ISSUE 56 / JUL-SEP 2021 MCI (P) 076/09/2020



Our estate has been kept clean, especially during the “circuit breaker” and the subsequent months when most of the residents either worked or studied from home. 06 Who are the people VACCINATION DRIVE responsible for such UNDERWAY an under-appreciated task? Meet our unsung heroes behind the scene. 07 08 JRTC RATED ALL GREEN IN MANAGEMENT REPORT

09 CLUTTER-FREE COMMON SPACE KNOW THIS! THERE IS A FUJI HILL IN ? Dear Residents Although many Singaporeans may not be familiar with Fuji Hill, it was a landmark in the early 1990s in Bukit Batok area. During the development of Bukit Batok New Town, part of the hilly terrain had to be flattened and one of the hills that Together, a Better Neighbourhood remain standing is Fuji Hill. In 2009, MND introduced the Town Council Management Report (TCMR) to assess key areas of township management for Town Councils. Town Councils are evaluated on their overall cleanliness, upkeeping of infrastructure and governance. The TCMR assesses each aspect of township management with a colour indicator, ranging from Green, Amber and Red. Jurong-Clementi Town Council has been working hard in collaboration with our residents to improve the community we live in. Through our collective efforts, I am delighted to announce that Jurong-Clementi Town Council has achieved a “Green” rating in all aspects of the FY2019 TCMR. This is the first time Jurong- 齐心协力,共创美好社区 Clementi Town Council has achieved an “all-Green” report. This would not have 国家发展部在2009年推出了市镇会管理报告(Town Council Management been possible without the help of our residents, who conscientiously do their part in Report),评估市镇会几个关键的领域:这包括整体清洁度、基础设施的维护 demonstrating neighbourly behaviour and keeping our town clean. I would also like 和市镇管理,评级则分为绿色、橙色及红色。 to acknowledge the efforts of Town Council staff and service partners, who work 裕廊-金文泰市镇理事会长期与居民合作,努力改善大家居住的社区。 around the clock to ensure that the needs of our residents are taken care of. 经过我们不懈的努力,裕廊-金文泰市镇理事会在2019财政年度市镇会管 This achievement will only motivate us to do even better. We will strive to 理报告各个方面都取得了“绿色”的最佳评级,这也是我们首次取得“全绿” improve and continue to work hand-in-hand with residents in the community. As 的评级。倘若无居民同心协力的积极参与,这是不可能达成的,居民自动自 such, we convened Town Council Work Plan discussions in March 2021 to chart our 发的精神,以睦邻的态度维持环境的整洁。在此,我要特别感谢市镇理事会 key plans for the next few years. I am excited about how the plans are taking shape, 同仁以及我们的服务伙伴日以继夜地为民服务。 and we will share details when ready. 我们为此佳绩感到鼓舞而决心做得更好。我们将继续努力改进并会继 The revitalisation of We have also made a stronger commitment to creating a sustainable town, in 续与社区居民携手合作。为此,我们在2021年3月召开了市镇理事会会工 line with the announcement of the Singapore Green Plan 2030. With climate change 作小组会议,规划未来几年的主要计划。我对这些计划的逐步落实感到兴 accelerating, every single one of us must take action and do our part towards 奋,细节详情稍后公布。 building a sustainable future for generations to come. You can start by reducing 我们将根据新加坡2030年绿色计划,打造一个可持续发展的居住环 Fuji Hill Park the amount of waste produced in your household, being mindful of water and 境。随着气候变化的加速,我们每一个人都必须采取行动,为子孙后代建 electricity consumption, and choosing to use reusable items such as food containers 立一个可持续的未来尽一份力。