CHARITIES BOWL GAME DRIVE ENDS PICTURES TOMORROW C'lllfJItNI' TECH TOMORROW Ctllil"'1i6 IIIStltllti (J! I Tecl/llfJlfJgy Volume LI. ______Thursday, November 10, 1949______No.6 Sophs .Sack Unique Themes Slithy Frosh Mark IH Dance The sophs again succeeded in Threading their way through proving that history repeats it­ Egyptian mummies, bales of self, by giving the frash a sound hay, and Freudian cartoons, over beating of 5 to 2 at the mudeo 200 Tech couples were regaled held Tuesday at Tournament last Saturday night at the an­ Park. T he novice frosh couldn't n ual Interhouse dance held at get out e nough men to beat the the fo ur student hOll ses a nd well organized class of '52. Throop Club. Spectators Muddy Five dance bands, five themes, A number of people turned out and five lounges for refres h­ to get mud on their shoes and ments and "sitting this one out," clot hes. The Pasadena Star­ offered opportunity for satisfy­ News'sent out a reporter to cov­ ing a ny wanderlust. er th e event which was wit­ V.wicty nessed by the students as well Although not s purred on by a as some deans, members of the possible spread in. Life maga· faculty, and well dressed out­ zine, as happened last year, the siders. Many of the spectators social committees in each of the got their share of mud, but foul' houses and Throop C.lub of­ others such as Dr. Clark man­ fered a wide variety of themes, aged to stay in good shape. refreshments, and quantity ' of Junior Judges dark corners per dancing couple. Dallas Peck and Ray Greutert, B lacker's spectacular decOI'a­ tion, Ear ly California, was re­ Sopbs-Frosb plete with burro, hay, wagon The Sop h-l~' ro s h dance has wheels, and a real gold s luice, bcun s<'1 1 c dult ~ d for Saturday (no gold , however), in the e ve nillg, Novcmb(w 19, and Blacker Courtyard. Supplying will be h e ld in Dabney music for the .:19'ers was Stan­ IOllnge and gUI'dcns . • ley Carle's orchestra. preside n L and vice-president of Fl'lmd, et aJ the j unior cJass, handled the ar­ Wandering from B t a c k e r rangements fo r the mess. The thl"Ough "Christmas T,'ee Lan e" judges were \Malt Pfeiffer, Jim ; (Blacker's varicolored illumined Ibers, Dean Blanchard, J ohn Fee, ! Tunnel) into the Dabney scene, an LI Uick Brewer, with Ray the touring dancers met with Greu Lert, and Hiroshi Kamei I SUl'I'ealism, Steig, and the sub· acting as h ead judiciaries. conscious. This year's mudeo was a one· Cartoons, Freudian symbol­ sided affair with the sophs de· Decoration sce'nes, before and dw"ing last Saturday's Interhouse Dance; ul)per left, Jenny the Mule and admirers in Blacker ism, and mystifying gadgets cisively winning each event. Court; UI)per right, Rickettsj Lower left, Flemingj Center, Throop Club lmnch Inu'; Lower light. Surrealistic Dabney. kept th e brightly illum inated Many people feel that the vic'­ Dabney walls lined with some· tory was clue to the experience times perplexed d ate sand of th e sophomores, while others Devaluation Problems Told Beavers To In datees. For those able to tear believe that if more frosh had Place~ent themselves away Jim Phillips gone ou.t the results would have and his band provided smooth been closer. Tom Janssens, By Tech Foreign Student Sponsor Talks Industry Talk dance music. (Continued on Page 6) Students from Sterling Bloc The third Bea vel" meetin g of The Alumni Placement Lec­ ·'Little Egypt" Face One-Third Cut in Funds the fall term was held Monday ture for Tuesday, November 15, Rocky J ordan never had it as Health Fund noon at the training table. will be given by MI". T. W. J ohn­ good as those thronging F lem­ By Robin \Villlamson the a ppropriate establishments Dr. Rodman Paul was elected son in Blacker House at 7:15 ing's "Little Egypt," purported Because of the great in­ The effect of devaluations in their own mOI1etary block. to the Executive Council as fac­ p.m. The subject u nder d iscus· to be modeled after a famous crease in the cost of hospitaU­ upon Britain and the sterling Dollar Permits Cut ulty representative. Most d is­ s ion will be the Opportunities in den of iniqUity in Cairo. zaUon. the St.udent Health block has been discussed on all It is posscible that foreign cussion centered on the Beaver­ Large and Small I ndustries foJ' The Fleming dance floor and Committee has f01l11(1 it neces­ planes an d at great length. but g rants may be raised to equal s ponsored program of talks to Scientists and Engineers. lounge featu red mysterious wall sary to contine itself in au­ very littl~ has been said about their dollar value before the cut local high schools by qualified \Vide Background hieroglyphics, a live mummy, its effect upon the struggling thol'izing payments from the and also that schools in this Tech m en. The high school pro­ M r. Johnson is Vice-President dubious looking fezed punch and Ellie rge It c y Hospitalization emigrant students of these coun­ country m ay increase the num­ date servers and a pinball ish gram was quite successful l a~ t of the Security First National Fund strictly to the terms of tries, who will one day be re­ kissmeter. Vern Rowe wiggled ber of scholarships available to year and the Beavers a ntiCipate Bank of Los Angeles-in cha rge it."J stated policy. Therefore, quired to play leading roles in the stick for the orchestra. foreign ,students, but such legis­ an extended program of such of industrial loans in the South­ the r ecovery plan of which de ~ for the lH'eS(!Ilt, payment from lation takes time. viSits this year. ern California area. He is a lso Darkness Falls t h e fund wiU be 'authorized valuation is but a small part. In addition, the number and It was decided that henceforth a member of th e Research Com· The horsey set over in Rick· only in those cases of Ulness Fortunately only a few will amounts of permits issued for a Beaver member who failed to mittee of the L. A. Chamber of ets managed to admire the Santa and accident which oceUI' dur­ find that this change has made tM purchase of dollars by pri­ attend three m eetings in succes­ Commerce and (luring the war Anita theme decOl:ations while ing tCl"ln time. In othel' words. continued study in the U.S. ac­ vate foreign students, with or sion without good reason would he was in charge of War Pro· touring the paddock in the mid­ no payments will be author­ tually imposs ible, while Ameri­ without grants, is expected to be have his m embership in the duction loans. dle of the dance fl oor;- that is, ized for' the 1)J'csent in cases can students abroad will certain­ drastically reduced, although in Beavers brought up before the Relative l\Icrit-s until a n ahnost total blackness of illness 01' accident which ly welcome the higher standard long range economic policies group for revie w. descended later i n the evening. OCClil' tIUI·jng nny vacation pe­ of living afforded by the more aimed primarily at competitive Drawing from this allied back· A motion to elect new mem­ Hal Neeley's orchestra was the riod. favorable exchange rates. export, it may be found more im­ ground, Mr. Johnson will dis­ bers to the Beavers during ttie cuss the r~lative merits of large dance band. Added Drain portan t to invest in scientists year, s hould the membership and small companies and the ad· Climbing through the rear end In the majority of cases the and men with technical know­ drop below a minimum of 5, was vantages and disadvantages of of a rocket into other roomsl additional drain will be from per­ how rather than to invest in con­ Instituters Aid I made and carried. each type. other worlds, Tech dates were sonal or family sources, since sumer goods. The discussion will then con· met wit h almost interstellar the g rants and scholarships One-baH to One-tenth Cut In Tech 'Sports tin ue with the things a prospec­ blackness. "Out of This World" which aid the students from In general, as matters sta~d tive employe should look for in was the theme. Within a shell Last week saw the C.LT. In­ abroad are, almost without ex­ at present, all students from Rowdies Pound each and where he w ill find the modeled after old Terra, Max stituters busy mainly in the line ception, made in terms of the Great Britain, Scandinavia, the necessai:y information. Bisley's dance band provided the of Tech Athletics. Blacker In­ curre ncy of the country of their Low Countries, and the Middle Brake Drum music_ stituters Butler, Smith, Schultz, origin. and Far East, who do not have Mitchell, Mishaan, a nd Gehrels Therefore it seems likely that dollar originated scholarships The B rake Drum is on 'the served as spotters in the cross­ loose again! Last Monday night Off Campus in the future ' prospective stu­ (Continued on Page 6) Cha rity Drive country meet last Saturday, dents from the countries with the Ricketts Juniors, defending Men Attention while Dabney men Alllson and champs of the traditional F rosh­ devalued currencies will find rt' h e on ly way ' to get your Stocke brand donated their serv­ Soph battle piece, lowered the study at American institutions ASSEMBLY Ends Tomorrow pOl'h'ait in the 1H50 Big T is ices at the Frosh football game greased orange and white drum less practicable a nd will tend, Tomorrow at 11 o'clock, Sil­ Tomorrow's the last day to by secu ring an appointment by h andling the ch ain. (The one into th e patio on a wire. Then more and more, to search among verwood's movie of the 1949 turn in your contributions for with the photographer fl'Om that you stretch when it's on the brawl began. Rose Bowl game Will be the $2500 ASCIT-sponsored Con­ the Big T .'clH'csentative who our side) . 1 s hown in Culbertson. Escape 1. hwat'tcd solidated Charity Drive. will be stationed outside Dab­ In fi elds other than a thletic, Expert Speaks The movie of Northwest­ The fight centered around Kim The week·long drive seeks to n ey Hall dOl'jog the next two credit goes to Ricketts House el'n 's victory over California Hamberger, who, being the tall­ raise $2500 (or apprOximately $3 weeks. A ll photos t his year fo r producing the C.onsolidated On Radioactivity in the intersectional classic per man, inclllding grad stu­ will be made 011 campus. at Charities Drive thermometer est man around, was therefore Radioactivity was the timely will be shown by Mr. Lee t he ·firs t to get hls h ands on the dents) for three charities: The thc Big T office in Lower sign all display by Olive Walk. "Vorld Student Service Fund, s ubject of a talk given hy Mr. Hanson~ thp. DI a n who took Itr~swred O.b}9C!. 'J'J~ o F'rcwh put I1'I~nlin,g Ron ...... Hnn.