
VOL. 31, No. 4, APRIL, 1950 149

Air Age Institute for High School Teachers Federal Tax on Teletype Circuits Reduced The National Association of Industrial Meteorologists The Parks College of Aeronautics, E. St. Louis, 111., has received recently a ruling from the Collector of In- will conduct an institute for teachers of Air Age Educa- ternal Revenue stating that if teletype circuits are one-way only and no sending apparatus is included in the receiving tion in high schools who may teach elements of aero- terminal equipment, the service furnished represents wire nautical sciences, from July 10 thru 28th. Meteorol- and equipment service within the purview of section 3465(a) (2) (B) of the Code, as amended, and the ogy will be included in the curriculum; the emphasis is amounts paid therefor are subject to the 8 percent tax imposed under that section rather than the 25 percent tax on educational techniques. All applications should be imposed under section 3465(a) (2) (A) of the code as sent to Dean Niels C. Beck, by May 1. amended.— (K.C.S.)


Space reserved for members only. For rates apply to: EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, 5 Joy Street, Boston 8, Mass.

A. H. GLENN C. C. BATES JOHN R. MURRAY DENNIS W. TRETTEL A. H. GLENN AND ASSOCIATES MURRAY & TRETTEL Meteorological Consultants Industrial Weather Consultants New Orleans Airport 7810 Gateway Blvd., S.E. 127 North Dearborn Street New Orleans 17, La. Washington 19, D.C. Chicago 2, Illinois RAndolph 6-9331

NORTHEAST WEATHER SERVICE P. N. CHICK M. G. HOGAN Consulting Meteorologists WEATHER ADVISORS, Inc. & Meteorological Consultants Forecasters Industrial Research & Forecasts 522 Lowell St. Lexington, Mass. Logan Airport E. Boston 7-5075

IRVING P. KRICK, Ph.D. WEATHERCASTS OF AMERICA Meteorological Consultant Consulting Meteorologists St. Louis 1, Mo. 1276 East Colorado Street Pasadena 1, Calif.


PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Specialized Weather Service to Suit Particular Requirements 245 Market Street 1202 East Green Street, P. O. Box K San Francisco 6, Calif. Pasadena, California

POLE TO POLE BLEWETT WEATHER SERVICE Weather Investigations Weather Consultants JACK M. HUBBARD Weather Research Consultant 919C East California St. Pasadena, Calif. P. 0. Box 963, Olympia, Wash. SYcamore 6-9015

JAMES R. ANDERSON LEO ALPERT, Ph.D. Consulting Meteorologist Consulting Climatologist 1950 Dryden Houston, Texas 4857-B South 28th Street, Arlington, Virginia Lehigh-5835 TEmple 9013

For general information on the application of meteorology to industry, business and agriculture, write to the AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY; the national scientific and professional society in meteorology. PLACEMENT SERVICE BOOK SERVICE EDUCATIONAL AND VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE SCIENTIFIC AND NONTECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/03/21 02:14 AM UTC esigned for use as a " hook",

SI makes it possible to obtain samples of undisturbed air at any designated level.

Because it combines the dead calm of a with the aerodynamic lift of a kite, the is able to elevate measuring instruments as high as 3200 feet... to maintain its maximum altitude and vertical angle regardless of conditions.

Inflated with helium or hydrogen, the 10 ft. KYTOON will rise, head into the wind, and fly almost directly over its anchor point. Two, three or more can be flown from one rig to provide the additional lift necessary to elevate apparatus for measuring temperature, humidity, wind velocity and direction.

The KYTOON is currently being used by meteorologists to lift wiresonde or radiosonde instruments, as a target for surveyors, to raise radio or television antennae, in air-sea rescue work, and in many other applications that require a practical, precise "sky hook" for captive flight under all weather conditions.


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