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since 1889

-77^-p- i 20,1979 27o- /A YEAR 16e mmymmsmm* Awaits Word on Relocation Council, Board of Ed. in DA. Ci fy Interested In ^^^M:~9^^mm tt- the n»U Roosevelt School

t •yAwkeCoener "What advantage is It to us to give the property to the city, let them get the 1 1 in Summit Common Council is Interested in money and use it for other purposes?" New «r»e# Williams, taking over the Roosevelt School he asked. ditwouW 8SS* * property, it was teamed at the Board of Other beard members agreed that •KiHiMtla. IBS.* the new JacUity Education's Workshop Meeting Tuesday they still need more information to and other. night- Board members Winston H. Cox • wiUsav. answer some of these questions. "We yafew and Frank Kendall both said that they also need to know what's best for the had had informal talks recently with entire city and that's something we can't town officials about the possibility of ascertain alone," Cox said, referring to their taking over responsibility for the the upcoming meeting with Common site and bu£fdings. "My Understanding is Council representatives. that the dty would welcome the op- Dr. Donald E. Geddis, High School portunity." Cox said. Principal, reported on bis recom- is stilt to the port office to mail for short After a concensus vote, the Board mendation that voluntary SAT as Summit has deHvertos decided to meet« aoon as possible with preparation courses at the high school be ttaftimld-llJOa. Council representaflves to find out discontinued and mat the thrust of that details of any forthcoming proposal program be absorbed into the regular regarding Roosevelt's future use. A curriculum. space, was around subcommittee composed of Kendall and After repeated evaluations of the Dr. Lemuel C.Leeper, was appointed to program, Dr. Geddis said be had found represent the board and to find out also that students' attendance "began to whether the Council's long range plans decline precipitously as the course conttawL" Stadento also told Mm. he

and YMCA had baft in teasing to «W *""L

(ConttmMt* «*»••»« M

1 itatohto ' ' i 'JLS ' asvthemoneytoi tti ._„ „**»*» Dr. _^_ Hi datmed the l two Possible Ordinances nmyftb* xttfeap occured when _» HS*i cjbaaied and had was maktog a tun Into a many doctors and businesses., dri to> at M Morris avenue and was Merit Grant Semifiaaliste Disagreeing with Mm was Michael ^4Mck from hahtodlv the Goodman, S15 Springfield avenue, Littery Liquor Hours Weighed caTto Jrapsirt of the crash across the street from Dr. Bloomstaln's d» Oreen\veWcJe to strte a 9 Students office. He was against the expansion of the dental office, and wanted tokee p the by fcucyMeye r Councilman Murray Ross said: "The ihesonspfMr. residential character of that section of Two possible ordinances, one dealing onus of having delivery stopped Hawthrone In Running Springfield avenue. with Utter and the other extending the shouldn't be on the homeowner." "I'm concerned about the Zoning alcoholic consumption hours, were The proposed ordinance was designed Uw accident was Board's decision being overturned by discussed Monday night by Common to deal with all Uttering problems in For Awards Common Council as it might be used by Council in a conference meeting. Action Summit, not just newspapers. _ Dyer, 72, off Woodland someone else who didn't live in the home will probably be taken in October. As to extendinga]cohon°cconsumption Nine students in local high schools where he practiced." He was afraid of Councilman Alfred Schretter said his taw tojured and taken to have qualified as semi-finalists in the hours, the Safety Committee, according for treatment when her car the gradual eroHon of the neighborhood. Law Committee suggested a few to Councilman Thomas Button, thought 1980 Merit Program as announced Hugo Pfaltz, an attorney who had modifications to the litter ordinance ~ wim another at the in- yesterday by the National Merit there would be no problems if houn represented Dr. Bloomsieidn before the before it was introduced. Three were extended for a half-hour on Sunday Scholarship Corporation. Evanston, 111. ^ug&UlK uucaau «HI^ vras^ innwr^r «** » -«---- — violations were changed to 10 and action Driver o Ik ^ Local students named as semi- was in favor of granting the variance. 1- through Thursday nights and kept the wouldn't be taken by the city clerk to same on Fridays and Saturdays aa they asJobnA. Bb*,«>,ofTwatito^dri finalists include Thomas. Dorer, noted Dr. Bloomstein's case was unusual revoke a license, if a plan were At the time of the accident, ttie Blast Elisabeth A- Fanger, Andrew W. m he bad two lots and one would be used are now — 1 a.m. presented which attempted to correct Houn currently are 12 on week nights _je nfcwpap*J isttUI Wjltton car tma lotag aait «n Pn«ad aM the Orimea, Karen S. Hamilton, Jonathan for parking only and never developed. the violations. urtat a«e. fte bastoof credit an* non- Dyer vUdT T% WBea aaid Kelfiher, RobH. Kent and GacyC. Bobb, "He had a pre-existing use before the and 11 on Sunday nights. The restaurant dlt rtW M oarticlpatlng Setwocars(MiSeain^urt« zoning code was in effect. He had raised Under penalties for Uttering, jail was owners requested an extension of one all of Summit High School, as wen as eliminated, and the fine was reduced «*M»«WOWttt#»»»». iaaddiaooiaaddiaoo, tht e StftwtheDyercartlkifalyfailedtohalt t Martha Gallagher and Cynthia P. Hall, - Us family over the office and that's not hour each day as they wanted to be on a tefiea covatan to tbase npes are tor a tad blinker UKC the way people want to live today — the from $500 to «1U. competitive footing with communities both of Kent Place School. Councilman Schretter said there was a pftjSd to be eataJytts tor dlscusstonLm — Both can werebaavHy damaged and According to the Merit Corporation, old Mom and Pop store idea." whose closing hours are 2 a.m. nuadnai or eanntBntw on iocat ana towed Irom me »cen». the Uving quarters over (he dental difference between a subscribed Council discussed the pros and cons of semi-finalists who advance toth e finalist newspaper and an unsubscribed one, national contravtrtiea surrounding Itmatiftttng was patrolman John standing in the competition will be offices wouldn't be vacant, he pointed extending the hours and final con- out, as they would be rented to a single and Council had to set up some sideration as to whether an ordinance MeCanaieai. . . , Considered for approximately 4,300 procedure where homeowners could say Merit Scholarships to be awarded in the person or a young couple. "The only shouldbe introduced will come up at the change would be three dentists in the they didn't want the unsubscribed next conference meeting, October 1. spring oi aw newspaper. . eDorer, Miss Fanger and Grimes buiWmg, and for that they have a vacant OverGity? havejnot indicated career choices, Miss 1st for parking, removing parking from Hamilton ia Studying tob e an economist, Spiinsfield avenue." Other Action By Common Kelliher plans to be a physical scientist, to refuting Attorney Mantel, Arthur Kent wants to bean architect and Robb ' and counsel for the "No!'* Says Port Atrthoriiy ia planning to be physiciaa Council Tuesday Night WnUe.Ml»8 GaBagher indicated to ponded over the years, and we aren't in diflerent career cboK*. Miss HaP plans to be a flow meter, $8,896, and an air com- *"**"• ' favor fitexpandin g non-conforming uses In other action Tuesday night, Com- hnqutet,ttterpreter. in Summit." pressor, $8,907; According to the Merit Corporation, mon Council:; + Authorized the readvertisement for more man 14M.0W entered &e com- Far from forcing Dr. Bloomstein out, + Introduced ordinances related to (CgntinuedonPage2) bids for Impellers; j 0 students were fees, development regulations, the + Authorized the advertisement for or Tetarooro , „ ^ Over** percent zoning map and bicycle licenses, with a bids for replacement of the Arboretum official stated. He is of me semi-flnaiists are expected to Council Abandons hearing set for October S; roof, and - \m, ak next February, when + Passed an ordinance related to HN HWU + Awarded a professional contract for Certificate of Merit, One-Way System sidewalk and curb construction on a review appraisal of certain CD areas. will be chosen from Morris avenue, Maple street, Springfield and will be an- .».», night's conference avenue and Bank street; i; Common Council decided + Introduced an ordinance related to Four Crossing ,.;a trial period for a one-way fingerprinting, with a hearing set for for Montis avenue and Broad October U; Guards Needed basis 0ui are sup- + Granted raffles' licenses to the Utess,V industrial v hadsuggested it in order to Saint Elltabeth Academy Alumnae Four additional school crossing anil universiUes. :.™ -increased congestion on AsaodattMvfor October 9; to the YWCA guards are still needed by the Traffic fa street*. Councilman Murray for November 17, and to Sajnt Teresa's Division of the Police Departments. ed a pubUc hearing on the Rosary Society for October 17;; Guards are urgently needed for the Councilman James Lovett + Granted nermtssioti n ffor a Summit corner of Colt and Ashland roads and at Only those against it Youth Center block party; Summit and EocKd avenues. + Authorized street light installation Interested men or women should Slocftte majority of CouncU opposed on Cedric road; contact Sgt Robert Haley at Police a Bbnamflis trial for the one-way + Awarded bids for Warwick road Headquarters, 512 Springfield avenue. . Bystem, ttie idea was dropped. reconstruction, $89,177.50; for a sewage Uniforms will be provided.

J- • Page 2. THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979 Your PBA Today New Series of Articles Area Community School Gasahol may be the upcoming trend to the solution of (Continued IromPo^nl) the energy crunch; however, alcohol and gasoline do not v mix well when it's the driver that contains SO percent of aclence and technology. fopyplanidngrf community the solution. , Coordinated by John G. Burke program! on the series topics, a Source \tomijgrk ef history, Urivierstty of Book of program ideas and resources, Classes In the Summit fabrics. Most adults •drink and most adults drive. Unfor- CsMga, Los, Angeles, the Courses by including an annotated film W. »lso is AreaCommuttitySchool are Crafts mis terra Include tunately, they often do both too close together. Drinking Newsiwper series is authored by out- available. scheduled tobagntuesday, nrass rubbing, canine and and driving has been shown to be one of the major causes ***,&• RfSStattoB fir of not just accidents but fatal ones. ste«lu«swalBdentiflts»rKlhistoriaiis A national education program that rashjft, sttfclscreensTcake who explore the sources, consequences, combine* tt» resource* of- the nation's any of the 99 courses offered decsfSilng, doll house This two-part article on drinking and driving has been and prospects for technological change this fall will continue building, miniature fur- written to dispel some basic myths on alcohol and to Mwipapen, colleges and universities Topics include society's ambivalence since W7J, Courses by Newspaper Is a through the first week of niture, welding and wrought alleviate some misconceptions on the physiological ef- toward change, the ethical dilemmas it classes, director Jaeoueline Iron work, and picture fects alcohol has on the body. . project' of University Extension, creates, and the impact of these changes University of California, San Di*go, and Graham said thU weekTand framing. To explain the effects of alcohol in the body we must on politics, economics, jobs, and is funded by the National Endowment students who wish to realize what exactly alcohol is. The type of alcohol we lifestyles. for the Humanities. register are asked to call can drink is called ethyl alcohol, It has no ardor on the her, at 273-1141. breath. What we smell are the additives and flavorings. The combined circulation of the ap- Jflghiigbttag this year's estate or (ravel, typing Contrary to popular belief, alcohol is a depressant not a To aid readers, viewers, and students proximately 800 newspapers that offer shorthand, in linking the newspaper and television CbN on a regular basis is IS million offerings are two trips - iti' stimulant. It attacks the higher brain centers thus '•» h««' PWladeh^hU and lessening their inhibiting controls. series, Courses by Newspaper is subscribers. An estimated 50,000 /hfHii preparing a special Viewer's Guide that newspaper readers have earned college When alcohol enters the body, it is absorbed into the relates the television programs to the credit through the program offered by InsUtuteof Americali Hyde w pl«n a ite* "iHistaess. bbloodstream and carried through your body. The rate of print materials. more than 650 educational institutions. Park - and » accounting andtax absorption or tolerance level can vary depending upon , multidUciplinary course requirements and ftnan- the proof of alcohol, rate of consumption, type of mix de*hjnedtos|jowb»wtl»art used, amount and type of food in the stomach, body size and architecture reflect the SSkJFvestments, anWd o n"« a mor &e and weight and age of the individual. More Planes Over Summit ? gwsial spirit of the Gaypersonal level, personal The body destroys alcohol at a constant rate. The Nineties. Phillip Curtis management average rate of destruction is .015 percent per hour. I Continued trom Since the rate of destruction is constant, it cannot be' It," MuMoon explained. the Newark Museum, and hurried along by physical exercise, black coffee or cold have to buy new planes, or modify old . Sandy Brown, former ;'«tc;); showers. These "remedies" only turn a sleepy, in- Members of the P.A. is trying to ones, in order to meet the new federal Students can learn to prevent it," Muldoon explained. president of the New Jersey toxicated person into a wide awake one. That percentage standards. Society of Architectural hustle from the teacher of that is not destroyed or displaced to other areas of the Members of the P.A. have appeared "By replacing the engines, the planes the tm VS. Champions, or before Congress to push for source-noise Historians, will offer the body, such as the Over, eventually is carried to the brain. coufcfcbeeome very quiet. We think it's course. to play golf, or racrpetball. This is the only area where intoxication occurs. control, to eliminate the noise at the the way to go. Although the new engines They can begin French, airplane itself , ' Also new this fall are Complete absorption of alcohol by the body occurs would be expensive to begin with, they three courses to help German, Spanish or Italian, between 30-90 minutes after the last drink. The higher the "The DC 10 is a new and modern are more fuel efficient and more and if they speak Spanish at aircraft. The older ones are very much ' residents prepare for the rate of absorption, the higher concentration of alcohol in economical to operate. We are trying to holidays: "Doorway to home, perfect their English. the blood, and therefore more alcohol reaches the brain. noisier. If the airlines adhered to the generate Interest in Congress to support WANTS A HOMtf - Noel, an all-white, altered mule adult regulation, Summit and everybody else, Christmas", "How • to The Summit Area Com- The greater degree of alcohol in the brain, the greater cat, has been housed for the past 3 months by the Summit this regulation, as we are in a high noise Personalite your Greeting munity School will begin its degree of impairment, and therefore the greater the would benefit." are*," he said. Animal Welfare League and is looking for a home. If you / Muldoon pointed out the airlines would Cards," and "Holiday third year this fall. Open to effects on intoxication. can provide Mm with a loving home, call the League at Special," a mini course on all area residents, high To lessen the intoxication level, the individual must get 273-2663, 9-5 weekdays. A member of the League »HI foods for entertaining. school aged and over, the hisabsorption rate closer to his destruction rate. In other arrange for anyone interested to visit the shelter where Before the holiday rush, school oners discounts to words, pace yourself and space out the frequency of the League cats and dogs are kept. A trial adoption can also City Interested in Roosevelt the Community School senior citizens In many of its drink. be arranged, as the goal of the League has always been to (ConKnuM)rom P**e n catalogue offers some time classes. Scholarships are Next week — the effects alcohol has on the body place its animals in satisfied homes. : outdoors in the fresh fall air also available. made, particularly to find out If missing report answering as many of their through a one* Complete brochures are Bake Sale other classes and making up work bad questions as possible so that they would day class in natural dyeing. available in the Summit been adisadvantagetoour students. Tb* he able to discuss the student exchange Public Library/ Questions Center board would also like to investigate wtn Students will collect Scheduled in depth at their October Meeting. materials from nature that should be addressed to Mrs. in which students of limited financial can be used to color their Graham at 27S-1140. Of Court Benedict no. 611, means could participate, Clark said. , The next regular meeting of the board Catholic Daughters of Stating that students in his class tad Will be tonight at 8 p.m. in the Senior Psychotherapy & COPE America Will sponsor their reported back favorably 00 the ex- High School Library at 8 p.m. Residents Local Artist Rinaldo Holds fall bake sale following the 6 change program, Moore BtvertheltSB of the Roosevelt School area including Education p.m. Mass on Saturday, said that "there is some toliflg oat an members of the East Summit Civic Wins Award Annual Picnic ANNOUNCES September 22 and after all alternate year- plan would be Auociatlon have been urged to attend to A NEW PROGRAM OF COMMUNITY WORKSHOPS morning Masses Bn Sunday, preferable^' He promised the hoard a {flscusp Roosevelt's future use. On Sunday, September 23, 11M annual family picnic Mary O'Neill of Oak Ridge of Congressman Matthew J Conducted by its September 23. The bake sale will be held in the all- avenue will be presented the RtetMo will be held Sunday Staff of professiohai therapists, educators and consultants purpose room of St. Teresa's Zone Request Denial Benefactor's Award at the September 2J, noon to 5 - in Summit and Morristown, Autumn, 1979 School. opening reception of the 37th P»., on the picnic grounds Annual Open Exhibition of of the Knights of CoSmbuT Anyone wishing to donate to dentists practicing there during the • Living single • MiMUHontiw work baked goods to the sale may the New Jersey Water Color Jeanette avenue, off Morris • Living WIM Young Children • Antotesctfltt In Conflict ', «y Bod living elsewhere, which was Society at the Morris avenue, Union. • Y«ir Learning DiuMtd CMM • BocoMing Asstrtlva do so by bringing them to ^atfeady being done. Museum of Arts and The affair, which is the all-purpose ««ai»r»fl$;< Sciences in Morristown. »Ponscredb£theRinaMofor Saturday, September 22 . "Common Council took the appeal CONCERNED OR CONFUSED? LOOKING FOR ANSWERS? The judges of this show Congress » aftwap.ta.wherechairlady under advisement and may give a 1 WE CAN HELP YOU COPE : decision at the next meeting. were well-known water-^JWJHM" For Brochure and ftafistratlon Form Call 277-iMS cokrists Stuart O. G«^ tiatw A.W.S.; and COPE also offers a broad spectrum of Psychotherapy ' ' ' " Utlori, > Children • Adolescents • Adults • Individual, Group & Family Therapy such as The Apostleship of the Sea, the Santa. C includes • Sex Therapy • Marital Therapy Ul##0f Rare and Varied Volumes tings .._ _ Shop, scholarships for throughout the state, ta open '•* students of St. Teresa's to the public Mondays Tickets are available Staff Includes: Piyfhlafrlsts, Licensed Psychologist! and School., The House of Ruth The 44th annual Summit child's book by H. G. Wells, "Down Jersey"; a "Historj' through Saturdays from 10 frost the oo«iuirit»« 1M1 Marriage Counselors; Certified Social Workers and many others. ••. ' College Club Book Sale will "The Adventures of Tom- of Chatham"; and three a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Sun- Morris avenue, Union. In and Sex Therapists open on Saturday, October my." charmingly illustra- volumes by Henry Beck, ted by the author with For Appointments In Morristown or Summit phone 277-1345 Tips Given 6, at 9:30 am in the "Forgotten Towns pj basement of Oakes color and ink drawings. Southern New Jersey." On Mortgages Memorial Church. 120 The Civil War collector "More Forgotten Towns of Morris avenue, with many will find three volumes of Southern New Jersey," and collectors' items in its Rare special interest: "The "Fare to Midlands." K' A ? special bJrochufiB; Book Section. According to Soldier's Story of His Perhaps the oldest book designed to ease the process Captivity at Andersonville of obtaining a home mort- the Rare Book Chairman, received In the Summit Mrs. Emily Hlnman, Mrs and Other Rebel Prisons" College Club Book Sale's 44- gage loan Is now available by Warren Lee Goss, from Hofman Ingrams, Inc. Pat Breeding and Mrs. year " history U the l«» Betty Malcolm of Summit, published in 1869; "TheOxford publication of •ofSummit.'--^H,^';'K''.>v u':: Southern Side — or Titled "Tips on Securing the club has received a wide ' Francis Osbom's "Advice to variety of valuable books Andersonville Prison" by a Son, or DMs«o«*o|ir|» '"a Home Mortgage," the the Confederate surgeon R. Better Core»u^"'nussinaW brochure has been written appealing to different tastes and interests. Randolph Stevenson; and lea therbound volume wou^ in layman's terms and is in- an 1863 edition, "Annals of be an interesting addltibn to' tended to eliminate the The naturalist will enjoy Putnam's 1924 edition of the Army at Cumberland," any collection. ^ •' :,::^m mystery of the mortgage in which "an officer" breaks the dress code application process for "Galapagos: World's End" The sets, handled by Mrs; by American explorer and describes skirmishes, Deany Wright of Summit home buyers. • •':-?;•?-. '"•.'.-]••'• reports the official account . ..mono w«rt mWlons of people who (eel that Hofman Ingrains, Jtocv scientist William Beebe. include the complete worsi whertfc on their l«*do8sn1c*Kirige what* in metr- recently tnelged W#i^ Profusely illustrated with of the Battle of Stone River , ;of Sohjii't 'Louis' 8teVHI0^|B|| hfcocto. Free ycusoHmjcfl.textete. lightweight former Naomi Faison Isabel Cooper's fine colored and includes the police a' 12-volume teatber edition Hhft^MhVfc«tod plates and black and white record of spies, smugglers ,of|lo1)ejrtB«*«^*i;ai(^ wherever you do It, why not be more comfortable? : photographs by John Tee- and prominent rebel five-volume •:;v'"set• :r'. ~erve In Ike United Basking Ridge. McCarthy For the literary expert, Virginia," a Richmond 1853 p.m:;'Aif^N«ii'l#.M'niitf: 8UU» Army. He retimwd to began his Bell System , :Mrs':/ ismmSmimMA there is a 12-volume, leather publication, is available for October 6 thniugh'•% #:«» thecompaay UHM7 as sales career witt the New York • -:p|«»ident,-ifii*3|>l|ejWt;;: bound edition of "Thethe Americana collector. a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays • raa»ag«r^» the DtBa. of- Tetephea* Cotnpaay, where } MaoUson. Anyo^ belonging Complete Works of Samuel Those specializing in tfte and 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. • he was tervtag ss staff ; to a national sorority is Johnson," published in 1824; New Jersey area will be Monday through Friday. ••pCfnspQrHrBVCSWBl :p|«Bte** i#?'M»<|*«ie«i. 1 •i welcojMe" Vlto3;P^te|«i8' a London edition of James please. d with this year's Net proceeds from the sale posltioH bi New Vork CUy ' jotning ATM j* urt. M. Barrie's^'Admirabte selection There is a four- : are used for scholarshlpi Criehton," illustrated with volume, 1902 edition of apped-in color plates by "New Jersey as a Colony C h*| wfcifctt J*|ffit

tts*^ Summit. • YWGAr '7? Maple street, is sponsoring 'Va'^TOBrai^GiBk" .Rjeal Eswte- ^pWfe'f-WthJ-^ffn' JK OFFICE MACHINES Burgdorf f, beginning Sunwpil AVtniw wid B«nk Streel MC«|to.September24from

j0Ds wiftftrflyi ffM potential, licensing, and ttttt the Job Is ready Hke. TEN BANK OB October l, ttwWoitobo p witt discuss "Buying and VISA/MC Selling Your Own Home" and on October 8, "Real ftaoBytaMM Estate As An Investment." to those who are interested. There is a fee for thePO{IOW*Uy | Unity iQUJM. ajk* workshops and advanced pouibjients Will oe Blade i0r~ lOfAfWSTHtT 1 SUMMIT, *M O7»1 MgfetraUon is suggested. personal counseling and 7 For farther information, urterpretatton of die ap- cah the YWCA, 373=4242. titude profile.

jfHHpPHS^^ THB SUMMIT HKBALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 19T9 &J> Picks Up the Gauntlet Page 8 Summit vs. Westfield In More Ways Than One Summit versus Westfield is an old familiar rivalry on the football field and Summit quickly picked up the gauntlet a return engagement between the two and in an almost return-mail letter, • Ugh school teams will take place Carlough and Kaus replied, "Your tomorrow, September 21, in Westfield. prediction of the result of the Blue Devils It now appears that another friendly vs. Hilltoppers football game is com- rivalry between the two towns Is un- ' mendable. We firmly believe, however, derway, initiated by a challenge from that you may again suffer 'smarting.'" the United Fund of Westfield executive Accepting their hostesses' invitation director Linda Maggio and board of for the game tomorrow and their trustees president Sally Alien. challenge for a "Human Kindness," 1979 campaign competition Carlough and In a September 7 letter written to Kaus added that the Westfield predic- United Way of Summit and Newtions were "overly optimistic." Providence president William W. Plans for tomorrow's game include a Carlough, Jr. and executive director Ed mid-field meeting of the opposing teams Kara, the two admitted that Westfield of fundraisers either before the game or residents are still "smarting" over last at half-time. Each president will be year's 6-2 football win by Summit High accompanied by his town's banner and School. high school band members. Balloons will With that loss still in mind, the be released and there are even rumors of Westfield United Fund officers invited a cannon to be shot off tomar k the event. the two Summit executives to be their Westfield ia no "powder-puff' op- gimts tomorrow "as we watch Westfield ponent on either the football field or in NEW CHAIRMAN - Starting (be school year as newly named Senior High School win" and to make a "gentleman's the fundraising lists, as United Way's ehairmaii of the foreign language department is Fred Moore (center) talking with wager" also on the outcome of their Kaus readily admits. They nave met (left) Donald Buschi, Spanish teacher, and guidance counselor John Gnwme. Moore respective fund drives. their fund's goal for the last four years will continue as teacher of Latin and Creek. Calling Oelr challenge, "a com-and their goal this year, $335,000, U petition of human kindness," Maggio lower than Summit and New and Allen wrote, "We challenge you to Providence's $398,000 target. increase your fund raising, from what But even though Summit has not had Four More House Breaks you announced last year, to as much an equal success in going over the top in the increase as we will attain in Westfield past few years, Kaus said he is this year. The town with the greatest Four more bouse break-ins, including The theft was reported shortly before 7 "hopeful" that Summit will make it mis three on Canoe Brook parkway, were p.m. * percent Increase Is the winner. (And time. "We have to if we're going to beat reported (his week by the Police Out, we're sure, will be Westfield!)." Westfield," he said emphatically. Department. The next day, a third Canoe Brook Our navy wool suit by Southwick. parkway home was entered and a wallet OnTbursday, shortly after 5:30p.m., a and a television set taken. Police said The most useful suit you'll own. break-in was reported at a Canoe Brook the robbery apparently took place while A navy blue suit is always correct. When it's tailored by Rotary Hears Parkway home where two diamond the family was at home and sleeping. All-day Parkers Need rings and a camera were taken. Entry The theft was discovered shortly after 9 Southwick it's distinguished as well Out vested two was made through the rear dining room a m on Sunday. A bathroom window had County Aide window. button model will be the suit you turn to most often, for been forced for entry. most occasions. Mid-weight hard finish worsted for Another Canoe Brook home was A Lorraine road home was broken into New Orange Permits The duties and respon- broken into on Saturday and rings and a wearability and comfort almost year round. sibilities of the Union shortly before 1 p.m. last Thursday. camera stolen from a bedroom which Although nothing was reported taken Sizes 36-48 regular, 36-43 short, 39-48 long, County Register's Office had been ransacked. A front window Residents who use*e city's all-day metered parking was the subject of a talk by from the house, a bicycle stored in an 42-48 extra long. 285. lots should check their permits, attached to the back of Richard I. Hatfield when he screen had been cut to gain entrance attached garage is missing. rear view mirrors, to determine if their permits have run addressed a meeting of the From our Southwick collection of distinguished business out Rotary Club on Monday at suits. At Roots Now David L. Hughes, city clerk, has cautioned residents the Squire Restaurant. that the previously-issued stickers expired on July 1 and Hatfield, a resident of that new permits, which will run from July 1 to July 1, Scotch Plains, said his office 1982, are now available at City Hall. was responsible for Permits are needed to park in the lots on Elm street, registering all real estate between the YMCA and the Library, behind Grand transactions and deeds Union, next to the Presbyterian Church and in the within the county. At easterly portion of the railroad parking lots. present, his office is the Permits are issued to residents and as weU as persons caretaker of 8,000 volumes IROOTS who work in the city. In addition to City Hall, permits of such transactions. The 277-1234 register's office 1B also r may also be obtained through places of employment and • ••dfcih/thursdav and «*a,0r..747^iBQQ "'•• ' Hm office of the Chamberof Commerce. custodian ot maps and t/dd "• * •*' ureas? £g$ft