·.. u , 111 1"" a. Derby at iast Monday's ASCE the pictures originally. He a flying wedge around Kim, but The March of Dimes Infantile fI'OUl :1 to 6 ill the afte rnoon Paralysis Fund, a nd the Pasa­ (tllellt/tI' mee ting. Having just returned will give a ~'Unning com men.. were thwarted in their attempt and [I'om 7 to 9::10 on some (6mpus tary on the aotion to fill in on dena·Altadena Commu nity Chest. c, 'enings. T~URSDAY , NOVEMBER 10 from Washington, where he was to break out of the patio by the 12:00 Y Upperclass lunch Club enrolled in a special course in what the camera missed. Sophs, who had wisely wired all Only Drive 12:15 Throop Club Meeting Since this is the only off·cam­ 7:15 A.S.C.l.T. Board of Directors this subject, Mr. Derby was able exits shut. Meeting in Lower Fleming to include ne)Vs of many recent pus charity driVe to be held this McCreerys Hosr 7 :45 Dancing Class Finally Bill Wilmore managed year, it is fel t that Tech students fRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11 _ developments in his lecture. Hiway Engineer 11 :00 1949 Rose Bowl Football Fi lms to get the drum into his. room should g i ve proportionately Highlighting the address was y Firesides. Sun~ay in Culbert son ~nd out through the wmdow more. The Consolidated Drive 4 :15 Cross Count ry V's . Pomona in an account of the effects of al­ Jobs Available Dr. Henry F. McCreery, pro­ Tournament Park mto B lacker Court. Af,ter an ~m- was adopted by the Board of Di­ 3 :30 Soccer, Caltech vs. San Francisco pha, beta, a nd gamma rays on Announcement has been made fessor of history, will entertain State in Tournament Park welcome shower by onlookm g 'rectors in an effort to eliminate a group of students at his home Blacker Exchange with California the human body. The chapter that the clos ing date for accep­ Blackerites Wilmore took off Hospital tance of applications for posi­ much of the previous misun­ next Sunday evening. This is Dabney Theater Party was reminded at the conclusion across the Athenaeum lawrl. Fleming Record and Bowling Party of the talk of its forthcoming tions at grade P-2 for highway derstanding and inconvenience the second in th is year's "Y" SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Confused Rel)OnS caused by the occurrence of sev­ Fireside program. 8:00 (altech Football Varsity vs. Red­ field trip to the L. A. Tunnel engineer and highway bridge en­ lands at Red lands Project on Thursday of this gineer, $3727 to $5232 a year, is From this point on reports d if· eral drives during the year. T hose w ho visited Dr. and . 5:45 Cal tech Football Frosh V5. Red­ lands Frosh at Redlands week. Nov. 16. App)ications for these fer. The So phs claim that Wil­ YMCA D" iv e Mrs. McC.reery's last fall will SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13 The YMCA 'Will have its regu­ vouch for the fa ct that H. F.'s 7 : 15 Film Classics Series in Culbertson Monday the ASCE wilt preside positions must be filed with the more got away, while the Frosh 7 :30 Ca l tech Musicale in Dabney U. S. Civil Service Commission, assert that he was mobbed be· lar fund·ra is ing drive later in the fireside was one of the best of MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14 at the CES meeting in 201 7: 15 Film Classics Series in Culbertson Bridge. Featured as the speaker Washington, D. C., not later than fore he could escape. Howeve r, year, as usual, for it is felt th at the year. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 contributions to the Y support Remember, if you wish to join 12:00 Y Frosh Lunch Club will be A. D. Griffin of the Cali­ Novemebr 16, 1949. Applications there is good reason to believe 7 :15 Alumni Placement Talk in fornia State Division of High­ for positions at grades P-3 that the · Frosh will be the ones activities of d irect interest to in, just sign one of the lists Blacker WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 ways , who is to discuss "Free­ through P-4 wili be accepted un­ to decide when the Brake Drum the student. posted in each of the four 7 :30 Orchestra Re hearsa l in Cu lbertson (Continued on Page 4) h ouses and in Throop Club. 9;00 Glee Club in Throop Club way Problems." til further notice. will m a ke its next appearance. Page .2, ______....:- ____T HE CAL IF 0 R N I ATE C H __.....,. ______Thunday, November 10, 1949 Th, Cllif"ni. TIC" Secretary's Report Potpourri • Published every ThursdaV during the col­ ble making connections with one During t.hese til'st months at school, the Instlluters have done By Bob es lege Y41ar exc~t during examlMtioN end Crlcbtoll :O;-sh!t::~ :e~:~::.e~fe~or~i Pomona female. The same old hollcMV ptlrioda. such an outstanding job in service to the Associated Students that I ....______~ I Callkrn" In.. lt.... el Teelll'.... ' 1- mankind in general and woman- and tired Packard which quaU· 1201 East yUlornia Str.. t._Pasadena, c.1. some particular commendations is certainly due. My topic this week Is athlet· kin Sub8crlptlon r.taa: SI.>u per year. d in particular, The great fied him earlier for recognition Enterwd as ..cond-claM matt., Noy. 22, Under the able leadership of Norm Fink, the organization has' ieB. The policy of the Institute snoop has once aga1n circulated in this column, again came to the 19<41, at the Post Office in 'as.adena Call­ become an outstanding group for getting some of the long neg- is that "all undergraduates are among the sheep that we call fomla, under the Act 01 March J, I ii 79. fore by refusing to start Satur­ Offlcu: Low..- f"mlnQ lected jobs done around campus. The Board of Directors is truly required to take regular exer- brethren, always hoping that day night. There is something Telephone ' SYcamore 6-7121 b;t. 180 indebted to the cooperation from this organization. cise, preferably in the form of some fair play will be discovered, tarl "etner, Editor confusing about the fact that he EDITORIAL ITA" \Vith little or no recognition the Instituters have wllUngly intercollegiate or intramural and always returnIng as misan. was in Claremont while she was contributed their time toward making signs for rallies and signs sports." thropic as ever. Why was this ~:~g~';Rto~~~~.~~'-.·.·'-.·.~·.:·.·__ .:·. :·.:·.:·__ '-.:·'-.'c:ec:~~= standing on the corner of Lake Sports Editor ...... Leon Michaelsen to direct visiting schools to the houses after games. They have Before the war, the Physical stuff called sex ever invented? and Colorado, but we'll have to Feature EditOf ...... BIII Wright News Staff ...... Tom Senson. Fred Drury, supplied spotters for cross·country meets and tapemen for football Education committee allowed That's easy, to wit: it allows ev­ put it down to the theory of rela­ Bob DeGruse Tom Gunn, D.n LeMav, games. They have helped with the Consolidated Drive and at pres- any sort of exercise to ~ount ery ma'n to make a complete ass tivity. SuffiCient to say she wait­ Tony M .. lanoski, Duane Marshali Ulrich Merten, Lilwrence Starr, Budd LeTour­ ent are preparing decorations for the coming ASC.IT dance. for P .E. credit. First, they al- out of himself, and every woman ed in vain. neau, Robin Williamson, Bob Perpall. Bob Stan .. way, Dave B.nks, Ed Pyatt. The ASCIT has turnd to the Instituters an enumerable num- lowed men to swlm at the pool to help him in the process. Everyone else seemed to be at Stan Groner ber of times for assistance with gratifying results. In cammen· downtown. The n somebody least able to make it as far as Special Wrlters...... Sanks, InterestiDg conjecture of the Bob Crichton, Carl Fox, onV G41rdner, Jon dation for their fi ne work the Board directs this article. asked for credit for swimming at week: Who stoie Sue's litUe blue one lounge or another. One guy Goerke, Lawrance Starr, Biii Whitney the beach on weekends, and they who had a hard time was Jack Sports St.ff .... Woody Bratnober" Bob Davis, Oily Gardner granted that. It finally went so convertible last Thursday night, Johl'l Elliott, Eric Johanssol'l, pate Mason, and returned it somethne Fri· Willis. He spent the earlier part Phil Orvli/e, ·Don Taut%, Perry Vartanian, far that people were getting Jesse Weil, Dan Markoff, Ed Weich day? of the evening canvassing ttte Copy St.ff...... Charlie Steese, Chief; P.E. credit for walking to Kerck· Los Angeles Metropolitan Area, Charles Benjamin, Sigmund Chamer, Fred hoff four'''ti'mes a day. InterestJng joke of the week: Drury", Barney Engholm..t Dave MacDon­ finally making contact at the ald, tlob Munro, Tom l.onnaliy Honor System Bob Stanaway recenUy heard Photogr.. phers...... Bob P.rnes, Chief Civic. Those who made it to the George Stranah.n In orde/:Zst~~~ continual about the physiologicai phenom· Darb's lounge gazed in awestruck IUSINISS ITA" ______Sample Case evading of the spirit of the reg- enon regarding the immersion of Manager...... _ ...... BIII Bradlev horror at the gruesome creation Circulation Man.ger...... Chuck Walker a sleeper's hand in warm water. Business St.ff ...... Ch.r1la Steese In Hue with the Bo.:u-d of Control's poUcy of publicizing Cal­ ulation, the committee, in 1942, He hastened to tell his room- oveI'l the ·whirling spiral, and tech's Honor System, the following is a sample case from the pro­ wondered what warped mind ~~~~~ O~lYru~ ~:!/f!~ ~~~~~: mates about this dellghtfui ex· had conceived the hideous thing. ceedings of the Board. For obvious reasons, the names of the in· nized intercollegiate or intramu. periment, and shortly thereafter dividuals concerned will be withheld. ral sports, or P.E. classes on the was delighted to find one of them We wandered on, disillusioned Th, 1/1l1f "IfI'" I This case came to the attention of the Board of Control through lying asleep on his (Stanaway's) as always, tarrying a moment to ~~ a laboratory instructor jn Swif.t's course, Chern. 