Crowning Achievement for Her Miss America Talent Demonstration, Camille Schrier Turned to Science by JULIE JACOBS
MISS AMERICA Crowning Achievement For her Miss America talent demonstration, Camille Schrier turned to science BY JULIE JACOBS earing a white lab coat and ide breaking down into water and oxygen — it eliminated the swimsuit portion of the goggles, Camille Schrier gas, the water mixing with the dish soap competition — and more on candidates’ stood behind three large and the gas forming bubbles in the soapy personal and professional passions and Erlenmeyer flasks, in front liquid, which in turn caused pressure that social-impact endeavors, MAO is empower- of a studio audience of thousands and a shot the material into the air. ing young women in a whole new way. As Wtelevision audience of millions more. In The enthralling and educational 90-sec- part of this effort, MAO and its foundation each flask was a solution of dish soap, food ond demonstration elicited awe-filled gasps continue to annually award a variety of coloring and hydrogen peroxide, the last from the spectators, and ultimately helped scholarships, including several focused on constituting 35% of the liquid. lead Schrier to be crowned Miss America science, technology, engineering and math. As she explained how the catalytic 2020 this past December. Her display of Schrier, who is pursuing a doctor of phar- decomposition of hydrogen peroxide oc- scientific knowledge was not the typical macy degree at Virginia Commonwealth curs, she poured a beaker of homemade, talent exhibited by competition contestants, University in Richmond, told the judges saturated potassium iodide into each flask. but it does exemplify the evolution of the during the competition, “We need to show Within seconds, brightly colored plumes of Miss America Organization (MAO) and that Miss America can be a scientist and a foam-like substance burst upward from its competition, which rebranded in 2018.
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