Calls Council Inept Tipsy Driving Braytra Aatfapw Pair CfrCiiatnaaa 1 iCoi. left, confers with Chairman I.ynB NetMa. Nets Penalties Donald S. Anderson of Anderson maintained that A second drunken driving Bla«kburn .road. "merchants have survived offense netted James C. Brayton Plans 19th Antique Show Democratic candidate for because they have provided Colangelo of Milton avenue Cobweb. Cowman Councilman^ services which are essen- a $525 fine and a year's The 19th annual Summit from Florida, New York and In addition to the display lange, has charged that a tial, and unique, to city license suspension last week Outdoor Antique Show, Pennsylvania. From the of antiques, there will be a W group of residenU" residents". in Municipal Court. sponsored by the Brayton Summit area, dealers in- that the Board of Anderson also charged School PTA, will be held clude Mrs. Jean Knopp of snack bar, bake shop and a Also penalized for country garden. Admission i is arrogant, that that there, ia an "increasing drunken driving was Mary Saturday, September 29, Broadswords, Vicki and Council is inept feeling that the members of from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the James Lant of the Second is $1.25, and tickets may be Barry of Snort Hills, who purchased at the door ''and indifferent and that Council-and appointees to was fined $200 and denied school grounds on Tulip Hand and Alieze Burchardt local merchants are using Boards and Commissions street and Ashland road. of Summit. Chatham Children under six will be her license for SO days. admitted free. In case of "resldentiaJ goodwill to are serving the interests of a The Show features an- dealers include Kay and Steven Serlin, formerly of rain, the Show will be held build a shopping center in Shrinking group of in- tiques offered by local John Archer, Mimi Gunn, Summit, was given a 180- inside the school building. order to compete with the siders". He added, "these dealers as well as others The Nelsons and The Mall and Route 22." day suspended jail sentence insiders find elected or and fined 1275 after he was In remarks made to East appointed service helpful in found guilty of an assault on Summit residents, last week, reaching personally and a babysitter last year. Anderson claimed that the corporate goals which add merit points to various merchants' opinion that Orientation they contribute, through corporate, governmental How to buy taxes, to pay a portion of me 'ana institutional structures city's school system.is totally unrelated to Sum- Meeting Set fallacious because that mit", a personal computer. Anderson said that East Summit High School's opinion is in opposition to guidance department will the residents'', desire to Summit's residents are dissatisfied with Council, host a reception for students There's only one way to buy a software, service and advice. preserve the city's new to the school today, at residential character. but that there is also a personal computer from a recog When it comes to personal strong group ot residents, 2:30 p.m. in room 317. computers, Apple* wrote the book. Representatives from nized computer expert at your He also charged that "of all political outlooks", local computer store. As your It's Apple Computer's "Consumer who "offer comments which various school organizations merchants are in favor of will be on hand to discuss Apple "II dealer, we offer the Guide to Personal Computing." Invest in our checked wool suit. "unrestricted commercial suggest that Common It offers intelligent answers to Council is, at best, in- with students the various knowledge and experience to It pays high fashion dividends. growth which would clubs and activities that the your unanswered questions And inevitably destroy this different to their hopes for a help you select a computer that better residential life". school has to offer. will meet your personal heeds. it's available at your dealer s when With one important suit in your wardrobe you'ie ready for lovely city". AH new students are He added , "Summit's Anderson has said he is We'll be around long after you come in to see what anything, anywhere. A few changes of tops and running As a "citizen ad- encouraged to attend the the sale, too, the exciting strength has always been its reception. accessories and your one suit purchase can yield a whole residenUI character". vocate." for peripherals. Apple II can do. new wardrobe. Build yours around our 100% wool houndstooth check suit with the new shorter jacket, double-buttoned at the waist. Camel/grey check, sizes 6-16. 130. Shown with: Polyester tie shirt, sizes 6-14. 48 From our fall collection of smartly tailored suits, in Adam's Rib®, the women's shop m the men's store.

• Honu>m*de Bounin Cheete • Specbi 00, 8 Vine/tan mptmd Prturv*! • Stuces 4 Mtuunb • Delictou* Deueru • Quiche SATURDAY ONLY Croissant • Brioche • French Peanut Tarte »ummit/mondayancithursdayuntil9/ 277-1234 *r*dbank/thursdayarrifridayuntiig/ 747-1800 Stow Horn: Mon. • Fri. 11 - 6, Thin. 11 • S STONEHENGE COMPUTER SHOP mprrtetwwn/wednesday and friday until S/ 267-1234 riv«r«itfamquai«lhacfceflsack/rrandayairoughfrHJayut«:il9:30/ 342-6500 'Note new Red Bank evening hours Thursday and frtday until 9 9 BEECHWOOD RD 89 Summit Avmw* Summit, Htm Jwtty SUMMIT (2011227-1020 ROOTS CHARGE. AMERICAN EXPRESS MASTER CHARGE VISA Pa«e4 THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 80, 1979 Oak Knoll Mothers Open New Year Y To Feature Outwater-DeCelles nounced the dates of Metager, Kings Hill court, Fashion News "Become mare Involved and Mrs. Bruce Wesson, Bernadttte DeCelles, Bridesmaids included Betty at Oak Knoll" is the in- scheduled activities. These ^Jto*Ji^Jto*Jp»«ori»Y«gY r daughter of Mrs. Mary and Barbara Prudden, the include a Grand Prix party Whlttredge road, both Clothes" will be jreaented • vitation the new officers and membership. DeCeUes of Chatham and of bride's nieces, and Sarah board members of the and Book Fair in November, by Brooks of Summit's the late Joseph DeCeUea, Outwater, the bridegroom's school's Mothers' Auxiliary a Lenten Day of Recollec- During the coffee hour M«f»ortei buyer, Tany and Rflbert Outwatef, ion of daughter. extended to members tion, a Family run day in which preceded today's Delia Piana, at the Summit meeting, Richard Ahmes Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jacob James Outwater was Ms . during the group's first May and two informal YWCA Kaffeeklatsch of Lincoln Park, were brother1* beat man, while meeting of the year this evening parties in the fall and Mrs. Gail Wiser, program. Wednesday, principals of the upper and married July l at Corpus . Joey DeCeUes, the bride's morning in the Convent. and spring. fiwpiemoer 3D. Chrlsti Catholic Church nephew, was usher. Among the Auxiliary lower schools, chatted in- She will demonstrate how In her talk, Mrs. John formally with guests. Chatham Township. Rev. A graduate of the Murphy, Woodland Avenue, board members are Summit to wear scarves and Jewelry James Mahoney performed Berkeley School, the bride U president of the residents Mrs. Robert creatively, while also the afternoon ceremony, associated with CtBA- organization, pointed out Pollock, Middle way, Towne Club showing some hats, which which was followed by a GEIGY, Summit, as li her that its main purpose is to treasurer; Mrs. Sedgwick are back in fashion.' reception at the Fiorham husband, who is graduate of encourage parent par- Ward, Prospect Hill The program, open to the Park Country dub. , falrleigh Dickinson ticipation in the spiritual, avenue, advisor; Mrs. Sets Meeting public, begins at 9:45 a.m. The bride was escorted by University. social and fund-raising John Joyce, Pine Grove and ends at 11:15. For Towne Chib members will her brother, Joseph Following a wedding trip events which are held avenue, hospitality; Mrs. mothers of young children, DeCelles, Jr. Mrs. Mary to Bermuda and Maine, the regularly. "The Auxiliary Richard BUfera, Oak Ridge enjoy fashions by the "SwinghV Along" is of- and Maine, the Jeannette Shop of Summit Ann Qrudden was her couple is reidresidini g iin exists to serve the school avenue, Day of Recollec- fered for three to five year sister's Matron of honor. Chatham. and enhance the Oak Knoll tion; Mrs. Thomas Kane, on Tuesday, September 25. olda, taught by Debbie community," she insisted. Prospect Hill avenue, Grand To open the new season, Bruning, and babysitting is Mrs. Murphy then an- Prix night; Mrs. Gale members will be the models available for infants 18 for the luncheon show at the months or older. Chanticler in Millburn. Millburn Social hour will begin at ENGAGED-Mr. and Mrs. 11:30 a.m. with luncheon Y Plans Trip A. W. Zarawiki of Chatham following at noon. Reser- annouice the engagement of The Summit YWCA Youth their daiighter, Marcl. la FUR vations for the luncheon Department is conducting meetings will be taken by Kenneth DeRobert*. son of a trip to the N.Y. Aquarium Alvera OeRoberts of Sybil Fromme and Eleanor in Brooklyn Monday, Shoppe CriteUi. Sommtt aad of the late October 8 for youth in Michael K. DeReberts. A A shopping trip to the grades K through 12 and graduate, of Saint Msry-tf- famous outlets of Reading, adults. The bus will leave the-Woods Callage. lad., Pennsylvania, is planned for the YWCA parking lot at 9 Miss ZarawsU is enpleyed SHORT HIUS. NEW JERSEY Wednesday, October 10. a.m. and return at ap- full-time la the marketfag Moira Pagan and Doris proximately 5 p.m.. Held and Is afan an to- 379-2318 Petersen are handling Registration is open to straeieratttMStafteniHaU Distinctive arrangements for the day's YWCA members and non- School of B«slMl,.8a«mlt. outing. memBers. For further in- Sh* Is also aparUfane Furs formation, call the Summit etadeat at FalridthbieUa- YWCA at 273-4242. soa University, working toward her M.B.A. Her of Mrs. Douglas E. Miles flaace, a gradaate af the Newbary. College of Quality Basinets, has attended Miles-Conover Ratgert University and Keaa College aVd is Craftsmanship Patricia Barwick Following the ceremony, earreatly earolled la Conover, daughter of Mr. a reception was held at IKaiaas A. EAsan College. and Mrs. Cameron Howard Beacon Hill Club ^^IMiWrtastog agent Conover, of Oak Ridge The bride, who graduated Car the Cliy of Samrntt. A 315 Millburn Ave Avenue was married last from St. Lawrence weMlag is planned for Millburn llere't a racy little sandal that's way Saturday to Douglas University, is an assistant Baatentjer, IMO. " out in front of the pack — with a Everard Miles, son of Mr. buyer for the J C Penney meat molded plywood sole, shapely and Mrs. Charles William Company ta New York. 379-4145 covered heel and a vamp pared down Miles, Jr., of Basking Ridge. Mr. Miles, an account For in-depth reporting on to the bare essential); it s definitely Rev. Canon Charles A. supervisor with McCann- the local scene, read the headed for the winner's circle — Shreve performed the Erickson, New York, Is also Summit Herald every week. Furriers of Distinction ceremony in St. Andrews's a graduate of St Lawrence Tan, Black, or Rust Call 44.00 Episcopal Church, Murray University and a member« HJJ. the University Club.'..1- The bride was given in Mr. and Mrs MUM wM -Dr.and Mrs. marriage by her father. Ann reside in New Ye** £»» Sawyer of Penn- Lloyd Conover was maid of following their wetting trip aaaeanee the Success Seminar For Women honor for her sister and to Sea "—* -"—•-" " icat of their bridesmaids were Mrs. Jena Lentae. to Cameron H. Conover jr., impravement Designed for all womarr-hotTtamaltara or career minded Mrs. T. James Newton, Mrs. Poaae TwbmMy, Paul Hanson, Miss Karen Course Set son af Mr. aad Mrs. Deane • Learn tthh e principleiil s of succe •————* , and Miss Lorraine TWowhty of Short HUls, formerly of Sammit. Miss , • Gain confidence-Unlock your |1>w »i Sawyer, who has studied at • Dynamic leadership tn a relaxed, i Salem College, SatqueJUnna Vniverslly Conover Jr., James B. ^•var"— — «M With, the coa- forld", with certmatterortheNewYark Nee Dell's Conover, brothers of the Leader: Carolyn W. carmichael, Ph.D. bride, Gregory Miles, —ic.—itag philharmonic Orchestra, U' brother of the bridegroom a violinist, who works in IS registration fee $40 Course Fee Douglas Keim and Laurence H include advertising media with Send registration to: Ross. hjduding Foote. Cone aad BehUng Success Seminars, Inc. P.O. Box 142, Berkeley Heights, N. J. 07»M MM diet Company. Her fiance, who Questions? Call 4M-44M4-11 a.m. or 4*4-»»51-J p.m. care and studied at Webster College. cosmetic „,—ition; as was gradnated samma cam PRIVATE INSTRUCTION well as wardrobe coor- laade from Drew University dlnatiott with emphasis of aad took advances mesie AVAILABLE adapting today's clothes to studies at the JtdmanJ String Su> Miiyc one's personal taste while School. He Is an advertising Cello Gallery . • still being Stylish. representative with east Oultar Advanced registration McGraw-Hill Publishing French Horn T-SHIRT i wAf IrOlfV rW and membership in the Company. A wedding b Ptrews WB YWCA ft required, planned for December » at further Information can be the Marble Collegiate SMS Writing Charch, New" Vert City. Harmonica 75 Summit Ave. Summit, N J. Recorder Bntmnbte TuMday, September 26th (201)273-7505 BMio WMftST* MMCffON O* MUSICAL' INSTMMBNTS • ACCESSORIES • SHB6T MUSIC • eOUCATIONAL MATERIALS GEM WISE Frames by You IMfcwmtt Ave.. Summit FREE LESSON: We Cut TIM Molding, Mtt * G/MS 10% OFF You Anembh, and SAVE WITH PURCHASE OF ANY ALL SHEET MUSIC & American e*m lecieiy NEW OR USED BOOKS IN STOCK IScNrawr, fisher. Sriwn. Palari. etc • Blocking and Stretching of Alt Needlework INSTRUMENT IN STOCK1 »«»«—•» EXPIRES 10/31/79 SAPPHIRES • Laminating of Diplomas and Documents EXPIRES wnn* l • Special Mounting For Posters AMERICAN STYLE • Creative Matting Mon-Set. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. The Oriane Institutde Beauts IWe also custom frame.) 273-4813 Did you know that th« largest proven sapphire depoiit A beautiful bit of Paris in the world it located in our own Mate of Montana? The . mine in Yogo GuWi extends for fivi mile* and it becoming a major producer. The Yogo Oufch depmlt was first discovered by accident irt 'the 189O'L A group of miner! happened upon it in their starch for gold. VI first' mistaking the gem crystals for broken 10% OFF CUTS AND PERMS bitsofjl«u. Tht mine was lucctnfully worked for 30 y«an and than tbuidovm. Hi WM not until 1977 that serious mining wai Starting September 24 - October 31 returned. Atxxrt 70.000 torn of rock have been processed DiNtiNhh AT Tht V«go dapOtH i» tf|« only on* which it itill in its plaet of tormatlan. Ail other ttpphire deposits sra alluvial, that Is. IMAISBM «h», MOT mattrfal brokt loott from it* host rock through cofrwcawTTWiiicuJt mt&tmlna. WH washed sway into rivers and streams, and mooxmnmtient- m bWWIltnaath sand and debris. OMTHAM.N jeWS Tht American. Gem Society recently prastnttd to the The Orlane I ratline de Beaute ... a Smlthmnian Irtttftution a collection of Jewelry set with private work) where you'll be indulged AmerieMI gemrtones. The collection wet designed by AWo m the grand French manner... a skill- ClpUUa, i famous New York dtsigntr, arid manufactured by ed and trained esthetlcienne will per- top Anwiean 9m Socltty iawtby manufacturers phis a ftw «MnaV

*<;.?•;• ;\;--.' THE SUMMIT HERALD, THUKSDAY SEPTEMBER 20, 1979 Technology on Trial Page 5 Meeting Slated tions: Tedinology and Change I By Rights Unit EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of is progress. Rebuttals calling for present technological The next meeting of the attention to our high stan- innovations. ludicrous. But now, as we Some critics maintain that development of new Civil Rights commission articles exploring "Con- worry about an energy engineering, war, and weapons, but also in NEWSPAPER are those of nections: Technology and dard of living, improved A useful way of assessing the site of our population the authors only and do not will be held on Tuesday. health, longer life spans, shortage, it has become a and its increasing con- government, although some stimulating new Industries September 25 at 8 p.m. in Change." In this article, our present situation, of necessity. economists would maintain and methods that have necessarily reflect those of , historian John G. Burke of better working conditions, Judging whether it is indeed centration in urban areas the University of California, City Hall. at that all of these ultimately profoundly affected society. . the University of California, and increased educational unique, is to look Having advancing are primarily responsible the National Endowment for The meeting is open to the opportunities do not still the technologies always had the for environmental pollution can be lumped under Military needs were the public. L«s Angeles, discusses our technological development economic activity. chief stimuli for the the Humanities, or the ambivalence toward critics' voices. in so historical context and effect of altering cultures? Others declare that without participating newspapers Technology is on trial, Has the pace "of technological progress the The desire to satisfy development of aircraft, - technology today and raises in its relation to con- space snips, and computers and colleges. . some of the questions that The most ominous temporary problems. This quickened? growing populations in material needs, individual The Light Touch assertion is that technology Only when we look to the or social, has always been a Similarly, governments will be answered in sub- series of 15 articles has that developing nations will have encouraged in- + + + sequent articles. This series is now completely out of goal. !»st do we realize fully how perish. Yet historically, the major source of innovation. NEXT WEEK: Peter F novations through the #>"•» oobod, Ihtra to oHuwioia n was written for COURSES human control. very different our methods links between technological In western cultures, Drucker, author of "The Effect! of Technology luxuries have become patent system, agricultural Docrof BV NEWSPAPER, a Technology, 'the of producing goods are from progress and population Age of Discontinuity," to peti.nl You,, .».,, .umbwn Three of the more im- necessities with resulting experiment stations, and ioH |« a Khila a»d try to aei ,n o those of our forebears. discusses the "silent good dayo^ oi th, OHKS program developed by prosecution says, has portant effects of growth are puzzling economic growth. Indeed, agencies that aid industry. Technology has revolutions" brought about K *{MN* ng it I** tufctng o - University Extension, become an independent technological advance are What advice, if 8Dy some critics blame the To what degree does this University of California, entity, a thing apart from unquestionably affected the by new technology nwd to kmn. th« ngti. plot, the increasing complexity of work process. However, the should we give to developing "growth ethic" for both activity, both military and San Diego, and funded by a humans who gave it birth. our civilization, the changes nations? Or, to ourselves? + + + pg (Q oMoya »». ,h, tmgt.l lid important question is environmental deterioration civilian, contribute to our of MM oirwt guy » mttloiiuna grant from the National We have become cogs in a in our culture and in- Societal values constitute present problems? About the Author Endowment for the whether our labor has and for the purported H yov trunk yav.u too old (or uru"" huge system of production stitutions, and the impact of a third precondition of decline in the quality of life. JOHN G. BURKE is l Humanities. become more individually The subjects described and consumption, a innovations on work. The rewarding and more technological innovation. To what extent is this professor of history at the machine having no human complexity of our For example, gunpowder, ethic the cause of our dif- above and the questions University of Calif ornia, Los A related lo-part socially beneficial. raised comprise the main purpose. Certainly, modern technological society, in- invented in China, was not ficulties? Angeles, where he has also StMMJT television series, "Con- technology gives most of us.* deed, is one of the reasons used there for firearms body of this series of ar- served as Dean of the nections," co-produced by a means of livelihood, food, critics give either for our Preconditions When it appeared in From small beginnings in ticles. The final three ar- Division of Social Sciences Honl the BBC ana Time-Life Yet, effects do not occur the 17th century, scientific ticles will consider both the shelter, and leisure to watch loss of control or for their Western Europe, however and Dean of the College of 570 SpcinfHeld tamw Films, will be shown over charge that the system is without preconditions. One research activity has now past and the future Letters and Science He PBS stations beginning TV. But the price we pay for military engineers im- Summit 273 3000 these material satisfactions, manipulated for the benefit is our physical environment, mediately grasped its grown to substantial size. prospect. They will in- joined the faculty there in September 30th. Check your it is said, is our freedom. of a scientific-technological which is necessary to life On the one hand, the vestigate the nature of in- 1962 after a successful local television listings for military potentialities. rational and objective ap- ventive activity, the relation Do humans have enough elite. One frequently cited and crucial in the Why do some cultures business career. He holds exact viewing times. example in the 1965 New development of technology. proach of scientists of technology to ethical degrees in both metallurgy resilience to maintain accept technological in- provokes criticism; on the freedom and choice in spite York blackout, which The exploitation and misuse principles, and the merits and history, and his awards + + + novations that others other, the discoveries, and shortcomings of current include three grants from Copyright c 1979 by the of burgeoning technology? plunged the city into of the environment is one of reject? darkness for hours before our most urgent problems. which give rise to attempts to direct the the National Endowment for Regents of the University of Assertions and predic- Sourcei of Change technological innovation, course of technological the Humanities for California. tions about technology power was restored, and the How have past culturesor Given these precon- cause of which stumped those in other parts of the cause worry. development for human seminars on Technology, + usually are based on several ditions, however, what purposes Society, and Values in assumptions that are dif- experts for days. world come to terms with stimulates technological How has science grown? by John G. Burke nature or arrived at a What is its interaction with Serious public con- Twentieth Century ficult if not impossible to Is complexity a novel progress, and who or which America. Among his Smog! Water pollution! prove. One is that compromise between the institutions accomplish technology? How do sideration of these issues Can I save Excessive noise! Urban feature of modern environment and scientists perceive them- publications are "Origins of technological change is technology? innovation? and participation in the on- the Science of Crystals;" you money on fllthl Shoddy products! taking place more rapidly technological progress? selves? And, inasmuch as going debates is necessary. Lethal fopd additives! Similarly, societal and Humanitarian concerns science receives the credit "The Science of Minerals in than in the past. Another Is Does high technology the spirit of adventure, or For it is only through our the Age of Jefferson" (co- homeowner^ Radioactive wastes! institutional changes are inevitably entail environ- or blame for innovation, collective wisdom that the that technological change apparently occurring with the wish to transform what is the engineers' role, authored with J.C. Greene), Genetic manipulation! has a much greater social mental deterioration? idleness to active leisure problems concerning nsurance? Dehumanizationl astonishing rapidity. A and to what extent should and "The New Technology impact than ever before. A Another apparent have produced some in- technological advance and and Human Values." These,are the results, century ago, for example, precondition of their activities cause con- its effects can be resolved Call and third is that scientific any proposal for a U.S. novations. But the principal cern? Currently a Guggenheim critics charge, of our blind research and development technological advance is the agencies of technological + + + Fellow, he coordinated this compare. faith in technological Department of Energy size, distribution, and War has always en- are exclusively responsible would have appeared innovation arc economic The views expressed in series. migration of populations. activity, science, couraged technological C O.U B S S E S BY 1MM Albtata and activity< seience innovation, not just in the compara your prea»t D^+, ~~-i. • cA J 5 TX ™* ' =£»."«? THOMAS OARSON, Ph.D. price and coverH« with Teacher of Piano The SummiReturnint High School g Students' Reports To Highlight AFS Meeting «M money. school year are especially Rotterdam from Germany chapter ommif AFt SHig (Americah Schoonl encourageschool yeadr taro eatten esnerJs.ld thve »„»«._,__ ,. du. b. hopes to arrange a are presentl' y living abroad a family in Bolivia© . In addi- "Hit dime nu» be listed with URW of Field Service) will hold its who is living with the short-term exchange where the bit tim« performed1 meeting. Families from the Thomas Kelsey family. Eva are Michelle Dnscoll in tion, another former /lllslale annual fall meeting on community who might like a group of Summit students HH.OIII.Y. Traits Thursday, September 27 at 8 and Kim arrived in Summit Argentina and Ken Pardee Mimrait student, Peter Oie opportunity of hosting a in August, and were will spend a week living with in New Zealand. Both left Smerald, returned home Facultj N.Y. Catlap , Mome 277-O529 to near of the experiences of take on a special glow when claw at the High School and last year's seniors, Philip Mats**. 7 4 they reminisce about their their host staters. Becky in Summit. Tarashuk, spent two months a highlight of the September the four Summit students The Summit students who » meeting. who are or recently were experiences," said chapter Houpt and Suzanne Keliey, thtepastsumnwrUv^wlS Bring abroad under AFS co-presldcnt Mrs. Lynn* are both juniors. sponsorship. School programs for AFS •tudmta> ar* arganlxed to " * *t tato he«d«i Summit Junior* and fttJHt

