Universit`aCattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC) Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sui Sistemi (AIRS) http://www.airs.it Email: gianfranco.minati@airs.it Settimo Congresso Nazionale di Sistemica Seventh National Conference on Systems Science Sistemica dell'Incompletezza e Quasi-Sistemi Systemics of Incompleteness and Quasi-Systems RIASSUNTI ABSTRACTS Lezione introduttiva di / Opening Lecture by Giuseppe Longo, Ecole´ Normale Sup´erieure,Paris Importance of Negative Results in Science. The Role of Past Histories and Rare Events in Systems of Life Sede del Convegno: Universit`aCattolica del Sacro Cuore Largo Gemelli, 1 { 20123 Milano, Italy Gioved`ı16 - Venerd`ı17 Novembre 2017 Thursday 16 th - Friday 17th November, 2017 In memoria del / In memory of Professor George J. Klir DEDICATION Questo Congresso `ededicato alla memoria del Prof. George J. Klir, uno dei pi`ugrandi scienziati che la Sistemica possa vantare. Klir era nato a Praga il 22 Aprile del 1932 ed `emorto a Binghamton, nello stato di New York, il 27 Maggio 2016. L'elenco dei suoi contributi alla Sistemica, degli incarichi da lui ricoperti e dei riconoscimenti accademici da lui ricevuti `etalmente lungo che sarebbe impossibile condensarlo nelle poche parole di questa dedica. Alcuni nomi dei domini in cui Klir aveva lavorato, pi`uche come contributore come un vero e proprio creatore, bastano da soli a dar conto della dimensione dei suoi interessi e della sua vulcanica attivit`a:modellizzazione e simulazione dei sistemi, progettazione logica dei sistemi, architettura dei computer, matematica discreta, sistemi intelligenti, teoria dei fuzzy sets, logica fuzzy, teoria delle misure generalizzate, soft computing. La sua attivit`aaccademica `estata anch'essa assai intensa: moltissimi studenti e studiosi hanno imparato la Sistemica sui 17 libri da lui scritti e, diventato direttore del Department of Systems Science nella sede di Binghamton della New York State University, ha seguito come tutor ben 30 dottorandi. E` stato anche fondatore e direttore dell'International Journal of General Systems. In breve, George Klir `eda annoverare tra i "creatori" della Sistemica attuale. Tuttavia la cosa forse pi`uimportante da ricordare `eche George `estato anche una persona straordinaria, dotata di qualit`aumane eccezionali. Chi ha condi- viso con lui alcuni momenti della propria vita lo ricorda come uomo gentile e nello stesso tempo aperto verso tutti gli aspetti della vita e del mondo, ca- pace di discutere di un teorema matematico e nello stesso tempo di interessarsi attivamente di pittura, grande conoscitore della vita e ricco di straordinaria es- perienza umana. Ben lontano dall'immagine tradizionale dello scienziato, era capace di impegnarsi in vere e proprie avventure, come la traversata a nuoto del lago Oneida, la discesa del fiume Colorado lungo il Grand Canyon, la visita della base Antartica non lontano dal Polo Sud, il percorso a piedi in Nepal fino al campo base dell'Everest (raggiungendo i 5437 m del Kala Pattar). In sin- tesi, Klir `estato un "grande maestro" di scienza e di vita, una figura cui ben possono ispirarsi gli attuali cultori della Sistemica, ben rappresentati in questo Congresso. Eliano Pessa 1 2 INDICE / INDEX Dedication 1 Indice / Index 3 Chi siamo / About us 4 Tematica del Congresso 5 Conference Theme 7 References 8 I Temi 10 Topics 10 Comitato Scientifico / Scientific Committee 11 Lavori / Papers 12 Opening Lectures 14 Riassunti / Abstracts 16 Activity of the European Union for Systemics (EUS - UES) 37 3 CHI SIAMO / ABOUT US L'Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sui Sistemi (AIRS) (http://www.airs.it) `estata fondata nel 1996. L'AIRS `euna rete di accademici, scienziati, ricerca- tori e professionisti operanti nel campo della Sistemica. Una lista parziale delle discipline rappresentate `e: - Architettura - Educazione - Ingegneria - Musica - Biologia - Filosofia - Matematica - Neuroscienze - Economia - Fisica - Medicina - Psicologia The Italian Systems Society (AIRS) (http://www.airs.it) was founded in 1996. AIRS is a network of academics, scientists, researchers and professionals involved with Systemics. The list of disciplines represented includes: - Architecture - Education - Medicine - Philosophy - Biology - Engineering - Music - Physics - Economics - Mathematics - Neuroscience - Psychology I congressi hanno avuto come relatori invitati i Professori Arecchi, Haken, Klir e Kauffman. Previous AIRS conferences have had distinguished plenary lecturers including Professors Arecchi, Haken, Klir and Kauffman. Gli atti dei congressi sono stati pubblicati come: The list of published proceedings includes: 1. Minati, G., Abram, M. and Pessa, E., (Eds.), (2016), Towards a Post- Bertalanffy Systemics. Springer, New York. 2. Minati, G., Abram, M. and Pessa, E., (Eds.), (2012), Methods, Mod- els, Simulations and Approaches. Towards a General Theory of Change. World Scientific, Singapore. 3. Minati, G., Abram, M. and Pessa, E., (Eds.), (2009), Processes of Emer- gence of Systems and Systemic Properties. Towards a General Theory of Emergence. World Scientific, Singapore. 4. Minati, G., Pessa, E. and Abram, M., (Eds.), (2006), Systemics of Emer- gence: Research and Applications. Springer, New York. 5. Minati, G. and Pessa, E., (Eds.), (2002), Emergence in Complex Cognitive, Social and Biological Systems. Kluwer, New York. 6. Minati, G., (Ed.), (1998), Proceedings of the First Italian Conference on Systemics. Apogeo Scientifica, Milano, Italy. 4 TEMATICA DEL CONGRESSO L'incompletezza `ela libert`adel divenire I modelli classici della Sistemica hanno la finalit`adi rappresentare comple- tamente aspetti di fenomeni e processi, come il moto di un pendolo oppure il funzionamento di un amplificatore. Riguardano cio`ei fenomeni nella loro com- pletezza temporale e spaziale. L'eventuale incompletezza della modellizzazione pu`oavere natura provviso- ria o pratica in quanto ancora in fase di studio e perch´evi sono ragioni teoriche per cui la modellizzazione non possa essere completa. In linea di principio ci`o riguarda fenomeni non complessi, affrontabili con i concetti della prima Sistem- ica, [1,2,3,4]. Sono stati gi`aintrodotti in letteratura concetti ed approcci riguardanti con- testi e processi per i quali la modellizzazione di sistemi possa non essere con- cettualmente esaustiva [5]. Ricordiamo innanzi tutto i fuzzy sets e la fuzzy logic [6,7] per i quali tuttavia l'incompletezza `esolo di natura probabilistica. Si ha a che fare con una probabilit`aclassica, calcolabile. La probabilit`acerta `eintesa qui come caratterizzata da possibili, significativi valori estremi, ad esempio minimo o massimo, del divenire fenomenologico di ogni processo, ed `ecalcolabile, ad esempio, tramite il teorema di Bayes. Per probabilit`aincerta si intendeuna probabilit`anon computabile riferendosi alla non prevedibilit`adei processi, per esempio, di emergenza che non possono essere completamente modellati in modo esplicito e univoco. Alcuni fenomeni, poi, sono da modellizzare prendendo in considerazione eventualmente sistemi aventi modelli molteplici che dipendono degli aspetti considerati, come elettrici e meccanici, economici e sociologici, biologici e psi- cologici, essendo la loro coerenza un tema sistemico di fondo [8], che inoltre riguarda la loro completezza o esaustivit`a,come considerato dal Dynamic Us- age of Models (DYSAM) [9, pp. 64{75] e dalla logical openness [10,11]. Altro invece `eil caso occorrente quando l'incompletezza `eintrinseca, teorica [12] e riguarda la non modellizzabilit`aintrinseca perch´el'incompletezza `euna caratteristica stessa del processo in studio. Consideriamo qui contesti e processi per i quali la modellizzazione tramite sistemi `eincompleta, dato che interessa solo alcune propriet`a,e quelli per cui `eteoricamente incompleta, come nel caso dei processi di emergenza e degli approcci della Seconda Sistemica [1]. Un esempio di tale incompletezza riguarda sistemi multipli, sovrapposti e variabili nel tempo, come nel caso dei comportamenti collettivi, che mantengono coerenza a fronte di una dinamica strutturale continua, caratterizzata da correlazioni e invarianza di scala [13]. Al riguardo si utilizza il concetto generico di quasi esplicitante tale incom- pletezza. Il concetto di quasi `eusato in vari ambiti disciplinari come i quasi- cristalli, le quasi-particelle, i quasi-electric fields, e la quasi-periodicit`a. Pos- siamo inoltre prendere in considerazione il concetto di quasi-sistemi [14]. In 5 generale il concetto di quasit`aper i sistemi riguarda il loro continuo cambia- mento strutturale, sempre meta-stabile, in attesa di eventi per collassare su altre configurazioni e stabilit`apossibili, la cui equivalenza o meno `elegata al tipo di fenomeno in studio. Il concetto di quasit`anon interessa per il suo significato di approssimativit`a,ma perch´eindicante una incompletezza strutturalmente sufficiente per ospitare processi di emergenza e mantenere coerenza o generarne livelli nuovi, equivalenti o meno. La quasit`ariguarda anche approcci come quelli dei modelli a rete, in questo caso quasi-reti. Un concetto correlato `equello di sloppiness teorica nei modelli in fisica, biologia e altro [15]. L'attenzione `esul transiente, sulla molteplicit`ae sulla coerenza che garantis- cono consistenza. Inoltre si vuole sottolineare come l'incompletezza teorica, la non-modellizzabilit`acompleta, cio`enon esaurita da singoli modelli, di processi e fenomeni vada esplorata come convivenza concettuale di approcci diversi, non tanto con lo scopo di esaurire ma di rappresentare concettualmente la
December 2007 Issue 5 ISSN 1553-3069 Table of Contents Editorial A Time of Transition ................................................................ 1 Jonathan Reams Peer Reviewed Works The Evolution of Consciousness as a Planetary Imperative: An Integration of Integral Views ............................................................. 4 Jennifer Gidley Editorially Reviewed Works Towards an Integral Critical Theory of the Present Age ..................... 227 Martin Beck Matuštík Illuminating the Blind Spot: An Overview and Response to Theory U ............................................ 240 Jonathan Reams Sent to Play on the Other Team ........................................................... 260 Josef San Dou Art and the Future: An Interview with Suzi Gablik ............................. 263 Russ Volckmann cont'd next page ISSN 1553-3069 Reactivity to Climate Change .............................................................. 275 Jan Inglis Developing Integral Review: IR Editors Reflect on Meta-theory, the Concept of "Integral," Submission Acceptance Criteria, our Mission, and more............................................................................................... 278 IR Editors ISSN 1553-3069 Editorial A Time of Transition As we welcome you to the fifth semi-annual issue of Integral Review (IR), I would like to point to signs that mark a time of transition for this journal. Some are small, like shifting our table of contents headings to more clearly identify which works are peer reviewed, and changing the spacing between articles’ paragraphs. Others are more obvious, like the ability and willingness to publish even longer works than previously, in addition to the ongoing array of works published. Some transitions are in process and less visible. For example, we are working to evolve IR’s structure to reflect its degree of engagement from others, and making behind the scene shifts in our ability to better understand and realize the goals we set out to accomplish.