12, Quantitative ca~~~~ver, during the past two bed, one hand hanging inviting- listen to Robinson's recently ac· "Edward, My Son," whether · Analytical Chemistry. He presented the following evidence: years credit was given to bowl- ly. over the edge. Showing more quired frau give a shocking you take it in the play or movie ing and skUng, both of which sCIentific zeal than forethought, Freudian interpretation to those form, proves to be interesting At the conclusion of one particular experiment, the instructors and thought·provoking. The mor· anticipated rather large eITors in the determination of the un­ were off.campus activities. I he procured a bucket of warm innocent ("You'll have to take Last week the P.E. Committee water, set it on a pile of books, me as r am") little pictures on al of the play bolls down to be knowns, and indeed. most of the students including the "A" stu­ the Golden Rule. As far as ex· dents turned in relatively poor results. However, two men, "P" decided that on the basis of and eased the hanging hand into the wall, then stopped beside a was called to the phone bucket into which a dismem· emplifying the moral, the piot and "Q", had made remarkably accurate determin~tions under the . it. He their pre·war ruhng they could at that moment.' returning short. bered hand seemed to be drip' serves its purpose, but is dulled circumstances. no 10nIJer give credit to bowl· ly to find, to his Immediate grati. ping water. We were about to by its own length. The play con· On furthel' checking, the instructor found that a card bearing mg. fication 'but subseqent regret, pass by this spectacular exhibit sists of a series of scenes de­ the analysis of one of his "unknowns" was missing and that this Bowling Not IUDe that the maneuver had come off when we notic.ed that the bucket picting the acts of Arnold Holt particular unknown was the one analyzed by "P" and '''Q''. Let me state that I feel' that exactly as scheduled, He didn't he wa sout with a Scripps girl. against society. Holt associates Furthermore, on checking over the papers of a recent home the issue of P.E. credit for bowl· find out for a couple of days that more closely to see what ingeni· himself with his son, and does examination, the instructor observed that "P" and "QIt had made ing is very insignificant beside the whole thing, down to the ous way out of this dilemma had everything in his power to make the same unusual error which was not made by any of the 35 the larger issues that it has perfectly timed phon~call, had been contrived, and soon found, Edward like a god. other members of the class. raised. been carefully planned, and that to our intense glee that none Doting Parent 'Vhen called befol'e the Board of Control and presented with The basic issue is should it had been no more than a haif had. The apparatus overflowed "Edward, My Son," gives a the evidence, "P" confessed to having stolen the ·Instructor's card there be a maximum channeJlng gallon of Pasadena's pure (?) gloriously, imperiling nearby new slant on the doting parent and to having collaborated with "Q" both in the experiment and of strflngth Inro major sport.. water that had saturated his couples and drowning out the situation. Holt dotes so much on the home·examination. or should the athletic program sack. band;s amplifier, which Act of that he would kill for his son, By a unanimous vote of the Board... pit was expelled from have a high degt"M of 8exlbillt;y PotentJal beer magnate, Steve God was a great relief to one and can see no faults in this school, and" Q "was suspen d e d f or a year. to allow for the creation of new Pardee foamed back into the John Brussalo of the Blacker boy who has been warped by his father. It presents by means of David B. MacKeDzle minor sports? news this week. His birthday Tunnel who (solo) was trying to Major Sport Emphasis (probabiy the twelfth) was rec· listen to Tchaikovsky's Fifth on an unusuai example the thought Chairman, Board of Control The case for more emphasis ognized by a gift from his In- his own machine. that love for a son might be self on major sports is briefly that diana polis Schlitz heiress con· An intel'esting bit of photo­ love. a) We already have enough sisting of some recordings of her graphic record came to our at· Movie V8. Play sports; b) A few talented men barbershop quartet, She' sings' tention just nqw. An intrepid The movie version seems long· A C()mp(Jr;s()n-­ are carrying the load of comp.. the bass. Pardee. with amplifier, pursuer of pix stationed himself er and more drawn out than the tition; c) We must not spread enjoyed the record to its fullest beside the Lemming's Kissmeter play version. The movie even CtJltech vs. CDrnell ourselves too thin or we wUi (volume), but only ' for a short and upon the appearance of goes to more time and trouble to prove its mora1. In most (Ed Note Dick King, CIT, class of '49, is at present enrolled do even worse In conference period while the vigilante com- Norm Bulman on said altar let in Cornell's graduate school In Electrical Engineering. He was competition, and d) If we are mittee was being formed. The fly with 100,000 candlepower of scenes the movie is inferior to the play, except in such as those well known on the Cnltech campus thl"ough his activities on the to stay in tile conference. we priceless objects d'art were reo flashbulbs at the height .of in which Hollywood excels. In California Tec h. Big 1\ athletics, Tau Beta Pi, and the Beav..ers. must present teams s t ron g moved much to the delight of the Norm's effort. From the looks the play version the love scenes The followJng lettel' was "Tilten to U.alph Lovberg recently, and enough to provide real competi- Fleming group who like music. of the print she mixed alum with do not click the way they do in we fcel that it is of iutcl'est to the enUl'e Caltech student body.) tion, or like the University of Being no longer able to avoid her lipstick. Relax Norm-€v. Chicago, we will have to drop it, our attention Is forced to that erybody does it now and then. the movies. The production at Ever sluc(' my al'l'ivaJ I have been comparing Tech with Cor· out of the conference. mass mess known as the Inter- Said Kissmeter, for the benefit the Pasadena Playhouse failed to nell, and this is what 1 find. Flexibility house Dance which gave bela· of those who were a .little dis· give an atmosphere of earthy First, the campus hel'c Is beautifuJ. The quad must be as large The case for flexibility in the bored birth to itself last Satur- I pleased at the reading "Pervert", passion during the illicit love as about half of Tech put together, and with grass, grass, and more a\hletic program is as follows: day evening. Honors for the so· was not uninfluenced by one scene. Hollywood specializes in grass. There are also a few million trees to give all the shade you a) 65% of the students are not cial chairman most diligent in Robert M. of' the muscular North­ love scenes, and makes a more want in the summer, turn to beautiful colors in the autumn, and in any intercollegiate sport, and decorational p'repa,ratlons go to west. This same machine, with effective job of them than does watch the snow fall in the icy winter. The campus is big! It is 43% of the students are not in Klarfeld of Fleming, who van· a marked lack of savoir faire, the play. on the top of a hill, overlooking the town of Ithaca (a Pasadena of either intercollegiate or intra- ished Friday, and wasn't seen greeted Dean Strong's effort Love or Money about 15,000 people) and also with a view of Lake Cayuga. It's a mural sports. While many of again until he appeared with a with a hearUess "BAH!" "For Love Or Money/' a Broad­ beautiful spot, though that stuff called rain that they've been hav· these are veterans excused from remarkably 'mature date on Sat· Expecting great things of Hal way hit, started yesterday at the ing lately doesn't hurt at all. sports, we should sUll allow for urday night. It developed that Neely's "we·play·in·the·dark" sex. Pasadena Playhouse for a run from Nov, 9·20, With a strange Thel!C al'e about 9600 (maybe only 9000) students of all varie· the growth of new sports that she was ~ business ac~uaintance tet, some Ricketeers were slight. ties-Arts, Agriculture, Engineering, Physics, Law, Home Ec, and will draw some of these people -somethmg to do wlth Muntz ly disapPOinted at his final selec­ young girl living in an older ac­ others. You can see all shapes and sizes, of both sexes (ratio 4:1 into competition. b) Min a r TV. Watch that boy, he'll get tion. Just as the strains of tor's house, this play has the against the males), and of all ages. And this I have learned-there sports will not draw many pea· ahead. "Good Night Sweetheart" were outward earmarks of a success' ful comedy. There won't be any is no such thing as :1 "Caltech Look," or if there is, a great many pie from major sports because Brad Houser bad a little trou- about to materialize, Norm first·hand information until the of the students here have it. No kidding, I have seen more snaky the major sports are more popu· is an increase of 11 % over last Schroeder'S date requested the play starts its run, but from looking guys than 1 saw out in sunny Pasadena. And at a couple lar. c) The greatest good for the year. Mexican Hat Dance. Within fifo semi-reliable rumors uFor Love of fo.otball games 1 saw a couple in pajamas, and one guy with a greatest number, 1.e., if a new Therefore, I think that we teen seconds she and Norm had or Money" will be an entertain­ portable distillery on his back-at least that's what he said, and sport draws most of its support need to increase the number of the whole place to themselves. ing production. George Phelps that's what it looked like. from the P.E. classes and only men out fot major sports, and at What the band piayed then we directs a cast whose leads are: The engineering school is pretty good-just turning into a five a few men from other varsity the same time we can allow a wouldn't know. Jean Ruth, Don Shelton, and year undergrad curriculum. The Chem Eng. course is supposed to sports, then the good it is doing certain element of flexibility in Earlier in the evening, but a Joan Wheeler. be the roughest in the country. But the engineers all have the most of the men who switched the program to allow for the po. little past her bedtime, Dick Bird reputation of having to work hanI. Haven't found out if they do from P.E. far outweighs the tential growth of a few new was noted dancing with a fifteen Olly Gardner was somewhat tak­ yet, but the undergrads that I know are always busy with the harm it did the other varsity minor sports that will absorb the year old. Following the Pardee en aback, when, while holding books. The Engineering School is also separate from the rest of sport. pre-war 25% who didn't go out tradition (see last week's issue hands his girl said loudly "What the school, which is true of must universities. They have their own Extremes for any sport. if you haven't put it to the ob· are you trying to do, milk it?" magazine, their 0\\'11 governing council (students, that is-with I think that too great an em· New Sports vious use) he claimed to be Over Blacker way all were faculty s upervision), and sponsor several activities-such as the phasis on major sports, to the At the present time, the P.E. breaking her in. Joe Fischer, treated to another look at Gloria "Slide-Rule" .capers dance coming up this Saturday. But that's detriment of minor and inter- committee has been besieged by apparently trying to start a utili· Murphy, continentally