Workbook E E



E Bilsborough Katherine & Steve









Voices 2 Workbook Katherine & Steve Bilsborough

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zasad gramatycznych w języku polskim języku w zasad gramatycznych na poziomach podstawowym podstawowym na poziomach po każdym rozdziale oraz nagrania nagrania oraz rozdziale po każdym www.sklep.macmillan.pl Podręcznik na własność? Zniszczony lub zgubiony? wraz z zadaniami w formacie egzaminacyjnym; formacie w z zadaniami wraz  z listy słów listy całościowe przygotowanie do wszystkich części części wszystkich do przygotowanie całościowe egzaminu i rozszerzonym; w formacie MP3. formacie w • Repetytorium Gimnazjalisty. Poziom podstawowy podstawowy Poziom Gimnazjalisty. Repetytorium • • estawienie to: i rozszerzony ! egzaminu gimnazjalnego do i przygotowujące Wybierz dodatkowe komponenty ułatwiające ułatwiające komponenty dodatkowe Wybierz www.macmillan.pl www.macmillan.pl

▶ Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie 44 ScreenScreen storiesstories ▶ Kultura E Vocabulary 1 L

Recycle Uporządkuj litery tak, aby powstały 3 Dopasuj nazwy programów telewizyjnych P poprawne przymiotniki. do opisów.

I loved the film. I thought it was regat. great This programme gives information about the world around us – the environment, animalsM and 1 Maciej Stuhr makes me laugh. I think he’s really plants, science, etc. nufyn. 2 What a ginbro story – nothing happens! documentary A

3 This article about the history of cartoons is quite 1 This is a story which has lotsS of episodes, and can ietgintesnr. last for months or years. The episodes are on TV every week, or even every day. 4 The programme is a very resuosi drama about the war. 5 I hate reality shows. I think they are pusdit. 2 This is a short programmeE at the end of the news. A presenter with a map tells us about the weather for today and the next few days. TV programmes E 3 This programme is all about what is happening in 1 Uzupełnij nazwy programów telewizyjnych the Rworld at the moment – politics, the economy, wyrazami z ramki. society, etc. opera news (x2) programme (x2) forecast F over show (x4) 4 Football, basketball, athletics, cycling, rugby and other similar activities are the main focus of this programme. sports programme 1 weather 6 soap 5 People go on this programme to win money or 2 game 7 reality other prizes. Usually the contestants have to answer 3 music 8 make questions or complete tasks. 4 chat 9 talent E 5 the 10 sports 6 These programmes are usually for young people. L You can see your favourite bands, listen to new USEFUL PHRASES songs and hear about new groups and concerts. 2 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami.P 7 A guest – usually a famous person – comes to speak 1 Can you turn the TV ? The film is to a presenter about his or her life, career, likes and starting now! dislikes, new book or film, etc. 2 Please turn the volume M , it’s much too loud. 8 These programmes are usually set in a house, 3 This programme is boring.A Can you in a hotel, on an island or in a music and dance the channel, please? academy. The people in them are not actors. 4 Don’t forget to turn the TV when you go to bed. S 5 Please leave this channel , I’m watching this! 4 Uzupełnij zdania informacjami na swój temat. E 1 My favourite cartoon is . 2 A game show popular in my country is . E 3 A reality show popular in my country is . 4 My favourite music programme is . R F36

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4 Language Focus 1 E

Past simple: affirmative and negative was / were L 1 Znajdź w diagramie dziewięć nieregularnych USE OF ENGLISH P czasowników w past simple i zapisz ich formy 3 Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz poprawne podstawowe. uzupełnienie luk 1–4. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C. SPOKETRE The Beatles 1 an English band M from Liverpool. They 2 to VSHADRET become famous but they 3 12 albums and 4 millions of fans A ISWENTAT all over the world. OADHCADE 1 a were b was S c is 2 a not expected b didn’t expect c weren’t expect KWR O T E L I 3 a made b did make c were making DEEBEGAN 4 a did have b Ehave c had WRWU J G F H 4 Ułóż pytania i napisz do nich krótkie odpowiedzi.

