Legislative ReportLeadingAge Indiana Prepared by: Barnes & Thornburg LLP Report created on February 4, 2021

HB1001 STATE BUDGET (BROWN T) Appropriates money for capital expenditures, the operation of the state, K-12 and higher education, the delivery of Medicaid and other services, and various other distributions and purposes. Replaces the governor with the budget director or the budget director's designee on the state board of finance. Renames the personal services/fringe benefits contingency fund as the budget agency contingency fund (fund). Adds the following authorized fund uses: (1) Emergency capital project expenses. (2) Necessary expenses for existing programs as determined by the governor and budget director. Removes a provision that prevents transfers from the fund for other purposes. Requires the budget committee to be advised of each transfer from the fund that exceeds $500,000. Replaces the state librarian with the budget director as a member of the enhanced access fee committee. Transfers the operations of the Indiana department of gaming research into a newly established gaming research division of the Indiana gaming commission. Repeals the exoneration fund. Provides that any money remaining in the fund is transferred to the state general fund. Replaces the director of the budget agency with the director of the office of management and budget as an ex officio voting member of the board of trustees of the Indiana public retirement system (INPRS). Removes the annual appropriation provision for the examinations fund of the state board of accounts. Replaces the state superintendent of public instruction with the secretary of education or the secretary's designee as a member of the distressed unit appeal board. Amends the venture capital investment tax credit to apply to taxpayers that provide qualified investment capital to certain qualified Indiana investment funds (qualified fund). Provides that the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) may only certify a fund as a qualified fund if the fund meets the definition of a venture capital fund under federal regulations and the fund makes investments according to specified policy requirements and priorities. Provides that a taxpayer may not claim a credit certified with regard to a qualified fund before July 1, 2023. Specifies the maximum available tax credits in a calendar year with regard to a qualified fund. Increases the maximum available tax credits in a calendar year with regard to qualified Indiana businesses under current law, including an additional increase in the maximum amount if the qualified Indiana business is a minority business enterprise or a women's business enterprise. Caps the total amount of credits that the IEDC may award in a calendar year at $20,000,000, provided that not more than $7,500,000 is awarded for proposed investments in a qualified fund. Provides that, beginning July 1, 2021, all aviation fuel excise tax revenue is transferred to the airport development grant fund (under current law, 50% of the aviation fuel excise tax revenue is transferred to the general fund and 50% is transferred to the airport development grant fund). Adjusts the distributions from the excise fund to increase the amount transferred to the enforcement and administration fund and correspondingly decrease the amount transferred to the state general fund. Clarifies the equal opportunity procurement and contracting requirements for certain projects. Removes the sunset of provisions regarding public-private agreements that provide that legislative approval is not required to impose tolls on certain projects. Specifies that, except for those certain projects, the general assembly must enact authorizing legislation before the Indiana department of transportation (INDOT), the Indiana finance authority (IFA), or an operator may enter into public-private agreements that impose user fees on motor vehicles for use on highways and roads in existence or under construction on July 1, 2011. Provides that the IFA must be a party to any public-private agreement that requires payments to be made to an operator after the operator receives final payment for construction. Specifies the IFA's bonding authority for public- private partnership projects. Removes annual budget committee review of the distribution formula established by INDOT for the public mass transportation fund. Extends the expiration of the hospital assessment fee and the quality assessment fee from June 30, 2021, to June 30, 2023. Removes a provision that prevents unused money appropriated to the department of education for the advanced placement program from reverting to the state general fund. Establishes a definition of "virtual instruction" for purposes of determining a school corporation's basic tuition support using the average daily membership (ADM). Provides that any increase in the maximum higher education award and freedom of choice award by the commission for higher education is subject to approval by the budget agency. (Under current law, the commission's annual determination of the maximum awards is subject to approval by the budget agency with review by the budget committee.) Requires money from judicial insurance adjustment fees to be deposited in the state general fund. Appropriates $400,000,000 from the state general fund to the pre-1996 account of the teachers' retirement fund of the INPRS. Appropriates amounts for defeasing bonds. Allows the budget agency to augment the county jail maintenance continency fund appropriation from the state general fund for the 2020-2021 state fiscal year by an amount necessary to cover jail and parole holds. Specifies the uses for the augmented amount. Makes corresponding changes. Current Status: 1/14/2021 - Referred to House Ways and Means Recent Status: 1/14/2021 - First Reading

1/14/2021 - Coauthored by Representatives Porter, Cherry and Sullivan

HB1002 CIVIL IMMUNITY RELATED TO COVID-19 (TORR J) Protects health care providers from professional discipline for certain acts or omissions arising from a disaster emergency unless the act or omission constitutes gross negligence, willful or wanton misconduct, or intentional misrepresentation. Provides that a health care provider is not protected from professional discipline for actions that are outside the skills, education, and training of the health care provider, unless certain circumstances apply. Specifies that orders and recommendations issued by local, state, and federal government agencies and officials during a state disaster emergency do not create new causes of action or new legal duties. Specifies that the orders and recommendations are presumed irrelevant to the issue of the existence of a duty or breach of a duty. Specifies that the orders and recommendations are inadmissible at trial to establish that a new cause of action has been created or proof of a duty or a breach of a duty. Prohibits filing a class action lawsuit against a defendant in a civil action allowed by the statute. Specifies that a governmental entity or employee is not liable if a loss results from an act or omission arising from COVID-19 unless the act or omission constitutes gross negligence, willful or wanton misconduct, or intentional misrepresentation. Provides that a person is not liable to a claimant for loss, damage, injury, or death arising from COVID-19 unless the claimant proves by clear and convincing evidence that the person caused the loss, damage, injury, or death by an act or omission constituting gross negligence, willful or wanton misconduct, or intentional misrepresentation. Provides immunity from civil liability to certain persons, entities, and facilities providing health care and other services for certain acts or omissions related to the provision of health care services and other services during a state disaster emergency. Current Status: 2/2/2021 - Referred to Senate Recent Status: 2/1/2021 - Senate sponsors: Senators Messmer, Brown L, Freeman

2/1/2021 - added as third sponsor Senator Freeman

HB1048 PRACTITIONER IDENTIFICATION AND ADVERTISING (ZENT D) Provides that a practitioner holding a license issued by the board of chiropractic examiners, the state board of dentistry, the state board of health facility administrators, the medical licensing board, the state board of nursing, the optometry board, the board of pharmacy, the board of podiatric medicine, the speech-language pathology and audiology board, the state psychology board, the board of physical therapy, the respiratory care committee, the occupational therapy committee, the behavioral health and human services licensing board, the physician assistant committee, or the athletic trainers board is subject to disciplinary sanctions if the practitioner: (1) communicates or disseminates to the general public an advertisement that includes deceptive or misleading information or does not prominently state the type of license held by the practitioner; or (2) fails, while providing direct patient care, to wear an identification badge that clearly sets forth the practitioner's first and last name, type of license, and, if applicable, status as a student, intern, trainee, or resident. Establishes certain exceptions. Provides, for purposes of the law prohibiting the unlawful practice of medicine or osteopathic medicine, that "the practice of medicine or osteopathic medicine" includes attaching to an individual's name the words "anesthesiologist", "cardiologist", "dermatologist", or other specified words that identify a member of a medical specialty. Current Status: 1/4/2021 - Referred to House Public Health Recent Status: 1/4/2021 - First Reading

