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Rudolph Valentino

Rudolph Valentino

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KET PRESS RUN A\nE!RAGB DAILZ CIRCULATION THE WEATHER. OF THE EVENING IffiRALD tor the month of July, 1926. Pwtly dondy tonlfd^t. Tuesday fair,'warmer, with showers late in 4,872 day or at night.

VOt. XLIV., NO. 276. ClBBrifled Advertising on Page 0 MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAV . , xtf26. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THftEE CENTS

I, CO DEATH CLAIMS FILMS snirmAssuRB) VALENTINO AND SOME OP THE MANY ROLES HE PORTRAYED. RUDOLPH VALENTINO D U D ; OF NOMINATION IFHE WANTS IT PLEURISY REUPSE FATAL Manchester’s State Senator GREEKS DEPOSE Idol of Film Lovers Fails to Told He Can Win Easily; Rally from Complication; Pressure of Business May PANGALOS AND Awakes from Morphine Keep Him Out. m^m HIM Sleep Desperately 111 and Five Doctors Consul^ state Senator Robert J. Smith, Athens ""Mussolini” Qmck of Manchester, is today assured of Short; Romantic Career. re-nomination by the Republicans of the Fourth district, but Senator Victim of a Bloodless Re­ Smith declines to give his word New York, Aug. 23.— Rudolph that he will be a candidate again volt— Tried to Get Away this year. S%e Sheik, She LolPer* She Morsematu She Athlete Valentino, idol of millions of mo­ Enough towns in the Fourth dis­ tion picture fans, died at 12:10 trict have already assured Senator FLOMTIR “ REFUGE” NEW on Destroyer. o’clock ihis afternoon. Smith that he will receive their CONSERVATION SCHEME Valentinovs Story Of His Life The crisis was at hand this morn­ STEVENS KIN’S RUDOLPH ing. Valentino’s temperature arose Athens, Greece, Aug. 23.— Gen­ Cincinnati, O., Aug. 23.— V A L E flT in O to 104 1-2, the highest it has been Told Just Before His Illness eral Pangalos, deposed Grecian dic­ The Ohio Wild Flower Preser­ since he underwent an operation tator, known as the “ Greek Musso­ BAIL REQUEST vation Society in October will for acute appendicitis and gastric launch a campaign to obtain by lini,” was brought back to Athens ulcers a week ago Sunday. gift or gifts a huge tract of Here Is Rudolph Valentino’s <^away. So my mother scraped to­ today a prisoner. General Panga­ Although Valentino clung cour­ NOT g™ E D land in the southern part of the WASHINGTON T E L ’ own story of his life. The fani'‘ gether $4,000 to finance my voy­ los was disembarked from the de­ ageously to life, the five physiciana ous film star wrote it for in attendance were admittedly state for a “ Wild Flower Reser­ age to America, where I was to stroyer Leon and confined in a mili­ vation.” NE.A Service and The Herald seek f- — - and fortune. gravely concerned. They would not tary prison, where he will be In­ Plans are not definite, but it IN M E L E H CRIME shortly before he became ser­ I arrived No-^ "York iuzt two forecast what might happen within New Jersey Chief Justice is expected a fund will be sub­ iously ill in New York. It is days — Christmas, Dec. 23, terned until the new regime of Gen­ the next hour. It was Impossible to scribed and the plot purchased. presented iiere as an absorb­ 1913. The new land was very- eral Kondylis decides hig fate. subdue the attack of pleurisy that Five liundred acres or more is ing, straight-forward story, strange to me and I was very lone­ The Pangalos regime was over­ came after he had been declared just as Valentino wrote it. out of danger. ' Refuses to Act on Petition the goal. ly. In order to find companion- thrown in a quick and bloodless re­ High Political Influence Be­ His career was one of the most shin I fr---- cntc'’ '■ ' This At deven o’clock, word came “ Wo will take as many acres volution headed by Kondylis, for­ nnnsual in screen history. took all my money but I did ’ earn from the sick room that the patient of Willie and Henry as we can get,” declared Dr. H. mer minister of war. Pangalos W. Felter, president of the So­ ing Used to Muzzle Inves­ to dance which v;as to be beneficial was showing no improvement. ciety in announcing the pro­ BY RUDOLPH VALENTINO te m'» i-‘ -- was arrested yesteruay and placed UUnian at Bedside (Copyright. 1926. NEA Service Inc.) When my funds were all cm e I aboard a destroyer to be brought to That the crisis had been reached , Carpender. posed project. Incidentally the In my early studio days I once get a job as superintendent of the Athens from Spetsae. The com­ was indicated by the fact that society membership is to be en­ tigators; Report. tried to sell the story of my life T r>ng IslaT^d estat' of Corn''” -"' mander of the desoyer, however, George Ullman, Valentlno’u mana­ larged. as a scenario, was rejected as it Bliss, Jr. This la-ted only a short was a Pangalos supporter and tried ger, refused to leave ^hb bedside to , Newark, N. , J., Aug. 12.— Chief being “ too wild and improbable.” to effect an efecape. , f furnish newspapermen with the To have one’s life thus character­ wh’le. as I showed an irresponsible Justice William S. Gummere today Canton, O., Aug. 23.— Investiga­ natu-e and was courteously dis- Boats Exchange Shots. latest bulletins. refused to take any action on the tors of the murder of Don R. Mel- ized by a company which specializ­ Upon the arrival of the Leon It Some significance also was placed es in the most frantic serials was r-'-'ed. application for bail of counsel for BARRETT IS AGAIN I lett, crusading publisher, have been My next “ position” was as an ap- was learned that General Pangalos in the arrival of a priest, who, after rather disconcerting. was captured on 1 card tlie destroy­ being refused admittance to the sick Senator Robert J. Smith. Willie Stevens and Henry De La B. I informed that political influence is Now as I try to view my own i Tventice landscape gardener in Cen­ tral Park, . After er Pergamos, off Cape Matapau, room, telephoned for two other support, to give him the nomina­ Carpender, held without bail, I being brought to bear on high offi­ historical record with detachment only after an exchange ’ of rifle priests. The priest refused to say LOSER TO CHANNEL I can see clearly what the scenario a month of this I went to the civil tion. However, Smith feels the charged with the murders of the cials in Washington because of the K—vice bureau to get a regular job, shots, although no, one was injured. whether last rites were to he ad­ pressure of business here In Man­ Rev. Edward Hall and Mrs. Elea­ -prominence of men involved in the editor meant. The hero of my tale Threatened, Didn’t Fight. ’ ministered. He said he was a boy­ is not at all ceupistent. like a mov­ but found I was not eligible be­ chester and is still undecided nor Mills. federal probe of the Canton rum cause I waa not a citizen. As the Leon d-ew alongside the hood friend of Valentino and that whether he can give his time to the conspiracy, it was revealed today. ie hero. In fact, I am not sure Pergamos,- on which the former this is'a “ matter of }lfe and death.” Counsel for the defendants to- that he is the hero. At times he I had ho job and no funds. I work in the capitol. Beaten by Tricky Currents The investigators were told that was forced from one lodging to dictator was fleeing, a boardlag When the priest, who refused to Third Term. da/ applied to the chief justice for a representative of a leading state has all the appearance of “the vil­ party was ordered on the Perga­ give his name, asked Ullman If he bail. This move was strenuously lain.” another. I went hungry and slept If returned to the Senate again politician visited Canton secretly in Central Park.. One hot summer mos. As the boarders prepared to might see Valentino, Ullman re­ It will be Smith’s third term. This opposed by Prosecutor Simpson. New Rochelle Swimmer and held an all-night conference Yet again, he seems to have board the Pergamos they were fused. last term he was chairman of the Carpender and Stevens are held good impulses, which a movie vil­ day I walked five miles to the City with others prominent in the politi­ Hall looking for wprk. Unable to threatened by the officers and men “ Is he dying?” the priest asked. Cities and Boroughs committee and in Somerset county jail. lain never h^s. Nor does my lifq cal life of the state. get it, I walked back. of that destroyer armed with hand- *T’m afraid so,” Ullman replied. Bstablished an enviable record In No Secrecy. Quits on Second Try. run true to dramatic form. It granades. When the boarding To Curb Bern S teen . After doing any little odd Jobs Slept Under Morphine his tactful handling of the famous Senator Alexander Simpson, spe­ should mount In a straigjit line to party opened fire with their rifles, At this conference, it was alleged that I could get, I finally went to Early in the day hope waa held Bridgeport “ Ripper” bill. Smith cial wmsecutor, made a demand plans were discussed to take up a climax. Instead of that It however, there was no resistance. the head waiter at Maxim’ff^ and for, Valentino’s recovery because i e has considerable influence in the that TOere be none of the secrecy Dover, Eng., Aug. 23.— Clarabclle with Washington the matter of bounds, like a kangaroo. Captain Kolialexis, commander^ got employment as a dancer. This had slept during the nlghL Later, Legislature and makes a valuable which enveloped the Halls-Mills Barrett abandoned her attempt to curbing the activity of United A Real Name of the torpedo boat detachment' however, it was announced that the Senator to represent the Fourth investigation four years ago, at I was born in the little village was really the start of my profes- I swim the English channel at 5:15 States Attorney A. E. Bernsteen of sional career, for I later obtained and one of the chief supporters of Sleep had been indu ced by mor­ district because of that. the time the murders were com­ Cleveland. of , Italy. May 6, 189.5, General Pangalos, has resigned his phine. The senator’s friends in Man­ mitted. this afternoon. and "was shortly thereafter chrls- dancing engagements with Bonnie Bernsteen has stated he Is will­ !i,’ass and J o -i Sawyer.’ commission. When Valentino awakened shorts chester are urging him to seek re- Representing the defendants to- A heavy wind was hitting the teiftd Rodolph Alfonzo Raffaelo Although the Kondylis coup was ing to come to Canton and “ clean But I didn’t want to he a dancer. ly before nine oclpck, the fiv«» 8^ aominatlon because of the influ­ dsy were Robert H. McCarter, for­ swimmer in the face after she had up” the Mellett murder. Those Pierre Fillbert Guglielmi di Valen­ a bloodless affair, ^battle with the ence his presence in the Senate Still dreaming of usipg my educa­ tending physicians were .'lummonod mer attorney-general of New Jer­ turned south with the tide. The hunting for the slayers claim that tina d’Antonguolla. Athens garrison was narrowly for a consultation. gives Manchester. He insists that sey. Timothy N. Pfeiffer, New York, . Can yoii Imagine how that would tion as an agrlcuPu"»st. I joined a the Mellett murder mystery and the averted when • Colonel Voustinas, Up to 11 o’clock no official bub he has not fully made up his mind, and Nathanial J. Palzer. rongh seas forced Miss Barrett to look in electric lights in front of a —Tti’cal comedy company headed “ rum syndicate” investigation the commandant, declined at first letin was given out by the doctor! and says he will make his decision The hearing was public and the abandon her swim. .theatre? My real surname Is f ' ” the Pacific coast, with the hope dovetail. to recognize the revolutionists. He concerning the patient's condition. within a few days. courtroom and courthouse pre­ GuglJelpiil. My mother was the that Cal'fornia might offer some­ She was taken aboard the motor Expect Policeman’s Arrest., finally surrendered unconditionally, Valentino was Unconscious when cincts were crowded long before daughter of a learned Parisian doc­ thing. The troupe stranded In boat which accompanied her in an The arrest of a Canton police­ San Francisco and I was again however, to General Kondylis who death came. He had received th< the scheduled time for the presenta­ man in connection with the murder tor, and my father In his youth was personally headed a Ijattalion of tion of the bail application. exhausted condition and brought a captain o / Italian cavalry. without a job. I tried selling bonds last rites of the Catholic church towards Dover. Miss Barrett said and an indefinite number of arrests but without' success. the revolting troops. yesterday morning. He was annoint- INFORMAL WEDDING Questioning W. E. Carpender. on federal charges of liquor con­ When I was eleven years old my • Full Control. The hearing at Newark did not that she would not attempt the father died and I was sent off to A Movie, Venture ed with sacred oil. and partook cf spiracy were expected today. The Kondylis regime and its sup­ the holy communion. interfere with the continued in­ channel swim again this season. Dante Alifehierl Cqll''ge, which cor­ At this point , PA R H IN TOILS, OUT Another important development ■w’ pm I had known In the east, sug­ porters this morning had control cf Aq he died, priest held a cruci­ quiry into the case. Four wit­ responds to a high school in this all public buildings and were con­ Dover, Eng., Aug. 23.— Miss revolves around the decision of the gested that I try motion pictures. fix to the doctor’s lips. nesses were summoned to state po­ three court of'pleas judges today country. I finished the'course at ducting aAl government affairs. All lice headquarters in Somerville for Clarabelle Barrett of New Ro­ thirteen and then went to mili­ Norman paid my expenses while I At the bedside of the actor when Male Chaperone, Delayed Cere­ chelle, N. Y., entered the waters of regarding an assistant prosecutor. made the rounds of the studios. political prisoners who had been •he died were Ullman, Joseph questioning, and of these the most tary school. But I was more' inter­ arrested and imprisoned, on orders mony, Irregular, But Judge the English channel .at 1:50 this Prosecutor C. B. McClintock has No one hailed me as an actor. In Schenck, of the ’ cor­ important promises to be W. Edwin ester in romantic novels tharn I was of General Pangalos have been Has a Heart. afternoon, in her second attempt recommended H. C. Pontius, coun­ in my studies, so the authorities fact it was a long time before I poration: Father Edward Leonard, Carpender, a cousin of Mrs. Hall sel for the Canton Daily News, the liberatetf. and a brother of one of the defend-' to swim the channel. cent me home. could get even extra work. I Catholic prelate. Father Congedo, The sea was moderate and a salln publisher’s newspaper, for the knocked about from pillar to post The population was generally go­ and Valentino’s three physicians. Bridgeport, Aug. 23.— The ro­ ants. My mother Xvas heartbroken and ing about its business as usual to­ mance of Beatrice Currie, 17, and fresh wind was blowing when Miss post. I was trully contrite because of her nlavftig -villains and small parts on- Right up to the very end Valen- .Carpender was to be questioned The grand jury will begin inves­ day. No disturbances had been re­ Robert F. Carey, 19, both of Rox- about his movements on the morn­ Barrett took to the water. fuffering. I determin"' to do bet- til eelrrted me to play tlnfl believed he would live. At t “ I expect to make it,” said the tigating the murder next Wednes- Julio In “ The Four Horsemen.” ported, although there were a num­ time wheu the doctorz had given bury, Boston, was lifted out of city ing the bodies of the clergyman t^r for her sake and enrolled in the ber of popular mass-meetings held New York woman, as she laughed day. This was followed by another up all hope, he remarked to those ’ court today when Judge W. J. and his choir singer were discov­ Royal Academy of Agriculture to at which enthusiasm was expressed and sho.ok hands with her friends Charges Against Official. ^ picture. “ The Con- at the bedside: Buckley discharged Carey and Jerry ered, and particularly with refer­ learn to be a scientific farmer. I over the overthrow of the Pangalos Ferguson, 45 also of Roxbury, after ence as to whether he removed cer­ on the shore and then plunged in. Charges of neglect of duty against was graduated with the highest enering Power.” , and by Nazlmova’s “ Don’t pull the curtains down. On her last attempt Miss Barrett civil service commissioners Price “ Camille.” Then came the picture regime, and support was pledged I’m feeling fine and I want th< they had been held here since Fri­ tain papers and documents from h,onors in my class, much to the for General Kondylis. day. the Hall household, prior to the was in the water for more than Janseon and John Burris will be gratification of m y mother. that “ made” me— “ The ‘^’'eik.” It sunlight to greet me.” aired before Mayor S. M. Swarts wa*S followed by “ Cobra,” “ The Former President Back. 1,000 Calls an Hoar. Miss Currie and the two men time that knowledge of the mur­ Following this accomplishment I Admiral Koundouriotis, whom (Contlnned ou I’age 2.) today. The two officers have an­ Young Rajah,” “Blood and Seod.” As news of the seriousness of came here last week seeking a li­ ders supposedly had reached the again slipped from grace r - ’ went Pangalos overthrew as president, cense whereby Miss Currie and Car­ widow. nounced that they will not attend off to and Mfnte Carlo to see “ Mops’eur Beaucaire” and “ The Valentino’s condition spread, great the hearing. Sainted Devil.” has arrived from Athens from his crowds gathered around the hospi­ ey could he married. Ferguson the world. After all my money was native place on the island of Hydra, came along as chaperone. When Seranus A. Lenglen, police chief, ^one I returned home a prodigal I then transferred to the United tal. suspended by Mayor Swarts, follow- Artists’ Corporation and made and Is prepared to resume the du­ Telephone calls at the rate of they found that five days must NEWYORK-TO-PARIS SUES ALUMINUM CO. son. ^ , . ties of the president. General “ The Eagle.” My latest picture, 1,000 an hour were being received elapse before, they could we, the My family decided that I was^pt Kondylis, who will be prime minis­ three decided to remain here that (Continneu on Pag« 2.) to disgrace them and that it were ,” is a sequel at the hospital from persons eagei ter, already has taken steps for the to learn the screen star’s condition. long, but police interfered and ar­ PUNE GETS TRIAL FOR 45 MILUONS hatter that I he shipnsd far, far to the earlier desert picture. formation of a new cabinet. The rested them. Miss Currie’s parents Valentino’s condition took the TEAR GAS SUBDUES l » i policy of the new government, he first bad turn for the worse Satur­ came here last week and took her Mlneola, N. Y., Aug. 23.— The announced, will be to "end all dic­ home. day. This was after he had suc­ tri-motored Sikorsky plane which Springfield Man Brings Action WORRY OYER CHILDREN, GIVES MRS. BUDLONG tators.” cessfully thrown off peritonitis. Sun­ will be used In an attempted non­ for Huge Sum as Triple EMBATTLED LUNATIC day his condition again became stop New York to Paris flight, took 3,000 AMERICANS IN off today in Its first .test. Count Damages Under Law. SPEED; THREE DEAD EXTENSION OF TIME alarming when he developed pleu­ Igor Sikorsky, its builder, and Long Island Man Opens Rifle risy in his left chest. His relapse JACKSON WILL RETIRE was so steady from that time that PARIS ARE “ BROKE” Captain Rene Fonck, who will New York, Aug. 23.— George D. War on Cops— Two Bombs make the trans-Atlantic attempt, his life was despaired of tor hours. Haskell, of Springfield, Mass., today End Engagement. Atlantic City, Aug. 23.— John Newport, R. I., Aug. 23.— The re­ Then he slept, but passed a poor were at the controls. launched a foi^y-flve million dollar quest of Mrs, Jessie Margaret Bud- AS HEAD OF LEGION Carrying a load of 12.000 Loeleger, aviator, Mrs. Loeleger, night. Paris, Aug. 23.— According to damage suit against the Aluminum New York, Aug. 23.— Tear gas long for an extension of time from lewspaper statements printed here, pounds, half that which will be Mrs. Peggy Lucille Brown, a stunt Whole System Poisoned. Company of America in the South­ bombs were used after bullets September 1 to November 1, to pre­ Dr. Harold Meeker, of the Poly­ 3,000 Americans are “ broke” in aboard when Fonck starts on his ern District United States Court. aviatrix, and T. R. Richmond, a long trip, the plane left the ground failed to dislodge Everett Holton, pare her blH of exceptions to a supe­ State Commander Gives Notice clinic hospital, today described the Paris, being either entirely desti­ The directors of the company, in­ alleged maniac, who had barricad­ contractor,. drove here from Fair- rior court finding, giving her hus­ causes of Valentino’s death. He tute or next door to it. Most of in thirteen seconds and rose easily He Will Not Be Candidate to a height of 2,000 feet. cluding a nephew of Secretary of ed himself in his home, in Jamaica, view, N. J. yesterday, leaving the band, Milton J. Budlong, oil mag­ had attended the star throughout them would go home hut haven’t the Treasury Mellon, were named Long Island, and persisted In firing nate, a legal separation, was grant­ for I(e-election. his illness since the operation for passage money and no way of get­ All three motors were used for Loeleger’s four childdren at home. the take-off into a light east wind. as co-defendants. Executors of his rifle at policemen in the street, ed her today by Judge Hugh D. appendicitis last week. ting it. the estate of the late James B. early today. The battle lasted an Worry over the children caused Baker of Supreme Court. New Britain ,Aug. 23.— Harry C. “ Mr. Valentino was overwhelm­ Many are victims of ■ the The ship banked and circled above Roosevelt field without any appar­ Duke, tobacco king and multi-mil­ hour, and though no one was hurt, the Loelegers to hurry home at Jackson, state commander of the ed with septls,” the doctor said, gambling tables and a considerable lionaire, also were named as co- night. Their car hit a dark track ent clumsiness. it caused considerable excitement. } ------^------American Legion, whose term ex­ “ which means that he died of number are A. E. F. soldiers who defendants. Mrs. Holton noticed that her hus­ and Loeleger is the only one of pires with the meeting of the an­ CORNELL INSTRUCTOR A poisoning. He suffered from sep­ came back here hoping to get jobs. EDERLE AND PEGGY SHARE . Haskell is president of the band was acting strangely and be­ the party surviving, the other th^e nual state convention in New Ha­ tic endocarditis, or a poisoning of GERMAN WRECK VICTIM INTEREST ON SHIPBOARD Hausch Machine Tool Company of came alarmed when he went up­ being instantly killed. Mrs. Brown ven late this week, will not be a can­ the cardiac nerves of the heart. SIX OF HIS CHILDREN Springfield. His complaint, filed stairs and got his rifle. She sum­ lived in Syracuse. Hanover, Germany, Ang. 23.— didate for re-election, according to “ The actor’s stomach was full ol WED ON GCHE SAME DAT Aboard S. S. Berengaria, Aug. with the suit In the federal district moned a policeman, who was greet­ One of the victims of last week’s a statement issued here today. holes the diameter of a man’s fin­ Vienna, Aug. 23.— Theodore 23.—-“ I am dying to see Mamma court today charges the Aluminum ed by a bullet through the door. railroad disaster near here has Four candidates for the highest ger. Food passed through these- Kirchner, a dairy worker, celebrat­ and I can’t hardly wait for a Company of America 'with main­ Reserves were called and held the been identified as Fritz Schmldt- office in the post are Stanley J. holes into the abdominal cavity and ed his thirteenth wedding anniver­ glimpse at the Statue of Liberty,” taining a monopoly in violation of man at bay till the arrival of the TREASURY BALANCE. Ernethansen, aged 24, an instruc­ Dunn of New Haven; S. Parker See­ resulted in the poisoning. sary by ffttending the joint wedding declared Gertrude Ederle today, as the Sherman anti-trust law. It emergency squad, who routed him tor at Cornell University. ley. of Bridgeport; A. S. Alexander “ Mr. Valentino had been suffer­ Df no less than six of his children, she lounged in a deck chair. charges that he suffered $15,000,- with two tear gas bombs. Mrs. An ex-con-vlct was arrested today of Meriden and Kenneth Cramer, of ing from a chronic upset stomach. all weddings being performed in Peggy Hopkins Joyce vies with 000 damage and under the Sher­ Holton said he could give no-'ex­ Washington,, Aug. 23.— Treasury on suspicion of having caused the Wethersfield, All have held dis­ He had not taken good care of him- succession at the same church ser­ Miss Ederle in attracting the in- man law hq is suing for triple that planation for her husband’s sudden balance August 20:, $170,532,- fatal train XTreck, which cost more trict offices in the Legion organiza­ vice. terest of passengers. amount. l?ip8e of sanitr. 617.80, than a score of lives. tion. ,'f Contlnned on Pas» ik) MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 192«. t»AGE TWO. MANHOLE CAUSES TIRE PICKS UP SPIKE; T she made her start, Miss Barrett RUDOLPH VALENTINO • FORD’S PRICE DROPS T DR. m O T , FAMOUS AUTOIST THREATENS SUIT DIAZ NOT SANGUINE was a mile off shore. She was BUT SAIiE IS TABLED THREE ACCroENTS LOCAL STOCKS swimming with great vigor and An amusing incident occurred Some persons are not satis- more than her Visual speed, and it DEAD AFTER RELAPSE on Main street In front of the i ON BOLTON ROAD field unless everybody acquiesces OF OPEN CHURCHY was said that she was shooting at State Theater Saturday after-1 EDUCATOR, DEAD to their requests. the record created by Gertrude noon. A Ford coupe was parked ; Recently a Providence motor­ (Pnmlshed by Putnam & Co. Ederle in her swim across the A manhole on the Bolton road 6 Central Row. Hartford, Conn.) (Contlnaed from page 1> side of the road and bore the In- | just past Manchester Green, has ist passed through the Center, channel. seription: “ For Sale. $125.” ! He came through the road which Bid Ask been giving motorists considerable Takes Hardest Way. self, and during the past six weeks Somebody era.'^eJ the first trouble during-the past week. Sat­ President'Emeritas of Har- is under construction and dur­ Mexican Bishop Qnaiifes Op­ Aetna Cas & Sur ___ 780 790 By starting from the Dover side. had sought relief through the ex­ numeral In the price without the ing the trip ran over a large Aetna Life ...... 655 665 urday morning a horse stepped on Miss Barrett has selected the cessive use of bl-carbonate of soda, owner’s knowledge. Then two the cap of the hole and it gave way. spike which lay between the timism — Not Mentioned Automobile ...... --- 300 hardest way .across, for the experts which merely aggravated his condi­ men came down the street. They yard Passes Away af the trolley tracks. A puncture was Conn. General . ___ 1650 1725 The spot was directly responsible claim that the tides end drift from tion. noticed the Ford and the “ $25” the result. Htfd. Steam Boiler . .675 700 the English tide are more difficult 'for at least three accidents. “ During the last few days the sign. They stopped. The owner Umberto Frachla of this town Tho incensed motorist com­ in CaDes Parley. Hartford Fire ...... 505 515 to navigate and landing In patient lived on peptonized milk.” Age of Ninety-two. plained to Sergeant Barron ask­ P h oen ix...... ___ 565 575 came out. was Injured on Thursday morning is harder than making a landing in Talked of Pishing Trip “ Pretty cheap,” one of the ing him to make the Connecti­ T ravelers...... 1200 1225 England. when his car struck the depression Dr .Meeker said that "Valentino’s men remarked. caused by the sinking of the man­ cut Compahy pay for a new Pabllc UtUIty Stocks. The New Rochelle woman start­ Northeast Harbor. Me., Ang. 23. City, Aug. 23.— The Mex­ last really conscious moment was “ Yes,” replied the owner, hole and turned over. Another car tire. The sergeant referred ican press today almost unanimous- Conn Pon-er Co ....305 ed on an ebb tide which virtually about 3:30 this morning, when he “ but she’s in first class condi­ __Dr. Charles W. Eliot, president him to Superintendent Nettle- swept her away from the shc.ro owned by George Cowles of Lewis 'ly predicts that religious services in Conn LP 7 pc pfd was talking rationally. tion. It’s a bargain.; i emeritus of Harvard University, ton. That was the last heard Hfd E L com ... and gave her a fine start on her street struck the same place on the the Roman Catholic churches will "He was looking forward,” the “ Sold,” said the would-be- | same day Mrs. Cowles was slightly died at his summer home here yes­ of the case. Hfd Gas com .... arduous task. terday at the age. of ninety-two. be resumed, and that (the religious doctor said, “ to a trout fishing trip purchaser, as his. hand delved injured. struggle between* the Episcopate S N E Tel Co ... Miss Barrett was two miles which we had planned to take to­ Dr. Eliot’s end came peacefully southeast of Dover at 2:50, one into hie pocket and producing It Is said that the company will and the government will be termin­ S. N. E. Tel rls . . gether after his recovery. About Tate in the afternoon. His son, i Mannfacturing Stocks. hour after she had started. a roll of greenbacks. He pro­ install new iron manhole caps short­ ated as a result of a conference be­ 4 o’clock his mind started to wand­ ceeded to peel off five crisp five ly to take the place of the concrete Rev. Samuel A. Eliot of Cambridge Am. Hardware...... 81 Walter Brickett. Miss Barrett’s Mass., was a t, his bedside when BIG BREAK IN COAL tween President Calles and the two trainer,-and Miss Grace Leinster of er. and he talked rapidly In Italian dollAr bills. ones which have sunk below the bed prelates. Archbishop Ruiz and Bish­ American Silver...... 26 which I cannot understand, so his aged sage who had come to be re­ Acme Wire com...... 12 New York, a nurse who has been It may be taken for granted of the road. op Diaz on Saturday night. last words'were not known to me. the sale was postponed until garded as the personification ,of Bigelnw-Htfd. pfd. ..100 her companion, attempted to fol­ the National American type, passed Bishop Diaz, acting as spokesman Bigelow Hfd com .... 75 low the swimmer in a rowboat but “ From then until about eight some later date. - ta E R S ’ RANKS for the prelates, said the optimism Bristol B rass...... — their small craft tvas caught in the o’clock he talked intermittently, <8> ------«> away. . . . , of the nSwspapers was only partly » hut unintelllgently.' At eight he ABOUTTOWN Present plans are that funeral Collins Co...... 145 waves before they had proceeded services will be held here on Tues­ justified, in view of what trans­ Colt Fire A rm s...... 27 far and filled with water. They dropped Into a deep coma. At nine Fola iJegri Prostrated pired at the conference. He said he opened his eye;, and we kept Men of Hose & Ladder Company day afternoon, followed by honor­ Eagle Lock ...... 96 were forced to come ashore and Los Angeles, Aug. 23.— Pola Ne­ that President Calles spoke with calling to him, but there was no re­ No. 3 responded to a call sent in ary seVvlces at Appleton chapel of British Miners Flock Back Fafnlr Bearing...... 85 take another boat. gri, *the reported fiancee of Ru­ the utmost frankness himself, and sponse, and he apparently did not Saturday morning for a chimney Harvard University on "Wednesday. FnH'r Br’sh Class A A 55 Miss Leinster greased Miss Bar­ dolph Valentino, was prostrated by invited the prelates to do likewise. Hart & C o o le y ...... 170 190 rett 'oefore she made l.or start with recognize us. fire at 10 Hazel street. The fire­ Burial will be at Mount Auburn to Work, Accepting Local grief when she received'word of the men used two chemical tanka in ex­ cemetery. Better Understanding. Int. Sil. pfd...... 104 •108 a heavy cent M lard anJ water­ Death Painless death of the actor in New York. As a result of this frank ex­ Landers Frary & Cl . .90 92 “ Mr. "Valentino died Tpainlessly, tinguishing the blaze. Hundreds of Condolences proof shoe grease. Although the news was broken Messages of condolence from change of views. Bishop Diaz said, Jewell Belting pfd. . . 80 Miss Barrett responded to the and very qulckl:j.” Agreements. to her.In as* tactful a mfinner as Miss Lillian Heffron of 73 Fair- hundreds of noted personages, each side to the controversy had New Brit. Mach. pfd.110 cheers with waves ot the hands as Dr. Meeker said that rumors of possible, the actress fell In a faint. gained a better understanding ol Niles Bt. Pd. N. Stock 20 she pulled away from the shore, a last-minute effort to save Valen­ field street was discharged from the whose paths crossed that of Dr. She was unable to leave her room Memorial hospital last evening. She El'ot in the many years of his long the other party’s position. - North & J u d d ...... 24 usi:»g the American crawl. tino’s life through blood trensfu- and her maid planned to call a London, Aug. 23.— Thousands The discussion lasted for more J R Montgomery pfd. — Only Motor Boat. sion were false. Regarding plans had been 111 with a heart attack and eventful life, poured in here physician. and was admitted to the hospital today He saw the Inauguration of British m vers returned to their than an hour, during which all J R Montgomery com. — Miss Barrett, if she makes the fer the funeral, he stated that the Lasky officials declared it will be work today,’ although the coal phases of the dispute were examin­ Peck, Stow & Wilcox 21 last Tuesday. Miss Heffron Is into office of twenty-four presi­ swim, will not be subjected to criti­ actor’s brother In Italy, had been Impossiblh for Miss Negri to leave strike continues in effect officially. ed. The president and the pre­ Russell Mfg. Co...... 50 now at the home of her sister in dents of the United States. cism and charges that she was pro­ notified by cable, and that his In­ for New York immediately as her Miners are accepting local agree­ lates agreed that the Episcopate Stanley W’orks com . . 80 tected from the channel by a tug, structions would be awaited. He East Hartford. Born In Boston on March 20, current picture, “Hotel Imperial,” I 1834, o f the best New England ments, without regard to the ef­ should present at least one, and pos­ Smyth Mfg. Co...... 375. for she is accompanied only by a expected. Dr. Meeker said, that the forts of their leaders to effect a T orrington...... 68 is not yet completed. | Hose Company No. 1 o f the Man­ ancestry, Dr. Eliot attened the his­ sibly more, legislative projects tc motor boat. body would be taken to the "Valen­ national agreement. It is esti­ Underwood...... 53 "We can’t hold up the picture chester fire, department will hold a toric Latin school for his early the federal congress when it con­ Captain Learmount, pilot of tho tine home in Italy for burial. now,” It was explained, “ we have mated that 35,000 will he working Union Pac .. 158% 157% accompanying motor boat said meeting and drill at 6.30 this eve­ training, and entered Harvard in venes for its regular session; also "Valentino’s Brief Career. already set a release date.” by Saturday, as many continue to that the Episcopate should have free Whitlock Coil Pipe . . — that he anticipated that the wind ning. 1849. U. S. Envelope pfd. .106 Rudolph Valentino, who was real­ Miss Negri was too broken to sign on under local agreements. access to the courts for a ruling on would die down and Miss Barrett ly Rodolpho Guglieml De Valentina The return is most effective In Ronds. would have excellent conditions for make comment. An important meeting of Wash­ the constitutionality of the govern­ Hfd Elec Lgt 7’s ------270 275 D’Antonguolla, was born in the lit­ No Realization LOCAL GIRL BREAKS the midland pits. ment’s religions regulations. night swimming. ington Loyal Orange Lodge. No. Week-end efforts of A. J. Cook East. Conn. Pow. 5’s . 99 The wind has now shifted to tho tle village of Castellaneta, Italy, on At no time did Valentino believe President Calles did not ask for, 117, will be held this evening jn and other leaders of the miners’ Conn. L. P. 5%s. .. . 109 south and small whitecaps are dis­ May 6, 1895. On December 23, he was going to die. He was con­ and the prelates did not offer, a re­ 1913, an immigrant, Rudolph Val­ efrange hall to take action on sev­ federation to check the return to Conn L & P 7 s ...... 115 cernible in the channel. ^ stantly remarking to the attending eral amendments to the consltution m P IN AUTO CRASH newal of religious services in the B’dpt 5 s ...... 105 Miss Barrett lost no timo when entino was admitted to the United nurses that he would soon be up work have apparently not been suc­ churches in the Immediate future. States. The object of the change in the con­ !.he made her start fo.* she began and well and that he would take the stitution is to bring all lodges into cessful. No Papal Approval. The lad spent a greater part of vacation he had planned in the It is reported that the Miners’ swimming as soot! as she liaij wad­ closer affiliation with the universal Miss Della Vlncek of North Rome, Aug. 23.— The Vatican his time in cafes. Here he soon Federation may seek new negotia­ ed in above her knees. Maine woods. V'^hen the end came order throughout the English School street is in the Middletown has received, by special courier, a spent most of his small sum of he was unconscious and there was tions fer the settlement of the New York Stocks Miss Barrett was acebuManied speaking world. Supreme Grand hospital today with a fractured hip lengthy report from the Mexican money. Still, were it not for this strike tomorrow, although the op­ for the first hundred yards of hor a semblance of a smile upon his Master Hugh Wilson of Pittsburgh which she received in an automo­ Episcopate relative to the religious time and money spent in the cafes, erators are disinclined to open ne­ hTvim by Catherine Ilantlej, the lips. and Rev. George T. Lemmon, su­ bile accident in Che.ster last night. controversy there, but as yet has High Low 2 P. M. 12-year-old daughter of the man­ Valentino probably never would, The death of the world-famous Three cars figured in the acci­ gotiations while the present ef­ received no suggestion for the papal preme grand secretary have recent­ forts toward local agreements afe Am Sugar Ref. 73 72% 72% ager of the sea baths. have reached the heights of fame, screen star was hastened when he ly returned'from London, England, dent. one of them a Bulck driven approval of a renewal of the cult, for it was in these very places that developed septic endocarditis, an in­ succeeding. Am Tel & Tel.145% 145 145 At 65 Degrees. where the triennial Orange Council by Charles Vlncek of Union street. it was stated today. the future idol of the screen first Anaconda .... 50% 49% 49% The temperature of the water flammation of the lining membrane met this year. The meeting to­ The yinceks were returning home Should the Mexican Episcopate learned the rudiments of the theat­ Am Smelting .146% 143% 146% was 65 when the American woman of the heart. night will begin at 7.30. from the shore when an Essex decide upon a renewal of the cult, rical profession— and how to dance. roadster came out of a cross road MEXICAN STUDENT RIOT Am Car F’dry.lOO 100 100 made her start. IS FATAL TO SOLDIER. it is understood that the Pope Atchison ....148% 146% 148% Miss Barrett was . averaging "Worked as Gardener. BABY HURLED 30 FEET IN on their left and struck the rear of would not oppose it but his attitude 103 103% His first Job was that of superin­ their car. turning it completely B & 0 ...... 104% nineteen strokes to the minute dur­ WASHINGTON T O L ” CRASH; LIVES; THREE DIE Mexico City. Aug. 23.— One sol is that there can be no compromise Beth Steel ‘B’ 47% 46% 47 ing her first hour of swimming. tendent of the Long Island estate around and overturning it. Another on the fundamentals of religious Buick car which was following dier is dead and six persons were in 'ntte Superior 10% 10% 10% Gertrude Ederle started prith twen­ of Cornelius Bliss. His next posi­ Richmond, Va., Aug. 23.— An freedom. 33% IN MELLEn CRIME closely crashed down an embank­ jured after a riot at a national sta­ Copper . 33% 33% ty-four strokes to the minute and tion was that of apprentice land- automobile accident here resulted > Gas N Y.107% 106% 107% escape gardener in Central Park, ment and over a fence. The driver dium track meet. averaged 22 strokes during her in the death of Reuben Newell of The laying of the Pacific cable 43 43 New York City. was thrown out and received a Rival groups of students were rU'’ Iron 43 fourteen hours in the water. Chicago. Mrs. Bedford King and '' ■' ■■ ■ • .0 .143 151% 152% (Continned*from page }/ fractured shoulder and a badly over ardent in theic, demonstrations began In 1902. / The pilot of the swim hopes to Then, through a stroke of luck, Miss Mae Crumpton. The six- Civ. StC‘ Ste-: '. . . 74 73 73 the head waiter at Maxims employ­ lacerated foot. and met in the streets outside to .make the outskirts of Goodwin Ing the Mellett murder, is scheduled months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Can. 1 ' iflc ..166 % 166 166 ed him as a dancer. As partner Mrs. Charles Vlncek was injur­ settle their differences, using sticks Sands with the present tide and to assume his office as police head Archie C. Jernigan of Brooklyn, Erie ...... 33 •32% 32% then with luck to catch the stream to Bonnie Glass, and later with John ed but not seriously. The injured and clubs. tomorrow unless another move to was hurled thirty feet; through the CHICKEN DINNERS Gen Asphalt . 91% 86% 90% tide running towards France which Sawyer, Valentino attained some persons were all given medical at­ A batallion of soldiers arrived block him materializes. air and landed unhurt in a clump and fired in the air. Several stu­ Gen E l e c ----- 92% 90% 92 would aitt the swimmer for seven semblance of a reputation. tention by a physician living near­ At All Times. Gen Mot...... 208% ^01' 208% Row in Law Forces. of bushes. by and the more seriously hurt dents returned the fire with a more miles. He was advised by a friend, Nor­ An open break between Joseph Great No. Pfd. 77% 76% 77% Steamer Makes Trouble. were removed to the Middletown deadly purpose. man Kerry, to try his hand at mo­ R. Roach, C'aicago, special investi­ STORM w a r n in g s . THE RAINBOW INN - 111. Central ..122 122 122 At 4.45 this afternoon when Miss I hospital. tion pictures, and, on the bounty gator of the murder of Don R. Mel­ All three cars were badly dam­ "Work on the Panama canal first Kennecott Cop 56% 56% 56% Barrett was swimming off the of Kerry, he went to Los Angeles. Atop Bolton Hill. 24% lett, publisher, and County Prose­ Washington, Aug. 23.— Warnin aged and in all six persons were Insplra Cop . . 24% 24% Goodwin Sands lightship, a cross­ It was a long, time before he got a begun in 1881. Marine Pr. . . . 27% 27% 27% cutor C. B. McClintock, was prom­ of "a tropical disturbance of at injured in the crash, three in the 23% channel steamer came too close to job in the movies, and then it was ised for this afternoon when a least moderate intensity but small Vincek car, two in the Essex and Motor Wheel . 23% 23% her and the tremendous swell which as a super and at $5 a day. Norfolk West .163% 161% 163% statement attacking the prosecutor diameter in the middle of the Gulf one in the Buick following. 78% it threw up tossed her about and for Valentino’s meteoric rise actually will. It Is understood, be issued by of Mexico was issued today by the North Pacific .78% 77% a few minutes seemed almost like­ ’ N Y Central .137 135% 136% began when he was selected by June Roach. weather bureau. TODAY ly to swamp her. Mathis lor the part of Julio in “ The N Y, N H & H 45% 44% 45% Northeast storm warnings were BERLINS KEEP THEIR l a s t t i m b s Pennsylvania . 54% 54% 54% The powerful American swimmer, Four iiorsemen.” This was fol­ EGYPTIAN GUN TOTERS ordered displayed from Boston to Pierce Arrow . 30% 29% 30% however, successfully negotiated tho lowed by Rex Ihgrairi’s “ Conquering HAVE TO HAVE “ CL.\SS,” Delaware Breakwater and north STATE TODAY R ead in g...... 94% 94% 94% huge waves, and in a few minutes Power,” and “ Camille,” with Nazl- Cairo, Aug. 23.— An amazing west warnings south of Delaware WHEREABOUTS SECRET] Ch R Is! & Pac 63% 62 63% had again resumed^ her course, mova. bill is being prepared for submis­ Breakwater, Hatteras. A Drama of 8 Men— swimming normally. Then “The Sheik." South Pacific .107% 106% 106% sion to the parliament for the reg­ Pals First, Last and So. Railway .120% 120 120% On Miss Barrett’s last attempt to Then came “ The Sheik.” .As the ulation of the carrying of firearms. JUDGE DISQU.4LIFIES IN Alexandria Bay, N. Y., Aug. 23. St. P a u l...... 12% 12% 12% swim the channel she was nearly roving desert chieftain, Rudolph xhis bill would permit holders of HE.YRING ON MURDER __Mr. and Mrs. Irving Berlin were ‘Pals First Always.______, Studebaker . . 55% 54 55% run down by a cross-channel steam­ captured the hearts and .fancy of academic degrees and their eldest back on American soil today but Union Pacific .158% 158 158% er in the dark of the night. the motion picture audience, and! sons, all proprietors of more than Norwalk, Aug. 23.— Judge Sam­ their exact whereabouts was a mys­ U S Rubber . . 60 59 59 % At five o’clock this afternoon, from that time on his name became j ten acres and inhabitants of bowses uel Young, of the Stamford city tery. Berlin and his bride, former-1 ' U S Steel___ 151% 148% 151% I Miss Barrett had swam eight and a a household word throughout the] V'jho pay more than $25 in taxes, court, has been called on to preside ly Ellin Mackay, landed In Quebec Tuesday and Wednesday U S Steel Pr.128% 128% 128% I half miles anc%her position was five country. to carry firearms without special over a hearing here tomorrow on Friday from Scotland as “ Mr. Westfn’house , 69% 68% 6873 j miles off SoutnForeland. Valentino has been married lermits. morning for three men arrested in and Mrs. Johnson.” SIned then newspaper men have had a difficult ] 7Ae ! Cannon to Try Tonight, twice. First, to , who connection with the murder of Gen- time tracing them. i Cape Gris Nez, Aug. 23.— The divorced him but rushed to his bed­ MEXICO HEARS REPORT ario Clemente. Judge Young has side when he was stricken. Later OF SHEFFIELD QUITTING ; beep asked to preside over the court It is known, however, that the featuring English channel will be cluttered Berlins arrived here by motor from came his whirlwin courtship and Mexico City, Aug. 23— Reports j session because Judge Candee feels NAY BARREH IS AGAIN with swimmers tonight. Montreal and went directly to the Le'arning that Miss Clarahelle Mexican marriage to Winifred Hud- that American Ambassador, who is himself disqualified to sit in the M cA V O Y now in the- United States, had re­ case. summer home of Max Winslow at Barrett is already in the water. Miss nut, daughter of the famous per­ St. Lawrence Park, four miles from ( WILLARD LOSER TO CHANNEL Lillian Cannon of Baltimore an­ fume manufacturer. In January, signed, were circulated here today-. LOUIS The reports were said to have come The United States once issued a here. nounced that she would' start an­ 1926, Winifred Hudnut secured a It- was reported. the Berlins had LOUISE from New York. * gold coin with a face value of $50. (Continned from page 1) other attempt to swim the English divorce. .left Winslow’s for New York and FAZENDA Channel at 7.30 tonight. also reported that they had not | twenty-one hours and was forced Hans 'Verkotten of Cologne an­ left. THURSDAY to give up, owing to fog, after she nounces that he will stArt the Wanted—Alii Expert Horticulturist swam through the nlaht without tempt at 8 o’clock tonight and the W ith a knowing her position much of the German swimmer Kemerich has an­ Double time. nounced he will start at, approxi­ ^ ' TOM Country Store Feature Bill. At 2:10, twenty minu^s after mately the same time. % SIMS