escorted about where it ends. house sports, would be unfor- a flood, of petitions to star:t new tarian movement, wore a lips tick by the gallant Dutchman, Carel As 1'01' the other' acth'Hics, they a re run by the Arts students, tunate. E qua 11 y unfortunate sports: gym, sailing, weight. colored shirt. Practical idea, but Otte. Ogilvie danced one dance 01' by those with personality plus. For instance, you have to work would be a tremendous grof'th lifting, bowling, volleyball, rug. he was out with a Scripps girl. (COl~tinued on Page 3) for three years on the paper to stand a chance to be one of the big- of minor sports that would sap by, lacrosse, wrestling, boxing r,;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;::;;;;:;;:::;:;;1 wigs, and then only if you really have the stuff to put it over. Noth- the present major sports. and even ping-pong, to mention ing like at Tech, where you walk in, and in a couple of months DuBridge View8 only a few . .can be an editor if you're interested. They have several musical At this pOint, let me set down It is my opinion that the P.E. HOUSE JACKETS organizations. . The male glee club takes 30 or so new members a few basic principles. I asked committee took its stand on every yell', out of the 150·200 applicatlOns for tryouts. They prac· Dr. DuBridge for his ideas, and bowling in order to avoid set· Corduroy and Flannel tice on Wednesday and Friday nights from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. (This I here they are. "We want physl- ling a precedent that might Mens' Distinctive Fashions Friday night stuff isn't too bad. That night is nearly like any other cal exercise for every student, cause a flood of new sports. night of the week because of the Saturday classes). You either preferably in a sport of his own Old Rule Stand come to practice or they have others who will. There is an A choosing." ... "The number of I also feel that the P.E. com. 881 E. Open Mon. CappeHa Chorus with 35 total members, and competition for that sports is Ji.mited by practical mittee took refuge behind an & Fri. Nights is even worse. questions such as staff, space, old rule, created to solve the Colorode The "(xH'nelI Daily Suu" comes out every day (coincidence) and budget and time limitations." problem of evasion of exercise, u is a pretty good paper. But l 'm sure that there are not very many' .. "The interests of a small not new sports, and tha.t it "Men~s Distinctive Fashions engineers on the staff. group of ardent students should faIled to offer any constructive . ..not be placed above that of the program. They h~,'e fl'ats and hazlIlg. p~~bl~ms here too, and fairly strict whole body." I feel that a new approach is rUI:s. For .mstan.ce, the Frosh InltIatI.o~ (the unworthy frash wear Next, let me point out that still needed to the whole issue theIr red dl.n~s tIll at ,!east T. ha~ks,~ lvmg- ho.w easy can a Tech everyone benefits from athletics. of new sports. HAROLD O. GRONDAHL frosh have I t.) . has a non·coerCIOn rule, which was. violat:d by All personnel men before inter' ASCIT Board Meeting the Soph CounclJ the other day. The Student Council ImmedIately ie' an ask "What ac. Representing · d J' d I ~ h '1 f' . ii' . il v wmg am" Tonight the ASerT B6ard of too k aC:'lOn, an re !eve t 1e '00. p counCl 0 Its 10 t atlOn pnv - tivites dl'd thl's man go out for d I b h f It 11 f 1 Directors will be attempting to eges, and re c o~men ec pro at10n to t e acu y, a or neg ect in college?" Athletics is a big formulate general policy and reo NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE to cooperate With the rules. (It was a neglect, because what hap- . t' hi favor pened was not the fault, of the So ph council, but they didn't use pam In s. qulrements for all new minor COMPANY the proper care) . Participation sports. Every member of the Our pre·war standard of par· student body who has any feel­ But the I'f!al thing which impressed me here is the spirit, espe· tlcipation in the sports program ings for either side of this issue 234 E. Colorado St., Pasadena cially that is shown towards other schools. The Big Red is a part was 75%. It is now 57%, again is needed, invited, and urged to of what is known as the Ivy League, along with Brown, Columbia, the small figure is iargeiy ac- attend the meeting this evening Phone SY. 2-7141 (Continued on Page 4) counted for by veterans, which in lower Fleming at 7:15 P.M. ,

Thursday, November 10, 1949______T Ii E CALIFORNIA T E C H __-,- ______Page 3

cial capacitors, inductors, resis­ and by sacrifiCing a little accu­ CAMPUS BREWINS tors, and transformers for simu­ racy tile analog can be used in (Continued from Page 2) Created by Man lating linear systems with a a much larger variety of prob­ with her anci was converted to maximum of 100 degrees of free­ lem types. The digital computer that small but vociferous group By BOB S'l'ANAWAY By B ill \Vhitncy dom. will work problems in every of Gloriaphiles. To Frosh Stet,,_ field the analog can, but it is Faster jets, safer airplanes, craft wing, or the shock caused 2-Fifteen special amplifiers Last Sunday evening the Ca­ nides, Carel is reported to 'haye much slower and clumsier in smoother riding a irplanes, and I by a landing impact, In the for simulating negative imped­ thedral Choir of the Los Angeles said (about C.M.) "We're going many types of problems. On the shockproof punching bags - hands of Dr. McCann and the ances such as are required for First Congregational Ch'urch to be friends- you've got to leave other hand, there are situations these a re just a few of the many able men who feed it problems, servomechanism problems. brought the 16th AlIlliwl Bach my woman alone." This strikes where it has the advan tage over improvements we ca n expect in the servic;e of the computer is 3- Six sets of sinusoidal steady Pcstival to a close wtih selec- us as being a little narrow· the analog. The digital com· the futul'e, as a result of the lavailable to all industry on a state forcing functions, with con­ lions from the great B Minot· minded. puter, constructed of temporary work now in progress in Cal- cost plus overhead basis and trollable frequency, phaee angle, i\iass. Con s p icll o us by his very pres- I.B.M .equipment, is being ex­ tech's own 'West Bridge. There, also as a facility to Caltech re­ voltage, and current. This year's performance was ence was E inwoi1ner of the Mor­ tensively used at present for working steadily as tile world's search departments in Chemis­ 4 - Three arbitrary transient not quite up to the standards set a l Fiber. It looks like true love; basic research being conducted fastest math ematician, can be try, Engineering, etc, forcing funcitions with which by those" of two preceding years. Teddy walked over to h is date's here on campus, while the a na­ found the Maniac, more proper­ any arbitrary function can be Much of the difference was house and they took a bus to the Two Types log is kept busy doing work in ly called the electric analog duplicated as either voltage or caused by the weak assistance dance, both, of course, carrying the practical fields of electric cir­ computer. Ti1el'e are two types of com· current. gi ven by the Los Ange les CO Il- textbooks in case the dance got puters in Bridge. The first is cu it theory and vibration analy· 5 - Additional square wave SCl'\,utol"Y Sy mph oll ~ " Too, the boring- BUT, the dance didn't $100,000 Cost sis for industry .. one which solves problems by forcing functions for special chorus was not so well coordi- get boring, and Teddy left his Constructed at an estimated the digital method which con· problems req·uiring a large num­ i"'l.'.hi~k for Man" I nated as it could have been, and book to gather dust while he pro· cost of over $100,000, this com­ sists of reducing the complicated ber of such functions. Th~ mam l.nteres~ of the men seemed in its s inging to lack in- ceeded to sweep the lady off her plex computing machine does, differential equations to a com­ 6--Ten multipliers for repre­ assOCIated WIth UILS phase of spil'ation. feet in a commendably debonair in a few days or weeks, what it bination of arithmetical compu­ senting the products of two va­ Caltech's research is to deter- Nevertheless the program did m anner. formerly w oule! have taken many tations. In the electric analog riables (these can also be used min: .new and better methods o.f have SOme gO~d moments. The Having coveI'ell for better or mathemaLi.cians lheir ent.ire IHe­ computer, however, the physical for division). settmg up analogous mathematl- "Crucifixus" and "Et I ncarnatus" WOl'se the activities of the week, time to accomplish. This terrific problem is set up in an analo- 7- C:::evpral units of the device cal r~presentations of the physi- I were handled very capably, as let us digress and take· $ome les- was "Sanctus," chosen to be the sons in procurement from those concluding selection of the pro- sensible enough to know that a I gram. The solo singing was fifty-five cent phone call will quite notable. In particular, Fern probably get you nowhere. Flem­ Sayre, young but veteran Bach ino's Waileeci Arnold Keswick a F'estival soprano, ilandled her I P e~Tault and' Horn , startin0 off parts with her usual ease and Friday night on a normal (for excellence. them) wee ken d maneuver, wound up at the Colony Club Musicale Concert in Gardena. After his second T he Caltceh i\hls icale wiil Coca-Cola (trademark registered ) present a record concert this (with two zombie chasers) Wa­ Sunday evening at 7:30 in Dab­ heed felt a li ttle indisposed, so ney Hall of the Humanities. the hoy~ clashed ofT to find green- All are welcome. e r pastures. (ilnck .. Iphigellic .En }\lIljd () I nstead, greener pastures fol­ ~la hICJ ' ... D~IS l,icd VOl) del' lowed them, and a vehicle con· 1j;I·dc taining four young things pulled 81'ahms .. _. .8ouaL

