Secretaries' Report

Dr. R. H. Blair


Appeal for New Members, Subscriptions etc.


List of Contributors

Cornish Records

Arrival and Departure Tables

Ringing Returns

An Old Record

Isles of Scilly Records

Arrival and Departure of Migrants in the

The Library

Treasurer's Report


List of Members


OF The -Bird Watching and Preservation Society

19 6 4



The membership of the Society on December 31st was 654, 91 new members being elected during the year. Three indoor meetings were held at the County Museum, , the Annual General Meeting, the autumn general meeting and the informal meeting devoted purely to bird matters, which has proved so popular. At the Annual General Meeting at which some fifty members were present, the President, Chairman and other Officers were re-elected. Under Rule 6 Col. Bertram and Mrs. Visick retired from the Executive Committee and Miss M. J. Jones, Mr. T. J. Stevens, Mr. N. Higman and Mr. R. B. Treleaven were elected. Twenty-three new Members were also elected. The Meeting agreed to raise the Annual Subscription to ten shillings for full Members, this being the first increase since the Society was founded thirty-four years ago. The subscription for junior members was left at half-crown. After the business Mr. N. R. Phillips spoke on some birds of the southern United States of America, with special reference to those which had occurred in Europe. The talk was illustrated by a series of excellent colour slides taken by the speaker's brother, Mr. G. Phillips, during his recent stay in the U.S.A. At the Autumn Meeting, with nearly eighty members present, forty- two new members were elected. Mr. Goddard, Hon. Treasurer, announced the scheme of covenanting subscriptions and Mr. Higman explained the benefits to the Society from the covenanting of subscriptions. Members were asked to help in leading field-days and to suggest areas, which might be of interest to other bird-watchers. After the business the Chairman introduced Mr. H. G. Hurrell of the Devon Bird-Watching and Preservation Society.

3 Mr. Hurrell brought the greetings and good wishes of the Devon Society and spoke on the problems and benefits of conservation. He outlined the changing attitude towards wild life and man's increasing responsibility in face of an expanding population coupled with advances in technology, the danger of toxic chemicals in use for agriculture being given as one example of present-day problems.

After his talk Mr. Hurrell showed some first-class film of the white Buzzard of Buckfastleigh and also of the rehabilitation and release of a Buzzard brought to him with a broken wing. The informal meeting, which had about eighty members present, was held on February 15th. Mr. A. G. Parsons spoke on the identifica­ tion of the commoner waders and afterwards answered members' questions on the subject. Nine field meetings were held during the year: on these excursions members were able to see a fair selection of Cornish birds ranging from cliff breeding species to waders, moorland and forest species. On May 2nd, led by Mr. A. G. Parsons, members visited Gweek Drive, near , to see and hear song birds. On May 23rd, led by Mr. N. R. Phillips, the Kittiwake colony at Morvah was visited in wet mist. Besides the sea-birds a Wryneck was seen at the cliff-top. On June 20th, Mr. R. J. Salmon led an excursion to the central moorlands, where breeding Stonechat, Whinchat, Mallard and Dipper were seen. On August 29th, Mr. A. G. Parsons met members at Devoran, where a number of waders were seen on the mud-flats. On September 24th, Mr. Beckerlegge met members at Kennack Sands, in the Lizard, to see waders and sea-birds in a different habitat and to see migrating passerines. On September 26th, at dawn, Mr. N. R. Phillips (much to his surprise) found several members, who had beaten him to it at the Island, St. Ives; including some members from the Plymouth area, who were already gazing out to sea. Weather conditions were not good for masses of birds but Skuas, Balearic Shearwaters, Sandwich and Common Terns, together with commoner species, were seen. A Mediterranean Gull put in a brief appearance so that the early risers and long distance travellers were not entirely disappointed. On November 28th, Mrs. F. E. Lott added variety to the programme at Tamar Lake. Several species of duck, Coot, Little Grebe, and Collared Dove were seen. On December 5th, led by Mr. E. Griffiths, members met at Cargreen, by the Tamar River to see the wintering Avocets.

Mr. Phillips feels that there are other members, who could lead field-days and the intention is to hold one field-day in each month if enough leaders can be found. During the year work progressed on the Amble River Improvement Scheme, but the geese have not yet been affected and have visited the Walmsley Sanctuary as usual. Fortunately the winter of 1963/64 was comparatively mild. In consequence the winter visitors were less numerous than usual and resident species have made a good recovery from the severe winter of 1962/63. The list of species recorded by members is impressive and amongst the more notable records are Aquatic Warbler, Black-headed Wagtail, two Little Bitterns, Lesser Yellowlegs, White-winged Black Tern and Whiskered Tern. Records for 1965 should be sent as usual to the Reverend J. E. Beckerlegge before January 15th, 1966. Please send records in the order of the B.O.U. Checklist, the " tick-list" in the " Field Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe", or as in this Report. Records in diary form add very greatly to the immense load of work already falling on the Editors in preparing the Report from the numerous records submitted in the above requested order. From time to time the Executive Committee hears complaints of the lack of liaison between it and the members; also of lack of co­ operative field-work undertaken by the Society as a whole. On the former: both the Executive Committee and the more experienced members are ready to help less experienced members in any way they are able and a letter to one of the Secretaries will normally be the best way of requesting help. Any member who feels uninformed about the business conducted by the Executive Committee is sincerely asked to enquire on any matter concerning the Society and the welfare of Cornish birds. Every effort will be made to explain decisions and actions taken and the reasons for taking them. Various suggestions for co-operative field-work have been tried in the past but without real result. This is partly because of the widely spread population in a geographically difficult County, with an additional result that members tend to feel isolated. Further, co-operative work by its very nature has to be planned and organised with the result that those participating must necessarily adhere to a preconceived scheme of observation. A suggestion that some form of continuous record be kept for the sea-bird movements at St. Ives is under consideration and members who would be willing to help in this are asked to inform the Secretaries. Another suggestion is that members living in one area should form local liaison to inform one another of unusual occurrences: or, as a far more worthwhile contribution to knowledge, to co-operate in a census of all species, however common, in their area. Many parts of the County are still ornithologically unexplored, no recent published information being available for the distribution of many species.

5 THE RYVES MEMORIAL PRIZE Entries for the first Award must be received by one of the Secretaries by 1st November, 1967.

HAYLE ESTUARY During the shooting season some measure of watchfulness especially in regard to " tip-and-run" shooters is necessary. For some years Miss M. J. Jones of Lelant has acted as the super­ vising Warden and has had some success in detecting shooters. Miss Jones (tel. 3121) will be very glad to hear from any Member who will help with overseeing Hayle Estuary. The other Wardens are:— Mr. N. R. Phillips (St. Ives 6559) Miss P. White (Hayle 2347).

RETIREMENT OF DR. R. H. BLAIR FROM THE CHAIRMANSHIP At the beginning of 1963 Dr. Blair informed the Executive Com­ mittee that he would be unable to continue in office after 1965 and recommended that consideration be given as to a successor. Notwithstanding this intimation the feeling of regret now that Dr. Blair has actually retired is very strong and it was voiced at the General Meeting held on 10th April, 1965, by Mrs. M. P. Visick and Mr. A. Hosking. Mrs. Visick referred to the objectivity, patience and skill, with which Dr. Blair had guided the Executive Committee discussions often upon difficult and controversial topics whilst yet giving full scope to the Com­ mittee members to express their views; qualities which the speaker had especially noted during several years of service on the Committee and which qualities were of very great value to the Society. It was to be hoped that Dr. Blair would agree to serve on the Committee so that his services would not be lost to the Society. Mr. Hosking recalled that Dr. Blair had served continuously as Chairman since the Office was created in 1951 and that he had joined the Society in 1931 shortly after its foundation. In the sphere of field work Dr. Blair had made a special study of sea-birds in Cornwall and the Scilly Isles and his cine* films of sea-birds and also of Choughs were amongst the pioneer material for Cornwall. A further important pioneer work was Dr. Blair's contribution to our knowledge of Nest Sanitation. Dr. Blair had contributed to better Protection by his work at the time of the Protection of Birds Bill in 1954. Mr. Hosking concluded by proposing that Dr. Blair be elected an Honorary Member of the Society: this proposal was enthusiastically and unanimously carried.

6 "HAPPY ENDING" In their News Letter of February 1964 the Cornwall Naturalists' Trust, referring to the River Board's scheme to drain the Amble Marsh, stated 'We were told of the plan only after its approval by the Ministry of Agriculture and after consent had been given by the Cornwall Bird- Watching and Preservation Society in respect of the Walmsley Sanctuary which it owned.' The Trust had been misinformed. In fact the Trust was informed of the Ministry's approval a full month before we were told at the end of July. Our Executive, so far from consenting, sent the River Board a flat refusal. Only at the end of August, under pressure, and recognising that the Naturalists' Trust and the Nature Conservancy were unable to help us, did we come to terms. Confident that the Trust would be anxious to correct the false impression that our Executive had failed in their duty to fight the scheme to the last ditch, Dr. Blair wrote as follows leaving no room for doubt. 'Dear Col. Almond .... Neither I, Mr. Parsons or any member of this Society gave consent or assent or formal or informal commitment to the Amble River Scheme prior to August 1963.' Subsequently Dr. Blair received the following letter from the Trust: 'Dear Dr. Blair . . . . At the recent Council Meeting of the Trust it was agreed that a para­ graph should be inserted in our next News Letter to clear up the misunderstanding which so unfortunately arose between the Trust and yourself. We hope that this will meet the situation and that for the future we shall be able to co-operate fully towards the ends which are the mutual interest of both our organisations " . . . . Signed .... * Yours sincerely J. K. Williams, Honorary Secretary.' We are grateful to the Council of the Naturalists' Trust for their help in clearing our officers from this completely unfounded aspersion, and reciprocate the friendly sentiments expressed in their letter. C.J.F.C. OBITUARIES The Society has learned with regret of the death of the following members, notified since the last issue of the Annual Report: Flt.-Lt. D. W. H. Adams of St. Columb; Major A. H. M. Bell of Stockbridge, Hants; Capt. R. J. B. Bolitho of Jersey, Channel Islands; Mr. J. A. D. Bridger of Feock and ; Mr. G. R. P. Devonshire of ; Mrs. M. E. Gill of St. Ives; Mr. E. Hiller of Penzance; Mrs. I. G. Howard of The Lizard; Miss J. Lightfoot of Trevone, ; Colonel G. P. Pollitt of St. Mawes; Mrs. H. M. Rait Kerr of St. John's Wood, London; Mr. W. L. Richardson of ; Miss K. E. Hall Smith of Ealing, London; Miss S. S. Stokes of St. Columb Minor; Mr. H. A. Visick of Truro; Mrs. E. M. Wall of Trebetherick, Wadebridge; Mr. W. C. Willcocks of ; Mr. F. H. Wills of Wadebridge. Mr. J. A. D. Bridger, Mrs. M. E. Gill and Miss S. S. Stokes were Founder Members.


At present our membership stands at something over 650 and it is felt that in order to maintain the Society in a healthy and active con­ dition efforts should be made to increase this to at least 1,000. With this end in view a leaflet giving an account of the activities of the Society together with a note of its achievements over the first 33 years of its existence has been prepared and is now available for distribution. May we therefore appeal to all members to help by distributing these leaflets and so introducing the Society to their friends and acquain­ tances. Supplies (please state number required) can be obtained from the Honorary Treasurer and Registrar: Mr. W. J. Goddard, "Cheyney", Constantine Bay, Padstow, Cornwall.


The full subscription rates, per annum, are as follows : Full Member 10s. 0d.

Family Member (of same family living at the same address and sharing the same literature) 5s. 0d.

Junior Member (between 14 and 18 years of age) 2s. 0d.

ALL subscriptions are due on the 1st January each year and those not payable by banker's order should be sent to the Honorary Treasurer and Registrar. Banker's order forms are available on request. Deeds of Covenant are available for members in a position to pay this way. Attractive brooch Badges are available at 4s.6d. each. Applications for membership and any information affecting member­ ship, such as changes of address, should also be sent to the Honorary Treasurer and Registrar: Mr. W. J. Goddard, "Cheyney", Constantine Bay, Padstow, Cornwall.


Our congratulations are extended to one of our Junior Members, Christopher Hodgkin, for winning the individual prize of the Wildfowl Trust's Wildfowl Identification Competition for Corporate Members, thus helping his school to win the first prize in Group B (under 16).


A.F.A. - A. F. Airey RJ.D.A. - R. J. D. Allan W.E.A. - Lt.-Col. W. E. Almond J.E.B. - Revd. J. E. Beckerlegge R.H.B. - Dr. R. H. Blair E.H.W.B. - Sir Edward Bolitho P.F.B. - P. F. Bonham J.B.B. & S.B. - Mr. and Mrs. Bottomley CJ.B. - C. J. Booth G.B. - G. Brenton DJ.B. - D. J. Britton J.M.C. - J. M. Catchpole G.M.C. - G. M. Chapman S.C. S. Chappie E.M.C. - E. M. Cock R.M.C. - R. M. Curber P.A.D. - P. A. Davies R.D. - R. Dennis S.E. - S. Eddy N.B.E. - N. B. Exelby I.W.G. Mrs. I. W. Gatiss J.S.G. - J. S. Gilbert A.H.G. - A. H. Glanville C.V.G. & G.M.G. Mr. and Mrs. Goodland A.B.G. - A. B. Griffiths E.G. - E. Griffiths R.G.H. - R. G. Hadden R.A.H. - R. A. Harper D.H. - Dr. D. Harvey G.A.H. - G. A. Hebditch J.K.H. - Mrs. J. K. Higman J.H. - J. Horrell FJ.H. - F. J. Hulbert E.N.B.J. - Major E. N. B. Jeffrey MJJ. - Miss M. J. Jones W.J.J. - W. J. Julyan R.K. - R. Khan B.K. - B. King F.E.L. - Mrs. F. E. Lott

9 S.C.M. - S. C. Madge D.F.M. - D. F. Musson O. - St. Agnes Bird Observatory Members A.G.P. - A. G. Parsons B.P. - B. Pattenden D.P. - Miss D. Pearson R.P. - R. Peart K.P. - K. Pellow R.D.P. - R. D. Penhallurick N.R.P. - N. R. Phillips R.M.P. - Miss R. M. Phillips E.M.P. - Mrs. E. M. Powell M.L.R. - M. L. Richards P.H.R. - P. H. Richards E.G.R. - Captain E. G. Roper J.A.S. - J. A. Sage R.J.S. - R. J. Salmon A.C.S. - A. C. Sawle M.S. - Mrs. M. Sheldon F.R.S. - F. R. Smith J.S-S. - Miss J. Spenlove-Spenlove J.D.R.V. - J. D. R. Vernon G.W. - G. Warner E.W. - Mrs. E. West L.P.W. - L. P. Williams T.R.J.W. - T. R. J. Williams R.L.W. - R. L. Winter

10 CORNISH RECORDS The Number before the English name refers to the Number in the 1951 B.O.U. Check list. The Number after the English name refers to the Number in the Handbook of British Birds.

1 BLACK-THROATED DIVER 378. Gavia arctica. January 24th. Two off . J.E.B. January 26th. On the , one. R.J.S. March 27th. At St. Ives, one. E.G. March 30th. One in summer plumage off Porthkidney Beach. E.G. Noted on Autumn passage off St. Ives Island:— Two, October 10th; one, October 11th; 14, November 15th; five, November 29th. E.G., R.K., B.P. November 21st. Two on sea off Marazion. J.E.B. 2 GREAT NORTHERN DIVER 376. Gavia immer. Noted during winter months at:— Camel Estuary; St. Ives Bay; Mount's Bay; Sennen Cove; Kennack Sands; Falmouth Bay; Portholland; Mevagissey; ; Seaton; Downderry; Lynher Estuary; St. John's Lake, Torpoint. Maximum numbers—Ten in Mount's Bay, January 25th; five at Seaton, February 22nd. Late Spring birds were: one at Downderry, May 1st; one, St. Ives May 18th; one, Marazion, June 2nd. One seen flying west past St. Ives Island, July 12th; one off Godrevy, September 30th. Autumn passage off St. Ives noted November 15th—nine. First noted in Autumn in Mount's Bay, one in breeding plumage, October 26th. J.E.B., R.M.C., S.E., E.G., D.H., M.J.J., D.F.M., S.C.M., K.P., B.P., E.G.R., E.W., R.L.W. 4 RED-THROATED DIVER 379. Gavia stellata. January 3rd—11th. In Falmouth Bay, one. J.E.B., E.W. January 4th. At Ince, , one. E.G. January 7th. One off Torpoint Ferry. S.C.M. January llth-18th. Off Loe Bar, one. J.S.G. January 28th. Two flying west past St. Ives Island. J.E.B. February 10th. At Kennack Sands, one. J.E.B. February 15th. At Downderry, one. D.F.M. February 21st-24th. One badly oiled bird at Crowan Reservoirs. J.E.B. February 22nd. At Seaton, one. E.G. February 29th. At Hayle Estuary, one. B.P. March 27th and April 14th. Off St. Ives Island, one. J.E.B., E.G-, L.P.W.

11 Cornish Notes April 30th. One seen from R.M.V. off Lamoraa. R.L.W. October 27th-November 6th. One on River Camel. DJ.B., RJ.S. November 15th. Two passing St. Ives Island. E.G., R.K., B.P. December 27th. At Pendower Beach, three. WJJ. 5 GREAT CRESTED GREBE 370. Podiceps cristatus. January 4th. At Ince, River Lynher, one. E.G., S.C.M. January 20th. At Hayle Estuary, one. J.E.B. December 19th. At Ince, River Lynher, one. E.G. On Tamar Estuary, one. E.G. December 23rd. At mouth of St. John's Lake, one. S.C.M. December 24th. In Harbour, one. T.R.J.W. 6 RED-NECKED GREBE 371. Podiceps grisegena. January 4th. At Ince, River Lynher, two. E.G. February 15th. At Trebetherick, River Camel, one. D.F.M. 7 SLAVONIAN GREBE 373. Podiceps auritus. During both winter periods noted in St. Ives Bay (including Carnsew Pool), and Mount's Bay. J.B.B. and S.B., J.E.B., J.S-S., MJJ., L.P.W., E.G. Maximum number noted, 14 in Mount's Bay on January 25th. E.G. Five off Marazion, April 1st, were in a bunch displaying— ear tufts puffed out, diving in pairs and coming up face to face. R.G.H. Last recorded Mount's Bay April 23rd. J.E.B. First recorded in Autumn:— One, Mount's Bay, November 10th. J.B.B. and S.B. Two, St. Ives Bay, November 15th. E.G. Records from other parts of Cornwall:— January 23rd. At Daymer Bay, one. J.E.B. March 27th. At Maen Porth, one. R.L.W. October 19th. One off Rock, Camel Estuary. E.G.R. December 7th-31st. One on River Lynher; two on 31st. S.E., S.C.M. 8 BLACK-NECKED GREBE 374. Podiceps caspicus. January 4th. At Ince, River Lynher, two. E.G. January 21st. At Hayle Estuary, one. L.P.W. January 25th. Three off Penzance Station and one at Sennen Cove. J.E.B. February 16th. One on River Camel near Padstow. D.H. March 30th. Two in breeding plumage in Mount's Bay and one in St. Ives Bay. E.G., R.G.H., R.D.P. May 3rd. One on disused clay pool at Carludden near St. Austell. R.J.S.

12 Cornish Notes October 11th. At Torpoint, one. K.P. November 7th. One off Trevol, St. John's Lake. S.C.M. November 6th. One on River Camel. R.J.S. November 21st. At Penzance, one. MJ.J., B.P. December 10th. Off Marazion, one. MJ.J. 12 LEACH'S PETREL 351. Oceanodroma leucorhoa. September 17th. One flying west across St. Ives Bay. B.K., L.P.W. October 9th. Three passing St. Ives Island. B.P. October 10th. 16 passing St. Ives Island. E.G., B.P. Two flying S.W. past Towan Head, . A.H.G. October 11th. 18 passing St. Ives Island. E.G., B.P. November 29th. One off St. Ives Island. E.G., B.P. 14 STORM PETREL 350. Hydrobates pelagicus. April 30th. One off St. Ives Island. J.E.B. August 19th. 15 off St. Ives Island. A.C.S. September 16th. Three in St. Ives Bay. B.K. September 17th. One off St. Ives. J.A.S. September 18th. Seven seen from St. Ives Island. R.K. October 9th. 18 seen from R.M.V. Scillonian. E.G. October 10th. Five flying west past St. Ives Island and six on October 11th. E.G., B.P. October 16th. One off St. Ives Island. J.E.B. 16 MANX SHEARWATER 355/6. Procellaria puffinus. Usual coastal movements noted. An unusual occurence was one on the Tamar Estuary, August 20th. The bird was not oiled or injured. E.G. April 13th-14th. A heavy west passage off Towan Head, Newquay. On the morning of the 14th birds were passing at the rate of about 2,000 per hour. A.H.G. Birds of the race 1 Mauretanicus " were seen off West Cornwall coasts in small numbers (a maximum of 36, September 17th) be­ tween July 12th and November 15th. J.E.B., E.G., B.P., N.R.P., L.P.W.

19 GREAT SHEARWATER 360. Procellaria gravis. September 18th. Four near the Wolf Rock. O. 21 SOOTY SHEARWATER 363. Procellaria grisea. August 18th. One off St. Ives Island. L.P.W. September 6th. One flying west past St. Ives Island. E.G., B.P. September 19th. Two seen from R.M.V. Scillonian about half way between Penzance and Scillies. R.M.C.

13 Cornish Notes September 21st. Two seen from R.M.V. Scillonian between Scillies and Cornish coast. R.M.C. September 21st. One seen off Mousehole. B.K. October 10th. One flying west past St. Ives Island. E.G., B.P. October 12th. One seen from R.M.V. Scillonian in Mount's Bay. N.R.P. 26 FULMAR 368. Fulmarus glacialis. July 18th. One seen flying south in St. Breward Parish over Bodmin Moor. W.E.A. Inland records are unusual—Eds. Only fifteen young at Bedruthan Steps in August. F.R.S. 30 HERON 289. Ardea cinerea. Two occupied nests at Bishop's Quay, . RJ.D.A. March 8th. Eight occupied nests at Parson's Cove, River Camel. WJJ. April 19th. Nine nests in Sheviock Wood, River Lynher. S.C.M. At Marazion Marsh three occupied nests in low growing willow bushes in reed beds. J.E.B. 37 LITTLE BITTERN 296. Ixobrychus minutus. May 4th. Examined a dead male which arrived exhausted in Miss F. G. Doughty's garden at Falmouth on May 3rd. Bird seen alive by Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Meares. J.E.B., R.G.H. May 11th. One at Common Hill, near Helston. J.S.G. Full details received. Both records have been accepted by the Rare Birds Committee. — Eds. 42 SPOONBILL 287. Platalea leucorodia. March 29th. Five in breeding dress at Marazion Marsh. R.G.H., E.G«, R.K., B.P. July 19th. One adult on . E.G. September 17th-23rd. One immature at Hayle Estuary. J.B.B. and S.B., J.E.B., R.M.C., E.G., MJJ., R.K., B.K., B.P., N.R.P., J.A.S. December 11th. One flying over Falmouth. LW.G. 43 GLOSSY IBIS 288. Plegadis falcinellus. December 31st. One at Clapper near Wadebridge. G.W. This bird stayed well on into 1965 and was seen by a multitude of observers. Unconfirmed reports allege that the bird was in the Wadebridge area for some days before it was seen by G.W., and quite possibly it was the same bird as the one reported flying S.W. over Seaton in Devon on December 19th. — Eds. WHITE-FACED TREE DUCK. Dendrocygna viduata. October 20th-27th. A male which commuted between Ponsan- dane wet field and Marazion Marsh was almost certainly an escape— but from where? J.B.B. and S.B., J.E.B., R.D., R.G.H., MJJ.

14 Cornish Notes 45 MALLARD 317. Anas platyrhynchos. Largest numbers noted:— Loe Pool. 189 on October 9th; 150, December 12th. J.S.G.

46 TEAL 319. Anas crecca. Maximum numbers noted:— 250 on Hayle Estuary, January 25th. E.G. 166 on Loe Pool. January 11th. J.S.G. 60+ at Melancoose Reservoir, February 27th. D.H. c. 160 on St. John's Lake, December 22nd. E.G., S.C.M. 130 at Tresillian, above average for this locality. December 30th. WJJ. c. 320 at Hayle Estuary. December 31st. J.E.B. 47 GARGANEY 322. Anas querquedula. First arrivals noted at Marazion Marsh, March 4th, two. Others occurred March-April and a pair remained and apparently unsuccess­ fully attempted to breed. J.E.B., E.G., R.G.H., B.P., J.S-S. March 6th. One male at Tredinnick Pits, Redmoor. E.N.BJ. March 9th. One at Cargoll Pool, St. East M.L.R. March 14th-23rd. At Tehidy Pond, a pair. J.E.B., E.G., B.P. March 15th. At Hayle Estuary, one. B.P. Near Zennor, one. C.J.B. July 31st-August 21st. At Marazion Marsh, three. J.E.B., E.G., B.P., A.C.S. 49 GADWALL 318. Anas strepera. February 3rd. A pair at Hayle Estuary and a male on February 19th. J.E.B. May 24th. A male at Marazion Marsh, and on May 26th a pair "courting". Pair again seen on 27th, and a solitary male on June 2nd. J.E.B., R.G.H., L.P.W. November 3rd. A pair on the Camel. D.J.B. November 11th to end of year. A pair at Hayle Estuary. J.E.B., E.G. November 15th-December 13th. Two males and one female at Melancoose Reservoir. D.H.

50 WIGEON 323. Anas penelope. Maximum numbers noted:— January 4th. 450 at Clifton, River Tamar, and 800+ at Ince, River Lynher. E.G. January 6th. 610 at Hayle Estuary. J.E.B. February 15th. 150 at Loe Pool. J.S.G. January 12th-February 23rd. On Camel Estuary, 350. D.F.M., E.G.R.

15 Cornish Notes January 25th. 250 at Ardevora, . WJJ. October 17th. 1,000+ at Ince, River Lynher. E.G. December 19th to end of year. About 4,000 at St. John's Lake. A.F.A. December 31st. About 400 on Camel Estuary. WJJ. 800 at Hayle Estuary. J.E.B. 52 PINTAIL 325. Anas acuta. In East Cornwall largest numbers noted:— 60 at Ince, River Lynher. January 26th and December 13th. January 24th. One male (shot) at Crowdy Marsh near Camel- ford. G.B. Good numbers recorded on Camel Estuary:— 100 at Dinham, January 11th. WJJ. 70 at Dinham, December 31st. WJJ. At Ardevora, River Fal, six, January 25th. W.JJ. One at Dozmary Pool, December 28th. RJ.S. Few seen in West Cornwall:— Three to six at Hayle Estuary, November 8th to end of year. J.E.B., J.S.G. One at Marazion Marsh, November 5th and 14th-22nd. J.E.B., E.G., B.P., L.P.W. One at Loe Pool. January 11th. J.S.G. Two at Marazion March. January 21st. L.P.W. 53 SHOVELER 326. Spatula clypeata. Seen in fewer numbers than usually. — Eds. Largest numbers noted:— 20 at Ardevora, River Fal. January 25th. WJJ. 14 at Ardevora, December 18th. WJJ. 14 at Loe Pool, September 5th. E.G Unusual occurrences were:— July 24th-25th. A female at Hayle Estuary. J.B.B. and S.B. 55 SCAUP 331. Aythya marila. January 4th. At Hayle Estuary, one female. R.D.P. November llth-19th. At Marazion Marsh, one male. J.E.B., J.B.B. and S.B., E.G., R.G.H., MJJ., R.K., B.P., L.P.W. November 13th. At Melancoose Reservoir, three. D.H. November 14th. At Little Petherick Creek, one female. WJJ. December 28th. At Marazion Marsh, one male. C.V.G. and G.M.G. 56 TUFTED DUCK 330. Aythia fuligula. Maximum numbers noted:— 100+ at Loe Pool. December 20th. E.G.