^ i m ! - S K f S I VJISAThisI keE The crossword puzzle Is still a NEW FALL SUITS \IJ013L7 MURE.VAKt' craze In England, where people are | icursion to B o ston GRtoWSyftE slow at seeing Jokes. 5AW?e R o u n d Trtp,t-«res Things are hot in Mexico. If it Hartford—Eait Hartford $3.00 Sundc. . Aug. 29 ■\ That Assure Good Grooming weren’t for Canada, the United] Manekotter—Veraot 2.50 States would bo In a bad neighbor­ WiiUiBaiitie 2.C0 hood. Pntnaai ______I-T*. Lv. Hartford • • 6.30 a.m. E. Hartford . « 6.40 a.m. SIT the fine Nantaaket Beach They’ve arrived! Tans, General Wood’s son Is learnin§ Manchester . * 6.50 a.m. V reached by steamer; Revere '[Vernon . . 6.58 a.m. grays, blues and a wealth the refrigerator business, which 7.35 a.m. may serve to keep a hot head cool. Beach, Bunker Hill Monument, !WilHmsntie . • of Fall’s newest and Paul Revere House, Old North Pntnsm • '• 8.15 a.m. Due Back Bay , . 9.40 a.m. smartest color— bro"wn. V They think the ghost of a ?eo-,I Church and numerous other Broad shoulders, slim Due So. Station . 9.45 a.m. pard is roaming New Jersey, but we points of interest in appealing Returning hips. Single and double think it is a New Jersey mosquito. old Boston— ajcity of never-end­ Lv. So. Station . • 6.15 p jn . breasted. Lt. Back Bay ' • 6.20 p.m . WIFE DIES, HE SUICIDES. ing appeal.*^" _ New York, Aug. 23.— Samuel Ticket! toed-B u Y Esriy-AToid Pisappomtinent $22.50 Hllsenrod, 72, always said he and his wife. Mary, 62, couldn’t live v^tbout each other. Hllsenrod and up found hef dead in bed from heart disease today and committed sui­ The perpetration of Our better clothes are cide by leaping from a window of tailored at Fashion Park. their second-story apartment.

SHUT POWER PLANT | FRAU N e ' w TO STOP SUICIDES and fraudulent practices are the constant daily aim and Siklos, Hungary, Aug. 23,— purpose of a large group of men and women in this N e c k w e a r The local electric power plant country. has been closed down by tho magistrate to prevent an epl- It is a case of their wits against yours. Don’t let d^m*' of suicides. When the them outwit you. ' plant •was opened recently a .00 woman wai^ killed by a live wire. Read article on page 3. Thereupon there followed a number of suicides by this meth­ od and the magi*'*’‘ate decided MANCHESTER to send the population hack to the use of lamps and candles, at CHAMBER OF COMMERCE George Williams "least until the suicide urge has passed.

J ^^^.fKT'- ‘ •■^■'■* ■-

.« ' i • - • • . ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MONDAY, AUGlfeT 28, 192^' r s s E