1/4/2021 - Authored By

HB1052 CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECKS (THOMPSON J) Amends criminal background check requirements in numerous provisions throughout the Indiana Code to uniformly require an expanded criminal history check. Requires the state police department or a law enforcement agency to refund a fee collected for release or inspection of an individual's limited criminal history if the state police department or the law enforcement agency is unable to provide any information regarding the individual's history of arrest or criminal charges. Makes technical corrections. Current Status: 1/4/2021 - Referred to House Veterans Affairs and Public Safety Recent Status: 1/4/2021 - First Reading

1/4/2021 - Authored By Jeffrey Thompson

HB1057 EMS IMMUNITY (TORR J) Adds: (1) certified emergency medical responders; (2) certified advanced emergency medical technicians; and (3) licensed paramedics; to certain statutes concerning negligence and emergency medical services. Provides that a certified emergency medical technician who provides certain emergency medical services (EMS) to an emergency patient is not liable for an act or omission in providing those services unless the act or omission constitutes gross negligence or willful misconduct. Provides that a certified emergency medical responder who uses an automatic or a semiautomatic defibrillator on an emergency patient according to certain procedures is immune from civil liability for acts or omissions when rendering those services unless the act or omission constitutes gross negligence or willful misconduct. Provides that an act or omission of a licensed paramedic or a certified advanced emergency medical technician done or omitted in good faith while providing advanced life support to a patient or trauma victim does not impose liability upon the paramedic or advanced emergency medical technician, the authorizing physician, the hospital, or the officers, members of the staff, nurses, other employees of the hospital, or the local governmental unit unless the act or omission constitutes gross negligence or willful misconduct. Current Status: 1/4/2021 - Referred to House Judiciary Recent Status: 1/4/2021 - First Reading

1/4/2021 - Authored By

HB1074 END OF LIFE OPTIONS (PIERCE M) Allows individuals with a terminal illness who meet certain requirements to make a request to an attending provider for medication that the individual may take to bring about a peaceful death. Specifies requirements a provider must meet in order to prescribe the medication to a patient. Prohibits an insurer from denying payment of benefits under a life insurance policy based upon a suicide clause in the life insurance policy if the death of the insured individual is the result of medical aid in dying. Establishes a Level 1 felony if a person: (1) without authorization of the patient, willfully alters, forges, conceals, or destroys a request for medication or a rescission of a request for medication with the intent or effect of causing the individual's death; or (2) knowingly or intentionally coerces or exerts undue influence on an individual to request medication to bring about a peaceful death or to destroy a rescission of a request for medication to bring about a peaceful death. Establishes a Class A misdemeanor if a person, without authorization of the patient, willfully alters, forges, conceals, or destroys a request for medication or a rescission of a request for medication in order to affect a health care decision by the individual. Establishes certain criminal and civil immunity for health care providers. Current Status: 1/4/2021 - Referred to House Public Health Recent Status: 1/4/2021 - First Reading

1/4/2021 - Authored By

HB1081 MEDICAID SELF-DIRECTED CARE (THOMPSON J) Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to apply to the United States Department of Health and Human Services for a state plan amendment requesting participation in the community first choice option to provide home and community based attendant services and related supports to Medicaid recipients. Current Status: 1/4/2021 - Referred to House Public Health Recent Status: 1/4/2021 - First Reading

1/4/2021 - Authored By Jeffrey Thompson

HB1087 LEAD FREE PLUMBING PRODUCTS IN SCHOOL BUILDINGS (HARRIS JR. E) Requires the governing body of a school corporation to ensure that every plumbing product: (1) acquired for installation in; (2) installed as part of; or (3) used in repairing or installing; the potable water system of a school building is lead free, according to the definition in the federal Safe Drinking Water Act regulations. Current Status: 1/4/2021 - Referred to House Environmental Affairs Recent Status: 1/4/2021 - First Reading

1/4/2021 - Authored By Jr

HB1118 MOBILE INTEGRATED HEALTHCARE PROGRAMS AND SAFETY PLANS (SCHAIBLEY D) Provides that an individualized mental health safety plan includes information concerning a patient's physical health. Provides that an emergency medical services provider agency with an approved mobile integrated healthcare program shall be operated by a city, town, or township in accordance with the rules and under the guidance of the Indiana emergency medical services commission. Provides that upon disclosure of a patient's individualized mental health safety plan, a mobile integrated healthcare program or a mental health community paramedicine program may provide certain services to help facilitate the patient's safe transition back into the community. Provides that a representative of a mobile integrated healthcare program or a representative of a mental health community paramedicine program may request a patient's individualized mental health safety plan from a psychiatric crisis center, psychiatric inpatient unit, or psychiatric residential treatment provider if certain conditions are met. Current Status: 2/4/2021 - Second reading ordered engrossed Recent Status: 2/2/2021 - House Bills on Second Reading

2/2/2021 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted

HB1121 STATE OF DISASTER EMERGENCIES (LUCAS J) Provides that a state of disaster emergency (emergency) may not continue for longer than: (1) 14 days after the date of the governor's executive order, if the executive order is not renewed; or (2) 28 days after the date of the governor's executive order, if the executive order is renewed for an additional 14 days. Provides that the governor: (1) may renew a state of disaster emergency only once for a period of not more than 14 days if it is based on the same or substantially similar underlying set of facts as the original state of disaster emergency; and (2) shall notify the general assembly at least six days prior to the expiration of the original state of disaster emergency if the governor intends to renew the state of disaster emergency. Provides that the general assembly, by concurrent resolution, may do the following at its discretion when addressing the state of disaster emergency: (1) Extend the state of disaster emergency and state how long the state of disaster emergency will be extended. (2) Approve a new state of disaster emergency if requested by the governor. (3) Limit or expand the scope of the governor's powers. Provides that the governor may not issue a new executive order to circumvent the renewal limitations in the case of a state of disaster emergency based on the same or substantially similar underlying set of facts as the original state of disaster emergency. Provides that if the governor calls for a special session to address a state of disaster emergency, the general assembly shall only consider legislation concerning the same or substantially similar underlying set of facts of the original state of disaster emergency that was declared. Provides that an executive order issued, renewed, or extended shall be made in accordance with the hierarchy of law governing the state of Indiana. Provides that the governor shall not suspend or limit the lawful sale, dispensing, or transportation of any firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessory. Provides that the implementation of certain executive orders does not apply to a violation of offenses related to emergency management and disaster law. Repeals the authority of local health officers to order schools and churches closed and forbid public gatherings when considered necessary by the local health officers to prevent and stop epidemics. Provides that a public health authority may petition a court to impose a quarantine. (Current law allows a public health authority to impose a quarantine without petitioning a court.) Provides that a local health officer or a local or state agency may not close schools, athletic events, and other nonessential situations in which people gather in the event of a quarantine. Makes conforming changes. Current Status: 1/7/2021 - Referred to House Rules and Legislative Procedures Recent Status: 1/7/2021 - First Reading