居民可以从减少居家生活所产生的废弃物 and shopping bags over the disposable plastic options. 开始做起,节约用水用电,并选择可重复使用的物品,例如食品环保和购物 The recent rise in community cases reminds us that the fight against COVID-19 袋,而不是一次性的塑料制品。 in Fuji Hill is located within Bukit playground that has is not over. While we continue to stay vigilant in our fight against the pandemic, 最近社区病例的增加提醒我们与冠状病毒的对抗还没有结束。我们继 【摘要】武吉巴督紧邻225座组屋的邻里公园 I look forward to working even more closely with our residents to make our Batok Neighbourhood Park, many interesting 续保持警惕与大流行病作战的同时,我期望与我们的居民更加紧密地合 出现一个新的游乐场以及高架浮桥步行道,为 neighbourhood a friendlier and more sustainable place to live in. Together, we can along Bukit Batok Central features like 作,使我们的社区成为一个更友好和可持续发展的居住环境,让我们一起 公园带了新的气息和活力。武吉巴督议员穆仁 create a better and greener town for all residents. 携手打造一个更美好及绿化的社区。 理于4月10日为公园的新设施主持了开幕仪 Road, next to Blk 225. merry-go-round 式。新的设施有考虑到不同年龄孩童的兴趣和 The playground is divided and more. Xie Yao Quan 需要,为他们打造适合的游乐设施,例如管状滑 Chairman | Jurong-Clementi Town Council | 谢曜全 into two play areas. Older Residents 主席 裕廊―金文泰市镇理事会 梯以及绳索障碍适合年龄较大的孩子;年龄较 kids can enjoy scrambling up can also enjoy 小的孩子适合绳索隧道或微型游乐场等设施。 the massive multi-layered play a leisurely stroll Bersama, Kejiranan yang Lebih Baik தலைꯍꯁ: ஒன்잿ணைꏍ鏁, மேம㞪ட㞟 அக㞕ம㞪க㞕த்த உ쏁வாக埁வ�ோம structure before sliding down on the elevated Pada 2009, MND memperkenalkan Laporan Pengurusan Majlis Bandaran (TCMR) நகர மன㞱ங்ளின நிர்ힾக鏍 திறனை மதிப்ꮿ翁வதற்கக, தேசிய வளர㞚்ச untuk menilai bidang-bidang utama pengurusan bandar bagi Majlis Bandaran. Majlis அமைச毁 2009쯍 நகர மன㞱 நிர்ힾக அறிக்கைய அறி믁கப்翁த்தய鏁. ஒ翍翁ம�ொத் esidents of Bukit Batok Neighbourhood the winding tube slide, or opt to boardwalk which Bandaran dinilai berdasarkan kebersihan keseluruhan, pemeliharaan prasarana dan 鏂ய்ம, உள்க㞟மைபꯁ வசதிகளின 毀ர்நிை, ஆ쿁மை ஆகியவற்றி Park can now enjoy a new playground climb on the various rope obstacles. leads to a pavilion at the tadbir urus. TCMR menilai setiap aspek pengurusan bandar dengan penunjuk warna - அ羿ப்படயி쯍 நகர மன㞱ங்க மதிப்ꮿடப்翁கின㞱ன. இந் அறிக்க, பச்ச, மஞ்ச, சிவபꯁ ஆகிய நிறக 埁றி뿀翁க쿁டன நகர மன㞱 நிர்ힾகத்தி வெவ்வ쟁 with colourful tube slides and an The younger kids can challenge treetops that overlooks Bukit Hijau, Jingga dan Merah. அம்ங்கள மதிப்ꮿ翁கிற鏁. Majlis Bandaran Jurong-Bandar Clementi telah bekerja keras dengan penduduk ஜூர�ோங–கிளமென羿 நகர மன㞱ம, நாம வா폁ம ச믂கத்த மேம்翁த் Relevated boardwalk. themselves by grappling their way through Batok. The new pedestrian walk also untuk membaiki kehidupan masyarakat. Melalui usaha bersepadu, saya amat 埁羿யி쏁ப்பளர்쿁டன 埂翍羿ணைந鏁 பெ쏁믁யற்ச எ翁鏍鏁 வ쏁கிற鏁. நம鏁 埂翍翁 Opened on 10 April by Bukit Batok SMC a woven rope tunnel, or simply play with provides a safe path for walking and running. gembira umumkan Majlis Bandaran Jurong- Bandar Clementi telah mencapai 믁யற்சயின பலனாக, நிதியா迍翁 2019쯍 ஜூர�ோங-கிளமென羿 நகர மன㞱த்தி埁 penilaian “Hijau” dalam semua aspek FY2019 TCMR. Ini pertama kali Majlis Bandaran அனை鏍鏁 அம்ங்ளி쯁ம “பச்ச” மதிபꯀ翁 கிடைத்த쏁ப்பத அறிவிப்தி쯍 MP , the upgraded playground their families, via the separate miniature Mr Murali shared in his Facebook that Jurong- Bandar Clementi telah