Air Service Newsletters 1918
PROPERTY OF 0.S.'100 ,.,'. ."~''';~ , t"',1.. :1.,•... ,"..A; A/' l .' Of'I:.J~EOF AIR FORCE HISTOR} r-:; .rfiL -:y.t / 1'rOll1 tho if£' .~ lfli"''';;.ewareDeJ;>artment nut:>.orizes the following: Irrespecti ve o f status in the draft, t>e ~Ur Service has been re- opened ro ..' i::lduc tion 0 f :,leC;:18.ni08and. of cand.idat es fo r as " pi lots, bomber-a, observer s an d b8.11ool1ists, z,fter havi ng been. closed EW..oSptfor,a few isolated cLas se s for tile ;?c\st s1::: month s , The fast moving overseas of 2.11' s quad ...~ons, ~?lanes, motors and mate:;'1ial for Junerio8.n airclr<:nnes, fields, and asscl.lb1y :;;>151ts in :i<'rai'lce and E'l1g1and, together with the cOlW,?letion here of 29 flyu-€: :fields, 1200 de Ha'iilar.d 1::>lanes,6000 Mbe:dy motors, 't.l0 parts for ti"le first heavy l1igl:.t bombers, 6pOO trainii'lG planes and 12,500 tro.ini:1C e11c;i11oS,ha s led to the necessity of increasi:'Jg bOt}l tlle coranuas Loned 8:...10. tJJ8 enlis ted ~:~ersonne'l, in 0 rder to full streng'th in ells count ry and continue t~le nec es sary flow . overseas. As e. r esu l t tl::,e Air Se::,'vice, alone, is now lia Lf as large agD,in as . the whole-,~i1e:dc8.ll )-l":';),y was at ti:e out'bre8Jc of 'Vlar. Ci viJ.iaYts have no t been gi ven an o))orttlni t'~T to ql.lalif;y as :9ilots since last L:ar'cl1.
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