16 Cornish Notes 57 POCHARD 328. Aythia fernina. Largest numbers noted:— 108 at Loe Pool. January 11th. J.S.G. 130 November 4th. WJJ. 100+ at Loe Pool. December 20th. E.G. 30 at Dozmary Pool. February 15th. D.F.M. 21 at Swanpool, Falmouth. January 11th. J.E.B. Unusual occurrences:— July 15th. One male at Long Rock Pool. J.B.B. and S.B., J.E.B. 60 GOLDENEYE 332. Bucephala clangula. An unusual occurrence was one on the River Tamar, August 22nd. E.G. During the winter months noted in small numbers at River Tamar, River Lynher (maximum of six, February 8th), Whitsands Bay (one female), Par Beach, Hayle Estuary (maximum of six, December 24th), Mount's Bay, Marazion Marsh (on few dates only), Loe Pool, Drift Reservoir, Pencarrow Head (February 9th), Port Gaverne (February 15th), Godrevy Headland (one male, November 6th), Melancoose Reservoir, Disused clay pool, Bodmin Moor (December 28th). DJ.B., J.E.B., E.G., R.G.H., WJJ., MJJ., D.F.M., B.P., K.P., RJ.S., J.S-S., L.P.W. 61 LONG-TAILED DUCK 334. Clangula hyemalis. January lst-March 13th. One in Falmouth Bay; two January 20th-February 8th. J.E.B., E.W. January 6th-April 15th. One at Hayle Estuary. J.E.B., E.G., MJJ., R.K., B.P., R.D.P., L.P.W. January 28th. One flying west past St. Ives Island. J.E.B. 62 VELVET SCOTER 340. Melanitta fusca. January 18th. Two on sea near Loe Bar. J.S.G. January 23rd-25th. One, probably immature male, in White- sands Bay. K.P. January 25th-February 9th. One male off Penzance. J.E.B., R.G.H. February 8th. Three or four among a light raft of c. 50 Common Scoters off the Rumps, Polzeath. E.G.R. February 9th. Three (females or immatures) off Pencarrow Head. D.F.M. March 13th. One male off Portholland. J.E.B. October 31st-November 1st. One male off Marazion. E.G., B.P., L.P.W. November 15th. One male passing St. Ives Island. E.G. R.K., B.P. 64 COMMON SCOTER 339. Melanitta nigra. At the beginning of the year, largest numbers recorded:— 70 in Mount's Bay, January 25th. E.G. Cornish Notes 55 (only one male) off Pentire Head, February 8th. D.F.M. c. 40 off Godrevy, February 16th. L.P.W. Autumn passage noted, July 12th-November 11th in rather small numbers. Most records from St. Ives Island where largest numbers noted passing were: c. 55, August 9th; 35, August 19th; 21, October 11th. J.E.B., E.G., R.D.P., B.P., L.P.W. Four pairs off Tregantle, S.E. Cornwall, August 13th S.C.M. At the end of the year largest numbers seen in Mount's Bay were 25 on December 20th. E.G.

67 EIDER 337. Somateria mollissima. January 3rd-February 28th, Three females in Newquay Bay. A.H.G., J.K.H. January 4th. One male on Loe Pool. J.S.G. January 26th-February 1st. A pair at The Lizard. N.B.E., B.P. January 3rd and 23rd. Two females at Daymer Bay. J.E.B., A.C.S. February 15th-22nd. Two at Rock. D.F.M. October 10th. Two passing St. Ives. E.G., WJJ., B.P. December 26th. Two males off Godrevy. R.K. December 27th. Five (one male, four females) off Penzance. R.K. 69 RED-BREASTED MERGANSER 343. Mergus senator. January 10th-26th. One at Hayle Estuary. J.E.B., E.G., BJP. March 7th. At Hayle Estuary, one. L.P.W. April 2nd. Ten in Carrick Roads, River Fal. G.M.C. November 5th-llth. Three off Marazion. R.G.H., L.P.W. November 7th. Two off Rock, Camel Estuary. E.G.R. November 9th. One on River Tamar at Torpoint. R.P. November 9th, 21st and December 18th. One off Marazion. J.E.B., J.S-S. November 21st. A female flew N.E. at Porthkidney Beach. J.B.B. and S.B. November 28th. One near Tresillian. WJJ. November 30th-December 2nd. One male at Hayle Estuary. December 9th-19th. One at St. John's Lake. S.C.M. December 29th. One male at Widemouth Bay near . G.B. 70 GOOSANDER 342. Mergus merganser. December 8th-17th. A male "commuted" between Marazion (Marsh and Sea) and Hayle Estuary. J.E.B., R.D., R.G.H., MJJ., B.P., R.J.S., L.P.W.

71 SMEW 344. Mergus albellus. January 1st - February 21st. One * brown head' at Crowan Reservoirs. J.E.B.

18 Cornish Notes 73 SHELD-DUCK 315. Tadoma tadoma. Maximum numbers noted:— 180 on River Tamar. December 26th. E.G. 140 on River Lynher. December 19th. E.G. 150 on St. John's Lake. December 22nd. S.C.M. 150 on Camel Estuary. February 15th. D.F.M. 150 at Ardevora. February 29th. WJJ. 200 on Tresillian River. April 3rd. WJJ. 220 on Tresillian River. December 30th. WJJ. 75 at Hayle Estuary. February 22nd. D.F.M. 130 on Camel Estuary. December 31st. WJJ. September 12th. One immature on Loe Pool. J.S.G. Very rarely recorded here — Eds. May 26th. First brood of nine at Hayle Estuary, and another brood of ten, June 14th. MJJ. June 9th. At Ardevora, 51 ducklings in four groups with a pair of " aunties " in charge of each group. WJJ.

75 GREY LAG GOOSE 303. Anser anser. February 17th. One flying North West, Port Quin. D.F.M.

76 WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 304. Anser albifrons. Amble Marshes, Camel Estuary (Walmsley Sanctuary):— January 3rd, 100. J.E.B., A.C.S. January 5th, 115. A.H.G. January 11th and 23rd, 120. J.E.B., WJJ. January 26th, 150. R.J.S. February 23rd, 133. D.F.M. December 20th, 25. RJ.S. December 28th, 30. F.R.S., G.B. December 31st, 85. WJJ., RJ.S. On April 15th at Lanivet, a heavy nocturnal passage of Geese (identified by their calls as White Fronted) beginning at 9.40 p.m. It was a cloudy night and there appeared to be much circling with eventual departure in a northerly direction. R.J.S. November 28th. Three flying west past St. Ives Island. B.P.

80 BRENT GOOSE 312/3. Branta bernicla. February 2nd. Two dark breasted race at Tamar Estuary. E.G. February 20th. One (dark breasted) at Hayle Estuary. L.P.W. February 8th-23rd. Two (dark-breasted) at Rock. D.H., D.F.M. October 10th. Eleven at St. John's Lake. K.P. October 19th. One off Rock, Camel Estuary. E.G.R. Cornish Notes November 3rd-4th. One (dark-breasted) on the Camel near Amble Dam. DJ.B. December 27th. Four (dark-breasted) flew past St. Ives Island. R.K.

85 WHOOPER SWAN 300. Cygnus cygnus. February 15th. Two in flight over the Amble River. D.F.M.

86 BEWICK'S SWAN 301. Cygnus bewickii. January 3rd-18th. Five (3 adults and 2 immature) at Hayle Kimbro Pool. N.B.E. January 12th-March 14th. At Tehidy Pond, one immature. E.G., M.JJ., B.P.

91 BUZZARD 269. Buteo buteo. Of ten nests known to me within a three mile radius of at least eight were occupied and at least seven fledged one or more young. D.H.

92 ROUGH-LEGGED BUZZARD 268. Buteo lagopus. February 9th. At Pencarrow Head, one. D.F.M. Details. Watched at down to 50 yards range with 15 x 60 binoculars. First seen flying below me along the cliffs, when the uniform grey- brown back with head slightly paler than back, and rather pale grey tail with broad dark band at tip and some patches of white near tip were seen. As it flew past me it gained height until I could see the very white underwing contrasting with the dark carpal patch and tips to the primaries, underparts whitish apart from smudgy patch on belly. Enough was visible of the legs to see that they were feathered to the toes. Typical lazy Buzzard flight, broad winged and comparatively short tailed. (But perhaps a little larger and longer tailed than a typical common Buzzard). As it reached the Head it circled several times gaining height until it flew confidently out to sea southwards aided by a northerly wind. Although I have not seen a Rough Legged Buzzard previously in this country I have seen a considerable number in Germany. D.F.M.

93 SPARROWHAWK 277. Accipiter nisus. An increase noted in S.E. and Central Cornwall. E.G., WJJ. The general increase in numbers in the St. Columb area noted in 1963 has been maintained. D.H.

94 GOSHAWK 275. Accipiter gentilis. February 5th. At Lanhydrock, one. Details. I stopped my car to look at a clearing through a mature Scots Pine /Silver Fir/Oak plantation which was being lit up very Cornish Notes attractively by the setting sun—5.30 p.m. As I watched a very large Hawk flew across the clearing at about 30 yards range. I immediately recognised it as a Goshawk by its very large size and sparrowhawk shape (broad wings, long tail and direct flight). Upper- parts a uniform very dark brown, white eyestripe, underparts whitish closely barred pale grey, heavily barred rear portion of underwing and underside of tail. It disappeared among the tree trunks having crossed the clearing and was not seen again. Almost certainly a female from the very large size (much as Buzzard). I have seen several Goshawks previously in this country and many abroad (mainly in Germany). D.F.M.

99 MARSH HARRIER 271. Circus aeruginosus. March 27th. At Redmoor, one male. E.N.BJ.

100 HEN HARRIER 273. Circus cyaneus. February 9th. One female at Redmoor. E.N.BJ. June 16th. One female on cliffs at Tregaseal, St. Just-in- Penwith. R.H.B. October 22nd. One female at Redmoor. E.N.BJ.

102 MONTAGU'S HARRIER 272. Circus pygargus. Noted at two localities during breeding season — Eds.

103 OSPREY 284. Pandion haliaetus. July 5th. One flying North over Mawgan Porth. F.R.S.

104 HOBBY 261. Falco subbuteo. September 20th. One female at Hayle Kimbro Pond. A.G.P.

105 PEREGRINE 259. Falco peregrinus. No records received of successful breeding. One seen at an old site in March, but did not stay. — Eds. May 14th. One flying over Marazion. L.P.W. September 3rd. One flying over Hayle Estuary. L.P.W.

107 MERLIN 262. Falco columbarius. January 4th. At Anthony, one. E.G. February 15th. At Truro, one. E.G. February 22nd. Near Indian Queens, one. D.F.M. March 27th. At Porthkidney, one. E.G., N.R.P. August 23rd. At Hayle Estuary, one. E.G., B.P. September 28th. One on the Moor, St. Breward Parish, on which day there was a considerable influx of Meadow Pipits. W.E.A. September 29th. At Hayle Estuary, one. BJP. October 11th. Near Zennor, one male. J.B.B. and S.B. October 18th. At The Lizard, one. A.G.P.

21 Cornish Notes October 25th. At Pentire Head, one. E.G. October 14th. One at Camel Estuary near Amble Dam. DJ.B. One flying south over Marazion Marsh. J.E.B. November 1st. At Hayle Estuary, one. E.G., B.P. December 26th. One female at Godrevy. R.K.

116 PARTRIDGE 518. Perdix perdix. Only records received:— January 4th. Three near cliffs at Mawgan Porth. J.E.B. February 8th. Three near Polzeath. D.F.M. February 17th. Three at Portquin. D.F.M. July 2nd. Five chicks newly hatched with parent, four brought to maturity in Helman Tor area. Another brood of six also reared successfully. E.N.B.J. December 31st. Five at Tregantle. S.E., S.C.M.

117 QUAIL 520. Coturnix coturnix. From June 14th-July 15th. Quail in small numbers (one to four) noted in two areas on St. Breoke Downs. J.A.S., J.E.B., F.R.S., E.G., B.P. June 23rd. One near Zennor. R.D. November 17th. At St. Breward, one. W.E.A.

125 CORNCRAKE 504. Crex crex. August 28th and September 5th. One at Trengwainton. E.H.W.B. September 27th. A dead bird on road between New Mill and Gurnard's Head. B.P. October 14th. One calling between Dinham and Rock. DJ.B.

126 MOORHEN 510. Gallinula chloropus. June 2nd. At the Fowey River, Bodmin Moor, one seen walk­ ing under water. Taken by surprise, the bird walked underwater across the bed of the river at a point where it is 15 feet wide and three feet deep. The head was stretched forward, and the wings kept close to the flanks, making it very streamlined. The river bottom was composed of clear gravel, so there was nothing for the bird to grip with its feet. I was standing on a six foot bank immediately above it and saw the crossing clearly. In view of the controversy mentioned in "The Handbook of British Birds", Vol. 5, page 198, regarding the submergence of such a buoyant bird, details were submitted to " British Birds " and subsequently a short account of the occurrence was published in Vol. 57, No. 9 (September 1964). RJ.S.

22 Cornish Notes 127 COOT 511. Fulica atra. Largest numbers recorded:— 110 at Loe Pool, September 12th, increased to 500 by December 19th. J.S.G., WJJ. 156 at Marazion Marsh, January 1st. J.E.B. 131 OYSTERCATCHER 452. Haematopus ostralegus. The birds which were present at St. Mawgan Airfield from August 26th, 1963, onwards (see 1963 Report, p. 30) remained until January 25th. M.L.R. A pair again attempted to breed on a tiny cliff ledge at North Cliffs. Three eggs May 26th; 1 chick and 1 egg June 4th; 1 chick only June 5th and on June 9th nest empty, so all must have fallen over as in previous years. MJ.J. 133 LAPWING 449. Vanellus vanellus. Maximum numbers were:— 500 on River Tamar, January 11th. E.G. 600+ at St. Germans, February 22nd. E.G. 1,000+ on the Camel Estuary, October 25th. E.G. 400 at Ardevora, River Fal, December 18th. W.J.J. 1,000+ at Hayle Estuary on various dates in January. MJJ., R.D.P. Two thousand were counted flying West over in four hours (weather movement), December 28th. E.G. Early flocking:— 80+ at Tregonetha Downs, St. Columb, June 16th. D.H. 100 at Dozmary Pool, June 17th. R.J.S. 120 at St. Breoke Downs, June 26th. J.A.S. 134 RINGED PLOVER 435. Charadrius hiaticula. Only nesting record received was of a pair that bred successfully at Booby Bay. D.F.H. Would members please send in all breeding records for 1965 so that the bird's present breeding status may be known. — Eds. Usually seen in comparatively small numbers. Largest num­ bers recorded:— October 11th. 230 at Torpoint. S.C.M. Numbers on the Camel very erratic. Maximum numbers were 300+ September 3rd. J.E.B. 50+ during early November. DJ.B. 139 GREY PLOVER 444. Charadrius squatarola. Largest numbers seen:— Hayle Estuary, 26 on January 25th. E.G. Torpoint, 21 on December 24th. S.C.M. Camel Estuary, 25 at Dinham, January 11th; 32, December 31st. WJJ., RJ.S. Cornish Notes One seen on plough land inland at St. Merryn, April 5th, and five on similar ground at Trevose Head, December 26th. Birds from this coast forage freely over plough land in the area, several miles inland. D.H. 140 GOLDEN PLOVER 440/1. Charadrius apricarius. Largest numbers recorded:— River Tamar: 3,000 March 1st; 2,000 November 21st. E.G. River Lynher, 600 October 18th. E.G. River Camel, 1,000 October 25th-27th. DJ.B., E.G. Hayle Estuary, 1,000 January 5th. R.D.P. 800-1,000 October 26th-27th and November 20th-21st. J.B.B. and S.B. River Fal, 300 at Ardevora, December 18th, were unusual here. W.JJ. March 28th. Of 800 seen on River Tamar, a few were identified as the race altifrons in breeding plumage. R.M.C. May 18th. One of the race altifrons in breeding plumage at St. Just Airport. R.D. December 31st. A large flock at Davidstow Parish flew in from the East. (Weather movement). G.B. 143 TURNSTONE 402. Arenaria interpres. November 22nd. One eating bread on beach at Torpoint. S.CM. Wintering Turnstones at Marazion Town Beach quite domesti­ cated— noted eating bread along with Starlings and Sparrows. J.S-S. For previous records of unusual feeding by Turnstones see Reports for 1949, 1958, 1962. —Eds. December 31st. One in field with Lapwings, Blarrick Farm, Sheviock. S.C.M. 145 COMMON SNIPE 395. Capella gallinago. August 23rd. Two at Porthkidney Beach (unusual here). E.G. An influx in West Cornwall in early February—c. 60 counted at wet field Ponsandane, February 7th; 27 at Crowan Reservoirs on February 8th with a further six in a marshy bottom half a mile away. J.E.B. On November 21st 50 at Marazion Marsh was an unusually large number here, and on the same day 40 were counted at Drift Reservoir. J.E.B. 147 JACK SNIPE 398. Lymnocryptes minimus. Clifton, River Tamar: One January 4th; two January 26th; one October 18th. E.G. Marazion Marsh: One March 28th; four March 29th. E.G., B.P. One October 26th. J.E.B. One November 17th. J.B.B. and S.B.

24 Cornish Notes Hayle Estuary January 28th, one. E.W. February 27th, one in field near railway, St. Erth Parish. L.P.W. Other Localities February 3rd. At Ponsandane, one. J.E.B. October 25th. One in valley below Madron Cam. A.B.G. December 20th. One in a kale field, Treswithian, Camborne. L.P.W. 154 BLACK-TAILED GODWIT 387. Limosa limosa. Largest numbers noted:— River Tamar: 84 January 30th, 80 August 28th. E.G. River Lynher: 250 October 24th. E.G. 10 still present May 10th. K.P. St. John's Lake: 230+ December 22nd. S.C.M. Ruan Lanihorne: 100+ August 21st. Moved to nearby ploughland at high tide. J.B.B. and S.B. 90 September 1st reducing to only a few later. WJ.J. Tresillian River: 91 April 3rd. WJJ. 20 still present May 3rd. E.W. 80 September 26th increasing to 135 by November 28th. W.JJ. River Camel: c. 50 September 2nd. J.D.R.V. Autumn passage first noted on the Camel, August 7th. R.J.S. Hayle Estuary. 40 flying South, September 3rd. L.P.W. 155 BAR TAILED GODWIT 386. Limosa lapponica. Autumn passage first noted on Camel, 20 August 21st. R.J.S. Largest numbers noted:— River Camel. 100, September 18th and October 1st. R.J.S. Thankes, Torpoint. 29, November 18th. S.C.M. 156 GREEN SANDPIPER 424. Tringa ochropus. February 23rd. At Sladesbridge, one. D.F.M. June 29th-September 28th. Occurred at Crowan Reservoirs in small numbers. J.E.B. August 21st. Three at Ruan Lanihorne and one August 26th. J.B.B. and S.B. September 13th. At Melancoose Reservoir, two. D.H. September 30th. One at a roadside stream at Stithians. J.E.B. October 18th. At Melancoose Reservoir, one. D.H. October 29th. Two at Sladesbridge, River Camel. DJ.B.

25 Cornish Notes 157 WOOD SANDPIPER 423. Tringa glareola. March 28th. At Marazion Marsh, one. L.P.W. May 12th. A party of three at Marazion Marsh, four on 14th, two on 16th, one on 18th. E.G., R.G.H., L.P.W. May 3rd. At Ponsandane, one. E.G., B.P. July 30th, August 5th and 16th. At Marazion Marsh, one. J.E.B., N.R.P., L.P.W. August 7th-September 16th. At Crowan Reservoirs in small numbers. J.B.B. and S.B., J.E.B., E.G., B.P. August 15th. At Hayle Kimbro Pool, one. N.B.E. August 25th. One, still in breeding dress, at a muddy pool at roadside, Hellesveor, near St. Ives. J.B.B. and S.B.

159 COMMON SANDPIPER 421. Tringa hypoleucos. Winter Records:— January 30th. At Hayle Estuary, one. J.B.B. and S.B. November 28th. At Tresillian Creek, one. WJ.J. One remained at Hayle Estuary until December 31st. J.B.B. and S.B. At Hayle Estuary, July 16th, in addition to birds spread over estuary, there was a compact flock of c. 30 birds at Carnsew Pool. J.B.B. and S.B.

161 REDSHANK 428/30. Tringa totanus. Largest numbers noted:— River Lynher. 1,000+ September 5th. E.G. Ardevora, River Fal. 300 September 12th. WJJ.

162 SPOTTED REDSHANK 431. Tringa erythropus. A good Autumn Passage noted. River Tamar One to three, August 15th-October 23rd. E.G. River Lynher Six at Ince, August 29th. E.G. River Fal At Ardevora: two, August 21st; one, September 1st; three, September 12th; one, October 16th. J.B.B. and S.B., WJJ. At Ruan Lanihorne: two, August 21st. J.B.B. and S.B. Tresillian River One, January 4th, February 5th, April 3rd and May 5th (in breeding dress). J.E.B., WJJ., A.C.S., E.W. (Probably the same bird. — Eds.) December 13th, two. R.D.P. Crowan Reservoirs August 4th-19th, one, two on August 11th. J.E.B., A.CS. September lst-22nd, one to two. J.E.B.

26 Cornish Notes Marazion Marsh September 1st, one flying over. J.E.B. Hayle Estuary April 26th, one. MJJ. July 22nd-September 26th, one to two regularly seen. J.B.B. and S.B., J.E.B., E.G., R.K., S.C.M., B.P., N.R.P., L.P.W. River Camel February 23rd. One on Amble River. D.F.M. One, August 25th, September 3rd, eight October 11th, one November 4th. J.E.B., DJ.B., E.G., A.H.G.

164 LESSER YELLOW-LEGS 426. Tringa flavipes. October 3rd-7th. One near Trewornan Bridge, Camel Estuary. DJ.B., WJJ., R.J.S. Full details received. The record has been accepted by the Rare Birds Committee. — Eds.

165 GREENSHANK 432. Tringa nebularia. One, Marazion Marsh, April 22nd, May 1st. J.E.B. On Spring passage:— One, Hayle Estuary, May 2nd. MJJ. One on River Lynher, May 10th. K.P. One at Marazion Marsh, May 14th-19th. J.E.B., E.G. One at Ruan Lanihorne, May 8th. RX.W. Autumn passage noted:— On River Tamar, River Lynher (maximum 22 on August 16th and 19 still present November 21st), St. John's Lake, River Camel, maximum 12 on September 3rd, Hellesveor Reservoir (St. Ives), Hayle Estuary, Crowan Reservoirs, Devoran Creek, Ruan Lani­ horne, Percuil River (20, September 12th). J.E.B., J.B.B. and S.B., E.G., WJJ., E.M.P., RJ.S., E.W. Winter Records November 17th at Gillan Creek, two. R.D. January 4th at Ince, River Lynher, four. E.G. January 9th at Devoran Creek, one. J.E.B. January 19th at Clift, River Lynher, two. S.C.M., K.P. January 12th-February 16th. One to three on Camel Estuary. D.F.M., E.G.R. February 5th. At Tresillian Creek, one. J.E.B. December 3rd-26th. Up to four at Ince, River Lynher. S.C.M. December 12th. At Rock, two. WJJ. December 21st-23rd. One on St. John's Lake. S.C.M.

27 Cornish Notes 169 KNOT 403. Calidris canutus. Occurred in small numbers at many coastal localities. Largest numbers seen:— 100 at Ince, River Lynher, January 11th, increasing to 150 on February 1st. E.G. 100 at Dinham, Camel Estuary, January 11th. WJ.J. 150 on Camel Estuary, October 1st. RJ.S. c. 400 at Clifton, River Tamar, October 20th. F.E.L. c. 400 at St. John's Lake, November 3rd. S.C.M. July 24th. One in breeding dress, Hayle Estuary. J.B.B. and S.B. July 31st. Two in breeding plumage, Long Rock Beach. J.S-S. August 9th-30th. Up to five in breeding plumage at Torpoint. S.C.M. Many seen at Dinham, Camel Estuary, in breeding plumage early September. WJJ.

170 PURPLE SANDPIPER 415. Calidris maritima. From information received from several observers since publica­ tion of the 1963 Report, it is obvious that Purple Sandpipers are regular winter visitors at Hannafore, Looe. — Eds.

171 LITTLE STINT 407. Calidris minuta. January 28th. At Porthgwidden Beach, St. Ives, one. J.E.B. At Hayle Estuary, one to seven birds on Autumn passage, August 15th onwards. One still present November 21st. J.E.B., C.J.B., J.B.B. and S.B., E.G., MJ.J., R.K., S.C.M., B.P., L.P.W. October 5th. One at Ponsandane. J.E.B. On River Camel. One to four September 2nd-October 20th. D.J.B., A.H.G., E.G., WJJ., R.J.S., J.D.R.V. At Par Harbour, one, September 13th. WJJ. S.E. Cornwall. October 11th, two at Torpoint. S.C.M., K.P. 175 WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER 414. Calidris fuscicollis. October 19th. At Devoran Creek, one. J.E.B. This Record has been accepted by the Rare Birds Committee.—Eds.

176 PECTORAL SANDPIPER 411. Calidris melanotos. September 17th. At Devoran, one. R.K. September 10th-19th. One at Hayle Estuary. J.E.B., R.K., L.P.W. 178 DUNLIN 404/5. Calidris alpina. At Dozmary Pool, one on May 17th and June 10th, but no evidence of breeding. RJ.S.

28 Cornish Notes Largest numbers noted:— At St. John's Lake, c. 1,500, November 4th and December 27th. E.G., S.C.M. At Devoran Creek, c. 1,000, January 9th. J.E.B. At Camel Estuary, c. 1,500, September 3rd. J.E.B. At Hayle Estuary, c. 550, December 31st. J.E.B. Population at Dinham, Camel Estuary, at end of year was 5-600. WJJ., RJ.S. First noted on Autumn passage:— June 30th at Hayle Estuary. J.E.B. 179 CURLEW-SANDPIPER 406. Calidris testacea. Occurred in small numbers at Hayle Estuary on Autumn pas­ sage, September 13th-October 10th. Maxima of 8+ October 1st, 9+ October 6th. J.B.B. and S.B., E.G., M.J.J., S.C.M. B.P. September 17th. At Devoran, four. R.K. Autumn passage noted on Camel Estuary, September 10th- October 27th with maxima of 12 on September 18th and October 3rd. DJ.B., E.G., A.H.G., WJJ., R.J.S. November 19th-22nd. At Marazion Marsh, one. J.E.B., J.B.B. and S.B., R.D., R.G.H., MJJ. B.P., L.P.W.