mencapai laporan “semua-Hijau’. மகிழ㞚்ச அடைகிறேன. ஜூர�ோங-கிளமென羿 நகர மன㞱ம அனைத்த쯁ம பச்ச many residents are impressed and delighted Ini tidak akan dicapai tanpa bantuan para penduduk, yang dengan prihatin மதிபꯀட்டை பெ쟁வ鏁 இ鏁 믁த쯍 믁றையல். நம鏁 埁羿யி쏁ப்பளர்ளின with the features which are seldom seen in memaparkan sifat kejiranan contoh dan memastikan bandar kita bersih. Saya juga உதவியின்ற இ鏁 சாத்தயமாகி இ쏁க்க鏁. அவர்க அக்ம்க் உணரퟁடன ingin merakamkan penghargaan kepada kakitangan Majlis Bandaran dan rakan நம நகரை鏍 鏂ய்மயாக வைத்த쏁க் பங்கா쟁கிறார்க. இத்쏁ணத்த쯍, neighbourhood parks such as boardwalks 埁羿யி쏁ப்பளர்ளின தேவைகள எந்நர믁ம கவனிக்ப்翁வதை உ쟁திசெய뿁ம perkhidmatan, yang bekerja sepanjang masa memastikan keperluan penduduk நகர மன㞱 அ쯁வலர்க, சேவைப பங்களிகள ஆகிய�ோ쏁க埁ம நன்ற தெரிவி鏍鏁க and cantilevered structures. terjaga. க�ொள்கிறே. Pencapaian ini hanya akan mendorong kami melakukan lebih baik. Kami akan நம믁டைய இந்த சாதனை, நாம மேன்ம쯁ம சிறப்பகச செயல்翁வதற埁 berusaha membaiki dan bekerjasama dengan para penduduk di dalam masyarakat. ஊக்மளிக்கி鏁. நாங்க 埁羿யி쏁ப்பளர்쿁டன சேர்鏁 த�ொடர்鏁 Kami telah mengadakan perbincangan Pelan Kerja Majlis Bandaran pada Mac 2021 மேம்ப翁களைச செய்வோம. இதற்ககவே, 2021 மார் மாதம நகர மன㞱ப பணித்தி㞟 untuk melakar rancangan utama bagi tahun-tahun akan datang. Saya teruja dengan உரையாடலை நடத்த, அ翁த் சில ஆ迍翁க쿁க்கா 믁க்கய திட㞟ங்கள rancangan yang sedang dilakar, dan akan kongsi perinciannya apabila siap kelak. வ埁த்தோம. அத்தி㞟ங்ளின விவரங்க தயாரானퟁடன உங்쿁டன பகிர்鏁 Kami juga telah membuat komitmen lebih kukuh untuk mewujudkan Bandar க�ொள்வோம. berdaya tahan, sejajar dengan pengumuman Pelan Singapura Menghijau 2030. இதற்கிடைய, சிங்கꯂர ப毁மை鏍 திட㞟ம 2030க埁 ஏற், ꏀ羿த் Dengan perubahan iklim yang semakin cepat, setiap dari kita mesti mengambil நிலைத்ன்ம뿁டைய நகரை உ쏁வாக埁வதி쯁ம நாங்க உ쟁தியாக இ쏁க்கிற�ோ. 鏁ரிதமான ப쏁வநிலை மாற㞱த்தி埁 இடையி쯍, நாம ஒவ்வொ쏁வ쏁ம நம பங்க tindakan dan lakukan peranan untuk membangunkan masa depan yang berdaya ஆற்ற, ꏀ羿鏍鏁 நிலைக்கதக் எதிர்காலத் உ쏁வாக் 믁ற்படவ迍翁ம. tahan bagi generasi seterusnya. Anda boleh bermula dengan kurangkan jumlah த�ொடக்மாக, உங்க ퟀ翍羿쯍 ퟀசப்翁ம கழிퟁகளைக 埁றை鏍鏁, த迍迀ரை뿁ம sampah yang dihasilkan isi rumah, prihatin dengan penggunaan air dan elektrik, மின்சரத்த뿁ம சிக்கமாகப பயன்翁த்த, ஒ쏁믁றை பயன்翁鏍鏁ம பிளா羿க dan memilih barangan guna semula seperti bekas makanan dan beg beli belah ப�ொ쏁ட்쿁க埁ப பதிலாக 므迍翁ம பயன்翁த்த埂羿ய உணퟁக கலன்க, பைகள berbanding plastik sekali pakai. ஆகியவற்றை பயன்翁த்த பங்கற㞱லாம. Peningkatan kes masyarakat baru-baru ini memberi peringatan bahawa க�ொவி翍-19 கி쏁மிப்ரவ쯁க埁 எதிரான ப�ோராட㞟ம இனꟁம ஓயவில்ல usaha memerangi Covid-19 belum berakhir. Sedang kita terus berwaspada dalam என்பத அண்மயி쯍 ச믂கத்த쯍 அதிகரித்த쏁க埁ம பரவ쯍 நமக埁 memerangi wabak ini, saya ingin bekerja lebih rapat dengan para penduduk untuk நினைퟂ翍翁கிற鏁. நாம கி쏁மிப்ரவ쯁க埁 எதிரான ப�ோராட㞟த்த쯍 த�ொடர்鏁 menjadikan kejiranan kita lebih mesra dan berdaya tahan untuk didiami. Bersama, விழிபꯁடன இ쏁க்கயி쯍, 埁羿யி쏁ப்பளர்쿁டன மே쯁ம அ迁க்மாகச kita boleh mencipta bandar yang lebih menghijau dan lebih baik untuk semua செயல்翍翁, நம鏁 அக்ம்க்கத் அதிக நட்பர்ந, வாழ்தற埁 உகந் இடமாக உ쏁வாக் ஆவலாக இ쏁க்கிறே. நாம ஒன்றிைந鏁, அனைவ쏁க்ககퟁம penduduk. மேம்ப㞟, ப毁மையான நகரை உ쏁வாக் 믁羿뿁ம.