1/7/2021 - Coauthored by Representatives Morris, Morrison, Judy

HB1123 STATE OF DISASTER EMERGENCIES (LEHMAN M) Provides that a state of disaster emergency may not continue for longer than 30 days unless the state of disaster emergency is renewed for an additional 30 days by the governor and the general assembly is in session or the governor has called for a special session under Article 4, Section 9 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana. Provides that, after the initial 30 day renewal of the state of disaster emergency, any subsequent renewal or revision of the state of disaster emergency may be renewed or revised by the governor every 30 days. Provides that the state of disaster emergency is terminated if, during any 60 day period while the state of disaster emergency is in effect, the general assembly has not been in session or the governor has not called for a special session under Article 4, Section 9 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana. Provides that a special session of the general assembly may convene at any time during the 30 days after which the governor issues a proclamation that calls for a special session of the general assembly. Current Status: 2/4/2021 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted Recent Status: 2/4/2021 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 7; Nays: 2;

2/4/2021 - House Rules and Legislative Procedures, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)

HB1141 TRANSPORTATION FOR MEDICAID PRESUMPTIVE ELIGIBLE (CAMPBELL C) Requires coverage for nonemergency medical transportation of individuals who have been deemed presumptively eligible for Medicaid during the time in which the individual is deemed presumptively eligible for Medicaid. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to apply for any Medicaid state plan amendment or waiver necessary to provide for the coverage. Current Status: 1/7/2021 - Referred to House Public Health Recent Status: 1/7/2021 - First Reading

1/7/2021 - Authored By Chris Campbell

HB1152 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE (LEONARD D) Clarifies provisions concerning the overpayment of unemployment benefits resulting from fraud or failure to disclose wages and the forfeiture of benefits or wage credits. Current Status: 2/2/2021 - Senate sponsor: Senator Boots Recent Status: 2/2/2021 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 42: yeas 93, nays 0

2/2/2021 - House Bills on Third Reading

HB1157 AGED AND DISABLED MEDICAID WAIVER REIMBURSEMENT (KARICKHOFF M) Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning to annually calculate the annual index factor for reimbursement of aged and disabled waiver assisted living providers and specifies the manner in which to make the calculation. Requires the annual index factor to be posted on the office's Internet web site. Requires the new payment rates to be implemented before July 1 of each year. Current Status: 1/7/2021 - Referred to House Public Health Recent Status: 1/7/2021 - First Reading

1/7/2021 - Authored By

HB1158 MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT OF ASSISTED LIVING SERVICES (KARICKHOFF M) Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to, beginning July 1, 2021, reimburse for home and community based services provided to a Medicaid recipient beginning on the date of the individual's Medicaid application (current law allows rather than requires the reimbursement). Current Status: 1/7/2021 - Referred to House Public Health Recent Status: 1/7/2021 - First Reading

1/7/2021 - Authored By Michael Karickhoff

HB1159 EXTENSION OF RISK BASED MANAGED CARE PROHIBITION (KARICKHOFF M) Extends the prohibition against the inclusion of certain Medicaid recipients in a risk based managed care program or capitated managed care program from June 30, 2021, to June 30, 2023. Current Status: 1/7/2021 - Referred to House Public Health Recent Status: 1/7/2021 - First Reading

1/7/2021 - Authored By Michael Karickhoff

HB1177 STRATEGIC PLAN ON DEMENTIA (PORTER G) Requires the state department of health to develop a strategic plan concerning dementia in Indiana. Establishes the Indiana dementia council (council) and sets forth duties of the council. Beginning June 30, 2021, requires the council to submit a report to the governor's office and the general assembly concerning dementia, research on Alzheimer's disease, and the outcomes of implementing the dementia strategic plan. Current Status: 1/7/2021 - Referred to House Public Health Recent Status: 1/7/2021 - First Reading

1/7/2021 - Authored By Gregory Porter

HB1184 UNIFORM TREATMENT OF ENTITIES DURING AN EMERGENCY (MORRISON A) Provides that during a disaster or emergency beyond local control, any order, rule, or regulation made, amended, or rescinded by the governor limiting the operation of a business or industry shall be applied equally to all other businesses and industries. Provides that if there is a specific threat to a particular business or industry, any disparate treatment towards the particular business or industry shall be justified by specific findings as to why the particular business or industry is being treated differently. Current Status: 1/7/2021 - Referred to House Government and Regulatory Reform Recent Status: 1/7/2021 - First Reading

1/7/2021 - Authored By Alan Morrison

HB1203 VARIOUS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH MATTERS (MCNAMARA W) Provides that the state department of health (department) may officially be known as the Indiana department of health. Removes by July 1, 2022, appeals panels from the appeals process of department orders. Provides that the executive board of the department's designee may act as the ultimate authority for department matters under the administrative and procedures laws. Provides that the state health commissioner (commissioner) is the appointing authority and director of the department. Provides that any physicians employed by the department are governed by the state ethics commission's conflict of interest requirements. Allows the commissioner to designate in writing employees in the department who are licensed as a physician and may engage in the practice of medicine outside of their official duties. Provides that the state is not liable for any act performed by a physician employed by the department for any medical care provided to a patient by the physician that is provided in an individual capacity as a licensed physician. Removes the executive board of the department from determining the commissioner's salary. Provides that the commissioner's salary is determined by the governor and the state budget agency. Removes the executive board's approval for the commissioner to organize the personnel and functions of the department into divisions and subdivisions. Extends the expiration of the syringe exchange program until July 1, 2030. Current Status: 2/2/2021 - Senate sponsor: Senator Crider Recent Status: 2/2/2021 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 46: yeas 93, nays 1

2/2/2021 - House Bills on Third Reading

HB1247 CHILD CARE PROVIDER NOTICE (VERMILION A) Allows the division of family resources (division) to send certain notices to: (1) an applicant for licensure as a child care center, licensure as a child care home, or registration as a child care ministry; and (2) a licensed child care center, a licensed child care home, and a registered child care ministry; by electronic mail instead of by certified mail. Requires: (1) an applicant for licensure as a child care center, licensure as a child care home, or registration as a child care ministry to provide a current and valid electronic mail address to the division in the application; and (2) a licensed child care center, a licensed child care home, and a registered child care ministry to maintain the provided electronic mail address for the duration of the licensure or registration. Current Status: 2/2/2021 - added as coauthor Representative Jackson Recent Status: 2/2/2021 - Senate sponsor: Senator Ford Jon

2/2/2021 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 51: yeas 95, nays 0

HB1250 STATE DISASTER EMERGENCIES (GOODRICH C) Provides that a state of disaster emergency may not continue for longer than 30 days unless the state of disaster emergency is renewed for an additional 30 days by the governor and the general assembly is in session or the governor has called for a special session under Article 4, Section 9 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana. Provides that, after the initial 30 day renewal of the state of disaster emergency, any subsequent renewal or revision of the state of disaster emergency may be renewed or revised by the governor every 30 days. Provides that the state of disaster emergency is terminated if, during any 60 day period while the state of disaster emergency is in effect, the general assembly has not been in session or the governor has not called for a special session under Article 4, Section 9 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana. Provides that a special session of the general assembly may convene at any time during the 30 days after which the governor issues a proclamation that calls for a special session of the general assembly. Current Status: 1/14/2021 - Referred to Committee on Rules and Legislative Procedures Recent Status: 1/14/2021 - First Reading