184 RUFF 417. Philomachus pugnax. Occurred in small numbers at Hayle Estuary, January-March (maximum of 11 February 23rd) and two, April 17th and from September until the end of the year. J.B.B. and S.B., J.E.B., J.S.G., E.G., MJJ., S.C.M., B.P., L.P.W. Drift Reservoir August 11th, one. J.E.B., A.C.S. Marazion Marsh One, March 26th. J.E.B. Two, March 29th. E.G. Two, November 21st. MJJ., B.P. Ponsandane One, March 5th. J.E.B. One, May 18th. E.G., B.P. Crowan Reservoirs August 8th, one. J.E.B. Camel Estuary Two, August 25th. One September 17th and October 4th. D.J.B., A.H.G. February 18th. At Sladesbridge, two. D.F.M. South East Cornwall January 10th. Five in a field at Torpoint, increasing to seven on the 25th. K.P. December 19th. One in a field at Carbeile, Torpoint. S.C.M. Two at Torpoint, December 25th. K.P. 29 Cornish Notes 185 AVOCET 451. Recurvirostra avosetta. River Tamar:— January 4th, 60. E.G. February 15th, 49. D.F.M. March 14th, 29. S.C.M. October 31st, two. DJ.B. November 7th, Five. E.G. December 5th, 23. S.C.M. December 19th, 35. LW.G. December 25th to end of year, 50. R.M.C., E.G. Other records:— January 19th. One in a large flock of Oystercatchers at Clift, River Lynher. S.C.M., K.P. 187 GREY PHALAROPE 400. Phalaropus fulicarius. One passing St. Ives Island September 16th, October 10th and 11th. E.G., R.K., WJJ., B.P. September 18th-October 19th. A Phalarope on the Camel Estuary was identified by some observers as Red-necked, by others as Grey! Evidence produced fitted Red-necked better than Grey, but was not conclusive.—Eds. September 26th and October 9th. Single birds seen from M.V. Scillonian. O. October 16th. Eight at Marazion. R.H.B. November 2nd. At Torpoint, one. S.C.M. November 15th. Ten flying West, past St. Ives Island. E.G., R.K., B.P. November 16th. One off St. Ives Island. L.P.W. December 12th. At Loe Bar, one. J.S.G.

193 ARCTIC SKUA 493. Stercorarius parasiticus. June 15th. One from M.V. Scillonian and many records be­ tween mid-September and end of October. O. Autumn passage noted off St. Ives Island:— September 6th-October 23rd. Lighter than usually — Eds. Largest numbers recorded:— September 17th, 34. E.G., R.K. Four at Porthkidney, September 20th. E.G., B.P. November 15th. One flying West past To wan Head, Newquay. A.H.G. 194 GREAT SKUA 491. Stercorarius skua. March 26th. One about five miles S.W. of Lands End. R.P. April 11th. One about 3 miles S.W. of Lands End. B.P. June 15th. One from M.V. Scillonian. O. July 12th. One passing St. Ives Island. E.G., B.P.

30 Cornish Notes September 17th. Two passing St. Ives Island . R.K., J.A.S. Single birds seen on several days in September and October from M.V. Scillonian, and five on October 18th. O. October 8th and 23rd. One flying West past St. Ives Island. J.E.B., L.P.W. 195 POMARINE SKUA 492. Stercorarius pomarinas. September 16th. One flying past St. Ives Island. R.K., B.P. October 8th. One off St. Ives Island. L.P.W. October 23rd. One seen from M.V. Scillonian. O. 199 LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL 484/5. Lams fuscus. February 20th. Of six birds on Mawgan Porth Beach, four were referable to the Scandinavian race (L.f. fuscus), and the other two had mantles intermediate between British and Scandinavian races. (Birds were seen at rest and in flight). J.E.B. 200 HERRING GULL 482. Lams argentatus. At least three pairs nested on flat roofs in the middle of Newquay. D.H. A big roost at Meachard Island off Boscastle in the latter half of August. Gulls in the Upton-Widemouth area all flew south in the evening and possibly used this roost. J.R.D.V. 202 GLAUCOUS GULL 487. Lams hyperboreus. January 25th. One immature at Newlyn. J.E.B.

205 MEDITERRANEAN GULL 479. Lams melanocephalus. March 26th-29th. An adult in breeding plumage in St. Ives Bay. J.E.B., E.G., R.D.P., L.P.W. April 14th. One sub-adult with a little black on primaries at Marazion Marsh. R.G.H. At least one adult in St. Ives Bay area. August 3rd-October 11th. J.B.B. and S.B., J.E.B., R.M.C., E.G., R.K., B.K., B.P., E.W. November 3rd. One adult at Camel Estuary near Amble Dam. DJ.B. Full details received. — Eds. 207 LITTLE GULL 477. Lams minutus. January 28th. One second winter bird at St. Ives. J.E.B. March 15th. At St. Ives, one. B.P. June 14th. Near Morvah, one first summer bird. CJ.B. July 12th. One in second year plumage, off St. Ives Island E.G., B.P., R.D.P. August 27th. One immature at Carnsew Pool, Hayle Estuary. J.B.B. and S.B. September 14th. One juvenile of the year at Marazion. J.E.B. September 23rd. One immature at Porthkidney Beach. J.E.B. November 18th. One immature at Hayle Estuary. J.E.B. 31 Cornish Notes 208 BLACK-HEADED GULL 478. Larus ridibundus. September 3rd-4th, 14th and 23rd. Apparently melanistic birds occurred at Hayle Estuary. Dark markings not caused by oil, and symmetrical patterning on wings etc. indicated genuine plumage and not caused by feeding or swimming in polluted ground. Up to four birds seen. J.E.B., RJ.S., R.M.C. On September 14th, an apparently melanistic bird at Crowan Reservoirs, identical in markings with one seen earlier in the day at Hayle Estuary. J.E.B.

209 SABINE'S GULL 474. Xema sabini. September 16th. Off St. Ives Island, two immatures. B.P., R.K., B.K. October 16th. Two seen from M.V. Scillonian. O. November 16th. One near adult flying west past St. Ives. D.J.B.

211 KHTIWAKE 489. Rissa tridactyla. 80 pairs at Gull Rock, the Nare, March 26th. WJJ. May 19th. Four occupied nests at Tolpednpenwith. J.E.B. July 1st. 49 nests held young near Rosemurgy, Morvah. CJ.B. In June three breeding colonies between St. Agnes and St. Agnes Head. Estimated numbers 100 +, 100+ and 40 + . J.A.S. A good autumn passage off St. Ives. November 15th, 6,000 flying West past the Island between 0845 hrs. and 1500 hrs. during a W.N.W. blow, force 6-7. E.G., R.K. June 13th. One being chased by a Lesser Black-backed Gull at Dozmary Pool. P.F.B. Inland records of Kittiwakes at mid-Summer are very unusual.—Eds.

212 BLACK TERN 462. Chlidonias niger. August 2nd. At Porthkidney Beach, one. E.G. August 8th. On Tamar Estuary, one. E.G. August 13th, 15th and 19th. One in St. Ives Bay. N.R.P. August 15th. At Crowan Reservoirs, one. J.E.B. August 16th. At Beggar's Island, River lynher, three. S.E., S.C.M. August 22nd. At Carnsew Pool, Hayle Estuary, one adult and one juvenile. J.B.B. and S.B. September 3rd. At Porthkidney Beach, one. WJJ. September 6th. At Carnsew Pool, Hayle Estuary, one. B.P. September 13th. At Porthkidney Beach, one. J.B.B. and S.B. September 17th. One off St. Ives Island. R.K. September 28th. One seen from M.V. Scillonian. O.

32 Cornish Notes

213 WHITE-WINGED BLACK TERN 464. Chlidonias leucopterus. May 4th-5th. At Melancoose Reservoir, one in breeding plumage. C. D. Parkyn, J.E.B., D.H. Full details received. This record has been accepted by the Rare Birds Committee.—Eds. 214 WHISKERED TERN 463. Chlidonias hybrida. May 27th. At Marazion Marsh, one. R.G.H. Full details received. This record has been accepted by the Rare Birds Committee.—Eds.

217 COMMON TERN 469. Sterna hirundo. May 7th. 34 "Comic" Terns close inshore at Marazion after gale. One at Marazion Marsh. R.G*H. A good Autumn passage in the St. Ives Bay area. 100 at Porthkidney Beach on July 12th, 200 on August 1st. E.G. 400/500 "Comic" Terns flying west past St. Ives Island Septem­ ber 17th between 0800 hrs. and 1600 hrs. R.K., J.A.S. Autumn passage in small numbers noted at Widemouth Bay, on River Camel, and River Tamar. E.G., F.E.L. 218 ARCTIC TERN 470. Sterna macrura. June 30th and July 13th. One in first summer plumage at Porthkidney Beach. J.E.B. August 1st. Two in breeding dress at Porthkidney. E.G. 219 ROSEATE TERN 468. Sterna dougallii. May 7th. Three at Porthkidney Beach. J.E.B. June 3rd. Two with 16 Common Terns and one Little Tern on rocks at St. Michael's Mount. J.E.B., R.G.H. June 30th-August 22nd. In small numbers, with a maximum of eight, August 1st at Porthkidney. J.B.B. and S.B., J.E.B., E.G., B.P., A.C.S., L.P.W. July 29th. One adult and one juvenile of the year at Spit, Par. The adult drove off Herring Gulls which ventured near. T.R.J.W. 222 LITTLE TERN 471. Sterna albifrons. April 9th. One at Spit Beach, Par. W.J.J. May 7th. One at Porthkidney Beach. J.E.B. June 3rd. One on rocks off St. Michael's Mount. J.E.B., R.G.H. Occurred in small numbers on Autumn passage in St. Ives Bay and Hayle Estuary area, July 26th-September 15th. Maxima, eight on August 2nd. J.E.B., E.G., M.J.J., R.K., R.D.P., B.P., L.P.W. July 28th. Two off Spit, Par. T.RJ.W. August 8th. Two on Tamar Estuary. E.G.

33 Cornish Notes August 9th. Two on Camel Estuary. E.G. September 3rd. One on Camel at Dinham. J.E.B. September 6th. Three on Camel Estuary. R.J.S.

223 SANDWICH TERN 467. Sterna sandvicensis. A good Autumn passage in the St. Ives Bay area, with maxima of 50 September 6th, 80 September 20th. E.G. Autumn passage also noted: Widemouth Bay (16, September 5th-7th). Mount's Bay. F.E.L., J.S.S.

224/227 AUKS 496/499. Alca torda. Uria aalge. A good Autumn passage off St. Ives Island. Largest numbers noted: November 15th, 15,000 between 0845 hrs. and 1500 hrs. Wind N.W., force 5-6. E.G., R.K.

224 RAZORBILL 496. Alca torda. June 14th. At least 200 at Lye Rock. P.F.B. At least 60 at Gull Rock, Holywell. P.F.B. Several dozen at St. Agnes Head, some with young on nests. P.F.B.

226 LITTLE AUK 502. Plautus alle. November 26th. One off Penzance Promenade. J.E.B.

227 GUILLEMOT 498/9. Uria aalge. January 6th. 40+ sitting on cliff nesting ledges at Hell's Mouth. J.E.B. March 26th. 50—60 at Gull Rock, the Nare. WJJ. June 14th. 30+ at Gull Rock, Holywell. P.F.B. Estimated 30—40 pairs at St. Agnes Head. One of the "bridled" form. No young seen. P.F.B.

230 PUFFIN 503. Fratercula arctica. February 8th. At Pentire Head, one. D.F.M. May 3rd. Six passing St. Ives Island. E.G., B.P. May 15th. Only three on sea at Porthmissen. WJJ. May 24th. 600+ at Lye Rock, Tintagel. E.G. June 14th. One at St. Ives. E.G. Several hundred at Lye Rock. P.F.B. At Gull Rock, Holywell, three flying about. P.F.B. August 30th. At St. Ives, one. B.P. September 18th. At St. Ives, six. DJ.B. September 26th. One seen from R.M.V. Scillonian. E.G. October 9th. Two seen from R.M.V. Scillonian. E.G. July 12th. A party of 14 flew past St. Ives Island. R.D.P.

34 Cornish Notes 232 STOCK DOVE 381. Columba oenas. January 3rd. At least 25 on cliffs near Huers' Hut, Newquay, and 8 on the 4th.. A.H.G. January 4th. At least five at High Cove near Mawgan Porth J.E.B. March 23rd. At Camborne North Cliffs, one, and three on 29th. J.E.B., E.G. April 14th and 28th. One at Towan Head, Newquay. A.H.G. April 28th. Near Torpoint, a nest with two eggs. Young left nest June 4th. K.P. May 2nd. At Melancoose Reservoir, one and two September 3rd and 19th. J.E.B. May 10th. At Cotehele Woods, four. E.G. May 24th. At Crackington Haven, three. E.G. At Tintagel, six. E.G. June 26th. At Stem Cove, two. J.E.B. September 1st. Six single birds near Anthony. S.C.M. September 3rd. At Dinham, one. J.E.B. September 15th. One at Porthkidney Beach, and two at Hayle Estuary. J.E.B. September 28th-October 2nd. At Hayle Estuary, one. J.E.B. October 10th. At Millbrook, one. S.C.M. October 18th. At Salter Mill, River Tamar, 17. E.G. November 3rd. One at Jupiter Point, River Lynher. S.C.M. November 8th. At Marazion Marsh, one. L.P.W.

233 ROCK DOVE 382. Columbia livia. A pair having the characteristics of Rock Doves at Botallack in late May. N.R.P. At least one pair of apparently "pure" Rock Doves resident on cliffs near Perranporth. R.A.H. November 20th. Three apparently "pure" Rock Doves at this locality, with feral pigeons. J.E.B.

235 TURTLE DOVE 383. Streptopelia turtur. April 28th. At Trewirgie, , one. R.M.P. May 2nd. At Saltash, one. E.G. May 10th-14th. Near Torpoint, three. K.P. May 15th. At , one. J.S.G. May 17th. At Pendeen, two. E.G., BJP. At Lower Predannick, Mullion, one. N.B.E. At Porthkidney, five. E.G., B.P. May 18th. At Marazion Marsh, two. E.G., B.P. May 24th. At Marazion Marsh, one. B.P. May 30th. At Delabole, one. G.B. June lst-3rd. A party of five at Botallack. NJR.P.

35 Cornish Notes June 11th. At Halton Quay, two. E.G. At Lancarrow Moor, Four Lanes, one. J.E.B. June 13th. At Trevalga, one. P.F.B. June 14th. At St. Erth, two. E.G. June 19th. At Egloskerry, a pair. R.L.W. July 27th. Near Ruan Minor, one. R.D.P. September 12th. At Helston Cattle Market, one. J.S.G. October 10th. At Trelill, one. G.B. COLLARED DOVE. Streptopelia decaocto. Well established at Penzance, Heamoor, Lelant, Hayle, Fal­ mouth, Perranporth. E.G., R.A.H., J.S.S., E.W. In the Bude area, it was estimated that about 250 were present by the end of the year. F.E.L. July 21st. One at Halton Quay, River Tamar—my first record for S.E. Cornwall. E.G. Two at . February 29th. D.F.M. April 12th. At Mullion, one. N.B.E. Five birds and a nest at St. Buryan, a new locality, June. S.C. May 9th. At St. John's, Helston, one: seen regularly for rest of the year; three, December 11th and two December 23rd—my first records for this area. J.S.G. May 9th. A pair at Neeham Farm, St. Newlyn East remained for a fortnight. A.H.G. May 30th. At Newquay, one. D.H. June 22nd. Pair flying across Marazion Marsh. J.A.S. November 22nd. At Trevaylor, two. R.D. December 8th-12th. At Penberth, four. R.D. 241 BARN OWL 254. Tyto alba. All records received:— One regularly seen at Helman Tor. E.N.BJ. February 10th. Two in North East Cornwall, D.F.M. February 19th. One dead on road, Cotehele. D.F.M. In the St. Columb Major area numbers appear to have recovered to pre 1963 level, and were seen during the breeding season in all the usual sites, often hunting in daylight. D.H. June 13th. At Marazion Marsh, one. J.E.B. September 17th. One near Wadebridge. DJ.B. September 18th. One near Bodmin. D.J.B. October 12th. One at Dobwalls. J.E.B. October 24th. One found dead near St. Kew Highway. DJ.B. November 2nd. One near . DJ.B. November 5th. One at St. Kew Highway. DJ.B. 249 SHORT-EARED OWL 251. Asio flammeus. April 8th. At Gribbin Head, one. T.RJ.W. December 17th. One flying North over Saltash. E.G.

36 Cornish Notes 258 KINGFISHER 234. Alcedo atthis. Some recovery from the effects of the 1962/3 winter noted. Outside the breeding season birds were noted at many localities throughout the county. — Eds. April 30th. At Cotehele Quay, River Tamar, one. E.G. 261 HOOPOE 232. Upupa epops. April 11th. One in a garden at Penzance. D.P. April 17th. At Callestick, one. P.A.D. April 20th. At Portmellon, Mevagissey, one, and another (or the same bird, but as it appeared very tired probably a new arrival), April 25th. J.M.C. April 21st. At Lanteglos-by-Fowey, one. G.A.H. April 25th. At Rosemullion Head, one. J.H. 262 GREEN WOODPECKER 235. Picus viridis. A remarkable increase noted of wintering birds in the coastal area of Bude-Widemouth Bay. F.E.L. 264 LESSER SPOTTED WOODPECKER 238. Dendrocopus minor. January 26th. At Ince, one. E.G. February 15th. At Lanhydrock, one. D.F.M. April 11th. At The Dell, Falmouth, one. E.W. April 18th. Near Helman Tor, one. E.N.BJ. December 28th. One at Sandplace, near Looe. S.C.M. 265 WRYNECK 239. Jynx torquilla. May 23rd. A passage bird at Trevean near Morvah was seen by several members on a field day. J.E.B.

271 WOODLARK 69. Lullula arborea. Occurs in small numbers in Tamar Valley. E.G. October 1st. One at Gwithian. L.P.W. 276 HOUSE MARTIN 222. Delichon urbica. Cliff site at Crinnis well occupied. WJJ. Many seen using cliff site near Black Head, Trenarren. WJJ. An increase noted at Padstow. On July 9th one of a family of five young Swallows being fed by their parents, was given food by a House Martin once. M.S. 277 SAND MARTIN 223. Riparia riparia. Breeding noted on new site near Helman Tor, recently made by removal of sand from old tin streaming area. R.J.S.

279 RAVEN 1. Corvus cor ax. Observations of a single bird on February 16th, and a family party of four on April 10th, amongst Rooks at the rookery near Fowey Railway Station, suggest a tree nest among the rookery. T.R.J.W.

37 Cornish Notes During the summer months a regular evening flight east over Helman Tor. Numbers vary from six to a maximum of 24 on July 3rd. During the rest of the year a pair usually to be found here, one of which has a high-pitched "motor horn" note. E.N.BJ. August 16th. A party of sixteen flew low over St. Minver. E.G.R. 281 HOODED CROW 2. Corvus cornix. February 14th. Two at North Downs near Redruth. D.F.M. 283 JACKDAW 5. Corvus monedula. At St. Just-in-Penwith an almost completely unsuccessful breeding season. Only one juvenile seen in a population of about ten pairs, R.H.B. 284 MAGPIE 7. Pica pica. During November and December one seen several times eating putty from metal casement windows of a new bungalow at Mullion. N.B.E. 287 CHOUGH 13. Coracia pyrrhocorax. The last known surviving pair seen at their old haunt through­ out the year. — Eds. 290 COAL TIT 102. Parus ater. September 13th. One on the cliff face near Porthcothan was in an unusual habitat. FJ.H.

292 MARSH TIT 107. Parus palustris. January 20th. Two at St. Ruan, Ruan Minor, were almost as far south as is possible in . N.B.E. September 18th. One near Penrose, two miles S.E. of Porth­ cothan was a new recorded locality for this species. FJ.H. 293 WILLOW TIT 108. Parus atricapillus. February 9th-llth. At Lanhydrock, two (one of which was ringed February 9th). D.F.M. December 19th. Two in damp woodland at Jupiter Point, River Lynher. S.C.M.

294 LONG-TAILED TIT 111. Aegithalos caudatus. Remained scarce in the first part of the year and during the breeding season — Eds. In the latter half of the year small parties were noted in many localities. — Eds. 300 DIPPER 218. Cinclus cinclus. Single birds seen during March on stream at St. Mawgan. This stretch deserted for some years, but used to support four pairs in Col. Ryves earlier days. D.H. Cornish Notes March 1st. At Clapper Bridge, Saltash, one. E.G. March 31st. One carrying food at Kennall Vale, Ponsanooth. P.H.R. May 30th. At Trecarrel Bridge, River Iny, three. E.G. Two on Kenwyn River near Truro seen regularly November- December. R.D.P. 301 MISTLE-THRUSH 174. Turdus viscivorus. August 2nd. A party of about 20 on Trevethoe airstrip. M.JJ. This was the only record of the species received. Records from all localities in 1965 would be welcome, in order to know the present distribution of the species in the County. — Eds. 302 FIELDFARE 173. Turdus pilaris. March 7th. 40 near St. Columb Minor were late for this area. D.H. Saw very few in mid-Cornwall until end of year. R.J.S. Small numbers in St. Columb Major area at end of year. D.H. December 28th. 900 counted in four hours flying West over Saltash (weather movement). E.G. On the same day c. 1,000 flying West over Whitsands Bay, S.E. Cornwall between 11.30 and 1300 hrs. A.F.A. 303 SONG THRUSH 175/7. Turdus ericetorum. February 24th. A flock of 20 at Helland Bridge. D.F.M. Numbers generally seem to be back to pre 1963 level. — Eds. December 28th. 500 flying West over Whitsands Bay, S.E. Cornwall, between 1130 and 1300 hrs. A.F.A. 304 REDWING 178. Turdus musicus. December 28th. 4,000 flying West in four hours over Saltash (weather movement) and another 1,000 seen flying West over Tamar in one hour. E.G. 500 flying West over Whitsands Bay, S.E. Cornwall, between 1130 and 1300 hrs. A.F.A. 307 RING OUSEL 182. Turdus torquatus. April 10th. One at Treyarnon. R.L.W. September 12th. A male and a probable female at Kynance Gate. R.M.P. September 27th. Nine (three adults and six immatures) at Trevail Valley, near St. Ives. B.P. September 28th. Six (two adults and four immatures) at Porth- meor Cove Valley, near Zennor. B.P. September 30th-October 1st. Two adults at Trevail. B.P. 311 WHEATEAR 186/7. Oenanthe oenanthe. October 6th. A freshly dead bird of the race Leucorhoa at Tintagel. Identification confirmed by Mr. S. E. Cook former assistant curator of The Hancock Museum, Newcastle-on-Tyne. G.B. Cornish Notes 317 STONECHAT 198. Saxicola torquata. A good recovery since the 1962/3 winter. Generally distributed in most of the suitable localities on all coasts. Still absent from Marazion Marsh and St. Just-in-Penwith, as a breeding species. Eds. Records from inland localities in breeding season:— June 20th. One male near Bolventor. J.E.B. July 4th. Two at St. Breock Downs E.G.

318 WHINCHAT 197. Saxicola rubetra. April 25th. At Bude, one male. G.B. May 18th. A pair at Cam Marth. R.L.W. May 24th. A pair at Crackington Haven. E.G. June 20th. Three pairs in Upper Fowey Valley. WJ.J., RJ.S. August 26th. One juvenile at Upton, near Bude. J.D.R.V. One at Crowan. J.E.B. August 30th. One near St. Ives. B.P. September 3rd. One at The Lizard. R.M.P. September 5th. Two at Clodgy, St. Ives, and one on the 12th. J.E.B. September 12th-13th. One at Treyarnon Bay. FJ.H. September 13th. At Marazion Marsh, two. J.S.S. September 20th. Near St. Ives, one. N.R.P. 320 REDSTART 201. Phoenicurus phoenicurus. April 26th. One male near Morvah. C.J.B. May 10th. A male singing at Cotehele Woods. Not seen again. E.G., B.P. August 23rd. A male at Hellesveor, St. Ives. J.B.B., S.B. One at Mawgan Porth. F.R.S. August 26th. A male at Ruan Lanihorne. J.B.B. and S.B. August 28th. One immature at Clodgy, St. Ives. J.B.B. and S.B. August 29th. One at Clodgy, St. Ives. J.E.B. September 28th-29th. One at St. Ives rugby football ground. N.R.P. October 1st. One (probably female) at Porthmeor Cove, Zennor, and an immature male on October 2nd. B.P., N.R.P. October 3rd. A female at Treveal. J.B.B. and S.B. October 4th. A female at Helman Tor. E.N.B.J. October 18th. A male at Illogan Highway. CJ.B. 321 BLACK REDSTART 202. Phoenicurus ochruros. In the early part of the year three along beach between Pen­ zance and Marazion. J.S.S. January 5th. At Hayle Estuary, one. L.P.W. January 12th. One at Whitsand Bay. KJP. 40 Cornish Notes February 22nd. One female at Seaton, near Looe. E.G. February 29th. One at Halzaphron Cliff, Gunwalloe. J.S.G. April 9th. At St. Ives, one. N.R.P. October 21st. At The Lizard, one female. J.E.B. October 25th. At Pentire Point, one male. E.G. October 29th. At Mullion, one female. J.B.B. and S.B. November 2nd. At the Lizard, one immature. J.E.B. November 2nd. At Camborne, one. L.P.W. November 3rd. At St. Anthony-in-Meneage, one male. J.B.B. and S.B. November 3rd. At Porthgwara, one. A.B.G. November 18th. A male at Tregantle. S.C.M. 322 NIGHTINGALE 203. Luscinia megarhynchus. August 23rd. One at St. Ives rugby football ground. N.R.P. 327 GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 145. Locustella naevia. April 19th. At Gurnard's Head, one. B.P. April 25th. At Tintagel, two. B.P. April 26th. At Trevail Valley, two. B.P. April 28th. At St. Just-in-Penwith, one. R.H.B. May 3rd. At Arrallas, one. E.G., B.P. May 4th and June 17th. At Halton Quay, one. E.G. May 12th. At Marsland Mouth, one. R.L.W. May 13th. At sunset at least five singing in the St. Eval- Bedruthan Steps area and at least one bird remained in area of St. Eval airfield throughout May. D.H. May 16th. At Trevail Valley, one. E.G. May 17th. At Gurnard's Head, one. E.G. May 30th. A bird in song near Watergate Bay still present on June 30th, but breeding not proved. D.H. April 26th. At Trehellan Bridge, Cubert, one. J.K.H. April 24th. At Swanvale, Falmouth, one. I.W.G. July 12th. At Hustyn Down, one. WJ.J. Three pairs resident in breeding season in marshes at Perran- porth. R.A.H. July 19th. At St. Breocke Downs, one. F.R.S. April 27th. At Porthmeor, Zennor, one. A.H.G. 333 REED WARBLER 149. Acrocephalus scirpaceus. May 23rd. Three singing at Par Beach. WJ.J. May 29th. At least two singing at Gunwalloe Marsh. J.E.B. July 4th. Two singing at Swanpool, Falmouth, and two seen carrying food into reeds. J.E.B. July 5th. One singing at Mawgan Porth. F.R.S. Present at Marazion Marsh throughout breeding season and on August 27th, a pair feeding young which had recently left nest at Marazion Marsh. R.G.H.

