trees are from 6 to American and English Prints, of all styles. Fashionable Woollen and Cotton Linings; N. B.—Opposite Woodward & Brothers. GUY B. MORRISON. the mineral region. In a word, one of the 8 feet high, and of the most choice selections, Black and Colored Silks; Velvets, &c. Superior Woollen Shawls. Dress Goods, of Grand Depot, 40 Lake st , 111. G. W. POST. Dubuque, Sept. 5, 1849. 1 3ms. most valuable and desirable farms in this I will be in receipt, on the opening of naviga* the most fashionable styles, selected with great care. French, English and American Dubuque, Nov. 20, 1849. 10-tf O*"Telegraph" please copy. BURNT TO CINDERS. vicinity. tion, next spring, of a very large assortment Ginghams. Heavy brown and bleached Domestics, Bed-ticking, Check and Hickory of Plumb, Peach, Pear, and Quince Trees, to­ For particulars enquire at the Miners' Shirtings. Also, a General Assortment of Fancy Goods. W. B. Sloan—Dear Sir: Justice demands gether with a largo lot of Shrubbery, Shade that I should return to you my unfeigned Express Office, or on the Farm. My 6tock ofCLOTHING is complete. Brown, Blue, Grey, and Drab Blanket Coats, MARTIN'S EMPORIUM! and Ornamental Trees. thanks for your unparalleled Ointment. Three N. 13.—Wood Choppers wanted by the Cloth Coats, in the latest styles ol Frock, Sack, and Dress Coats. Cassimere, Satinet m W. L. JOHNSON. weeks ago my daughter's clothes caught fire, subscriber. B. McGOWAN. and Corduroy Pants; Vests, of various patterns and 6tyles; Shirts, Stocks, Suspenders, UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OF Dubuque, Sept. 1st, 1849. l-6m and before the flames could be extinguished, Nov. 7. 1849. 10-3ms. N. B.—All letters addressed to W. L. John* Drawers, &c. NOTICE TO ALL NO, 118. they were all burnt to cinders, the child was son, asking information in regard to the above In the line of GROCERIES, I have superior Coflec, Teas, Sugars, Molasses, <$-c. which WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, FROM THE RISING OF THE so badly burned that death seemed inevitable O. S. X. PECK, Nursery, (post-paid) will meet with prompt I am selling very cheap. I have also an assortment of Spices, Saleratus, &c. Mack- SUN TO THE GOING DOWN THEREOF! in less than twenty-four hours. Your Oint­ attention. crcl of the best quality, Flour, Salt, and all articles in that line. I have an excellent ment was recommended,and used with success Attorney at Law, aFSortment of Tobacco. HE undersigned would respectfully return FA LI, OF 1849. —it cave perfect relief! It is needless to add, WASHINGTON, D. C , their sincere thanks to the public gener­ -8B- that the child is now well and about her busi­ ~ A CARD. My Stock of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CArs, HARDWARE, Q,UEENSWARE, #C. is equal to T MOTTO: ILL practicc in the Courts at Washing­ ERSONS wishing toeffect LIFE INSURANCE* ally, for their very liberal patronage and free ness. The medicine is all and more than it is ton, and prosecute claims before the aiiy offered in the City, end will be sold low. use of their dimes at No. 441, for the last ten J pledge myself to sell lower than any other house! racommended to be. Every family und per­ W or wlic wish for information on the sub­ different Departments, and before Courts.— ject,P are invited to call on the subscribers, who FARMERS may rely upon my offering them such bargains as cannot fail to please years, and we trust, by honest and strict atten­ son should have it in their possession. Especial attention will be given to claims for them. I will pay the highest market price for all kinds of Country Produce, such as tion to business, cheap Goods, and a plenty of Y business is done entirely upon the Cash I feel indebted to you for my child's life, will furnish Pamphlets containing rates of pre*- principle, therefore, I have noloMSS to Bounty Lands, for pay and extra pay for ser­ mium, and all other necessary information. Wheat, Barley. Oats, Corn, Potatoes, Pork, Butter, Lard, Eggs, &c. them, to merit a continuance of your kind fa­ M and anything that I can do for vou or your me­ make upon bad Debts, as those do who suit up­ vice in the war with Mexico. F. C. & E. H. SMITH. With a firm desire to merit the good will of the Public., I hope to have a fair share or vors. dicine, lam ready and willing to perform. on Credit, and have to make up the difference Refer in Dubuque to Agents Phoenix Int. Co. tlicir patronage. ISAAC N. VAN HAGAN, We have spliced the Post-office department Your humble serv't JOHN H. CRANE Hon. Geo. W. Jones, 1 Gen. Warner Lewis, on their Cash Customers. Oct. 3d, 1849. 6-tf Nov.7, 1849. 10-ly. __ _ No. 75. Main-st., Dubuque, Iowa. lo(the old 44, which adds vcrv much to her Flint Creek, Lakeco., III.. Feb 28, 1849. 