REBECAME Greta Garbo /E actress ✓ Was Greta Garbo an actress? Yes, she was. speak 5 1 HeathR Ledger / from Italy? ✗ 1 6

2 7 2 Toy Story / the first computer-animated film? ✓ 3 8 F

4 9 3 Zbigniew Cybulski / Polish actor? ✓

4 Maradona and Pelé / famous football players? ✓ 2 Uzupełnij tekst poprawnymi formami czasowników z ramki. 5 The Beatles / from London? ✗ E choose want have become play not like 6 Mickey Mouse / a silent cartoon character? ✗ appear go study die not have goL

Biography FilmsP Photos

Heath Ledger was born on April 4th 1979 in Perth, Australia. When he went to primary school, he 1 drama. The M 2 options were cooking or drama. So he drama! He 3 secondary school much, so he left school when he was 17. He wentA to Sydney – he 4 to be an actor. InbSydney, he made some low-budget films and heb5 inbsome TV dramas. But he 6 much success. In 1999, he 7 S some success with a film called Two Hands. Then he 8 to America. He acted in several films, including The Patriot. He 9 very famous with the film Brokeback Mountain E 10 inb2005. In 2007, he The Joker in the Batman film The Dark Knight. Unfortunately,E he 11 at his home in New York RonbJanuary 22nd, 2008. F 37

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4 Vocabulary 2 E

Types of film 3 Przeczytaj sekcję filmową z lokalnej gazety L i napisz, o jakich gatunkach filmowych jest mowa. 1 Uzupełnij krzyżówkę nazwami gatunków 1 4 P filmowych. It’s a musical. 2 5 1H R 2 3 6 T I M 3 W S N 4 M T A S 1 This is a great film for all the family. The actors 5 have lovely voices and the songs are really good. O Y A R 2 This film is set in medieval times when the king lived in a castle and the poor people worked on 6 M I L the land. S 7 C N 3 The story of the film is about a family of crazy 8 A vampires. It is very scary and some scenes are L difficult to watch. E 4 This is the story of what happened in Vietnam 2 Spójrz na plakaty. Jaki gatunek filmowy when the American soldiers arrived. Lots of blood, prezentują? bombs, bulletsE and battles. 5 I didn’t stop laughing all through this film. The story is really funny, and the actors are great comedians.R 6 The film has got four car chases and an exciting sceneF on a burning train. You won’t be bored!

WORD FORMATION 4 Popraw wyróżnione wyrazy. Mr Peabody & Sherman 1 X-Men cartoon 1 I love music films like Grease! E 2 It’s a history film about the American Civil War.

L 3 It’s a really thriller story! P 4 Sherlock Holmes is a fiction character. M Listening EXAM TASK 2 Mister Babadook 3A Maleficent 5 20 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie reportaż radiowy. Zdecyduj, które ze zdań 1–5 jest zgodne z treścią nagrania (P – Prawda), a które nie (F – Fałsz). S Zakreśl literę P lub F. 1 He had two brothers and a sister. PF 2 Robin became famous after making a film. PF E 3 Robin acted in more than 100 films. PF 4 Robin’s daughter has the name of PF E a character in a game. 5 The speaker explains why Robin Williams PF died. 4 REl Dorado 5 Indiana Jones F38

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4 Language Focus 2 E

Past simple: questions and short answers 4 Ułóż pytania, stosując wyrazy z ramki. L 1 Dopasuj odpowiedzi do pytań. when where how many what what timeP 1 Did you go to the cinema yesterday? d go / last weekend? – I went to visit my cousin in 2 Did your brother meet any famous actors? Hajnówka. 3 Did they like the film? M 4 Did your mother go to school in France? Where did you go last weekend? 5 Did the school bus arrive on time 1 get up / this morning? – I got up at about eight this morning? o’clock. A 6 Did I make a lot of noise last night? a Yes, she did. 2 learn / to play the piano?S – She learned when she was young. b Yes, you did! . c No, it didn’t! 3 have / for breakfast? – They had toast and coffee. d No, I didn’t.

e Yes, he did. E 4 sweets / eat / this morning? – I had ten and my f No, they didn’t. sister ate all the rest! E 2 Przekształć podane zdania w pytania. Sandra Bullock played the lead role in Gravity. ago Did Sandra Bullock play the lead role in Gravity? R 5 Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami z ramki 1 Chris Evans played the lead role in Captain America. w Fpołączeniu ze słowem ago.

2 Miley Cyrus didn’t appear in Planet of the Apes. about 2,060 years 2,000 years 25 years 65 years 136 years 25,000 years 3 The USA won 46 gold medals at the 2012 65 million years billions of years summer Olympic Games.

