The Vine Newsletter for the Barony of Aneala Society for Creative Anachronism

Anealan championship

Volume 19 issue 6 october XLVi/2013 CONTENTS



Photo credits to Lady Alazais Regnum

King Niall & queen Liadan [email protected]

Baron Kilic & Baroness Branwen [email protected]

Champion of the Sword: konrad hildebrant Champion of the Bow: Alianore of Esswell Champion of the Rapier: zaven zeitountsi Champion of Arts & Sciences: mery of ellersley

Seneschal Reeve Lachlahn Ioseph Dunbar Cara de Lupo [email protected] [email protected]

Chronicler Constable Bella Valori Renonys de la Feuille [email protected] [email protected]

Chatelaine Marshall Nathan Blacktower Elysia Drifadóttir [email protected] [email protected]

Arts & Sciences List Keeper Celestria Ashwood Edmund Kerr [email protected] [email protected]

Herald Rapier Marshall Lachlahn Ioseph Dunbar Gwyneth ferch Aeddan [email protected] [email protected]

Webminister Captain of Archers Nathan Blacktower Maitiu Ruadh [email protected] [email protected]

Equestrian Marshall Donnchadh Baillie [email protected]

To my loving and gracious Queen,

Unfortunately I will be unable to accompany you as you journey to the great gathering in the south of Our Kingdom. Members of our Guards have informed me of a grave and trou- bling situation to our north which I must at- tend too.

So grave is the situation that I feel it must be a mistake or misunderstanding as I can not perceive any reasoning for what I have heard, but at the same time I cannot ignore the words of our guards who are wise as they are brave!

They report that Baron Mordenvale is in ca- hoots with his Cousins in Rowany and Politar- chopolis. So concerned are they at rumours of my ill health and our lack of heirs that they feel the strength of Our Kingdom is at risk. Our guards have spoken to me that so con- cerned that the Kingdom wasuffering at my de- mise that he has urged his Cousins to accept him as Regent! Perhaps he thinks I am helpless and at deaths door or perhaps this is a sinister plot that preceeds an attempt upon Our lives.

My love, I must crusade to Mordenvale, to prove my strength to these Barons and to our populace and to dispel any challenge to our undoubted station.

Niall - King

Unto the Populace of the

Barony of Aneala, does Kilic and Branwen give greetings.

We have all now returned safely from the Southern Lands of our Barony after attending the annual Anealan Championship. While a lot of what we saw and did was heartening to our souls we did have the sad duty of saying good bye to our previous Champions and to our Ladies in Waiting and Liveryman. With regard to our champions this was some- what softened as we inducted them into our Hearth Troop. So con- gratulations to the newest members of the Hearth Troop Baron Lachlan Ioseph of Dunbar and Lord Galen Wulfric and to Lord Veil le Pantera who was made a Captain of our Hearth Troop for having served as our champion on more than one occasion. We also said good bye to our A&S champion Lady Alanna Galliwoode who has been an inspiration in our courts and at our events. We also bid farewell to Lady Alessandra de Florenza, Lady Elizabeth Rowe, Lady Aoifa inghean Ui Conchobhair and Lord Hadrian di l'Estrille who have served us faithfully as Ladies in Waiting and Liveryman this past year.

We were of course heartened by the skills we saw of those who put their skills to the test in our Championships and we found none want- ing. However, as is the case with these competitions, only one in each discipline could stand triumphant and the Champions this year are:

Lord Konrad Hildebrandt – Armoured Champion

Zaven Zeitountsi = Rapier Champion

Lady Alianore de Essewell – Archery Champion

Lady Mery of Ellersley – A&S Champion

We also inducted into our court Lady Gwyneth ferch Aeddan and Lady Sláine Inghean Mic O'Ruadháine as our new Ladies in Waiting. We also re-inducted Lord Hadrian di l'Estrille as a Liveryman. We hope to soon add one more Lady in Waiting to our court so that the Glory that is Aneala can be properly displayed.

We would like to thank all those who made our Championship such a wonderful event. From those who set up and took down, to those who stepped in last minute to help where needed, to our former champions who ran the tests to choose our new champions and to those who taught their skills and knowledge at the A&S classes. To the event steward Lady Bella Vallori and her team for making sure all was ready when needed. You are all wonderful people and as our earlier missive showed you are not just a small group within our Barony but a large portion of it and you are even friends who live outside of our Barony but still help us out. Thank you all.

Now to the future and please don’t forget we have a full calendar this month and the next. On October 20th there is the College Challenge which will be held on the Oak Lawn of our College of St Basil where they wish to celebrate their saving of the College of St Lazarus. On the 26th October there is the Fairytale Bal d’Aneala which will have myths, legends and stories to entertain and to amuse. It will also be where the Golden Rose of Aneala will be chosen so get your Bardic skills warmed up.

