Volunteers Sought for New Youth Running Series
TONIGHT Clear. Low of 13. Search for The Westfield News The WestfieldNews Search for The Westfield News “I DO NOT Westfield350.com The WestfieldNews Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns “TIME ISUNDERSTAND THE ONLY WEATHER CRITIC THEWITHOUT WORLD , TONIGHT AMBITIONBUT I WATCH.” Partly Cloudy. ITSJOHN PROGRESS STEINBECK .” Low of 55. www.thewestfieldnews.com Search for The Westfield News Westfield350.comWestfield350.org The WestfieldNews — KaTHERINE ANNE PORTER “TIME IS THE ONLY VOL. 86 NO. 151 Serving Westfield,TUESDAY, Southwick, JUNE 27, and2017 surrounding Hilltowns 75 cents VOL.88WEATHER NO. 53 MONDAY, MARCH 4, 2019 CRITIC75 CentsWITHOUT TONIGHT AMBITION.” Partly Cloudy. JOHN STEINBECK Low of 55. www.thewestfieldnews.com Attention Westfield: Open Space VOL. 86 NO. 151 75 cents Let’s ‘Retire the Fire!’ CommitteeTUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 By TINA GORMAN discussing Executive Director Westfield Council On Aging With support from the changes at Westfield Fire Department, the Westfield Public Safety Communication Center, the next meeting Westfield News, the Westfield By GREG FITZPATRICK Rotary Club, and Mayor Brian Correspondent Sullivan, the Westfield Council SOUTHWICK – The Open On Aging is once again launch- Space Committee is holding ing its annual Retire the Fire! another meeting on Wednesday at fire prevention and safety cam- 7 p.m. at the Southwick Town paign for the City’s older Hall. TINA GORMAN According to Open Space adults. During the week of Executive Director March 4 to 8, residents of Committee Chairman Dennis Westfield Council Clark, the meeting will consist of Westfield will see Retire the On Aging Fire! flyers hung throughout reviewing at the changes that have the City and buttons with the been made to the plan, including Sunny Sunday Skier at Stanley Park slogan worn by Council On Aging staff, seniors, and the new mapping that will be Kim Saffer of Westfield gets in some cross-country ski practice on a sunny community leaders.
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