1/14/2021 - Authored By Chuck Goodrich

HB1258 CIVIL IMMUNITY RELATED TO COVID-19 (YOUNG J) Provides that a person or the person's agent who conducts business in Indiana is not liable in a civil action claiming an injury from exposure or potential exposure to COVID-19 if the act or omission alleged to violate a duty of care of the person or agent was committed or omitted in compliance with or was consistent with any of the following applicable at the time of the alleged exposure: (1) Federal or state regulations. (2) An executive order issued by the president of the United States or the governor. (3) Guidance. Defines guidance as written guidelines related to COVID-19 issued by any of the following: (1) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2) The Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the United States Department of Labor. (3) The Indiana state department of health. (4) Any other agency, board, or commission of the state of Indiana. Specifies that the limited liability for alleged COVID-19 exposures does not apply to a cause of action for medical malpractice. Provides that immunity from civil liability is not granted to a person whose actions or omissions constitute gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct. Current Status: 1/14/2021 - Referred to House Judiciary Recent Status: 1/14/2021 - First Reading

1/14/2021 - Authored By John Young

HB1286 TELEHEALTH MATTERS (LINDAUER S) Prohibits the Medicaid program from specifying originating sites and distant sites for purposes of Medicaid reimbursement and voids administrative rules with these requirements. Changes the use of the term "telemedicine" to "telehealth". Expands the application of the telehealth statute to additional licensed practitioners instead of applying only to prescribers. Amends the definition of "telehealth". Requires that the telehealth medical records be created and maintained under the same standards of appropriate practice for medical records for patients in an in-person setting. Specifies that a patient waives confidentiality of medical information concerning individuals in the vicinity when the patient is using telehealth. Current Status: 1/26/2021 - House Public Health, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing) Recent Status: 1/14/2021 - Referred to House Public Health

1/14/2021 - First Reading

HB1294 LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS (PRESCOTT J) Provides that the general assembly may convene in an "initiated session" under either of the following circumstances: (1) The governor issues a proclamation or an executive order declaring a state of emergency and the speaker of the house and the president pro tempore of the senate issue a joint order for the general assembly to convene. (2) If 67 or more members of the house and 34 or more members of the senate sign a petition addressed to the speaker of the house and the president pro tempore of the senate to convene a session of the general assembly. Provides that an initiated session may not continue for more than 40 calendar days. Provides that for purposes of Article 5, Section 14 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana, a vetoed bill passed at a session of the general assembly must be reconsidered and voted upon as provided in Article 5, Section 14 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana not later than the sine die adjournment of the next regular session that occurs after the session that first passed the bill. Makes conforming changes. Current Status: 1/14/2021 - Referred to House Rules and Legislative Procedures Recent Status: 1/14/2021 - First Reading

1/14/2021 - Coauthored by Representative Thompson

HB1296 STATE DISASTER EMERGENCIES (PRESCOTT J) Provides that the renewal of the state of disaster emergency does not become effective unless it is approved by the general assembly. Provides that if the governor calls a special session for the purpose of renewing the state of disaster emergency, the: (1) governor shall notify the general assembly 10 days prior to the governor's intention to renew the state of disaster emergency; and (2) renewal shall be based on the same or substantially similar underlying set of facts as the original state of disaster emergency. Provides that the governor may not issue a new executive order to circumvent the renewal limitations in the case of a state of disaster emergency based on the same or substantially similar underlying set of facts as the original state of disaster emergency. Provides that any order, rule, or regulation limiting the operation of a business or industry shall be applied equally to all other businesses and industries. Provides, however, that the uniform treatment of all other businesses and industries does not apply to isolated events that include an act of God, such as a fire, an earthquake, a hurricane, a storm, or a similar natural disaster phenomenon. Makes conforming changes. Current Status: 1/14/2021 - Referred to House Rules and Legislative Procedures Recent Status: 1/14/2021 - First Reading

1/14/2021 - Coauthored by Representatives Lindauer and Baird

HB1336 COVID-19 RELIEF FOR BUSINESSES (HOSTETTLER M) Establishes the business owner compensation fund for the purpose of funding payments to business owners in compensation for business losses experienced before July 1, 2021, that were caused by the state as a result of executive orders issued due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Makes an appropriation. Current Status: 1/14/2021 - Referred to House Ways and Means Recent Status: 1/14/2021 - First Reading

1/14/2021 - Authored By

HB1347 TELEMEDICINE (LINDAUER S) Expands the list of medical professionals from which home health agencies may accept written orders. Changes the requirements for the issuance of a prescription via telemedicine. Provides that advanced practice registered nurses may operate in multiple locations in collaboration with a physician. Increases the number of pharmacy technicians that a single licensed pharmacist may supervise. Provides that pharmacy technicians may perform certain work remotely without the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist. Current Status: 1/14/2021 - Referred to House Public Health Recent Status: 1/14/2021 - First Reading

1/14/2021 - Coauthored by Representatives Lehman, Davisson, Vermilion

HB1354 EMERGENCY POWERS (SPEEDY M) Provides that in the event of a disaster emergency, an emergency order issued by a state agency must be narrowly tailored to serve a compelling public health or safety interest. Entitles a person to relief if a court determines that the person seeking judicial relief has been prejudiced by an agency action issued during a disaster emergency that has not been: (1) applied equally to a similarly situated person; and (2) narrowly tailored to serve a compelling public health or safety interest. Provides that the orders, rules, and regulations made, amended, or rescinded by the governor must be narrowly tailored to serve a compelling public health or safety interest. Requires any state or local agency, including the state department of health and local boards of health, to only impose a restriction that is narrowly tailored to serve a compelling public health or safety interest. Provides that any order or proclamation declaring, continuing, or terminating a local disaster emergency must be narrowly tailored to serve a compelling public health or safety interest. Provides that: (1) the initial state of disaster emergency may not continue longer than 30 days following the initial date of the declaration; and (2) a state of disaster emergency may not be renewed or extended by the governor without the approval of the general assembly. Provides that if the governor calls a special session, the special session shall be limited only to consideration of the purpose for which the initial state of disaster emergency was declared. Current Status: 1/14/2021 - Referred to House Rules and Legislative Procedures Recent Status: 1/14/2021 - First Reading

1/14/2021 - Authored By Mike Speedy

HB1405 INSURANCE MATTERS (CARBAUGH M) Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to apply before December 31, 2021, for a Medicaid state plan amendment to effectuate the federal long term care insurance partnership program (program). Provides that the state's current long term care insurance program applies to policies entered into, issued, or renewed before July 1, 2022. Defines "qualified long term care insurance policy". Provides administrative, reporting, and continuing education requirements for the program. Requires a provider to provide the health records requested by a patient within 30 days after the date the written request is made. Allows the state department of health to impose a fine against a provider not to exceed $5,000 for not complying with the requirements to provide the patient's health records. Provides that if a resident insurance producer completed more than 24 hours of credit in continuing education courses before the effective date of the producer's last license renewal, not more than 12 of the excess hours of credit for those continuing education courses may apply toward satisfaction of the continuing education requirement for the producer's next license renewal, subject to the following restrictions: (1) The credit must be for a continuing education course that the producer completed not more than 120 days before the effective date of the producer's last license renewal. (2) The credit cannot be for completing a continuing education course on the subject of ethics or long term care insurance. Requires the insurance commissioner to adopt rules to implement these requirements. Current Status: 2/1/2021 - House Financial Institutions and Insurance, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing) Recent Status: 1/14/2021 - Referred to Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance

1/14/2021 - First Reading

HB1408 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSURE RECIPROCITY (CARBAUGH M) Requires a board that issues a license for certain regulated occupations to issue a license to an individual who: (1) is licensed in the regulated occupation in another state or jurisdiction; (2) has established residency in Indiana; (3) has passed a substantially equivalent examination as determined by the board; (4) is and has been in good standing in the individual's licensure in the other state or jurisdiction; (5) pays a fee to the board; and (6) completes the licensure application form required by the board. Allows a board that requires an applicant to submit to a national criminal history background check to maintain that requirement with regard to applicants for licensure who meet all of the license endorsement requirements. Provides that nothing in the bill prevents or supersedes a: (1) compact; or (2) reciprocity or comity agreement; if established by the board or the general assembly. Provides that, if a board has entered into a national reciprocal or endorsement agreement or a reciprocal or endorsement agreement with one or more states, those agreements remain in effect. Current Status: 1/14/2021 - Referred to House Employment, Labor and Pensions Recent Status: 1/14/2021 - First Reading

1/14/2021 - Authored By

HB1412 STATE OF DISASTER EMERGENCIES (ELLINGTON J) Provides that the governor shall not limit the operation of a business, industry, or religious organization as long as the business, industry, or religious organization is following standard safety procedures and guidelines when making, amending, and rescinding the necessary orders, rules, and regulations in the event of a disaster or emergency beyond local control. Provides that: (1) the initial state of disaster emergency may not continue longer than 30 days following the initial date of the declaration; and (2) a state of disaster emergency may not be renewed or extended by the governor without the approval of the general assembly. Provides that if the governor calls a special session, the special session shall be limited only to consideration of the purpose for which the initial state of disaster emergency was declared. Provides that if a local emergency is declared, a political subdivision may not limit the operation of a business, industry, or religious organization as long as the business, industry, or religious organization is following standard safety procedures and guidelines. Provides that an emergency order or emergency action longer than seven days that is issued by a county health officer or municipal health officer must be approved by the executive of a unit that has an established health department. Provides that any extensions of an emergency order or emergency action issued by a county health officer or a municipal health officer must be approved by the executive of a unit every 30 days. Repeals the provision giving local health officers the authority to order churches closed when considered necessary by the local health officers to prevent and stop epidemics. Provides that a public health authority shall not limit the operation of a business, industry, or religious organization in the event of a quarantine as long as the business, industry, or religious organization is following standard safety procedures and guidelines. Makes conforming changes. Current Status: 1/14/2021 - Referred to House Government and Regulatory Reform Recent Status: 1/14/2021 - First Reading

1/14/2021 - Coauthored by Representatives Abbott and VanNatter

HB1462 SECRETARY OF STATE SECURITIES DIVISION MATTERS (HEATON R) Allows the Indiana securities commissioner to request additional information for determining whether a franchise offer or sale is exempt from registration requirements. Provides that a continuing care retirement community's annual disclosure statement must be filed not later than 12 months following the end of its fiscal year. Provides that an individual may not engage in loan processing activities unless certain requirements have been met. Provides that a registered mortgage loan originator is not required to obtain a license under the law governing loan brokers. Provides that the securities division may discipline an individual who fails to comply with disclosure requirements. Amends the law on the licensing of collection agencies by adding a definition of "branch office" and providing that it is unlawful to operate a branch office without meeting certain requirements or to fail to comply with certain disclosure requirements. Current Status: 2/2/2021 - Referred to Senate Recent Status: 2/1/2021 - Senate sponsor: Senator Holdman

2/1/2021 - Third reading passed; Roll Call 29: yeas 94, nays 2

HB1570 VOLUNTARY FAMILY LEAVE INSURANCE PROGRAM (JOHNSON B) Requires the department of insurance to establish, not later than January 1, 2022, a family leave insurance program (program) for the purpose of providing benefits to employees who elect to participate in the program. Requires that: (1) the program be voluntary for both employers and employees; (2) both employers and employees make contributions to the program to fund benefits; (3) employee contributions be made by payroll deduction; (4) the benefit eligibility requirements established for the program include, at a minimum, the requirements that qualify an employee for leave under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act; and (5) an employee have the option to select whether the employee's benefit is equal to 100%, 75%, or 50 % of the employee's salary and the number of weeks that a benefit will be paid. Requires the department of insurance to develop the program with the assistance of and in coordination with the department of labor. Requires the department of insurance, not later than November 1, 2021, to submit a report to the legislative council and the budget committee concerning the proposed program. Establishes the family leave insurance program trust fund (trust fund) for the purpose of paying program benefits. Transfers and appropriates the balance in the political subdivision risk management fund to the trust fund. Current Status: 1/14/2021 - Referred to House Financial Institutions and Insurance Recent Status: 1/14/2021 - First Reading

1/14/2021 - Coauthored by Representative Gore

SB1 CIVIL IMMUNITY RELATED TO COVID-19 (MESSMER M) Provides civil tort immunity for damages arising from COVID-19 on the premises owned or operated by a person, on any premises on which the person or an employee or agent of the person provided property or services to the individual, or during an activity managed, organized, or sponsored by the person, except for an act or omission that constitutes gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct (including fraud and intentionally tortious acts). Defines "COVID-19 protective product" and provides civil tort immunity for harm that results from the design, manufacture, labeling, sale, distribution, or donation of a COVID- 19 protective product, except for an act or omission that constitutes gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct (including fraud and intentionally tortious acts). Prohibits class action suits. Current Status: 2/2/2021 - Senate Bills on Second Reading Recent Status: 2/2/2021 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted

2/2/2021 - House Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 9; Nays: 4;

SB3 TELEHEALTH MATTERS (CHARBONNEAU E) Prohibits the Medicaid program from specifying originating sites and distant sites for purposes of Medicaid reimbursement. Changes the use of the term "telemedicine" to "telehealth". Specifies certain activities that are considered to be health care services for purposes of the telehealth laws. Expands the application of the telehealth statute to additional licensed practitioners instead of applying only to prescribers. Amends the definition of "telehealth". Requires that the telehealth medical records be created and maintained under the same standards of appropriate practice for medical records for patients in an in-person setting. Specifies that a patient waives confidentiality of medical information concerning individuals in the vicinity when the patient is using telehealth. Prohibits certain insurance policies and individual and group contracts from mandating the use of certain technology applications in the provision of telehealth services. Current Status: 2/2/2021 - Cosponsors: Representatives Barrett and Shackleford Recent Status: 2/2/2021 - House sponsor: Representative Lindauer

2/2/2021 - Third reading passed;