On November 16th and 17th Abertridwr is hosting a Royal at which there will be combat, feasting, archery and A&S. So please start prepar- ing now for this event and please consider sending recommendations to their Majesties for people you think are deserving of recognition.

For those uncertain about what to write or send we would suggest keep it short and direct as their Majesties can have a lot of recommen- dations to read. We would also suggest that you only make one recom- mendation per email and include the person’s name and group in the subject field of the email. This will allow their Majesties to search easily for local people when they are looking at potential people to award on their visit. Would you also CC us on the recommendation as that way if their Majesties discuss with us a potential recipient we can be aware of what has been said. The email for their Majesties is [email protected] and our email is [email protected].

Yours in Service to the Crown and to our Populace, Kilic and Branwen Baron and Baroness of Aneala

Chroniclers missive

My warrant as Chronicler of Aneala is due to expire in November so I am looking for someone to take over this Office.

Your main duty is to create a monthly newsletter, upload it to the web- site and notify the populace. This should only take a few hours every month.

You need to be a SCA member and attend Baronial Council at least every quarter to Report on your office.

If you are interested please contact me.

Yours in Service,

Lady Bella Valori

Captain of archers

Dear Gentles

The office of Captain Of Archers for our fair Barony is open for applica- tions. My two years in the position are about to expire and I am look- ing for a replacement.

The duties of the position are not too difficult, mainly encouraging archery in the Barony by organising training and the usual quarterly re- ports.

Please contact me by email ([email protected]) or in person if you are interested.

Yours In Service


From the reeve

It has come time for me to hand on the wonderful job of Anealan Reeve to one lucky member of our populous!

This role is fundamental to the behind the scenes running of our game. There are a few duties involved including: Regularly checking the Internet banking and updating the ledger Updating and reconciling the ledger monthly before council Attending council meetings every month to give a brief financial report - income, major expenses and fwd copy of ledger reconciliation to Seneschal Writing and approving (with financial committee) cheques for event and other approved purchases. Quarterly reporting to the corporate accountant and exchequer Quarterly BAS reconciliation of OUR GST on income and ex- penses and forwarding upline with report. Keeping receipts and scanning and uploading to Dropbox for audit purpose Depositing monies into bank account when needed Forwarding memberships and levies up line quarterly Receiving reports from our canton, reviewing and sending up line. Assisting other reeves within Aneala if they need help.

No accounting experience necessary, but would be advantageous. Anyone can do this job and my phone is pretty much an extension of my arm, so am happy to help with any and all questions!

This job is rewarding and also interesting - or maybe that's just be- cause I like accounting =p Please contact me if you are curious about being our new Reeve or you wish to apply for the position!

Keep in mind this group cannot exist without a reeve. Aneala Needs You!


Lady Cara di Lupo Reeve of Aneala.

From the listkeeper

My warrant as Listkeeper of Aneala will expire in January of 2014. As such,I am looking for a replacement.

The work involved in this office is straightforward, and far from time-consuming. I can provide full training, and stay on as a deputy until you feel comfortable with the role.

The listkeeper:

* Ensures that a capable listkeeper is available at any tournament of Aneala or of its cantons or colleges, in consultation with the Baron, Baroness, event steward and any subgroup listkeeper you might stumble across. This can be yourself in some cases, but it's a good idea to get other people involved in the process and learning how to keep a list.

* Maintains a list of people with the skills to keep a list. Listkeepers are not authorised like marshalls, but they do need to know what they're doing. * Attends and reports to the monthly Anealan Council. This cur- rently occurs in Wembley, so make sure you're comfortable getting there. * Reports quarterly to the Barony and the Kingdom Listkeeper. * Updates tournament results on the Barony's website, for such time as people are interested and the facility exists. * Must be a member of the SCA. * Must be aged 18 or over.

If you can satisfy these requirements, then please consider applying. Your application should outline first and foremost that you are willing to take on the role! You should also outline any relevant experience you have, in or out of the SCA.

Applications should be sent (preferably by email) to the Kingdom List- keeper and to the Seneschal, Baron and Baroness of Aneala, and should be sent by Christmas (December 25th, 2013).

Thank you,

Edmund Kerr

Regular Activities

Baronial Council Meeting 3rd Friday of the month 7.30pm

Contact Lachlahn: [email protected]

Scribes Calligraphy & Illumination Mondays 7pm to 9pm Contact: Baroness Branwen [email protected]

Dancing 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month Contact Mistress Catherine: [email protected]

Music and Singing We practice twice a month. Times and venues vary. Check our Yahoo group for details - CeoltoiriAneala/

Arts & Sciences Night 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month at 7pm Contact Mistress Catalina: [email protected]

Armoured Combat, Rapier & Archery Sundays, 10am-12pm Lake Monger Primary School, Dodd St, Wembley Contact Nathan (08) 9249 5670

College of St. Basil the Great

Armoured & Rapier Training Tues. & Thursday 4pm to 6 or 7pm, Oak Lawn, UWA

Arts & Sciences Thursday evenings after training, Guild Council Meeting Room, UWA

Local Lochac Guild Contacts

Guild of the Silver Rondel

The dance guild in the Kingdom of Lo- chac which encourages pre 17th century dancing, holds competitions, and also holds the Bal d' Argent which is the social dance event of the year.

