’s Florid rby a St Early voting begins Aug. 4 l I or Stable Fire in Williston Concealed il ie s Primary election day is Aug. 14 W Kills 11 Horses Weapons Send in your absentee ballot or See page 2A Permits In Vote at the Elections Offi ce at Illustration by Alexander Key Invitations to Bid Florida 421 S. Court Street, Bronson Buster’s Big Splash See page 3A See page 10B See page 2A

Your Locally-Owned County Paper of Record since 1923

VOL. 89, NO. 4 THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 2012 50 CENTS Do You Commissioners Putnam Stops Grant Know Who Looking to Hold the Payment to Another This Is? Line on Spending at Budget Workshop Fraudulent By Kathy Endeavor Editor

“Let’s meet in the middle,” was the cry at the Board of County A Florida-based energy company that received money through Commissioners Budget Workshop Tuesday from agencies told previously President Obama's stimulus package is under investigation by state to cut their budgets. For those just needing more funding, the future and federal offi cials for fraud, Agriculture Commissioner Adam looks bleak as property values decrease and the economy with them. Putnam said Tuesday, July 24 at a meeting in Tallahassee.. Th e fraud Chief Deputy/Finance Director Sheila Rees presented the proposed was uncovered as part of an operational audit conducted by the state 2013 budget to the commissioners with the advisement that the board Offi ce of Inspector General of the grants administrated by the Offi ce Unidentifi ed woman in now needed to pass a millage rate for this new budget. of Energy, created in 1975 and moved under the state Department Suwannee County Th e Board decided to roll back the millage rate to 8.5759 while holding of Agriculture in July 2011. Putnam said the state halted pending the line and not raising assessments on property owners in order to give Th e Suwannee County Sheriff ’s payment on two grants once the fraud was detected, saving taxpayers the county a budget of about $13 million dollars which will keep expenses Offi ce is attempting to identify nearly $2.5 million. to county residents about the same as last year. With property values a white female who was located Th e state's OOE was transferred to the Florida Department declining this millage rate will still continue to fund the county budget. on Monday July 16, 2012 in of Agriculture and Consumer Services, under the leadership of Th e dedication of a section of US 19 at 326 to the memory of Army Suwannee County on the side of Commissioner Putnam, by the Legislature in 2011. Specialist 4 Michael S. Osteen was set for Th ursday, August 9 at 10 a.m. the roadway. Th e female suff ered Commissioner Putnam unveiled the fi ndings of his audit of the Sheriff Johnny Smith was asked to cut $1.25 million from his budget. a head injury as a result of blunt Offi ce of Energy (OOE), revealing both success and failures in According to Sheriff Smith, “we have gone through it liberally line by line force trauma and is currently in the various energy grant programs managed by the offi ce. He also and have made what I consider to be very signifi cant cuts to our original a medically induced coma at an announced savings of $2.45 million in taxpayer dollars as a result proposal.” Smith reduced expenditures on the Law Enforcement side by area hospital. We have queried of fraud and indications of bankruptcy uncovered by his Offi ce of $365,517; Corrections by $128,108 including cuts in retirement benefi ts her fi ngerprints through AFIS, Inspector General. for new hires and including the new health insurance increases now in but it did not result in a positive Th ese fi ndings are part of the audit report requested by eff ect; Communications by $ 7,175. Th e total reduction in the Sheriff ’s identifi cation. Commissioner Putnam to evaluate the offi ce, review its grant budget from cuts was $500,800 stating they have cut “everywhere we Th e female appears to be 20-35 programs and identify fraud shortly after he assumed responsibility know to cut.” According to Smith, “If any more cuts come it is going to years old, approximately 5’5”, 130 of the state energy programs. Th is is the fi rst audit that has been done come in the form of personnel.” pounds, with brown hair and blue since the Offi ce was created in 1975. Smith stated that the mechanic they are presently using has saved them eyes. She was discovered wearing “It was a very complicated scheme to defraud taxpayers,” Putnam lots of money by maintaining the fl eet of patrol cars in good condition. cut off blue jean shorts, a Grateful said. Th e audit also uncovered $198,000 in grants that were given to Commissioners want vehicles rotated in and out in smaller batches each Dead t-shirt and no shoes. companies now in bankruptcy. year to avoid buying them all at once. Commissioner Bell told Smith he If you can be of help identifying “One of the programs in the stimulus funding was supposed to appreciated the $500,000 (or 5.1 percent) in cuts and wanted “to meet you this young woman please call build E-85 gas stations around the state; there were 20 grants issued, in the middle, but, where do we go from here.” the Suwannee County Sheriff ’s not one penny was spent, not a single outcome of that program,” Commissioners stated that if the sheriff cut deeply into the budget, they Department at 386/362-2222. Putnam said. So far eight of those programs are still ongoing but would be able in the future to hand back the monies when really needed. without any money being sent out yet and the other 12 have been Elections Supervisor Connie Asbell had been requested to cut $25,000. halted. Asbell stated that elections costs were going up and she wanted to “split According to Putnam and in the audit report, $200-plus million Contents the diff erence” with the board. Commissioner Bell said at this point they was to be awarded but the previous administration (Gov. Charlie would do that but upon further inspection of the budgets they may have Crist) had a travel ban on even visiting the sites that were to receive Public Safety ...... 2A to talk to Asbell on this again. the monies. “Th ey were never physically visiting any of these sites,” Maggie Labarta, CEO and President of Meridian Behavioral Opinion ...... 4A said Putnam. Healthcare, Inc. reported to the board on the condition of mental care According to the audit, “.....the staff was not permitted to travel, Classifi eds ...... 7A and substance abuse in Levy County. After audits she stated that in disabling OOE staff from conducting federally-required onsite the new fi scal year they would close out with $2.2 to $2.4 million in monitoring to verify grantee progress and address issues related to Levy Life ...... 1B uncompensated care which Meridian cannot absorb. Th e fall back is the progress reports, documentation collection and invoices.” law offi cers and emergency rooms which are much more expensive than Calendar ...... 2B Th e travel ban was lifted when Putnam’s offi ce took over. Meridian. Th ere has been a 9 percent increase in the number of people Putnam said, “Th ere was a complete absence of leadership. Th e Worship ...... 4B Meridian has seen for care. Th ey are now approved to accept Blue Cross offi ce was rudderless.” Blue Shield and are accredited and licensed. It was stated that 2 percent “Th ey were awarding $200-plus million, yet the previous Obits ...... 4B of people diagnosed here with mental illness are under the age of fi ve. administration had a travel ban on visiting the sites that were Meridian relies on state and county funds for 38 percent of the services Legals ...... 5B-7B collectively getting more than $200 million, so they were never they provide for indigent care and those qualifi ed for assistance. physically visiting any of these sites,” Putnam said. Th e county is required by law to give matching dollars based on Based on the fi ndings and recommendations of this audit, the population. Th e Department of Children and Families (DCF) is the department has established performance measures that will enable it agency that decides how much money has to be matched and the to hold grant recipients accountable for their contractual obligations agency fi gures the county’s share based on their proportionate share of and evaluate the continuing impact of these grant projects on the population. Labarta said that Levy County’s share is funding “deep-end” state of Florida. Commissioner Putnam issued a letter to all grant services for people with the most signifi cant disabilities. recipients, both completed and ongoing projects, calling for an update Meridian was required to generate $2.7 million last year in matching on progress and continuing impact by the end of August 2012. funds. Levy County’s share in that is $209,000 based on population. Th at Commissioner Putnam plans to use this information to evaluate the $209,000 draws down over $1 million in state and federal money. Th e eff ectiveness of the grant programs in reaching their objectives. commission is looking to lower their portion but Labarta said that will A copy of the audit can be seen and downloaded at: not support the current demand nor support a 5-day a week clinic in Levy http://www.freshfromfl orida.com/newsroom/resources/IA_1112- County. Th e state is also reducing indigent care funds. Th ere will be a 02_Final_Report-Operational_Audit_of_OOE.pdf signifi cant impact on services. — information provided by the Department of Agriculture and Commissioner Danny Stevens said Levy County cannot match any Consumer Aff airs more funds. Labarta explained continued on page 5A CFEC Educational Charity, Inc. Begins Educational Round Up Program Central Florida Electric Cooperative, Inc. has and the “total due” will long supported educational eff orts within the tri- refl ect a rounded-up county area, and each year the Central Florida fi gure. Electric Cooperative Educational Charity, Inc. Th rough the awards scholarships to numerous students to Educational Round Up help in their quest for an education beyond high Program, a member school. Now, CFEC’s members will also have an may give a maximum opportunity to help students by participating in of $11.88 a year and as the Educational Round Up Program. little as 12 cents a year. Th e Educational Round Up Program works Th e average donation by rounding up members’ monthly electric bills is fi gured to be around to the nearest dollar. Th e diff erence between the $6.00 per year. actual bill and the rounded up amount is given Although this may CFEC Customer Service Representative for an directly to the charity to fund scholarships. not sound like much, together CFEC and its enrollment form. Th e enrollment form can also Members who elect to participate will not be members can make a real diff erence in the lives be found on the CFEC Web site at www.cfec. required to do the calculations on their own; the of our students, their families and, ultimately, com. details of a members’ bill will denote the amount their community. Sign up now to support the students in our given to the Educational Round Up Program To participate in the program, contact a area—the future leaders of our communities. www.levyjournalonline.com 2A The Levy County Journal Your Locally-Owned County Paper of Record since 1923 August 2, 2012 Levy County Levy County’s Most Wanted Sheriff ’s Offi ce Arrest Report

Beree, Jonathan Michael, 40, of Cedar Key: OUT-OF- COUNTY WARRANT. Boyd, Christina Danielle, 31, of Gainesville: OUT-OF- COUNTY WARRANT. Butler, Issac, 56, of Chiefl and: DUI ALCOHOL OR Garcia, Olga Lidia Greene, Justin Ryles III, William L Sullivan, Daniel Willson, Tillie E DRUGS. Trenton Ocala Gainesville Tampa Crestview Carter Jr., William Edward, 38, of Williston: DUI FTA DWLSR WRITTEN THREATS WRIT OF BODILY VOP 2CTS POSSESS FTA POSSESS ALCOHOL OR DRUGS. KNOWINGLY TO KILL ATTACHMENT CONTROL SUB L/20GMS Coup, Christopher Lynn, 34, of Bronson: OUT-OF- $2,000 BOND $150,000 BOND PURGE $1,000 NO BOND MARIJUANA COUNTY WARRANT. DOLLARS 1,500 BOND Delaney, Charles Leslie, 66, of Chiefl and: BATTERY WITH INTENTIONAL TOUCH OR STRIKE. Delaney, George Edgar, 42, of Chiefl and: BATTERY WITH Leland, James Victor, 50, of Ft. Lauderdale: BURGLARY Rome, Markus, 19, of Chiefl and: AFFRAY. INTENTIONAL TOUCH OR STRIKE. OF UNOCCUPIED STRUCTURE UNARMED x 3; Sneed, Shannon Dee, 37, of Bronson: CRIMINAL Hale, Rhonda Gale, 37, of Inglis: BATTERY WITH GRAND THEFT OF AT LEAST $300 BUT LESS MISCHIEF RESULTING PROPERTY DAMAGE INTENTIONAL TOUCH OR STRIKE. THAN $5K x 2; CRIMINAL MISCHIEF RESULTING OF $1,000 OR MORE x 2; BATTERY WITH Hardin, Barney, 54, of Trenton: BATTERY WITH IN PROPERTY DAMAGE OF $200 OR LESS, INTENTIONAL TOUCH OR STRIKE; INTENTIONAL TOUCH OR STRIKE. SUBSEQUENT OFFENSE. AGGRAVATED BATTERY WITH A DEADLY Haynes, Sheila Denise, 46, of Williston: ARSON 2ND Levesque, Donald Scott, 46, of Bronson: INDECENT WEAPON WITHOUT INTENT TO KILL. DEGREE. EXPOSURE IN PUBLIC; DISORDERLY Th omas, Corey Brandon, 19, of Bronson; BATTERY WITH Hern, William, 37, of Williston: DEALING IN STOLEN INTOXICATION IN A PUBLIC PLACE CAUSING A INTENTIONAL TOUCH OR STRIKE. PROPERTY. DISTURBANCE. Th omas, Ruby Rebecca, 44, of Archer: BATTERY WITH Humphrey, Samuel Dean, 47, of Bronson: BATTERY WITH Marsh, Chad, 18, of Old Town: AFFRAY. INTENTIONAL TOUCH OR STRIKE. INTENTIONAL TOUCH OR STRIKE. McClendon, Stephen, 20, of Chiefl and: AFFRAY. Villanueva, Amanda, 24, of Alachua: GRAND THEFT OF James, Kevin Deshaun, 39, of Gainesville: FAILURE TO Megargel, Timothy, 39, of Branford: DUI ALCOHOL OR MOTOR VEHICLE. COMPLY WITH REGISTRATION LAW. DRUGS. Welker, Donna Hanny, 49, of Chiefl and: BURGLARY OF Keech, Wesley Earle, 32, of Dunnellon: OUT-OF-COUNTY Merz, Jonathan David, 28, of Fanning Springs: BATTERY AN UNOCCUPIED STRUCTURE UNARMED x 3; WARR ANT. WITH INTENTIONAL TOUCH OR STRIKE. GRAND THEFT OF AT LEAST $300 BUT LESS Kendall, Jesse Carl, 39, of Bronson: BATTERY WITH Osorio-Moran, Osmar, 33, of Trenton: FORGED DRIVER’S THAN $5K x 2. INTENTIONAL TOUCH OR STRIKE; COMMIT LICENSE OR ID CARD; FALSE ID GIVEN TO LEO. Wells, Danny O’Neal, 56, of Archer: TRESPASSING DOMESTIC BATTERY BY STRANGULATION; Rizer, Jeremy Wayne, 38, of Trenton: OUT-OF-COUNTY PROPERTY NOT A STRUCTURE OR KIDNAPPING, FALSE IMPRISONMENT OF AN WARR ANT. CONVEYANCE; DISORDERLY INTOXICATION IN ADULT OR CHILD UNDER 13 YEARS OF AGE. Rodgers, Hester Louise, 41, of Old Town: VOP. PUBLIC PLACE CAUSING A DISTURBANCE. Kosten, Jennifer Ann, 35, of Leesburg: VOP x 2. Roland, Deshawn, 18, of Chiefl and: AFFRAY. Concealed Weapons Permits Nearing 1 Million in Florida According to Department of Agriculture and Consumer Aff airs’ Commissioner Adam Putnam, “Florida has 952,415 active permits for concealed weapons and is on pace to surpass the 1 million mark in six weeks to two months.” On Tuesday, July 24, in his Capitol offi ce, Commissioner Putnam spoke out in response to the publicity surrounding the mass shooting at the theater in Aurora, Colorado. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg had called for GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney and President Obama to set in place stricter guidelines for gun control in the U.S. Putnam remarked, “Florida has a strong tradition in upholding Second Amendment rights. Th e Florida Legislature has been very clear about that.” “Th ere continues to be an extraordinarily small number of concealed weapons license holders who break the law. For the most part, they are overwhelmingly law-abiding citizens who wish to be given a concealed weapons permit,” said Putnam. Since 1987, Florida has revoked just over 6,000 permits due to criminal off enses and of that only 168 were for gun-related crimes, according to state records. Since 1987, the state has issued 2.26 million permits. In that time, 15,500 applications have been revoked, 5,190 due to prior criminal history. Th e rest were due to incomplete applications. Th e list of registered concealed weapons permits is kept private. Putnam’s offi ce has hired 50 full-time employees to process the applications from a spike in permit applications over the past two years with up to 50,000 permits being issued per month. Th e price for a permit was dropped from $85 to $70 earlier this year by State legislators. — information submitted by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Aff airs Stable Fire in Williston Kills 11 Horses Williston Fire Rescue responded to a reported fi re in County Fire Rescue for assistance, with extra manpower and 70 to assist Williston fi refi ghters still on the scene completing a horse stable in Williston on July 29 at 2:01 a.m.. Th e water. Th e owners of stables advised Fire Command they minor extinguishment of smoldering debris. Williston fi rst Williston Fire unit to arrive on scene reported a fully had 10 to 15 horses in the stables and were only able to get Fire Command released all fi re units at 8:03 a.m. Sunday engulfed horse stable complex. Moments later, Levy County out two ponies. Firefi ghters removed the metal roof that morning. Rescue Engine 783 arrived providing water to the Williston collapsed to further extinguish the fi re. Levy County Emergency Medical Services was on scene to engine and personnel to assist fi refi ghters already battling the Fire Command started releasing fi re units who had been provide medical assistance and rehab for the fi refi ghters. blaze. on scene over four hours around 6 a.m. Sunday morning and Firefi ghters have confi rmed 11 horses perished in the fi re. Due to the size of the fi re, Command requested Marion requested Bronson Fire Rescue to respond with their Tanker Th e State Fire Marshal’s offi ce has been called to determine the cause of the fi re; it will take time to determine 6XZDQQHH9DOOH\ CHIEFLAND MEDICAL CENTER the cause. — Information provided by Danny Wallace, PIO, Williston       Fire Rescue #8+&'0#7&XTTTɿ#6*;19-'4XTTT &DULQJIRUWKHKHDOWKRI\RXUIDPLO\ ˜'4510#.#0&1/2#55+10#6'#4' Call for an ˜4'8'06#6+8'#4'X'&+%+0'X appointment: 74)'4;n'06+564; ˜108'0+'06221+06/'065 493-9500 /$,5621 ˜*4'''#4#%%+0'5(141)5 #0&#65 (17(535,6(6 ˜ #4.;140+0)412(('48+%' OPEN IW0RXQWDLQ ˜ +0#0%'.#058#+.#$.'*417)* Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.- 5 p.m. 9LHZWKZKHHO   #4'4'&+6 VOLGHVODUJHOLYLQJ Sat. 8:30 a.m. - Noon :$17(' DQGEDWKSXOOV   GIFgHMGgHMIL Walk-ins Welcome! &DVK3DLG JUHDW 10Tg 4+T IRU

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Political advertisement paid for and approved by Joseph Cino Jr. Republican for County Commission Dist. #3

www.levyjournalonline.com August 2, 2012 Your Locally-Owned County Paper of Record since 1923 The Levy County Journal 3A