SB4 HEALTH CARE PROVIDER IMMUNITY (CHARBONNEAU E) Adds: (1) admissions to health facilities or housing with services establishments; and (2) services provided by additional health care professionals; to the definition of "health care services" for purposes of immunity for providing services during a declared disaster emergency. Provides civil immunity for the provision of certain services by persons during an event that is declared a disaster emergency. Removes the immunity requirement that the health care service be provided by a person who has an Indiana license to provide the health care service and that the service is within the scope of practice of the license. Specifies instances that do not constitute gross negligence or willful misconduct for purposes of immunity. Specifies information that must be included in a cause of action. Specifies that health care immunity provisions during a disaster emergency do not modify specified statutes. Current Status: 1/25/2021 - added as second author Senator Zay Recent Status: 1/7/2021 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services

1/7/2021 - First Reading

SB5 APPEAL OF LOCAL HEALTH ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS (GARTEN C) Establishes an appeals process before legislative bodies of enforcement actions taken by local boards of health and local health officers. Current Status: 2/4/2021 - Senate Bills on Third Reading Recent Status: 2/2/2021 - Second reading amended, ordered engrossed

2/2/2021 - Amendment #4 (Tallian) failed; voice vote

SB7 FORENSIC NURSES (CRIDER M) Specifies requirements that a registered nurse must meet in order to practice as a forensic nurse. Requires biennial continuing education for a forensic nurse. Specifies that an individual who is practicing as a forensic nurse on June 30, 2021 is not required to meet the new education requirements for practice as a forensic nurse. Current Status: 2/4/2021 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted Recent Status: 2/3/2021 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 12; Nays: 0; 2/3/2021 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)

SB10 STATEWIDE MATERNAL MORTALITY REVIEW COMMITTEE (LEISING J) Amends the definition of "maternal mortality" to include deaths of pregnant women from any cause. Specifies that a health care provider includes a mental health professional for purposes of the review of records by the statewide maternal mortality review committee. Current Status: 2/4/2021 - Senate Bills on Second Reading Recent Status: 2/2/2021 - Senate Bills on Second Reading

2/1/2021 - Senate Bills on Second Reading

SB47 CORONAVIRUS DISEASE IMMUNIZATIONS (GROOMS R) Allows a: (1) pharmacist; and (2) pharmacy technician under direct supervision; to administer an immunization for coronavirus disease. (Current law allows a pharmacist intern and pharmacist student who meets certain requirements to administer immunizations that pharmacists are allowed to administer.) Allows the Indiana board of pharmacy to adopt emergency rules concerning the administration of the immunization by a pharmacy technician. Current Status: 1/26/2021 - added as coauthor Senator Buck Recent Status: 1/26/2021 - Cosponsors: Representatives Ziemke, Fleming, Clere

1/26/2021 - Cosponsors: Representatives Ziemke and Fleming

SB60 PROHIBITION ON RISK BASED MANAGED CARE PROGRAMS (BECKER V) Extends the prohibition against the inclusion of certain Medicaid recipients in: (1) risk based managed care programs; or (2) capitated managed care programs; from June 30, 2021, to June 30, 2022. Current Status: 1/4/2021 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services Recent Status: 1/4/2021 - First Reading

1/4/2021 - Authored By Vaneta Becker

SB61 WRITTEN ORDERS FOR HOME HEALTH SERVICES (BECKER V) Adds advanced practice registered nurses, clinical nurse specialists, and physician assistants as providers who may make written orders for home health services for use by licensed home health agencies. Current Status: 1/4/2021 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services Recent Status: 1/4/2021 - First Reading

1/4/2021 - Authored By Vaneta Becker

SB135 CIVIL STATUTES OF LIMITATIONS (FREEMAN A) Removes the statute of limitations for civil causes of action concerning child sexual abuse, and provides that a person who alleges an injury resulting from child sexual abuse may file an action in an otherwise time barred case. Specifies that a patient of a health facility who is injured while on the premises of the health facility may bring an action not later than two years from the date the injury: (1) occurs; or (2) is discovered or reasonably should have been discovered. Makes conforming amendments. Current Status: 1/5/2021 - Referred to Senate Judiciary Recent Status: 1/5/2021 - First Reading

1/5/2021 - Authored By Aaron Freeman

SB138 ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME TAX EXEMPTION (ZAY A) Provides that, to the extent that the definition of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) in Title 6 of the Indiana Code is not updated by amendment in the 2021 regular session of the general assembly or thereafter to conform with the CARES Act, a taxpayer is entitled to an exemption from state adjusted gross income equal to the amount of income associated with forgiveness of a covered loan under the Paycheck Protection Program of the CARES Act that is excluded from the taxpayer's federal gross income under Section 1106(i) of that Act, but otherwise included in the taxpayer's state adjusted gross income based on the definition of the IRC in Title 6 of the Indiana Code. Current Status: 1/11/2021 - added as coauthor Senator Walker K Recent Status: 1/5/2021 - Referred to Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy

1/5/2021 - First Reading

SB169 HOUSING WITH SERVICES ESTABLISHMENT DISCLOSURES (FORD J) Requires housing with services establishments to make certain disclosures concerning Alzheimer's and dementia special care and file the disclosure with the division of aging. Requires the division of aging to publish the disclosures. Current Status: 2/4/2021 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted Recent Status: 2/3/2021 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 11; Nays: 0 2/3/2021 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)

SB181 STATE DISASTER EMERGENCIES (GASKILL M) Establishes a procedure for the general assembly to call itself into session at times not specifically scheduled in statute. Provides that: (1) the initial state of disaster emergency may not continue longer than 30 days following the initial date of the declaration; and (2) a state of disaster emergency may not be renewed or extended by the governor without the approval of the general assembly. Provides that if the governor calls a special session, the special session shall be limited only to consideration of the purpose for which the initial state of disaster emergency was declared. Current Status: 2/1/2021 - added as coauthor Senator Sandlin Recent Status: 2/1/2021 - added as coauthor Senator Rogers

2/1/2021 - added as coauthor Senator Perfect

SB202 HEALTH FACILITY VISITATION (ROGERS L) Requires health facilities and residential care facilities (facilities) to allow visitation of a resident in a compassionate care situation. Requires the state department of health to implement the essential family caregiver program during a declared emergency, a public health emergency, or similar crisis, and requires facilities to participate in the program. Allows for the designation of an essential family caregiver for a resident of a facility and allows for visitation during restricted visitation at the facility. Specifies requirements for an individual to be designated as an essential family caregiver. Allows the state department of health to adopt certain rules concerning the program. Allows for immunity of a facility participating in the program unless there is gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct. Current Status: 2/4/2021 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted Recent Status: 2/3/2021 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 12; Nays: 0; 2/3/2021 - Senate Health and Provider Services, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)