cent commercial proposition, a mat­ will be prepared to sort and pack throngliout'hl8 right aide and par­ ter ot dollars and cents to the pub­ -crops ot private growers. alysis had developed. Medical aid P. 0 . ORDER KNIFES lishers of the magazines and to the TOBACCO AND GRAIN In connection with the opening DEPORT LOCAL U proved fruitier. In’ the . m^n- HARMONY, THE KEYNOTE solicitors. ot their new warehous^The Man­ while his wife, who, incidentally, The ••point,” or ‘•vote,’' or chester-Grain & Coal Company are had been married once before, on­ SALE OF FRAUDS •‘scholarship” feature Is simply In­ WAREHOUSE OPENS ottering a number of special values. INVAUDILL, ly to have her first husband l^led jected as a sentimental appeal to They will also have souvenirs tor in the World War, took over the loosen the purse strings and In­ those who •visit their warehouse this burden of attempting to support AT a 0. P. GATHERING duce subscriptions from *jympathy. AT THE NORTH END week. Their advertisement else­ 0VER2YEARS herself and children in addition to Responses to these articles are where in today’s Herafd will give care for her husband. Reducing Remedies Are Ob­ becoming increasingly frequent, particulars. * Leave Town Friday both from the Manchester public The task proved too big, howev­ ject of Latest Indictments and from out-of-town. More and Manchester Ordered er, and government authorities D. S. Senator Bingham Prin- P - more local people are submitting Manchester Grain & Coal who learned of the case ordered their problems or asking for ad­ ABOUTTOWN Liirihgstone deported back to Scot­ by Government. vice and each week there is an in­ Co Moving Into Large New Back to Scotland Because land following an investigation of cipal Speaker at Bridge­ crease In the number of articles 'James Hassett ot this town will conditions. Today a notice appears distributed to other Chambers of face trial tonight in the Coventry In the For Sale column of The Commerce on request of Secre­ Bnilding in Apel Place. court on a charge of evading respon­ of Incurable Paralysis. Herald announcing the sale of port “ Get-Together” ; En- (This is the 25th article prepar­ taries. South Carolina and Illinois sibility. His arrest followed an household furniture. ed for The Herald by the Man­ unusual accident Saturday night at 'V' w( re two names added to our Hst Friday morning the man, his chester Chamber of Commerce.) the Lakeside Caslifo in Coventry, thosiastic Meeting. during the past week. The Manchester Grain & Coal An unusual human Interest story wife and children will leave Man­ Company, one nf Manchester’s ^tate Policeman Harmon made the chester for New York where on Developments of the past week younger business firms are moving arrest. Hassett insists he is inno­ concerning a Manchester man who Sr.tnrf’ "v they will sail for Glas- in the Post Office Department prove into their new building on Apel cent. His car is said to (have run is to be deported to Scotland be­ cow, Scotland. The Republican party In Con­ the wisdom of several recommen­ POLICE COURT Place, this week. Locating here two into another but Hassett claims he cause of his -physical condition, It is understood Washington of­ necticut •will present a united dations made by the Chamber of years ago In the R. P. Bissell build­ was not in it at the time. came to .light today through a ficials believe Livingstone’s pres­ George Miner was found guilty In small advertisement inserted in front In the campaign it Is soon to Commerce in former articles of ing on North Main street, the firm ent condition was brought about by the Manchesetr police court this Mrs. William Foley and daughter The Herald. this series. has enjoyed a rapid growth and Is something ■which occurred before enter If enthusiasm, good fellow­ morning of assault and breach of Norma spent the past week at the Fraud orders have been issued doing a constantly increasing busi­ Invalid Two Years he came to the United States, but ship and the pledges of political the peace. He was arrested by Po­ McKee cottage in Saybrook Manor. against several organizations which ness. James C. Livingstone, 25 of 136 that it did not develop until after orators count for anything. Satur­ liceman William Hart after a com­ On Saturday they motored to Sound have been active in defrauding the Bissell street, is the man ■vs’ho has he had been here for a while. day afternoon at Pleasure Beach, plaint of Michael Rankl of Marl- View with Miss Helen Schnell of public. Two of *hese fraud orders received notice from Washington Bridgeport, 2,300 Conne ticut Re­ l3orough, upon whom he made the are against organizations which Bank street and they also spent an­ officials that he must leave the “ TOUGH TOWN” WHERE 'THEY publicans gathered to take part in assault. According to the story, other day with Mrs. Foley’s aunt at country. For nearly two years the OBJECT TO SHOPLIFTING. a love-feast. It marked the return have been commercializing the rul­ Rankl was on his way from East ing passion of the feminine mind, White Sands beach. young man, wh.o has a wife and Bridgeport, Aug. 23.—.“ This is a of the united Bridgeport G. O. P. Glastonbury to Manchester, was two children, has been unable to tough town,” declared Catherlna .irganization to the fold of the state namely: to reduce. By hook or by overtaken by Miner near the Globe crook, by fair means or foul, the Michael and Patrick Mooney of work because of paralysis of the Stankey, of Stamford, after she fim “ machine." For the first time in Hollow reservoir. Miner accused i average woman today will try to School street and Edward Strauss right side. ished a session in city court today. 10 years State Chairman J. Henry Rankl of crowding him oft the road of the Heights returned yesterday Inrurable Paralysis Charged with walking away Witt make her figure conform to the and, besides using vile language, Roraback spoke at a public Bridge­ standard of fashion. Knowing this, from a trip to Canada. Livingstone has been examined two dresses from a local store, tha he struck Rankl in the face. There port meeting. V, S. Sen. Hirniii Binghnin. many unscrupulous organizations by numerous doctors and special­ young lady was fined fifty dollars Manchester was represented at were two other men with Miner at Little Virginia Hart, 10 years old ists in addition to being in the and costs by Judge W. J. Buckley, have thrown together various the time. Miner was found guilty the get-together by State Senator .soaps, urgents, pills, tablets and daughter of Mrs. Chauncey Weir, of Hartford hospital for considerable She paid the fine. Robert J. Smith, Judge Raymond Previously the government had and fined $15 and costs for breach 64 Gardner street, was bitten by a time. Doctors who have examin­ A. Johnson. Deputy Judge Thomas taken no action to protect the even chewing gum. of the peace and $10 for assault. Soap. small dog yesterday morning and is ed the man say he is suffering from KILLED SEVEN PERSONS Ferguson and Ronald Ferguson of lives of air passengers. Now legis­ F. H. Quarles, Jr., paid a fine of The La Mar Reducing Soap is now under doctor’s care. what is known as stasis paralysis, FOR FORTY-NINE CENTS. lation forces aviators to be licensed $10 and costs for speeding. He The Herald. the subject of one fraud order. an incurable disease. Moscow, Aug. 23.— Pavel Reven, Bingham Pre.sont and to take proper precaution They have been selling a bar of was arrested by Officer R. H. Wlr- Mrs. Alma Gibbon of Oxford About three years ago, Mr. and a 45-year-old peasant, has confess­ The principal speaker at the against accidents. talla Saturday afternoon on Main soa)) and a reducing brush for street has her nephew, William Airs. I.lvingstone came to the ed to the murder of a family of event was United States Senator Connecticut has benefited greatly $3.50. tlie probable cost of whlcli street. Morgan of North avenue, Astoria, United States from Scotland. With seven persons for the sake of rob­ Hiram Bingham. Senator Bing­ through reduced taxation, the Sen­ totaled less than 50 cents. Inciden­ The case of Louis Vlnclno of L. I., visiting her. them came their two children. At bery which netted him only forty- ham's address sounded the keynote ator insisted. He said that while Hartford, charged with reckless nine cents. Reven admitted that he many states reported an increase tally an elaborate set of instruc­ , Livingstone siiccess- c: the Republican party’s cam­ drlvinfj, was continued until tomor­ Mr. and Mrs. John Mannise of fi’ ily passed physical examination had expected to find a hidden paign. He stressed national de­ in taxation of 100 per cent, Con­ tions as to sleei), exercise and diet accompanied the soap aiul brusli, row morning. Wells street have the same birth­ and was allowed to enter this coun­ treasure. fense, military and economic, lay­ necticut's increase was the small­ 7 \ ^ although the adverti.sements of the > V day. It occurred yesterday and try. They came to Manchester to ing emphasis on the Importance of est, only Ifi per cent. Connecticut’s La their friends hereabouts to the num­ live. a protective tariff, and personal bondfr.sell higher than tliose of any compimy distinctly stated that other ^ate in the Union. Our fi­ Mar Reducing Soap “ Shrinks the COLUMBIA ber of fifty decided to give them a Worked in Mill NOTICE freedom. Skin as It Dissolves the Fat.” and surprise at their home last eve­ Mr. Livingstone secured employ­ Judge Carl Foster of Bridgeport nancial standing causes wonder­ BOARD OP RELIEF ment througl'.out the country. For “ Washes .\way Pounds of Fat. Miss Hilina Ericson of Baltic s Albert Heller ning. The evening was spent pleas­ ment in tlie Dye House at Cheney acted as toastmaster, and vas In­ antly with games and chorus sin> Brothers in September, 1923. Ac­ SECOND SCHOOL DISTRICT troduced to the audience by Com­ this, Senator Eingham praised not Double Clilns. and Years of Age.” the guest of Miss Florence Jones. The Post Office Department stat­ Realizing the need of larger and ing. There were solo numbers by cording to his own statements to a mittee Chairman Alfred W. Bur­ only the ndnitnistration at Wash­ Mr. and Mrs. Willard Clarke of Notice is hereby given to all tax­ ington, but also the government ed in their order that dieting and mwre convenient quarters, a piece Elmo Genevese, George Taylor, Bill Herald reporter who interviewed dick. Mayor William Behrens of New Haven has been visiting Mr. payers of the Second School Dis­ within the state. exercise are the only effective Clarke’s mother, Mrs. Lucy Clarke. of property in Apel Place with a McCarthy and Mr. Mannise. The him at his home today, he was not Bridgeport. State Chairman J. guests provided a bountiful supply ill when he started to work for trict that a board of relief meeting Henry Roraback, Postmaster Ar­ OntHiies Creed. means known by medical science Mr. and Mrs. James Powell and frontage of about 850 feet on the Senator Bingham said that he of eats and brought a number of Cheney Brothers. Two months lat­ will be held at the school In said thur F. Connor, and Edward L. for reducing. two sons of Oxone Park, N. J. ar­ railroad was purchased last year believed the time was a good one Siliih Reducing Gum is the sec­ choice presents for both Mr. and er, he says he began to have pains District on Friday evening, August Kelly, secretary to Governor Trum­ rived Saturday at the Avery Cot­ and here a large building with for outlining the Republican par­ ond medical fraud against which Mrs. Mannise. in his right hand, but because of fi­ 27, 1926, from 6 to 7 o’clock. East­ bull, were also on the speaking pro­ tage for a three weeks’ vacation. every convenience for unloading ty’s creed. He spoke first of nation­ the Post Office Department recent­ nancial conditions at home, decided ern Standard Time, for the purpose gram. The Ladies Aid Society held a and handling grain has been erect­ of hearing any and all complaints al defenses. He said the G. O. P. ly issued a fraud order. supper and fair Thursday afternoon ed. Combined with this is a large The associates of, the Girls’ to keep at work. 6.5 Years of Service stood for strengthening all depart­ In July, 1924. Livingstone left in regard to the tax list. This Judge Foster paid tribute to the Their advertisements read as and evening at the Town Hall. Over tobacco warehouse and sorting Friendly society of St. Mary’s Epis­ ments of defense, and had kept the follows: “ Chew Silph and be the employ of Clieney Brothers. Board consisting of one selectman, Republican party in his address. 400 were served a bountiful sup­ room. copal church will meet this evening United States well prepared for Sylph-Like.” “ Everyone is Chewing The pains in his hand had spread an j^sessor and the District Com­ Sixty-five years of sound govern­ per of beef loaf, salads, baked The new building, which is locat­ at 7.30 In the parish house. mitteeman has the same power in every emergency. It and Pounds of Fat are Rolling ed on the south side of Apel Place ment is the record of the G. O. P., The Republicans too, stand firm­ beans, cake and coffee, this being regard to District taxes as the he said. There are those who tell Off.” “ To Chew Silph Not Only- the largest number ever fed at a a short distance east of Oakland Manager Jack Sanson of the State ly for economic defense. They be­ Means to be Sylph-Like, but to be Town Board of Relief. us to vote for the man, and not for supper here. Over $500 was taken street, is 200 feet long and a spur theater and Tom Trant left today lieve that a protective tariff alone Strong, Well, and Slender.” Inci­ W. J. BUCKLEY, the party, he said. But, remember in during the day, and it is expected track runs its entire length on the for New York to select special scen­ District Committeeman. •defendsXthe interests of the whole dentally, these advertisements are ery land stage sets for the Kiddie party principles ‘are the basis of country to best advantage. As a that nearly $450 of this will be south side. The west half of the Manchester Green, Conn. sound government, and the Repub­ accompanied by the figure of a fat building, 37x100 feet, will be de­ Revue which will be staged at the result of a protective tariff Con­ young lady, casting admiring and clear profit. Use Antiseptic Liquid Zemo August 23, 1926. lican party nominates only the best voted to the grain business with State shortly. necticut has 11 million dollars less envious .glances toward a Sylph- Mrs. Trythall is taking care of the Dubois baby, during the illness offices at the west or front end and 'There is one remedy that seldom fails men.” in taxes to pay than if there were Like lady in bathing suit. Judge Foster said that the Re­ a low tariff such as the Democrats of its mother at St. Joseph’s hospi­ large storage space on the second Ray Griswold and family spent to stop itching torture and relieve skin publicans of Connecticut stand Each package of Silph Gum is floor. The east half of the building the week end at Narragansett Pier irritation, and that makes the skin propose. accompanied by the instructions to tal. firpily behind president Coolidge’s 50x100 feet will be used as a and Rocky Point. soft, dear and healthy. Tolerance. take the juice of one lemon in a Mr. and Mrs. Fulford of New G. Schreibier & Sons administration. Senator Bingham stressed per­ Haven are spending two weeks at tobacco warehouse, two fioors and Any druggist can supply you with Mayor Behrens of Bridgeport in glass of warm water every morn­ The many friends of Miss Molly Zm o, which generally overcomes skin sonal freedom, saying that the Re­ ing, chew food very thoroughly, the home of Mrs. Jennie Hunt. basement, with an Otis elevator diseases. Eczema, Itch, Pimples, Radi­ a short address reviewed the ac­ publican party was tolerant. Sena­ Lawrence and Marga.et Hutchins equipment. Tile grain and tobacco Kelley .of Norths School street will complishments of the Republican eat only two or three light meals be glad to learn that she is improv­ es, Blackheads, in most cases quickly General Contraefors tor. Bingham said that “ intolerance a day, sleep not more than, six or started Sunday morning for Wash­ departments are separated by a give way to Zemo. Frequently, minor administration in Bridgeport and is the water in the gas of the Lib­ ington, D. C. where they will spend brick fire wall extending above the ing at the St. Francis Hospital, blemishes disappear overnight. Itching enthusiastically spoke of the value seven hours, do a reasonable erty motor.” amount of walking, take no liquid a week -with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph roof. Hartford. usually stops instantly. Zemo is a s^e, of harmony within the ranks. He •The gathering was seated in the with meals, avoid starches, fat and Hutchins. East of the main building and ad­ antiseptic liquid that may be applied BoUden of "Better Built Homes’* assured the state organization that big auditorium at Pleasure Beach, A marriage license was Issued candy. The pulpit of the Congregational joining it is a brick and concrete at any time, for it does not show. Ask Telephone 1565-2. Bridgeport would be shoulder to and a big broiled chicken dinner Saturday to Leonard Aceto and Mrs. False Pretenses. church was occupied Sunday morn­ building 50x75 feet designed as a your druggist for a small size 60c or shoulder with the rest of the state, was served to the entire assem­ ing by the Rev. Mr. Clifford of sorting room. It is lighted from the Annie Aceto, widow of Pasquale large botfie $1.00. in the coming campaigns. blage before the speaking was The government maintains that these were schemes for obtaining North Weymouth, Mass. He preach­ north and has room for 50 sorters. Aceto. The Boss started. ed from the subject “ The limita The heating system is located in Shop: 285 West Center Street Postmaster Arthur F. Connor in­ money through the mails by false and fraudulent pretenses, repre­ tions of God.” Mr. Clifford was re­ the basement of this building. The Manchester Realty Company troduced as the “ boss of the un­ cently pastor at Windham, and sev­ Another smaller heating plant is has sold the 5 room bungalow on NOTICE bossed city of Bridgeport,” was sentations and promises, and they eral of his old parishioners -were located in the basement of the grain North School street, formerly owned SECOND SCHOOL DISTRICT OF most tactful in his talk on the re­ FATHER SEEKS SON have been forbidden further use present Sunday morning to hear store below the offices. by Mary Irish, to Frank Lucas. The MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT. turn of the down city organization of the United States mails. The promoters of one of these him preach. Next Sunday Mr. Cecil The building is of -wood, of the transfer was made by the Arthur A. Notice is hereby given all voters to the Roraback faction. He said MISSING 3 YEARS Gates of Columbia and Hartford most substantial construction and Knofla Agency. Bridgeport was not a Prodigal son, companies had formerly- been con­ of the Second School District of victed with similar fraud for the will be the speaker. Manchester, Connecticut, that a but rather said that Bridgeport was Rev. Mr. Wain, pastor of the mSCELLANEOUS SHOWER. Inspired by the great success of cure of the alcoholic and tobacco special meeting of said District will habit. At that time he was convict­ local church, is taking his two A sho'wer was held in honor of be held at the School House in said the Republican state organization. R. F. Rennie of Gardner Street weeks’ vacation. Miss Teresa McIntosh Friday night Edward L. Kelley, secretary to ed under the pure food act for District on Monday evening, August Grief-Stricken Over Disap­ selling 3 -cents worth of tartar Mrs. Clayton Hunt and two so.is at her home on Spruce street. She 30, 1926 at 8 o’clock for the fol­ Governor John Trumbull, read a left Monday morning -.or a few days’ is soon to marry Peter Chapman. message from the governor who pearance of Son Who Served emetic, a dangerous irritant poison lowing purposes, tb 'wit: visit to Mrs. Hunt’s sister, Mrs During the evening’s entertain­ was out of the state. Governor in World War. for $1.00. 1. To choose a Moderator; A third fraud order has recent­ Chester Winsor of Jonnston, R. I ment a mock marriage was per­ 2. To see if the District will Trumbull’s letter congratulated formed. Myrtle Volkert was the Bridgeport on planning such a big Ronald F. Rennie, who lives at ly been issued against another Miss Eleanor Collins of New York make such appropriation as may be 26 Gardner street, still seeks his fraudulent merchandise scheme is spending her vacation at the minister: Anna Kearns, the bride; necessary to erect an addition to political gathering, and emphasized Nellie O’Connell, the groom; Hilde- the prosperity which the whole absent son though every known similar in operation to that of the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. the present school building as di­ means has been taken to find him. Neverman Company,- which victim Hubert Collins of Chestnut Hill. garde Anderson, the bridsemaid; rected by the voters of the District country is enjoying. Grace Taylor, the best man; Anna Mrs. Annie Russ of Shelton, nat­ For more than three years, the ized so many Manchester people. at the adjourned annual meeting elderly man has not seen his son The La France Company issued Gustafson, father of the bride. held August 16th, 1926; ional committeewoman from this Miss McIntosh was the recipient state urged the women to take a John F. Rennie, who, he says, serv.^ advertisements in which a reward ‘TASSIONATE QUEST” 3. To see if the District will more active part in politices. SJie ed with Company G in the World of $1,000 was offered for the solu­ of many beautiful presents. Re­ authorize the Treasurer to borrow said that experience told her that War. tion of a picture puzzle. It was im­ AT STATE TOMORROW freshments were served and every­ in the name of the District not to the women can play the game suc­ The son came home from the possible to get the wrong answer one had an enjoyable time. exceed thirty - five thousand cessfully if they will only get out war but disappeared May 29, 1923, and everyone answering received ($35,000.) dollars for the’ purpose CA3IP PIONEER INVITA'flON and work. i according to his father. Ever since the $10 gift bond to be used in of ei-ectlng an addition to the pres­ An invitation is extended to all Roraback Speaks j this time, the broken-hearted payment of a “ Queen Isabelle, “ The Passionate Quest,” the ent school building and to give the Chairman J. Henry Roraback as­ i father has been attempting to learn Genuine French Pearl Necklace” at novel by E. Phillip^ Oppenheim, is Boy Scout Officials and their wives notes or other obligations of the serted his belief in government by 1 his whereabouts. $13.75. $3.75 in cash was required among the most entertaining of the to enjoy the coming week-end 't District therefor; organization control, but insisted About two years ago he received and in return one received a string popular works of this author. It Camp Pioneer. Those wishing to 4. To see if the District for the that keen contest strengthened the information that his son was liv­ of pearls said by the I^ost Office De­ has been adapted to the screen by join the party should telephone purpose of funding its indelitedness i organization. He said he was ing at 79 Clinton street, Jersey partment to cost the promoters 98 Marian Constance Blackton and Commissioner James A. Irvine, on and for the purpose of paying exist­ City, but Inquiry revealed he had or before 'Juesday evening. Brambach glad his organization was never too cents. The promoters of this will open tomorrow at the State ing obligations and for the purpose already left that place for destina­ proud to fight. He feared that scheme never expected to be allow­ Theater for a run of two days. The party will leave town shortly of obtaining money to pay obliga­ tions unknown. ed to operate for any length of J. Stuart Blackton, the noted after 1 o’clock Saturday afternoon tions to be incurred in connection there would not be enough of a Now the grief-stricken father is Joseph Slobin Tha world’s best small fight from the Democratic party to time and depended solely on work­ producer and director who for and will leave Camp Pioneer about with the building of an addition to trying to locate his son through ing fast and taking what profits twenty-five yeaVs was associated 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon. The the present school house, will vote grand piano. Known the make the coming campaigns worth the Veterans’ Bureau in Hartford. V as built by Amos D. Bridge’s Sons while. they could before the slow working with the old Vitagraph company, of Hazardville. The railroad siding camp chef will still be on the job to authorize the issuance of bonds world over. Not a cheap The Republican party in Connec­ process of-the government agencies •was selected by Warner Bros, to was put in by The Manchester Con­ and guarantees to satisfy all food of the District, to fix the rate of in­ ..y ticut has much to be proud of, Mr. EXPECT TO ORGANIZE interferred. In this case, as with direct this picture. Commodore struction Company. requirements. terest on said bonds, the amount grand, but finest quality at Roraback said.' In 1915 the state the Neverman Company, their uia^F Blackton, ■whose “ Bride \ of the The construction of four rein­ and Rind of bonds, the manner in a low price. Results of had a deficit of 11 million dollars. showed receipts of Iwindreds of Storm” and “ Hell-Bent Fer Hea­ forced concrete coal silos along the NORW.ALK TAX DISTRICT which they shall be issued and Today the state enjoys a surplus A BOYS’ BAND AT H .S. thousands of dollars daily. ven” were enthusiastically praised railroad siding east of the main FUNDS REPORTED SHORT sold, and the person or persons by .103 years o f piano building. of one million dollars. One of the The student magazine solicitor by picture critics, is said to have whom the same shall be signed on warehouse will be started In the Convenient Terms. best departments in the state is season is at its height. Every day turned out an exciting, amusing near future. This is a new brand of Norwalk, Aug. 23.— The second behalf of said district, and also to that of motor vehicles. The Con­ witnesses the arrival of some new and thoroughly human story in the company’s business in Manches­ taxing district here was excited to­ take such action as may be neces­ necticut Cl partment is without a The formation of a high school individual or group intent upon ob­ “ The Passionate Quest.” day over a reported shortage of sary to provide a method for the boys’ band will begin shortly after ter but they expect with the most peer in the whole United States, he taining subscriptions for every With three such noted players as modern equipment for handling and funds. Paul R. Connery, the dis­ payment of said bonds at maturity. asserted. This has been the result school opens next month. About known and unknown periodicals. May McAvoy, Willard Louis’ and trict attorney, announced that a ( W. J. BUCKLEY, twenty-five boys already have in­ with'storage for 1,000 tons of coal Df good governmen* and organiza­ Tough Tow-n. Louise Fazenda in the leading to be in a position to gain a share check-up of the district books would Committeeman, Second KEMFS tion politics, he intimated. struments. Eighteen of them have Wherever one of these salesmen roles, it is small wonder that re­ be completed this afternoon and School District. had some experience in band work of the town’s coal business. *^verything Mnsical” Ovation for Bingham is met in Manchester, the verdict is viewers in other cities have lauded The officers of the Manchester that it appeared that a shortage of Manchester Green, Conn., Senator Bingham was given a before, and the others are studying the same, “ Manchester is a tough the newest of Blackton produc­ at least $2,000 would be found. August 23rd, 1926. under the supervision of Harold Grain & Coal Co. are Albert Heller, great ovation when he was intro­ town since the Chamber of Com­ tions. general manager and Joseph Slobin No arrests have been made pend­ duced. Senator Bingham felt that Turkington of Kemp’s Music merce started its newspaper arti­ “ The Passionate Quest” is the ing the check-up. House. cles.” “ The women ask too many assistant manager. The other own­ he was at home in Bridgeport be­ quest of two lads and a girl for ers are Joseph Lavitt and Jacob The proposition is being spon­ questions.” “ It takes too long to fame and fortune in London. It is cause he had taught in the high Cohen of Rockville. Mr. Heller has BANKRUPTCY PE-nTION. school there earlier in life. He was sored by Kemp’s Music House, but make a sale.” "I think we’ll cut an April comedy of sunshine and New Haven, Aug. 23.— Frank S. is solely in the interest of promo­ this town.” These are'some of the shadow, of mirth and madness, of had a number of years experience Wizorek, a New Britain electrician, thankful to Bridgeport also for the in the grain and tobacco business. handsome majority it g.ave him in tion of musical interest in the local remarks which the students make. romantic youth bumped by the today filed a voluntary petition in The Red Wing Coal Company high school. In many high schools From this it would seem that the world’s realities. Mr. Slobin raised on a farm is well bankruptcy in^United States Dis­ his contest for the Senate seat. acquainted with live stock and Owing to favorable freight rates at East Hartford we Voters are interested in Con­ throughout the country there are housewives have been given cour­ Don’t miss the last showing of trict court here. He'has liabilities gressional legislation on taxes, said boys’ bands, but the local school age by reading the Chamber of “ Pals First” at the State Theater poultry and the feeds best adapted of $1,669 and assets of $300. are in a position to furnish tfafe people of Manchester Senator Bingham, and the Republi­ has never had such an organiza­ Commerce articles, to ask questions tonight. Two performances, 7:00 to produce desired results. He has and South Manchester with the can party is to be thanked for tion. The formation of the band and to refuse subscriptions unless and 9:00. A drama of three men taken a course in the Purina school keeping expenses down. The na­ will give a chance to many of the they are something -which they ac "Pals first, last and always.” where stock and poultry feeds are tional debt has been a great bur­ boys who are musically inclined to tually want and need. made a special study. - FOR S E E - Best Grades of Anthracite Coal den, and it Is only through dili­ do something for their school that It is also becoming increasingly SEVEN STRIKE AGIT.ATORS The tobacco warehouse will be in At Attractive Prices. gent service of Republican admin­ could not be done otherwise. apparent to one who observes the ARRESTED IN STAMFORD charge of Max Lavitt, who is an ex­ istration that taxation has been de­ The band will play at football si.cns of the times, that the student Stamford, Aug. 23.— A serious perienced grower and packer. He creased. games this fall, and at basketball solicitor plan for boosting maga­ disturbance today marked the has packed for the Conn. Valley MUSKMELONS A\iation Policy. and baseball games, and at track zine circulation" and incidentally, strike of the International Garment Association as well as for some, of The Red Wing Coal Company As a result of administration meets later in the year. It will magazine advertising rates, is be­ Workers Union. Seven men and the largest packers on State street, policy the United States has taken also appear at various school ing overdone and is doomed to die two women, said to be New York Hartford and for private growers. Operated by great strides forward in aviation, events. a natural death due to its- being strikers, were arrested by police His warehouse will be completely in which it has been e.xtremely There are trumpets, clarinets, overworked and the people becom­ outside the plant of William Bloom equipped for handling broadleaf, MUSKMELONS I'he Meech Grain Company weak. Three bills have been passed alto and tenor horns, saxophones, ing exasperated at the continual and are being held for trial on shadegro'wn and Havana seed. He is Garden and Fairfield Streets sponsoring commercial, army and trombones, baritones, a bass sousa- importuning of the solicitors. Wednesday. They had been unable growing 105 acres of shade and EAST HARTFORD, CONN. , navy aviation. As a result America phone, and drums included in the In the meantime, housewives to obtain bail early this afternoon. 30 acres of broadleaf in Ellington * DonaM J. Grant Telephone 1295; will soon lead the world in the personnel of the musicians at and others approached are again re- The arrests today were the largest this season and in addition to hand­ air. present - minded that this is a pure .100 perj[in number since the strike began ling this at the new warehouse he Bucldand, Telephone 93-12 V PAGE FOUR> 'MANOteTER ev en in g HERAEEf;MOTOAX3TOGUFrE5;im>