Sc:.I. model of a part of the Du P01Jt a4.ippni­ The Evening Concert Musical Masterpieces trile plant at ivTagara Falls. Here furfural. an agricultural by-product. i, converted. into a KFAC 8-10 p.m. KFAC 4-5 p,m. daily chemical intermediate for making nylon. Presented by the Southern California 2-5 p.m. Sunday and Southe rn Counties Gas C41,mpanies Furfuralhas been used in thechem­ Presented by the Slavick yarn THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Jewelry Company cyanide available for converting the ical industry for 25 years, but it is La Dame Blanche--0verture, by Boieldieu. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Boston "Pops" Orchestra conducted by little known to the layman_ A tan­ 1,4-dichlorobutane into adiponitrile. Arthur Fiedler 17). "Tancredi" Overture- Rossini. Vincenzo Manfred I Symphonic Poem I, by Tschaikov­ Bellezza and Royal Opera House Orches· c~ored liquid with a faint bitter- · tra of Convent Garden. from The final product, hexamethylene­ sky. Indiat;"lapolis ISymphony Orchestra almond odor, it is made from a wide conducted by Fabien Sevitzky (591. ':'Concerto in D Major- Tschaikovsky. Ja­ diamine, is then reacted. with adipic L'lmperiale and L'Apotheose de Lul/i, by scha Heifetz, Violinist. John Barbirolli variety of agricultural by-products. acid to make nylon "salt." Stillmore Couperin. Chamber Orchestra conducted and London Philharmonic Orchestra. by Maurice Hewitt 148). Don Juan- Tone Poem- Richard Strauss. Among these are corncobs and hulls processing and the salt becomes yarn, Sidney Beer and National Symphony Or- corncobs! FRIDAY, NOV EMBE R 11 chestra. . ofcottonseed, oats, rice-all available and the nylon flake used by the In Memoriam by Sibe lius. London Phil­ FR IDAY, NOVEMBER 11 in practically unlimited quantities r'r,rmnJrl,\.- 6n.:he:)tJ"l;I c ..mU\..H ': (ca' oy 5(r ':'An American in -Gershwm. Artur plastics industry_ 19). Rodzinski and Philharmonic Symph0!1Y A DU PONT PROCESS CONVERTS from America's farms. Symphony- The Airborne, by Blitzstein. Orchestra of New York. Robert Shaw, Narrator. Charles Holland, Symphony No. 3 in A Minor-Hanson. Tenar. Walter Scheff, Baritone. Chorus and Boston Sym· FURFURAL INTO A CHEMICAL Opportunltres at Du Pont and Symphony Orches­ phony Orchestra-: trn conducted by Leonard Bernstein FOR MAKING NYLON In many scientific fields 1541. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Symphony No. I-The Santa Fe Trai l, by Carnival in Paris-Svendsen. Nicolai MaIko This is an excellent example of the Harl McDonald. )Philadlephia Orchestra and Danish State Broadcasting Symphony One of the fascinating things about conducted by Eugene Ormandy (201. Orchestra. interesting work in industrial organic My Country at War-Symphonic Suite, by Canzonetta- Traditional. The Magic Song nylon is t he unlikely sounding raw McDonald. The Philadelph ia Orchestra - Meye r Melmund. La Paloma- Yradeir. chemistry carried on at Du Pont. It conducted by Eugene Ormandy 122). materials that go into it. .Popu­ o Sole Mio--di Capua. You're The Em­ required the technical knowledge and Temple at Peace-Minuet, by Lully. Min­ peror of My Soul- Sto!z. The Old Say­ larly, nylon is said to be made from neapolis Symphony Orchestra conducted mg; I Love IBut You- Love Song. skill of highly trained research and by Dimitr i Mi tropoulos (4J. Joseph Schmidt, Tenor. Berlin Ope ra coal, air and water. This is pecause SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Orchestra. development men, including organic Artists Ufe Waltz- Blue Danube Waltz­ originally, in developing its chemi­ Pagliacci, by Lconcavallo. SoloIsts, Cho­ Emperor Waltz~Johann Strauss. Herbert and physical chemists; chemical, me­ rus ilnd Orchestra o f La Scala, M ilan, von Karajan and Vienna Philharmonic cal intermediates, chemists used ben­ conducted by Franco Ghione. Orchestra. chanical, civil and electrical engi-' La Boheme- Highlights by Puccini. Solo­ zene (from coal), ammonia (from air ists, Chorus and Orc hestra of La Scala, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13 neers, and others. and water), and oxygen (from air). Milan, conducted by Umberlo Berrettoni. "Russian and Ludmil!a J '-Ove r tur~lin­ ka. Frederick Stock and Chicago Sym­ Only a large company with ample MONDA Y, NOVEMBER 14 phony Orchestra. But Du Pont is always looking for Euryanlhe-Overlure, by Weber. Chicago ~'Symphony No. 3 in B Minor" I lia Mouro· resources in men and money could Symphony Orches tra conducted by Fred­ metz"-Gliere. Leopold Stokowski and new ways of doing things. After the C. R. Dewey, B. S. Chem. , Niagara Univer­ erick Stock (8) . The . discovery of nylon in 1934, research sity,1941, and J. M. Estes, B.S. Ch.E., Uni­ afford to engage in research of such Symphony in D Major, by Cherubini. Leip­ Maiden With The Roses from "Suite Swan versity of Missouri, 1937, engaged iO produc­ magnitude. To the young college zig Gewandhaus Chamber Orchestra con­ White" - Sil:leliws. Serge IKoussevitzky men immediately began looking for ducted by Paul Schmitz 132). and Boston Symphony Orchestra. tion of adiponitrile at the Du Pom Electro­ A n ia Dorfmann, Pianist. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14 alternative ways of making the two chemicals plant in Niagara Falls. N ew York •. graduate, Du Pont offers the broad­ Concerto No. I in C Major for Piano , estofopportunities in many scientific and Orchestra,1 by Beethoven. NBC "Prcciosa" Overture-Weber. Eric Kleiber main intermediates-adipic acid and Symphony Orchestra conducted by Ar­ and Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. fields, along with the advantages of turo Toscanini 132). Feste Romane " Roman Festivals"-Respig­ hexamethylenediamine. In 1935, Falstaff-Symphonic Study, by Elgar. lon­ hi. Victor de Sabata and Berlin Phil­ working directly with a small group don Symphony Orchestra conducted by harmonic Orchestra. when nylon was still in the labora­ 14 Years of Research Si r Edward Elgar (32) . Noblissima Visione-Hindemith. Eugene tory st age and three years before its of associates. Henry VI I I--'Dances, by German. City of Orlllandy and The Philadelphia Orches­ and Development Birmingham Orchestra conducted by t ra. commercial debut, they started work Keynote of Du Pont personnel George Weldon (9). TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 It seems a far cry from corncobs to TUESDAY, NOVEMBER IS "Orpheus in The Underworld" Overture­ on the possibility of using furfural policy is promotion from within on Offenbach. Leopold Ludwig and Berlin nylon, and it was. The development a competitive merit basis. A con­ Iphigenie en AuJide--0verture, by Gluck. State Opera Orchestra. in the process. Columbia Broadcasting Symphony con­ Concerto in B Minor- Dvorak. Pablo Ca­ from the first small-scale laboratory scientious effort is made not only ducted by Howard Barlow 19). sals, Violoncellist. Georg Szell and Czech Rustic Wedding Symphony, by. Goldmark. Philharmonic Orchestra. experiments to the present full-scale to choose college-trained people of Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra con­ Jota Aragonesa--Glinka. I Nicolai Maiko ducted by Robert Heger (38). and The Philharmonic Orchestra. plant cost 14 years of time and about promise, but to develop each indi­ David ' Oistrakh, Violinist. Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, by WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 five million dollars. But it eIlljbled vidual as rapidly as possible. Khatchaturian. Symphony Orchestra con­ " La Gazza Ladra" Overture-Rossini. John chemists to produce large quantities ducted by Alexander Hawk 1351 . Barbirolli and Symphony Orchestra of St. The Rite of Spring, by Stravinsky. I Con­ Cecilia Academy, Romo. of adiponitrile, the compound from certgebouw 0 rchestra of Amsterdam Concerto No.2 in A Major- Liszt. Wito!d conduct ed by Edouard van Beinum (30). Malcuzynski, Pianist . Walter Susskind which hexamethylenediamine is WEDNESDAY, NOVEM BER 16 and The Philharmonia Orchestra. ~'La M erl~ Debussy. Franz Andre and made, by an economical process La Cencrentola- Overture, by IRossini. Brussels Conservatory Orchestra. NBC Symphony Orchestra conducted by which uses natural materials that <[UPON!> Ar1uro T oscanini (9). '''.Y.I.,,,t.Of' Symphony No. 96 in D Major I Miracle), M' Appari from Martha, by Flotow. arejn continuous supply. by Haydn. Concertgebouw Orchestra of I n Vain, My Beloved Ifrom Le Roi BETTER THINGS FOR BETTER LIVING Amsterdam conducted by Edouard van In the new process, furfural is con.. Beinum ( 24) . Ra~~~Ff ~h;~IOthe Grace of the Lord •• • THROUGH CHEMISTRY Baniamino Gigli, Tenor 1321. from La )uive, by Halevy. verted by a series of steps to 1,4-di­ Non Colombe!)e From Isabeau, by Mas­ Agnus Dei! by Bizet. cagni. Le BourgeOIS Gentilhomme - Suite, by chlorobutane_ The next step explains Ah! Ritrovarla Nella Sua Capanna From Richard Strauss. Vienna Philharmonic A. G. Sveinbjornsson, Ph.D., Organic Chem ­ Lodoletta, by Mascagni Orchestra conducted by Clemens Krauss in part why Du Pont undertook the Entertaining, jnformati.,~-Liften to "CtZ'YdlcdJ~ of Lamento di Federico From L' Arlesiana, {HI. istry, University of Kansas, 1948, and H. B . project in the first place. As pro­ by Cilea. Eleven Viennese Dances, by Beethoven. Copelin, M. S., Organic Chemistry, Cornell, itmtrica" T~fUy Nighu, NBC Co.:ut to Coast Un di All' Azwrro Spazio from Andrea London Philharmonic Orchestra con­ 1.1141 , studying new furfural deriuatitJes. ducers of cyanides, they had ilOdillm Chenier, by Giordano. ducted by Felix Weingartner 1121. °

Page 4r ______T HE CAL IF 0 R H I A T E C H,·______-Thursdoy, Noyember 10, 1949

CHARITY DRIVE C I bO S d d A COMPARISON (Con ti nued from Page 1) 0 um Ian tu ent Mar i Gras or Dabney Features (Con tinued from Page 2) Since il is againSl the national Wins Fellowship Smardlo Grasl Dartmouth, Har vard, P enn, Princeton, and Yale. And there are policy of the Red Cross to par­ Surrealist Theme ticipate in any federated fund­ Mr. F . W . Hunter, regional di· Who cares for such things as Dabney H ouse took no real traditions a mile long in this league. Also at this school, the young- raisi ng cClmpa ig n, there w ill be r ector of the Federal Security the New Orleans Mardi Gras part in the evening'S merrymak- est of the Ivy schOO ls-charter s igned in 1865-there still is an old no ' Red Cross drive on ca mpus Agency with h eadquarters in when it's time for the Caltech ing-real, that is. It was entire- set of traditions, w hich include a really fine relationship with this year through personal soli­ San Fra ncisco today announced Interhouse Dan c e! Saturday ly surreal, at least, if one can other schools. citation. that Mr. Alvaro Salgado Farias night one more dance was held judge by the limbs and bodies To iIIust..'ate what 1 mean, it is merely necessary to tell what Her e's where the money which of Colom bia is enrolled for the in the t rue Interhouse tradi. that adorned the Darb's lounge, happened at the ha lf time activities of the Cornell-Co lgate game. is contribu ted goes, and here is fa ll semester at the California tion, and Blacker House was or the ,hypnotic eye that adorned With both bands in attendance, the Hed Raider band performed a par lia 1 ] iSL of w l1a t iL does: Institu te of Technology, under a there in force. The house was their dining room. fi rst. (Guests, you