Joint Degree Management and Administration Network: Tackling current issues and facing future challenges

Rome, 13 th November 2009 The Network

Joint Degree Management and Administration Network tackling current issues and facing future challenges

JOIMAN is a Network composed by 15 , 3 EM National Structures and 2 EM National Structures participating as associate members. The Network is co-financed by the European Commission within the Lifelong Learning – Erasmus Programme The. project started in Autumn 2008 and will run until Autumn 2010

2 The Network

1. of Bologna – IT 2. University of Padova – IT 3. University Lille 1 – FR 4. – FR 5. University of Bordeaux 1 – FR 6. University of Deusto – ES 7. – AT 8. University of – BE 16. Erasmus Mundus NS Italy – IT 9. University of Iasi – RO 17. Erasmus Mundus NS – BEfl 10. University of Vilnius – LT 18. Erasmus Mundus NS Lithuania – LT 11. – NO 12. University of Lund– SE 13. University of Brno – CZ 14. University of Bochum – DE 15. University of Leipzig - DE

ASSOCIATE PARTNERS Erasmus Mundus NS France – FR Erasmus Mundus NS Sweden – SE 3 The focus

Joint Degree Management and Administration Network: tackling current issues and facing future challenges

The focus are joint degrees. The term has been substituted in our terminology with the term “Joint Programmes (JPs)”, to concentrate the focus on the joint development of the programme rather than in the award of the final certification.

4 How joint programmes are approached?

Joint Degree Management and Administration Network: tackling current issues and facing future challenges

While important papers, reports and surveys have been developed in the issue of Joint Programme development JOIMAN is the first attempt to investigate the administration and management issues of JPs. WHY?

5 Because…

• Even if HEIs have been involved in joint programme development since the eighties, the Erasmus Mundus Programme has brought a substantial change in the “philosophy” connected to joint programme creation and administration. • The Erasmus Mundus Programme focuses predominantly on the concept of “consortia” as well as on the concept of “Integration” to be applied to the curricular aspects as well as to the administration and management issues of a JP. • During the first phase of EM Programme, HEIs had to face issues connected to joint students administration and, in order to “respect” or “subscribe” the EM philosophy, they had to find solutions to administrative and management problems connected to JPs.

6 Which topics have been addressed?

Joint Degree Management and Administration Network: Tackling current issues and facing future challenges • Joint administration of students: application, selection, admission, enrolment, welcoming, tutoring and certification processes • Financial management of JPs : tuition fees, social cohesion, sustainability • Management and organisation of services • Quality assurance 7 Which topics will be addressed?

Joint Degree Management and Administration Network: tackling current issues and facing future challenges

• Joint doctoral programmes: • What are joint doctoral programmes? • How to develop joint doctoral programmes? • What are good practices in the development and management of joint doctoral programmes? • Joint programmes with non EU partners: • What are the main challenges in developing and managing a JP with non EU partners?

• Which good practices are in place? 8 With which aims? The general objective of our work is to improve the management capacity of Higher Education Institutions in the administration and management of Joint Programme through • The creation of a common discussion platform among institutions with a relevant experience in the development and management of Joint Programmes • The analysis of the existing administrative procedures and practices in the management of JPs at Master and PhD level • The development of guidelines, good practice examples and common cooperation tools

9 First year of the project

The first year of the project has been dedicated to research on management and administration of joint programmes at master level focusing on the institutional policies for JPs, the administration of students, the financial management and the quality assurance issues. Main outputs:

• Good practice report on the administration and management of Joint Programmes • Cooperation agreement template • Surveys on institutional policies and JP management • Glossary • National legislations on tuition fees in EU

10 Methodology and targets Methodology •Thematic groups working on the collection and analysis of data •Two Online questionnaires •Study visits and interviews •Collection of cooperation agreements and guidelines for JP development •Collection of information on national legislation on tuition fees

Target groups Institutions (to investigate on institutional policies) Coordinators or administrators of Joint Programmes (to identify good practices and to extract recommendations)

36 institutions answered to survey on institutional policies (19 countries) 89 JP coordinators answered to survey on JP management, covering 75 Joint programmes, out of which 34 are EMMC and 55 are non EMMC

11 Second year of the project

During the second year JOIMAN will investigate on joint programmes at doctoral level and on joint programmes with non EU institutions aiming to produce transferable outputs such as:

• The good pactice report on Joint doctoral programmes • The good practice report on the administration of JPs with non EU institutions

12 Main public events

ROME : International Seminar on Joint Degrees, November 13 th 2009

ANTWERP : International Seminar, March 26 th 2010

VILNIUS : International Seminar, presentation of JOIMAN final results Date to be defined, October/November 2010

13 Thank you for your attention!

Francesco Girotti – JOIMAN project coordinator [email protected]