J'f *^>*^



YOU'LL LIKE IT HERE—AFS club member Suianne Buckley, left, has the complete attention of visiting students Eva Rotterdam from Germany/center, and Kim Carter from Barbados, right at a recent AFS picnic. Eva and Kim will be members of this WARM WELCOME — A recent picnic honoring this year's visiting students was given year's senior class at Summit High School. by the Summit High School Chapter of the American Field Service. Standing, from left, are AFSclub president Juliet Sternberg, Kim Carter from Barbados, Suzanne Kelsey and Kim Ady. Kneeling, from left, are Becky Houpt of Summit and Eva Rotterdam Symphony Sets Auditions in Summit from Germany. The New Jersey Youth of the New Jersey Sym- stringed instruments may Symphony of Union County phony, will direct the young try out on Saturday, October will give young orchestral musicians and rehearsals 6, from 9:30 a.m. ^ - musicians in out area the will begin on Tuesday, Audition requirements f 1 '• opportunity to audition for October 16. include scales, sight reading membership next month. Auditions for students, 13 and a prepared solo with The Youth Symphony, through 18 who are par- maximum audition time established through the ticipating in their own kept to 10- minutes. cooperation of public school school music programs, will Auditions will be Judged by of summit * ; music departments, private be held at the Summit members of the New Jersey ' music teachers, and in- Junior High School, Maple Symphony and all students < terested individuals and street entrance. Woodwind, wUl be notified of results. organitattons is also en- brass and' percussion There will be a $25 mem- London Fog couraged and supported by auditions will take place on bership fee and scholarships Little girls love the New Jersey Symphony Tuesday, October 2 and are available. For further designer fashions, Just Orchestra. George Marriner Tuesday, October 9 from information and an audition Sale Ilk* the big girls. For Maul!, assistant conductor 6:45 p.m. Players of appointment, call 522-1532. school or play we have She'll never notice the cold a super collection that weather when she snuggles can't be beat. You'll M.A. Course Offered Here into her navy and red nylon ski jacket with sherpa pile find such famous The Graduate Center for sons have responsibility for held at the hone of Mrs. lining. Sizes 7Ureg. $29 names as Sasson, Human Development at working with other human Martha Burgess, 256 4-Breg.$27 Anne Klein, Gloria * Fairleigh Dickinson beings. Teachers, nurses, Springfield avenue, (corner Vanderbilt, Givenchy University will be offering a counselors, personnel and of Hobart) in Summit on and Pierre Cardin. Do course in the Summit area social service workers are September 11 at 7 p.m. A this Fall. The course, Direct among the professionals faculty member will be $1990 come in, you'll find Study of Human Beings I, is comprising the student present to explain the these and many more... program and to expedite also available in bomber part of, the Master of Arts population of this unique styling. all specially priced. degree program' in Human, program. registration procedures. Development and is offered To qualify for the Class will begin the last 410 •pringtaM aM'tummll locally to help students save program, a student must week of September. Contact 16pmi«W*rnon. t ttnirs. tot p.m. the Graduate Center for gasoline and commuting hold a bachelor's degree -•tm parking «ffM gilt wrap : time. from an accredited college Human Development, 939- 1377, or Mrs. Burgess, 273- •no aata la nar flMMraa •llarallont 4 '' A Master of Arts degree in or university. 410 tpringfttkl mt • summit • fm parking • noun 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. • An orientation meeting for 0889, for further in- mon and thun. to 9 • no ult to aotr final • Ira* gift wrap arwayi • always a tmil* P Human Development is formation. ' applicable wherever per- interested persons is being Pat* 6 THE SUMMIT HERALD, tfolBSDAY, SEPTEMBER 80, J9W The Ever-Increasiog Initace of PACs SlIMM by DAVID COHEN Realtors uv Out p economic interests.» ERALD »rom^ mjUjgo in the re David Cohen b Prvidnt of Common Eve E. Forbes, Publisher Cause, • non-prom esWs' lobby. ofthe]aj«?Uoti' Quality Weeklies ofN»« Jersey Now that Congress', summer recess has tsadratoaflc Norman E. Rautcher, Audit Bureau of Circulation increaseTin Ms <. . giving. - Editor ended, the bouse can do something con- ''Our potential l**PAi structive about reducing the influence of starting," said Lucy Meyer National Editorial Association the new breed of campaign contributor - Ji of PAC? is w> accident They Associate Editor Published by The Summit Herttd , political action committees of cor- porations, unions and countless other ^J to congressional candidates Thomas J. Piemonte Every Thursday at 22 Sank Street S----J they are clvto-mtaded. As Justin Summit, New Jersey 07901 pressure groups. Commonly known as Advertising Manager PCAs, their growth has been unparalleled. Dart, Chairman of Dart Industries said, Entered m Second Class Matter Political action committees have fat eclogue with WUttdans "is a fine tntejL October 5,1889 at the Post Office creased in number from fewer than 600 in but with a little money they hear you 01*01. Uwtar «» Act otMMCh S. Summit, New Jersey, under the better." Mr Dart repr^entsonerf tS 1ST* Stomtf Ctw Pan** M« M 197S to over 1,900 in «7». Corporate com- torgest corporate PA&. oreJhajuopiWettveT Act of March 3,1879. mittees have increased from 89 to over 800 The legislation would cut In half the in toe same period. Political action com- PAC contributions are investments for maximum contribution of PAC may give mittees gave *1S million in 1974 to members of Congress a* House candidate, y * ALL DEPARTMENTS: 273-4000 congressional candidates. In 1978, the tegUation PA^c^r^UonrhaveTvK $7 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE BACK COPIES 30c EACH It would limit each candidate to an figure rose to more than $35 million. special quality - they are donations with a pveraU total of KO,M0 (rW7u Z Incumbents outspentchallengers by a ratio purpose. They are invariably associated pf more than two to one, but received at with Washington lobbyists and organised int^Uc^wiWesrjdd least three times as much as their lobbying programs. challengers in special interest group Special Interest power is held together by This was contributions. campaign dollars that bring special access for favored legislation. received that much in i»76, Route 78 and the Future of Summit We have hardly seen the beginning of Every day political money affects Members of tbe House will have a clear how PAC dollars talk In Congress For dianceinndMeDtember to ituu»a major congressional decisions - on dairy price t example, energy-related PACs in 1974 supports, on regulation of the banking * Z™*!**?*% A" fcey for the numbered 12; in 1*78 the number of com- industry, on tabor legislation, on energy W * H PACs to mittees had increased tolio. The National pricing policy. The current system of PAC Now that vacations are over and the that would be accompanied by high Automobile Dealers Association increased and voteto Job of getting back to work is the order financing of congressional campaigns is a levels of noise and exhaust pollution. its donations to House and Senate can- costly one for the American taxpayer. It «hhe Obey of the dafHm would hope that the time The choices are not exactly agree- didates from $14,000 in 1974 to almost $1 the House cas million in 1978, and the contributions from leads to more government subsidies, to is dose at hand when the Route 78 able, but how many are? unfair tax treatment and to regulations affair will be finally resolved. If Summit is to remain a viable Too long has Route 78 been a suburban community and not go the , problem toth e Summit Area. For over way of accommodating more and more ; a generation, it has been a prime topic cars until it's finally choked off and Not Enough Women Get General Health Checkups ; of conversation between those who strangled by traffic, Route 78 must be advocate its completion and those who Women are the primary health care nations oldest and largest prevenUve completed at the earliest possible time. providers for the American family. . feel it should not be completed. At present, signs show that the state is medicine clinic, observes, "Women are numbers Paradosically, possibly because they are expected to take children to the doctor We have always supported the ready to complete the link; but haying absorbed in their responsibilities as "build" forces since its abandonment arrange for elderly persons to enter been involved in the Route 78 Affair for mothers, wives, householders, and con- nursing homes, and get health care for i now can only add to the already heavy over 20 years, we will not hold our cerned, daughters, they fail to provide everyone in the family, both married and • traffic that flows in and out of the breath in anticipation. Too many times themselves with the same medieal care single. Even when- men are dih 1 Summit Area daily. By not completing in the past when all signs pointed to they insist upon in others. U»at famous five-mite link between "go", some last minute problem "With the exception of getting the Berkeley Heights and Springfield, the erupted and the project was either traditional gynecological checkups in- limedical fraternity has made' volving a Pap smew., and pelvic I" American women more con- entire Summit Area runs the risk of tabled or turned back to the drawing examination", says Dr. WUham J. Parrell, • being turned into an urban blight with board. liof some problems that can ariie with director of the Women's Division of Life »ymptoms. Thanks to extensive cars and trucks monopolizing every Extension Institute, New York City, "not The time has come to choose be- ^SSSS!?11' women •** Owning in- inch of roadway. tween Summit as we know it today, enough women get a general heattf SSj^y ware of checking for toast Those who do not want to see Route viable and healthy, and the prospects checkup." ,,T^i «wK*r before symptoms accur, which is 71 completed also have a point In this Yet, as women get into their ID'S '"'" ' ««W«lly at a late stage. of a seedy future if Route 7* remains U^ybe^pme increasingly, ' fane of gasoline crunches, and more unfinished. . The importance of being checked for and more poHuUon.from automobiles, We wonder hew valuable and beauti- cervtaui changes, waria^uTandofter gyneculogic problems which giveno It seems ludicrous to spend more ful an untouched Wttchuag Reserva- money for a highway when mass trans- tion would be to future generations If AmerlcaB Cancer portation should be the wave of the over lute 40tohav« future. . Although Dm reasoning hold* some water, the plain tact is that Route Ttis mm tt the gates of th» Summit -^ fpftttmtattajiati ~ it Berkeley Heigh ^-^.^ jBurt find a linkup to pomtt east and holder ..-. Mayor Frank H. lehr of west to continue their trip. It's only Summit, Blanche Banasiak and Jack obvious that residential Berkeley Meeker for the Republicans and Heights. New Providence and Summit Everett LatUmore, Harold Seymour become the links for the termini and Thomas Long for the Democrats Attorn*. Unfortunately, residential ... would offer their views on the Wfcetoy Heights, New Providence subject of Route 7* so that we here in Od Summit moot set up to take any the Summit Area would know where when it AfM*d ike Biher increases to traffic, H they they stand. Hopefully, they stand with the sfritt. More lust absorb more cars because of the ••build" forces so that the Summit «re the borne and tto Ws Ifteomptetton, the future of Area cam eventually return, to some here to the ratted tote conununtttes eooM be.grim. extent, a residential area, relatively ,.. ., the par«Mta '-'- we are not so caflouas to free of burdensome traffic. anft«asv vacant WaV the effects Route 78's' The Summit Area hr currentty under- wltt htve.oa- •**"'" "*" "*"•*"••• • going dramatte change and not for the leaser' better. An unfintobed Boufe-tt wltt hasten that change, and the area wffl. be saved £PMI become another urban sprawl, another on the right j of victim of traffic-choked streets. went long before that.W .. Bulldlu *«• erwUd «, the left * -*— in 192J; (Mr Central Other conttr in MBS; andthi Building on tfte site of the w« Ufliag ihown tod the Welcome Revs. Knost and Meyers adiotetog vacant lot in 192|. The hank with, m «oraer eutranc?(the only beyond the bank have tang since, been one had as yet even devised the old revolvinr door in Summit) was removed, fitcourse , u sure as bones, not often that Summit has the haiid-operiited "Stop-Go" signs which Snost the parents of four children, and comptoteiy remodeled Into the present the streets weeper still had Jus Job, hut «dh<*Mftoweleomeintolte Bev. and Mrs. Meyers the parente of preceded the modern automatic three- hufldtog la IKS, iU twentHUnth year parking meters had not yet hem in- new clergymen at the Sams MS infant son, Blue. , . color . (Contributed by the on the rite. Aid those bay windows Just vented. And. as for traffic control, no take pride in welcoming the Summit Historical Society) week The Unitarian Church in i and Meyers into oar tows, and ft' itin :, noth good luck in the days to it, their missions are Important i not orJy to their psJiaWtttert but

upon as leaders and as iuca, notonlyto0od.:»utt6 Letters Looking Backward they minister to. Ninety YearsAgo Barrymore in a silent version of "When a a new DM A.A. Randolph, located to the buUdtng Han Loves". •'a,: ;pHwcmvwn*i' is fortunate is Editor. Summit Herald: formeHycttwpiedbytheW.C.Tru. in the 1 + + + marrtwl with Rev. snd May I ask why the rJeF««t DtocVwW to the Post Office, Tweaty-flve Years Age SunmutPoBoeareso unable bfonnedrasiden Poor umi faculties, not an actual to enforce our dry's laws water caused a localll water » .. riding_,. ? -sJobgtoJoln them and mr tome kept i>em busy in eon- readers to "•^midenw Board of EducatioB tbe CouncU proposed a ^".rTP — - r, ~ «•»••••« M*|I«RW1PP H*|«U, > „ the student body at me Junior High

Ten Years Ag» The FormlghUy Oub donated funds for ^BmtTThrolk HospiUl

of th» atemlof300 R«h-Strand Theater; John THE SUMMIT HERALD, PAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979 Pag* 7 Letters Not Women Get Health Check Registry For (Continued from Page i) Courses Set (Continued from Pag« 41 an annual test for "mijgmnriM of tbe under the aratpha yearly raammogrwns, rectum and colon with a proctoscope or if over so, andaoaual Pip teats. Registration for courses Appreciation prwrtosigmoidoscope. Those with a per- - Heart disease. Natty httf the deaths Offered this fall by the sonal history of polyp* or ulcerative colitis after ag 48 d t ht di Aft Summit Area Community Editor, Summit Herald or a family history of cancer of tbe colon gnel>eart

w-^i to vote •gainst any TIPS R« TOE OtOER DRIVER proposals I feel are wrong faTmTpeopte of New Jer- £5SS Atwut $v> mutton, or nearly •*£,£ •mover the ao» 300 Vreeland also represents scientifiientific papers- Summit and New Survivors include his wife, Providence in tbe New tbe former Cora Arnold, a minimum balance minimum balance Jersey Senate.) son William of Tucson, Ariz., a dauther Elaine, of Worcester, Mass.. a in your Deaths dauthter Linda Himadi Unz in your of Chapel and two grand: Dr. George M.HImidi children. •• SAVINGS Dr. George M. Himadi, The family requests .that CHECKING professor of radiology at me any tribute toDr. Himadi be University of North in the form of contributions Weight capacity 300 lbs ACCOUNT Carolina, Chapel Hill School of Triangle Hospice, Inc., Available in white ACCOUNT of Medicine, and former P.O. Box Sl», Chapel Hill, director of radiology at N.C 27514.

Dootor'a Seal* 1 Model #0!|7 Th* ooctor's Type Scala for the modwnhonie is a trim, compact unit HiitcMThe accommodate even In ibndrtap mulcted «aw.lt incowrwtasth* tame mechanical principles used In mVDetectVDetecto Physician'Physicians Scale. SprlngSprlng- at ajTilmplTill e to operate; and with Msy rtwJlh»m, Itis accurate to every 4

j|l|i{pi»^ OTOf/r Page 8 THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979

Local Teacher Helps to Allay Fears of Others as Volunteer LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE by Lucy Meyer rabbi he didn't like. Most people are nice hospital in the state. In the Summit public school system when I come around in the hospital to see "Besides calling the churches, we .'LESS'LIS I2L*.*? "£*• «V'Vtummil n for 22 years, Ed Sullivan finds time not them, but sometimes they order me out. make a file which allows any chaplain only to teach French to Junior High • 1 lone" "lesiTbuiler between One man did, saying he hadn't been to .coming in to immediately find a person. property and railistntte.1 wna and school students but to volunteer at church in five years and didn't want to On Sundays, we-have volunteers who more signs man regulred by me Overlook Hospital. ordinance at corm-r ef AaRamd. start now." bring patients to services. Catholic Broad and AAorrls Avenues; Lots I ....., .,„ „ „„,. Twice a week in the summer and once He has been doing volunteer work out services are in the auditorium as they and ! in the Business andTs One f iixiii, L«KI"IIA iT» i\ « f' a week in the winter, he spends two or of the chaplain's office for two-and-a- usually tiave a crowd. The chapel can be three hours working out of the chaplain's half years. Occasionally, he conducts used by any denomination, if the crowd me above applications will ba heard office, arranging for patients to attend at said lime and place. services at nursing homes in the area isn't too large." Zoning Board ot Catholic or Protestant services on and is a Lay Reader at Calvary Resident chaplains at Overlook cany Adlustment Sunday or to see a Jewish chaplain. If Arthur P. Condon Episcopal Church on Woodland avenue. beepers when they go outside the Secretary they can't attend services in the When he heard they needed volunteers hospital, in case a patient wants to see Dated: September 17.1W SH: September 20, ltn hospital, he arranges for them to see a for the chaplain's office at Overlook, he them immediately, Sullivan explained. minister, priest or rabbi. decided to come When he is not teaching French or h RMo "Many of the people just want to talk, "I do this every Friday, summer and doing volunteer work at Overlook, he « HKK X2 "?5 «nd known PENDING ORDINANCI as Block HF, Lots 1, 2, 4,5 8 9 in particularly the older people. Some have winter, sometimes two hours and likes to garden, particularly raising AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN H, II, 13, 14,15,16, 17 Hi, 20 ,nd few visitors. Sometimes, I allay their ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN also Block ..H, Lots 1W, 10, JOB sometimes three. It depends on theroses. Travel is also a hobby of his, and ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ALL JOC, 21, 22, J3, 24A. 35A, 258 j, Jsc fears, especially with diabetic patients number of patients and the number of he spent two summers, with his wife, GENERAL LICENSE FEES OF as I have had it myself for 25 years.'' THE MUNICIPAL DEPART- andBiockWN,Lots«,», 11,34,15 a! floors they give me. I visit each patient Molly, in the south of Frances. MENTS OF THE CITY OF SUM- The teacher takes communion to the and ask if they want to attend services .. "We rented an old house, called a MIT: SETTINO FORTH THE CITY city of Summit; which said reoort LICENSE OFFICER RESPONSI- t offK sick in their rooms when the chaplains on Sunday, or if tb«y want to see a MAS, a sprawling farmhouse with BLE FOR THE COLLECTION OF ln>t "me are too busy, usually at Christmas and minister, priest or rabbi." modern conveniences which didn't SAID FEES AND PRESCRIBING T °"'": " ffK PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLA- Easier His role is to do the Religious File- always work. We were constantly TION OF ITS PROVISIONS", organizational work in the background, In the summer, he does clerical work driving two miles to get water." passed November 1, IM0 at DAVID L.HUOHES to have everything ready "So theone day a week, in addition to the Friday amended and supplemented. They have one daughter, Cynthia, who BEIT ORDAINED BY THE COM- DATED: Septemoer,, l,^^0 nurses, on Sunday morning, aren't hours he puts in, for three or four hours. lives in Short Hills MON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SH: September 20 i 27,!m t,SBA running around trying to get patients to "I call each church or the Jewish SUMMIT: The ministry has always had an at- StSectioi n I. T services," he said lection' I. That the following temple, to let them know one of their traction for Sullivan, and he plans to avniosectionsi anaramd oorr subsectionsueeecTlonsi o«•l mthee NOTICE b tid "I like to talk, and the patients seem to members is in Overlook Hospital. We continue his volunteer work for the above mentioned ordinance shall be 1. Application of Peter . i. and keep a file of patients by denomination a.ianwd ar*mve unwhembry •iimiufamendesd ananad or Cynthia W. Bluer for a variance to enjoy it I've had some amusing ex chaplains' office at Overlook Hospital, supplemente...„!.„—.—d •to- read• a—s follows—•- - : permit an . addition having less periences, too. My name gets a laugh, for the use of chaplains coming in." chatting with patients to lift their spirits Section 51. subsections 19 and 14: sldeyard than required by the 13. a. Development Regulations Development Regulations Or Ed Sullivan One patient turned off his He thinks Overlook has one of the best and advising them about the available Telling Mrs Brtiv Moore of Short Hills about religious services at Overlook Hospital is Ordinance: dlnance at 13 Oak Knoll R0., Block hearing aid when I was talking about a I.Sound til.M •5, Lot 1, In tha R 10 Single Family arrangements for the clergy of any religious services EdwardSulli-an a Summit teacher who is a hospital volunteer. 2. Loose 1.00 District was granted this loin day of 3. Amendments 12.00 September. w». (per year) 2. Application of Ralph ana b. Zoning Map Rosalyn Pocero for a variance to i.!4"«3e" 2.00 permit the construction of apart Outside Summit 2. II*" K II" .50 mente and a professional office la. Bicycle License 1.00 which are not allowed by the Events listed are either Section I. If any portion of this Development Regulations Or Harrison A Williams and Einstein's Universe ordinance shall b* •dludgad Invalid, dlnance at 20 Morris Ave.. Block 3A. of September 22 23 the same shall not affect the validity free and open to the public Bill Bradley have an "Einstein's Universe" Family Walk Company, an African- Lots a, 5 and «A In tne R 5 Single or of general interest (or Interested persons should American dance company, SPATT of this ordinance as* whole or any Family District was granted this nounced that young men and will be the topic of a public Essex Count) Parks will portion thereof other than the oth day of September, nn call the Union County portion so ad|ud«ad Invalid. loth day ot September, 1«» nonprofit purposes. women interested in seeking lecture sponsored by hold a family ualk Sep »ill appear in concert in the An enrichment program 3. Application ol Rodwood Gar Department of Parks and Wilkins Theater, Kean Section 3. All ordinances or parts dens, T A White Oaks village tor a Deadline for inclusion is nominations to the United Amateur Astronomers, Inc.-, tember 23, with ihe group •SPATT", for area of ordinances Inconsistent herewith variance to permit the construction noon on Fridays preceding States Naval, Air Force, at the monthly meeting Recreation, 352-8431 meeting at the Mie of theCollege, Union, Thursday, youngsters will begin are hereby repealed and mis ordl ot a pool and canvas canopies having - + + + September 27, 8 p.m. Free nance shall take effect Immediately less jtdeyard than required by the date of publication Merchant Marine and Friday, September 21, 8 Elmdale, Soutli Mountain Saturday, October 6, at after final passage and publication Development Regulations Or according to law. i -t I Military Academies should p.m., Union College, Women's Week Reservation. Fur specifies tickets are available from Chatham High School, 492 dlnance at 412 Morris Ave., Block the Student Activities Office ' NOTICE OF 121, Lot 79, In the Mult! Family Academies' Nominees apply no later than October Cranford. The lecture is free Women's Week at Union call 228-2210. Main street. Classes are PENDINO ORDINANCE District this 10th day of September, at the college, 527-2044. United Slates Senators 29 for the class entering in of charge College, Cranford, will be • ++ • scheduled for ten Saturday The ordinance published herewith 1*79, was considered moot lor lack of highlighted by a series of was introduced and passed upon lurlsdktlon; which did not allow the July, 1980. Persons in- + + + Mini Walk + + + mornings, under the co- first reading at a meeting o> the Board of Adlustment to properly lecture-discussions to be Common Council M the City of address Itself to the merits ol the terested in such Stargazing Essex County Parks will Mushroom Show sponsorship of the Library Summit, In the County of Union. application. nominations should write held 12:15tol:30p.m.atthe hold a mini walk o/ three "Mushroom Walk", a of the Chathams and the New Jersey, held on September It, Essex County Parks is Campus, September 24-28 Wf. 11 will be further considered tor Copies of the above resolutions are Senator Williams, Room sponsoring an evening of miles through ihe Becker combination slide show, Boards of Recreation of final passage after public hearing on file it. me construction Official's + Office, 512 Springfield Ave, Sum For specifics about the thereon, at a meeting at said 352, Russell State Office viewing the fall con- Tract, Roseland. September lecture and field trip Chatham Borough and mit. discussion topics, call 276- Common Council to ba held In tha * Building, Washington, D C stellations, with the group 24, with the group meeting highlighting the.types and Chatham Township. For Council Chamber In said city on Zoning Board ot »'"•"' "••— '•"»••» 2600, extension 375. uses of mushrooms, will be further information, call October 1, \m at 1:30 o'clock P.M.. Adlustment 20510, or Senator Bradley, meeting at the Geological on site at 10 .i m For and during the weak prior to and up Arthur P. Condon Room 1404, Dirksen Senate Museum's parking lot, + + + directions, call 228 2210 held at the Trallside Nature Mrs. D. McCulloch, 635-8096 to and including the date of such Secretary Walking Seniors and Science Center, Coles meeting, copies of said ordinance Dated: September It. 1»7» Office Building, same zip Riker Hill Park, Livingston, + + -+ will ba made available at the Clerk's SH; September », 1»7» $12.48 !AKE A FEW MINUTES code. September 21. For specifics, Aerobic Dancing, Inc., of Birdwalk avenue and New Providence office in said -City Hall to the East Hanover, is hoping a Road, Mountainside section members of the general public who PLACE buinnni thirtieth liuii Ct + + + call 228-2210. Essex County Parks will shall request tha same. of the Watchung Reser- Sputiglick) AM Summit GED Tests new program for seniors, hold a birdwalk through the LEGAL NOTICE - + + + vation, Sunday, September DAVID L. HUSHES How Would You Like To DATE Werlrt Hllli, N. J. should call Joan Ritter, 322- at 40 Canoe Brook Parkway, Block I22B, Lot SE in the R-6 Single HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS 7240, extension 289. Family District Reservations are required. 2. Exxon Corporation, September 13, 1979. Prepare for Nov. 3rd Application requests provisions of ThvGoodiaBoM FOR COLLEQE-PREP STUDENTS S.A.T. City of Summit, Plaintiff NtKt ID you the thing mined mmt /« your refrigerator. vs. : Frank S. Dickens and f HUM. RIOISTRATION TticlmaR.Oickens.etal, Send a boxful of tracks Defendants that ay you are from NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, September 27, 1*79 at 10:00 a.m., a hearing shall be conducted by the Board of Condemnation Tha Goodie Box Livingston College Board Review Commissioners at 9 Deforest Avenue, Summit, New Jersey to examine and CELEBRATING — Carlton J. Bruen Sr., Right, president of Century 21 Carlton J. appraise the lands and premises known as 14-16 Chestnut Street, Summit, Thoughtfully stuffed 994-9239 9914041 New Jersey 07901 end also as Lots 4 and a. Block 52 on the Tax Map ol the City CUenKurti, Director Bnien, Inc. Realtors, presents Office Manager Anne Holzhauer with a corsage at the of Summit and toflx ttw compensation to be paid by Plaintiff for the taking of munchies and soft recently held grand opening of Century 21 Carlton J. Bruen, Inc. Realtors' new Stirling said premises for public use as set forth in the complaint. drinks, Tha Goodie Edwin J.McCreedy, Chairman office at U38 Valley road. . BOARD OF CONDEMNATION sends enough to sathfy COMMISSIONERS Stephen L.RItz the biggest appetite. Business Seminar Set SaulSchachter SH: September 30,197> $11.02- A day-long seminar on the Chambers of Commerce Pleat* lend how to do business with the of Eastern Union County; • COOKIE D SNACK " O COMBINATION COOKIE SNACK federal government will be Summit, New Providence, OPEN MEETING $16 00 each sponsored by Rep. Matthew and Berkeley Heights; To J. Rinaldo and the area Westfield Area; Central Let BEIFUS School Chambers of Commerce at Jersey; and Union. TheCradioetoM COOKING/TASTING the Town and Campus, City, SuU, Zip Union, on September 28. Brochures detailing the program can be obtained IN SOUTH ORANGE (NtmtandAildmil send your tove. The seminar is for busi- D nMMHnddatHtlol vtiuttnuncti'e DEMONSTRATION from Rinaldo's district maintnwnca omo-am nesses and professions in the YOUR CONVENIENT O J wdoH my ehecfc fot I ——— 12th Congressional District office, 1961 Morris Avenue, .Summit.Naw Jersey 07901 Featuring The that want to sell their Union. Registration for the MERCEDES BENZ DEALER products and services to the seminar is being handled by federal government and its the Eastern Union County WEIGHT WATCHERS* CHEF prime' contractors. Chamber of Commerce, 1-17 WEST SO. ORANGE AVE. * Rinaldo is sponsoring the P.O. Box 300, Elizabeth, SOUTH ORANGE 792-7500 MARVIN WEISBURG , event in cooperation with New Jersey 07207. $5000 Who lost 65 pounds on the Weight Watchers Program "TAKE-HOME" RECIPES : Gifts That Endure REWARD LEY HTS./WARREN TWR Murray Hill Racquet Club will pay a reward Beyond Your Lifetime of $5,000 for Information leading to the arrest iilage Methodist Church and conviction of the person responsible for Mountain Avenue by Qtne.and ottter flneitatiorwre starting the fire at the Murray Hill Racquet : Either engraved'or elegantly printed Club, 593 Central Avenue, New Providence, New Jersey, In the early morning hours of April 10,1979.

