Evidence-based Initiatives of FIAN Nepal on Right to Food Policies, Programmes & Practices in Nepal Editors: Prof. Dr. Keshab Khadka Basant Adhikari Nirmal Gadal Buddhi Ram Chaudhary Mabin Ghale Food-first Information and Action Network (FIAN) Nepal © FIAN Nepal, 2014 Published by: Food-first Information and Action Network (FIAN) Nepal Kupondole, Lalitpur, P.O. Box: 11363 Tel.: +977-1-5011609, 5527152, 5527650 Fax: +977-1-5527834 Website: http://www.fiannepal.org Email:
[email protected] Disclaimer: The information and opinions presented in the research studies are entirely of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the official views and opinions of FIAN Nepal to which the writers are affiliated. Acknowledgement FIAN Nepal has identified six thematic areas towards strengthening right to food movement in Nepal. They are: 1. food and access to natural resource and services, 2. right to water (inclusive of access to irrigation, water privatization distortions and access to safe drinking water), 3. agricultural inputs (i.e., seeds, fertilizers, government services, resource mobilization), 4. women/marginalized sections/Dalits, 5. extra territorial obligations, and 6 . food aid and labour (farm labour and diaspora). Since its establishment, FIAN Nepal is exploring these thematic areas and advocating for the protection and promotion of human right to food, with specific focus on vulnerable people and communities of Nepal. In this process, FIAN Nepal has pursued evidence- based analyses on the above thematic areas either by making use of case studies or researches, the results of which are compiled here - as research works on Food Aid, Access to Natural Resources, Seed Policy, and Climate Change.