9 MARCH 1929.


EL .

PUBLISHED FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISSEMINATING GENERAL INFORMATION OF PROBABLE INTEREST TO THE SERVICE, e !?lie subject falls under the heads of ship construction and safety anpliances, such as lifeboats, ra2io, and navigaticml aids. The last ncmed will include rules 0:' the road, ice ptroi, weatiler reports, an2 ncbvigational instrmnts, such LS radio compasses, direction finders, etc. 4 Eleven Auerican delecates have been named. The deleeation will be headed by Re2resentative 'Jallace €1. 'Jhite, JY., znd nil1 include in its members Captain C, S. Xemnff, Hydrotrapher, and Bear Admiral C. E. Rock (CC). The delegation will be acc3lqaniea 5y eleven technical caLivisors. Amon&, those desif>nated are Commander C. h:. Austin, Bureau ~f Navigation, and Lieutenant Cmmander En I. Cochrane (CC).

E:aminatior,s for Officers.

The Naval Eminiix 3owd advises that, to better comply with General Order $49, soraenhat more attention will be Given to electi ical sc5Jects than has been the cast heretofore in the exaqimtion of officers for promotion. Fa-rIfL.2tions afill be practical in c!i&ractcr and gertain to the letzst electrical iu tallations. Answers based on experience an2 observation are desi. cd.

The RoarL also x?--~isc:stnat, lienccforth, C~v7-f Sticl, Court of Inquiry and Board of Inv2st atlon cases may be cxxctcd for J :c ;-:ion Twitli eLwrlvatiOiis. These cases cuvcr collisions, grounc'inEs, onGinzerinC Casualties aid c ailera: mess maladminls trat ton. They my appear under the siib jcc t !; 1Tav i:,at ion, Seamiiship, Engineeriq, Rcculations or Llilitary Lan.

Inquiries have been addressed tc the Board relative to the use of H0O.#E08 (Dreisonstok) in solution of Practical Navihation problems. Use of these tables is acceptabb to tLe Bxwd.

,-" ,-" Cost of--._- Personlncl ---- Replacement.

In a previous Ncws Bulletin it vas stated tilat only 8;; of the total strencth of tnc IYczvy mdst be rcplaccd cacl: ycar by recruits on account of mcn who do not re-enlist oc expiration of enlistment. Four years a;@ 1'7); of the total strength of the Yavy iiati to be ieplaced by recruits to make up for losses fer reascns other than non-re-enlistmnt. Last year this percenta,e had dropped to lo$. This year the ;x?rcenta&e will still further drop to LLbout 8%. At the present time the losses for causes otlicr than non-re-enlistmnt about ecpal the lossos from non-re-enlist- ment. Every effort shoula be maee to reduce tkis percentace still Fwther. A reductio11 of 27; amounts to about one-quarter of a million Collars expendituro from the a;?propriZt ion Vay '?Tavy9It due princip.1ly to oost of uniform outfits on first e:ilistrxnt and tracsprtction.

Recruit i.

1:ata s::owing dischwgcs nf onlistcd men at Training Stations for a11 caases Curin[ the first six months of tile present fiscal year has Seen coq2iled. He- @ cruitin;, stations are arrangeu in order of standinc. The station at tile head of the list has ,0095 rezections for this Jsriod, a:id the stction at tile bottom has .0975.

-7 1 --c --y/- 1 CT 1 c c; ) This ic already done in the morning; sight c V!I 1 cql! 1 c AT I to

Lon6,itude (Sest lorq itttde avr>,ilaSle)

t* Zn?. f (coilvert to minutes by multi?lgin(, t 5y 60) Cali thi:, ts - . . then interval to LAY = --t' - ---I_ p_l-_-l_-- ans. in hrs. 500 ietstiq, or westin6 mde

iii 1 hour

"It is so short that it rivals interval to nooa tables. The method ie similar to Tad's."