I Fifty Yean' Courtesy | This is an offer lo pay one $5,000 reward I Behind the only, and in the event that more than one per- 1 Time* StrviceA I son provide,* aucji information, the reward "the great plus sign shall be divided among such persons. ot civilization" Anyone with such Information should con- 376-3385 tact Detective William Hoeflfng of the New —Rabbi Joshua Loth litbman : Providence Police Department by calling I 681Mor681 Morrir s Turnpike, SpringfieldSM;HJ., '.I 605-1111. t • BetweeNlWImni Short HUfs Caterers It HuffmaanKcwn K001i I AMERICAN RED CROSS SUMMIT AREA CHAPTER

•; v THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, SKI'TEMBEK 20, 1979 Student Earns B.A. Degree Steven M. Lauer, son of College, Carlisle, Pa. 'Back-to-School' Dr. and Mrs. Ronald M An English major, Lauer First Aid Squad Offers Tips On How to Avoid Accidents Lauer of 25 Little Wolf road, will receive his degree at Night Scheduled hag completed all formal commencement Statistics show that accidents are the sudden illness or accidental injury and breathing and then to those with severe mouth-to-nose artificial respiration requirements for a BA exercises to be held May IB, leading causes of death among persons in caring for large number of persons bleeding Then, attention is turned to Instruction in these techniques will be degree from Dickinson 1980. from one to 38 years old; thereafter, caught in a natural disaster those with less critical injuries offered in courses given this fall by the Summit High School's accidents are one of the leading causes If first aider is prepared to help others, If a member of the general public Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad; for annual "Bark to School of death. The annual cost of medical he is better able to care for himself in should encounter a situation where there information, call squad headquarters Night" will be held on attention, the loss of earning ability due case of injury or sudden illness or to gi v e Monday. September 24. is a serious injury or sudden illness Another life threatening emergency is according to an an to temporary or permanent impairment, appropriate directions for care involved, it is important to remember severe bleeding, and two of the most the direct property damage and the After studying first aid, a person is noumemenl this week by the following common methods of controlling this Hr Donald It (.eddiv ROUTE 22, insurance costs amount to many billions prepared to give others some ins true lion 1 Call the first aid squad (in Summit emergency are direct pressure and of dollars each year, not to mention the principal WHITEHOUSE, N.J in first aid, to promote among them a 273-5200) elevation toll in pain, suffering, disability and reasonable safety attitude and to assist 2 Remember it is important to state In the case of a victim who has Following a short business [2011534-9904 personal tragedy. them wisely if they are stricken There is the problem clearly swallowed poison, the individual should meeting and a musical Added to the grim accident statistics is always an obligation on a humanitarian be administered plenty of water program, parents will follow Open 7 Days i Remain calm a shortened seven-period the fact that the pattern of medical care basis to assist the stricken and the 4 Make sure someone is outside of the If a victim has suffered a broken bone 14Dette" 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. has changed. Individuals today require, helpless. There is no greater satisfaction schedule of a normal school building to direct the first aid squad If il is best to remember that the individual day. and should demand, the best, possible than that resulting from relieving suf the call happens to be at night, make should not be moved under any cir 'Mf SPACIOUS M.NOR HOUH CIRCA - ••» ACCOMMOOATES Refreshments will be ***INC«OliiJ VAftlETVOF ANTIQUES AND COLLC CABLES care. Equipment for diagnosis and fering or saving a life. sure to have outside lights turned on cumstances Also, do not place a pillow treatment, which is needed to provide First aid begins with action whirl) in 5 Most important, if there is no need to under the victims head and do not served in the school such care, is usually at a hospital. itself has a calming effect If there are rescue the victim from a dangerous remove any clothing or if a helmet is on cafeteria following Ihe end Moreover, the growing population and multiple injuries or if several persons situation, do fiot move the victim the victims head, do not remove that of the program expanding health needs have not been are hurt, enlist the help of bysta nders to The three most life threatening article Remember to try to keep the NOTICE TO MILITARY SERVICE VOTERS balanced by a proportional increase in make telephone calls, to direct traffic to situations are victim warm until trained personnel using persons trained by the the numbers of doctors, nurses and keep others at a distance if necessary u> arrive on the scene New Jersey Institute ol AND TO THEIR RELATIVES AND FRIENDS allied health workers. It is not enough to 1 Respiratory emergencies. position safety flares in case of highway 2 Bleeding Persons interested in learning sian Technologv, who would say, "Call the doctor"; a doctor may not accidents, and so on. The first aides review and detail existing II >w in In Hit milim, urviti«tin win « dtprndent ol i pern be available to come to the scene of an 3 Poisoning dard first aid in emergency care, should m mlliUri ariu « •» • pilunt in a ntiian' rmprW ar a ciriliu it- provides life support to victims with lite In order to insure that a victim has an contact the Summit Volunteer First Aid energy systems and Mud It or HKIIII with tht him* Foicti af UM UalM State wrtlwrl emergency. Thus, first aid training is of threatening injuries, attends first to Squad or The American Red Cnis.s enumerate any problems Itu suit ol Hen lent), or Hit ipuni a i<| ailt tb» Aim* Farcal al those suffering from storage {,t of assistance are rnouth to moutii or Summit Chapter The data collected would Ike Untied Slitel, and i. 1979, lindlr «rlle to taa Mote in the general election to bo held on the Maximum November C, 197*. kindly complete tha application form below and aend to tha underdgnad, or writ, or apply In Legal Rate on penon to tha undonisjnad al once requesting that a civilian abeenta* ballot ba forwarded u> you. Sod. rartuM 6-Month must stata your horn, stata your home addraas, and tje addraae to which said baHM should ba sent, and tnust be alajnad with your signature, and stele tha raaaon «*y you Money Market wW not ba abla to vote at your usual patting ptaaa. No civilian al 1st baMat «H ba fvmlahad ot forwarded to Certifkatesl any appUaant itntaaa racjuast therefor la received not last than aann daya prior to aha ateatkm. and a—aalaa aha Minimum $10,000 rt«aTap^ma«iitly and u^y dlaabtad;aha). mm Ww cuneftl rate quote. _. .;#*»«**> a oompWad «* feraaMM to — undnajnajl. CHECKING Datad: Saptambar 20.1*7t WALTER G. HALPIN, Counry Ctafk when you maintain a balance Union County Court Houw REGULAR of $300 or more in a Elizabeth. New J«ny 07207 PASSBOOK SAVINGS certificate or regular Telephone: 5274999 passbook savings account1 OV1UAN ABSENTIf BAUOI APTUCATION FtNAlTV FOR FAISIFYINO INFORMATION AND FOR FRAUOUIENT VOTING.

*„, •.,«,. ^. knowingl, «aMei or, .1 *. <***»«*<* ****" * rtle»itladto«*rMrei,i^lro«li*«T,«^arorleinp« »*o «rtl«^er»itladto«*rMei,i^.i

K »«e fhareunder or enable, or oltemph to enlirlelirled to «te thereunder,, to vetohoudutsntrharaundevetohdtsnt r >w^l>^™" oltempt. to ore-", by hwd *e voting of ony par»n legoly arrMlad -,J»nde. IMS of. *«« b. grftr of o ^ataMtMr. «^" FRIENDS OF MEDIC I — Joe Grasso, left, and Doroth) low. to dnentrondihanien! "*" ond until pordmao Hughes, right, are giving their advance orders for baked ^ r^Tb, Z. » ft. rioh- ol «*«K,. ><- <"» t.211. S 37 |C goods and chrysanthemums to Jean Canning of Sorop 19 57 37| if I IMC 1345 33 |C I? 59 33| timlsts International. The one-day "Crumbs and Mums" You mu»l WlV «« "> *»•««•• B«"<" lot «K6 eifjcllon. sale to benefit Medic I will take place on Saturday I hereby apply lor an absentee ballot lor the September 22, at SETCO's banking drive-in at the comer of Beechwood and De Forest avenues. (Check ona) r- . [] Primary [~. 1 <*•*"" rjM""«:iTwl [J Special School f'jLoeai LJ Regional rj To be held on BSt~ CHECK AND COMPLETE 1 uve.nthe [_|Ciy [ ) Town [] Township Q] Village ol

My legal residence address including Street and Numtwr One ol Ne* Jerseys r-inesl is as lollows: Selectiomnl Diamond* Woithes und Jewelr zip code Phone Mali iny ballot to the lollowing address: Julius Oksenhorn We pay — ^ "~ zip code the maximum II mailing address is withm .he State olNe»jJefsey and Is buys your Legal Rate on not the same as your legal residence, state reason. DIAMONDS 4-Year is the above address a nursing'home, hospllal. or In.illu- lion' fives [ ]No II Yes, give name Predou/ /tone/ Money Market CHECK REASON FOR BALLOT I am unable to vote at my regular polling place on election &ldQold-£ilver Certificates! G l^xwcTto be absent Iron, the State ol Me* Jersey on Minimum $500 ESTATE SALES Call or stop m tor a place on election day. and now and then current rate quote • I am permanently WHJ•totally disabled. he sells n S^J^rti^nSo^^ Highest Prices Paid • Resident attendance at a school, college or Umverslty Immediate Payment 0 a Of nMure and hourS of my employment on election day. bank references If you check this block please specify wholesale-retail THEOWNGE appraisals

OPEN DAILY and SAT. 5:30 prn MON. and THURS. EVES, to 8:30 pm SAVINGS BANK OHices ,n Uvmgston . Orange . Madison . HacKetlstown . Mansfield • Wyckott • PequannocK . Toms R 300 Millburn Avenue, Mlllburn.N.J. (201)379-1596 PEOPLE PICK THE ORANGE. Page 10 THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979 RePubHcan Women Start Drive to Offset Apathy PUSH Meeting

The Summit Area Scheduled The Junior League of Women's Republican Club People United for Senior Summit Thrift and Con- has launched a campaign Housing (P.U.S.H.) will signment Shop, 37 DeForest effort to combat voter hold its first meeting of the avenue, opened Monday, apathy and to publicize the season 6n Monday, Sep- September 17 for its 45th importance »' each in- tember 24 at 7:30 p.m. at St. year. dividual's vote. John's Lutheran Church. Shopping hours are 10 According to Mrs. Mat- The meeting, which will a.ni- to 4 p.m. Monday, thias Sheeleigh, club review housing events over Tuesday, Thursday and president, the effort has the summer involving Friday and Thursday been initiated because "the Summit's older citizens, is evenings, 7 to 9 p.m. Republican party can obtain open to the public and all Merchandise for the majority control of the State who are interested are Consignment Department is Assembly if we help elect urged to come, accepted from 10 to l p.m. our candidates" on the above days. The shop Mrs. Sheeleigh pointed out offers quality used clothing, that since voter turnout is Elks Prepare sporting equipment, expected to be light during jewelry, household articles, the general election in New Calendar toys and other merchandise. November, every effort will The Thrift and Con- be made to capture majority The Summit Lodge of Elks signment Shop is operated control of the Assembly She announced this week that by the Junior League of added that since 1980 is a their 1980 Calendar is now in Summit, Inc. All proceeds census year, which could preparation. This fund from the shop provide funds involve redisu icting, that raising tool is a joint effort for community volunteer Legislature has the power to of local businesses and projects. pick the members of the members of the Summit For further information, redistricting commission. If Lodge. call 273-7343 Republicans continue to be The Calendar committee, members of the minority, headed by Exalted Ruler she noted, they will be CANDIDATES SOCIALIZING - Common Council candidate Mil. Janet Whitman of Essex road, Mayor Frank H. Lehr,'Republican Freeholder candidate, and Edward Martin Foy, is accepting Catholics Plan closed out of the advertisements from local Pl-AWIMi Till' (AMIMK.N Mrs II.IMI VI llube) of f-ernwood road is the redistricting process Otocka. candidate (or Common Cpuncllman-at-large, all attended the Summit Area Women's Republican Club membership rally and candidates' reception held last - businesses which will ap- campaign inyiiager for Councilr JameN I owrtl of \\oodlund avenue, who is seeking pear on all 12 pages of the election as mayor on thf ltepubli< a. IK kr-t I ( fit. an operations manager al A 'I" & T. School Tests Mrs. Sheeleigh also Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. hobert G. Savarese of % Essex road. pointed out tliat all tax- Calendar. Members of Basking Ridge, has been a iiiemhi- ol < IMII mm < ouiM il since l»74. \ Summit resident Rev Thomas J McDade, revenue producing Summit Lodge support this since i!l!>6. Mrs Huber lias ser\ed s a nwm fu- of Ihe local Hoard of Kducation as well assistant superintendent of effort by signing up as t- ScolcU Plainv IVrsons interested in legislation must originate in as the Board of t'nion (ounU Tecli l at lusllltl schools and testing coor Boosters and having their .uld call him 222-IMW. or Mrs Huber. the lower house of the working on ( ounr/irnmti l,o\ett's < dinator for the Archdiocese Legislature. She indicated anniversaries and family's of Newark, has announced the election of Republicans birthdays noted on the that the testing program for would "stop any further appropriate dates. Mayoral Candidate Names eighth graders who will be schemes to increase taxes in Proceeds are used to applying to Catholic high New Jersey" support the Elks' efforts in school has been initiated the community for youth Pupils in the eighth grade At the county level, Mrs. Mrs. Huber Campaign Head Sheeleigh urged the election activities, scholarship, of Catholic elementary veterans and better Common Councilman O[K'ration.s manager with of Pennsylvania State schools will be tested during of Republican Freeholder James l.ovell of Woodland AT&T. Basking Hidge, has University, he served for the normal testing process candidates, Mayor Frank H. avenue has appointed Mrs served on ('mine 11 since 1974 two years in the Air Force for those schools and will Lehr of Summit Mrs. Helen M Huber ill hern Since 1976, he has been a and has been a Summit apply for admission to the Blanche Banasiak of L.B. Lewis wood road us hi.s carnfwiign member ol the Board of resident since 1966 high schools of their choice Elizabeth and Jack Meeker of Westfield. (or election as mayor on lh< .School Estimate and in the A local resident since 19!*, during the tall Has New Post Republican ticket past has been active with Mrs Huber has served on Eighth grade students in The women's club has been registering voters at Currenl Mayor Frank H the United Fund, YMCA, the local board of Education the public schools are Lawrence B. Lewis of I>ehr of Myrtle avenue is a Washington school PTA and as well as on the Board of requested to go to their local social functions and has given assistance to persons Summit has been elected a candidate for Ihe I'nion has served as a volunteer in Union County Technical Catholic elementary school senior vice president of The County Freeholder Board Hie chaplains office at Institute, Scotch Plains or CCD center for ap needing absentee ballots. From October 22 through Bank of New York, it has and is not seeking reelec Overlook Hospital He has Currently she is one of two plications been announced by Elliott lion also served as a Kepubhcan volunteers manning the November 5, she said, the Applications must be Promenade showcases on Averett, chairman and chief Councilman Lovett. an Committeeman A graduate local consumer Affairs registered with the Arch- executive officer. Lewis, office Springfield avenue will be diocesan School Office, 300 used by the club to publicize who heads the bank's A graduate of Wagner Broadway, Newark, 07104, the importance of voting on Personnel Sector joined the Come Dance and Enjoy College and Virginia by October 24. election day. bank in 1968 as a vice Polytechnic Institute, Mrs. president and was in charge Reopening of After November 1, ap- Huber has been active in plicants will be notified as to Persons in need of ab- of the Human Resources sentee ballots, including Division. Suburban Singles Republican campaigns at the location of the testing TALKING ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN — President of the Summit Area Women's Re- the local, county, state and center, as well as additional those for students attending Sun. Eve. Oct. 7 ,, should publican dub Mrs. J«au fiheetelgk, (left), is skown chatting with Common Councilman Lewis graduated from national levels. In 1976 she details regarding time and Jam«E. Lovett. Rctmfalieaa candidate fer mayor. Mrs. Mail* Kelly, past president, Princeton University with a 6:30 pm deadline served as an alternate other requirements. nd Mn. Janet WBttnu, whote secU^ reelection to Cwmrnw Council from Ward l. B.A. degree in history. He it delegate to Ihe Republican For additional in- for the Dance to the music of tipn is i Auwenat«**cl**'amemlMff«UpraUyaiidcaadld^^ a racing official of Uje National Convention, and formation, contact Rev. United States Auto Club. Jimmy Lacana's Duo she is currently an aide to McDade, 484-2816. :'^*#WJPl^tMWMwiWliS$fei(r Pine Tree Inn Assemblyman Dean Gallo. ' Springfield A ve Persons interested in working on Councilman Berkeley Heights. N. J. GOP Candidates Oppose Using Taxes for Petitions 24th Annual Attm. $4.00 Lovett's campaign should contact him, 2^2-4588, or Union County Republican The GOP contenders, initiative, which he said Mayor Lehr's opinions and Mrs Huber, 277-0962. Freeholder candidates, while having no objection to could just as well be added that only big business ANTIQUE SHOW and SALE Mayor Frank H. Lehr of a vote of the people on the promoted by volunteers, is interests would be served if HUNTERDON ART CENTER This adverllsement is not an ottering to sell or a solicitation ot an oiler to buy any Summit, Mrs Blanche future of Sunday Closing "highly improper". "this initiative of our op- Units ol the Trust. Ottering is made only by the Prospectus and only in those Banasiak of Elizabeth and requirements in Union He also pointed out that ponents is successful". CLINTON, N.J. states where Units ot the Trust may be legally ottered. Income, in the Jack Meeker of Westfield, County, termed the usage of small businessmen, who Meeker added that it opinion o/ Counsel, Is free from Federal taxes, but may be sub- have rapped the use of county facilities as "highly would be more "ethical" to Sept. 21. 22, 23 ject to state and local taxes. also contribute tax dollars, county manhours and, improper" and pledged they may suffer from this ini- get a non-governmental noon -10 pm Fri. and Sat. materials by the incumbent would avoid "such irregular tiative" and that it is group of volunteers to do the noon - e pm Sunday Democratic Freeholders in uses of tax dollars". "unfair" to use their taxes job. Meeker noted that in- the preparation and Mayor Lehr indicated that for this purpose. stead of using public tax dontllon »2.00 Here's how you con lockup distribution of Sunday using public employees and money, a volunteer group with «l si ,75 Both Meeker and Mrs. Closing petitions. public money to promote an Banasiak concurred with should be collecting voluntary' contributions to AA Rfjtedunits, of n Thx Free, Gallo Wants State Action finance the initiatives.

Assistant Minority that while the minority tracts. Insured Portfolio Leader, Assemblyman party, the Republicans, has During the past years, Dean A. Gallo, of Par- offered solutions to the 1 Gpllo, who is seeking re- sippany, Republican 24th problem , the election, has authored a District, has charged that Administration has ap- package of bills which he t the Byrne Administration is proached the problem with offered as an attempt to negligent for not re one study after another, but remedy the insurance resolving what he termed no action. problem in the state. Gallo the automobile insurance As a result, Gallo said, has maintained that these Tax Exempt crisis in the state. insurance companies are bills have been "tied up" in Gallo has also charged either leaving the state or committees for three years. Something to Sell? Bond Trust cancelling agents' con- Insured PUT IT INTO THE 10th Series [IASSIFIED SPOTLIGHT! CUP AND MAIL OR BRING IN and get these extras ATTENTION • Monthly, quarterly or • Good liquidity r semi-annual cash payments • Volume discount COMMUTERS! Want Ad Order Form • Tax-Free compounding • Professional Selection ClASSIFIED HEADING WANTED through monthly • Broad Diversification reinvestment Because there is no bus commuter service from Madison, 'Fully insured against default by guaranteeing timely payment of principal and interest, as more fully set forth in the Prospectus. No representation is made as to Ihe insurer's Chatham, and summit, application is being made by ... ability to meet its commitment. Call or write today for a Free Prospectus 'INC.

29 River Road Chatham, N.J. 07928 1 WRITE ONE WORD PER SPACE ffler/i dkrr/itr,:ye, for bus service from these areas direct to the Port of Authority /etu/itt A Mail to: HERALD PUBLICATIONS Bus Terminal at 41 st Street, Manhattan, N.Y. CLASSIFIED AD. DEPT. Suite 500 If you are interested in this service, kindly fill out the form below 382 Springfield Ave. 22 BANK ST.. SUMMIT. N.J.079O1 Summit. NJ 07901 and mall to Melnl Bus Service at the above address. You will be (201)273-2100 contacted In the near future about the bus service. Count each word, name, address or phone number when fituri» cost. Minimum durfe b S3. for first IS words. 15 cents a word Gentlemen: theieafter. PIMM send prospwctuB and information, including charges and expenses, on the Please enclose check or cash with sd. Investors National Trust Group Tax-Exempt Bond Trust Insured Series Ten. I NAME understand all material should be road carefully before I Invest or send money. My Num. Name '. ADDRESS . Address StfMt , 1 ^ PHONE City_ Phone

TAlsphonflL 1. Approximate time you wish to be at Bus Terminal In AMOUNT Builnnt N.Y.C. A.M. • ENCLOSED - OR CALL 2734000 » tReprtsenta estimated current return based on the semiannual distribution option, after estimated expanses, divided by the public offering price per unit as ot Sep- 2. Approximate time you wish to leave the Bus Terminal in I tember 11,1979. It will vary with changes in either amount it WA a u THE SUMMIT HERALD, THUBSPAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979 Page 11

'29 to 79, Richland Co., Has Speedreading Demo Offered The Summit YWCA, 79 the handpacer method capacity with students from Maple street, will hold a free Readers can triple their high school and college one-hour demonstration for speed or more and also levels who found it re its speedreading course, improve comprehension, warding. Grown Up With Summit concentration and retention The course will meet six "Readfast," on Wednesday, September 26 at 8 p.m. During the series, par weeks from 7 30 to 10 00 ticipants will learn efficient This course which is pin, beginning October 3 This month marks a significant an- Richland-Knowles Agency was formed study techniques as well as altnosi half the fee of For further information niversary for the Richland Company, at this time when David Knowles cover all kinds of reading another well known about this class and other realtors and appraisers. The company is decided to merge his insurance business materials Last summer, speedreading course uses YWCA courses, 27M242 celebrating its 50th year in Summit. with theJUchland Company. Since then, this course was filled to ' Founded in September of 1MB, just 10 other insurance agencies have been weeks before the stock market crash acquired. launching the Great Depression, the Outgrowing their old quarters on m^ company showed its durability early Maple street, both companies moved to under the leadership of founders John J. 313 Springfield avenue in 1962, occupying Burling, Donald Leavens and Margaret part of the John Hood Building which Webbe. had been constructed in 1925 for the While businesses and banks were Seifert Reese Chevrolet Agency. closing all over the country, Richland In 1964, Warren Smith died, leaving Carpet and stayed open, handling the sale of Rudolph de Roode sole owner. Two years existing nouses, selling general in- later, John Weigang joined the Richland surance and opening "Countryside," an Company, Realtors as a partner and was KEY TO SUCCESS — an educational series in management and grantsmanshtp skills, Rug Cleaning Experts area of custom-built homes on one-acre active until his retirement in 1975. and larger lots. The natural woodland, sponsored by the Junior League of Summit, Im for local non-profit groups, is given a Experiencing still more growth during final review by, from left, Ann Mauie, Junior League president; Bob I .uric, executive setting was carefully preserved and the early Seventies, the firm reached the Steam Cleaning or Karpet-Kare Rhododendron, Mountain Laurel and director of the Summit Child Care Center which will participate, and Susan Watts. point where it needed the entire president of the Summit Area Community Council, a coalition of local non-profit Dogwood trees added to enhance the Springfield avenue building which it landscaping of the new houses. organizations. The course, entitled "The Management Challenge: Key to Successful then proceeded to buy in 1976. The Granti-Seeking," begins Tuesday, September 25 al Central I'resbylerlan Church I in Known and Recommended for Quality in the Summit area lor over A few years later, the firm opened still Richland-Knowles Insurance Agency registration Information, call Sue Anderson. m-wa Fifty Years Oriental and Domestic Rugs Expertly Cleaned and a second area for new homes, "Stony moved to larger quarters at 12-16 Bank Hill Court" off Division avenue. street in 1978. Bauer and de Roode are Repaired Wall to Wall Carpets Cleaned in Your Own Home or The company experienced its first the principals of the agency. Child Abuse Confab Topic "Hospice" Is Business by Bigelow's Famous Karpet Kare Method or By Sleam major change in 1934 when Donald For the past 10 years The Richland ^ Cleaning Leavens retired and John Burling took Company has been the exclusive The New Jersey League of the public. Program Topic over the ownership in offices located at representative in this area for "Homes for Nursing and four other Other sponsoring 41 Maple street. Margaret Webbe For Living," a national marketing and organizations will hold a organizations include the Donald H Wernsing, remained active until her retirement in referral network of over 2000 selected conference on child abuse in New Jersey Catholic Con- M D , will speak al 1954 '. realtors from all 50 states and Canada, New Jersey on September 26 ference: New Jersey State Memorial Sloan Kettering 428 Springfield Ave Summit For the next few years, until Burling banded together to offer assistance at at the Sheraton Regal Inn, School Nurses' Association Cancer Center's conference retired in 1950, The Richland Company both geographical ends when a family is Piscataway Region II, Child Abuse and on "Hospice Alternatives WE BUY was busy buying a 40 acre farm on moving either in or out. Grace Phelan of Madison, Neglect Center Cornel] to Terminal Care" in New Mountain avenue in Berkeley Heights, The Richland Company belongs to the director of the Division of University, and the Slate York City on September 27 putting in roads and other im Board of Realtors of Summit, New Educational Services at Public Affairs Committee of Dr Wernsing, who is USED ORIENTAL RUGS the New Jersey Junior provements for "Stony Hill Estates" and Providence and Berkeley Heights; The Overlook Hospital, is associated with Overlook CALL 277-0500 selling new homes on Sycamore, Beech Morris County Board of Realtors and chairman of the League. Leagues. Hospital Family Practice, is and Snyder avenues and Pine Grove the Board of Realtors of The Oranges & Mrs. Phelan has announced Persons interested in medical director of road. Maplewood. The firm is active in selling that the upcoming event is attending the conference Riverside Hospice in In 1950, salesmen Warren A. Smith and leasing both residential and com- open to interested members should call 687 «>n Boonton Township and Rudolph de Roode became the mercial properties as well as appraisals firm's new owners and two years later, and property management. Russell Bauer joined them to specialize The Richland Company presently in insurance. consists of Rudolph de Roode, Broker Rapidly growing in size throughout the and Owner, and the following staff of Fifties, the partners decided in 1956 to sales associates; Katherine Anderson, divide into two separate companies, Richard Corby, Simpson Fruchtman, providing specialists in sales of both Dorothy McElgunn, Braxton Nagel, Eric insurance and real estate to their Pearl, Connie Schmidt. Dorothy burgeoning list of customers. The Shellman and Marianne Waltzinger Get the most lot r your money 7 atthe ' Montdair Savins Bank There h a savings,}«4n&o"5meet your needs at Moritdair. Choose the one that suits you best—long or short term,