4 Brazil didn’t win the FIFA World Cup in 2014.E

5 Warner Bros Studios made the first film with spoken dialogue. L

P The Romans invaded Britain about 2,060 years ago . The Chinese invented fireworks . Bart Simpson and his family first appeared M onbTV . Tolkien finished writing The Lord of the Rings A . Alexander Bell invented the telephone . S Prehistoric man painted on cave walls 3 Odpowiedzd na pytaniat i z ćwiczeniai i 22. . Yes, she did. All the dinosaurs died . 1 E The universe began with the ‘Big Bang’ . 2 3 E 4 R5 F 39

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4 Writing Dossier E

A description of a TV series L Look: planning paragraphs P 1 Uzupełnij zasady konstruowania tekstu wyrazami z ramki. plan 1 the general idea for each paragraph before you writing. writeM 2 Then notes about the content of each paragraph. start 3 It’s a good idea to three paragraphs. Amake Plan S 2 Przeczytaj opis serialu telewizyjnego TOP 10 series i uzupełnij tabelę. My favourite TV series is Glee. It’s an Name of series: American musical series set inE a high Type of series: school. Most of the characters are Characters & teenagers. They go to school,E sing and setting: dance and have lots of fun. Favourite My favourite character is Finn Hudson. character(s): He’s really funny andR he’s a great singer. Why I like the I like Rachel too. She is Finn’s girlfriend. series: I like Glee becauseF it’s about young Extra information: people and it makes me laugh. I like the music too. At the moment, I’m watching seriesi3bti5 3 but series 5 is out in the USA. I hope it never ends! 3 Uzupełnij tabelę informacjami o swoim ulubionym serialu. Name of series: Type of series: E Characters & setting: Favourite character(s): L Why I like the series: Extra information: P Write

4 Na wzór tekstu z ćwiczenia 2.M opisz swój ulubiony serial. Wykorzystaj notatki z ćwiczenia 3. A S E CheckE 5 Sprawdź swój tekst. Zwróć uwagę na zastosowanie czasów (present simple lub past simple) oraz podział Rtekstu na akapity. F40

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4 Language in Action E

Talking about preferences 5 Przeczytaj poniższy program telewizyjny na L bieżący tydzień. Napisz dwa krótkie dialogi na 1 Uzupełnij dialog poprawnymi zwrotami. temat wybranych filmów. Wykorzystaj wyrażPenia z ćwiczenia 1. 1 A Do you like The Simpsons? B Yes, I do. I think it’s better t all of the other cartoons. Step Up 2: Lively street dance filmM7.30 2 A Do you like of Poland? The Streets B Yes, I do. I think it’s better t all of the other talent shows. A What Happens Comedy with Ashton Kutcher 3 A The news is on at 7.30. in Vegas and Cameron Diaz 6.00, 8.15 B I’d r watch The X Factor. S A Oh no! That programme is r ! Indiana Jones Harrison Ford returns in this fantastic 2 21 Posłuchaj nagrania i zakreśl wyrazy lub and the action-adventure film zwroty, które usłyszysz. Kingdom of the 7.00 Crystal Skull E 1 What’s on channel 4 at six / seven o’clock? 2 What’s on after / before the news? The EThe second film in the Narnia series – 3 Why don’t you watch / record it? wonderful fantasy Chronicles of 8.00 4 Sports programmes are really great / boring. Narnia: Prince 5 I’d rather watch the film now / later. CaspianR 6 Cartoons / Chat shows are better than documentaries. 1 F

3 Spójrz na program telewizyjny kanału filmowego

i uzupełnij dialogi.

FILM GUIDE 2 Computer-animated science fiction Wall-E 6.30 comedy – everybody loves Wall-E E

The Incredible Hulk Action-adventure with 7.30 Edward Norton L Mamma Mia The fantastic musical with Meryl 6.00 Streep and Pierce Brosnan EXAM TASK Hancock Will Smith as the anti-superhero!P 5.30, 8.00 6 Do każdej z opisanych sytuacji 1–3 dopasuj odpowiednią reakcję. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C. 1 A Shall we watch M at 8.00? 1 Kolega proponuje ci wspólne oglądanie telewizji, B I’d it at 5.30. ale ty wolisz iść do kina. Co mu powiesz? A No way! I go to the cinema. 2 A I don’t want to watch The Incredible Hulk. B I’d rather go to the cinema. B A than Wall-E. C It’s better than going to the cinema. 3 A 2 Nie lubisz horrorów. Wyraź swoją opinię na ich S Will Smith’s new film? temat. B No ! He’s . A Horror films are rubbish. 4 A Which film do you want to watch? Mamma B They’re better than horror films. Mia or The Incredible Hulk? C I quite like horror films. B Well, Ethey’re very different, but 3 Zaproponuj koledze/koleżance wspólne Mamma Mia because it oglądanie musicalu. Estarts earlier. A Do you like watching musicals? B Why don’t you watch a musical? 4 22 Posłuchaj dialogów z ćwiczenia 3. C Shall we watch a musical? Ri sprawdź odpowiedzi. F 41