SB204 HEALTH CARE ADVANCE DIRECTIVES (ROGERS L) Allows an individual to make a health care advance directive that gives instructions or expresses preferences or desires concerning any aspect of the individual's health care or health information and to designate a health care representative to make health care decisions and receive health information for the individual. Consolidates definitions of "life prolonging procedures". Requires the state department of health to prepare a sample advance directive. Provides that the appointment of a representative or attorney in fact to consent to health care that was legally executed before January 1, 2023, is valid as executed. Requires that, before a health care provider may provide care to a minor, the health care provider shall make a reasonable effort to contact the minor's parent or guardian for consent to provide treatment, and document each attempt. Adds definitions of "notarial officer", "observe", "present", and "telephonic interaction" to allow a mentally competent declarant to sign an advance directive by using technology to interact in real time with a notarial officer or with two attesting witnesses. Provides for remote witnessing or signing of separate paper counterparts that are assembled later into a complete composite paper advance directive. Provides that if, after the health care provider has made a reasonable attempt to contact the minor's parent or guardian and either: (1) the provider is unable to make contact; or (2) the parent or guardian refuses to provide consent; the provider shall act in the manner that is in the best interest of the minor. Provides that the new health care directive provisions do not affect the consent provisions concerning abortion or a minor's medical or hospital care and treatment with respect to the minor's pregnancy, delivery, or postpartum care. Provides that an attending advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant may perform the same functions and have the same responsibilities as an attending physician for purposes of an out of hospital do not resuscitate declaration. Adds cross references. Defines certain terms. Makes conforming changes. Makes technical changes. Current Status: 2/4/2021 - Committee Report amend do pass, adopted Recent Status: 2/3/2021 - Senate Committee recommends passage, as amended Yeas: 8; Nays: 0; 2/3/2021 - Senate Judiciary, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)

SB206 ATTORNEY AND NEXT OF KIN ACCESS TO PATIENTS (DORIOT B) Requires hospitals, health facilities, and residential care facilities to develop and maintain protocols concerning the visitation of admitted patients by certain individuals. Specifies certain requirements for hospital, health facility, and residential care facility visitation protocols. Requires specified visitation policies to remain in effect during times in which normal visiting procedures are halted due to a declared emergency or epidemic. Provides civil immunity to hospitals, health facilities, residential care facilities, their respective employees, and their respective contractors for the good faith implementation of specified patient visitation protocols. Current Status: 2/2/2021 - added as coauthor Senator Zay Recent Status: 2/2/2021 - added as second author Senator Charbonneau

2/2/2021 - removed as second author Senator Zay

SB229 NURSING HOME VISITATION (LEISING J) Establishes essential family caregiver status. Requires each health facility and residential care facility (facility) to permit visitation by an essential family caregiver (caregiver) despite restricted visitation during compassionate care situations. Specifies certain eligibility requirements for caregiver status. Allows the administrator of a facility or the administrator's designee, as applicable, to determine whether or not to award caregiver status to a selected individual. Requires consideration of specified conditions when a request for caregiver status is being evaluated. Requires a resident to request or approve of any awarded caregiver designation. Allows a resident to revoke caregiver status from an individual at any time. Requires particularized rules applicable to a caregiver to be communicated to the caregiver by the applicable facility. Requires certain policies concerning caregiver status to be memorialized in writing. Entitles each resident of a facility to at least one caregiver. Directs the state department of health (state department) to adopt rules concerning the enforcement of visitation by caregivers. Specifies that a facility has the burden of proof when justifying a denial of visitation to a caregiver. Provides that a facility is immune from civil liability for any act or omission related to the implementation of a procedure or policy concerning visitation by a caregiver in certain instances. Specifies an exception. Defines certain terms. Current Status: 1/28/2021 - added as second author Senator Zay Recent Status: 1/7/2021 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services

1/7/2021 - First Reading

SB234 WITHHOLDING TAX REMITTANCE (ROGERS L) Beginning after July 1, 2022, requires entities that are currently required to file and remit monthly withholding taxes 20 days after the end of each month to make periodic deposits on the following schedule: (1) For pay dates that occur between the 1st day of the month and the 15th day of the month, the entity shall deposit all state employee withholdings for that time period by the 20th day of the month. (2) For pay dates that occur between the 16th day of the month and the last day of the month, the entity shall deposit the state employee withholdings for that time period by the 5th day of the following month. Requires the department of state revenue (department) to provide written notice, by electronic means, to each employer that is registered in the department's online IN-Time and whose employer's Form WH-1 monthly withholding tax report or withholding tax remittance is past due. Requires each payroll service provider to annually register with the department. Provides that the annual registration form must require: (1) a list of all responsible persons of the payroll service provider; and (2) certification and acknowledgment that the bank account that is used by the payroll service provider for employer withholding tax deposits shall only be used for that purpose and that a payroll service provider's use of funds in the account for any other purpose constitutes fraud. Defines "payroll service provider" and "responsible persons" for purposes of these provisions. Provides that the department may charge an annual payroll service provider registration fee for purposes of the registration program. Provides that a payroll service provider contract must include a provision that specifies that if the payroll service provider fails to deposit or remit a business client's employer withholding taxes when due, and the failure is not caused by the business client, the payroll service provider shall be responsible for, and assume all obligations for, the payment of any penalties or interest assessed by the department as a result of the failure. Provides that the employer's address shall be the address of record with the department for withholding tax purposes and that a payroll service provider may not change the address of record with the department. Current Status: 1/28/2021 - added as coauthors Senators Messmer, Walker G, Mishler, Busch,

Charbonneau, Bassler, Qaddoura, Bohacek Recent Status: 1/28/2021 - added as coauthors Senators Kruse and Niemeyer

1/26/2021 - added as coauthor Senator Buck

SB235 SERVICE LOCATION ON HEALTH CARE FORMS (CHARBONNEAU E) Requires a provider to include the service facility location in order to obtain Medicaid reimbursement from the office of the secretary of family and social services or a managed care organization. Specifies health care billing forms to be used in certain health care settings. Current Status: 1/7/2021 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services Recent Status: 1/7/2021 - First Reading

1/7/2021 - Authored By Ed Charbonneau

SB254 LONG TERM CARE AND HEALTH RECORDS (GROOMS R) Provides that, under the long term care insurance law, for an individual to qualify for an asset disregard equal to one dollar of assets retained for each one dollar of long term insurance benefits paid out, the increase required in the maximum benefits provided by the individual's long term care policy may not be greater than 3% per year, compounded annually. Eliminates a provision under which a request for health records is valid for only 60 days after the date of the request. Requires a provider to provide health records upon request not more than 30 calendar days after receiving the written request. Authorizes the state department of health to impose a civil penalty of not more than $5,000 per violation on a provider that violates the requirement to provide health records upon request in not more than 30 days. Current Status: 1/14/2021 - added as second author Senator Walker G Recent Status: 1/11/2021 - Referred to Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions

1/11/2021 - First Reading

SB256 EXECUTIVE ORDERS (FREEMAN A) Provides that, unless otherwise specifically provided by a statute to the contrary, an executive order issued by the governor expires seven calendar days after the executive order is issued. Provides that a state of disaster emergency declared by the governor may not continue for longer than seven days unless the state of disaster emergency is specifically renewed by a statute enacted by the general assembly. Provides that if the governor declares a disaster emergency the general assembly is required to convene in session not later than the sixth day after the governor declares the disaster emergency to consider whether the disaster emergency should be extended and if any other legislation relating to the disaster emergency is necessary. Provides that such a session is not required if the general assembly is already in session or if the governor notifies the legislative leadership that the disaster emergency will not extend beyond seven days. Provides that a disaster emergency session may not extend beyond 10 calendar days. Provides that for purposes of Article 5, Section 14 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana, a vetoed bill passed at a session of the general assembly must be reconsidered and voted upon as provided in Article 5, Section 14 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana not later than the sine die adjournment of the next regular session that occurs after the session that first passed the bill. Provides that certain health orders issued by political subdivisions expire seven days after they are issued. Current Status: 1/25/2021 - added as coauthor Senator Kruse Recent Status: 1/25/2021 - added as coauthors Senators Doriot, Young M, Tomes

