Response summary - [ Get ready to ... play fantasy cabinet ] - Google Docs 07/05/2010 13:18

2148 responses


Prime minister (Con) 552 26% (Lab) 364 17% (Lab) 164 8% (Lab) 620 29% (Lib Dem) 448 21%

Chancellor of the Exchequer (Con) 125 6% (Lab) 402 19% (Lib Dem) 1458 68% Ken Clarke (Con) 163 8%

Home secretary (Lab) 725 34% Chris Grayling (Con) 106 5% (Lib Dem) 330 15% Nick Clegg (Lib Dem) 987 46% Page 1 of 4 Response summary - [ Get ready to ... play fantasy cabinet ] - Google Docs 07/05/2010 13:18

Foreign secretary David Miliband (Lab) 1008 47% William Hague (Con) 656 31% Ed Davey (Lib Dem) 484 23%

Defence secretary (Con) 812 38% Nick Harvey (Lib Dem) 691 32% Bob Ainsworth (Lab) 645 30%

Energy and climate change secretary (Lab) 770 36% (Lib Dem) 265 12% (Con) 65 3% Caroline Lucas (Green) 910 42% Zac Goldsmith (Con) 138 6%

Justice secretary Page 2 of 4 Response summary - [ Get ready to ... play fantasy cabinet ] - Google Docs 07/05/2010 13:18

Jack Straw (Lab) 1331 62% Dominic Grieve (Con) 324 15% David Howarth (Lib Dem) 493 23%

Business secretary Lord Mandelson (Lab) 975 45% Ken Clarke (Con) 622 29% John Thurso (Lib Dem) 229 11% Vince Cable (Lib Dem) 322 15%

Culture secretary (Lab) 1254 58% Jeremy Hunt (Con) 322 15% Don Foster (Lib Dem) 572 27%

Communities and local government secretary Caroline Spelman (Con) 767 36% (Lab) 949 44% A Lib Dem (Julia Goldsworthy lost her seat) 432 20% Page 3 of 4 Response summary - [ Get ready to ... play fantasy cabinet ] - Google Docs 07/05/2010 13:18

Schools secretary (Lab) 1007 47% Michael Gove (Con) 399 19% David Laws (Lib Dem) 742 35%

Transport secretary Lord Adonis (Lab) 1171 55% Theresa Villiers (Con) 326 15% Norman Baker (Lib Dem) 651 30%

Work and pensions Yvette Cooper (Lab) 951 44% Theresa May (Con) 486 23% Steve Webb (Lib Dem) 711 33% Page 4 of 4