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E Exam builder Rozumienie ze słuchu L Poziom podstawowy Poziom rozszerzony

1 Przeczytaj tekst. Połącz fragmenty zdań. WpiszP Zadanie egzaminacyjne 1 A, B lub C w odpowiednią kratkę.

23 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery teksty. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu ou probably know that Hollywood is theM centre w zadaniach 1–4 z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz Yof the American film industry. However, the właściwą. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C. USA does not produce the greatest number of films for the cinema annually. This numberA is ‘only’ about 1 What is Viral Monkey? A 550 films a year and it is not a lot if we compare it with two other countries. TheS number of films produced in ‘Nollywood’, that is in Nigeria, is over 1,100 a year, and in ‘Bollywood’, that is in India, it is almost 1,200 films a year! The Indians also take first place when it comesE to the number of cinema B tickets sold, followed by the Americans and then the Chinese. However, it is the USA, together with Canada, which earnsE the largest sums of money from the film industry. C R 1 Nigeria 2 ChinaF 3 The USA and Canada A takes third place in the number of cinema-goers. 2 What is the documentary about this week? B takes second place in the number of films produced. A B C takes first place in the money made on cinema E productions. 2 24 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery L wypowiedzi na temat sposobów korzystania z Internetu. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu dopasuj do każdej wypowiedzi C P (1–4) odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej M wypowiedzi. A I use the Internet mostly for work. B I am excited about the effect of my work. A C I’ve changed what I like doing. D I have a video blog. 3 What is this type of programme called? E I watch old films on the Internet. A A talent show. BS A quiz show. C A chat show. 4 What is auntie Greta looking for? 1234 A EB C E R F42

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4 Revision Standard E

TV programmes was / were L 1 Uzupełnij brakujące samogłoski w nazwach 5 Napisz podane zdania w czasie past simple. P programów telewizyjnych. 1 He is a British writer. 1 s p p r 6 c m dy 2 dr m 7 d c m nt ry 2 She isn’t from Australia. M 3 c rt n 8 r l ty sh w 4 g m sh w 9 t en s w 3 They are famous in Japan. 5 w th r f r c st 10 m e-o r A 4 My parents aren’t at home. Types of film S 5 Are you OK? 2 Uporządkuj litery tak, aby powstały poprawne

nazwy gatunków filmowych. 6 Is the film in English? 1 tanamied limf E

2 esrwnte 3 cauilsm Past simple: questionsE and short answers 4 icescen iticofn 5 tmiaarl rtsa 6 Ułóż pytaniaR do podanych odpowiedzi. 1 Language in Action Yes, I did. I really enjoyed the film. 2 F 3 W każdym zdaniu wykreśl niepotrzebny wyraz. The class started ten minutes ago. 1 Shall we will watch a film at 9.00? 3 No, he didn’t. Tom Cruise didn’t appear in the 2 Why we don’t we record it? Indiana Jones films. 3 I’d rather to go to the cinema. 4 4 What’s on then after this film? No, he didn’t write the book in 2008, he wrote it in 2007. Past simple: affirmative and negative E 5 I think they made about 1,000 films in Bollywood 4 Ułóż zdania w czasie past simple. L last year. 1 C. S. Lewis / write / the Narnia stories 6 Yes, I did! I met a lot of famous people at the P awards ceremony. 2 Katie Holmes / become / famous in Dawson’s Creek ago M 3 Matt Groening / create / The Simpsons 7 Odpowiedz na pytania, stosując ago i wyrazy podane w nawiasach. 4 John Logie Baird / not invent / the telephone A 1 When were you born? (years)