1/25/2021 - added as second author Senator Sandlin

SB261 LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM (WALKER G) Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to apply before December 31, 2021, for a Medicaid state plan amendment to effectuate the federal long term care insurance partnership program (program). Provides the state's current long term care insurance program applies to policies entered into, issued, or renewed before July 1, 2022. Defines "qualified long term care insurance policy". Provides administrative, reporting, and continuing education requirements for the program. Current Status: 2/10/2021 - Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for

Hearing) Recent Status: 2/3/2021 - Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing) 1/27/2021 - Senate Insurance and Financial Institutions, (Bill Scheduled for Hearing)

SB287 HEALTH CARE STRATEGY TASK FORCE (QADDOURA F) Establishes the health care strategy task force. Sets forth membership and requires the task force to report to the general assembly by November 1, 2022. Current Status: 1/26/2021 - added as second author Senator Qaddoura Recent Status: 1/26/2021 - added as author Senator Charbonneau

1/26/2021 - removed as author Senator Qaddoura

SB292 PUBLIC HEALTH MATTERS (BREAUX J) Establishes the scholarship for minority students pursuing health care careers (scholarship) and the minority students pursuing health care careers fund (fund). Provides that the commission for higher education (commission) administers the scholarship program and the fund. Prescribes qualifications necessary to: (1) receive an initial scholarship; and (2) qualify for renewal of the scholarship. Provides that the amount of the scholarship awarded for an academic year is the lesser of: (1) the balance of the scholarship recipient's total cost of attendance for the academic year after the application of any other financial assistance for which the scholarship recipient qualifies; or (2) $4,000. Requires a scholarship recipient to enter into a written agreement with the commission to: (1) use the scholarship solely to fund a course of study resulting in a degree or certificate that enables the individual to practice as a health care professional in Indiana; (2) apply for a position as a health care professional in Indiana following the individual's licensure or certification as a health care professional; and (3) if hired, practice as a health care professional in Indiana for at least three years. Requires a scholarship recipient to repay the scholarship if the scholarship recipient fails to: (1) complete the scholarship recipient's program of study; or (2) complete the terms of the scholarship recipient's agreement with the commission. Annually appropriates to the fund from the state general fund an amount sufficient to carry out the purposes of the scholarship program. Requires the commission to report to the general assembly not later than December 1, 2025, regarding the effect of the scholarship program. Requires: (1) health facilities; and (2) residential care facilities; to provide specified information concerning COVID-19 to the Indiana state department of health. Defines certain terms. Current Status: 1/11/2021 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services Recent Status: 1/11/2021 - First Reading

1/11/2021 - Authored By Jean Breaux

SB297 CHRONIC DISEASE SCREENING AND EDUCATION PROGRAM (BREAUX J) Establishes the minority population chronic disease screening and education program to be administered by the office of minority health and the state department of health, in partnership with the Indiana Minority Health Coalition, Inc., to provide screening and education to minority populations concerning certain chronic diseases. Current Status: 1/11/2021 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services Recent Status: 1/11/2021 - First Reading

1/11/2021 - Authored By Jean Breaux

SB300 STATE DISASTER EMERGENCIES (HOUCHIN E) Provides that the governor may not renew a disaster emergency more than once without authorization by the general assembly. Specifies that the general assembly may adopt a concurrent resolution to authorize the governor to extend a disaster emergency, and permits the general assembly to limit, restrict, or qualify the governor's power to issue certain orders. Provides that if the governor calls a special session to obtain authorization to extend a disaster emergency, the special session may only consider legislation directly concerned with the disaster emergency. Specifies that the violation of certain orders is not a criminal offense. Authorizes local health officers to close specific churches and schools under certain circumstances. Current Status: 1/25/2021 - Withdrawn Recent Status: 1/11/2021 - Referred to Senate Rules and Legislative Procedure

1/11/2021 - First Reading

SB331 DISPOSAL OF UNUSED MEDICATIONS AND PRESCRIPTIONS (GROOMS R) Requires the Indiana board of pharmacy to require specified entities to do the following when adopting rules concerning the return or disposal of unused controlled substances or prescription medication: (1) Provide patients with education concerning the dangers presented by unused or expired controlled substances or prescription medication. (2) Provide, on site, at least one consumer method of controlled substance or prescription medication disposal. Requires consumer methods of disposal to meet certain requirements. Current Status: 1/11/2021 - Referred to Senate Health and Provider Services Recent Status: 1/11/2021 - First Reading

1/11/2021 - Authored By Ronald Grooms

SB360 ESSENTIAL WORKER DEATH BENEFIT (FORD J) Provides a death benefit to the survivors of an essential worker who dies from COVID-19. Makes an appropriation. Current Status: 1/11/2021 - Referred to Senate Pensions and Labor Recent Status: 1/11/2021 - First Reading

1/11/2021 - Authored By J.D. Ford

SB378 ELECTRONIC MONITORING IN NURSING HOMES (ROGERS L) Allows the residents of: (1) health facilities; and (2) residential care facilities; to consent to the authorized electronic monitoring (monitoring) of their rooms. Allows specified individuals to consent to monitoring on behalf of health facility and residential care facility residents. Allows certain individuals to request conditions and restrictions when consenting to monitoring. Requires conditions and restrictions concerning monitoring to be memorialized in writing. Requires certain forms to be created and signed by specified parties when commencing or modifying monitoring. Allows certain individuals to refuse monitoring by withdrawing or withholding consent. Requires the withdrawal or withholding of consent to be memorialized in writing. Prohibits monitoring when certain parties refuse or decline consent. Requires a facility to make a reasonable effort to cohort residents in a manner that makes monitoring feasible. Specifies that a resident who occupies a private room for the purpose of making monitoring feasible must pay a private room rate. Requires a: (1) health facility; or (2) residential care facility; to provide specified individuals with complete copies of specified paperwork concerning monitoring upon request. Requires certain paperwork concerning monitoring to be made a permanent part of a resident's clinical report. Provides: (1) health facilities; and (2) residential care facilities; with immunity from civil liability when making a good faith effort to comply with laws, conditions, and restrictions pertaining to monitoring. Specifies that no other person or entity may be held liable for certain damages by reason of an agency relationship with a: (1) health facility; or (2) residential care facility; when the health facility or residential care facility is not liable for certain damages. Specifies an exception. Specifies permitted purposes for recordings created by an electronic monitoring device (device). Provides that a person who knowingly or intentionally hampers, obstructs, tampers with, or destroys: (1) a device; or (2) a recording created by a device; commits a Class A misdemeanor. Specifies that the offense is a Level 6 felony if the person knowingly or intentionally conceals or attempts to conceal any hampering, obstruction, tampering with, or destruction of a device or recording. Specifies an exception. Requires the state department of health to create certain forms for the purpose of memorializing specified requirements concerning monitoring. Defines certain terms. Current Status: 1/14/2021 - added as second author Senator Charbonneau Recent Status: 1/14/2021 - Referred to Committee on Health and Provider Services

1/14/2021 - First Reading