Contact Mistress Catherine d’Arc: [email protected]

Royal Fibre Guild of Lochac

For those interested in the arts, crafts and history of all textile matters. We encourage the doing, researching and teaching of fibre related skills as seen in pre 1600 cultures. We include weavers, spinners, dyers, cord- makers, felters, knitters, njalbinders and lacemakers.

Contact Lady Aoife: [email protected]

Royal Guild of Defence

Researching and teaching of the period martial arts of Europe, as detailed in the various extant fencing & wrestling manuals.

Contact Don Donnchadh: [email protected]

Kingdom of Lochac

A&S competitions

November Crown XLVIII (2013) Hosted by Barony of Stormhold *Jewellery Making *An Illuminated Letter *Spanish Textiles *(Clothing, Embroidery, weaving, etc)

Twelfth Night Coronation XLVIII (2014) Hosted by Canton of Okewaite *Period Eyewear (Non-Costume) (Eyeglasses, Monocles, Non Costume Masks, eye patch.) *An Item inspired by a Medici (clothing, furniture, political! Anything with connections to the Medici!) *Period Hairstyle

May Crown XLIX (2014) Hosted by Barony of Aneala *Reconstructing a Movement (Dance, Theatre, Fighting, Jug- gling, Period Sports, etc. Researching and Recreating particu- lar Movements from Historical Sources.) *Footwear (Shoes, Socks, Hose, etc) *Item for an Archer (Bow, arrows, quiver, vambrace etc)

Midwinter XLIX (2014) Hosted by Barony of Politarchopolis *Court Garb (From any period, special attention to recreating all the layers) *Painted Furniture (Boxes, chairs, beds, etc) *Table Settings (Plates, cutlery etc)

November Crown XLIX (2014) Hosted by … … *Item of Personal Heraldry *Period Headwear *An Item of Blacksmithing* Focus on practical items for SCA use, ie for a Campsite

Kingdom of Lochac

A&S competitions

Twelfth Night Coronation XLIX (2015) Hosted by … … *Performance-Ensemble (group of 2 or more, videos allowed) *Dyeing making of dyes or dyeing of fabric/leather/etc) *Cooking-desserts (If not coming to event, must have com- ments of 3 tasters from local group)

May Crown L (2015) Hosted by … … *Clothing-non European *Pottery or Glasswork (Making of) *Leatherwork

*Midwinter L (2015) *hosted by … … *Poetry-Original work in Period style *Lace-*any type of lace or items to help make lace *Animal Accoutrements-*Barding, leashes, collars, etc

*November Crown L (2015) Hosted by … … *Beadwork *Medicine A medical related item or research on a historical medical topic *Bookbinding/Papercraft- Making books or paper

College challenge

Date Sunday, October 20th 2013 Time 8am Set up 9am start Venue Oak Lawn, UWA Crawley Campus Hackett Entrance 1, Hackett Dr. Crawley

Steward Zaven Zeitountsi Contact [email protected] Bookings By Tuesday 15th October Pricing We usually like to tax the populace for a piece of gold, however, non members will need to pay $5

The College of St Basil the Great will be hosting a ra- pier and heavy tournament to celebrate a momentous occasion in our group's history. As of late, the College of St Lazarus has been somewhat lacklustre, so we have devised a way to assist them. The College of St Lazarus will be annexed to our lands and shall hence- forth be known as 'Great Southern Basilia'. This event shall include our finest collegian combatants, and per- haps those who do not approve of our latest acquisi- tion...

Please provide a dish for pot luck lunch

Fairytale Bal D'Aneala

Date Saturday, October 26th 2013 Venue Beaumaris Community Centre 66 Constellation Drive Ocean Reef, Time 4:30 setup, 6pm start Steward Cara di Lupo [email protected] Pricing Member: $15 Non-member: $20 15-17: $10 Under 15: free- Bookings By Saturday, October 19th 2013

Once Upon a Time, in the fair Barony of Aneala there lived an assortment of lovely ladies. These ladies loved stories, dance and music. To cele- brate their love for the arts the Bal d’ Aneala is to be held in the theme of fairytales. Stories from Myths and Legends of heroes and heroines doing great deeds and going on wondrous adventures inspire and entertain us all. Come dance, sing and tell tales to celebrate this most important part of our theatrical lives and help decide upon the next Golden Rose; Bard of Aneala.

