Monmouthshire Replacement Local Development Plan Sustainable Settlement Appraisal June 2021 Monmouthshire County Council Replacement Local Development Plan Sustainable Settlement Appraisal June 2021 Planning Policy Service Monmouthshire County Council County Hall, Rhadyr, Usk, Monmouthshire NP15 1GA Tel: 01633 644429 Email:
[email protected] Contents Executive Summary i 1. Purpose of this Appraisal 1 2. Context 2 3. Methodology 11 4. Contextual Information 23 5. Initial Ranking of Settlements based on the 3 Principles 24 6. Initial Ranking of Settlements based on their Weighted Scores against the 54 3 Principles 7. Initial Ranking of Settlements based on Population Size 59 8. Initial Ranking of Settlements based on Combined Population Size and 61 Weighted Score against the 3 Principles 9. Defining Settlement Clusters 65 10. Settlement Appraisal Conclusions 67 11. Further Analysis 70 Appendices Appendix 1: Comparison of Methodology with SEWSPG Methodology Appendix 2: OA/LSOA Groupings Appendix 3: Settlement Profiles Appendix 4: Settlement Population Appendix 5: Cluster Analysis Executive Summary i. Reflecting the Plan’s aim of creating sustainable resilient communities, the purpose of this appraisal is to identify those settlements which are potentially suitable to accommodate future housing and employment growth in terms of their location, role and function. This involves an assessment of the current role and function of settlements, as well as an understanding of the relationships between settlements and their potential future roles. ii. Future Wales – the National Plan 2040 is the national development framework, setting the direction for development in Wales to 2040. Future Wales 2040 sets out the following vision for Rural Wales. ‘In rural areas, job opportunities and community services will be supported to help attract and retain people.