Xie Yao Quan சியே யாퟍ毁வாꟍ Pengerusi | Majlis Bandaran Jurong-Clementi தலைவர | ஜூர�ோங-கிளமென羿 நகர மன㞱ம

02 JUL-SEP 2021 03 JUL-SEP 2021 Bukit Batok Green Repainting and repairs

【摘要】武吉巴督的20座组屋,包括武吉巴督 Plan launched in April 西区的购物中心,已经进行了修复和重新装 修工程。这些组屋被刷上新漆而焕然一新。建 in Bukit Batok.” 筑物的外墙部分,也进行了改善, 看起来更整 【摘要】武吉巴督议员及基层组织顾问穆仁 Other initiatives under the Green Plan 洁、也更有整体感。一些组屋如152座和158 理4月17日在一项社区活动上宣布“武吉巴督 座也安装了新的信箱。市镇理事会为了更好 绿色发展蓝图”,这包括:增设更多社区农场、 include setting up a wood-craft interest 地收集垃圾和提供清洁服务,翻新了部分的 延长社区内的脚踏车道、木工兴趣小组(利用 group using repurposed wood from felled 邻里垃圾收集中心。 受裕廊区域线影响、因安全隐患而必须砍伐 trees, collection of e-waste and ensuring 的树木来创作)等项目,从而鼓励居民为绿化 proper usage of the blue recycling bins. 和创造可持续环境尽一分力。 epainting and repairs works have been carried out at 20 blocks in Bukit ukit Batok residents can look forward Batok SMC including Bukit Batok West to having more community farms RShopping Centre. These HDB blocks within their surroundings for the have been repainted with fresh coats of paint Bgrowing of vegetables and fruits. employing updated colour schemes. Repairs This is part of the Bukit Batok Green Plan, to building exterior facade are also carried an initiative launched on 17 April 2021 by out to improve the aesthetics of the old the Bukit Batok Grassroots Organisations blocks. A few HDB blocks such as Blocks 152 (GROs) and their community partners. and 158 are also fitted with new letter boxes. The initiative aims to encourage To facilitate better residents to participate in environmentally collection of garbage sustainable efforts within the SMC. The and cleaning services produce from the farms will be donated to in the neighbourhood, less privileged residents. the Town Council Mr Murali Pillai, adviser to Bukit Batok has refurbished the GROs and MP for the SMC, said at the bin centres in these launch: “Ultimately… it is about changing precincts. Building apron attitudes, making sure that… we do our best repair works have also to ensure we have a sustainable bright spot been carried out behind the selected blocks to make the areas safer and in groups. It is great fun and also allows us to exercise user friendly. at the same time! We use block WhatsApp chat, Interview with posters, flyers, Facebook to convey information about these activities to our residents. Residents also email Suresh Karanth me at [email protected]. I am really glad to have great support from our residents. Once the Covid-19 RC Chairman of Zone 10 restrictions are relaxed, I hope to resume the monthly litter picking activities.

PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF HOW I CAN CONTRIBUTE IN MY OWN CAPACITY I started as a grassroots volunteer under the late TO A ZERO-LITTER NATION? Dr Ong Chit Chung, then MP for Bukit Batok in 2005. You can contribute by taking ownership of your own Before that, I was doing other voluntary work. I have litter – binning it properly, recycling the recyclables been striving to contribute to the community in my and generally, taking care of your neighbourhood. own small way. Encourage your neighbours and friends to also not litter and treat our environment as our home. Each CAN YOU TELL US MORE ABOUT THE in the recycling bins. This will help our hardworking of us doing our bit will result in us achieving the SUSTAINABLE BRIGHT SPOT PROGRAMME? cleaners who put in so much effort to keep our ultimate SG Clean goal – a Zero-Litter Nation. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE AND INTENDED neighbourhood clean. I like the tag line of the PHC OUTCOME OF THIS PROGRAMME? – Keep Singapore Clean! The Sustainable Bright Spot Programme is an initiative of the Public Hygiene Council (PHC) and WHAT KIND OF ACTIVITIES ARE BEING National Environment Agency. The idea behind this LED IN THE PROGRAMME AND HOW CAN I programme is to encourage residents to take charge PARTICIPATE? of the cleanliness of their own neighbourhood by We have organised estate walkabouts and litter promoting the anti-litter message – stop littering, picking events with our grassroots adviser and MP, Mr bin litter properly and only throw recyclable material Murali, and residents. We go around picking up litter