41 S. Hempstead, l,Dr. H. Ilolt, size, convenience, and comfort; and while we My Stock this Fall is the largest ever bro't West, comprising by far the most complete as­ •' T. Rogers, JUH. Emerson, bavc been making these extensive arrange­ ON HIS HANDS AND KNEES. Col. Geo. McHenry, [ * ments, we have not forgot to enlarge our mo­ sortment ever offered by any House. My goods WM. LAWTHER & GO. DUBUQUE CITY MILLSS Mr. IVB Sloan—Dear Sir: I hereby certify and generally to the members of the Benchand AVE just received and offer for sale at Or ney bags and safes in proportion. Ho, come a- havo all been purchased for Cash, and manufac­ I HE undersigned would announce to tured at very low prices. that my son Albert, eleven years of age, was Bar, and to the public men of the State. very low price, the following articles: long with your yellow dirt and Mexicans, we His charges will bo reasonable. Letters H the Citizens of Dubuque, and the in­ afflicted in his feet from the time he first be­ Plaid, plain and white Linsey; T TO FARMERS. have still room for more of the same kind. q. their present Stock of Goods, suited to swollen and distressed, that tho horse was sup­ Sept 7. n52 tf. DAVID JONES. General Assembly of the State of Iowa, en­ T' which will lie soldehcap for Cash. posed worthless, but by a free use of your Oint­ WM. Y. LOVELL. BKNJ. M. SAMUELS. M. MOBLEY, Esq. titled, "an act to authorize general Incorpo­ the season. Our assortment is one of the most lie is prepared to manufacture Jewelry to TIMOTHY DAVIS, Esq. rations," for the purpose of mutually insuring texcr.sive and complete that we have ever of­ ment, was soon curcd. order. We have used the Ointment in a great ma LOVELL &. SAMUELS I1W C. H. BOOTH, Esq. dwelling houses, stores, shops, and other build­ fered, and having been purchased principally A share of the patronage of the Public is so ny other cases, with equal success, TTORNEYS AT LAW. OfficcovcrF D. SULLIVAN &, Co. having just open- K. LANGWORTHY, Esq. ings, house-hold furniture and other property FOR CASH, and previous to the recent advance licitcd. of its members. in prices, wc arc prepared to sell on favorable WALTER WHITBECK. A Cs cd th?ir new establishment at No. 39, JAS. L. LANGWORTHY, Esq. The capital stock incorporated, consists of (HfCash paid for old Gold and Silver. buque, Iowa. 13. Fourth street, opposite Planter's Houso, which J. M. STURTEVANT, Prest. 111. College. terms. F. C. <$• E. H. SMITH. Dubnque, April 3d, 1849. 31-1 v. the deposited premium notes of its members, Oct. 3, 1849. 5-tf THE BEST & CHEAPEST HORSE MEDICINE they have tilted up in a style superior to their Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 14,1849. ll-2t. subject to assessment for the payment of loss­ C. C. ROCKWELL, former one, and to which they rest cctfully so JAMES MULH1V, licit the attention of their old customers and es and expenses. FEMALli SCHOOL. IN THE WORLD? TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT SIXTY L4ND WARRANTS. Two and a half per cent on the amount of A Law, and Solicitor i n Chancery—Lexing the public generally to the fine stock of Jewel­ the deposite premium notes is actually paid ISS E. CALDER has juct opened a ry which tlicy have opened, superior to any HE Fa rmcrs of the Counties of Dubuque, in, Jones county, Iowa. '47n47 in when the articles of Incorporation arc MSchool for YOUNG LA OIKS, in moms for­ SLOANS' OINTMENT ANO ever brought to this citj'—such as T CMayton, Delaware, Jones, Jackson and signed and insurance cffcctcd by every mem merly occupied by the land office, in the Lang­ LINCOLN CLARK, Ladies' & gcntlemens'double cased watches; Linn, wishing their lands entered on time, worthy Block; and respectfully solicits schol­ OULD respectfully inform his friends CONDITION POWDER Do do breast pins and bracelets; ber, and the remainder is to be paid whenev ars-. TTORNEY 6c COUNSELOR AT LAW, would do well by calling on the undersign­ er the Directors shall make assessment on said W and the public, that he has recom­ HAS EARNED A GREAT NAME. A has removed his ofiicc into lha yellow Gold cliaidsifob and vest chains,sea Is & rings ed, as he has just returned from the East, notes tc pay losses and expenses, TUITION PER TERM OF 12 WEEKS: menced business in the rooms lately occupi­ brick buiilding, near the BOOK Store. Ear rings, bracelets; claps, necklaces; with a large supply of genuine WARRANTS, The association commenced its corporate Ordinary English Branches and Sewing, §3.00 ed by E. M. Bissell, over the ''Chequered For Purity, Mildness, Safety, Certainly and Dubuqu e, June 18, 1849. Diamond rings and pins and bracelets; being issued in good style, upon an engrav­ existence 011 the 2Gth day of April 1848, Higher do do do do $4.00 Drug Store, on Main street,where he hopes, Thoroughness, Sloan's Otintmen Excels. ETAIso' LAND WARRANTS for sale by Fa icy set and plain rings; gold pens, pencils. Tooth pick;gold thimbles, shields*& buckles' ed plate. which will expire by limitation of law on the French and Drawiug, each$5.0ft, or cither, with And is rapidly superseding all other Ointments the samp- all the English branches, $7.00; and for all the by strict attention to business, to merit a Gentlcmens'shirtstuds &, wristband buttons (^-OFFICE in the rear of the Store 26th day of April, 1868 but subject to re­ continuance of their support. and Liniments now in use, for the cure of the newal by a unanimous vote of the members studies, $10 00. GEORGE MADEIRA, A variety of card casos and boquct holders ' Room of G. W.