FOREWORD EDGAR MORIN’S PATH OF COMPLEXITY ALFONSO MONTUORI Ndlr: A Montuori et l’éditeur de ‘On Complexity’ nous autorisent à reprender ici le texte anglais de la préface de l’ouvrage d’Edgar Morin qu’ils publient « ON COMPLEXITY » The reform in thinking is a key anthropological and historical problem. This implies a mental revolution of considerably greater proportions than the Copernican revolution. Never before in the history of humanity have the responsibilities of thinking weighed so crushingly on us. Does knowing that knowledge cannot be guaranteed by a foundation not mean that we have already acquired a first fundamental knowledge? And should this not lead us to abandon the architectural metaphor, in which the term “foundation” assumes an indispensable meaning, in favor of a musical metaphor of construction in movement that transforms in its very movement the constitutive elements that form it? And might we not also consider the knowledge of knowledge as a construction in movement? We need a kind of thinking that reconnects that which is disjointed and compartmentalized, that respects diversity as it recognizes unity, and that tries to discern interdependencies. We need a radical thinking (which gets to the root of problems), a multidimensional thinking, and an organizational or systemic thinking. History has not reached a stagnant end, nor is it triumphantly marching towards the radiant future. It is being catapulted into an unknown adventure. Edgar Morin: A Biblio-biography Perhaps the best way to provide a contextual introduction to Morin’s work is through an outline of his intellectual trajectory, in the form of a “biblio-biography.” A review of Morin’s journey helps us, I believe, to better understand the man and his mission in the essays that follow.
SOCIO-ECONOMIC SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES SYNOPSIS OF FP7 PROJECTS 2011 - 2012 Provisional addendum to the synopsis "European Research Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities – List of projects 2007-2010 in the 7th Framework Programme" 2010, EUR 24470 EN, ISBN 978-92-79-16227-5, doi: 10.2777/87149, 316 pages http://ec.europa.eu/research/social-sciences/pdf/synopsis-fp7-ssh-projects_en.pdf Complete version including all FP7 SSH projects to be published in 2014 1 2 INTRODUCTION Within the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research and technological development (2007-2013), the Theme 8 “Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities” aims at mobilising European research in economic, political and social sciences and in the humanities in order to develop an understanding of EU relevant policy issues. These domains are: Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society: European research in socio-economic sciences and the humanities must support policies aimed at achieving competitive, innovative scieties that can create quality jobs. Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective: This area addresses the need to sustain cohesive societies while accepting the scale of environmental challenges, which must be seen as a risk but also as an opportunity. Major trends in society and their implications: Research is needed to understand and facilitate strategies to tackle social changes like ageing populations, migration and multicultural societies. Europe in the world: Social sciences and the humanities can improve our understanding of the new multipolar worl and Europe's role in it. The citizen in the European Union: The issues addressed in this area relate to the development of European democracies, to the rights and obligations of European citizens and to the shared values in a diverse Union.
Identity Crisis in Italy This Page Intentionally Left Blank IDENTITY CRISIS in ITALY
168 25 168 Spurred by ongoing conflicts between city-states and the nobility, unification for Italy was a gradual and difficult process. While such divisions shortly subsided to allow the peninsula to become unified, Italy has always been troubled by the difficulties of cultivating a national identity. Identity Crisis Throughout the past and in the present, Italy has been a nation of division. But recently this division has become deeper because of the growing differences between the various parts of the country caused by ITALY IN DENTITY CRISIS unresolved political, institutional, economic and secu- rity problems. The need for academic discourse on the in Italy division encouraged scholars to cooperate and identify the most important causes and elements of the Ital- ian identity crisis such as the political crisis caused by feelings of lack, instability or injustice, the economic 238 and financial crises leading to the erosion of social cohesion and the insecurity linked to immigration. This book presents the result of this dialogue. Fanni Tanács-Mandák (ed.): I (ed.): Tanács-Mandák Fanni The work was created in commission of the National University of Public Service under the priority project PACSDOP-2.1.2- CCHOP-15-2016-00001 entitled “Public Service Development Establishing Good Governance.” Edited by: FANNI TANÁCS-MANDÁK European Social Fund INVESTING IN YOUR FUTURE Identity Crisis in Italy This page intentionally left blank IDENTITY CRISIS IN ITALY Edited by Fanni Tanács-Mandák Dialóg Campus Budapest, 2019 The work was created in commission of the National University of Public Service under the priority project PACSDOP-2.1.2- CCHOP-15-2016-00001 entitled “Public Service Development Establishing Good Governance”.