of a mermaid surfacing. Florid “Now what’ll we do?” by’s a S “What’ll we ------do!” Ir to Buster repeated with l r profane emphasis. “Why we l i bring the ------up!” i e “How?” s “He ------comes W when he wants to come,” Buster said wistfully. “He comes when he’s good and ----- ready. You don’t take a fi sh like this.” “Not with the outfi t you’ve got, you don’t take him,” Pitch muttered. Illustration by Alexander Key “Not with any ------outfi t. You could have a ------wire cable and winch like that hanging Buster’s Big Splash there,” Buster gestured toward a hoist nearby for A brand new ’54 Ford convertible pulled away from the curb across from Pepe’s Restaurant hauling up large catches. near the intersection of Caroline and William Streets. A Key West taxi angled in and a woman “A fi sh like this could rip in a red velvet blazer got out. Th e cabby’s arm extended from the opened window, pointing out the whole ------business the marina a short block up William where the masts of trawlers and a schooner bobbed gently up by the roots. He comes in the chalky green water. when he’s ready to come, In the bustle about the harbor a fellow known about as ‘Buster’ was down a dock ladder, quick when he knows the will as a rabbit, with a bucket and brush. Buster Krebs was a quirky, curious little fellow who worked on the other end of the around that wharf on the Key West Bight. He was blunt and cantankerous, thought generally to line’s greater than his be a crotchety conch – one of the islander’s by birth. But in fact, he’d appeared on the Key West own.” scene little more than two decades earlier. By daylight fi sherman and crew, who weren’t still celebrating the New Year, drifted down to Buster had most certainly had a life (half a century at least) before Key West. Th ough what the dock to fi nd Buster slumped over the reel of his rod. Some scoff ed and others ribbed, but that life was exactly, Buster never said. Few asked, as even life-long locals felt Buster Krebs to be Pitch Friday backed Buster’s play. “It’s down there,” he assured them leaning out. “Bigger than as much of the key as barnacles, or an old brown pelican always about. Nobody remembers when an oil drum, maybe two from what I saw.” the bird fi rst came. It’s as if he’d been there all along. Print or stain, the old fella was now simply Buster wouldn’t give up. It made no sense, even to him by then, except to say he simply wasn’t part of the fabric of the place – until the episode known locally as Buster’s big splash. giving up. He’d given up on other things, more important things, he’d told Pitch in his delirium. Th e joke was that Buster Krebs had hooked a giant fi sh one night and not landed him until “But not this time,” he said. “Not this ----- time!” He was down to his last, he fi gured. It was the next year! Th at’s because the fi sh fi rst stirred on Buster’s line about nine o’clock on the 31st of him or the fi sh. Sooner or later one of them would have to give or break and run. December, and he didn’t land him until noon of the next, New Year’s Day. It was later. Nearly noon and the small crowd on the dock had dispersed. Pitch Friday was It was quite an ordeal, though the night’s fi shing had begun no diff erently than usual for asleep on the dock with his ball cap covering his eyes. Th e giant grouper began to rise. It was as Buster. He’d washed down his last boat by six-thirty that evening and rode his rusty bicycle if he simply released himself from the shadowy bottom and relaxed into a buoyance that brought back to his rented room. Th is was a simple place with a private entrance at the rear of a bamboo- him dreamlike to the shimmering surface of the water. shrouded bungalow up a lane off William. Despite Buster’s disheveled personal appearance, the Buster startled Pitch awake. He shoved the rod handle into Friday’s hands, as if it actually grimy sleeveless chambray shirt and stained khakis he always wore, his room was immaculate. mattered that the rod be held. Buster went for the hook on the hoist cable. He snatched it down Buster tossed his crumpled captain’s hat to a neatly-made bed. He hung his shirt on a hook and placed his small foot in and rode the hook over the side. Th e fi sh rolled lazily like a hippo in behind the door. Th e room featured a small alcove with a hot plate kitchenette and tiny icebox. the shadow as Buster held to a ladder with one hand and wedged the hoist hook into the fi sh’s Buster washed his hands and ruddy face in the galley-sized sink. mouth with the other. It was a most improbable and seemingly unsportsmanlike conclusion to He fried some baloney in a pan on the stove, slicing off a raw onion to make a sandwich with the catch, if one considers that the catch was not yet made. Buster Krebs insisted it was. He said chunks of Cuban bread. He stood looking out the window above the sink, eating solemnly and the deed was done when the giant jewfi sh, almost 400 pounds heavier than was he, “presented” watching a rooster walk the ridgeline of a shed visible behind the bougainvillea in the next yard. himself. Th ere was a box on the bedside table. Buster extracted a Lucky Strike and sat on the back steps Th e crowd reassembled as the gigantic grouper was foisted above the wharf. Among those in the blue shade of a banyan tree to smoke. Th is was the one cigarette he now allowed himself hurrying up was a man with a camera and a press card. He insisted Buster pose with his each day. He was down to that. Buster didn’t drink alcohol anymore. He said that was because miraculous catch and Buster, addled with exhaustion, complied with the photographer’s it confused him and got in the way of his cussing – the one vice he was steadfastly refused to instructions. Th e little fellow stood erect, the fi sh taller, even with its tail draping upon the dock. tackle. It wasn’t that Buster liked to cuss or even that he thought to cuss. He certainly didn’t His casting rod looked small and inconsequential, humorous even in relation to the gargantuan recommend cussing to others. It was purely that he was good at cussing. He was a natural, he denizen of the deep. said, and had a talent for it: “Same as some do for poetry or the ------harp.” Some weeks later outside Saugerties, New York over 1,500 miles away, Neiman Bernard- After dark, Buster hooked an old paint bucket on his handlebars and pushed his bike back out Henri sat at breakfast examining his morning paper. A prominent Wall Street investment to the street. He kept his fi shing tackle in the bucket, clanking now against the brown frame as banker, he had already scoured the business news. Niemen turned then to the Sports section he peddled back up William to the bight. with a particular interest in the equestrian competitions. His wife, Kerstin was a top-ranked Buster fi shed out on the wharf most nights. Depending on the tides he might fi sh early or competitor. She also bred champion horses on their stately farm that had earlier been a jewel late, depending on the catch. Sometimes, weather allowing, he might be joined by another of his in the crown of her industrialist father’s vast estate, an estate now held in trust entirely to her acquaintances, Pitch Friday. Originally from Mississippi, Pitch had bounced around the South benefi t. playing minor league baseball his entire adult life. Th e “Pitch Friday” nickname came about So, Kerstin’s youth had been spent there, where white fences and thick hedges lined the paved early on, when an old coach welched continually on promises to start him. Pitch had played his drive up to the old brick manse. Now she and her husband spent as much time as possible at “the last, or “ridden the pine” fi nally for the defunct Key West Conchs in the late 40s. He’d been a farm” when not in “the City,” where Bernard-Henri’s apartment overlooked Central Park. fi xture with the bums over on Mallory Square ever since. But despite that, Pitch was a reader So it was that Neiman Bernard-Henri came across the photo of Buster Krebs and his giant and something of a learned man. He was quite a conversationalist, too, stirring the local chatter jewfi sh. Bernard-Henri was most amused, as the big city Sports editor had intended in selecting in much the same manner as troubadours did in their heyday. it from others off ered on the wire. It was a humorous and playful diversion in an otherwise So it came about that Buster was out on the dock that night, assuming his usual position in his dreary 15th of March edition. Bernard-Henri folded that section back, halved and quartered it usual place. He had line out with a small blue crab as bait scratching deep in the dark channel. with Buster’s photo exposed just above the fold. Pitch came up and they exchanged gruff pleasantries before Buster started in on the too-small It was there beside his plate when Kerstin came in from her morning ride. A servant in Hawaiian print shirt Pitch was wearing. Buster had another name for it which assigned such starched cap poured another coff ee as the newspaper caught her eye. She brought it up instantly, apparel to houses of ill repute. Pitch baited his line and countered with an apt description of scrutinized Buster’s image with the intensity of a desperate spy. “Oh my. Oh my!” she said Buster’s wardrobe, but he was no match for Buster when it came to cussing a thing. breathlessly. Th ey’d caught nothing that night. Th en, about the time fi reworks began to thud, then pop, “Yes, quite a catch isn’t it?” Bernard-Henri said without looking up from the Arts & Culture spraying brilliant color high above the lawn of the Casa Marina Hotel across the island behind page. them, Buster’s luck changed. His line moved almost imperceptibly at fi rst. Pitch said it was the “You have no idea!” Kerstin Bernard-Henri gasped. Th en she told him. crab latching to a rock or a submerged engine part in the outgoing tide. Buster said he knew a It was less than a week later that Kerstin Bernard-Henri, the woman in the red velvet blazer, ------thing about fi shing and that it was a ------fi sh had moved his line. walked out the Key West wharf. She stood where Buster Krebs was busy scrubbing fi sh chum When Buster felt the line move again, he snatched his light rod above his chest and said he’d from the afterdeck of a boat tied there. Shielding his eyes from the Key West sun, Buster looked set the hook sure and fast. He said he’d felt the hook set solidly into supple tissue, like that of up at the beautiful woman waiting with a jeweled clutch purse in her hands. a fi sh’s mouth, rather than some rock-hard, inanimate thing. Th is was not exactly how Buster “Hello, Daddy,” Kerstin Krebs Bernard-Henri said. described the set, nor was one particular body part identifi ed here as harbor for his hook. But he was absolutely certain he had a fi sh on. (Author’s note: All characters are fi ctitious and no reference to any real person is intended or should It was a big ---- fi sh, a giant ------, Buster insisted, though Pitch was not a believer until be inferred.) about three o’clock in the morning. Th at’s when the line most certainly began to ease up more rapidly than the tide toward the dock. “Could be a ray,” Pitch intoned with genuine conviction. Will Irby is taking a summer hiatus from his well-received Florida Stories columns to do some Buster gathered his line, cranking steadily in the light stirred by darting moths around the traveling and writing this summer. Will tells us that he will return with a new series of stories exposed bulb overhead. in the Fall. In the meantime, the Levy County Journal will reprise the Best of Will Irby’s Old Th en the incoming line was still, holding fast nearer the dock. It didn’t move again for more Florida., We at the Journal hope you have enjoyed this column. than an hour. Buster tested the line carefully, certain that no matter what kind of fi sh, it was Editor, Levy County Journal mammoth enough to snap his line in an instant. At best he suspected the Goliath on the other end of his rod to be mildly irritated by the itch of the small hook in his fat lip. For no apparent reason, other than the provocation of argument, Pitch retracted his conviction that Buster had hooked a ray. He decided that it was a tire or rubber boot maybe, shifting about on the whimsical persuasion of the current. Buster’s response was coarse and impolite, but Pitch Friday was immune to the caustic remarks of his friend. Oddly enough, it was in that instant that Buster’s line was suddenly loose and surfacing. Th e green water boiled below the spot of light speckled by moth wings. Th ere it was: the expansive, dark tail of a giant fi sh showing suddenly, if but slightly, before rolling back to the bottom. “Ohhhh, I told you! Didn’t I?” Buster crowed. “He’s a ------jewfi sh, big as a big fat ------sow!” “Th at he is,” a wide-eyed Pitch agreed. He couldn’t have been more astonished by the eff ect

www.levyjournalonline.com 4A The Levy County Journal Your Locally-Owned County Paper of Record since 1923 August 2, 2012 OPINION Big Lies in Politics Thomas Sowell is an enduring class of people, rather than an ever-changing collection of individuals who Creators Syndicate have a spike in their income in a particular year, for one reason or another. Turnover in other income brackets is also substantial. It was either Adolf Hitler or his propaganda minister, Th ere is nothing mysterious about this. Most people start out at the bottom, in entry-level Joseph Goebbels, who said that the people will believe any jobs, and their incomes rise over time as they acquire more skills and experience. lie, if it is big enough and told often enough, loud enough. Politicians and media talking heads love to refer to people who are in the bottom 20 Although the Nazis were defeated in World War II, this part percent in income in a given year as “the poor.” But, following the same individuals for 10 of their philosophy survives triumphantly to this day among or 15 years usually shows the great majority of those individuals moving into higher income politicians, and nowhere more so than during election years. brackets. Perhaps the biggest lie of this election year, and the one Th e number who reach all the way to the top 20 percent greatly exceeds the number still likely to be repeated the most often, is that the income of stuck in the bottom 20 percent over the years. But such mundane facts cannot compete “the rich” is going up, while other people’s incomes are going for attention with the moral melodramas conjured up in politics and the media when they down. If you listen to Barack Obama, you are bound to hear discuss “the rich” and “the poor.” this lie repeatedly. Th ere are people who are genuinely rich and genuinely poor, in the sense of having very But the government’s own Congressional Budget Offi ce has just published a report high or very low incomes for most, if not all, of their lives. But “the rich” and “the poor” in whose statistics fl atly contradict this claim. Th e CBO report shows that, while the average this sense are unlikely to add up to even ten percent of the population. household income fell 12 percent between 2007 and 2009, the average for the lower four- Ironically, those who make the most noise about income disparities or poverty contribute fi fths fell by 5 percent or less, while the average income for households in the top fi fth fell greatly to policies that promote both. Th e welfare state enables millions of people to meet 18 percent. For households in the “top one percent” that seems to fascinate so many people, their needs with little or no income-earning work on their part. income fell by 36 percent in those same years. Most of the economic resources used by people in the bottom 20 percent come from Why are these data so diff erent from other data that are widely cited, showing the top sources other than their own incomes. Th ere are veritable armies of middle-class people who brackets improving their positions more so than anyone else? make their livings transferring resources, in a variety of ways, from those who created those Th e answer is that the data cited by the Congressional Budget Offi ce are based on Internal resources to those who live off them. Revenue Service statistics for specifi c individuals and specifi c households over time. Th e IRS Th ese transferrers are in both government and private social welfare institutions. Th ey can follow individuals and households because it can identify the same people over time from have every incentive to promote dependency, from which they benefi t both professionally and their Social Security numbers. psychically, and to imagine that they are creating social benefi ts. Most other data, including census data, are based on compiling statistics in a succession For diff erent reasons, both politicians and the media have incentives to spread of time periods, without the ability to tell if the actual people in each income bracket are the misconceptions with statistics. So long as we keep buying it, they will keep selling it. same from one time period to the next. Th e turnover of people is substantial in all brackets Th omas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA -- and is huge in the top one percent. Most people in that bracket are there for only one year 94305. His website is www.tsowell.com. To fi nd out more about Th omas Sowell and read features in a decade. by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at All sorts of statements are made in politics and in the media as if that “top one percent” www.creators.com. COPYRIGHT 2012 CREATORS.COM Give the Middle Milton Friedman’s Centenary Thomas Sowell unemployment, and thus “fi ne tune” the Creators Syndicate economy. Class a Break Milton Friedman challenged this view If Milton Friedman were alive today -- and with both facts and analysis. He showed July 27, 2012 there was never a time when he was more that the relationship between infl ation and To the Editor: needed -- he would be one hundred years old. unemployment held only in the short run, Th e U.S. Senate has voted to let the Bush era tax cuts for the wealthy expire, but He was born on July 31, 1912. But Professor when the infl ation was unexpected. But, after because the middle class is hurting right now, the tax cuts for them is to be extended. Friedman’s death at age 94 deprived the everyone got used to infl ation, unemployment Now the bill must pass the House. Republicans have been voting in a block to save nation of one of those rare thinkers who had could be just as high with high infl ation as it millionaires money, but taxes are at a 30-year low, even with the expiration of the tax both genius and common sense. had been with low infl ation. cuts for those making more than $250,000. Congressmen Nugent and Stearns should Most people would not be able to When both unemployment and infl ation show leadership and not vote with the pack. Let them truly represent us. understand the complex economic analysis rose at the same time in the 1970s -- that won him a Nobel Prize, but people with “stagfl ation,” as it was called -- the idea of Drollene P. Brown, Morriston FL no knowledge of economics had no trouble the government “fi ne tuning” the economy understanding his popular books like “Free to faded away. Th ere are still some die-hard Choose” or the TV series of the same name. Keynesians today who keep insisting that From the Editor: In being able to express himself at both the government’s “stimulus” spending would the highest level of his profession and also at have worked, if only it was bigger and lasted Th omas Sowell has been on both sides of the economical debate. a level that the average person could readily longer. Sowell was born in North Carolina, but grew up in Harlem, New York. He dropped understand, Milton Friedman was like the Th is is one of those heads-I-win-and-tails- out of high school, and served in the United States Marine Corps during the Korean economist whose theories and persona were you-lose arguments. Even if the government War. He received a bachelor's degree from Harvard University in 1958 and a master's most diff erent from his own -- John Maynard spends itself into bankruptcy and the degree from Columbia University in 1959. In 1968, he earned his doctorate degree in Keynes. economy still does not recover, Keynesians Economics from the University of Chicago. Like many, if not most, people who became can always say that it would have worked if only the government had spent more. Sowell has served on the faculties of several universities and since 1980 he has worked prominent as opponents of the left, Professor Friedman began on the left. Decades later, Although Milton Friedman became at the Hoover Institution. He is the author of more than 30 books. looking back at a statement of his own from someone regarded as a conservative icon, he We are including his opinion and experiences on this page to provide the other side. his early years, he said: “Th e most striking considered himself a liberal in the original feature of this statement is how thoroughly sense of the word -- someone who believes Kathy Hilliard, Editor of the Levy County Journal Keynesian it is.” in the liberty of the individual, free of No one converted Milton Friedman, either government intrusions. Far from trying to in economics or in his views on social policy. conserve things as they are, he wrote a book His own research, analysis and experience titled “Tyranny of the Status Quo.” converted him. Milton Friedman proposed radical changes As a professor, he did not attempt to in policies and institution ranging from the convert students to his political views. I made public schools to the Federal Reserve. It is no secret of the fact that I was a Marxist liberals who want to conserve and expand the when I was a student in Professor Friedman’s welfare state. course, but he made no eff ort to change my As a student of Professor Friedman back views. He once said that anybody who was in 1960, I was struck by two things -- his easily converted was not worth converting. tough grading standards and the fact that he I was still a Marxist after taking Professor had a black secretary. Th is was years before Friedman’s class. Working as an economist in affi rmative action. People on the left exhibit the government converted me. blacks as mascots. But I never heard Milton What Milton Friedman is best known Friedman say that he had a black secretary, for as an economist was his opposition to though she was with him for decades. Both Keynesian economics, which had largely his grading standards and his refusal to try swept the economics profession on both sides to be politically correct increased my respect of the Atlantic, with the notable exception of for him. the University of Chicago, where Friedman Th omas Sowell is a senior fellow at the was both trained as a student and later taught. Hoover Institution, Stanford University, In the heyday of Keynesian economics, Stanford, CA 94305. His website is www. many economists believed that infl ationary tsowell.com. To fi nd out more about Th omas government policies could reduce Sowell and read features by other Creators unemployment, and early empirical data Syndicate columnists and cartoonists, visit the seemed to support that view. Th e inference Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators. was that the government could make com. COPYRIGHT 2012 CREATORS. careful trade-off s between infl ation and COM

BoCC Budget Workshop continued from page 1A that based on the $209,000 share match, to build their $1.5 million administration Your Locally-Owned County Paper of Record since 1923 Meridian will get what they can and what building. Th e answer was “no.” Meridian’s is not paid is to be given by Levy County. new building is “on the shelf.” LEVY POSTMASTER: Fax: (352) 486-5042 In the past Levy County contributed about Commissioner Drew, just for discussion Send address changes to: Chiefl and: (352) 490-4462 $75,000 but that contribution has been purposes, off ered to split the diff erence PUBLISHING, LLC Fax: 352) 490-4490 Levy County Journal shrinking and Labarta was before the board between what the county wants to contribute, Reproduction of the The Levy County P.O. Box 159 to state that by statute Levy County must $50,000, and what was contributed last year, Bronson, FL 32621-0159 contents of this publication Journal is published in whole or in part without contribute their share. Commissioner Stevens $61,000, which would make the contribution CONTACT INFORMATION: written permission is questioned where DCF comes up with their $56,000. every Thursday by Linda Cooper- General prohibited. The paper fi gures for mandatory share to be paid by Jeanie Russell, Planning/Program Levy Publishing, LLC Manager cannot be responsible for Kathy Hilliard - Editor the county. Th e answer from Labarta was Manager, for the Neighborhood Stabilization any unsolicited manuscripts to not reduce the previous amount and that Program with the Department of Economic 440 S. Court St., Christina Cozart – Ad Design/ or photographs. The the amount was to “fi ll in the gap” between Opportunity came before the board and Bronson, FL. 32621. Graphics/Layout publisher’s liability for an René Moore - Offi ce manager/ error will not exceed the what Meridian can procure for themselves said, “You guys are contracted with us in Periodicals postage Sales/Webmaster cost of the space occupied and Levy County’s portion of the mandatory your NSP3 and we have given you $1.029 paid at Bronson, FL. [email protected] by the error. Deadline for all fi gure from DCF. million to stabilize neighborhoods here in classifi [email protected] news and advertising copy Commissioner Marsha Drew mentioned Levy County.” According to Russell the (USPS 310-780). [email protected] is 5 p.m. Monday. Classifi ed that recently people had been turned away and county identifi ed two neighborhoods to Bronson: (352) 486-2312 deadline is noon Friday. wanted to know if Meridian was still going continued on page 5A www.levyjournalonline.com August 2, 2012 Your Locally-Owned County Paper of Record since 1923 The Levy County Journal 5A Levy County 2012 Candidates Important Voting Clerk of Court [email protected] Chiefl and FL 32626 [email protected] Information for Wilbur F Dean (Rep) Darryl Diamond (Rep) 352-949-0601 Bronson FL 32621 Inglis, FL 34449 [email protected] Evan Sullivan (Rep) 352-486-4420 352-447-4442 Williston FL 32696 Levy County [email protected] [email protected] Kyle Quincey (NP) 352-484-5993 Chiefl and FL 32644 [email protected] Primary Election: August 14, 2012 *Danny J Shipp (Dem) County Commission, 352-493-4856 Early Voting: Aug. 4 through Aug. 11 District 5 Bronson FL 32621 [email protected] Lee Sullivan (NP) Mon. – Sat. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 352-221-5276 *Danny Stevens (Dem) Bronson, FL 32621 Sun. – 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Williston FL 32696 Marissa DeHaven (NP) 352-577-5389 421 S Court Street in Bronson. County Commission, 352-538-4263 Cedar Key, FL Election Day: Aug. 14 Tues. District 1 352-543-6788 Noel Desmond (Rep) 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Jason Kennedy (Rep) County Judge [email protected] Chiefl and FL 32626 Voter registration deadline: July 16, 2012. Bronson FL 32621 *James T Browning (NP) 352-493-0979 352-317-1041 Morriston FL 32668 Sandra Worthington Hodge noelchiefl [email protected] General Election: November 6, 2012 [email protected] 352-281-4045 (NP) Early Voting: Oct. 27 through Nov. 3 [email protected] Chiefl and, FL Supervisor of Elections Mon – Sat 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. John Meeks (Rep) 352-535-5414 Tammy Jones (Rep) Sun – 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Archer FL 32618 Cyndee Munkittrick (NP) Bronson FL 32621 Election Day: Nov. 6 352-486-2762 Chiefl and FL 32644 School Board, District 4 352-665-2475 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. [email protected] 352-493-9007 *Paige Brookins (NP) [email protected] Voter registration deadline: October 9, 2012. [email protected] Chiefl and FL 32644 Th ere are three ways to cast your ballot: Jaime Griffi n (Dem) 352-493-7882 Brooke Ward (Rep) • by mail, Bronson, FL 32621 Property Appraiser [email protected] Trenton, FL 32693 • at an early voting location or 404-797-5334 *Osborn Barker (Rep) 352-535-5337 • at your precinct on Election Day. [email protected] Chiefl and FL 32626 School Superintendent [email protected] 352-949-1394 *Robert Hastings (Rep) Forms of photo identifi cation accepted at polling County Commission, [email protected] Tax Collector Chiefl and FL 32626 places include: District 3 352-221-2668 *Linda Fugate (Dem) Joseph Cino Jr (Rep) School Board, District 2 • Florida driver’s license, [email protected] Williston FL 32696 • Florida identifi cation card issued by the Dept. of Inglis FL 34449 Avery Baker (NP) 352-577-4028 352-447-4017 Chiefl and, FL 32626 Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Cindy Roach (Dem) [email protected] • U.S. passport, [email protected] 352-214-0511 Bronson, FL 32621 [email protected] • Debit or Credit card, 352-949-0305 * = Incumbent • Military ID, Mike Joyner (Rep) [email protected] Morriston FL 32668 Christopher Cowart (NP) NOTE: Read the candidates • Student ID, 352-572-4098 Cedar Key FL 32625 information available 24/7 & • Retirement center ID, 352-231-3451 Sheriff FREE at our website at: • Neighborhood LevyJournalOnline.com Association ID, Al Macri (Dem) [email protected] Bobby McCallum (Rep) • Public Assistance ID. Morriston FL 32668 Chiefl and FL 32644 352-528-2523 Billy Hinote (NP) 352-493-2811