5 Pelé / not play / basketball S 2 When did you last watch a DVD? (days)

6 Alfred Hitchcock / not make / cartoons 3 When did you eat breakfast? (hours)

E E R F 43

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4 4 E Revision Extra L Cumulative check 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P Przeczytaj tekst, następnie zakreśl poprawne odpowiedzi, wybrane spośród podanych poniżej. M Gravity A Last night, I 1 Gravity. It was brilliant! It’s a 2 S film about two astronauts who cannot get back to the Earth. There isn’t much action but it’s an exciting E 3 film because of the story. The main character in the film Ryan Stone. Sandra Bullock plays her part very well. George Clooney is the other astronaut. E 4 5 American films. However, this one was really good! I love to the cinema, but I 8 7 seven The film 6 in 2013. It in cinemas all over the world and then it finally Oscars in 2014. R F 1 a watch b watched c was watched 2 a science fictious b scientific c science fiction 3 a was b be c is 4 a go b going c to go 5 a usually don’t like b not usually like c don’t usually like 6 a came out b come out c did come out 7 a appeared b did appearE c appears 8 a win b winsL c won P EXTRA VOICESM 25 Posłuchaj fragmentu audycji radiowej, następnie wybierz i zakreśl odpowiednie wyrazy lub zwroty. 1 Alan always / sometimesA works as an actor. 2 Alan played a policeman / thief in one series. 3 Alan was in a dramaS / comedy series with Ben Johns. 4 His character in Two Too Many was bad / mad. 5 He is / isn’t in a film with Cate Blanchett. 6 The film was very long / short. 7 Alan livedE / lives in a hotel. 8 AlanE is making a documentary about a murder / wild animals. R F44

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4 Extra Language Practice E

Dictation Unit grammar check L 1 26 Posłuchaj nagrania i zapisz zdania. 4 Przeczytaj tekst, następnie zakreśl poprawne P odpowiedzi, wybrane spośród podanych 1 poniżej. 2 3 M 4 5 Spanish CinemaA 6 • When did they 1 the first film in Spain?

2 S Error correction • Which city the first centre of the Spanish film industry? 2 Popraw błędy w podanych zdaniach. • When did the first films with sound 3 in Spain? Yesterday we have dinner at eight o’clock. ✗ E Yesterday we had dinner at eight o’clock. The first film show in Spain 4 on May 5th 1895 in Barcelona. At first, Barcelona was the centre of Spain’s 1 He not appeared on TV. ✗ E 5 film industry. But in 1928 two film directors to establish the first cineclub in Madrid, and Madrid 6 2 We writed a letter to our favourite actor. ✗ the new centre of the industry. R 7 3 She didn’t turned the volume up. ✗ The Spanish film industry sound into its films until 1935. CinemaF became very popular, but the civil war 4 What watched you on TV last night? ✗ of 1936–1939 changed Spanish cinema. The two sides 8 films for propaganda. 9 5 Did go she to Italy on holiday? ✗ After the war, the film industry in Spain brilliant directors like Berlanga, Javier’s uncle – Juan Antonio 6 How many programmes they made last year? ✗ Bardem and Carlos Saura. In the eighties and nineties, a new generation of 7 The Chinese invented paper ago thousands of E Spanish directors and actors became famous all over years. ✗ the world. Pedro Almodóvar 10 an Oscar for the best international film, and Antonio Banderas and Penélope L Cruz 11 in Hollywood. Other actors like Javier P Bardem 12 them. 1 a show b showed 2 a was b were M 3 a appear b appeared 4 a was b were Translation A 5 a help b helped 6 a become b became 3 Przetłumacz na język polski poprawione zdania 7 a not introduced b didn’t introduce z ćwiczenia 2. S 8 a did use b used 1 9 a produced b product 2 10 a winned b won 3 E 11 a arrived b did arrive 12 a follow b followed 4 5 E 5 27 Posłuchaj tekstu z ćwiczenia 4. i sprawdź 6 odpowiedzi. R7 F 45

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Voices 2 Workbook Katherine & Steve Bilsborough E







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Podręcznik na własność? Zniszczony lub zgubiony? E

wraz z zadaniami w formacie egzaminacyjnym; formacie w z zadaniami wraz L  z listy słów listy całościowe przygotowanie do wszystkich części części wszystkich do przygotowanie całościowe egzaminu i rozszerzonym; w formacie MP3. formacie w

• Repetytorium Gimnazjalisty. Poziom podstawowy podstawowy Poziom Gimnazjalisty. Repetytorium • • estawienie to: i rozszerzony P


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