Uj4e 1Tluiueraity Nf :Tiiuueanlu
, UJ4e 1tluiueraity nf :tIiuueanlu THE UNIVERSITY ADDRESS BOOK 1917 -1918 ~lI:\NEAPOLIS Published hy the Cniversity of Minnesota ~Qvember 1917 r COPYRIGHT 1917 BY THE UNIVERSITY OF rvlrNNESOTA 1 ! (' , t, / CO~TENTS Board of Regents", ..... -- -. - __ .. .... __ "......... 4 Officers of Administration" , , .. ,........ 4 Deans and their Offices, ".,." , .. ,.,." 4-S Key to Abbreviations-Faculty List. _ , , _. 6 Key to Abbreviations-Telephones " 6-7 Faculty, Administrative Officers, and Employees , .. - .. _ , _ 7-54 Key to Abbreviations-Student List. .. ................. 55, Students _ , _., .•............. , ,55-'74 Sororities and Fraternities 175-176 THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA THE BOARD OF REGENTS The Hon. Fred B. Snyder, President of the Board 800 Security Building, Minneapolis ~Iarion LeRoy Burton, President of the t"niversity 10°5 se 5th The Hon. John A. A. Burnquist, Governor of the State State Capitol, SI. Paul The Hon" C. G. Schulz, Superintendent of Education State Capitol, SI. Paul The Hon. Pierce Butler, 1006 Merchants National Bank Build- ing, SI. Paul The Hon. W. J. Mayo, Rochester The Hon. Milton M. Williams, Little Falls The Hon. John G. Williams, IOro Alworth Building, Duluth The Hon. George H. Partridge, 4th st and 1st av n, Min- neapolis . The Hon. A. E. Rice, Willmar The Hon. Charles L. Sommers, 6th and \,-'acouta, St Paul The Hon. Charles W. Glotfelter, Waterville OFFICERS OF 'ADMINISTRATION Marion LeRoy Burton, President, 102 Library Building 1005 se 5th, E1964 Ernest B. Pierce, Registrar, 106 Library Building 138 Orlin av se, EI240 George H. Hayes, Comptroller, 101 Library Building 1758 Laurel av, St Paul, MI81-StP James T. Gerould, Librarian, University Library 2022 2nd av s, S7695 Henry A.
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