know ). When they struck up their alma mater, }'acts About the United States Government fel- decorated in the same lavish but While their vocalist wandered the wholc stands illllUcdiately wer e on their feet. I remarked that low for g raduate study in the inexpensive manner it always is about admiring the Tech men this was not the Co rnell Alma Mater, but the guy standing beside COllllHunity Ch est fiel d of electrical engineering. for dances, and its members and sampling the punch, J im me gave what I consider the classical reply, a nd one which I won't Thirty· six d iffere n t health, This a ward was made under a were decorated in whatever they Phillips and his ten pieces, com. forget fo r sometime. "We do it for a ll the schools as a sort of cour­ welfare and character· building orga nizations cooperate in Pasa­ program administered by the Of. could beg or borrow (no steal- plete with players, provided the tesy.. T hey do it for us, too." And the 20,000 fans, mostly Ithacans, fi ce of Education of the Federal ing) along the lines of sport rhythms from a corner where cer talOly seemed (0 indicate that th is spirit was the natural thing den a each year th rough the Com munity Chest in secu ring Security Agency in cooperation clothes. they were accompanied by the which prevailed. the funds to carryon their work. with the Institu te of Interna· Notables musical splash of water fl owing 1.'hat nttitucie, of courtesy, respect, and good feeling typifies The total need in the Pasadena­ Li onal education and the Depart· No one was notable for his ab- from a short piece of pipe s us· ~ h ese schools back her e. It seem s to me to be a grown up attitude, Altadena area amounts to over ment of State. The program, sence. Notable for his presence pended from fine threads bu t ap· 111 contrast to the somewhat childish fancies in the SCIC. For I which has been in effect since E parently containing a la,·ge d,·. distinctly remem ber the several ll.·mes that a T ech rooting section $500,000. T he red feather cam­ was d "Curly's Buddy" Pyatt, paign means many campaigns in 194 1, au thorizes a limited num- the brain behind Blacker's dec- vergence of V. At the north end walked out on t hei r guests singing their song, with a disd ain which one. ber of travel and maintenance orations. The House's thanks of the lounge one's attention could only be from ig nora nce of courtesy. And, I guess this attitude grants to Latin-A merican gradu- f fi · was drawn to an ever-retreat,·ng is not completely alone with T ech. E ven though this is not their Or a ne evenmg go to Ed and h om e community, stu de n t s ate s tudents for study and re- his assistants, Bob "Coffee" spiral, in contrast with w hich, Jt ~ccms t.o m e that Tech should grow in this line. Whatever should see the im portance of search in the United States. Smith and Bill "Mule Team" the advanced vers ion of Lena a~vantages Tech has, and there are many, can be completely lost su pporti ng tllese agencies in The plan a lso provides for Conner. Of course, the whole the Hyena hanging over it a L)' ~"'lt h a boorish atti tude which I r emem ber. It is a pleasure to be their :ldopled communities. The grants to United States graduate House pitched in on the decora. peared to be reaching toward 111 a place, where people can give cour tesy to another school, with­ work of t he.<>e thirty-six agen­ students for study and research tions and on the cleanup after. one for a kiss. One hastily reo out damn111g, screaming at, or sarcasticall y razing the ins titution cies go far toward helping to in L atin·America n countries. treated to Fleming , . . a. gains.t which they a re pitted. T he general attitude of everyone, Approximately 75 students will ward and they to~ are to. be " I d h "s make Pasadena a very delight­ commended f th 1 t For Love or Money" will ~ nc ,u . 1I1g t e u~" , shows this courtesy, and it is only in some ful place in which to live-even arrive in .the United States this. . or en ng~nUl y, tickle Darbs' and da tes' fu nny- 1I1dl vlduals who fall to see it. These individ uals fail to see much fall to enroll for the 1949-1950 I SPlrlt,. and promptness 10 the bones tomorrow nighl al a Pasa. of anything else, either. for a s hort time. handlIng of both these tasks. J .... acts About the National academic year under this pro- Jenuy dena . Playhouse th ea t re party. '1'1lit t' s a bo lit It.. 111. a n utshell (and a big one at tha t). Sorry to Infantile P;:u-~lIysis PO llndation gram, said Mr. Hunter. Courses After the proper mood has been yak so long, bu t that's the way I felt. 1 am Ln great hOI)es that The work of the National In· of ll, e Latin-Anlel-·ca' n g,-aduate Also notable for her presence set b Y thOI S th ree·act sen. eS of T ec h WI· 11 " gr ow up" in its r elations w ith oUl er schools, and pio- fantile Paralysis F ou ndation is .S tuden ts will ,·all ge f,-onl the was Jenny. She was obtained double -e n l en d res, danc··1lJ1 g W I I neer a j'ea IIy "Ime com petitive spirit. of courtesy among the other most speciali zed phases of medi- through the efforts of the Pasa- follow in the Dabney dimly li t schools of 1I SC1C Y h we lJ known. It is the organiza­ . I I . d f dena Chamber of Co mmerce and .. . le . a u ave a g l'eat start, with the exchange tion which sponsors the an nual cm e t 1roug 1 ceramics an rom (we hope) lounge. assembli es started, and things li ke that. But it's the attitude on March of Dimes. ] n addition to ag,·,· cullu,·e lo "'US'·C . Unl·vers,· - the kindness of the Gouldmont T en tat·lve Iy sc hed u Ie d is a pre. teath I 1 I etlc . fie lds that needs fi xing, 0 1' maybe it is the general millions of dollars di rect reli ef ti es a nd colleges in a ll sections Flintridge Stables. "Mule Team" Cal Poly football game exchange, attitude, I don't k now. of the coun try are partiCipating Conner was trying to get Jenny to be held Friday afternoon with 0 f to cover hospital a nd doctor ex­ . I In the house as a Soc· ial Member lie ina I wOl"d. That business about engineers at Tech eom- lI1 t 1e program. Scrippsies from Browning Hall. I)eting only ·th . f I penses for victims of polio, it . h d M unt,·1 he was wl·sed up that Jen- W I engmeers or t1e ex tl·a·curricular activities is a lso makes gran ts to leading uni­ I n a n nouncmg t e awar , r. The annual Dabney-Browning r eally the tl th Y d ' I· h Hunte,- sa·,d tllal MI-. Salgado ny was a she and that Mr. Tan- ilk 'U . au on t rea lZe w at an advantage that is until versities for research. T he fe d· m crew race will highlight you go to a b· h I A d I ·11 h wi ll specialize in rural electri- ham had said she was definitely the affair. (Note: This contest as C 11 ·. Ig se 00 . n Stl t ink that Tech is just as good eration has mad e a five-year fi ca lion. I"e .. ece,·ved I.he degree not going to eat any meals ,·n . corne 111 some respect.s, and much better in a great many. I'd -J. IS not sanctioned by the PBAA ). like to see it b tt . ALL gram lO Ca llech of $300,000 for of civil engineer from the Noa- the house dining room, You'll ______=-- ____ =--..:..::=-=-.::.::.::....:.::....:::.e:.:·::.e.:...... :'.::n...:.:~~.. :e s::'p~e~c:.::ts:::. ______-' D~lc:"'k~K~I~n~g_ basic research, which it is hoped may eventua ll y lead to knowl­ tional Univers ity, Bogota, in just have to select your friends edge of the cause and cure of 1947 and he has been working ma re carefully, Bill. poliomyeli tis. as chief engineer for municipal Hay! Hay! Uni versities, students and pro· improvemen ts in the state of Speaking of "Mule Team's" fessors have paid a heavy to l1 Cu ndinamarca. friends brings up the subject of du r ing the war and the cri tica l The two-way exchange of stu· hay. Brace yourselves, Blacker­ reconstructi on period in Asia den ts provided under this pro· ites, for here is some of the in· and Europe. gram, said Mr, Hunter, has made formation about the Barn Dance T oday, of the su rviving stu· possible valuabl e exchange of in- on "Nov. 19. This affair will be dents in Europe and Asia, 400" formation and ideas and has can- just for Blacker, so any teams 000 are in need-need of food, tribu ted to better understanding will be made up from the House medicine, clothes, sheltel·, equip· of cultural backgrounds and cus· itself. Now is the time to start ment. Studen t reli ef ancl rehabil· toms of the various American lining up and practicing. Per· itation al·e essential to restore nations. haps an inter-alley challenge can students to health, to return be made. At any rate, be think­ them to their st. udents. Gad! ing about it. T his is a drive fol' fu n el s by Defini"ti on: Civil Ser vice-some· The dance will be held at a al1d fl'om students ,mel facu lty th ing you get in restaurants and new pli:lce, the Ride-a·While Rid­ in America for students and fac­ stores between wars. ing Academy in Burbank, and ulty in China and E u rope. the entertainment during the Money is a ll otted approxi- Gad! evening will include Hay Rides, mately as follows: Did you hear about the s leepy Square Dancing, DanCing, and 34%-Eu rope. bride who couldn't stay awake any thing else, within reason, 34%-China. for a second? that you guys can thInk up. 12%- Southeast Asia. 16 % - Education and Opera· tion. Caltech students are cordially invited to attend a lecture: 4% - SpeC ial Projects (Euro· pean students in U.S., etc.) "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, THE RELIGION A ll funds raised in this coun­ WHICH TEACHES TRUE SPIRITUALITY" try are cabled directly from New York to Shanghai and Geneva in bYe Mrs. Elizabeth F. Norwood, C.S.B., of Brookline, Mass. accordance with allocations de­ termined by the Inter national Place- 2nd Church of Christ, Scientist, Pasadena, 814 East Claremont, Committee on Worl d Sluden t. Time- Tuesday evening, November 15, 1949 at 8:00 P.M. Relief. Mon thly repor ls of the ex pendi ture of a ll funds are sent F or I rrm sporlfll;oll meel i1l frQllt of Dab1ley I-Iall at 7 :15 to W SSF Headquarters in New York by the national committee. CALTECH CHRISTIAN Periodic audits and complete an· nual statemen ts are sen t to New SCIENCE ORGANIZATION Yo rk. All recOl'ds of expendi­ tures are on file in the New ------. __ ...... -.... --- .. ------_ ...... York offi ce, and th e- Wor ld Stu­ dent Ser vice F und books al'e audited an nually by H Ul'd man and Cranstoun, 350 Madison Avenue, New York City. r'~~i~~~~~~~:'~ . GOWN 8Y CEil CHAPMAN­ Headquarters far the JEWELS 8Y PIETER DE Win. best selections in


L. C. TAYLOR CO, r45 N _ Lake - Sy.2.5107,.,,_' Open Evenings ,". . [!J ..""",,, .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I!)