BoCC Budget Workshop continued from page 1A stabilize which includes identifying foreclosed properties, the county at 50 percent or lower of the area income median then approached and agreed with the plan and is prepared to purchasing the properties, then cleaning and fi xing them, to and the other seven would have to be income qualifi ed at 120 move forward. Commissioners decided to check on reporting/ sell 5 to income eligible people and turn over 5 to the Housing percent or lower than the area median income.” auditing requirements for Williams. Russell said NSP will Authority for rentals. Russell said the Levy County program Th e Housing Authority would keep program income to send someone to train and provide what is needed. According is off to a slow start and 50 percent of the funds must have maintain capital income and operating reserves. Th ere would to Williams he has a waiting list of people wanting to rent. been expended by March of next year. be no expenses to the county, including insurance. Reserves Th e Board will look over the proposal. Russell was before the board to propose that the contract be over a certain dollar amount could kick over to the county Four vendors turned in proposals for the Inmate Visitation amended to the NSP and “get the program moving and still if the contract is written that way. Th e Housing Authority program. Th e vendors will be given time on August 7 to keep the funds in Levy County” by turning over in a sub- would then be the one to identify the properties, acquire them present their programs. recipient contract to the Housing Authority and let them do and rehabilitate them. A $70,000 administration fee would all ten homes. Russell said, “Th ey can keep all ten homes as be available to the county for rentals and our only requirement is that they follow your initial a portion of the work required Last Week’s Crossword Last Week’s Word Search outline where at least three of the properties serve citizens in of them. Mr. Bob Williams computer tips Laptop Battery Maintenance & Tips With today’s economy, in order to save to make sure it will continue to reach full Word Search money, we fi nd ourselves doing everything capacity. we can to get the most out of what we If you are getting a message that the already have. When it comes to laptops battery is not charging, check to be sure that there are a few diff erent things that you the laptop’s CPU is not in an electricity- can do in order to keep your laptop battery saving mode. In order to rule this out, running longer. remove the battery, plug the power cord into Laptops have two ways to run off power, the laptop and the electrical outlet, and then the battery and the power cord. When turn it on to wake up the processor. Once it comes to power cord maintenance it is your laptop has run for a while you should really easy - only use it when the battery has shut it off and unplug it, put the battery back discharged (down to 5%, more or less). Plug into the computer, plug the power cord back in the power cord and charge the battery in, and turn the laptop back on to see if it back up to full capacity. Th en unplug it and will now accept a charge. store it in a dry safe location. It is NOT A bad battery can also keep a laptop from recommended to leave your power cord coming on and booting up. To check this, plugged into your laptop all the time. Th at turn on your laptop with only your battery. is the best way to end up with possible If the computer does not come on, remove damage to the power plug port and/or pin the battery and then plug in your power cord that is sometimes found in the port. to see if the computer will boot up without When it comes to battery maintenance the battery in place. If it boots up with only there are a few things to keep in mind. the power cord, then you know that the Abuts Bones Duped Ingle Pupae Spelt Tumbles When the battery is brand new it usually battery is causing the issue and needs to be Abuzz Booze Ebbed Ivies Qatari Squirms Ty pic comes in a discharged condition with low replaced. Ad hoc Bourbons Edgar Lycra Razzed Squirt Veery capacity. Th at is why the directions usually If your battery seems to be charging to Addicted Clods En garde Melter Schlepps Stocking Whoopees state to fully charge the battery, then unplug full capacity but as soon as you unplug your Agates Connect Gasps Osiers Sides fi llers Yetis the power cord and allow it to discharge power cord, it either shuts right off or the Aloes Deters Gushy Prays Slurp Tripped completely; then repeat the process three to power meter percentage starts decreasing Alway Dewlap Iliac Prize Spake Troughs fi ve times to ensure you have trained your at an accelerated rate, try fully discharging battery to provide optimum performance. and recharging the battery. If the problem Complete and clip this coupon and send it with a check, money order, or credit card information to PO Box 2990, Also, if you aren’t using your laptop much persists, you may need to think about Levy County Chiefl and, FL 32644 each month, your battery may also go replacing the battery. Yearly subscription prices are as follows: $25/year for through a self-discharge process. So it is Give us a call if you have any questions, or JournalYour Locally-Owned County subscribers in Levy County $30/year for subscribers in Paper of Record since 1923 important to let the battery fully discharge we can assist you with any laptop problems Florida; $35/year for subscribers outside Florida. and recharge at least once a month in order you may be having.  Name: ______Ask About Our gator works Daytime Phone______GWC Pro Care Address:______Total Technology computing City:______State__ __ Zip ______Solutions! VISA MASTERCARD Card Number:______352-493-1006 Expiration Date: ______Security Code (3-digit number on back): _____

www.gatorworks.com If you decide after four weeks delivery that you no longer want to receive the Journal, just call or write to us no later than Tuesday at least one week before the expiration of your subscription. Offer is good only 4 WEST PARK AVENUE, CHIEFLAND, FL 32626 for a 12-month subscription paid on or before the expiration of the free fi rst month.

www.levyjournalonline.com 6A The Levy County Journal Your Locally-Owned County Paper of Record since 1923 August 2, 2012

Summer Beach Safari What’s in that brown, dried seaweed on the beach? By Jessica Basham Th erriault

What is that dark green or brown stuff all over the beach? Th e material, usually in a line where the waves roll in, is known as beach wrack. When fi rst setting eyes on wrack, you may think it is only dried, dying seaweed. But it is very much alive and fi lled with sea organisms that are essential to beach life and the creatures that live there. Marine organisms that Not only can you fi nd neat sea critters, shells, seeds and birds near beach wrack, but wash up with this wrack are Purse crab found in the beach wrack on St. Augustine Beach. Purse crabs have a purse-like chamber for holding wrack is also the fi rst stage in forming sand dunes. Photo by MyFWCmedia an important part of a beach their eggs. Photo by MyFWCmedia ecosystem. Tiny crabs, sea Beach wrack eventually gets pushed high on shore because of the tides. When the tides go cucumbers, seeds and pods are only a few of the things you can fi nd in wrack. out, the grasses start to dry and die. Dying grasses bring all sorts of life to the beach. As the Once, while walking the shore at Bahia Honda State Park in the Florida Keys, I found a grasses die, fungi and other organisms attract tiny species like beetles, beach hoppers, ghost brown hamburger bean. Th at’s right, a hamburger bean! It is circular in shape, like a marble, crabs and more. Th ese small insects and crabs become food for shorebirds. Dunlin sandpipers with a thick brown or black line that goes around its center. On each side of the thick line and other shorebirds migrate thousands of miles a year and depend on wrack during their the color is a lighter brown, making it look like a hamburger bun. Th ese little beans are from journey for food. Without wrack and the organisms that live in it, the birds can die. tropical rain forests and are native to the West Indies and western Africa. Can you believe the Not only can you fi nd neat sea critters, shells, seeds and birds near beach wrack, but wrack things we fi nd on Florida beaches travel that far? is also the fi rst stage in forming sand dunes. Sand dunes are natural barriers against wind and Another neat little treasure I found in beach wrack was on St. Augustine Beach just a few water, and prevent erosion. Th ey form when wrack starts to collect blowing sand. As sand and weeks ago. While pushing my toes through the wrack I spotted a purse crab. Th ese crabs get other plant material collect in the wrack, the plant material can start to sprout and root. Th is their name because female purse crabs have a purse-like chamber for holding their eggs. Th e continual process is how dunes form. little crabs live in shallow, sandy environments like beaches and are often found washed ashore So now you know that beach wrack isn’t just icky seaweed that sits on the shore; it is a in wrack. beautiful ecosystem important to the beach and beach life, as well as a place for unique fi nds and hours of curiosity. Have fun searching the wrack! PUBLIC NOTICE Contact Jessica.Th [email protected]

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Florida Forest Service (FFS) and the Goethe State Forest (GSF) Management Plan Advisory Group announce two public meetings and a public hearing to which all persons are Log Cabin Quilters invited. DATE & TIME: Public Meeting Th e Log Cabin Quilters met Th ursday, July 26 at the Levy County Quilt Museum. We GSF Management Plan Advisory Group had several new ladies join us on Th ursday and our pot luck lunch. Often Th ursday morning Wednesday, August 8, 2012 at 6:00 pm gets a bit rushed so we make a quick stop at the grocery store for takeout which works great. PLACE: Levy County School Board Meeting Room We enjoy having visitors and hope for repeat visits from them. 480 Marshburn Drive, Bronson, FL 32621 Saturday, a lady from Gainesville brought in a mini-van full of fabric from her sewing PURPOSE: To allow the GSF Management Plan Advisory Group to room. Th ere was an unusual piece of fabric in one of the boxes – it looks like guinea feathers prepare for a public hearing later in the evening which will are attached to one side of the quilted fabric. We plan to put it out for display since it’s so provide recommendations to the FFS to help in preparation interesting. of a ten-year management plan for the GSF. Derrick and the boys were out during the week. A group of them did the yard work while DATE & TIME: Public Hearing another group was GSF Management Plan Advisory Group inside putting up a Wednesday, August 8, 2012 at 6:30 pm. lot of the sampler PLACE: Levy County School Board Meeting Room patterns on a wall. 480 Marshburn Drive, Bronson, FL 32621 We’re putting AGENDA: -Call to Order quilts on the wall -Introductions and Remarks near the kitchen -Summary of Working Draft of Ten-Year Goethe so the sampler Management Plan patterns are on the -Public Comments wall near the quilt -Summation and Adjournment room. Th anks PURPOSE: To solicit comments on the future management of the GSF. Comments may be presented orally or in writing at the Lancaster. hearing. Written comments may also be submitted to FFS’s A picture just GSF at 9910 SE County Road 337, Dunnellon, FL 34431 to doesn't do the attention of Bobby Cahal and should be mailed so as to the feathered arrive at the office by the date of the public hearing. material justice. DATE & TIME: Public Meeting What appears to be guinea feathers are attached somehow to the fabric. We're often GSF Management Plan Advisory Group amazed and sometimes amused by the fabric that is donated to the Museum. This Thursday, August 9, 2012 at 1:00 pm piece does both. PLACE: FFS GSF Office 9910 SE County Road 337, Dunnellon, FL 34431 PURPOSE: To allow the GSF Management Plan Advisory Group to review comments from the public hearing earlier in the '$55



-YVU[HUKIHJRKVVYZWYV[LJ[LK ‡&RPPLWWHGWRYRWHUHGXFDWLRQ 0UMYHYLKTV[PVUKL[LJ[VYZLUZVY +PNP[HSRL`WHK^P[OWVSPJLMPYL ‡'HGLFDWHGWRFXWWLQJFRVWWRWKH TLKPJHSHUKLTLYNLUJ`I\[[VUZ WD[SD\HUV >HYUPUNZPYLU ‡,ZLOODOZD\VKDYHDQRSHQGRRUSROLF\ *VU[YVSWHULS^P[OIH[[LY`IHJR\W 3H^UZPNUHUK^PUKV^KLJHSZ ‡+DUGZRUNLQJPRWKHURI.LQVH\ZKR SURXGO\DWWHQGV/(9<&2817< 6&+22/6 &DOO7RGD\3URWHFW7RPRUURZ ‡3URXGPHPEHURIDPXOWLJHQHUDWLRQDO    7YV[LJ[@V\Y/VTL /(9<&2817<IDUPLQJIDPLO\ 0RQ)ULDPSP‡6DWDPSP‡6XQDPSP(67 $99.00 Customer Installation Charge. 36-Month Monitoring Agreement required at $35.99 per month ($1,295.64). Form of payment must be by credit card or electronic charge to your checking or savings account. Offer applies to homeowners only. Local permit fees may be required. Satisfactory credit history required. ertainC restrictions may apply. Offer valid for new ADT Authorized Dealer customers only and not on purchases from ADT Security Services, Inc. Other rate plans available. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Licenses: AL-10-1104, AZ-ROC217517, CA-ACO6320, 9RWH$XJXVWWK CT-ELC.0193944-L5, DE-07-212, FL-EC13003427, EC13003401, GA-LVA205395, IA-AC-0036, ID-39131, IL-127.001042, IN-City of Indianapolis: 93294, KY-City of Louisville: 483, LA-F1082, MA-1355C, MD-107-1375, Baltimore County: 1375, Calvert County: ABL00625, Caroline County: 1157, Cecil County: 541-L, Charles County: 804, Dorchester County: 764, Frederick County: F0424, Harford County: 3541, Montgomery County: 1276, Prince George’s County: 685, Queen Anne’s County: L156, St. Mary’s County: LV2039R, Talbot County: L674, Wicomico County: 2017, Worcester County: L1013, MI-3601205773, MN-TS01807, MO-City of St. Louis: CC354, St. Louis County: 47738, MS-15007958, MT-247, NC-25310-SP-LV, 1622-CSA, NE-14451, NJ-34BF00021800, NM-353366, NV-68518, ZZZHOHFWEURRNHZDUGFRP‡ City of Las Vegas: B14-00075-6-121756, C11-11262-L-121756, NY-Licensed by the N.Y.S. Department of State UID#12000286451, OH-53891446, City of Cincinnati: AC86, OK-1048, OR-170997, Pennsylvania Home Improvement Contractor Registration Number: PA22999, RI-3428, SC-BAC5630, TN-C1164, C1520, TX-B13734, UT-6422596-6501, VA-115120, VT-ES-2382, WA-602588694/PROTEYH934RS, WI-City of Milwaukee: 0001697, WV-042433, WY-LV-G-21499. For full list of licenses visit our website www.protectyourhome.com. Protect Your Home – 3750 Priority 3ROLWLFDODGYHUWLVHPHQWSDLGIRUDQGDSSURYHGE\%URRNH:DUG5HSXEOLFDQIRU6XSHUYLVRURI(OHFWLRQV Way South Dr., Ste 200, Indianapolis, IN 46240. **Crime data taken from http://ovc.ncjrs.gov/gallery/posters/pdfs/Crime_Clock.pdf

www.levyjournalonline.com August 2, 2012 Your Locally-Owned County Paper of Record since 1923 The Levy County Journal 7A


135 VOLUNTEER 440 VACANT LAND 115 NOTICES 115 NOTICES OPPORTUNITIES 210 HELP WANTED FOR SALE 500 FOR SALE ADVERTISER NOTICE — and staff support provided. Boulevard in Gainesville to and concerns. Must have 1 ACRE MORRISTON: cemetery. Located at 1471 The Levy County Journal The next class starts June discuss the program’s current intermediate computer skills WELL SEPTIC & POWER NE 512 Ave. (behind McCrab does not endorse, promote 12th. Orientations held every activities and give the public a in MS Offi ce and live within ALREADY INSTALLED!! church) Hwy 349 – 7 miles or encourage the purchase 4th Thursday from 12-1 pm chance to provide comments 45-60 minutes of Lake City. Cleared homesite. Nice north of Old Town. Open or sale of any product or at 102 N. Main St, Chiefl and. about long-term care facility Apply online at www.cbre. Neighborhood. Owner Tues-Fri 8-4 & Sat. 8-12 or service advertised in this For more info, call 352/493- issues. These public meetings com to Job# 2012006327 Financing. No down call for after hour’s appt. newspaper. Advertisements 6051 or go to www.gal. begin at 12:30 p.m. Concerned EOE 8/2Jb Payment! $29,900.00. Toll Free 1-877-542-3432 are the sole responsibility alachua.fl .us. citizens and those interested Only 307.56/mo. www. 6/9/13Jp of the advertiser. The Levy Only 50% of children in Levy in volunteering are welcome LandOwnerFinancing. ------County Journal hereby County have an advocate to to attend. tfnf 310 HOUSE FOR RENT com or call 352/215-1018. BEANIE BABIES & disclaims all liability for any stand up for them. 3 BEDROOM/ 1.5 BATH 8/23Jp BEANIE BUDDIES. Large damage suffered as the Call today – 352/493-6051 BLOCK HOUSE 5 miles ------collection - will sell as a result of any advertisement Visit today – www.gal. 210 HELP WANTED north of Bell on 129, $575/ 5 ACRES WILLISTON:. 6671 group or individually. Call in this newspaper. The Levy alachua.fl .us CASH PAID FOR JUNK mo + $575 deposit; also, 3 NE 131 Ave. WELL SEPTIC 352-262-4169 for more County Journal has the sole Tfn Jf CARS. $300 and up. 352- Bed/2 Bath mobile home & POWER! Gorgeous Oak information. tfnJe authority to edit and locate ------771-6191. 8/2Jp in Fanning Springs Annex, Shaded Homesite! Fenced! ------any classifi ed advertisement NEW OPEN NA MEETING ------$475/mo + $475 deposit. Perfect for Horses! Owner LUMBER FOR SALE — as deemed appropriate. IN CEDAR KEY EMPLOYMENT & RV SITE Call 860/208-4642 or Financing! NO DOWN Pine, cherry and cypress. The Levy County Journal The United Methodist OPPORTUNITY 352/490-8223 8/2Jp PAYMENT! $59,900.00 Call Sammy at (352) 949- reserves the right to refuse Church at SR 24 and 4th in Christian Camp located in ------Only $525.67/mo www. 3222. ptfn any advertising. Cedar Key is hosting a new Dixie County, Florida along ARCHER LandOwnerFinancing. ------N.A. meeting on Thursdays the Suwannee River and HOMESTYLE REALTY com or call 352/215-1018. FREE PREGNANCY TESTS at 7 p.m. This is an Open nestled among large canopy 8/23Jp 525 APPLIANCES – Confi dential - Harmony Meeting for A.A. members oaks is seeking a married 2/bed. Porch. Fenced. UPRIGHT FREEZER – 15 Pregnancy & Resource as well as N.A. members. couple with late model RV $450; cu ft. upright freezer $100. Center. Now open Mon. thru tfnf to provide full-time services 2/bed. Walk to Publix. $525; 445 WANT TO BUY Call for information: (352) Thurs. from 11 AM to 6 PM. to Campground in exchange 2/bed 2/bath. Porch. Shop. JUNK CARS BOUGHT: 490-4485 Jftfn Call (352) 493-7773 or write for an RV site complete with $550; $150 — $1,000. CALL 352- to us at Harmony Pregnancy 125 SERVICES electric, water and sewer. 3/bed. Historic. $600; 453-7159 tfnJp Center, P. O. Box 2557, SHEDS, SHEDS, SHEDS! Extra compensation may Huge 3/bed. $625; ------540 LIVESTOCK Chiefl and, FL. tfnJf — We move ’em. Best price be available for additional 3/bed. 5 acres. 3 stalls. CASH PAID FOR JUNK REGISTERED ------in town. 352-493-0345. services on an as-needed $650; CARS. $300 and up. 352- TENNESSEE WALKING AL-ANON MEETINGS IN Joe’s Rollback Service. basis. Campground is most 3/bed. 18 acres. $800. 771-6191. 8/2Jp HORSE MARE: 16 hand WILLISTON — Join us for Credit cards accepted. active during the summer Owner/Broker. bay mare with excellent Al-Anon meetings on Monday TfnApJftfn with some activity in the Homestyle Realty CASH FOR batteries, pedigree. Sire: Supreme evenings at 7 p.m. at the ------spring and fall. Duties will 352-495-9915 starters, alternators, Versatility Champion Midway Plaza located at 13451 GUNS AND CONCEALED include, but are not limited 8/16Jp catalytic converters, Investment Genius; Dam: NE Highway 27 Alt. in Williston. WEAPONS PERMITS: to: welcoming new camping aluminum rims, copper, linebred Go Boy’s Shadow 1-800-851-1795. ftfn Call (352) 493-4209 for groups as they arrive and 400 REAL ESTATE brass and any aluminum. with lots of Merry Boy, ------information. 9/13Jp providing new camper 3 BEDROOM/2 BATH ON CASH PAID – for junk cars Midnight Sun and some Last NARCONON — a nonprofi t ------orientation, insuring the 1 ACRE – $49K by owner. and trucks $300 and up. Chance, NO Pride. Excellent public benefi t organization MIKE’S campground operates in Will fi nance with $25K down. FREE scrap metal removal broodmare, not trained that specializes in helping LAWN MAINTENANCE a safe manner, contacting Has improvements; power including appliances. to ride, halter handled. people with drug or alcohol & PRESSURE WASHING appropriate maintenance pole, well, septic. Needs Licensed secondhand Regularly trimmed, shots addictions assessments SERVICE staff when facility some work. Bronson area. metal recycling: License and wormings, healthy. 10 and more than 11,000 Mow it and Wash it corrections are needed, Call (352) 318-9262. 8/2Jp # 48-8015653199-5. Call years old, $300. GOOD local referrals. Call (800) with One Call to Mike keeping campground free ------Mike at 352/215-9459. HOME ONLY. Call 386/935- 556-8885 or visit www. at 352/215-9459. 8/23Jp of fallen limbs and debris, 3BEDROOM/2BATH ON 8/23Jp 2880 or 386/854-0331 for drugrehab.net inspecting pool, restrooms, 1 ACRE - Assumable with more information. tfnJe ------135 VOLUNTEER kitchen and potable water terms. By Owner. $2,500 500 FOR SALE AA MEETING — FOR supply for clean operation, moves you in. Call for details 555 AUTOMOBILES INFORMATION CALL OPPORTUNITIES insuring entrance road is (352) 318-9262. 8/2Jp DIXIE MONUMENTS: NORTH CENTRAL Florida FLORIDA’S LONG-TERM free of debris, changing and/ Serving North Central Fla. Intergroup Offi ce at (352) CARE OMBUDSMAN or cleaning fi lters as needed for over a decade. Featuring ANY JUNK CAR – cash 372-8091 which is also a 24- PROGRAM needs volunteers on AC units, checking 440 VACANT LAND beautiful bronze, marble & paid up to $300. Free pickup. hour local hotline number. to join its corps of dedicated propane levels in tanks, FOR SALE granite monuments in many 352-445-3909 8/2Jp ------changing light bulbs/setting colors and styles. Choose advo-cates who protect the 1 ACRE IN BRONSON: ADDICTION RECOVERY light timers as needed for from 100s of designs or let us rights of elders residing in Beautifully wooded parcel! MEETING - Do you outside security lighting, custom design any idea you nursing homes, assisted Nice Neighborhood. struggle with a Drug or providing campground may have! We have the latest living facilities and adult Owner Financing! NO Alcohol addiction? Come inspection prior to departure technology in laser etchings family care homes. The DOWN PAYMENT! Total to our meetings held the of current camping group and can also inscribe fi nal program’s local councils are $12,900.00 Only $132/mo. 1st and 3rd Thursday night to determine grounds and dates and lettering at the seeking additional volunteers www.LandOwnerFinancing. of the month at Mt. Nebo facility cleanliness, garbage to identify, investigate and com or call 352-215-1018. Baptist Church 7:00 PM removal and decisions on resolve residents’ concerns. 8/23Jp – Hwy. 340 in Bell, at the return of cleaning deposit, Special training and ------fl ashing light, west of 129. maintaining active/open certifi cation is provided. 4 ACRES WILLISTON: Call 386/935-2300 or Kevin communications with Last week’s Sudoku All interested individuals Secluded country setting. Craven at 352/463-8700 or campground owners and who care about protecting Gorgeous Oaks with cleared go to www.grace-ministry. representatives. Contact the health, safety, welfare homesite. Owner Financing! net for more info. Tfnf Camp Anderson at (352) and rights of long-term care NO DOWN PAYMENT! Total ------542-7942. 9/9Jb facility residents -- who often $39,900.00 Only $410/mo. Guardian ad Litem ------have no one else to advocate www.LandOwnerFinancing. Be the one to advocate CBRE IS SEEKING for them -- are encouraged to com or call 352-215-1018. for abused and neglected A MAINTENANCE call toll-free (888) 831-0404 or 8/23Jp children who have never TECHNICIAN for the visit the program’s Web site at ------been told they are loved, http://ombudsman.myflorida. Lake City area to perform smart, strong, worthy…that com. HVAC, electrical, plumbing they are Somebody. The local council meets and general maintenance. Don’t wait to be the one to at Haven Hospice of North Be ready to respond to give them hope. No special Central Florida, 4200 NW 90th emergency situations background needed. Legal

