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E302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 18, 2005 IN MEMORY OF DR. ALLEN and invaluable contributions, and we extend Army Air Field in Tuskegee, Alabama. Five of BROMLEY, PROFESSOR OF PHYS- our condolences to his family. those thirteen young men completed training ICS AND FORMER PRESIDENTIAL f and received their Army Air Corps silver pilot SCIENCE ADVISOR wings, becoming our Nation’s first African HONORING THE WORDS OF JOHN American military fighter pilots. They would HON. VERNON J. EHLERS JACKSON later be known as the Tuskegee Airmen. OF MICHIGAN Between 1941 and 1946, 992 pilots grad- HON. TIM RYAN uated from Tuskegee Army Air Field, with 450 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF OHIO of those serving during World War II in either Thursday, February 17, 2005 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the famed 99th Fighter Squadron or the 332nd Mr. EHLERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Thursday, February 17, 2005 Fighter Group. Both units, heralded for their recognize the contributions of physicist Allan bravery and tenacity, received numerous Pres- Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, it gives me Bromley to this nation’s science and tech- idential Unit Citations for exemplary tactical air great pride to honor the words of John Jack- nology enterprise. support and aerial combat. The Tuskegee Air- son, a steelworker from Warren, Ohio. I am Dr. Allan Bromley, a Yale University pro- men also paid a high price, losing 150 pilots proud to claim him as my constituent. fessor, nuclear physicist and architect of na- while in training or on combat flights. I AMANAMERICAN STEEL MILL tional science policy during the administration It has been said that the Tuskegee Airmen of President George H. W. Bush, passed I was born over 100 years ago. fought two wars—one against the enemy over- I am a true American. away on Thursday, February 10, 2005, at the seas and the other against racism and bigotry I survived the depression. at home and abroad. Yet, in the face of these age of 79. I have lived through wars. A native of Westmeath, Ontario, Canada, I sweated. challenges, they accepted their country’s call Dr. Bromley earned bachelor’s and master’s I poured ton after ton out of you. to service and fought heroically in great battles degrees at Queen’s University and a doctorate When called upon I answered. for freedom. from the University of Rochester in 1952. He At wartime I served my country. Mr. Speaker, the national organization of subsequently received 32 honorary doctorates I served it true. Tuskegee Airmen, Tuskegee Airmen, Inc., es- from universities on four continents. I worked 24 hours a day 7 days a week for timates there are fewer than 300 of the origi- Bromley was the first scientist to artificially you. nal Tuskegee Airmen still alive today. Three of Never stopping, never slowing down. these courageous individuals reside in my own form nuclear molecules through high-speed Never asking for anything in return. collisions using a five million-volt particle ac- I have supplied you with the materials to district. Mr. O. Oliver Goodall of Altadena, celerator that he pioneered in 1959. He found- build California; Mr. Andrew Jack Simon of South ed the A. W. Wright Nuclear Structure Labora- Planes, trains, ships, cars, and whatever you Pasadena, California; and Mr. LeRoy Criss of tory at Yale and served as its director from asked of me. Pasadena, California all received their training 1963 to 1989. During the same period, his I have helped make you the super power that as Army Air Force fighter pilots and joined the outstanding teaching contributed to his labora- you are. ranks of the Tuskegee Airmen in 1942 and tory graduating more Ph.D.s in experimental I have made you feel proud, safe, secure, and 1943. They served our country with honor and superior to other nations. distinction, and I am grateful for their dedica- physics than any other institution in the world. I have given people their way of life. In 1988, he received the National Medal of I have taken away life from people. tion and service. Today, I honor the contribu- Science, the nation’s highest scientific award, Do You Know Who I Am? tions of Mr. Goodall, Mr. Simon, and Mr. Criss for his remarkable contributions to the ad- I Am an American Steel Mill and all of the other Tuskegee Airmen who vancement of science and the characterization I have helped you when called upon, served valiantly in the U.S. Military. of atomic nuclei. I have supported you though good times I am pleased to rise in support of H. Con. Dr. Bromley’s tremendous accomplishments And bad times. Res. 26 which recognizes these were not limited to the confines of the aca- Now I am asking you this great groundbreaking individuals for their bravery country of ours and dedication not only to fight for their coun- demic laboratory. As the first person to hold Think what life would be like if I die the Cabinet level rank of Assistant to the try, but also to fight for equality back home. Think how safe, proud, secure you would feel The ‘‘Tuskegee Experiment,’’ as it was President for Science and Technology, Dr. if I die. Bromley increased both the staff and budget The cries for help are all across the country. known at the time, was not an experiment at of the White House Office of Science and The same country I helped build. all, but a radical disproving of racial stereo- Technology Policy by factors of more than five The same country I helped become strong. types and a precursor to the Civil Rights between 1989 and 1993. He supported in- Please don’t let me die. Movement of the 1950s and the 1960s. The creasing scientific research in the federal port- Serve me as I have served you. Tuskegee Airmen shattered many of the en- folio, considering it a necessity to remain com- f trenched racial biases in American culture, and in many respects, these pioneers were petitive with other nations’ investments. He HONORING THE TUSKEGEE among the first to challenge segregationist championed the expansion of the ‘‘data super- AIRMEN highway,’’ the precursor of the internet, and is policies. The Tuskegee Airmen charted the credited with convincing the president to at- SPEECH OF course for the many other brave individuals tend a summit on global warming. Among his HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF who follow them in the continuing quest for ra- many other accomplishments, Dr. Bromley has cial equality in the United States, and they de- OF CALIFORNIA served as the president of the American Phys- serve both our respect and our admiration. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ical Society, a member of the Governing f Wednesday, February 9, 2005 Board of the American Institute of Physics, REPEAL 22ND AMENDMENT TO U.S. and as a member of the National Science Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, this month we CONSTITUTION Board. celebrate Black History Month and the many Curiously, Dr. Bromley became a U.S. cit- accomplishments and contributions of African HON. STENY H. HOYER izen through rather unusual circumstances. In Americans in our community. I rise today to OF MARYLAND 1970, after visiting a high-security testing site, honor the lives and sacrifices of the Tuskegee IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES someone realized that Bromley wasn’t a U.S. Airmen. citizen. With the help of a judge, this oversight Prior to 1940, African Americans were de- Thursday, February 17, 2005 was quickly remedied. nied military leadership roles and skilled train- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I am introducing At the time of his death, Dr. Bromley was ing in the U.S. Military because the military in- today a joint resolution to repeal outright the still actively teaching physics at Yale as the stitution believed they lacked the qualifications 22nd Amendment to the Constitution. The Sterling Professor of Sciences. and experience for combat duty. In fact, Afri- 22nd Amendment requires that no person who Dr. Bromley served his country in a variety can Americans were barred from flying for the has served two terms or has served two years of ways, from the Oval Office to the class- U.S. military until World War II when the Army of another President’s term be permitted to room. He will be remembered as one of the Air Corps program initiated a program known serve another term of office. most influential science advisers ever, as well ‘‘Tuskegee Experiment.’’ The time has come to repeal the 22nd as one of the most beloved teachers in higher In July 1941, thirteen young Americans Amendment to the Constitution, and not be- education. We fondly remember his leadership began military flight training at the Tuskegee cause of partisan politics. 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