41 Cornish Notes 338 AQUATIC WARBLER 154. Acrocephalus paludicola. October 3rd. One adult at Marazion Marsh. B.P., N.R.P. This record has been accepted by the Rare Birds Committee.—Eds.

343 BLACKCAP 162. Sylvia atricapilla. Very plentiful in the breeding season. Winter records:— January 1st. One female at St. Columb Major. D.H. January 27th. One female in Penlee Park, Penzance, eating fat put out for Tits. E.M.C. February-March. One male at St. Ives. Singing strongly March 26th. N.R.P. November 26th. One male in Penlee Park, Penzance. J.E.B. December 17th and 26th. One female in Penlee Park eating fat. E.M.C. December 18th. One in garden at Antony. S.C.M. December 21st. One male in Penlee Park, Penzance. C.V.G. December 25th. At , a male. G.B. December 27th. One male at Lelant. MJ.J.

346 GARDEN WARBLER 161. Sylvia borin. In good numbers in East and Central Cornwall Valleys. E.G., WJJ. Occurred in West Cornwall on Autumn passage. September 3rd. One at Lelant. WJJ September 5th. One at Clodgy near St. Ives. J.E.B., N.R.P. September 12th. One near Zennor. R.K., B.P. October 1st. One near St. Ives. B.P.

348 LESSER WHITETHROAT 164. Sylvia curruca. September 13th. At Porthkidney, one. E.G.

356 CHIFFCHAFF 129. Phylloscopus collybita. Winter records:— January 4th. At Drift Reservoir, one. B.P. January 22nd. At St. Columb Major, one. D.H. January 14th-February 9th. At Marazion Marsh, one seen on three occasions. J.E.B., J.S.S., L.P.W. February 10th. At Kennack Sands, one. J.E.B February 25th. At Lelant, one singing. MJJ. November 2nd. At Lamorna Cove, one. J.B.B. and S.B. At the Lizard, one. J.E.B November 21st. At Marazion Marsh, three, one on 22nd and December 10th. J.E.B., B.P. November 21st-December 23rd. At Drift Reservoir, one, seen on five occasions. J.B.B. and S.B., J.E.B

42 Cornish Notes November 24th. At St. Erth Woods, one. S.B. December 12th. At Swanpool, Falmouth, one. E.W. December 19th. At Loe Pool, one. WJJ.

360 YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER 137. Phylloscopus inornatus. September 12th. One near Zennor. Whilst observing a number of Willow/Chiffchaffs feeding on insects in a sycamore tree a very small warbler, which I took at first to be a Firecrest, flew from the tree and began feeding amongst a pile of newly fallen leaves at the base of the tree. It was then I noticed the lack of a crest. The bird returned to the tree and began feeding in the upper leaves in a quick manner sometimes falling quickly to a lower level in the manner of a goldcrest. No note was heard and I believe this to be an early record for this species. I have observed this bird on St. Agnes, Scilly Isles, Description Size: very small warbler. Almost firecrest in size. Upperparts: Olive greenish with a very pale almost white eye- stripe and very pale double wingbar. Underparts: Very pale, almost white in the sunlight. Bill colour: Not seen clearly. Legs: Dark. Voice: Not heard. General Information The bird fed with great rapidity, dropping from leaf to leaf and at one time actually fed on the ground. The bird was observed in good light conditions at about 10'-15' away for about 10 minutes. R.K.

365 FIRECREST 128. Regulus ignicapillus. February 9th. Near St. Erth, one. B.P. October 13th and 19th. At Lamorna Cove, one. J.B.B. and S.B. October 30th. At Camelford, one. G.B. November 9th. One in Penlee Park, Penzance. E.M.C. December 21st. At Saltash, one. E.G. December 28th. Near Bodmin, one with a mixed flock of Cole Tits (predominating), Blue Tits, Marsh Tits and Goldcrests. W.E.A.

368 PIED FLYCATCHER 123. Muscicapa hypoleuca. April 30th. One female in Fowey Valley near Bolventor. E.G. August 15th. Three at Hellesveor Reservoir, St. Ives. J.B.B. and S.B. August 21st and 28th. One at South Tehidy. CJ.B- August 21st. One female at St. Just-in-Penwith, and one female and one juvenile on September 1st. R.H.B.

43 Cornish Notes August 30th. One near Zennor, and one seen in same locality September 5th. B.P. September 3rd. One near Melancoose. J.E.B. September 4th. One near Turnaware Point, River Fal. E.M.P. September 5th. One in Trevail Valley, three, September 6th and two, September 27th. E.G., B.P. September 12th. Two near Zennor. R.K. Six at Caerthillian, Lizard. R.M.P. October 4th-6th. One at Hellesveor, St. Ives. J.B.B. and S.B.

370 RED-BREASTED FLYCATCHER 125. Muscicapa parva. October 1st. One near St. Ives. B.P., N.R.P. October 19th. At Lamorna Cove, one female. J.B.B. and S.B. Full details of both occurrences received. — Eds. 373 MEADOW-PIPIT 76. Anthus pratensis. December 31st. A flock of 300 on marshy ground near the new dam, River Camel. WJ.J., R.J.S.

379 ROCK/WATER PIPIT 79/81. Anthus spinoletta. January 5th. One A.s. spinoletta at Ponsandane. R.G.H. February 3rd-April 12th. One to three birds of the race A.s. spinoletta at Marazion Marsh. J.E.B., E.G., R.G.H., J.S.S., R.D.P., L.P.W. November 8th. At Ponsandane, one of the race A.s. spinoletta. R.G.H. November 6th-llth. At Marazion Marsh, one of the race A.s. spinoletta, five on November 15th, six on 19th, four on 23rd and two on 26th and December 2nd, one December 10th and 17th. J.E.B., R.G.H.

380 PIED/WHITE WAGTAIL 90/91. Motacilla alba. Birds of the race M.a. alba were recorded as follows:— March 15th. At Marazion, three. C.V.G. March 26th. At Ponsandane, two. C.V.G. March 31st. At Ponsandane, one. R.H.B. April 19th. At Prussia Cove, two. C.V.G. At Marazion Marsh: April 16th, one; May 3rd, six; 10 on 5th; three on 7th; one on 16th. J.E.B., E.G., L.P.W. September 4th-7th. Up to five at Torpoint. S.C.M. September 13th. At Tregantle, one. S.C.M. At Hayle Estuary, two on September 6th; one on 15th; 25 on 20th; one September 26th. J.E.B., E.G., S.C.M.

381 GREY WAGTAIL 89. Motacilla cinerea. Records for the first six months of the year:— January 9th. At Devoran Creek, one. J.E.B. January 26th. At Saltash, one. E.G.

44 Cornish Notes February 15th. At Lanhydrock, one. D.F.M. February 19th. Near Callington, one. D.F.M. March 1st. One at Clapper Bridge, Saltash. E.G. At Antony, one. S.C.M. March 15th. At Cotehele, two. E.G. May 30th. At Trecarrel Bridge, two. E.G. Widely distributed on Autumn passage. — Eds.

382 YELLOW WAGTAIL 84/88. Motacilla flava. At Marazion Marsh a female showing the characteristics of M.f. flava paired with a bird of the British breeding race flarissima. Both birds seen carrying nesting material on May 16th. E.G., L.P.W. Two females on May 13th. J.E.B. A good Autumn passage. August 28th. 10 at Saltash flying West. A small daily passage then seen until mid-September. E.G. August 29th. 16 at Torpoint flying East. S.C.M., K.P. September 2nd. 10 at Tresillian in tall bushes bordering fresh­ water pond. W.J.J. September 8th. One "flava" at Marazion Marsh. J.E.B. September 13th. Five flying over Treyarnon. F.J.H. August 22nd-September 2nd. A marked passage at Upton, near Bude, with a maximum of fifty feeding in cattle grazed field, August 26th. J.D.R.V.

BLACK-HEADED WAGTAIL. June 29th. At Marazion Marsh, one showing characteristics of the Black-headed race (feldegg). J.E.B. This record has been accepted by the Rare Birds Committee.—Eds.

388 RED-BACKED SHRIKE 119. Lanius collurio. June 10th. A male at St. Just-in-Penwith. R.H.B.

389 STARLING 14. Sturnus vulgaris. May 23rd. An albino at St. Just-in-Penwith had foreparts beige, shading to cream near the tail. R.H.B.

395 LINNET 30. Carduelis cannabina. December 28th. A flock of 1,000 feeding in field at Whitsands Bay, S.E. Cornwall later flew west. A.F.A.

397 REDPOLL 25. Carduelis flammea. Two seen at Saltash October 26th, 29th and November 11th. E.G. October 18th. One at Little Petherick. J.B.B. and S.B. November 2nd. One near Cargreen. DJ.B.

45 Cornish Notes November 8th. Three at Penbeagle, St. Ives. J.B.B. and S.B. ] December 15th and 19th. One in St. Erth Woods. J.B.B. and S.B. 404 CROSSBILL 36. Loxia curvirostra. October 25th. At the Camel Estuary, one. E.G. 407 CHAFFINCH 40/41. Fringilla coelebs. December 28th. Over 1,000 in a field of kale at Saltash. E.G. 408 BRAMLING 42. Fringilla montifringilla. January 1st. At Mawnan Smith, two. RX.W. January 4th. At Drift Reservoir, one. B.P. January 22nd. At Tregoose Mill, St. Columb, five, and two still present at the Tregoose roost, March 21st. D.H. January 24th. At Crowan Reservoirs, two. J.E.B. February 1st. At Seaton near Looe, five. E.G. February 5th. At Lanhydrock, four. D.F.M. February 27th. At St. Mawgan in Pydar, one. D.H. February 29th. Near Callington, one. D.F.M. October 18th. At The Lizard, one. A.G.P. October 20th. At Treswithian near Camborne, one. L.P.W. October 25th. At Trevail Valley, one. B.P., N.R.P. From mid-November on, single birds present with large mixed finch flocks in several localities around St. Columb Major. D,~~ November 28th. At Loe Bar, a small party. J.S.G November 29th. One male in a flock of Chaffinches at Helles- veor, St. Ives. S»! December 5th. At Cargreen, one. S.C.M. At the end of the year a considerable influx into S.E. Corn­ wall—three at Carkeel, nr. Saltash, on November 7th increasing to 70 at Carkeel and 30+ at Ince on December 25th and 35 at Antony on December 26th. Six also seen at Torpoint on December 27th. December 21st-26th. Up to 42 in a huge flock of finches al Horson, Torpoint. S.E., S.Cf"

410 CORN BUNTING 43. Emberiza calandra. Noted in many coastal areas. Information for a complete survey would be welcomed. — Eds. During January a pale cream bird with heavily streaked lower | breast, brown smudge above and behind eyes, pale brown under tail coverts and normal coloured beak and legs with three normally plumaged birds at Godrevy. L.P.W. Inland records received:— February 14th. Six at Crowan Reservoirs. J.E.B. May 4th and June 18th. One singing at Nine Maidens near Four Lanes. J.E.B.

46 Cornish Notes May 1st and July 19th. At Hustyn, one. E.G., F.R.S. July 4th and 19th. At St. Breocke Downs, five. E.G., F.R.S. 415 CIRL BUNTING 49. Emberiza cirlus. February 7th. At Lanhydrock, one. D.F.M. February 19th. At Cotehele, one. D.F.M. A pair present at Torpoint during the breeding season. S.E., S.C.M. One seen at Porthleven throughout the year. J.S.G. April 26th. One male at St. Just in Roseland. E.M.P. October 21st. Near Dinham, Camel Estuary, one. DJ.B. November 27th. At Saltash, a male. E.G. November 28th. A pair near St. Clement. WJJ. 423 SNOW BUNTING 59. Plectrophenax nivalis. January 4th. A flock of about 28 at Towan Head, Newquay. A.H.G. A flock of c. 40 in stubbles on cliffs at Mawgan Porth. J.E.B. October 11th. At St. Ives Island, one. E.G., B.P. November 15th. At Bolventor, four. R.K. 425 TREE SPARROW 62. Passer montanus. October 31st. Two, with other finches, at Carkeel, Saltash. E.G.

CORRECTIONS 21 SOOTY SHEARWATER 363. On page 14 of the 1963 Report the initials R.M.C. should be deleted from the record of September 28th. The record for Septem­ ber 27th should read — August 27th. Two off St. Ives Island. R.M.C. And there should be inserted an additional record — August 28th. One seen from R.M.V. Scillonian. R.M.C. R.M.C. — R. M. Curber was inadvertently left out of the list of Contributors, for which omission the Editors apologise.


Species which, although passage migrants only in Cornwall, breed regularly elsewhere in the British Isles are indicated by the letter (b).

First Recorded On By Last Recorded On By 151 Whimbrel (b) 389 Torpoint April 3 S.C.M. Zennor Oct. J.E.B. Marazion Marsh April 16 J.E.B. Hayle Estuary April 20 L.P.W. Camel Estuary Oct. D.J.B. Halton Quay, R. Tamar April 21 E.G. Torpoint Oct. 18 S.C.M. Tehidy April 24 C.J.B. 159 Common Sandpiper (b) 421 Hayle Estuary Mar. 14 E.G. 217 Common Tern (b) 469 Marazion April 7 L.P.W. Torpoint Oct. 11 S.C.M. Trevose Head April 10 R.L.W. Gwithian Oct. 30 L.P.W. Falmouth Bay April 25 E.W. St. Ives April 28 N.R.P. 219 Roseate Tern (b) 468 Falmouth Bay April 26 E.W. 223 Sandwich Tern (b) 467 Long Rock Mar. 15 B.P. St. Ives Oct. J.E.B. St. Ives Mar. 25 N.R.P. Carnsew Pool Oct. E.G. Falmouth Bay April 14 E.W.


First Recorded On By Last Recorded On By 237 Cuckoo 240 Carthew, Camel Estuary Aug. 9 E.G. St. Austell April 9 W.J.J. St. Breward April 17 W.E.A. Trevail, nr. St. Ives April 19 B.P. Gurnard's Head April 19 C.J.B. Penzance April 22 E.M.C. Helman Tor April 23 E.N.B.J. Lizard April 25 R.M.P. Pillaton April 26 E.G. St. Just-in- Penwith April 28 R.H.B. 255 Swift 225 Pillaton April 26 E.G. St. Breward W.E.A. Trevail, nr. Aug. 8 St. Ives April 26 B.P. Crowan Aug. 15 J.E.B. St. Clements April 27 E.W. Madron Aug. 24 J.S.S. Penzance April 27 E.M.C. Torpoint Aug. 25 S.C.M. Helston April 28 J.S.G. Saltash Aug. 31 E.G. St. Ives April 28 N.R.P. Lanivet April 29 W.J.J. Lizard April 29 R.M.P. St. Just-in- Penwith April 30 R.H.B. Falmouth May 2 I.W.G. Newquay May 4 A.H.G. St. Breward May 4 W.E.A. Torpoint May 4 S.C.M.

48 Last Recorded On By First Recorded Onn By 274 Swallow 220 Marazion Marsh Mar. 27 E.G. St. Breward Oct. 18 W.E.A. Constantine Bay Mar. 28 R.L.W. Saltash Oct 31 E.G. Widemouth Bay Mar. 29 F.E.L. Widemouth Bay Oct. 31 F.E.L. Loe Pool April 4 J.S.G. Hayle Estuary Nov. 1 M J.J. Melancoose Sennen Nov. 8 J.SS. Reservoir April 5 D.H. Penzance Nov. 14 BP. Halton Quay April 9 E.G. Lizard Nov. 20 N.B.E. Torpoint April 9 S.C.M. Falmouth Nov. 22 I.W.G. St. Breward April 11 W.E.A. Helman Tor April 13 E.N.B.J. Newquay April 13 A.H.G.

276 House Martin 222 Treyarnon Mar. 28 R.L.W. Lizard Nov. J.E.B. Helston April 13 J.S.G. Roseworthy Nov. L.P.W. Newquay April 13 A.H.G. Falmouth Nov. J.B.B &S.B. Halton Quay April 15 E.G. Truro Nov. R.D.P. Crinnis April 19 W.J.J. Loe Pool Nov. J.S.G. Saltash Dec. E.G. Penzance Dec. E.M.C.

277 Sand Martin 223 Gwithian Mar. 23 J.E.B. Melancoose Sept. J.E.B. Halton Quay Mar. 23 E.G. Near St. Ives Oct. N.R.P. Marazion Marsh Mar. 25 E.M.C. Porthcothan Mar. 26 F.R.S. Par Mar. 30 R.M.C. Newquay April 13 A.H.G. St. Just-in- Penwith April 13 R.H.B.

311 Wheatear 186 St. Eval Mar. 24 D.H. Hayle Estuary Sept. 20 E.G. Mawgan Porth Mar. 24 F.R.S. St. Breward Sept. 30 W.E.A. St. Ives Mar. 29 N.R.P. Helman Tor Sept. 30 E.N.B.J. Davidstow Moor Mar. 29 G.B. St. Jusfr-in- Trevose Head (30) Mar. 31 R.L.W. Penwith Oct. 1 R.H.B. Gwithian Mar. 31 R.D.P. Buller Downs, Loe Bar April 3 J.S.G. Redruth Oct. 2 J.E.B. St. Breward April 10 W.E.A. Porthleven Oct. 3 J.S.G. St. Mawgan Oct. 9 M.L.R. Marazion Oct. 13 B.P. Pentire Head Oct. 13 E.G.R. Torpoint Oct. 18 S.C.M.

333 Reed Warbler 149 Marazion Marsh Apini l 23 J.E.B. Salter Hill Ma y 2 E.G.

337 Sedge Warbler 153 Swanpool April 11 E.W. Crowan Sept. 16 J.E.B. Halton Quay April 23 E.G. Zennor Sept. 21 B.P. Marazion Marsh April 23 J.E.B. Loe Pool Sept. 5 J.S.G. Gwithian Sept. 20 L.P.W.

343 Blackcap 162 Saltash April 11 E.G. Trevail Sept. 29 B.P. Torpoint April 13 S.C.M. Falmouth April 24 I.W.G.

346 Garden Warbler 161 Seaton Valley May 1 E.G. St. Ives Oct. B.P.


Species which, although passage migrants only in Cornwall, breed regularly elsewhere in the British Isles are indicated by the letter (b).

First Recorded On By Last Recorded On By 151 Whimbrel (b) 389 Torpoint April 3 S.C.M. Zennor Oct. 3 J.E.B. Marazion Marsh April 16 J.E.B. Hayle Estuary April 20 L.P.W. Camel Estuary Oct. 8 D.J.B. Halton Quay, R. Tamar April 21 E.G. Torpoint Oct. 18 S.C.M. Tehidy April 24 C.J.B. 159 Common Sandpiper (b) 421 Hayle Estuary Mar. 14 E.G. 217 Common Tern (b) 469 Marazion April 7 L.P.W. Torpoint Oct. S.C.M. Trevose Head April 10 R.L.W. Gwithian Oct. L.P.W. Falmouth Bay April 25 E.W. St. Ives April 28 N.R.P. 219 Roseate Tern (b) 468 Falmouth Bay April 26 E.W. 223 Sandwich Tern (b) 467 Long Rock Mar. 15 B.P. St. Ives Oct. J.E.B. St. Ives Mar. 25 N.R.P. Carnsew Pool Oct. E.G. Falmouth Bay April 14 E.W.


First Recorded On By Last Recorded On By 237 Cuckoo 240 Carthew, Camel Estuary Aug. 9 E.G. St. Austell April 9 W.J.J. St. Breward April 17 W.E.A. Trevail, nr. St. Ives April 19 B.P. Gurnard's Head April 19 C.J.B. Penzance April 22 E.M.C. Helman Tor April 23 E.N.B.J. Lizard April 25 R.M.P. Pillaton April 26 E.G. St. Just-in- Penwith April 28 R.H.B. 255 Swift 225 Pillaton April 26 E.G. St. Breward Aug. 8 W.E.A. Trevail, nr. St. Ives April 26 B.P. Crowan Aug. 15 J.E.B. St. Clements April 27 E.W. Madron Aug. 24 J.S.S. Penzance April 27 E.M.C. Torpoint Aug. 25 S.C.M. Helston April 28 J.S.G. Saltash Aug. 31 E.G. St. Ives April 28 N.R.P. Lanivet April 29 W.J.J. Lizard April 29 R.M.P. St. Just-in- Penwith April 30 R.H.B. Falmouth May 2 I.W.G. Newquay May 4 A.H.G. St. Breward May 4 W.E.A. Torpoint May 4 S.C.M.

48 First Recorded On By Last Recorded On By 274 Swallow 220 Marazion Marsh Mar. 27 E.G. St. Breward Oct. 18 W.E.A. Constantine Bay Mar. 28 R.L.W. Saltash Oct 31 E.G. Widemouth Bay Mar. 29 F.E.L. Widemouth Bay Oct. 31 F.E.L. Loe Pool April 4 J.S.G. Hayle Estuary Nov. 1 M J.J. Melancoose Sennen Nov. 8 J.S S. Reservoir April 5 D.H. Penzance Nov. 14 BP. Halton Quay April 9 E.G. Lizard Nov. 20 N.B.E. Torpoint April 9 S.C.M. Falmouth Nov. 22 I.W.G. St. Breward 11 W.E.A. Helman Tor 13 E.N.B.J. Newquay 13 A.H.G.

276 House Martin 222 Treyarnon Mar. 28 R.L.W. Lizard Nov. 2 J.E.B. Helston April 13 J.S.G. Roseworthy Nov. 5 L.P.W. Newquay April 13 A.H.G. Falmouth Nov. 9 J.B.B &S.B. Halton Quay April 15 E.G. Truro Nov. 14 R.D.P. Crinnis April 19 W.J.J. Loe Pool Nov. 28 J.S.G. Saltash Dec. 7 E.G. Penzance Dec. 13 E.M.C.

277 Sand Martin 223 Gwithian Mar. 23 J.E.B. Melancoose Sept. 3 J.E.B. Halton Quay Mar. 23 E.G. Near St. Ives Oct. 25 N.R.P. Marazion Marsh Mar. 25 E.M.C. Porthcothan Mar. 26 F.R.S. Par Mar. 30 R.M.C. Newquay April 13 A.H.G. St. Just-in- Penwith April 13 R.H.B.

311 Wheatear 186 St. Eval Mar. 24 D.H. Hayle Estuary Sept. 20 E.G. Mawgan Porth Mar. 24 F.R.S. St. Breward Sept. 30 W.E.A. St. Ives Mar. 29 N.R.P. Helman Tor Sept. 30 E.N.B.J. Davidstow Moor Mar. 29 G.B. St. Jus^in- Trevose Head (30) Mar. 31 R.L.W. Penwith Oct. 1 R.H.B. Gwithian Mar. 31 R.D.P. Buller Downs, Loe Bar April 3 J.S.G. Redruth Oct. 2 J.E.B. St. Breward April 10 W.E.A. Porthleven Oct. 3 J.S.G. St. Mawgan Oct. 9 M.L.R. Marazion Oct. 13 B.P. Pentire Head Oct. 13 E.G.R. Torpoint Oct. 18 S.C.M.

333 Reed Warbler 149 Marazion Marsh April 23 J.E.B. Salter Hill May 2 E.G.

337 Sedge Warbler 153 Swanpool April 11 E.W. Crowan Sept. 16 J.E.B. Halton Quay April 23 E.G. Zennor Sept. 21 B.P. Marazion Marsh April 23 J.E.B. Loe Pool Sept. 5 J.S.G. Gwithian Sept. 20 L.P.W.

343 Blackcap 162 Saltash April 11 E.G. Trevail Sept. 29 B.P. Torpoint April 13 S.C.M. Falmouth April 24 I.W.G.

346 Garden Warbler 161 Seaton Valley May 1 E.G. St. Ives Oct. 1 B.P.

49 RECOVERIES OF RINGED BIRDS Mallard A male ringed as a nestling July 27th, 1963, at Selbgerg Ugle, Thisted (Jutland) Denmark, was shot at Hayle Kimbro Pool, Lizard, January 1964. Per N.B.E. Dunlin A full-grown bird ringed August 30th, 1964, at Hayle Estuary was recovered, presumed found dead at Cap Vert, Dakar, Senegal. CJ.B. Starling A first winter female ringed October 10th, 1964, at Zandvoorde (West Flanders), Belgium, was recovered (and later released) at South Tehidy, near Camborne. GJ.B.

AN OLD RECORD 129 LITTLE BUSTARD. Otis tetrax. Mr. F. R. Gomm, the Natural History Assistant in the City Museum and Art Gallery Plymouth writes of a mounted Little Bustard in the collection. " Pasted to the back of the case was the following note:— ' Lanreath, September 1832, I certify that this Little Bustard was killed by John Lear on the Bury Down in the parish of Lanreath, and having been brought to me while warm there can be no doubt of the fact. Richard Buller, Rector of Lanreath.' I have had it pointed out to me by a member of your society (Mr. Stephen Madge of Torpoint) that this specimen is considerably lighter in colour and less heavily marked with black than other specimens in the collection. Should this bird turn out to be a Western form I am sure that it will be of interest to you. I am not prepared to commit myself not having had sufficient experience. Should you know of any­ one capable of distinguishing between the Eastern and Western races I should be only too pleased to show them the specimen." This record is not mentioned in Rodd's "Birds of Cornwall".—Eds.

52 ISLES OF SCILLY RECORDS Edited by Miss H. M. Quick

One of the most interesting events of the year was the breeding of Arctic Terns in the Islands. Although they did so in the past, for many years only Common Terns have been present. Other interesting records include Little Bittern, Gyr Falcon, Bonaparte's Sandpiper, Wilson's Phalarope, Snowy Owl, Short-toed Lark, Red-rumped Swallow, Eye- browed Thrush, Barred, Greenish, Pallas' and Dusky Warblers, and a Rose-coloured Starling.


R.B. R. Barstow, non-member. R.M.C. R. M. Curber M.B.E. Dr. Edwards, non-member C.V. and G.M.G. Mr. and Mrs. Goodland F.H.D.H. F. H. D. Hicks D.H. D. Hunt B.K. B. King M.L. M. Lewis, non-member P.Z.M. P. Z. MacKenzie O. Members of St. Agnes Bird Observatory. E.M.P. Miss Palmer H.M.Q. Miss Quick J.M.R. Mrs. Rees, non-member • J.S.-S. Miss Spenlove-Spenlove R.S. R. Symons J.O.T. J. O. Thornton, non-member J.W. J. Whitehorn, non-member R.W. R. Winter. Unusual records over the signature O have been vetted and approved by the committee of the St. Agnes Bird Observatory.

53 Scilly Isles 2 GREAT NORTHERN DIVER 376. Gavia immer. St. Agnes, March 27th, two, and December 1st, one. O. 8 BLACK-NECKED GREBE 374. Podiceps capsicus. St. Agnes, December 22nd and 24th, one. O. 9 LITTLE GREBE 375. Podiceps ruficollis. Tresco, September 13th, one, and on November 7th, two, on the Great Pool. D.H. Tresco, September 20th, one on the Pool. R.S. Tresco, October 21, one, and a different bird the next day. O.