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www.levyjournalonline.com 8A The Levy County Journal Your Locally-Owned County Paper of Record since 1923 August 2, 2012 Gov. Scott Signs Bill Assisting Senior Aff ordable Housing Communities Governor Rick Scott signed CS/HB 249, a new law that exempts Florida’s aff ordable housing communities for seniors from wasteful, duplicative and unnecessary state inspections and licensing fees. Th e bill was sponsored by Rep. Leonard Bembry (D-Greenville). Today there are approximately 298 aff ordable housing communities for seniors in Florida that are fi nanced, insured or subsidized by US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) which serve the extremely low, very low and low income seniors. Because these buildings are subsidized or fi nanced by HUD, they are held to strict federal standards with tight regulations. Th ere is also a state inspection of these buildings conducted by the Division of Hotel and Restaurants of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR). Th e state inspection is duplicative of the two thorough inspections already being conducted by HUD. Representative Bembry’s bill will result in exempting these aff ordable housing communities from the extra DBPR inspections. “During these extremely challenging economic times, our state must fi nd ways to support the businesses of Florida. One way is to eliminate unnecessary, costly and time-consuming inspections, which are already being performed by other agencies” said Bembry. With a group of supporters watching, the Governor signed CS/HB249 into law. After the bill was signed, several guests were presented with their own signed copy of the law and a pen. Gov. Scott Signs Bill Assisting Senior Aff ordable Housing Communities Farmers Recognized for Environmental Stewardship at CARES Dinner North Florida agricultural producers care about the scheduling and soil moisture testing, to ensure environmental integrity of the natural resources they manage. that farmers know how much and when to apply Twenty-two of them were recognized for their environmental irrigation based on crop and soil needs. stewardship at the 12th Annual County Alliance for • Using fertigation systems to reduce the amount Responsible Environmental Stewardship (CARES) dinner on of fertilizer applied during a single application July 24. and provide for a more uniform application of Th e CARES farmers were recognized and congratulated fertilizer to improve the application effi ciency. by Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam and • Fitting tractors with GPS mapping technology Florida Farm Bureau President John Hoblick at the UF/IFAS that targets fertilizer and chemicals to crops, Suwannee Valley Agriculture Extension Center in Live Oak. thus preventing application of excess nutrients to Don Quincey, Suwannee River Water Management District surrounding soil. Governing Board Chairman, and Herschel T. Vinyard Jr., • Nutrient management plans for proper handling of Secretary of the Florida Department of Environmental animal wastes and fertilizers. Protection, were among the dignitaries who attended and Farmers in the CARES program participate in a Ag Commissioner Adam Putnam attended the spoke at the event. State of Florida BMP program. Participating agencies help the Suwannee CARES dinner in Live Oak where he discussed Th e Florida Farm Bureau and the Suwannee River farmer select and implement farm plans which include nutrient agriculture's role in growing the state's water supply, Partnership (SRP) created CARES to bring agricultural and irrigation management. To maintain CARES status addressing today's challenges through high-tech associations, public agencies and institutions, and farmers farmers must continue to operate and maintain conservation solutions and innovation. together to increase environmental awareness on farms. practices over time. Th rough the program, farmers voluntarily implement Since its inception in conservation best management practices (BMPs) designed to 2001, the CARES program (/(&7 protect and save water. has recognized more than Farmers who implement BMPs save an estimated 1 billion 500 farmers and ranchers 6$1'5$ gallons of water annually and achieve a nitrogen reduction of statewide for implementing :257+,1*721+2'*( 3,250 tons per year. Th e SRP has set aside about $365,000 for these practices. )25/(9<&2817<6&+22/%2$5' cost share programs for irrigation system retrofi ts and other For more information ',675,&7 water- and fertilizer-effi cient equipment and techniques for about the CARES program, fi scal year 2012-2013. contact Hugh Th omas at ,DP\RXUFDQGLDWHWKDWFXUUHQWO\ZRUNVZLWK Some of the technologies and practices include: 386.362.1001. You may also FKLOGUHQHYHU\GD\ • Retrofi tting center pivot irrigation systems with low- call your county Farm Bureau ‡9LVLEOHLQ7KH6FKRROVDQG&RPPXQLW\ pressure, low-volume nozzles to increase irrigation offi ce or Scot Eubanks, ‡'HSHQGDEOH±$YDLODEOH±,QYHVWHG7KURXJKRXW effi ciency and decrease water use. Florida Farm Bureau WKH&RXQW\ • Irrigation management practices, such as irrigation Federation, at 352/384-2633. ‡3DVVLRQDWHDERXW&KLOGUHQDQG(GXFDWLRQ ‡6DIHW\DQG:HOO%HLQJRI&KLOGUHQ ‡9RLFHIRU7HDFKHUV6FKRRO3HUVRQQHO3DUHQWVDQG6WXGHQWV Bronson Co-Ed Softball Political advertisement paid for and approved by Sandra Worthington-Hodge. Tournament for Aug. 24 - 25

Th e Bronson Community Access Center is signing up teams to participate in our Co-ed Softball tournament. Th e tournament will be August 24 and 25, with a $200 entry fee per team. Th e deadline is August 14, 2012, and team Mitch’s Gold & Diamonds lineup requires at least 3 females. Teams are required Grand Opening! to bring 4 47 core 12’’ blue Granny B’s Fudge & More is opening at Old :(3$<723'2//$5 dot softballs. If you like to Pink Flamingo (863 Thrasher Dr., Bronson) on enter call Natalie Th omas August 4! Come see us and buy 1/2 pound of )25*2/'',$021'6 at 352/219-8365 or Faylea fudge, get two free 2” squares free! &2,16 &855(1&< Wilkerson at 352/507-2348. Open: Thur. - Sat., 11 a.m. -6 p.m. Th e event will be held at the 352-231-5399  Bronson Sports Complex. Like us on Facebook! &+,()/$1'5(*,21$/6+233,1*&(17(5

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VOL. 89, NO. 4 THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 2012 50 CENTS SVP Presents – The Golden Gravel Awards Chiefl and’s Tommy Usher Community Center was host to the 2nd Annual Golden Gravel Awards Saturday night July 28th as Suwannee Valley Players and supporters of the arts gathered to celebrate another successful season of live theater. In this gala event, members of Th e Players, supporters and friends gathered to enjoy dinner, entertainment and recognition of the successful shows performed this season at Th e Chief Th eater. Th e Golden Gravel is a concept designed to recognize the theater family in a setting that conveys a sense of fellowship and closure for a season completed, and gives everyone an opportunity to applaud individual accomplishments, “Th e GG’s are our own little Academy Awards” is how one person described the event. Th e 2010-2011 season was a season of comedy, music and drama with productions of Murder of Scarecrows in the fall; A Little Christmas Spirit for Christmas; Master of Time, a musical tribute to some of Broadway’s fi nest; and Love, Laughter, and Lucci in the Spring. Nominees from each of these productions were made during the run of each show by the audience members attending the show. Final voting is done by the contributors of SVP and active members. Th e nominees for this year’s Golden Gravel Awards were: Best Actress: Bobbie Kidd – A Murder of Scarecrows; Brianna Mercier – A Little Christmas Spirit; and Bobbie Kidd – Love, Laughter, Lucci. Best Actor: Austin Ross – A Murder of Scarecrows; Perry Davidson - A Little Christmas Spirit; and Mike Zubler – Love, Laughter, Lucci. Best supporting Actress: Janice Grant – A Murder of Scarecrows; Peggy Rowe – A Little Christmas Spirit; and Ginny Caudill – Love, Laughter, Lucci. Best Supporting Actor: Josh Reed – A Murder of Scarecrows and Andy Kidd – A Little Christmas Spirit Special Appreciation Award – l-r – Luther Drummond, Drummond Community Band; Best Musical Number: Cell Block Tango from Chicago – Master of Time; Little Andy Kidd, SVP President; and Becky Gill, Curves of Chiefl and. Girls from Annie – Master of Time. Best Production: A Murder of Scarecrows – director – Mike Taylor; A Little Christmas In a special presentation Becky Gill, Curves of Chiefl and and Luther Drummond, Spirit – Director Linda Hagan; Master of Time – Director – Janice Grant; and Love, Drummond Community Bank, were recognized for their contributions to the success of Laughter and Lucci – Director – Andy Kidd. the Chief Th eater and SVP. Th e players would like to thank ALL of our contributors for After enjoying a meal prepared and served by Arystle’s Niche of Chiefl and, guests the support given over the years. Contributions are what keep us going and are greatly attending the gala event were entertained by members of Th e Players with musical numbers appreciated. from Broadway Musicals. Elizabeth Phillips, Kelci Grant, Dalton Pitts-McCallum, and As this is a community event, the public is invited and encouraged to participate in the Emily Baker entertained with songs from Camelot, Shrek the Musical, You’re a Good Man Golden Gravels by attending the productions during the year and voting on your favorite Charlie Brown, and Promises, Promises. actor and actress from each show and attending the fi nale next July. Th e fi rst production Th en it was time to announce the winners, and the winners are: of 2012-2013 season will be September 14-16 and 21-23 with Cry of the Banshee by Tim Best Actress: Bobbie Kidd – Love, Laughter, Lucci. Kelly; a thriller based on a story by Edgar Allen Poe. Tickets for this show will be available Best Actor: Mike Zubler – Love, Laughter, Lucci. in late August at Curves of Chiefl and M-F 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and at the theater box offi ce Best supporting Actress: Janice Grant – A Murder of Scarecrows Mon, Tues, and Th urs. evenings. Save the dates and plan to attend and cast your vote for Best Supporting Actor: Andy Kidd – A Little Christmas Spirit your favorites. Best Musical Number: Cell Block Tango from Chicago – Master of Time — submitted. Best Production: Love, Laughter and Lucci by Cricket Daniel – Director – Andy Kidd. FDEP & SRWMD Hold Workshops on Changes to Water Use Permitting Rules Th e public is invited to attend two SW 4th Ave. Both meetings will begin at workshops on rule development for 9 a.m. statewide consumptive use permitting Th e agenda for both workshops includes consistency (“CUPcon”) hosted by the an overview of CUPcon and discussion of Florida Department of Environmental proposed rule changes to Chapter 62-40, Protection (DEP) and Suwannee River F.A.C.; permit types/thresholds; conditions Water Management District (District). of issuance; water conservation; 10-year Th e purpose of CUPcon is to improve compliance report; compliance monitoring; consistency in the consumptive/water use and specifi c water management district permitting programs implemented by the rule amendments. Public comment will fi ve water management districts. be invited and updates on other CUPcon Th e fi rst meeting is scheduled for workgroups will be provided. Tuesday, August 7 at the District For more information visit the CUPcon The #4 Channel bridge over Havens Creek in Levy County is being repaired and cathodic headquarters, 9225 County Road 49 in page at http://www.dep.state.fl .us/water/ protection added. Here, Pedro Diaz and John Moody of Moody's Electric, Inc., do work for Live Oak. Th e second will be held in waterpolicy/cupcon.htm or contact Carlos Pneumatic Concrete Company, Inc., who have until the Spring of 2013 to complete the work Photo courtesy of Gina Busscher, FDOT District Two Chiefl and on Wednesday, August 8 at the Herd at 386/362-1001 or 800/226-1066 for the FDOT at a cost of $951,626. . —Public Tommy Usher Community Center, 506 (FL toll free). Information Director Time to Stuff Congratulations to CFEC Scholarship the Bus in Levy Recipients Studying and hard work paid off for 10 area high school Scholarship Program. County seniors who have received a $1,000 scholarship from Central Congratulations to all the scholarship winners. Florida Electric Cooperative to help further their education at Last week I mistakenly identifi ed all the pictured students Th e Levy County an accredited university, community college or trade school. as being from Levy County. Please accept my apologies as these Schools Foundation All these seniors graduated from high schools in the CFEC deserved students were from all around the CFEC service will be sponsoring the service area, and due to their impressive academic record area. annual “Stuff the Bus” they were included in the 2012 CFEC Educational Charity — Kathy Hilliard, Editor on Saturday, August 11 from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. A bus will be located in each community for the purpose of collecting school supplies that will later be distributed to teachers to be used by students. Bus locations will be as follows: Bronson: Dollar General Market, US Hwy 27, Cedar Key: Dollar General Store, SR 24 in Rosewood, Chiefl and: Walgreens, US Hwy 19, Inglis/Yankeetown: Food Ranch Store, US Hwy 19, Williston: Walgreens, US Hwy 27. Suggested supplies might include: pens, pencils, erasers, colored pencils, paper, pocket folders, crayons, markers, scissors, glue, Kleenex, hand sanitizer, backpacks, construction paper, pencil boxes, etc. Cash donations are also welcome and will be used for bulk purchase supplies through the Levy County School Board. We encourage community members, groups or organizations to collect school supplies and bring them by the bus on Saturday, August 11. If you are unable to bring your items to the bus we will be happy to pick them up. For more information or to volunteer to help you can contact the Levy County Schools Foundation at 352/486-3408. www.levyjournalonline.com 2B The Levy County Journal Your Locally-Owned County Paper of Record since 1923 August 2, 2012 Levy County Community Calendar BRONSON cooperation with wildlife. Advisory Board Activities Committee (R.A.B.A.C.) Call 352/486-5131 for more information on any of the will have a Candidate ‘Meet and Greet’ on Th urs. Aug. Bronson High School Class of ’92 Reunion Aug. 3 & 4 Summer Camping opportunities. 2 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Inglis Community Center. All qualifi ed candidates in the Levy County It’s so hard to believe it’s been 20 YEARS! We’re not Co-Ed Softball Tournament Aug. 24 - 25 election have been invited to attend. Th e following old enough to be out of high school this long! Th e Bronson Community Access Center is signing up candidates have confi rmed attendance: Tim Browning, Th e Bronson High School class of 1992 is holding teams to participate in our Co-ed Softball tournament. Christopher Cowart, Darryl Diamond, Jamie Griffi n, its 20th class reunion. An adult dinner will take place Th e tournament will be August 24 and 25, with a $200 Robert Hastings, Tammy Jones, Bobby McCallum, on Fri. evening, Aug. 3rd, followed by family day at entry fee per team. Th e deadline is August 14, 2012, John Meeks, Cyndee Munkittrick, Evan Sullivan, and Rainbow Springs State Park on Sat. Aug. 4th. Please and team lineup requires at least 3 females. Teams are Brooke Ward. call either Karen (Skelly) Kopeck at (636) 542-3833 required to bring 4 47 core 12’’ blue dot softballs. If you Th e candidates will have tables set up with or Marie Cunningham at (850) 527-0691 for more like to enter call Natalie Th omas at 352/219-8365 or information. Th ey will be given the opportunity to information. Th anks and we hope to see you there. Faylea Wilkerson at 352/507-2348. Th e event will be speak for ONE MINUTE on why they feel they Bronson Town Council Meeting Aug. 13 held at the Bronson Sports Complex. ARCHER are most qualifi ed for the position they are seeking Th e Bronson Town Council will meet on Mon. Aug. and what ideas/suggestions they have for the people 13 at 7 p.m. at the Dogan S. Cobb Municipal Building. Grief and Loss Support Group in Archer of South Levy. Th e remaining time (after the one City Hall – 352/486-2354. Through Aug. 14 minute speeches) will be allotted for one-on-one with Bronson Ag Center Day Caps Haven Hospice is hosting a grief and loss support the candidates. Bring your questions and let your Levy County 4-H Day Camps are open for group at the Davis Center in Archer every Tuesday from candidates know that we in South Levy want to be an registration. Th ey will be held at the Bronson July 10 through August 14. Th e group meets from 10- informed electorate. Any candidates that wish to attend Agricultural Center, Mon. thru Th urs. from 8:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. For more information, contact the local offi ce should please email the R.A.B.A.C. inglis.rabac@ to 4:30 p.m. and on Fri. from 8:30 to Noon. Parents are at 352-493-2333. gmail.com, or call (352) 447-0236. asked to be prompt at pick-up times. GAINESVILLE RABAC National Night Out 2012 Aug. 7 Campers must all at least 8 years old by the date of Gainesville Warriors Baseball Tryouts Aug. 4 Th e Inglis Recreation Committee (R.A.B.A.C) will the day camps, which are at staggered starting dates. Th e Gainesville Warrior 12U baseball team will be be hosting National Night Out 2012 on Tues., Aug. 7 Th e day camps cost $25 per each type of camp, except holding fall season tryouts on Sat. Aug. 4 at 2:00 P.M. from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Inglis Community Center. for the ATV camp – which costs $50. Th e fees include at the Trinity United Methodist Church sports complex Th e National Night Out event is an opportunity for breakfast, lunch, snacks, fi eld trips and recreation for at 4000 NW 53rd Ave. in Gainesville. For additional members of the community to become acquainted with each day. information please call: 352/246-6905 or email: law enforcement, support personnel, and equipment. Aug. 6 – 10: ATV Safety & Certifi cation: Did you [email protected] All members of the community are invited, with a know that you must have an ATV Safety Certifi cation Rascal Flatts “Changed” Tour Sept. 29 special emphasis on families and children. Free hot to ride your ATV on any public lands? We are off ering Rascal Flatts will be in Gainesville at the Stephen C. dogs and drinks will be provided. Any organizations this class to a limited number of youth (16 participants). wishing to participate should email inglis.rabac@gmail. Youth will be taught safe operation, riding practices, O’Connell Center on Sat. Sept. 29 at 7 p.m. with the “Changed” Tour promoting their new album. Special com or call (352)-447-0236. and general maintenance of your ATV. We will be Yankeetown School Stuff the Bus Aug. 11 taking trips with our ATVs; Taught by American Safety guests will be Little Big Town and the Eli Young Band. Th e Yankeetown School Stuff Th e Bus event will be in Institute instructors for the purpose of completing the Tickets on sale Aug. 3 at 10 a.m. at LiveNation.com, the Food Ranch parking lot on Sat. Aug. 11 from 9:00 ASI ATV Safety Certifi cation. Th is day camp is only for Ticketmaster locations, University box offi ce, or charge- a.m. to 4:00 p.m. youth ages 12 years and older. Cost of this camp is $50. by-phone at 1-800-745-3000. School employees will be there to take donations for Children who are younger than 12 years old can attend CEDAR KEY school supplies. All supplies donated will remain at “GAMES” Day Camp at the regular price of $25. Cedar Key City Council Meeting Aug. 21 YTS! Aug. 13 – 17: Wildlife Adventures – Come ready Th e Cedar Key City Council meets every third Tues. Pencils, paper, erasers, folders, index cards, for anything! In this day camp, they will have the at 7 p.m. at the Cedar Key City Hall with the next duplicating paper, tissues, hand sanitizer, paper towels, opportunity to learn about our friends in the wild, meeting on Aug. 21. Th e Cedar Key Community colored pencils, pens, rulers.....all or any types of and to explore adventures to build relationships and Redevelopment Agency (CRA) meets the fi rst Tues. of classroom supplies. each month at 6 p.m. at City Come on down and help the kids out Sat. Aug. 11 Levy County Saltwater and Freshwater Tides Hall with the next meeting from 9 to 4 p.m. at Food Ranch parking lot. on Aug. 7. City Hall is Inglis Council Meeting August 14 located at 490 2nd Street – DAY HIGH TIDE HEIGHT SUNRISE MOON % MOON Th e Town of Inglis’ next regular Commission meeting 352/543-5132. /LOW TIME /FEET SUNSET TIME VISIBLE will be on August 14 at 6 p.m. in the Commission Cedar Key Grief and Loss Class Th 2 High 3:08 AM 3.6 6:54 AM Set 7:22 AM 99 Room. City Hall, 135 Hwy. 40 West, Inglis – 352/447- 2 Low 8:36 AM 1.3 8:23 PM Rise 8:39 PM Haven Hospice is hosting 2203. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each 2 High 2:26 PM 4.6 a grief and loss class the month. NOTE: the website at townofi nglis.org is 2 Low 9:24 PM -0.1 second Wednesday of currently under construction. F 3 High 3:38 AM 3.7 6:54 AM Set 8:23 AM 99 every month at the Christ 3 Low 9:19 AM 1.1 8:22 PM Rise 9:16 PM WILLISTON 3 High 3:10 PM 4.4 Episcopal Church in Cedar 3 Low 9:57 PM 0.1 Key from 6-7 p.m. For more GospelFest in Williston Aug. 4 Sa 4 High 4:06 AM 3.8 6:55 AM Set 9:22 AM 96 information, contact the Th e 11th Annual Williston GospelFest will be 4 Low 10:00 AM 0.9 8:21 PM Rise 9:51 PM held on Sat., Aug. 4, 5:00 p.m. at the Unity Temple 4 High 3:52 PM 4.2 local offi ce at 352/493-2333. 4 Low 10:28 PM 0.4 YANKEETOWN-INGLIS International Fellowship church at 2351 NE 200th Su 5 High 4:33 AM 3.8 6:55 AM Set 10:19 AM 91 Avenue, Williston. 5 Low 10:41 AM 0.9 8:20 PM Rise 10:25 PM Evening Withlacoochee Th is event celebrates Gospel Music and our freedom Gulf Preserve Photo 5 High 4:34 PM 4 to worship and praise God. Th ere will be various 5 Low 10:57 PM 0.7 Shoot CANCELLED for M 6 High 5:00 AM 3.9 6:56 AM Set 11:15 AM 84 Aug. 10 soloists, ensembles, quartets, instrumentalists, dance 6 Low 11:21 AM 0.8 8:20 PM Rise 10:59 PM and mime ministries. Guest lineup includes: Omega Th e evening photo shoot 6 High 5:17 PM 3.7 Forbes and the Family & Friend Chorale (Tallahassee) at the Withlacoochee 6 Low 11:26 PM 1 * Th e Chief Levites (Gainesville) * the Simmons Tu 7 High 5:29 AM 3.9 6:57 AM Set 12:09 PM 76 Gulf Preserve scheduled Family Choir (Gainesville) * Spiritual Harmonizers 7 Low 12:04 PM 0.9 8:19 PM Rise 11:34 PM for August 10 has been 7 High 6:04 PM 3.4 (Evinston) * Nationwide Good News Action Choir cancelled. Feedback from 7 Low 11:56 PM 1.3 (Gainesville) * Nu Creations Music Group (Williston) W 8 High 6:02 AM 3.9 6:57 AM Set 1:03 PM 68 photographers has suggested * Kim and Sons (Orange Park) * the Gospel Caravans 8 Low 12:53 PM 0.9 8:18 PM holding these events later in (Jacksonville) * Deliberate Praise (Jacksonville) * 8 High 6:58 PM 3 the fall and winter. Suwannee River Entrance GEMS dance ministry (Williston) * Precious Steps Th 2 High 3:14 AM 3.2 6:54 AM Set 7:22 AM 99 Yankeetown Town dance ministry (Williston) * Too Anointed Devine 2 Low 8:54 AM 1.2 8:24 PM Rise 8:39 PM Meetings Purpose dance ministry (Daytona) * Dancing with 2 High 2:32 PM 4 Th e Yankeetown Council 2 Low 9:42 PM -0.1 Purpose (Gainesville) and others F 3 High 3:44 AM 3.3 6:54 AM Set 8:24 AM 99 Budget Workshop will be Doors open at 4:00 p.m. with FREE ADMISSION 3 Low 9:37 AM 1 8:23 PM Rise 9:16 PM held on Aug. 6 at 5:30 p.m. (love off ering will be accepted) 3 High 3:16 PM 3.9 and a Regular Meeting at 7 3 Low 10:15 PM 0.1 Th ere will be Food vendors there. Sa 4 High 4:12 AM 3.3 6:55 AM Set 9:23 AM 96 p.m. Planning and Zoning For more information, call 352/361-6528 or 352/528- 4 Low 10:18 AM 0.9 8:22 PM Rise 9:51 PM will meet on Aug. 7 at 6:30 2170. 4 High 3:58 PM 3.7 p.m. City Hall is at 6241 Williston School of Dance Free 4 Low 10:46 PM 0.4 Harmony Lane, 352/447- Su 5 High 4:39 AM 3.3 6:56 AM Set 10:20 AM 91 Performances Aug. 3 & 10 2511 5 Low 10:59 AM 0.9 8:21 PM Rise 10:25 PM Williston School of Dance (WSD) will present three 5 High 4:40 PM 3.5 Inglis Political 5 Low 11:15 PM 0.7 free, public performances in conjunction with the Candidate Meet & School’s summer camps and intensives. M 6 High 5:06 AM 3.4 6:56 AM Set 11:15 AM 84 Greet Aug. 2 6 Low 11:39 AM 0.8 8:20 PM Rise 10:59 PM Performances run the next three Friday evenings. 6 High 5:23 PM 3.3 Th e Inglis Recreation 6 Low 11:44 PM 0.9 continued on page 3B Tu 7 High 5:35 AM 3.4 6:57 AM Set 12:10 PM 76 7 Low 12:22 PM 0.9 8:20 PM Rise 11:34 PM 7 High 6:10 PM 3 W 8 Low 12:14 AM 1.2 6:57 AM Set 1:04 PM 68 Weather Forecast 8 High 6:08 AM 3.4 8:19 PM 8 Low 1:11 PM 0.9 8 High 7:04 PM 2.6 Withlacoochee River Entrance Th 2 High 3:15 AM 3.3 6:53 AM Set 7:21 AM 99 2 Low 9:31 AM 1.2 8:22 PM Rise 8:37 PM 2 High 2:33 PM 4.2 2 Low 10:19 PM -0.1 http://www.accuweather.com/en/us/bronson-fl /32621/daily-weather-forecast/332291 F 3 High 3:45 AM 3.4 6:53 AM Set 8:22 AM 99 3 Low 10:14 AM 1 8:21 PM Rise 9:15 PM 3 High 3:17 PM 4 3 Low 10:52 PM 0.1 Sa 4 High 4:13 AM 3.5 6:54 AM Set 9:21 AM 96 4 Low 10:55 AM 0.9 8:20 PM Rise 9:50 PM 4 High 3:59 PM 3.8 4 Low 11:23 PM 0.4 Su 5 High 4:40 AM 3.5 6:55 AM Set 10:18 AM 91 5 Low 11:36 AM 0.9 8:19 PM Rise 10:24 PM 5 High 4:41 PM 3.6 $)ORULGD*ROG6HDO$FFUHGLWHG6FKRRO 5 Low 11:52 PM 0.7 M 6 High 5:07 AM 3.5 6:55 AM Set 11:14 AM 84 ‡3UH6FKRRO7RGGOHU,QIDQWV ‡)DPLO\2ULHQWHG$WPRVSKHUH 6 Low 12:16 PM 0.8 8:18 PM Rise 10:58 PM ‡+HDG6WDUWDQG(DUO\+HDG6WDUW ‡3URYLGH\RXUFKLOGZLWKWKH 6 High 5:24 PM 3.4 ‡)UHH)ORULGD93.3URJUDP ´%XLOGLQJ%ORFNVµIRU.LQGHUJDUWHQ Tu 7 Low 12:21 AM 0.9 6:56 AM Set 12:08 PM 76 7 High 5:36 AM 3.5 8:18 PM Rise 11:33 PM ‡'2(&HUWLÀHG7HDFKHU ‡%HIRUHDQG$IWHUFDUHDYDLODEOH 7 Low 12:59 PM 0.9 ‡&RRSHUDWLYH*URXS/HDUQLQJ ‡+RXUVDPWRSP 7 High 6:11 PM 3.1 ‡&KDOOHQJLQJ&XUULFXOXP W 8 Low 12:51 AM 1.2 6:56 AM Set 1:02 PM 68 8 High 6:09 AM 3.5 8:17 PM 8 Low 1:48 PM 0.9 :HEVLWHFKOFXV  8 High 7:05 PM 2.7 1:WK6W&KLHÀDQG)/ &/9 www.levyjournalonline.com August 2, 2012 Your Locally-Owned County Paper of Record since 1923 The Levy County Journal 3B Around the Nature Coast Give Blood in the Summer On Monday, Aug. 27 at 1:00 p.m., a tentative and Ocala are off ering the following programs in Summer, when school is out and families hit the road intermediate Governing Board meeting will be held August: for vacations, is a time when donors are in short supply, at District Headquarters in Live Oak, Florida. Public Beyond Barriers: Pathways to Employment is for those but the need for blood is as strong as ever. If it’s been should check the District website or contact the District whose background issues create a barrier to fi nding a awhile since you donated, there’s no better time than to confi rm that the meeting has not been cancelled or job. Th e workshops take place on Aug. 10 and Aug. 24 now. rescheduled. at 1:30 p.m. in Ocala. In about the time it would take to shop for groceries All meetings, workshops, and hearings are open to the Computer Basics is designed for those new to for a week or knock out a crossword puzzle a blood public. technology or with entry-level computer skills. Sessions donor can save a life. Levy County Republicans’ Monthly Meeting are set for Aug. 9 at 9 a.m. and Aug. 21 at 3:30 p.m. in Donors must be 17 or older, or 16 with parental Aug. 20 Chiefl and and Aug. 17 at 1:30 p.m. and Aug. 31 at 3:30 consent, weigh a minimum of 110 pounds and be in Th e Levy County Republican Executive Committee p.m. in Ocala. good health. A photo ID is also required. Donors get meets monthly on the 3rd Monday at Bronson Employ Florida Marketplace Essentials, Nail that cookies and a cool T-shirt. Roll up your sleeve this Restaurant. Come join us starting with food and Interview and Optimal Resume workshops take place summer LifeSouth really needs your help. fellowship at 6:30 p.m. followed by our meeting at 7 on Aug. 16 and Aug. 30 beginning at 8:15 a.m. in Look for the bloodmobile in the upcoming days in p.m. Come hear the current Republican leaders and Ocala. “Nail that Interview” workshops are also held on Bronson, Steinhatchee and Old Town. candidates tell their stories, issues, solutions and more. Aug. 15 and Aug. 29 at 8 at 1:15 p.m. in Chiefl and. Th urs., Aug. 9-Bronson Community Blood Drive LCREC New Headquarters Open House Aug. 4 Navigating the New World of Work” two-day 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Courthouse. Th e Levy County Republican Executive Committee workshop takes place every Tuesday and Wednesday in Fri., Aug. 10-Steinhatchee Community Blood Drive has new headquarters! We will have an open house Ocala beginning Aug. 14 with sessions at 8:15 a.m. for 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Maddie’s Marke.t on Aug. 4 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the new HQ new job seekers and those with barriers to employment Sat., Aug. 11-Old Town Community Blood Drive behind Chantilly Place in Bronson on Alt. 27A. Th ere and at 1:15 p.m. for displaced professionals. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Hitchcock’s Foodway. is parking on both sides and on the back side. All It is also off ered Aug. 7 and Aug. 21 at 8:15 a.m. in Levy County BoCC Aug. 14 Republican candidates have been invited to join us. Chiefl and. Th e Levy County Board of County Commissioners Th ere will be light refreshments and lots of fellowship. Navigating the New World of Work” (Community will meet on Tues. Aug. 14 at 9 a.m. in the meeting At the new HQ we will have literature from the Workshop) off ers many of the highlights of the two- room of the courthouse located at 355 S. Court Street in current candidates running in the Primary and in the day sessions but in a two-hour format. Th e condensed Bronson. General Election this year. You can fi nd us on the web workshops take place in Marion County at the Belleview Library on Aug. 2 at 2 p.m. Dunnellon SRWMD Governing Board Meeting Aug. 14 at www.levyrepublicans.com and our number is 1-877- 734-LEVY (5389). We also have a blog and are on Library on Aug. 23 at 10 a.m. On Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2012, the Suwannee River Open Resume Labs are held in Ocala each Monday at Water Management District’s Governing Board will facebook and twitter. During the month of August we will also be open on 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. as well as every Friday at 9 a.m. Th e meet at 9:00 a.m. at Dixie Plantation, 1583 Livingston labs also take place Aug. 14 and Aug. 28 at 8:15 a.m. Road, Greenville, Florida 32331. Th e meeting is to Tuesdays and Th ursdays from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. We hope you can join us! We have been working hard in Chiefl and. Drop-ins are welcome and no additional consider District business and conduct public hearings registration is required but space is limited. on regulatory, real estate, and other various matters. to get the LCREC 2012 Republican HQ up and ready. Workforce Connection August Programs Workforce Connection Resource Centers are located A workshop will be held immediately following the in Marion County at 2703 NE 14th St., in Ocala. To Workforce Connection Resource Centers in Chiefl and meeting. sign up for any of the workshops, call 352-291-9552 or