10.76effective annual yield on 5

HELPING HAND - Summit resident Donald B. Carpenter of the l.B.M. Corporation who It this year's United Way of Union County president joins Executive Director Dell Haudelunas and General Campaign Chairman Marshall Jones of the Xerox Cor- poration at the recent 1979 United Way of Union County Campaign 'Kick-Off." lu«315" OTHER SAVINGS PLANS (rate effective 9 20 to 9 26) • Minimum deposit $ | () 000 • High rate is announced each week and guaranteed for the 26 week term o) the i. erttfit ate • Government insured safety of the funds Murray Hill Racquet Club • Federal regulations p'ohibit compounding oi interest 4-YEAR CERTIFICATE ACCOUNT Time Available... Starting Oct. 1st, 1979 8.67effective annual yield on * Racquetball* Squash Memberships are now being accepted 8.20 Openings available for: Rate available September •Saturday Night Parties • 4 year minimum term • Rate guaranteed for term of certificate REGULAR SAVINGS • PASSBOOK OR STATEMENT •Early Birds • New rate announced monthly • Minimum deposit S500. •Tennis Instruction • The interest rate is based on the yield of 4-year U.S. Treasury securities, minus I % • Compounded continuously Call 665-1141 • Government insured safety of funds for information MONTCLAIR

Mumy Hill Racqmt Club Savings Bank TENNIS SQUASH RACQUETBALL 464-5788 593 Central Ave., New Providence v VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER NEW PROVIDENCE Tl

Page 12 THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979 Summit Sabres Win Youth Soccer Opener Mermen

Six Summit Youth Soccer scored first for Summit late strong defensive line which Andy Strott and Steve cessfu] penalty kick and Association teams kicked in the first quarter. Despite included Morris, Tim Wesson kept North Brun- scored again to lead 2-1 at' Set Seven off their fall season on offensive thrusts led by Shanahan and Tony Vecino swick at bay Halfbacks the half. Hillsboro added Sunday, winning one, tying Forward David Closs and Randolph - 5 Greg Horne Andy Cun- two more goals before the one and losing four contests Joe Keith, the Sabres were ningham, David Martin, Bill match ended. Goalie Peter Only the Division III Sabres unable to break through the Summit Strikers -1 Records The Strikers were out- Gailaghan and David Weiss Kuchler and center fullback emerged with a victory. tenacious Rahway defense also contributed to the Kevin Welch did out- Division III played during the first half While saddened that the again until midway through as Randolph scored five defensive effort standing defensive jobs. Summit Sabres - 2 the final period. Midfielder Center halfback Brennan Clearwater Club pool days goals before Summit got on were at an end, its swim Rahway- 0 Bill Taylor connected, with the Scoreboard The Mendham 2 ' Maigetter and forwards The Sabres became an assist from Brian Morris Summit Sharks l Rory McWilliams and team members were elated Strikers' lone goal came laic to hear coach Bob Hering at progressively stronger Center halfback Pablo in the first half when The Sharks were edged by Sumner Anderson throughout the first half and Cappello was outstanding in a well-drilled Mendham spearheaded the Scorpions' a family picnic, announce wingman Matt Schwartz new records set by swim- dominated the second to the midfield. Goalie Tim headed the ball to forward learn which led, 2-1, at the offense defeat Rahway 2-0 in their Graves performed well and half Although the Sharks mers this summer and to Phil Pardi who tapped it in learn who received the most opener. Brendan Gibbons was capably supported by a for the score outshot Mendham in the North Brunswick-5 second half. Summit was Summit Stars-0 improved awards. The Summit defense, unable to convert Rick North Brunswick won composed of Chip Whitman, Stockton paced the Sharks' decisevely over the Stars. FOREIGN AUTO SPECIALISTS Mark Felix, Mike Newbold Rich Calleghan topped the ' DISTINCTIVEL Y DlFFEkENT SER VICE' attack and scored their only Beau Matlock and Heath list of new record setters and Jay Harrington, Settled goal on an assist from Doug Watson, alternating in goal, ON ALL MAKES & MODELS OF: down in the second half and with a new boys' 15-17 Ross Stockton, Pat and put forth a spirited defense freestyle mark of 56.7, open EUROPEAN & JAPANESE held Randolph scoreless Carmen Catullo and Robrjiy* against a strong North TOURING & SPORTS CARS Jim Little, Tom Osmun, individual medley with a Shawger were notable on Brunswick attack For- time of 1:05.8 and joined Peter Bourne and Daryl wards Michael Becker, Billy LKAGL'E CHAMPS — Lucianl's Dell won the Independent Softball League champion- COMPLETE CORVETTE SERVICE Df(>iizman played well in offense and goalie Ralph with Jim Clark, Joe Catillo and Fullbacks Albert Thomas and Brad ship this season, topping Skywind Auto Parts in the final playoff series, two games to Callaghan and Chris t ruwf UPS • ENGINE REBUILDING the midfield and Peter Swell Cavanaugh led several one. (S./V Piana photo)' • MACPHERSON STHUT SERVICE made some fine saves in Anderson and Carroll McGiffin to come up with a offensive thrusts for new freestyle relay time of • PUfllHAiE COMSUUATIONSEHVICE AVAILABLE goal Mack in played well on Summit, but were unable to » I OHt IG N AUTO AIR ( O N(JI T (OMNU defense 1:53.7. SEHVKE AVAIlAtHt HOURS Division IV score. . , MON thru FRI Summit Spartans (i Division V The girls' 15-17 freestyle I 464-3061 J 8».M P.M. North Brunswick d Hillsboro 4 'Ace' for Twill 1 ' SAT 9 A.M.-5 P.M The Spartans held a Summit Scorpions 1 record was set by Liz 116 Sherman Ave., Berkeley Heights >Eroug North Brunswick The Scorpions lost to Ann Twill, 5 Highland Woodard with a 29.1; girls' team scoreless in u fine 11-12 breaststroke (41 8) I Across from Berkeley Heights THm SutivnJ Hillsboro in a well played Drive, Summit had a hole- defensive display Kevin game Summit scored first m-one on the ninth hole at was made by Amanda Bjrne excelled in goal and early in the game on Peter the Summit Municipal Golf Potter and Karen Cornell E.M.K. MOTORS INC. fullbacks Greg Maigetter, Duncan's corner kick Course. 11-12, set a butterfly record trip Barden, Jim Zerweck, with a 36.3. A boys' 8 and Hillsboro tied with a sue under freestyle record time was made by Sumner Ai Anderson (16.7)

Hering, who praised the excellence of swim team performers, named the we're not following as mosl improved in the 1979 season: Eight and under, Beth Hiekman and Mark Callaghan; 9-iu, Jenny Owren and Walter Potter; n-12, Jenny Redson and Keith Zusi; 13-14 Julie Soper and Bill Mitchell; 15 the biggest SUCCESSFUL SEASON — At Clearwater Club's fondly picnic and award ceremony 17, Nancy Dunn and Tim trustee Dick Hess (left) congratulates Don Anderson, chairman of the swim com- Clabby. mittee, on a successful season. Seven records were set by club swimmers. Summit Booters Nip Livingston in Opener So we'll A first-period goal by Bob Livingston. Hilltoppers then had to turn DiParisi continued. "It will Caporaso enabled Summit Caporaso converted a to goalie Jim Combias to take a little time but 1 think High's soccer team to open direct free kick from Andy protect their slim margin. we're going to develop into a its season last Saturday with Taylor after only 10 minutes "Combias saved the game good team." of play. for us," DiParisi said. "He a 1-0 victory over a strong Summit was tomakeits Livingston High team in Coach Lou DiParisi's played an outstanding game, making at least three Suburban Conference debut settle for bein game-saving stops on shots Tuesday afternoon at on goal Overall Jim hadMadison. The Dodgers their sear • «M ARE YOU WAITING FOR ? with a 24 flayed u. met of the Mountain

YOUR HOME NOW AND SAVE! summit Federal Savings Summit Stickers Tie 0-0 in Debut Summit High's girls' field •Additions hockey team, making its learn loaded with •Dormers debut under new coach sophomore talent, had the • Bathroom t Joann La Vorgna, battled better scoring opportunities Now It the time to let us start to pltn your •Sidii* kitchen or rec-room. We arc N.J. Licensed Scotch Plains-Panwood in the scoreless game •Masotyy and can give you professional advite on all High to a 0-0 tie last week in forcing Scotch Plains' goalie Friendly Financial Services •Painting your home improvement need*. Scotch Plains Lisa Wanzor to make CALL TOOAY The Hilltoppers, a young several fine saves 24 Hour Telephone Service Since 1891 ROSS CONSTRUCTION CO. Chamber 30YMr»Eipentnc* 40 Years Experience of SERVING UNION AND MORRIS COUNTIES • _ VICTOR Six-Month Money Market Certificates Commwca J!ise™gt..i,»,.i.,i,i,,Mi,«i,i, &U1DETTI AT HIGHEST RATE PERMUTED BY LAW • LICENStO • INSURED • tXPBIIENCED i Bathroom, Kitchen, Rec. Room, Alterations f BXRAL KGMATKMS PROHIBIT Hot Water Heaters THE COMP0UMMN6 Of MTERfST OWWIG THE TERM OF THESE ACCOUNTS Specialists in Steam and Hot Water Heating Commercial and Industrial Work Sewer Connections

P- CALL Other savings Programs FALL [464-1810| PER OPENING PARTY ANNUM FRI. SEPT. 28th-7:30 to 11:30 pm GVz% ANNUM ADMISSION $2.00 Shoe Skate Rental 75c $1000 Minimum $1000 Minimum $1000 Minimum $1000Minimum GAMES! FUN! PRIZES! Berkeley 8 year Maturity 6 year Maturity 4 year Maturity 1 year Maturity - AIR CONDITIONED- Racquet & Aquatic Club 649 Spriffgfield Ave. (rear) Berkeley Heights PER a™ ANNUM Special Paiabook Statement Account Regular TENNIS WEEKEND 9aDay Notice liidlrf tod»ToJ« PaMbook Account SATURDAY SEPT. 22 $500 Minimum daily, endttadqawtarir. compounded quarterly $100 Minimum SUNDAY SEPT. 23 4-Year variable Rate certificate also available 12 to 4 p.m. federal reflations r»quir« that a penolty be invoked if funds (excluding interest) are FREE withdrawn or transferred fromo savings certificate prior to maturity. TENNIS INSTRUCTION OPEN TO ALL PARTICIPANTS * Bring the Family Let us help you set to know your new community as (Please bring your racquet & sneakers) quickly as possible. Our hostess will call on you and present you with gifts, greetings and useful informa- tion. Sign up for — Federal Sauingi COMPREHENSIVE 6 LOAN ASSOCIATION TENNIS PROGRAM 441 Springfield Avenue 1. Tonnll laddtr lytttm Berkeley Heights •4640B60 2. Clinic 277-3287 3. Round robin vings up to $40,000 are Fully Insured by FSLIC 4. Junior development SSm 6. Private lanont

i THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979 Page 13 from the Junior varsity to Hilltoppers'Eleven Underdog join the five returning A View from the Top varsity players." Returning from the 1978 varsity squad, which cap- tgainstHighlyRated Westfiel tured the Union County 'Where are the Breathers championship for the third By Howie Anderson consecutive year, are Amy •WHERE ARE THE BREATHERS?" schedule a team that you may lose to? If Summit High's football have done well in the past Coto provide the heft, Eld, Anne L'Hommedieu, The picturesque field set along Butler your football reputation is good you have team wHi«*e trying to can give our current squad weighing more than 200 Deb Telischak, Amy parkway will be the site of Summit's a difficult time in scheduling the noiv achieve a rare feat some confidence. We do pounds each. Zeibarth and Goalie Abi football game on September 29 This conference games tomorrow afternoon when it Seifert. Joining them on this have some good runners and Steve Middleton will be at marks the opening home game of 1979 as Summit is not the only school ex opens its 1979 season in year's varsity will be Beth a strong kicking game. linebacker along with Jerry well as the first time Summit ever has periencing difficulties Madison is going Westfleld against the Blue Biederman, Elena Carousis, Summit's Coach Anderson Hunt, Duffy Badley and played Seton hall. all the way to Toms River for a game Devils of Westfield High at Liz Cole, Linda Halsey, agrees with Kehler about John Avagliano. In the Seton Hall — the winner of 34 consecu- and New Providence has had to settle for p.m. Leigh Reynolds, Kate pre-season polls. defensive secondary will be tive games and the perennial prep school games with Kearny and Piscataway — Simonds and Barbara Coach Howie Anderson's "I don't put much stock in Mark Cottingham, Jeff power. Doesn't that make for a pretty two larger schools that will involve White Hilltoppers stunned them," the /veteran Petraccoro, Matt Fay, Leo tough schedule, particularly after lengthy trips. Westfield, 6-2, in the season Hilltopper's coach says. Paytas or Mark Teare. This year's junior varsity opening with another bigger school, Summit had two other opportunities opener at Tatloclr, Field in Anderson has been "very will include 1978 veterans Westfield? Yes, it does make for a tough for a game on September 29. Both in- 1978 and will be trying to The offensive line will be pleased" with his team's led by Ford, a guard, and Amy Edelmann, KaUiryn schedule against bigger schools — no volved long trips. We don't like to ask make it two wins in a row showing in pre-season McDaniel and Michelle question about it! our following, as well as our team, to over- the perennially Middleton, a tackle, the scrimmages with Linden, team's co-captains. Coto Thompson. Joining them The reason for this schedule is simple travel excessively We also like the powerful Westfield eleven. Union and West Morris. will be Slmone Donlon, game to have some meaning and in- Summit and Westfield will also play tackle with Ed - no one else would play us! It's not that "We have looked pretty Rodriguez at center and Shawn Dunn. Jenna Gruen, we carry knives or have unruly fans, the terest to the student body Would there both finished with im- good," the Summit coach Karen Hanson, Lydia be interest generated if we played a isive !•% records last Mark Ford or David scheduling difficulties that many schools says, "and have been Hudkins at the other guard. Kelley, Lynn Loftus, Sheila now face can be directly attributed to the team from New York stat* as another son when the Hilltoppers developing quickly. We do Matthews, Leslie Prdhert, conference school did several years —•ed their only victory in The offensive ends will be state football playoff system. have a problem, however, Robert Bredahl and Mike Tina Repetti, Jacaui, Wflrji We believe in the playoffs — thai a ago? I doubt it e four-year series between and Jenny Wentz "! Union County gridiron with a series ol injuries." Sereno. Chris Brodman is champion should be decided on the field Frankly, our football team is looking were. The first meeting How does Anderson see slated to be the quar- Varsity — junior varsity Our participation tn the playoffs has forward with great anticipation to both the outcome of the Westfield terback, with Jerry Hunt at alternates will be Suzy been a great experience for players, fans non-conference games The challenge is in a 6-6 tie and game? fullback. The halfbacks are Shearer, Molly Bourne, a nd coaches. Becoming eligible for entry obvious — the reward will be tremen (Vestfield won Ihe other two "It should be a close Robert Morton, Wright and Carol Cronheim and Kirsten in the playoffs has caused the scheduling dons! contests. contest. We have always Badley. Calvert problems To be eligible to participate. Seton Hall is not a permanent addition • Despite Summit's played Westfield pretty BEST RECORD — Bob Brandt, captain of Sky wind Kent Place opened its you must have at least 6-2 record when to the schedule — neither, by the way, is riumph last season and the tough and I expect this year softball team is presented with trophy for his tram field hockey season on the selections are made The selection Westfield We believe in good com feams" Identical records, will be the same Westfield winning the West Division of the Independent Softball September 19 against committee does not consider the petition, no matter the sport The higher pestfield has been ranked has fine coaching and year- Summit High League and finishing with the best record. Making Morris town Beard strength of your schedule unless two your goals - the more you will achieve B the state's No. 2 team in a in, year-out they seem to presentation is Ken DeRoberts, league treasurer. teams have equal records Therefore, Of course, one way to solve the ire-season poll while come up with good per Runners Score your victory over Westfield is exactly scheduling problem is to lose If you are nmit failed to make the sonnel " College Fund the same as your victory over podunk in the "patsy" class, you have nu trouble .) 20" list. The game probably will H S Are you getting the picture' Why at all getting games Forget il •On that basis Ihe develop into a matchup ol Head INamed . nestanding Westfielders Westfield's hard-nosed, Pair of Wins m as the favorite to grind-it-out football against Marie Van Vorst Williams enge last year's loss to Summit's potentially more Summit High's cross of Summit has been named mmit. But just how much explosive attack Summit's country team, coached by chairperson of the Wilson \ pro-season polls mean' defense checked Westfield Tom Washburn, opened its College Annual Fund She is t very much, according to effectively last season and season last week with a pair a marketing supervisor with stfield's veteran coach will have to do a similar job of victories over West American Telephone and ry Kehler. this time around if the Orange (24-33) and Verona Telegraph in Basking 'What makes them think Hilltoppers are to prevail (23-39) in a Suburban Ridge 're going to be thai good? Summit will throw a 4-4-3 Conference

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Free Parking 517 Springfield Ave., Summit, N.J. 273-4343 Page 14 THE SUMMIT HBatAU), THE NEW PROVIDENCE, BERKELEY HEIGHTS DISPATCH, THE CHATHAM PRESS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20,1878 PEOPLE AREA HAPPENINGS MEET: on. • THE SUMMIT HERALD. THE NEW PROVIDENCE^ BERKELEY HEIGHTS DISPATCH, THE CHATHAM PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 1979 Patty Murdoch MOVE REVIEW: .TrigcoKi; 10:15 with the Ice Capades for two '•. %.^|wUi|i>iayhwse after Indigestion. Even the Wilder's mngjle-minded -^g,,,^ ^rhere are also Thursday, Sept 20: Frisco Sunday. Sept. 22. MrReview. ) years.That was in 1971 and 'M MUlMirn opwiedils fall orchestra sounded fraU and faith, you'll get what you SAC Hosts Trips want, and a few good laughs badcUes and vicious western Kid. 7:00; 8:30; 10:00 •••• 1973, when she was Just it. .'season with « rabbit, a forlorn: old fa Friday, Sept. 21: Mr. • puma, and a turkey. Direction and musical thrown in too. - him The Summit Art Center's York's famous mile-long members. When space "I wan in the chorus," she u > ,j *f* * "MStelan I stagingwere credited to Jay The film follows Gene fc rabbi and popular bus trips to Newstretch in easy walking permits, single tickets will recounts. "I guess it was Wilder, a Polish rabbi on Ms ^iT. TkT^u":.™". r.."r °* Q* ">« York City museums will distance. The Cooper-Hewitt be sold for $8.50 to members glamorous, but mostly I wout~ • "'id" tak• ••' e". Bowwwb Randall'a>BMRBaMia*B osr Fox who probably had ;bpok, Stephen gebwartz' better things to think about. way to a congregation in resume on Tuesday, October and the Guggenheim are and $7.50 to non-members. remember the hard work, San Francisco, across the 9, the first of a series of four short blocks away, and the Seating is limited, so early We gave ihows six days a | toon, the let* (for which nb "TheMa«fe,Show''waia r we •wns to want credit), huge long run hit in New wild west of 1850. But it is Tuesday trips. Also offered Jewish Museum and thereservations are recom- week; on Saturdays then not the zany comedian will be a series of Thursday International Center of mended were three shows, on | fay Young's costumes, York despite almost UwWchlooked Kke they were unanimous critical disap- we've come to know — it's a trips. Tickets will be sold in Photography are within Reservations may be Sundays, two, And we tra- mellower, more subtle books of four for each close praamity made at the Summit Art veled to the next city on our £ exhumed from the last proval. I allow Oils to a series: * jtingHng Bros, fire sale) and dearth of suitable children's Wilder, portraying a very Center, 68 Elm Street, day off." And she still sweet, innocent and Tuesday series The price for the series of Summit, or by mail, For remembers that after ? a heavily padlocked bunk wing and provide* escort, April 8 But for all the excitement I do not mean to dissuade and drop it with weights anyone interested in a good for no way could this naif Thursday series Gourmet Shop to Open and travel, she discovered make it on his own. It is the Try Our Tatty Menu November 8 trie limits totha t kind of life. somewhere in the Bermuda trick ... only a good show. The Summit area wassaying, "There is no other 7 Mangle thereby leaving the growth of this very unlikely The batt In food, entertainment January 10 friendship that gives real March 13 treated to a unique, new shop in the area quite like "You live «nd work with the rewalntagelement'orS _, _ friendship t and hospitality May 8 the Charcuterie Lyonnaise. French gourmet shop as the same people all the time," DINNER WITH SALAD BAH —Find It all at Hickory Tree Inn. The bus trips will depart Charcuterie Lyonnaise It is a true continental she says now, "and you get opened its doors Saturday, specialty shop with a range &-»TwBa Movie Review: at 9: IS A.M. from the Stop too Involved in your own feats of legerdemain to and Shop back parking lot September 15, at 9 Beech- of products to please even little world. 1 didn't want to .. bewilder, astonish, amaze JM wood Road, Summit. An the most discerning palate. ; and entertain any audience Luncheons & Dinners on Route 24 and will make stay on the road, I wanted to "Breaking Away Opeo7 Day. .Week! museum stops at the original concept of MaxAll items will be available settle down. Betides when • anywhere. Mr. Abaldo who Jau At The Art Center, a series of Sunday afternoon jazz concerts at the Summit Art Metropolitan, Whitney and Chelly well known Wall for catering to parties and you're U to21, it's very hard replaced Doug Hennlng in by Miriam Congdon ENTERTAINMENT A DANCING There was standing room three buddies, too, are Center, will open its season on October2l with "Jaiz & Cordes," led by Charles Wizen the Museum of Modern Art. Street French restauran- social functions of all sizes to have a boyfriend if you're the original Broadway Featuring "EASY PIECES" only at the Berkeley Cinema unemployed, aimless recent luBaa i American CUMM on violin and Mike Peters on guitar. This unique quintet plays in the tradition of the teur, the new shop willto help make them truly touring." After she left the company, |« a low keyed but WED. THRU SAT. •tSOP.M.TO 1 JO A.M. Passengers may leave the last Saturday night; the high school graduates; one famous 1930s Quintet of the Hot Club of France. Doc Cheatham and Trio will appear on feature a full line of special." Ice Capades, she taught charmingly elfin figure 522 bus at any stop but must audience knew what people particularly frustrated boy January 27, and Eddie Hazell Trio will be toe attraction on March 20. The Sunday af- catch the return bus at the specialty pates, fresh Mr. Chelly concluded by figure skating in Montreal. , reminiscent of Chko Marx, exacerbates hostilities with LUNCH II AM-2:30PM DINNER 4:*' I'M-11) I'M southern saying, "Everyone is in- restrictions, Mrs. Murdoch "I've never lived in such a only prettier. His youthful everywhere seem to be ternoon series start at 4:00 P.M. with wine and cheese served between sets. Tickets are Metropolitan at 3:15 P.M. country breads, a variety of "I wanted to pass my ex- a fraternity, giving the boulevard $15 for the series. Tickets may be obtained at the Summit Art Center, 68 Elm St., or by imported preserves, special vited to browse through our isn't allowed to teach here, small town before!" exhuberance and con-finding out — that The Metropolitan stop puts perience along to somebody movie something else to Chatham twp mail. For further information, call 273-9121. oils and vinegars, a full new shop during our grand else," she says. She and a out she's hoping that will Does Mrs. Murdoch hive fidently professional aura "Breaking Away" is a truly other museums in New change. Meanwhile, the delightful movie. build on. IjfN r\^ range of sauces and opening celebration week. friend organized a show of any advice for young | > were the main assets of this The ending is marvelously mustards plus delicious We're sure once you've seen their own with their best attractive young Canadian skaters who aspire toth e Ice mUedbagof entertainment. I had resisted seeing it plays tennis almost daily, satisfying — there's a bike desserts. In addition, on it, you'll be back. students, and did brief tours Capades? "Start figure .. Every moment Mr. because I didn't want to see race on the hostile turf of the Saturdays the shop will offer The Charcuterie Lyon- in England and Scotland. participates in Newcomers' skating lessons as early as . Abaldo is on stage conjuring a film about teenagers and activities, and will be about bicycle racing. Well, campus, the hero naturally croissant, brioche and naise will be open Monday i, and really do your up a variety of ingenius and wins against the arch-rival French peasant tart thru Saturday 11-6, Thurs- Along the way, shevolunteering with a new it You. have to 'humorously conceived it'sabouta lot more besides, the millbufn avenue ' and it's done marvelously fraternity boy, and the Mr. Chelly commented on days until 8. Closed Sun- married Ross Murdoch, who TWIG group at Overlook yourself and I;; tricks the stage is alive with Hospital. "I'm Just starting well. The film is about movie audience literally the new. establishment. day. is with the Royal Bank of almost every day. "vibrant theatricality. The stood up and cheered. That's Canada in New York now. to get involved in the e adds, "you have . sight of a woman in a trance middle-American values; community," she says. about a hostile father and how engaging the film is. Do Because of Immigration lot of confidence. levitating in space, or being yourself a favor and go — :; Mawed in half continues to Us reconciliation through Overlook Presents adversity; about tension be- but on a weeknighk (Berke- amaze and baffle the ley Cinema, held over for uninitiated. Much to the tween townles and frater- of short hill/ Alcoholism Drama A Look At Local Bridge delight of the audience an nity boys; about growing up one to two more weeks.) abundant variety of illusions when dreams are shattered "Lady on the Rocks," an Members of the discussion and about dreams that do panel include Blanche were exhibited between the Now Playing original drama about a When the opponents bid tedious and totally em- come true. And it's a very woman's alcoholism and its Rifendifer of the Alcoholism funny film besides. A Shopping Experience Treatment Program at your suits, getting into the barrassing excuse for a plot jmpact ; 10:15 with the Ice Capades for two '•. %.^|wUi|i>iayhwse after Indigestion. Even the Wilder's mngjle-minded -^g,,,^ ^rhere are also Thursday, Sept 20: Frisco Sunday. Sept. 22. MrReview. ) years.That was in 1971 and 'M MUlMirn opwiedils fall orchestra sounded fraU and faith, you'll get what you SAC Hosts Trips want, and a few good laughs badcUes and vicious western Kid. 7:00; 8:30; 10:00 •••• 1973, when she was Just it. .'season with « rabbit, a forlorn: old fa Friday, Sept. 21: Mr. • puma, and a turkey. Direction and musical thrown in too. - him The Summit Art Center's York's famous mile-long members. When space "I wan in the chorus," she u > ,j *f* * "MStelan I stagingwere credited to Jay The film follows Gene fc rabbi and popular bus trips to Newstretch in easy walking permits, single tickets will recounts. "I guess it was Wilder, a Polish rabbi on Ms ^iT. TkT^u":.™". r.."r °* Q* ">« York City museums will distance. The Cooper-Hewitt be sold for $8.50 to members glamorous, but mostly I wout~ • "'id" tak• ••' e". Bowwwb Randall'a>BMRBaMia*B osr Fox who probably had ;bpok, Stephen gebwartz' better things to think about. way to a congregation in resume on Tuesday, October and the Guggenheim are and $7.50 to non-members. remember the hard work, San Francisco, across the 9, the first of a series of four short blocks away, and the Seating is limited, so early We gave ihows six days a | toon, the let* (for which nb "TheMa«fe,Show''waia r we •wns to want credit), huge long run hit in New wild west of 1850. But it is Tuesday trips. Also offered Jewish Museum and thereservations are recom- week; on Saturdays then not the zany comedian will be a series of Thursday International Center of mended were three shows, on | fay Young's costumes, York despite almost UwWchlooked Kke they were unanimous critical disap- we've come to know — it's a trips. Tickets will be sold in Photography are within Reservations may be Sundays, two, And we tra- mellower, more subtle books of four for each close praamity made at the Summit Art veled to the next city on our £ exhumed from the last proval. I allow Oils to a series: * jtingHng Bros, fire sale) and dearth of suitable children's Wilder, portraying a very Center, 68 Elm Street, day off." And she still sweet, innocent and Tuesday series The price for the series of Summit, or by mail, For remembers that after ? a heavily padlocked bunk wing and provide* escort, April 8 But for all the excitement I do not mean to dissuade and drop it with weights anyone interested in a good for no way could this naif Thursday series Gourmet Shop to Open and travel, she discovered make it on his own. It is the Try Our Tatty Menu November 8 trie limits totha t kind of life. somewhere in the Bermuda trick ... only a good show. The Summit area wassaying, "There is no other 7 Mangle thereby leaving the growth of this very unlikely The batt In food, entertainment January 10 friendship that gives real March 13 treated to a unique, new shop in the area quite like "You live «nd work with the rewalntagelement'orS _, _ friendship t and hospitality May 8 the Charcuterie Lyonnaise. French gourmet shop as the same people all the time," DINNER WITH SALAD BAH —Find It all at Hickory Tree Inn. The bus trips will depart Charcuterie Lyonnaise It is a true continental she says now, "and you get opened its doors Saturday, specialty shop with a range &-»TwBa Movie Review: at 9: IS A.M. from the Stop too Involved in your own feats of legerdemain to and Shop back parking lot September 15, at 9 Beech- of products to please even little world. 1 didn't want to .. bewilder, astonish, amaze JM wood Road, Summit. An the most discerning palate. ; and entertain any audience Luncheons & Dinners on Route 24 and will make stay on the road, I wanted to "Breaking Away Opeo7 Day. .Week! museum stops at the original concept of MaxAll items will be available settle down. Betides when • anywhere. Mr. Abaldo who Jau At The Art Center, a series of Sunday afternoon jazz concerts at the Summit Art Metropolitan, Whitney and Chelly well known Wall for catering to parties and you're U to21, it's very hard replaced Doug Hennlng in by Miriam Congdon ENTERTAINMENT A DANCING There was standing room three buddies, too, are Center, will open its season on October2l with "Jaiz & Cordes," led by Charles Wizen the Museum of Modern Art. Street French restauran- social functions of all sizes to have a boyfriend if you're the original Broadway Featuring "EASY PIECES" only at the Berkeley Cinema unemployed, aimless recent luBaa i American CUMM on violin and Mike Peters on guitar. This unique quintet plays in the tradition of the teur, the new shop willto help make them truly touring." After she left the company, |« a low keyed but WED. THRU SAT. •tSOP.M.TO 1 JO A.M. Passengers may leave the last Saturday night; the high school graduates; one famous 1930s Quintet of the Hot Club of France. Doc Cheatham and Trio will appear on feature a full line of special." Ice Capades, she taught charmingly elfin figure 522 bus at any stop but must audience knew what people particularly frustrated boy January 27, and Eddie Hazell Trio will be toe attraction on March 20. The Sunday af- catch the return bus at the specialty pates, fresh Mr. Chelly concluded by figure skating in Montreal. , reminiscent of Chko Marx, exacerbates hostilities with LUNCH II AM-2:30PM DINNER 4:*' I'M-11) I'M southern saying, "Everyone is in- restrictions, Mrs. Murdoch "I've never lived in such a only prettier. His youthful everywhere seem to be ternoon series start at 4:00 P.M. with wine and cheese served between sets. Tickets are Metropolitan at 3:15 P.M. country breads, a variety of "I wanted to pass my ex- a fraternity, giving the boulevard $15 for the series. Tickets may be obtained at the Summit Art Center, 68 Elm St., or by imported preserves, special vited to browse through our isn't allowed to teach here, small town before!" exhuberance and con-finding out — that The Metropolitan stop puts perience along to somebody movie something else to Chatham twp mail. For further information, call 273-9121. oils and vinegars, a full new shop during our grand else," she says. She and a out she's hoping that will Does Mrs. Murdoch hive fidently professional aura "Breaking Away" is a truly other museums in New change. Meanwhile, the delightful movie. build on. IjfN r\^ range of sauces and opening celebration week. friend organized a show of any advice for young | > were the main assets of this The ending is marvelously mustards plus delicious We're sure once you've seen their own with their best attractive young Canadian skaters who aspire toth e Ice mUedbagof entertainment. I had resisted seeing it plays tennis almost daily, satisfying — there's a bike desserts. In addition, on it, you'll be back. students, and did brief tours Capades? "Start figure .. Every moment Mr. because I didn't want to see race on the hostile turf of the Saturdays the shop will offer The Charcuterie Lyon- in England and Scotland. participates in Newcomers' skating lessons as early as . Abaldo is on stage conjuring a film about teenagers and activities, and will be about bicycle racing. Well, campus, the hero naturally croissant, brioche and naise will be open Monday i, and really do your up a variety of ingenius and wins against the arch-rival French peasant tart thru Saturday 11-6, Thurs- Along the way, shevolunteering with a new it You. have to 'humorously conceived it'sabouta lot more besides, the millbufn avenue ' and it's done marvelously fraternity boy, and the Mr. Chelly commented on days until 8. Closed Sun- married Ross Murdoch, who TWIG group at Overlook yourself and I;; tricks the stage is alive with Hospital. "I'm Just starting well. The film is about movie audience literally the new. establishment. day. is with the Royal Bank of almost every day. "vibrant theatricality. The stood up and cheered. That's Canada in New York now. to get involved in the e adds, "you have . sight of a woman in a trance middle-American values; community," she says. about a hostile father and how engaging the film is. Do Because of Immigration lot of confidence. levitating in space, or being yourself a favor and go — :; Mawed in half continues to Us reconciliation through Overlook Presents adversity; about tension be- but on a weeknighk (Berke- amaze and baffle the ley Cinema, held over for uninitiated. Much to the tween townles and frater- of short hill/ Alcoholism Drama A Look At Local Bridge delight of the audience an nity boys; about growing up one to two more weeks.) abundant variety of illusions when dreams are shattered "Lady on the Rocks," an Members of the discussion and about dreams that do panel include Blanche were exhibited between the Now Playing original drama about a When the opponents bid tedious and totally em- come true. And it's a very woman's alcoholism and its Rifendifer of the Alcoholism funny film besides. A Shopping Experience Treatment Program at your suits, getting into the barrassing excuse for a plot jmpact