21 SOOTY SHEARWATER 363. Procellaria grisea. St. Agnes, August 13th, one. O. 26 FULMAR 368. Fulmarus glacialis. At least eight pairs breeding on Men-a-Vaur, Castle and Hanjague. R.S. 27 GANNET 349. Sula bassana. Recorded almost daily off St. Agnes—most, a thousand off­ shore on September 28th and October 8th. O. 37 LITTLE BITTERN 296. Ixobrychus minutus. St. Mary's, April 18th, one seen on the . Inky blue back contrasted with pale cinnamon underparts, greenish legs trailed backwards, with very noticeable pale undersides to feet— rather wobbly flight. I was familiar with this bird in Egypt. P.Z.M. St. Agnes, April 16th, an adult male, possibly the same bird. O. 49 GADWALL 318. Anas strepera. Tresco, October 21st, 35 was the most seen. O. 50 WIGEON 323. Anas penelope. Tresco, May 13th, a drake. St. Agnes, April 24th-28th, one; October, one to three, and on December 25th, one. O. 53 SHOVELER 326. Spatula clypeata. St. Agnes, March 19th, two. Tresco, May 14th, two pairs.—Greatest number, 23 on October 22nd. O. 55 SCAUP 331. Aythya marila. Tresco, June 26th. An adult male on the Great Pool. D.H. Tresco, June 24th. A drake. O. 56 TUFTED DUCK 330. Aythya fuligula. St. Agnes, May 8th and 10th, a drake.

54 Scilly Isles 57 POCHARD 328. Aythya ferina. Tresco, October 21st, 26. O. 64 COMMON SCOTER 339. Melanitta nigra. October 18th. Three females near St. Helens. R.S. 73 SHELD-DUCK 315. Tadorna tadorna. November 21st. Twenty-five on Sampson flats. R.S. 76 WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE 304. Anser albifrons. St. Mary's, October 18th, one; December 24th, two. R.S. St. Agnes, December 24th, six. O. St. Mary's, December 24th, a party of five seen flying. (At least three were shot). P.Z.M. 80 BRENT GOOSE 312/3. Branta bernicla. St. Agnes, October 8th, ten of the race hrota. O. 84 MUTE SWAN 302. Cygnus olor. Two pairs bred on Tresco and one pair on St. Mary's. O. 93 SPARROW HAWK 277. Accipiter nisus. May 16th, one flying strongly on a westerly course from Bryher to the Northern Rocks. Whence and whither ? R.B., O. None seen on St. Agnes during the year, but one on Samson in September. O. 99 MARSH HARRIER 271. Circus aeruginosus. St. Martin's, May 17th, a bird quartering. (I am familiar with the three British Harriers and although I could not get nearer than 500 yards, I am certain from the size, heavy thick wings, clumsy flight and general "jizz" that it was a Marsh Harrier). R.B., O. 100/102 HARRIER Sp? 272/273. Circus spp. Tresco—from October to December a brown, white-rumped individual seen by various observers. It was thought to be a Montagu's Harrier. Annet, October 19th, a "ring-tail." O. 104 HOBBY 261. Falco subbuteo. St. Mary's, May 13th. A male displaying for some twenty minutes. No attempt to take Swallows or House-Martins, but on three occasions it took beetles in flight. R.B., O. St. Mary's, May 18th. One flying in from the East. P.Z.M., R.S. Tean, May 19th, one seen. E.M.P., B.C.P. Tresco, May 28th. An adult male. D.H. St. Agnes, September 13th, one. O., H.M.Q. 105 PEREGRINE 259. Falco peregrinus. St. Agnes, September 2nd, one. O.

55 Scilly Isles 106 GYR FALCON 256. Falco rusticolus. On Tresco, in late November and throughout December a large pale individual seen on numerous occasions by several observers. It was presumed to be of the Greenland race. It was rather like an immature Herring Gull in colour, with a distinct rufous tinge on the underparts, which suggests a young bird. On Christmas Day I was watching it through the kitchen window. D.H. 107 MERLIN 262. Falco columbarius. St. Mary's, April 5th, one; and on several days in October. R.S. St. Mary's, October 1st, one. St. Agnes, one to two regularly between October 2nd and 31st, one on December 21st. O. 110 KESTREL 263. Falco tinnunculus. St. Agnes, one pair bred, hatching three of the five eggs laid; all three fledged successfully. O. 117 QUAIL 520. Coturnix coturnix. St. Mary's. Birds were around in April and May. One on White Island, May 16th. R.S. St. Agnes, single birds on May 20th and 24th and September 29th. O. 120 WATER-RAIL 509. Rail us aquaticus. St. Agnes, one to two fairly regularly between October 4th and 31st, and up to three between December 20th and 31st. Tresco. Up to four in September and October, 20 on October 22nd. O. 125 CORNCRAKE 504. Crex crex. St. Mary's, May 3rd, one at Watermill Bay. On October 4th one at Tremellethan and on October 6th one at Normandy. R.S. St. Agnes, single birds on September 1st and October 10th; two on September 28th. O. 126 MOORHEN 510. Gallinula chloropus. Tresco, September 21st, 120 counted round the Abbey Pools. B.K. Tresco, maximum 150+ on October 22nd. O. 127 COOT 511. Fulica atra. Tresco, maximum 75 on October 2nd. O. 133 LAPWING 449. Vanellus canellus. St. Agnes, maximum 165 (mostly flying S.W.) on December 28th. O. 134 RINGED PLOVER 435. Charadrius hiaticula. St. Agnes, only seven pairs bred compared with 13 pairs in 1963. O.

56 Scilly Isles 142 DOTTEREL 446. Charadrius morinellus. St. Agnes, one from September 7th to 11th. Single birds have now been recorded by the Observatory in each of the last five autumns. O. 143 TURNSTONE 402. Arenaria inter pres. St. Agnes, recorded daily with up to 360 in Spring and up to 500 in Autumn. O. 145 SNIPE 395. Capella gallinago. December 5th, at least 30 single birds flew up from the long grass on the narrow centre of Annet. P.Z.M. 147 JACK SNIPE 398. Lymnocryptes minimus. St. Agnes, single birds on September 22nd; October 7th and 21st-24th; December 4th, 5th, 28th and 31st. O.

148 WOODCOCK 393. Scolopax rusticola. St. Agnes, singly, October 20th, 21st, 29th and November 1st. Three on October 31st. In December, one on 5th and 23rd and up to three from 28th to 31st. O. 154 BLACK-TAILED GODWIT 387. Limosa limosa. St. Agnes, single birds during May 5th-7th and December 24th-29th. Tresco, single birds on September 8th and October 21st-22nd O. 155 BAR-TAILED GODWIT 386. Limosa lapponica. St. Agnes, many more than usual in Spring and Autumn: up to 35 on most days between March 19th and April 28th; three on May 21st. Up to eight daily in Autumn from August 15th onwards, but 30 on September 1st. Almost daily in December, but 14-16 up to the 31st. O. [The party of 16 stayed on into the Spring of 1965]. H.M.Q. 156 GREEN SANDPIPER 424. Tringa ocrophus. Tresco. In early August, up to six at a time on the Abbey Pool. D.H. St. Agnes, two on September 13th and one on October 10th. O.

157 WOOD SANDPIPER 423. Tringa glareola. Tresco, May 15th, two. E.M.P. August 10th, one. D.H. St. Agnes, single birds, May 17th-18th, August 14th-16th; three on August 15th. O. 159 COMMON SANDPIPER 421. Tringa hypolencos. St. Agnes, two on December 2nd, the first winter record for the observatory. O.

57 Scilly Isles 162 SPOTTED REDSHANK 431. Tringa erythro pus. St. Mary's, August 18th, one. R.S. Tresco, August 7th, one. D.H. St. Agnes, single birds on August 11th, 22nd and 25th; seven on August 30th. O.

171 LITTLE STINT 407. Calidris minuta. Tresco. September 20th, 21st, three on the Great Pool. R.M.C., D.H., B.K., R.S. Tresco. Up to three between September 8th and October 12th. O. St. Agnes. One on September 11th and October 5th. O. 175 WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER 414. Calidris fuscicollis. St. Agnes, September 22nd-29th, one on Periglis beach. O., J.S-S., H.M.Q. 176 PECTORAL SANDPIPER 411. Calidris melanotos. St. Mary's, one from September 26th-30th. O., J.S-S.

179 CURLEW-SANDPIPER 406. Calidris testacea. Tresco, September 17th, one. D.H. St. Agnes, one to two September 25th; October 4th-8th, and llth-12th. O.

184 RUFF 417. Philomachus pugnax. St. Agnes, one March 27th; two May 18th; and on August 17th, September 2nd, October 4th and 8th. O. 187 GREY PHALAROPE 400. Phalaropus fulicarius. St. Agnes, one to three, September 16th-17th, 24th-25th, October 1st and 10th-12th, five on October 8th and 9th, O. , five on October 18th. R.S.

WILSON'S PHALAROPE. Steganopus tricolor. St. Agnes, one on June 22nd and 23rd. O.

193 ARCTIC SKUA 493. Stercorarius parasiticus. Tresco. August 8th, one on Pentle Bay beach. D.H. St. Agnes, three on June 22nd, one on September 24th, seven on October 18th, one on 19th and two on 27th. O.

194 GREAT SKUA 491. Stercorarius skua. St. Agnes, single birds March 24th, May 23rd, September 10th and 20th, October 15th and 19th, three on October 18th. O. 195 POMATORHINE SKUA 492. Stercorarius pomarinus. St. Agnes, one on September 2nd. O.

58 Scilly Isles 205 MEDITERRANEAN BLACK-HEADED GULL. 479. Lams melanocephalus. Tresco. On June 21st, at Pentle Bay, one was seen alone, about 100 yards from shore, swimming. Black hood well down on nape, bill very dark but red at base, general impression, head heavier in outline than our own Black-head.—Flew away showing no black on wing-tips. MX. 209 SABINES GULL 474. Xema sabini. St. Agnes, an adult on October 8th. O. 211 KITTIWAKE 489. Rissa tridactyla. St. Helen's colony is still increasing; there were 82 nests this year. R.S. 212 BLACK TERN 462. Chlidonias niger. Tresco, September 20th, one at the Abbey Pool. D.H. 217 COMMON TERN 469. Sterna hirundo. A normal breeding season. — Eds. 218 ARCTIC TERN 470 Sterna macrura. Between 40-60 pairs bred on Annet. O. 219 ROSEATE TERN 468. Sterna dougallii. Breeding seems to have been successful. — Eds. 222 LITTLE TERN 471. Sterna alblfrons. St. Agnes, two on September 21st. O. 230 PUFFIN 503. Fratercula arctica. March 28th. About twenty flying around the Eastern Isles. J.S-S. The numbers on Annet seem to be maintained. — Eds. COLLARED DOVE. Streptopelia decaocto. St. Mary's. Several present around Normandy and the East side of the Island; seldom seen elsewhere. Numbers fluctuate from a pair to eleven. P.Z.M., R.S. St. Agnes, single birds seen April 27th-28th, May 1st, May 25th-27th, August 15th, October lst-5th, 21st, 29th. O., F.H.D.H., J.S-S. 237 CUCKOO 240. Cuculus canorus. May 5th. A pair on a stone hedge performed what appeared to be courtship play. The difference in sex was obvious, the male always choosing a higher position on the hedge, and on a nearby post. He also continually fanned and displayed his tail. A large piece of bracken was offered to the female, who in return offered a piece of white fluff or feather. The play, which was watched at close range, continued for nearly 10 minutes, and gave a strong impression of a parody on the " shall we build" theme! C.V.G., G.M.G.

59 Scilly Isles 244 SNOWY OWL 244. Nyctea scandiaca. St. Agnes, October 10th, one first seen here remained in Scilly until the end of the year. O. After flight from the bird-watchers on St. Agnes, it took up residence around Carn Near on Tresco. It was seen to take rabbits. It was also seen on Tean and on St. Mary's golf links. It was still present in the New Year. P.Z.M. [Detailed observations made later will appear in the 1965 Report] 249 SHORT-EARED OWL 251. Asio flammeus. St. Agnes, single birds on April 25th and October 12th-13th. O. 252 NIGHTJAR 227. Caprimulgns europaeus. St. Agnes, one from October 3rd-9th. O. 258 KINGFISHER 234. Alcedo atthis. St. Mary's, January 19th, one seen. R.S. St. Mary's. I have seen none for the year. P.Z.M. St. Agnes, only two, on August 27th and October 12th. O. Tresco, one on September 21st. O. 261 HOOPOE 232. Upupa epops. St. Mary's, one, April 9th. R.S. St. Martin's, one in mid-May. M.B.E. St. Agnes, single birds, March 14th to April 5th (trapped on 31st), April 15th-19th, April 27th-29th, May 9th-10th (found dead on 11th), May 16th-19th. O., C.V. and G.M.G., H.M.Q., J.S-S.

263 GREATER SPOTTED WOODPECKER 237. Dendrocopus major. Tresco. One on September 27th, October 22nd, 31st—and later in the Abbey Gardens. O., D.H. 265 WRYNECK 239. Jynx torquilla. St. Agnes, single birds, April 19th and 26th, August 28th, 30th, 31st, September 3rd, 13th, 15th; two September 2nd and 14th. O. 269 SHORT-TOED LARK. Calandrella brachydactila. St. Agnes, one on September 25th. O. 271 WOODLARK 69. Lullula arborea. St. Agnes, single birds on October 19th and November 1st. O.

275 RED-RUMPED SWALLOW 221. Hirundo daurica. St. Mary's, May 16th and 17th. At 1700 hrs. was casually watching three or four swallows (Hirundo Rustica) hawking over grass fields when one came into view with a buff rump, and notes taken suggested it to be Red Rumped Swallow (Hirundo Daurica), although Red Rumped is very misleading for it is more chestnut buff than red.

60 Scilly Isles The bird was about the same size as Hirundo Rustica but tail streamers were noticably shorter, no white on tail, rump near tail was buff tinged with chestnut, becoming darker near the back, nape and cheek chestnut, chin cream, underparts buff brushed chestnut, crown and back dark blue but not the metallic sheen of Hirundo R. Wing coverts dark but seemed to lack blue sheen, primaries more the colour of swift Apus Apus wing looked broader than Hirundo R. Bird indulged in more acrobatics than Hirundo R. when in insect concentration, flight was similar skimming over fields near the sea. No optical aid was used during observations and I should say that most of the viewing was done between 15 and 50 yards. P.Z.M. was informed immediately. Bird was observed by Mr. R. W. Williams (c/o Normandy Farm, St. Mary's) the follow­ ing day. R.S. St. Agnes. On November 10th, in the evening, a bird was seen among a small party of House Martins, and on the 11th was watched at close quarters. The diagnostic features were, long outer tail feathers, pale chestnut rump and nape, very pale buff upper breast with fine brown streaks. The bird was caught in the evening of the 11th, and was fuly examined and ringed. In the hand the bright chestnut spot on the lower back was seen. Behaviour on the wing resembled House Martin rather than Swallow. A point of interest is the unusually late date. F.D.H.H. I had a good look at this bird when it was sitting on a tele­ phone wire. The noticeable features were the pale upper breast and the pale buff ring round the nape. H.M.Q.

278 GOLDEN ORIOLE 17. Odolus oriolus. St. Agnes, single birds on April 24th, May 21st (dead) and May 24th. O. Tresco, May 11th, one female. R.B. St. Mary's, May 13th, two females. E.M.P., C.D.P., B.C.P. Tresco, June 1st, one singing in the Island Hotel gardens. D.H.

279 RAVEN 1. Corvus corax. St. Mary's, May 18th, one seen flying. E.M.P.

280 CARRION CROW 3. Corvus corone. St. Mary's, January 7th, one. P.Z.M. St. Agnes, one to three one several dates between March and May. O. Tresco, two, May 5th. R.W. Tresco, October 19th, two. D.H. St. Mary's, October 26th, one. R.S.

286 JAY 11. Garrulus glandarius. St. Agnes, three flew N.E., calling, on December 2nd. O.

61 Scilly Isles EYE-BROWED THRUSH. Turdus obscurus. St. Agnes, one on December 5th. O. 301 MISTLE-THRUSH 174. Turdus biscivorus. Tresco, one October 21st. O. St. Agnes, one November 30th; two December 28th. O.

307 RING-OUZEL 182. Turdus torquatus. St. Agnes, up to three on several days in Spring and Autumn. O. 317 STONECHAT 198. Saxicola torquata. Is re-appearing on all the islands after the cold spell of 1963.—Eds.

321 BLACK REDSTART 202. Phoenicurus ochruros. St. Mary's, a female on December 31st. J.W. [It is not usual for this species to winter.] 322 NIGHTINGALE 203. Luscinia megarhynchos. St. Agnes, one ringed on September 2nd was retrapped on 12th.—Another or the same was also seen on Septmeber 7th and 11th. O. 327 GRASSHOPPER-WARBLER 145. Locustella naevia. St. Agnes, single birds on April 16th, 19th, May 2nd and September 18th. O. 333 REED-WARBLER 149. Acrocephalus scirpaceus. St. Agnes, one, May 26th. One to three fairly regularly during September 2nd-19th and October 4th-21st. O. 339 MELODIOUS WARBLER 155. Hippolais polyglotta. St. Agnes, one on August 13th, at least three (two trapped) on September 2nd and one on September 18th and 20th, and October 14th-15th. Unidentified Hippolais warblers, either this species or icterina were also seen on August 31st, September 2nd (two); 12th, October 4th, 5th and 7th. O. 340 ICTERINE WARBLER 156. Hippolais icterina. St. Agnes, single birds, August 29th-30th and September 1st. At least three, (one trapped) on September 2nd. O. 344 BARRED WARBLER 159. Sylvia nisoria. St. Agnes, one from October 6th-8th. O. 348 LESSER WHITETHROAT 164. Sylvia curruca. St. Agnes, singly, April 26th, May 14th, August 29th and October 2nd-4th. O. 352 DARTFORD WARBLER 169. Sylvia undata. St. Agnes, one on the , October 24th. O.

62 Scilly Isles 355 GREENISH WARBLER 134. Phylloscopus trochiloides. St. Agnes, one, from December 20th-31st; a Phylloscopus Warbler showing a single wing bar was seen on November 1st and was probably this species. O.

357 WOOD-WARBLER 135. Phylloscopus sibilatrix. St. Agnes, single birds on May 4th and September 6th. O.

360 YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER 137. Phylloscopus inornatus. Tresco, October 11th, one. D.H. St. Agnes. At least five individuals in Autumn: one on October 3rd and 13th; two on October 19th and 20th, one remain­ ing till 25th; one from October 27th to November 1st. O.

361 PALLAS'S WARBLER 138. Phylloscopus proregulus. St. Agnes, November 1st, one. O., H.M.Q.

362 DUSKY WARBLER 139. Phylloscopus fuscatus. St. Agnes, one on October 19th. O.

365 FIRECREST 128. Regulus ignicapillus. St. Agnes, singly, January 5th, October 2nd-5th, 13th, 17th, 24th, November 1st, 8th, 21st; two on October 6th and 12th. O. St. Agnes one bird seen occasionally till the end of the year, and again early in 1965. F.H.D.H. St. Mary's, at least three on December 24th. O.

368 PIED FLYCATCHER 123. Muscicapa hypoleuca. St. Agnes, autumn passage peak on September 3rd when 70 were present on the island. O.

370 RED-BREASTED FLYCATCHER 125. Muscicapa parva. St. Agnes, seven individuals during the autumn, all between October 2nd and 22nd. O.

374 RICHARD'S PIPIT 73. Anthus richardi. St. Agnes, one on October 18th and 24th, two 26th (one ringed), three 27th, two 28th, and one 29th. O. St. Mary's, one on October 27th. O.

375 TAWNY PIPIT 74. Anthus campestris. St. Agnes, one from October 18th to 20th (trapped on 19th). O. St. Agnes, a ringed bird on November 2nd and 20th, pre­ sumably the same. H.M.Q.

380 PIED WAGTAIL 90. Motacilla alba. December 31st, one on St. Mary's. J.W. [This bird is usually only seen as a passage migrant.—Eds.]

63 Scilly Isles 386 WOODCHAT-SHRIKE 116. Lanius senator. Tresco, June 12th, one. J.M.R. St. Agnes, an immature from August 25th-29th. O.

388...RED-BACKED SHRIKE 119. Lanius collurio. St. Agnes, more than usual in autumn: two August 21st; singly, August 31st, September 2nd, 16th-17th and 20th, and Octo­ ber 12th. O. St. Martin's, single birds, September 16th-18th, and 23 rd. O.

389 STARLING 14. Sturnus vulgaris. November 19th. A flock of some thousands came in from the S.E. over St. Mary's. R.S. November 20th, in the morning, there was a sudden big immigration from the N.N.E., on St. Mary's. P.Z.M. 390 ROSE-COLOURED STARLING 16. Sturnus roseus. October 12th, on Bryher, one juvenile. D.H. 391 HAWFINCH 18. Coccothraustes coccothraustes. Tresco. One on October 22nd and November 8th. O., D.H.

394 SISKIN 21. Carduelis spinus. St. Agnes, one to three, September 27th, October 13th, 18th-20th, 24th-26th and 30th to November 1st. O. Tresco, three on October 22nd. O. St. Mary's, one on October 27th. O. 397 REDPOLL 23. Carduelis flammea. St. Agnes, two October 13th, one 31st and November 1st. O. 401 BULLFINCH 33. Pyrrhula pyrrhula. Tresco, November 16th, one in Old Grimsby garden. D.H. 407 CHAFFINCH 41. Fringilla coelebs. October 18th. A flock of 100 or more Chaffiinches came in from N.E. direction over St. Helens, circled for a while and flew off in a N.W. direction. Visibility was poor at the time. R.S.

408 BRAMBLING 42. Fringilla montifringilla. St. Agnes, up to five, October 13th-14th, 18th-22nd and 27th to November 1st. One November 10th-16th and two on 20th. O. Tresco, four on October 21st. O. St. Mary's, one on October 27th. O. St. Mary's, one male and four females. R.S. 409 YELLOW HAMMER 44. Emberiza citrinella. St. Agnes, single birds, September 12th, October 23rd (male), October 24th (female) and 27th; two on November 2nd. O.

64 Scilly Isles 413 RED-HEADED BUNTING 48. Emberiza bruniceps. Tresco, September 6th-10th, an adult male at Old Grimsby. D.H., O. 416 ORTOLAN BUNTING 50. Emberiza hortulana. St. Agnes, May 3rd, one. R.W. St. Agnes, single birds, August 20th, September 7th-llth, 13th and October 21st. O. St. Mary's, one September 30th. O. 421 REED BUNTING 55. Emberiza schoeniclus. St. Agnes, one on October 13th and 31st. Tresco, one on October 21st. St. Mary's, one on October 27th. O. 422 LAPLAND BUNTING 58. Calcarius lapponicus. St. Agnes, up to seven on many days between September 21st and October 18th. St. Martin's, one on September 23rd. O. 423 SNOW BUNTING 59. Plectrophenax nivalis. St. Agnes, one to two between April 23rd and 26th. Singly, October 10th, 12th-13th and 15th. O. St. Mary's, one on December 31st. J.W. [This species does not usually winter. — Eds.] 425 TREE-SPARROW 62. Passer montanus. St. Agnes, single birds on September 18th, 22nd and 23rd and October 6th. O.


Since it is impossible in a group of five islands to distinguish which members of any species are truly passage migrants and which may be staying to breed or to winter, the records that follow are divided into two categories only.


Those species of which some individuals breed in Scilly are marked with a (b). First recorded At By Last recorded At By 117 QUAIL 520 May 16 St. Mary's R.S. Sept. 29 St. Agnes O. 125 CORNCRAKE 504 May 3 St. Mary's R.S. Oct. 10 St. Agnes O. 151 WHIMBREL 389 Mar. 27 St. Agnes O. Oct. 12 St. Agnes O. 154 BLACK-TAILED GOD WIT 387 May 5 St. Agnes H.M.Q. 156 GREEN SANDPIPER 424 Oct. 10 St. Agnes O. 157 WOOD SANDPIPER 423 May 15 Tresco E.M.P. Aug. 16 St. Agnes O. 159 COMMON SANDPIPER 421 April 16 St. Agnes O. Dec. 21 St. Agnes O.

162 SPOTTED REDSHANK 431 Aug. 30 St. Agnes O.

171 LITTLE STINT 407 Oct. 12 St. Agnes O.

179 CURLEW SANDPIPER 406 Oct. 12 St. Agnes O.

184 RUFF 417 Oct. 8 St. Agnes O. March 3 St. Mary's P.Z.M. 199 LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL 485 (b) Jan. 28 St. Mary's R.S. Oct. 18 St. Mary's R.S. 217 COMMON TERN 469 (b) Mar. 29 St. Agnes J.S.S. Oct. 18 St. Mary's R.S. 218 ARCTIC TERN 470 (b) April 19 St. Mary's R.S. 219 ROSEATE TERN 468 (b) May 5 St. Agnes R.W.

66 First recorded At By Last recorded At By 223 SANDWICH TERN 467 April 19 St. Mary's R.S. Sept. 30 St. Agnes O. 235 TURTLE DOVE 383 (b) April 16 St. Agnes O. Oct. 5 St. Mary's R.S. 237 CUCKOO 240 (b) April 18 St. Agnes O. Sept. 21 St. Agnes O. 252 NIGHTJAR 227 Oct. 9 St. Agnes O. 255 SWIFT 225 (b) April 27 St. Agnes O. Oct. 8 St. Mary's R.S. 261 HOOPOE 232 Mar. 14 St. Agnes O. 265 WRYNECK 239 April 19 St. Agnes O. Sept. 24 St. Martin's O. 274 SWALLOW 220 (b) Mar. 27 St. Agnes O. Nov. 21 St. Mary's R.S. 276 HOUSE MARTIN 222 April 10 St. Agnes H.M.Q. Nov. 10 St. Agnes H.M.Q. 277 SAND MARTIN 223 Mar. 24 St. Agnes O. Oct 5 St. Agnes O. 278 GOLDEN ORIOLE 17 April 24 St. Agnes O. 307 RING OUSEL 182 Mar. 27 St. Agnes O. Oct. 30 St. Agnes O. 311 WHEATEAR 186 (b) Mar. 25 St. Mary's R.S. Oct. 22 St. Agnes O. 318 WHINCHAT 197 Mar. 18 St. Agnes O. Oct. 13 St. Agnes O. 320 REDSTART 201 Mar. 28 St. Agnes O. Oct. 22 St. Agnes O. 321 BLACK REDSTART 202 Mar. 18 St. Agnes O. Oct. 29 St. Agnes O. 327 GRASSHOPPER WARBLER 145 April 14 St. Mary's R.S. Sept. 18 St. Mary's O. 333 REED WARBLER 149 May 11 Tresco R.B. Oct. 21 St. Agnes O. 337 SEDGE WARBLER 153 (b) April 16 St. Agnes O. Sept. 30 St. Mary's O. 343 BLACKCAP 162 Dec. 18 St. Agnes O.