Community Calendar continued from page 2B Friday August 3 at 8 p.m., Irish Week students Heines is a 5th Dan Black Belt, World Taekwondo form via phone at 352/493-1849 or email your request will dance on the downtown Gainesville Bo Diddley Federation, Instructor in Muay Th ai, and has instructed to: chiefl [email protected] Community Plaza stage. narcotics, state, municipal police and correctional 2nd Annual End of Summer Bash Aug. 11 Friday August 10, 7 p.m., Ballet Week students will offi cers and he holds a PHD in Th eoretical Physics. Come and join us at Chiefl and First United demonstrate authentic repertoire from classical ballets Prior registration will be available at the Williston Methodist Church for our 2nd Annual End of Summer like “Swan Lake” and “Sleeping Beauty”. Th e costumed Police website (www.willistonpolice.org) and at the Bash on Aug. 11 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Th is is a day of ballet performance is 7 p.m. at the Clubhouse. Police Department. More information is available on Free Family Fun including: Free Food, games, services, Anyone interested in enrolling a dancer in either our Facebook page. If you plan to attend, please wear clothes giveaway, school supplies and much more. We week can contact the School at 528-6540 or at www. loose clothing, no jewelry (or weapons), bring a pen are located at 707 N. Main Street in Chiefl and. willistondance.com. Th e School’s studio location, since and a bottle of water and advise the instructor(s) of any Chiefl and City Commission Meeting on Aug. 1977, is 153 NW 6th St. Regular weekly classes – for injuries or disabilities you may have. 13 3-year-olds to young adult, male and female, beginner CHIEFLAND Th e Chiefl and City Commission meets at City Hall to advanced – begin after Levy schools resume for fall. Time for Business of the Year Nominations on Mondays with the next meeting being Aug. 13 at 6 Williston City Council Meeting Aug. 7 For over twenty years, we have observed Industry p.m. at City Hall with a Budget Workshop immediately Th e Williston City Council meets at City Hall on Appreciation by honoring an exemplary local company following the Regular Meeting. Th ere will also be a the fi rst Tuesday after the fi rst Monday of each month as Business of the Year. Th e Business of the year awards Planning Board/BACE meeting on Th urs. Aug. 9 at and again in two weeks on Tuesday after the fi rst one at are intended to recognize Businesses that stand out for 6:30 p.m. Th e next regular commission meeting is 7 p.m. in the Williston City Council Room. Th e next notable achievements and community contributions. scheduled for Aug. 27 at 6 p.m. City Hall is located at Council meeting is Aug. 7 at City Hall is at 50 NW Th e annual award celebrates entrepreneurial spirit, 214 E. Park Avenue, Chiefl and, 352/493-6711. Main Street, Williston, 352/528-3060. volunteerism, innovation and leadership - all Small Business Development Series at CF WPD & Ornan Lodge’s Public Safety Day characteristics that make Florida a great place to do Levy Center Sept. 29 business and a wonderful place to live. Th e College of Central Florida Levy Center will off er Th e Williston Police Department will be participating Other considerations may include: Serves the a Small Business Development Series beginning in in the Ornan Lodge presentation of Public Safety Day Chiefl and area; Active business for at least one year September for potential, new and experienced business on Sat. Sept. 29 between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and currently in operation; Runs a clean business; owners. with a variety of events of interest to children and Appreciates employees; Community involvement and Classes will be held at the Levy Center, 114 Rodgers adults, alike. Child Safety Seat seminars, bicycle helmet Job creation. Blvd. in Chiefl and, and include Business Fundability, giveaways, safety videos and a bicycle rodeo will be Th e Chiefl and Chamber of Commerce is urging the QuickBooks Comprehensive, Simple Steps to Growing included this year. Police, Sheriff and Firefi ghters will public to come forward with suggestions of nominees Your Business, Social Media Basics for Business, What be on hand to speak with citizens about related safety for the Business of the year. If you have noticed or Business Should I Start, and more. Some meet one issues and answer questions. experienced something extraordinary in your business time, others over several weeks. Fees vary and a few are Fall on the Prairie for Haven Hospice Oct. 13 dealings with any local business please consider making free. A night of scrumptious food, live music, silent and live a nomination. You do not have to be a member of the For a full listing of courses, details and registration, auction and so much more to benefi t Haven Hospice Chamber to submit a Nomination for the Business of visit the Levy Center, call 352-493-9533, or click on on Saturday, October 13 at the Whitehurst Ranch and the Year. Levy Center at CFItraining.cf.edu. Prairie in Williston at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $75 per You can contact the Chamber offi ce for a nomination person, sponsorship and auction donation opportunities are available. Contact: Stephanie Brod, 352/271-4665 or [email protected] Self Defense Class in Williston Oct. 30 .\OH Th e Williston Police Department is partnering with Jerry Heines to sponsor a “Women’s Awareness and Defense Class” to teach women how to avoid being the victim of a physical attack. Heines has formed his class to prepare women to have a survivor mindset and to use simple and practical techniques of self defense. Th is is a one night, four-hour course and not meant to 48,1&(< train anyone in complex martial arts forms. Th e class IRU is free and will be held on October 30 at the Williston Community Center from 6:00 to 10:00 PM. 6&+22/%2$5'',675,&7



On August 14th, Let’s Make a Difference Vote For BOBBY McCALLUM EXPERIENCED For Levy County Sheriff EDUCATED DEDICATED

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Bobby McCallum, Republican for Levy County Sheriff

www.levyjournalonline.com 4B The Levy County Journal Your Locally-Owned County Paper of Record since 1923 August 2, 2012 WWorshiporship DirectoryDirectory )$0,/<%,%/( Ellzey United &+$3(/ ³7KH/LWWOH&KXUFK Methodist Church :LWK$%LJ*RG´ )RURYHU\HDUVFRQWLQXHVWR SUHVHQWWKHLQVSLUDWLRQDOZRUGV Corner of 336 & Hwy 24 RI*RGIURPWKH%LEOH &RPHMRLQXVDW Worship Service ...... 11 a.m. 10DLQ6WUHHW&KLHÀDQG Sunday School...... 10 a.m. 6XQGD\)DPLO\:RUVKLS6HUYLFH DP Pastor Doug Fleming  'RQ/XQVIRUG3DVWRU

First United Pine Grove Baptist Church Methodist Church 16655 N. W. CR-339 of Chiefland Trenton, Florida 32693 )LUVW%DSWLVW&KXUFKof Bronson 352-463-2151 www.pgbcfl.com

“Serving God & Loving People” Dr. Greg Douglas, Senior Pastor Tuesday: Pastor Rickey Whitley, Assoc. Pastor/Youth Sunday: Pastor Emanuel Harris, Education/Children Sunday School 9:15 am Sr. Adult Bible Study 10:00am Pastor Jared Douglas, Collegiate/Missions DP Morning Worship 10:30 am Wednesday: 6XQGD\ Discipleship Hour 5:00 pm Sunday School ...... 9:15 a.m. 6FKRRO Church Supper 5:30pm Evening Worship 6:30 pm RA/GA Children’s Program 6:30pm Morning Worship ...... 10:30 a.m. DP Full Throttle Youth 6:30pm Evening Worship ...... 6:00 p.m. :RUVKLS Pastor Troy A. Turner Prayer Hour 6:30pm Wednesday Night Services: Prayer Meeting, Youth, College & Career ...... 7:00 p.m. 10DLQ6W‡ 451 S. Court Street - Bronson, FL 32621- 352.486.2282 ~ Nursery provided for all services ~