UNDER THE HIGH PATRONAGE OF MR FRANÇOIS HOLLANDE PRESIDENT OF THE FRENCH REPUBLIC UNDER THE HIGH PATRONAGE OF UNESCO WORLD CONGRESS ON COMPLEX THOUGHT THE CHALLENGE OF A GLOBALIZED WORLD 8 & 9 DEC. 2016 UNESCO — PARIS PROGRAM #penseecomplexe CommissionNationaleFrancaiseUNESCO “ We are living in an era which needs a paradigm shift and that rarely occurs in history. This would mean replacing disjuncture with distinction, reduction with reliance : it is necessary to distinguish and, at the same time, to connect. This is the paradigm of complexity ” “ The definition of the word complexus is ‘connected’, ‘woven together’ and, hence, complex thought is a way of thinking that connects, on the one hand by contextuali- zing, which means putting into context, and on the other, by trying to understand what a system is. ” Edgar Morin THU, DEC 8TH — 2016 DEC 8TH — 2016 9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. OPENING Speech by the Director-General of UNESCO Inauguration of the International Irina Bokova UNESCO Chair for Complexity Foundation of human sciences (FMSH) / UNESCO, Secretary of State to the Minister of Higher in partnership with ESSEC Business School, Education and Research, responsible for Higher Sciences Po, Multiversidad Mundo Real, Education and Research, Thierry Mandon Edgar Morin Institute on Complex Thought of Ricardo Palma University and the Corporation Introduction by the President of the French Complexus for development National Commission for UNESCO Daniel Janicot and the Secretary of the Presentation of the Doctorate Honoris Causa Association for Complex Thought, award to Edgar Morin by the José Martí de Nelson Vallejo-Gomez Latinoamérica University, Monterrey (Mexico) ➢Video in tribute to the founder of Multiversidad Mundo Real, Rubén Reynaga (Hermosillo, Mexico) 9:45 a.m.
Università degli Studi dell’Insubria «Centro Internazionale Insubrico “Carlo Cattaneo” e “Giulio Preti” per la Filosofia, l’Epistemologia, le Scienze cognitive e la Storia della scienza e delle tecniche» Direttore scientifico: prof. Fabio Minazzi Biblioteca Evandro Agazzi I volumi della «Biblioteca Evandro Agazzi», di recente acquisizione, dono del professore Evandro Agazzi, sono n. 1278 e attualmente custoditi nella sede del «Centro Insubrico Internazionale „C. Cattaneo e G. Preti‟» sede di Via Dunant, 5, Varese (Biblioteca Collegio Cattaneo). I volumi sono disposti in ordine alfabetico per autore, secondo queste sezioni (che non si è voluto moltiplicare oltre lo stretto necessario): 1. Opere di Evandro Agazzi comprendente la tesi di laurea in Filosofia; 2. Volumi rimanenti dalla A alla Z; 3. Dizionari, enciclopedie scientifiche; 4. Annuari, Atti di Convegni (o Simposi, Seminari), Bollettini, Estratti, Riviste; 5. Sezione consistente di collane di volumi con collocazione autonoma; 6. Archivio personale di Evandro Agazzi. Di tutti i testi di Agazzi esterni alla sezione 1., espressamente dedicata alle sue opere, viene fornita chiara indicazione; Evandro Agazzi è presente nella sua stessa biblioteca come co-autore; curatore editoriale in volumi collettivi; direttore di collane; membro di comitati scientifici; relatore di tesi di laurea per dottorandi; destinatario di dediche da parte di autori di libri; di tutta questa varietà di presenze si è data segnalazione uscendo in tal modo dalla prassi della catalogazione pura e semplice dei volumi in modo da contribuire a delineare la figura eccezionale di questo studioso di statura mondiale. Dei volumi a carattere collettaneo si sono segnalati quegli autori che a vario titolo si connettono alla rete di interessi e legami stipulati da Agazzi nel corso della sua lunga attività di studioso.