Please bring a Pot luck dish to share, finger food

Arts & Sciences Fairytale inspired Garb (Anealan Colours encouraged) Fairytale Inspired food

Requirements for the Golden Rose: TBA Run by Lady Aoife inghean Ui Conchobhair

Please request 2-3 dances when booking.

Abertridwr Red dragon celebration

Date Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th November Time 1pm Friday to 2pm Monday Venue Wandi Progress Association Hall/Oval & Magenup Equestrian Centre (adjacent to Wandi centre) De Haer Road, Wandi, Steward Mistress Liduina [email protected] Bookings By Sunday 10th November Pricing Full weekend (including Feast): Adult ($45 Under 18 - $25 Under 6 - Free Feast only: Adult $30 Under 18: $15 Under 6: Free Day rates: Adults $10 Under 18: $5 Under 6: Free

The above are Member prices, Non-members, please add a $5 surcharge (inc. children under 6) to cover the insurance indemnity.

Abertridwr will be graced with the Presence of Their Majesties, King Niall and Queen Liadan for this event.

There will be a Tournament, Equestrian events, a sumptuous Feast, as well as a full day of Archery on the Sunday.

There will also be an Open A&S competition with a Red Dragon theme, in any medium. Please bring along a Potluck dish to share for lunch on both days.

Bookings for the Feast are essential, as we can only accommodate a finite number.

MAY crown

Date Friday May 9th 2014 3pm to Sunday, May 11th 2014 2pm Venue Ern Halliday Recreation Camp, Whitfords Ave, Hillarys WA Steward Baron Kilic of Aneala Contact [email protected] Bookings Close Sunday, May 4th 2014

We have listed member prices only with non-members pricing being $5 more to cover the event membership fee.

Dormitory attendance fees Child members 6 and under are free Child members 6 to 16 $110 Adult members and children over 16 $120

Tent attendance fees Child members 6 and under are free Child members 6 to 16 $90 Adult members and children over 16 $100

Day attendance fees includes lunch and dinner. Child members 6 and under are free Child members 6 to 16 $55 Adult members and children over 16 $60 Free event for participants

You are invited to travel to the Western Lands of Lochac for that most majestic of events, the choosing of a Royal Successor. There will be great pageantry and ceremony as well as the fighters of Lochac battling to win the right to rule by Arms. A Feast to celebrate the new Prince and Princess and those who stood ready to lead Lochac will be held after the Crown Tournament. More details will follow, in the meantime please contact the Steward. Western Leathercraft

PHONE 9227 9127

Established in 1981, Western Leathercraft has Western ’s greatest range of leather-related arts and crafts supplies. we’re not just a leather shop! We have all manner of books and accessories for the medievally minded.

Our shop front is located at 297 Lord Street, Highgate. Mon – Fri 10am to 5pm Saturday 10am to 3pm

Leathercraft Books

Leather Hides Cooking Scrap Leather Costuming Belt Blanks Leathercraft Beginner’s Kits Swordfighting Buckles Blacksmithing Dyes& Paints Armouring Conchos History Lace & Cord Carpentry Leathercare products Calligraphy Needles Musical Leatherworking Children’s Medieval Tools Chainmail Embossing Stamps Reenactor Magazines


Medieval Buckles Dress Daggers Cutlery Pewter Badges Celtic pendants Viking Pendants SCA Belt Mounts Coins Jewelry About the Vine

This is Volume 19, Issue 6 (October A.S. XLVI / 2013) of The Vine, which is the newsletter for the Barony of Aneala. It is available from the Anealan Chronicler: [email protected] The Vine is not an official publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) and does not delineate SCA policy. The official newsletter for the Society in Australia is Pegasus, which is available from the Registrar at [email protected]

The closing date for submissions to The Vine is the Sunday after Baronial Council. Advertising, including event flyers should be in Word or Publisher. No PDFs. Please send original source documents.

Copyright Information: Official articles from Society Officers, event flyers and calen- dar information may be reprinted without further permission in newsletters and other publications of branches of the SCA. All copyright in original articles or art herein belongs with the receptive contributors, who must approve all re-use. Please contact the Chronicler for all enquiries regarding re-publication of articles and artwork from The Vine. The Vine may use art from a variety of sources. If your art is featured here without your credit and/or permission, contact us, and we will properly credit you, or cease use of the art. Disclaimer: The Vine, the Barony of Aneala and the SCA do not control web-sites other than their own, and so offer no warranty as to the suitability or content of external sites. You visit these sites at your own risk.

Online Resources —Group Websites

Barony of Aneala (, WA)

Canton of Abertridwr (South of Perth, WA)

College of St Basil the Great (UWA)

Incipient Canton of Vallon d’Or (Balingup)

Shire of Dragons Bay (Kwinana)

Kingdom of Lochac (Australia & ) SCA Corporate site (Australia) SCA Corporate site (World-wide)