67 First recorded At By Last recorded At By 346 GARDEN WARBLER 161 May 4 St. Agnes R.W. Oct. 20 St. Agnes O. 347 WHITETHROAT 163 April 15 St. Agnes O. Oct. 14 St. Agnes O. 348 LESSER WHITETHROAT 164 April 26 St. Agnes O. Oct. 4 St. Agnes O. 364 WILLOW WARBLER 132 (b) Mar. 18 St. Agnes O. Oct. 19 St. Agnes O. 357 WOOD WARBLER 135 May 4 St. Agnes R.W. Sept. 6 St. Agnes O. 366 SPOTTED FLYCATCHER 121 May 10 St. Agnes O. Oct. 12 St. Agnes O. 368 PIED FLYCATCHER 123 April 26 St. Agnes O. Oct. 20 St. Agnes O. 376 TREE PIPIT 75 April 15 St. Agnes O. Oct. 6 St. Agnes O. 380 PIED/WHITE WAGTAIL 91 Mar. 12 St. Agnes H.M.Q. Nov. 2 St. Agnes O. 382 YELLOW WAGTAIL 88 May 5 St. Agnes O. Oct. 14 St. Agnes o.

B — PASSAGE MIGRANTS WHICH ARE ALSO WINTER VISITORS First recorded At By Last recorded At By 2 GREAT NORTHERN DIVER 376 Mar. 27 St. Agnes O. Dec. 21 St. Agnes O. 107 MERLIN 262 April 5 St. Mary's R.S. Oct. 1 St. Mary's O. 133 LAPWING 449 May 15 St. Agnes O. June 25 St. Agnes O. 139 GREY PLOVER 444 May 13 St. Agnes O. Sept. 8 St. Agnes O. 140 GOLDEN PLOVER 440 May 4 St. Agnes C.V.G. Aug. 8 St. Mary's R.S. 145 SNIPE 395 May 11 St. Agnes O. Aug. 5 St. Agnes O. 147 JACK SNIPE 398 Sept. 22 St. Agnes O. 148 WOODCOCK 393 Mar. 19 St. Mary's R.S. Oct. 19 St. Mary's R.S. 155 BAR-TAILED GODWIT 386 May 21 St. Agnes O. Aug. 15 St. Agnes O.

68 First Recorded At By Last recorded At By 161 COMMON REDSHANK 428 May 26 St. Agnes O. June 16 St. Agnes O 165 GREENSHANK 432 May 23 St. Agnes O. June 18 St. Agnes O 169 KNOT 403 Feb. 28 St. Agnes J.S.S. July 30 St. Agnes H.M.Q 170 PURPLE SANDPIPER 415 May 24 St. Agnes O. Oct. 7 St. Agnes O 178 DUNLIN 404 May 28 St. Agnes O. July 20 St. Agnes O 181 SANDERLING 416 May 28 St. Agnes O. July 25 St. Mary's R.S 201 COMMON GULL 481 Sept. 12 St. Agnes O 208 BLACK-HEADED GULL 478 April 24 St. Mary's R.S. June 20 St .Mary's R.S 232 STOCK-DOVE 381 Mar. 22 St. Agnes O. Oct. 14 St. Agnes O 249 SHORT-EARED OWL 251 April 25 St. Agnes O. Oct. 12 St. Agnes O 301 MISTLE-THRUSH 174 Oct. 21 Tresco O 302 FIELDFARE 173 April 23 St. Agnes O. Oct. 19 St. Mary's R.S 304 REDWING 178 Mar. 21 St. Mary's R.S. Oct. 2 St. Agnes O 365 FIRECREST 128 Jan. 5 St. Agnes O. Oct. 2 St. Agnes O 373 MEADOW PIPIT 76 May 27 St. Agnes O. Aug. 30 St. Agnes O

394 SISKIN 21 Sept. 27 St. Agnes O

408 BRAMBLING 42 Oct. 13 St. Agnes O

423 SNOW BUNTING 59 Oct. 10 St. Agnes O April 26 St. Agnes O.


Through the kindness of the County Librarian the Society's library of bird books has now been housed in the Students' Section at the County Central Library in Truro. The books may be borrowed through any of the County Branch Libraries or Travelling Libraries, or by application direct to the County Librarian, County Hall, Truro. Telephone: Truro 4282. A complete list and description of the books is given below. We are most grateful to Mrs. Bennetts for her kindness and trouble she has gone to, in compiling this list.

ALEXANDER, W. B. Birds of the ocean: a handbook for voyagers containing descriptions of all the sea-birds of the world, with notes on their habits and guides to their identification. New York, London, Putnam, 1928. xxiii, 428p. 88 plates. ARMSTRONG, Edward Allworthy. Birds of the grey wind. 2nd ed. London, Lindsay Drummond, 1944. x, 174p. 32 plates. AUDUBON, John James. Audubon's American birds from plates by J. J. Audubon; with an introduction and notes on the plates by Sacheverell Sitwell; the black and white drawings have been specially redrawn from old colour plates by Irene Hawkins. London, Batsford, 1949. 12p. 3 fronts. (1 col.\ 15 col. plates. BECKETT, J. Angus. Iceland adventure: the double traverse of Vatnajokull by the Cambridge expedition; with an introduction by B. B. Roberts. London, Witherby, 1934. 197p. front., 7 plates, {inch 1 map). BENSON, Stephana Vere. Birds at sight: how to know them; with 126 illustrations in black and white by the author. London, Warne, 1943. viii, lllp., illus. BEETHAM, Bentley. Photography for bird-lovers: a practical guide. London, Witherby, 1911. [4], 126p. front., 14 plates. BIRDS [Birds: a general outline]; birds are divided into six orders, rapacious, pies, passerine birds, gallinaceous fowls, waders and swimmers . . . [1868]. 506p. 56 col. plates. No title page. BORLASE, William. Antiquities, historical and monumental of the county of Cornwall, consisting of several essays on the first inhabitants. Druid superstition, customs, and remains of the most remote antiquity in Britain and the British Isles, exemplified and proved by monuments now extant in Cornwall and the Scilly Islands, with a vocabulary of the Cornu-British language. 2nd ed. revised—with several additions; to which is added a map of Cornwall, and two new plates. London, Bowyer and Nichols, 1769. xvi, 464p. 25 plates, 2 maps. BORLASE, William. The natural : the air, climate, waters, rivers, lakes, sea and tides, of the stones, semimetals, metals, tin and the manner of mining; the constitution of the stannaries; iron, copper, silver, lead, and gold, found in Cornwall; vegetables, rare birds, fishes, shells, reptiles, and quadrupeds; of the inhabitants, their manners, customs, plays or interludes, exercises, and festivals; the , trade, tenures, and arts; illustrated with a new sheet map of the county, and twenty eight folio copper plates from original

70 drawings taken on the spot. Oxford, printed for the author by W. Jackson, 1758. xix, 328p. illus., map. BRITISH BIRDS. British birds: an illustrated magazine devoted chiefly to the birds on the British list. London, Witherby. 1944/59. Vols. 37-52. BUTLER, Arthur G. Birds of Great Britain and Ireland: order passeres, complete in two volumes; illustrated by H. Gronvold and F. W. Frohawk. London, Caxton, [189] 2v. CHALMERS, Patrick R. Birds ashore and a-foreshore: with sixteen illustrations in water colour and many black and white drawings by Winifred Austen. London, Collins, 1935. 7-180p. 14 col. plates, illus. CHISLETT, Ralph. Northward ho!—for birds: from wild moorlands and marshes of Scotland and Shetland, Oland and Lapland: illustrated with photographs taken by the author. London, Country Life, 1933. xvi, 188p. front., 43 plates. COOMBS, C. J. F. Observations on the rook corvus frugilegus in South­ west Cornwall: adapted from a paper received in July, 1959. Reprinted from Ibis, 102 (1960). 394-419p., illus., bibliog. COWARD, Thomas Alfred. Bird haunts and nature memories; with frontispiece by Archibald Thorburn and photographic illustrations. London, Warne, 1922. ix, 214p. front., 23 plates. COWARD, Thomas Alfred. Bird life at home and abroad with other nature observations; with frontispiece by Archibald Thornburn and photographic illustrations. London, Warne, 1927. 242p. col. front., 24 plates. COWARD, Thomas Alfred. The birds of the British Isles and their eggs: series 1-3. London, Warne, 1929-1934. 3v. Contents: — First series . . . families corvidae to sulidae, 4th ed. 1933 Second series . . . families anatidae to tetraonidae, 5th ed. 1932 Third series . . . their migration and habits and observations on our rarer visitants. 2nd ed. reprinted—with general index for series 1, 2 and 3. 1934. DARLING, Frank Fraser. Island farm. London, G. Bell, 1943. 5-223p. front., 25 plates. DARLING, Frank Fraser. Natural history in the Highlands and islands: with 46 colour photographs by F. Fraser Darling, John Markham and others. London, Collins, 1947. xv, 303p. 64 plates (inch 32 col.), bibliog. DARLING, Frank Fraser. A naturalist on Rona: essays of a biologist in isolation. Oxford, Clarendon P., 1939. x, 137p. front., 27 plates. DAVIDSON, Alan. A bird watcher in Scandinavia: some observations of the rarer British visitors in their native haunts; with photographs by Arthur Christiansen. London, Chapman and Hall, 1954. 208p. col. front., 32 plates. FISHER, James Maxwell McConnell. Bird recognition, [vol.] 1: sea- birds and waders; with 86 illustrations by Fish-Hawk, 77 maps mainly compiled by W. B. Alexander and 72 charts, compiled by the writer. Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1947. 190p. illus., charts. FISHER, James Maxwell McConnell. The birds of Britain. London, William Collins, 1942. 5-48p. illus., 12 col. plates.

71 FISHER, James Maxwell McConnell and LOCKLEY, Ronald Mathias. Sea-birds: an introduction to the natural history of the sea-birds of the North Atlantic. London, Collins, 1954. xvi, 320p., col. front., 47 plates (inch 7 col.\ maps, diagrs., bibliog. FISHER, James Maxwell McConnell. Watching birds. Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1940. 192p. illus., maps, plans. GIBSON-HILL, C. A. British sea birds: written and illustrated by C. A. Gibson-Hill with photographs by the author. London, Witherby, 1947. 5-143p., col. front., illus., maps, bibliog. GILBERT, Humphrey A. and BROOK, Arthur. The secrets of the eagle and of other rare birds. London, Arrowsmith, 1925. 5-196p. front., 13 plates. GILL, E. Leonard. A first guide to South African birds: illustrated by the author and his sister. 4th ed. Cape Town, Maskew Miller, 1950. xvi., 239p. illus., 20 plates (some col.) GORDON, Douglas. The pageant of wings: with illustrations by R. E. St. Leger-Gordon. London, Murray, 1938. vii, 304p. illus. GORDON, Mona. The children of Tane: bird life in New Zealand. London, Dent, 1938. xii, 250p. col. front., 7 plates (inch 3 col.), bibliog., maps, diagrs. GORDON, Seton [Paul]. Amid snowy wastes: wild life on the Spits­ bergen archipelago; with maps and illustrations from photographs by the author. London, Cassell, 1922. xiv, 206p., front., 62 plates. GORDON, Seton [Paul]. Days with the golden eagle by Seton Gordon in collaboration with his wife . . . photographs by the author and his wife; headpieces and coloured plates by J. C. Harrison. London, Williams and Norgate, 1927. xx, 176p. col. front., illus., 18 plates. GORDON, Seton [Paul]. In search of northern birds. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1941. 5-224p, front., illus., 15 plates. GORDON, Seton [Paul]. Thirty years of nature photography: a per­ sonal record of two observers; illustrated in collotype from photographs taken by the author and his wife. London, Cassell, 1936. xi, lOOp. front., 107 plates. GREY, Edward, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon. The charm of birds: woodcuts by Robert Gibbings. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1934. xii, 305p. illus. HENDY, E. W. Here and there with birds. London, Cape, 1933. 265p. front., 7 plates. HENDY, E. W. Somerset birds and some other folk; with an intro­ duction by H. J. Massingham. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1943. 165p. front., 14 plates. HENDY, E. W. Wild Exmoor through the year. New and revised ed. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1946. 200p. front., 14 plates. HIBBERT-WARE, Alice. Report of the little owl food inquiry 1936-37 organised by the British Trust for Ornithology. London, published for the British Trust for Ornithology by Witherby, 1938. 5-74p. front., 7 plates, tables. Reprinted with corrections from British Birds, Vol. XXXI, Nos. 6, 7 and 8. HILLSTEAD, A. F. C. The blackbird: a contribution to the study of

72 a single avian species; with a foreword by G. Carmichael Low. London, Faber, 1945. 5-104p. 16 plates, bibliog. HOSKING, Eric J. and NEWBERRY, Cyril W. More birds of the day. London, Collins, 1946. 5-127p. front., illus. HOWARD, H. Eliot. Territory in bird life: with illustrations by G. E. Lodge and H. Gronvold. London, Murray, 1920. xiii, 308p„ front, 10 plates. HUDSON, William Henry and GARDINER, Linda. Rare, vanishing and lost British birds compiled from notes by W. H. Hudson and Linda Gardiner; with coloured plates by H. Gronvold. London, Dent, 1923. xix, 120p., col. front., 24 col. plates, bibliog. INGRAM, Geoffrey Cheselden Spencer and SALMON, Harry Morrey. The birds of Brecknock. The Brecknock Society. Hi, 182-259p., front., bibliog. Reprinted from Brycheiniog Vol. Ill, 1957. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR BIRD PRESERVATION. British Section. Wildfowl Inquiry Sub-Committee. Vol. 1. Factors affecting the general status of wild geese and wild duck. Cambridge, Cambridge UP., 1941. x, 123p., illus., maps, diagrs. JONES, Thomas Rymer. Cassell's book of birds from the text of Dr. Brehm . . . London, Cassell, Petter and Galpin, [1869]. Volumes 1, 3 and 4. KIRK MAN, F. B. British birds: descriptions of all but the rarest species, their nests and eggs; illustrations by A. W. Seaby. 5th ed. revised and enlarged. London, Nelson, 1929. xiv, 15-130p. illus. LACK, David. The life of the robin. London, Witherby, 1943. 3-200p. front., illus., 5 plates, bibliog. LOCKLEY, Ronald Mathias, and others, compilers. The birds of Pem­ brokeshire: compiled for the West Wales Field Society by R. M. Lockley in collaboration with Geoffrey C. S. Ingram and H. Morrey Salmon. [Cardiff], West Wales Field Society, [1949]. 3-71 p. 8 plates. LOCKLEY, Ronald Mathias. The goldein year: with drawings by Phyllida Lumsden. London, Readers Union, 1950. 5-184p. LODGE, R. B. Pictures of bird life on woodland, meadow, mountain and marsh . . . photographs from life by the author. 2nd ed. London, Bousfield, [1903]. 376p. col. front., illus. MORRIS, Francis Orpen. A history of British birds. London, Groom- bridge, [1888]. 8v. MUDIE, Robert. The feathered tribes of the British islands. 4th ed. revised by W. C. L. Martin. Vol. 1. London, Bell, 1878. xxvi, 422p. col. front., illus., 20 plates. NICHOLSON, E. M. How birds live: a brief account of bird life in the light of modern observation. London, Williams and Norgate, 1927. X, 139p. col. front. PARKER, Eric. Ethics of egg-collecting: with a foreword by Lord Desborocgh. London, The Field, [1935]. 120p. PARKER, Eric. World of birds. London, Longmans, Gree, 1941. vii, 295p. PARSONS, A. G. Birds of the Lizard serpentine zone (a preliminary list). Reprinted from the Journal of the Lizard Field Club Vol. II: no. 3, 1963.

73 PARSONS, A. G. The wintering of some waders in W. Cornwall, S.W. England. Redruth (Cornwall), A. G. Parsons, [1960]. 592-594p. Reprinted from proceedings of the XHth International Ornithological Congress, Helsinki 1958. PERRY, Richard. A naturalist on Lindisfarne. London, Lindsay Drummond, 1946. 248p. 16 plates, maps, bibliog. PERRY, Richard. Shetland sanctuary: birds on the Isle of Noss. London, Faber, 1948. 7-298p. 32 plates, maps. PINCHEN, Robert J. Sea swallows: reminiscences of a bird-watcher at Blakeney Point. Lowestoft, Green and Co., [1935]. 5-60p. 4 plates. RAVEN, Charles E. Birds haunts and bird behaviour: illustrated with photographs by the author. London, Martin Hopkinson, 1929. ix, ll-192p. front., 15 plates. RICHMOND, W. Kenneth. The twelve deeds of Greywing. London, Routledge and K. Paul, 1948. 7-160p. front., 14 plates. RODD, Edward Hearle. The birds of Cornwall and the Scilly Islands; edited with an introduction, appendix, and brief memoir of the author by James Edmund Harting. London, Trubner, 1880. hi, 320p. front, (port.), map. ROGERSON, Sidney and TUNNICLIFFE, Charles. Our bird book. 2nd ed. London, Collins, 1947. 128p. col. front., illus., 31 col. plates. ROGERS, Clara Coltman, aftw. Lady Vyvyan. Bird symphony: an anthology compiled by C. C. Vyvyan. London, Murray, 1933. xxi, 298p. RYVES, Benjamin Harvey. Bird life in Cornwall: with sixteen pen- and-ink drawings by R. A. Richardson. London, Collins, 1948. 256p. 4 col. fronts., 7 col. illus., 24 plates (incl. 15 col.) Some of the pen-and- ink drawings have been coloured and other coloured illustrations and plates added. SAUNDERS, Howard. An illustrated manual of British birds. 2nd ed. revised and enlarged. London, Guerney and Jackson, 1899. xl, 776p. illus., 6 col. plates (maps). SEAVER, George Fenn. Edward Wilson: nature-lover. London, Murray, 1937. viii, 219p. col. front., illus., 11 col. plates. SMITH, Cecil. The birds of Guernsey and the neighbouring islands Alderney, Sark, Jethou, Herm; being a small contribution to the ornithology of the Channel Islands. London, R. H. Porter, 1879. xix, 223p. SMITH, Stanley Bayliss. British waders in their haunts: illustrated . . . by the author . . . and other bird photographs with three plates of waders in flight by Basil Laker. London, Bell, 1950. ix, 163p. illus., maps. SMITH, Stuart. How to study birds: photographs by author, Eric Hosking and A. G. Britten; diagrams and sketches by Edward Bradbury. London, Collins, 1945. 5-192p. illus., 12 plates, bibliog. SOUTHGATE, Frank. Wildfowl and waders: nature and sport in the coastlands depicted by the late Frank Southgate and described by Hugh B. C. Pollard. London, Country Life, 1928. viii, 83p. col. front., 63 plates (incl. 15 col.). Limited edition of 950 copies. This copy no. 888.

74 TICEHURST, Claud B. A systematic review of the genus phylloscopus (willow-warblers or leaf warblers). London, Trustees of the British Museum, 1938. viii, 193p. TUNNICLIFFE, C. F. Bird portraiture. London, The Studio, 1945. 5-95 p. ill us. (some col.) (How to do it series. No. 35). TURNER, E. L. Broadland birds. London, Country Life, 1924. xvi, 172p. front., 48 plates. UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANISATION. International technical conference on the pro­ tection of nature, Lake Success, 22-29-viii-1949. Proceedings and papers: edited by the secretariat of the International Union for the protection of nature. Paris, U.N.E.S.C.O., 1950. xi, 583p. VESEY-FITZGERALD, Brian Seymour. A book of British waders. London, Collins, 1939, 5-180p. front., 31 plates. VESEY-FITZGERALD, Brian Seymour. British game. London, Collins, 1946. 240p. illus., 72 plates (incl. 24 col.\ bibliog. (The New naturalist series). WALKINSHAW, Lawrence H. The sandhill cranes. Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, Cranbrook Institute of Science, [1949]. x, 202p. col. front., illus. (maps), 17 plates, tables, bibliog. WALPOLE-BOND, John. Field-studies of some rarer British birds. London, Witherby, 1914. ix, 305p. WESTELL, William Percival. British birds, (double volume): illustrated by Doris Meyer. London, Chapman and Dodd, [n.d.]. viii, 186p. col. front., illus., 3 col. plates. (The Abbey nature books). WESTELL, William Percival. Let's watch the birds! : illustrated . . . by Doris Meyer. London, Chapman and Dodd, [n.d.] xiii, 186p. col. 15-256p. col. front., illus., 12 plates. Some illustrations have been coloured and seven coloured plates added. WHITE, Gilbert. The natural history of Selbourne. London, Dent, 1906. xvi, 255p. WILDFOWL TRUST. Annual reports. Slimbridge (Glos.) Wildfowl Trust. 3rd-16th reports. 1949 to date. Wildfowl Trust formerly Severn Wildfowl Trust. WITHERBY, Harry Forbes and others. The handbook of British, birds. 1st ed. reprinted with revisions. London, Witherby, 1943. 5v. WOOD, J. G. The illustrated natural history: with new designs by Wolf, Zwecker, Weir, Coleman, etc. engraved by the brothers Dalziel. London, Routledge, Warne and Routledge, [1862-63]. 3v. Contents: Vol. 1: Mammalia; Vol 2: Birds. 1862; Vol. 3: Reptiles, fishes, mol­ luscs. 1863. WOOD, Theodore and PYCRAFT, W. P. The British bird book: with illustrations ... by Roland Green. London, Black, 1921. xvi, 269p. col. front., illus., 20 plates (incl. 12 col.). WORTHING. The Worthing cavalcade: concerning Richard JefTeries by various writers. 35 Warwick Street, Worthing, Sussex, Aldridge Bros., 1944. 57p. col. front., illus. (incl. facsims.)


Consequent upon the increase in the subscription rate at the be­ ginning of 1964 from 5s.0d. to lOs.Od. per annum the deficit at the end of 1963 has been converted into a surplus as at the end of the year. The great majority of members continued to support the Society at the new rate of subscription and the actual membership increased to 654. Expenditure took a fairly normal course. Subscriptions and affiilia- tion fees to other Societies were similar to the previous year: printing, typing and duplicating amounted to £71 compared with £68, and post­ ages and secretarial expenses £66 with £73. The only special item of expenditure has been the replenishment of our stock of badges which cost £25.4s. Owing to the late publication of the Annual Report the account for this was not received until the beginning of 1965 and so does not appear in the account. On the income side: subscriptions for the year amounted to £295.15s. and subscriptions paid in advance in 1963 and now taken into account to £12.15s. The sale of badges amounted to £6.6s. compared with 7s.0d. the previous year, and the sale of Annual Reports was a little up at £5.5s.6d. A further sum of £250 was invested in 4|% Defence Bonds during the year and total investment income amounted to £58.17s.3d. and bank interest to £6.17s.lld. Rent in respect of the Walmsley Sanctuary was the same at £52 and further subscriptions to the Ryves Memorial Fund to £6.8s.6d. The total income was £444.5s.2d. which compares with an expenditure of £181.13s.5d. thus leaving a credit balance of £262.1 ls.9d. Of this £6.8s.6d. has been transferred to the Ryves Memorial Fund and the re­ mainder of £256.3s.3d. to the accumulated fund; but to get a proper picture we must of course deduct from the latter amount the cost of the Annual Reports at £142.12s.6d. which reduces it to £113.10s.9d., which represents the credit balance for the year. Coming to the Balance Sheet the accumulated fund at the beginning of the year stood at £652.6s.6d. To this has been added the credit balance for the year but from it has had to be deducted depreciation of £39.5s.6d. due to a decrease in the value of our War Loan holding which took place towards the end of the year. The total of the accumulated fund therefore stands at £869.4s.3d. The Legacies Fund remains the same at £790.8s. and the Memorial Funds have increased by £6.8s.6d. to £123.3s.6d. Subscriptions paid in advance amounted to £9.5s. As regards our assets as already stated our investment of War Loan lost ground during the year and its value at the current market price at the 31st December 1964 was £491.14s.6d. compared with £531 of the previous year. Investment in Defence Bonds was increased from £500 to £750. The balance on the deposit account amounted to £209.12s.4d. and on the current account to £335.17s.9d. Thus our total assets stand at £l,792.0s.9d. Finally the Society wishes to place on record its thanks to Mr. Kenneth W. M. Bawden who has kindly audited the accounts for us.

76 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1964 EXPENDITURE £ s. d. £ s. d. INCOME £ s. d. £ s. d. Subscriptions to Societies Subscriptions Paid in Advance in 1963 12 15 0 British Trust for Ornithology 2 0 0 Council for Nature 1 1 0 Subscriptions for 1964 295 15 0 Royal Institution of Cornwall 6 6 0 S.W. Naturalists' Union 2 15 0 Ryves Memorial Fund 6 8 6 Wildfowl Trust 1 1 0 13 3 0 Sale of Annual Reports 5 5 6 Printing and Stationery, etc. Typing and Duplicating 44 8 11 Sale of Badges 6 6 0 Printing and Stationery 26 18 5 71 7 4 Rent re Walmsley Sanctuary 52 0 0 Postages and Secretarial Expenses, etc Postages 42 4 7 Interest on Investments Expenses 11 2 0 Defence Bonds 27 5 9 Insurance 1 14 0 War Loan 31 11 6 Bank Charges 6 6 0 58 17 3 Cheque Book 10 0 Advertising 5 0 0 Bank Interest 66 16 7 Deposit Account 6 17 11 Meetings: Sundry expenses 2 15 0 2 15 0 Rent of Shooting Rights: Hayle Estuary 1 0 0 1 0 0 Badges: New stock 25 4 0 25 4 0 Refund of Subscriptions: Overpaid ... 1 7 6 1 7 6 Excess of Income Over Expenditure Carried to Accumulated Fund 256 3 3 Carried to Memorial Funds 6 8 6 262 11 9

£444 5 £444 5 2 2 BALANCE SHEET 31st DECEMBER, 1964

LIABILITIES £ s. d. £ s. d. ASSETS £ s. d. £ s. d. Accumulated Fund Investments Balance at 31.12.1963 652 6 6 £902.4s.l0d. 3i% War Loan at current Add: Excess income for year to date 256 3 3 market price at 31.12.1964 491 14 6 4.5% Defence Bonds at cost 750 0 0 908 9 9 1241 14 6 Deduct: Depreciation on War Loan 39 5 6 Balances at Bank 869 4 3 Current Account 335 17 9 Legacies Fund 790 8 0 Deposit Account 209 12 4 790 8 0 545 10 1 Memorial Funds Petty Cash in Hand Nil Mr. T. J. Willcocks 88 19 0 Col. B. H. Ryves 27 16 0 Postage Stock 4 16 2 Add 6 8 6 4 16 2 123 3 6 Current Liabilities Subscriptions paid in advance 9 5 0 9 5 0 £1,792 0 9 i£1,79 2 0 9

REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CORNWALL BIRD-WATCHING AND PRESERVATION SOCIETY. I have examined the above Balance Sheet dated 31st December, 1964, together with the Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended that date, with the books of the Society and hereby certify the same to be in accordance therewith. (Signed) KENNETH W. M. BAWDEN, Hon. Auditor. 6th April, 1965. THE COMMITTEE FOR 1964/1965

President: Lt.-Col. Sir Edward Bolitho, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., J.P.

Chairman : Dr. R. H. Blair.

Honorary Treasurer and Registrar: W. J. Goddard, Esq.