OPEN DAYS 2012 – LOCAL EVENTS PROCEEDINGS 2 AUSTRIA/ Carinthia - Lower Austria – Styria – Vienna /BELGIUM/ Brussels Capital Region - European Heat Pump Association in cooperation with local partners (EHPA) - Flanders – German-speaking Community of Belgium – Limburg - Province of Liège – Schaerbeek Municipality - South-East European Federation of Cities and Regions for the Environment (SEEFED) - VITO (Belgium) and Province of Ferrara (Italy), in collaboration with EGEC - Wallonia /BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA/ Canton of Hercegovina-Neretva - Canton Sarajevo - Republika Srpska /BULGARIA/ City of Dobrich / NAMRB - Sofia – Stara Zagora - Varna /CROATIA/ Association of Small and medium-sized Entrepreneurs - Croatian Pannonia – Dubrovnik-Neretva Region - Istria - Karlovac County – City of Rijeka – Varazdin County /CYPRUS/ The Cyprus Presidency of the European Union Council and the Cyprus State General Laboratory of the Ministry of Health, together with the Consortia of the EU-funded projects “COPHES” (FP-7) and “DEMOCOPHES”(LIFE-Plus) - Nicosia/CZECH REPUBLIC/ EC Representation in the Czech Republic - Olomouc Region – Prague – South Moravian Region /DENMARK/ Central Denmark - North Denmark – Öresund Region – Region of Southern Denmark – City of Vejle - Zealand /ESTONIA/ Rakvere City Government - Tallinn City /FINLAND/ East Finland – City of Helsinki – City of Lahti – North Finland – City of Tampere - West Finland /FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA/ City of Skopje - South-East European Federation of Cities and Regions for the Environment (SEEFED)
BORDER STUDIES: Recent Empirical and Conceptual Approaches
BORDERS IN PERSPECTIVE UniGR-CBS Thematic Issue Vol. 6/2021 IDENTITIES AND METHODOLOGIES OF BORDER STUDIES: Recent Empirical and Conceptual Approaches UNIVERSITY OF LUXEMBOURG & UNIVERSITY DUISBURG-ESSEN Christian Wille, Dominik Gerst, Hannes Krämer (Eds.) Christan Wille Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences Department of Geography and Spatial Planning University of Luxemburg Dominik Gerst Faculty of Humanities Institute for Communication Studies University Duisburg-Essen Hannes Krämer Faculty of Humanities Institute for Communication Studies University Duisburg-Essen UniGR-Center for Border Studies Luxembourg, 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25353/ubtr-xxxx-e930-87fc 2 UniGR-Center for Border Studies CENTRE EUROPEEN D’ETUDES SUR LES FRONTIERES EUROPÄISCHES ZENTRUM FÜR GRENZRAUMFORSCHUNG EN The UniGR-CBS is a thematic cross-border network of approximately 80 researchers within the university grouping University of the Greater Region (UniGR) conducting research on borders, their meanings and chal- lenges. Due to its geographical position in the “heart of Europe”, its expertise and disciplinary diversity, the UniGR-CBS has the best prerequisites for becoming a European network of excellence. For the creation of a “European Center for Competence and Knowledge in Border Studies”, the Interreg VA Greater Region pro- gram provides the UniGR-CBS network with approximately EUR 2.6 million ERDF funding between 2018 and 2022. Within this project, the UniGR-CBS aims at developing harmonized research tools, embedding Border Studies in teaching, promoting the dialogue on cross-border challenges between academia and institutional actors and supporting the spatial development strategy of the Greater Region. FR L’UniGR-CBS un réseau transfrontalier et thématique qui réunit environ 80 chercheuses et chercheurs des universités membres de l’Université de la Grande Région (UniGR) spécialistes des études sur les fron- tières, leurs significations et enjeux.