A LOT OF HOUSE! BROWN Rtnqnted facelifted old pi -10% mortup i powibil.tr 5 bed- rooms, 3 tails, limilj rm. M. bus it front *»,. Otters on $150,000. MARGARET R. SHEFttO AGENCY, 27M950. Eight offices working with six Multiple Listing Services covering dozens of communities "In five counties 21 ENOUGH SAID 21, 21 THE ANSWER TO A SUMMIT MURRAY HILL It seems that whenever a nice house becomes available in 21 LAROE FAMILY'S 785 Springfield Avenue 5 Mountain Avenue Summit's highly-desirable North Side, real estate ad 21, PRAYERS writers pull out all the stops, competing with one another ' 21, (201) 273-6000 (201) 464-2100 for elegant adjectives and opulent adverbs. 'Enough,' we Here you will find a wonderfully maintained Summit say. Let the house speak for itself: ' neighborhood, and a groat IS room Colonial with i "Center-hall colonial. . . 5 bedrooms and V.'i baths . . spacious bedrooms, study and rec room. Full range ol NORTH BRANCH large modern kitchen . . . paneled family room 2nd leisure activities for both young and old. A large family, a (2011 526-8080 floor sun room . . plenty of pantry space and a A few simple questions would demonstrate family that loves to entertain, or those that enloy lets of WARREN fireplace in the master bedroom. Priced to sen quickly our point. TVy to answer theni: al What Is the av houie guests will find this etceptional home a prime can- (201) 647 2001 atsi42,000." best method to price a home? By Income, cost, or didate for consideration. JlW's. There, wasn't that a nice change of pace? For an appoint- competitive market analysis? b) Is the buyer 21 ment to see this very nice, quietly understated value, lust required to furnish a credit report? c) Is the .21 appraisal of a home's value based on assessed 21 INCREDIBLE valuation? d) Is it a mistake when showing a 21 KITCHEN jBetter home to ask the buyers to Imagine their furniture 21 ThU is one of the most exciting kitchens we've seen. The 4 In the rooms? 21 bedroom house on 1 Vj wooded acres is excellent, too—but Two names you can trust. If you've found even one of these problems 21 the kitchen 111 The kitchen decor is lovely ami you'll find if difficult to answer, perhaps the knowledge and 21 hard to find • more completely equipped culinary center anywhere. It includes self-cleaning oven, compactor, SUMMIT experience of a Neighborhood Professional" 21 361 Springfield Ave. would be helpful. built-in toaster, no-wax floor ana much, much more. Oh 21 yes, there's a shimmering in-ground pool, too. >1I7,*M. i201) 277-1770 To us, because of our training, they're Just a few simple questions. Call your Neighborhood 21 Professional today for the answers. 21 201-464-0475 21 Over JO Offices , V.f™? Saving You REALTOR 21 21 21 21 21 21 INDEPENDENTLY OWNED 21 21 21 21 21 CHATHAM TOWNSHIP OUR EXPERIENCE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE CAPE FIRST TIME OFFERED S77.S00 Large kitchen, living room. 4 bedrooms, bath, attached garage. Low, low taxes. NEW LISTING 4 bedroom, 1V» bath home In prime location offers a BOYLE LIVE AMONG THE TOWERiNG TREES SUMMIT beautifully landscaped lot with Iax34 In-ground pool, large flagstone patio off sliding doors from paneled REALTORS GF THE "COUNTRYSIDE" AREA YOU'LL LOVE IT! $44,500 family room with built-in bar for entertaining. Central Owners retiring offer this nice Colonial located on J45 ft. A/C. Mint condition. tl»5.OO0 Absolutely top location in Berkeley Heights Is gorgeoi lot A gardener's dream. It has thru hall, living room, din- SUMMIT lovely homes and natural greenery. This center hall split-level home hat ing room, modern kitchen plus mud room. 3-4 bedrooms, received beautiful stone and frame exterior, living room with fireplace, iv! baths, J car garage. Taxes s»M. See today. family room and much more for your family to en|oyt Summit Office/ 171-M00. W.A. McNAMARA, Realtor CHATHAM TOWNSHIP 37 Maple St., Summit 273-3180 JUST LISTED PERFECT SECLUSION RANCH - 3 bedrooms, 1 baths, living room with fire- RANCH on 6 ACRES Eves. 27745M; 444-54S*; 4*4-5773 place, storage wall in dining room, large kitchen with self- cleanma range, paneled family roam, spacious patio. Bay LOVELY ONE-LEVEL LIVING! windows for your greenery and lovely carpeting. Wooded Ml main reom*«ree*o«e level leWee-severl m ttut« l^rf^aw,iaW«vw let on quiet street In the Lincoln School district. H35.O00 ream «Mt n»r attache*; garage. tm.MO. call Jackie Miller eves Jn-Hol

THIS HOMC has first floor bedroom and bath. Living «e*et*l*ww - room, dinm« room, large country kitchen, enclosed porch. Heights and steps away from Waftchvng Second fleer 4 bedrooms, 1 batti. Located In New Provl- HS^SSSt'•fil SlJS^IBWf ""• »»W)fng and recrea- MSIaalt plane Burke444-1TW FULLY STAFFED RELOCATION DEPARTMENT Ideally suited foi Mother/daughter arrangement FOR COAST-TO-COAST SERVICE Features full wall fireplace, S bedrooms. 3 full baths, (201) 373-6400 large rear deck and much, much more. Berkeley Heights Mora than twenty yeara of experience caring tor all your 1129,000. WE HAVE MORTAGE MONEV real estate needs. $76,500 Buy this 4 bedroom Colonial with living room, dining room, kitchen and new bath. Located In nearby Stirling on private and secluded lot.

BEING BUILT REAL ESTATE SINCE INS Colonials located jn exclusive area with scenic wooded 77» Springfield Ave., Summit setting. These custom built homes have many quality features Call (or details on this exclusive Berkeley OFFICE: 173-4111 SPECIAL Heights subdivision CHATHAM TOWNSHIP — Center hall Colonial—4 bedrooms—1 baths — extra large Galleries in Union. Cranford, Morrlstown. Denvllle recreation room — family room — game room — central air S1S4.000 THE HOME FOR YOU This immaculte home situated on large wooded lot features 3 bedrooms, 2\h baths, eat-in kitchen, dining room, huge family room and much more. Berkeley REDUCED HeightsSIOI.500 SHORT HILLS - Colonial Split - lovely setting-den—lalousy porch -extra large i Bedroom Colonial with formal dining room, fireplace game room — I other activity rooms — all Mils plus the usual — plus • large matter in living room, screened porch, completely fenced rear bedroom suite , $215,000 yard and ready for early occupancy. Asking M»,500. Public Service Realty WE ARE MEMBERS OF 4 MULTIPLE LISTING BOARDS StepSfMr 464-6262 Save steps with the easy living of this custom built 4 Realtor 42 Pine Grove Ave. bedroom Ranch, a living room with a stone fireplace Summit and slate hearth. Enhanced by the Park like setting, 700 Springfield Ave., Berkeley Height* this freshly painted home is offered at a reduced price Sunday, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. SUMMIT NEW PROVIDENCE of $127,800. 4 Bedroom Colonial In excellent condition with lots of 3 BEECHNOOD RD. 44 SOUTH ST. wtrm country charm I Bullt-lns, French doors, corner 2734522 china cupboards, large kitchen with cabinets and counters 464-1700 galore. New barn sided family room, new baths, low maintenance home on large tot In desirable Summit Eve*.* Sun. Bves. t Sun. -neighborhood. Asking stw.ooo. Certainly worth your In- Marti HaMef»Y.lJ>J«M PtiylUi Thomberg. MMSM QUALITY HOME spection I Suzanne Pram, 522-IMf Dottle Ammon, M444M Charming s bedroom Colonial in prestigious area has Direction!: Ashland Rd. or Springfield Ave. to Pine Grove exceptional floor plan. Large entry foyer, outstanding Ave. country kitchen, cozy family room with fireplace plus ow Kfwunoii B tma M KMOML study, laundry « powder room. Pretty patio on large wooded lot. Offered at SMS.OOO. THE GILLAND AGENCY Realtors ,„ W.A. McNAMARA, Realtor " ""'••"•'•" . to-MMM. 37 Maple St., Summit 273-3880 Eves. « Sun. call 444-4741 or J77-O1J5 greatjmi Eves. 277-eJM; 4M-S459

This center hall Colonial with 4 bedrooms (sm bedroom partially finished) is conveniently located to schools, shopping and transportation, it hat a large, almost new kitchen with eating area, a fireplace In the large living room, a panelled den, all the above contribute to • make tMs a good buy. Asking SW.SOO. DO YOU WANT NICE?

A real "cream puff." This 3 bedroom, 1 bath spilt In the DO YOU WANT NINETIES? Canoe Brook section has a fenced rear yard with 20x10 patio and Charm-Glo grill. New kitchen, new roof and Two exceptionally nice Iwmei offered in the NINETIESIII new driveway make Ms home priced right at fe*,SM. One in Summit btsptakt quality. No deterred mainte- nance ID this solid 3 Bedroom home with Family Room, finished Recreation Room, up-dsted Kitchen and ALL ap- Drem XitcketC pliances Included. Beautiful gardens to en|oyl The other In New Providence must be seen to he appreci- Complete with self cleaning oven, dishwasher, soterlan ated I Four Bedrooms, Family Room wlthJIrepUce, Den, floor and the finest of wood cabinets highlights this spiral staircaie AND great In-ground pool In the back- newly fisted 3 bedroom. I'/S bath name in Mew Provi- dence. Lilted at »127,W». * Don't tnlsf tMs opportunity! MOUNTAIN AGENCY Realtors Realtors-JIJ Springfield Ave,, Summit 8S Summit Annw> TO-HM Summit 29] MORRIS AVENUE ., Eves, t gum, -SUMMIT, N. J. 07801 Ws-OM*. 273-Hft 177-MW, 17J-O7SJ 273-2400 THE SUMMIT HERALD, THE NEW PROVIDENCE, BERKELEY HEIGHTS DISPATCH, THE CHATHAM PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979 Page 17 I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "|pREWTALS |[ HELP WANTED c HELP WANTED SUMMIT Vacation Rentals Bank ir • INSURANCE OPPORTUNITIES VERO BEACH, Florida. New • Teller bedroom, bath « half ground MADISON floor condominium. Fully lur- COMMERCIAL RATER Trainees TWO FAMILY nished, color TV. Walk to ten- nis, swimming t, club house. immediate position available for Property Rater Summit Avail. 1 mot, 4 moi, » mos. Minimum 3 yrs. experience required. Knowledge ot all Two family completely alum, sided. First floor - 2 Bedrooms, Living Room, Kitchen, Bath. Second floor - 2 VT-MJ. Is Banking In Bedrooms, Living Room, Kitchen, Bath. Full Basement. Your Future? Near school, excellent conditions. M*,SM. TYPISTS It should be FLORIDA KEYS Especially to MADISON PALM ISLAND - Rent an Several openings for qualified individuals. 50 WPM day, because job absolutely private Island necessary. Accuracy mandatory. security is so Spotless » spacious Bl-Level. Living Room, formal dining with the advantages of a important, and rm, eat-In kitchen, 3 bedrooms, \Vi baths, family room. 2 mid-Marathom location 0 0 Cttm et 1 so hard to find MSJ-H! **, ," <" * "««" Package. Career We are leaders car garage. Great location, c/alr. Jo's. Two delightful residences, a opportunities salary commensurate with experience For interview call o Lamp, 43S-6800. in the most large swimming pool plus a stable industry SUMMIT deep water Harbor. For par- of all . . com ticulars on this vacation mercial bank Island write P.O. Box 131, THE ATLANTIC COMPANIES Canoe Brook Contemporary Split, with 3 Bedrooms. Liv- Ing Flemlnglon, N.J. OW22 or •7 Main St. Chatham ing Room with gas fireplace. Dining Room, Eat in Kit- call Caroline 201-236 2004. chen, Enclosed Porch, Family Room, Garage and more) An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F It you enioy pub- SUMMIT — Close to schools and public transportation. Call today tor lic contact, have further details. 90s. 11 year oW « bedroom, Vh bath Colonial home. Situated on cul-de-sac. WMITINGHAM, (SOUTHERN good numerical *174,*N VERMONT) Ski rental. Con- ability, we'd like temporary. Magnificent views. to meet you E« . CHATHAM 3 bedrooms, V/i baths, family perlence is not room, large stone fireplace SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS necessary but It three Bedrooms are all you need and you en|oy the fine Call 4M-«14S or «>2-Ma-2335. prior cash hand- details of this Cape Cod home, you must see this New Borough of Chatham, New Jersey (Population 9,200, 24 ling background Listing. It has a Living Room w/FP, Eat-in Kitchen. Den, miles from N.Y.C.) seeks an individual to plan and ad- would be a plus Enclosed Porch, Full Basement, Oarage. Walking BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY minister public works maintenance programs. Including distance to schools and shopping. Central air. tO's roads, sanitary sewer collection system, storm sewers We offer expert parks and recreation equipment, swimming pool, public career guld Be independent, own your own buildings, automotive shop and Borough owned water ance, competl business. Well established utility. live salaries and retail milk route oflers sub- a great benefits stantial net earnings. Has a Will supervise 17 employees package includ Esposifo ' Realtor radius of 5 miles of Summit. Three to five years of supervisory experience in related Ing profit shar Madison Call or write Brennan's Dairy, ing and tuition 822-1442 47 Division Ave., Summit. public works activities preferred, though experience and 277111 training which provide equivalent qualifications will be refund. For in " I 277-1111 considered mediate con- sideration, call CHATHftM BOROUGH Request information and application from Office of HELP WANTED or send resume RENTALS I |f] Borough Administrator. Municipal Building. Chatham to: OPEN FOR INSPECTION New Jersey 07921 (201-435-0*74). IM Hillside Ave. Chatham Noon - 5 P.M. An Equal Employment Opportunity Employer M/F. 931-6544 Sat. Sept. 22, Sun. Sept. 2) House Furnished RESUMES! United Counties Don't miss this sparkling home SUMMIT — EXECUTIVE Each resume a result of In CHATHAM TOWNSHIP — in A-l condition. If you've been RENTAL. Beautifully fur depth interview and eemiiiM Prim* >ru — Library, den « rec room, 2 powder rooms, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths looking without success, sec nlshed Ranch in top location concern for your needs. Call Trust Company SITt.fM and compare. High sao's. Make October to May 31, SI2O0 a for an appointment: 77J-1015 FULL OR PART TIME offer. DIRECTIONS: From ""w. Good Map Stan la Htpenr month includes grounds care, KERN A. ULRICH Main St. turn south on Hillside. snow removal and all utilities. 435 Sets. 101 walnut Avenue Linens, dishes. No Pets Call to TELLER TYPIST Crantord. NJ 070U Inspect. RICHLAND, Realtors, fci eqail ewMenIti mature M/F OWNER'S OPEN HOUSE 27J-701O. Buxton Country Restaurants - All Shifts and positions Liberal Fringe Benefits hofman [fj\ ingrarns* It MEADOWBROOK RO. available. Apply In person CHATHAM BOROUGH Hickory Tree Buxton Res- __ *> •' V REALTORS* Saturday, Sunday. 1-4 I Apartment Unfurnished f taurant, Ml Shunpike Rd. 102 SUMMIT AVE., SUMMIT 7 room Colonial in con- Chatham Township, Mr. venient Lafayette area of- Bona, Manager, 122-tn*. An SUMMIT FEDERAL B 273-8224 _ fers eat-in kitchen, I Vs baths, NEW PROVIOENCE. 3 room equal opportunity employer WOftlcea to Serve You-Now IwkKllnetlieFaleon Associate. «*•><>• formal dining room, living apartment. Walk to shopping room, fireplace, screened and train transportation. Refer SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO4XXHMMMHM10 porch, patio, finished base- ences required. Owner occupied ment. Immediate occu- 2 family. Heat, hot water, gas, 373-81 SO WHAT'S IN A NAME? pancy. Asking SIM.sm. For electric, parking. $375, I month COLLECTOR 39) Springfield Ave. Summit 75 years ot service combined further information or appt. rent, I month security. Adults 441 Springfield Ave. Berkeley Heights with membership in me old call owner 615 mi or and nonsmokers preferred. No Opening in Linden for in- An Equal Opportunity Employer est real estate franchise »7l-7»4» anytime. rock and roll music. Call dividual to work with delin- group in me United States. DIRECTIONS: Route 24 to US-Olit »-9:Mpm for inspec- quent accounts. Position LET US HELP YOU PLAN Lafayette Ave. to Meadow- tion. Available Sept. 30. will involve heavy phone YOUR FUTURE: brook SUMMIT. 4 bedroom apart contact, some "eld work. CAREER SEMINAR a scoop tnent. Newly decorated. Near Experience preferred. Ex- FACTORY HELP Tues. Sept. Km, 7:» p.n>. town and transportation. Call cellent benefit! including HOLIDAY IKM we want to let you in to. Come drive with us to see Helen Fisher, Really. ira-7aoo. profit sharing, dental, tui- High School Graduates Rte. «4. Parsjppaay .- this terrific home we just listed. Be the first to view MORRISTOWN tion reimbursement. FindOut About: N.J. Licens- Please call our Personnel Permanent, lull time. ing Laws. Earnings %xpec- our super scoop of a contemporary home with 4 bed- SUMMIT: spacious 5 room Dept. at 177-4200. Experience not necessary; we will train. tations. FREE Training, pro- rooms, svfc battu, fantastic family kitchen, walking apartment, ftwUtoor. separate gram. Career ou distance to school* overlooking wonderland of woods convenient fa newt. «VWJMM seaw i . and babMins brook... Oct. t. M7S par itwatKJacttMs* venom on J"efe f>artey XM faatta. Ml kMEBM at aasa- all utilities. Call J/7-O4M eves Oeod starting rates, automatic Increases, paid B.C.. B.S., ment, central air, walte w/w Rider J, moior medical, pension, eleven holidays. nic Bonf cwnunr carpet, premium electrical SUMMIT — spacious. 7 rm, J Ml SprlnsfieMAveme equipment, fireplace, patio, Summit, N.J. Apply in person bdrm apt, complete w/sun 9AM-I2 noon; lrJSMPM prime location, occupancy parch. Avail Oct I, in charming Equal Opportunity Employer appro*, il/l at >1M,MO. apt residence nr shopping, Owner, 531-sall hospital * transportation. Call Super after * a,rn, — 173-MMl to inspect. SHASTA MFG. DIVISION , CtlSTOOMR/BUS OMVEI Immediate vacancy at Jona- SHAW PLASTICS CORP. than Dayton Regional High SUMMIT. Roomy 2ndft 3r d CLERKS 27 evenings. heat, walking distance to BERKELEY HEIGHTS — 4 3M SMhWIBD ML, KMEin HEIGHTS station1, schools, town. 1st bedrooms, 2V4 baths. Colonial RENTALS WAHTEO Contemporary homes available — New Providence, floor: living room, marble Split, gas heal, newly decor- PERMANENT «L Temporary BerkeleyHelghts. Warren and Watehvng.$127.S00 and up. fireplace, dining room with ated; convenient to train. Im- YOUNG working mother look- PillHUE I FUUTIW Call for more details. window wall, mahogany mediate''occupancy. Pets * ing for immediate opportunity mil muuuu paneled den, large kitchen children welcome. S72S month. to share expenses on house or Mrs oa mem with dining area, 3 bed- 763-0119 apartment with other female. It SF.RVICF mi PRODUCT PREPARATION t OFFICES TO SERVE YOU rooms, 1 baths; 2nd fl: large Please call 522-0971 after 4pm. HOUIIS FUIIBU TO SUIT TOW MEDS bedroom, room for 2nd, dou- BERKELEY HEIGHTS. 4 bed- EMM U0H MEMGE IKOME ble tile bath, cedar closet. room colonial, immaculate PRIVATE garage needed to ALL POR RELOCATION HELP THE KENT BUS COMPANY «EW1 IFKSMStS - FO00 DISCOUNT Lower level: large paneled move-in condition. Oct. is occu- store car. Summit west side UNIFORM SumilJ rec room, laundry room, Vt pancy. STeS par montti. Owner/ preferred. 277-3310. HAS OPENINGS FOR NO IKPFRtftiCI IWCFSSJUK - OVtl 18 bath. Oversized double gar- Broker. 4M-M3S. PART & FULL TIME FOf INURVKW Cbl age. Available immediately, •S4-473) .CHATHAMBOROU8H:profes- I Bus Drivers in $200,0M range. Principals OFFICE FOR RENT Van Drivers only. 273-6M3. sional woman Wanted to share |_ « OHM SHOP house. «75; utilltievtMW. Call Mechanics after SPM: 4M-SS73. MODERN office building. Sum- Fuelers mit. SOW) sq. It. 1st floor, ample Washers • ~ w*w Providence. N J O7V74 SELLING YOUR HOME? Rent Grounds Maintenance An Equal Opportunity Emptoyw a Landa House Washer. Make parking. Available Apr. 1910. SUMMIT 27J-4M5. Benefits for full time employees — Opportunity for ad- $2000. or more In a sparkling vancement. For an interview, Call 4*4-781) clean home. Taylor Rental 4M-9SO0 RICHARD RENTALS SUMMIT. 2 office suites, ap- SALES AUDIT CLEM Center. M4 Springfield Avenue, proxjmately 800 ft tOO ft. 2nd BERKELEY HEIGHTS Berkeley Heights. Full time position Bookkeep- W2 Springfield Ave. 07*11 SUMMIT AREA floor corner Springfield a, ing Oept. of men's Retail Unfurnished houses for rent Maple. Reasonable rent. Im- COOK, full time, days. 464-24W store. To work with all RICHARD C. FISCHER, INC.. REALTORS | CHATHAM BOROUGH | INCOME PROPERTIES mediate occupancy. Pasbjerg CAREER COUNSELING DRIVER phases of automated audit- Call 273-MOO Anytime Dev. Co., exclusive brokers. RESUME ing systems. Excellent bene- RICHARD A.-MICONE 4t7-O9S0. We have developed a career We have an opening for a top AVON fits. Call Mr. Kole, 27M2M. GAS SAVER AOENCY life planning process that of- caliber person in our delivery CHRISTMAS BELLS ROOTS —•SUMMIT BOARD 382 Springfield Ave. fers Individual, small group division. Steady work. Apply In JINGLE ... SO DOES THE Leave both cars in the (Realtor) Summit STORES FOR RENT and/or workshop sessions, person. BRENNAN'S DAIRY, MONEY you can make in garage and walk to every- J which focus on skills identifi- 47 Division Ave. Summit. your spare time as an Avon RETIRED engineer, part time, thing from this S bedroom cation, resume writing, Representative. No experi- EXPERIENCED Auto Body work involves project manage- Colonial. SB9,soo. eves. IT PAYS career counseling, inter- ence necessary — I'll show ment and construction super- 4MJWI. • SUMMIT STORE FOR RENT. viewing and |ob search tech- painter needed. Must be pre- you howl Call today for more pared to handle quality work. vision ol small chemical plant;. SSDITA REALTY, Realtor PRIME SPRINGFIELD AVE. niques. For information and information: Kay Crescemi Drew Engineering Inc. 20] 1«23 Springfield Ave. N.P. LOCATION. 374-1415; 37»-635?. appointments, call eM-*M7. Skill must be A-l. Call for Inter- 332-1*53. views, Caruso's Auto 757-llM. Main St. Chatham. US-77M. 4M-3343 TO ADVERTISE Clearing House, Inc. Page 18 THE SUMMIT HERALD, THE NEW PROVIDENCE, BERKELEY HEIGHTS DISPATCH. THE CHATHAM PRESS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, X979

