St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Celebrating 150 Years Of Excellence

On behalf of the Managing Committee of the OBA, the Rector, the Principal, Staff and Students of St. Joseph's Boys' High School, we request the presence of your family and you for the OBA Sesquicentennial Anniversary Celebrations to be held at the school from the 5th through the 7th of September 2008.

150 years for the school has been truly eventful. In this period, we changed our location once, our name twice and, last year, assisted in building a grand new set of buildings for the school. Along the way, the school has nurtured whole generations of Josephite diaspora who have done the institution proud. Several have achieved national and international fame in their chosen fields. As a school, the primary task was to prepare young children to play their roles in life with success and make them true world citizens. Every year, a fresh batch of students leaves the portals, bearing the unmistakable Josephite traits of strength of character, quiet confidence and total integrity.

In honour of our reaching 150 years, the OBA has chalked out a weekend of festivities for the OBA Sesquicentennial.

As alumni of the school, your presence at the celebrations will make the occasion a truly memorable one. In celebrating such a momentous occasion in our history, we would appreciate having everyone join us, whose good wishes and support have brought us this far. We do hope you take the time to make it to this grand occasion.

We look forward to enjoying your company at the Sesquicentennial Anniversary Celebrations.

In Faith and Toil,

A.G. Krishnaswamy Brian D'Lima Old Boys’ Association - St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore President Secretary Annual Report 2007 - 08

OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 PROGRAMME NOTICE SATURDAY 30th August 2008 The 90th Annual General Meeting of the OBA will be held at St. Joseph's Boys School Hall on Sunday 7th September, SEMINAR - CLIMATE CHANGE AND WHAT WE CAN DO ABOUT IT – (for Std 9 to 12) 2008 at 9.30.a.m. to transact the following business. THURSDAY 4TH September 2008 INTER SCHOOL SPORTS (School Ground) FRIDAY 5th September 2008 AGENDA 9.00 a.m. Athletic Sports Day 1 (School Ground) 90.1 Prayer and one minute silence. 1.00 p.m. OLD BOYS SPORTS ( School Ground) 90.2 Special welcome to outstation Old Boys. 7.00 p.m. RE-UNION OF BATCHES (School Hall) 90.3 Messages from Old Boys. SATURDAY 6th September 2008 90.4 The Presidential Address. 7.30 a.m. WALKATHON– Focus - Climate Change (Around school) 90.5 Lifetime Achievement Award Presentation. 9.00 a.m. Athletic Sports Part 2 (School Ground) 90.6 To confirm the minutes and Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting held on 3rd September, 2007. 7.30 p.m. BLUE AND WHITE BASH at (Catholic Club) 90.7 To consider and if approved to adopt the committee's report on the working of the Association for the year 2007- Band in attendance THE MANTRA (From ) 2008. 90.8 To consider and pass the statement of Accounts for the period 1st April 2007 to 31st March 2008. SUNDAY 7th September 2008 90.9 To consider and adopt resolutions of the Managing Committee with the permission of the Chair. 7.15 a.m. Holy Mass 90.10 To consider ordinary resolutions if any from individual members after providing sufficient notice and with the Placing of Wreath at war Memorial permission of the Chair. Unfurling of the Flag and singing of School Anthem. 90.11 Principal's Address. 8.30 a.m. Breakfast 90.12 Release of History Book and Souvenir. 9.00 a.m. Group Photograph 90.13 Distribution of plaques and certificates. 9.30 a.m. Annual General Meeting 90.14 To appoint an Auditor for the year 2008-2009. 12 Noon Hockey Match Past v/s Present on School ground 90.15 To consider, any other business, with the permission of the chair. BEER SESSION (No Lunch) 90.16 To elect Office Bearers for the year 2008-2009. 7.30 pm GRAND SESQUICENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS 90.17 Vote of Thanks. Please Note: Breakfast and Dinner tickets may be purchased from the O.B.A. Office in the school during working hours, Bangalore BRIAN D' LIMA 9.30a.m. & 4.00 p.m. 8th August 2008 Secretary Rates Breakfast Rs.100 per head (O.B.A. members only) Dinner Rs.500 per head Children - Rs.300 (Under 12 Years) Senior Citizens Rs.300 NOTE Sale of tickets will definitely close on Friday, 5th September 2008, 5 p.m. Late comers will be charged Rs.150 per head for 1. Questions pertaining to the report and accounts should Breakfast and Rs.700 for Dinner for adults and Rs.400 per head for children (Gate sales will be subject to availibility). For the 3. Last date for filing nominations is Monday 1st be sent to the Secretary by Friday 29th August 2008, Blue and White Bash at Catholic Club the ticket is Rs.200 per head in advance (Rs.300 at the gate) and Rs.50 per child September, 2008 by 4p.m. for consideration by the Managing Committee. No below 12. (Dress Informal). For Fridays Batch Reunion there no ticket sales. Light dinner will be available. Outstation Old 4. Last date for withdrawals is Tuesday 2nd questions will be taken up after this date. Boys please book in advance. Patron member tickets will given to the patron member only or against an authorization letter September 2008, 2. Members desirous of standing for election to the for Breakfast only. 5. All nominations to be handed over in a sealed Committee may collect their nomination forms from the enveloped to the secretary/ OBA office. COMMITTEE MEMBERS Secretary from 25th August 2008, during working hours. Committee Members Co-Opted Committee Members Rev Fr. Terrence Farias s.j. Rector Mr. Joe D'Mello (Jt. Secretary) Mr. Zaki Khaleeli RESOLUTION OF THE MANAGING COMMITTEE Mr. A.G. Krishnaswamy President Mr. A. Franklin Mr. Oscar Menezes Mr. Nandu Shivappa 1st Vice President Mr. C.V.Nagaraj Mr. Gopal Bengeri 1. Resolved that the funds of the OBA of SJBHS be Justification: The return on investments right now is Mr. Pramodh Naidu 2nd Vice President Mr. Rajesh Lund Mr. Sajju Jain managed by a professional wealth management sufficient to meet the current need. Inflation is not Mr. Brian D'Lima Secretary Mr. Harish Advani Mr. Rabindra Nayak firm/s and that an investment policy be formulated catered to. If we are to pay out amounts and still Rev. Fr. Celestine Sera s.j. Treasurer Mr. Sunil Pichamuthu Mr. Ramprasad Alva with guidelines for the management of the fund by maintain corpus which caters to inflation then the Dr. Bryan Nobbay Past President Mr. Christopher Rego Mr. Akshay Mallappa an investment committee appointed by the general return on investments needs to be higher than the Mr. Lakshminarayan body. current Bank rate of return. With a professional body Mr. Gregory de Nazareth to help, returns could be better.

OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 OBA ACTIVITIES 2007-2008 addition Principals, staff and Old Boys from as far back On behalf on all the President, Managing Committee as the late 1920's have been interviewed and have and all the Old Boys we thank Chris Rego for the time The committee places on record the excellent work Once again this year the OBA contributed 75% contributed their memoirs. effort and money that he has put in for his Alma Mater done by the previous committee in conducting the Blue (Rs.2,76,000) of the total insurance premium paid towards The entire manuscript has been vetted by to bring out this History Book. and White Ball in the Catholic Club and the OBA Medical Insurance for Serving Staff and 100% Rev. Fr. Hedwig Da Costa and Mr. Alec Alvarez who celebrations in September last year. Like the previous (Rs.1,27,000)of the premium for the retired teachers. With Brian D'Lima have spent long hours reading the manuscript and year the out going President Dr. Bryan Nobbay identified a total outflow of Rs.4,03,000 and over 50 new teachers Secretary making suggestions and corrections. nine Old Boys to contribute towards paying the pension yet to be covered it is becoming extremely difficult to of nine retired teachers for one year. We are extremely manage paying of the premiums. Sumir Hinduja the brain THE OBA WISHES TO PLACE ON RECORD ITS THANKS TO THE PREVIOUS PRINCIPAL REV. FR. GODWIN SERRAO grateful to the Batch of 1993 who sponsored the behind the Insurance Scheme is still supporting us but FOR HIS CONTRIBUTION TO THE SCHOOL AND WISHES HIM HIM ALL THE VERY BEST IN HIS NEW POSTING. Breakfast on Old Boys’ Day last year. we need a lot more Old Boys to chip in and take the corpus past a Crore to be able to continue paying the premiums. Below are some of his achievements 10. Renovation of the Old Concert Hall 1. Installing Computers and LCD TV's in all classrooms 11. Computerisation of the entire Administration of the SESQUICENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS 2. Networking and installing Internet connections in all School classrooms. 12. Software for Online Interaction with Teachers and As mentioned in the last report we started the an Inter School Tennis Ball Cricket Tournament for Old Boys 3. Preparing an Indoor Children's Play Park. students from home Sesquicentennial celebrations in December 2007 with the of four schools namely Baldwins, Germains, Cottons and 4. Upgrading the Chemistry and Biology Labs. 13. New course of electronics in ISC Inauguration of the celebration by His Excellency Shri. Joseph's. The Tournament was won by St. Germain's with Rameshwar Thakur Govenor of Karnataka. The inauguration St. Joseph's as Runners Up. Murari N. and A. Franklin 5. Managing a Girls stream in the 11th and 12th 14. Installing Solar Lamps in the Campus function was jointly organised by the Staff, Parents and were the sponsors for the Breakfast, Lunch and 6. Beautifying the school premises with a number of 15. Installing CCTVs in the School Campus Old Boys of St. Joseph's. A number of prominent Old Boys Mementoes. plants 16. Setting up a Website for the School and Parents were on the dias some of them being Rahul 7. Up-grading the Staff Salaries and bringing them on This year the Secretary and Joint Secretary were invited 17. Moving from Black Boards to White Marker Boards in Dravid, Robin Uthappa, Sandip Somesh, Jimmy par with most schools to Kanjirapally in Kerala where a meeting of Old Boys of all classrooms Ankleasaria, Sabeer Bhatia, Mohandas Pai, Kerala was held at the Kanjirapally club on the 26th of 8. Starting and Managing the LKG/UKG 18. Discipline of the Staff and Students A.G.Krishnaswamy etc. While Robin and Sandip released June 2008 (Photo at the end of annual). This is the second 9. Purchase of a School Bus 19. Better utilisation of the Halls/Grounds the New Logo, Jimmy, Mohandas, Sabeer and Rahul along meeting in Kerala. The first meeting in Kerala was held with the Govenor addressed the gathering. The school exactly fifty years ago when Mr. Alvarez the then Secretary MINUTES OF THE 89TH. ANNUAL GENERAL BODY MEETING OF THE OLD BOYS' ASSOCIATION OF ST. JOSEPH’S children organised the Cultural Programme. went down to Kerala for the centenary celebrations and BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL HELD ON 2nd SEPTEMBER, 2007 AT THE SCHOOL HALL. In December we had the Christmas Dinner. Unfortunately started the Old Boys Association of Kerala. The association Following are the minutes of the 89th Annual General Meeting of Old Boys' Association of St. Joseph Boys' High Jimmy could not attend due to ill health, but all those who was revived again and the office bearers that were School held on Sunday, 2nd September 2007 at 10.30 a.m. in the school hall. A copy of the notice along with agenda was attended had a good time. Fabian White an Old Boy nominated were Thomman J Karimpanal as President, already circulated in advance to all the members of the association. provided some excellent music to keep the tempo alive. Dr. K.E. Eapen as Vice President, Mr K.K.Joseph as The attendance of the members present at the meeting was taken along with their signatures. Secretary and Mr. K.S.Thomas as Treasurer. We wish OBA In March we celebrated the Feast of St. Joseph with Holy Kerala all the very best. They have promised to organise The meeting was called to order by the President, Dr. Bryan Nobbay, who was the Chairperson of the meeting, which Mass followed by Breakfast and Lunch. We also conducted an Old Boys Day in Kerala every year. started with a prayer by Rev. Fr. Simon Furtado and homage was paid to the to the deceased members by observing one minute silence. Following are the members who passed away during 2006-07. HISTORY OF ST. JOSEPH'S Mr. Anthony Noronha Mr. Noel Mathias Mr. Eric Eaton - Australia Mr. Patrick D'Silva Mr. Michael David Tham Mr. D.B.Tarapore After strenuous efforts and exhaustive research over a 250 photographs and cartoons. Old Boys Mario de Mr. Eric Scott U.K. Mr. Tebby Mathew Mr. Alwyn Sequeira year, Chris Rego a committee member and Old Boy from Miranda, Paul Fernandes and Ryan Lobo have freely Mr. Broderick D'Mello Mr. Basil Anthony Coehlo Mr. Julian Everest Rego the Batch of 1976 has almost single-handly completed contributed their talent to this endeavour. Mr. Rusi Captain Mr. Norman Gunther Mr. Desmond Gaughan the manuscript for the book "FAITH AND TOIL", the Material for the book has been obtained by the author Mr. Yogesh Dutt Mr. M.G.Dominic History of St. Joseph's Boys High School 1858 - 2008. from sources across the world. The archives of the Paris A special welcome to outstation Old Boys followed by reading of messages was done by Mr. Oscar Menezes, Committee In-spite of falling victim at a critical juncture to Foreign Mission that run the school till 1937 provided Member. Bangalore's chaotic traffic Chris is trying his level best rare manuscripts and photographs never published Following are the list of outstation old boys present: from a hospital bed to complete the layout of the book before. Some old letters pertaining to the construction Out station OBA member Batch Place and ensure its publication in time for the of the Old School on St. John's Hill (now St. Germain's) Sesquicentennial Celebrations in September Mr. .K.P. 1940 Chennai Mr. Edmund Lobo 1955 Canada dating back to the 1880's were sourced from the State Mr. Fulgence Rodrigues 1955 Goa Mr. Michael Rozalla 1956 Goa The book is fully sponsored by his Batch which is the Archives at Vidhana Soudha. A great deal of information Mr. Desmond Rodrigues 1968 Dubai Mr. Mukesh Sundaram 1971 U.S.A Batch of 1976 as a tribute to their Alma Mater. It will has been obtained from School Annuals from 1910 Mr. Guy Norohna 1972 Mr. Lloyd Macedo 1974 Goa consist of about 350 pages richly illustrated with over onwards as well as from issues of OBA Calling. In Mr. Rattan Kumar 1975 Mr. Colin D'Silva 1983 Mangalore

OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 Mr. Manek Makhija 1991 Chennai Mr. Santosh Thoduka 2004 Canada (Toronto) OBITUARY 2007-2008 Following are the Members who have sent messages 1. Mr. Tony D'Souza 2. Mr. Dougie Peters 3. Mr. P.Jayakar NAME BATCH DATE 4. Mr. Christopher D'Souza 5. Mr. Francis Byrne Smith 6. Mr. Edmund Almeida Mr. Denzil Farias 1950 7. Mr. Augustine (Gussy) D'Souza 8. Mr. Mario de Miranda Mr. Mayur J. Gadhia 1992 20/07/2001 Presentation of Lifetime Achievement Award: Mr. Desmond Gaughan Mr. Denzil Ferris 1938 13/08/2007 This year the Lifetime Achievement Award went to the Mr. Mario Miranda, he was not able to attend the "OBA Day". Mr.A.A.(Tony) D'Souza 1942 06/09/2007 However, on his behalf Mr. Len Noronha received the award. They were both felicitated. They spoke few words recalling Sqn. Ldr. Jovita Pacheco 1937 29/08/2007 their memories, nostalgic attachment about the school, especially the OBA and praised its welfare schemes, maintaining Mr. Mathai (Chemistry Lab Attender) 13/10/2007 constant relationships with the passed out batchesand so on. Mr. Kenneth .L. Meckenzie 1941 04/01/2008 The Principal also recalled his meeting with Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam, President of , when he met him at Rashtrapati Mrs. Anne D'Souza (Retd Teacher) 17/03/2008 Bhavan to invite him as Chief Guest for the inauguration of the School to be held during on 12th November, 2006. Dr. O.B.Silgardo 06/04/2008 The president extended his sincere and heartfelt thanks to Fr. Michael John and presented a memento to him on behalf of Mr.Prince Paurav Despande 1997 29/07/2008 the OBA. Mr. George Ferris 1940 The president read the brief report on the activities of the association of the past year. He also read the financial report of Mr. Billy Little the association in brief viz., fund raising activities from Rs.25 lakhs to Rs.39 lakhs as on date, and future welfare schemes taken for betterment of teachers and staff of the school, 100 student scholarships to the students, and enhancement of OBA SCHOLARSHIPS TO SCHOOL - 2007-2008 pension scheme from Rs.700 to Rs.2,500 for 8 teachers, coverage of medical insurance to teachers and staff, etc. Resolutions of the Managing Committee - The Managing Committee put forward the following proposal which was passed Class of 1988 Anand Sebastian Sai Monohar Memorial Scholarships unanimously. "Resolved that any person/s/batch desirous of starting a scholarship/fund in their name/name of the batch the Capt. George Mathias Memorial. Scholarship Corpus Fund shall be Minimum of Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only)" Charles E. Noronha Scholarship Many other proposals were put forward and discussed. Some of members also recommended some suggestions, P.G.D'souza/Rose D'Souza Mem Scholarship modifications and they were also agreed to. Many of the members present stressed the need to celebrate the 25th OBA CANADA Scholarship Anniversary of each batch every year. Michael and Greta Aranha Scholarship The members who proposed suggestions, alterations and modifications are as follows: Alan Macbride Hockey Award Mr. Gurumeeth Singh Randhwa & Mr. Santosh Naidu Mr. Vinod Mani & Mr. Harish Dogra Mr. Gurumeeth Singh Randhwa & Mr. Akshay Mr. Jayanth Malpani & Mr. Robin Mr. Oscar Menezes & Mr. Saju Jain Mr. Rajiv & Mr. Sudhir Mahajan OUR GRATEFUL THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING SPONSORS Later many alumni viz., Mr. Arjun Nikhil , Mr. Zaki Khaleeli, Mr. Gurmeet Singh Randhva, Mr. Santosh Naidu, 1. Pramodh Naidu for sponsoring the Christmas Hampers to Retired Teachers and Senior Old Boys. Mr. Oscar Menezes, Mr. Saju Jain, Mr. Akshay Mallappa Mr. Sumeer Hinduja, Mr. Baldev Singh, Mr. Siddarth Raja, 2. All those Old Boys who contributed towards the Medical Expenses of Mathai during his last days in hospital. Mr. Sudhir Mahajan, Mr. Raja, etc., shared their sweet memories of school, nostalgic memories with their classmates, 3. The Batch of 1974 who looked after the medical expenses of Anne D'Souza during her last days at hospital. love, affection & ethical values that Principals, teachers and staff showered on them which later on became their life's guiding principles in achieving their motto, their career growth, experience, their un-stinted bondage towards the school 4. The Batch of 1972 who looked after the funeral expenses of Anne D'Souza. and the association. 5. The Batch of 1974 who looked after the needs of Mrs. Blossom Chaterjee and late Mr. Ken Mackenzie. Later Mr. Santosh Naidu announced the list of elected members of the Committees and Sub-Committees and office 6. Mr Gerard Aranha for increasing the Michael and Greta Aranha Scholarship to One Lakh. bearers of the association for the year 2007 - 2008 which are as follows: 7. To the Batch of 1975 for giving Cash Prizes and Awards to all outstanding performers in the ICSE and ISC exams 1. Mr. A.G. Krishnaswamy - President 2. Mr. Nandu Shivappa - First Vice President 8. To the Batch of 1990 for setting up the David Chaterjee Scholarship. 3. Mr. Pramodh Naidu - Second Vice President 4. Mr. Brian D' Lima - Secretary 9. To the Class of 1968 for setting up a Special Award for the Best Girl Student in the ISC Exam. 5. Mr. Joe D' Mello - Joint Secretary 10. To the class of 1988 for giving the school hockey team its kit. Committee Members: A. A. Franklin B. C.V.Nagaraj C. Rajesh Lund. OUR GRATEFUL THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING WHO HAVE SPONSORED THE PENSION OF OUR RETIRED TEACHERS D. Harish Advani. E. Sunil Pichamuthu F. Christopher Rego FOR THE YEAR 2007-08 A Sub-Committee was also formed on this occasion for the 150 anniversary of the School. The Sub-Committee consisted of Dr. Bryan Nobbay Rs. 30,000 Mr. Sumir Hinduja Rs. 30,000 Dr. C. S. Rajan Rs. 30,000 Mr. Siddarth Raja Rs. 30,000 Nandu Shivappa as Chariman, followed by Zaki Khaleeli, Nadeem Ahmed, Gurmeet Singh, Gregory de Nazareth, Mr. Harish Dogra Rs. 30,000 Mr. A.G. Krishna Swamy Rs. 30,000 Santosh Naidu as Advisory Members. Mr. A. Franklin Rs. 30,000 Mr.Deep Desai Rs. 30,000 The meeting was concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. Nandu Shivappa Mr.Nandu Shivappa Rs. 30,000 Mr. Tony Vincent Rs. 30,000

OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 VISITORS LIST 2007-2008 NAME & ADDRESS DATE REMARKS Mr. Syed Faiz Basheer 26/02/2008 Nostalgic NAME & ADDRESS DATE REMARKS Batch of 1991 MR. LLOYD MACEDO 01/09/2007 Girls in St. Josephs Boys High School. # 2, Silver Spot, Swiss Chapel, Mapusa - Goa House Colours back for the OBA Day as usual. Mr. Gerard V. Aranha 03/03/2008 What a wonderful experience to see Batch of 1960 the school physically transformed 01/09/2007 Remember next year '2008' - 150 Years don't forget MR. EDMUND LOBO - 1955 Batch # 721, Forest Glen Lane, Oak but still do heart to the Motto Faith & Toil # 638, Euclid Ave, Toronto-Canada, M6G - 2T5 Vee Dees 100 Year '2008' owning the School 'Tuck Shop'! Brook, 1L 60523-1540.USA Dr. SUBHAS CHANDRA GUHA 6/10/2007 Major Changes Mr. George Morris 06/03/2008 Unbelievable! Walking the hallowed halls and seeing Batch 1940-1947 Play ground looks the same!!!! Batch of 1949 the new & # 62, improved structures. 1-51240, R.R. 2701, Sprner, Ceder, Alberto Samba Drive, Toronto, M9M2N1 Canada TYY 1G5 Mr. Brian Morris 06/03/2008 A Nice old feeing! MR. NATESH MOHAN 7/11/2007 Great New Building! Batch of 1962 Batch 1958-1962 Very Very fond memories # 31, Hunterswood Cr, Ottawa, Canada # 128, Doremus Ae, Ridge Wood NJ07450 Mr. Edgar Miranda 12/03/08 Nice to be back to the School MR. MOHAMMED ALI SHIRAZI 20/11/2007 Thank you so much! Batch of 1958 Batch 1950-1958 # 162, Greams Lane, CHENNAI - 600006 Mr. K.C. Thomas 28/04/2008 Its an honour to be back in school Batch of 1964 MR.COLIN D'SILVA 29/11/2007 Great to meet the OBA Anathanam, Kanjirapally 686507 Batch1965-1973 Kamath Wady Konkanady, Mangalore - 2 Mr. T.J Karimpanal (Thommen) 27/08/2008 Its good to be back Batch of 1955 MR. AJAI PETER 06/12/2007 Generally to check out school and Old Boys Kanijrapally, Kerala Batch 1967-1973 P. O. Box: 17100, Dubai, Mr. K.V.Kurian 05/06/2008 Nice coming to the Alma Mater Batch of 1960 Memories keep coming back MR. SABEER BHATIA 7/12/2007 CONGRATULATIONS ON THE Karimpanal, Kanjirappally, Kerala Batch 1980-84 START OF THE 150 YR CELEBRATIONS ! Brian Edwards 12/06/2008 Another visit - Great progress made Nice to see the MR. DILIP LOUIS 13/12/2007 My best memories of Batch of 1959 Old Haunts Good Luck to all Will be back Bangalore…………...Congrats on the 150th Year Batch 1993-1998 13 Poise Close Hazel Grove Toronto, Canada. Cheshire U.K.. 0161.483.9886 MR.ESWAR 18/12/2007 Always a great feeling to be back at school Rajesh G.Ahuja 19/06/2008 Good to see the changes Great Memories here! Batch 1971-1978 Batch of 1984 MR. PAUL VERGHESE 29/12/2007 Great to be back. Unfortunately it is 14197 Wakeside In, Broomfield Co 80023 holiday cannot see too much. Batch 1981 Sundeep Reddy 24/06/2008 SJBHS IS THE BEST C/o.Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd., Batch of 1985 9th Floor, Bakhtawar, Nariman Point, MUMBAI - 400021 307 Priyadrashini Apts Mr. Robert Mascarenhas 03/01/2008 Great Memories!! 13th Cross Indiranagar II Stage, B'Lore -38 Batch of 1958-1966 Rahul Prabhu 29/06/2008 Wanted to give back to my Alma Mr. Nitin Pereira 9/01/2008 Always Love to Come Back. Batch of 1992 Mater. Lots of Changes! Batch of 1997 314 8th Cross Mahalakshmi Layout # 21007, Stanford Square, Apt 201, Sterling, Virginia - 20166 Bangalore 560086 Mr. Bhaskar Konanahalli 17/01/2008 Nice to see the new building and B.Jagannath 01/08/2008 From The Centenary Batch Batch of 1988 improvements in school Batch of 1958 # 109, Massingberd Way, SW176AH 45 1st B Cross KHD Colony 8th Block Koramangala, Bangalore - 506095 Mr. Stuart Clarke 09/02/2008 Left after V Std and moved to London Richmond Town, Bangalore & then studied in St. Joseph's De la Sale Maj. Gen. C.J. Appachu 01/08/2008 The Centenary Batch on passing out Batch of 1958 Mr. R.. Chandra Mohan 12/02/2008 V. Good. Impressed by new Principal Fr. Godwin Serrao. Batch of 1968 "Cauvery" 31 Berlie Street Langford Town, Bangalore - 560025 Mr. C. B. 19/02/2008 ****** Dr. Anand Vinekar 02/08/2008 Got Back after a long time Lots and Lots of changes Mr. Rajendra Chikkerur Batch of 1991 Awaiting the 150 yrs Reunion Batch of 1971(ISC) 28 Nandidurg Road, Benson Town, Bangalore-560046 # Mun Morah Circuit, Woodcroft NSW 2767, Australia

OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 PRIZES FOR ICSE (10TH STD.) 2007-08 PRIZES FOR ISC (12TH STD) 2007-08 (Given by OBA) (Given by OBA) ALEC ALVAREZ OBA GOLD MEDAL ANKITH G.S. (95.57%) ALEC ALVAREZ OBA GOLD MEDAL B.M.GIRIDHAR NAYAK (92.5%) (for the highest Marks in ICSE 2007-08) (for the highest Marks in ISC science 2007-08)

PRINCIPALS GOLD MEDAL H.RAYMOND JOSEPH (94%) ALEC ALVAREZ OBA GOLD MEDAL PAUL ANTONY (89.67%) (for 2nd highest marks in ICSE (2007-08) S. PRAMOD (94%) (for the highest Marks in ISC commerce 2007-08 ) PTA AWARD H.U.SACHIDANAND (92.43%) PRINCIPALS GOLD MEDAL BHARATH BALEGERE (90.67) (for 3rd highest marks in ICSE 2007-08) (for 2nd highest marks in ISC - science (2007-08) MARIO de P MIRANDA AWARD PRINSTON PEREIRA (for best student in studies and games ICSE 2007-08) PRINCIPALS GOLD MEDAL KEITH MARIAN CASTELINO (88 %) (for 2nd highest marks in ISC commerce (2007-08) BASHIRUDDIN BABUKHAN ROHAN JAGADISH PTA AWARD ELVIS ABRAHAM EUGENE (90.33%) OBA SESQUICENTENNIAL AWARD (for 3rd highest marks in ISC science 2007-08) (for best student in studies,athletics & aquatics ICSE 2007-08) PTA AWARD MICHAEL JOHN PINTO (85.17%) REV FR HEDWIG DACOSTA AWARD CALVIN JOHN PINTO (92 %) (for 3rd highest marks in ISC commerce 2007-08) (from the Batch of 1975) Highest Marks in English ICSE 2007-08 MARIO de P MIRANDA AWARD KEITH CASTELINO HARTWEL YATES AWARD (from the batch of 1975) ANTHONY L.G. REBELLO (100%) (for best student in studies and games ISC 2007-08) Highest Marks in Maths ICSE 2007-08 FR. JACQUES GOLDEN JUBILEE PRIZE MARIA KENNETH JAYARAO (90%) MRS SAIT AWARD (from the Batch of 1975) SANJEEV KUMAR PANDEY (90%) Highest Marks in English ISC 2007-08 Highest marks in II language -Hindi ICSE 2007-08 ANKUSH BAGRECHA (90%) FR. JACQUES GOLDEN JUBILEE PRIZE BHARAT BALEGERE (98%) PRINCIPALS AWARD (from the Batch of 1975) ANKITH G.S. (95%) Highest Marks in Maths ISC 2007-08 Highest marks in II language -Kannada ICSE 2007-08 REV FR MICHAEL JOHN AWARD B.M.GIRIDHAR NAYAK (94%) Mr. & Mrs.LUKE D'SOUZA AWARD CALVIN JOHN PINTO (98%) (from the Batch of 1975) (from the Batch of 1975) ANKITH G.S. (98%) Highest Marks in Enviromental Education ISC 2007-08 Highest Marks in Hist/Civics/Geog ICSE 2007-08 H.RAYMOND JOSEPH (98%) REV FR CLAUDE D'SOUZA AWARD ANIRUDH T. (94%) MRS LYNETTE LOBO AWARD ANKITH G.S. (97%) (from the Batch of 1975) (from the Batch of 1975) RAM R.S. (97%) Highest Marks in Physics ISC 2007-08 Highest Marks in Environmental Education ICSE 07-08 S.PRAMOD (97%)

DAVID CHATHERJEE AWARD ANKITH G.S. (97%) REV FR SHENOY AWARD B.M.GIRIDHAR NAYAK (94%) (from the Batch of 1975) (from the Batch of 1975) Highest Marks in Science ICSE 2007-08 Highest Marks in Chemistry ICS 2007-08

Mr. & Mrs.RICHARD PEREIRA AWARD ANKITH G.S. (98%) PRINCIPALS AWARD (from the Batch of 1975) MIR MOHD. KAMRAN ABBAS (88%) (from the Batch of 1975) Highest Marks in Biology ISC 2007-08 Highest Marks in Computer Applications ICSE 2007-08 PRINCIPALS AWARD (from the Batch of 1975) BHARAT BALEGERE (96%) PRINCIPALS AWARD (from the Batch of 1975) H. RAYMOND JOSEPH (97%) Highest Marks in Computer Science ISC 2007-08 Highest Marks in Economics ICSE 2007-08 PRINCIPALS AWARD (from the Batch of 1975) KEITH MARIAN CASTELINO (95%) PRINCIPALS AWARD (from the Batch of 1975) M.P.AAPPANNA (88%) Highest Marks in Accounts ISC 2007-08 PAUL ANTONY (95%) Highest Marks in Physical Education ICSE 2007-08 PRAKASH JOLLY (88%) PRINSTON A. PEREIRA (88%)

OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 2ND SEPTEMBER - 2007 OBA DAY PHOTO SESSION (Right to Left)

Squatting First Row: Pramodh Naidu, John J. Nereyeth, S. Lakshminarayan, M.Z.Khaleeli, Richard Fernandez, Sumith Kathare, Nandish K.C., Ashwin Sitting Third Row:C.S.Rajan, Arun K. Malpani, Mashood Shakoor, Abdul Gaffar, David D' Costa, A.G. Krishnaswamy, Nader Mirza, Anil Kumar Malpani, Dias, Gaurav Hinduja, Nanjappa T.B., Angelo Printer, Bipin George Mathew, Shanthanu Prabhu, Vinod Kumar, Mukesh V.K., Kurien Abraham, Preetham S. Gregory De Nazareth,Edmund Smith, Santhosh Vellara, N. Ramakrishnan, Gavin Cordeiro, Joseph Saldanha, M.M. Chengappa, Kenneth Pinto, Guy Raj, Nirianjan.S., Sameer Gaffar, Lav J. Chellaram, Mayur Chandra, Sandeep Cariappa, Vaibhav Narang, Leon Louis, Martin Rohit Kalloor, Swaroop.N., Noronha, Christopher Rego, Ram Kumar RajaRathnam, Leonard A. Kulangara, Siddharth Raja, Shashi Kiran Lewis, Navin Thomas, Ramprasad Alva, Vijay Nideesh Gowda, Vijay Swaroop, Aaron Kamath, Ronan Chaves, Saahas Patil, Neel Bhupathi, Roshan Samuel. Venugopal, Guda Srinivas, Gururaj.H.T., Shoaib Ahmed, Kedar Dinakar, Rabindra Nayak, Desmond Rodrigues, Rumi Minocher, Bobby Joseph, Nitin Shashindran, Rayner George Pais, Paras G. Chugh. Squatting Second Row: Vinay Naresh Kamath, Nobel Thomas, Dominic D'Cruz, Prithvi N. sharma, Arjun Unnikrishnan, Rajan Aggarwal, Neville Dias, Umang Uthappa, Mayuk.p.v.,Ruel Shenoy, Arun George, Akilesh Baldota, Christopher Rodricks, Neville De Nazareth, Umakanth Alva, Girish.M., Josh H. Sitting Fourth Row: Preetam Shetty, Shams, Gautam.J., Darshan Shetty, Rajeev Shenoy, Nasir Masood, Pradeep I.P., Joseph V. Victor, Joji Xavier, Hubert Gojer, Harish B'Lund, M.S.Prasad, Manish Darira, A.Franklin,Nitin Fernandes, Rinald L.Pereira, Mikhail M.Trousse, Ronnie P. Georgee, S.Yadunandan, Vaz, Harold Vaz, Lloyd Macedo, Kiran Joseph, Vivian Miranda, Arun Jose, Nissim D' Silva, S. Diwakar Rao, Girish Punja, Prakash Alvares, Ratan Ratnakar, Pavan U. Poojary, N.N.Sreyanka, Vishal W.A.,S. Manjeshwar, Joel Saldanha, Christy A. George, Anthony Arun Kumar.S., Abel Abhishek, Cyril.L., P. Zoish Tosher Hormusjee, Tosher Hormusjee, Jude Rodrigues, Pince Jacob, Shyam Nichani, A. Thirumurugan, A. Prakash Pillai, Kalpesh Shah, Md. Manoj, Joseph Martin.P.A., Daniel Prabhu. Abdullah, Nimish Thakore, Wills Warunny, Shreepal Deshpande, Vijay Chugani, S. Rajesh, Haresh ADANI, Dinesh Lal, Harish D.

Squatting Third Row: Shaun D'Cunha, Vridhay Mathias, Torun Mathias, Nandan Kamath, Vachan Shetty, Karna Patil, Tashi Luke, Vishal J. Kumar, Prasad Standing Row One: Dr. Sejil. T.V., Brother Anthony. T. V., Pramod Anthony, Nanjappa P.M., Calvin.S.M., Kripal Kulur, Sushil Jacob, Krishan Kumar, Varun Shetty, Pranav Pai, Ashwin Thomas, Arun Mahadev, Md. Zahid Hussain, B.S.Naveen, Sujith Suresh, Samuel Anthony Madtha, Aaron, Daniel Fu, Royston, Gupta, Biren Bathija, C.V.Nagaraj, V.M.Harikrishna, Prashanta Bhat, Navin R. Shenoy, Poonacha Machaiah, Shashank Govindraj, Prithvi Reddy, C.C.Thimaiah, Nikhil B. Mascarenhas, Vicario David, Pratheek V.K., Marion Allen, Jason Malcus, Dauphin Kuriakose, Harshith Aranya. M. Sreeram Murthy, Dr. Shyam Appanna, Aiyappa K.C., Dominic.V.T., Ben Mathias, Ian Carvalho, Dr. Vinay.K., Shabarinath.M.K., Sunil Pichamuthu, Dominic Ignatius,Tarun Jacob, Kaushik.M., Sushil John, Brent D Souza, Alan Sebastian, Mubeen Ahmed, Koshy George, Ashwin Thomas P., Santosh Sitting First Row: Captain Jose Olakkengil, Cecil Shrieves, Ronnie Tellis, Mario De P Miranda, Jal Jahangir, Mourice Rebello, Cecil Fullin Faw, Melville G.T., Augustus.K.Thomas. Rego, Kaushik Thakore, Fr. Claude SJ.,K.P.Jayaram, Llewellyne P.E.Rego, Fr. Godwin Serrao SJ., Fr. Hedwig D'Costa SJ., Lazarus.I.T., Colonel Len Noronha, Fr. Furtado SJ., Bryan Nobbay, Brian D'Lima, Nadeem Ahmed, S. Rajiv, Mukesh Sundaram, K.N. Tilak Kumar, Lance Ross, Vinodh Mani, Vivian Noronha, Standing Row Two: Sumeer HindujaK.H.Ram, Ramakrishna, Vijay D'Souza, John Marg Sunil, Akshay Ballal, Karan Ganapathy, Ananth Shivaram, Peter Mathias, Jeff De Lemos, Murad Homi Printer, Michael Rozalla, Jayant N Kapadia, Joe D' Mello, Santosh J. Naidu, M.C.Subbiah, Rajesh Kheny, Vinay Mathews.A., George Abraham, Akbar Mirza, Subhash Nayak, Francis Mathew, Arjun John Mathias, Imtiaz Adam, Uthappa Iychettira, Nitin Ullas, Nandu Shivappa. Rohit Mascarenhas, Domnic Savio, Arjun Rego, Aneel Rodrigues, Karthik Gupta, Angel John D' Cruz, Fabian D. S. White, Pawan.M., Abid Ali Mirza, Neil Castelino, Janak Nagaraj, Harish Kunnath, Arun K., Md Zashan Ahmed, Jomy Johny, Gautam Rego, Vivek George. Sitting Second Row:M.V.Nagarag, Finn Fernandez, John Tharakam, George Ollapally, P.B.Cariappa, Hemachandra Basappa, Glenn Hrtley,Jayaram Thambiah, Noel De Nazareth, R.K. Ramanathan, T.F.Noronha, Col.(Retd).T.John, Harish Dogra, Akshai Mallappa, Sudheer Mahajan, Willie Langford, Standing Row Three: M.V. Nagaraj, Manjunath.C., Raghuraj S. Hegde, Prem Mohan,Sudhir Kadidal, Sunjay Fernandes, Jonathan Nicholas, Anup Ronnie Johnson, Oscar Menezes, Shivaram Warrior, Rashid Minocher, Abbas Saleh, Fulgence Rodrigues, Edmund Lobo, Gavin Colaco, Belliappa.K.K., Krishnamurthy, Cletus Rebello, Dalon Fernandes, Sundeep Nayak, Dr. Oliver Rodrigues, Joseph Ajith George, Ajith Gerard, Amith D'Souza, Mohammed Nachiket Shankar, Roy Rodrigues, Sajju Jain, Satish Francis, John Henry M.D., Siddhartha Agarwal, Bruno Goveas, Manek H. Makhija, Vijay Dravid, S.H., Luke Mathew, Shane Lobo, Pavan Kumar.V.J., Aral Lobo, Zahid Raza, Bharat Pandit, Pradeep Kumar, Lionel De Nazreth, Alan Godfrey, Arun Cyril, Ananth Seetharam, Srinivas G.R. Daron Lewis, Kabeer Shetty, Hashmath Ulla, Vaibhav Belliappa, Nishanth M.Varghese, Faraz Ahmed, Hari Prasad.S., Ashwin Leyland, Nikhil Chittiappa.

OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 PRINCIPALS AWARD (from the Batch of 1975) PAUL ANTONY (86%) AUDITOR’S REPORT Highest Marks in Commerce ISC 2007-08 We have examined the attached Balance sheet of Bangalore Jesuit Educational Society A/c PRINCIPALS AWARD (from the Batch of 1975) PAUL ANTONY (94%) St. Joseph’s Boys High School Old Boys Association, Bangalore as at March 31, 2008 and Highest in Economics ISC 2007-08 KEITH MARIAN CASTELINO (94%) the Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended on that date, annexed thereto. PRINCIPALS AWARD (from the Batch of 1975) KEITH MARIAN CASTELINO (99%) These financial statements are the responsibility of the institution’s management. Our Highest in Business Maths ISC 2007-08 responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

We have conducted the audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in OUR GRATEFUL THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED TOWARDS THE STAFF MEDICAL India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable INSURANCE SCHEME IN 2007-08 assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material mistakes. An Mr. David D'Costa 1,000.00 Mr. John T. Nareyeth 2,000.00 audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosers Mr. Maurice de Rebello 500.00 Mr. Dhiren Gopal 5,000.00 Mr. N. Ramakrishnan 1,000.00 Mr. Sukhen 500.00 in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles Mr. Siddarth Raja 5,000.00 Mr. Sunil 10,000.00 used and significant estimates made by the management, as well as evaluating the overall Mr. Jonathan Nicholas 5,000.00 Mr. Sandeep Maini 5,000.00 financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for Mr. Shashank Govindraj 2,000.00 Mr. Oliver Pais 500.00 our opinion. Mr. Joseph Manoj Victor 500.00 Dr. Sylvan Rego 500.00 Mr. Imtiyaz Adam 500.00 Mr. Nikhil Chinnappa 50,000.00 We report that: Mr. Balaji K.R. 1,000.00 Mr. Amith D'Souza 500.00 a) We have obtained all the information and explanation which, to the best of our Mr. Sunder Bellany 3,000.00 Mr. Siddarth Pai 50,000.00 knowledge and belief, were necessary for the purpose of our audit. Mr. Rajesh Chhabria 3,000.00 Mr. Arjun Unnikrishnan 1,5000.00 Mr. Tirumurugan 5,000.00 Mr.Tosher Hormusjee 5,000.00 b) In our opinion proper books of accounts have been kept so far as it appears from Mr. Wills Warunny 1,000.00 Mr. Thomas Koshy 2,000.00 our examination of the books. Mr. Ryan Lobo 1,000.00 Dr. Nachiket Shankar 5,000.00 c) The Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure accounts dealt with by this report Mr. Shaul D'Cunha 1,000.00 U.K.N. Properties Pvt Ltd 1,00,000.00 are in agreement with the Books of Accounts. Mr. Leonard Kulangara 2,000.00 OBA USA (Ben Gomes) 7,84,875.00 In our opinion and to the best of our information and explanation given to us, the said Balance Sheet and Income Expenditure account gives a true and fair view in conformity with the Trophies Won 2007-2008 accounting principles generally accepted in India:

Fr. Eric Vaz Memorial Hockey Juniors Runners-Up 1. In the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs as at March 31, 2008. Centenary hockey Shield Seniors Winners 2. In the case of Income and Expenditure account, the excess of Income over Inter School Relay Juniors at BCBS 2nd Expenditure for the year ended on that date. SJBHS Winners Cathedral 1st Baldwins 1st For Sampath Kumaran & Co. Seniors at SJBHS 3rd Chartered Accountants FAPS 2nd Place: Bangalore K.S.Ram Pureswaran Baldwins 3rd Clarence 1st Date: August 5, 2008 Partner ISC FAPS 2nd Clarence 2nd All India SAI Regional Table Tennis Team event B.R. Anant /Abhay S Bronze Medal Sunfeast Cup Footbal Winners

OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 SCHEDULES ANNEXED TO AND FORMING PART OF THE BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 MARCH 2007 SCHEDULE F - FUND CURRENT ACCOUNTS (amounts in Rupees) Opening Interest Transfers Disbursed Closing As at As at Balance Allocated to Funds Balance 31.03.07 31.03.08 Receipts SCHEDULE A - CAPITAL FUND (4,890) Staff Health Insurance Fund (4,890) 408,000 24,875 427,274 711 710,000 Balance as per last Balance Sheet 964,250 4,884 Staff Appreciation Fund 4,884 46,500 (41,000) 5,550 4,834 200,000 Add Transfer from Income & Exp. A/c 5,750 (6,141) Teachers Pension Fund (6,141) 99,000 (13,000) 74,200 5,659 35,000 Donation Received - 19,750 Class of 1972 Retired Teachers Fund 19,750 11,000 17,948 12,802 19,250 Add : 50% of Life & Patron Memberships 30,000 4,395 Scholarship Fund 4,395 64,500 (20,000) 51,000 (2,105) 964,250 TOTAL 1,000,000 (3,017) Diamond Jubilee Freeship Fund (3,017) 45,500 40,000 2,483 SCHEDULE B - INCOME & EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 796 Platinum Jubilee Fund 796 31,000 (30,000) - 1,796 1,235 A Alvarez OBA Medal for first in school 1,235 15,000 (25,000) (8,765) 3,380 Opening Balance 75,093 1,850 Class of 1988 Memorial Scholarships 1,850 4,000 4,000 1,850 271,713 Surplus/(Deficit) for the Current Year 32,210 750 Capt. George Mathias Mem. Sch. 750 4,000 4,000 750 (200,000) Less transfer to Capital Fund (5,750) (1,180) Charles E. Noronha Scholarship (1,180) 4,000 4,000 (1,180) 75,093 TOTAL 101,554 1,790 P.G.D'souza/Rose D'Souza Mem Sch. 1,790 4,000 4,000 1,790 SCHEDULE C - SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS Opening Current Transfers Closing OBA CANADA Scholarship 4,000 4,000 - Balance Receipts from C/A Balance Michael and Greta Aranha Sch 4,000 4,000 - 550 Alan Macbride Hockey Award 550 2,000 (5,000) (2,450) 715,000 Scholarship Fund 715,000 - 20,000 735,000 20,772 TOTAL 20,772 746,500 (109,125) 639,972 18,175 470,000 Diamond Jubilee Freeship Fund 470,000 - - 470,000 540,000 Platinum Jubilee Fund 540,000 25,000 30,000 595,000 55,000 Michael and Greta Aranha Sch 50,000 50,000 - 100,000 SCHEDULE G - OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES 55,000 Class of 1988 Memorial Scholarships 55,000 - - 55,000 Opening Receipts Disbursed/ Closing 55,000 Capt. George Mathias Mem. Sch. Fund 55,000 - - 55,000 Balance Expenses Balance 55,000 Charles E.Noronha Scholarship 55,000 - - 55,000 42,581 Medical Expenses a/c 42,581 159,829 156,452 45,958 50,000 P.G.D'souza/Rose D'Souza Mem Sch. 55,000 - - 55,000 3,502 Christmas Gifts a/c 3,502 - 3,000 502 50,000 OBA CANADA Scholarship 50,000 10,000 - 60,000 93,932 Class of 1974 Retd. Teachers Fund 93,932 74,597 19,335 Batch of 1990 David Chaterjee Sch 195,000 195,000 83 Class of 1976 Fund 83 83 - 393,253 Class of 1983 Building Fund 393,253 393,253 2,045,000 TOTAL 2,045,000 280,000 50,000 2,375,000 46,300 Class of 1994 Fund 46,300 9,000 55,300 5,000 OBA USA A/C 5,000 - 5,000 SCHEDULE D - WELFARE FUNDS 10,000 OBA Canada A/C 10,000 20,000 30,000 - 3,205,000 Staff Health Insurance Fund 3,205,000 1,069,875 (24,875) 4,250,000 10,000 Fr. Henry Prouvost/Joe Croning 10,000 - 10,000 - 794,000 Staff Appreciation Fund 794,000 - 41,000 835,000 10,000 Contribution to Library 10,000 - 10,000 - 756,000 Teachers Pension Fund 756,000 1,000 13,000 770,000 58,576 Class of 1988 Hockey Fund 58,576 - 6,400 52,176 170,000 Class of 1972 Retired Teachers Fund 170,000 - - 170,000 50,000 Building Fund 50,000 50,000 - 4,925,000 TOTAL 4,925,000 1,070,875 29,125 6,025,000 3,362 Chip of the Old Block 3,362 5,000 8,362 - SCHEDULE E - AWARDS 105,000 Retd. Teachers Pension 105,000 240,006 270,000 75,006 230,000 A Alvarez OBA Medal for first in school 230,000 25,000 255,000 79,380 Scholarships Payable 79,380 - 79,380 - 40,000 Alan Macbride Hockey Award 40,000 5,000 45,000 Sesquicentennial Celebrations expenses 58,362 44,577 13,785 Bashiruddin Babukhan OBA Sesquicentennial Award 100,000 100,000 Maintenance a/c 40,000 40,000 Mario de P Miranda Award 200,000 200,000 10,000 Batch of Breakfast Sponsor for 2007 Sept 10,000 - 10,000 - Class of 1968 Award 50,000 50,000 920,969 TOTAL 920,969 532,197 752,767 700,398 270,000 350,000 30,000 650,000 6,970,000 TOTAL FUNDS 6,970,000 1,700,875 109,125 9,050,000

OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 SCHEDULE H - FIXED ASSETS SCHEDULE L - NOTES TO ACCOUNTS Opening Additions Depn Closing Balance Balance 1 Statement of Significant Accounting Policies 1,264 Furniture & Fixtures 1,264 253 1,011 i) Generally, all income and expenditure are accounted on an accrual basis, commission is accounted when received. 14,395 Computer System 14,395 - 3,599 10,796 ii) Interest income on investments received during the year is allocated to funds in the ratio of the opening balance of the 15,659 TOTAL 15,659 - 3,852 11,807 respective funds. The interest allocated to the Capital Fund and interest on savings bank accounts are considered in the Income and Expenditure Account for the year. SCHEDULE I - INVESTMENTS Company Interest Date of Number Date of Amount iii) Of the membership fees received, 50% is credited directly to the Capital Fund, and the balance considered as current Rate Deposit Maturity income. A sum of Rs.5,750/- from the Income and Expenditure a/c has been transferred to the Capital a/c iv) Fixed Assets are stated at written down value. Depreciation is provided pro-rata for the at the rate of 20% per annum 800,000 HDFC 9.30 8-Jan-08 BL/520429 8-Jan-10 830,660 for furniture and fixtures and 25% per annum for the computer system. Pro-rata depreciation is provided for new 300,000 Fertilisers & Chemicals Travacore Ltd 7.00 20-Jul-04 0550-0081 20-Jul-08 300,000 acquisitions. 1,200,000 SOUTH INDIAN BANK 9.50 14-Feb-07 321276 14-May-08 1,900,000 v) Closing Stocks are valued at cost. 3,000,000 HDFC Govt. of India Bonds 8.00 19-Feb-04 DBH51060033046 19-Feb-10 3,000,000 500,000 SBI CAPITAL PROTECTION FUND 21-12-2007 10231294 20-12-2012 500,000 2 Rs.10000/- each of Fr. Henry Prouvost/Joe Croning and Library amounts have been transferred to maintenance 500,000 RELIANCE LIQUDITY FUND 41959249115 500,000 fund a/c 900,000 HDFC Govt. of India Bonds 8.00 8-Mar-05 TBH5100104979 7-Mar-11 900,000 3 Previous year's figures have been re-grouped appropriately, where necessary. 1,600,000 HDFC Govt. of India Bonds 8.00 23-11-2005 39409 23-Nov-11 1,600,000 4 The total collection in the Staff Health Insurance Fund was Rs.10,69,875/- which included contributions paid by HDFC 9.55 4-Jan-08 BL/553791 7-Apr-10 1,000,000 School Staff and the contributions paid by Mr Sumir Hinduja. 8,800,000 TOTAL 10,530,660 5 From the collection to the Staff Health Insurance an amount of Rs.10,45,000 has been capitalised taking the Fund SCHEDULE J - CURRENT ASSETS to Rs.42,50,000/- 42,000 Interest accrued 6 Two new Funds have been introduced this year, The Bashirruddin Bab Khan Award for the best student in 3,000 Deposits 3,000 Studies,games and Aquatics for ICSE and the Mario de P Miranda Award for the best student in Studies and Games 36,000 Life Membership Due 41,000 ISC and ICSE

7 Disbursements made from Interest Earned are much more than the Actual Interest Earned the shortfall has been 7,335 Closing Stock of Mementos 19,185 taken from contributions paid towards the Staff Medical Insurance Donations for Teachers of the school 88,335 TOTAL 63,185 8 Rs.10,000 lying in the OBA Canade a/c has been transferred to the OBA Canada Scholarship a/c

SCHEDULE K - CASH & BANK BALANCES 9 Chip of the Old Block and Building Fund a/ have been merged into the Sesquicentennial Expenses a/c 8,334 Cash on hand 8,506 10 Rs.20,000/- shown as received and paid in the OBA Canada is a cheque issued to a retd teacher the previous year Cash at Banks which was misplaced and a new one re-issued 142,419 SBI Account 49,226 166,336 Dena Bank -BJES 206,742 - 255,968 317,089 TOTAL 264,474

OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 As at 4,311 0,368 1,775 1,020 1,807 68,411 34,573 264,474 46,500 Pureswaran, Pureswaran, path Kumaran & Co. path Kumaran path Kumaran & Co. path Kumaran J 63,185 Chartered Accountants K.S.Ram Partner K.S.Ram K.S.Ram Partner Chartered Accountants Membership fees 30,000 (net) together ANK BALANCES K Income (net) RENT ASSETS TES TO TES TO ACCOUNTS L ess Allocations (Ref Sch.D)ess Allocations (Ref 7 INCOME 50% of Life & Patron Patron & 50% of Life Sale of Mementos Blue and White Ball Blue and ASSETS FIXED ASSETS H 1 9,250 5,659 8,800,000 INVESTMENTS I 10,530,660 - Christmas Get 7 2,785 As atatAs 2,678 Interest 814,911 2,598 5,984 Day OBA 0,398 32,210 375,000 88,335 CUR 025,000 317,090 B & CASH Balance Sheet As 31 March 2008 St Joseph’s Boys High School - Old Association St Joseph’s St Joseph’s Boys High School - Old Association St Joseph’s Brian D'Lima Celestine Sera sj Fr. Rev Date Even of Report our per As Brian D'Lima Celestine Sera sj Fr Rev Date Even of Report our per As Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31 March 2008 Report 83,504 19,423 L CURRENT LIABILTIES G 70 cess of Income over Expenditurecess of Income over fice Expenses 11 roduction & Postage - OBA - OBA roduction & Postage LIABILITIES EXPENDITURE Inter House Quiz 1,61 TDS w/o Staff Lunch 12,000 sponsorship of Annual Report & Prod Printing 100,000 Jos AlumniJos 3,000 1,001 Misc Income 1,001 FUND CURRENT ACCOUNTSFUND CURRENT F 18,175 AWARDS E 650,000 NO CAPITAL FUNDCAPITAL ACCOUNT INCOME & EXPENDITURE B 101,554 A 1,000,000 1 WELFARE FUNDSWELFARE D 6, 5th August 20085th August 67 Christmas GettogetherFeast Joseph's St. 1 5th August 20085th August Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Schedule Rs Rs Schedule Rs 342 (net) St Joseph's Feast - 1 634 w/o of 1975 Batch - 15,000 Commission on Investments- As at 5,114 Depreciation 3,852 369,231 2,191 Prizes 1,275 54,446 P 96,893 Of 20,772 75,092 432,674 251,459 432,674 251,459 271,712 Ex 920,970 OTHER 964,250 2006-07 2007-08 2006-07 2007-08 31.03.07 31.03.08 31.03.07 Rs 31.03.08 9,221,084 10,870,127 9,221,084 10,870,1270.00 2,315,000 FUNDS SCHOLARSHIP C 2, 4,925,000 President Secretary Treasurer Sam For Sd.A.G.Krishnaswamy Sd. Sd. PlaceDate Bangalore Sd.A.G.Krishnaswamy PresidentPlaceDate Bangalore Sd. Secretary Treasurer Sd. Sam For

OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 St Joseph’s Boys High School - Old Boys Association Receipts and Payments Account for the year ended 31 March 2008 OBA KERALA RECEIPTS PAYMENTS Rs Rs Rs Rs OBA CANADA Opening Balance Expenses on For 2008, sad to say, there is not Cash 8,334 OBA Day 51,419 much to report on O.B.A. Canada. Bank accounts 308,756 317,090 St Joseph's Feast 24,632 Collections Christmas Getogether 4,356 From mid-2005, when some of the Blue and White Ball Receipts 65,250 Blue and White Ball Payments 30,677 senior committee members less TDS 2,266 62,984 Inter House Quiz 1,617 encountered various health issues, OBA Day (incl sponsorship) 55,730 Prizes & Scholarships 51,000 there was a lack of spirit to keep the association going despite attempts to Less sponsorship received last yr 10,000 45,730 Diamond Jubilee Sch. 40,000 do so. Newsletters went out to members trying to conjure up some enthusiasm but the fortitude was not there. St Joseph's Feast 35,000 Other Scholarships 20,000 Christmas Get-together 5,376 OBA Canada 4,000 We continue with a start-of-the-year newsletter and our annual picnic but that's about all. Membership Fees Scholarships 06-07 79,380 194,380 Later this year we hope to have a lunch, as we've had in the past, so we will wait and see what transpires when the word gets out. Life 06-07 36,000 Teacher's Pension 74,200 From 1993 to 2005 our annual sold-out dance was at the top of our community's social calendar but with the present Life 07-08 46,500 Staff Appreciation 5,550 situation, no one seems willing to take the helm to organize the event that used to generate some funds to help our Patron Memembership 13,500 Christmas Gifts 3,000 needy retired teachers. Less Patron/Life Receivable 41,000 55,000 Office expenses The fact of the matter is, as of today, O.B.A. Canada is in a state of inertia. Misc Income 1,001 Postage & Telephone 13,530 Dougie Peters Interest on Investments 814,911 Printing & Stationery 6,553 President, O.B.A. Canada add accrued interest (O/B) 42,000 856,911 Repairs and Maintenance,Insurance 980 OBA Canada 20,000 General Expenses & Conveyance 11,913 OBA USA Donations -Platinum Jubliee Fund 25,000 Misc Expenses 2,001 Teachers Pension Donation 1,000 Office Assistant Salary 68,500 The highlight of the 2007/2008 year for OBA USA was the Reunion held in Northern New Jersey during the last weekend Michael and Greta Aranha Scholarship 50,000 Software 4,680 in May. The Organizing Committee put on a terrific two-day event with a dinner on Saturday evening and a picnic and cricket Bashiruddin Babukhan OBA Sesquicel Award 100,000 Bank Charges 4,441 112,598 match vs St. Aloysius, Mangalore the following day. Batch of 1990 David Chaterjee Sch 195,000 Class of 1974 Retd Teachers a/s 74,597 The dinner was a lively affair with old boys from the 60's to the 90's reminiscing about their principals, teachers, staff, Class of 1968 Award (12th Std) 50,000 Batch of 1972 Fund 17,948 92,545 sports teams, Widi's etc. One old boy, Natesh Mohan ("Mo"), shared the story about how his Dad got him admission by Mario de P Miranda Award Fund 200,000 Fixed Deposits made 2,530,660 dropping him off at the School grounds and insisting that he be admitted after he was turned down a couple of times. The Batch of 1994 9,000 630,000 Mutual Funds (Liquid) 1,000,000 3,530,660 principal eventually relented because Mo and his Dad were not going to take "no" for an answer. Today, Mo is one of the Mementos sales 7,275 Cost of Mementoes 17,350 most active Josephites in the OBA USA Chapter and a real inspiration to some of the younger boys. Jimmy Anklesaria kept things lively with his many stories and recollections of his days in school while Leslie Abreo and Lester Saldanha took some Chip of theOld Block 5,000 Production & Postage - OBA Report 83,504 great pictures and videos that were later posted on the OBA website. less payment made - 5,000 Staff Health Insurance Payments 427,274 Christmas Hamper Donation - class of 1988 Hockey expenses of school 6,400 The picnic featured great food and games as well as a limited-over cricket match against St. Aloysius College in which the Retd Staff Medical Help 159,829 Staff Lunch Expenses 12,000 Joseph's squad prevailed thanks to outstanding performances from old boys such as "Choton" Basu, Samir Stewart, Sanjit Fixed Deposits encashed 800,000 JOS Alumni 3,000 Menezes and others. Besides the cricket match, everyone seemed to enjoy the tug-o-war and sack races as well as the visits to the park attractions such as zoo, train ride etc. All-in-all it was a great weekend and a terrific warm-up for the Mutual Funds Redeemed 1,000,000 Retd Staff Medical Help 156,452 Sesquicentennial celebrations planned for early September in Bangalore. Web Site Maintenance 20,000 Retd Teachers Pension 270,000 Prod & Postage of Annual Report 100,000 Sesquicenntinal Celebrations 44,577 A special thanks goes out to the Old Boys in the US Less TDS 412 99,588 OBA Canada 20,000 who made pledges towards the Sesquicentennial Fund as well as to those who took time out to visit the School Staff Health Insurance Fund 1,069,875 Cash 8,506 and speak to the students. Old Boys in the US are keen Retd Teachers Pension 240,006 Bank accounts 255,968 264,474 to establish The Innovation Lab, a project designed to 5,430,665 5,430,6650 encourage critical thinking, leadership, and social Sd. Sd. Sd. responsibility, as well as a deeper engagement between A.G.Krishnaswamy Brian D'Lima Rev Fr Celestine Sera sj As per our Report of Even Date the OBA and students. This project had a few starts President Secretary Treasurer For Sampath Kumaran & Co. Place Bangalore Chartered Accountants and stops over the past year but we fully expect that it Date 5th August 2008 K.S.Ram Pureswaran, will be pursued with newfound vigor and excitement Partner as we look to the future.

OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08 OBA St. Joseph’s Boys’ High School, Bangalore Annual Report 2007 - 08