Joint Honorary Secretaries: The Rev. J. E. Beckerlegge (Bird Records) A. G. Parsons, Esq. (Protection, etc.) and N. R. Phillips, Esq. (Field Meetings)

Committee Members: Mrs. K. C. F. Birtill, Mrs. F. E. Carter, Dr. C. J. F. Coombs, Mr. N. Higman, Mr. A. H. Jeffreys, Miss M. J. Jones, Mr. B. R. Pattenden, Miss H. M. Quick, Mr. T. J. Stephens, Mr. C. J. Stevens, Mr. R. B. Treleaven, Miss E. M. Whelan.


President: Lt.-Col. Sir Edward Bolitho, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., J.P. Chairman: Dr. C. J. F. Coombs

Honorary Treasurer and Registrar: W. J. Goddard, Esq.

Joint Honorary Secretaries: The Rev. J. E. Beckerlegge (Bird Records) A. G. Parsons, Esq. (Protection, etc.) and N. R. Phillips, Esq. (Field Meetings)

Honorary Secretary for the Isles of Scilly: Miss H. M. Quick Committee Members: Dr. R. H. Blair, Mrs. S. Bottomley, Mr. N. B. Exelby, Mr. N. Higman, Mr. A. C. Hosking, Mr. A. H. Jeffreys, Miss M. J. Jones, Mr. W. J. Julyan, Mrs. F. E. Lott, Mr. B. R. Pattenden, Mr. T. J. Stephens, Mr. C. J. Stevens, Mr. R. B. Treleaven, Mrs. M. P. Visick, Miss E. M. Whelan.


We apologise for any errors which may appear in this list and shall be grateful if Members will inform the Honorary Treasurer and Registrar so that our records can be corrected.

(a) Honorary Members. Blair, Dr. R. H., M.B., M.B.O.U., Roslyn, Carrallack Terrace, St. Just, Penzance. Hayman, F. H., M.P., 8, West Park, Redruth. Koch, Dr. Ludwig, D., M.B.E., 39, Walton Avenue, South Harrow, Middlesex. Martyn, Stuart A., Pen y Bryn, Wadebridge. Quick, Miss Hilda M., Priglis Cottage, St. Agnes, Isles of Scilly.

(b) Ordinary Members. Abbott, J., Birchen Hey, Frensham, Farnham, Surrey. Adams, R. G., Pathside, Under hill, Lympstone, Exmouth, Devon. Adshead, J. W. R., Bosalan, Feock, Truro. Airey, A. F., Keveral Gardens, Seaton, Torpoint. Allan, Lieut. R. J. D., R.N., 34, Esmonde Road, Helston. Allen, R. F., 6, Lyndhurst Gardens, London, N.W.3. Allen, W. J., Nantymwyn, Carnon Downs, Truro. Allen, W. F., 13, St. Nicholas Street Bodmin. Almond, Mrs. E. L., Laverock House, St. Breward, Bodmin. Almond, Lt.-Col. W. E., Laverock House, St. Breward, Bodmin. Andain, W. M., 2, Glanville Terrace, St. Agnes. Anderson, B. W., Ladylane, Ditchling, Sussex. Andrew-Blarney, Mr. & Mrs. W. H. J., Merifield, Dobbin Road, Trevone, Padstow. Appleby, Mrs. E. A., 4, Hadrian's Way, Ebchester, Consett County Durham. Archer-Lock, A., 4, Glenwood Road, Mannamead, Plymouth, Devon. Arnold, R. F., 49, Ellesborough Road, Harborne, Birmingham, 17. Aspinall, Miss H. R. A., Warren Cottage, Cranleigh, Surrey. Aylwin, Major C. D. L., Treyford, Hillside Road, Long Ashton, Bristol. Aylwin, Mrs. E., Greathed Manor, Lingfield, Surrey. Backhouse, Mrs. A. V., The Glebe House, Exbourne, Okehampton, Devon. Backhouse, M. V., The Glebe House, Exbourne, Okehampton, Devon. Baigent, Miss F. M., Trehaverne Flat, Kenwyn Road, Truro. Bailey, Mrs. A. M. G., Trevarno, Church Road, Mylor, Falmouth. Balfour, L., Heath End, Checkenden, Reading, Berks. Banks, Miss F. M., 49, Crantock Street, Newquay. Barnard, Mrs. D. R., Veronica Cottage, Gerrans, Portscatho Truro. Barnes, Mrs. Ruth G., M.B.O.U., Hungerdown, Seagry, Chippenham, Wiltshire. Barrett, D. M., 6, Pengover Road, Addington, Liskeard. Barrett, W. R., 6, Pengover Road, Addington, Liskeard. Barron, Mrs. N. L., Boscarn, The Terrace, Port Isaac. Bate, W. L., Treneague, Wadebridge. bates J. H., The Battery, Newquay. Bax, Mrs. E., Tregorden, Wadebridge. Bax, T. B., F.A.I., Tregorden, Wadebridge.

80 Baxter, Mr. & Mrs. A. R., Pennies, Treviglas Lane, Probus, Truro. Beaumont, Mr. & Mrs. A., Kilcoed, Mylor Downs, Falmouth. Beckerlegge, The Rev. J. E., B.A., M.B.O.U., St. Crowan Vicarage, Praze, Camborne. Beckett, Miss R., A.L.A., Tregullow, Maenporth, Falmouth. Bedell, Miss E. M., 50, West Street, Polruan, Fowey. Bennett, Mrs. P., 43, Polkirt Hill, Mevagissey, St. Austell. Bennetts, Mrs. W. M., 5, Old Falmouth Road, Truro. Benson, Miss S. Vere (Mrs. Wynne Taylor), M.B.O.U., 26, Downs View, Bude. Bere, R. M., C.M.G., M.A., West Cottage, Bude Haven, Bude. Bertram, Mrs. E., Old Quay House, Lelant via Hayle. Bertram, Lt.-Col. W. R., Old Quay House, Lelant, via Hayle. Beswetherick, A. T., Glen View, St. Mawgan, Newquay. Beswetherick, R. J., Lanvean, Cleavelands, Bude. Bewes, Mrs. N., Trelill, Marlborough Road, Falmouth. Bickersteth, Mrs. H. M., Little Trengilly, Constantine, Falmouth. Bickford-Smith, Mrs. G. M., Ridifarne, Mawnan Smith, Falmouth. Bickford-Smith, M. G., Trevarno, Helston. Biddle, N. H., Rosedene, Raginnis Hill, Mousehole, Penzance. Birtill, Mrs. K. C. F., 5, Landeryon Gardens, Polwithen, Penzance. Blades, Mrs. L., Shearwater, Penpol, Devoran, Truro. Blair, A. B., c/o Roslyn, Carrallack Terrace, St. Just, Penzance. Blair, J. K., Trolldale, Haile, Egrement, Cumberland. Blair, Mrs. M. I., Logwood, The Common, Exmouth, Devon. Blair, Mrs. R. H., Roslyn, Carrallack Terrace, St. Just, Penzance. Blight, Mrs. B. G., 12, Killivose Road, Camborne. Blight, Miss F., 46, Bodmin Road, St. Austell. Boardman, Mr. & Mrs. F., Braemar, St. Merryn, Padstow. Bolitho, Lt.-Col. Sir E. H. W., K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., J:P., Trengwainton, Madron, Penzance. Bonham, C. O., June Orchard, Bracken Close, Woking, Surrey. Bonham, P. F., B.Sc, 98, Dale View Crescent, Chingford, London, E.4. Boorman, Mrs. M. M., Trebarfoote, Battery Lane, Polruan, Fowey. Booth, C. J., Ronas, Carne Close, Leedstown, Hayle. Bottomley, Mr. & Mrs. J. B., Hellesveor Place, St. Ives. Brand, R. H., 4, Parsonage Street, Bradninch, Exeter, Devon. Bray, A. C, Trevenwith Church Cove, The Lizard, Helston. Brenton, G., 5, Dark Lane, Camelford. Brenton, T. J., The Traveller's Rest, Trevarrian, Newquay. Brewer, L. G., Treganatha, . Brewer, S. E., Avery House, Lostwithiel. Bridger, J. P., The Red House, Kessingland, Lowestoft, Suffolk. Bridger, Mrs. W., Pill, Feock Truro. Britton, D. J., 46, Wrottesley Road, Harlesden, London, N.W.10. Britton, Mr. & Mrs. T. H. R., Cleeve Lawns, Trevone, Padstow. Brooks, Mrs. A., Meadowside, Mount Ambrose, Redruth. Bryant, D. D., G warder, Grannys Lane, Perranporth. Burden, E. A. R., Tresillian, Trebetherick, Wadebridge. Burgess, Miss D., Trenadlyn, Mawnan Smith, Falmouth. Burton, Mr. & Mrs. R., 2, Melville Terrace, St. Stephen, St. Austell. Bury, Miss V. M., Red Rock, Topsham, Devon. Butcher, Miss J. R., 14, Gloucester Road, Ealing, London, W.5. Butler, Miss F. S., Trevelva, Green Close, Feock, Truro.

81 Cadbury, Christopher, Beaconwood, Rednal, Birmingham. Cameron, Mrs. M. F., Bridge Cottage, Perranarworthal, Truro. Campbell, Mrs. H. M. E., c/o Coutts & Co., 108, Park Lane, London, W.l. Carlyon, Mrs. & Miss, Chytodden, Kenwyn, Truro. Carr, Lady Norah, Trig, Rock, Wadebridge. Carter, D. R., Lamb's Barn, Carnethick, Fowey. Carter, Mrs. F. E. (Mrs. W. T. Lott), Kestrels, Widemouth Road, Bude. Carter, Mrs. K. M., Lamb's Barn, Carnethick, Fowey. Catchpole, Mrs. I. M., Chyals, Portmellon, Mevagissey, St. Austell. Cavendish, Mrs. D. L. H., Constantine Cottage, Constantine Bay, Padstow. Chadwick, J. A., Northcliffe, Northcliffe Lane, Thornton, Bradford, Yorkshire. Chamberlain, Miss M., c/o Lloyds Bank Ltd., 180, High Street, Uckfield, Sussex. Champion, R. F., 11, Bissom, Penryn. Chapman, Mrs. M. R., Chalfont Cottage, Carbis Bay, St. Ives. Charnaud, J. J., Drift Farm, Constantine, Falmouth. Charnaud, Mrs. S., Drift Farm, Constantine, Falmouth. Chilcott, C. V., 118, Henver Road, Newquay. Childs, Miss A., Trenley, Seymour Road, Mannamead, Plymouth, Devon. Chipman, H. J., Burford, Alexandra Place, Penzance. Christy, S. J., 133, Honey End Lane, Reading, Berkshire. Churcher, Dr. Gillian M., Public Health Laboratory, S. Devon and E. Cornwall Hospital, Greenbank, Plymouth. Clague, W. D., Lamana, Hannafore, Looe. Clarke, Major A. C, Trerose, Mawnan Smith, Falmouth. Clift, Miss F. H. L., Brentwood, Florence Terrace, Falmouth. Coad, R. T., 10, Dunvegan Road, Penryn. Cock, E. M., Penlee Lodge, Trewithen Road, Penzance. Coe, Miss M. E., Windyridge, Polzeath, Wadebridge. Colby, P. J., 4, Tamar Terrace, . Coleman-Cooke, Major J., F.Z.S., Simonsbath Lodge, Simonsbath, Mine- head, Somerset. Collins, W., 7, Mayfield Road, Falmouth. Comber Miss E. O., Briarbank, Chywoone Hill, Newlyn, Penzance. Coode, Mrs. M. J., 9, Somerville Road, Perranporth. Coombs, Dr. C. J. F., M.A., M.B., B.Ch., Greenwith Place, Perranwell, Truro. Coon, F. A. H., Pen Mar, Barbican Hill, Looe. Corderoy, P., Higher Bosavern, St. Just, Penzance. Cornelius, Mrs. O. C. A., Cliff Villa, Wadebridge. Couch, F. M., Old Polzeath, Wadebridge. Crabb, R. E., 6, Dean Terrace, Liskeard. Crapp, Miss V. I., The Bungalow, Upton Cross, Liskeard. Croft, Brig.-Gen. W. D., C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., The Anchorage, Mawnan Smith, Falmouth. Cross, D. B., Fugler's Close, Portloe, Truro. Crouch, Mrs. H., Penlee, Fernleigh Road, Wadebridge. Cuddy, Mrs. M., 7, Lafrowda Terrace, St. Just, Penzance. Cuningham, Miss D. W. M., C/o Lloyds Bank Ltd., Market House, Penzance. Curber, R. M., 11, Weatherly Avenue, Odd Down, Bath, Somerset. Curnow, Dr. R. N., Orleigh, Bolenna, Perranporth. Cutlack, R. Austin, Tamarisk, Trevone, Padstow.

82 Dakin. E. T., 24, Carminow Way, Newquay. Dakin, Mrs. W. M., 24, Carminow Way, Newquay. Daniel, F. C, 38, Fairfield Road, Bude. Daniel, R. J., 1 Bicton Street, Barnstaple, Devon. Daniel, W. J., Hardware Stores, Coombe Park, Downderry, Torpoint. Darke, T. O., Glencoe, Porthcothan Bay, Padstow. Davey, Miss E., Goonvrea Cottage, Goonvrea, St. Agnes. Davey, Miss E., Tresillian Barton, Summercourt, Newquay. Davey, Miss R. I., Solvia, Cross Street, Helston. Dawson, H., The Boot Inn, Calstock. Day, Mrs. G. M., Cotwood, Ponsanooth, Truro. Dennis, R., 21, Castle Road, Penzance. Dickson, Mrs. S. D., Curgurrel Corner, Trewithian, Portscatho, Truro. Dodson, Lady Marjorie, Bonchurch, Sandown Road, Esher, Surrey. Dorrien Smith, Lt.-Cdr. T. M., Tresco Abbey, Tresco, Isles of Scilly. Drew, S. J., 33, Tregunnel Site, Newquay. Dyer, Mr. & Mrs. W. H., Blue Heaven, Portmellon, Mevagissey, St. Austell. Earl, Miss E. D., Sunnydale, Devoran, Truro. Eden, The Hon. Mrs. R., Beaumont House, Roydon, Essex. Edward-Collins, Maj.-Gen. C. E., Trewardale, Blisland, Bodmin. Edward-Collins, Mrs. M. D., Polgwin, Bodmin. Elliott, Miss H., Innisfaill, Penlee View, Penzance. Elvins, M. L., 54, Cliff Street, Mevagissey, St. Austell. England, Mr. & Mrs. D. G., 29, Chapeldown Road, Torpoint. English, Miss D. M., Tresco, Higher Trehaverne, Truro. Enys, Miss J. F., 41, Woodlane, Falmouth. Evans, Mrs. G. E. M., Abington, Trebarvah Lane, , Penzance. Evans, P. B., Boswartha, Church Road, Lelant, St. Ives. Exelby, B. J., Naini-Tal, Mullion, Helston. Exelby, N. B., Naini-Tal, Mullion, Helston. Eyre, Major C. V., Little Trewirgie, Probus, Truro. Fell. Miss L. B., 1, Avenue Road, Falmouth. Ferguson, Miss J., 5, Berkley Court, King's Road, Brighton, Sussex. Fiddick, R., 7, Tregothnan Road, Falmouth. Field, G. D., Hale Cottage, Milton Grove, New Milton, Hants. Fisher, James, M.A., M.B.O.U., Ashton Manor, Northampton. Flawn, E. G., Y Bryn Pwll, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire. Flawn, Mrs. M., Y Bryn Pwll, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire. Fleet, R. M., Treliske School, Truro. Foster, Miss Loveday L., Oak Cottage, Grenville Road, Lostwithiel. Fox, Mrs. B. M., Trewardreva, Constantine, Falmouth. Fox, Mrs. J. M. K., Penjerrick, Falmouth. Fox, Miss M. V., 4, Woodlane Crescent, Falmouth. Frater, J., 4, Kings Street, Lostwithiel. Gait, Mrs. J. M., 26, St. George's Villas, Truro. Gallagher, J. D., 4, Eastbourne Close, St. Austell. Gallup, Mrs. M. M., Blackdown House, Mary Tavy, Tavistock, Devon. Garnett, Cdr. J. N., R.N., Penhale Farm, Wadebridge. Garnish, W. J., 34, Moorland Road, St. Austell. Gaskell, Mrs. A. W., New London, Trevellas, St. Agnes. Gatiss, Mrs. I. W., 10, Albany Place, Falmouth. George, H. G., Primrose House, Sennen, Penzance. George, Mrs. R., Primrose House, Sennen, Penzance. Gibbs, Mrs. J. P., 22, Carminow Way, Newquay. Gilbert, J. S., 7, Ocean Crescent, Porthleven, Helston.

83 Gill-Carey, Dr. Dorothy E., Penkerris, Penwinnick Road, St. Agnes. Gist, J. Reginald, Valiona, Kelly Bray, Callington. Glanville, A. H., Neeham, Newlyn East, Newquay. Glazebrook, B. K., 1, Albany, London, W.l. Goddard, Mrs. E. M., Cheyney, Constantine Bay, Padstow. Goddard, W. J., M.C., Cheyney, Constantine Bay, Padstow. Goodland, C. V., Penlee House, Morrab Road, Penzance. Goodland, Mrs. G. M., Penlee House, Morrab Road, Penzance. Goodman, Miss M. E., Dilkhusha, Perrancoombe, Perranporth. Goodsell, R., 24, Bellevue Road, Saltash. Gould, Miss D. M., Greenwood Lodge, Sway Road South, Sway, Lyming ton, Hants. Grand, Mrs. I. L. H., Coolgrena, Trebetherick, Wadebridge. Graves, Miss L. I., 14, Trehaverne Terrace, Truro. Greenland, Mrs. E. M., Wayside, Low Street, Hardingham, Norwich, Norfolk. (NOR.27.X). Greenwood, Miss H., 7, Weethes Cottages, Penzance. Griffith, D. W. J., Greenacre, St. Clement, Truro. Griffiths, A. B., 7, Mounts Bay Road, Alverton, Penzance. Griffiths, E., 4, Westbourne Terrace, New Road, Saltash. Griffiths, Miss I. M., Trevissome, Higher Fraddon, St. Columb. Grogono, Miss M. D., The Croft, Mylor, Falmouth. Grove, E. A., Tall Trees, Airlie Road, Winchester, Hants. Gunn, S. D., B.V.M.S., M.R.C.V.S., Ashleigh, St. Columb Major. Guttridge, Mrs. E. M., 1, Pendarves, Tresillian, Truro. Hackforth, Mrs. N., 12, Park Road, Fowey. Hadden, R. G., The White House, Pengersick, Germoe, Penzance. Hall, J., Chief Secretary, R.S.P.C.A., 105, Jermyn Street, London, S.W.I. Hall, W. J., 9, South Road, Histon, Cambridgeshire. Halsey, Miss V. M., Windmill House, St. Minver, Wadebridge. Hambly A. C, Downside Vicarage, Chilcompton, Bath, Somerset. Hambly, E. H., F.R.C.S., Treharrock, Port Isaac. Hardy, Dr. J. D., Grey Roofs, Feock, Truro. Hardy, M. T., Grey Roofs, Feock, Truro. Miss D. Hargood-Ash, (Deaconess), 10, Egremont Terrace, Devon Road, Salcombe, Devon. Harkness, R. S., Sunnyholme, Wells Road, Chilcompton, Bath, Somerset. Harper, R. A., The Rosery, Bolingey, Perranporth. Hartley, The Rev. P. H. T., M.A., M.B.O.U., Badingham Rectory, Woodbridge, Suffolk. Harvey, Mrs. A. S., 40, High Street, Padstow. Harvey, Dr. D., Melness, St. Columb Major. Harvey, Mrs. D. C, Trenance, Hawkins Road, Penzance. Harvey, Miss E. I., 40, High Street, Padstow. Harvey, G. H., Trenance, Hawkins Road, Penzance. Harvey, H. J., B.Sc, 2, Trebehor Cottages, Porthcurno, Penzance. Harvey, L. A., University College, Exeter, Devon. Harwood, Mr. & Mrs. J., 12, Rosevale, Penzance. Hawke, C. J., c/o Lloyds Bank Limited, 27, Fore Street, Redruth. Hawkes, Mrs. J. S., 30, Purley Bury Avenue, Purley, Surrey. Hayman, Mrs. A. V., M.B.E., J.P., 8, West Park, Redruth. Healey, D. G., 51, Dunheved Road, Launceston. Healey, Dr. R. J., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 51 Dunheved Road, Launceston. Heath, Miss D. G., Rose Cottage, Polgooth, St. Austell. Heath. V. F., Riviera Gardens, St. Mawes, Truro. Hemsley, Mrs. M., Stoptide, Rock, Wadebridge.

84 Henwood, P. H., Linkinhorne, Callington. Hepburn, Miss E. M., 6, Avenue Road, Teddington, Middlesex. Herring, Mrs. J., Arosa, Old Road, Liskeard. Herring, W. J., Arosa, Old Road, Liskeard. Hewish, E. W., 14, Lawn Close, Barton Hill Road, Torquay, Devon. Hext, Miss B. J., Little Boslymon, Sweets House, Bodmin. Hicks, Mrs. E. M., Paradise Cottage, Ruan High Lanes, Truro. Hicks, F. H. D., The Lighthouse, St. Agnes, Isles of Scilly. Hicks, Captain & Mrs. J. N., Watergate, Trelill, Bodmin. Hicks, L., 8, Harbour View Crescent, Penzance. Hicks, Mrs. P., 8, Harbour View Crescent, Penzance. Higgs, Mrs. E. E., Whistow, Lanlivery, Bodmin. Higman, Mrs. J. K., 23, Chester Road, Newquay. Higman, N., 23, Chester Road, Newquay. Higman, Mr. & Mrs. S. M., 36, Barnard Road, Sutton Coldfield, War­ wickshire. Hill, Miss L. C. J., M.A., 2, Polwithen Road, Penzance. Hillmer, J. C, 31, Priory Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Hoare, Miss K. M., 17, Wodehouse Terrace, Falmouth. Hobbs, A. E., 9, Church Park, Bodmin. Hodgkin, Mrs. E. M., Weaversholme, Rocester, Uttoxeter, Staffs. Hodgson, G. P. C, Cannington Cottage, Witheridge, Devon. Hogan, Miss C. E., 24, South Street, St. Austell. Hold way. Miss A. A., The Cellars, Church Cove, The Lizard, Helston. Holmes, W. A., 1, Hatfield Terrace, Carvoza Road, Truro. Hony, Mr. & Mrs. C. B., Trewithen, Love Lane, Bodmin. Hopewell, A., 104, Thrupp Lane, Stroud, Gloucestershire. Hopkins, Mr. & Mrs. A. M., Sea Winds, Mile End, The Lizard, Helston. Hopkins, John, Mile End, The Lizard, Helston. Hormbrey, N. F., 30, Whitegate Road, Newquay. Horrell, J. M.. 38-39, Wodehouse Terrace, Falmouth. Hosking, A. C., Wyndhurst, Goldsithney, Penzance. Hosking, H. H., 11, Blackmoor Road, Wellington, Somerset. Hosking, W. H., Cedar Lodge, Treslothan Road, Troon, Camborne. Hough, R. L., Meteorological Office, Kemelland, Camborne. Howard, H., Tresawle, The Lizard, Helston. Hunkin, Miss G., Fern Glen House. St. Ives. Hunt, O. D., Wynstay, The Fairway, Newton Ferrers, Plymouth, Devon. Hurrell, H. G., J.P., M.B.O.U., Moorgate, Wrangaton, South Brent, Devon. Hutchinson, Mr. & Mrs. W. D., Langdale, Carne Close, Helston Road, Leedstown, Hayle. Hutchings, W. J., Trelawny. The Gernicks, Newlyn, Penzance. Hyde, Mrs. H. N., Graystead, St. Stephens Road, Sticker, St. Austell.

Ironside, Miss J., 8. Market Street, Leicester.

Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. B. E., Druids House, Penryn Street, Redruth. Jackson, Mrs. D., Hermitage, St. Mawes, Truro. Jackson, G., Treweege Barton, Stithians, Truro. James, W. J., 130, Sunrising, East Looe. Jarvis, Mr. & Mrs. L. R., 27, Trenovissick Road, Par. Jeacock, Miss Y., Twyford, Perranwell Station, Truro. Jeffrey, Major E. N. B., M.B.O.U., Higher Trevilmick, Lanivet, Bodmin. Jeffreys, A. H., C.B., Doom Bar House, Trebetherick, Wadebridge. Jeffreys, Mrs. D. B., Doom Bar House, Trebetherick, Wadebridge. Jenkins, Miss M. E., B.A., Loo Meadow, Portscatho, Truro.

85 Jenkinson, Miss K., Chy Treth, Mylor Churchtown, Falmouth. Jerome, J. W., 26, Penhalls Way, Playing Place, Truro. Jerram, Mrs. M., Trehane, Trevanson, Wadebridge. Jerram, Miss R. M., Pengwedhen, Helford, Helston. Johns, Mrs. S. D., 25, Hillcrest Avenue, Truro. Johnson, Dr. D. L., Trewhella Villa, Lane, Goldsithney, Penzance. Johnson, Miss E. N. I., Gwel Towans, Treloyhan, St. Ives. Johnstone, G., Oxford and Cambridge University Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W.I. Jones, Miss M. Joyce, St. Piran Lodge, Lelant, St. Ives. Jose, Mrs. E., Bolenowe Farm, Troon, Camborne. Julyan, W. J., Elm View, Carthew, St. Austell.

Kay, H., 2, East Street, Newquay. Kendall, F. H. C, 31, Victoria Road, Bude. Kendall, J. R., Croft Michael Farm, Troon, Camborne. Kennedy, W. P., la, Vivian Terrace, Truro. Kernick, Mrs. A. J., 7, Margaret Avenue, St. Austell. King, A. W., 4, Trennick Row, Malpas Road, Truro. King, Bernard, Mayfield, Uplands Road, Saltford, Bristol. Kirby, Mrs. M., Bishop's Quay, St. Martin, Helston. Kitson, Miss D. H., Ludgvan Rectory, Long Rock, Penzance. Kitto. J. H., 30, Lyndhurst Road, Stretford, Manchester. Knight, V. E., 57a, Higher Bore Street, Bodmin.