manly experience necessary to the earth, they are splendidly equipped , ^Itmrl^Blnr rounding out of a successfully for the restoration ot their father­ crooked life. land— ^when the time comes. Evrntns lifralii It is drawing near. PUBLISHaD BT HOBOES. ELIOT. THB HBRAIiD PHINTINO CO. A very strange news Item appears In the death ot Dr. Charles W. Founded b7 Clwood S. Bla in this morning’s papers. It Is Distinctive Popular Priced Upholstered Furniture in the Oct X. 1881 Eliot, president-emeritus Of Har­ from Wyanet. 111., and tells of eight Every Bvenlns Except Sunday! and vard university, America loses a fig­ Holidays. persons being killed in a freight ure praatically unique. Essential­ Entered at the Post OlHco at Man­ wreck on the Chicago, Burlington chester as Second Class Mall Matter. I ly a scholar and theorist, and essen­ 8DBSCRXPT10N RATES: By Mall ' and Quincy railroad. That in it­ six dollars a year; sixty cents a tially also part ot an. institution ot SEMI-ANNUAL FURNITURE SALE self might not be such an extraor­ month for shorter perioda aristocratic leanings, the venerable By carrier, eighteen centr a weult. dinary thing, for pebple are always educator was and all his life. had Single copies, throe centa being killed in freight wrecks. The SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE­ been, an advocate ot principles ot SENTATIVE: Hanillton-De LIsser. striking part of the item is the In­ Inc.. 25 West 4Sd Street. New York the purest democracy. and SI2 .North Michigan Avenue, formation that all the persons Chicago. killed were tramps, Vbummlng” That there were times when Dr. The Manchester Evening Herald Is rides on the train. Eliot’s outIoo]t on the humanities on sale in New fork City at Schultz's ran counter to the hard-and-tast News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 42nd There had been a T^despread no­ Street and 42nd Street entrance of realities ot life many persons vflll Grand Central Station. tion that there were no more assert. | But be was so often right "International News Service has the tramps— that the genus hobo had exclusive rights to use for republlca- — and vitally, passionately right— tlon in any form all news dlsoatches become extinct in this country. The credited to It or not otherwise credit­ that his mistakes, if mistakes time ed In this paper. It Is also exclusively word ' ‘tramp,” in fact, has almost entitled to use for republlcatlon alt disappeared from the language. shall prove them to have been, may the Ideal or undated news published well be forgotten. heroin." There are plenty of yoifhg people of voting age who would not recognize His was a great and splendid MOND.A.Y, AUGUST 23, 1926. the typical old time hobo If they mentality, and his was a sound and saw him, and who undoubtedly broadly charitable heart. Withal anUTTARY REVOLT. classify the rare stage representa­ the simplicity of the man was al­ most childlike. After all, there Is no country in tions of that individual along with Harvard, and with it American the world whose government does Little Red Riding Hood and the rest university culture, has received an not exist at suffrance of its army or of the Mother Goose people. impress from the hands of this great its army and navy, as the case may Yeggs there are still, of course— leader of thought which will not be be. The newest of Europe’s dic­ the yegg being the itinerant, safe Swell Front Jacquard Suite $198 erased by time. It is a broader tators, General Theodore Pangalos, blowing crook who used to travel and a better world for his having A suite of new moulded base, swell front design, consisting of davenport, arm chair and wing who has been ruling Greece with “ on the rods” along with the ordin­ been spared to it for so long a time. chair, covered all around with heavy Jacquard velour. Exactly as sketched. Re- ^ 1 Q Q just about as arbitrary a hand as ary or "gaycat” hobo. But the versible cushions. Formerly $255.00. SEMI-ANUAL SALE ...... V A that of Mussolini in Italy, having yeggs ride In stolen automobiles in achieved a sort of Fascist control of these days of progress, instead of the country fourteen months ago, is on brake beams or in empty freight Three piece suite in combination figured and Wing-type three piece suite, consisting of now summarily and effectually set cars; and the plain hobo shaves, plain velour, with full size davenport (3 cush­ wing davenport, and 2 wing chairs of different down, without the firing of a shot, combs his hair, wears wide bottom S t e w a r d ions), wing chair and arm chair. Formerly sizes, upholstered all around with Jacquard ve­ because the military forces of pants and smilingly solicits “ lifts”' WASHINGTON $169.00. SEMI-ANNUAL (tM O O lour. Reversible cushions. Formerly $298.00. Greece came .to the conclusion that back to “college” or to the town SALE ...... they had had enough of him. The LETTERS SEMI-ANNUAL O O Q t where his “ Job” is. SALE ...... “ big Man” of Greece, who for a cou­ That there were so many as eight By CHARLES P. STEWART. ple of weeks past has been ordering old-fashioned railroad bums all put Washington, Aug. 23.— If Secre­ tary of Commerce Hoover ever be­ the arrest of practically all the im­ together would have seemed im­ portant politicians in Greece who comes president, we know In ad­ Three piece suite consisting of' davenport, Three piece suite upholstered in a combina­ probable. That such a number vance just what kind of a govern­ do not belong to his immediate arm chair and wing chair, upholstered in a com­ tion of Jacquard and plain velour with broca- should have been bunched up In ment we’ll have. bination of Jacquard and plain velours. For­ crowd, turns out to be an extremely It will be exactly the kind we telle on reverse side of cushions. Davenport, one freight car would Indicate the merly $198.00. SEMI-ANNUAL ^ 1 / f Q small man indeed when suddenly existence, throughout the country, have now. arm chair and wing chair. Queen Anne design. the guns^and the bayonets are point­ It’s no secret In Washington that SALE ...... Formerly $289.00. SEMI­ of an unbelievably large remnant of Hoover, subject to President Cool­ ed at him. the old time hobo army. idge, has more than any other one ANNUAL SALE ...... $ 2 4 5 . That is no proof that Pangalos is man to say concerning the present a weakling or a fool or anything of administration’s policies. In effect, he’s prime minister. New carved wood base suite consisting of the sort. It is merely a demon­ AMBITIONS. Moulded base design suite with Queen Anne Velour Davenports Now, a strong prime minister, three pieces— davenport, arm chair and wing stration of the usually forgotten People— men, women and chil­ who’s fully trusted and much de­ feet, covered in a combination of Jacquard ve­ fact that the real power behind all dren— have singular ambitions. pended on by the potentate he chair. Upholstered in Jacquard and plain ve­ lour, plain, velour and tapestry. Reversible $95. serves, can run a government about government, whether it is exerted There was a man who wanted to lour, with damask reversible seat cushions. cushions. Davenport, arm and wing chair. not, is force. What could Dou- as he sees'fit. Formerly $245.00. SEMI- d* 1 Q O . Only two of these attractive own more different kinds of pieces 4i • * Formerly $295.00. SEMI­ Queen Anne davenports left. •yue and the French cabinet and of string than anybody else, and ANNUAL SALE ...... $ 1 O U • ThaUs the case ^ith Secretary ANNUAL SALE ...... $ 2 4 9 . Exactly as sketched, uphol­ v^ir'iament do about it if the army traveled all over the world for odd. Hoover. Nominally he only gives advice, but where advice alwiiys is stered in an attractive checked and navy should suddenly declare specimens; there are head hunters accepted an! acted on as the ad­ Jacquard velour in combination them deposed and a military board in Borneo, it Is said, who risk their visor suggests, it amounts practi­ Three piece suite of Queen Anne design with with plain velour. Formerly to be the sovereign power in lives In battle over and over again, cally to the acfiai shaping of the Three piece suite covered with a combination cai-ved base, upholstered in mohair, plain velour $125.00. France? What could King George so as to possess the record number course the latter favors. of plain mohair, velour and tapestry. Daven­ Hoover’s advice “ goes” *wlth the and damask, finished with tassels. Davenport, and Premier Baldwin and the Com­ of dried top pieces. There are port, arm chair and wing chair. Formerly President. arm chair and wing chair. Formerly $325.00. mons and Lords do about it if the men who would do anything to be $249.00. SEMI-ANNUAL C M n O As President, ho’d act. As Sec­ SEMI-ANNUAL ^OCQ British army'and navy should de­ elected alderman and women who retary of Commerce, he advises and SALE ...... SALE ...... cide to run the country? What, almost faint with nervousness over the President acts. That’s the only difference. So, by observing Bed-Davenport Suites for that matter, could President It but persevere in their determina­ Coolidge and Mr. Borah and Jim this administration, we learn what tion to show more of their knees Hoover’s ideal of an administration and Reed and the rest of them do about than any one else in their sister­ is. It’s a fair conclusion that, in ^mbination mohair and velour suite with Delightful new design with wood base and it if the United States army and hood. But the queerest ambition the White House himself, he’d du­ reversible cushions in attractive damask. Three fi*ame in Queen Anne design; consisting of navy should decide that the \ime plicate it. pieces— davenport, arm chair and wing chair, davenport, arm chair and wing chair. Mohair, Bed-Davenports we ever heard of was that of the • • * had come for them to boss things? girl who wanted to marry Harry It isn’t in his own department in Queen Anne design, finished with tassels. velour and damask upholstery. Formerly ; Just nothing. Thaw. I alone that Hoover's interested. He’s Formerly $269.00. SEMI- <1* O 0 $350.00. SEMI-ANNUAL ^ O Q O Three piece bed-davenport suite consisting of davenport, Fortunately it is not often the Psychologists may be able to fig­ interested in the whole machinery ANNUAL SALE ...... SALE ...... » ^ temper of modern armies and nav­ of government. aim chair and wing chair in ure out the ambitions of such peo­ He’s the father of the Coolidge ies to aspire to civil control. Prob­ ple as Mabel Willebrant, Lady As- Queen Anne design covered in policy of reorganization, simplifica­ figured velour. Davenport con­ ably most soldiers and sailors know tor or the New York janitress who tion and reduction of governmental tains full size bed. Formerly; that they would make a mess of it. sought the jniddle weight women’s personnel— the consolidation o f bureaus, the pruning out of all But just the same they hold the pugilistic championship of the $198.00. SEMI- O , orange in their hands and can superfiuous divisions, the accom­ ANNUAL SALE Ninth ward, but the case of the Cal­ plishment of more work with small­ squeeze it any time they see fit. Two Piece Suites For Smaller Rooms ifornia girl who flivvered to Penn­ er staffs. \ sylvania and beseiged the Thaw Economy and tax reduction are near to his heart. country home for weeks in hope of A “ business administration” — Probably you will want to use an odd chair Another Queen Anne design with pieces cov­ Two piece Bed-Davenport DRAB HALF CENTURY. dragging the murderer ot Stanford suite consisting of davenport that was his notion from the firsc, that you now own with the suite you are plan­ ered in Jacquard and plain velour; reversible Clifford Hanson is only twenty- White to the altar is one for the even in President Harding’s day. and wing chair in heavy Jac­ one years old. On average ex­ cushions. Davenport and arm chair. Former­ alienists— and the alienists are It may seem as if Secretary of ning to buy, or desire to add a touch of variety quard velour. Queen Anne de­ pectancy he might naturally hope Agriculture Jardine was the one to r ly $205.00. SEMI-ANNUAL d M C O licked before they ever undertake to your room with an odd chair. These two sign. Davenport contains full to live twice and a half that, time make up the President’s mind for SALE ...... $ 1 O O o the Job. him on the subject of fanm relief piece suites are ideal for such purposes I size bed using the box-spring more. He faces the spending of legislation. But no, it was notice­ idea, and a cedar chest for stor­ •the whole of it behind bars. RUSSLV. able that Jardine never peeped ing blankets and other bedding. So far as known Hanson never It would be a courageous, a reck­ while the subject was up in Con­ Two piece Tuxedo style suite with Queen Chair has reclining back and killed anybody. The crime for gress, which was rather odd. It less or a specially well Informed was Hoover who kept the adminis­ Queen Anne suite of two* pieces— davenport Anne feet, covered with Jacquard velour all hidden foot rest. Formerly which he was sentenced in New person .who would predict the num­ tration’s thumbs so firmly turned and arm chair— is covered with Jacquard ve­ around; tapestry reversible seats. Davenport $285.00. SEMI­ York the other day was almost a ber of years or months that the down on measures of the Mc- lour and plain velour. Formerly $175.00. and arm chair. Fom erly $325.00. SEMI- ANNUAL SALE $ 2 4 5 ' trifling thing in the amount of present form of government in R u » Nary-Haugen type. SEMI-ANNUAL CtM CfO money involved compared with • • • sia will survive. But there are Hoover’s discreet in his methods. SALE ...... $ 1 D o ^ ...... $ 1 6 2 .5 0 many of the big ones that are now plenty of indications that the group He doesn’t proclaim from the Bed-Davenport upholstered so familiar. But it had all the po­ now in control of the destinies of housetops that he’s the "whole in plain mohair. (Baf^k of tentialities of murder— he did his thing.” It wouldn't look or sound that great nation is facing times so davenport not covered). This robbing with a gun In his hand and well. Another Tuxedo suite of new design covered stormy that out of them may, per­ Secretary of the Treasury Mellon davenport also contains a full the threat of death as his lever. with an attractive checked mohair in combina­ haps, emerge a new Russia, a mate­ was the one who came out with the size bed with mattress. For­ And now he never will kijl any­ tion with velour. Reversible cushions in rialization of the dream of Karenski administration’s denunciation of merly $245.00. SEMI-AN­ body. That is the extraordinary the McNary-Haugen bills as “ eco­ damask. Davenport and arm chair. Formerly — a Russia governing Itself sanely, NUAL ^ 1 Q.e merit of the new Baumes law by nomically unsound." For one S229.00. SEMI-ANNUAL (M /*n free alike from the tyrannies of thing, it was a highly unpopular SALE ...... SALE ...... means of which New York state czarlsm and the bloody despotism utterance with the farmers. Hoo­ ■can. If it will, protect Itself against of the crimson reds. ver may have thought of that, too. , gunmen and holdups of the habit­ It is hard for news to come out Mellon, by the way, Is the single ual type— and practically all of individual in the cabinet whose in- of Russia— true news. But Pueiice at the White House stacks them are of that type. The judge enough of it has leaked through up pretty wall with Hoover’s, bur. In c . who sentenced Hanson told him the to make it known that the Third Mellon’s concern Is solely in mat­ WATKINS BROTHERS, truth when he said that his record International is as busy in its de­ ters of finance, while Hoover's runs the gamut from international 11 FURNITURE, FLOOR COVERINGS, PIANOS, PHONOGRAPHS showed that he was no good to him­ structive attacks on the present or­ relations to the price of pins. self or society: that the only thing ganization of Russ society as in its • * *

to do with him was to put him war on the organization of every In a word. Hoover, taking him ' where he could not harm society, other nation. all ’round, probably is most truly either next week, next year or by and completely representative of ■The “ outs” are plotting against any man In Washington of the In­ '' Funeral Dti^ora. and by. the “ Ins” as they always do and al­ terests which dominate In the na­ . It Is a saddening thing to con­ ways will do in every society where tional capital today. tB a m m m m template, a mere youth destined to the few ruthlessly rule the many. Conservatism— high protection— efficiency— economy — "business” aiever again know the sweets of By and by this plotting will bear above everything— he stands for As might be expected In a ruth­ -•t.o and moved from tneio into an The ordinary casement windows tion from Its point of vantage at ifreedomr-to drag out a drab and fruit— the fruit for the ripening of them all, pre-eminently. IN less metropollM, both tree a*ad what (lid house. When a beer garden have been turned into imitations the side of the Metropolltah useless existence year after year, It symbolizes go unnoticed by the threatened to move into the noigli* of stained glass through the efforts Museum. which- the whole world has been inillicns. Only a few have clustered bnrhood— this wss all l eforo pro< of a young artist, eager to help the — GILBERT SWAN. for half a century, without hope waiting for years; the brutally dom­ tla a.romantic bow with tne fruits lubitloii— a puiflher I'f residents church. and without interest. Perhaps inating reds will eat each other up of their Imagln.-'-tlcu and romnnee. subscribed A * > i


be co-workers with God in the was preached by the evangelist, “OSTRICH FARM.’* \ transformation ot this oid world in­ Dr. Milton S. Roes, who is to con­ London.^ Buckingham Palace WAPPING SESSION YESTERDAY to a place of the nightingale’s song. duct evangelistic services this fall has its "ostrich farm.” The white EYE TESTING and gold room of the palace, where This gathering was also the ocoar in the larger centers on Norwich dis­ by the latest scientific meth­ Little Miss Lois Buckland, women await presentation to the Sion pt the first appearance of the trict, including Manchester. ods. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ENDS CAMPMEETINGworld concert tenor, Signor Capelli, court, often has the appearance of George Buckland of Forest street, whom some consider a second Caru­ a sea o f ostrich feathers, many GLASSES FITTED ^^«IURE women wearing as many as three has been quite ill for several so. He was welcomed to the plat­ EXCURSION TO HOB By AKTHBR N .PACK. < wefks. form by vigorous handcla])ping of in their hats. Miss Ellen Foster returned last Dr. Rees’s Sermon Com- the great audience, as it rose to its ON NEXT SUNDAY President .American Nature fib- • w' 4 *v’ Friday from Camp Aya po. Wood- feet. Probably Willimantic camp­ H. L Wkoa \ .Association. stock where she has been spending ground has never welcoined before 'UHMER COLDS When the shortening days of the past two weeks. pletes Annual Gathering so distinguished a musical artist. Citizens of this city and environ?, Kigering and annoying. Optometrist. summer merge gradually into those John Graham, Jr. has purchased will have the opportunity to visit The very first night apply House & Hale Building ^ a new Ford coupe recently. Signor Capelli is a man of fine of early autumn, and most of the personal appearance;- with dark histbrlc Boston, Sunday, August more showy flowers have dropped Mrs. Frank Foster left last Fri­ at Willimantic. 29th, on the New York, New Haven day for a few days’ visit with her hair and smiling eyes. He is re­ their withered petals and are ripen­ markably prepossessed and on tak­ and Hartford excursion train ing their seeds, the golden rod and sifter, Mrs. Mary Foster of New civi. which leaves Manchester 6:50 a. Britain. ing the platform told in excellent ReraU Advs. Bring R e ^ t^ ragweed have their day. 01' (Special to The Herald). . the t Eastern Stapdard time, "Vernon Mr. and MrJ. WaHer Foster have English of his education in 0 r By the dusty roadside, along the Willimantic, Aug. 23.— The six­ Methodist College ot. Rome, of ther 6:58 a. m., edges of fields where the crop of had as their, guests recently Mrs. ty-seventh annual campmeeting of - ■ Putnam 8:16, arriving Boston at grain or forage has been garnered, Inez Shlldon from Ohio. She is a real friendship premier Mussolini the Willimantic campmeeting as­ 9:45 a. rii. and returning at 6:15 p. on the banks of the stream plying cousin of Mrs. Foster. has for America, and,that he wel­ sociation came to a.^lose last eve­ comes the educational work-which m. from the South station. its course towaid the river, or oven Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Adaips Insistent demand on the part of ning with a sermon by Rev. Milton various Protestant , demoninations taking possession ci the broad acres have as their guests over ihe week­ residents made the excursion pos­ cf an abandoned stretch of hiilside end their daughter Almira and her S. Rees, D. D., the evangelist, who are doing in: Italy.' Signor Capelli sible and affords a splendid oppor­ or valley slope, the yellow-crowjed friend. Miss Esther Gustafson from has been on the grounds all the has but recently returned from a tunity to yialt the recently remodel­ favorite and Its humbler associate Hartford. week, preaching every evening save trip to Canada and Europe. He ed Art Museum with the murals LEAVE IT TO U5 fill their appointed destinies. % Letters have been received from one, when Bishop William F. Ander­ rendered several songs, but in Eng­ of John Sargent at last in ^lace. as National Flower? Mr. and Mrs. Delnicki and children, son o f Boston, was the speartt. Dr. lish and Italian, exhibiting a voice well as the Commons and many Few there will be to praise the who went to the old country last Rees has also conducted every fore­ combining both power arid sweet­ other noted places, and affords Few people can tell at a glance ragweed, and deservedly so. fur we spring, saying that they expect to noon at 11 a period on Evangelism. ness and singing with much expres­ time to make the splendid sea trip whether a Used Car is as good as it I rtlurn to their home hers thl.5 fall. His pleasing personality and able sion. One of bis songs was the could well spare ihat troublesome to Nantasket Beach for- a day’s fun appears to be. W h ich makes it plant, with its myriad scattering Golden rod and ragweed. Miss Kate M. Withrel left yester- presentations of^ scriptura.1 truth Negro spiritual, “ Going Home," at the shore if desired. , day fev .a few d.^ys’ visit w th her have attracted large audiences at and another was the favorite “ O seeds planting trouble for the gar­ They vary much in habit of gro\stli, doubly important to patronize a dener of next year. Only the jun- cousins at Amueist, Mass. all the services. Sole Mio.“ Miss Roberta Bitgood some flowering in a simple spike, of New London accompanied the A slot machine which sells ap­ dealer who has a reputation for giv­ cos and sparrows from the north, wliile others branch in varmus The preacher yesterday morning that hardy tribe whose boreal nest- was Rev. Philip L. Frick, radio signor on the piano. ples has been invented. ing honest facts and honest values. ways. ■■p.p races deign to visit us only in preacher, of Schenectady, N. Y. It was estimated that some two Tbcugh golden rods have been the winter months, have cause to This speaker has also been here all thousand people were in the open \ V . little appreciated as garden plants, H. A. STEPHENS tless its fecundity. air auditorium at trie Sunday it is believed that they are gaining the week and his daily ten o’clock Center and Knox Streets But the golden red— who, unless DAILY POEM periods on “ Psychological Interpre­ morning session. Before the ser­ he be a martyr to hay-fever, and in favor. They improve by cultiva­ tion. the plants growing larger and tations of Religious Facts," have mon, Dr. ,C. E. Spaulding of New No More Pfles A USED CAR IS ONLY AS DePeNDABL& believes that this particular plant had a record attendance, for Dr. London presented the need of a causes it, does not love its belated more shapely, and the bloonii tuller A S THE- D E A L E R W HO S E L L S IT and nioi'e ric.hly colored. They Frick has a wonderful way of mak­ thousand dollars and in a surpris­ beauty? So universally is it Imld GIFTED. ing clear and plain this socalled ab­ ingly short time over nlpe hundred Pile sufferers can only get quick, in esteem that it I’.as been seriously' are easily transplanted and may thus be arranged to give the most The girl who lived next door to struse subject. On Saturday eve­ was secured by cash and pledges. safe and lasting relief by removing considered as a candidate for the us is gifted, so they say. Her ning he spoke to a capacity audi­ Signor Capelli sang two solos, How­ the cause— bad blood circulation in honor of being the national flower. pleasing effect, especially if com­ bined with a hedge, or group of mother proudly boasts that she can ence in the tabernacle, giving his ard T. Pierce at the piano. Dr. the lower bowel. Cutting and salves Gaining in Favor. sing, and also play. Her parents popular leeture on “ Nightingale Is­ Philip L. Frick of Schenectady, can’t do this—-an interrial remedy With a few exceptions the species some showy shrubs which develop spent their hard-earned dough to land.” preached upon “ The New Name” must be used. Dr. Leonhardfs are American, and a majority of the bri.ent contrasting colors as auuinin send the girl away, and, now that Dr. Frick referred at the begin­ from Rev. 2:17. Hem-Roid, a har nless tablet, suc­ t hundred-odd are North .American. approaches. she has learned her stuff, they’re ning .to the biography of Edward In the afternoon- a larger audi­ ceeds because it relieves this blood Fall Term Opens proud of her today. Bok in the preface of which is a de­ ence greeted Rev. Geo. H. Spencer, congestion and strengthens the af­ The Rev. Dr. Harry Weber of the scription of.an Island off the north D. D., of Boston, who spoke fromi fected parts.' Hem-Roid has a won­ Hartford Theological Seminary will She sings a mean soprano (if you know just what I mean). Why she coast of Holland, foraierly bleak John 14:6. '? derful record for quick, safe and WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st ANDOVER preach at th^ Congregational and barren, and a nest of pirates. Signor Capelli rendered three se­ lasting relief to Pile sufferers. It Thorough Courses in church Sunday morning taking the can reach some notes that never have been heard or seen. But, The King ordered a young Dutch lections, singing at the close, will do the same for you or money R. D. Webster and family of place of the Rev. Mr. Cook who is shucks, that never worries her. All lawyer to clean out the place. After “ Going Home.” back. Packard’s or Murphy’s Drug ^outh Manchester are visiting the on his vacation. worry’s on the shelf. If any song this was done, he thought he would At the closing session in the eve­ Stores— and druggists everywhere former’s mother, Mrs. Mary W eb- Work on the dam for Andover’s plant trees there. After some ning he sang again and the con­ sell Hem-Roid with this guarantee. Shorthand new lake is being retarded due to is shy 'of notes, she put ’em in her­ ster of this town. self. years the island became well wood­ cluding sermon of the campmeeting — Adv. Mrs. Edward Yoemans motored to the delay In the delivery of a steam ed, and the nightingales came in shovel, which was supposed to have And when it comes to playing— Hartford Thursday. large numbers and filled the air T rpewriting Miss Clara Thompson has return­ been at work two weeks ago. she can well feel rather proud. 5 Miss Marjory Whitcomb return­ None has ever made a grand piano with melody. The speaker then ed to her work in the post office af­ compared our earth to this island ter a two weeks’ vacation. hir. ed to her home Wednesday after sound so loud. Pick out the thing and vividly pictured the way in and Mrs. William Thompson and spending several clays with rela­ that’s classical or jazz, and she is Accounting which God is driving out the pirates I OUR FLAT RATE $5.50 * game to tackle any one of them. Miss Clara Thompson have been tives in South Manchester. Special Speed Classes for High School Graduates in visiting the former's son. Frank E. They all sound the same. of evil. Slavery was driven out on Podge Bros. Valve Grinding Thompson near Springfield, Mass. MCR PEOPLE. Yea, she was our own neighbor a few decades ago. Great* applause Shorthand and Typewriting. e’er she started in to learn, and, followed the speaker's eloquent de­ Mrs. William Barber and daugh­ Springfield. Mass.— A well-known This Price Includes: WE PLACE OUR GRADUATES. ter Dorothy will return to Orleans, contractor was brought into court frankly how she got along was scription of the recent driving out N. Y. Saturday after spending the here recently on the charge of partly our concern. This girl who of the piratical legalized saloon. Carbon cleaned, valves ground, carburetor adjusted, summer with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. threat to murder. It was alleged lived next door to us is gifted, so Eventually greed and lust and points cleaned and adjusted, timing checked and motor Whitcomb. he ruled the family caveman style, they say.| But shucks, we don’t war must go for the spirit of the tuned. L. B. Whitcomb started his saw having once torn a gas range from agree with them— that’s why we living God is in these forward The Connecticut Business College mill in the Turner lot. West street, the wall to use as a weapon moved away. movements. More and more the G. H. Wilcox, Principal. nightingales of religion, education, Columbia. Thursday. against a daughter. When it came H. A. Stephens Sales and Service Odd Fellows’ Block South Manchester Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crocker of his turn to testify he declared his Some of the malaria-carryin,g purity, peace, love, sacrifice and Center and Knox Streets. South Manchester spent Thursday daughters had recently attacked mosquitoes themselves die of the brotherhood are singing over this with Mrs. Ellen Jones and family. him with fl.alirons. disease. little planet. It is for all of us to \ REMOVAL NOTICE ...O F ~ Manchester Grain & Cocil To Our Customers and Friends: THE OFFICE, DISPLAY ROOM AND WAREHOUSE OF THE MANCHESTER GRAIN AND COAL COMPANY, ON AND AFTER AUGUST 24 WILL BE IN OUR NE' / SPACIOUS AND MODERN BUILDING AT APEL PLACE W e Invite Your Inspection Knowing that our success and growth in Manchester in the past two years is due to our satisfied customers and to our,first quality goods and unsurpassed service, we feel appre­ ciative to them and we feel sijire that in our new quarters we will be in a position to give still better service. ^ • In order to get oUr customers and friends to come and acquaint themselves with our new home and location, we want you to come and order for delivery or take with you the following specials. • WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING FOR 10 DAYS^ AUG. 24 SEPT. 3 INCLUSIVE GOLD MEDAL 100 lbs. $5.85 or 1-2 bbl. $5.00 SUGAR 25 lbs: 1.50 FLOUR PILLSBURY’SBEST 1-8 bbl. 1.30 FARM SUPPLIES ROOFING AND POULTRY NETTING, KEGS^ AND BARRELS TIMOTHY SEED FOR FALL STOCKING ...... $3.50 bu. GAURD ROOFING, 3 Ply Extra H e a v y ...... $2.00 5 GALLON WHITE O A K ...... $1.30 i CORN T^^^NE— Standard 5 lb. balls...... '...... ’gsc GAURD ROOFING, 2 P l y ...... $1-75 10 GALLON WHITE OAK ...... t ...... $1.75^ GREENFIEL TOBACCO H A T C H E T S...... V.'. 50c CERTAIN-TEED SLATED ROOFING— Best Quality ...... $2.75 15 GALLON WHITE OAK .... ; ...... $2.25 COLLINS AXES— Fine Steel ...... S1.50 POULTRY WIRE— 6 ft. 2 in. m esh...... $6.00 20 GALLON WHITE O A K ...... $2.75 BARBED WIRE— 80 Rod 4 Point ...... $4.00 POULTRY WIRE— 5 ft. 2 in. mesh...... ^ ...... $5.00 30 GALLON WHITE O A K ...... $3.15 EGG BOXES— New Patent Devise ...... V ...... $2.50, $1.75 POULTRY WIRE— 4 ft. 2 in. mesh...... ; ...... $4.00 50 GALLON w h i t e O A K ...... $4.25 Our Qualify Feeds & Grains Are Equally A$ Low As Above Bargains WE HAVE A USEFUL SOUVENIR FOR THE LADIES OF THE HOUSE, THE GENTLEMEN AND CHILDREN. \ ' COME AND GET ONE. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BUY. OUR PHONE NUMBER IS THE SAME, 1760. THE LOCATION IS APEL PLACE, East of Oakland Street R. R. Crossing.

\ SEE\US ABOUT YOUR WINTER’S COAL SUPPLY MANCHESTER GRAIN & COAL CO Phone 1760 Albert, Heller Manager Apel Place, Manchester MANCHESTER EVENING HERALf), MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1926. PAGE SIX ______Change in Rates POE’S STORIES:. The Masque of The Red Death (6) Sketches by Redner, Synopsis by Braucher For Herald Gassified Advertising On and after June 1, 1926, the following rates for Classified Advertising will be in effect: All For Sale, To Rent, Lost, Found an^ similar advertising on Classified Page: First insertion, 10 cents a line (6 words to line). Minimum Charge 30 Cents. Repeat insertions (running every day), 5 cents a

PRICES ARE FOR CASH WITH COPY. An additional charge of 25 cents wil( be made for advei'tisements charged and billed.

