day. as ¦BVeral Of the membera desired opening of the Panama Canal. the to go to their homes for the end of the Worlds I'anama-Paclrtc Exposltion at eampaisn and to vote in Tut-s lay's elec- Sau Franeisco. ANATOMY paves to voters 1 KOEIflGl [ 'mm m tions. "As a last appeal generaUy. WA1CH on afllliattons BALLOT Malone made ard NIANHAHAN whieh Mr. them to dlsi BALLOTS,' The attaek urge party If tbe Owner with a build- Madison as j Repretentathe l-'ltzgerald at j and unite in Oppoaing Murphylsm, on his bands will Fquare Oarden last night eame as B dis- munieipal govrnmeiit ia ln no way con- ing problem it on our shouldcrs, wc will 10 POLL1NSPECT0RS NOT WORRYING M'CALL TO tlint shoek to omVials of tfae State Do- neeted with natlonal questions upon whieh put COLUMNS in New the solution at his fcct. HIS BHEN have mlnd the belllgar- My reaord partment, who ln partlea foandad hopa lay cnt attltude whieh Mr I-itzgerald, as York during the last forty years in pub- And the work shall be so chainaan of the Committea on Appropri- ]:, piofeaalonal. business and private lite to Tammany not capably and so economically Warns Election Officials To Be Candidate Says He Attaches No Pledges Support ettoaa has before new adopted toward eer- is the best guarantee that I shall done that he will Same Size Used in Queens and tain thines the state Departmcnt has dlaappoint a atngki voter aruung to sup- ultimately After Attackon Organization be able to himself on the on Guard Against Familiar Significance to O'Gorman's naatlal and aaked for. They know Mr. port me neat Tueeday." pat Richmond.Brooklyn and a Son-in-Law's Action. by His Son-in-Law. FltageraM well, and th.-y have no aoufat back for the wisdom of his Bronx Have Twelve. Tammany Tricks. that at the oininc session of COUgroaj fac KILLED IN POWDER EXPLOSION. selcction. not Aaetatant Beere win forget tha Tfalrd N- 31.-One man was bcad and hand are tar\'s attaek when he eonsiders tfae esti- Pateraon, .'-. OOt Heart, killed and another tatally lnjun-d in an in we IN KINOLY MOOD TWO MEN IN FULL ACCORD matea rafamltted by Bacretary Bryan. a!l that do. GO TO THE POLICE TO-DAY BURDEN ON REPUBLICANS JUDGE exploslon this mornlng at the plant of the! Du font de Kemoura Powder Company at THOMPSON-STARRETT ASKS VOTES BY CABLE Haakefl aeven mttea from thls eity. Aa- COMPANY Out Whitman for His Mad- Live on Terms of In- and Mc- Oounty Chairman Points Praises Together galo Blarlle was blown la fragaaaota Ruildtng Constiuction Mitchel, Prendergast Senator's Action Theodore Sutro, in Berlin, Haa Flne «as ao badly tojurad that n© Organization Is Responsible ison Square Speech, Raps timacy his Ha an Aneny in Six Columns.Mc¬ Him and His Election. hope ts heid out for reeovery. for Check on Fraudulent Licentious Journalism and Makes "Regular" Urges in th- Oeneral in tfata dty. Call's Name One candidate for hlgh ofhVc al the HoapttdJ Appears Only Asserts He'll Win. as Lcader. Twice and Metz's Once. Voting Tuesday. Eligible election on Tueeday has been unabla to amOOg eondUCt a |>er*onal eampaign. Ha is B. Koenlg, of tbe Re- .IiidKf MeCall was in a kindly inood, and There was llttle surprise Mthor when POLITICAL._[__ P0LITICA-_ to- Bamuel preatdenl or- Theodore Butro, who was alroad All of tha banota are prlnted and Commlttee, is golag to ¦ Tammany vtctory wben «een J'emocrat.- or membew of th<* fuaion pubbcan County predtcted when learned he was nomlnated for I'ontroller on tfae gay thi Board of ElectJona will begln to laaue Inetructlona to every one of 0* >