Lacy-Smith, Mr. & Mrs. W., Trelacy, Constantine Bay, Padstow. Lainchbury, G. C, Midland Bank House, Fore Street, Camelford. Laity, Mrs. E., Tregays, Lostwithiel. Lambert, Miss O. R. A., Woodland View, Old Falmouth Road, Truro. Lander, Miss V. A., Glynn Lodge, Bodmin. Langdon, F. C, 3, Water Lane, Delabole. Langham, C. H., Carmeal, Breage, Helston. Lash, Miss V. A., St. Clement Vicarage, Truro. Lawry, F. John, Roskennals Mill, Newbridge, Penzance. Laws, Mr. & Mrs. J. B., Trewarthenick, Bodinnick-by-Fowey. Lawson, Sir H. B., M.C., Churchmead, Pirbright, Woking, Surrey. Laycock, Mrs. I. A., Edge Corner, Polmassick, St. Ewe, St. Austell. Laycock, L. A., Edge Corner, Polmassick, St. Ewe, St. Austell. Lee R. W., Hartfield Farm House, Halland, Lewes, Sussex. Lethbridge, Miss D. M. B., J.P., Tregeare, Launceston. Lewis, Mrs. C. M., 11, Carlyon Road, St. Austell. Lewis, E. J., 11, Carlyon Road, St. Austell. Lewis, L. B. C, B.Sc, B.D.S.. M.B., 7, Old Paul Hill, Newlyn, Penzance. Lewis, Dr. T. D., 32, Northfield Drive, Truro. Liddicoat, R. O., Sunnyside, Trenance, Mawgan Porth, Newquay Lilly, Miss G. A., Alyscot, Manor Drive, Treloyhan, St. Ives. Lloyd, D. E. B., The Deerkeeper's Lodge, Stoneleigh, Coventry, Warwick­ shire. Longman, A. V., Lincoln House, Tintagel. Luck. Mrs. D. H., Golant, Par. Lynch, Miss M. P., Flat 3, The Firs, King's Road, Penzance. Lyne, Miss R. M. P., 8, Strangways Terrace, Truro. Lyster, Major P. G., The White House, Marazion. Lywood, T. B., Ennis Farm, St. Erme, Truro. Lywood, W. J. E., Ennis Farm, St. Erme, Truro.

86 Macdonald, Dr. Catherine M., The Rectory, Gerrans, Portscatho, Truro. McKay, Mrs. E., 3, Liskeard Road, Saltash. Mackenzie, Mrs. K. M., Trewetha, Port Isaac. Mackenzie, P. Z., M.B.E., M.R.C.V.S., Penold Farm, St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly. McKie, Dr. D., 18, Brookland Hill, London, N.W.I 1. Mackintosh, Miss A. M., 2, Clarksfield Road, Bolton-le-Sands, Carnforth, Lanes. McNulty, B. D., 5, Wadham Road, Liskeard. Macphie, D. J., Hazel Cottage, Hazel Lane, Petersham, Surrey. McVicker, I. F. G., Tredrea Close, Perranarworthal, Truro. McVicker, Mrs. S. F., Tredrea Close, Perranarworthal, Truro. Maddern, R., 32, Treveneth Crescent, Gwavas Estate, Newlyn, Penzance. Malan, E. M. de M., 35, West Street, Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex. Mann, Mrs. S. L., 1, Grovehill House, Falmouth. Manvell, Mrs. E. R., Luccombe Knap, Minehead, Somerset. Marks, K. E., 14, High Street, Chacewater, Truro. Marshall, Sir Douglas, Hatt House, Hatt, Saltash. Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. E. J., 41, Castle Street ,Bodmin. Martindale Mrs. M., The Retreat, Heamoor, Penzance. Mason, Mrs. M. E., Treloyhan Lodge, St. Ives. Masters, Miss N. W., Small Meadow, Trevanson, Wadebridge. Mather, D. B., 9, Trevarthian Road, St. Austell. Meares, Mrs. M. J., 2, Western Terrace, Falmouth. Meares, R. H., 2, Western Terrace, Falmouth. Mendels, Mrs. P. R., 22, St. Fimbarrus Road, Fowey. Menhinick, Mrs. E. E., Lerryn Cottage, Gonvena Hill, Wadebridge. Middlemass, Miss D. I., Two Gables, Trelyon, St. Ives. Milner, H., Trewithian Cove House, Portscatho, Truro. Milward, A. S., O.B.E., Pol Venton, Porthgwarra, Porthcurno, Penzance. Miners, W. T., Ivydene, Marazion. Mirehouse, Mrs. A. M. E., Myresyke, Ruan Minor, Helston. Mischler, S. M., Copeland Court, Cathedral School, Truro. Mitchell, B. H., Homeleigh, East Taphouse, Liskeard. Mitchell, Miss H., 5, Moorland Close, Boscaswell Estate, Pendeen, Penzance. Mollison, J. E., 33, Redhill Drive, Brighton, 5, Sussex. Moor, Miss M. R., 13, St. Austell Street, Truro. Morcom, Miss A. A., 54, Tredarvah Road, Penzance. Morris, H. J., Ranau, Penweathers, Kea, Truro. Moy, Mrs. A. K. S., Minions, Constantine Bay, Padstow. Moy, E. T., Minions, Constantine Bay, Padstow. Mudford, Miss P. M., Honington, Shipston-on-Stour, Warwickshire. Nash, K. O., 20, Regent Terrace, Penzance. Neale, Mrs. E., Flat 6, Barnwood, Brooklea Park, Lisvane, Cardiff. New, L. P., St. Enodoc Hotel, Rock, Wadebridge. Newton, D., 3, Ladbrooke, Mill Pond Avenue, Hayle. Nicholson, Lady Eve, Winwaloe, Polzeath, Wadebridge. Nowell-Usticke, Miss P., 1, Enys Road, Hendra, Truro. Oakins, Miss M. E., 2, Market Street, Devoran, Truro. Oates, K. E., 39, Higher Lux Street, Liskeard. Ockford, G. A., 28, Sydney Road, Newquay. Oliva, Mrs. A. K., The Red House, The Belyars, St. Ives. Oliver, J. C. C, Orchard House, Maiden Bradley, Warminster, Wilts. Oughton, Mrs. C. S., 15, Shepherds Way, Rickmansworth, Herts.

87 Packer, Miss V. I., Myrtle Cottage, Lelant, St. Ives. Page, Dr. Hilda W., 4, Milbourne Lane, Esher, Surrey. Palmer, A. R., Half-Acre, Rose Hill, Penzance. Parke, Mrs. E. F., Lower Tregorland, St. Just Lane, Truro. Parrinder, Mrs. E. D., 91, Weald Road, Sevenoaks, Kent. Parrinder, E. R., M.B.O.U., 91, Weald Road, Sevenoaks, Kent. Parry, F. R., M.B.E., Franchis, Cury Cross Lanes, Helston. Parry, Mrs. J. H., Franchis, Cury Cross Lanes, Helston. Parslow, J. L. F., Edward Grey Institute, Botanic Garden, Oxford. Parsons, A. G., M.B.O.U., The Bungalow, Trewirgie, Redruth. Patten, A. W., Roughtor Farm, Camelford. Pattenden, B. R., 17, Lanoweth Road, Penzance. Paynter, Miss E. M., Kilbroney, Week St. Mary, Holsworthy, Devon. Peace, J. W., Greensted, Battery Park, Polruan, Fowey. Peart, R. H., The Vicarage, Holcombe Rogus, Wellington, Somerset. Peek, Miss Dawn, Spindrift, Sennen Cove, Penzance. Pellow, K., 37, Antony Road, Torpoint. Penhallurick, R. D., B.A., Assistant Curator, County Museum, Truro. Penn, Miss H. C, The Nook, Mullion, Helston. Peters, M. J., The Old Police House, Lower Town, Lelant, St. Ives. Peters, Mrs. M., 97, Meneage Street, Helston. Peters, W. R., 7, Navy Inn Court, Newlyn, Penzance. Phillips, A. C. J., Trevelyn, Mawnan Smith, Falmouth. Phillips, D. H., Buena Vista, Mount Ambrose, Redruth. Phillips, Mrs. M. R., Chy an Creet, Penbeagle, St. Ives. Phillips, N. R., Chy an Creet, Penbeagle, St. Ives. Phillips, Miss R. M., Pare Vean, Stonesfield, Oxford. Philp, Mrs. S. I. M., Tregony, St. Mabyn, Bodmin. Pickthall, Miss E. G., Missenden, Mylor Bridge, Falmouth. Picozzi, Mrs. L. A. Shieling Tor, Glassel, Banchory, Kincardineshire. Scotland. Pierson, T. A., The Anchorage, The Warren, St. Ives. Pinkney, Mrs. I. V., Ludon Hill, Crackington Haven, Bude. Pollard, Mrs. E. M., Menadarva, Gorran Haven, Gorran, St. Austell. Polwhele, Mrs. J. G., Polwhele, Truro. Polwhele, R. K., Polwhele, Truro. Pool, Miss L. A. I., Langarth, Tregurthen Road, Camborne. Porter, Mrs. M. L. Robartes Terrace, 22, Falmouth Road„ Truro. Powell, Mrs. E. M., Chard School, Chard, Somerset. Price, O. F., Fern Cottage, Carlidnack, Mawnan Smith, Falmouth. Prior, Miss E. J., Bishop's Hill, Polzeath, Wadebridge. Prior, Lady Rachel, Bishop's Hill, Polzeath, Wadebridge. Probert, J. F. C, 1, Penventon Terrace, Redruth. Pyper, J. L., 8, Home Park Road, Saltash.

Race, A., Landrethek, Gustory Road, Crantock, Newquay. Race, Mrs. M. J., Landrethek, Gustory Road, Crantock, Newquay. Radford, Miss E., St. Anthony-in-Roseland, Portscatho, Truro. Radway, F. P., 60, Moorland Road, Par. Radway, W. P., Penarwyn Road, Par. Rae, Miss E. M., Whitehouse, Rock, Wadebridge. Raper, Mr. & Mrs. G. F., Crowan Mill, Praze, Camborne. Reed, Dr. J., Love Gate, Burlawn, Wadebridge. Reed, M. J., 5, The Valley, Porthcurno, Penzance. Rendell, L. W., Turlea, Stokeclimsland, Callington. Richards, Mr. & Mrs. B. A., Cleswyth, Tregurthen Close, Camborne.

88 Richards, P. H., Lake View, Tory, Ponsanooth, Truro. Richards, S. H., 65, Vicarage Road, St. Agnes. Ridge, H. E., S.M.A., Dragon Studio, St. Ives. Roberts, Miss D. W., Milton, Dobbin Road, Trevone, Padstow. Roberts, Mrs. M. E., Cleswith, Sea View Road, Falmouth. Roberts, Miss V., Gwendra Hotel, Marine Drive, Falmouth. Robinson, Mrs. M. G., Deer Crest, Trevarrian, Watergate Bay, Newquay. Robson, The Hon. Mrs. E., Wakerley Manor, Oakham, Rutlandshire. Rogers, C. T. H., Carwinion, Mawnan Smith, Falmouth. Rogers, Mrs. E. A., 7, King Square, Bridgwater, Somerset. Roper, Mrs. C. B., Wood Meadow, Feock, Truro. Roper, Capt. E. G., C.B.E., D.S.O., D.S.C., R.N., Polmayne, St. Minver, Wadebridge. Roper, P., Wood Meadow, Fcock, Truro. Rosewarne, Miss I. M., Cliffside Private Hotel, Perranporth. Rosewarne, J. N., Cliffside Private Hotel, Perranporth. Round, H. A., Goonearl, Fore Street, Marazion. Rowe, E. A., Barclays Bank House, Camborne. Rowe, Dr. & Mrs. G. P. G., Cornhill, Rubery, Birmingham. Rowe, W. S., 1, Ivor Close, Alderney Road, Guildford, Surrey. Ryan, K. P., Westbourne, Trelissick, Hayle. Ryves, Mrs. I. N. M., 18, Headland Avenue, Seaford, Sussex. Ryves, Miss S. C, 18, Headland Avenue, Seaford, Sussex.

Sage, J. A., 51, Ferndale Avenue, Chertsey, Surrey. Salm, Mrs. R., 35, Tredova Crescent, Falmouth. Salmon, R. J., Claremont, Churchtown, Lanivet, Bodmin. Samuel, Mrs. B. F. M., 27, Yew House, Shardeloes Road, London, S.E.14. Sanders, Mrs. H., St. Clement, Truro. Sargent, H. B., 8, Bay View Terrace, Porthleven, Helston. Savage, B.F., 15, Victoria Parade, Torquay, Devon. Sawle, A. C, 21, Ashford Crescent, Mannamead, Plymouth, Devon. Scarle, H., 17, Jubilee Terrace, Bodmin. Seager, Dr. A. F., Farm House, Vicarage Road, Egham, Surrey. Seddon, Miss H. P., 17, The Warren, St. Ives. Sellon, Miss M. D., Windyridge, Polzeath, Wadebridge. Sewart, Miss D., Lower Treneague, Wadebridge. Sexton, Miss L. S., School House, Kiddington School, Kiddington, Wood­ stock, Oxfordshire. Sheer, S., Springside, Foxhole, St. Austell. Sheers, Dr. G., Hunson, Whitchurch, Tavistock, Devon. Sheldon, Dr. & Mrs. J. W. V., The Nook, Fentonluna, Padstow. Sheppard, J. H., 33, Highfield Road, Moseley, Birmingham, 13. Sherlock, Mrs. J. J., 1, Tremelling Villas, Mount Ambrose, Redruth. Simms, G. W., Little Trefewha, Praze, Camborne. Skilbeck, Miss A. T., The Old House, Trevanson, Wadebridge. Skinner, D. R., M.A., Sunnyside, Mithian, St. Agnes. Smart, Mrs. K. I., Ty Bryn, St. Ives. Smith, A. V., Telford, Hill Barton Road, Exeter, Devon. Smith, D. F., 17, Fuller Road, Perranporth. Smith, F. R., Telford, Hill Barton Road, Exeter, Devon. Smith, Miss J. Hodgkinson, Seagulls, Porthilly Lane, Rock, Wadebridge. Smith, Miss M. Hill, Windmill House, St. Minver, Wadebridge. , Smith, Mrs. R. E., Cedar Cottage, Finstown, Orkney. Smithies, F., The Old House, Rilla Mill, Callington. Smyth-Osbourne, G. W., Charlestown Hill Cottage, St. Austell.

89 Soper, Miss M. B., Fiona, Rock, Wadebridge. Soper, Tony, 1, Cross Park, Hartley, Plymouth, Devon. Southern, N., Hill Top, Tredavoe Lane, Newlyn, Penzance. Southern, Mrs. P. M., Hill Top, Tredavoe Lane, Newlyn, Penzance. Sparrow, Capt. & Mrs. B. W. B., Red House, Paul, Penzance. Spavin, C, Boscarn, Cury Cross Lanes, Helston. Spavin, Mrs. M. N. Boscarn, Cury Cross Lanes, Helston. Spear, Miss M. E., Trenley, Eastbourne Road, St. Austell. Spearpoint, T., 1, Avenue Road, Falmouth. Spenlove-Spenlove, Mrs. & Miss, The Orchard, Madron, Penzance. Squire, Lt.-Col. E. K., Willow Gates, Rock, Wadebridge. Staal, C, Cotehele House, Callington. Stafford, Miss M. A., 15, Berry Road, Newquay. Staite, Mrs. F. A., Carlidnack, Mawnan Smith, Falmouth. Stauffer, Miss M. V., 22, Victoria Road, St. Austell. Stein, E., Redlands, Trevose, Padstow. Stephens, T. J., Sunny Acre, Gweek, Helston. Stevens, C. J., F.Z.S., M.B.O.U., 15, Lamb Park, Par. Stevens, The Misses J. & K., 21, Church Road, Mylor, Falmouth. Stewart, Mr. & Mrs. John, Rostrevor, Trevear Close, St. Austell. Stoneham, V. A., Devichoys Barton, Perranarworthal, Truro. Strange, Mrs. P. Oldham, Hillocks, Rock, Wadebridge. Stubbs, Miss Helen, 3, Priory Close, Vicarage Road, Tywardreath, Par. Sunley, Mr. & Mrs. S. J., Roselle, Kenwyn Road, Truro. Sutton-Nelthorpe, J. W., c/o The Royal Bank of Scotland, Drummonds Branch, 49, Charing Cross, London, S.W.I. Sykes, A. N., Thorpe End, Almondbury, Huddersfield, Yorks. Symons, Mrs. L., Spray View, Normandy Downs, St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly. Symons, R., Spray View, Normandy Downs, St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly.

Tamblyn, J. T., Carbeile House, Torpoint. Tangye, D., Dorminack, St. Buryan, Penzance. Teale, C, Kiln Cottage, Talland Bay, Looe. Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. D. A., High Clere, Coulthard Drive, Breage. Helston. Thompson, Miss M. S., Trewoon, Poldhu Cove, Mullion, Helston. Thomson, Mr. & Mrs. B., Loe Wall, Feock, Truro. Thwaites, R. E., Windrush, Silver Hill, Perranwell Station, Truro. Titmuss Miss M., 69a, Madeley Road, Ealing, London W.5. Todd, D. A., 96, Footscray Lane, Sidcup, Kent. Trahair, Miss M. L., The Cottage, Dousland, Yelverton, Devon. Tranter, Miss G. M., 2, St. Michael's Terrace, Penzance. Travers, Mrs. D. M., J.P., Gwel Meneth, Old Road, Liskeard. Tregenza, C. W., Truthan Vean, Heamoor, Penzance. Tregenza, Mrs. L. A., Boslandew House, Paul, Penzance. Tregenza, V. L., Barclays Bank House, 30a, Market Place, Camelford. Tregenza, W. A., Boslandew House, Paul, Penzance. Treleaven, R. B., M.B.O.U., Rockmount, Dutson Road, Launceston. Trenerry, G. G., 104, Trelawney Road, Peverell, Plymouth, Devon. Trevithick, Mr. & Mrs. J. R., 2, Woodside Cottages, Chacewater, Truro. Trinick, Mrs. M. E. L., Newton, Lanhydrock, Bodmin. Trudgian, Dr. Helen M., 2, Marcus Hill, Newquay. Tucker, V. R., 5, Westfield Avenue, Hooe, Plymstock, Plymouth, Devon. Tunnard, J. S., Trethinnick, Lamorna, Penzance. Tunnard, Mrs. M. M., Trethinnick, Lamorna, Penzance.

90 Turk, Mrs. S. M., F.Z.S., Shangri-La, Reskadinnick, Camborne. Turner, H. J., 4, Fore Street, St. Ives. Turner, R. G., 18, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull Warwick­ shire.

Venn, Mrs. G. M., Talwyn, Lelant, St. Ives. Vernon-Betts, Major R. J., 2, Trendeal Gardens, Penzance. Vessey, Mrs. N. A. M., Weir Meadows, Restronguet, Flushing, Falmouth. Vince, A. A. P., 14, Church Hill, Winchmore Hill, London, N.21. Visick, Mrs. M. P., Trendain, Perranwell Station, Truro. Vivian, Nancy, Lady, M.B.E., Windrushes, Treyarnon Bay, Padstow.

Waithman, J. S., Tallands, Higher Polscoe, Lostwithiel. Waithman, Mrs. R. M., Tallands, Higher Polscoe, Lostwithiel. Wakefield, H., Newman House, St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly. Walker, A. F., Melbourne Cottage, Boscastle. Ward, Mrs. I. M. M., The Old Malt House, Tintagel. Ward, J. H., 34, Fortismere Avenue, London, N.10. Warner, G. M., Clapper, Wadebridge. Warnington, Miss E. M., 46, Esplanade, Fowey. Waters, L J. O., 23, Ranelagh Road, St. Austell. Watkins, Miss D. M., The Salt Box, Point, Devoran, Truro. Watson, Major H. G., M.C., Worthylands, Trebetherick, Wadebridge Watson, Mrs. M. N., Worthylands, Trebetherick, Wadebridge. Watt, Mrs. V. M., Sea Mills, St. Issey, Wadebridge. Watts, W. S., Field Close, Trelights, Port Isaac. Watts, Mrs. W., Field Close, Trelights, Port Isaac. Webb, Miss S., Low Way, Swanpool, Falmouth. Weeks, Mrs. R. P., Trehayle, Elmsleigh Road, West Hill, Wadebridge. Welton, W. K., Little Priory, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot, Devon. Wesley, Miss O., 4, South Parade, Penzance. West, Mrs. E., 12, Grovehill Crescent, Falmouth. Whelan, Miss E. M., 6, Coombe Road, Saltash. Whiffen, Miss O. I., Dolphin Cottage, Porthgwarra, Porthcurno, Penzance. Whitaker, The Misses D. & G. E., 31, Polmear Road, Par. White, Miss A., 2, Mountstephen Close, Edgcumbe Road, St. Austell. White. Mrs. B. M., Trewornan Manor, Wadebridge. White, Mrs. E. M. U., Boskewys, Trelissick Road, Hayle. White, H. C, Trewornan Manor, Wadebridge. White. Mrs. N., The Lodge, St. Anthony-in-Roseland, Portscatho, Truro. White, Miss P. J., The Old Quay House, Hayle. Wicks, S. C, Pentreve, Truro School, Truro. Wilkinson, Mrs. C. E., Beechland Lodge, Newick, Lewes, Sussex. Willcocks, Mrs. B., Little Strand, Rock, Wadebridge. Willcocks Miss E. G., Estia, Highcliff, Polzeath, Wadebridge. Willcocks, Mrs. G. H., 12, Beacon Hill, Bodmin. Willett, Miss R. J. W., Rosemain, St. Minver, Wadebridge. Williams, G. L., Jolly's Bottom Farm, Chacewater, Truro. Williams, L. P., 134, Weeth Road, Camborne. Williams, Mrs. M. B., Scorrier House, Scorrier, Redruth. Williams, Mrs. M. F., Trewidden, Buryas Bridge, Penzance. Williams, R. W. E., 8, Drakefield Drive, Saltash. Williams, T. R. J., M.Sc, A.R.I.C., 39, Orchard Road, Nailsea, Somerset. Willyams, Mrs. B. J., Carnanton, St. Columb Minor, Newquay.

91 Wilson, Mrs. B. F. E., 1, Donnington Road, The Lidden, Penzance. Wilson, Miss K.Orr, 12, Compton Avenue, Plymouth, Devon. Wiltshire, L, V., M.R.C.V.S., Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 45, Southgate Street, Winchester, Hants. Winkworth, Mr. & Mrs. T. S., North Hill House, Chacewater, Truro. Winn, Mrs. I., 3, Parkfield Crescent, Taunton, Somerset. Winter, R. L., 115, Hill Barton Road, Exeter, Devon. Wise, L. N., 34, Halsetown, St. Ives. Wood, Miss D. Scobell, 31, Trebarwith Crescent, Newquay. Wood, Miss M., 76, Edgcumbe Avenue, Newquay. Woodward, Mr. & Mrs. W. J., Lewidden, Penrose, Wadebridge. Worth, Miss V., 34, Tredova Crescent, Falmouth. Wright, Miss P. L., 57, Abingdon Villas, Kensington, London, W.8. Wright, Miss R. V., 5, Marlborough Crescent, Falmouth. Wyatt, R. A. D., Manor Farm Bungalow, Whitchurch Road, Cublington, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire. Wynn-Werninck, Mrs. A. M., The Old Cottages, Pentire Glaze, St. Minver, Wadebridge.

Young, E. A., Polventon, Condor Villas, Budock Water, Falmouth. Young, Mrs. G. M., 11, Alverton Terrace, Penzance. Young, H. A., Westerly, Goldsithney, Penzance. Young, Dr. J., 11, Alverton Terrace, Penzance. Young, Miss M. L. E., Trevone, Bells Hill, Mylor Bridge, Falmouth.

(c) Junior Members. Burridge, R. E., 7, Westfleld Avenue, Hooe, Plymstock, Plymouth, Devon. Buscombe, A. J., Trelevra Farm, Golden Bank, Falmouth. Coombs, Miss S., General Stores, Summercourt, Newquay. Crowley, P., Harper House, Sherborne, Dorset. Dunn, R. C. T., The Old Manse, Mevagissey, St. Austell. Dyer, D. O., Kenwyn, Fore Street, Copperhouse, Hayle. Eddy, S., 99, Clarence Road, Torpoint. Hodgkin, C. R., Weaversholme, Rocester, Uttoxeter, Staffs. Laity, P. H., Tregays, Lostwithiel. Laity, Miss S. E. Tregays, Lostwithiel. Laws, Miss A., Trewarthenick, Bodinnick-by-Fowey. Laws, Miss F. J., Trewarthenick, Bodinnick-by-Fowey. Laws, Miss J., Trewarthenick, Bodinnick-by-Fowey. Madge, S. C, 82, Clarence Road, Torpoint. Nicholls, D., Langweath Cottage, Lower Town Lelant, St. Ives. Oats, D. J., 6, Treneglos Terrace, Gulval, Penzance. Raper, Miss D. N., Crowan Mill, Praze, Camborne. Stanlake, H. J., Cairn-Dale, Penhale Road, Penwithick, St. Austell. Visick, Miss S. A., Trendain, Perranwell Station, Truro.

92 Waters, P. M., 1, Goverseth Hill, Foxhole, St. Austell. Willcocks, I. J., Stockadon Farm, Saltash. Wilson, Miss B. J., 1, Donnington Road, The Lidden, Penzance. Wilson, J. H., 1, Donnington Road, The Lidden, Penzance. Wolstenholme, J. R. C, 41, Malvern Court, Onslow Square, London, SAV.7.

93 THE SOCIETY'S RULES (Revised to 30th June, 1964)

Rule 1. (Name). The Society shall be called " The Cornwall Bird-Watching and Preservation Society." Rule 2. (Objects). The Objects of the Society shall be:— (a) To further the study of birds in the field. (b) To assist in their preservation.

Rule 3. (Membership). The Society shall consist of a President, a Chairman, one or more Honorary Secre­ taries, Honorary Treasurer, and Full and Junior Members. Any person who has attained his or her 14th or 18th birthday shall be eligible for Junior or Full membership respectively. Junior members shall be entitled to participate in the activities of the Society, but they shall not be eligible for election to the Executive Committee or Offices of the Society. The Officers shall be elected annually at the first General Meeting of the year (which meeting shall be named the Annual Meeting) and shall be eligible for re-election. New members may be elected at any General or Executive Committee meeting provided they have signed the declaration on the subject of protection and paid the current year's subscription.

Rule 4. No person shall become a member of the Society until he declares in writing that he will not take the eggs or skins of any birds protected by law and any member proved to the satisfaction of a General Meeting of the Society to have taken or incited any other person to take the eggs or skins of such birds shall forthwith cease to be a member of the Society.

Rule 5. (Subscription). The Subscription shall be 10s.Od. for Full Members; 5s.Od. for each additional member of the same family sharing the same literature; and 2s.6d. for Junior Members, payable on election and thereafter annually on the 1st January. But any member who both signs the declaration form and pays the first subscription after September 30th in any year, shall not be liable to pay a further subscription until the close of the following year. A Junior member, on attaining his or her 18th birthday, shall not be liable to pay a Full member's subscription until after the close of the current year.

Rule 6. (Management). The Secretaries shall keep Minutes of the meetings and prepare such literature as will keep members informed of the Society's activities. The Treasurer shall present a Statement of Accounts at the Annual Meeting each year. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the Officers and not less than six ordinary members. This Committee shall be elected annually at the Annual Meeting and shall deal with all routine business. The Executive Committee shall have power to add to this number, subject to confirmation at the next Annual Meeting. No ordinary member shall serve on this Committee for more than three consecutive years.

Rule 7. (Meetings). General Meetings shall be held as often as necessary, but not less than twice a year (including the Annual Meeting). The Executive Committee shall meet when necessary for the transaction of routine business. All meetings shall be convened by the Secretaries in consultation with the President and Chairman.

Rule 8. (Alteration of Rules). An alteration of Rules may be made at any General Meeting, provided that the precise alteration has been shown in advance on the Agenda, and that the alteration be passed by two-thirds majority of those present.

94 Oscar Blackford Ltd., Truro