to_coast test 1'~&~ · a coast- d t hta In Camels- an MEN'S CLOTHING . SO MILD ok d FURNISHINGS es, Camelslare and women who s,n : throat special. Y d 0 luen . dayS not d of hundre s 30 consecutwe ' ted. s Fridays till 9 :30 p_m _ only CaUlc1 - lor e~Ulinations , repor CAoal\.S 1 · gWMkl Y k"lng ~ islO, Ul'k III due to SmO 459 East Colorado Street . f ,tlROA' ,RR,'A".,M "'~ A 'RGAI.. --rRIP~' "~Rr;;AT! Sy _ 2· 3871 • Pasadena 1 tl 1laycl"s posscssion In Oxy·'J'ech water Hank Pollet, followed by Terry that clobbered us, you would say initial basketball , practlce last polo game. Hall (forCb'l."Ou nd) and Libbey ( I'igh t) vic fOI' r C(.'O\'CI·Y. Thomas in sixth place. Ninth, I,------­ Monday was good news to all. tenth, and eleventh were taken Soccer Win Coach Shy began shooting prac­ by Ed Stofel, Dave Twining, and SCIC Standings Last Saturday the Tech boat­ tice, fast breaking and light Tech Polomen Tech Presented Francis Scot, respectively. Team \VOIl Lost Pet. ers journeyed all the way to the scrimmage, although Beaver Football Whittier ...... 3 0 1.000 Ojai Valley only to be beaten by starlets are still overcast by the This Saturday the Frosh grid· I Pomona _...... 2 1 .666 the close score of 2-1. The uncertainty of early season pre· Meet Loyola p~!t~~I~~ ID!~~,~~t~,as men will play the Redla nds Redlands 1 1 .500 Thatcher opponents proved to dictions, We have the official At 4:30 today the Beaver just received a new perpetua l Frosh in their last game of the Cal tech ...... 0 3 .000 have an extremely fast and able (Continued on page 6) water·wingers will meet the trophy presented by Howard G. season, This will be a prevar· team, and they managed to score Loyola tanksters in a water polo Vesper, class of 1922. sHy opener, played at 5:45 p.m. we've a good chance of losing. two goals during the first period. 1949-50 BASKETBALL contest here at the PCC pool. In presenting this beautiful Football practice will continue Or you can throw up your hands managed to keep the ball In op­ The game promises to be a real 30·inch trophy. Mr. Vesper asks for three weeks for those in· and refu se to ma ke a prediction. posing territory for a large part SCHEDULE battle for the Engineers, since that it be awarded, at the close terested. After two weeks without a of the remainder of the game. Nov. 22, L. A. State at Armory Loyola has always possessed of each basketball season to tha t Basketball game, the Beaver team is raring However, they were not able to *Nov. 23, Chal)man at Chapman consistently top-notch teams, a member of the squad most qual· Coach Preisler has set Wed· to go. Except for Jim Wilcox score more than once. *Dee. 3, Pas. Col. at P. C. C. rule to which this year is no ified fro m the standpoints nesday, November 16, as the and John Lewis, the whole team Troubles *Dee. 9, LaVerne at LaVerne exception. of sportsmanship, improvement, first day of practice for the is in good shape. Wilcox is up 'The main trouble seemed to • Jan. 1, Redlands at Redlands Today's event wlll be Cal· moral influence and scholarship. (Continued on Page 6) and around 011 crutches now lie in our inability to, once In Jan. 14, Wblttler at P. C. C. tech's fourth game of the sea· He suggests that each of these while Lewis has a chipped bone scoring position, kick the ball *Jan. 20, Pomona at P. C. C. son. After bagging the first two, factors be given equal weight, that will probably keep him out through, Countless shots bounced 'Jan 21, Cal Poly at P. C. C. against UCLA Frosh and Comp- with the first three to be deter· Dabney, Blacker for the rest of the year, Woody off the goal posts or went whiz· 'Jan. 28, Occidental at P. C. C. ton, they dropped the third to mined by the members of the will take over his duties as full­ zing over-the goal. The dry dirt Feb. I, L. A. State at L. A. State Occidental a week ago Tuesday. basketball squad and the fourth Lead Basketball back. field was a new experience to Feb. 11, RA!dlands at P. C. C. Coach Palmer has had the tank- to be determined by reference Interhouse bas ke tball pulled A ll In All the team and a t the end of five Feb. 14, La Verne at Armory s ters scrimmaging dally, both to appropriate records. into its second week with Dab- Again we hope that the Beav­ minutes play many t hroats were Feb. 18, Wblttler at WhIttier pollshing their plays and cor- PUl'pose ney and Blacker neck and neck er offense has been worked on dry due to the choking dust. Feb. 22, PODlona at P. C. C. reeling the mis takes which led The name of the winner each in the thrilling series. November to eliminate those costly fum· The halfback line showed con· Feb. 25, Occidental at P . C. C. to the Tiger victory. year will be engraved on the 1, Blackermen nosed out the bles and interceptions. A good (Con tinued on page 6) ·jndlcates li'rosh preliminary t rophy which is designed to ac- Ricketts five, 29·25. Stanford commodate s uch listing for a Sweet was high scorer. paSS ing attack has been demon· PASADBHA BOWLING considerable number of years. L"lst Seconds strated in the several games, YOU ABE HUMGIlY COUl\TS Mr. Vesper, who is Pres ident of The real action-packed game of YOU ABE THIRSTY 910.'" c...... If such an attack, together Ice Skating Headauarters of Caltech 80wlers the California Research Corp. in the tourney this far was the OIMn Il . ,m. to 1 . ,m, SY. 3-1341 with a few good ground plays, Da;ly 2:30 ·to 5, 7:45 to 10:45 ...... , ShMlettt ••t. Nte... , ' .M. San Francisco, was a three· letter I Fleming.Throop thriller of No· WHEN YOU JUST ...,.. s.t.,uy, s...... " aIM Hetways basketball man at Cal tech, says, vember 2. Neverman and Beebe can be sustained for any length Sat. & Sun. -Mo," . .10 to 12:30 - lOt ,., LIM of time, we ought to take this I Skatcs for HeDt . NEED RELAXATION " It was my very great privilege paced the Throopsters to a 16.12 . InstrUctiON ITa nm to participate actively in basket· lead at half time. The Red game. We haven't been losing We Highly Recommend ball at Caltech during the years I Shirts picked up in the second because of a poo r defense; it's Pasadena Winter 1918-1922, and I feel that this I half, however, and fought to a been our costly blunders. SKIP INN Carl's Caltech Barbers· experience was of lasting benefit 23·23 tie with only seconds to , Gardens IIMr • PIcde Lomda_ to me in many respects. It Is my play. With the game all over This game will offer a chance 17l South Arroyo Pkwy. 1352 E. WALNUT On California St. sincere hope that the establish- but the whistle blowing, Bob to see an exceptionally fine place SY. 2-7151 RY. 1.6066 Opea TD1 I . A.N. Near Lake ment of this award w ill repay Waid sank a basket and Throop's kicker, one Tris Hubbard. He's only missed one this season. His 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!J.I~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;:,d(C~o~n~t~i~n~u;e~d~o n~~p~a~ge~6;)~;::.. Thrhopes.oop Final23. score: Fleming, 25, final extra point against Oxy was Dabney \Vlns November 3 was Green Shirt the difference between a tie and Dayan Tournament Park bas­ victory for the Bulldogs. ketba ll courts as the So'Westers It's time for a li ttle change of outscored the Ricketts five, 34·26. scenery, so let's see everyone out (Continued on page 6) at Redlands Saturday night.

