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THE FIELD REGINA NORTHROP NEIGHBORHOOD GROUP NEWSLETTER January/February2018 Event Honors Hale-Field School Desegregation By Terry Mazig, Chair, Education Committee, er presentation by Field 6-8 grade AVID and Carrie Shidla, Communications Committee students on the history of integration in On Thursday, November 9, the com- south Minneapolis. There was also time to munity celebrated the 45 years of the honor the elders and leaders who partici- Hale-Field school partnership at Field pated in the merger of these two schools. Community School. This historic pairing merged together Field School, which The panel consisted of Hale/Field parent had a majority African-American student and education organizer Greg King, population, with Hale School which was former student Heidi Adelsman, former predominantly white. The pairing of the student Cindy Booker, and parent Zamara two schools was part of a district-wide Cuyún. The panel praised the work of effort in 1971 to desegregate Minneapolis past generations and used the night as a Provided photo schools, which was the result of housing rallying point to address issues that still Field students researched and produced more than 25 posters on topics related to racial segregation. Hale and Field schools were exist today, with all the panel members segregation in south Minneapolis. among the first in Minneapolis to desegre- pointing to the fact that today many areas gate thanks to years of activism by leaders have re-segregated to levels not seen since The event was put on by the Field Regina in our community, teachers, and parents. 1971. They also tackled difficult issues of Northrop education committee in part- housing affordability, and what it means nership with Hale and Field staff. The This wonderful event included music by to bring “your whole self” to school when event and the elders were praised by Sena- the Hale and Field choirs, an introduction you come from a minority background tor Amy Klobuchar in a video recorded in by Minneapolis School board member that can make a child feel different and Washington and shared via social media. Nelson Inz, a panel discussion, and a post- sometimes unwelcome. In it, Klobuchar says,”Everyone attending the Hale-Field event shares this belief, that you should be able to achieve your dreams and grow into healthy, happy adults and The Making of a you should receive a good education and it should not depend on who your are, what you look like or the Zip Code you Neighborhood Celebrity were born into. All children deserve the right to receive a quality education.” By Adam Webster, Carrie Shilda, and Continued on page 7 Sue Filbin, Communications Committee As we put together this issue of Close to Home, one thing is certain: our inspiring, hard-working leader and fellow neighbor- President’s Letter hood resident—Chris Schommer—has a Hello FRN, lot on his (already-busy) plate. We are at the end of 2017, another year has almost passed. We have seen so many By day, Chris works at the library at changes occur in our world and in our Macalester College, a position that Neighborhood as well. Some changes Continued on page 2 Continued on page 3 Field Regina Northrop Neighborhood Group 1620 East 46th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55407 • 612-721-5424 • frnng.org The Making of a Neighborhood Celebrity, continued from page 1 presents with unexpected opportunities. Late Night with Seth Meyers, and many neighborhood has known for years. We’re Few have been more unusual than those other outlets. pleased that the internet locked onto this resulting from a series of run-ins with a sign and story, but we’re delighted that frequent campus visitor, a neighborhood The story behind the story is just as the rest of the world can celebrate what cat who made a habit of attempting to charming. Chris himself had just returned we’ve already known about Chris. Chris is gain access to the library. Chris took it to work at Macalester after taking time currently working to turn this wonderful upon himself to more fully communicate with his wife Megan to celebrate the tale into the children’s story it was always to the public that cat’s immeasurable arrival of their newborn daughter. He’d meant to be. For updates and more, charm and lack of borrowing privileges. spent much of his parental leave reading check out http://letmaxin.com/ The cat in question? Max. Yes, that Max children’s books, especially to his 3-year- the Cat. old daughter. Freshly inspired by that To meet our neighborhood celebrity, at- vocabulary and cadence, Chris dashed tend the communication committee meet- off that sign. He wasn’t seeking notoriety; ing that convenes on the second Monday he was addressing a work issue