04 JUL-SEP 2021 05 JUL-SEP 2021 “Every day, I receive morning “When I was younger, I used greetings from residents who to clean three HDB blocks. are going out to work. This Now I treat the job as a form of makes me happy as I am exercise to keep fit.” an extrovert.” Madam Ong, 83 Mr Yap, 58 All Singaporeans and long-term residents are encouraged to get vaccination “Since coming to Singapore, and prevent an overload of our healthcare 【摘要】冠状病毒疫苗接种活动已经展开,有 I’ve learnt the importance of system. 关当局吁请民众在接获通知时去接种疫苗, maintaining cleanliness and 以减低染上冠病和病毒传播的机率。所有新 Vaccination is free to all eligible personal hygiene. I’ve also been 加坡民众以及在本地长期居留的人士都可免 Singaporeans and long-term residents in exposed to the multi-racial 费获得接种。民众无需担心疫苗引发严重过 Singapore. culture of Singapore.” Mr Mozibur, 38 敏反应,因为根据专家在英、美的观察,上述 It is important for us to achieve a high A day in the life of to Madam Ong’s and he is 机率是百万分之11,但是为了安全起见,在接 level of vaccine coverage rate for our happy with his present job. “My 种后,民众将在接种场所等待半小时接受观 population as this will indirectly protect current job allows me to meet people and 察,若无不良反应即可离去。部分接种者之后 those who are unable to receive COVID-19 exchange short conversations with them.” 也许会出现手臂酸痛的现象,但是这在1-3天 conservancy workers 后会自然消除。 vaccination (for example, severely said Mr Yap. immunocompromised individuals and outside each unit. She clears the drains in the The main challenge for both elderly 【摘要】去年由于疫情的关系,大多数国人都 OVID-19 could be life-threatening, subgroups such as children where safety data common areas, which are often filled with cleaners is having to help remove the 在家办公。尤其是阻断期间的两个月很多人 especially to the elderly and other is not available), as the transmission risk will 更是足不出户,这大大增加了市镇会清理团 dried leaves. discarded items, which tend to pile up during vulnerable groups (such as persons be greatly reduced. 队的工作负担,我们在这一期季刊访问了三 Madam Ong, who used to rear chickens festive seasons and the Covid-19 pandemic. Cwith diabetes or hypertension). The vaccination might cause some mild 名幕后英雄,了解他们背后工作的辛苦与复 during her Lim Chu Kang kampung days, does Despite his long working hours, Mr Therefore, Singaporeans and long-term side effects such as pain and soreness in the 杂,其中一名还是来自孟加拉的客工,他分享 not find her work routine boring because she Mozibur – who works 12-hour shift six days a residents are encouraged to get vaccinated arm, a bit of tiredness and headache. Some 了在新加坡的工作经验。 treats the job as a form of exercise to keep week and half-day on Sunday – does not find because this can protect us against the people might get fever. Such side effects fit. his work daunting. “I do block cleaning and disease, minimise the risk of transmission, usually go away after one to three days. or the past 34 years, Madam Ong Gim For 58-year-old conservancy worker, washing, and I help to clear the bulky items Huay, 83, has been repeating the same Mr Yap Cheng Soon, a change of job was that are discarded at the common areas,” work routine as a conservancy worker necessary because of his health condition. said the 38-year-old Bangladeshi, who gets a Fat Jurong East Street 32. Working six “I used to do painting works for renovation day off every month. transmission, Singapore moved quickly days a week, her working hours are from projects but I have high blood pressure and I “I feel very happy doing the cleaning job Remaining