J, Paul Sheedy* Switched to Wildroot Cream-Oil Beeause He Flunked The Finger-Nail Test

For the best seat in the house '01 A WHIU, Shredy', life story was a pret ty tad tail. People rode him about his wild, unruly hair. And it Wllm't until hi, fa. ask us for ARROW SHOR1S! voritc filly Kave him t he lait that he decided to do 80methinc If you have a d.." seated conviction that lOf11ething II about it. He t rotted down to the corner drul .tore and creeping up on you, your trouble Is iiI-filling .hortt. bought a bottle of Wildroot Cream·OiI hair tonic. You should 11«.'s ""by: Me him now I Non·alcoholic Wildroot containing Lanolin For real comfort below decks, see your AIrow dealer Nt 1. No chafing center seam-extra room in crotdI. keeps hia hair neat and well·groomed all day lema:. No more Arrow shorts ond you'" have the best _ ill .... '-I 2. Generous cut and fine material-wiN wear longer. annoyina dryness, no morc loose, UC1Y dandruff. Take a tip from Sheedy. If your lUlU balk, when you uk $1.25 up 3. Choice of severo I models--

Y~~h~~~,~~~~~~VWWY~~~~VW~ ...... """"'N'.!''JV'.i ARROW UNIVERSITY STYLES Page 6 ______T HE CAL IF 0 R N I ATE C H ______Thursday, November 10, 1949 , DABNEY, BLACKER FROSH SPORTS ROUNDUP ON THE RECORD SOPHS SACK (Continued from Page 5) (Continued from Page 5) IH Pin Topp'ers (Continued from Page 3) (Co!ltinued from Page 1) Flynn Announces presentations from year to year. Dick Bl'ewer again was high Frosh basketball squad. All frosh prexy. said, "In spite of Hi, High Scores The annual Bach Festivals are Care Book Drive scorer for the Darbs. those interested. whether they the fact that we lost the mudeo, Ralph Stone paced the Row· an important contribution to­ One of the most impor tant of be pros or people like me, are the frosh participants showed a F ood for hungry minds of Eu­ dies for the second s traight week ward the development of a gen­ the CUITe:nt interhouse basket­ urged to turn out fo r the team. fine class spirit which unfortu­ rope and Asia in the form of as he set the years' high mark ball series was played between Practices will be held at McKin­ uine musical culture in Los An­ nately is lacking in a few memo acutely needed technical books is with a terrific 225 game this Mon­ }i'leming and Blacker last Mon­ ley High School, and games will geles, a nd should be continued. bel'S of the class." day, a nd added enough pins to now possible through CARE, Ed· day. The extremely spirited be played before the main Concert Schedules cop the weeks' top total with Sack llaee wa rd J. Flynn, Southern Califor· game ended with the B lacke rites games, wherever they may be. Noy. 10-11 51l. Ricketts won six of their The fl edgling frosh showed nia CA RE director, announced on top of the very close 16·13 lVatel' Polo L. A. Philharmonic Orchestra they could contribute something The Frosh mermen dropped a eight games, lengthening their Alfred Wallenstein, condrou;ting recently. score. lead over second-place Throop, to sporl even if they could not Here are the standings of the close game to Oxy las t Friday Concerto in G Minor for Oboe Libraries, universities a nd who won four. Dabney moved better the sophs. During the Interhouse Basketball contests by a 3·to·2 margin. They played .nd Strinls-Handel from cellar to center spot by hopeless sack race the frosh other institutions in war-devas­ the UCLA Fros b yes terday, but P'ganiniana, Op. 65--Casella thus far: winning five, as Blacker took found it expedient to make prog: tated countries wi1l receive sci­ Houso Won l ost Pet. the game was too late for publi­ Four Slavonic Dances-Dvorak Blacker •... 2 0 1.000 three and F leming took two. ress by s tanding erect, and thEm entific and technical books they Dabney 2 0 1.000 cation. Symphony No. 1 in C Minor, falling on their faces in the mud F( emin~ 1 I .500 Let's have aU men make an Standings after fiv e weeks: B,ak_ need, F lynn advised, on the ba­ Throop . o 2 .000 HOUSE WON LOST PCT. AVE. and r epeating the procedure. By Ri cketts o 2 .000 all-out effort to get to the Red· Ricke tts ..... 29 11 .715 145 Philh.rmonic Auditorium this torturous method they man­ sis of contributions from the lands-Frosh game, whether by Throop ...... 24 16 .600 140 Thursday-8 :30 COUNTRYMEN Dabney ...... I61h 13 'h. .412 121 aged to keep the relay team mov­ American people via CARE. plane or pogo-stick. , It prom­ Fleming 16 14 .400 129 Friday M.tinee-2:15 (Continued from Page 5) ing across the sea of mud. "Millions of books have been ises to be a good game. BI.cker ...... 14V2 151h .362 III Noy. 17-11 Team honors this week went FOli.i~ confiscated, and hundreds of li­ strong last lap to finish fourth L. A. Philharmonic and fifth. Bob Cobb and Brad to Dabney team One for a 2106 The only points the frosh made braries destroyed in Europe and TECH PRESENTED Alfred W.llenstein, conducting were given to them by the jun­ H ouser look s ixth and seventh (Continued from Page 5) series and Ricketts team Two for Asia," said F lynn, in outlining a 730 game. Other individuals The Tempest-David Diamond ior judges because of the sophs the book program. "F or nearly fa,· Cal tech. Smyth, Dickinson, this obligation in some measure Septet, Op. 20--Beetho... en Lansdown, Bowerman, Tracy, posting high marks included Sid "illegal use of trees." The sophs a decade American - published and will be effective in stimu­ Stone (R), 478 series; John Bop­ Symphony No.4 in G Major, beat the frosh in the tug of war textbooks have been unavailable and Shakespeare finished out a lating greater inlerest and en· M.hler long Cal tech team. part (B), 197 game and 461 se· by tying the rope around a tree. to the rest of the world. CARE thusiasm in basketball at the In· ,·ies; Carl Fox (R), 188·460; Duane Philh.rmonic Auditorium Upon hearing the announcement is responding to this need by Pomona VS, CIT Thursd.y Evening 8 :30 stitute." Neverman (1'), 182-466; Jim Alli­ of the loss of points on the tug making its facilities available to Next week features w hat Accepted son (D), 180-465; and Andy Friday Matinee 1:15 of war the sophomores tossed aU Americans." should be a close meet between The Athletic Department is Check (R), 456. No .... 20 announcer Pardee into the mud Pomona and Cal tech, here in most happy to accept this tro­ London String Qu.rtet Smaller T eams pit. This was all the luck had Incr ease T ournament. Park at 4:] 5 Fri­ phy and is arra nging to make Coleman Chamber Music Serie. Due to removal of P. E. credit during the hunting season for At the momenl it is too early day. ~omona fini shed with four the first award at the close of Quartet 0,. 76, No. 2- juniors. men ahead of the first Whittier the 1949·1950 season. It is hoped from I H bowllng this year, teams H.ydn to accurately forelell the sterling are being cut from four to three bloc's policies on education, but man in lheir dual meet, so we that Mr. Vesper can be present on "De Camptown DEVALUATION seem to be on fairly even terms. at an a ppropriate time next men (two teams per house), ef­ Serenade--Wolf in the m eantime they must re­ fective next Monday to ease the (C.on tinued from Page 11 Spring to make the initial pre­ Races-Foster-Collins main a source of worry to those will be forced to find an addition­ wh o are vitally concerned l'HATCHER SCORES sentation. s train on several houses in ob­ Landscapes-Bloch al one-third of the cost of their (Continued from Page 5) taining full teams. Quartet Op. 76-Brahms through their own investment of sidel'able improvement. Dave Gad! IntercoUegJate maintenance elsewhere. French time. While there are sound MacKenzie, center half, seemed There was a woma n that had A home·and-home match is be­ averages in the IH league, which students due to two successive economic reasons for a more gen­ to be everywhere on the fi eld at quintuplets and decided to name ing arranged with U .C.L.A.'s keg· are currently as follows: Woody devaluations, have their funds erous allowance of dollars to emi­ once and played a very good them after the vowels A, E , I, 0, ling squad, probably on Nov. 20 Bratnober, 171; Duane Never­ cut one-half, while Canadians grant students, it is possible that game. U. Arine, Erine, Irine, Orine, and Dec. 4. Tech's five-man man, 159; Ralph Stone, 157; Sid are comparatively unaffected by thrifty legislation may preclude Preview and Ulyses. team w ill be chosen from the top Stone, 153; a nd Andy Check, 152. their own one-tenth cut. any increase. This weekend the San Fran· cisco State team plays here at Tournament Park. Game time will be 3:00 o'clock on F'riday after noon. The Th atc hcr ~ Tech lineups were as fol­ lows: Tech Thatcher ASQuith ... G... .. M iller Noble ...... LF ...... Everett Welch ...... RF ...... Wilson Martin ...... LH ...... Chesley MacKenz ie ...... CH ...... • Keller Baggerly .. . RH ...... Walter f~~~ier ...... ::: ~~ :. ::::::::::::::: .. ~~iqp~rk 9chlinger ...... CF ...... Burr Fairall ...... RI...... Ca rlisle Wood ...... LO...... Noble SPEAKIN' SPORTS (Continued from Page 5) clue that a long w ithi Pomona and Whittier we will not attend the Redlands Tournament this year. 'rhanks I'd like to pin a big ole fat rose on Mi ss McGee and Miriam of Athletic Offi ce fame fol' the ir all-out eff or ts to make life easy on we seekers of athletic truths. Many thanks, youse guys.

Pasadena Alteration Shop A1en's' an d ltf/ olll ell~s Apparel EXPERT WORKMANSHIP Virginia Motiler, Mgr. SYcamore 6-7700 158 So. lake, Pasadena 5, CaUf. OAK KNOL·L Cleaners and Laundry



902 East California Street (4 Doors Eost of Loke)

SY. 3-6704

Next Door to Cal tech Barber Shop