HELP WANTED Jl HUP WANTED INSTRUCTION FOR SALE SALESPERSON. LOOK NO FUUiR BRUSH PMOUCTS FURTHER! 9~» daily- BELL MATH TUTOR. Experienced Are you looking for a Fuller ADMINISTRATIVE DRIVER teacher, all grades. 277-etIl. AMI**. momwmmim • DRUGS, 18 South SI. N.P. Brush DealerT CALL 271-3441. 464-8414 SECRETARY WtMry. . I77-8IIJ We need quality dealersACall Shipping * Receiving PIANO LESSONS - Beginning for interview. LEGAL SECRETARY wanted Interesting opportunity Good driving record Important. to most advanced, adult* at experience necessary tor PART TIME work In Hard available for individual Reliable, dependable person to wall at children. Serious and HOLIDAY ARTS & CRAFTS ANTIOVI*. *4d coins, ok* own Modern Summit law firm. with excellent steno and drive company truck and car thorough approach toward u* t > . 271-2900. ware-Houteware Store. Daily approximately l-tpm, Saturday typing. (area NY/NJ). Will assitt In study of the instrument (reper- NOVEMBER » * 10 IWTOMO t:30-6. Closed Wednesday and shipping and receiving depart- toire, technique, sight-reading, SCHOOL CUSTODIANS, 12 ment. theory, etc.), with the emphasis month position, evening shift, • Sunday. Drivers license re- We offer a good starting DEALERS WANTED quired. Harvey J. Tiger, 324 salary plus an attractive an artistic expression and in- hours (2:18-llpm). Immediate Liberal employee benefits. telligent musicianship. Lessons openings. Chatham Township Millburn Ave., Millburn. package of company PLEASE CALL 4M-4W 376-0449, after 7pm 277-425S. benefits. In your own home or in Chat- Public Schools. Call as-nsi. Phone for appointment: ham Borough studio. Jamas PAINTER needed to help finish For i cemaiMt appoinlmal M 464-2400 Vaughan, 6351267. exterior season. Experience Our Sault truck Otfit. all: AIRCO, INC. START school right! Reinforce Gam* Sale MCDONALD'S preferred. 277-3027. Ms. Lesion at weak basic skills,' increase effi- Managers Position Open R&D LAB DIVERSIFIED. Burling needs (201) 354-3400, HOUNTWN ML, MUM** HILL «..!. ciency; MATH, READING, No Experience Necessary LANOAUGE ARTS. Private in- a reliable conscientious person Ext. 323 ta •wol wportynil, mpupi, aVF WILL TRAIN dependent Instruction. Masters. Matching Studio couches with earner table (almost new) cost to handle stocking, learn ship- HIGH School Cafeteria. Call for Interview ping and receiving, and later, 177-*l«0. WSO0 on sale for U30.M, new small wrought troTpit brily Ml O»p»tl«it|l [»!*»» M/F Experienced only through trial PROFESSIONAL couple seeks SALES — If you can qualify, we balance. Hours flexible. FREE LISTING! « <"i.,!!!2S: pl*tWe tUmm- «* «P «• "•«•«>• «r»p«». an- l reward and tributor. Accounts open. Start TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENTS registered. Black, * weeks old, Live ir, 5Vj days. Short Hills. personal growth. Age, sex or ad FREE in this columnl movie camera, Clalrol curler., dishes and miscellaneous kitchen malts »females. 2731*11 Private room and bath. Refer- immediately. Call for appoint- If you can work 2 or more 8 hr. LIONKL, Ivei, American race is not a factor. If you are ment. P.T. Winans,(87**10. days per week and have good of- accessories, new Cory fan forced thermostatlc central wall heater ences required. Call office day honest, ambitious and have a JJ5.OO. Many other articles el value and others of lima value. SPECIALTY - rare whit* flyer, aha) other trains. Imme- or evenings: 37*-*BO0. fice skills we have assignments MONEY found on Barnesdale diate cam. Top prices. U*-NM burning desire to succeed, your STEWARD/HOUSEMAN. ~Pri- Rd., Madison, Sunday, Sept. «. Saturday, September aj t Sunday, September 13 - *>00 a.m. to Pekinese - 7 month old mate, lor: light typing, clerical, fully trained, excellent disposi- CAR WTPER5~-TUII time or potential with us is unlimited vate club in Short Hills requires switchboard. Call Mary 522- Please call 377-5197. ! m oi Lv T i This is not insurance, mutual services ol a reliable, mature IRO5> tion has had all shots. Idaal pOOHOUM, FOR MtOIUM part lime Apply In person. funds or real estate. If you are i? !r : • " companion for adults only. SUMMIT CAR WASH. 100 person to handle various indoor MALE German Shepherd, SIZK D09. i7*J*Jl, the soft sell type, enthusiastic and outdoor maintenance and '""' lynirorce gray, 5 yrs. old, lost about 1 171-2*63 9-Som weekdays. Springfield Ave. Summit. and truly desire to earn what temporaries months ago. Reward. S100 for Miscellaneous PIANO - go«a condition and J73-OB30 service responsibilities. Ex- you are worm, call Agnes, cellent full time job lor right his recovery. Answers name SUMMIT ANIMAL WELFARE goad nuke. Call tn-un. 5229434. PERSONAL 450 Springfield Ave. Summit. LEAOUE Has avallaW* for ~MATURE~SALES PERSON person with good character. "Prince." Call 465-0199 Salary negotiable. Call 379-4080 BOOKKEEPER adoption: Tommy, Burma** EXPERIENCED PRE- GROWTH DEVELOPMENT, GENERAL OFFICE WORKER LOST — CAT - orange male. Mountain dog, pur* bred; Lad- FERRED BUT WILL TRAIN. 450 Springfield Ave. Summit. Tuesday-Friday, 9am-lpm for appointment. t Vicinity Passaic Ave., die, beautiful white small LADIES BETTER SPORTS- Permanent position in small of- Chatham. 635-7241 SWEET CORN WEAR SHOP PHONE FOR SECRETARY/NO STENO. Ex- citing opportunity with growing RELIABLE PERSON to per- fice for person with bookkeep- APPOINTMENT 376 22BB. form clerical duties and some ing experience or will train in- CLOTHES HORSE, MILL- company for bright, ambitious, dependable go-getter. Typing SO typing for Security firm In Liv- dividual familiar with general I PERSONALS I PEACHES BURN wpm. Proficiency in math ingston. We will train. Ex- office work. 35-40 hours. Call ssmssi sssst. Mr. Patterson, 277-4222. Now picking fresh, sweet corn, peaches, apples, various ten.. Fox Hounds and Mack WAITRESSES/WAITERS, lull necessary. Company paid bene- cellent fringe benefits. Call Uo. All of our dogs have had fits. Barbara, 647-6100. 533 9000. Mr. Al Marcus. fruits and vegetables. Gourmet foods, preserves, hickory, time & part time, days, nights. QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE CO. smoked hams * bacon, pure honey * maple syrup. No experience necessary. 25 Summit Ave., Summit * Apply in person. 428 Springfield TrnST/DICTAPHONE EXPERT typist — part lime select your own hours. Berkeley WIGHT/MAN'S FARMS Ave. Berkeley Heights or call rMTTWE ssKseadoption or neutering informas- S??e?rtaS^, Hgts., Chatham, Summit. NURSING AIDE?" 4*4-2499 IMWCMBIM MEWCM IECWDS . (145acres) tlon call 2712«*J, 9jpm week- ' 273-8600 anytime. If you really wanted a steady Rte 202, between Morristown Bernardsville MUH QuJUFIttTXMS part time income and en|oy car- days or 7*2-85137*W513 ; 174 1411439 9-9p»9 m SALES and STOCK CLERKS MX tl, SUMMIT HtKAU). SUMWI, ».). Sat •* w |ta atari nw Mm*, wanted, lull and pan time. MEDICAL Assistant for physl- ing for the elderly, we have weekends. \ cian in Livingston area. Send positions on the 3-1) shifl for mtasake. BUUEnN BOARD Apply in person. M. Frledrich, MATURE PERSON 10 drive tNatoatMltttk** ] Inc., 341 Springfield Ave., Sum- school bus Mon.-Fri. 3pm-5pm. resume to Box 63 Summit weekends and) some time during Used Can mit. Oratory School. 273-1084. Herald, Summit, N.J. the week. Call 9-3, GLENSIDE altla Garage Sal« Gang* Sale NURSING HOME, New Provi- TMV«M-WI»-CimaltlU PART TIME medical secretary IMMEDIATE full time employ- M/F — if you need extra money dence, 4*4-1*00. An equal oppor" fMHMMMU I9M CHRYSLER Town a Coun- for Millburn office. Experi- ment with construction com- and have 1-2 hours per day. Car tunity employer. MiesiatitriMit' MEYERSVILLE ORANGE CONTENTS OF HOME. Many try station wagon. Best offer. Put... Don't r«ly en r»mors. enced with insurance and bill- pany for qualified worker, with necessary. 1'6-006B. Antiques a\ Collectibles antiques. Lamps, including 277-2834. good driving record. Experi- *J Hate SL. MM Ing. Morning hours. Good NURSES 4S7-U20 FLEA MARKET Bradley, Hubbard, Tiffany — USE salary. Call evenings and week- ence with light trucking—some SHIPPING person needed by R.N., part time, 11-7. No Week- Fall Season, Suns, 9-5 type. Sleigh bad, marble top GRAND PR IX1975 - Excellent ends 376-6197. construction background pre- small busy mail order business. ends; 5 days in a 2 week period. Free coffee 132-7412 table, old teitphenei, Depres- operating condition, no work re- "THEBUUiTIHBOAI«r ferred. Call *is-*M3 between a Some experience helplul, but sion glass lunch 1st, Bentweod qulredi Loaded ft clean 1 Asking Call 9-3, GLENSIDE NURSING Having a recltair NEEDED: Asslstanl~Gmi' and 5. will train. Also need general HOME, New Providence. chairs, Apeihocary scale, »2M0. Days, 424-5*00 or eves, Swim Team Coach at THE workers for sorting, loading marble corner sink, mirrors. I' 4*4 1221. rewilenf 4M-MM. An equal opportunity SATURDAY. M. Antiques, bake sale? MADISON AREA YMCA. Must CLERK-TYPIST help where needed, full-time. employer. sofa, swivel chairs, dinette Stirling — 647-3800. triple dresser, coffee tables, block party t be available some weekday eve- An opportunity for person with baby crib, desk with shelves, tablo, marble coffee table, Wi SILVER CADILLAC Coupe barnbarnlngf Mtt9> and Saturdays. Contact general office background. DENTAL assistant, part time fireplace equipment, drum, de V|lle, excellenl condition. GREATEST P/T |ob. Work bridge ft dining room chairs, grand opening? Cathy Hyde at the Y (377-4208) Mint at goad typist, 17Vi hr leading' to full time. Experi- tennis * paddle racquets, stereo, books. Much quality Fully equipped. Low Mileage. political rallyt tor an interview. week, wodero Jk/c office with locally from home. **.-»! 5. per enced preferred. Hours flexible. Mee 273fi73 hour, depending on time avail- Woodard chaise lounge, lets CHHII1II9 "** DlOUIHf MfMrCTtj 'pubKCatfalrr cafeteria. Excellent employee 435-M24; altar S:M, (1S-MM. more. 143 Huron Dr., shoes — ilia *, ceati — many flag pole raising! (HILL-PART TIMB. Day and bantfit iMraaj'aMi. able. Training program." Self 1*74 VOLVO wagon, MS-DL. Starter? Can 10 hoars* Apgil- TAXI DRIVERS. MOWS * new. Electronic aqaipment. or "a.goed-time.wlsh-yee- ; nlfAt PMWOM ww. Apply | Beautiful condition, automatic, were-lieret" cafe must to WBKK6MBS. CALL OT-«t» with all power options. Many 9/ at 4 cabinets, eH»Mag taMe, air extras. l»a»U. .. E&S&S3& S£g2£"rs& cydltjoaar, dehamldlller, rWhtg inoisiaff AFaanr# bicvekt. NEW 19**, 4 door, dies*! Rab- spread It through Berkeley Ml *itr *" * •• »*«•• •**" «*•• New Pravkteaea. tfcort iSS _. — ... ~"*Tfc . * afafleaaaiK • eurcktsst. RPTtOMtST part time, . Holidays and weekends 9am- curate typhft, g«d phone per- ' JWMS MSRSON - Accurate *»•"»*"»*»"-•; l i n grauttonat Owrcti, Fair- -3pm. Light typing needed, own sonality and en|oy working with Y" 1 ?J" l«T?Jrv firm provides u/AMTCn maunr Av*>,, all Phases of the RECEPTIONIST - Import/ex- antenna, rugs, chandelier, bedroom sat, custom made COUPONS, 15* EACH. CALL dietary dept. In Outturn Murs- RID LABS port firm. Pleasant attitude and LIVINGSTON Antiques ping pong table, child's taMe draperies, lamps and much »M BUICK Lesabra, 4 dr. 277-M6S Ing Home. aam-4pm. Own Mountain Avenue . desire for people contact. TELLER-full time with hours and chairs, desk, fish tank, more. Frl. a, Sat. Sept. 21-H, 10 PS, PB, air, 57,100 miles. Murray HIIL New Jersey L to 1. 45 WaWron Ave. Summit. BECOMING MYSELF IN transportation, call MMSWI. SMILEI s»s«. Michelle, from 10 to 6, and Friday nights. mini-bike, floor machine, Regular gas. »il50 or best offer. »*-**»*, SNELLINO * SNSLL Experienced only. CHATHAM GALLERIES. 34 No early birds. 271-2*24 after «;30 P.M. CHRIST - Spiritual, Psychic! clothing, plants, etc. Also, Personal Development. Tues.« " TYPIST la,**- seairlawj eaakfsf,M/H - ING, 450 Springfield Ava. Sum- Excellent benefits. Call Watchung Aye., Chatham, 1 1971 chevy impels, • 1971 PONTIACLeMansSport. 1 SeptSep.. ISM. calvarCalva y Episco- .Springfield accounting firm mil. Carole Miles. t.M-1700. Ext. Ml M5-7709. we BUY AND SELL passenger station wagon. ESTATE SALE BEAUTICIANS. Hairdressers. door, v«, PS, PB, AT, vinyl top P*> Church, 277-1124. ieelu typist with ability to We are expanding our shop and lor an Interview, or mere infer- furniture and fine paintings. 3 Floor Apt. handle Maims. Congenial of- ?/6 FRIDAY. Vary large co". mation. SO* Morris Take. (Apt. 5J> and interior. Good condition, fice. Excellent benefits, call Short Hills 72.00. mil... *m *35-SM* .flW Mrs. Smith at 4*7-1441. lacillHes. Located at Center will tram you. ORANGE SAVINGS BANK The Trading Post HOUSEHOLD items and cloth- Sun., Sept. as, 10-8 Court Tennis Pub. *35-l**8. Medium typing, super benefits Mt Ma» St., Madtson»tt j. Antiques Ing, etc. Thursday J0-2J. Rain Complete LR, DR, BR. Den I 111 HICKORYTAVERNRD. Furn., Incl. all kinds of 1974 vw Beetle. 71,000 miles. " SECRETARY Inciud* tuition refund. *«07. fciMkVF dates J7-3*. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 12* Good condition. n,2oo. Call SERVICES for Sales Dept. of printing co. month. Maggie, 273-4500, Snail- MEYERSVILLE Hillcrest Avenue, Cranford. tables, lamps, chairs, eta,, set of Snallsh China, kitchen 512-1943. J Excellent opportunity. Qaetf ing * Snellino, 450 Springfield telephone m*na«r, dictaphone BANK Ave,, Summit. EMPlOYMENTWAfTTED Oak pedestal table, 4 ar- DRIVEWAY SALE. Thurs. 9-27. loaded, pots, glaiaos, dishes, 197* CADILLAC. S2,0M miles, experience and ability to IMwe moires, oak hall rack, fancy 1M. 43 oakridge Ave., Summit. etc small appf., all kinds of excellent condition. New Carpafitrj details required. Some TELLERS CLERICAL. II you can typ*. co. oak slant-top desk, 1 side- No early birds, clothes (mens, silver serving pes., antique brakes; new tires, and extras, will train you an new equip- NMbAMUftSEt boards, 4 china closets, womens, baby), stroller, car- pea., Itnens, clottm, whit* H,N0. 241-4714 days; UHIII ence preferred, eood CARPCNTRY-AlwatlMs, bate-' Plrtt«4 Experienced/Trainees ment. Lovely location; goad UN's, LPN's, aMet available- mahogany tit-boy, t early riages, dishes, bric-a-brac. goads, Nippon. Bavaria, s/s eves. benefits. MM month. Maggie, •II 'shift*. PROFESSIONAL church pews. Morris chair flatware service for 11, fur mtnls, allies, recreation roams, 273-4500, spelling A Snellmg, 4S0 NURSES RESIST. J77-»8O|, additions. Free •stirnaMs. 177- MEOICAL To qualify you" should with lion's heed, pie safe, BACKYARD BONANZA at .1*1 coats. LONDON TAXI. 19J9 Austin 193) ' Springfield Aye., Symmlf/ early A.M., ova*. A wkands, Summit Ave. Summit Sat. Sept. diesel. Black, 1, door. Low mile- Permanent I Ilia have savings or commer- pressback chairs, spinning SANDRA KONNER AS5OC cial teller axparkwee. w* 447-18W. ' wheel,«+ chest dressers. 21. Come one and all! Many age. Orig. mater. Unusual fun HOUSEKEEPER - steady unusual and hard-to-find Items car. 37(-Mll eves. . will train individual with work In how*, No rtitdretTset MALE — light tkwsakaaping, STRELEC, Dladrich - addi- cashiering background. -priced to setl. it til f. No ear- °wh hours, (everal days * drives, care for young or elder- •Buy* Sail ly birds. This safe should not be 1»77 PINTO wagon. tions, alterations, roofing, Open 77 days 10-5 ly male foil or parttlm*. Refer- missedi miles. AC, PS, PB. Excellent repairs. Old and new work - We offer goad Martini *4r-t*f* 1 fully Insured. 173-73*1. »nees.«7M7e*,*»5-»«n. condition. $1,700. Must sail. salary plus an attractive 2** *!»'• ^EH^WW- Immediate , ...... 11 1 1 OARAGE SALE, Sat., Sept. 22, 13117*2 after 5PM. package of company "THgj STABLE" Personnel, Ti-piNG dona in my home. Let- ANTIOUE •AN, C lira. Mi»0. Furniture, rugs, garden SUNDECKS, porches, basi- lor appo RECEPTIONIST - phones, '*'•< thes**>. farm papers, •i Summit Ave. rear, '• th f a Solid ma 4vith gold trim tools, etc. 12* Prospect St., 1971 MO SL. Perfect condition. ments a. attics rtmodeled MEDICAL >l«tt, t typingHg, , diversified duties. rm»rH,*t€.1M*&n&3tiirS Summit 40,000 miles. 177-3110. mwTOa and pante SUfnuilf. 12 to 4 p.m. Wed. thru Sat. Roofing a siding, r - Summit Avasj r>soa»*w«**a*BMd«' JJft opened due to promotMl restored,in i. Call for g RAIN or IMM, *a.m. to 4 pjn,, BOOKS FOR SALfS 1975 MOB convertible. Like - „ -v- • »*» mo. Maggie, HS-*»O, NURSE - LPN, seekmg ar|- Hon. Asking new. 27-11 mpg. Call 273-33J0 **• «tlmates, J77-i4i7 after «, SALES Ms.Last*n*t TjiiOllllW JL amMllllnaVrstU ^aWitgam* M4-1ML ' Thursday, September J» and Out-of-print books for every- CIAN, ««ta duty.-*W»(lenl reJer- one! Popular reprints days and *3M741 after tpm or Friday, September 21. Lamps, »am on weekends. evenings or furniture, pictures, knick- CMlectiblM« Rarities • Art ley Heights BOOKS' BOUOMT FOR knacks, clothes, tots of mist. 78 Tt CHEVY Van immaculate, • •»•*•'• Drive, Berkeley HltW «A(H. Just call Her- v«m (aves.) 273-J73I. Saturday, September tWa at TiniDtr l« A.M. rain m sWM under or Snyder to Locust iSSS?S tent at New Vernon ber to Exeter.) ORIENTALRUOS dividual*. Mln. Flrehousa, 27TM ANNUAC Authentic Kokara, Korman, BIO COUNTRY AUCTION' FRIDAY^ Saturday, Sept. 21-22, urban location, M. lotertstinf: miscellaneous Taorit, Kastwit. *l«* Ouality. mensural* with run by NowW vM H*lH>rlce. 2«7««t t Sl Atsocase- Complete benefit ISherhwn 74 DODGE. PB,PS,AC,4n*w Interview call lit. LAMINATINO, diplomas, wyw tins, A-l mechanical con- •15-8*00. The for colie UoiAifli nffW| ttta dition, beige, Mack vinyl top. panin. 97 Main hobbyists, •aftgi sALfl. ttfatamlMi 3* prtto SIIMISF *tc. BJwja, Sli Must sacrifice, s»i». 173-1783. Equal ,V^i^Wic«llTvS!: >^»rtleldAvo.,BH,«t4-

BSAVTItHIL VICTORIAN maithtl wttn bavelad mlfrsjr and Bnglnwred Sales C*,,»W»i. I shia til**, overall DM «"x7*" and llrepfice opening CLIAN 73 Subscribe W. IIM. or best offer" PB, A/C,: from t* families. Some JtMlUstterjpm. with tape, 4 dr Oarage kept. today ^AmtT ORIIlNTAL rug 10X1*. «JMc«n«tlati. »l,ws. Call ADVERTISE ON THIS PAGE 1HB SUMMIT HBBALD, THE NEW PROyiDBWCB,,BERKKLEY HEIGHTS DISPATCH, '.SEPTEMBER 20,1979 Happenings