Passing the , the figure of the Red Death Summoning courage, the revelers entered the black The figure of the Red There was a sharp room. Seizing the tall figure they gasped in horror to FOR SALE TO RENT moved on through the various chambers, through the Death reached the last cry. The dagger plunged find the costume empty! The Red Death! And, one FOR SALE—Glenwood coal range, . FOR RENT—New five room flat, blue room to the purple, through the purple to the 'chamber, the chamber style CIOS, almost new. Pianos, etc., with garage, all modern improve­ green, through the orange, the white and the violet. of scarlet and sable, and gleaming upon the black by one. in the bloody halls of their revel, the dancers reasonable. 1T7 Ma^le street after 6 ments, near Main street. Apply 51 carpet. The Prince fell fell in death. The lights waned. The clock was silent. P. M.______■ Russell street. The Prince, maddened with rage and the shame of his turned to face his pur. >^momentary cowardice. drew*his dagger and followed. (, prostrate in death. ______(Next; The Oblong Box) j FOR SALE—Fine console victrola FOR RENT—Six room tenement, all ^ suer. and five tube radio set practicably improvements. Inquire at 31 E. Middle new. Call after 5 o'clock. Room'a. Old Turnpike. Johnson block. ______i;iii!ii;'iii!iniiiinniinniiiinm iiniiiinniiniiiiiiifflinm iinnnai!Rc:’::'.i,- TO RENT—4 room tenement on Oak iinrr.n::!: f o r s a l e —Edison Phonograph street. AH modern ’ improvements. and fifty records, also cabinet gas Price very low. Inquire 273 Oak St. WANTED range. ISO Eldridgc street.^ __ ^ FOR RENT—Furnished room, two WANTED—Junior or Senior High BUSINESS GOOD t'OR SALE—Coal stove. 1 white minutes walk from Center. Inquire School girls, sixteen years of age for / u c A \ ■I bed. 1 library table. 5 kitchen chairs, 11 Church street, second floor. special work the coming winter. Ap­ FICTION and a few odds and ends. Apply ply J. W. Hale Co. TO RENT—4 room tenement, all IN MANCHESTER Blssell St. improvements. Apply at 107 Summer WANTED—A competent supply FOR S.\LE—Extra nice Fox Terrier street. cook by the day, 11 Park St., Tel 1020 puppv. six months old. H. J. Zimnier- T O M S IM S TO RENT—Four room flat at 55 WANTED—To buy cars for junk. S’l.i: . MEKE T0D.4I the fight had been, they looked Into man,'lS2 Bissell street. Telephone 9J-. . CLIFFORD SAYS the canyon. They were Just In time Wells street. All modern conveniences. Used parts for sale. Abel’s Service I'i'hatik You) FOR SALE—^Household furniture, Inquire at 53 'Wells street. Station, Oak street. Tel. 789. ■f to see the three falling figures hit living, dining room. 3 chambers, rugs, “ Who kiired Bill Splutterfus?’’ the bottom and get up and walk stoves, linoleum, icebox, sewing ma­ FOR RENT—In Weldon Block. 2 AVANTED—2 men for hanging That was the question which was nice front rooms, excellent for office broadleaf tobacco. Call at Frank away. chine. Louis Chartier, 245 .N'orth Mam. use. also some unfurnished rooms. In­ upon tho tip of every tongue. Tel. 22C4. Hart’s, Talcottville, Tel. 1404-2. Cites Great Increase in Tele­ “They’re safe," smiled Pearl. "All quire of Dr. Weldon. Tho sheriff polished his badge, three are safe. I knew father would FOR SALE—Rhode Island Red Pul­ WANTED—'Work by the hour. Ap­ but still tho mystery remained TO RENT—Modern 5 room flat, ply 6 Green Road. have sense enough to land upon hl9 lets. ready to lay, 136 Summer street. September first. 22 Roosevelt street. phone Area Here as Proof unsolved. head, but I didn’t know about Detec­ FOR SALE—Dining room suite, Telephone 989-2. Twelve minutes WANTI'D—Men to work on tobacco. Tho sheriff bought a new tive and Mrs. Gumshoe.” from mills. bedge. Ho bought two new kitchen cabinet, parlor chair, rocker, Donald J. Grant. Buckland. Telephone "Anyway, they won’t bother us for rugs. Misses Finnegan, S5 Foster St. Manchester 93-12. ______of Favorable Conditions. badges. He bought nine new FOR RENT—Tenement with garage. badges, one of them gold. The a while.” laughed her husband. "It’ll All imp'ovements. Inquire at 118 WANTED—Two gentlomen to room take therh a long time to got out of FOR SALE—Brown broadcloth hs generally accepted, that the in­ do with the present story. In Pearl, clearly puzzled. “ We have TO RENT—Five room fiat on Hidge repaired, electric cleaners. Irons etc. Coventry. Tel. Manchester 1051-3. street, all modern improvements. In­ crease in the number of telephones •’They Never Knew.” a young only two of your donkeys." put In order, clock repairing, key in any community is a reliahle FOR SALE—Early apples. red cluding gas, and steam heat. Inquire fitting. Bratthwaite. ISO Center street. couple are on their honeymoon. ”Y*ou have three," said the fellow. astraclians and yellow ansparent. 110 RiCge street. David Carson. barometer of business conditions in The husband is JIMPSON “ I see them.” good for cooking or eating. 75c per FOR RENT—Six room flat on Cam­ MISCELLANEOUS that community, hat being so, WEED. His wife formerly was Pearl laughed, and laughed, and basket; aLc good cider vinegar. aOc bridge street, all modern improve­ Manchester suiely is securing and PEARL HANDLE. laughed. While she knew he had per gallon, delivered anywhere in WANTED—Highest prices paid for enjoying its full share of a strong Manchester. W. L. Fish. Phone 970-2. ments. Inquire of 16 Cambridge street pearl’s FATHER objects to mistaken her husband for one of hli or phone 504. rags, metals, papoi. magazines, etc. growth which extends throughout Also buy and sell used furniture. - tho match. He hires two de­ donkeys, she wasn’t offended. She FOR SALE—Gladiolus 50c per doz­ FOR RENT—3 room apartment In Chas. Lessner. 28 Oak street. Phone. the territory served by the South­ tectives to break it up, MR. and often made the same mistake herself. en. Come and seo our gardens. Mar- ern New England company. MRS. GUMSHOE. But to no His error was soon explained to > -halls, Hartford-Wllllmantic State the Selwitz Block. Main and Pearl 2116. ^ Manchester Green. Tel. 1090. streets. Inquire of L. Selwitz. 4,198 Phones Here. avail. him and he joined Pearl in her mirth. I will pay the highest prices for The storj-’s complicated. Per­ "1 thought sure your husband was FOR RENT—Brand new home of rags, papers and all kinds of metals; Figures given out today by E.x- Ri-AL ESTATE six rooms, never been occupied, and also buy all kinds of poultry and old change Manager L. C. Clifford. Jr., haps you’ll understand it. one of my animals,” said he, chuck­ ready for Immediate occupancy. Will cars for Junk. M. H. Lessner Jr., tele­ show that on July 31, last, there NOW PROCEED ling as he departed. lease, rent reasonable. For further phone 982-4. were 4,193 telephones in service in • • • Fv.- ,l.E—House, 4 lots, barn, particulars call Arthur A- Knofla. (iHAPTER XIX chicken jops, and vinyard at 113 call 782-2. 875 Main aticeu 1 pay highest cash prices for your this city, a gain of 14C during the Their private airplane had been Homestead street, Manchester. Sold rags, magazines, bundled paper and seven months. There is no doubt S the last Installment of this circling around overhead, so Jimp direct from owner. Mr. Fiorita. _ TO RENT—Five room t nement. all Junk of all kinds. Phone 849-2. I wUI that Manchester will far exceed in great serial ended. Jimp apd signalled the chauffeur. The machine Improvements. Inquire at ''0 Cottage calk J. Eisenberg. its telephone growth this year, the A Pearl were standing upon the landed nearby. ~FOn~ SALE OR TO RENT—My 6 street. room house on Delmont street. All LOST increase of 1925. brink of the G»nnd Canyon. "Where shall we go?” asked the modern improvements. 2 car garage. FOR RENT—Six room tenement, all This unusually large gain in Detective Gumshoe, as you may young husband. F.e C. Juul, 4 Oakland strect.Phon. Improvements. Adults preferred. In­ LOST—White Portagesc Poodle. telephones means, of course, a wid­ remember, was upon his knees mak­ "I’ve got to go back to Chicago." 2113. ______quire at 13 Wadsworth street. License No. on tag 34766. Finder er range of service to local sud- ing love to Pearl. replied his beautiful wife. "I left FOR S.ALE—$8,300 beautiful stucco, TO, RENT—Five room tenement, please call 975-12 or 19 Trotter street. soribers for there is just that many Perhaps, also, you'll .recall the my powder puff in the hotel there." Parker street home, and garage, gas and hot air furnace. Seven min­ Reward. ______more business places and resi­ fact that Mrs. Gum had her arms “ H.ing the powder puff.” exclaimed shadv lawn and walks and every con­ utes from mills. $'35. 30 Essex street. around our Jimp's neck, loving him. Jimp, who had three million, dollags^ venience of A modern summer or Telephon- 1287-13 or 1,00. dences added to the points wliich winter home. Arrangements to In­ Legal Notices may ,be.called asd it means, also Would it be too much to ask you in his hip poclret. “Have you ever spect this property may be made by FOR RENT—Centennial apartmart. to remember that Pearl’s father had been to the north pole?” .AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD large arid eostly additions to the appointment with W. F. Lewis, 11 new section of nine, two room apart company’s plant in this city. In ad­ his pistol in hand and was about to “No, I h:iven’t.” said the girl. Vine street. ments to be open Sept. 1st. Steam at Manchester, within and for the dis­ trict of Manchester on the 21st day of dition to the outside plant exten­ shoot at Jimp? “ And I owe It a vi-sit. You know it heated. Janitor service. ga.« range. re« • • • FOR SALE OR RENT— Modern frigerator. In-a-door bed. furnished. August. A. D. 1926. sions it is required to enlarge Us came and spent Inst winter with us eight room house, all conveniences, Make reservations now. Call Man­ Present, WILLI.AM S. HYDE, Esq. ‘‘Base creature,” growled Pearl, in Ohio.’’ Judge. central office equipment, and facili­ two car garage • Located on Strlrk- chester Construction Company. 2100 ties and as a result its plant in­ kicking Detectivp Gum' in the eye, "Then let’s go," said Jimpy, open­ land street. In fine residential sec­ or telephone 782-2. Estate of Dorothy Mae Wright, of ”IIow dare you make love to a mar tion. For information call Manches­ Manchester in cald district, j.iinor. vestment in this city has greatly ing the door to the airplane. FOR RENT—In Greenacres. 5 room Upon application of the guardian rie'd woman in public?” “Jimp! Do you realize wo haven’t ter 1100 or 418. for an order of sale of real estate be­ increased in Hie pact 18 months. "I couldn’t get you alone,” Sobbed second floor flat available Aug. 16th. What is said~of the indicated m .sent any post cards back to the folks FOR S.\LE—West Side—Single five Telephone S‘30. longing to said Estate as per applica­ Detective Gum. In Omeomy, Ohio?” room strictly modern Including steam tion on file. prosperity in this city, is also true ORDERED—That the said applica­ Pearl knew Jimp was listening. So "That’s right. I forgot It. And I heat, a bargain at $5,000. small TO RENT—4 room lenenient, all of. the other. exchanges in the she kicked Gum Into the Grand Can­ Dotted line shows route taken hij Detective and Mi's. amount of cash. Wallace D. Robb. remodeled. Walnut street. near tion he heard and determi' ed at the Hartford district, which embraces doubt if we can get any at the north 853 Main street. Cheney mills. $20.00. Inquire 1 Wal­ Probate office in Manchester on the yon. Gumshoe and Old Man Handle when kicked into Grand pole. Jt might be night when we nut street. Tel. 676. 2Sth day’ of August, A. D. 1926, at 9 19 towns and cities in this part of "Please remove your arms from o’clock in forenoon, and the Court Canyon. , arrive there. Then all the drug • FOR SALE—Blssell street. our the statg. The total number of tele­ around my neck just a moment,” stores would bo closed.- And their family, strictly modern Including gas, FOR RENT -Furnished room at 183 directs said guardian to give notice phones in operation in this district, income $1056. Price for quick sale. Center street. Call after 5 o’clock. to all persons interested in said es­ whispered Jimp to Mrs. Gum. wild flowers and threw them into tho stirrups, but the darling’s knees nights are si.x months long.” $8700. with $1,000 cas’.i. AA allace D. tate to appear .if they see cause and as of July 31, was 82,343, an in­ "I won’t,” cried the old shedevil. canyon after h;m. poked her chin at every step. "Hadn’t we better drop by Yellow­ Robb. 853 Main street. FOR RENT—Six room fl t, with be heard thereon by publishing a crease of 3,487 for the seven *‘I love you.” Jimp was a careful husband. Ho ’’This'll never do,” exclaimed she. stone Park and get some?” asked tho all modern Improvements. and copy of this order once in. some news­ months. ‘ "1 know,” said Jimp. "That’.s all FOR SALE— East Center. Manches­ paper having a circulation dn said noticed ali the little details. He had and her husband agreed. darling wife. garage, first floor. Call 106 Il.imlln Great Increase. right. But my wife is looking. And ter Green—Six room single strictly street. * probate district, and by posting a lived with Pearl so long he sensed It remained for the owner of the ‘‘Ye.’aivstone Park.” said Jimp.-to modern with 2 car garage a bargain copy of this order on the public sign­ - On the same date there, were she was worried. donkey to find a way out of the diffi­ for quick sale. Wallace D Robb. 8j3 TO RENT—Several five and six post in said Manchester, 5 days be­ 261,954 telephones ,in the territory "Don t worry.” said he, taking his culty. He procured two pairs of Main street. ’ room modern rents In two family fore the said day of ^jcarlng and re­ served by the Southern New Eng­ houses. Apply Edward J. Holl. 865 turn make to the CoOTt. lovely bride in his arms. ” I*wouldn’t stilts from some place. FOR S.\LE—Hemlock street—Two Main street. Tel. SCO. WILLIAM S. HYDE. land. This is an increase of 11,9 51 worry’ about your father if I were When these stljts were strapped family ten room strictly modern In­ Judge. and, unless there is a sharp and you.”/ upon the donkey's feet, everything cluding 2 car garage and extra build­ TO RE.NT—4 room tenements on ’33 S-23-2G wholly unexpected business? reces­ "Maybe he’ll be killed after a while was hunkadory. ing lot. Price $7,000 for all. Wallace and 35 Eldrldge street. Inquire at 3'6 D. Robb, 8‘ 3 Main siretl. Oak st.eet after S’tSO. Telephone 1376. NOTICE sion, the telephone^ development in when he hits the bottom,” sobbed Pearl mounted the donkey. ‘‘Gld STATE OF CONNECTICUT, COUN- this state during 1926 will greatly Pearl, glancing at the falling figures dap.” said she. ’’Giddap.” said Jimpy FOR SALE— A bargain-Two faml- FOR RE.NT—Three room tenement, ty of Hartford, ss. Probate Court, Dis- exceed that of the best previous again. to his donkey. Iv ten room on School 8tr»e- strictly on Bralnard street, gas. lights, water | trictict of Manchester. August 23. '926. year when the gain for 12 months A. "He’ll have sense enough to land The” pair trotted oft down the road, inodern Including furnace heat. Price etc. Aaron Johnson. 63 Llndan street. Estate of Hugh Moriarty of Man-I besides, my collar button Is pinch­ for quick sale $650 ) wi'h $600 .ash. Chester, in said District, incompetent. was slightly less than I 18,000. on ills head.” said Jimp. “ All throe shouting and laughing like the gay the chauffeur as he threw his wifo Wallace D. Robb. 853 Main streeu FOR RE.NT--Ftur room tenement. Pursuant to an order of the Pro­ To keep pace with this growth ing.” of them will. Then they won't be children of nature they were. Into the plane. Improvements, ready July I5_th.. Cot­ bate Court for said District of Man­ the telephone company is carrying Ey this time Pearl had rushed over. hurt.” ” We mustn’t forget to return In FOR S.\LE—Cambridge street, nice "Yes, sir! Yellowstone Park, sir," tage street. Apply E. J. Holl’s offlee. chester, there will be sold at private on an extens'ive program of plant So she kicked Mrs. Gum into the Comforted by this thought, Y’carl time to see father hit the bottom of replied the aviator, stepping on the large flat. 11 rooms, has steam beat, sale on the 2Sth day of August at Grand Canyon. oak floors, two car garage, and lot Is FOR >tENT—Three room apart­ nine o'clock in the forenoon, the fol­ enlargement all over the state, felt relieved. She and Jimp wan the canyon,” Pearl called over her gas. 200 feet deep. A real home and In­ ment in Purnell Building, large rooms lowing real estate of said Incom­ thus largely increasing Its invest­ Pearl’s father confronted tho lov dered awa.v from (he brink of the shoulder to Jimp. The plane started with a jerk. Jimp vestment. Price is right. For further all conveniences, reaspnahle lent. Ap­ petent. namely: All that certain piece ers. “ You kicked my two best de­ canyon. But they planned to return "I'll remember,” answered the and Pearl were thrown into their particulars see Arthur A. Knofla Tel. ply to G. E Keith. In care of Keith or parcel of land—with all buildings ment in order to give adequate and dependable service. tectives Into the Grand Canyon.” in time to see their three victims hit young husband. And kicking hl.s seai3. Jimp looked at Pearl. Pearl 782-2. 875 Main street. Furniture Co. and improvements thereon—situated said he. And as he said it he point in the town of Manchester. County the bottom. heast in the rilis, he forced the ani looked at Jimp. Both had pained FOR SALE— Washington street— TO RENT—Several small rents at of Hartford, State of Connecticut, and THE BRUTE ed an accusing pistol at Jimp. • • • mal to overtake the slender young expressions on their faces. They beautiful six room home, fireplace, re­ $2!) per month. Apply to Edward J bounded as follows: Northerly by ’’Your daughter did it,” admitted reed who was his wife. squirmed uneasily. ception hall, plenty of closets, wash­ Holl, Orford Bldg. Tel. 660. Birch street, eighty-seven and 75-100 "How about renting a couple of Jimp. my blooming donkeys?” said a fel­ • As the plane rose into the air, room. large living room, oak floors 187.75) feet: Easterly by land of John Hopeful Contributor: Could you “Then, I’ll shoot her husband. “ I’ll race^ou,” said he to her. and trim. 2 car garage. Small amount FOR RENT—Two large front i-fnee Reardon, One Hundred Twenty-six use any of the stuff I sent you? low who just chanced to happen by "That’s a go,” cried Pearl. And Pearl burst into tears. "Jimp." she cash. Terms, Arthur A. Knofla. Teh rooms, la Purnell Building, singly or (126) feet, more or less; Southerly That’ll make her sorry she was so cried. "1 can’t sit any longer. That together. Apply to G. R. Keith, In Editor: Yes, the return enve­ hasty," cried the old man, the bloom­ that ,vay. g away they wont. But it wasn’t quite 782-2. 875 Malm______by land of the Ninth District, Eighty- "What for?” asked Jimp. donke.v was the first horse I have care of Keith Furniture Company. eight and 75-100 (88.75) feet: and lope!— Passing Show, London. ing scoundrel. fair.' Pearl’s donkey was on stilt.® FOR SALE—Just ofT Main street, Westerly by land of said Incompetent. “That's what everybody does out and won easily. been on In years.” TO RENT—Midland apartments, But before he could shoot. Jimp now six room bungalow. 3 car garage One Hundreu Twenty-five and '75-100 here,'.’ spoke the fellow. “ What’s Jimp turned a curve In the road "Same here." sobbed Jimp. "But in cellar, oak floors and trim, tire- rhree rooms, steam heated. Janitor (125.75) feet. Said private sale will was upon him. So Jimp kicked him service, refrigerator, gas range fur­ In Alabama the u;e of being at. the Grand Can­ and found her waiting for him. The we can’t get up. The wind would piace. silver light fixtures. Make mo take place at the office of The Man­ Into tho Grand Canyon. knock us out of the plane.”' an olTor. Call Arthur A. Knofla. TeL nished. rent $38 per month. Call chester Trust Company, in said Dis­ Leaning over the side. Pearl and yon It you don’t rent donkeys?” lovely girl was sweating profusely. 7S2-2. 875 Main. Manchesier Construction Co„ tlOO. "Even that would be better than or telephone 782-2. trict, terms and conditions to be made Jimp watched their victims falL The argument sounded reasonable “ We^ better go back now,” sug­ known at the time'of sale. gested the husband. “ Your father sitting.’' v.-ept the darling girl in FOR SALE—Holl street — dandy Tho Manchester Trust Company. Down, down, down, they went. to Jimp and his dovely wife. great distress. new 10 room flat. Well built and i. FOR PENT—Flvs-room tenement Conservator. “ It’ll bo quite some time before -So, much to the donkeys’ evident and the two detectives should be hit­ place you’d bo proud to own. Price on Durant street, modern, rent ! ’5 She stood up. The plane was 2000 ner miiiiih. Call Manchester Lcn- By H. C. ALVORD; they hit the bottom,” said Jimp. disgust, they took a couplA Jim_py ting the bottom of the can.von soon. feet In the air. The wind caught right, small amount down. Terms. Treasurer- It’s.^een about an hour since we Arthur A. Knofla. Tel. 782-2 875 Main structl'-TiJ Co., 2100, or telephone ” Ycs,” said Pearl, who felt down­ managed hi.s all right. But-Pearl’s. our Pearl aind she fell over the side. 783-2, Main street, over Manrhet- 8-23-26 right sorry for her falling old man. feet dragged. kicked them over the brink." street. ter Plumbli g and Supply store._____ (To Be Continued) NOTICE She was so grieved s’.ie picked a few She tried putting her feet In the Hurrying back'to the spot where MORTGAGES FOR RiiN'i’—Tenement of four nice - PURSUANT TO ORDER OF THE rooms on Keeney /Court. Apply to Probate Court for the district of Man­ 1 02010023532353235348485353232348^ ...... HiiimemtiiMjkiiiliiliiniiiiiiiiiiini' We can invest your money^in first Manchester Publlo Market. chester, Conn., I will sell at private the shots and, rushing to the scene sale at the office of said Probate SHOOTS -4T STRANGER class mortgages. If you need a mort­ captured Dusari. The cause of the gage call us. Tel. 782-2. Arthur A. FOR RENT—Two desirable office Court on August 28, 1926 at 9 a. m., TO WHOM HE GAVE LH’T Knopa, a75 Main. rooms. Apply to Mr, Padrove, Man­ all of the real estate of the estate of shooting Is a my.'5tery. , chester Publlo Market, Phone. 10. William G. GlenneV; late of said Man­ Wellesley, Mass., Aug. 23.— 1 Houses For Sale [ chester, deceased, described in this The principles of osteopathV TO RENT TO RENT—Five room flat. William application for said order of sale. Charged 'wltli attempting to shoot S We offer a good two-family flat on Benton street with an extra 5 KanehL Telephone 1776. Dated at said Manchester, August to klU Edward Horton, 28, of New were discovered in 1874. 2 building lot, for SIJ.OOO. Small amount of cash down. s 23, 1926. Haven, Guiseppe Dusari, 27, of TO RENT—6 room flat, all modern W. GEORGE GLENNET, this town was taken to Dedham improvements. Second floor at ll Executor. Brand new cottage of six rooms, large clothes closets, separate Ford street, near Center, A. Klrseh- Est. William G Lla- court today. sleper. n Ford streeL Est. WM. G. GLENNY. Horton and Dusari, strangers, sink room and laundry, oak floois, French doors, white enamel 8-23-26 met when the latter gave Horton a FOR SALE trim, steam heat, gas, etc. Price is only l|»«tt50. TO RENT—September 1. a nearly AUTOMOBILES ‘ lift” in his automobile jnhile Hor­ DORT 1924 COACH. FOR S.\LE—Chandler touring car, Kaffir natives in Portugese East ton was walking from Worcester to Must be sold at once. Cheap for ^[jgalow of six rooms and slieeping poren, 'steam heat, gas, S new 5 room flat, shades, screens, cur­ sport model. Excellent running condi­ Africa have oipibestras i;ii.mp3sed Boston in search of work. tion. $150 if taken at once. Inquire solely of drums and xylophones. cash. Call alter 5 P. M. 11 e t^ 'o n e car garage. .Price is only’ S8000. Small cash pay- g tain rod.s, icc box. drain, all improve­ 45 Village St. Two Newton policemen heard Strant Street, South Manchester. 2 m ^ . ^ ments. $33. Garage available. Phone FOR SALE—New Chrysler four, $1,- 000, driven less than 2.000 miles. Own­ 1648. er leaving town. Apply to F. H. E Fine buUding lot on corner of Pitkin and Elwood streets. It S Anderson, in care of J. W. Hale Com­ MONEY TO LOAN ON 2 Is a corner 91x238 ft., with walks, curbing, sewer, gas., water s pany. ______Equip Your Home With = all in. S FOR SALE—Ford coupe In good MORTGAGES ' Copper Leader and running condition. Extras. Price $60. 5 Large two-family flat on Summer street, recently built, mod- = Burton Keeney, 596 Keeney street. Town properties, smajl and large Gutter Tel. 1194-12. 2 ern equipment on large deep. lot. Low In price, small cash S TO RENT— September 1. four room farms for sale or exchange. Will give a lifetime of serv­ tenement, all modern improvements. FOR SALE—O-Tlte plsto)\ rings. NERVE MEANR SUCCESS. 5 payment. , S Inquire 84 Summer street. Telephone They give your engine more power. Our honest advice will receive This is Judge Hugo Hlack, nomi­ I -■ ice. We would be glad to esti­ 135-5. You get more luiUs per gallon o! gas, T.iey tucrease vour piston lubilcatlon, the backing of our Mortgage nated by the Democrats in Alabama Painting and Decorating. mate your needs in this line. TO RENT—4 room tenement, all Im­ but prevent oil puinplng. Fr’id. H. Money. See for Senator Underwood’s place In Paper Hanging. provements, $20 per month. Inquire Norton. 180 Ma'n street. 132 Birch street. the U. S. Senate. Underwood, who Canvas Ueilings a Specialty. Joseph C. Wilson I Refepit J. Smith ‘ 1D89 i i i i St. | FOR SALE—Velle Roadster. Per­ P.D.COMOLLO FOR RENT—Two excel.ent office fect condition, $125. Call at 116 Oten- is retiring voluntarily, fought the Plumbing in Ail its firanches. i Real Estate — lnsuranc3 — Stcamsh^ ^ Ticlcsts y wood street or 35 Haynes street. For Real Estate, Insurance, rooms over Post Office. May be rent­ Klan; Black Is reported to have R. E. Morton Service of the Best Kind. m m ■ • mm ed aingty. $20. per month or to­ Mortgages. gether. $35. per month. Apply, a ; the FOR SALE—One 1926 Chevrolet run ^Ith Klad endorsement. " " ' 54 ituisseU St. Phone ^03-5 Phone 641 . 28 Spruce St. hI*aohe»ter Tniat Co^ ^ ae_dan cheap. .TeL 292-3. Manchester. 18 Oak Street. teL IMO. ' :'■- •• >; -sy*l


\ since the change in program by Sea Woos “Mr. Pike” Again Oh I Henry I which the state observance is to be HEBRON \ merged with that of South Coven­ WTIC try the quota has been reduced tU; Ti*avelen* Inaufanfo Co., On account of weather conditions 150 for Hebron. ON^THE AIR. , Hartfonl. Conn. the union picnic of the. three parish­ Charles E! Hllding has returned ' ' '''' ^ 4117. es of Hebron And Gilead churches to New York after spending three •r I (2S3) Nashville—Dinner con­ Musical variety. Piccolo P i c ...... Slater of relatives here on^Thursday. cert. Movie club: weather: markets; Mrs. Louis Tennant of Lette’s after a visit with their cousin, Mrs. WWJ (353: Detroit— Orchestra. sporting results. Three Dances from Henry WAHG (316) Richmond Hill, N. KGO (361) Oakland, Calif.— VIII ...... German Island spent a few days as the F. N. Jones. Mrs. Jones is enter­ as friends. The bird prefers cook­ The bird will come at the call of its .Y.—Musical. WEAF (492) New York —Or­ guqst of Judge and Mrs. Leon Rath- taining as her guest Mrs. Esther ed food to worms, which it refuses. name, “Oliver Twist.” Concert. chestra. JVIorrIs Dance. WLS (345) Chicago—Orchestra. WRNY” (375) New Y’ork— Or­ Shepherds’ Dance. bone this week. Buckley also of Pawtucket. , WDAF (366) Kansas City— WOAW (526) Omaha, Neb.— Thoae from this town who attend­ Benjamin Bissqll and Austin chestra. Classical. Torch Dance. ^ “School of the Air.” WLIT (395) Philadelphia— Concert Waltz: ed the Eastern Star picnic held at Warren have been on a trip WRNY (375) New York—Vo­ 11 P. M. Sears Park, East Hampton, were through Canada the past week. Dance music. KNX (337) Los Angeles—Cour­ Gold and S ilv e r...... Lehar cal: Ben Bernle and orchestra. ' WKRC (422) Cincinnati—Amer­ Prologue from “Pagliacci” . . . Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Seyms, and They visited Quebec, Montreal, and tesy program. other historic places in the Domin­ WTAM (389) Cleveland—Base­ ican Legion program...... Leoncavallo daughter, Mrs. Edward Raymond ball: orchestra. KGO (361) Oakland. Calif.— Suite from the South ...Nlcode and son. Miss Ruth Raymond and ion. KGW (491) Portland. Ore. — Educational program; talks: Mrs. T. D. Martin is bringing up by WLIT (395) Philadelphia—Stu­ Concert. A Legend from La Provence Mrs. Robert Dean of Baltic, who dio program. country dance. was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. hand a young robin which got lost WEAF (492) New York— Grand KXHS (-375) Hot Springs, Ark. Moorish Dance Song WCCO (416) St. Paul-Minneap- opera. “Ballo in Maschera.” To In the Tavern Raymond. from the parental nest in dne of the olis—Dinner concert. —Dance music. Mrs. Charles E. Hildlng is enter­ windstorms lately. The bird has WeSH (256), WTAG (268). WJAR KFI (467) Los^Angeles—Clas­ Morceau Characteristique: WLW (422) Cincinnati —Or­ (306). WSAI (326). WDAF (366), Pan Americana ..... Herbert taining as her guest for the week. taken so kindly to civilization it chestra: -talk: concert. . sic hour. WCAE (461), WRC (469), WTIC March: Miss Adams of New York C’ty. IS at home about the house or WJZ (455) New York—Sopra­ 13 P. M. Mrs. Della Porter and sou Roger piazza, puts in an appearance regu­ (476), WOO (508), KSD (545). KNX (337) Los Vngeles—Cour­ The Guiding Star . .Stieberitz no. WHO (526) Des Moines— Trio. Star Spangled Banner. spent the week end at th-rir farm larly at meal times, and will perch WCAE (461) Pittsburgh— tesy program. , here. During their stay Mr. and fearloesly on the shoulder of mem­ KGO (361) Oakland. Calif.—Va­ 9.00 p. m.— FILL YOUR BINS NOW Dance music. 10 p. m. “Balle in Maschera” by the Mrs. Herbert Wilcox of Wnterbnry bers of the family or visitors. It WEAF (492) New York—Or- WSOE (246) Milwaukee—Frolic. riety. were visitors at the, f^inn which seems to regard all human beings WKRC (422) Cincinnati— Pop­ WEAF Grand Opera Company t:hestra. WRVA (256) Richmond, Va. — under the direction of Cesare was Mr. Wilcox’s former home. WOO (508) Philadelphia- Variety. ular program. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Worswick Grand organ recital: Sesqui-Cen- WSM (283) Nashville— Dance KFI (467) Los Angeles— Va­ Seder. S tove...... $16.59 E gff...... $16.25 10.00 p. m.— of South Manchester ware recent fennial program. music. riety. visitors at the home of Mr. and WJR (517) Detroit—Orchestra. KOA (322) Denver— Instrumen- KGW (491) Portland, Ore. — News Bulletins and Weather BATTERY WORK Chestnut ..'... $16.25 P e a ...... $13.00 Report. — Mrs. F. H- Raymond. i WOAW (526) Omaha—Piano: I tal: studio. ' Vaudeville. scores: markets. 1 A. M. Samuel A. Hllding has returned Authorized “Willard” Service 1 KNX (337) Los Angeles— Fea- Program for Tnesday. from a week’s stay in New York 50 cents a ton discount for cash 8 P. M. I ture program. CNRV (291) Vancouver, B./C.— Station. Dance music. 12.00 Noon— City where he was called ic attend within 10 days. . WBAL (246) Baltimore—Trio: KFAB (341) Lincoln, Neb. — the funeral of his btether ih-law. Carbon Burning. soloists. Old Time Tunes. KNX‘ (337) Los Angeles—Fea- News, Weather and Police W;GHP (270) Detroit—Chil­ KGO (361) Oakland, Calif. — fjie program. Reports. Edward Q. Hllding has been ap­ Auto Electrical Work. dren's half hour: studio. Weather and stock reports. WDAF (366) Kansas City— 6.30 p. m.— pointed chairman of the finance Electrical Appliances Repaired. News Bulletins, Baseball Scores commlttee' lor Hebron In the Na­ WCAU (278)' Philadelphia— KTHS (375) Hot. Springs, Ark. Frolic. Free Crankcase Service. Musical. —Sports: musical. KFI (467 ) Los Angeles—Musi­ and Police Report. than Hale celebration to be held in Archie Hayes WSM (283) Nashville—Concert: WCCO (416) St. Paul-Minneap- cal. South Coventry Septefinber 22. The bedtime story. olis—Musical. One of the greatest waterfalls in quota to be raised frbm. this 'town the world is the Sutherland Falls, was at first placed at $1U0 but Mr. JOHN BAUSOLA Formerly Richardson Coal Co. Tel. 1115-3. KDKA (309) Pittsburgh—Con­ KFI (467) Los Angeles— Or­ sweet clover, once regarded as ,1 With Barrett & Robbins cert. chestra. pest on mid-western farms, is now New Zealand, where the water Hllding had word Thursday morn­ WAHG (316) Richmond Hill, N. KGW (491) Portland, Ore. — ja valuable crop. * drops 1904 feet. ing from state headquarters that 913 Main St. Phone 39-2 our Own W indow I EVERY HOME MANCHESTER