$1RQ'HQRPLQDWLRQDO Manatee Springs Church of Christ Come and Worship )DLWK&RPPXQLW\ Sunday Minister 8:45 am Sunday School 10 a.m...... Bible Study Gene Dumas 9:45 am Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m...... Worship Period 352-542-0657 or 7:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study - XUQLQJ3RLQW 5 p.m...... Worship Period 352-493-7775 (except 3rd Wednesday) Wednesday /($51,1*+285$0 ,12851(:)$&,/,7< 7 p.m...... Bible Study 11450 NW 76th Terr., Reverend Priscilla Scherrah, Pastor &5 'DLU\5RDG Chiefland :256+,32$0 &KLOGUHQ¶V&KXUFK Our goal is to “Speak where the Bible speaks and be silent Bronson United Methodist Church :HGQHVGD\1LJKW where the Bible is silent.” We seek Bible authority for the Tel. 352-486-2281 235 Court Street 3$6725.(17=,00(50$11 /HDUQLQJ7LPHSP things that we believe and practice. Bronson, Florida &(// Church Calendar What’s Got Your Focus? GospelFest in Williston Aug. 4 Th e jockeying for position began even before they entered making plans, feeling pain, Th e 11th Annual Williston GospelFest will be the Arena; their grim faces etched with such determination facing struggles just like me. held on Sat., Aug. 4, 5:00 p.m. at the Unity Temple that their intense focus was almost palatable. Th e faint If only I could see people the International Fellowship church at 2351 NE 200th hearted had long since given way and fallen back. All the way God does! Maybe I’d Avenue, Williston. pre-game hype meant nothing now. It had faded like a cheap have a little more compassion Th is event celebrates Gospel Music and our freedom perfume upon the neck of this epic struggle. Th e fi nish on that rude person at the to worship and praise God. Th ere will be various loomed just ahead. It would be an up or down call, with cash register, especially if soloists, ensembles, quartets, instrumentalists, dance many lives hanging in the balance. I knew what they had just and mime ministries. Guest lineup includes: Omega I will never forget the last few moments; the agony gone through. Surely I’d be Forbes and the Family & Friend Chorale (Tallahassee) wrought in my boy’s face as he clung desperately to his sister’s more willing to off er a smile * Th e Chief Levites (Gainesville) * the Simmons pant leg, intent on staving off his inevitable defeat, refusing if I realized it might be the Family Choir (Gainesville) * Spiritual Harmonizers to admit the speed and strength accompanying her fi ve year only thing that will pull them (Evinston) * Nationwide Good News Action Choir age advantage had proven insurmountable. With only a few through the day. Th e truth is I (Gainesville) * Nu Creations Music Group (Williston) feet left she lunged for the prize, determined to see new doors should just do it anyway. * Kim and Sons (Orange Park) * the Gospel Caravans opened for us all. It was at that very moment that the boy’s Someone might say, “Why (Jacksonville) * Deliberate Praise (Jacksonville) * grip on her pants paid off and her jeans did the plumbers should I risk any part of myself for a rude stranger?” It’s GEMS dance ministry (Williston) * Precious Steps slide. She hesitated. It was the only break he needed. He much easier to just crawl up with an “us four and no more” dance ministry (Williston) * Too Anointed Devine climbed up her back and slapped that little elevator button attitude. Have you considered what a huge chance God took Purpose dance ministry (Daytona) * Dancing with before she could even blush. A warm magical light appeared. on us? Th e Bible says, (But God demonstrates His own love Purpose (Gainesville) and others A resounding “Ding” fi lled the hall. David had slain Goliath! toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for Doors open at 4:00 p.m. with FREE ADMISSION To my surprise several adults were crowded inside the us. Romans 5:8 NKJV) Jesus took a great risk in extending (love off ering will be accepted) elevator playing another game. Th ey cautiously guarded their His love to me when I didn’t deserve it, and it has cost Him Th ere will be Food vendors there. little corners and stared at the little display panel like their dearly. I don’t know why He did it. Love is just what He For more information, call 352/361-6528 or 352/528- elevation depended on their concentration. No one dared does. It’s who He is. In the end, Love is all that matters. 2170. break focus to acknowledge us. I thought to myself, “What’s But anyway, one day God will punch that great elevator 2nd Annual End of Summer Bash Aug. 11 with those silly elevator buttons?” button in the sky for the fi nal up or down call. I pray we’ll Come and join us at Chiefl and First United A better question might be, “What’s with us silly people?” all be ready with hearts that have accepted and given His Methodist Church for our 2nd Annual End of Summer Could it be sometimes we get so caught up in our own little unconditional love; hearts that have weathered the risks and Bash on Aug. 11 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Th is is a day of challenges that we forget to run the bigger race God has that are still glowing brighter than any old elevator button. I Free Family Fun including: Free Food, games, services, called us to? I’ll admit, elevator buttons do have a certain also pray we’ll each be taking something with us on this last clothes giveaway, school supplies and much more. We magnetic appeal, but surely we could tear away for just a few ride, the souls His love has won for Christ through us. Yes, I are located at 707 N. Main Street in Chiefl and. seconds to say hello to that living soul next to us. You know, hope things will be looking up for us all that day. Bronson UMC Contemporary Worship the one Jesus died for? –Guy Sheffi eld Service on 1st Sundays I’ve been guilty myself. At times I’ve just lumped people You can visit Guy at his website www.butanyway.org, or Evening Contemporary Worship Service at the into categories based on whatever criteria I have handy, and email him at guy.sheffi [email protected]. Bronson United Methodist Church will be held on the overlook the fact there are real people in those sacks of skin. fi rst Sunday of each month at 6:00 PM. All are invited Yes, somewhere in there is a real person, thinking thoughts, to come and worship. Th e next service will be held on Sunday, August 5th and we welcome everyone with open hearts, open minds and open doors. Th e church Obituaries is located at 235 S Court St, Bronson. We look forward to sharing God’s love with you. Th ere will be a time of DEBRA MARIE LAROCHE Wisniski of Bell; three sisters, Eva Dillon and Lynda Schwab, fellowship following the service. For more information, Debra Marie LaRoche, of Bronson, Florida, passed away both of New York and Violet O’Dell of Ohio; two brothers, please call 352/486-2281 or 352/486-4094. Saturday, July 21, 2012, in her home at the age of 60. Mrs. Eugene Whitmore of New York and Vincent Whitmore of Live LaRoche moved to Bronson 29 years ago from Tampa. She Oak; 22 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren. was of Lutheran faith. Mrs. LaRoche was a homemaker. She A Memorial Service was held on Friday, July 27, 2012 at enjoyed gardening, genealogy, and computers. 11:00 a.m. in the chapel at Watson Funeral Home with Dr. Letter of Thanks Debra is survived by her husband of 42 years, Donald Greg Douglas, Pastor offi ciating. LaRoche; sons, Brett and Chad LaRoche; daughter, Desiree Arrangements were placed under the care of Watson Funeral Th e LaRoche family would like to express a special Shiminski (Matthew); brothers: Ronald Vogt, Th omas Vogt, Home, (352) 463-8888. heartfelt Th ank You to all of the staff at Knauff David Vogt and Robert Vogt; sisters, Judith Spitzig and Valerie Online condolences may be sent through our website at Funeral Homes of Williston. Th e exquisite care Vogtand; and four grandchildren. www.watsonfhtrenton.com and planning they took for our loved one, Debra Th e LaRoche family received visitors on Tuesday, July 24, MAX RAY BUSH LaRoche, was absolutely priceless. Th ey provided 2012 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Knauff Funeral Home, Williston. our family with not only support but beautiful February 10, 1036 – July 22, 2012 Funeral services were held Wednesday, July 25, 2012 at Max R. Bush of Archer, Florida arrangements and the highest level of service making Knauff Funeral Home Williston chapel with interment passed away peacefully at his home our very diffi time a little easier. immediately following at Rosemary Hill Cemetery in Bronson. Sunday July 22, 2012 at the age of We would especially like to thank their colleague Arrangements were placed under the care of Knauff Funeral 76. He was born February 10, 1936 Mr. Frank Sylvester who, to put it simply, is an artist Home, Williston, Florida. in Datto, Arkansas to the late Elvin and Godsend. He gave her back to us the way she was FREDERICK BAYNE WHITMORE and Mabel Bush. He attended school before the cancer ever took hold of her and that alone August 24, 1927 – July 22, 2012 in Datto and joined the US Army in was beyond priceless to our family, especially the Frederick Bayne Whitmore of Bell, Florida passed away on 1954. He later became a police offi cer grandchildren. It gave them closure to see their Nana Sunday, July 22, 2012 at Haven Hospice of the Tri-Counties in St. Louis, Missouri. He moved to healthy again. in Chiefl and at the age of 84. Frederick was born on August Gainesville, Florida in 1969 where he Respectfully, 24, 1927 in Lysander, New York to Clarence Whitmore and was a police offi cer for the Gainesville Police Department until Th e LaRoche Family Florence Whipple Whitmore. He moved to Bell 28 years ago 1976. He also attended Santa Fe Community College. Max from New York. He was an automotive mechanic and of the moved to Archer in 1976 where he ran M & R Mini Market Baptist faith. until 1979. He later became a Security Offi cer at the VA Send us your forthcoming activities, celebrations and special worship Mr. Whitmore was preceded in death by a step-daughter, Hospital in Gainesville, then Shands Hospital where he retired events so we can share them Selma Wisniski. in 1998. He was an active member of the AMVETS Post 444 with our readers. Local times of He is survived by fi ve daughters: Florence Dibler of Archer, in Williston. He enjoyed fl ying, scuba diving, and riding his fellowship are a blessing close at Penny Peters, Von King, Jacquelyn Buchanan and Dawn motorcycle with friends. He was a loving husband, father, and hand and a future friendship in VanHousen all of Campbell-Savona, NY; four sons: Clayton grandfather. He loved being a grandpa. the making. Just drop on by with L. Whitmore of Bell, Fred Whitmore, Steven Whitmore and Max was preceded in death by his parents, two brothers and your news or email to editor@ Th omas Todd Whitmore all of Campbell-Savona, NY.; two two sisters. levyjournal.com step-sons, Valentine Wisniski of Chiefl and and Leo William continued on page 5B www.levyjournalonline.com August 2, 2012 Your Locally-Owned County Paper of Record since 1923 The Levy County Journal 5B LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF IN PLAT BOOK 5, PAGE SPOUSE OF ELIZABETH Book 3, Page 31 of the HILLS ESTATES, a Type II LOAN TRUST 2002-1, SHERIFF’S SALE 18, PUBLIC RECORDS MATTHEWS; UNKNOWN Public Records of Levy Subdivision, according to Plaintiff, Notice is hereby given OF LEVY COUNTY, TENANT 1; UNKNOWN County, Florida. the Plat thereof re corded vs. that pursuant to a Writ of FLORIDA. TOGETHER TENANT 2; and all unknown TOGETHER WITH in Plat Book 1, page 23 JACK T. RUSSELL JR., ET Execution issued out of the WITH A 1983 CHANDLER parties claiming by, through, that certain 2009 SCOT- of the Public Re cords of AL. Circuit Court for Alachua DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE under or against the above BILT “SANDPIPER”, Levy County, Florida; also Defendants County, Florida on the 23rd HOME BEARING ID#’S named Defendant(s), who Double wide Manufac- known as East ½ of the NOTICE OF day of February, 2012 in the GAFL2AD51055654 & (is/are) not known to be tured Home, Serial # Northeast ¼ of the North- FORECLOSURE SALE cause wherein LEWIS OIL GAFL2BD51055654 AND dead or alive, whether said SBHGA1500803868A&B. west ¼ of Section 28, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- COMPANY INC was Plaintiff TITLE #S 20395427 & unknown parties claim as Property Address: 7751 Township 11 South, Range EN pursuant to a Final Judg- and HALLS TRUCKING INC 20395431 NOW LO- heirs, devisees, grantees, NW 168th Ln, Trenton, Fl 17 East, Levy County, ment of Foreclosure dated and SCOTT F. HALL, were CATED THEREON. assignees, lienors, credi- 32693. Florida. TOGETHER with July 20, 2012, and entered in the Defendants, being case Any person claiming an tors, trustees, spouses, or ANY PERSON CLAIMING a 1980 FAMILY WAGON Case No. 2011-CA-001214, number 2011-CA-3389 Div. interest in the surplus from other claimants; VICTOR AN INTEREST IN THE SUR- DW Mobile Home bearing of the Circuit Court of the K in said court, I, Johnny the sale, if any, other than ALIZEA ORTIZ A/K/A VIC- PLUS FROM THE SALE, IF Serial Numbers FH4347A Eighth Judicial Circuit in and Smith, as Sheriff of Levy the property owner as of TOR MANUEL ALICEA OR- ANY, OTHER THAN THE AND FH4347B. for LEVY County, Florida. County, Florida have levied the date of the lis pendens TIZ; UNITED STATES OF PROPERTY OWNER AS Said sale shall be made THE BANK OF NEW YORK upon all the right, title and must file a claim within sixty AMERICA, DEPARTMENT OF THE DATE OF THE LIS to the highest and best bid- MELLON, AS TRUSTEE interest of the Defendants, (60) days after the sale. The OF HOUSING AND URBAN PENDENS MUST FILE A der for cash pursuant to the FOR CIT HOME EQUITY HALLS TRUCKING INC and Court, in its discretion, may DEVELOPMENT CLAIM WITHIN 60 DAYS Summary Final Judgment LOAN TRUST 2002-1 (here- SCOTT F. HALL, in and to enlarge the time of the sale. Defendants. AFTER THE SALE. entered in the above styled after “Plaintiff”), is Plaintiff the following de scribed real Notice of the changed time NOTICE OF SALE Dated: July 19, 2012. cause and will be held on and JACK T. RUSSELL property: of sale shall be published as Notice is hereby given that, (COURT SEAL) the Courthouse steps of the JR.; UNKNOWN SPOUSE Levy County Property provided herein. pursuant to the Final Judg- DANNY J. SHIPP, CLERK LEVY County Courthouse in OF JACK T. RUSSELL JR. Appraiser Parcel No. DATED: July 17, 2012. ment of Foreclosure dated LEVY COUNTY CIRCUIT Bronson, Florida, on the 27th N/K/A MELISSA RUSSELL; 0339427300, located at By: Gwen McElroy /s/ July 17, 2012, in this cause, I COURT day of August, 2012, com- UNIVERSITY OAKS HOM- 10930 N. E. 87th Place, Deputy Clerk of the Court will sell the property situated By: Gwen McElroy ./s/ mencing at the hour of 11:00 EOWNERS’ ASSO CIATION, Bronson, Levy County, If you are a person with a in LEVY County, Florida, de- Deputy Clerk A.M. INC.; PERKINS STATE Florida, described as fol- disability who needs any scribed as: Pub.: July 26, Aug. 2, 2012. All interested parties shall BANK, are defen dants.I will lows: accommodation in order to BEGIN AT THE NORTH------be governed accordingly by sell to the high est and best Tracts 123, 124, 125 participate in this proceed- WEST CORNER OF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT this Notice. bidder for cash in the MAIN and 157, UNIVERSITY ing, you are entitled, at no SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP OF FLORIDA EIGHTH DATED this 19th day of LOBBY of the Courthouse ESTATES, an unre- cost to you, to the provision 12 SOUTH, RANGE 18 JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN July, 2012. located at 355 South Court corded subdivision, said of certain assistance. Please EAST, LEVY COUNTY, AND FOR LEVY COUNTY, DANNY SHIPP Street, Bronson, at 11:00 tracts more particularly contact the ADA Coordina- FLORIDA; THENCE FLORIDA Clerk of the Court a.m., on the 19th day of No- described as follows: tor, Ms. Jan Phillips at 201 RUN SOUTH ALONG CASE NO.: 38-2012-CA- By: Gwenn McElroy /s/ vember, 2012, the following Tract 123: The West ½ E. University Avenue, Room THE SECTION LINE; S 000091 Deputy Clerk de scribed property as set of the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ 410, Gainesville, FL 32601; 00°01’24” W, 1158.58 DYNAMIC GROWTH, INC., Pub.: July 26, Aug. 2, 2012. forth in said Final Judgment, of the NE ¼ of the NE 1/4, tele phone number 352-337- FEET; THENCE RUN a Florida corporation, ------to wit: and Tract 124: The East ½ 6237 within two (2) working EAST, 399.23 FEET Plaintiff, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT LOT 13, BLOCK 46, of the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ days of your receipt of this FOR THE POINT OF vs. OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL UNIVERSITY OAKS, AC- of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ notice; if you are hearing im- BEGINNING; THENCE JERRY B. GEIGER and CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CORDING TO THE PLAT , and Tract 125: The W ½ paired, call the Florida Relay RUN EAST, 88.94 FEET; PATSY GEIGER a/k/a LEVY COUNTY, FLORIDA THEREOF, AS FILED IN of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ Services at 1-800-955-8771 THENCE RUN SOUTH PATSY TURNER GEIGER CIVIL ACTION PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ (TTY); if you are voice im- 150 FEET; THENCE a/k/a PATSY TURNER, his CASE NO.: 38-2011-CA- 15, OF THE PUBLIC RE- and Tract 157; The W ½ of paired, call the Florida Relay RUN WEST 88.94 FEET; wife; CAPITAL ONE (USA) 001145 CORDS OF LEVY COUN- the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Services at 1-800-955 8770. THENCE RUN NORTH N.A. f/k/a CAPITAL ONE DIVISION: TY, FLORIDA. LESS AND the SE ¼ of the NE 1/4 , Pub.: July 26, Aug. 2, 2012. 150 FEET TO THE POINT BANK; MIDLAND FUND- WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, EXCEPT ROAD RIGHT all in Section 10, Township ------OF BEGINNING SAID ING, LLC. a foreign limited li- Plaintiff, OF WAYS. 12 South, Range 17 East, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT TRACT ALSO KNOWN ability company; and CACH, vs. Under the American with Levy County, Florida. TO- OF THE 8TH JUDICIAL AS LOT 3, BLOCK 7, B & LLC, a foreign limited liability DENISE M. Disabilities Act, if you are a GETHER with a 1999 CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR R UNRE CORDED SUB- company, VONDERSTRASSE , et al, person with a disability who double-wide mobile home LEVY COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION, UNIT 5, LEVY Defendants. Defendant(s). needs any accommodation bearing ID #s: CASE No. 38-2011-CA- COUNTY, FLORIDA. TO- NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF in order to participate in this FLFLW70A26380GH21 001129 GETHER WITH THAT Notice is hereby given FORECLOSURE SALE proceeding, you are entitled, and BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. CERTAIN MOBILE HOME that, pursuant to Summary NOTICE IS HEREBY at no cost to you, to the pro- FLFLW70B26380GH21 Plaintiff ATTACHED THERETO. Final Judgment of Foreclo- GIVEN pursuant to a Final vision of certain assis tance. and Title #s: 75888063 vs. A/K/A 14060 N.E. 48TH sure dated June 25, 2012, I Judgment of Mortgage Fore- Please contact the ADA Co- and 75888120, COLLINS, GREG, et. al. ST., WILLISTON, FL will sell the property situated closure dated July 20, 2012 ordinator at (352) 337-6237, located thereon. Defendants 32696 in Levy County, Florida, de- and entered in Case No. 38- at least 7 days before your On the 14th day of August, NOTICE OF at public sale, to the highest scribed as follows: 2011-CA-001145 of the Cir- scheduled court appear- 2012 at the Levy County FORECLOSURE SALE and best bidder for cash, on Lot 54, Block B of cuit Court of the EIGHTH Ju- ance. If you are hearing or Courthouse, 355 South NOTICE IS HEREBY August 27, 2012, at eleven SUWANNEE RIVER dicial Circuit in and for LEVY voice impaired, please call Court Street, Bronson, GIVEN pursuant to an Or der o’clock a.m. EST, in the main SPRINGS S/D NO. 1 OF County, Flor ida wherein 711. If you are deaf or hard Florida at the hour of 11:00 or Final Judgment en tered lobby of Levy County Court- MANATEE SPRINGS WELLS FARGO BANK, NA of hearing and require an a.m. I will offer for sale and in Case No. 38-2011-CA- house, 355 South Court AREA, according to the is the Plaintiff ASL interpreter or an assist- sell all of the said Defen- 001129 of the Circuit Court Street, Bronson, FL 32621, Plat thereof as recorded and DENISE M. VONDER- ed listening de vice to partici- dants right, title and interest of the 8TH Judicial Circuit in accordance with Section in Plat Book 1, page 52 STRASSE; MICHAEL D. pate in a pro ceeding, please in the above described real in and for LEVY County, 45.031, Florida Statutes. of the Public Records of VONDERSTRASSE; are the contact iCourt Interpreting at property at public auction Florida, wherein, BANK OF Any person claiming an Levy County, Florida. Defendants, The Clerk of the inter [email protected] and will sell the same sub- AMERICA, N.A., Plaintiff interest in the surplus from TOGETHER WITH a Court will sell to the highest Dated this 24th day of July, ject to prior liens, encum- and, COLLINS, GREG, . al., the sale, if any, other than 1994 Sabre Mobile Home and best bidder for cash at 2012. brances, and judgments, if are Defen dants, I will sell to the property owner as of the ID#42611064G, Title MAIN LOBBY OF THE LEVY (SEAL) any, to the highest bidder for the high est bidder for cash date of the lis pendens must #6610852 COUNTY COURTHOUSE at DANNY J. SHIPP cash in hand and /or certified at the hour of 11:00 a.m., on file a claim within 60 days af- Street Address: 11430 11:00 AM, on the 24th day of CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT check, the pro ceeds to be the 20th day of August, 2012 ter the sale. NW 107th Terrace, September, 2012, the fol- COURT applied as far as may be to the following described (Seal) Chiefland, FL 32629 lowing described property as BY: Gwen McElroy /s/ the payment of costs and the property: . Danny J. Shipp Tax Parcel #: set forth in said Final Judg- As Deputy Clerk satisfaction of the described LAND SITUATED IN THE Clerk of the Circuit Court 07652-017-00 ment: Any person claiming an in- execution. COUNTY OF LEVY IN By: Gwen McElroy /s/ at public sale, to the highest LOT 23, GILMORE terest in the surplus from Johnny Smith, Sheriff THE STATE OF FL Deputy Clerk bidder for cash, at the main ACRES, ACCORDING the sale, if any, other than Levy County, Florida LOT 3, CURTIS ES- PERSONS WITH DIS- entrance of the Levy Coun- TO THE PLAT THEREOF, the property owner as of In accordance with the TATES, AS PER PLAT ABILITIES REQUESTING ty Courthouse, 355 South AS RECORDED IN PLAT the date of the Lis Pendens Americans with Disabilities THEREOF FILES IN PLAT REASONABLE ACCOM- Court Street, Bronson, FL BOOK 5, PAGE 56 OF must file a claim within 60 Act, persons needing spe- BOOK 10, PAGE 2 OF MODATIONS TO PARTICI- 32621, at 11:00 A.M. on the THE PUBLIC RECORDS days after the sale. cial accommodation to par- THE PUBLIC PATE IN THIS PRO- 27th day of August, 2012. OF LEVY COUNTY, Pub.: Aug. 2, 9, 2012. ticipate in this proceeding RECORDS OF LEVY CEEDING SHOULD CON- WITNESS my hand and FLOR IDA. ------should contact the Levy COUNTY, FLORIDA. TACT (352) 374-3639 OR official seal of said court this A/K/A 3451 SE 186TH IN THE CIRCUIT COURT County Sheriff’s Office Civil Any person claiming an VIA FLORIDA RELAY SER- 19th day of July, 2012. AVENUE, MORRISTON, OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL Division not later than five interest in the surplus from VICE 1-800-955-8771. DANNY J. SHIPP FL 32668 CIRCUIT IN AND FOR working days prior to the the sale, if any, other than Pub.: July 26, Aug. 2, 2012. Clerk of Court Any person claiming an LEVY COUNTY, FLORIDA proceeding at P.O. Drawer the property owner as of the ------BY: Gwen McElroy /s/ interest in the surplus from CASE NO. 38-2009 CA 1719, Bronson, Florida date of the lis pendens must IN THE CIRCUIT COURT DEPUTY CLERK the sale, if any, other than 000993 32621. Telephone (352) file a claim within 60 days af- OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL Pub.: July 26, Aug. 2, 2012. the property owner as of HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 486-5207, Lt. Todd Polo. ter the sale. CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ------the date of the Lis Pendens CORPORATION III, Pub.: July 12, 19, 26, Aug. DATED this 19th day of LEVY COUNTY, FLORIDA IN THE CIRCUIT COURT must file a claim within sixty Plaintiff(s), 2, 2012. July, 2012. CASE NO: 38-2011-CA- OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL (60) days after the sale. vs. ------Clerk Circuit Court 001213 CIRCUIT IN AND FOR WITNESS MY HAND and JACK RAYMOND; et al., IN THE CIRCUIT COURT By: Gwen McElroy /s/ 21ST MORTGAGE LEVY COUNTY, FLORIDA the seal of this Court on July Defendant(s). OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL Deputy Clerk CORPORATION, A CIVIL ACTION 24, 2012. NOTICE OF CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR If you are a person with a Delaware corporation, CASE NO. 38-2012-CA- Danny J. Shipp FORECLOSURE SALE LEVY COUNTY, FLORIDA. disability who needs any ac- authorized to Transact 000287 Clerk of the Circuit Court PURSUANT TO CASE No. 38-2010 CA commodation in order to par- business in Florida, CAPITAL CITY BANK, a By: Gwen McElroy /s/ CHAPTER 45 001389 ticipate in this proceed ing, Plaintiff, Florida banking corporation, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- PHH MORTGAGE you are entitled, at no cost to vs. Plaintiff, Deputy Clerk EN that sale will be made CORPORATION, you, to the provision of cer- AMY L. COOK; UNKNOWN vs. Americans with Disabilities pursuant to an Order or Final PLAINTIFF, tain assistance. Please con- SPOUSE OF AMY L. DEBORAH J. WRIGHT Act: If you are a person with Summary Judg ment. Final VS. tact the clerk of the court’s COOK; GREGORY S. a/k/a DEBORAH a disability who needs any Judgment was awarded on JACQUELINE A. disability coordi nator at least HOPKINS; AND UNKNOWN CROPPER and accommodation in order to April 23, 2010 in Civil Case TIMMONS, ET AL. 7 days before your sched- SPOUSE OF GREGORY S. CHRISTOPHER L. participate in this proceeding, No. 38- 2009 CA 000993, DEFENDANT(S). uled court ap pearance, or HOPKINS; WRIGHT, wife and husband; you are entitled, at no cost to of the Circuit Court of the NOTICE OF immediately upon receiv- Defendants. and any and all unknown you, to the provision of cer- Eighth Judicial Circuit in and FORECLOSURE SALE ing this notifica tion if the NOTICE OF SALE Tenants In Possession, tain assistance. Please con- for Levy County, Florida, NOTICE IS HEREBY time before the scheduled NOTICE IS GIVEN that, in Defendants. tact: Ms. Jan Phillips, Human wherein, HOUSEHOLD FI- GIVEN pursuant to the Fi- appearance is less than 7 accordance with the Plain- NOTICE OF SALE Resources Man ager, Alach- NANCE CORPORATION III nal Judgment of Foreclosure days; if you are hearing or tiff’s Final Judgment of Fore- TO WHOM IT MAY CON- ua County Fam ily/Civil Court- is the Plaintiff, and, JACK dated June 25, 2012 in the voice impaired, call 711. closure entered on July 18, CERN: house, 201 E. University Av- RAYMOND; SANDRA RAY- above action, I will sell to Pub.: July 26, Aug. 2, 2012. 2012 in the above-styled NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- enue, Room 410, Gainesville, MOND; AND UN KNOWN the highest bidder for cash ------cause, I will sell to the high- EN that I, DANNY SHIPP, FL 32601; Phone: 352-337- TENANT(S) IN POSSES- at Levy, Florida, on Septem- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT est and best bidder for cash Clerk of the Circuit Court of 6237; Fax: 352-374-5238. SION are Defen dants. ber 24, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. at OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL on August 27, 2012 at 11:00 the Eighth Judicial Circuit, Pub.: Aug. 2, 9, 2012. The clerk of the court will Lobby of Levy County Court- CIRCUIT IN AND FOR A.M. (EST), in the BOCC in and for LEVY County, ------sell to the highest bidder house (usu ally) or Board LEVY COUNTY, FLORIDA Meeting Room in the Levy Florida, pursuant to the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT for cash beginning at 11:00 of Commis sioners meeting CASE NO. 38-2010-CA- County Courthouse, located Summary Final Judg ment In OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL AM in the Main Lobby of the room - 355 S. Court St., 000833 at 355 S. Court St., Bronson, Foreclosure entered in the CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR Levy County Courthouse Bronson, FL 32621 for the WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A Florida, the above styled cause, will sell LEVY COUNTY, FLORIDA located at 355 South Court following de scribed property: Plaintiff, following described prop erty: at public sale the following CASE NO. 201 1-CA- Street Bronson, FL 32621 on LOT 6, BLOCK 4, OAK v. Lot 71, Block 3, FANNIN described property situate, 001214 September 10, 2012, the fol- KNOLL ESTATES, AC- ELIZABETH MATTHEWS SPRINGS ANNEX, ac- in LEVY County, Florida, to THE BANK OF NEW YORK lowing described real prop- CORDING TO THE PLAT A/K/A ELIZABETH C. cording to the map or plat wit: MELLON, AS TRUSTEE erty as set forth in said Final THEREOF RECORDED MATTHEWS; UNKNOWN thereof as recorded in Plat LOT 1, BRONSON FOR CIT HOME EQUITY Summary Judgment, to wit: www.levyjournalonline.com 6B The Levy County Journal Your Locally-Owned County Paper of Record since 1923 August 2, 2012 LEGAL NOTICES TRACT NO. 63, ROLL- the property owner as of SOUTH 00 DEGREES 20 dinator, Alachua County west corner of the East 1/2 cuit8.org ING ACRES, AN UNRE- the date of the Lis Pendens MIN UTES 50 SECONDS Courthouse, 201 E. Univer- of West 1/2 of Northeast Pub.: Aug. 2, 9, 2012. CORDED SUBDIVISION must file a claim within 60 EAST A DISTANCE OF sity Ave., Gainesville, FL 1/4 of Section 27, Township ------IN LEVY COUNTY, FLOR- days after the sale. 420 FEET TO THE SAID 32601 at (352)337-6237 11 South, Range 14 East; IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IDA, BEING MORE PAR- Dated in Levy County, POINT OF BEGINNING. within two (2) working days thence run North to a point OF THE 8TH JUDICIAL TICULARLY DE SCRIBED Florida this 24th day of July, and commonly known of receipt of this notice; if in the North right way line of CIRCUIT IN AND FOR AS FOLLOWS: 2012. as: 11231 NW 128TH PL. you are hearing impaired, State Road 8-320; thence LEVY COUNTY, FLORIDA THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE Clerk of the Circuit Court CHIEFLAND, FL 32626 please call 1-800-955-8771; continue North 420 feet; CASE NO. 38-2010-CA- NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF Levy County, Florida IF YOU ARE A PERSON if you are voice impaired, thence East 230 feet to 001003 THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION By: Gwen McElroy /s/ CLAIMING A RIGHT TO please call 1-800-955-8770. establish a POINT OF BE- MULTIBANK 2010-1 SFR 27, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH, Deputy Clerk FUNDS REMAINING AF- Pub.: Aug. 2, 9, 2012. GINNING; thence con tinue VENTURE, LLC., RANGE 17 EAST, LESS If you are a person with a TER THE SALE, YOU ------East 210 feet; thence North Plaintiff, AND EX CEPT THE EAST disability who needs any MUST FILE A CLAIM WITH IN THE CIRCUIT COURT 416 feet; thence, West 210 vs. 25 FEET THEREOF. TO- accommodation in order to THE CLERK OF COURT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL feet; thence South 416 feet CARLOS F. BARRERA, et GETHER WITH A MOBILE participate in this proceed- NO LATER THAN 60 DAYS CIRCUIT IN AND FOR to POINT OF BEGINNING, ux et al., HOME, PERMANENTLY ing, you are entitled, at no AFTER THE SALE. IF YOU LEVY COUNTY, FLORIDA being in the East 1/2 of Defendant(s)., AFFIXED AND SITUATED cost to you, to the provi- FAIL TO FILE A CLAIM, YOU CIVIL ACTION Southwest 1/4 of Northeast NOTICE OF SALE THERETO, UPON THE sion of certain assistance. WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO CASE NO. 38-2012-CA- 1/4 of Section 27, Township NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- REAL PROPERTY DE- Persons with a disability ANY REMAINING FUNDS. 000275 11 South, Range 14 East, EN pursuant to an Or der of SCRIBED ABOVE who need any accommoda- AFTER 60 DAYS, ONLY CAPITAL CITY BANK, a Levy County, Florida. Final Judgment Scheduling ANY PERSON CLAIMING tion in order to participate THE OWNER OF RECORD Florida banking corporation, Parcel 2 Foreclosure Sale entered on AN INTEREST IN THE SUR- should call Jan Phillips, AS OF THE DATE OF THE Plaintiff, COMMENCE at the South- July 20, 2012, in this case PLUS FROM THE SALE, IF ADA Coordinator, Alachua LIS PENDENS MAY CLAIM vs. west corner of the East 1/2 now pending in said Court ANY, OTHER THAN THE County Courthouse, 201 E. THE SURPLUS. JOSEPH E. KONUCH of West 1/2 of Northeast the style of which is indicat- PROPERTY OWNER AS University Ave., Gainesville, DATED at LEVY County, a/k/a JOSEPH ELLIOTT 1/4 of Section 27, Township ed above. OF THE DATE OF THE LIS FL 32601 at (352)337-6237 Florida this 24th day of July, KONUCH and THERESA E. 11 South, Range 14 East; I will sell to the highest and PENDENS MUST FILE A within two (2) working days 2012. KONUCH a/k/a THERESA thence run North to a point best bidder for cash in the CLAIM WITHIN 60 DAYS of receipt of this notice; if DANNY J. SHIPP, Clerk ELIZABETH KONUCH, in the North right of way Levy County Court house, in AFTER THE SALE. you are hearing impaired, LEVY County, Florida husband and wife; and line of State Road S-320; the lobby of LEVY COUN- WITNESS my hand and please call 1-800-955-8771; By: Gwen McElroy /s/ TOWN OF YANKEETOWN, thence continue North 420 TY COURTHOUSE, 355 the seal of the court on July if you are voice impaired, Deputy Clerk a municipality in the STATE feet; thence East 440 feet SOUTH COURT STREET, 25, 2012. please call 1-800-955-8770. In accordance with the OF FLORIDA, to the POINT OF BEGIN- DRAWER 630, BRONSON, Danny J. Shipp Pub.: Aug. 2, 9, 2012. Americans With Disabilities Defendants. NING; thence continue FL 32621 at 11:00 a.m., CLERK OF THE COURT ------Act, persons in need of a NOTICE OF SALE East 220 feet, more or less, on the 24th day of Septem- By: Gwen McElroy /s/ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT special accommodation to TO WHOM IT MAY to a point in the East line of ber, 2012, the following de- Deputy Clerk OF THE EIGHT JUDICIAL participate in this proceed ing CONCERN: the East 1/2 of Southwest scribed property as set forth IMPORTANT CIRCUIT IN AND FOR shall, within seven (7) days NOTICE IS HEREBY 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of said in said Order or Final Judg- If you are a person with a LEVY COUNTY, FLORIDA prior to any proceed ing, con- GIVEN that I, DANNY Section 27; thence run ment, to-wit: disability who needs any CIVIL DIVISION tact the Administra tive Office SHIPP, Clerk of the Circuit North along the forty line, LOT 5, HAMPTON accommodation in order to CASE NO. 38-2011-CA- of the Court, LEVY Coun- Court of the Eighth Judicial 416 feet; thence run West FARMS, TRACTS 7 participate in this proceed- 001111 ty, 355 SOUTH COURT Circuit, in and for LEVY 220 feet, more or less, THROUGH 10, AS PER ing, you are entitled, at no Division No. STREET, BRONSON, FL County, Florida, pursuant to the Northeast corner PLAT THEREOF, RE- cost to you, to the provision Section. 32621. County Phone: 352- to the Summary Final Judg- of tract described in O.R. CORDED IN PLAT BOOK of certain assistance. Per- THE BANK OF NEW 486-5266 EXT 238. TDD ment In Foreclosure entered Book 73, Page 386; thence 10, PAGES 34, PUBLIC sons with a disability who YORK MELLON FKA THE 1-800-955-8771 or 1-800- in the above styled cause, South 416 feet to the RECORDS OF LEVY need any accommodation BANK OF NEW YORK, AS 955-8770 via Florida Relay will sell at public sale the POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY, FLORIDA in order to participate should TRUSTEE FOR THE Ser vice. following described property being in the East 1/4 of a/k/a: 6471 NE 150TH call Jan Phillips, ADA Coor- CERTIFICATEHOLDERS Pub.: Aug. 2, 9, 2012. situate in LEVY County, Southwest 1/4 of Northeast AVE., WILLISTON, FL dinator, Alachua County OF THE CWABS, INC., ------Florida, to wit: 1/4 of Section 27, Township 32696 Courthouse, 201 E. Univer- ASSET-BACKED CERTIFI- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT LOTS 1, 2, 3, BLOCK 11 South, Range 14 East, ANY PERSON CLAIMING sity Ave., Gainesville, FL CATES, SERIES 2006-17 OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL 17, A. F. KNOTTS LAND Levy County, Florida. AN INTEREST IN THE SUR- 32601 at (352) 337-6237 Plaintiff(s), CIRCUIT IN AND FOR COMPANY’S FIRST Together with an ease- PLUS FROM THE SALE, IF within two (2) working days vs. LEVY COUNTY, FLORIDA SUBDIVISION, YANKEE- ment for the purpose of in- ANY, OTHER THAN THE of your receipt of this notice; ROBERT BAYLOR; et. al., CIVIL ACTION TOWN, according to the gress and egress over and PROPERTY OWNER AS if you are hearing impaired Defendant(s) / CASE NO.: 2010-CA- plat thereof recorded in across a 20 foot strip of OF THE DATE OF THE LIS call (800) 955-8771; if you NOTICE OF SALE 000686 Plat Book 2, page 6, public land described as follows: PENDENS MUST FILE A are voice impaired, call (800) PURSUANT TO DIVISION: records of Levy County, Commence at the South- CLAIM WITHIN 60 DAYS 955-8770. CHAPTER 45 WELLS FARGO BANK, Florida. west corner of the East 1/2 AFTER THE SALE. Pub.: Aug. 2, 9, 2012.\ NOTICE IS HEREBY N.A., SUCCESSOR IN IN- Said sale shall be made to of West 1/2 of Northeast ENTERED at Levy ------GIVEN pursuant to an Or- TEREST TO WACHOVIA the highest and best bidder 1/4 of Section 27, Town- County, Florida, this 24th day IN THE CIRCUIT COURT der or Final Judgment of MORTGAGE, F.S.B F/K/A for cash pursuant to the ship 11 South, Range 14 of JULY, 2012. OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL Fore closure dated July 20, WORLD SAVINGS BANK, Final Judgment entered in East; thence East 210 feet; Danny J. Shipp CIRCUIT IN AND FOR 2012, and entered in Case F.S.B., the above styled cause and thence North to a point on Clerk Circuit Court LEVY COUNTY, FLORIDA No. 38-2011-CA-001111 Plaintiff, will be held at the front door the North right of way line Levy, Florida CIVIL ACTION of the Circuit Court of the vs. of the Levy County Court- of State Road S-320 to es- By: Gwen McElroy /s/ CASE NO.: 38-2011-CA- 8TH Judicial Circuit in and SCOTT HELMICH, et al, house in Bronson, Florida, tablish the POINT OF BE- As Deputy Clerk 000152 for LEVY County, Florida, Defendant(s). on the 22nd day of October, GINNING; thence North Pub.: Aug. 2, 9, 2012. DIVISION: wherein THE BANK OF NOTICE OF 2012k, commencing at the 836 feet; thence East 20 ------WELLS FARGO BANK,N.A., NEW YORK MELLON RESCHEDULED SALE hour of 11:00 A.M. feet; thence South 836 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Plaintiff, FKA THE BANK OF NEW NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- All interested parties shall feet; thence West 20 feet OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL vs. YORK, TRUSTEE FOR EN Pursuant to an Or der Re- be governed accordingly by to the POINT OF BEGIN- CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR ELIZABETH A. NEWTON THE CERTIFICATEHOLD- scheduling Foreclo sure Sale this Notice. NING. LEVY COUNTY, FLORIDA A/K/A ELIZABETH ERS OF THE CWABS, INC., dated July 24, 2012, and DATED this 24th day of A/K/A CASE NO.: 38-2011-CA- SWINDLE, et al, ASSET-BACKED CERTIFI- entered in Case No. 2010- July, 2012. 11651 NW 73rd Ct 001115 Defendant(s). CATES, SERIES 2006-17 CA-000686 of the Circuit DANNY SHIPP Chiefland, FL 32626 CIRCUIT CIVIL DIVISION NOTICE OF SALE is the Plaintiff and ROBERT Court of the Eighth Judicial Clerk of the Court at public sale, to the highest VANDERBILT PURSUANT TO BAYLOR and GLORIA BAY- Circuit in and for Levy Coun- By: Gwen McElroy /s/ and best bidder, for cash, At MORTGAGE_AND CHAPTER 45 LOR are the Defendants, I ty, Florida in which Wells Deputy Clerk the lobby of the Levy County FINANCE, INC., a Tennes- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- will sell to the highest and Fargo Bank, N.A., succes- Pub.: Aug. 2, 9, 2012. Courthouse, Court Street, see corporation authorized EN Pursuant to a Final Judg- best bidder for cash are sor in interest to Wachovia ------Bronson, FL at 11:00 a.m., to transact business in ment of Foreclosure dated held in the BOCC meeting Mortgage, F.S.B. f/k/a World IN THE CIRCUIT COURT on September 10, 2012. Florida, July 20, 2012, and entered room in the Levy County Savings Bank, F.S.B., is the OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL DATED THIS 24th DAY OF Plaintiff, in Case No. 38-2011-CA- Courthouse at 355 S. Court Plaintiff and Scott Helmich, CIRCUIT OF THE STATE July, 2012. vs. 000152 of the Circuit Court Street, Bronson, Florida, at are de fendants, I will sell to OF FLORIDA,IN AND FOR Any person claiming an JEFFREY D. of the Eighth Judicial Cir- 11:00 a.m. on the 24th day of the highest and best bidder LEVY COUNTY interest in the surplus from NORDSTROM a/k/a cuit in and for Levy County, September, 2012, the follow- for cash in/on the BOCC CIVIL DIVISION the sale, if any, other than JEFFREY DEAN Florida in which Wells Fargo ing de scribed property as set Meeting Room of the Levy CASE NO. 38-2011-CA- the property owner as of the NORDSTROM and BREN- Bank, N.A., is the Plaintiff forth in said Order of Final County Courthouse, 355 S. 001163 date of the lis pendens, must DA K. NORDSTROM a/k/a and Elizabeth A. Newton Judg ment, to wit: Court St., Bronson, Florida FIRST FEDERAL BANK OF file a claim within 60 days af- BRENDA KAY a/k/a Elizabeth Swindle, is THE WEST HALF OF 32621, Levy County, Florida FLORIDA, ter the sale. NORDSTROM, husband the defendant, I will sell to THE FOLLOWING DE- at 11:00 AM on the 24th day Plaintiff, Witness, my hand and and wife, the highest and best bid- SCRIBED PROPERTY: of September, 2012, the fol- vs. seal of this court on the 24th Defendants. der for cash in/or the BOCC THAT PART OF THE lowing described property as CHARLES SCOTT A/K/A day of July, 2012. NOTICE OF SALE Meeting Room of the Levy NORTHEAST QUARTER set forth in said Final Judg- CHARLES S. SCOTT; UN- CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT NOTICE IS GIVEN that, in County Courthouse, 355 S. OF SECTION 24 TOWN- ment of Foreclosure: KNOWN SPOUSE OF COURT accordance with the Plain- Court St., Bronson, Florida SHIP II SOUTH. RANGE LOT 5, GRIFFIS SUB- CHARLES SCOTT A/K/A By: Gwen McElroy /s/ tiff’s Final Judgment of Fore- 32621, Levy County, Florida 13 EAST, LEVY COUNTY. DIVISION, ACCORDING CHARLES S. SCOTT; Deputy Clerk closure entered on July 20, at 11:00 AM on the 24th day FLORIDA BEING MORE TO THE PLAT THEREOF, WEAWDAO SCOTT A/K/A AMERICANS WITH DIS- 2012 in the above-styled of July, 2012, the following PARTICU LARLY DE- RECORDED IN PLAT WEAWDAO C. SCOTT; ABILITIES (ADA) RE- cause, I will sell to the high- described property as set SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BOOK 5, PAGE 10, OF UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF QUESTS FOR ACCOM- est and best bidder for cash forth in said Final Judgment COMMENCE AT THE THE PUBLIC RECORDS WEAWDAO SCOTT A/K/A MODATIONS FOR NOTICE on September 24, 2012 at of Foreclosure: NORTHEAST CORNER OF LEVY COUNTY, WEAWDAO C. SCOTT; IF OF COURT PROCEED- 11:00 A.M. (EST), in the LOT 19, BLOCK 1, OF SECTION 24 FOR A FLORIDA. LIVING, INCLUDING ANY INGS: If you are a person BOCC Meeting Room in the TISHOMINGO PLANTA- POINT OF REFERENCE A/K/A 210 NE 3RD ST, UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF with a disability who needs Levy County Courthouse, TION, ACCORDING TO THENCE RUN SOUTH 00 WILLISTON FL 32696- SAID DEFENDANT(S), IF any accommodation in or- located at 355 S. Court St., THE PLAT THEREOF DEGREES 19 MIN UTES 2222 REMARRIED, AND IF DE- der to participate in this pro- Bronson, Florida, the fol- AS RECORDED IN PLAT 20 SECONDS EAST Any person claiming an CEASED, THE RESPEC- ceeding, you are entitled, at lowing described property: BOOK 9, PAGE 27, OF ALONG THE EAST LINE interest in the surplus from TIVE UNKNOWN HEIRS, no cost to you, to the provi- Lots 13 and 14, Block THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAID SECTION FOR the sale, if any, other than DEVISEES, GRANTEES, sion of certain assistance. A, Libby Heights Mobile OF LEVY COUNTY, A DISTANCE OF 900.00 the property owner as of ASSIGNEES, CREDITORS, Please contact Ms. Jan Phil- Home Community, ac- FLORIDA. FEET; THENCE RUN the date of the Lis Pendens LIENORS, AND TRUS- lips, ADA Coordinator, Alach- cording to the map or plat TOGETHER WITH A MO- NORTH 89 DE GREES 51 must file a claim within 60 TEES, AND ALL OTHER ua County Family and Civil thereof, as recorded in BILE HOME AS A PERMA- MINUTES 14 SECONDS days after the sale. PERSONS CLAIMING BY, Justice Center, 201 East Plat Book 4, Page(s) 6, NENT FIXTURE AND AP- WEST A DISTANCE OF Dated in Levy County, THROUGH, UNDER OR University Avenue, Room of the Public Records of PURTENANCE THERE- 823.61 FEET TO A POINT Florida this 25th day AGAINST THE NAMED 410, Gainesville, FL 32601 Levy County, Florida. TO, DESCRIBED AS: A OF BEGINNING; FROM of July, 2012. DEFENDANT(S); UN- at (352) 337-6237 at least 7 Together with that cer- 2005 HOMES OF MERIT THE SAID POINT OF Clerk of the Circuit Court KNOWN TENANT #1; UN- days before your scheduled tain 2002 Fleetwood DOUBLEWIDE MOBILE BEGINNING CONTINUE Levy County, Florida KNOWN TENANT #2; court appear ance, or imme- Doublewide Mobile Home HOME BEARING IDENTI- NORTH 89 DEGREES 51 By: Gwen McElroy /s/ Defendant(s) diately upon receiving this Model # 0764T, Serial # FICATION NUMBERS FL- MINUTES 14 SECONDS Deputy Clerk NOTICE OF SALE notification if the time before GAFL275A74083CD21 HML2B155728659A AND WEST A DISTANCE OF If you are a person with a Notice is hereby given that, the sched uled appearance is and FLHML2B155728659B 270.00 FEET; THENCE disability who needs any pursuant to a Final Summa- less than 7 days; if you are GAFL275B74083CD21. AND TITLE NUM- RUN NORTH 00 DE- accommodation in order to ry Judgment of Foreclosure hearing or voice impaired, Property Address: 609 BERS 0092303051 AND GREES 20 MINUTES 50 participate in this proceed- entered in the above-styled call 711. Marshburn Dr., Bronson, 0092303000. SECONDS WEST A DIS- ing, you are entitled, at no cause, in the Circuit Court If you are deaf or hard of FL 32621. A/K/A 14191 NW 72ND TANCE OF 420.00 FEET; cost to you, to the provision of Levy County, Florida, I hearing and require an ASL ANY PERSON CLAIMING TERRACE, TRENTON, THENCE RUN SOUTH 89 of certain assistance. Per- will sell the property situate interpreter or an assisted AN INTEREST IN THE SUR- FL 32693-7374 DE GREES 51 MINUTES sons with a disability who in Levy County, Florida, de- listening device to partici- PLUS FROM THE SALE, IF Any person claiming an 14 SECONDS EAST, A need any accommodation scribed as: pate in a proceeding, please ANY, OTHER THAN THE interest in the surplus from DIS TANCE 0E270.00 in order to participate should Parcel 1 contact the Court Interpreter PROPERTY OWNER AS the sale, if any, other than FEET; THENCE RUN call Jan Phillips, ADA Coor- COMMENCE at the South- Program at inter preter@cir- OF THE DATE OF THE LIS www.levyjournalonline.com August 2, 2012 Your Locally-Owned County Paper of Record since 1923 The Levy County Journal 7B LEGAL NOTICES PENDENS MUST FILE A Pub.: July 26, Aug. 2, 2012. ty, Florida, Probate Division, Meetings & Event Calendar; IMPORTANT ------CLAIM WITHIN 60 DAYS ------the ad dress of which is Levy 1(800)423-1476 (FL only) or INFORMATION ABOUT BIDS AFTER THE SALE. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT County Courthouse, 355 (352)796-7211. YOUR DRINKING WATER ------Dated: July 24 2012. OF THE EIGHTH JUDI- South Court Street, Bron- Pursuant to the provision Otter Creek WTP Has REQUEST FOR DANNY J. SHIPP, CLERK CIAL CIRCUIT FOR LEVY son, FL 32621, of the Americans with Dis- Levels of Disinfection By- PROPOSALS LEVY COUNTY CIRCUIT COUNTY IN AND FOR THE The names and addresses abilities Act, any person Products Above Drinking Competitive sealed pro- COURT STATE OF FLORIDA of the personal representa- requiring reasonable ac- Water Standards posals will be received by By: Gwen McElroy /s/ PROBATE DIVISION tive and the per sonal repre- commodations to participate What happened? the Mid-Florida Area Agency Deputy Clerk CASE NUMBER: 3S-2012- sentative’s attor ney are set in this workshop/meeting is Our water system recently on Aging dba Elder Options (Court Seal) CP-0000103 forth below, asked to advise the agency violated a drinking water until 4:00 p.m. on Septem- Pub.: Aug. 2, 9, 2012. IN RE: THE ESTATE OF All creditors of the Dece- at least 5 days before the standard. Although this is not ber 26, 2012 for the provi------WILLIAM A. CHERICO dent and other persons workshop/meeting by con- an emergency, as our cus- sion of an array of home IN THE COUNTY COURT Deceased having claims or demands tacting SWFWMD’s Human tomers, you have a right to and community based sup- OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL NOTICE TO CREDITOR against Decedent’s estate, Resources Bureau Chief, know what happened, what portive, nutrition, and family CIRCUIT IN AND FOR The administration of the on whom a copy of this no- 2379 Broad Street, Brooks- you should do, and what we caregiver services under the LEVY COUNTY, FLORIDA estate of WILLIAM A. CHE- tice is required to be served, ville, Florida 34604-6899; are doing to correct this situ- Older Americans Act. Older CIVIL ACTION RICO, deceased, File num- must fi le their claims with this telephone (352) 796-7211, ation. Americans Act service pro- CASE NO. 38-2012-CC- ber: 38-2012- CP-0000103 court WITHIN THE LATER ext. 4702 or 1-800-423-1476 We routinely monitor for viders will be designated for 000241 is pending in the Circuit OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE (FL only), ext. 4702; TDD the presence of drinking wa- each county in Planning and CAPITAL CITY BANK, a Court for Levy County, Flor- TIME OF THE FIRST PUB- (FL only) 1-800-231-6103; or ter contaminants. Testing re- Service Area 3. These coun- Florida banking corporation, ida, Probate division, the ad- LICATION OF THIS NOTICE email to ADACoor dinator@ sults we received from sam- ties are: Alachua, Bradford, Plaintiff, dress of which is 355 South OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE swfwmd.state.fl.us. ples taken 5/15/12 show Citrus, Columbia, Dixie, Gil- vs. Court Street, Bronson FL DATE OF SERVICE OF A If any person decides to that our system ex ceeds christ, Hamilton, Hernan- LANGTON HILTON and 32621, and that the names COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON appeal any decision made the standards, or maximum do, Lafayette, Lake, Levy, EVA HILTON, and address of the personal THEM. by the Board/Committee contaminant lev els (MCL), Marion, Putnam, Sumter, Defendants. representative and personal All other creditors of the with respect to any matter for Disinfection By-Products Suwannee, and Union. The NOTICE OF ACTION representative’s attorney are Decedent and otter persons considered at this meeting (DBPs), which includes Total proposal package and ap- TO: set forth below. having claims or demands or hearing, he/she will need Triha lomethanes (TTHMs) plication instructions may be LANGTON HILTON ALL INTERESTED PER- against decedent’s estate to ensure that a verbatim and Haloacetic Acids [Five] obtained from Elder Options’ (last known address SONS ARE NOTIFIED must fi le their claims with this record of the proceeding is (HAA5s). The standard for offices on August 8, 2012 or P. 0. Box N - 4616 THAT: court WITHIN 3 MONTHS made, which record in cludes TTHMs is 80 micrograms per thereafter. Elder Options’ of- Nassau, Bahamas All persons on whom this AFTER THE DATE OF THE the testimony and evidence liter (μg/L) and the av erage fice is located at 5700 SW EVA HILTON notice is served who have FIRST PUBLICATION OF from which the appeal is to level of TTHMs over the 34 Street Suite 222, Gaines- (last known address objections that challenge THIS NOTICE. be issued. last year was 155.22 μg/L. ville, Florida. Elder Options P. O. Box N - 4616 the validity of the will, the ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED For more information, The standard for HAA5s is reserves the right to reject Nassau, Bahamas qualifications of the per sonal WITHIN THE TIME PERI- you may contact: Debby. 60 μg/L, the aver age level any and all proposals. YOU ARE NOTIFIED representative, venue, or ju- ODS SET FORTH IN Weeks@watermat ters.org of HAA5s over the last year A Bidders Conference will that a Complaint has been risdiction of this Court are re- SEC TION 733.702 OF 1(800)423-1476 (FL only) or was 60.22 μg/L. be conducted concerning filed against you in LEVY quired to file their ob jections THE FLORIDA PROBATE (352)796-7211, x4751 (Ad What should I do? this Request for Proposals County, Florida and you are with this Court WITHIN LAT- CODE WILL BE FOREVER Order EXE0222). Some people who drink wa- at 2:00 p.m. on August 24, required to serve a copy of ER OF THREE MONTHS BARRED. Pub.: Aug. 2, 2012. ter containing TTHMs in ex- 2012. Interested parties are your written defenses, if any, AFTER THE DATE OF THE NOTWITHSTANDING THE ------cess of the MCL over many encouraged to attend the to it on GREGORY V. BEAU- FIRST PUBLICATION OF TIME PERIOD SET FORTH NOTICE OF years may experience prob- Bidders Conference at the CHAMP, P.A., the Plaintiff’s THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED PUBLIC MEETING lems with their liver, kidneys, following location: attorney, whose address is DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF TWO The Southwest Florida or central nervous system, Elder Options P. O. Box 1129, Chiefland, SERVICE OF A COPY OF (2) YEARS OR MORE AF- Water Management District and may have an increased 5700 SW 34 Street FL 32644, on or before thirty THIS NOTICE ON THEM. TER THE DECEDENT’S (SWFWMD) announces the risk of getting cancer. Suite 222 (30) days from date of first All creditors of the dece- DATE OF DEATH IS following public meeting to Some people who drink Gainesville, Florida publication of this Notice, dent and other persons BARRED. which all interested persons water containing HAA5s Correspondence concerning and file the original with having claims or demands The date of fi rst publica- are invited: in excess of the MCL over this Request for Proposals the clerk of this court either against decedent’s estate tion of this notice is: August SWFWMD Governing many years may have an should be addressed to: before service on the plain- on whom a copy of this no- 2, 2012. Board Audit Committee increased risk of getting can- Ms. Janet Kreischer, tiff’s attorney or immediately tice is served within three /s/ Julie Grizzle Meeting: Consider com- cer. Home and Community thereafter; oth erwise a de- months after the date of the Personal Representative mittee business including Any customers who are Based Program fault will be en tered against first publication of this notice P. O. Box 1031 review and evaluation of concerned about their ex- Coordinator you for the relief demanded must file their claims with this Bronson, FL 32621 proposals from independent posure to DBPs may choose Elder Options in the complaint or petition. Court. WITHIN LATER OF /s/ Gregory V. Beauchamp financial auditing firms. A alternative sources of water 5700 SW 34 Street DATED on July 17, 2012. THREE MONTHS AFTER GREGORY V. portion of the meeting may for ingestion. Suite 222 (COURT SEAL) THE DATE OF THE FIRST BEAUCHAMP, P.A. be closed to the public if oral What does this mean? Gainesville, Florida DANNY SHIPP, PUBLICATION OF THIS Attorney for Personal presentations are re quested This is not an immediate 32608 CLERK OF COURT NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS Representative from the firms. Governing risk. If it had been, you would (352) 378-6649 By: S Smith /s/ AFTER THE DATE OF SER- Florida Bar No. 178770 Board members may attend. have been notified immedi- Pub.: Aug. 2, 2012. Deputy Clerk VICE OF A COPY OF THIS P. O. Box 1129 DATE/TIME: Wednesday, ately. ------Pub.: July 26, Aug. 2, 2012. NOTICE ON THEM. Chiefl and, FL 32644 August 22, 2012; 10 a.m. What is being done? INVITATION TO BID ------All other creditors of the de- (352) 493-1458. PLACE: SWFWMD Tampa This is what we are doing NOTICE IS HEREBY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT cedent and persons hav ing Pub.: Aug. 2, 9, 2012. Service Office, 7601 US to lower our DBPs levels: GIVEN THAT THE BOARD IN AND FOR LEVY claims or demands against ------Highway 301 North, Tampa We are flushing the system. OF COUNTY COMMIS- COUNTY, FLORIDA the decedent’s es tate must NOTICE UNDER FL 33637 We are reducing the chlo- SIONERS OF LEVY COUN- PROBATE DIVISION file their claims with this FICTITIOUS NAME LAW A copy of the agenda may rine residual to help reduce TY, FLORIDA, hereby calls File Number: 38-2012-CP- Court WITHIN THREE - Pursuant to Section be obtained by contacting: DBPs. We are increasing for and re quests sealed bids 000101 MONTHS AFTER THE 865.09(3)(d), WaterMatters.org – Boards, sampling for DBPs. We will for: IN RE: ESTATE OF: DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- Florida Statutes Meetings & Event Calendar; inform you when additional PROFESSIONAL EVELENA FRAZIER HILL LICATION Of THIS NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- 1(800)423-1476 (FL only) or samples show levels of SERVICES AS GENERAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL CLAIMS AND DE- EN that the undersigned, de- (352)796-7211. DBPs below the MCLs. We ENGINEERING The administration of the MANDS NOT SO FILED siring to engage in business Pursuant to the provision have an engineer evaluat- CONSULTANT TO THE estate of Evelena Frazier WILL BE FOREVER under the fictitious name of: of the Americans with Dis- ing the situation. He will be GEORGE T. LEWIS Hill, deceased, File Num- BARRED. THE DATE OF MANATEE SPRINGS abilities Act, any person making a recommendation (CEDAR KEY) AIRPORT ber 39-2012-CP-000101 is THE FIRST PUBLICATION GENERAL STORE requiring reasonable ac- in the coming weeks. There Submittal Deadline: pending in the Circuit Court OF THIS NOTICE is August In the County of: LEVY, commodations to participate are several options avail able August 17th, 2012 for Levy County, FL, Pro- 2, 2012. Address: 11490 NW 115 St. in this workshop/meeting is to us. 2:00 p.m. EST bate Division, the address Personal Representative: In the City of: Chiefland, asked to advise the agency For more information, Detailed information and of which is 355 S. Court St., LINDA M. CYCAN Florida 32626 at least 5 days before the please contact the town specifications on the above Bronson, FL 32621. The Attorney for Personal Intends to register the said workshop/meeting by con- clerk, Rose Severino, at may be obtained by contact- names and addresses of the Representative: name with the Division of tacting SWFWMD’s Human Town Hall (352) 486-4766. ing: personal representative and SMITH LAW FIRM, LLC Corporations of the Florida Resources Bureau Chief, Please share this informa- Fred Moody, the personal representa- /s/ B. LARRY SMITH, Department of State, Talla- 2379 Broad Street, Brooks- tion with all the other people County Coordinator tive’s attorney are set forth ESQUIRE hassee, Florida. ville, Florida 34604-6899; who drink this water, espe- Levy County Board of below. FBN 152687 Dated at Chiefland, Florida telephone (352) 796-7211, cially those who may not County Commissioners All creditors of the dece dent B. SHANNON SMITH, This 26th day of July, 2012 ext. 4702 or 1-800-423-1476 have received this notice di- 355 South Court Street and other persons having ESQUIRE OWNER: Danny Kinnaird (FL only), ext. 4702; TDD rectly (for example, people in Bronson, FL 32621 claims or demands against FBN: 22028 Pub.: Aug. 2, 2012 (FL only) 1-800-231-6103; or apartments, nursing homes, Phone (352) 486-5219 decedent’s estate, includ- Counsel for Personal ------email to ADACoor dinator@ schools, and busi nesses). E-Mail: ing unmatured, con tingent Representative NOTICE OF swfwmd.state.fl.us. You can do this by posting [email protected] or unliquidated claims, on 322 East Park Avenue PUBLIC MEETING If any person decides to ap- this notice in a pub lic place Pub.: July 26, Aug. 2, 2012. whom a copy of this notice is Chiefland FL 32626 The Southwest Florida peal any decision made by or distributing cop ies by ------served, must file their claims 352-490-5353 Water Management District the Committee with re spect hand or mail. with this Court WITHIN THE Fax 352-490-5337 (SWFWMD) announces the to any matter consid ered at This notice is being sent to LATER OF 3 MONTHS AF- Pub.: Aug. 2, 9, 2012. following public meeting to this meeting or hearing, he/ you by Otter Creek WTP TER THE DATE OF THE ------which all interested persons she will need to ensure that State Public Water System FIRST PUBLICATION OF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT are invited: a verbatim re cord of the pro- ID#: 2380854 THTS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL Joint Industrial and Pub- ceeding is made, which re- Date distributed: July 31, AFTER THE DATE OF SER- CIRCUIT IN AND FOR lic Supply Advisory Com- cord in cludes the testimony 2012 VICE OF A COPY OF THIS LEVY COUNTY, FLORIDA mittee meeting: To discuss and evidence from which the Pub.: Aug. 2, 2012. NOTICE ON THEM, PROBATE DIVISION committee busi ness. Gov- appeal is to be issued. All other creditors of the de- File Number: 38-2012-CP- erning Board Members may For more information, you cedent and persons hav ing 000109 attend. may contact: Christy.Au- claims or demands against IN RE: ESTATE OF DATE/TIME: Tuesday, Au- licino@water matters.org; the decedent’s es tate, in- JUNIOR GRIZZLE, gust 14, 2012; 1 p.m. (this 1(800)423-1476 (FL only) or cluding unmatured, contin- Deceased. is a change of time from the (352)796-7211, x4132 (Ad gent and unliquidated claims, NOTICE TO CREDITORS published calen dar) Order EXE0223). must file their claims with this The administration of the PLACE: SWFWMD Tampa Pub.: Aug. 2, 2012. Court WITHIN 3 MONTHS Estate of JUNIOR GRIZZLE, Service Office, 7601 US ------AFTER THE DATE OF THE Deceased, whose date of Highway 301 North, Tampa FIRST PUBLICATION OF death was April 17, 2012; FL 33637 THIS NOTICE. File Number 38-2012-CP- A copy of the agenda may ALL CLAIMS NOT SO 000109, is pending in the be obtained by contacting: FILED WILL BE FOREVER Circuit Court for Levy Coun- WaterMatters.org – Boards, BARRED. The date of the first publi- cation of this notice is July 26, 2012. LIVE BAND Personal. Representative: on weekends 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Maude L. Williams 7 DAYS A WEEK BRONSON 7 DAYS A WEEK P.O. Box 903 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. 7 DAYS A WEEK 1/4 mi. N of Wal-Mart on RESTAURANT Williston, FL 32696 310 Dock Street, Cedar Key East side of US 19, Chiefl and 157 N. Hathaway Ave., Bronson John C. Trentelman, Attorney at Law 352-543-5738 352-490-4906 352-486-3880 207 N. Magnolia Ave. ALL YOU CAN EAT SEAFOOD ALL YOU CAN EAT SEAFOOD ALL YOU CAN EAT SEAFOOD Ocala, FL. 34475 Friday Night 5 to 10 p.m. 352-732-6977 All day Everyday Friday & Saturday Night 5 to 10 p.m. Florida Bar No. 176581 Crab Legs • Catfi sh • Fried Shrimp • Boiled Shrimp • Breaded Fish Fingers • Mullet • Clam Strips • Stuffed Crab

