European Imperialism
Quotes Basics Science History Social Other Search h o m e e u r o p e a n i m p e r i a l i s m c o n t e n t s Hinduism remains a vibrant, cultural and religious force in the world today. To understand Hinduism, it is necessary that we examine its history and marvel at its sheer stamina to survive in spite of repeated attacks across India's borders, time and again, by Greeks, Shaks, Huns, Arabs, Pathans, Mongols, Portuguese, British etc. India gave shelter, acceptance, and freedom to all. But, in holy frenzy, millions of Hindus were slaughtered or proselytized. Their cities were pillaged and burnt, temples were destroyed and accumulated treasures of centuries carried off. Even under grievous persecutions from the ruling foreigners, the basics of its civilization remained undefiled and, as soon as the crises were over Hindus returned to the same old ways of searching for the perfection or the unknown. Introduction The history of what is now India stretches back thousands of years, further than that of nearly any other region on earth. Yet, most historical work on India concentrates on the period after the arrival of Europeans, with predictable biases, distortions, and misapprehensions. Many overviews of Indian history offer a few cursory opening chapters that take the reader from Mohenjo-daro to the arrival of the Moghuls and the Europeans. India's history is ancient and abundant. The profligacy of monuments so testifies it and so does a once-lost civilization, the Harappan in the Indus valley, not to mention the annals commissioned by various conquerors.
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