with of every month at 6:30 p.m. at Sovereign the capable wit and warmth our Grounds. Chris is always there. v Night on 48th Succeeds Again By Patricia Jones, Chair, Business Committee; Silent Auction Donors Corrie Perez, Business Committee; and • 14 Hill: Gift Bag Stearline Rucker, Program Director. • Afternoon Printing: Original poster Thank you to our sponsors, silent-auction • Heidi Bargmann, Perfectly Polished: contributors, board members, volunteers, Gift certificate for basic manicure individuals, and program director. • Bone Adventure: Gift box Sponsors • Bubbly Paws: Gift certificate Photo: Connie Lipton Jones Financial Group Chris Schommer, chair of the communications • Carver Junk: Gift bag committee, with Max the Cat. • $500 • Sue Filbin: Original nature print • Kidsitters at McRae Park (Field Community • Fit For Change: Gift certificate for four A campus visitor snapped a photo of the School students). 30-minute workout sessions with a sign and shared it online. Social media • FRN youth T-shirts certified personal trainer took over and the story has gone viral. Ken & Norm’s Liquor • Gilleece Family: Spain-theme basket And what a story: it’s heart-warming, • $500 + more than $200 wine for wine raffle • Illusion Theater :Two performances; funny, and it touches upon so many char- Dick’s Metro Flooring two tickets acters who help Macalester’s community • $200 • Primp: Gift certificate come to life. There’s a reason that it has Ray Welter Heating & Air Conditioning • Pedego Twin Cities: Gift certificate for trended on Reddit and Twitter, and • $200 four 2-hour rentals has been featured in the StarTribune, Salon 45 • Pump House Creamery: Gift certificate Washington Post, MPR, The Today Show, • $100 • Sum Dem: Gift card for appetizer sampler Andrea L. Newton, DDS | Julie E. Clouse, DDS 4454 Chicago Avenue 612-823-6262 www.familydentalclinic-mpls.com Building lifelong relationships one smile at a time 2 Close to Home borhoods were once segregated by design, our neighborhoods? Who will help orga- and what it took to unify and desegregate nize these group(s)? How do we make sure our schools and neighborhoods. we are including all our new businesses, in our conversation about the commercial We’ve talked about crime in our commu- plans and hopes of our community? We nity, and how we can do something about need to work with McRae Park on com- it. FRN you have talked about forming munity building, in planning activities for walking groups, and walking together, our young people and teenagers. We have with the strength of unity, looking out our newsletter publication, Close to Home, for each other. and we need people to continue to write Provided pohoto Willie Bridges, President, Field Regina articles for the paper. We have a great Northrop Neighborhood Group (FRNNG) This November, we voted for a lot of local production team for the newsletter, who elected positions that have a direct impact have won several awards and recognition on our community. This new year, we will for being an outstanding newsletter. Let’s President’s Letter, con't from page 1 have two new City Council Members: continue to share our enthusiasm and have been positive, and some have been Andrea Jenkins and Jeremy Schroeder. talents to maintain this asset. negative. We have seen some old business- We are looking forward to working with es close on Chicago Avenue, and we’ve both of them and having them to hear FRN I’m up to the challenge for 2018 seen some new businesses open in their our concerns for our communities, and and I need your help to make these things place. We have a new bakery on 46th and working on our behalf. They will be happen. Please consider joining one of our Bloomington, too. replacing our previous Council Members, committees that interest you, and making Elizabeth Glidden and John Quincy, who 2018 the best for FRN. We’ve seen longtime business owner, Joe gave so much of themselves to preserve Minjares, who will be closing his Pepitos and improve our communities. To them If you have new neighbors, please intro- restaurant. Joe has been very active in our we give our appreciation. duce yourself and welcome them to the community through the years. He has neighborhood. Be safe and be aware of been very sick of late, and we want Joe to FRN, we have work ahead of as we begin your surroundings: always lock your car know that we’re thinking about him. the New Year 2018. How do we work doors, garage doors, and house doors. If with our local schools to help keep our you have an elderly person living next This past November, Hale and Field kids engaged and wanting to stay in door to you, check up on them periodical- School taught us in the community all school? What is it that we can do to assist ly, to make sure that they’re OK.