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h e h e r a l d doesn’t want its advertisers to use space that isn’t get­ h e HERALD is affiliated with the Newspaper Enterprises Associa­ ting results. If business is lax, and Herald advertising doesn’t boom tion, the livest news feature syndicate in the world. No other news­ T it, there’s something wrong. Perhaps the advertising space was pro­ T paper circulating in Manchester can become a member of this organ­ portioned poorly, or the “copy” didn’t put the sales argument across prop­ ization. The latest idieas, the best feature stories, comics, fiction serials, erly. The Herald is prepared to aid its advertisers to avoid those mis­ and n.ews pictures, the most up-to-date all around -newspaper service, are takes. The finest advertising service in the United States is at the com­ thus assured The Herald alone in Manchester.' That means growth, cir­ mand of every Herald advertiser. Cuts, suggestions, “ad copy” will be culation increase, where itjs reasonably possible. ADVERTISERS ARE furnished advertisers any time they desire to use space. CALL 664 AND AT ALL TIMES ASSURED OF A SOUND MEDIUM THROUGH WHICH ASK TO SEE THE “MEYER-BOTH” SERVICE I TO SELL THEIR GOODS I


■ ■* 'ft*

" ‘ J, ” r ! -

MANCHESTER EVIBN^ MONDAY, AUQUST 23, 19261 Dope Shattered As Whip Wicos Whiffs 120! TEAM WHICH SWAMPED LOCALS AlL-ROCKVllLE BLANKED STATE CHAMPIONS OLLEGE WILL SHOW WARES RASY PREY Fffl! JOE PRENIICE ONCE MORE BY SILK CH Y -V .. Graff Wins Game. AT AQ IM C MEET Graft was the hero of the day Springfield Team Gets Bnt for the Manchester team. He set­ Sons of Italy Add a 9-0 De­ TWO STAR ACTS tled all doubts as to the winner in Local Sport Globe Hollow Scene of Big Two Hits Who Win De­ the ninth Inning with the Sham­ feat to the 12-0 Win Sham­ In my mail the other day came rocks clinging desperately to a one this query: "What do you consider run lead. Graff doubled scoring Water Carnival on Satur­ spite Makeshift Lineup; Smith and Mantelli at this critical Chatter the two greatest performances hung stage. He was also Instrumental rocks Made Against Win­ up by college athletes in track and in the other two runs scored by the field competition of recent years?” day— Three State Title Graff Stars. Shamrocks. That’s a rather The box score: dy City Nine. The old rivalry between Man­ tough assignment Shamrocks (4 ). chester and Ro-ckvllle Is still there Holders to Be Here. when one recalls ♦TIOoWillS'g» (Special to The Herald.) AB R H PO A E and the spirit is willing but the quite a number of 2 Springfield, Mass., Aug. 23.— Old Kellar. ss . . . . 3 0 0 0 0 The All Rockville combination flesh is too weak. That condition sensational feats 2 0 0 Those who attend the swimming .... Man Dope took another sock flush Mantelli. If .. 3 1 3 was no match for the Sons of Italy exists on the other side, however, t h e c ollegians McLaughlin. lb 5 0 0 5 0 0 for Rockville has been defeated meet at Globe Hollow on Saturday on the jaw here Saturday when the ^ at the West Side Saturday after­ have turned in Graff, cf . .. . . 4 1 3 5 0 0 consistently this year. Saturday s will have an opportunity to see lately. However, Shamrocks of Manchester, Conn., noon and 14 hits made by the lo­ three state diving champions per­ came here and upset all predictions Morley, 3b . .. 4 0 4 1 3 0 game against the Sons of Baly two stand out in Strauss. 2 b . . 4 0 0 1 4 0 cals were responsible for nine runs looked like a last desperate stand form. Two of the champs are resi­ trimming the Wicos, 4 to 1. Only and Rockville went home scoreless. bold relie:, like Prentice, p . .. 4 0 0 1 4 0 but the local boys were too last lor dents of Manchester while the last Sunday the Wicos traveled to Alexander pitched 'n alrtlKht K^me silhouettes against Clemson. c .. 3 0 1 8 3 0 the team from the Hilly City. Rock­ third is a Hartford man: the field. Charley Manchester and gave the Sham­ and allowed only five hits for the Joe Maurice of Hartford recently rocks a severe drubbing right in Smith, rf . . . 4 1 1 1 0 0 ville simply wasn't there in any de­ Brookins of Iowa — — — — S t o r s . It Whs the second severe partment and was outclassed b> won the state A. A. U. diving their own back yard to the one­ drubbing by a Manchester team in championship and he will be ac­ accounted for .one, Total ...... 33 4 10 27 12 1 the Sons, and Friday the Sham­ Dehart Hubbard, Michigan, the sided tune of 8 to 2. Thus it was companied here in his exhibition expected that Saturday’s return IVico.s (1) rocks beat them 12-0. p Genovesl started for Rockville by Frank Sobirai. a local product, other. came would prove a walkaway for AB R H PO A E who holds the state Y. M. C. A. S i Peterson, 3b . . 3 1 0 1 4 0 but was retired in favor of May in All roads will lead to Globe Hol­ Brookins, in 1923. skipped the; the home club. the earlv Innings. It was a leisure­ diving title. The third champldn is Johnson, ss . . 3 0 0 5 1 low on Saturday for the big swim­ 220-yard low hurdles in the phe­ Prentice Ls Hero. ly game"and one in which the^issue Wesley Warnock of this town who In addition t >c visitors came Stewart, lb . . 4 0 .0 8 0 0 was never doubtful. Manchester ming meet which will decide the also holds a state championship Y nomenal time of 23 2-5. That day Mercler, cf . . . 4 0 1 0 0 0 town championships. The usual here with a crippled lineup and had medal. he blasted a mark that had tvlth- Sullivan, if .. . 4 0 0 0 0 0 scored at will and in several in­ duck chase will be in''"lged in and to draft two of the spectators into o 2 nings rather heavily while the vis­ It is expected also that the noted stood- all assaults for a quarter of a Teece, 2b . 0 1 0 1 some lively birds have been pur­ century. For until 'ha. Hayikeye use to fill the gaps left when three itors had all they could do Mathleu twins of Willimantic will of their team failed to appear. The Ross, rf . . . . . 3 0 0 2 1 0 chased for* this part of the program. came along, no one had 'oeen able to second base occasionally. Alexan­ exhibit at the pool. These little pair of supposedly rookies, how­ Noonan, c . . . . 3 0 0 6 0 0 der kept his hits well scattered and In addition to the duck chase and girls, about 14 years old, are fancy excel the 23 3-5 record established Holden, p . . . . 3 0 0 3 1 0 the town championship events, ever, played'a bang-up game. The had complete control of the situa­ divers and swimmers, one of their by Alvin K”aenzlein, old Penn star, three state title holders in diving real key to the Manchester victory* stunts consisting of swimming with in 1S9S. Total ...... 30 1 2 27 8 3 tion at all times. i„otnv will perform. They are Joe Mau­ however, lay solely in the excep­ Manchester hit hard and lustily, their hands and feet tied. They are Not even the Smithsons, the Wen­ tional work of their pitcher. Pren­ Score by innings: bombarding the visiting outfielders rice and Frank Sobral of Hartford clever on the springboard and in dells, the Simpsons, che Johnsons Shamrocks 000 001 012 — 4 and Wesley Warnock of this town. tice. a tall, stocky youth who' bad the water with exhibition swim­ and a host of other recognized tim­ Wicos . .. . 100 000 OOOJl with safe hits whenever The latter will compete in the reg­ baffling speed and control galope. ed *AIen on bases had no trouble ming strokes. ber-toppers could turn the trick and One— ^Two— Three. Two-base hit. Graff: base on making the rounds for there were ular events. This will he only a pSrt of the when they failed it appeared the Prentice allowed one run to be balls, off Prentice 1. off Holden 3: alwvvs hitters to bring them in. S . big meet that will decide the Kraenzlein performance was certain scored against him in the first in­ bit by pitcher. Kellar.^ Straus; John hit with his usual consistency This will not, however, close the town swimming and diving cham­ to stand for a long time yet. But sfruck out. by Prentice 7."'by Hold­ pool for the year. It has been de­ ning on an infield out and there­ socked out tvo blngles one of pionships for the women. Silver Brookins, then a junior at Iowa, after was a complete mystery to en 6; umpire. O’Neil. them a double, others of the Sons cided to keep the place open until cups will be given high point scor­ succeeded where more highly-tout­ September 10 if the weather con­ Fanning 120 men in 70 innings is quite a feat, yet that b what ibred the locals. In six of the nine in­ who hit twice were Le Belk who ers and ribbons for prizes in each ed boys had been unable to come CREASES TOO? Slngton, 16-year-old high school pitcher of Birmingham, Ala., has done nings. the Silk City hurler retired so made a double, and ^ h t . tinues to be good. event. through. the side in one-two-three fashion. Three runs came *n right in an amateur league of his home city. In addition, Fred has been bruis­ He allowed but two separated sin­ Sammy— I think her face Is like The North Ends will hold a Hubbard, as you’ll doubtle..3 re­ a beautiful poem. start of the game when St. Job meeting on Thur^Cay evening at 7 ing the leather at a .670 gait, getting five home runs. He’s the young­ gles, fanned seven and walked but and Alexander hit with men WATCHING call, made his record-shattering ei- est player in the league and though only a junior in high school has one batter. It was a nifty exhibi­ Jessie— Well, it certainly has Voces St John was responsible o’clock at the* home of Chip Char- ffrt in the running broad jump. He plenty of good lines in it.— Tit-Bits, received offers from three Southern Association clubs. Fred says he’s tion, in fact, one of the best seen ftr ,n o th « the third Ir.me tier. did it in the national collegiates at } here this season against such odds. London. S e ^ h e doubled ulth Slpplee oh THE SCOREBOARD Chicago last summer, leaping 25 going to finish college before giving pro ball a whirl, however. Football practice has been called feet, 10 7-C inches. Hubbard’s leap ic o h d base. S ; for the Cubs by Manager Nick An­ ond man on base in the fifth, YESTERD.AY’S RESULTS broke the Tormer mark hung up by gelo for tomorrow night at the East Bob Legendre, ex-Georgetown cele­ lowing Alexander who Side playgrounds. The session Eastern licague The local pitcher cane in on a brity, at the 1924 Olympics by four will begin at 7 o’clock and all last Springfield 2. Hartford 0. let’s single. In the sixth Le Be year’s men are asked to be on hand. Bridgeport 7, Pittsfield 4 (first) Inches. started the ball rolling with a dou- Bridgeport 4, Pittsfield 3 (sec­ There was a bit of what the thea­ S r He scored on Wright s single trical folk term “ dram^” attached There is much interest over the ond) and Wright was subsequentl> scor to Hubbard’s performance. For four outcome of the tennis match be­ Providence 10. Waterbury 1. ed when Sipples hit. Albany 6. Ne^Y Haven 5 (first) seasons the colored boy had been THEY'RE tween the East Side and the West In the ninth Giraitis Albany 7, New H.vven 1 (second) trying to put over a new world left field and was scored b> Le Bell Side which will be played Wednes­ day evening at the West Side. National League mark. On several occasions he had who singled. , Cincinnalt 4. Boston 3 (10) come within whispering distance of The fielding of Le BeB JlP O’Leary and Gato will represent the East Side and Gribbons and (first). it and once actually had beat the pies was one of the bright lights Cincinnati 7, Boston 6 (12) record only to have the jump disal­ If ,he game. Burke Docw ch and Graft will appear for the other sec­ tion of the town. (second). lowed because he hkd overstepped Genovese shone for the Msltor.. St. Louis 4, New York 2. the takeoff. I saw Hubbard at the The summary; Chicago 3. Brooklyn 0. Big Ten meet tjbe week befbre he Sons of Italy The present cool weather has served to, excite football interest 1 Others npt scheduled. made his record-breaking jump. He AB R H American League broke the conference mark that O O about the town as it does each year Le Bell. If • ■. 5 Cleveland 10. Washington 2 time, clearing “ 25-3 1-2’’ burSgain .4 O 1 when warm weather is given a back Wright, ss . . seat. One team Jied given notica (first). failed in an attempt to -better Sipples, cf. lb . 5 1 - of its first practice. Players at Cleveland 6. Washington 0 Legendre’s figures. St. John, rf . . 5 o 1 both ends of the town are already (second). Alexander, p . .4 1 Philadelphia 3, Chicago 2. Hubbard, however, had faith 0 1 f(.otb?li would not Partons. 3b . - .4 New York-St. Louis (rain). in his ability, to establish a new 0 1 he at all surprising 'f the fans of Zwick. 2 b . . . V o Others not scheduled. 0 1 this merr'" . treat­ record. And so did his coach, the Wallett. c . . . .3 veteran Steve Farrell. In fact'. Far­ 1 1 ed to a grc't clash between the ■Giraitis. c . . 1 STANDINGS rell had remarked earlier in the 0 1 North and the South this season. 'McCann, lb . . 4 EiYStern I.,cagne season that his star would beat W L Pet Legendre’s effort before the end of Tdtals ...... 3S 9 14 \ Rockville Providence ...... 77 46 .626 the college campaign. \. All New Haven ....72 51 .585 AB R H Hubbard’s chance finally came at BLOOMER. SPRINGHEID. Bridgeport ...... 71 52 .572 Chicago. On his very last trial as a Foster. If . . • • 4 Springfield ...... 65 56 .537 wearer of the Michigan maize and M. Burke, cf . - 4 Albany ...... 61 62 blue, the ebeny-hued lad hurtled R. Burke, ss. rf 4 ! GIVES HARTFORD 1 HIT Hartford ...... 58 64 .475 through the air for a record apt to May. rf. lb. p .3 Waterbury ...... 45 76 .372 Dopwich. 3b ..4 stand for quite a stretch. And not Pittsfield ...... 3? SI .325 only did Hubbard get into the list of S. Genovese, 2b 3 Hartford, Aug. 23.— Joe Bloom­ National League Hullick ...... 1 “world titleholders,”* but he also er can blame Harry Heltman for W L Pet realized his pet ambition— to make C. Genovesi, lb 4 robbing him of a no-hit, no-run Pittsburgh ...... 65 47 .5S03 Scheiner. c ...2 the grade as a contest here yesterday when, pitch­ St. Louis ...... 69 50 .5799 collegian. P. Genovesi. ing for Springfield, he held Hart­ Cincinnati ...... GS 51 .572 p. r f ...... 4 0 1 0 2 0 To my mind the ford to a lone bingle, and that Chicago ...... 61 57 .517 achievements of Heitman’s two bagger. Totals ...... 33 0 5 23 10 1 New York ...... 58 58 .500 B r o ok i n s and Successive singles in the second Brooklyn ...... 57 64 .471 Hubbard stand out Sons of Italy ...302 012 lOx— 9 i and fifth Innings scored the Ponies All Rockville ...000 000 000— 0 Boston ...... 47 70 ■’^2? a's thj two ■’■great­ runs. Springfield will not be seen Two base hits; Le Bell. St. John, Philadelphia ...43 71 .377 est in college com­ in Hartford again this season. Aincrican League May. petition of 'recent Sacrifice hits; Alexander. The box score: W L Pc years. One batter- That'S'why YOU CAN SMOKE rHEM Stolen bases: Wright, Sipples 2, SPRINGFIEI,D New York ...... 76 45 .62! 'ed down a record AB R Cleveland ...... 67 54 .55^ Giraitis, 2. Albert, cf .... 4 that had turned Double plays: C. Genovesi to Tjutlerrei. 3b . . 4 Philadelphia ...66 56 .54: back, a long and MOKNING^NOON an d N IG H 'T ' Dowd. 2b ___ 3 Dogwich. Detroit ...... 62 57 .52. unusually talented Post, lb ...... 3 Washington ....59 5S .50- Left on bases: Sons 10; All Bene.s. ss .... 3 group of challengers for 25 cam­ Rockvilif 4. Purcell, rf .... 2 Chicago ...... 60 60 .50i paigns while the oth^r tacked on First base on balls; Alexander 4; Kerry. If ...... 2 St. Louis ...... 5 0 71 .41: four inches in an event that had Maybe you’re one of those fellowS who smoke from break­ Niederkorii. c 3 Boston ...... 42 SI .34. P. Genovesi 2. Bloomer, p .... 3 known but little advancement since GAMES TODAY Struck out; Alexander 4; May 1. the days of Pat O’Connor, close to T o ta ls Eastern League fast to bedtime...... You spark your best ideas—you do Umpires; Dwyer and Russell. HARTFORD 30 years ago. AB R H PO A Pittsfield at Hartford. Xlorrissey. cf .. 4 Springfield at Bridgeport. Heitman. 2b .. 4 New Haven at Albany. yom" best work—when a ^ood cigarette keeps you company. FRANKIE FRISCH UNDER Comiskev, 3b .. 3 Waterbury at Providence. Schlnkel. If .. 2 Suzanne’s Double ■White, ss ------3 National League .... ^ut there’s no reason why you should pay for your Shirley, l b ------3 Boston at St. Louis. CARE OF A PHYSICIAN Knox, r f ...... 3 Phil"'■'t^hia at 'T.b'rago. Mangum. c ... 2 “steady-smoking” with a parched tongue. Not when you Johnson, p ... 3 Brooklyn at Pittsburgh (two). New York at Cincir.--**. New York. Aug. 23.— Denying Totals 27 1 27 15 American League can get O l d G o l d —the new blend for heavy smokers. The that he had "jumped” the Giants St.-Louis at Wasb'T’ s'^nn. because of differences with John- CAPITOL PARK FIGHTS Cleveland at New York. McGraw. manager of the club, Chicago at Philadelphia. smoothest cigarette of all time— but, Oh Man! what a Frank Frisch declared his intention Hartford, Aug. 23.— Ten amateur Detroit at Bc3ton. bouts, featuring state champions today of rejoining the team as soon might of satisfaction it packs behind its velvet rnanners. as his health permits and "playing will be staged at Capitol Park to­ ANOTHER FIXnVERS FIGHT any position they want me to.” He night. New York. Aug. 23.— It plans of said that only ill health had caused There will be a special bout be­ the local American Legion material­ him to return suddenly to his home tween "Pinky” Kaufman, former ize, Tiger Flowers, world’s middle­ here and his haggard appearance state welterweight champion and weight champion, will defend his substantiated his statement. Fritz Adamson of New Haven, pres­ title against Maxle Rosenbloom. He was ordered to bed by his ent Connecticut welterweight title- New York, at the Polo grounds on physicians yesterday for three days holder. I September 8, it was announced to­ of absolute rest, after which he Abe Bodlne, now of Hartford and I day. Flowers engineered a success­ plans to rejoin the Giants in Pitts­ formerly of New Haven, will clash i ful defense of the championship burgh on Friday. It had been his with Johnny Mack oZ New Haven,] against Harry Greb, from whom he original intention, he said, to report former state featherweight cham­ won it last winter. Rocenbloom’s LD to McGraw in Cincinnati tomorrow. pion in the 130 pound class. qualifications as a challenger are OLD The other entries are ns follows: based on two decisions he has Th* Product of LEADING LEAGUE HITTERS 165-pnund class: Joe Bard, Hart­ gained over Dave Shade. IT'S THE SMOOTH! P. LORILLARD CO. ford: Carl Moore, Hartford. Estahliikti 1760 National League 118-pound class: Ray Strong, Hargrave, Reds ...... ___ 370 Hartford: Teddy Darr, Hartford. TEST ANSWERS CIGARETTE Bressler, Reds ...... ___ 358 105-pound class: Eddie Camp, Stephenson. Cubs ...... ___ 351 Hartford; Joe Natrillo, New Haven. Here are the answers to the Traynor, Pirates ...... ___ 348 12 "-pound class; Ray Taylor, questions appearing on the comic Grantham, P irates...... ___ 341 Terryvllle; ^ete Yousman, Hart­ page. DONA DUVAL THEIS Leader a year ago today; Horns- ford. 1. — Charles Dana Gibson. l>y. Cardinals, .389. 135-pound class: Ray Hall, Hart­ 2. — Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Over France they call ‘ Dona 1 American League ford Frankie Wilson, New Haven. 3. — A celebrated Greek fabulist.Duval Thels.the double of Suzanne 115-pound class: Pete Roberts 4. —William Richard Wagner. Fothergill, Tigers ...... ___ 381 Lenglen— and she does look a bit Ruth, Yankees...... 379 Hartford Joe Maisella, New Haven. 5. — Irving P-rlln. or cen t/ Manush, Tigers ...... 374 112-pound class: Adolph D’Norl- 6. — Anita Loos. like the incomparable one, doesn’t iBuma, Indians ...... 370 fio, Hartford: Jack Wolf, Hartford. 7. — Laurence Stallings. she? Miss Thels recently arrived IjGoslIn, Senators ...... 366 Entries for these weekly amateur 8. — . In California where she will act as 9.— Radio tenor soloist. k Leader a year ago today; Speak-, tournaments may be bad of Ed'Hur­ I tbnnii teacher ’ at Kiuitwood. > n ludlaaat .399. ley, Capitol Park. [ 10.—'•Moving plctur* dlroetor* FAGE NXNB MANCHESTER EVENING HBRAtD, MONDAY, AUGUST 28, 1928. Bristol Swamps Sons In Deciding INDIANS TAKE TWO Last Inning Rally Defeats VOLLEY BALL TEAMS Scarcity of Pep Noticeable As ^ t o n FISHER DRIVEN FROM HOUND CLASH ON WEDNESDAY FROM WASHINGTON Takes Sham ro^ Into Camp Again 5*2 X Cheney Brothers at Norwich The East Side volley hall team BY HITS IN SEVENTH FRAME clashes with the West Siders Wed­ €> nesday night at the West Side Cheney Brothers’ baseball nine mendable manner. Bolssy made playgrounds. The two outfits met It was a decidedly different team The box score: Yanks Idle Dae to Rain; four hits in as many trips to the recently and the boys from over that took the field yesterday after­ Sluunrbcks. dropped a hard fought contest yes­ ab r h po a 8 New Departures Hit at WiD CARDS BEAT N .Y . plate. East won three out of the five noon wearing the colors of the rt terday afternoon In Norwich to the The box score: Massey, rf. U 0 0 0 0 0 games played. The West Side Shamrocks than It was In Spring- Athletics Phy Sunday J. B. Martin Company. The game diency Brothers (6). team, however, expecta to sauare Mantelll, If, 4 1 1 1 0 0 and Smack Out 16 Hits; IN 8TH STRAIGHT ■was not deidded until the ninth In­ AB R H PO A E accounts on the forthcoming occa­ field, the day before, not in per- Brennan, 3b; 4 0 0 3 2 1 BaUinPhiUy. ning. The score was 7 to 6. Hanna, 3 b _____ 5 2 2 2 0 0 sion. sone, but In morale. Saturday, it Graff, cf, 4 0 0 ■2 0 0 Norwich led until the ninth 6 to Plltt, s s ...... 5 1 1 2 2 0 The teams will line up as fol­ was a fighting bunch of ball tosaers McLaughlin, lb, 3 1 1 10 1 0 Manchester Leads Up to 3 but in the final frame^ Manches­ Ritchie, p _____ 5 1 2 0 2 0 lows: encouraged on to victory by a nev- Brownell, ss, 4 0 0 1 1 0 ter siiueezed three runs over the Brennan, 2b ..3 1 0 4 East Side West Side er-say-dle spirit, but yesterday it Kellar, 2b, 3 0 1 3 2 1 IXDLUXS 10-6, SENATORS 2-0 Fourth Inning. Reds Win Double Header plsite tying the score. After Robb Bolssy, c ...... 4 0 4 9 3 0 Lupien B. Russell was a different oiory. And as a Clemson, c. .4 0 1 4 1 0 had struck out, Hanna and Plltt Cole, r f ...... 4 0 0 0 1 0 R. Von Deck Wilkinson result, the speedy Groton team Smith, p. 3 0 1 3 4 0 Washington,-Aug. 23.— An army singled. Ritchie grounded out and Cervini, lb . . . 3 0 0 8 0 0 came here and walked home a 5 to Genovese, rf. 1 0 0 0 0 0 of Washington pitchers proved E. Von Deck Kicking from Braves — Pirates Brennan walked filling the b|ses. White, I f ...... 4 0 0 0 1 1 Lange Gustafson 2 winner, thus adding another win raisB Fisher of the Sons of themselves as useful as steam heat They were occupied hut a mo­ Robb, cf ...... 1 1 0 1 1 0 "Phaneuf Kerr to their already overcrowded list 33 5 27 11 2 'Italy, who held the Bristol New In the tropics when they bunked up ment, however, for' Bolssy Inserted Schieldge McCann of scalps. It was also the second Groton. Departures to three hits here last Hold Sbght Margin, against the rampaging Indians In a a timely double which scored the . 34 9 26 11 2 S. Russell victory of the season over the ab r h po a 8 week, was driven from the hill in double-header. Uhle held the Sen­ three runners and tied the score. ' Norwich (7). Shamrocks. Smith, If, '5 1 1 1 0 0 AB R H PO A E Bristol yesterday when the home ators in check In the first game, ten Norwich managed to score a ta^- The dash and pep which was so Ryan, cf. 4 0 0 0 0 0 team smashed out 16 hits and won to two, and Shaute accomplished ly In the last half of the stanza, Krauss, If .... 4 2 2 4 0 0 CARDS 4, GI.AXTS 2 Innings: conspicuous in the team-play of the Haven, cs. 5 0 1 0 2 1 11 to 5. It was the deciding game a shut-out In the second six to however, and this was sufficient. Becells, 3b . . . 5 0 0 - 2 2 0 Shamrocks the previous afternoon, Mclnnls, 2b, 5 1 2 2 1 1 F. Gley, 3h . . . 5 1 2 1 2 0 Cheney Bros. . .. 000 100 203— 6 of the five-game series, the Bristol St. Louis, Aug, 23.— Four errors nothing. W -G ley doubled, his third hit of was almost entirely missing yester­ Scroggin, rf. 4 0 0 2 0 1 team having won two before. . (F ln t GameV thfi game, and scored later on Pe- J. Murphy, c . . 4 0 2 7 2 0 Noi-wich...... , 101 300 101— 7 and a few bad breaks, defeated the CLEVELAND _ Two base hits: Hanna, Ritchie, day. Had there been more of It, Pine, lb. 3 2 3 11 0 1 Bristol relied yesterday upon AB R H PO A E tln’s single. Petln not only won his Smith, r f ...... 5 1-2 1 0 0 Giants to something less than nor­ B. Murphy, lb . 4 1 2 6 0 0 Bolssy, J. Murphy. W. Gley. maybe the score would have been Coady, 3b, 4 1 1 3 2 0 Thorpe who held Manchester al­ .Tamieson, If.. 6 2 1 1 D ® O'wn game but' pitched a fine game different. Anyway, It cost old Dan Whiton, c, 3 0 1 8 0 0 mal stature, and they took the Spurgeon, 2b .. 5 0 2 1 j r W. Gley, cf . . . 5 0 3 2 0 0 Double plays: Ritchie to Bolssy most helpless for the entire game. third drubbing in a row from Rog­ as did Ritchie, Cheney Brothers’ Smith his second successive setback. Potter, p. 4 0 0 0 1 0 Wright, however, found the New Speaker, cf ... 4 2 J ® ® 9 Imported hurler. F. Murphy, 2b .1 1 0 3 0 0 to Cervini. ers Hornsby’s Cardinals. The score Burns, lb ------5 2 3 10 1 0 First base on balls, off Petln 5, He was hit rather freely, nine bln- Departure pitcher with regularity Ritchie and Bolssy both cast Jobert, 2 b ___ 3 1 2 1 0 0 was four to two, marking the Car­ .1. Sewell, ss ... 5 2 4 3 2 0 off Ritchie 4. gles being made off his delivery. 36 6 » 27 6 4 Summa. rf ------4 0 1 4 1 0 votes In Palmer, Mass. The latter Petln, p ...... 4 0 2 0 1 0 and made four out of five hits. In dinal's eight consecutive victory. Struck out, - by Petln 7, by Pine, with three solid wallops, led Groton .... .110 210 000— 5 all the Sons made nine hits, most L. Sewell, c ... 5 1 2 2 0 0 was Ritchie’s battery mate yester- ST. LOUIS Lutzke, 3 b ------5 1 1 1 0 0 Hnv And both nerformed In a com 40 7 17 27 7 0 Ritchie 7. the assault. Shamrocks • • 6 • •.100 010 000— 2 of them in the third inning, and AB R H PO A E Uhle. p ...... _5 _0 _2 _2 ^ _0 0 0 were leading at that time. Tolm. I f ...... 4 1 3 The New Departures opened up Southworth, rf 4 0 1 3 0 0 Totals 44 10 16 27 9 1 4 1 /I 1 4 0 WASHINGTON with a bombardment in the fourth Hornsby, 2b . 0 AB R H PO A E Bottoniley, lb 4 1 0 9 0 1 0 and sixth, scoring three in one of Bell, 3b ...... 4 1 - 0 McNeely, If 4 0, 0 5 0 0 these innings and four in the Douthit, cf ... 4 0 0 4 0 0 Stewart, 2b . . . 4 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 5 1 0 Rice, rf ...... 4 0 2 2 0 0 other. Fisher had been replaced by O'Farrell, c .. 4 *> Thevnow, ss . 3 0 0 2 0 Myer. ss 4 1 2 2 4 2 Sipples who'held the Echoes score­ Haines, p ------3 0 1 0 1 0 Goslin, cf ...« 4 0 0 3 0 0 less in the last two Innings. —— — — .Tudge, lb re..« 4 0 2 9 0 0 It was a Bristol day all through Totals 34 4 7 27 9 0 Bluege, 3 b ...... 4 0 0 1 3 1 NEW YORK Tate, c ...... 4 0 1 3 0 1 and even though the Endees made AB R H PO A E Ruether, p .... 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 two errors, Manchester couldn’t Ott. If ...... 4 0 1 1 0 Crowder, p ....O 0 0 0 0 0 seem to get the breaks. Fisher’s re­ Tyson, cf .... 4 0 0 3 0 0 J. Harris, z ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 X 3 1 2 Jackson, ss . 4 versal of form was something no­ Liiulstrom, 3b 4 0 0 0 5 0 Totals 36 2 9 27 8 body could account for but the Kelly, 2b ... 4 1 1 0 3 1 Score by Innings: 0 020 032— 10 Over two billion . 3 0 0 9 1 Cleveland ...... 003 Bristol batters found him at will Terry, lb .... 2 Mueller, lb . .. . 3 0 0 0 0 0 Washington . . . . 001 000 010— and smashed his offerings for a 1 1 6 1 0 (Second Game) Florence, c .. . 3 0 double and two triples in addition Barnes, p ... 0 1 2 1 CLEVELAND 0 0 0 0 0 AB R H PO A E to 13 singles. Reilly crashed out Scott, p ...... 0 2 2 Muesel, x ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Jamieson, If . . .. 4 0 0 0 snio^fd a month! three singles while Zetarskie and Spurgeon, 2b . 3 1 2 8 1 0 Christie sent one each of their hits Totals 32 2 5 24 13 4 Speaker, cf .. 5 0 1 3 0 0 I for extra bases. Score by Innings: Speaker, cf . . 5 0 1 3 0 0 .102 000 Olx —4 Burns, lb ... . 5 0 1 8 0 0 Manchester made three er­ St. Louis ... 2 2 New York ...... 010 010 000 —2 J. Sewell, ss . 5 1 3 0 rors. two of which were chalked Summa. rf ... . 5 1 2 3 0 0 —it’s clear enough what smokers want! up to McCann on second base. He L. Sewell, c .. .. 3 0 1 4 0 0 REDS 4-7, BRAVES 3-6 Lutzke, 3b .. . 3 2 2 1 3 1 was replaced by Stanton at that Shaute, p ... . 3 1 1 0 2 0 position. The locals had yesterday Cincinnati, Aug. 23.— The Reds Totals 36 6 14 27 8 1 Scrimmlnger at first for the first and the Braves thought their play WASHINGTON time this season. The rest of the AB R H PO A E ing was so well appreciated that 0 0 4 0 0 lineup was the same as that which McNeely, If . ■1 ^ they ran both games of a double S. Harris, 2b .. 3 0 0 4 8 0 “\v. defeated Bristol here a few days 0 header to extra innings. Cincinnati Rice, rf ...... 4 0 1 1 0 ago. J. Harris, lb .. 4 0 1 11 1 0 The summary; won both, the first in ten Innings Goslin, cf .. . 4 0 1 2 1 0 at four to three, and the second in Peck, ss ...... 4 0 0 2 3 1 Sons of Italy. Bluege, 3b . . .. 3 O' 0 0 2 0 AB R H PO A E twelve, seven, to six. Tate, c ...... 3 0 1 3 0 0 LeBel. If ...... 3 1 2 2 2 0 (First GnnieV Coveleskie, p 2 0 0 0 3 1 CINCINNATI Marberry, p . 0 0 0 0 1 0 Wright, ss ... • 5 1 4 1 3 i AB H H PO A E Stewart, z .. . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 Sipples, cf, P - .4 1 1 1 U 0 Crltz, 2 b ...... 4 1 1 3 -5 0 St. John, rf . . . 4 1 1 1 0 0 Roush, cf . ... 5 0 2 5 0 0 Totals 32 0 4 27 19 2 ■Walker, r f ___ 4 n O' 2 0 0 r \ Partons. 3b . . . 2 0 0 2 1 0 Bressler, If . .. 4 0 1 3 0 0 Score by innings; Scrimmi’ger lb 3 0 1 o 0 0 I'ipp. lb ...... 3 0 0 10 1 0 Cleveland ...... 010 202 010— 6 McCann,. 2b . . .3 0 0 3 1 - Hargrave, c ... 4 0 0 3 0 0 Dressen, 3b .. 4 2 1 2 4 0 Stanton, 2b ...1 0 0®°® Ford, ss ...... 4 0 3 2 2 0 ATHLETICS 3, WHITE SOX 3 Wallett. c ------4 0 0 6 0 0 Donohue, p ... 0 0 0 0 1 0 Fisher, p, cf.,3 1 0 0 I Lucas, p ...... 2 1 1 0 1 0 Philadelphia, Aug.. 23.— The Ath­ letics had their first opportunity to \ sT 5 9 24 8 3 Tot.ils 34 4 9 30 14 see what playing ball at home on BOSTON New Departures. AB R H PO A E Sunday was like, and the novelty AB R H PO A E .1 Smith, cf .... 3 0 1 0 seemed to agree with them. Lefty Scott. I L ...... 5 2 2 “0 0 0 (.',,'uitreau. 2b .. 4 0 0 4 Grove held the White Sox to two Wilson. X .... 1 0 0 0 0 Christie. 3b ...3 3 - 0 1 0 Bancroft, fV> ... 0 0 (I u 0 runs, while the aspiring Mackmen, Goodrich, lb . . 5 0 2 11 1 0 AVelsh. rf ...... 5 0 1 2 1 protected by an injunction from Reilly, c f ...... 4 1 3 4 0 0 Moore, f.s 2b .. 4 1 1 3 4 police interference, gathered in Brown, if .... 4 1 1 1 0 Malcolm, cf ...0 0 0 1 0 0 Rnrrus. lb .... 4 0 0 11 0 three to win. Galligiano, cf .1 0 0 0 0 0 E. Taylor. 3b.ss 4 1 1 0 4 ATHLETICS Forslund. 2b .. 4 0 1 4 4 0 J. Taylor, o .... 4 0 2 4 0 AB R H PO A E Horkhelmer, ss 5 1 2 4 4 1 Goldsmith, p . . 3 0 1 1 1 Dykes:. 2h . ... 4 0 0 3 4 0 Ilcnrn. p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 French, rf , . .. 4 0 0 1 0 0 Waters, c ...... 4 1 1 3 0 1 AVelch. If . ... 4 1 1 0 0 0 Zetarskl, rf . . . 3 3 2 0 0 0 ’TotnlJ 36 3 8 10 Hale. 3b .. ... 3 1 1 ,1 1 0 Score by innings: Simmons, cf . . 4 1 2 ' 2 0 0 Thorpe, p .... 3 0 1 0 5 0 «> Cincinnati .. 110 100 000 1— 4 I’oole. lb .. 0 0 li) 0 0 Noston ...... • 030 000 000 0— 3 Perkins, c .-V. 1 0 1 7 0 0 37 11 16 27 15 2 Galloway, ss .. 2 0 0- 3 1 0 Grove, p .. 2 Score by innings:


fortably. he thought nothing of the kind. She was obviously very mijch em- THE BEAUTY DOCTOR ,o :____ EIGHBC^ ’ WIVES barrasued. After another awkward moment or two, she took a few steps BY NINON. EltNEST LYNN, authOT o£ THE YJEUOW STUB toward the door, John following, and at the threshold paused tor say, “ I ABROAD BEGUN HERE TODAT -really must see you. It’s about Roman town called La Turbie. A1 JOHN and FAT IkHLBURN Howard.” BY AliLENE SU31INER bny a home when their baby pirl the place where the traveler alights “ All right," ho agreed. “ At Vera’s. is bom and the advertising to look at Monte Carlo down by the Any time you wish.” Venice, Italy, Aug. 33.— Some agency in Which John is partner women, a dubious few, may come lapis sea, stands of Italian mosaic, and copy writer lands a new “ She ll call you.” to Europe to see the leaning tower beads rear themselves. Thirty-five contract. Among their acquaint- ".All right." He smiled his goodby, of Pisa, and the Roman forum. lire, or about one dollar and a quar­ ances are: and, walking slowly back to his But a howling mob of ’em, a hun­ ter a string. NOEL and VERA BOYD. work, the thought struck him of how dred thousand million, come for Five miles further one comes to whose marriage is strictly “mod­ unpleasant It would be to go to the great shopping bat of their lives the Italian border, Vintemilla. Here ern." Vera’s again after the words he had glisten the same gorgeous mosaics had with Noel. Well. . . . — come with blood in their eyes, PAX and MARIAN FORBES, and strength in their elbows to bat­ for less than fifty cents. who Jiave three children and tle their way into the bargain jam Then one comes to Florence whose domestic life is unhappy So it was that he half feared to where thirty cents will buy the pick answer the telephone every time it of beaded bags today! because of Pat’s roving tenden­ Florence may mean the birth- i and finally to Venice, where the cies. f*revious chapters told rang. But strangely enough the ex­ pected call did not come, though a place of Dante and the huge canvas ones that sold at La Turbie for how: upon which Michelangelo hung his more than a dollar may be foilnd ,5chn was fascinated on meet­ week passed. He was beginning to II think that the incident with Nell was wizardry to one or two feminine for a dime plus. ing NELL ORME. Forbes hints Venice is the shopper’s paradise. she is hawng trouble with her closed, that perhaps his 'coolness to­ souls! But to a hundred million it husband, HOWARD ORME. ward her h.ad frightened her off, or means the place where illumined Tooters for the glass and lace fac­ piqued her. and colored leather Florentine bags tories haul one inside ’’for to see Fay took JUDITH, the baby, But he was wrong. .Alone In his may be purchased for five dollars. the glass blow beeg” or “ for to see to visit her parents In Wash­ the bambino make the lace,” and ington, and during her ab­ apartment one night, he heard a low Venice may mean Saint Mark’s sence Jolni “ ran around” a knock on his door, and when he went and the Doge’s Palace to one or two one emerges with Venetian glass gqod deal. When Fay returned to open It Nell Orme. her eyes red­ hut to a moiling mob it means powder boxes, glass fish and gossip had retailed his doings dened with weeping, stood before Venetian point collars big enough oranges for something or other, or and sharp quarrels followed, one him. to girdle a humming bird’s bujeom a scrap of filet to stick in a napkin of which drove him “ out on a “ Why. Nell!” he exclaimed. throat, for the simple price of twen­ corner. tear.” and caused Fay to “Oh John.” she cried, “j’ou must ty dollars. Here’s a tip! If you can’t afford threaten to leave him. let me in—you must listen to me.” Uncle Sam allows free passage the real Venetian point made before John later encounters Nell Her voice trailed off as she began for a hundred dollars worth of loot your eyes by a tiny bambino, ask Onne at Vera Boyd’s—a plot of to cry violently. At first he thought to each returning female of the for the Irand-appliqued lace. This is Vera’s, who takes a keen delight she was simply acting. native soil. a machine net background almost irt promoting “affairs”—and re­ But supporting her with his arm, This means that the hotel lobby covered by hand pattern and as lacy solves not to see her again as he led her to a chair and with ner­ conversation over the entire expense and soft as a cloud. he realizes she is carrying him vous fingers found and lit a cigaret of Europe consists of the respective Beautiful collars for three dol­ off his feet. But he docs, and the before he spoke again. merits of smuggling rings in tooth­ lars. day onmes when he takes her “ Now for heaven’s sake,” he said, paste or cold cream, and the maxi­ The Little Rosies abroad are buy­ m.idly in his arms. "composo yourself and tell me what’s Posed by Hazel Hurd. mum weight permitting one to ing their hand-decorated Christmas Fay learns of it and goes the matter.” “ wear in” , three dresses. cards like made over here. through with her threat and "Howard—” she began and again CONDITION— Blackheads. “ As If there could be any Christ­ leaves him. John closes the fell to sobbing. DI.AGNOSIS— These troublesome unbeautiful objects often accom­ mas in my life this year,” I heard a house and takes an apartment. Perhaps there is a certain bitter­ He saw then that he would have pany an oily skin and enlarged pores. ness in my soul today on the great woman wail, fingering her pence. When PAUL DAVIDSON, a to wait, so he said nothing for quite And they sell measures of corn at friend, makes an unfortunate * TREATMENT— Cleanse the face carefully, steaming it if the black­ European shopping question. a while but stood where he was, half Saint Mark’s to feed the already marriage and then deserts his heads are obstinate. Then place a blackhead remover, or a watch key There’s a reason. In the shapo of a leaning against a table, and watch­ certain soft suede handbag In the gorged pigeons, and while you are wife, leaving her all his money, ’‘I'm no angel, but I haven’t forgotten that you’re an­ ing her. over the spot and the blackhead will be forced out. Cleanse your instru­ gossip begins to flay Paul and suitcase which my duenna, Pansy sipping your breakfast coffee in the other man's wife.” And finally, between fits of tears, ment after each removal, and wipe the spot with peroxide of hydrogen open square old women come about John has his hands full defend­ she made John eyewitness to the Herring Pretzel, packs with faithful ing him. He is nearly crazy with with fern-lined baskets full of waxy make some explanation to Nell for scene she had just gone through or alcohol. This is infinitely preferable to- removing the blackheads by care some four times weekly, as we grief because of Fay’s action, ing study. Here is a man, young, flit from Rome to Florence, from gardenias, and spicy carnations, and fairly prosperous, handsome, pos­ with Howard, squeezing •v\-ith the fingers, which is often the causa of infection. By while F.t.v is nearly heartbroken his steady refusal of Vera’s Invita­ little boys with pails of sardines sessed of a wife who is uncommonly There had been a violent quarrel— washing carefully with a complexion brush and pure soap, you can keep Florence to Venice. hersolf. tions. not the first by any means, nor was The bag in question looked scooped from a morning sea. attractive—and yet . . He them away once you have removed them. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY stopped, puffing' reflectively on his Did Nell really care for him? He it the first over the same thing. heavenly in-Florence. It was mark­ found himself a little warmed by the (The names and sitantiona In this cigar. Howard believed, and simply Insisted, ed 250 lire. But one learns after the thought. In spite of his new knowl story are fictitious.) “ I fs something hard to explain. that John had come between them, first shopping spree that appear­ SILVER .AXB >nST edge that thera would never be an­ and he was threatening divorce. CH.AFTER LIII V’ery often the victims labor under ances are only tag deep when it other to take the place of Fay. . . . Finally, so maddened did he be­ the delusion that the rest of the comes to price tags abroad. After I rrvH:EKE was an Invitation to din­ Tes, he owed it to Nell, at least, to come by Neil's persistent denials, For the young girl, a dance dress world Is in actual conspiracy against much hand conversation it became ner at the Menefees, and John, talk things over with her, to explain that he struck her. of silver lace and white tulle is a I them. They feel that everyone Is mine for the sum of 190 lire; about d ^ the uselessness of their going any “ And, John," she sobbed. “ I didn’t suitable expression . f her youth and though he hated to Inflict his talking about them. And it Is quite six dollars and sixty-five cents. farther. know what to do. or where to go. innocence. The simple round neck miserable company on Dick and Mar­ amazing, too, th e' various kinds of Now we are in Venice, city of La­ Ho struck me. Oh!” and she was line and bouffant skirt is a strictlj mentalities that It attacks. Orme, of Two days after his talk with Mene­ goons and mosaic beads. And here garet. could not very well refuse. sobbing again, unable to speak. /i course, is highly intelligent. Tet the fee, Vera Boyd called him up and debutante style in this type of ’ilrock. Clara was there, and she was quite It was hard to believe -that the my bag, once so fair to see, rests in last case that came to my attention was terribly insistent, so that he had no less than 16 windows, for the sympathetic. Clara, according to was entirely different. He was a to repulse her almost rudely. half-hysterical woman In front of “But John,” she said at last, “ you him was Nell Orme. Where now was sum of 100 lire. Dick, was quite happy these days, janitor, a rough, phlegmatic sort of G cd Health?®^ This is the lesson' of shopping In all her poise, all her swagger? Funny fellow. Hard working, silent. When really ought to come. Howard’s be­ (1 with three or four ardent suitors on Europe. Go south, young man, go Knitted he committed suicide it was found ginning to make trouble.” thing; he supposed all women did the string, and she had received at cry—but Nell Orme? TESTS WILL SHOW <$> kaline solution and kept moist for south! that he had a lot of money. Strange " I ’m sorry,” was all he had to say. least two proposals—Dick was not He said, "1 don’t know what to do HAY 1T5VER ORIGIN thirty minutes. The early bird catches the lucre. stuff, John.” and he hung up the receiver with sure but that it had been more. about it. Nell. I think, though, you’d Since the scratch is only one- But as one nears the sun and one's "But what’s the cause of it, Dick?” the feeling that he had acted like a “ .\nd by the way.” Menefee added boor. Not until several hours later better go home. I’ll see Howard, if BY DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN eighth of an inch long, a great family purse grows thinner and John asked. "There must be one.” you want me to, and explain to him.” Editor Journal of the .Aiuericaii many tests may. be made at one skinnier, the prices tumble like when he and John had been deserted did the thought occur to him that "Oh, yes. there’s an explanation by "Howard making trouble” Vera “ No, no!” She had risen and was .Medical .Association and of Hy- time. At the end of half an hour Lillian Leitzel from the big top. for the time being by the women for everything. But 1 have no Idea might have meant he had learned approaching him, dabbing at her geai, the Health Magazine. the material is washed off and the “ I don’t want to offend, of course, what It is in this case. 1 presume somehow of what existed between eyes with her handkerchief. “No, During the spring, tree pollens reaction of the skin to the pollen Perhaps you must have a Pari­ he has some fancied grievance. Has but .hat about this couple named himself and Howard’s wife. you -nustn’t do that—never.” are the most common offenders in is studied. Several scratches are' sian gown! But make up your mind his wife ever hinted at it?” "But Nell—” causing hay fever. In the early made and moistened with the alka­ that if you must you will devote Orme?" This. Indeed, was danger, and "Oh John,” she cried, and was “ Hinted, and that’s all.” John an­ from an entirely unexpected quarter. summer, the grasses, the rose, corn line solution but pollen is 'not ap every waking and sleeping moment John hardly knew how to take this. swered. "I think they quarrel a plucking helplessly at his coat plied. These are used to check the He was not sure that Dick was not What if Howard, like Fay. suspected and the pollens of flowers such as in Paris to that gown, and that lot.” sleeve. the daisy, the dandelion and the reaction against those with pollen. trying to quiz him. them of something much more ser­ Her hand crept up to his shoulder. gow’n only! "Naturally,” said Dick. ious. . . . Well, he didn’t see how lily, and those of such weeds as pig­ It has been found that tho pol­ But he told .’denefee all he knew— ’Tou’ve changed so,” she com­ Parisian courturiers would no What a peculiar thing, he thought things could get much worse than weed, smartweed, pepper grass and lens which do not affect the patient that Nell Orme. a lovely woman, ap­ plained. “ So changed, John. Don’t more sell a ready-made gown than they already were. do not product any change in the parently was unhappy with her ,as he made his waj’ back to his you care for me at all any more?” dock are concerned. the wine connoisseur would drink apartment. What was behind it? skin, so that the scratches into husband and he could not begin to He was busy with Briggs early “ But Howard,” he reminded her, According to I. Ciiandler Walker, orange pop! Why should Orme be despondent? which they were rubbed look like explain it, for Howard, sphinx that afternoon when Nell Orme not knowing what else to say, and in the uoithern and mountain Madame must call and call and He sat up for hours before going to the scratch into vrhich no pollen though he was, still seemed to be a dropped in the office, and John’s first thought, "Well, I have got Into a counties of California and in (.''ro- call again. Finally “ the creation” bed. his mind dwelling on Nell Orme. fairly decent sort of fellow. There impulse was to be angry with her mess, sure enough.” gon and W*ashington, timoihy is was rubbed. which is the one and only “ crea­ Once more In the camera of his was some mysterious trouble be­ for this Intrusion. But a reproach “ 1 don’t want to talk of Howard— much grown for pastorage, and is However, if the patient is sens! brain was the picture of the grace­ tion” for madame is designed. Then tween them that John couldn't ful look in her large eyes stopi>ed I don’t want to think of him. I want an important cause of hay fever tive to any pollen, there is itching ful Nell, flashing- through the air come fittings dally and one may re­ V, fathom, ‘ him and forced from him a polite YOU. John.” from June through August. Red top and swelling of the skin around the in one of those beautiful dives from cut for a space from one inch to ceive ones “ creation” and the bill "Both are unusual people,” he smile. And, despite himself, he Her arms were around his neck, is a frequent cause from June within three weeks.if all goes well. the springboard. And another pic­ again felt that thrill that he had al­ two inches wide. This becomes added, "quite unusual.” her lips seeking his, but instead of through September, orchard grass ture of her with her hand resting ways experienced in this woman’s more intense and the swelling in­ The bill? I heard a few women "I have only met Howard Orme a yielding he kept thinking, “ What from March thixjugh August, and so speak raptly of “ the perfectly sweet on his arm, her lips upturned to his presence. a rotter 1 am—what a rotter.” on through hundreds of plants i creases in size the longer the pol­ few times, and although 1 don’t pro­ to receive that mad, Impassioned little gown I got for forty dollars!” "Tou won’t be angry?” she asked, Gently, yet forcibly, he took her which pollinate and to which some len is kept on t! c- scratch. The spot fess j be a mind reader, John, i . . . . j Paris is, however, the place to a little hesitantly, and he smilingly wrists In his hands and pulled them looks, in fact, mifch like a hive or think I can guess at part of the But why, he had asked Menefee, persons may be sensitive. i buy your kid gloves. Few women shook his head and shrugged, thank­ downward. " I ’m no angel,” he said Try Each Pollen mosquito bite. When- this occurs, trouble anyway. I’m fairly certain didn’t Nell get a divorce—and Dick i escape with fewer than ten •>air. that the man is a victim of melan­ ful, just the same, that Nat Graham grimly, “but 1 haven’t forgotten, The physician who is trained in j the patient is said to have ’i posi­ didn't know. But now John suddenly Nell, that you’re another man’s wife. The softest suedes, hand-sewn, may cholia. remembered something Pat Forbes chanced to be out at the time. the investigation of this disease is j tive reaction. I—1 guess live been a fool.” be bought for less than 75 cents. "Now don’t laugh.” he admon­ had once said in answer to this ques "1 hadn’t seen you. In such a long the person who must dstei-mine j Within an hour cr two tho itch­ time," she was saying, “and I did She was hurt, he could see It, ter­ ■whether or not the sufferer fi’-cni ing or s’welllng disappears and af­ Paris, t6o, is the place for opera ished as he fished out a cigar, "for tion . . . Nell had been brought up ribly I.'jrt. And while he was think­ glasses, confections of beauty in I ’m not to be held professionally ac­ on the theory that divorce was want to tell you how sorry 1 was>’ hay fever is sensitive to any siiccial ter a few days the scratches heal She added hastily, and a little con­ ing of something to say to her there pbileu. Tne method by 'whicn he without leaving r.ny scar. cloissoune and gold with sticks that countable for this haphazard diag­ wrong. was a sound behind him. And turn­ make one resemble the Duchess of nosis. Nevertheless, I'm quite satis­ "And it is wrong, tool” he cried fusedly. "I happened to be down does this is relatively simple: The only term that phys'clars town shopping and thought I’d drop ing quickly around he saw Howard A small scratch is made on the have constantly used to describe Something— six dollars. fied that Howard Orme is just natur­ aloud at the sudden thought of Fay. Orme standing in the doorway. ally despyondent. • • • in. rou think I’m bold, of course.” inner surface of the forearm, not this reaction is the statement that You will buy perfumes of a hun­ "Melancholia-presents an Interest Sooner or later, he saw, he must He assured her, a trifle uncom (To Be Continued) deep enough to draw blood, but the person is sensitive to the pol­ dred odors. A dollar perhaps for the flve-dollar size you buy at home. iunniQinHinHii deep enough to penbtrate the outer len. In any event, the proof is ab­ layer of skin. A small amount of solute that certain persons react At Grasse where the perfumes of the dried pollen of the plant sus­ severely to exposure to certain pol­ the world are made, you will buy I lens and that hay fever is the mani­ more. his feet in a blind rage and limped everybody, and everything, until a And we don’t 'want to be above any­ pected is placed on the scratch, festation of this reaction. across the room and punched the few months ago. wj;en she fell in body. We just want to be equal.’ moistened with a drop of weak al- The knitted bathing suit is the love with a dancing man, one who “ W ell,'you’ll have to decide that 1 the first places! latest rage in southern California. bell. Then he turueJ nis back on Now a few bewares about your me. The man answered his ring haunted public dance halls.” for yourself,” said the doctor. “ I’m It is shown here worn by Miss Mar­ HER OWN not here to preach. But a little European shopping: Be careful of and told him that Miss Meredith “ Heavens, how did my sister garet Hampton. happen to go to such a place?” story just popped into my mind. She Leads the Dance Hall Girls For instance on the way to Monte had gone out. Carlo you pass through an ancient “ A\'hat do you know about your I’ll tell it to you. It’s about my •MY’ sister?” I asked. TOMORROW: Joan’s Escape. nephew, who just got married. When he came home one day and He looked at me. startled. announced his engagement I hap­ c/? GIRL <^JOWfy • “ Why— why— why,” he stam­ pened to be there. “ Well, Charley, mered. “ I think she is one of the A BOMBSHELL 1 hope you’ll be very ’ appy,” said prettiest girls I ever saw and prob­ Home Page Editorials 0/ie Cleaners ifted 'Clean Mr. Elkins and his son left short­ ably one of the most fortunate be- I. ly after and Joan was called away. iigs on ea”th. She can have her “ You bet we’ll be happy!” said The Chat ley Charles. “ We d - i ’t do a darn John Meredith did not rise as his every wish.” sister left the room. He still sat in thing alike and we haven’t a taste “ Do you think so?” I asked. Stoty. in common. Jane’s a prize! Ev­ Your Summef Vacation the big chair. I knew he was de­ “ What do you mean?” he quer­ term ine to sit there until I also by Olive Roberts Barton. erything she does is different. She left. I 'was, however, determined ied. doesn’’*' even smoke! I think if I -will be far more enjoyable if your “ What if I should tell you that that he should not, for I knew that married a woman who smoked, I your sister has never been very should stop it myself. My wife’s clothes are in fit trim for all the activi­ every time he gave in to his sensi­ Once a young girl was sick In tiveness over his crippled leg and happy.” just got to be different. I won’t Again he spoke in a softer voice. bed. The family doctor came and have her aping me’ .” ties that you will engage in. arm. it became 'worse. felt of her pulse and looked at her “ I hope you will pardon me. Mr. “ What do you mean by that?” “ Sweet disposition, I’d say,” said You can be as spruce and as well- “■I mean that Joan has been left throat and then prescribed calomel the girl in bed. Meredith, but I must tell you that I and castor oil and said she’d be all think you have been very selfish to entirely to strangers. She never “ Not so good.” said the doctor, dressed as the best of them without add­ leave your sister to the care of has had love, which, of course, is right in a day or two. “ but he’s a typical man.” Beside her on the night stand ing extensively to the cost of the vaca­ strangers as you have done all the one thing she has ■wanted. You That nigh! the doctor said to his should feel a great sympathy for was a cigarette b'utt and some ash­ wife, “ I had to spring that ‘Charley these years.” es. The doctor poked it with his tion. Just send all the things you’re “ Do you, Miss Dean?” her, because this is the one thing story’ again. It’s the only thing The question was coldy insolent. you have always wanted. finger. “ Is this yours?” he asked. that gets them. Mind you, that', “ No,” said the girl, “ it’s Dad’s. going to wear to us. “ Yes, I do. Y’ou think you’re the “ How do you know that?” he nice little Brown girl wants to most uiffortunate man in the world asked. He was in just before you came. I smoke just to be smart! Isn’t it a just because you happened to have “ Because you have deliberitely wish it was mine.” shame?” avoided all human contact, except “ ■^hy?” said the doctor. been horn with a deformed hand TKK and foot.” that which you have bought and “ Oh, because I’m a back num­ paid for. Because you have thought ber,” said the girl. “ I feel like a “ Miss Dean, I think you forgot BANGLES OF CRYST.AL lDOVGAN dye works yourself.” only of yourself and left your sis­ Priscilla when I go any place. Tell INC. “ Perhaps, but I am going to tell ter to outsiders.” me, doctor, is it bad for you to HARRI.SON ST. you a few unpleasant truths.” “ I thought she was happy,” he smokeV’ Seve'»al bangles made of white apologized. Said the doctor. “ It won’t kill crystal beads with pendants may be ' SOUTH MANCHESTER. “ I hardly think so. Miss Dean. I CONN. shall ring for my sister immediate­ “ You had no business to think you unless you’re a fiend or con­ worn on one wrist, while the other ly and tell her that I cannot stay so. Do you know that a girl in her stitutionally below par. But I’ll boasts bracelets of silver or plati­ position is one of the most unfor­ give you some advice, not as a doc­ num. Gold and crystal are a bad In this house.” , I laughed. “ You are a coward, tunate in the world?” tor, but as a man to a woman, if cumbinatlon. Phon& aren’t you?” I said. “ Your mind is He smiled derisively. you don’t mind. Keep yourself • '1 5 1 0 more deformed than your body and "That’s absolutely true. A girl above us, my dear! That’s where I really think your soul is warped.” that has so mucji money that she w ' want you and need you, above CHECKED TAFFETA. This had the desired effect. John has everything done for her, only us! ” Dance hall girls of Seattle, Wash.,- are up In arms against Mayor Ber­ Meredith. I expect for the first has to do what you. yourself, have “ Put smoking isn’t degrading. Is tha Landes’ edict forbidding them to introduce themselves to men on the Checked taffeta is being used for lime in his life, forgot that he was been doing— think of herself. Joan it?” said the girl. “ Surely a thing dance floors. They have organized a unioo. ^nd here is their leader. cripple. He suddenly arose to has become bored to death with like that doesn’t pull you down. crisp tailored bows on street bats.