vigilant in the to reduce the level of interactions in the 7am until 11am. During the four-hour period, can’t do physical climbing anymore,” said Mr because it feels like I’m doing a community community. Madam Ong, who is in charge of Blocks Yap, who has been working as a cleaner for service for the residents. They show their Since 26 June, Singapore has accelerated 336 and 340, cleans and mops the lifts, and over a year. appreciation by thanking me and treating me fight against COVID-19 its vaccination drive with up to 80,000 doses sweeps the common areas and the floor His working hours and duties are similar to local drinks,” said Mr Mozibur. administered daily, paving the way for more restrictions to be eased down the road. 【摘要】5月初,本土病例数量增加。政府迅速 Seniors are strongly encouraged to get he Public Hygiene Council (PHC) is will be without cleaners to sweep it away. 采取行动减低感染风险。从5月16日到6月13 日,购物中心以及商店的人数受到进一步限 vaccinated against Covid-19 as they are more SG Clean holding talks with town councils to Speaking at the launch of annual month- 制、户外设施如烤肉台、露营区等暂时关闭。餐 vulnerable to the coronavirus disease. step up the frequency of SG Clean Day long Keep Clean, Singapore! campaign, 馆堂食一概暂停。员工也尽量居家办公。6月14 Here are several main points: Tto once every quarter this Minister for Sustainability and the 日起,由于疫情好转,政府逐步放宽种种限制。 • The group size for social activities Day may be year, and eventually, once Environment Ms said 社交聚会和登门访客人数从最多2人增至5人。 as well as the number of visitors to every month by 2022. everyone plays a critical role 堂食也恢复但只限两人同桌,若疫情持续改 households per day is capped at 5 The initiative, in fortifying Singapore's 善,7月12日起有望进一步放宽为5人。尽管目 held more persons. SG Clean Day, defence against public 前疫情趋缓,国人仍需保持警惕,除了接种疫 苗之外,也要确保个人卫生和减少群聚。 • Grandchildren being cared for by is currently health threats." As grandparents need not be included in frequently observed once we've learnt from this ingapore moved back to Phase 3 the number of household visitors or a year. Town Covid-19 pandemic, (Heightened Alert) in two steps from social gatherings per day. councils the first line of defence 14 June 2021 after a fall in the number • Employees should still work from cease public is cleanliness and 【摘要】为提高公众的公共卫生意识,公共卫 Sof COVID-19 community cases. More home if they can. sweeping at hygiene of our public 生理事会正与17个市镇理事会商讨,在今年 restrictions have been eased in the second • Dining-in resumes in groups of two 每个季度都有一天无清洁工人打扫组屋,并 open areas spaces. This is so step from 21 June. from 21 June. This limit may be raised 在明年扩大至每个月一天。永续发展与环境 and ground essential for each and In early May, there was an increase in the to groups of 5 persons from 12 July. 部长傅海燕在“保持清洁,新加坡”活动推介 levels of housing every one of us to take up number of local cases, some of which were • A free oximeter will be given to each 仪式上致辞时说,每个人在维护公共卫生方 estates for a day this responsibility because unlinked, as well as a rise in the number of household so that residents can 面,都扮演重要角色。她呼吁所有新加坡人保 with the aim of we have to also keep our community clusters. monitor their blood oxygen level 持公共空间的清洁...从小处做起,例如妥善丢 showing the amount cleaners safe," said Ms Fu who is 弃垃圾、用餐后归还托盘、使用厕所后冲水, In order to break the chains of regularly. of accumulated litter there also MP for Yuhua SMC. Image is for illustration purpose only (Information good as of print time) 以及鼓励家人朋友培养同样的习惯。