www.levyjournalonline.com 8B The Levy County Journal Your Locally-Owned County Paper of Record since 1923 August 2, 2012 Obituaries continued from page 4B He is survived by his wife Rita of 36 years; McCorkle. a son Tim Bush of Gainesville and daughter Curry Funeral Home, Alum Creek, WV is Amanda Bush of Archer; two grandsons, in charge of arrangements. Joshua Bush and Kaiden Bush; one brother FRANCES B. HUDSON Daniel (Frankie), and a very dear friend James Elizabeth’s September 1, 1921 – July 25, 2012 Hodges, along with many cousins. Frances Barnett Hudson, formerly of KITCHEN A Memorial Service will be held August Chiefl and, Florida, passed away on July 25, 4, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. in Williston, FL at the 2012 in Kansas City, Missouri at the age of 90. SLOPPY BBQ JOES AMVETS Post 444 off Hwy 27. In lieu of Frances was born in Melrose, Florida on 1 lb. ground beef fl owers the family requests donations be made September 1, 1921 to Effi e Mai (Mack) and 1 small onion to Th e Gainesville Fisher House, P.O. Box Hugh Barnett. She married Horace Hudson 1 cup barbecue sauce 358296, Gainesville, FL 32635; 352-514-9761. in Gainesville on August 22, 1940. Th ey lived 1 -15 oz can spicy chili beans, Add a EVELYN MCCORMICK in Gainesville and Miami before settling in undrained small amount of oil to a skillet and cook October 28, 1921 – July 25, 2012 Chiefl and in 1973. Frances moved to Kansas 12 sandwich buns meatballs on medium heat until brown, Evelyn McCormick was born in Ivy Branch, City in 2008. Cheddar cheese turning frequently. Drain and add pizza Lincoln County, West Virginia on October 28, She was a member of the First United sauce. Reduce heat, cover and simmer 1921. She was a lifelong resident of McCorkle, Methodist Church of Chiefl and and attended In a large nonstick skillet, brown ground West Virginia. She has been a member of the North Oak Christian Church in Kansas City. until meatballs are cooked through. beef and onion over medium heat until McCorkle Free Will Baptist Church for as Mrs. Hudson was preceded in death by her Place 4 meatballs in each hoagie bun, thoroughly cooked. Drain. long as anyone living can remember. She was husband and her sister Mary Ferguson. spoon sauce over and sprinkle with cheese. Add barbecue sauce and chili beans, a professional homemaker. She passed away She is survived by her son and daughter- whole or crushed.. Mix well. Reduce heat HAMBURGER STEW in Florida on Wednesday July 25, 2012 three in-law, Horace, Jr and Irma of Kansas to low and simmer until slightly thickened. 1 lb. ground beef months before her 91st birthday. City, Missouri; grandchildren Raymond of 1/2 cup chopped onion Mrs. McCormick was preceded in death Livermore, , and Nancy of New Spoon onto bottom halves of buns and 1 cup diced tomatoes (14.5 oz) by her husband John D. McCormick; her York, NY; brother Hugh of Rock Hill, SC and sprinkle with cheese. 1 jar of home-style beef gravy daughter Brenda Joyce McCormick Hunter; loving relatives and friends in North Florida ITALIAN MEATBALL SUBS 1 1/2 cups diced peeled potatoes her parents Van Buren and Lola (Dunlap) and Kansas City. 1/2 lb. ground beef 1 cup carrot strips Pauley; her sister Juanita Huff man and her Frances loved a good book, a family BBQ 1/2 lb. Italian sausage 1 cup green beans brother Billy Pauley. dinner, any parade with Mickey Mouse, and 1/4 cup bread or cracker crumbs