1,er is1 Susve&

!hi0 Loeniq &qhiSia:-: planes of the ;;est Ilidizfl herial Survey Unit, of the Scouting Fleet, piloted by i-icutensnt C. H. Schildhauer, U.5.!Te9 in command, and Iieutenant (Jc,) T, T. Tucker, photo&ra,dlic officer, left the TTaval Aircraft Fact- ory9 Phiiadel@ia, on Friday, 15 February, on 5 flight to Cubs. Stops were made zt !Iam;;ton Hoads, Cmileston, Jacksonville, lLiami9 and Ley Tiest.

-.ifter a Srief stop at hey Yest, theg joined the U.S.S. NCi-Ci\.IS cn the north- east coast of Cuba for aerial ph0to;raphi.c xrork in connection vJitl, the survey whici: this vessel is now ni&kiq3 for the Hydrographic Office. Verticbl photographs

7.511 be take2 rrom an altitude of 10,QOC feet of the entire coast line including the Sajs tn6 harbors from Wuevitas Bay to Cape Eiysi on the extreme eastern end of tlie IslsnCL of CuSa. After coqletion of the work tdth the E0KOL:IS tlie planes will join the U.S.L. Hkl??'iU~on the northzest coast of Cuba z~dconduct a similar sur- ve;i for tiiis vessel aionl; thc coast from Jutias Cay to Jitanzi3.s.

The ;,lenes vi11 then rcturn to Key ;Jest and devel.o;rJ and print the pictures with xi11 hve Sccn takcn. The work is arran;cd so th&t the planes will takc ghoto~ra,,~llstsis sLa50i1covGrinL tho arsa iddhiciivi11 3s surveys6 52 the ships thc foliowin, seacon. Thc NO?LOl,IS 2nd "W'IAAI ;'sc nol; utinL acrial photographs vlnic;: JXI c tt!;cn by this Unit last year. About the 15th of BIay tne cchcdulc of tl:is Uait calls for an ar3riEtl rcc3nnrUissance of the Gulf Coast from Nc.v ~rlC?Zls, La. to Bromxiville, Tens, for tho purpose of flicht checking coastal aviet3.cn cliai ts nov Soin;, corn-ilod kjr the Eydro;,rapic Office. The Naval Researell Laboratory, Bellevue, Znacostia, D. C., has informe6 the Bweaii tL3.t it is in 2 yosition to nnsver in5uiries concerning scientific matters. This service s]ioulc! be of jreLt vnlue to officers mho my desire ai1 index of articles on profescional matters, or wlio seek information on specific subjects.

-Navy Belief Stam6 Sale.

The Navy Relief association has a limited number of unused Navy Department stizm,?s of three cent uenoniinstion, for sale. The catalogue price of these stamps is t1.75. They are being* sold by the Relief Associatiofi for one dollar each, or four dollars in blocks of four. Stm? collectors should address inquiries to the Trainin& Division, Sureau of Nav i,at ion.

Sponsor for U.S.S. PEiTSAC0i.A.

The Secretary of the Navy liss se lectecl Airs. Josie KmTiles SeliGman, daughter of Ik. 7illiam If. knoi.,rles of Pcnsacola, , ;nd no8 o; New York City, as s3onsor for Li,riit Cruiser ~lPCFSACrJLUtfwhich is to be launcl-icd at the Navy Yard, Kcw Yark, 25 . u 0 6 0 S . LOU1 SVILLE . The Secretary of the TJavy has selected the name "Louisville" after the City of Louisville, Iientuc?q, for 1i;jnt Cruiser 170. 28, under construction at thc ITsvy Yard, 3q;t:t Sound, i7ashiqton. The keel for this cruiser VJZS ?aid July 4, 1928 . ad hcr probabld datc of comFletion is Bhch 13, ~931. light C;U~SLI* iTo. 28 5s thc last onc to be nrmed cf a protram of eicht ii@t cruisers i,ihLch veri: aathor- izcc? in 1924. This cruisd is 609 feet loi1:;th ovcrall, cxtlprnc 'srC&th 64 feet, 5 3/8 inclxs and dieplacemcat 10,000 tons; i.1cal draft 19 fcct, 8s inclics.