Silfs 2010 International Congress of the Italian Society for Logic And
SILFS Società Italiana di Logica e Filosofia delle Scienze SILFS 2010 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE ITALIAN SOCIETY FOR LOGIC AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE University of Bergamo Piazzale Sant’Agostino, 2 Bergamo - Italy 15 – 17 December 2010 WEDNESDAY 15 DECEMBER 2010 Sala Conferenze, S.Agostino 9.00 – 10.30: Registration 10.30: Opening of the Congress 10.30 – 10.45: Welcome of the SILFS Scientific Committee 10.45 – 11.45: Plenary Session 1: Peter Janich, A Methodical Theory of Emergence 11.45 – 12.45: Plenary Session 2: Samir Okasha, Title to be announced 12.45 – 14.30: Break 14.30 – 15.30: Plenary Session 3: Samson Abramsky, Bell's Theorem And The Logic Of Locality 15.45 –17.00: Parallel Sessions LOGIC AND APPLICATIONS PHILOSOPHY OF PHILOSOPHY OF EPISTEMOLOGY AND METHODOLOGY AND EPISTEMOLOGY OF 1 BIOLOGY AND PHYSICAL AND THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 1 (Chair: M. D’Agostino, R.Giuntini) COGNITIVE SCIENCES 1 MATHEMATICAL SCIENCE 1 SCIENCE 1 (Chair: E. Di Nuoscio, R. Festa) (Chair: G. Bocchi, G. Boniolo) SCIENCES 1 (Chair: E. Giannetto, S. Gozzano) (Chair: M. Buzzoni, E. Fano) (Chair: M. Dorato, G. Tamburrini) F. D'AGOSTINI Paradoxes and G. TAMBURRINI Intent reading M. GIUNTI Decomposing F. BEVILACQUA Storia e M. GHINS van Fraassen’s views C. LISCIANDRA On the probable truth in brain to machine dynamical systems significato del Principio di on representation: a new challenge emergence of descriptive norms communication: methodological Conservazione dell’Energia: un to scientific realism? H. FREYTES The algebraic and ethical reflections P. CANTÙ Grassmann's ritorno ai classici E. ATUKEREN Causality-in- approach to quantum computation epistemology: multiplication and M.
Visualizing Protest: African (Diasporic) Art and Contemporary Mediterranean Crossings CHERYL FINLEY, Cornell University, LEIGH RAIFORD, University of California, Berkeley, and HEIKE RAPHAEL-HERNANDEZ, Würzburg University For Bisi Silva (1962–2019) As part of the 2019 Venice Biennale, Swiss artist Christoph Büchel installed Barca Nostra, the recovered fishing boat that sank off the coast of the Italian island of Lampedusa in 2015, drowning all but twenty-eight of the seven to eleven hundred migrant–refugees on board.1 The tragedy of Lampedusa, the deadliest known Mediterranean shipwreck, came to represent the growing “migrant crisis” and the boat itself has been sought to be used as specific visual representation on both sides of this politicized humanitarian crisis. In May 2016, a Palermo-based migrant advocacy group proposed to tour the shipwreck across Europe’s borders to symbolize the need for open borders and free mobility for migrant–refugees. The following October, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi suggested bringing the shipwreck to the seat of the European Union in Brussels to force attention to issues of transnational migration. More recently, at the 58th Venice Biennale, Büchel installed the massive, decaying shipwreck along the busy Grand Canal at a major thoroughfare of the Venice Biennale, a site usually reserved for the most decadent cruise ships, as “a collective monument and memorial to contemporary migration.”2 Barca Nostra is indeed meant to remind viewers of the fraught role of Venice and its Biennale in this issue: the site of the world’s oldest and largest international art exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, Venice is also a destination for many migrant–refugees.