Survivors are two children, Delilah the natural beauty of Florida, in particular the 1 small onion chopped Lightly oil large skillet and brown and husband Ron Scott and J.D. and Pam Suwannee River, and the crashing waves of 1 (14 ounce) can tomato sauce ground beef and onion. Drain. McCormick; two brothers, Junior and the ocean. Frances always looked forward in 1 can tomato paste To be sure all the vegetables are soft, Kat Pauley and Pete and Nancy Pauley; life, encouraging her family to be happy and 1 can (15 ounce) pizza sauce cook in a small amount of water then add six grandchildren: Greta McHugh, Deah embrace life. Hoagie buns to the ground beef mixture along with Calloway, Shara Bevin, Myron Scott, Shani A Memorial Service will be held at 11:00 the gravy. Mix well. Bring to a boil then Brinkman and Brandon McCormick; 16 a.m. on August 10 at the Hiers-Baxley Funeral In a medium bowl combine ground beef, reduce to low and simmer until vegetables great-grandchildren: Nathanael, Hannah, Levi Home, 1301 N. Young Blvd in Chiefl and. sausage, crumbs, onion and egg. Mix well. and Raechel Brinkman; Cheyenne, Courtney, Memorial contributions may be made to the are very tender. Shape into 16 meatballs. Cameron and Caera McCormick; Grace First United Methodist Church, 707 N. Main and Olivia McHugh; Jonathan Hutchinson; Street, Chiefl and, FL 32626 or to North Bradley, Brandon and Braden Bevin; Evan Oak Christian Church, 9900 North Oak www.knauff funeralhomes.com companion of 30 years, Alice Mosley of and Peirson Scott; many nieces and nephews Traffi cway, Kansas City, MO 64155. Arrangements are under the care of Knauff Chiefl and; 2 sisters, Madge Casey and Virgil Funeral Home in Chiefl and. Burger of Gulf Hammock and Geneva and ( including Lisa Lewis, Van Pauley, Kathy EDWARD HILLJE Robert Wingo of Jacksonville; a brother, Jesse Buckland and Phyllis Dunlap; many fellow September 16, 1928 – July 28, 2012 RALPH WALLACE KEENE M. Keene, Jr., of Jacksonville;, and several church members and friends including her Edward Hillje passed away on July 28, 2012 November 21, 1939 – July 29, 2012 loving nieces and nephews. friends and pastor from First Baptist Church in at his home in Cedar Key, Florida at the age Ralph Wallace A Graveside Service will be held on Friday, Cedar Key, Florida. of 83. He was born on September 16, 1928 in Keene of Chiefl and August 3, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. at Newberry Mother so eloquently wrote her own funeral Rhode Island. He moved to this area about passed away Cemetery with Pastor Sam Bennett and sermon as she went along. Written on the 16 years ago from Ocala and was a member of on Sunday, Ralph’s nephew Doni Keene offi ciating. simple pages of a pure and gentle Christian the Church of Christ. Among many things he July 29, 2012 Visitation will be one hour prior to the service life. worked as radio operator. He loved life as he at the Malcom at the graveside. Interment to follow the Local arrangements are under the care of enjoyed passing out mints around town. Randall V.A. service. Hiers-Baxley Funeral Services, 1301 N. Young Mr. Hillje was preceded in death by his wife Medical Center in Arrangements under the care of Watson Blvd., Chiefl and, FL 32626, 352-493-0050. of 35 years, Jennie. Gainesville, Florida Funeral Home, 426 W. Wade Street, Trenton, On line condolences may be sent through our He is survived by his son, Joseph Hillje; his at the age of 72. FL. 32693 (352) 463-8888. website at www.hiers-baxley.com daughter, Kathy Wright (Glenn); his sister, Ralph was born on November 21, 1939 in Online condolences may be sent through our Visitation will be at the McCorkle Free Jackie Norwich; four grandchildren and seven Newberry, Florida, to Jesse M. Keene, Sr. and website at www.watsonfhtrenton.com Will Baptist Church, McCorkle, WV on great-grandchildren. Essie Trammell Keene. He moved to Chiefl and Wednesday August 1, 2012 from 6 to 7 p.m. Th e family will have a memorial service at a 12 years ago from Jacksonville. with Graveside service following at 7:30 at later date. On line condolences can be left at Mr. Keene served in the BRONSON SELF STORAGE the Pine Grove Baptist Church Cemetery in U.S. Army during the Korean confl ict. Ralph loved the outdoors Cameras, John got in the game OUTDOOR especially hunting and fi shing. NEW Lighting with a wide range of He was a Master Mason at the sports, movies and Solmon Lodge in Jacksonville. STORAGE & 24/7 Access more & saved up .00 to $750! Mr. Keene retired as a $25 and up Packages start at just commercial electrician. He was of the Baptist faith. 500 Commerce St., He is survived by his Bronson, FL 32621 352-486-2121

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