FANNY stsus SENSE AND nonsenseGAS BUGGIES or HEM AND AMY—Foiled by a Keyhole By Frank Beck IF YOU'RE LOOKING iiV e g o t j o b L. IF THAT G AW K Y. .WELL! THEY’D NOW DON'T TOUCH H iS CAR? WHO WILL YOU NEVER LEARN < s FOR THE EASIEST WAY '^ENOUGH HUNTING HORACE HOOK AND )have to go I HORACES CAR. YOU'LL PAID FOR THIS TO LEAVE OTHER PEOPLES OUT OF YOUR TROUBLES) I FOR ALEC SMART HIS HUNGRY HATTIE ^ 'SOME TO BEAT START HIM HOLLERING^ BUS ANYWAY! CARS ALONE? YOU FOOLED. Sometimes there can be nothing you’d BETTER TAKE. ^AND THAT JACK don't MOVE BACK TO THE SPEED YOU ABOUT THAT MONEY , I D m AND AROUND ALEC SMARTS / , blanker than the face of a cheek. A SHORT-CUT TO Aj HE SWIPED. IF PUGET SOUND PRETTY SHOWED WHEN HE LOST IN PETRIFIED 1 WHATS MORE OLD BUS, WITH THE S / SAY! THAT JO B . THERE ARE I DON’T FIND QUICK, THEY'LL EAT USi >YOU BIT AT GAS. HE TALKS ABOUT XM GOING TO TRICK GAS TANK UNDER] I BIG BUM, "Roland Harriman Buys Asina HUNDREDS OF HIM SOON OUT OF HOUSE AND, ^THE BAIT THAT IT IN HIS SLEEP NOW> iSWAp IT FDR THE FRONT SEAT! TILLV > HORACE Bradford’s Girl"—according to a HELP-WANTED' WE'LL HAVE h o m e . EVERY TIME CACTUS OIL / LOUD ENOUGH. TO SOME GRUB YOU GOT INTO (HOOK, HAS headline in the Indianapolis, Ind.. ADS IN THIS. TO MOVE I TOUCH A PLATE .SALESMAN ^ K EEP M E RIGHT NOW. TROUBLE THAN r— ^ V LOCKED ^ Star. No, it’s not white slavery. PAPER., OUT OF THEY THINK Ills A ^DANGLED FOR AWAKE. YOU'LL EVER/^ > TH E "Girl’’ is the name of a horse. TOWN. SIGNAL TO RACE INTO] YOU. GOSH ! GET OUTy^ ( ig n it io n ! THE DINING-ROOM. IF 1 ONLY HAD OF., "Peace on earth. Good will to JHAT^IOO NOV^ men.” Wonder why they didn’t include women? n "In that case there wouldn’t be any peace.” "I really do not see how you men stand the heat here?” carped a hy­ percritical motorist. U “Most of us don’t stand much of it.” replied Ragson Tatters. "We set down.” rTRIFl Groeer Slow: "How is it that I never see you in my store any m ore?” I by Mompaitin Ncwpipir < 6AS L®1M6 BY NCA SCRVtCC. INC Customer: "Maybe it’s becauee I The modern dance floor needs ain’t there!” SKIPPY By Percy Crosby both a speed limit and parking reg­ Star. ulations. Twinkle, twinkle llsshle star. P o o p . J o e - t h e h ey a i n t How I wunnersh what you are? !SMATTER. JOE> T T h is s t u p p Ha s PELLEPi S Y iE O H\S Min e - t h e y ’re: Way up on that p’liceman’s vest, GOTTA g t o p Ohmlgawd! I’m under arrest! CLOTHES Up' HAVING* A HARD I INTELUGENCE TESTS TIM E (5 ETTIN VA Yo u r s - Traffic Cop—“What’s your CLOTHES UNDONE? WHAT’S YOUR GRADE? name?” Give yourself 10 points for each Truck Driver—“It’s on the side correct answer to the following of mo wagon.” questions dealing with art, music, Cop (trying to read nam e)— " It’s the stage and literature. You obliterated.” should answer at least six ques­ Driver—“Yer a llaj. It’s tions correctly if you are familiar O’Brien.” with these subjects. Eight correct answers is above the average: I was struck by the beauty of her hand. I tried to kiss her. As I say. Cl I was struck by the beauty of her hand. T Flapper Fannie Is trying to buy a baby hippopotamus. She heard that little hips will be very fashion­ able again this summer. r.prrtiit, i\ I. vmt,. rao. tv.,.— . As the facetious hi-jacker put tt, “You’ll either turn up your hands $ALE$MAN SAM To the Rescue by Swan or I’ll turn up your toes; it’s imma­ , ^ U O O Y — terial to me.” I'LL IBKE. ONE GOLLS - r n I'LL G E T Pi n E D ftU YOO-HOO 5l0in ©EfORE. lOE 60 ^ foK Trt»& V P k O O T T f t Butcher Gay Pome. IN . n i u L S ^ — ------r ^ f v r c M ? I never sausage eyes as thine. And \f you’ll butcher hand in mine And livver ’round me every day . We’ll seek a ham-let far away; We’ll meet life’s frown with love’s caress And cleaver road to happiness. 1. —Who Is the famous artist m shown in the above picture? A Change of Music: For Trade— 5>0r\E.e>O04 IN 01$T«E‘7^> WRS cot THEflL \N OH i n ftLL IN - 0OT l‘LL ^AOE. 2. —Who-wrote “The Rime ofMan wanst t'< trade donkey for ra­ -^PiT HOVO-eOPiY - UL’5. LOVT VUi. Hin.VF voe. 150TH the Ancient Mariner”? m o V} OdiPtiNt- To OLeiTH- nfXHEE- 3. — Who was Aesop? dio set. Phone 334J6.—From an k ad in a ColoracJu paper. Hlj» ft LLftK-ETC-ETC—_ 7 / 4. —"Tannhauser” Is the work »))' cT what famous composer? Why do so many organists play 5. —Who composed “Always”?the "Prisoner’s Song” following a ■ 6.—Who is tfie author of "Gen­ wedding march? tlemen Prefer Blonds”? 7.—Who wrote the scenario of If he howls about the way the "The Big Parade”? country is run, you can silence him S.—Who played the lead part in eiste «T HiA sw”.-'- by asking him if he voted the last Vi >w\5 the moving picture “The Thief of time. Bagdad” ? by Blossec 3.—Who is Allen McQuhae? She was only a bootlegger’s FRECKLES AN!) HIS FRIENDS Oscar’s Slightly Mixed Up 10.—Who is James Cruze? daughter but oh how I loved her f Boy' 'ATS Answers will be found on anoth- mug! r \NAV, NEI5 r C»OAlT SEE 1 D0Ar7:A0W.''A p o l a k - >r page. lookin’ r is a t a t '/aO polar bear.'.’ LOOKIM RKSMT po l a r bea r is •TW'MAM What has become of the old-fash­ BEAD. VMAAT i r - vjhAr’s "m' 1 suEss yxypE a t i t AAl’ CAAi'T VNRO CARRIES 7M* COFFIN I AEANl! MATTER VWlTA YOO?' ioned baby that used to cry all PLAyiM’ SOME SEE IT?.? ISOESS /T A FONERAU' LITTLE JOE night long? VOO BETTER 6ET APRUL POOL. VOO DOW'T kAiOUJ SPECS.'.' OAJ ME.' IMAATA RJLAl^ ,r Business as UsuaL BEAR IS.'/ F Y t o O 'R G HOT w i l l i n g Some folks can’t mind their busi­ jfb A CHANCe ON ness '!t)ORSeLF, NO&ODr The reason is you’ll find— 7 G l SE w i l l ------They either have no business I Or else t#ey have no mind. Many an apple grower is looking / forward to a pleasant winter be­ -S'- cause his cider is working for him. "I:/;/.-, ■ , > 11 |>'i 11 “I hear George left everything to his wife.” iMil "That’s nothing, he always did.” if-'' She was only an artist’s daugh­ ter, but I like her lines. ■niaM BY tOA SCWVICC. we. You’ll find the steeple painter’s life Is queer. If you will stop WASHINGTON TUBBS li Family Stuff by Fontaine Fox To think that he, in working a^ © A J e W waya ^ by Crane Starts up at the top. CHANMEL 5Wi M MAV MAV£. c a u s e d A LOT OF £XClTe.He.f^T B O T ...«

jy & P te R . TINTED CUT-UPS 6WIK16 UP All hope of ' Cut Out the Pieces, Paste Them Together Correctly, Color the ReC Aiming FREEDOM, Sketch, and Fill in the Missing Word. COULD /F KftR.OLV 8£Llt\/6 ...... By HAL COCHRAN ...... m s eniiRftORbi- NftRlLN GOOD LUCK. IN m s ftCClOeNTAL A M i CftPTuRt OF HlS BftNDlT CAPTOR., TVlE NOTORIOUS MEKICAN PeT£.

0K,\MHAT a m a n .' WHKf A HERO,' fAHiOiSl SO DASHING— SO BRANG I I DO HOPE YOUR SIULV I ^ U N k ! U H o T KNOWING S IS TE R LIK.e s h im . Thkt *1w o -gon blLLY" IS IM I^JEAUTV vNASdl 7UBBS. SOME OLD FRIENDS !=■ HAVE BEEN . eAGGRUT AVAIAiriNO ws r e t u r n .

• f a r a s t m e f a m il y ^ IS CONCERNED IT COuL o NV H O L d It flies, and yet it’s like a rat. How queer. Can you imagine that? A c a f ^d l e T o l i t t l e F i r s t Most every night. ATTBtiPT To jSWiM OUT To THE. FJUoAT. It gives folk fright (Cepyrtel*. lMM)y Tlw 8dl eyedkWk Isfc) Dy swooping down. It’s just a — ;;—

f - y I \.

MONDAY, AUGOS'r 23, 1926. H a r d i n PAGE TWELVE

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leduc of Mrs. Julia Sheridan of Park street Woodland street and three of their had as her guests over the week-end ABOUTTOWN children have returned from an Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Baybutt, their auto tour through Rhode Island two sons and Mrs. Baybutt’s father, Miss Alice Aitken of Bank street and Massachusetts. all of Haverstraw, N. Y. Mrs. Sheri­ 's spending the week at Pawtucket, dan, who Is an aunt of Mrs. Bay- The it. I., with her aunt and uncle Mr. Raymond Miller and Emil Seel- butt, also entertained her sister, Over 85 isd Mrs. James Aitken, who have €rt, Jr., of Spencer street, have re­ Mrs. B. J. Kelly of West Roxbury, Ideal Fabric returned to their home in Paw­ turned after an enjoyable visit to Mass, and M. Mullen of the same Patterns to tucket after spending their vaca­ New York. place. Mrs. Mullen and daughter for Children’s tion at Coventry Lake. who have been making a longer Choose From. School Dresses Edward F. Sullivan of Stamford visit returned home with the others. , .S O U T H ^MA N CH€STER • CONN • Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross Lewis and has been spending the past week family have returned to their home. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. * The trustees of the Swedish Luth­ on Pearl street after spending the Sullivan of Woodbridge street. eran church will have a business week at Coventry Lake. meeting at the church this evening James Adamson and family of at eight o’clock. Manchester radio fans who have Strant street have returned from PRESENTING NEW DRESSES, MODELS AND USES for heard of Clifford Knight, Vernon N'“W London where they have been Mrs. William Coburn and young Center’s famous cartoonist, may for the past few weeks. son Sherwood of 44 Woodbridge listen to him tonight over the air street are spending a vacation at from Station WCWS, Bridgeport. Miss Dorothy Fortune has return­ Fort Trumbull Beach, Milford. ■Mr. Knight appears before the mi­ ed to her home at 11 Edwards crophone at 7 o’clock. His part on strrr‘ after a two weeks’ visit with Jason and Dora Chapman of Sum­ the program is listed: “ Mitchell her sister in New Haven. mer street are spending a week Dairy Kiddies Kartoon Period with with their aunt, Mrs. E. M. Sulli­ I'ncle George.’’. Walter P. Gorman has the dis­ van of Enfield, Conn. tinction of being the owner of the Mrs. Charles Lee, Sr., returned first 1927 model Bulck to arrive In The body of Mrs. Ward-Griswold to her home in Bolton Center Sat­ town. He is highly pleased with of Berlin was brought to Talcott- urday afternoon from the Memori­ lm^!SJep^uP!lS his new car. ville this afternoon for burial in al hospital where she had been un- Mount Hope cemeteyy. The family .dergoing treatment. Dr. and Mrs. James W. Farr left at one time lived in Talcottville but today for Long Point, Long Island, they have been residents of Berlin A daughter was born to Mr. and where they will sojourn for a week for more than twenty-five years. Mrs. Innocenzo Foutano, of 326 returning next Tuesday morning. Judge Griswold of Berlin is a son. 4,000 Yards at a Middle Turnpike East, on Friday. Miss Gladys Juul of 55 Delmont John Douglas of Russell street Mrs. John Demkb, of 153 Birch street, and Miss Nellie Foley of while fishing at Bolton lake, Fri­ street, was admitted to the Mem­ New street are spending a ^_two Special Price of orial hospital yesterday for treat­ day, succeeded in catching a three- \ weeks’ vacation at Pleasant View, pound, six ounce bass, one of the ment. R. I. largest he ever caught. Mrs. Marshall, of 66 Ridge street Mr. and Mrs. William Stevenson was admitted to the Memorial hos­ of Benton street are spending two pital yesterday for treatment. weeks’ vacation in Vermont. SUDDEN DEATH CLAIMS Patrons of the Manchester Pub­ Edward Nelson of the Pinehurst lic Library are reminded that the Grocery is on his vacation this Pictorial. Revie)»r library will be closed this evening week. MANCHESTER RESIDENT and all this week for the purpose Dress at left in size 36, Bloomer Dress a t ' of installing new bookcases. Miss Lillian Grant of Cambridge made from Red Sea! A Y A R D right in size 6 years, street is at Lake Dunmore, Ver­ Mrs. Alary Shea, 111 Two Days, Ralph Davison of Hudson street mont for her two weeks’ vacation. Dies at Sound View While'on Gingham by Pictorial Re­ made from Red Seal Gingham by Pictorial view Pattern 2843, cost is at the Behnfield cottage, Watch Her Vacation. Many household uses of this handsome, versatile and practical fabric Review Pattern 3295,1 Mrs. William Sandeen of Strant Hill, this week and next. to make approximately are suggested in the sketch below, illustrating the possibilities of various cost to make approxi­ street spent the week end with her Mrs. Mary Shea, aged 64, of 21 $2.50. patterns in interior decoration. mately $1.40. Miss Nellie M. Naven of Main son Harry in Boston. Newman street, went to Sound View street, with Miss Margaret Brown three weeks ago to spend a vaca­ of Hartford are spending two Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas of tion. Two days ago she was sudden­ weeks at Hampton Beach, N. H. Russell street and small son are on ly taken ill and yesterday morning an automobile trip to Niagara Falls. at 3:30, died. A complication of troubles was the cause. Displayed on “The Gingham Mrs. Shea’s death came as a big surprise as she had apparently been in good health previously. Saturday, of Many Uses” the widow’s five children, Alice, Living Model Viola, Mary, Fred and Paul, un­ OPPORTUNITY aware "if their mother’s illness, left Truly “ the gingham of I for Soun_ View to spend the week­ A living model wear­ many uses,” for all things end as they had done the two weeks ing dresses of the fabric that should look well, before. When they arrived at the and must wear well— made from Pictorial Re­ cottage, they were surprised to your own apparel, the SALE learn their mother was ill. A doc­ view patterns will be in tor was summoned but her condi­ children’s clothes, your tion was not considered alarming. our W’ash Goods Depart­ husband’s shirts and pa­ Early yesterday morning, however, ment daily. jamas, or for the house. she suffered a relapse and passed Closes Tomorrow Night away shortly afterward. Her five • children were at the bedside wheh Your opportunity to secure this season’s Oxfords at she died. Guaranteed 32 Inches extremely low prices will hold good only one more day. Mrs- Shea was born In Ireland and had lived in Manchester nearly Fast Color W ide The men who appreciate good values will take ad­ all of her life. The funeral service will be held tomorrow morning at vantage of this sale. 9 o’clock at St. Jame’s Church. Burial will be in St. Jame’s ceme­ $5. and $4.50 Oxfords are selling $3.45 tery. $6. and $6.50 Oxfords ^ [J LEE IS APPOINTED $9, to $7.50 Oxfords $0 1 5 5. AS TOWN AUDITOR PHONE! HALES We Extend S. M. H. S. Instructor Selected To Our Many Customers and to Fill Vacancy Made by Flowbr Lovers MEALTM MARKET Death of Wesley B. Porter. G O O D THINGS TO CAT. Glenney’s Francis G. Lee, Instructor in the An Invitation \ Next Door to Woolworth’s. South Manchester high school, and to \ certified public accountant, has FIRST DELIVERY LEAVES THE STORE been named by special committee Visit Our Gladioli Farm Special Tuesday Only of the board of selectmen to fill out AT 8 O’CLOCK. the term of town auditor left va­ Most of our varieties will be Veal C h o p s ...... 30c lb. cant by the death of Wesley B. in full bloom from August 14th PLEASE PHONE YOUR ORDER BEFORE 7:45. uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii::iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Porter. Mr. Porter's death occurred on to August 28th. W e a l Stew ...... 22c lb. election day last October and as his \If you want it on this early delivery. Pigs’ Liver ...... 2 lbs. 25c name was already on the Republi­ The Meat Department suggests: can ticket, it was too late to make a The Murphy Extra lean, tender Lamh for stewing. • Rump Corned B eef...... 22c lb. substitution. The town auditors Gladioli Farm were not needed until after the fis­ Chopped stewing pieces or roasts of native milk fed Boneless Brisket Corned Beef ...... 22c lb. | cal year closed August 15. South Coventry, Conn. Veal. John F. Limerick, the other town Look for the Sign. Pinehurst Hamburg, 25c Ih. Rib Corned B eef ...... 10c lb. ^ Sh o e s f o r M en auditor, and Lee will commence their work on the town accounts on Pinehurst Round Steak, ground, 40c Ih. ______i M i Wednesday. Native Melons from Donald Grant’s, Nice Golden Bantam Corn. \ One Thing to All Men HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER Lima or Shell Beans. hales self-serve Whether it’s a broad-toed brogue for a young man TO MARRY MAINE GIRL — a straight line shoe for the man who demands un­ G n a C C PY usual trimness or a shoe, for a man whose feet require Announcement has been made of particular attention— one thing to all— Bostonians. the coming marriage of Francis G. They are built to the actual shape of your foot.. .'They Lee, well known Instructor in will please you as they have, for years, the feet of more mathematics at the South Man­ than a million men. chester high school, to Miss Mary B. Lynch, of Bangor, Maine. The Tuesday’s Special wedding will take place In Bangor B u y Y o u r $7.00 $9.00 a week from tomorrow morning, C. and B. Imported English Marmalade, V?------August 31. v D e a u l y Rev. Joseph F. Lynch, brother of 39c jar the bride, will oflJclate. Following Curling Iron W om en’s Shoes the wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Elmwood Chicken Broth (with rice), will reside In Manchester. . ^ r l o Patent leather — plain; one, two and three strap. 12V2C can New styles for Fall. T h is W e e k Sunbeam Tomato Catsup .. 19c pint bottle $4.00 $5.00 DEMOCRAIIC Arched Eyebrows . I ^ ------^ will give you a well groomed — before our Vacation Special ends. Purepack Sliced Dried Beef (7 oz. jar), appearance. We also give Zip 29c jar Boy’s Endicott-Johnson Shoes CAUCUS Treatments. Reliance Iron, guaranteed by Landers, Frarj’, Clark, Made especially for the schoolboy. Built to give The registered Democratic voters regul^ price $1.50, for 98 cents. Fels Naptha Soap ...... 10 bars 55c service. of the Town of Manchester are California Greengage Plums . .23c Ig. can .Youths’, Cfrk Boys’, hereby warned of the caucus to be Weldon Beauty held in Fire Department Headquar­ $2.50 $3.50 I ters, corner of Main and Hilliard Pure L a r d ...... 18c lb. pkg. Streets, on August 30th, 1926, at The Manchester 8:00 P. M. for the following pur­ Parlor Fresh Peaches From Pero’s Orchard poses; Holeproof Hosiery Park Bldg. Phone 107-.2. To elect delegates to the Electric Co. Every Day. For Men and Women. Democratic State Convention to be held In New Haven on 861 Main Street Tel. 1700 So. Manchester GLADIOLUS $ September 15 th and 16 th, Blend 1926. Genuine To elect delegates to the Visitors are cordially invited Red-Y-Mix Congressional, County and to inspect our gardens, now fill­ (no cook) Senatorial Conventions. ed with blooms of many varie­ SCOTCH To elect a Democratic Town Stout A L B R O W N & CO. ties. SCHOOLTLMB IS NEAR ! Committee for the ensuing two The Malt That’s Wurtzbui’ger years. Orders for bulbs now being A photograph will keep for aU R eal Silk Hosiery time a record of the sturdiness the Double Strength To transact any other busi­ taken. Order from .America’s Largest A ll Cream ness which may properly come children have acquired during vaca­ Cut Flowers, 50c per dozen. Silk Hosiery MiUs. RepresenUtlve You’ve tried the rest. Light Dark @ 1 before said meeting. tion, and the) best place for such Will Call on Request...... THE DEMOCRATIC TOWN Woodland Gardens a photograph is at home. Now Taste the Best ! Porter COMMITTEE. For an appointment call L. G. I GEORGE F., DOUGHERTY, Charles W. Holman, Chairman. 236 Woodland Street Fallott, 07 Ridge street. Phone Phone 866-ia. Dated at Manchester, ConnecUout. 214-j.a. I miiiiniiinnmiiiiniiininiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnimininimiiiiiinHiiiiiiiiiimiiii * August 23’. 1926. - Manchestec. Ct.