06 JUL-SEP 2021 07 JUL-SEP 2021 Members of the public may report fire hazards to SCDF via: • SCDF myResponder mobile app • Telephone: 1800-280-0000 All green for JRTC in latest • Email: [email protected] management report

obstruction of common areas (37%) and Types of Cleanliness % of Total Observations 【摘要】国家发展部于今年3月中发布2019 storage of combustible items as its top 2 Observations 财政年市镇会管理报告,评估所有市镇会在 Stain and Litter 67% 2019年4月至2020年3月的表现。(我国在去 estate maintenance observations. Come 2022, the TCMR will be split 年7月全国大选前有16个市镇会)裕廊-金文 Dumped bulky item / refuse 17% 泰市镇会表现良好,五项指标全数获绿色评 into two reports, with one covering only 级。这五项指标包括:清洁、维修保养、电梯服 corporate governance; the other report Moss 6% 务、服务与杂费(S&CC)欠款管理,以及企业 will cover the rest of the four operational 治理。绿色为最佳评级,其次是橙色和红色。 indicators indicated above. Graffiti 5%

KNOW THIS! Keep our common Cobweb 3% n the latest TCMR for Financial Year ABOUT TOWN COUNCIL MANAGEMENT REPORT 2019 ending 31 March 2020, which was Town Council Management Report (TCMR) released on 15 March 2021, Jurong- was introduced in 2009 to provide residents areas obstruction-free with objective information on the key areas of IClementi Town Council (JRTC) was among Types of Maintenance % of Total Observations the 13 Town Councils that scored green estate management. This enables engagement Observations between town councils and residents to bring across all the five performance indicators. Obstruction of common areas Having unobstructed access is important Objects stored at common areas may about improvements in these key areas. The 37% 【摘要】放置在组屋走廊和公共范围(包括 The indicators include: estate cleanliness, for all residents, and even more so for attract pests, become mosquito-breeding annual report, issued by the Ministry of National 楼梯间、消防栓附近)的杂物容易引起火灾, Storage of combustible items 13% estate maintenance, lift performance, service Development (MND), assesses the performance 危及安全。2019年,新加坡住宅场所共发生 wheelchair users, during house-moving, spots or lead to hygiene problems. and conservancy charges (S&CC) arrears of town councils in five areas: estate cleanliness, 1168起火灾事故;其中441起涉及遗留的杂 evacuations, and medical emergencies. If Moreover, clutter is unsightly and has been Unauthorised fixtures, e.g. 13% management and corporate governance. estate maintenance, lift performance, blind mounted as sun shade 物和家用品,因此畅通无阻的走廊通道对所 you need to place your small shoe rack or found by researchers to have a negative According to the report, stain and litter management of arrears in S&CC and corporate 有居民至关重要。如果需要将鞋架或折叠式 foldable clothing rack outside your flat, you impact on physical and mental health. For Damaged Plaster/large crack/ 11% (67%) and dumped bulky item and refuse governance. The green, amber or red ratings spalling concrete 衣架放在组屋单位外,请务必确保至少1.2米 are required to maintain uncluttered space example, dust from too much clutter may given are based on measurable, objective criteria (17%) were the top 2 cleanliness observations 无障碍空间,使组屋走廊畅通。 that is at least 1.2-metre wide. trigger an allergic reaction or an asthmatic submitted by town councils and their auditors. Wild plants/weeds 5% made by JRTC. The Town Council also noted For safety reasons, the Singapore Civil attack. o you know that obstructions found Defence Force (SCDF) does not permit For your convenience, our Town Council in HDB corridors and common areas excessive storage of combustibles and offers a Goodwill Free bulky item removal (including staircase landings, dry installation of clothing rack at common service which includes the disposal of Management of Driser compartments and hose reel corridor. Also, the placement/storage of unwanted or faulty bicycles. This service is Estate Estate Lift arrears in service compartments) pose a fire hazard and objects at staircase and its landing, as only applicable for HDB residents of Jurong cleanliness maintenance performance and conservancy endanger personal safety? well as within hose reel compartment GRC, Yuhua SMC and Bukit Batok SMC. Each charges (S&CC) In 2019 alone, 1,168 fire incidents and dry riser compartment is disallowed. household is limited to three items once a happened in Singapore’s residential In firefighting, every second counts. month per trip. Items for removal must be premises; 441 of them involved discarded Such obstruction hinders fire safety and placed outside the unit on the day of the items and household contents. Fires incur firefighting. Our property teams have been appointment. costs and are damaging to one’s health and making their rounds and advising residents environment. to keep common areas clutter-free.

Bookings for the removal of bulky items must be made at least 2 working days in advance. The service is available from Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays), between 2pm and 5pm. Residents can fill in the online form by scanning the QR code below to apply for bulky item removal Corporate LATEST PERFORMANCE FOR JRTC service, or call 6561 2222 to make the arrangement. governance The Town Council Management Report framework measures five key areas of estate management. Each area is presented as a single indicator.

08 JUL-SEP 2021 09 JUL-SEP 2021 JURONG CENTRAL Facelifts in our neighbourhood

Playground at Blk 426 Jurong Jogging track at Blk 301 to 310 BUKIT BATOK West Ave 1 Jurong East St 32 (Zone E) Fitness corner at Blk 407 St 42 JURONG SPRING

Blk 101 Bukit Batok West Ave 6 New covered walkway from drop-off point Blk 207 to 208 Bukit Batok Central Playground at Blk 624 Bukit Batok Central Upgraded playground at Blk Upgraded fitness corner at Blk 549 Jurong West St 42 460 Jurong West St 41 Fitness corner at Blk 460 Jurong West St 41 BUKIT BATOK EAST TAMAN JURONG

Blk 286B Toh Guan Rd fitness Blk 285D Toh Guan Rd corner playground New playground between Blk Upgraded multi-generation Blk 283 Toh Guan Rd drop off point 138A and 138C Yuan Ching Rd fitness corner at Blk 351 Corporation Drive New high covered linkway from Blk 346 to 346A Kang Ching Rd CLEMENTI YUHUA