Senate Ac1;ion Fcbyuery 16.

Scnatc Hale rcpor tcd out the Public ;!OK!CS Bill nith an ammdmcnt (dcubtlcss refcryin; to tiic New Orlcons dry dock, vJ;Jliicliwas tlic only point in dispute betvmx-' thc Senate and the House.

Senator Iieflin reneeed his attack on the church pennant and Senator Hawcs introduced in the Record a letter from Chaplain' Cickins on the subject.

After very little discussion the Senate passed thc Army Promotion Sill, noteF on vhich are given ii1 detail later.

Senate acce$ed cor,fersnce re;2ort as to Chief Jf Staff, U. S. Army, sild Chief of Naval Oyercttions, iJhicl1 wiil rank these officers above all other officers yn the active list of tk krixy md Navy and will ;?rescribe that thy takc rznk in accordancc sith their datc of appointrent as such, but with the proviso that the prcsunt relative rank of tlic Clziof of Staff &a tho Chief of Naval Opcrations sha.1 not be chsq;cd. - 5-

Iietirec. officert 7;Fii 5e advaiiceo on the retireti lis to the highest rank held dixing, the 7.doi-ld. V;~arbut .:ithut iiicretise of i3ay.

-__-Scmte, Februmy 23 and 24.

pi’LA, Seaato 3aturclag pssea the Ap:ro;~riztiin 3il3, reject iiyl. the ernendment dirzctin<- in effect the recGl1 of tlre Xarines from f’?icaragua. On pro form re,jcc- tioii clf tlx ai:eiiciiEiits ai26 ~L~;ioiiltrne~~tof eoIifei*ees by the House on Nonday, the Senate c‘esi;n:ited. I;esz:.s. Iizie, Phip;?s ?ad Svcinscn BE its conferees, the Eouse havin; decitnated T,,cesrs. I?’reiich, Hard;7, TLScr iiyers anc’ Oliver

The BicalTr::,uzil Caw1 survey bill nas pssec. by the Scnatc on hnday.

Sever21 ;wiv&;.tc bill:, of intordst to tiic: 8avy wrc rcportcd from Senate Com- mittcc. +- 7 .. I.,. -.-.-.+ I .: - -: ,,- . .- .

23 MARCH 1929.


Luthoriziq, tne uke Sy !Tavkl xitients of othel yovernment hospitals- prticularly qPliccSle to the Fitzsimons General Hospital for tuSerculosis cases.

Allovi~retired officers to serve in the diplomtic and consular services.

Inclusion of step-children mti adopted children, when actually denencient, in the leLa1 "depententsk! for whom undei the Pay Act allowances may be drawn.

Allonint, war time service a: Tvarrsnt or commissioned officers to count for certain varrant officers for purposes of promotion to chief :;arrant rank.

rAIlo~;Jin[_ciisposit ion of obso lete material to sea scouts. '3. RemovinL the sta,tutory pl-ohibition on the retirerneilt of certttin dental officer:. Sefore reac,,inp, the aL,o of 70 zyx: allowing tlieir retirement at 64.

6110y7!iq Senefitr of honorzSle dischuge to men discharGcd for fraudulent LiliiLti:.ci1t9 on accourlt of misrcprcsentation of age, owio& thc period of hostiiitieL in the Jorld har.

In addition to the aSovc, a number of privatL bills for the relief of in- * divicuai:, rdcrc cmctcd. In Lcncral thcsc bills fell in thc followin; ClSsSCS: (i;) Grcnt of btnofitL of honorabic disch;;r&c to formcr cniistcd mcn dischavged othcr than honoraSly.

(Si Rilicf of' cisbursinL officers v~liosoaccounts hav.v; Scsn suspcndcd for C~USLS not ?,ttriSuta5lc to thcir ovn fault or nctii@ncc.

( c 1 Adv;nci.r:,oilt o 1' inciv idus1 officcrs on ret ired list ~ ana instatrmEht di othcr6 tha on.