SPCCIALIY AT A GLANCE ••.•Tr bew«4*lltWt for Deborah held featuring other speak- starting Sept, 28. Cali tober 7. Two races, six Hn«At,*im»y October 7. ers, Sept. 29, 8.'3»•*• *w* cof • may be made at the Summit BECK" • Cnotim tfc» tor the horMiwker. ll game between Solon Hat) U and Thta mk Dorothy cfernomoom how to Cheyney State College in Peonyhamia sMa- W<>iri o> Art Center, 68 Elm Street, construe! ond dooorou o comia for sored bv Pride. Inc., art organization dott- Summtt, from 10 A.M. to 4 WHKIOW. (rop6Mi cated to restoring Newark's Vista* and When A Man's Castle Is His Home P.M. For further in- 2:30pm - TWA WOMAN'S PLACE" - Today'i refurbishing the City. The oame wa be mw in txatnea ond how did *• an to played on Saturday. 9/22 in Newark formation call 2734121. School! Stadium, (repeat) V. and J. MgftCAOANTC - FOftPINa PIANO TUNIfcQ the top mM be dw topic. Su. McElroy Meson work. Water «rai<*ge.< 2 30pm - HBO-"AVALANCf)E" teMiB pump* ImtaHad. 4*4-7171. AHo«apAi8iira The English say that a then sent up from the ser- Revkm ad appears but the to his home, the guide's talk 3:00pm - TV3-"TO VOOB HEALTH WITH 3:00pm - TV3--TIRS1 AND TEN" • A» btsMi man's home is'Us castle, vant's pantry by means oJ a MIKE FESTV - Straight ond Narrow. > look at 26 TV-3 high school football teams young man will remain, a includes anecdotes of past dn* roMbUtatioii Conor wiH te Imired. The special will include Interviews soli, • but in the mid 1800s, when dumbwaiter. For those of us symbol of wealth and class. celebrities as well as ar- and players and a lot* at eons* I KtHa IN MASONRY WORK — America was swept by the who watched "Upstairs, Except that the wealthy chitectural descriptions. esssfans. Bruce Back la hoot. Ire-I MN CARIAONINI — Over II romance of the Sir Walter Downstairs" this explains class can no longer afford Since Irving was the first yw/toiowrMaK*. Stag*, stucco, Scott novels it became the how the harried kitchen help the likes of Umdburot. Their internationally famous m vatsooomv BALLOOWINS" - IatUon tar a man's home to managed to get those leu is the National Trust's American author his home 6:rj0pm -MBO-mtOBEA rasstaiaf wain, ate. Call attar « actually simulate a castle. fabulous gourmet gain. -.,..,• was a natual stopover for CNIdnn from Mr. MoHnok'* dew ot Wioop 8:00pm - HBf>"HOOPER" Me. SM.MII or iM-ateS. free !"""*— i School in WoolCaldwell wBlbo awportid- 10:COnm - HBO--UEOENDS: "9 to Hudson, visiting European artistes «.(repeotl FORO" ~"

ALLTVHf MASOMir.^H- turret* of —?———w -e.ja»ojaoi mn*.mtam» wt>«aEf*«Ba^ •IKM, (Mttot, arkk tad staa* seem untouched since the on me east bank time Iehabod Crane fled •4*l«*rtn«. 177-09)7. the Hudson River. from the HeadleaiHone- Beat known as the stun- is hurrying toward you Win made in oT gable ends anda man and became.im- 6:00pm - H«O-"REVEM0E OF THE PINK MLTU1ROL an tert drink tyndbxi* took ptaoa on the I**, (repeat) CONfTKUCTIONCO. ner hone ef Jay Gould the asfuttof angles and corners mortalised in the Legend of PANTHER" 5:00pm - TV3-ESSEX CTY. LIBRARIES" • It* robber baron (and who seems a natural place to as aq oU cocked hat," 7:30pm - TV3--ACTrOM ARENA" FOOTBALL month. Ron Murphy will be featuring *ar e Sleepy Hollow. OOUBLEHEADER Whole Theatre Company in Montdoir. (re krlck iMtwolkt. All bettaf chould have a castte playact since H has been Costumed tour guides take While neither of these North Edtaonva Union cwnk than a robber baron?) used as backdrop in both groups through this homes are so superb that MounwiA w MiNburfi 5:30pm - TV3-"GOOWIN-S BALLOOWINS* . LyrAnunt began Ufe in 1838 movies and commercials. whimsical home, but the you must absolutely rush 8:00pm - HBO--INSIOE THE NFL" Puppeteer Ailym Gooen is host. Children CRMUl. Barnaby called it home in a rooms are small (although •KlOpm - HBO-"MI0NIGHT EXPRESS" from Aktane School In Rosalie Pork wH be as PauMlng Manor. It was out to aee them, they are 1140pm - HBO-"|NS)DE THE NFL" the studio audience, itepaotl built by A.J. Davis, one of vampire epic entitled "Dark the house is not) so there certainly interesting to 12K»em - HBO--THE DRIVER" 6:00pm - TV3--R0SELAND REPORT- - Tin America's most influential Shadows" (and that should may be a wait. Qutside lovers of older houses and functions of a town cable taffeniion commit- L architect*, for William make A. J. Davis roll around stables, barns, a school children reading . FrMey.*/21/M tee will be the topic Dm month. Mayor S.IOHT track!** M4 «M*ort« • in his grave) and I have seen E:00pn> - HBO-'MEREMIAH JOHNSON" Leonard wiH be talking to repreeentetrNS of Pudding the retired mayor greenhouse, an icehouse Irving for the first time. 5:30pm - TV3--YOUR NEIGHBORS" - Con- the Roseland CATV committee, (repeat) i awl attic* riff. R«k* it in several ads. The (with a steeple) and a swan- HMIWrtm-MII. of New York. The Gothic They are so close to the rtanca ond Polar Roboru talk to Ed Conrod- HBO'VOVIE, MOVIE" National Historic Trust, filted pond dot the land- ion about Sweden. Mr. Conrodwn wUi ehx> 6:30pm - TV3-THANKS TO YOU" - Becky design had an informal plan Tappan Zee Bridge that if dacuej a new Mm hiBhllgMmg Sweden. LAWN! ctooml ami c«t, ctHan, which administers the scape. Visitors watch a you are coming down from Jones, Pros, ol the United Way of North •ttin UK S taMUM with assymetrical massing Essex hosts. This month's foohirod agency castle allows the grounds to movie about the Sleepy New York State on the other 6:00pm - TV3-"COMA«UNITY ACTION" - Cele- of the United Way will be the Cerebral Patty of towers, wings and bays. be rented once in a while. In Hollow Restorations - of ReaseaaMe rates. OH OT-4M*. The most •breathtaking side do stop by and see bration ot the Veer of the Child win be the Center of Essex end West Hudson located In fact the day I was there a which Sunnyside is a Dart- them. DIRECTIONS: topic ttih month. Carl HoMsIn H hon. Belleville, (repeat) COOK't Afananca SaMi wri Ser- aspect is the sweeping towns dashing young man in a before entering the house. 7:0Opm - TV3-HIGH SCHOOL SPORTING vice on aH amiatirM. lackamt and view of the Hudson that Garden State Parkway to 6V30pm - TV3-"SUBURBAN DATELINE" - John EVENT TO BE ANNOUNCED white sweater was leaning -Inside the rooms are more ScMonr horn, (ropeet) ream air woXHlaatw, etactrttal Tappan Zee Bridge. Cross 1 8:00pm - HMVBODYBUILDING" Sandhurst affords. This was casually against an Alpha typical of an leHO's home- 7K»pm - TW--NEW JtRSEY/catnolic - Ctmrii- 8:30pm - MSG-PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING part of the romantic notion bridge and take Route 9 motic rontwol ii the topic, (ropeet) ociHtnt ctoeMn. e-eea, etc. IN I RUG CLEANING I Romeo parked on the lawn. the eccentricity seems to south. Lyndhurst entrance 9:00pm - HBO-"BLAZING SADDLES" parkAvt.,..timimn.ira.Mot1 . that a man should spend The cameras clicked away, have gone into the exterior. HBO-1NSIDE THE NFL" 10:30pm - HBO-"MOVIE. MOVIE" part of each day communing is Vt mile from bridge, 7:30pm - TV3-"Q0OWIMY BALLOOWINS" - 12:1 Sam - HBO--BOULEVARO NIGHTS" *UO SfUM CLtANINO. II incorporating Lyndhurst Pleasant guest rooms, a Sunnyside is one mile away. Chldren from Mr. IMUnek'i doa> ot Wilton SOTHSREO by Heart, w»ip», 25J» iftr tawra .tort. Ten*'. with nature. Rambles on the and the tourists in the book-lined study and sunny School in Meet CaWwirl will be the uudio Tuesday. 8/2S/TO Both houses are open daily. audMnEO. Mogtclon. Tod Coilim wiH be rwrnon, vnsow sacewrer rvr Rita Osaalai tervlca, Sari** wooded lawn with a pleasing background. We, un- parlors are shown. Since Telephone: Lyndhurst — S:30pm - TV3--T0 YOUR HEALTH with MIKE pralasslaail er«ole«tioii ol UaM. SIMMS. Pr*a ainCMhn. prospect was quite the •HltM ttrfeffig ttW ICMt MMttl hit fVtBS Oof fM^C FESTA" • Or. Festa takes a stress tost. The fortunately, will be air- Irving invited many famous $14-631-0313; Sunnyside - Inpootl purpose of a stress test it to observe how time, aft* control ol w|W thing. Well, it beats jogging animals, (ojulrrals, raccaom, brushed away when the artists, writers and notables 914-631-8300. 8:00am - TV3-TIRST AND TNE" - FooltMll much stress the human heart can endure, phone MS-r7M. | SMWriflwifi" along a car-filled highway at apecM faoturing M one high ichooli with (repeat) any rate. on iniido look o^ iho offonao ond dofenta. 6:00pm - HBO - "THE QUICK AND THE Bruce Bock narretei. (xpoM) OEAO" > STORM wtokws * daors, sot- LOW!ST prica*, II 'yean ax- Entrance to Lyndhurst HBO-'TAST CHARLIE" TV3-CAPITOL REPORT" - Assemblyman tars A Itadtra, raatlm a parlenc*. PrtvoH komet. park- requires a fee and a tour 10:00pm - HBOflOBIN WILLIAMS "OFF THE Dick Codey talks to Robert Muteahy, new •lumlnttrn tldlita. free tva Ms, bnieetMt. Can asm guide. Groups of fifteen are WALL" Executive Director of the New Jersey Sports astimatei. trlaa Mavlat, lor tree MttfMtet. tSS-irM. 11:00pm - HBO-"BLAZING SADDLES" and Exposition Authority. Mutcahy was S2M0S7 taken about the many- 12:30am - HBO--SWASHBUCXLER" former chief of staff to Gov. Brandon roomed mansion. Inside, the Byrne, (repeat) home is not so grand as the Sotuidoy.t/ZZ/n 6:30pm - TV3-"NEW JERSEY/onhollc - Fr. Mile) WINDOW cMMlitf, tO:00em - TV3-"G00Wln"S BALLOOWINS" Rimo is host for this weekly program ad Hat natJred. '• later Gilded Age Mansions 10:30am - TV3-"ACTION ARENA" FOOTBALL focusing on events of interest goina on tW-efle. tatlalUH kilrMaad t*r«A- of the VanderbUts, but it GAME OF THE WEEK throughout the Archdiocese of Newark. Uary seems more livable. Much Summit w WanfieW - Game ployed on 7:00pm - TV3"AT HOME WITH DOROTHY oary Friday, 0/21 on WattfMd'o homo turf BECK" - Dorothy Back sows up a quick end Morini of what looks like stone is Ono ol the biggest content in thooraa. easy terry doth beech/cover up. I actually wood and plaster 12:30pm - TV3-"ACTION ARENA" FOOTBALL 7:30pm - TV3-"A WOMAN'S, PLACE" - Women but painted so artfully you OOUBLEHEADER in business and how to get to the top and be RNITURE MOV I NO AND North Edison vi Unton successful is this month's topic Sue McEI- jilLlNO. Ourlw VMtcoM. Mr cannot tell the difference. Mountain nMlllbum (repeat) roy hosts, (repeat) jjiJ\?4.ho»r«»tr.o. The upstairs bedrooms are 3:00pm - HBO-TVE GOT THE WORLD ON A 8:00pm - TV3 "VITAL LINE" - Beth PhKus is UOkT HAULINO» m*m§ of UrMOLSTRRIN*. R»-*ovar llwt pleasant and the formal STRING" host. Topic: Signals of change Hi senior high ttemHvTe. Attics a ckalrorwlo.P*orKorHM«aj parlor where the children 4:00pm - HBO-"MOVIE. MOVIE" students, (repeat) Ro-wokblilf, Ro-MIMIa*. Call were never allowed is 4:30pm - TVJ-'!VrrAL LINK" • Signal! of change HBO-"FAST CHARLIE" NcU*. i OT-JUJ. in thOMnior high «tudent. (repeat) 8:30pm - TV3-ACTION ARENA HIGH SCHOOL .m-w* resplendent with paintings, S:00pm - TV3-"SOeURBAN DATELINE" • Ro- FOOTBALL bear rugs and gotMc win- Belleville vs Livingston under the lights 6:30pm - TV3-"VOUR NEIGHBORS" - Smitty 10:00pm - HBO-"MIDNIGHT EXPRESS" dows. Kogan, cnemvaana oonnieoaur will be the 12:00am - HBO-"RACE FOR THE PENNANT" Elderly Cure Program Set apodal ouett. Connaneo and Peter Robarn 12:30am - HBO-"JEREMIAH JOHNSON" The most impressive wM be teeming how to enjoy thcaomagnift. Pmidence. - . . room is toe Dining Hall with ant ImbbJot ot chompeone. Vtedn*saty.»ra8/79 .tye .Nirsing Us Gothic oak trim, marble 6:00pm - HSO-THE GOODBYE GIRL" 3:30pm-HBO-"A WEDDING" , jUfarMcnuttyes train IM TV3-"CAF1TOL REPORT" • Robert Mul- 6:00pm - TV3-"ESSEX COUNTY LIBRARIES" - ITont Health Care pillared fiteplaoe, maroon cony. Executive Director of *e New Jereey Featuring The Whole Theatre Company •1th Department of Overlook wallcoverings and large Sportj ami EapoalHon Authority wit be whicti is located In Montdair. trepan) diamond paned windows. joining .hoot, Aaeambh/man Dick Codey. 6:30pm - TV3-"SUBURBAN OATEUNE" • John Church,, ISO? S, Hospital as welt as the Schierer discusses current issues of concern svfinWt K&w , ft , The Uble Is set grandly as if 6:30pm - TV3-"RACE AGAINST MS" - Special and interesting events happening in the fora «*tmer party. They say pnaonmlun ot TV-3 on the New Jenay TV-3 area. Frederick Sontag. Public Affairs has designed a fwgram to ^efjeei ^aBwja*BFB^*wa^wiOTej#. » ^iaK^sBgOjaSB^ v *fv tafortn the public about nit Jay Gould had enough SMltlbJ Bwd Aeaocanlon fight Consultant provides the dosing commen- (SAOEKwUl apeak or silver and china that the tary. maintaining senior citizen's available alternafives. In 7:O0pm - TV3--FRIDE BOWL-^FoltbaH game 7:00pm - TV3-"SUPERtNTENDENTStiORUM" In their own bone a* well as table could be set 365 days a bibjeaoB 8e«on He* Umyenity and Cheynev - Mel Klein talks to former, hlgn school addition a repretentative of year without using the same State CoHag* ejomorad by Pioiact Pride, athletic coaches about their transition into nursing home placement the Gtentide Nursing Home and care.- ". • \ • settings twice. . rntolNwirk. teaching careen, (repeat) of New Providence will Adjoining the Dining «.-O0pm - HBO-"A WEDDING" 7:30pm - MSG - FLYERS vs RANGERS discuss the can and coo- A30pm - T\yACTtpWARENA 8:00pm - HBO-"EUR0PEAN ICE SPECTACU- The/program entitled, Room is the butler's pantry LAR" home where finishing touches WNABRZORADOP NJ. BALLET I 10690pm - HBO--OOQBIBO-OOB E BROTHERS IN CON- TV3-TO BE ANNOUNCED TheNew Jersey Ballet will prcMBtthcsecoDdMti unique series. "Mondays at Paper 9:00pm - HBO-"R ACE FOR THE P.ENNANT" Home Care and How to were put on the food trays »1:3aprn - MBO-"MrC»UIQHT EXPRESS" 9:30pm-HBO-"A WEDDING" . ami wine was readied for Mill." on September » at S:M P.M. at the Paper MIU Playhouse in MiUborn. Tie laoem -fiatVDOOBIE BROTHERS IN CON- 11:45pm-HBO--BO0YSUILDING" The (fishes wen program wttf ractade Edward VflWla's ••Shostakovich Ballet Suite"; William Dollar's CtKf • > 12:45am - HBO-"ROBIN WILLIAMS" M Vp at p Carolan, "Caatbat"; the "Heat Quixote" pas de deux; and Jay Norman's jaia works, "Stan- PlwbyteriaB Church of New dards" aad "Rtvcrfeerl." To reserve ticket*. eaB the Paper MIU box office: SK-4343. • Pare 20 THE SUMMIT HERALD, THUBSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1979 Animal Welfare League Meeting Calendar Sets Fall Rummage Sale

The Board of Education will hold Us regular meeting tonight. September 20 at « Welfare p.m. In the Senior High League, will get underway School Library, Kent Plate Wednesday, September 26, the Unitariart House, one Boulevard. at the Unitarian House of long block from the former The Summit Local the Unitarian Church, League rummage sale Assistance Board will meet Summit avenue and location (now a bank on Tuesday. September 25 at Whittredge road. A variety building), from 10-5. 8 p.m. In the Local of new and used items will Assistance (Mice, 52» go on sale starting at 10-5 Student Sets Springfield avenue. each day, Wednesday The Sub-Standard through Saturday. False Alarm Housing Board wUI hold a Special tables will feature regular meeting on Thur- toys, chinaware, silver, A Summit High School sday, September 27, at 8 appliances, linens, plants, student was apprehended p.m. at City Hall. 512 glassware, and racks of Monday after sending in a Springfield avenue. clean used clothing; Woof false alarm to the Fire suits, coats, and skirts, plus Department during the children's outfits outgrown school's noon lunch hour. HONORED BY JAYCEES—E. Daniel Wright, (right), Is shown being honored by past by the donors will be sold One engine responded to YOUNG CARTOONIST — Charles Brian Fox, right, 6th grader at Jefferson School, along with men's slacks, the alarm and firemen demonstrates his cartooning skill to Leslie Kreuzer of the Summit Junior Fortnightly Children's president Stewart Holmes as Jaycee of the Year at the annual dinner held recently. Walker, internal vice president, was responsible for internal projects and membership shirts, girls' blouses, and all found the student who then Club Both »re working to help the Summit Recycling Committee which will distribute sizes of shoes. confessed to the act and flyers (with cartoon illustrations by Charles showing how to recycle bottles, cans and development. The local group was honored by the state group for achieving a pre- Art Shown determined membership goal. A special table for an- made a statement to police. newspapers) at the Summit Recycling Center. The Center will be manned on Saturdays According to a Fire by volunteer organizations. tiques and valuables of Observing the Year of the glass, china, and jewelry Department spokesman, the Child, the Upstairs Gallery Got something thats will be on display, according incident is now being The "Equality" of Disaster Aid of the Summit YWCA, 79 College Corner bugging you? I'se JAe to chairmen Mr. and Mrs. handled by school Maple street, currently is At MUMIehury Summit Herald's letters-io- James Stewart. authorities and the Police + + + Department's juvenile exhibiting art work done, Two local students are .. _ .. o the editor column. Donations of saleable Congress should treat an emergency assistance ment borrows»maney and a during the summer by member* of the freshman At Celby-Sawyer Deadline: Monday at noon. articles have already officer. American disaster victims check for seferal million minimum of 3 percent on the children at the Summit Art class at Middlebury College, .^Ue A. Butter, daughter with the same generous dollars, in addition to his first 150,000 for home and Center. The present show, Vt. Freshman class of W- and Mn- Janle8 E hand that it extends to apologies. But if Skylab had personal property damaged hanging through Sep- members Include Pamela Rutter ? Ke™*th.Co"rt-ta people In foreign countries, fallen on Perth Amboy, New by a natural disaster. tember, will be followed M. Kapsimalis daughter of a memb«* <* *• freshman Rep Matthew J. Rinaldo Jersey, the SBA would be The omnibus bill does next month by one featuring Dr. and Mrs Peter Kap- class at Colby-Sawyer said today in urging handing out forms and ease many of the prior simalis of m AsWand ££ <»p, New London, MJL Business works of area artists on President Carter to approve rejection slips, while restrictions, however, and is and Jeanne A Gilroy she.te enroUed ta <** chUd guaranteeing loans from various aspects of stua v a revised disaster designed to help small childhood. daughter of Mr and Mrs! P«*H>rri. assistance program private banks at interest businesses get back on their William L. Gilroy of 32 In the last ten years, rates of almost 8 percent," feet after a disaster even if The children's works now Greenbriar drive. At Dean Directory Rinaldo said, the U.S. has Rinaldo complained. they have poor credit on display show imagination Daniel F. Wohlgemuth of 1 given more than $2 billion in ratings. The Mouse voted to and creativity and a Druid Hill road is a member RRinaldo said the House allow businesses unable to remarkable use of form and At Sweet Briar ' of the freshman class at disaster aid to people in Two local students are other lands. Most of it is in should have accepted an obtain sufficient credit color in various media. They can be seen through this member^f CdS. - &nf£ °»~' the form of outright gifts amendment to the new elsewhere to borrow up to 1983 at Sweet Briar College, + of Services that are never paid back. disaster loan bill to set a one $500,000 at five percent. month during regular YWCA hours. Va. Class members In- But Americans victimized percent interest rate ceiling Those with bad credit clude Carol Bitting, At Berkeley by floods, hurricanes, and on the first $10,000 ratings would be able to Lena D'Occhio, daughter ALUMINUM SIDING GARAGES PAINTERS obtain an SBA loan at a rate Exhibitors include Alex daughter of Mr. and Mrs. otter natural disasters must borrowed, and 3 percent on Giordano, 8; Claudine Jav'F of Warwick of Mr. and Mrs. Libero borrow from the govern- amounts above that to not exceeding one percent of l D'Occhio of 38 HUGO what the government must Maurietto, 11; Peter Kay, 8; CHATHAM ment at Interest rates of $50,000. The defeated Cecily Stomber, 8; Judy of Mr. and street, a June graduate of HODULICH more than seven percent. amendment would have pay on the financial Summit High School, is GARAGE markets. Tsui, U; Melissa Meares.10; Richard L. Ruth of Even more unfair, Rinaldo allowed American disaster Paul Stein, 11; Stacy Ridgedale avenue. Both Aluminum Sidinf •til to that those most in victims to borrow funds House and Senate con- MasJow, 8; Nelly Ortiz and freshmen are recent Roofing COMPUTE WTO REPAIR MM of help cannot obtain it from the U.S. government at ferees will work out an Brad Poppele, 8. graduates of Summit High S^S, because they have poor the tame one percent rate agreement over the level of Vin^ Grain Siding srhnni Mountain. W» covtr your tntirt homt ctedft ratings. charged to foreign govern- funding that would be -StHH-Mcla-ttc. "U SkjMb bad wrecked authorized under the bill. to On Hoote voted mi MTIMATI loan rate at 0* 273-40*4 31 Italic Aw. Chatham County Court 1mMIMnil|>Hir 635-7747 M

'Tha cases against Richard ' Seaeeswalder of 14 Woodland road, Murray Hill, which had been pen- ding in Judge Davidson's A. J. OLDROYD court in Elizabeth have been withdrawn and dismissed. f A Ht«tir>i Schoenwalder, who had originally pleaded guilty to Electric Itmrtr Cloning possession of marijuana in New Providence, changed 897 Km M., his place and then the ac- Chatham Twsp. cusation was withdrawn. In another instance, where he had been accused of conspiracy to distribute controlled dangerous substances in Union County and the state, is due to be 45 YEARS OF THRIFT — The Junior League Thrift and Consignment Shop 3J De ocauM you torm PIONEER Forest avenue, now celebrating its 45th year. Is open for sales and receiving. Mrs. Vail RMfctt MlpOfUMI MuflQS dismissed. Miller, Consignment Shop Manager, check's this year's merchandise. •odof RENTALS, INC. Party NMCU- Tooli _ B»di Lawn Equipment Meeting Site Automot)»t Toolt GOVERNMENT STUDIES PROVE IT! Contrtcton Equiprmnt Changed N. Patuic An., Chatham I»M|*CM>«| 635-7870 The meeting of the Morris 417-1177 Union Federation Advisory Council scheduled for OIL HEAT IS Thursday, September 27 at 8 p.m. will be held at Manoney library,. College CUSTOM DESIGN MOVING DAY - Labor Day waa aiove-in day for of St Elizabeth ratter than MUCH INTHECHATHAMS CJ. CONDON resident Undent* at MonmoaOt College, West Long at the Chatham Public EST 1928 Library as originally an- and CONSTRUCTION Branch, •*• tfcetke4 tale tt* *onn» ea,the holiday to by Alan Trovato R004ING, ALL TYPES begin ortorteBtaJfae n aetMtks leadtag to the •Beatsg of tall nounced. The agenda will include Treasurer's Report, MORE EFFICIENT Outdoor D*ck> temestcr classes last Ttaradayfcd Fb. FreetowStn hStephen GUTTERS & LEADERS Magttareofflommttget* a beJpcag kaad Iran Us sister Statistician's Report, MUF Doors, and Windows DetW* wHa Us paraphernalia. A Jaw graduate of automation consultant's CHIMNEY CLEANING 8smm1t High School he wfUma)^ fa lmslamadmliils- report. ' Attention FKEE ESTIMATES tratttn. Fully Iiwir*d-Fr*« EstlmMM • Looil R«ft»msa AvdHiWo WES 273-1114 -6350766 cli 526-0522 447 SPRINGFIELD WE. SUMMIT CHIHIAT •fttfip.m. SPACE FOR RENT HOME IMPROVEMENTS SPACE FOR RENT 78* y/ EFROINCY This THIS SPACE / PREPARE VOURSCIF FOt WHTtt NOW! HOME IMPROVEMENT space • complete horn* repairs . RESERVED SALE ON DAYTON SNOWBLOWERS • alterations for rent • exterior painting • gutters FOR '/ • maaon work U,8. Department of Call 20 yr. experience ; fully Insured Of Standards, Brookl Manorial Laboratory and Oak 273*4000 YOUR AD '484-4883 ELECTRICIANS SHINGLES SIDING



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