Construction of roof over Upgrading of multi-generation Upgrading of playground and fitness corner at Blk 101 Jurong existing ramp at Blk 410 fitness corner and children's East St 13 Commonwealth Ave West to playground between Blk 357 Upgrading of awning for PCF kindergarten Repainting and repairs for Blk 241 to 245 Jurong existing bus stop and Blk 358 Clementi Ave 2 centre at Blk 462A Clementi Ave 3 East St 24

10 JUL-SEP 2021 11 JUL-SEP 2021 JURONG CENTRAL Celebrating as one community

Mr Xie Yao Quan joins his residents to keep the estate Getting an insight to the maintenance of rooftops. clean on SGClean day. Bond-building with residents of Jurong Central BUKIT BATOK JURONG SPRING

Mr Murali Pillai distributing dates to the Malay- The Sustainable Bright Spot initiative advocates Muslim community in Bukit Batok SMC. strong ownership of the cleanliness of our There are many cycling routes in Bukit Batok that you and your neighbours can neighbourhood. enjoy. Mr Shawn Huang Wei Zhong distributing Ramadan Joining Jurong-Clementi Town Council in estate Porridge. inspection. With a resident of Jurong Spring.


Mdm participates in “Rent-A-Craft, Meeting residents of Bukit Batok East. Pay-By-Trash” programme at Jurong Lake Gardens. Porridge distribution for the month of Ramadan. Mr Tharman engaging his residents at a community Mr and Mrs Tharman interacting with Taman Jurong event. resident in a community event. In conversation with a Taman Jurong resident.


Dr assisting in the packing of care packs Appreciating our conservancy workers for working Ms Grace Fu checking in on her residents at the Learning more about the roof works being carried out for our conservancy workers. tirelessly to keep our estate clean. Distributing care packs that consist of necessities and food items. vaccination centre of Yuhua. at the estates of Yuhua. Celebrating the festivities with residents of Yuhua.

12 JUL-SEP 2021 13 JUL-SEP 2021 议员网上接见选民活动

尚达曼 先生 国务资政兼社会政策统筹部长 Email: [email protected] Phone: 6268 6016

拉哈尤 女士 卫生部兼通讯及新闻部政务次长

Email: [email protected] Phone: 6563 2917 (Blk 241 ) Phone: 6567 4739 (Blk 208 )

谢曜全 先生 Email: [email protected] 裕廊-金文泰市镇理事会主席 Phone: 6563 5516

黄伟中 先生 Email: [email protected] Phone: 6665 9631

陈有明 医生 Email: [email protected] Phone: 6874 5992

傅海燕 女士 永续发展与环境部长 Email: [email protected] WhatsApp: 9335 9218 Phone: 6561 2617

穆仁理 先生 Email: [email protected] WhatsApp: 9349 4087 Phone: 6561 4656

14 JUL-SEP 2021 Picture A

Contact Us CALL • 6561-2222 • 1800-561-7776 • 1800-275-5555 (After Office Hours, EMSU)


OUR NEIGHBOURHOOD is the quarterly publication by Jurong-Clementi Town Council. The magazine is distributed free of charge to 83,059 households in Bukit Batok, Bukit Batok East, Clementi, Jurong Central, Jurong Spring, Taman Jurong and Yuhua. Copyright is held by the Town Council and the publisher, Focus Publishing, Singapore Press Holdings (SPH), Chinese Media Group (CMG). Production in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

Congratulations to our Quiz Winners! (Oct/Dec 2019 issue)

Picture B Ow Chuan Boey Cecilia Ker Yi Xian Esther Spot five differences between these two pictures Lau Lai Peng and circle them in Picture B. There are 20 prizes to be Participant contact details: Chen Swee Yew won. Results and answers will be announced in our next Siaw Moy Yin issue of Our Neighbourhood. Tham Wai Wing Full Name: Simply complete the contest, seal your completed Koh Horne Mun official entry form in an envelope and post it to: Ng Bee Eng Toh Liy Shan Quiz, c/o Jurong-Clementi Town Council Address: Sylvia Seow Chwee Gek Block 630, Bukit Batok Central, #01-146, Sewa Ne Hua Foo Ah Kiat Singapore 650630 Qing Qing Ang Bee Keow • Twenty all-correct entries will each win a prize from the Town Council. • All winners will be notified by post. Enzo Chan Jinn Zhuo • Closing date: 30 September 2021. Lai Weng Keong • Open to Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents living in Contact Number: Halela Binte Maward Vincent Neo Kok Hiong our estates. Email: • Only original forms will be accepted. Rahmat bin Slamat • The judges' decision shall be final. Foong Soon Leng, Joyce

16 JUL-SEP 2021